Thursday, December 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 27 2018

     L'Eredità, ne succedono ancora delle belle. Cioè, non proprio belle, per essere precisi

Perché da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico ha spesso avuto da ridire

 Ma l'accusa che è stata mossa questa volta nei confronti del conduttore è davvero pesante

Sarà pure bravo e preparato ma Flavio Insinna è criticatissimo dal pubblico. L'ultima critica, in particolare, fa riflettere

Sono in tanti a dire che Flavio Insinna suggerisca alla campionessa. Cosa? Beh, se sia vero non si sa ma tra i fan del gioco di Raiuno, non sono in pochi quelli che ipotizzano "atteggiamenti sbilanciati", "suggerimenti"

I commenti più impietosi sono quelli di Twitter dove il pubblico del quiz di Raiuno si è a dir poco scatenato scrivendo di tutto

"#eredità Troppa differenza tra la domande finali stasera e spesso: dovrebbero essere le stesse, magari in tempi successivi

Non si può chiedere 'come si chiama l'oro nero?''', è uno dei tweet. Continua a leggere dopo la foto      Ma ce ne sono davvero tanti

"Stasera puntata assurda, domande completamente sbilanciate a favore del ragazzo giovane

Troppo palese. Io un bel controllo glielo manderei, anche perché il nostro amico conduttore non è nuovo a manipolazioni già smascherate da striscia!#leredita #leredità #eredità" scrive un altro utente

"Stavo seguendo distrattamente l'#eredità, ma mi hanno richiamata all'attenzione alcuni commenti di Insinna alla campionessa

Solo a me sembra che riceva qualche suggerimento"? Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Insomma, il pubblico è avvelenato e sono in tanti a insinuare che Insinna stia favorendo alcuni concorrenti

Non è la prima volta che il pubblico muove simili accuse a Flavio Insinna. Era già successo in passato

Poi, recentemente, nella puntata del 25 dicembre durante la quale il pubblico ha ascoltato domande davvero "sorprendenti"

Nel senso troppo facile. Un esempio? "In che squadra ha giocato Francesco Totti?"

Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Beh, un tantino troppo facile, no? Altra domanda troppo facile: che festa è quella del 25 aprile? La Liberazione, naturalmente

Domande fatte alla campionessa Viviana Filomena, che alla fine si è nuovamente imposta sbancando anche a La Ghigliottina

E sui social, addirittura, c'è chi chiedeva "un'inchiesta" per queste due domande

Esagerati? E voi che ne dite?      

For more infomation >> Malcontento a L'Eredità da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico h - Duration: 5:02.


Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.


中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.


BMW 1 Serie 118i 5drs Business !!Climate C,Cruise C,Navigatie,Pdc,Lmv!! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 118i 5drs Business !!Climate C,Cruise C,Navigatie,Pdc,Lmv!! - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot 208 1.6 E-HDI 5-Deurs Blue Lease - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.6 E-HDI 5-Deurs Blue Lease - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> MORANGOS Podem REDUZIR a INFLAMAÇÃO do INTESTINO! - Duration: 3:24.


COMERCIAIS INTER CINE 2002 PARTE 3 - Duration: 9:09.

For more infomation >> COMERCIAIS INTER CINE 2002 PARTE 3 - Duration: 9:09.


Growing Organic Expert Advice | Organic gardening tips - Duration: 15:33.

hi guys welcome back to the farm in Thailand with Leigh and toon today

something again a little bit different try and keep you on your toes you lot

something that I'm personally quite excited about took a little while to to

do but stay tuned guys because I think a lot of you will enjoy and benefit of get

some benefit of what we're set up before you so some of our recent vlogs on

YouTube have been going down extremely well we can tell not just by the views

so much but really by the comments that you guys are leaving so things like the

giant bamboo that we are growing the irrigation on the last the last video

and growing papayas that sort of thing a lot of you have taken quite a big

interest and some of you already doing that sort of thing some of you are

looking into it and possibly going to do it in the future yourselves but what

what has always concerned me is I suppose that old famous phrase of jack

of all trades master of none quite often applies to me and toon because

we're totally new to the rural life in Thailand and farming and trying to be

self-sufficient I know we've done a lot and we've had quite a lot of success in

in our eyes but there's no getting away from it we have made quite a few cockups

and what I don't want is for people to invest a lot of time and money and doing

things that are similar and then you have an epic fail because some things we

don't fail on until two or three down two or three months down the line and I

don't want you guys to fall into that trap I know we could hold on to the

videos and wait for success or failure and then post but that will take far too

much planning and looking into the future

I'm not that I'm not that i we're doing that sort of thing so mainly because I'm

not that well organized so what I came up with was a bit of an idea I'm not

sure if it's cutting edge but but let's roll it out there and see what you think

what's been happening guys is it's been well-documented over the months on this

channel that I'm not a big fan of Thai TV in the evenings I once had my dinner

and a shower and what cuddling up on the sofa I'm really not into watching these

Thai little that will tie miniseries so our internet is a little bit quicker

these days we went over to true move mobile and it's enabled me to have a

butcher's on YouTube a little bit more so previously all I was doing was just

uploading videos and editing them and that was it as far as YouTube when now I

can actually have a have a nosy around on there so there were some things that

I was interested in there wasn't having to look around and then one came up in a

suggested video it was about how best to use your your chickens on you on your

vegetable plot and trying to integrate them a little bit with you growing crops

a little bit on irrigation and something called soil building I found it very

interesting it was often the same guy same channel guys called Steve very

watchable guy he has got the same Texican hat as me I think he had it

before me but tun bought it for me and she hadn't seen any of his videos so we

haven't copied his style he also has the best eyebrows on YouTube now guys I can

hear the size or oh god it's another shout out it's not well it's a little

bit different and here's why when I was reconstructing our channel a while back

and fiddled in with all the play I saw a little toggle saying collab set

up basically where you can use it how you like but the way I've I've you this

is channels that you think are are helpful and interesting to you

personally youth and you think that the your viewers may well get some benefit

by by having a look on their you can invite these channels to collaborate

with you now I'm not on about these things well Oh Steve's the best channel

in the world oh no Lee you're the best channel in the

world now you're a bit over both great it's not like licking horrible I hate

that what this is all the do is get the opportunity by a URL link for them to

share their videos on to your channel now we get no views from it guys so some

of you are probably thinking Lee what you're doing you a guy that you're quite

right it's quite a popular channel you're going to send us over there and

you're going to lose our our views you're clicking off you're getting

people to click off your channel the way my mind works

which I know is not very common amongst other people is going back to what I

said right to start the video soon and I aren't experts in any of the fields that

