Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 31 2018

Hello! Today i present a very special video.

On June 30th, we celebrated a full day

dedicated to sport in Barcelona organized by Nike.

In this event Powerslide brand provided Swell skates for the participants.

Mireille, longboard trainer, was my partner and together

we did a road with Rollerobics on inline skates and longboards.

It was an incredible experience and we've had lots of fun

We'll sign up the next year!

For more infomation >> Powerslide Rollerobics Special - BCN Sports day 2018 - Duration: 1:39.


Agujeros de Guión: MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE 1 (1996) - Duration: 10:05.


Taking advantage of the premiere of the sixth installment, I wanted to comment briefly Mission Impossible, the first film of the saga, directed by Brian de Palma.

I've always loved it, and when I was a kid it was from my favorite movies, and I would say it still is.

Also, the screenwriter, David Koepp, is the same as my beloved Jurassic Park, so what can I tell you?

And then the game of the Nintendo 64 I will also have spent a lot of times.

Let's see, the movie is well written, and has no terrible faults, but I think it's worth commenting on some weird things that, when I saw it again, they caught my attention. Go for it.


The initial mission of the IMF team is to infiltrate the US embassy in Prague, in the Czech Republic,

because an attache named Alexander Golitsyn has stolen half NOC List and now, in the embassy, ​​he wants to steal the other half.

This NOC List is important because it is a list of all agents of the infiltrated agency in Eastern Europe.

The mission goes wrong, the Noc list flies in an alley and the only surviving agent is Ethan Hunt, who meets with his boss, Eugene Kittridge, who happens to be in Prague, suspiciously.

Well, he tells her that the whole operation was false. That the NOC list was a decoy to catch a mole alias Job 3-14, who was going to sell the secret information to an arms dealer named Max.

And here come the spoilers: the mole Job is the boss, Jim Phelps and his wife, the agent Claire Phelps. Knowing this we can begin to talk about things that do not finish to square.


Ethan just fled his meeting with his boss, and took refuge in the safe house that his agency had to carry out the operation.

The first thing that strikes me as an egg is that at no time does Kittridge and his agents go there to register it.

They should have the information of all the frank floors of the agency, but no, they do not know where their agent may have fled, and also with access to government databases and a lot of cool material.

Now Ethan's mission is to unmask the real mole, but he only has the information of Job 314.

He realizes that this makes reference to the Bible and begins to look at religious websites.

But here comes something that does not end up making sense. See from which account you send emails and what accounts send emails.

First: How does the mole's email account know? Job could have left the mail open, but that would betray Phelps, who was the only one who handled the laptop.

And even if Ethan fired all night long, he sent random emails to religious websites ... how does he get the crazy way to get the mail from arms dealer Max?

Because it is worth the mole to use the pseudonym of Job, but what exactly does Job have to do with Max's email address? It's a bit weird all this part.

And it turns out that he manages to find her, and that Job has already come up with the stolen NOC list, but the one that is a decoy.

Let's see, let's analyze this. Job knew that those in internal affairs were setting a trap for him?

I think Job had no fucking idea, because if not, he would not have sold a false list to Max.

The old man's idea was to charge all his comrades, steal Golitsyn's Noc list and play dead, throwing all the shit at Ethan.

And as he has it in his possession, he sells it to Max, but of course, they will not give him a hard one because when he puts the list on a computer, the cop comes. That's why I think the guy did not know about the trap.

However ... there are things that do not fit. Jim Phelps is a pretty smart guy, a veteran of the agency.

And apparently, later in the movie, everyone knows that the Noc list is safe in the more secure room of the CIA headquarters in Virginia.

Phelps, with all the years working there ... never wondered why something as fucking important as the NOC list was in a fucking embassy in Prague with a ridiculous security?

Did not even wonder how supposedly Golitsyn got one of the halves? Fuck, the operation had to smell scorn from afar.

And if after the operation Phelps believed himself in possession of the real NOC list ... why does he send his wife to the safe house with Ethan?

Both already had what they wanted (supposedly), the logical thing would have been to charge and get lost forever. Why Claire reappears further increasing the suspicions of the protagonist?

And we go to stage 2. If Phelps knew about the decoy ... why did not he just do the normal operation?

Overall, that was not the true NOC list. If he knew it was not the good one, why did he kill his team and risk stealing it? Why did you sell it to Max? Had it not been for Ethan's intervention in extremis they would have all been arrested.

And I do not believe that Phelps could have all that planned, nor that his plan was for Ethan, a young agent, to steal the NOC list for him from the safest building in the country.

That also the idea comes from him, not from Claire, that could have pushed him. Anyway, that plan I discard because it would have so many variables that it would be almost impossible that it would have gone well.


Here comes another somewhat incongruous part. I do not know if Phelps is obsessed with the Bible or what I know, but that is precisely why he is discovered by Ethan.

In the Free Room Bible, it says that she was left at the Drake Hotel in Chicago by the Gideons, some Christians who dedicate themselves to leaving Bibles in hotels.

Just the day before Phelps said he had been at that hotel. My question is ... why does Phelps take the Bible from a hotel and take it to an operation in Prague?

If he has been talking to Max for two years and according to his words, "he does not use quotes from the Bible" ... why does he keep it with him all the time?

And what is it that makes Ethan charge for several cities with the same bible itself and can find another anywhere?

When he's in London, it helps him unmask the mole, but there's no reason why he has to carry it with him throughout the film.

It is true that he then appears writing a message to Max using a quote from the Bible, and seems very serious thinking about which would be the best to send him.

However ... Max already knows him ... he does not have any fucking need to send him an email with any biblical reference. Also, we later see that he has his mobile phone.

Oh by the way. In that email he quotes Max on the train that goes from London to Paris, the TGV.

He puts the seat, but that train is very long and has lots of wagons. Seat ... what car? That information has not been told.


