Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 26 2018

On the 8th of November in 2017, American secret service agents and their Chinese counterparts

were involved in a brief altercation over the American 'nuclear football'.

While entering China's Great Hall of the People, a Chinese agent blocked President Trump's

aide tasked with carrying the football, only for Chief of Staff and retired US Marine Corps

General John Kelly to announce, "We're moving in", and brush past the Chinese guards.

A guard grabbed Kelly, who quickly shoved the guard off, and immediately a US secret

service agent tackled and subdued the Chinese guard.

Though the scuffle was over in a flash, it highlighted the importance of this little

black briefcase that must always accompany the president no matter where he goes.

But just what is inside that top secret briefcase?

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're asking, what

is the nuclear football?

The head of the Chinese security detail would go on to apologize for the misunderstanding,

as apparently the guards had not realized that the aide carrying the nuclear football

must always be within easy reach of the US President.

While some might think the American response was an overreaction, it only takes a moment

to see it from the Secret Service's point of view to see why they felt the need to respond

immediately and with overwhelming force.

The US President had just been removed from the nuclear football while within a foreign

nation, and a nation to boot who is a potential nuclear adversary.

Were something to happen to the US President while he was away from the football, and China

launched a preemptive first strike against the US, there would be no way for America

to respond in time with its own weapons.

A far-fetched scenario to some, but US Secret Service agents must constantly entertain the

most extreme possibilities as potential realities every single day, for that is the only way

to avert a potential, and surprise, catastrophe.

Thus it is standard operating procedure that the nuclear football never be removed from

the immediate physical vicinity of the US President.

So just what does the nuclear football do exactly, and what's inside it?

This nuclear command and control tool is officially known as the President's emergency satchel,

and is an aluminum briefcase encased in black leather.

Details are difficult to ascertain given the extreme secrecy of the device, but it is widely

believed to be bulletproof and resistant to explosive damage.

It weighs approximately 45 pounds (20 kg) and is equipped with powerful satellite communication

gear to ensure the president is always in contact with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

As nuclear arsenals grew in the Soviet Union and the US, it became clear that the nation

to launch first would have an immediate and possibly war-winning advantage.

Such a first strike might even render the defending nation unable to launch its own

nuclear counter-attack, making the possibility of a nuclear first strike extremely attractive

to the aggressor.

With ICBMs moving at thousands of miles an hour, it became vital that the President of

the United States be able to order an immediate nuclear counter-attack in the case of sudden


Yet after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, President John F. Kennedy posed several questions

to his staff, doubting the effectiveness of the current nuclear command system.

His most pointed question however was, "How would the person who received my instructions

verify them?"

This one question led to a complete rethinking of how the US President was to order a nuclear

attack or retaliation, and highlighted a major flaw in the systems set in place for the President

to do so while out of the White House.

Thus the modern iteration of the nuclear football was born.

A mobile device, the nuclear football contains satellite communications gear that lets the

President be in contact with the Joint Chiefs of Staff no matter where in the world he is.

It also contains four individual items:

The Black Book as it is known, contains all retaliatory options available to the President.

This can include a full-scale nuclear response against one, or all of America's enemies,

or a limited response which might be just a single cruise missile strike with a low

yield warhead.

It is rumored that attack plans also include an option to launch a no-harm nuclear strike

high above a nation in the atmosphere, delivering an electromagnetic pulse that wipes out most

of a nation's electrical infrastructure.

If you're a fan of conspiracy theories, it might also include a plan to nuke the Reptilian

aliens hiding out on the dark side of the Moon.

A second book contains a listing of classified presidential shelter locations, or places

that the President could be taken to in case of a major nuclear emergency.

These are typically hardened locations deep underground that can survive direct nuclear


A manila folder with eight or ten pages that give a description of the procedures to initiate

and use the Emergency Alert System, both for early warning and for post-strike communications

with the nation.

Lastly, a three-by-five-inch card with printed authentication codes.

These codes ensure to the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the person ordering a nuclear attack

is indeed the US President, and while they typically stay within the football, some US

Presidents such as President Reagan actually preferred to physically carry his in his pocket.

During the assassination attempt against Reagan, when he was rushed to the hospital not only

was he physically separated from the football, but as his clothes were cut off in surgery,

the nuclear codes were haphazardly discarded by medical staff and later found stuck in

his shoe.

But just how does the football actually work, what process would the President have to undergo

to launch a nuclear strike or retaliate against one?

Firstly, only the current President of the United States is authorized to launch any

form of nuclear attack- whether that's as a retaliation, or an escalation during the

middle of a full-blown war.

Should the President be incapacitated or killed, that responsibility falls to the Vice-President,

and so on down an established chain of command.

Second, the President is patched in to a conference call with his top civilian and military advisors,

whom all recommend a course to follow.

If enemy launches are detected, this call can last as short as 30 seconds.

Communications between the President, his advisors, and top military leadership are

all relayed via the US's Milstar satellite network- a highly jam-resistant constellation

of satellites that keeps US forces linked together around the world.

As a redundancy or in the aftermath of a nuclear attack, US military forces could still use

the TACAMO airborne communications system to stay in contact- basically a fleet of airplanes

packed with communications gear that is also extremely resilient to jamming, the TACAMO

communications system was designed to keep a nation ravaged by nuclear war in contact

with its military forces around the world

Once an attack plan has been decided on by the President, the senior officer in the Pentagon

war room must authenticate the President's identity by issuing a challenge code using

the military alphabet, such as Charlie November.

The President then references his authentication codes card, known as "the biscuit", and

reads the appropriate response.

An Emergency War Order is then broadcast to all US nuclear alert forces via several communications

networks, to ensure receipt.

The order is typically about 150 characters, or the length of a twitter message, and contains

the specific war plan to execute, launch time, and authentication codes needed to unlock

the missiles before firing.

Seconds later, crews around the world based in missile silos, alert hangars, and submarines

deep under water all open locked safes which contain sealed authentication-system, or SAS,

codes which are prepped by the National Security agency.

They compare their SAS codes with those contained within the launch order to verify the authenticity

of the launch order.

Any discrepancies whatsoever will result in a no-go, or no launch/release of nuclear weapons.

When launched from a submarine the Captain, executive officer, and two other senior officers

authenticate the order.

About 15 minutes later, the missiles are ready for launch.

Land-launched ICBMS are housed in underground silos with five launch crews each controlling

up to 50 missiles.

Each launch crew is made up of two officers and the individual teams are housed miles

apart from each other in highly secure underground complexes to ensure their security.

Each team receives their orders and compares their SAS codes with those sent by the war


Once authenticated, the crews enter the war plan number into their launch computers which

re-targets the missiles from their peacetime targets in the middle of the ocean to their

war time targets on land.

At the designated launch time, the crews all turn their launch keys simultaneously which

sends five "votes" for launch to the missiles.

Because the missiles need just two "votes" to launch, failure to authenticate or mutiny

by three other crews will not stop the launch of all 50 missiles.

Missiles launched from airborne platforms follow a similar method, with their individual

SAS codes being verified against those sent by the war room.

During the Cold War the US and Russia both kept nuclear alert forces in the air at all

times, 24/7, 365 days a year- and these crews would then immediately proceed on a vector

to their assigned targets.

Once SAS codes are authorized, missiles are immediately fired.

Anywhere from five minutes to 15 minutes after a Presidential order is given, intercontinental

ballistic missiles will be blasting off into the sky to rain death down on their assigned

targets, and once released there is no way to recall them, disarm them, or reprogram

their trajectories.

The responsibility of carrying the nuclear football is staggering, as is the responsibility

of the man entrusted by the US to use it properly.

While many have criticized the entire system, and one senior American general was even discharged

for asking, "How do I know the President giving me the order to fire my weapons is

sane?", it remains the best system for ensuring continued nuclear deterrence.

Think you could handle the responsibility of handling the nuclear football?

Should there be some way of ensuring the current US President is actually sane enough to order

a nuclear strike?

Also, be sure to check out our other show USA vs The World - Who Would Win?

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> How Does The Nuclear Football Actually Work? - Duration: 10:08.


KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.

KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.


Warframe Lore - Solaris United - Duration: 23:54.

For more infomation >> Warframe Lore - Solaris United - Duration: 23:54.


Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.


Стрим по аватариї - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Стрим по аватариї - Duration: 5:44.


Sampdoria-ChievoVerona, Colley: «Vittoria e porta inviolata: i miei doni blucerchiati» - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Sampdoria-ChievoVerona, Colley: «Vittoria e porta inviolata: i miei doni blucerchiati» - Duration: 2:56.


Arthur Aguiar surge nas redes sociais após longo período afastado e bate boca com internauta - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Arthur Aguiar surge nas redes sociais após longo período afastado e bate boca com internauta - Duration: 10:40.


Come alleviare il mal d'orecchio con lo zenzero - Duration: 1:45.

Ricchissimo di proprietà antinfiammatorie e analgesiche, lo zenzero può ridurre efficacemente il mal d'orecchio evitandoci di ricorrere a farmaci.