or topics that we cover guys we're we're on a journey so to speak it's our first

year you all know that and we're tripping up lots of lots of times upon

the on the way so some of you guys that are watching are very experienced you've

got some good ideas some of you had just started out as well let's try and get

you on the right track so what I did a sent Steve an email he already knew that

we were watching some of these videos and I just offered him up the

opportunity would you like to post them or link some of your videos on to our

channel and he said yes fucking hell I just built me three in one Jesus look

leading over in ads so we're all right so yes Steve agreed to it it kindly gave

me the links to about five or six videos which are in the playlists and hopefully

he can get a bit of additional traffic but more importantly in my opinion it

keeps you guys happy what what I'm trying to do is make us a one-stop shop

for for the majority of use to the channel I know a lot of you love just

like us fooling around throwing ourselves in the water

falling over all those sorts of things and having epic fails and and then minor

victories but some of you I think would really benefit from some expert opinions

and how to do things that have been proven successful it's another reason

why we started that rule or lifestyle and Facebook group there's a lot of guys

been in Thailand and being self-sufficient and living out in the

sticks and they've got some brilliant experiences and they're willing to share

with this newbies so it's up to you I recommend it take advantage of it you'll

probably save some time and money and some heartache if we'd watched or found

this channel a little bit earlier we would have done a fair few things

differently so the link I'll put pop pop onto the the video now there'll also be

a link in the description and then there will be the playlist on the channel so

if you've never been to the channel page there's quite a bit of info there what

we do is we get quite a bit quite a few repetitive questions whit's a fine no

problem there but a lot of the answers may may be found on the about page so

all you do you just click on our profile icon where as me in terms mugshot there

that will take you to the channel page and then just scroll along the top where

it says about and then it will give you a bit more info there but to find

Steve's go onto the same page the channel page and then go along to

playlists and you're looking forward to title nature's always right and in a

bracket of the collaboration playlist with Steve I hope you enjoy it guys what

I have said to Steven was our last the guys from from our channel that do go

and have a look if they like it and they think it's for them and if it was a good

idea if you could just leave them a brief comment just to let them know that

you've come over from here and then we can both both sort of gauge if it's the

sort of thing that was a good idea is a good idea something that we may roll out

to a select few okay the other thing is I'm not an offer open to everyone but if

you think your channel may be of interest to a good old portion of our

viewers then send us an email don't send us a link in the comment section to your

to your website or your YouTube channel because you'll probably end up in the

junk just send us an email or a bit of a description in the comments and then

when I get time and I will look at it if I agree with you and think it's you know

benefit to the majority of our viewers then I'll get in touch and we'll see if

we can set something up similar for you okay it's it's something I'm quite

passionate about I always have been it's a bloody struggle on YouTube so if

we can help fellow youtubers out and I think it won't have an adverse effect on

our channel then I'm alright I don't mind invest in a little bit of time so

things along if I can alright that's it I think it's time to get back gangs out

with me this morning been eaten or the newer Quayle shit that I've put around

the skinny beans n't you go terrible dog right soon's off just helping her friend

who's motorbikes packed up and she was needed to nip into town to get supplies

for a sometime shop so she's there doing a good Samaritan bit

we certainly don't mind because she's selling produce from us and buying

produce so actually cook up and serve up so she's a very very good friend to us

when we used to have the car when that broke down in the middle of nowhere she

came out on a bike and rescued us so we owed her an SOS response so to speak

alright as always thank you for watching time to go feed the dogs

set out for now

gang Tamil I

blitzie useless in here

For more infomation >> Growing Organic Expert Advice | Organic gardening tips - Duration: 15:33.


How the Knuckles stole Christmas | Part 2 - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> How the Knuckles stole Christmas | Part 2 - Duration: 1:22.


新書局史萊姆 連蠶絲泥、DIY水果果凍也有!洋洋一天的計步數比三個同學加起來還多? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 新書局史萊姆 連蠶絲泥、DIY水果果凍也有!洋洋一天的計步數比三個同學加起來還多? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 4:42.


ఈ ఫొటో లోని చేప ఖరీదెంతో తెలుసా ?.. రూ.12.6 కోట్లు | Koi Carp Fish Selled for Highest Record Price - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> ఈ ఫొటో లోని చేప ఖరీదెంతో తెలుసా ?.. రూ.12.6 కోట్లు | Koi Carp Fish Selled for Highest Record Price - Duration: 1:42.


Malcontento a L'Eredità da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico h - Duration: 5:02.

     L'Eredità, ne succedono ancora delle belle. Cioè, non proprio belle, per essere precisi

Perché da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico ha spesso avuto da ridire

 Ma l'accusa che è stata mossa questa volta nei confronti del conduttore è davvero pesante

Sarà pure bravo e preparato ma Flavio Insinna è criticatissimo dal pubblico. L'ultima critica, in particolare, fa riflettere

Sono in tanti a dire che Flavio Insinna suggerisca alla campionessa. Cosa? Beh, se sia vero non si sa ma tra i fan del gioco di Raiuno, non sono in pochi quelli che ipotizzano "atteggiamenti sbilanciati", "suggerimenti"

I commenti più impietosi sono quelli di Twitter dove il pubblico del quiz di Raiuno si è a dir poco scatenato scrivendo di tutto

"#eredità Troppa differenza tra la domande finali stasera e spesso: dovrebbero essere le stesse, magari in tempi successivi

Non si può chiedere 'come si chiama l'oro nero?''', è uno dei tweet. Continua a leggere dopo la foto      Ma ce ne sono davvero tanti

"Stasera puntata assurda, domande completamente sbilanciate a favore del ragazzo giovane

Troppo palese. Io un bel controllo glielo manderei, anche perché il nostro amico conduttore non è nuovo a manipolazioni già smascherate da striscia!#leredita #leredità #eredità" scrive un altro utente

"Stavo seguendo distrattamente l'#eredità, ma mi hanno richiamata all'attenzione alcuni commenti di Insinna alla campionessa

Solo a me sembra che riceva qualche suggerimento"? Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Insomma, il pubblico è avvelenato e sono in tanti a insinuare che Insinna stia favorendo alcuni concorrenti

Non è la prima volta che il pubblico muove simili accuse a Flavio Insinna. Era già successo in passato

Poi, recentemente, nella puntata del 25 dicembre durante la quale il pubblico ha ascoltato domande davvero "sorprendenti"

Nel senso troppo facile. Un esempio? "In che squadra ha giocato Francesco Totti?"

Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Beh, un tantino troppo facile, no? Altra domanda troppo facile: che festa è quella del 25 aprile? La Liberazione, naturalmente

Domande fatte alla campionessa Viviana Filomena, che alla fine si è nuovamente imposta sbancando anche a La Ghigliottina

E sui social, addirittura, c'è chi chiedeva "un'inchiesta" per queste due domande

Esagerati? E voi che ne dite?      

For more infomation >> Malcontento a L'Eredità da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico h - Duration: 5:02.


蒲公英(潘行紫旻曲)- National Taiwan University Chorus in Libby Gardner Concert Hall, U. of Utah - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> 蒲公英(潘行紫旻曲)- National Taiwan University Chorus in Libby Gardner Concert Hall, U. of Utah - Duration: 5:41.


Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.


Counter-Strike История и наследие Half-Life - Duration: 12:12.

phoenix arizona

and how old do you feel after all we are talking about counter-strike after 20

years after its release I'm old because I was already an old man

compared with those with whom I played them like kids playing video games, and even

exit point in the game I was one of the adults

when you asked me about the interview even here last night I tried poizuchat

reminisce and what would have been the guns and everything else you suddenly

ask technical questions on my memories came back when I read

the list of changes in the different versions I remember that's there and hated remember

it should be left as is madness for almost 20 years, Scott was the founder of the year

fragment of one of the earliest and biggest news sites on the counter-strike

He stood at the origins of eSports was even commenting manager

Team evil voltage node and a month now he is resting at home and phoenix and

It helps guide the professional players association

counter-strike is the similarity of the trade union helps pro

legal aspects in contracts and voice acting

Community players back to the beginning of course you remember when you first

played in the counter-strike 1 day to this, I downloaded it again relic of the past

After all, what modes to ask the boy whether he rocked the fashion do not even now understand what

talking about it was one among the many mods made for the half-life working on

best game engine half-life left in the ninety-eighth

about a year later, it began to appear fashion kontra was published in June 99

I downloaded it played and realized that it is not like any one game per day had sex

then it was turn-based tactical shooter is not so as it is now such a counter

strike did not exist, or the second world record shooter wolfenstein have immediately

fashion came after the doubles and I downloaded You control the first day to

June 19 I have captured the awesome and I said to myself,

It was another very broken in the first two months was the only mode of hostage edge

Sanders Kor-ke Sanders cord whole set only hostage mode if you are playing for

Kontrov the rescued hostages and if for auto terror defended

in addition, the player receives a set of guns he was not luton class system

It was a system of money multiple virtual money, and there is so much you can buy in

round, and Hans but with each round of the game begins anew

Perry bought players and starts again at its base

watch what you're doing here in the valley constant rebooting no kits

planets educated armor purchased in the early rounds of purchases

armor or not buy health does not make up not just a game to learn

easy to do normally buy a gun here cards but like in any good

eSports game to master the process is easy but hard to get

master know the nuances and great play after the completion of the

posen cforce and we did not know than take care of the switched to work on

multiplayer mode Aorui giant half-life satisfies

one adult and Patrick worked every day, he has programmed a bunch of features and each

day we played for a few hours then we noticed several motors

working on a major project clique there were ideas had led to

counter-strike still had ideas, we have our own ovals

Now this modification is called ricochet padding force was taking off

the basis for the publication of yellow boxing all started so we have here is but

the sale of such little games to be collected together

and then we have combined all of these fashion men's counter-strike was the main

play well, retail would not take it because of the name so that it was called half-life

Conter strike and the name you will see a yellow box on the original and, if

You flip you'll see a list of other small mods that we have added to

until the pile pier at the expense of the game will begin costs 20 30

bucks through these manovara bits came out a lot, and quickly he once

week and then once a new card appeared a couple of months and as well

Again, we go back to modify the world in these guys did not have maps Cliff

Mengli or a community of the most famous David has made and will dust2

cobblestone are still in the developing maps and levels and who did scout knives

scout where you were little and ran among the big things and I like those in

which still plays like a classic train inferno dust2 vacation all the people whining pier

what you play on the same July 8 cards, some come and go and this

cards for 20 years or well, chief among them etc. we sure they changed the train at the train

a little moved but the 2nd place for the bomb in the same places, even the speaker I've got

a copy of your favorite is probably the most favorite version of the dissent I thought you

you want to look

Incidentally kondishen kondishen zero to zero and vauv vauv wanted to try were many

interesting business cases that could burn out if visited for them came from

way several opportunities for development

hence palantir strike of ways, one of them

for the first xbox microsoft and gave the money for it, we went for this deal together and

it was the more free or very insistent saying dudes

than the usual contact with publishers better let us ward

developers understand each other, we will take care of you oh my god it was porridge

then the wolf did not know how to be the publishers did not know how to work with us for sure

It was quite a mess but we started working together and they were in their desires

even those loonies we created maps completely coincide with the cards that

sharpened for the game of dissent on the network thereof, we have worked with in the gearbox lessons

no children to develop control failure Allegri hundreds of Davy Jones is a tax

who did give you worked in the gearbox, we have created

created a very cool card made with a single player campaign ran bots

Kladno sleep you played cards again and again and performed certain Challenge

criteria it did not have the story, we we are dependent on a new job for

that Wolf wanted to call once we called Jai White 220 but to find

Then they decided to get out of the way, and You will not give you this depended on her so that

we had a hard time kind of freedom for a meeting with me valvz of exposed

ultimatum to the lock is not know what make it as a dangerous cforce

single game and focus on the company I was in concrete and it is unlikely players such

then I want to go to the risks

I visited not really give no money but a bit but then they gave disproportionate

expenses for this garbage in general, I sent Gabe fuck gearbox spent on

his version kondishen Zero thousands of hours he had multiplayer but added

Offline mode inspired by Tony Hawk where the player passes the levels for the Challenge

but the gearbox was the second studio to develop the game in 2001 she was taken

from rock entertainment in the end she found the third house in a ritual

entertainment slept signed a deal to create a single-user version

poorly presented and the game was sent to Randy on gold and reviews

but after poor ratings Wolf delayed release and threw developments Rita

and collecting the fourth home game gained rubbed rock studios which released the game

shaking the fruit as an gearbox and adding 12 levels creates a ritual

name deleted scenes lesen sie ins of chewed liked to redeem

developers rather than work with them remotely and then in the gearbox was

stall contract but Randy wanted to tear it up and we

agreed honest wolf behaved crap but my canceled

contract the transaction was a ball of shit and we fully use it and how to go

formula I is not pleased with her and my attitude to FOL Lara was spoiled

a long time we have this with the developers never made it so annoying

Time has healed over the years I talked about it with Eric Johnson and he said,

is that behind the scenes there were some things which influenced alawar

logic became clear to me but the feeling remains shit in general, he said

me that the game could not go out for other reasons, they were a great game sphere

They are trying to buy up the rights and playing for time to

at your expense yes yes for about I told him what I said honestly would have played

with you man, we must be at the same time and the signs on the society to create more