The sequence of the stealing of the Noc List in the CIA is pretty freaky. The most wanted guy of the moment manages to sneak into one of the safest buildings in the world posing as a firefighter.

For starters ... where does a fire truck come from? How does Luther hack into CIA systems? Do not they have other better hackers? And how is it that nobody watches the firemen?

The whole plan depended on Claire going right into that door and no one was looking in the corridor or inside?

And that the only guy with access to the room was a while in the cafeteria drinking coffee? It's all a little crazy, but the scene is cojonuda, yes.

The room where the famous list is has several security systems when there is no one inside. Pressure tiles on the floor, a sound meter and a temperature meter.

What makes me very grateful is ... why does the computer continue to work when there is no one in the room? Would not it be safer for the computer to lock or shut down with each exit?

And then there is the issue of ventilation ducts. Why this mania to make conduits in which a human being can fit?

And then it's also that there are rats. And I wonder ... those rats can not blow up the alarms of the lasers in the crack in the roof? I would be sounding all the fucking afternoons.

Finally I love how Ethan finds out that Krieger is in the garlic. Oh, his knife is the same as the one that killed Sara and Golitsyn.

Seriously, what killer is leaving his knives on the people he kills?


The final sequence of the film takes place in the TGV. The first thing that strikes me is that there are no catenary whores.

All the trains, and more in the mid-90s, had catenary whores.

But yes, it is true that if there were cables above the train the spectacular scene of the helicopter would not have any fucking sense, but hey, it is not something important either. You can get to forgive.

What would make me more squeamish is the fact that both Max and the mole Phelps and Agent Kittridge were on the train. Max trusted Ethan for saving him from the subject of the fake list.

But why does Max keep trusting Phelps and handing him to the prota on a tray in the baggage car?

Why does not Phelps shoot when Ethan is putting on his glasses that he knows perfectly well that they record video?

Was that all Ethan's plan? Everything depended on Kittridge wearing and looking at the right moment the video-watch that he had sent him in an envelope.

But he did not have to wear it on his wrist. I could have thought it was a trap or something.

And why does Phelps shoot his wife and Ethan leave him with just a tap on the back? If he does not have more bullets he could have stabbed him or crushed his skull with a stomp, but no. It leaves you in good condition.

I understand that Phelps kills his wife because he was flirting with Ethan, but I do not know, I always found that subframe a bit gratuitous.

Besides, Ethan, on the train, is still not sure that Claire is behind the conspiracy.

But it is obvious, fuck. If you know that Krieger is with them for the knife, and that of thousands of repudiated agents she chose him precisely ... lighter, water.

And since I upload the video again I wanted to add the reappearance completely without mentioning Phelps in London. Do not fuck me, why the fuck does the guy appear there saying he's alive?

He tells him that the mole is Kidrich, but fuck, given the situation, that only makes him look even more suspicious do not fuck. In fact, that is the point at which Hunt is definitely clarified.

And finally ... was it necessary to deliver the true Noc list to Max? If something had gone wrong all those names would have come to light and Ethan would have hundreds of agents killed behind his back.

I could have given him a new decoy or part of the list. Or the true one but encoded. That's why they hired a very pro hacker.

Better that to walk blocking signals with a mobile while Kittridge walks the wagons as they had foreseen.

Is Luther afraid of being recognized by his former bosses? But if they knew that the guy was going to be there ... why did not they give the hacker a fucking mask of those cool and end of the story?

Anyway, I love this saga. Less the second.

Around the holidays I will analyze Blade Runner, The Awakening of the Force and if you want me to speak also of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom give a good like to the video, man already. Have a happy summer.

For more infomation >> Agujeros de Guión: MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE 1 (1996) - Duration: 10:05.


🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.

Travel for me is about learning it's about learning about history people's

experiences. I just realized suddenly I feel at home here I feel like this is where I'm

supposed to be. But I felt very privileged to be there and to be able to experience

that collective feeling of patriotism. You may be wondering why I'm standing in

front of an octopus attacking a volcano that's because I'm not in China. Because

I feel like a Mexican now and to hear some of the things that people say that

Mexico without even coming in it drives me crazy. I had a great day it's

definitely a side of Mexico that I haven't seen before

and I would recommend that you go there to experience that. And yes this videos

being slightly negative but as I said a few videos ago this is my journey this

is life just like your life. And for me it's something that makes the difference

between just making a place and loving a place. I guess living with someone and

hearing his story every day completely broke my heart. So overall it was just

quite humbling I think to meet someone that's been through that experience. It

really opened my eyes to a lot of things and reminded me a lot of things. And I

never expected that this country would become such a big part of my life

because I loved it

so hello everyone and welcome back to Japan. Now I just need to see if you get into

China. So this is my third time in Thailand. I am at Patong Beach or more

accurately Bangla walking street. Because I am in Mexico City.

okay I'm now at the top of the pyramid of the moon. welcome to Merida.

I have finally made it to Chichen Itza. Today I am in Havana, Cuba. So so welcome back to Medellin, Colombia.

the first one being guadalajara that's right.

five hours later and I've arrived in Guanajuato. And I'm now I'm in Taxco. In

case you haven't realized I am a Montreal. I am in Iceland!

I'm having a journey that's what YouTube is about thanks for watching and I'll catch

you later

For more infomation >> 🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.


Patiño destapa la verdad sobre la Nochevieja de Urdangarin e incendia Mediaset - Duration: 2:00.

Mira que se ha hablado de las Navidades de la Familia Real y en concreto de la de la Infanta Cristina pero ha sido la presentadora de Telecinco la que se ha llevado el gato al agua.

Iñaki Urdangarin pasará la Nochevieja solo en la cárcel de mujeres de Brieva.

Según desveló este domingo el Socialité de María Patiño en Telecinco, al haber elegido esta cárcel Iñaki no puede juntarse con el resto de reclusas.