Di seguito ti suggeriamo un eccellente rimedio che combina i benefici dello zenzero con le proprietà dell'olio d'oliva.

Per preparare il rimedio hai bisogno di un pezzetto di radice di zenzero, un cucchiaio di olio extra-vergine d'oliva e un pezzo di cotone.

Di seguito ti spieghiamo come preparare il rimedio contro il mal d'orecchio.

Sbuccia lo zenzero, e mettilo in un barattolo, poi aggiungi l'olio extravergine d'oliva fino a coprirlo tutto.

Fai riposare per 10 minuti, poi imbevi il batuffolo di cotone nel rimedio e lascia cadere qualche goccia nell'olio dolorante.

Questo rimedio ci aiuta ad alleviare il mal d'orecchio, velocizzando il processo di cura di eventuali infezioni. E' un ottimo calmante naturale.

Ricorda che, in caso di mal d'orecchio, è fondamentale recarsi dal medico per sentire un suo parere ed escludere condizioni più gravi.

Il mal d'orecchio potrebbe essere un sintomo di un'altra condizione.

For more infomation >> Come alleviare il mal d'orecchio con lo zenzero - Duration: 1:45.


✅ Luísa Sonza exibe prima gata na Tailândia e aparência choca internautas: ''Gêmeas'' - Duration: 1:16.

 Luísa Sonza vai curtir o fim de ano muito bem acompanhada ao lado do marido Whindersson Nunes, na Tailândia

Porém, além do amado, a cantora levou sua prima, Nadine Gerloff, na viagem de casal

 Entre cliques apaixonantes no Instagram da artista, quem roubou a cena nesta quarta-feira, 26, foi sua famíliar

 Luísa posou ao lado de Nadine só de biquíni e impressionou a web. "Minha garota preciosa", disse a mulher do youtuber

 Em seguida os internautas reagiram a publicação com vários comentários

"Muita beleza em uma foto só", comentou um fã. "Muito gêmeas", chocou-se outro

"Uau. eu queria só metade de 1% dessa beleza toda", pediu um terceiro

"Que genética", afirmou outra pessoa.  Acumulando 125 mil seguidores no Instagram, Nadine estuda para ser atriz e sempre é vista ao lado de Luísa


For more infomation >> ✅ Luísa Sonza exibe prima gata na Tailândia e aparência choca internautas: ''Gêmeas'' - Duration: 1:16.


Medication & Dietary Supplements for Autism - Should You Use Them? - Duration: 12:46.

When kids with autism have problem behaviors, inattention, or sleep issues, many medical

and educational professionals and relatives and friends recommend medication.

Today, we're talking all about medication and I'll discuss supplements too.

Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Barbera, autism mom, board certified behavior analyst, registered nurse,

and the best-selling author of the Verbal Behavior Approach.

Each week I provide you with some of my ideas about turning autism around, so if you haven't

subscribed to my YouTube channel, you can do that now.

Since I'm both a nurse and a behavior analyst, as well as an autism mom, I have a strong

interest in the behavioral treatment of autism, but also the medical and biomedical treatments

that are often recommended and tried.

I have a few previous blogs on medical issues and pain that I did several months ago, so

you may want to check them out too.

Today, I'm going to tell you about my son Lucas's journey with supplements and medications.

This is my own personal story and nothing in this video blog should be considered medical

or behavioral advice, as only a medical and behavioral professional caring for your own

child can provide you with an individualized medical plan.

I also want to tell you that at the end of the video, after I tell you about Lucas's

journey, I am going to give you six general tips to consider before medicating your own

child or recommending medication to others.

When Lucas was diagnosed with autism one day before he was three, we asked the development

pediatrician if there were any medications used for autism.

Since I was and still am an RN and my husband is an emergency medicine physician, we approached

autism, at least in the beginning, from a total medical point of view.

The developmental pediatrician said that there were medications to treat kids with autism

and the various symptoms of autism, like medications to help with sleep, or medications to calm

kids down if they had severe problem behaviors, but that he did not recommend any medications

for Lucas until a good behavioral ABA program was in place.

Within a few months of his diagnosis, we had set up a 40 hour per week ABA program in our

home for Lucas, supplemented with a few hours each week at typical preschool with a shadow

and also he received some speech and OT sessions too.

Over the years, through recommendations of various doctors and health practitioners,

we tried several different supplements and medications for Lucas.

Supplements such as multivitamins and melatonin, as well as traditional meds to help with sleep

issues when Lucas was young.

We also tried a few traditional meds such as antipsychotics and antidepressants to see

if these improved Lucas's situation as he got a little older.

The vast majority of supplements and medications we tried for Lucas did not work.

Many of the traditional medications caused side effects such as weight gain.

Even some of the supplements caused issues too.

I remember when Lucas was young I tried a multivitamin and 30 minutes after I would

give him the vitamin, he'd get agitated and might even escalate to having a problem behavior.

After researching this further, I found that there was copper in the multivitamin and I

also learned that the zinc to copper ratio in many kids with autism is messed up and

that some kids need zinc supplements.

They also need to avoid copper.

We then got Lucas's zinc to copper ratio tested via standard blood test and we put him on

zinc and he continues to take zinc each day.

We also avoid copper, especially in multivitamins where copper could appear.

There are a few medications and supplements that did make a huge difference for Lucas


The doctor who diagnosed Lucas with autism in '99 suggested we try an over the counter

supplement called melatonin for Lucas who had poor sleep.

The melatonin remains affective for Lucas to this day and he's 22 years old now.

In some kids, melatonin, and I've seen this with my own eyes, can backfire causing bad

dreams and an increase in nighttime weight gain.

But for Lucas, melatonin has been a positive.

When Lucas was six years old, he developed acute onset ticks, which later turned out

to be diagnosed as PANS, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome, and I did a blog

on PANS and PANDAS a while back so you may want to check that out.

For PANS and PANDAS, for Lucas, antibiotics were a big factor in treating flares of PANS

for over a decade.

The physician who finally diagnosed Lucas with PANS when he was 14 years old ordered

a short-term steroid pack and a different antibiotic to clear up Lucas's ticks, which

at that point were burping ticks.

The antibiotics and the short-term steroid pack was also successful for Lucas.

The doctor who diagnosed Lucas with PANS also diagnosed chronic sinusitis, headaches, and

recommended allergy testing.

Shots, allergy shots, which initially started as once every week after the testing and then

went to once every two weeks, three weeks.

Lucas is now on year five of allergy shots, which he gets once a month and he also takes

allergy medication three times a day.

Because of this allergy treatment, Lucas's headaches and allergy symptoms are mostly

controlled now.

The medication that was added last was a very big positive for Lucas.

Despite getting these allergy shots and medication since he's been 14 or 15 years old, Lucas

continued to have some serious problem behaviors, like aggression towards others and self-injurious

behavior when he was in pain or when he was startled.

When he had a bad sinus headache, for example, or when he was in a startled situation such

as a fire drill he might engage in head hitting, knuckle biting, or aggression towards others.

This only happened once a month or so, always when he had a headache, or when he was startled.

I was on a wait list for 18 months and I finally got into a psychiatrist who diagnosed Lucas

with an autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

He explained that when Lucas was in pain, like a headache, or a distress after being

startled, like during a fire drill, he would go into fight mode.

There's that fight or flight reaction.

Unlike some people who would pass out from pain or stress and go into flight mode, Lucas

would become aggressive to himself or others when he was startled or in pain and he would

go into fight mode.

That was part of his autonomic nervous system dysfunction.

Luckily, the doctor had already treated 40 patients with autism who also had similar

nervous system issues and the treatment was, and still is, a cardiac med, a beta-blocker

to calm the nervous system down.

Lucas has been on this medication for three times a day for four years now and he's no

longer aggressive towards others and rarely engages in self-injurious behavior, only when

he's in pain pretty much or has an infection would he engage in SIB.

We have to be really careful about keeping track of all of this to prevent any serious

problem behaviors.

The doctor who ordered this beta-blocker medicine also ordered a genetic pharmacological swab

test through a company with the website

This swab test which showed us all different medications, like pain medicine, antipsychotics,

anti-seizure medication, all the medication he could possibly be on and linked it to his

... Linked how Lucas would respond to each medication based on his unique DNA.

Through this test, which can be very expensive if it's not covered by insurance, but we made

sure it was covered by insurance.

We did the test, swab test, and now we have a record of pretty much any medication and

how Lucas would do.

Through this test, we learned that Lucas would do okay with older antipsychotics, but the

newer antipsychotics would cause side effects and issues, including weight gain.

This made a lot of sense, because when we tried the newer antipsychotics in the past,

like Risperdal and Abilify, it would always backfire.

Through his report, his DNA report, it showed that those kind of medications were in the

red zone.

This report is a green med, that's totally fine.

A yellow med, which needs to be used with caution.

Or a red med.

It's no wonder that Lucas had problem behaviors related to these newer antipsychotics.