Free mods and Wolf decided to bring them to the studio and make the commercial wing

boxed version with counter strike not gained success and became shaft

to work on a sequel team fortress classic

hiring developers Dave and differentiation and physical copies passed activision 2003

obskazhu but regardless of the shaft in counter-strike 10 opened up new

professional prospects before the game came out but were usually cheaper

a marketing gimmick by 1 unit to broadband data become

It is available worldwide for the first time passed the cyber tournaments website like sites

year frag tried to show the broadcast all over the world suddenly

He was found with the audience and the audience came sponsors Saren sounter-strike was part of

eSports and the cards were in the hands of the fans

I will use the words and I do not mean the royal we do not like a

Scott's about us as a community, we have created a game to you out there gave one mode

salvation is incorporated with multiple cards and guns

and serious feedback has gone from the first day began to make more cards more guns

change them corrected by us then prevailed craving for hardcore and we

stepped further began to think how to compete to do the 12 rounds on the tube

Euro stove dial only the attacking team

but we as a global community glow playing in different leagues at different levels

concluded what should be a big part of the rules for competition

counter-strike vomit listened to us and said

global offencive to selection matches the kids are not used in the same

Options in fact we are 18 years playing the same game

after the first couple of years of development, counter-strike failed to understand how

to improve the game and to draw up rules for the competition and since then we are in a

Game Story counter strike does not end here, and we will devote Video

smaller here but in short it is released this oval counter strike source with

half-life 2 and divided casual players

but among its pros hated all 16 was the king but it did not spare no time

not of course money and Spa

For more infomation >> Counter-Strike История и наследие Half-Life - Duration: 12:12.


প্রণয় শুটিং | Pronoy Shooting | Photo Video | Photograph | Music Video | Official - Duration: 2:51.


For more infomation >> প্রণয় শুটিং | Pronoy Shooting | Photo Video | Photograph | Music Video | Official - Duration: 2:51.


Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.


Seat Ibiza Sc 1.0 EcoTSI 95pk Style Business Intense Navi/Camera - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza Sc 1.0 EcoTSI 95pk Style Business Intense Navi/Camera - Duration: 0:54.


Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro - Vale a pena? É bom? Análise Completa - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro - Vale a pena? É bom? Análise Completa - Duration: 4:44.


Volvo V40 2.0 D4 Summum Business R-Design | LEDER/ALCANTARA | NAVI | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 D4 Summum Business R-Design | LEDER/ALCANTARA | NAVI | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:07.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115 PK 6-Bak R-Design - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 115 PK 6-Bak R-Design - Duration: 0:57.


Volvo S60 1.6 T4 R-Design | AUTOMAAT | LEDER | NAVI | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 1.6 T4 R-Design | AUTOMAAT | LEDER | NAVI | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:02.


Star Wars - The Old Republic : สรุปเนื้อเรื่อง #20 (Fallen Empire) - Duration: 17:03.

For more infomation >> Star Wars - The Old Republic : สรุปเนื้อเรื่อง #20 (Fallen Empire) - Duration: 17:03.


Восставший из АДА: Завели ЗИЛ-157, простоявший 20 лет - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Восставший из АДА: Завели ЗИЛ-157, простоявший 20 лет - Duration: 3:53.


Malcontento a L'Eredità da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico h - Duration: 5:02.

     L'Eredità, ne succedono ancora delle belle. Cioè, non proprio belle, per essere precisi

Perché da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico ha spesso avuto da ridire

 Ma l'accusa che è stata mossa questa volta nei confronti del conduttore è davvero pesante

Sarà pure bravo e preparato ma Flavio Insinna è criticatissimo dal pubblico. L'ultima critica, in particolare, fa riflettere

Sono in tanti a dire che Flavio Insinna suggerisca alla campionessa. Cosa? Beh, se sia vero non si sa ma tra i fan del gioco di Raiuno, non sono in pochi quelli che ipotizzano "atteggiamenti sbilanciati", "suggerimenti"

I commenti più impietosi sono quelli di Twitter dove il pubblico del quiz di Raiuno si è a dir poco scatenato scrivendo di tutto

"#eredità Troppa differenza tra la domande finali stasera e spesso: dovrebbero essere le stesse, magari in tempi successivi

Non si può chiedere 'come si chiama l'oro nero?''', è uno dei tweet. Continua a leggere dopo la foto      Ma ce ne sono davvero tanti

"Stasera puntata assurda, domande completamente sbilanciate a favore del ragazzo giovane

Troppo palese. Io un bel controllo glielo manderei, anche perché il nostro amico conduttore non è nuovo a manipolazioni già smascherate da striscia!#leredita #leredità #eredità" scrive un altro utente

"Stavo seguendo distrattamente l'#eredità, ma mi hanno richiamata all'attenzione alcuni commenti di Insinna alla campionessa

Solo a me sembra che riceva qualche suggerimento"? Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Insomma, il pubblico è avvelenato e sono in tanti a insinuare che Insinna stia favorendo alcuni concorrenti

Non è la prima volta che il pubblico muove simili accuse a Flavio Insinna. Era già successo in passato

Poi, recentemente, nella puntata del 25 dicembre durante la quale il pubblico ha ascoltato domande davvero "sorprendenti"

Nel senso troppo facile. Un esempio? "In che squadra ha giocato Francesco Totti?"

Continua a leggere dopo la foto    Beh, un tantino troppo facile, no? Altra domanda troppo facile: che festa è quella del 25 aprile? La Liberazione, naturalmente

Domande fatte alla campionessa Viviana Filomena, che alla fine si è nuovamente imposta sbancando anche a La Ghigliottina

E sui social, addirittura, c'è chi chiedeva "un'inchiesta" per queste due domande

Esagerati? E voi che ne dite?      

For more infomation >> Malcontento a L'Eredità da quando Flavio Insinna ha preso il posto di Fabrizio Frizzi, il pubblico h - Duration: 5:02.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Trend - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 EcoBoost Trend - Duration: 0:49.


Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:56.


中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.


BMW 1 Serie 118i 5drs Business !!Climate C,Cruise C,Navigatie,Pdc,Lmv!! - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 118i 5drs Business !!Climate C,Cruise C,Navigatie,Pdc,Lmv!! - Duration: 1:13.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST STYLE | Navigatie | Fabrieksgarantie t/m 10-10-2019 Extra scherp geprijsd ti - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 ECOBOOST STYLE | Navigatie | Fabrieksgarantie t/m 10-10-2019 Extra scherp geprijsd ti - Duration: 1:01.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T Bns Ed. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T Bns Ed. - Duration: 1:12.


Hyundai i30 2.0 T-GDI N2 Performance, KERST AANBIEDING, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 2.0 T-GDI N2 Performance, KERST AANBIEDING, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:07.


Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.0 T-GDI Comfort - Duration: 1:02.


Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-GDI Premium, RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 Wagon 1.4 T-GDI Premium, RIJKLAAR! - Duration: 1:06.


Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i30 1.0 T-GDI Comfort, RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium, KERST AANBIEDING!, Incl. Metallic - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium, KERST AANBIEDING!, Incl. Metallic - Duration: 1:13.


First Trimester : Pregnancy Symptoms, Diet Chart + Do's & Don'ts - Duration: 5:43.

Hello Ladies!

My name is Shivani Benerjee.

I'm a certified childbirth educator from Cappa international and also a mother of two.