Además deberá encender su lámpara personal, ya que las luces se apagan a las 22 horas. Este hecho hace que pase la última noche del año solo.

En cuando a la comida, Urdangarin dispondrá de un menú especial con langostinos, paletilla de cordero, turrón y una bolsa con las doce uvas.

No le fue mal al programa de Patiño con la exclusiva porque Socialité cerró el año como lo venía haciendo en los últimos tiempos: liderando su franja para Telecinco.

Lo hizo con un 11% y 873.000 espectadores, mientras en La Uno, Corazón anotaba un 8.7% y 861.000.

Por su parte, las reposiciones de ¡Ahora caigo! anotaron cifras de 10.6% 558.000 y 10.5% y 875.000 en Antena 3.

En Cuatro Callejeros viajeros hizo 7.8% y 437.000 y en La Sexta Equipo de investigación cosechó 6.4% y 355.000.

For more infomation >> Patiño destapa la verdad sobre la Nochevieja de Urdangarin e incendia Mediaset - Duration: 2:00.


Juliette Binoche voit dans les boules de Cristal, elle accepte un surprenant rôle - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Juliette Binoche voit dans les boules de Cristal, elle accepte un surprenant rôle - Duration: 1:23.


АСМР Я желаю тебе...🎁 [Русская версия] - Duration: 13:55.


I want to

wish you a new year

many nice

I wish

I wish you



I wish you


I wish you


strong good health

hold on

I wish





many many goosebumps


I wish you

of understanding

and heat

of understanding

and heat

I wish you

clear smile

Come on, smile


clear clear smile

clear clear smile

I wish you



if you want it

I wish


fantastic luck

magical, the most magical luck

so that you are lucky

in all all all

all luck


I wish you


kindness and tenderness


and tenderness

I wish you

self confidence

in their abilities

in their views

in their judgments

I wish


just great



I wish you

big ones


great success

big ones


I wish you


cheer up


and in nothing


and go ahead

no matter what


many many optimism

I wish you

sound sleep

strong strong strong




I wish you


and care



and care

I wish you


fascinating and magical life

so that your every day was

fascinating and interesting




wonderful, wonderful friends

friends with whom

and fire and water

and iron pipes

the most faithful

honest and kind


on your way

I wish you

fulfillment of your desires



let your wishes


I wish you

eternal youth

eternal youth

both body and soul

I wish you

quiet neighbors

I wish you

so your fridge

was always full

I wish you

wonderful meetings

wonderful meetings with wonderful people

beautiful emotions and memories

from these meetings

I wish you





many many relax


I wish you


and comfort

so everything you have was cozy


I wish you

interesting ideas

so that ideas come to you

and you had time to write them

many many interesting ideas

I wish you


gift gifts

gifts, gifts

yes more

many many gifts

I wish you

get support

from your family and friends

and just the people around you

I wish you

so that you too share

with people around


and care

I wish you

world travel

I wish you


I wish


of love

clean and sincere

so that the heart stops


and the most magical



of love

for you

kind and light

I wish


so that you have

all all all

turned out

I wish

so that you have

was all the best

in life

I wish you

so you


was the most


I wish you


all yours

all your desires

of dreams

and thoughts

all the best and brightest to you

in the new year

conquer even more peaks

I believe in you

thank you for you

with me

thank you for you

believe in me



for all

wish wish wish

For more infomation >> АСМР Я желаю тебе...🎁 [Русская версия] - Duration: 13:55.


[Y&B] Congratulations from Us to You - Duration: 3:06.

hello everyone my name is Han Jeki but you know me as Jeki I'm the leader of

the group Y&B. So first of all I would like to congratulate each of our viewers on

the approaching new year. So I wish you more happy moments that would you have

never had troubles I really hope that our videos cheer you up a little bit

and will continue to do so next year and I would like to thank you yes thank

you for your support it's cool it's it's very cool so once

again happy new year and I love you so much

Hello! My name is Lem. Happy New year. I wish you all the best and most importantly to be happy.

Hello! My name is UV. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! And I wish for the new year, only the best

hello! my name is Lici. I wish you happiness, success and love in this year! hug you goodbye!

Hello everyone, I'm K~K. Congratulations favorite subscribers Happy New Year. Thank you for staying with us.

I hope this year will bring you a lot of happiness, love and warmth.

In the new year we will give you even more dance videos

Thank you very much. I love you.

Hello! My name is Kris. Happy New Year! Dear Hwani, We hope that next year will be productive for you and you will be happy every day!

I promise we will do our best for you! We love you so much! Happy New Year!

Hi! My name is Izonami

Happy new year! We wish you happiness and good luck in the new year.

Happy New Year! We are sincerely glad of your support.

For more infomation >> [Y&B] Congratulations from Us to You - Duration: 3:06.


Pop Latino 2019 - Lo Mas Nuevo 2019 Maluma, Shakira, Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam - Duration: 1:12:23.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Pop Latino 2019 - Lo Mas Nuevo 2019 Maluma, Shakira, Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam - Duration: 1:12:23.


Tronxy X5S 400 - Cura 3.6 - Vergleich Anet A8 [GER, ENG Sub) - Duration: 6:42.

Hello and a warm welcome to a new video where we answer some questions of you.

Recently we received more and more questions about the Cura configuration,

the print parameters and the print quality of the Tronxy X5s.

We want to explain them all briefly in the video.

Let's start with the Cura settings;

probably they were created due to the special design of the Tronxy.

The printer is a Core XY printer.

Two motors are statically attached to the frame of the printer, which are operated in parallel

to carry out movements in X or Y direction.

In the middle there is a carriage on which the extruder head sits.

The installation of the timing belts is somewhat more complicated than with the Rep Rap printers,

however, explained in detail in the video supplied.

