Friday, December 28, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 28 2018


For more infomation >> APLIKASI MEMBAYAR KITA MAHAL PALING LEGIT TOTAL $1000 USD - Duration: 6:10.


Tuto e-commerce - La blockchain et le commerce de détail - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Tuto e-commerce - La blockchain et le commerce de détail - Market Academy par Guillaume Sanchez - Duration: 4:06.


Sfregamento delle cosce: rimedi per alleviare l'irritazione - Duration: 9:35.

Lo sfregamento delle cosce è un fenomeno che interessa molte donne, specie nella stagione estiva, in quanto il sudore fomenta ancora di più il fastidioso attrito tra le gambe.

Vi sono rimedi, alcuni estremamente semplici e totalmente naturali, con i quali è possibile non solo prevenire il bruciore provocato dallo sfregamento delle cosce,


Difatti, anche quando il bruciore ancora si fa sentire, è bene sciacquare con acqua fredda o al massimo tiepida l'interno coscia evitando però, di utilizzare detergenti aggressivi.

Decisamente migliori sono quelli a base naturale e dal ph neutro poiché, i saponi con molti elementi chimici aggiunti, potrebbero aumentare ancora di più l'irritazione della pelle peggiorandone gli effetti.

Allo stesso tempo, anche se potrebbe sembrare decisamente strano, è importante disinfettare la zona irritata dallo sfregamento delle cosce al fine di eliminare tutti i batteri presenti.

La proliferazione degli stessi sulla pelle già irritata non farebbe altro che aumentare ancora di più l'infiammazione.

Anche in questo caso è bene stare alla larga dai disinfettanti contenenti alcool, utilizzando piuttosto, prodotti come la tintura di iodio o l'acqua ossigenata.

Quando si è fuori casa e si vuole fronteggiare tempestivamente l'irritazione, può essere utile applicare subito una crema antibatterica, cercando se possibile, di pulire la pelle prima di procedere all'applicazione.

Eccetto per la crema antibatterica che va spalmata rigorosamente a mani pulite, per l'acqua ossigenata o la tintura di iodio procedete all'applicazione con l'ausilio di un dischetto di cotone,


Aloe vera; Il gel di aloe vera ha proprietà antinfiammatorie, lenitive ed antidolorifiche per cui è particolarmente utile per dare sollievo alle infiammazioni dovute allo sfregamento delle cosce.

Inoltre, arreca alla pelle arrossata una sensazione di freschezza donando sollievo immediato.

E' possibile applicare sulla zona arrossata il gel di aloe puroricavato direttamente dalla foglia oppure quello acquistato in commercio, avendo cura però, di verificare che sia 100% naturale.

Farina d'avena; La farina d'avena ha proprietà antinfiammatorie e lenitive sulla pelle arrossata. Il trattamento può essere ripetuto anche per 2-3 volte al giorno.

In caso di irritazione causata dallo sfregamento delle cosce, da sollievo alla pelle fare un bagno tiepido aggiungendo nella vasca della farina d'avena.

150 gr di farina d'avenabastano, l'importante è che venga lasciata in ammollo nell'acqua tiepida prima di immergersi.

Restate immersi nella vasca per circa 20 minuti, dopodiché procedete ad asciugare bene il tratto di pelle infetto, onde evitare di favorire la proliferazione dei batteri con l'umidità.

Olio di oliva; Grazie al contenuto di vitamina E ed antiossidanti l'olio di oliva può essere utilizzato per trattare le irritazioni della pelle, anche quelle dovute allo sfregamento delle cosce.

Dopo aver lavato la zona interessata versate un paio di gocce di olio di oliva sulla pelle e lasciate agire per qualche minuto.

Il trattamento può essere eseguito anche 1-2 volte al giorno. La raccomandazione è di compiere l'azione a mani pulite.

Camomilla; E' un rimedio naturale efficace a dare sollievo alla pelle irritata dallo sfregamento delle cosce.

Vi basterà preparare una tazza con acqua non troppo calda ( non bollente) ed utilizzare l'infuso come ultimo risciacquo sulla zona bruciante dopo aver fatto il bagno o la doccia.


Il bicarbonato di sodio infatti aiuta a dare sollievo al prurito ed al fastidio della pelle provocato dalle irritazioni.

Inoltre, svolge un'azione antibatterica utile a prevenire la proliferazione dei batteri.

Sarà sufficiente mescolare ¼ di bicarbonato con ¾ di acqua ottenendo un composto omogeneo da applicare direttamente sulla pelle irritata ed arrossata.

Dopo aver delicatamente tamponato il composto sulla pelle, procedete ad un abbondante risciacquo con acqua fredda.

Il tempo di posa del trattamento è di circa 5 minuti e può essere ripetuto anche 1-2 volte al giorno.


La principale proprietà dell'ossido di zinco è quella di lenire le infiammazioni e le irritazioni della pelle, aiutando a rimarginare lo strato di pelle traumatizzato.

L'ossido di zinco può essere utilizzato sia per prevenire l'arrossamento (applicandolo prima che si verifichi il danno) sia per curare l'infiammazione già avvenuta.

La calendula invece, gode di proprietà cicatrizzanti ed antinfiammatorie che la rendono particolarmente utile nella cura delle irritazioni perché dona sollievo immediato all'arrossamento.

Oltre che sottoforma di crema, può essere applicata anche nella specie di olio.

Inoltre, è possibile acquistare in commercio sia direttamente i prodotti a base di calendula sia i fiori secchi di calendula con i quali realizzare autonomamente a casa un infuso.

Il decotto si può realizzare facendo bollire in acqua sul fuoco i fiori secchi (per qualche minuto) aspettando che la miscela si raffreddi prima di impiegarla.