During my pregnancies I heard a lot of confusing information from a lot of different


And this should not happen to you so we will talk today about the first trimester what you need to take care of.

Let's get started.

Disclaimer: This guide shouldn't be considered medical advice.

When I was pregnant, I was really confused about what is actually considered the first trimester

Just FYI doctors will start counting from the day you miss your period.

Basically first trimester is the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy.

There are other symptoms which we will be talking about now

Frequent urination: Increased blood flow makes your kidneys process extra fluid which

is why your bladder is always full.

Swollen Breasts: This is because of hormonal imbalance during the first trimester.

Which is why we always feel that breasts are sore or swollen

Nausea and Vomiting: This is commonly known as morning sickness but it can happen at anytime

of the day.

Again this is due to hormonal imbalance.

Constipation: Constipation is another common early sign of pregnancy.

Once your pregnancy is confirmed your doctor will recommend getting a prenatal testing


This usually involves a blood test and an ultrasound.

My doctor suggested Lifecell to me as they are the leaders in their field.

Tests are a major part of your first trimester pregnancy.

Generally during the first trimester, you will be asked to take the following tests:

Blood confirmatory test for pregnancy

Blood pressure monitoring and complete blood count

Prenatal screening test.

This is a very important test that gives the doctor and you an insight about the proper

development of the baby.

The test screens the baby in the womb for chromosomal conditions such as Down syndrome

and ensures that your baby is safe.

And also, more importantly it helps us take an informed decision about the continuation of pregnancy.

My doctor suggested LifeCell Diagnostics for my prenatal screening tests

Diet Plan:

Milk And Other Dairy Products: Foods like milk, yogurt, and paneer

are rich sources of protein, calcium, and vitamin B12.

When I was pregnant, I used to drink 3 cups of low-fat milk everyday.

Pulses, Dals, Cereals, And Nuts: Make sure you are eating plenty of them during your pregnancy

as they are rich in protein.

A rough guide is about 45 gm of nuts and a cup of pulses every day.

Fruits And Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables will give you plenty

of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

You can have 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits everyday.

Meat: If you eat meat, try and stick to low fat

variants like chicken breast.

You can also eat fish like as they are high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids.

However consult your doctor as certain fish increase risk of mercury poisoning.

Liquids: Make sure you're drinking about 2 and a

half liters or around 12 glasses of water a day

You can also drink fresh, unprocessed juices.

Food To Avoid:

Raw or Undercooked Food

Raw fish is a big risk when you are pregnant.

If eaten raw, fish and shellfish may contain bacteria and parasites.

Undercooked eggs can be infected with Salmonella and lead to premature or stillbirth.

Excess Caffeine:

If you drink too much coffee you're at risk of slowing fetal growth as well as low birth


The maximum limit is about 200 mgs or around 2 cups of coffee a day.

Processed Fatty Foods:

If you eat too much processed foods, it puts you at risk of gestational diabetes, excess

weight gain, and other complications.

Alcohol and Smoking

Under no circumstances can you smoke or drink any alcohol while pregnant.

It can cause miscarriages, fetal alcohol syndrome and stillbirth.


It's never too early to start planning.

Whether it's checking hospitals, doctors, and even finding out maternity leave policies

at your office.

You should consult your doctor about taking a prenatal vitamin.

Start taking it as it can prevent spina bifida and other birth defects.


Check with your doctor before you take any over the counter medication.

Don't try any sort of fasting or fad diet.

A balanced, healthy diet is the only to ensure you and your baby are safe.


Before you start any exercise consult your doctor, in my opinion these are the best low intensity exercises

you can choose whichever is best for you

Kegel Exercises


Swimming and Yoga

There you have it a complete guide for every pregnant woman.

I have personally followed all of these during my first trimester, so I can vouch for them.

I hope you found this video useful.

If you have any questions or doubts, go ahead and put it in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching.

Keep tuning in to the Momjunction channel for more such content ! As always make sure

you click on the bell icon and like share and subscribe!

For more infomation >> First Trimester : Pregnancy Symptoms, Diet Chart + Do's & Don'ts - Duration: 5:43.


Meet Norman: This pup is WKYC's biggest fan - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Meet Norman: This pup is WKYC's biggest fan - Duration: 0:27.


Adını Sen Koy Episode 97 English Subtitles - Duration: 57:52.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy Episode 97 English Subtitles - Duration: 57:52.


中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 中国雷达发现数百公里外F22 可用歼20携霹雳10击杀? - Duration: 4:04.


Documents offer insight to Spacey's possible legal defense strategy - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Documents offer insight to Spacey's possible legal defense strategy - Duration: 0:48.


Transfer news LIVE: Chelsea Hazard swap deal, Man Utd decision, Salah Liverpool quit claim - Duration: 4:21.

 The transfer window opens next week with Premier League sides expected to go big

 Manchester United are expected to add a defender in January after Jose Mourinho was blocked from signing one in the summer

 **PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** Chelsea and Arsenal need reinforcing in their bid for the top four, while Liverpool and Manchester City need bodies to help their title challenge

 Elsewhere in Europe Real Madrid and Barcelona could be active as they plan for the second half of the season

 Transfer news LIVE updates: Follow the latest news and gossip Pogba 'would have left' Phil Neville reckons Paul Pogba would probably have left Manchester United in January had Jose Mourinho been in charge

 Discussing Pogba's two-goal showing in the 3-1 win over Huddersfield, host Gary Lineker said about Pogba: "They'd have probably lost him

" Neville agreed and said: "I think they would have. The relationship was gone. The last couple of games he's been fantastic

" Continuing to discuss all things United, he explained: "What we've seen for six months, and what we've seen in the last couple of games, is the culture was beginning to be damaged

 Tottenham eye Aarons Tottenham want to sign Max Aarons from Norwich, according to the Sun

 The England under 21 ace is under contract until 2023 and is also wanted by RB Leipzig

 But Tottenham hope their record for bringing young English players through works in their favour

 Norwich however will refuse to sell him this January unless they get him back on loan until the summer Hazard swap deal Real Madrid want to use Isco and Matteo Kovacic as part of the deal to sign Eden Hazard, according to reports in Spain

 Onda Cero claim the European champions will try and send two players - one who is already on loan at Chelsea - to London in exchange for Hazard

 The Belgium star is on Florentino Perez's radar and has hinted at a move to Madrid one day

 Chelsea are trying to sign him to a new deal but have had little progress in talks

 Douglas Costa decision Juventus have decided they will NOT sell Douglas Costa this winter

 Costa has been linked with a move to Manchester United as Ed Woodward plots moves to bolster Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's squad

 But Juve, according to Calciomercato, do not want to sell the winger. Costa is also said to have told his agent he doesn't want to leave Turin

Trending  Salah quit claim Mohamed Salah could sensationally quit Liverpool if they sign Red Bull Salzburg centre forward Moanes Dabour

 That is according to the Jewish Post, who report that due to issues between Egypt and Israel, Salah may be unwilling to play with Dabour

 Liverpool are believed to have scouted the Salzburg star, who has scored 22 goals in 32 matches registering five assists

 But Jurgen Klopp may have second thoughts on the deal after the claims Salah may contemplate his own future if the striker was signed

For more infomation >> Transfer news LIVE: Chelsea Hazard swap deal, Man Utd decision, Salah Liverpool quit claim - Duration: 4:21.