The following formulas can be used to determine the movements of the extruder head in the respective axis directions.

Shown briefly using one example:

If both motors move clockwise at the same time, a movement in X direction is effectively carried out.

A Core XY should have the following advantage:

The moved masses are lower compared to a RepRap printer.

With the Anet, for example, the weight of the entire print platform must be moved in the Y direction,

with the Tronxy all drives are statically attached to the frame

and in the complete X,Y plane only the print head plus guide carriage is moved.

Thus theoretically higher speeds are possible in the printing process, since the mass inertia decreases.

This means that the use of CoreXY printers is worthwhile,

especially when the printing bed is becoming larger.

Despite the special kinematics, the Cura settings for the Tronxy are not complicated and you don't have to do any calculations.

Cura processes the geometry information of your CAD model into a G-Code,

which receives information about axis movements and other machine commands.

The printer's firmware processes the G-code and controls the required drives.

It is only important

to select the required firmware in Cura before you start, otherwise errors may occur.

If you haven't worked with Cura yet,

first have a look at our basics video using the Anet A8 as an example

Here we explain all the important functions you need to operate it.

Otherwise I will show you quickly how to add the Tronxy X5S 400.

Note here there are different versions of the printer. We have the one with 400mm space.

Settings >

Printer >

Add Printer


And rename it

with any name for your printer

Add printer

Then we get the window, where we can specify our printer.

In our case the available space is 400mm in x, y and z.

The heatbed is rectangular

Bed is heated.

Next you can set the start and end Gcode.

Therefore delete the default one

And copy paste it from the video description.

The Tronxy is running with a marlin firmware so you can leave this.

You only have to specify the size of the print head if you print several objects at the same time

which should be built up one after the other,

because we always build up all objects in parallel and do not need the function we leave all parameters set to 0.

Last but not least...

In the extruder settings,

your right nozzle diameter ( most 0.4mm)

Always make sure to use dots (english) and no commas (german).

the material diameter must still be set to 1.75 millimeters.

Then click finish.

Then you can see in the upper right corner that the Tronxy X5S was created.

First of all we did a first Out of the Box Benchy test

And compared this with the Anet A8.

We chose a layer heigth of 0.3mm

nozzle temp of 200°C

heat bed to abour 33°C.

Since its huge ob the Tronxy it takes a while to heat up.

On the Anet A8 we had a bed temp of 50°C

print speed was on both 50mm/s.

here you see the results.

The quality was already very good altough we did no optimizations.

Disadvantages we noticed with the Tronxy are

the belt guides, which do not run parallel on the printer structure and there is still the potential to reduce friction,

but the biggest disadvantage is the unevenness of the included heating bed.

This unevenness led to the fact that no uniform adhesion could be achieved when printing over a large area.

We therefore ordered a 400x400mm glass plate directly,

which could improve the adhesion of large components

but has not yet completely solved the problem.

We are currently working on a solution how you can print on your Tronxy also large components without problems.

We hope the video was helpful and are happy about every thumb up.

For more infomation >> Tronxy X5S 400 - Cura 3.6 - Vergleich Anet A8 [GER, ENG Sub) - Duration: 6:42.


QUIERES CAMBIAR de VIDA en 2019? - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> QUIERES CAMBIAR de VIDA en 2019? - Duration: 4:15.


RTX 2060 가격은? 출시일? 성능 벤치 자료? / RTX 2060 관련 추가 정보 정리 - Duration: 7:54.

hola! nice to meet you. It is Ato. I recently posted updates on my graphics card

And then, It seems to be a professional channel .... good thing

end Give me your last rtx2060 news

I gave you. I have to deal with embarrassment. I am very careful, but then

There is no official yet, Be sure to give out during the month of January

I told you. In Korea, the sample model is probably

I think I have a company I have. .

Still new news We will deliver it to you again.

Graphics card issues are hot Sites that are attracting interest

It is. New information from videocardz It came out.

First 2060 news. Presented at CES What was already scheduled

New information According to the ces will be announced

During his keynote speech, Jensen Sulfur. Our sulfur The president will present it to you directly.

I will. Point of sale earlier As we have already mentioned,

It is said to start. And the reference model of the rtx2060

The picture has been leaked. rtx 2060 fe is different from other existing rtx models

Like dual fan applied. design Itself rtx 2070 fe and almost editions

It is a park. If you look at the leaked photos,

I use one connector. back side The output port shows two dp ports hdmi

Port one and dvi port c type The usb port for vr is visible.

If this is the case, I do not have it yet, but I almost get it.

How Hsu at CES products I wonder if we will introduce it.

The following news. rtx 2060 base performance bench results and

This is about msrp. First of all, rtx 2060

Use the same chipset. The story of downcut level

there is The level of the spec down from 2070

You can see it. The resolution and system that the user

So maybe 2060 than 2070 I think there may be more merit.

I think. Let's start with the leaked msrp

It costs $ 349. The product will be released on January 7

As I said, the sale on the 15th It is said to start.

Because it is msrp. Domestic purchase price ... 349 No one thinks it's a dollar.

Joe. Domestic sales prices are available separately.

That should open the lid. And as I said before,

There will be at least six model lines Because it is a more diverse price

Expected to be. This You'll have to open the lid to find out.

In fact, after the release of rtx2060 The most curious thing about this guy's performance

is. This model uses the ray tracing function

What position really is supported I was curious to catch him.

Yo. The rtx2060 is the smallest of the rtx lines

I think it will be a standing entry model It's possible.

In fact, Although it is content,

If you look at the Margonite route as rtx 2060 I think.

While reviewing the rtx graphics card This is the part I checked, but no matter how optimized

Has been good for the past and One in progress.

Active up to the 2060's racing option And to extract the performance fhd resolution

Is considered the maximum level. More than that seems to be tough.

users of fhd resolution still A relatively large number

This guy will be the mainstream graphics card Maybe it will.