L'infuso così preparato va versato nell'acqua tiepida della vasca da bagno nella quale immergersi.

L'olio o la pomata a base di calendula invece, possono essere applicati direttamente sulla parte infiammata 2-3 volte al giorno.

In merito ai trattamenti naturali che richiedono l'impiego dell'acqua è sempre bene, dopo aver eseguito il trattamento,

asciugare bene la zona irritata perché l'umidità non favorisce il risanamento della pelle ed agevola soltanto la proliferazione dei batteri.

In generale, a prescindere dal tipo di trattamento attuato, è consigliato tenere la zona infiammata scoperta in modo tale che possa "seccarsi" più velocemente.


Specie in estate, il sudore è un aggravante perché i minerali in esso contenuto irritano ulteriormente la pelle, rendendo lo sfregamento delle cosce quasi inevitabile.

Con l'amido di mais è possibile prevenire tutto questo in quanto assorbe bene l'umidità mantenendo la pelle dell'interno coscia secca ed asciutta, riducendo di conseguenza, l'attrito che provoca lo sfregamento delle cosce.

L'amido di mais può essere applicato anche più volte al giorno, importante è farlo dopo aver lavato ed accuratamente asciugato la zona di pelle.

E' sottinteso che, in caso di irritazioni più gravi dovute allo sfregamento delle cosce, potrebbe essere necessaria l'assunzione di farmaci, però soltanto dopo aver opportunamente consultato il medico.

For more infomation >> Sfregamento delle cosce: rimedi per alleviare l'irritazione - Duration: 9:35.


Carro autônomo significa perigo no trânsito? Muito pelo contrário! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Carro autônomo significa perigo no trânsito? Muito pelo contrário! - Duration: 1:00.


Phatan Bhai Landy Wala|manzoor kirlo aur airport |pptvhd| kerlo 2019|Pendu Bachy 😝😜😜 - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Phatan Bhai Landy Wala|manzoor kirlo aur airport |pptvhd| kerlo 2019|Pendu Bachy 😝😜😜 - Duration: 10:46.


Tokyo Walkthrough #3: Kunitachi | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 54:54.

For more infomation >> Tokyo Walkthrough #3: Kunitachi | 【SUB ITA】 - Duration: 54:54.


Die sicherste Währung der Welt - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Die sicherste Währung der Welt - Duration: 3:58.


ปลาหมึกทอดกระเทียม หอม กรอบ อร่อย Fried Squid with garlic l กินได้อร่อยด้วย - Duration: 12:40.


lemongrass (optional)


steam 5 min.

garlic, red chilli, root of coriander

lime juice






1 tbsp. garlic

crispy flour


fish sauce


pepper, garlic



squid and crispy flour mix

fry squid in hot oil until golden

place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

fry squid in hot oil until golden

place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

served with fried garlic and spicy sauce.

For more infomation >> ปลาหมึกทอดกระเทียม หอม กรอบ อร่อย Fried Squid with garlic l กินได้อร่อยด้วย - Duration: 12:40.


Chinese media "Japan suddenly became anti-American parents!" - Duration: 6:45.

Chinese media "Japan suddenly became anti-American parents!" (Translated by

China media reports surprisingly that Japanese media suddenly turned collectively into anti-American parents.

At the outset, the policy of Japan-to-Japan trade negotiations announced by the US Trade Representative on 21st

It was because it was strict for Japan.

From the netizen to the media against this announcement against the government

It is urging the United States to be cautious.

While many media in Japan are holding anti-US

China media is reporting that it is calling for cooperation with China.

The United States is strongly calling for the elimination of non-tariff barriers of cars and agricultural products that Japan has protected so far.

He also continued to criticize Japan as being a foreign exchange operating country that is inducing the depreciation of the yen.

And although it is assumed that only goods are subject to the article trade agreement (TAG)

Actually it was a lie to roll over the Japanese government.

I could no longer keep silent about Japan 's right - handed media against these American attitudes.

The United States is an East Asia Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by 16 countries including China, China and Korea

I hope to set obstacles so that the day and middle do not get too close.

Although the US side poses a demand in every way,

Netizens point out that it is an economic colony if you drink it as it is.

Amid such circumstances, many people have heard that cooperation with China must be strengthened.

Although both countries have taken distances in AIIB and one-way road so far,

It is also thought that it can enter a new stage by strengthening relations during the day.

Article Source:

China's reaction

China has already embarked on a completely new market economic structure.

Western countries are still looking at China with a Cold War-oriented orientation.

The transformation of Japanese media is aggressive and positive energy.

I hope that Japan will not begin with only immediate profit relationships.

Strengthening economic cooperation with China is the only way that Japan can raise its position for the United States.

And make this a negotiated card.

Summarize the history and persevere with shameful embarrassment.

China sees the Japanese as a person, but the United States sees the Japanese as the only dog.

Let 's show off to the Asian people!

Japan is convinced that the United States will give fairness,

I do not know that it is based on fists.

Clearly speaking, if China and Japan deeply cooperate, the difficulties of Westerners will not be so far.

There is no absolute friendship or hostility in this world but only profit forever.

The hand is a fingernail, and even if you hear what the owner says it can not get equal treatment as the master.

I must be wary of Japan. Japan-US relations are stronger than Japan-China relations.

Because of the ideological gap, such parents are temporary only.

China should also think again, is there a path for reform pursued by ideology?

But are not we just plotting strategies to make the Japanese negotiations advantageous?

Japan will not change as long as the US is there.

Now it has independent sovereignty on the surface, but in fact it is a colonial state occupied by the United States.