For more infomation >> [VLOG] #1 BETTER GIRLS TRIP WITH JUNG HAE IN - BKK to SEOUL - Duration: 13:06.


Fox and Friends First 12/27/18 5AM | December 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:31.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 12/27/18 5AM | December 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 34:31.


Abraham Hicks 🙂 Have Fun With It Or Let It Go ~ No ads during video - Duration: 14:56.

So I've been working on financial abundance for a while I've had some

great manifestation success with that and I've now got two businesses that

both could be very financially lucrative are they fun one more than another in

that and that's what I'm trying to figure out more will come from the fun

one yeah that's what I'm feeling in other words you don't need to give up

one for the other but if one isn't fun it's messing with the other yeah the one

that's more fun is one that pretty much came to me and and others are involved

and it's it kind of hits all the buttons of things that I'm I'm interested in and

excited about and the other one is something that I've tried a few times

and have had challenges with so you've got resistance in it which is keeping it

from being fun yeah so make it fun or let it go it's good advice yeah have fun

with it or let it go have fun with him or let him go have fun with her or let

her go have fun with it or let it go yeah meaning person place thing idea did

whatever it is have fun with it or let it go as long as you having fun with it

then the momentum is positive and it will get better and better if you're not

having a good time with it then it's evoking effort from you and then the

effort just makes you tired and keeps you from having fun yeah I'm feeling too

or that maybe some of my conflicting thoughts around it or around my coming

into alignment with financial abundance in general and that but well yeah that's

part of it I keep questioning is that the right vehicle do I need to change it

in some way well find the vehicle and make it right mm-hmm

you're not in a unfed way looking around for the right vehicle and when you find

it you feel fun you get fun find a vehicle and you're fun makes it right

mmm-hmm source energy can flow toward anything and when source energy flows

this is what happens when source energy flows to something through you it

expands it becomes more interesting it gathers more cooperative components that

gathers momentum it becomes more more more more MORE

that's just what happens with your focus and so if something's already got your

focus pinched off because you already have beliefs about it that aren't

letting it flow then sometimes it's just easier to let it go and give your

attention to something else we can tell that we're having a pretty strong

conversation about effort versus trusting about letting that be rather

than making it be and it's also a strong conversation or evidence of a belief

it's sort of like pushing the noodle it's the difference between allowing it

to unfold and trying to make it unfold and there's a belief within you it's

within a lot of people that says my attention to it and my effort factor are

what are going to make this goal and we say is actually the other way around

it's your absence of resistance that's going to let something that you won't go

it's not your attention to it and your hard work and effort that makes it go

and people don't get that because there is a certain action factor that does

make the difference. In other words you could line people up with something to

move from one place to another and a strong person could pick it up and move

it faster than a weaker person someone more determined it's going to move that

physical thing further but that's not the game you play in you're playing in a

game of higher stakes with faster currents and energies and bigger

repercussions and bigger results than just moving something from one place to

another. So don't let yourself be confused about what a little bit of

mediocre action can accomplish in relationship with what true alignment -

the energy that creates worlds can accomplish and sometimes people

sacrifice their alignment and all of that power for just using their brute

strength or willingness to dig in with their minds to accomplish something did

you hear that and you know how you can tell the difference by how it feels if

it feels hard it isn't working if it feels hard you're working

it isn't working allowing the universe to provide is really what you're wanting

to have at the basis of all of this you're thinking things into being you're

not doing things into being you're finding a vibration that then allows a

thought and when you receive the thought which inspires an action that's a whole

everything then making something happen by realizing that you've got to dig in

and make it happen can you feel the difference and you've been sort of

presenting those choices to us in the conversation all along here just now

yeah yeah it would be like saying I've lived enough life to know what I want

relative to let's say a relationship just stay with us for a moment and I

don't currently have that dominant significant relationship that I want but

I've lived enough life and I've put it into the vortex so now I'm going to

trust the universe to yield it to me through my path of least resistance and

then you get an idea I'm going to do online dating well you want to ask

yourself where did that idea come from did it come from here did it come from

here is it effort is it logic and statistics or was it truly an inspired

thought or I'm wanting to create a magnificent business enterprise and I've

put all of my desires and interests into my vortex and then I get an idea well

did the idea come from alignment or is it an action-oriented idea that I've

tried before you have to play with this a little bit before you know the

difference just have to play with it for a while and soon you'll be able to tell

the difference about where the impulse is coming from from the receiving mode

of my connection with sorcerer from the receiving mode of me just being tired of

not having what I want. You're always in some receiving mode because your tuner

is always on. You just want to be aware of what you've got it tuned to and you

can tell that in a pretty accurate way by just assessing what's my general mood

been today if I've been just sort of awkward in my being and ornery and

disappointed about life and discouraged and halfway depressed it's a pretty good

sign that every idea you got came from here not here

what's my mood and if that's been your mood then when you go to bed tonight say

I'm gonna leave these thoughts and these moods somewhere else because while I

sleep the momentum of all of that will subside and when I awaken I'm gonna be

in a new place and then when you wake up acknowledge that you're in a new place

and if you can find time to meditate for 15 minutes and we know you can quiet

your mind and reset yourself and then notice how this day plays out we've been

talking about meditation with you all a lot today and we know that these are

only words to you until you have actually quieted your mind and gotten to

that place where you are actually feeling detached from your body and

where you can actually feel yourself feeling different than you have felt in

terms of consciousness and where you're detached enough that you really can't

tell your toe from your nose in other words you can feel that you're in that

different space and then an idea occurs to you and feels good when it occurs and

then produces really good experience as you follow through with it until you've

actually had that experience then you don't know what we're talking about here

you haven't personally and consciously accessed the energy that creates worlds

for your personal creation and so Esther's been noticing there are a

couple of people in her life that she really likes a lot and thinks a lot

about and they are often presenting to her a conundrum that they can't quite

work through and she's been wanting so much for them to discover the magic and

the clarity and the power of meditation but they just don't quite go there

they just don't quite go there someone gave her a really good analogy the other

day it's like getting in your car to go somewhere and refusing to bring your

keys so you almost got it alright you went to the garage you got in the

vehicle you open the garage door but you refused to bring your keys something

more part of what I'm dealing with is then the one that the business that's

fun is also in line with some of the cars oriented work that I've done in

them I'm kind of a point in my life for I've been doing a

lot of nonprofit work advocacy around causes that I'm passionate about and now

I'm moving into something that that includes more financial abundance and I

don't want to totally give up the cause and bringing about something I'm feeling

good about bringing to the world and so so the fun one

you know checks all those boxes as well the other one checks some of them you

know it's definitely bringing some good but it's it's not anything momentous so

what you're saying to us is I have a lot of thoughts about this one and I'm not

willing to give up all of these thoughts that I've had about this one but I want

it to respond differently to me even though I'm pretty much thinking the same

thoughts that I've always thought about it so I'd like it to be different than

it has been being even though I want to think about it in the same way that I've

been thinking about it yeah and you just can't get there from there. But there is