Now that I told you about Lucas's medication journey, I have a few tips for you.

Number one, if you're not a physician specializing in pediatrics, autism, and/or mental health,

you shouldn't be telling parents to medicate their child.

Even though I'm a nurse and my husband's a physician and we were in a maze for many years,

until we found the right supplements and the right medications.

I kind of freak out when someone says, "His teachers said I should put him on meds."

Like the MD who diagnosed Lucas with autism recommended, ideally your child should be

receiving good behavioral treatment before starting any trials of medication.

That's my second point.

My third tip is medications and supplements should be added one at a time preferably so

you can check both the positive changes and any side effects.

To keep a close eye on these, I recommend keeping a dedicated calendar with problem

behaviors, new supplements or meds, changes in dosing.

I have years of calendars for Lucas and I continue to bring Lucas's calendar to his

doctor's appointments and this has been extremely helpful and important to getting Lucas on

the right track.

Number five, get out of the mindset that all biomedical supplements are pseudo science

and that all traditional medication is good.

Each child is different with different symptoms to treat and every supplement and traditional

medication could cause side effects.

Number six, ask your doctor about doing a swab test through or a similar


There's a couple different companies that run these pharmacological tests.

This might help guide you and them in making better decisions, especially if your child

is currently on any medications, especially children who are on a cocktail of medication

if they're not doing well.

I would love it if you would leave me a comment, give me a thumbs up and share this video with

others who might benefit.

To download my free three step guide which details how to keep your own calendar data

and to learn more, go to

I hope to see you right here next week.

For more infomation >> Medication & Dietary Supplements for Autism - Should You Use Them? - Duration: 12:46.


Nightcore - Dreams - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.

This video includes lyrics on the screen!

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Dreams - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.





wouahhhh my loves welcome to this new

video in which we were with diamon dishesinium takitaj'adore this

song I invite you to listen to her is simply beautiful I assure you

if you ever are new or you are new do not hesitate too,

click on subscribe the likez and comment and especially do not forget the

bell for notification of agreement and of course as usual you saw

what are we going to talk about in the title so without further ado we go there, okay, for

this treatment here are the ingredients you have

need 200 g of aloe vera gel two large spoons of bicarbonate

mix well and leave for 24 hours room temperature I told you about

aloe vera repeatedly from the power that it had on the skin, same

that bicarbonate that in addition restores the ph of your skin helps to

fight against black spots the holes and open ports and fight

effectively against acne and more again, the next day your mix will have

just this color so that's normal

add half a lemon and apply simply using a sterilized cotton

on infected areas of course remember to avoid exploding your

pimples you must allow it to dry

alone is important for the process of healing

so here's once that's done as you can see you apply

generously on all the parts that are to be treated, the face a little bit

everywhere where you have problems from skin whether for wrinkles the

acne spots, the pimples infections all that, loves let

simply dried the product on the skin is rinse

do this once a day for at about a week maximum

and the product keeps very well at fresh I showed you how

put your preparation in the freezer make cubes that you can put in

freezer it keeps much more long time

I thank you for watching this new video to the end I tell you

see you soon for new videos if you ever have questions

put them in the comments

okay and by then think about my new youtube pink moony naturaupathe chain

I love you very much

merry christmas and see you soon, do not forget to share this

I carry you in your heart kisses



Emula Android su pc - Duration: 6:32.


Today let's will see two different ways to emulate Android on pc: via a Android Emulation and a virtual machine ( or on the physic machine, if you want )

This last method is made possible from the "Android x86" project ( Android version for x86 processors )

Android is a system open-source, so online exists much projects about it ( also emulators, I will put in description a list of emulators and more informations )

Let's start with the program "Memu", a Android emulator

If you execute emulator for the first time, you must configuration the system after the emulator loading ( like any other Android system )

In this video, I do not explain this pass, but you must only follow the wizard ( use the mouse to press buttons and arrow keys to switch between options )

Now, let's take a look at the emulator options

From the right bar, you can:

Put the emulation window at full screen

View the key mapping ( keys used by the emulator )

Upload apk or xapk packages from the pc ( installation packages )

Change the emulation settings ( you can change the resolution and the device to be emulated )

To apply some modify is necessary restarting emulator ( for example after that you change the device to be emulated )

Now, let's see Android installation on a virtual machine

Select "Linux" as type, and "Other Linux" as version ( 32bit or 64bit )

Then, follow the wizard ( as for any virtual machine )

When the config is finished, start the machine and mount the iso file of Android just downloaded ( I will put the link in description )

Select the options to install the system with the arrow ( or press "i" ), then press "Enter" to confirm

From now, let's use the arrow to select and "Enter" to confirm

Press "c" to select the option to create or modify partitions, then confirm with "Enter"

You choose if you want install "GPD" ( evolution of MBR, I will put more info in description )

A partitioning program will open, select the option "New" to create a new partition

Select the option "Primary" to create a primary partition

You confirm or modify its size and press "Enter"

Let's select "bootable", then press "Write"

Type "yes" to confirm the operations

At last, select "Quit" to exit from the partitioning program

Now, press "Enter" to write into partition just created, and format the partition in "ext3" or "ext4" ( depending from the system version )

if you want install the grub boot loader select "yes" ( boot loader integrated in each Gnu / Linux distribution )

And if you want make the "system" folder readable and writable

At the installation end, it will ask to reboot or restart the machine

When machine is started, if you have not previously unmount the iso file, you unmount it now, then restart the machine

When the bootloader just installed will open, press "Enter" to run Android in normal mode

You can also run Android in different mode, just select the desired mode ( whit the keyboard arrows )

Once the system is started, will run its configuration

As you can see in the video, I advice you to disable mouse integration to interact better with Android cursor

If you want pass the cursor control to Android, you can press inside the window

Instead, to give bak the control at host system, you can press the key combination "Alt Gr + Ctrl" ( right Ctrl )

Now, you just configure everything to use Android on Pc

Obviously, you can not use applications that request specific hardware components ( for example the applications for calling and the applications to send and receive messages )

For more infomation >> Emula Android su pc - Duration: 6:32.


◤Nightcore◢ → How Do You Do - Duration: 3:05.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ → How Do You Do - Duration: 3:05.


Visa Free Entry Announcement 2018 - Duration: 3:55.

Subscribe Now

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Visa Free Entry Announcement 2018 - Duration: 3:55.


✅ Vem saber quais apelidos Madonna colocou em seus filhos - Duration: 1:08.

O Natal de Madonna foi comemorado em família. Junto dos seus filhos, a cantora desejou boas festas aos mais de 12 milhões de seguidores, que tem na sua conta de Instagram, com uma imagem repleta de ternura

Nas redes, Madonna mostrou um pouco de sua celebração, aparecendo com quatro de seus seis filhos: David Banda, Mercy James e as gêmeas Stelle e Estere

"Feliz Natal do Mambo e de quatro dos seus seis unicórnios [maneira escolhida para os filhos]

A fazer muitas orações para haver paz na terra", afirmou. Notícias Relacionadas   26/12/2018 | 15h50m - Ará Rocha Kim Kardashian reúne família, famosos e muitas crianças em Natal do sonho   26/12/2018 | 15h30m - Giovanna Prisco Ana Hickmann relembra momentos marcantes de 2018   26/12/2018 | 15h00m - Luigi Civalli Gretchen revela qual o momento mais marcante de 2018


For more infomation >> ✅ Vem saber quais apelidos Madonna colocou em seus filhos - Duration: 1:08.


Ponto Sanfonado (Canelado) feito com Ponto Baixíssimo - Duration: 6:18.

Hello, I'm Regina Stein from Ateliê MariaRê. And in this class we'll learn how to

make a crochet stitch used in hems, it's the accordion pleat stitch or corrugated

made with slip stitch.

We'll use Bella's thread, from Pingouin, with a 2.5mm-long needle,

but you can use the thread that you prefer with the needle's size indicated in its label.

We'll start by making the number of chains that we want,

this stitch isn't a multiple of any number, you can put the amount of chains that you desire,

just increase one more chain to mark the first stitch's height.

So, in our sample, we'll use 15 chains, plus one,

in a total of 16 chains and we'll work for 40 rows.

We'll start, then, by making our chains.

We'll make 16.

With the chains made, we'll make a slip stitch on each one of them,

it'll be 15 stitches, starting on the second one. So, this is the first, we'll insert the

needle on the second one and pull the thread.

The first slip stitch is done. We'll insert the needle in the next chain,

pull the thread and make the next slip stitch.

Once more, we insert the needle in the next stitch, in the next chain, we pull the thread

and make the slip stitch.

We'll keep, then, making slip stitches until we complete the chains.

We've reached, then, the end of the chains and we've finished the first row,

now we'll make the second row. Let's make a chain and turn our work around.

Now, if we check it check it from above, we'll see here each one of these stitches two handles,

this one and this one.

We'll work on this back handle and we'll make once more

a row of slip stitches only, always picking up this back handles.