As long as it follows the United States, it is a colonial state.

When thinking about the future of Asia, Japan should abandon the United States and choose China to have the future.

Japan's anti-US is coming from an unforgettable atomic bomb,

Japanese parents are coming from the interests of Chinese invasion.

Japanese people are indeed a nation of chrysanthemums and swords.

Do not cancel the ban on HUAWEI

Who do you believe that you are not a US dog?

Comment Quoted from:

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

Huhu, it has become a very interesting development.

I am not quite sure how the US-Japan relationship is captured by the general public,

Clearly, it is a very inappropriate relationship.

It is a reality that we have repeatedly put up with patience so far.

It is a big problem that nothing more than an equal relationship.

I think that one of the fundamental aspects involves security issues.

Even now, the United States is trying to strengthen trade friction to Japan,

In the past, the US tyranny abandoned Japan's economy to a long-term stagnation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that industries that crush now, such as semiconductors, were destroyed by the United States at this time.

In the Cold War era, Japan had only the option of US, and after that it was similar circumstances.

As a result, China has confronted Japan and the United States, and has found an active way in Asian countries and Africa.

It was triggered by this US-China trade war and President Card Prince's national priority,

Japan was in a situation where it could consider options such as China.

Also there has been no gap between China and Japan in the past.

However, if Japan uses China as a negotiating card with the United States, it seems that China seems to have become a situation where Japan can be selected.

Both the United States and China are grudging and indisputable powers.

There are many differences, but the essence does not change so much.

By deepening the relationship with China if unilaterally requesting the United States as it is,

It is about promoting negotiations with the United States to dominate.

Moreover, this is not just a threat of just looking.

Making Japan-China relations closer in terms of trade is also very advantageous for Japan.

The United States is also unable to withdraw concessions from Japan under unilateral pressure like before.

There are many people who are concerned about Japan-China relations, but despite that, I would like to see resolute measures against the United States.

Thank you for your viewing.

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Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.

For more infomation >> Chinese media "Japan suddenly became anti-American parents!" - Duration: 6:45.


Basketball Trickshots2 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 11:03.

Hello. We are KAMIWAZA.

Welcome to Basketball Trick Shot 2!!

Roof Shot!

Mini Basketball Battle!!

We will throw the ball in order.

If you miss it, you spin the roulette.

This is pie game toy!!

Number of the roulette.

You have to turn the lever.

And you get a pie at random!!

Winner is the guy don't get pie!!

Let's go!!

Let's decide order with Rock-paper-scissors.




You good



Spin the roulette!!


It's 3

3 is easy lol

Too easy haha

3, right?

Easy lol

Please turn the lever.


Let's go


What!? wait...


1? Why?? lol

Do you see the hoop Upper side my right elbow??

Upper side right elbow shot!!

Let's go!!

and you hit the ball...

Sky shot at the same time!!

My turn




What? What? Wait a second.

It's 4, right?

It's 5

No. It's 4!!

It's 5!!!!

Seriously. It's 4!!






I will sliding on this slide

Throw the ball to that hoop!!

What do you mean?

Sliding 3 point shot!!

Let's go!!

No look shot 2 in a row.

It hurts

Narimi! If I score , please be my girlfriend.

Bridge shot!


Narimi!! Please be my girlfriend!!


Actually I am a man.

Sorry, Narimi...


2! 2!

Please 2 !!




Winner of mini basketball battle is Nari!!

Thank you!!


Let's go!!



smell so bad

It hurts

Team KAMIWAZA shot at the same time shot

River shot!


You did it!!

Thank you for watching!!

What do you think about basketball trick shots 2?

Winner of previous giveaways is...

This person!! Congrats!!

This video's giveaways is this one!!

KAMIWAZA stickers!!

This giveaways for one person.

Please subscribe, comment and like this video if you want them!!

See ya!!


For more infomation >> Basketball Trickshots2 | KAMIWAZA - Duration: 11:03.


[VOSTFR] Run BTS! Teaser 2019 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] Run BTS! Teaser 2019 - Duration: 1:12.


Fitness! Bruna Marquezine faz último treino do ano: ''Que venha Noronha'' - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Fitness! Bruna Marquezine faz último treino do ano: ''Que venha Noronha'' - Duration: 11:27.


Мама воспитала бездельника и дуралея - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Мама воспитала бездельника и дуралея - Duration: 3:20.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:45.


01- BMW R100 by National Custom Tech - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> 01- BMW R100 by National Custom Tech - Duration: 0:27.


🔶"CONCEPTOS" - PROGRAMA 19: DESCUBRIENDO AL SER - LaVozdelaConciencia - Duration: 35:23.

For more infomation >> 🔶"CONCEPTOS" - PROGRAMA 19: DESCUBRIENDO AL SER - LaVozdelaConciencia - Duration: 35:23.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T6 AWD R-Design | Nieuwprijs 83.990 | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T6 AWD R-Design | Nieuwprijs 83.990 | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:16.


What does impostrix mean? - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> What does impostrix mean? - Duration: 0:35.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:45.




For more infomation >> APLIKASI MEMBAYAR KITA MAHAL PALING LEGIT TOTAL $1000 USD - Duration: 6:10.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! 2016 TREKHAAK! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Go! 2016 TREKHAAK! - Duration: 0:59.


Phatan Bhai Landy Wala|manzoor kirlo aur airport |pptvhd| kerlo 2019|Pendu Bachy 😝😜😜 - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> Phatan Bhai Landy Wala|manzoor kirlo aur airport |pptvhd| kerlo 2019|Pendu Bachy 😝😜😜 - Duration: 10:46.