something that we want to give to you that we think might free you from this

sort of mismatch of thoughts. Often because you are born from this pure

positive energy knowing your value and wanting to get in mix it up and uplift

when you come into your physical bodies you are such collective consciousness

coming in that you have oh here this it will help you so much you have a very

personal relationship with so many other humans because you are this collective

energy coming into so many bodies does that make sense to you and because you

are this collective energy coming into so many bodies you then in a sense have

a stake about how they do you care about how they do you've all come together and

you've all come to play together and you all want joyous co-creation together and

that translates into our message to you when we say you are an uplifter to the

very core of your being which means you care about getting yourself into a place

where you can be a value to others and they feel the same way about you too so

as you come into your physical bodies it is natural for you to want to uplift it

is natural for you to want to make a difference the message that we keep

bringing to you over and over again is that you make the difference by

reconnecting to this same energy not by getting all mixed up in the variety of

wants and needs that surround you and so what happens as groups of people like

you gather who are consciously aware that your teachers to the core of your

being you call yourself healers and teachers and uplifters in other words

these are the labels that you give to yourself you come you don't mean to it's

just sort of a natural byproduct of this mindset that you gather up you come into

an attitude of service you want to be of service to others and we want you to

understand why there are cross currents in that attitude of service because I've

come to serve others what's at the basis of it is I'm gonna find my connection

and I'm gonna do for you what you haven't figured out how to do for

yourself which sort of flies in the face of your actual intent to come together

and be uplifters can you feel the cross current in that we could write 15 or 20

books we could do it all today in fact about what service is and why it

usually doesn't work for the one who is serving or for the one who is being

served because when you say to someone I do this for you because I see you can't

do it for yourself it's kind of like oh thanks a lot thanks a lot but I'll take

it anyway you know how we were just talking about how the birds will come as

non-physical messengers and often after someone that you love makes their

departure re-emerges into non-physical and you feel that they're gone to you

and often they're non-physical beingness will engage a bird or some other nice

available critter to bring a message to you and when you see that bird or that

whatever it is just come and look right at you you for a moment know that that

was a message that came from your dearly departed sometimes you know that

it happens all the time and what we would like you to realize is that when

you consistently hang around in step 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 where you're in the

allowing mode where you are appreciating and meditating and feeling good and

feeling satisfaction and mostly tuned in tapped in turned on and feeling good and

feeling joyful and having fun and then you are like these beasts that roam your

planet and the Airways of your planet where when someone else is asking very

often you can be the step to in their equation they're asking sources

answering and you are the helpful person right there helping with the answer so

it's that inspired being in the right place at the right time and receiving

this thing to say to this person right then you see what we're getting at that

is the ultimate service that you could offer to anyone so what we're really

saying to you is unless you're in the receiving mode you cannot be of service

to anyone and when you are in the receiving mode you're thriving in always

So sacrifice and not letting yourself thrive in all the ways you want to

thrive never can put you in a place of to service anyone else that's of any

value. You got to be thriving to really serve. Oh you've got to be thriving to

really be of service because if you're not tuned in tapped in turned on you

don't have anything to give anyone except some hard work in action and

sacrifice which does not amount to very much that's helpful isn't it

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 🙂 Have Fun With It Or Let It Go ~ No ads during video - Duration: 14:56.



Hi everyone.

So today I wanted to talk about Focus Days.

Okay, this is nothing specific to do with me running ads

or talking to clients or understanding how to use Unbounce

or working on sales scripts or anything like that.

This is a kind of idea that I've learned from a company

called Strategic Coach, a business coaching platform

that I've been using for over a year now.

The idea was born by a guy called Dan Sullivan

and he calls it Focused Days.

He has free days and buffer days

which I'll talk about another time.

But I wanted to explain what a focus day is

and how it is helping me and my agency

become a lot more productive, right?

So what are they?

So Focus Days are one day a week that I block off

which are Thursdays where I focus

on getting the most done

for my business that allows the business to grow, okay?

The most important tasks are done on Thursdays,

not checking your email, not invoicing,

not any of that kind of stuff.

I'm talking about doing the creative stuff.

Which are going to help my business grow

and help take this to the next level.

So how do they work?

So my days are generally,

between about 8:30 and six,

and during that day I have zero interruptions.

So I have a PA and I have all my staff.

They've all moved over to the room next door

and they don't interrupt me.

They don't talk to me, they don't do anything like that.

I'm completely blocked away in my office and I'm just

working like a ferocious animal

for those eight or nine hours or whatever that is, okay?

I get my lunch ordered, I don't really leave the desk, okay?

I don't go down and get a coffee.

I don't do anything like that, okay?

It's just work, work, work 100% of the time.

So there's no social media and there's no email.

I use a desktop app on my laptop called FocusMe

which blocks me from email, social media,

Twitter, LinkedIn, all that kind of stuff.

I switch my phone off.

I give it to Emily, my PA.

And I do nothing but work, okay?

And it's hard to do, right?

So I've been talking about doing focus days

for about six months now

and over the last few weeks I've only just

fully understood how they work

and fully committed to this idea, okay?

So, I'm kind of stealing someone else's concept here,

Dan Sullivan, at Strategic Coach.

But what I would say is that it's a genius concept.

We can't all work like a ferocious animal seven days a week.

It's impossible.

It's good to, you know, just do this,

once a week and if you do this

you'll notice your results starting to kind of go like this.

I hope you'll enjoy it.

I'll see you soon.

For more infomation >> HOW I SET ASIDE ONE DAY EVERY WEEK TO TRANSFORM MY AGENCY - Duration: 3:19.


SASAENG FANS ? รูบี้โป๊ะแตก !! - เรื่องจริงที่น่ากลัว sasaeng fan EXO, WANNAONE, STRAY KIDS. - Duration: 5:37.

Ruby's Secret revealed

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Today, we have hot issue from twitter tag. Ruby's Secret revealed

Who's Ruby? What did she do?

I asked from FANDOMs about this.

This girl think she get closed to the idols.

Idols looks for her or knows her.

Besides, it's in twitter,

There's in Joylada.

Joylada is an application to write and read Ookbee in twitter.

It's now popular among teenagers, especially for the person who loves Fan Fic from idols.

Let's see what she posted on IG's story.

Photo with STRAY KIDS.