So, if we check the work like this, it's hard to visualize the handles,

but if we turn it over a little bit, we can see, there's

a handle here in the front and another one in the back,

we'll pick up this back one. So, we insert the needle here and pick up just the back handle

and we'll make a slip stitch.

Once more, we'll pick up the back handle of the next stitch

and we'll make a slip stitch.

And we'll keep going on like this until the end of the row,

always picking up the back handles.

Notice that the front handle stays free here.

Then, let's keep going on like this until the end of the row. We've reached the end of the second

row, let's make the third one. We'll make a chain and we'll turn our work around.

Now, again, we'll turn it a little over so that we can see the stitches'

handles and we'll work on the back handle.

The stitch has this front handle here and the back handle, we'll pick up the back handle

and we'll make a slip stitch.

And we'll keep going on by always picking up the stitches' handles, back handles,

and making slip stitch.

Always on the back handles.

Let's keep going on like this until the end of this row.

We've finished the third row, let's make a chain, turn our work around

and we'll keep going on in the same way. Let's make a slip stitch on each

stitches' back handle. We'll keep going on like this until we reach the desired work's

length, in our sample, as I've said, we'll work for 40 rows.

We've finished the 40 rows, the thread is already cut, now we'll just pass the thread

through this handle and we'll pull it.

Now, we'll pass this thread by a darning needle and we'll hide it behind the stitches.

Let's pass the thread through here.

It's easier to pass it like this than like this.

If we pass in this way here, the thread will show up more.

Just pull it here.

And cut the thread.

Our sample of accordion pleat stitch or corrugated with slip stitch is done.

Did you like this class? So, like the video, subscribe to the channel.

If you want more amigurumi options, get to know our website: See you next class!

For more infomation >> Ponto Sanfonado (Canelado) feito com Ponto Baixíssimo - Duration: 6:18.


Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.


পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ESIC কর্মচারী রাজ্য বীমা কর্পোরেশন নিয়োগ; Jr MRT, Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Technician - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ESIC কর্মচারী রাজ্য বীমা কর্পোরেশন নিয়োগ; Jr MRT, Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Technician - Duration: 13:38.


KZ Deft KAI'SA Adc vs EZREAL - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 22:31.

KZ Deft KAI'SA Adc vs EZREAL - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> KZ Deft KAI'SA Adc vs EZREAL - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 22:31.


KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.

KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.


SKT Faker VIKTOR Mid vs SION - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 22:01.

SKT Faker VIKTOR Mid vs SION - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> SKT Faker VIKTOR Mid vs SION - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 22:01.


GRF Chovy YASUO Mid vs KZ Pawn GANKPLANK - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 30:26.

GRF Chovy YASUO Mid vs KZ Pawn GANKPLANK - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> GRF Chovy YASUO Mid vs KZ Pawn GANKPLANK - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 30:26.


SKT Khan IRELIA Top vs DWG Nuguri AKALI - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.

SKT Khan IRELIA Top vs DWG Nuguri AKALI - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> SKT Khan IRELIA Top vs DWG Nuguri AKALI - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.


AFS Kiin RYZE Top vs IRELIA - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 35:01.

AFS Kiin RYZE Top vs IRELIA - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> AFS Kiin RYZE Top vs IRELIA - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 35:01.


How Does The Nuclear Football Actually Work? - Duration: 10:08.

On the 8th of November in 2017, American secret service agents and their Chinese counterparts

were involved in a brief altercation over the American 'nuclear football'.

While entering China's Great Hall of the People, a Chinese agent blocked President Trump's

aide tasked with carrying the football, only for Chief of Staff and retired US Marine Corps

General John Kelly to announce, "We're moving in", and brush past the Chinese guards.

A guard grabbed Kelly, who quickly shoved the guard off, and immediately a US secret

service agent tackled and subdued the Chinese guard.

Though the scuffle was over in a flash, it highlighted the importance of this little

black briefcase that must always accompany the president no matter where he goes.

But just what is inside that top secret briefcase?

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're asking, what

is the nuclear football?

The head of the Chinese security detail would go on to apologize for the misunderstanding,

as apparently the guards had not realized that the aide carrying the nuclear football

must always be within easy reach of the US President.

While some might think the American response was an overreaction, it only takes a moment

to see it from the Secret Service's point of view to see why they felt the need to respond

immediately and with overwhelming force.

The US President had just been removed from the nuclear football while within a foreign

nation, and a nation to boot who is a potential nuclear adversary.

Were something to happen to the US President while he was away from the football, and China

launched a preemptive first strike against the US, there would be no way for America

to respond in time with its own weapons.

A far-fetched scenario to some, but US Secret Service agents must constantly entertain the

most extreme possibilities as potential realities every single day, for that is the only way

to avert a potential, and surprise, catastrophe.

Thus it is standard operating procedure that the nuclear football never be removed from

the immediate physical vicinity of the US President.

So just what does the nuclear football do exactly, and what's inside it?

This nuclear command and control tool is officially known as the President's emergency satchel,

and is an aluminum briefcase encased in black leather.

Details are difficult to ascertain given the extreme secrecy of the device, but it is widely

believed to be bulletproof and resistant to explosive damage.

It weighs approximately 45 pounds (20 kg) and is equipped with powerful satellite communication

gear to ensure the president is always in contact with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

As nuclear arsenals grew in the Soviet Union and the US, it became clear that the nation

to launch first would have an immediate and possibly war-winning advantage.

Such a first strike might even render the defending nation unable to launch its own

nuclear counter-attack, making the possibility of a nuclear first strike extremely attractive

to the aggressor.

With ICBMs moving at thousands of miles an hour, it became vital that the President of

the United States be able to order an immediate nuclear counter-attack in the case of sudden


Yet after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, President John F. Kennedy posed several questions

to his staff, doubting the effectiveness of the current nuclear command system.

His most pointed question however was, "How would the person who received my instructions

verify them?"

This one question led to a complete rethinking of how the US President was to order a nuclear

attack or retaliation, and highlighted a major flaw in the systems set in place for the President

to do so while out of the White House.

Thus the modern iteration of the nuclear football was born.

A mobile device, the nuclear football contains satellite communications gear that lets the

President be in contact with the Joint Chiefs of Staff no matter where in the world he is.

It also contains four individual items:

The Black Book as it is known, contains all retaliatory options available to the President.

This can include a full-scale nuclear response against one, or all of America's enemies,

or a limited response which might be just a single cruise missile strike with a low

yield warhead.

It is rumored that attack plans also include an option to launch a no-harm nuclear strike

high above a nation in the atmosphere, delivering an electromagnetic pulse that wipes out most

of a nation's electrical infrastructure.

If you're a fan of conspiracy theories, it might also include a plan to nuke the Reptilian

aliens hiding out on the dark side of the Moon.

A second book contains a listing of classified presidential shelter locations, or places

that the President could be taken to in case of a major nuclear emergency.

These are typically hardened locations deep underground that can survive direct nuclear


A manila folder with eight or ten pages that give a description of the procedures to initiate

and use the Emergency Alert System, both for early warning and for post-strike communications

with the nation.

Lastly, a three-by-five-inch card with printed authentication codes.

These codes ensure to the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the person ordering a nuclear attack

is indeed the US President, and while they typically stay within the football, some US

Presidents such as President Reagan actually preferred to physically carry his in his pocket.

During the assassination attempt against Reagan, when he was rushed to the hospital not only

was he physically separated from the football, but as his clothes were cut off in surgery,

the nuclear codes were haphazardly discarded by medical staff and later found stuck in

his shoe.

But just how does the football actually work, what process would the President have to undergo

to launch a nuclear strike or retaliate against one?

Firstly, only the current President of the United States is authorized to launch any

form of nuclear attack- whether that's as a retaliation, or an escalation during the

middle of a full-blown war.

Should the President be incapacitated or killed, that responsibility falls to the Vice-President,

and so on down an established chain of command.

Second, the President is patched in to a conference call with his top civilian and military advisors,

whom all recommend a course to follow.

If enemy launches are detected, this call can last as short as 30 seconds.

Communications between the President, his advisors, and top military leadership are

all relayed via the US's Milstar satellite network- a highly jam-resistant constellation

of satellites that keeps US forces linked together around the world.

As a redundancy or in the aftermath of a nuclear attack, US military forces could still use

the TACAMO airborne communications system to stay in contact- basically a fleet of airplanes

packed with communications gear that is also extremely resilient to jamming, the TACAMO

communications system was designed to keep a nation ravaged by nuclear war in contact

with its military forces around the world

Once an attack plan has been decided on by the President, the senior officer in the Pentagon

war room must authenticate the President's identity by issuing a challenge code using

the military alphabet, such as Charlie November.

The President then references his authentication codes card, known as "the biscuit", and

reads the appropriate response.

An Emergency War Order is then broadcast to all US nuclear alert forces via several communications

networks, to ensure receipt.

The order is typically about 150 characters, or the length of a twitter message, and contains

the specific war plan to execute, launch time, and authentication codes needed to unlock

the missiles before firing.