Leaked performance bench data It is as follows.

The system used for performance testing Model with i9-7900x with 16GB memory

It is said that the test was carried out. First, the battlefield at fhd resolution

1 Let's look at the data. The frame number almost equal to the gtx 1080

. More than 1070ti Also show high performance.

Of course, if you look at all the test values, Data showing lower performance than ti

There is also. Simply higher than 1070ti 1080

It is unreasonable to say that it is I can

What I expected to be 1070 It is certainly better than performance.

And Battlefield v to fhd Ultra Road Racing options

The number of 58 frames The teeth seem to be pretty meaningful.

. With the intermediate raytracing option

You can defend 60 frames, but Ultra Optionally optimize racing

If more progress is made in the future, More than 60 frames can be secured

The visible part It is a remarkable level.

Performance is also good in qhd. Rate racing performance is also better than expected

It was good. Racing Intermediate option up to actual usage

I can see. It is worth noting that on this performance data

It's hard to feel a big difference from 2070. Is a point.

This is a fun part. 20 70 and the msrp difference of about $ 150 lead

is. Maybe in a qhd or lower environment

Much better than 2070 for It could be a model with

I think. Read more about rtx 2060 review

I'm doing it. I will report it to you.

The content we covered recently I'm being socialized without m

It is also fun to me There is rewarding.

This video is here. If the video was good,

Thank you for your subscription. In the true image description field,

I left the address. I like it and tech-related communication

If you can come and learn together I wish.

Thank you for watching. It was Ato until now. adios!

For more infomation >> RTX 2060 가격은? 출시일? 성능 벤치 자료? / RTX 2060 관련 추가 정보 정리 - Duration: 7:54.



For more infomation >> SOI CẦU XSMB MIỄN PHÍ NGÀY HÔM NAY 01/01 | NGUYỄN NGA XSMB | LO DE CHUAN - Duration: 15:28.


Podsumowanie 2018 - co wyszło, a co nie? *___* - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Podsumowanie 2018 - co wyszło, a co nie? *___* - Duration: 10:54.



For more infomation >> MUHABBET KUŞLARINDA GAGA VE TIRNAK KESİMİ - Duration: 12:09.


Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation - Duration: 6:47.

Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation

For more infomation >> Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation - Duration: 6:47.


'DA PUMP 紅白はウッチャンとダンス!安室さん、SMAP、YMCA….....粋な演出で沸かせた1年! ***[] - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> 'DA PUMP 紅白はウッチャンとダンス!安室さん、SMAP、YMCA….....粋な演出で沸かせた1年! ***[] - Duration: 3:00.


[FMV] BTS JIMIN (지민) - Promise (약속) [VIETSUB] - Duration: 2:25.

Sitting on the floor all alone

Only my thoughts are growing bigger

Since when did you start hurting me

Not even you know

You're hurting too, right, 'cause you're mine'

I just wanna blow your mind

Just like this you only drift farther away again

I don't really care

That's what I say but

In reality, that doesn't seem to be the case for me

I want you to be your light baby

You should be your light

So that it doesn't hurt anymore

So that you can smile

I want you to be your night baby

You could be your night

So that this night

Can be honest to you

You're hurting too, right, 'cause you're mine'

I just wanna blow your mind

Just like this you only drift farther away again

I don't really care

That's what I say but

In reality, that doesn't seem to be the case for me

I want you to be your light baby

You should be your light

So that it doesn't hurt anymore

So that you can smile

I want you to be your night baby

You could be your night

So that this night

Can be honest to you

Now promise me uh oh

Multiple times in a day uh oh

Even if you feel like you're all alone uh oh

Don't throw yourself away uh oh uh oh uh oh

Stop for a moment here

Putting out the pinky finger

Now promise me uh oh uh oh

For more infomation >> [FMV] BTS JIMIN (지민) - Promise (약속) [VIETSUB] - Duration: 2:25.


[MOM2756]大津MF大竹悠聖(3年)_3発!代表、J内定押しのけて屈指の好カードの「主役」に。 - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> [MOM2756]大津MF大竹悠聖(3年)_3発!代表、J内定押しのけて屈指の好カードの「主役」に。 - Duration: 8:26.


Diy Wall Hanging Toran || Best Home Decoration Idea || Wall Hanging Toran Out of Woolen - Duration: 7:45.

Diy Wall Hanging Toran || Best Home Decoration Idea || Wall Hanging Toran Out of Woolen

For more infomation >> Diy Wall Hanging Toran || Best Home Decoration Idea || Wall Hanging Toran Out of Woolen - Duration: 7:45.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D Move Up! | Airco | - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D Move Up! | Airco | - Duration: 1:04.


Seat Leon 1.5 TSI 150PK Xcellence Business Intense | Active infodisplay | - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.5 TSI 150PK Xcellence Business Intense | Active infodisplay | - Duration: 1:14.


#Reproductive health | How do organisms reproduce| biology | ncert class 10 | science |cbse syllabus - Duration: 4:16.

Reproductive Health

my reproductive system started producing sex cells,

Can I participate in a sexual act and produce babies ?


before you participate in a sexual act,

you should consider the possible consequences.

What are the consequences involved in participating in a sexual act ?

The major consequences involved in participating in a sexual act are health consequences

Do you know

during sexual intercourse,

there is a very intimate contact between the male and female bodies

There may be a chance of transfer of germs and infections

between the partners. It may cause diseases.

What kind of diseases are spread by sexual contact ?

The diseases that are spread through sexual contact are called

sexually transmitted diseases

In short form, they are called STDs

Here are a few examples of STDs

gonoria and syphilis

these two diseases are caused by bacteria

warts and HIV or AIDS these two are caused by virus

The sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented by using a condom.