Nightcore - Bad Boy (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Bad Boy (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:55.


DissTrack on PEWDIEPIE by Asif Bantaya - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> DissTrack on PEWDIEPIE by Asif Bantaya - Duration: 2:19.


SUPERHERO POLICE STOPS WILD TIGER CAPTURE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:18.

Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:


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And don't forget ro hit the ♪BELL♪

For more infomation >> SUPERHERO POLICE STOPS WILD TIGER CAPTURE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:18.


The Respawnables ถ้าหาก BlueBerry มี T Shirt ในเกมเป็นของตัวเอง!? (edit) - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> The Respawnables ถ้าหาก BlueBerry มี T Shirt ในเกมเป็นของตัวเอง!? (edit) - Duration: 4:34.


Thailand set to legalize same-sex civil unions| DW News - Duration: 3:14.

These two like to be in perfect union - not only in their workout routine.

Woody Milintachinda and Ote Chabchitrchaidol are more than just training buddies.

The pair fell in love 12 years ago and have been together ever since.

Three times a week they start their day with a workout.

They say helps their bodies and their relationship stay in shape.

"Me and my partner are always on the go all the time working, getting tasks done.

I think the only time that we actually get to spend together known as quality time is

during our morning workouts like today."

Woody is a well-known TV presenter in Thailand.

For more than a decade he has been in the public eye.

When he came out 4 years ago it made big headlines - not all of them kind.

Woody feels Thailand still has a long way to go towards full acceptance of sexual minorities.

He welcomes the new bill as an awakening for Thai society.

"People just started talking about this seriously over the past year.

And everyone wondered: What's a civil partnership?

Do gays really need to get married?

The conversations are out there in a society that has never talked about this."

Nada Chaiyajit is an LGBT activist.

She acknowledges that a civil union would bring some improvements for same-sex couples

- for example when it comes to succession.

At the same time she - like many activists - fears that the move could entrench their

status as second-class citizens.

"If the law is discriminated by itself it is difficult to create a mindset for society

to understand that we are equal.

So people will look at us and say 'Oh, you are second class citizens because you cannot

adopt children, you cannot enjoy social welfare which is a huge move from my point of view.

So instead of taking baby steps to take some rights, I would go for full rights."

Woody and Ote take a different view.

They feel Thailand isn't ready for full marriage equality.

Demanding all might just result in achieving nothing.

"If you push too hard you might be aggravating the people that are living here.

So it is about knocking at the doors, opening the doors one by one."

"It's a first step, a very important first step.

And if we manage to get this first step right we will still be the very first in Southeast

Asia to get that.

And I think that on its own is such an achievement both for Thailand, for the region, it's something

we can be proud of."

Most of the heavy lifting is done.

What's left now is the vote in parliament.

Should the civil union bill pass Woody and Ote want to be among the first same-sex couples

in Thailand to legally tie the knot.

For more infomation >> Thailand set to legalize same-sex civil unions| DW News - Duration: 3:14.


Moulin Rouge (2001) Cast - Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 2:12.

Moulin Rouge (2001) Cast - Then and Now 2018

Subscribe to our channel by clicking the subscribe button click the bell button and enjoy the latest uploads from our channel

Oh, baby

I'm crazy

What you've been that bad for me

Meatballs done got your feet both flood. You'll get to flap with me


Can take you down fall

Take you

Crosswalk instead like

Oh, baby

So I am crazy

My baby

They were in nature. So I'm crazy

But you've been that back we musta got your feet

You get to fly

I can take you down for right take you around

Fucking block

For more infomation >> Moulin Rouge (2001) Cast - Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 2:12.


Advance Chemical Tanker - Duration: 16:21.

Chemical tankers course construction inert gas plant tanks cleaning hydraulic

system cargo pumps tanks LP / HP protection chemical tankers types one

type one ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport chapter 17 of the

IVC code products with very severe environmental and safety hazards which

require maximum preventive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo - type

2 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport chapter 17 of the IBC code

products with appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which

require significant preventive measures to preclude an escape of such cargo

three type three ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport chapter 17

of the IVC code products with sufficiently severe environmental and

safety hazards which require a moderate degree of containment to increase

survival capability in a damage and condition to

cargo heating deck mounted cargo heaters eliminate the need for in tank heating

coils the cargo tank interior can be made with flush tank top free from coils

brackets and clamps a flush tank top facilitates quicker stripping with less

cargo remaining in the tank the cargo tank washing can be performed quicker

with less consumption of washing water and less slop handling

cargo cooling the frame of cargo cooling system enables chemical carriers to also

transport low boiling point cargoes and semi gases cargoes such as propylene

oxide and isoprene are often transported on board chemical carriers which use

cooling system to maintain a safe cargo temperature cargo circulation to prevent

sediment settling on the tank top during transport and to maintain the liquid

quality a frame of diffuser can be installed on the outlet of the droplet

during voyage cargo is circulated through the diffuser by running the

cargo pump at intervals submerged ballast pumps installation of ballast

pumps inside the double signed ballast tanks in combination with a submerged

cargo pump in each cargo tank make the pump room superfluous this arrangement

provides a safe for ship design and make more space available for carrying cargo

submerged ballast pumps have become the standard arrangement in modern tankers

and FPSOs stainless steel chemical tankers the stainless steel chemical

tanker fleet comprises the most sophisticated tanker sailing on the high

seas these ships are constructed with stainless steel cargo tanks a fully

segregated cargo pumping arrangement and designed to carry the most aggressive

corrosive or volatile liquids chemical / product oil tankers most of the world's

production of vegetable oils commodity chemicals and refined petroleum products

are transported on a large fleet of modern chemical / product tankers

typically designed with coated cargo tanks six to eight cargo segregations no

pumped room submerged ballast pumps in tank cargo pumps and deck mounted cargo

heaters open carriers a one pump per hole system that is easy to operate and

clean has been specially designed for combination vessels they are alternating

between wet and dry cargoes the cargo pumps are installed in

protective enclosed corrugations between homes cargo piping and cargo heaters are