Seconds later, crews around the world based in missile silos, alert hangars, and submarines

deep under water all open locked safes which contain sealed authentication-system, or SAS,

codes which are prepped by the National Security agency.

They compare their SAS codes with those contained within the launch order to verify the authenticity

of the launch order.

Any discrepancies whatsoever will result in a no-go, or no launch/release of nuclear weapons.

When launched from a submarine the Captain, executive officer, and two other senior officers

authenticate the order.

About 15 minutes later, the missiles are ready for launch.

Land-launched ICBMS are housed in underground silos with five launch crews each controlling

up to 50 missiles.

Each launch crew is made up of two officers and the individual teams are housed miles

apart from each other in highly secure underground complexes to ensure their security.

Each team receives their orders and compares their SAS codes with those sent by the war


Once authenticated, the crews enter the war plan number into their launch computers which

re-targets the missiles from their peacetime targets in the middle of the ocean to their

war time targets on land.

At the designated launch time, the crews all turn their launch keys simultaneously which

sends five "votes" for launch to the missiles.

Because the missiles need just two "votes" to launch, failure to authenticate or mutiny

by three other crews will not stop the launch of all 50 missiles.

Missiles launched from airborne platforms follow a similar method, with their individual

SAS codes being verified against those sent by the war room.

During the Cold War the US and Russia both kept nuclear alert forces in the air at all

times, 24/7, 365 days a year- and these crews would then immediately proceed on a vector

to their assigned targets.

Once SAS codes are authorized, missiles are immediately fired.

Anywhere from five minutes to 15 minutes after a Presidential order is given, intercontinental

ballistic missiles will be blasting off into the sky to rain death down on their assigned

targets, and once released there is no way to recall them, disarm them, or reprogram

their trajectories.

The responsibility of carrying the nuclear football is staggering, as is the responsibility

of the man entrusted by the US to use it properly.

While many have criticized the entire system, and one senior American general was even discharged

for asking, "How do I know the President giving me the order to fire my weapons is

sane?", it remains the best system for ensuring continued nuclear deterrence.

Think you could handle the responsibility of handling the nuclear football?

Should there be some way of ensuring the current US President is actually sane enough to order

a nuclear strike?

Also, be sure to check out our other show USA vs The World - Who Would Win?

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> How Does The Nuclear Football Actually Work? - Duration: 10:08.


KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.

KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger

For more infomation >> KZ Deft VAYNE Adc vs JINX - Patch 8.24 - LOL KR Challenger - Duration: 27:01.


Warframe Lore - Solaris United - Duration: 23:54.

For more infomation >> Warframe Lore - Solaris United - Duration: 23:54.


Стрим по аватариї - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Стрим по аватариї - Duration: 5:44.


Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Co to był za ROK !!! A to Dopiero POCZĄTEK !!! - Duration: 0:49.


Sasha Sloan - Normal (Lyrics) JayKode x Rynx Remix - Duration: 3:19.

I just wanna feel normal

I just wanna feel normal for the night

I just wanna feel normal for the night

I just wanna feel normal for the night

So keep on playing that song that I don't like

But I'ma keep on dancing 'till I feel okay

I should go, it's getting late

I just wanna feel normal for the night

Keep on kissing that guy that's not my type

I just wanna feel normal for the night

Keep on playing that song that I don't like

But I feel better now, so

And I'm just part of the crowd

And I say things that I wouldn't

And I take some, but I shouldn't

And I act like I don't care

Got my glass up in the air

I just want people to like me

And I know this isn't like me

That I just wanna go home

Fooled myself, almost forgot

Smoke it up 'till I can't talk

Taking pictures in the dark

I just wanna feel normal

I just wanna feel normal for the night

I just wanna feel normal for the night

So keep on playing that song that I don't like

But I'ma keep on dancing 'till I feel okay

I should go, it's getting late

I just wanna feel normal for the night

Keep on kissing that guy that's not my type

I just wanna feel normal for the night

Keep on playing that song that I don't like

But I feel better now, so

And I'm just part of the crowd

And I say things that I wouldn't

And I take some, but I shouldn't

And I act like I don't care

Got my glass up in the air

I just want people to like me

And I know this isn't like me

When I just wanna go home

Why do I try to fit in

Looks like fun, but it's pretend

Think I drank too much again

For more infomation >> Sasha Sloan - Normal (Lyrics) JayKode x Rynx Remix - Duration: 3:19.


T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Keep Your Eyes On The Prize, Don't Be Distracted By What You See - Duration: 23:07.

For more infomation >> T.D Jakes 2018 Sermons - Keep Your Eyes On The Prize, Don't Be Distracted By What You See - Duration: 23:07.


Why Europeans Colonized The World (And Not Someone Else) - Duration: 8:30.

Why did history unfold differently in different places?

How did some people become slaves, while others became slave owners?

Why were Europeans able to dominate the world and not Native Americans?

Is it a just a simple case of one being better than the other, or is it something else?

Ah, the Age of Discovery!

Or, how the people who were discovered called it: the Age of Land Theft, Colonization and Genocide

Upon reaching new lands, first contact with the natives was always strange

Because they couldn't really understand each other

Probably for the best, considering how awkward it would have been if they actually could

Hello there, strangely dressed white person, what is the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure?

Conquest and domination in the name of God!

So, uh... I'm gonna put you down as 'business'

Now, the Europeans certainly did a lot of ...bad things at the time

But before you go judging these people from your 21st century high horse, you gotta remember a couple of things:

Disease was actually the main culprit, as it brought more death than guns and cannons ever actually could

We are indeed – believe it or not – the product of our environment

There is a geographical reason why so many people live here and not here

Just like there's a reason why Mayans built pyramids

While their northern cousins smoked pipes and chased buffalo

But how come Europeans conquered the Americas and not the other way round?

Well, the answer is actually quite simple. And it's - wait for it...


You can't really ride a llama, you can't drink its milk and can't use it to pull a plow

I'd much rather have a horse, or a cow, or a sheep, or a donkey... Hell, even a reindeer would do

And Native Americans didn't have any of these!

The moment Europeans brought horses over was the moment Native Americans got 10 times tougher to beat

Try using a llama for warfare. I mean, It's completely ridiculous!

And what about Africans, why didn't they take over Europe?

Well, because white people are clearly intellectually superior

Relax, it's just a joke!

Put it this way: Safari is a great experience, as long as you're *in* the land cruiser

Go on, go for a walk. Chances are you won't get that far

Hyenas, lions, crocodiles, whatever this is…

You know, it's easier to write operas and build weapons when there are no deadly animals preying on you

But before you even start unsuccessfully running away, you'll already be visited by the most dangerous of all


Malaria made everything difficult, both for the locals and the wannabe conquerors

No wonder Africa was the last continent to be colonized

You see, the only reason you're sitting there watching this video today is because your ancestors

Managed to have sex and reproduce before dying from a horrible disease!

A lot of people weren't so lucky

I mean, imagine being an Incan 500 years ago

You're just walking, minding your own business, when suddenly an apocalypse comes your way

Everybody you know is either dead or currently dying in agony

The king also dies and, of course, a civil war erupts

So now even the healthy people have found a way not to stay alive

And just when you think it's all over – you see a conquistador waving at you from atop of the hill

However, not all indigenous people suffered this same biblical fate. Some were tougher than others

For instance, let's take a look at the first people who arrived on the shores of New Zealand some 1000 years ago

Most of them said: "Well, this seems cool, let's stay here"

But some were like "Now wait just a damn second!"

"I don't feel like we've isolated ourselves enough here, let's go somewhere further away"

So they moved here – to the Chatham Islands

The people that stayed in New Zealand became known as the Maori

While the ones that went to the Chatham Islands were called the Moriori

Maori's territory was bigger and more resourceful

They developed farming, therefore producing enough food to sustain craftsmen, soldiers and chiefs

Basically, they created a political system

The Moriori stuck to clubbing seals and picking berries

With no means to evolve, they learned to get along with one another on their small cold islands

And just didn't believe in conflict as a concept

Centuries had gone by without any contact between the two peoples

Until one day in 1835, some Australian sailors brought the news to the Maori

Hey, guys!

Not you again...

Yeah, me again! Anyway, on the way over here, we came across some people with no weapons

But their islands are rich with food and all other--

Wait-wait-wait a second! Did you just say they have no weapons?

Yeah, they kinda think war is overrated

Alright! Jimmy, Jimmy, get the others! We're gonna pay these guys a little visit

So a group of Maori set sale on their captured European ship and when they finally arrived

Their cousins had no clue what was in store

Listen dude, I know you just killed my family, but violence is never the answ--

Wait, what are you doing with that axe? See, now, what was the point of chopping my arm off?

Again, with the foot, how are you enjoying this? What a lame activity…

Those Moriori who weren't immediately slaughtered were cooked, roasted and in some cases enslaved

Not a peaceful end to a peace-loving people

Still though, all this doesn't really explain how and why Europe pulled it off

Well, because Asia failed!