What is a condom ?

condom is a condom is a rubbery covering worn the penis

or inside a vagina.

During sexual intercourse to prevent the sexually transmitted diseases up to some extent

condoms help to prevent pregnancy also.

When a girl is ready to be pregnant,

To become pregnant ..

A girl should be physically ,mentally ,socially and

emotionally ready. If not the health of the girl will be adversely affected.

How to stop pregnancy ?

We can avoid pregnancy by using contraceptive methods

1. Mechanical barriers : condoms

By using male or female condoms one can avoid pregnancy.

Condoms act as a barrier and prevent the

entry of sperms into the female reproductive system.

2. Chemical Contraceptives : oral pills

These pills change the hormonal balance of the

women and stop the release of egg and fertilization. But changing hormonal

balance leads to so many side effects.

3 contraceptive devices: copper T or loop

The-loop or the copper T are placed in the uterus to

prevent pregnancy they can cause irritation and leads to various side effects.

4. surgical methods of contraception : vasectomy or tubectomy.

Vasectomy if the vas difference in the male is blocked by

a small surgery sperm transfer will be prevented.

This method is called vasectomy.

Tubectomy: if the fallopian tubule in the female is blocked by

small surgery the egg will not be able to reach the uterus. Surgical methods are

permanent they are safe in long run and followed by families who doesn't want

pregnancy what happens if contraceptives are

failed and unwanted pregnancy happens

medical termination of pregnancy

pregnancy can be removed by medical surgery but it will be done only under

some special circumstances. Abortion or medical termination of pregnancy is

illegal if it is done by someone's choice. It is misused in our country.

Many families have reluctant to girl child it is leading to illegal sex selective

abortion of female fetuses for this reason prenatal sex determination has

been prohibited by the law

For more infomation >> #Reproductive health | How do organisms reproduce| biology | ncert class 10 | science |cbse syllabus - Duration: 4:16.


Volkswagen Crafter 2.0 TDI 140pk L3 364/3500 FWD | Trendline | H2 | Airco - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Crafter 2.0 TDI 140pk L3 364/3500 FWD | Trendline | H2 | Airco - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Caddy Maxi | Led | 102 pk | Exclusive | Navigatie | PDC - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy Maxi | Led | 102 pk | Exclusive | Navigatie | PDC - Duration: 1:08.


'【紅白速報】(9)DA PUMP、豪華メンバーとダンス... 「最高です!」!! ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> '【紅白速報】(9)DA PUMP、豪華メンバーとダンス... 「最高です!」!! ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 2:18.


Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 TDI 75PK Highline | Navigatie | Airco | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Caddy 2.0 TDI 75PK Highline | Navigatie | Airco | Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:04.


Uomini e Donne, Luigi e Lorenzo confusi: intanto le corteggiatrici si alleano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Luigi e Lorenzo confusi: intanto le corteggiatrici si alleano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 6:06.


Volkswagen Transporter | 150 | Dubb Schuifdeur | Highline | Navi | Multistuur - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter | 150 | Dubb Schuifdeur | Highline | Navi | Multistuur - Duration: 0:53.


Uomini e Donne Over, Ida pensa ancora a Riccardo: l'ultimo appello... | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne Over, Ida pensa ancora a Riccardo: l'ultimo appello... | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:25.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Airco | Elektrische ramen | - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK 5D BMT Move up! Airco | Elektrische ramen | - Duration: 0:53.


Meine Top 10 Animationen des Jahres 2018 + Plan fürs nächste Jahr - Duration: 5:41.

My 10 best 2018 animations of the year

10th place, Uschi steals my cat! SeniorenZocken Animation

White: Uschi?

White: NANI ?!

White: Hey, that's my cat!

Uschi: Meow

Cat answers

Luigi: Three days later (narrator's voice from Spongebob)

White: Heyo!

Uschi: howdy, howdy

White: Okay ...

White: Nice to have you on my side

9th place, you are My Crush | German Crush Song

You know...

... that you are my crush

Chorus: Crush are (x3)

I want to see ...

8th place, Babiegirl | Streamanimation

# 7, Luca hates Fnaf | FNAF 2 - Concrafter Animation | Part1

And what will fit better than Five Nights at Freddys 2?

Let's get the party started

I just click on mute call.

The thing is, at * Five Nights at Freddys *

I'm scared now

6th place, ball pool song

We ascend, getting higher.

Because nobody holds us

Never grow up, no matter what you tell

And is the crass YouTube Beef back at the start

Do not worry, I'll chill in my ballroom

Wooho, woho

5th place, 1-2 Freddy comes over

Bar, that's disgusting man.

1, 2 Freddy comes by

3, 4 lock your door

4th place, Gravity Falls feat Fnaf | Gravity Falls Intro

3rd place, Fnaf Tranformation | Foxy-Dario

2nd place, Toy Bonnie transformation

1st place, Chica - White Fnaf Transformation



Now I want to tell you what I thought so,

what kind of videos I would like to produce in 2019.

At first, it will come more Animations

Memes and other stuff

Also, I will work with you again on our stream animation.

At our lovely, beautiful baby girl

That mean, if I can record with the program, that I always use for the screen

Get back up and running

With these mistakes already driving the dear Julian into the sense of truth. That's awful

If we are already with Julian ...

may also come here and there times a few episodes Happy victims.

Whether it will be mergers ...

... or a whole game that is decided on average

Incidentally Dead by Daylight.

There are also some reallife videos planned, such as the Mysteries Minis

Or tinkering in the direction with smaller cosplay videos, where I show how I picture by picture

The objects built together have...

... or clothes

Throw like a look at the goals of this and next year

This year it was the following four Points:

On the one hand, that the community has fun with my animation

Check! ✓

I wanted to dust off a comment from Kurono.

Well. Did not work that way but for a few other creators

I was also very happy.