"I was in the lift with Felix., he remember me"

Another "with Daniel, he strike a pose. I know he looked at me. I pretended to call the other. He looked upset."

Is this real or just fancy?

Why this issue become a topic on hash tag?

Some fans worried that her action is like Sasaeng?

Sasaengs is a Koren definition.

It's about fever and wanna know their private life.

And cross the line to idols personal life and react strangely.

This is too much and sometimes illegal.

This can be a complaint because some Sasaengs are youth.

Let's see idols experience from Sasaengs.

There's content by mthai, said about the issues from Sasaengs.

Started from EXO.

EXO's Sasaengs rented a van like EXO's one. It parked in front of the company, when the idols go out to take a van to their events.

They almost got the wrong van but their manager saw the strange. So the idols did get to that car.

Moreover, in china, one Sasaengs shaved her hair.

She acted like a man and followed EXO to the toilet and took them the pictures.

EXO used to be invaded to the hotel room they stayed.

The microphone also put in the room as well. Later, the Sasaengs release the records online.

KimYooJung, famous actress, she talked about when she was studying.

A Sasaeng came to school and said he was her relative.

And tried to take her out. KimYooJung told the teacher that she didn't know him.

The teacher called to police to take him.

Park Yoochun from JYJ, was hit the face by Sasaeng, then she confessed later.

"I hit his face because I want her to remember me, if not she doesn't remember"

Jaejoong met Sasaeng in Jimjilbang (Sauna in Korean)

And tried to take picture and kiss him. He used to see this by..

Sasaeng, tried to get in the dorm, took him photo and kiss him.

For Hee-chul,

Sasaeng got to the toilet at the dorm he stayed.

Sasaeng waited until Hee-chul came to toilet. She appeared and call him "Oppa" (brother in Korean)

Also, Hee-chul got a car accident while driving away from following Sasaengs.

Siwon from Super Junior,

His twitter was hacked for 2 times.

Then he warned by twit that

"True love understands and cares. It's not being a spy. I know who did, but I don't want to reveal. Please stop"

Taek-yeon' 2PM member said that Sasaeng sent hime used sanitary pad.

With the letter "you can't live without me"

After that, the girl was charged and apologized.

I'm so crazy about him, but I' not Sasaeng. I'm sorry.

G-Dragon,Big Bang 's Fan set the camp in front of his house.

He posted through twitter that "Now, I got follow at home, in front of my house. I understand, but please stop. My mother and sister are afraid of that action.

I don't know what you guys think about this. Give me comments. Click like and share.

Thank you to the video and photos' owners that we showed today.

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For more infomation >> SASAENG FANS ? รูบี้โป๊ะแตก !! - เรื่องจริงที่น่ากลัว sasaeng fan EXO, WANNAONE, STRAY KIDS. - Duration: 5:37.


Ai Kotoba III (Kata Cinta III) | Maya Putri Cover - Duration: 4:09.

The adventure of these feelings

I hope I can tell you whole

I want to hear from you

How many times have we meet each other?

I have changed

To meet the new you

"It's been a long time."

If I could say that, I will cry here.

Likes, hates,

You who sang about love so many times

Are so dear to me

It's not a lie, I mean it

Let us meet again.

We hated "II", went back to "I"

Again and again, we make mistakes

Never disappearing regrets and forever warm affection

Rebooting our love

Hey, we now hate "I" and back to "II"

And it became "III", let's continue our love

The feeling I want to say to you, the truth I want to tell you

Is just one

Thank you.

Our adventure of feelings

Will surely keep on going

Riding 3 and 9, going over words

You too have changed

To meet someone new

Growing up to an adult

Just that, is enough to make me happy

Likes, hates,

You who sang about love so many times

Are so dear to me

It's not a lie, I mean it

Let's meet again

Have affection


Make it love


Dummy is fine. Let's stay this way forever.


We hated "II", went back to "I"

Again and again, we make mistakes

Never disappearing regrets and forever warm affection

Rebooting our love

Hey, we now hate "I" and back to "II"

And it became "III", let's continue our love

The feeling I want to say to you, the truth I want to tell you

Is just one, "Thank you."

Now let me tell you all my thanks

Forever, with you, "I didn't know there's a song like this"

I hope we can count our encounters

For more infomation >> Ai Kotoba III (Kata Cinta III) | Maya Putri Cover - Duration: 4:09.


[Patch sonore - Sign Airsoft/Experimental Corp Airsoft] Présentation | Review | Airsoft FR - EN subs - Duration: 5:45.

Hi everyone and welcome to this presentation of the sound patch, result of the collaboration of Sign Airsoft and Experimental Corp Airsoft

This patch will be sent to you in excellent bubble wrap

Inside, you will find the sound patch in its protective box

A battery charger for the patch

As well as a user manual in French and English explaining how to charge the patch and describing the safety instructions

The patch is announced as having a range of 40 playings of the sound track, after it will need to be charged again

The protection box of the patch describes the characteristics of this last one:

it is a limited series with unique serial number as well as the model of patch contained in the box, here a DeadPool patch in english language

This one will also be available in French

Other patches models will probably also appear later

The box is closed by a quality adhesive tape, no risk of inadvertent opening

On the second side, we see the patch and a small foam pad preventing the accidental powering of the patch during transport

Of course, on the back of the patch we find a velcro coating and the battery charging plug

Due to the presence of electronic components in the patch's lining, the patch is slightly thicker than a classic patch but nothing dramatic

To power up the patch, press a invisible small button on the top of the patch

The battery charger will require a not supplied micro USB to USB cable to recharge the patch that will be inserted in the port of the battery charger

When connecting the charger, make sure to be delicate, the connectors are fragile

Plug the patch in the correct direction of insertion of the charging socket

The red LED on the charger will light up to indicate that charging is in progress

When the second blue LED is on, charging is complete and cable can be disconnected gently

You can then install your patch on a suitable surface and do not be afraid to wear it in game, it is relatively solid against shocks

Indeed, Guillaume from Sign Airsoft has carried out close and repeated firing tests, using a powerful enough bb gun

It took almost 10 bbs so that this one begins to show signs of detoriation of the electronic parts

But know that at the time of this test, creators are still working to improve the strength of the internal

In the end, this sound patch is a very nice discovery and a very nice invention from Sign Airsoft and Experimental Corp Airsoft

The patch offers an faultless and quality visual quality

The sound option is really good for the size of the patch and it is sure that you will catch the eye on the battlefield

If you're looking for a patch that's out of the ordinary, look no further, you've found it

A big thank you to my partner Sign Airsoft who sent me this exclusive patch to present it to you in a video

If you enjoyed it, do not hesitate to like it and even more important to share it with your friends

Do not hesitate to comment on this video if you have also acquired this patch or if you have questions about it

Make sure to subscribe to the channel and my various social media to avoid missing any future content, follow my news and show your support

See you soon in another upcoming video

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