If we took a person that lived 2000 years ago, 1000 years ago and 600 years ago and asked them

They'd all say China

So what happened? Well, let's take a look at China. It has two long navigable rivers connected by canals

It also has no significant geographical barriers

That means lots of food, many people and easy transport

As a result of all this, throughout its history, China was nearly always unified

Now let's look at Europe. A weird looking thing. Europe has lots of peninsulas, islands and mountain chains

Nobody ever managed to unite Europe

The Romans never controlled more than half. Napoleon tried and failed miserably

Then Hitler tried and failed even more miserably

China had unity, Europe had non-unity...? They didn't have unity

Decades before Columbus, the Chinese fleet dominated the Indian Ocean

Until the emperor decided one day that he had enough of this stupid ship business

One 'no' was enough for everybody to go "Alright, I guess we're not exploring the world anymore…"

On the other hand, when Columbus wanted to go on a trip he asked for allowance here, they said no

So then he went here and no... no… and no... At last, he went to Spain, where they also told him no

But you know how Columbus was, he could really bore you to death, so in the end they were just like

"Okay, here's the money, just please leave already…"

We all know what happened next: Spain got richer and richer while the rest of Europe just stood aside and wept

Except no, that's not what happened, instead everyone was like "Woo, 'Merica, let's go, woo!"

The beginning of the rise of Europe meant the beginning of the demise for the rest of the world

For more infomation >> Why Europeans Colonized The World (And Not Someone Else) - Duration: 8:30.


HITMAN 2 - Isle Of Sgail, Ark Society, Heavy Metal Skeleton - Duration: 6:34.

HITMAN 2 - Isle Of Sgail, Ark Society, a Heavy Metal Skeleton Secret Easter Egg

This is a quite small Easter Egg compared to many others like secret exits or all NPCs turning into Flamingos

The requirements to unlock this Easter Egg are very similar to the Secret Tunnel from Colombia, Santa Fortuna's Three-Headed Serpent

The prize for this secret, is the same as in the mentioned Easter Egg, a Ceremonnial Knife spawned at the altar

Like in the Colombia level, there is a Golden Idol placed in the map, you can find this in the display museum in the Keep

Most of the disguises are illegal to steal the Golden Idol, but the Custodian outfit won't give you much problems with this task

Keep in mind that I've given to myself a lockpick to make the things much faster and easier, crowbar is very load to use in small areas

You need two things to unlock this secret - a Golden Idol in your inventory and Janus' funeral robe, all of these are in trespass areas

Of course you can do it with default start but it takes much more time and the reward itself isn't very spectacular, just a regular throwing knife

Once you have the Janus' outfit, you must sneak through the various areas, going through the Keep full of Ark Members, Guards and Architects isn't a good idea

When you are in the basement, head to the freezer (same place from Swan Dive Easter Egg), and jump to the room where the ECT Device is stored

In the small cell with a skull, you will find a prompt with placing a Golden Idol statue - once the Golden Idol is placed, you can grab the knife from alive skeleton

If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it (REMEMBER ABOUT BELL, you can also join my Discord!

For more infomation >> HITMAN 2 - Isle Of Sgail, Ark Society, Heavy Metal Skeleton - Duration: 6:34.


Angry Whiskers - Dreadful Devil (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:43.

Na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na

[Background singing fading away]

I'm a devil; like you've never seen

Smiley faces that I never mean

Oh, you better watch out

[Lack of air]

Oh, I'll make you pout

You better run away fast, cuz I'm about to blast

Yeah, I always meant to make you cry

And I'll probably be your demise

Yeah, you never look into my eyes

Cuz if you did: you'd probably realize

I'm just a devil in disguise

Dreadful devil

Dreadful devil

Dreadful devil in disguise

Rip your heart out

In front of your eyes

I'll ruin your life, cuz I'm a devil in disguise

…devil in disguise…

…devil in disguise!

If you saw me in the dead of night

[Pretty much incomprehensible nonsense]

You would probably think it's alright


If you saw me in the spotlight


I would give you quite a fright

So get out of here before ya…

…say that I didn't warn ya

It doesn't take much: just change your mind

I wish that I really bored ya

So you could just pull the cord, yeah

I simply must implore ya

Just turn around, close the door…

…cuz I always meant to make you cry

[Distorted howls of the eternally burning]

And I'll probably be your demise

And you'll barely make it out alive

So get outta here, get outta town

Get outta here, I'll make you frown

Get outta here, get out now

Get outta

Get outta, get outta, get outta!

[Dubstep and saxophone solo and metal dubstep]

Dreadful me, dreadful town

Dreadful devil comin' round

[Ever so slight breath]

Dreadful you if you don't get out

Dreadful mountains, dreadful trees

Dreadful world is all I see

Guess it's all just meant to be

It's the dreadful life for me!

[epic silence]

For more infomation >> Angry Whiskers - Dreadful Devil (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:43.


This Sleepy Two Week Old Donkey Went Missing Then Farmers Found His Hysterical Hiding Place - Duration: 5:18.

when one sleepy baby donkey went missing its whereabouts were a worry to the

animals owner so he set off in search for his wayward people the farmer looked

everywhere but he had no idea of the hilarious spot he would eventually find

the donkey in before we go first help us out by spreading the words about a

mystery by clicking that like button and also be sure and click the notification

bell so you won't miss our future videos caring for miniature donkeys can be a

complicated affair though small the animals need a lot of attention to make

sure that they remain happy and healthy at all times it's important therefore

for potential owners to think long and hard before deciding to make a donkey

their pad first of all since donkeys are herd animals it's important that they

have the company of a fellow equine they must also have access to pasture in

order to exercise and feed and owners must provide them with some form of

shelter from the elements - in order to stay strong over the winter they require

a Salt Lick as well as good quality hay furthermore they need access to fresh

unlimited water throughout the year and on top of that owners should muck out

the animals living quarters regularly to keep them in tip-top condition while

caring for fully grown donkeys is hard work looking after babies is even more

tiring as one farmer recently found out the man had come into ownership of a two

week old donkey named Elvis and it soon turned out that the animal could be

quite a handful donkey pregnancies last twelve months and by the time that the

foal is bored they're pretty much fully developed within an hour of their births

in fact donkeys are able to stand furthermore they can walk and even run

before their first day on earth is out but while they're born independent in

some ways Bulls still rely on their mother's milk until they're four months

old and as with all infants the first few months of their lives are important

time in each foals development during the stage full sleep a lot more than

their adult counterparts so donkey owners can expect babies to spend a lot

of time napping outstretched on the floor

on some occasions in fact this strange position can make the animals look as if

they're dead given that he has experience looking after animals the

farmer who owned Elvis was no doubt doing a

job raising the poll the chewy cold donkey was coming along nicely thanks to

regular feeds and sleeps so you can imagine the farmer surprised one day

when he woke up to find that Elvis was nowhere to be seen

worried the farmer consequently went in search of the baby donkey he looked in

all the places that Elvis would normally frequent after much searching however he

still hadn't been able to find the animal so the owner headed back towards

home in hopes that the donkey had somehow wandered back that way and sure

enough when the farmer returned home he spotted Elvis in the most unlikely of

places there the little donkey was swinging from a hammock on its owners

front porch moreover the animal was so relaxed that

he'd fallen into a deep slumber unsurprisingly the farmer couldn't quite

believe what he was seeing first of all how was it possible for a little two

week old donkey to climb onto a hammock let alone get comfy enough to drift off

to sleep the man had no idea but the thought seemed to amuse him nonetheless

as a result he decided to record the donkeys nap on camera in the twenty

second video someone gently rocks the hammock as the animal snoozes with it

he's asleep on the hammock he's just not normal one onlooker comments as they

observe Elvis and turned out that those who knew Elvis weren't the only ones who

found this unusual napping spot hysterical since the video of Elvis

sleeping found its way onto YouTube in June of 2017 tens of thousands of people

commute the clip however a quick sweep on the internet reveals that Elvis isn't

the only donkey to have an affinity for hammocks it seems in fact that plenty of

others have discovered the comforts of the simple sack and what's more there's

a host of video and picture evidence to prove it one such clip emerged online in

2015 and has since attracted more than 2 million views just like the video of

Elvis it showed a donkey completely chilled as it swung back and forth the

donkey in question is called Leo and according to the video description the

animal loves his daily hammock time in the video the little animal reclines on

its side and even appears to be smiling as it dozes off it wags its tail and

pleasure before rolling over to allow its owners to shower it with tummy

tickles they happily oblige it before the donkey has three eager people

stroking it's great burn sense Leo's video went live it's also attracted

almost a thousand comments on YouTube I wish all animals were treated like

this too cute gushed one viewer a whole new meaning to someone saying get your

ass out of my hammock jumped another when the footage of Leo later landed on

reddit it gained a lot of attention there too

now I need a donkey one envious commenter wrote meanwhile another simply

added donkeys are the cutest things in the world so given the species evident

love of hammocks perhaps Elvis's owner should have checked his ports right away

next time the animal goes missing however the farmer probably won't have

to search his heart he'll no doubt find the donkey safe and sound dozing off in

its favorite spot I hope you liked this video if so please hit the subscribe

button and click on the Bell icon to make sure you never miss a video from

our Channel

For more infomation >> This Sleepy Two Week Old Donkey Went Missing Then Farmers Found His Hysterical Hiding Place - Duration: 5:18.