located on Deck floating production storage and offloading fpso FPSOs

require the highest standards for safety and operation irregularity a reliable

and redundant cargo offloading system is essential inert gas properties do zn2

by ship hi Gigi breca : bye boiler SAS Tov composition musique n2 by ship IgG

breco : by boiler and to 99.99% 85 to 86% CEO to one part per million 14 to 15

percent CEO 0.12 0.3% o to 1 to 8 parts per million 0.1 to half a percent so2 20

parts per million h2o 5 parts per million 0.015 grain /nm three roses 7d

och 50 to 55 uck deck view on CH tanker type hi

Peevy breakers safety valves high purity nitrogen tank

pranchiyettan kuva eyes otters Vanya Aesthetica Brett Braun hey warm

non-minimum 2000 vais pas de la cote really slacking vadym jean-luc tarried

I'd not cry pran yay more mili SL dot vada my

chemical Iijima is were premature to miss barangay

morally sloboda top loyally lid no miss barangay

slacking vana prevent peril toluene plus a nerd knee clean plus asparagi a slack

oomph atoms on the carried NPR alcohol test na CH solely I permanganate

I said avenge a vectorially doctors and Moses nilly centre PP ELISA he's ranked

Illya nerd knee clean pumped alaikum positive on yay Tang Cova da Voevoda

pumpy so he's ranked ilya nerd knee clean pod alaikum cargo tank washing and

residues retention pre wash with seawater men temp of 20 OC several times

if required or with fresh water for some car goes very wash residues must be

discharged ashore main wash with seawater or SW with chemicals choice of

chemical depends of cargo rinsing with cold or warm SW were fw

freshwater rinsing for cargo tape protection steam purging toluene plus

inert gas + fw rinsing for some cargo like alcohol obligatory test for CH

salts and permanganate stripping center pumps a hector's or others self priming

pumps or dry air or inert gas under pressure

drying tanks pipelines pumps with dry air or inert gas under pressure

stripping apologist history the view of cargo tank washing machine driving

mechanism driven by cold or warm fresh or sea water with addition of chemicals

depends of cargo residues driving mechanism the fast connection for fw r

SW connection thank washing connection

3oz movin group Derrida dividend Billina oh yeah I'm Asti pran

Jana Oh le Co tank ovo des SLE EP - Oh BA vase noosphere on yeh toplin bottom

mineral Natalia Josefina vote dieter denta mo gator accent ahe Saguna naked

caldo de kaiba's me benzene Oba vase no esperen yeh volumes about CH petrol

Comiskey pros vodi ID Rouge odo pine coderre de s niskin resistant is for

Yvonne hem could Derrida s roses temp reco 100 paw patrol kamischka solving a

de top of OD pair 3 main cargo groups animal and vegetable oils and fats

washing with na o or Co SS tanks or EP epoxy-coated mandatory rinse with warm

water mineral oils washing with a mixture of water

detergents emulsifiers instant so sometimes a supplement of base

gasoline should be used FW rinsing is obligatory because of HC petrochemical

products in other solutions for a car goes with a low dew point evaporation

car goes with a dew point over 100 degrees Celsius should be washed with

petrochemical Sullivans hot water and steam cry on heating recirculation

recirculation mode engine cooling Vaz no thank Jo Pazhani Nicole Eco sake Dana

Nichkhun Ranjha checklist create enlasa you tank dota

Vanya at ETV mole Gator is Alex Bronte a ioad reserve an equally tasty turaida

has even not compatible no steady Teva tame material attack evae.o cream as

chemically jama val austere Anya is a brawny a no could not eat aerated Oaks a

complete no Nia's Cruikshank teri the ESCO Jim J palace on the tank

kyudo de rue h2so4 HCL hno3 h3po4 is L on the god Justin taki you slop of a

three stooping jet phenols achieve a Const and new temp ode 45 to 55 booze de

thoux 60 och constantan recirculation I need freakiest crackage Nocona broaden

it go s Broudy important cargo tank is dangerous several hours days after

washing before cargo tank entering the checklist is obligatory signed by

officer in charge the additives Emel gaiters are added into car goes for

easiest washing and cargo quality remaining pay attention on cargo tanks

math cereals and other equipment compatibilities with additives the

ballasting of ballast tank which is in border with cargo tank is forbidden in

the case of higley reactive cargo with seawater h2so4 HCL hno3 h3po4 etc cargo

tank washing residues must be transferred to sloop tanks three

stooping juh phenol for example requires the constant temperatures of 45 to 55 60