Then we have as a third target 400 ... Abotypen and Abodamen to reach

Let me take a quick look below ...


Also not done

And point 4: many animations with the community (produce)

Okay, it's been two ... that's fine

In short, we have successfully completed two out of four goals


Jut 2019, will have similar goals

You should have fun and enjoy my animations.

To dust off a comment by Kurono, we can also try again or we can do it in "Luca reacts"

With the Concrafter animations

That would be great!

And then we'll head to the 500 Abotypen and Abodamen.

Will not work either

And of course I will every German Video, with subtitles.

From 2019 ... (produced 2019)

... we'll see the other one, if you are really boring.

So, then it would be from me.

I wish you a happy new year!

See you next time

For more infomation >> Meine Top 10 Animationen des Jahres 2018 + Plan fürs nächste Jahr - Duration: 5:41.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Business Intense | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Business Intense | Navigatie | - Duration: 1:12.


WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS 2018! - Duration: 11:17.

Merry Christmas and welcome back to my channel!

If you're new to my channel, I'm Jazzy

the Deaf YouTuber who uses BSL (British Sign Language).

I can't believe that Christmas is over already?!

Time has disappeared, it's almost 2019

oh my god, I'm not ready for this.

Today's video I'm going to show you all what I got for Christmas 2019...

why did I say 2019?!

I mean 2018.

I really hope you all had a wonderful Christmas

and I also hope you all got what you want.

Before I show you all my presents,

make sure you give this video a big thumbs up

if you like one of my presents or... just thumb up.

And don't forget to subscribe!

Let's get on with the video!

I've received so many lovely gifts from my family

which I really appreciate.

My friends and I have agreed on not buying each other presents for Christmas now

because we're all broke!

We need to buy presents for our family, obviously family is important

and we have decided to only buy birthday presents

so we can save our money.

Most of my friends birthdays are in January, so...

I have a bag full up with all the cute gifts.

Oh my god, they're heavy!

I didn't realise that the bag has a cute pug on it.

This present is one of my favourites from my nan,

she bought me pyjamas with my name 'Jazzy' on them.

Oh my god, I love them

the colour of pink is my favourite and the material, silky

which is just perfect.

Because it's Winter, so I love to wear lots of pyjamas

because it's so cold outside and they're cosy.

I always wear pyjamas, I swear.

I also have got bottoms with button top.

They're so comfortable to wear and pretty!

My favourite part is, they had my nickname on them

which means no one can borrow my pjs yay!

I got this cute teddy...

a lama, you're probably thinking why do I have a teddy as a 19 year old...

I nearly said 18 year old...

I'm not 18, I am 19! How do I forget my own age?

This is not only just a teddy,

it has a smelly thing inside a flower...

and you can put it in a microwave to keep yourself warm.

This is like a hot bottle teddy

I absolutely love them, I sleep with it every night, so warm and cosy

which is perfect for Winter.

I also love lamas.

Oh my god, I got this pretty purse which I absolutely love.

So pretty, the colour looks like snow white.

This is a big purse with plenty space in...

Maybe I can take it for a night out like holding the purse.

Looking good right?

Some of you guys might know that I have a car

yes I can drive, shocking (!).

Someone think it's shocking for deaf people to drive.

Every time when I stop at a safe place,

not when I'm driving, not safe.

Anyway, when I stop at a safe place, I always facetime to my friends or family

my phone always fall when trying to hold it behind the window

I got fed up with it, so I wanted to get a phone holder thing where it holds my phone.

My dad got me one for Christmas.


It's perfect for when stopping at a safe place so I can facetime easier

or if I forget my Tom Tom Sat Nav, I can use google map on my phone.

Thank you to my dad.

I think this present is brilliant,

my mum has bought me this...

It's not even in focus

whatever, I will film it.

My mum has bought me a ford smelly thing,

because my car brand is a ford

so I have this smell thing to put on my car heater to make my car smell nice of a flowers.

My mum also got my sister a Mini as she got a car after passing her test

and there's me Ford, which is so cool, I love this.

And because I love Minnie Mouse and sparkly, so this is perfect for me.

I will use it for my car, I feel like I received quite a lot of car presents this year

welcome to adult life.

Yay, about time!

I've finally got new converse

I've always been wanting a new pair of converse

but I never bought them as they're expensive.

And then, my dad bought them for Christmas

I picked them actually,

they're white with gold laces.

I'm really in love with these, so pretty

and something different, I usually have red/blue lines

Thank you dad, I love wearing them.

Wow, I never expected that my client would get me a good brand eyeshadow palette, Lancome.

It's hard to open.

Hi there (mirror).

They're colourful and pretty, I love wearing colourful eyeshadow

like I always wear pink eyes.

There are lots of different colours which I like.

This palette is pretty.

Thank you to my client, I thought it was expensive

but she said I deserved it with all the help

I was like aww, that's really cute.

Thank you to my client.

My mum made this,

my mum loves to make art things at home

so she made this and gave it to me for Christmas

she also gave them to my sister and my step-sister.

I love this, so pretty. It's a bauble with luxury brands

like Chanel, Louis Vuitton and other expensive brands.

I love the look of these brands in the bauble

to make my room look nice.

Thank you mum!

My mum is really amazing at making DIY things.

Oh my god, when I opened it, I've fallen in love with this.

Finally, it has been out of the focus, I'm not used to my new camera.

Anyway, my mum got me this dreamcatcher necklace

because she knows how much I love dreamcatchers.

This is sweet of her buying me this, I love it.

For my bedroom, a dreamcatcher again.

One of my clients got me this too, it helps my acne

because I've told her how badly I struggle with my acne skin.

I have makeup on to cover them,

I've been struggling with my acne skin for a long time

so she thought to buy me skincare which hopefully will help my acne

I was like wow, thank you!

I really appreciate it, thank you.