「LIVE」A Puyo Pauper plays... ACA NEOGEO - Puzzle Bobble - Duration: 1:05:46.

For more infomation >> 「LIVE」A Puyo Pauper plays... ACA NEOGEO - Puzzle Bobble - Duration: 1:05:46.


all the times i mess up (lmao) - Duration: 4:19.

It's fall!

all the times i mess up lmao

hashtag zoe

random laughter!

and even more random laughter!

seriously, i'm out of control!

there's a string on it. there's hair!

Oh i wasn't supposed to do that! Wait, don't put it back...

attempting asmr!

but i can't stop laughing!

I'm a lady taco!

honestly, i can't even caption this video well. I don't word well really!

guys it's Zoe happy holiday...laughter

what am i even doing?!


I'm weird!

cough. cough!

back to my channel Merry Christmas wait what

random dancing!

wait, what is it again? Giving Christmas presents?

SHUT UP! (my brother was being LOUD!)

I really went slay HAHAHHA

OMG! What just came out of my mouth?

Ya, let's play it 3x!

why am i smacking myself!?

OMG wait a minute...don't look at me!

You're like hmmmmm what can we do (word i can't say on the internet!)

and even more coughing!

hashtag sweater weather! next we're gonna go on with, we're gonna go?

Wow one-take wonder ok. ooooh bloopers 2018!

just more problems speaking English!

and even more coughing. I was sick! I'm all better now!

foots asleep okay okay why is this actually a tail?

like a horse tail?

Random fly. Also I should never lift my arms up that high! oops!

Oh. My. Gosh!



seven years old...there's a bug!

my feet always fall asleep when I'm filming in this location!

I tripped. Ok.

okay so you guys almost got these one right so that's okay so apparently

they're not called bell peppers in Australia it's hello hey guys so welcome

back to my channel so before today's video I'm gonna be filming a video

things that you know that when... hey guys, it's hashtag zoe welcome back to my channel. guys I am

so excited for fall. Laughter. I can't do that if you're gonna do that!

you can totally send me things at my po box, the link is in the description. Wait, it's not a link!

you can send me some things. the link...wait, it's still not a link!

bloopers 2018

all the times i messed up lmao!

hashtag zoe

For more infomation >> all the times i mess up (lmao) - Duration: 4:19.


Apple BOYCOTT Grows In Favor Of Huawei - Duration: 3:43.

So Chinese companies are rallying behind Huawei and asking employees to boycott Apple.

Recently the Chief financial officer of Huawei got arrested under a US warrant.

She is accused of committing fraud by lying about alleged links between Huawei and a shell

company that was used to make sales in Iran, thereby breaching U.S.sanctions.

The United States also banned Huawei products in the country over national security concerns.

China didn't take this well.

Chinese companies are going so far as to offer subsidies to purchase Chinese products instead

of American ones.

According to the Nikkei, the companies are offering subsidies to employees to purchase

Huawei products.

Most are subsidizing 10% to 20% of the purchase price, but some companies are even covering

the entire cost of the device.

Not only that, some companies are fining employees who buy an iPhone by the same amount of money

that they spent on the device.

Heck, some companies are even firing their employees if they're seen with an iPhone.

China feels if the U.S. is being unfair to its own tech companies, then making things

difficult for U.S. tech giants could be the direct response.

Relations between China and the U.S. have been strained due to a tit-for-tat trade war

and unfortunately, Apple is caught in the middle.

Targeting Apple may not make a whole lot of sense, you know Apple has absolutely nothing

to do with this whole thing.

But Apple's status as one of the American giants means that going after it for China,

in some ways, is symbolic.

It is already seen in many circles in China that owning Apple products is unpatriotic.

Yeah, it sound silly but it's true.

I don't know but this whole thing just shows how oppressive this Communist regime in China


If your job was threatened, penalized or you had your personal belongings confiscated based

on what personal device you used; there would be national outrage and global headlining

in the news if this happened in any developed western nation..

I don't care what your smartphone preference is, this kind of behavior should not be condoned

in a civilized society.

Like seriously, this is the dumbest way possible China could of think of about how to punch


If the US is highlighting your inhuman regime, you don't go punishing your citizens for what

phone they're using.

The very fact that Chinese companies are threatening their workers of Firing them from job or confiscate

their phones for using an iPhone, shows how oppressive this Communist regime in China


Anyway, The popularity of Apple products in China has been in steady decline for years


This recent showdown with the US will only further accelerate that process.

Tim Cook has previously talked about China as being Apple's future biggest market.

Apple currently relies on China for around 20 percent of its revenue.

At a time when smartphone sales in general are starting to stagnate, Apple certainly

doesn't want to be hit with more problems in one of its top markets, and unfortunately,

this trade war is certainly proving to be a nightmare for Apple.

Let me know your thoughts on this down in the comments and I'll see you'll tomorrow...Peace


For more infomation >> Apple BOYCOTT Grows In Favor Of Huawei - Duration: 3:43.



Hello! Welcome to the Kids Fun Show!

In one of our previous videos we did Kid says yes to everything for 24 hours challenge.

Now it's Ulya's turn.

Today we're going to be doing mom says yes to everything for 24 hours. My vengeance wil be cruel. Hahahaha!

By the way, don't forget to subscribe put your thumbs up and hit the bell

Let's begin!

Mommy! Where are you?

Oh no! She is coming!

Mommy! Where are you?


Oh no! You caught me!

How about Fornite dance?

No! Yes you can mommy!

Mommy! Play with me!

Mommy! Buy this!

I wanna this

And this one

From my best friend has won the best one


Clean the house

Eat this lemon!


We hope you like our challenge subscribe to our channel if you want to watch more interesting videos!

For more infomation >> MOM SAYS YES TO EVERYTHING FOR THE DAY - Duration: 5:21.


Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 12/26/18 1PM | December 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 47:28.

For more infomation >> Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 12/26/18 1PM | December 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 47:28.


◤Nightcore◢ → How Do You Do - Duration: 3:05.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> ◤Nightcore◢ → How Do You Do - Duration: 3:05.



This morning I'm over the moon I'm full of the joys of spring and on cloud nine

do you want to know why watch this video to find out are you ready let's go

I'm Deirdre Nicholas your personal language coach either through this

channel with these videos or personally one-to-one welcome to this amazing

channel where you will learn English better and welcome aboard palm tree

teaching English Academy click on the subscribe button and the Bell to improve

your English fast and build your English fluency so I'm over the moon I'm full of

the joys of spring and I'm on cloud nine these are great expressions and idioms

that we often use here in England to express how happy we are interestingly

full of the joys of spring can be used at any time of the year and is a great

way to show delight enthusiasm joy and energy a similar idiom to those three is

on top of the world but we don't tend to use that very much now it's much more

old-fashioned idiom personally I'm buzzing with happiness at the fun we're

going to have today what do I mean then buzzing I mean I'm excited about

something that's going to happen and I'm tickled pink

that's a funny idiom is no it's means amused and entertained and looking

forward to something that's going to happen as well so you may be asking why

do I feel like this today well here's the clue it's a Christmas tree as you

sure you know and it's Christmas Day here in England and it's a big

celebratory day now whether you're celebrating Christmas or not I hope

you're all having a really good winter break now I wanted to make this video to

celebrate the holidays but also to do something really important

I wanted to officially thank you for being such great and loyal supporters

and subscribers of my youtube channel and for taking the time to watch my

videos but liking them for sharing them with your friends and for commenting

with such lovely comments and for subscribing to my channel you give me

the energy the enthusiasm and the passion to carry on making these videos

for you and try and help you to improve your English and to take it to the next

level wherever you are in the world and whatever level you may be so whether

you're a teacher or I promise that in 2019 I will support

you even more on your own personal English language journey please continue

to support me by subscribing it costs nothing it's free you don't have to do

anything but it does keep this channel going without you and your subscribing

this channel would not exist so I bet you want to know what we're going to be

doing and eating mainly eating today we eat a huge turkey meal with not just

turkey lots of other meats and then we eat Christmas pudding and then we eat

Christmas cake and then we eat mince pies so by the end of the day we're all

feeling really fat and we have a lot of really good times with families and

friends so this is a very short video but it's a very important message and I

hope you've enjoyed it so wherever you are whatever you're doing enjoy your

winter break and I'll see you really soon for another video enjoy learning

your English bye

For more infomation >> IDIOMS FOR HAPPY│AND A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR YOU! - Duration: 3:39.