on Keith's additive is added constant recirculation the during and loading and

discharging must not be interrupted systolic hydraulic system

Pompeii draw like hydro underscore pumps power pack driven by L motor or diesel

motor Roth vodka pump Derrida Australia Rita a hydraulic oil distribution to

cargo pumps and other hydraulic equipment lambda Chievo vaad pressure

pipes 200 bar Pavarotti Vaude returned pipes CCA three bar power pack capacity

determine the total unloading capacity rate

oil tank oil filter oil cooler hydraulic pump pressure regulating valve

submersible centrifugal pump hydraulically driven pumps pressure

regulator rpm regulator CCR control panel pressure sensor pressure

regulating valve servo motor electronic control unit emergency portable pump low

pressure pipe connection portable pump control unit discharge pipeline DeLeon

Scott on trailer pump dorita cargo pumps jet nasty female Levi's a steep Keene

single or multi stages Iran gene at pompe s dug in massively nam deep well

pump l no or Hydra motor on the deck connected with the pump W long shaft

submersible Hydra motor were out motor together with the pump into tank three a

nose New Year onjena pumpa portable submersible pump

ceramic 'el sleeve

chiju vizla zarayda is lineage dorita stripping line manometer prep Evangeline

aviator ADA main cargo line purging cheese of Zhou regular sygyt laka bro Jo

Greta a pump suppose s control nam Cavanaugh pipe for remote control

connect to w CC our perp event conferred Emma cofferdam fuging

dren is a manifold so he's really juicy kanakam food

pilot-operated is used on any types of things spring-loaded is used on tanks

type-c under pressure

For more infomation >> Advance Chemical Tanker - Duration: 16:21.


バスケットボール神業集2 | KAMIWAZA (Basketball Trickshots2) - Duration: 11:03.

Hello. We are KAMIWAZA.

Welcome to Basketball Trick Shot 2!!

Roof Shot!

Mini Basketball Battle!!

We will throw the ball in order.

If you miss it, you spin the roulette.

This is pie game toy!!

Number of the roulette.

You have to turn the lever.

And you get a pie at random!!

Winner is the guy don't get pie!!

Let's go!!

Let's decide order with Rock-paper-scissors.




You good



Spin the roulette!!


It's 3

3 is easy lol

Too easy haha

3, right?

Easy lol

Please turn the lever.


Let's go


What!? wait...


1? Why?? lol

Do you see the hoop Upper side my right elbow??

Upper side right elbow shot!!

Let's go!!

and you hit the ball...

Sky shot at the same time!!

My turn




What? What? Wait a second.

It's 4, right?

It's 5

No. It's 4!!

It's 5!!!!

Seriously. It's 4!!






I will sliding on this slide

Throw the ball to that hoop!!

What do you mean?

Sliding 3 point shot!!

Let's go!!

No look shot 2 in a row.

It hurts

Narimi! If I score , please be my girlfriend.

Bridge shot!


Narimi!! Please be my girlfriend!!


Actually I am a man.

Sorry, Narimi...


2! 2!

Please 2 !!




Winner of mini basketball battle is Nari!!

Thank you!!


Let's go!!



smell so bad

It hurts

Team KAMIWAZA shot at the same time shot

River shot!


You did it!!

Thank you for watching!!

What do you think about basketball trick shots 2?

Winner of previous giveaways is...

This person!! Congrats!!

This video's giveaways is this one!!

KAMIWAZA stickers!!

This giveaways for one person.

Please subscribe, comment and like this video if you want them!!

See ya!!


For more infomation >> バスケットボール神業集2 | KAMIWAZA (Basketball Trickshots2) - Duration: 11:03.


「LIVE」Super Smash Bros Ultimate (#6): Chrom!? - Duration: 3:28:20.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」Super Smash Bros Ultimate (#6): Chrom!? - Duration: 3:28:20.


10 Jobs that Will Disappear in the Next 10 Years (Animated Video) - Duration: 8:45.

10 jobs that will disappear in 10 years

Growing up, we didn't think there would be jobs like social media influencing, affiliate

marketing, blogging, vlogging and the likes.

All we knew were traditional jobs like farming, newspaper merchants and the likes.

Today, with the emergence of technology, some of these traditional jobs are no more.

Technology, however, seems to be moving at an increasingly fast pace, with every facet

of our lives now linked to technical innovations in one way or the other.

As our society becomes more and more tech-driven, some jobs will be replaced as a result of

technological advancement and automation.

Some jobs will become obsolete.

A recent study by the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) found that nearly 60 per

cent of young people in the country are currently training for careers that will be two-thirds

automated in the next 10 to 15 years.

Which is why you should know what jobs are likely to be in existence and what jobs will

disappear before taking up any career.

Of course, these jobs will probably always exist in some fashion, but not as productive

and effective as they are now.

Hence, the need for this study.

In this video, we'll be sharing with you 10 jobs that will disappear in the next 10


If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting

videos like this.



Our society is going cashless with cashiers slowly but surely being replaced with self-checkout

kiosks, Apple Pay and cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin becoming prominent within mainstream


The need for somebody to handle payment is decreasing.

Amazon, for instance, is experimenting with stores that don't have checkout lines at


With innovations like this surfacing, the demise of the cashier seems inevitable.


Bank tellers

Thanks to the user-friendly nature of online and mobile banking, transactions can be done

easily from home or anywhere else.

Mobile banking and electronic fund transfers are eliminating the need for paper trails

to carry out bank transactions.

Sooner than later, we will never need to walk into a bank to carry out day-to-day activities

in person.



With various publications investing more time and content into their online versions, publishing

and printing are fast becoming old-fashioned.

Technology is bringing publications to the digital realm, which is evident in declining

newspaper readership and the rise of e-books.

With this development, the printing press and the printers are gradually surfacing away.


Travel agents

In the US, the number of travel agents dropped from 124,000 in 2000 to 74,000 in 2014.

With Bing Travel, Google Flights, Kayak, Skyscanner and a bunch of other flight-search engines,

anyone can plan his/her travel experience as long as you have your bank card and a few

spare hours to research your destination.

Little wonder the services of travel agents aren't needed to plan a holiday anymore.

Also, a good number of travel operators realize this and are focused on promoting good online

services and deals rather than hiring travel agents.


Sports referees

Arguments that the job of a referee will be best done by a robot is on the increase.