「Nightcore」→ It's Just Not Fair ♪ (NEFFEX) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:29.

this video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ It's Just Not Fair ♪ (NEFFEX) LYRICS ✔︎ - Duration: 2:29.





UNIQUE DESIGNS FOR PONY TOWN! [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 2:51.

Hi guys! Welcome to a new video.

Today I'm going to show you some unique designs and techniques.

First is these socks! I chose these cause they just seemed cute and simple.

Be sure to copy and paste the rgbt codes. Maybe put them into the notepad app in your pc.

Or maybe memo on your mobile device.

Also, here's a peek of how they look like on the rgbt graph just in case you wanted to see.

Next is this ballerina like design upper shirt and a little technique to make your skirt look a little more detailed.

First, use these wings. It sometimes works with the withered-like wings but mostly like this.

By the way! You can use whatever color you like for this. I just chose this cause it matches.

Next is the skirt! Use this type of skirt. It blends well with the wings. You can use whatever pattern if you please.

Once again, try to copy and paste the rgbt codes you chose. (I may make a tutorial on this)

Here's the ballerina-like design shirt design! So, pick the one type of design I chose.

Then you blend Color 2 with the skin tone.

As seen here, Color 2 has a lighter tone than Color 1: making it look transparent

You also can use whatever sleeves you like. It doesn't really ruin how it looks.

Once again, it doesn't matter what color you use. Though for the transparent part, it does.

It must stay close to the skin color but be kept as lighter than it. Like near white or gray.

Here's the next design! It's like the last one with the transparent look.

But as for this one, it is a little different.

You must select what color is close to the skin color you chosen.

As seen here, orange is close to red so I chosen that to overlay the transparency.

Example: If you chose gray as the skin tone, you can use black or white as an overlay.

The yellow(seen here) makes the transparency ruined. So you must keep the color closely to the skin color.

And sorry if I repeat myself, I just want everyone to understand.

Now here's a cute technique you can use.

You can use this little bow as a tail or to add more fluff on to your tail.

Just use the colors of the tail you are wanting or copy and paste the tail colors you are using.

Here's the second to last one! It's a personal favorite of mine.

You must use this color pattern in order for it to work.

Then copy and paste the skin colors you chosen into Color 2. Don't worry about lines for Color 2 btw.

You can also darken the color of the skin for Color 2(for shading) if you like but it's really your choice.

Also use this if you want to make it more like into a sweater.

Now you got a heart-cut out sweater!!

Finally, here's a simple, yet unique technique.

Use this neck accessory and paste the colors of your sweater into Color 1 and blend the outlines with the sweater. Now it looks like an actual sweater(without an turtleneck).

That's it for now! Bye everyone!~

For more infomation >> UNIQUE DESIGNS FOR PONY TOWN! [Turn on Subtitles] - Duration: 2:51.


Avatar sketches Sydney. - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Avatar sketches Sydney. - Duration: 0:51.


On Air! Shin Aizawa "An Author's Anguish" Off Record Story [ENG sub] - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> On Air! Shin Aizawa "An Author's Anguish" Off Record Story [ENG sub] - Duration: 8:46.


JOHNNY'S WEST CALENDAR 2018-2019 (Eng subs) - Duration: 9:11.

The Calendar!

The Calend...I'm very excited

(we're gonna feel weak)

There's a tiny notebook

Why do they have potato heads?

It's a diary

(What's with the potato heads?)

I don't get it, why potatoes?

(Ha, I know it says "special Potato" edition!)

"Potato special edition"

(they don't look very happy)

On the memo page, make sure to not write a lot

(It's a tiny diary)

RIght on Nozomu's page!

Sept 9th? Who's on the 1st?

(It's the entire month so there's Hama-chan for september)

(To celebrate the New year? It's Nozomu wishes you the new year)

And for Valentine's day?

(It was Ryusei)

(Every time I open a page randomly I end up on Nozomu)

The potato is distracting me

(dat face)

"We are...Johnny's WEST" No.Just no.

(It's "We are KAT-TUN") Thank you

(I love you, WEST but please don't) There's limit to disrespect here

(He's not wearing the potato) I'll smash his potato anytime

Homemade mash!

(Feeling liek doing naughty things to him) Whos..? I bet Akito is doing the Kabedon!

See! "Photo by Kiriyama" I knew it! Akito you're gay get out of that closet now!

Is that a notebook?

(Not a calenda but a notebook)


There are 2 of them

(you can see the dates here)


Nice butts (butt shot) Tushie landscape

(So, well, yeah?)

Yes, I thought the same: when we go to Osaka we can do the same photos!

(Exactly) We're on Wifi)

(This is not Ok)

(Not Ok at all)

(This not OK for Anna either)

(But he's ugly here!)

(Akito looks sad) I thought he looked angy

I'm looking at Shige

That's a lot of lipgloss though

Senga must have stopped by with his lipbalm

There's Kotako! I saw Kotako!

(Wait, wait) NO! He's so pretty

(Same design) Potato

Potao Kami-chan

(Then we have Kotako version)


So pretty

We agree? (of course!)

(We were thinking to do the same silly pose here)

(Of course!)

(I too want to eat with WEST)

Or just eat WEST maybe? (That too)

Why his Kami-chan sticking leaves up his nose?

(There's a Chip & Dale version and a Cool version)

(He looks tiny here) Totes

(They put him in the back "You're too tall")

I like that they put Kami-chan in the front to look taller

I'm not surprised they look pissed

Stylist-san, please

(Honestly..) Stylist-san, please go die

(I'd be pissed myself)

I dont' like it

(No comments needed here)

(We can do this one) yes, we can

He looks like he's not wearing anything, that's scary

(He's wearing crap) Poor Junta

(He's fugly) Stylist-san, wth?

(They're eating Nabe! Bastards) Nabe!

We disregarded the men to focus on the food


You're focusing on the nabe when there's Nozomu on the same page (I know)

Absolutely, Irasshai (Irasshai)


(That was the first calendar and there's a second one)

well third, with this one (true)

(they're making cooking)

"Making cooking"?

"They're making cooking", can we appreciate that?

(On a side note, I woke up at 5am) No one cares (Okay)

They made skits where they hit on each others dressed as girls

(It's a goukon) Yes!

That's why there's no Kiriko, but he's on the wrong side don't try to make me think he's hitting on girls!

They look way too into this

(Groomed by Akito)

Wait, can you appreciate this picture?


(So far, I understand that...)

(there's one part that is more agenda/calendar)

(and another one that is more for feelings) More like a personal diary

(I got the flow) Yabaizo

(They beauuuty!)

With 3 "u" like Beauuuty!

(Please appreciate this beauty) I got distracted by Hama-chan but er....

(He's in excellent shape) Excellent shape, Junta

We love (the Junta) the Junty-baby

(The 2018-2019 Junty-baby is looking fine)

I like this, he looks like Ueda. But Ueda's better obviously, because Ueda.

(I'm sharing it) So generous

(But just a little) Not too much

They switched clothes

Nozomu in Junta's outfit is a yes

(Looking good) like Real good

See, Kami-chan in Ryusei's outfit (that's pretty cool)

It suits him

What is he doing with Nozomu? (what's happening?)

(No) So gay (No) Very gay (No) Très gay

For once, Junta's outfit is the best

Ryusei's too (yep)

(Junta and Ryusei's outfits are the best)

They look similar

Why a peper, a brocoli and AN APPLE?

Why the fucking apple,it doesn't make sense? This is driving mad, why always an apple!?

Wow, Hama-chan is peeling Salad real nice

(He's good at peeling) Peeling salad! Salada wa?

(That was the cutesy part)

(We're moving to...) WHAT

She hit her head!

(There was Nozomu!)

Mitsu's here for you (Mitsu!)

Don't tell Ueda. Nothing happened

Wait, I'm sorry there's a combo double page

Take the page on the right I take the left

(That jacket's ugly) Everything they're wearing is ugly but they're modeling well

(He'd be handsome even with a bin liner)

(That doesn't win over this)

(No) Wrong side

Akito has the same DocMartens than me

We didn't show them (where are the others?) What?

(The others?) it's probably after, look

First, group picture

I'm sorry but you're standing next to a gorgeous Kami-chan, my dear Shige you can't win

(Even Ryusei) Even Ryusei, Because you can't see his face

Sorry Ryusei. If you're watching, stop watching

You can't make my thong quiver to slap a satin sports shorts in my face right after

(That's terrible)

No transition, just no

they're measuring the flexibility of their...back? (well it's not the size of their...)

Gurl 63 cm? That's an anaconda!

It's a Saiyan tail

The one on their back! (of course)

Nozomu's kissing Kami-chan. I'm aroused

Merry Christmas

(We're finishing with the potato heads) Potato!

(They're not having it) Neither does Shige, clearly

Junta wants to die

(Potato heads are not approved)

For more infomation >> JOHNNY'S WEST CALENDAR 2018-2019 (Eng subs) - Duration: 9:11.


Where's Kazwa?!?! - Duration: 0:06.

wHeRez kAZwa0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????????????????

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