It is because a good number of people are of the opinion that artificial refereeing

is a positive thing and reduces the scope for error.

Besides, who will you argue with when you feel the robot has made a bad call?

It's all sensors and circuits and isn't influenced by the crowd, opposing players,

or coaches.

Soccer's governing body FIFA has introduced more technology into the game, with goal-line

technology now a standard and the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system being utilized in top

European leagues.

With these innovations rising, there's no telling if a sports referee will be a human

being or a robot 10 years from now.


Newspaper reporters

With thousands of blog posts published daily and a long line of freelance writers competing

to make their voices heard via storytelling on top online platforms, printed media is

fast going into extinction.

Technology has made it easy to get news, information and entertainment to your doorstep.

So why wait till tomorrow to know what is happening around you and in the world at large

when you can get that from a wealth of sources online that offers minute by minute coverage?


Flight attendant

Aircrafts today are equipped with screens to demonstrate security rules and advanced

automated security equipment, making the presence of numerous flight attendants on board needless.

Most airlines now buy into the system of automated aircraft in order to minimize costs and maximize


Hence, they hire little or no flight attendants on board.



Farming isn't something that we can throw into space, except we are ready to stop eating

or perhaps print our meals from a 3D printer.

However, the need for numerous farmers is diminishing.

Technology is making it easier for fewer people to produce more yield.

For instance, cultivation of grains now requires fewer farmer due to technological advances

and new ways to grow larger crops with less human labour.

It's likely that indoor farms and even lab-grown meats will start increasing in popularity

10 years from now.


Textile workers

Like farming, manufacture and production works are made easy.

Thanks to the advancement of machines.

Which is why there is a decrease in the number of employees in the textile industry not because

there is a decrease in the demand for this product.



Self-driving cars are only a few years away, with companies like Waymo (Google's sister

company) getting increasingly closer to bringing one to market.

This means our wheels will be handed over to automation and when this happens, it won't

only affect our personal cars, but will also affect Uber vehicles, long-haul 18-wheelers,

public buses and the rest of them.


A recent report by tech giant Dell claims that 85 percent of the jobs that will be available

in 2030 have not even been invented yet, with the technological landscape set to become

unrecognizable over the next 13 years.

The implication of this is that, as opposed to being totally eradicated, most of these

jobs will become redefined, with skills that can be transferable to other roles, suggesting

that flexibility should be one attribute to maintain in the job market.

If truly you want to be in the future, you must be flexible and always learning, acquiring

skills that could make you relevant and useful to your employer in the future.

Thank you very much for watching our videos.

We'll like to give you another interesting video for you to enjoy next but before then,

our team will be very happy if you can like this video and share it with your friends

on social media.

If you're new here, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss other interesting videos

like this.

Look at your screen now to see two other videos we handpicked for you to enjoy next.

We love you.

For more infomation >> 10 Jobs that Will Disappear in the Next 10 Years (Animated Video) - Duration: 8:45.


最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 美勇士「うそついている人の挙動」初対面した"自称"息子との血縁「おそらく違う」 - Duration: 3:54.

拡大写真 手の美勇士  2012年に亡 なった歌手の桑名 博さん(享年59 の長男で歌手の美 士(みゅうじ、3 )が28日放送の ジテレビ「直撃L VE グッディ! (月~金曜後1・ 5)に生出演

初対面を果たした 桑名さんの長男だ 自称する桑名乃羅 のら)氏(42) の血縁関係につい 「おそらく違う」 その印象を語った

   両者は27 夜に初対面を果た 、この日、番組内 その様子を紹介し 。会うなりハグを わすなど、その後 73分間にわたっ 会話が繰り広げら たというが、その TRを振り返り、 勇士は乃羅との血 関係について「( 感的に)おそらく うかなと思う」と っぱり

その理由として「 ィーリングという りも、挙動がちょ と不思議。うそを いている人の挙動 感じることが多々 った

"桑名の息子"っ 言うことが、どこ でそろそろヤバい なって思っている うな挙動」と説明 た

   乃羅氏につ ては、各地で出会 た人に飲食代や旅 などを援助しても ったというトラブ が多発している

美勇士は、騒動の 消や血縁関係をは きりさせるために 「ゴールとしてD D鑑定で決着つけ べきだと思う」と 案

乃羅氏も「潔くと うか、自分もはっ りしたいし、すべ に対する誠意だと う」と受け入れ、 の場で兄弟間によ 鑑定を実施する場 も

   鑑定を行っ 法科学研究センタ の雨宮正欣氏によ と、結果が出るま 1カ月弱かかると い、この日の放送 は血縁関係につい の発表はなかった

 [外部サイト] 田優一氏「たくさ 恋人つくって人生 歌して」離婚した 親への思いと自覚 藤優子キャスター 「酔うとより上司 感じに」MC仲間 高橋克実が明かす 顔BTS"原爆T 波紋広がる…生放 番組で芸能人も激 貴ノ岩の訴訟取り げ ミタパン「相 界が守れなかった か」安藤キャスタ 「最善の決断」カ ニング竹山「学力 あったんだろうけ …」 女性暴行で 捕の東大生にあき 美勇士桑名正博フ ーリング

For more infomation >> 最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 美勇士「うそついている人の挙動」初対面した"自称"息子との血縁「おそらく違う」 - Duration: 3:54.


Мужская Измена. Что делать, если любимый человек изменил? Техника прощения. 16+ - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> Мужская Измена. Что делать, если любимый человек изменил? Техника прощения. 16+ - Duration: 9:09.


Autocom 2016. ОБЗОР - Duration: 5:13.

hello so I'll tell you today and I will demonstrate the version of AUTOCOM and either

delphi version 2016 it is already in general it is freely available to download it

it will be possible below on the reference and well let's show you what she is

Hello to everyone again here I am already in this program at the computer and

we have here two let's say a bookmark

run and narrow hobby you open

on the cargo here is such a wonderful picture will be in the passenger here is such a cargo

such a passenger so waiting to open both translate immediately into Russian puts

it is necessary in English and the link below under the video as I said is present

It means to those places where you can download and in such a registrar we are like them all

other link to the very head where I bought in

this delphi will also be below the video

means that we have a passenger freight understandably added new

cars which means which is where we are there climb where he is our table for newer well

Now let's say 15 year cars already have the museum certainly will not

Well, now we have the 15th year already completely overlaps as you can see

our fifteenth year overlaps the only thing that we have gone say

so some comfort in diagnostics when we press diagnostics all

systems we click it starts thinking trying to connect and in general then

this stops everything now unfortunately the unit is not connected


but when we start push make full diagnostics machine

pops up window means on which it is written that the full diagnosis is not yet

it is also possible to look in the settings equipment can be activated

useful features in licenses now i I will show you

upgrade license can be done in In principle, we have already updated everything

max diesel is also possible 1 you can activate the license diesel

makski turbocharger means what else from useful from useful except the most

registrar which is required for run all other registrations

are right here here call diesel max turbo charger let's say

all open all codes everything is completely how to do also let's say

open the license cap generator also is not forgotten retracted in

such a delphi cars or trucks select version 13

turbocharger match codes right here is the diesel

max this here but the main head this here this is a bookmark in general all

is in the program itself everything is extremely convenient for four days testing problems

not detected except the one about which I said earlier that the function is complete

diagnostics in the system to a huge Unfortunately, there is no longer, well, more precisely, not yet

this version, that is, we choose typewriter thanks everyone for watching

subscribe to our channel like if vidos was useful for you

also write a review below equipment you would like to see on

our channel soon see you soon meeting

and those who turned the video useful can thank below is our wallet

see you soon bye

For more infomation >> Autocom 2016. ОБЗОР - Duration: 5:13.


Обзор THOMAS DryBOX+AquaBOX Cat & Dog - пылесоса с ДВУМЯ пылесборниками - Duration: 4:29.

I do not know about you, but I have German equipment

associated with quality.

Impression that the germans are scrupulous in

everything: in production, in everyday life ... even their vacuum cleaners sort

dust in containers.

How is this device from the company Thomas, about which

I'll tell you now.

In matters of choice design important so with

I'll start it.

The model has a stylish exterior view, high-quality assembly

and a large selection of components.

And the big rear wheels and front rollers do

vacuum cleaner is very mobile, so he will easily overcome

obstacles in moving around the house.

Management implemented one power button

Touch Tronic and with the help of it You can adjust the power

for convenience, all modes indicated by light indication.

Maximum consumed power of this device

1700 watts.

I note that the model is good collects crumbs, dust and

garbage from parquet, linoleum, so with high carpets


But its main feature is in two filtration systems.

The first is Thomas DryBox.

It is a filter system. with dust separation.

Large trash going in the central compartment as well

fine dust in isolated lateral.

This means that the usual container cleaning will not be

accompanied by a cloud dust.

Immediately you can pour the dirt from the central tank

and the side compartments at least their filling can be washed


Container capacity is enough to forget about cleaning it

for a couple of cleanups.

The second tank is represented in the form of aquabox.

It is designed to collect debris, dust and even spilled


The principle of boxing is is that all the dirt and even

the tiniest dust remains in the water, and going back

air passes several cleaning steps.

The first stage is water. a wall of drops which

turns all dust into dirty water

If you forgot to change it in aquabox - secure

washable hepa 13 filter which won't let the micro dust get in

into the room air.

This system is relevant during the heating period when

indoor air is dry and needs moisturizing,

and also in the flowering season plants since the filter

removes all allergens.

Also the vacuum cleaner can perform as an air cleaner,

because the outgoing air is cleaner, than dusty background indoors.

And yet, this Thomas model is complemented. carbon filter to neutralize

animal odors.

You need to change it all only once a year.

All that is required of you it's pouring water up to the mark

specified on the container.

By the way, the capacity is calculated 2 liters, although for cleaning

one apartment is enough liters.

When opened, it is collected dust does not scatter, all

trash is wet condition, so aquabox

easy and safe to clear.

This vacuum cleaner still has additional function

- this is the absorption of various liquids.

Useful, for example, when something spilled and not hunting

fiddling with a rag or when broke the crane and need to save

apartment from the flood.

The device will remove any liquid from the floor, linoleum,

parquet in seconds.

And when the container is full up to the maximum device

off by itself.

There are enough accessories for perform any tasks.

Included supplied: standard foot nozzle

shift lever with special floor carpet

head for wool collection pet turbo brush

for carpets, extended crevice nozzle length

36 cm, and also a soft nozzle brush.

Let's sum up.

The device is pretty in appearance His power

enough for quality cleaning any outdoor

coatings, and for cleaning high pile carpets.

Dry Box is easy to clean, big rubbish is getting enough sleep

and the flying dust is washed off water

And with aquabox comfortable clean up animal hair.

As a result, not only cleaned house but fresh

humidified air.

I will note that there is a model expensive but it can be written off

that the device is not only working on cleanliness

in the house but also cares about health.

Write in the comments your opinion: a vacuum cleaner with two

cleaning containers - this is overkill or necessity.

Subscribe, put huskies and press the bell.

And also get answers on the most common

questions about vacuum cleaners and see a selection of top 5 irons 2018

of the year.


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