Hopefully, it will work, I will let you know if they're any good

but I've heard it's such a good brand

to help people with spots/acne

so it should work, you should buy it.

It says 'Ready, steady and glow'

to make your face look glowing.

I will definitely try it.

I have two perfume/body sprays

I got this...

I had to bend because it was out of the focus

this perfume is from Zara, one of my favourite perfumes

my sister had it first and I smelled it, I was like I have to get this

I never really can find a good perfume for me

until this perfume, so I asked my mum to get this for Christmas

and then she got me this.

Thank you.

So I finally can smell good.

This body spray is from Victoria Secret, it's called Love Star.

This smells amazing and decent.

I just realised that I have lots of smell things presents

does that mean I smell really bad?

I have a few things left to show you,

I have some more presents but I'm only showing you my good presents

so yeah, I have a few things left to show you.

I'm click in love with this bag, my sister got me this

which are so pretty and different.

It has a tiger... wait... yeah.. what's that? Oh, a cheetah.

It looks like a luxury bag...

I love this colour, I normally don't have a black bag

I can use this for a night out or a nice day out.

I swear I have too many bags because I love bags.

I have these high ankle boots...

Finally, I've always wanted those but I never ended up getting them

and finally, my auntie has bought them for me.

I love them.

They make my outfit look 100x better,

this is why I had to have them, I always borrow my sister's

but this time, I finally have my own.

They also make my outfit look on fleek.

Finally, this is the last thing to show you.

This is like a coat dressing gown...

sounds strange right?

That's where you wear your dressing gown with a zip

like a coat.

Easy life, rather than tightening the rope and then they will lose

but with this dressing gown, you just zip it.

Why does the colour change?

So, with this dressing gown and you zip it.

It's awesome, right?

This is easy to wear and comfortable too.

I wear this every single day, loving it.

You know I always love pyjamas, like I have new ones...

it says Pyjamas all day, this is so me.

Welcome to my world.

That's all what I got for Christmas,

I really appreciate all the presents this year,

I love them all...

I don't have a favourite, I just love them all.

Being grown up, it's hard to decide which one is your favourite

when being little, we always pick our favourite easily.

Being an adult: I like them all.

I want to say thank you to all my family who gave me gifts and made my Christmas amazing.

I had a good Christmas, but it's over already...

I remember when I said Christmas is here very soon

and now it's all finished.


Please can you comment below what you got for Christmas, I want to hear them all!

This is the last video of 2018 I guess.

I really hope you have a good New Year's Eve

having fun, partying, drinking or just chilling, whatever you do.

Have an amazing night.

Happy New Year 2019!

Oh my god, where has time gone?

I will see you again in 2019, byeee!

Love you!

For more infomation >> WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS 2018! - Duration: 11:17.


'If you call police, I am coming back to kill you': Police say suspect steals car, man's Rolex - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> 'If you call police, I am coming back to kill you': Police say suspect steals car, man's Rolex - Duration: 0:24.


🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.

Travel for me is about learning it's about learning about history people's

experiences. I just realized suddenly I feel at home here I feel like this is where I'm

supposed to be. But I felt very privileged to be there and to be able to experience

that collective feeling of patriotism. You may be wondering why I'm standing in

front of an octopus attacking a volcano that's because I'm not in China. Because

I feel like a Mexican now and to hear some of the things that people say that

Mexico without even coming in it drives me crazy. I had a great day it's

definitely a side of Mexico that I haven't seen before

and I would recommend that you go there to experience that. And yes this videos

being slightly negative but as I said a few videos ago this is my journey this

is life just like your life. And for me it's something that makes the difference

between just making a place and loving a place. I guess living with someone and

hearing his story every day completely broke my heart. So overall it was just

quite humbling I think to meet someone that's been through that experience. It

really opened my eyes to a lot of things and reminded me a lot of things. And I

never expected that this country would become such a big part of my life

because I loved it

so hello everyone and welcome back to Japan. Now I just need to see if you get into

China. So this is my third time in Thailand. I am at Patong Beach or more

accurately Bangla walking street. Because I am in Mexico City.

okay I'm now at the top of the pyramid of the moon. welcome to Merida.

I have finally made it to Chichen Itza. Today I am in Havana, Cuba. So so welcome back to Medellin, Colombia.

the first one being guadalajara that's right.

five hours later and I've arrived in Guanajuato. And I'm now I'm in Taxco. In

case you haven't realized I am a Montreal. I am in Iceland!

I'm having a journey that's what YouTube is about thanks for watching and I'll catch

you later

For more infomation >> 🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.


'Nunca me olvidaré de esta experiencia' - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> 'Nunca me olvidaré de esta experiencia' - Duration: 2:07.


I answer your questions: Japan Edition - Duration: 4:54.

I have no plans to do a voice reveal.

A face reveal on the other hand I've already done, it's just that I haven't told y'all

which one of those people is me.

I would be here for hours just to explain how I would change Vauban, so to keep things

simple, I'll put a link to the most recent rework suggestion I made for Vauban in the

description of this video.

I already made a guide on playing Vauban, but admittedly it's not very noob friendly.

I would probably consider making another one that's more reasonable for newer players once

Vauban actually gets reworked.

Not yet, I would say.

I'm 40% sure that DE is planning on making an Infested open world sometime in the future,

because otherwise it doesn't make much sense to allow players to rename any weapon they

want except for primaries.

Furthermore, I feel like the Infested haven't really seen much time in the spotlight as

of recently.

I wouldn't mind seeing more Tactical Alerts, but right now I would say Warframe isn't too

focused on small zones of the game.

For secondaries: Sicarus Prime, Aksomati, Pyrana Prime, and Akjagara Prime.

For content creators: Me, me, me again, and lastly, me.

In all seriousness, the only Warframe content creator I watch on a consistent basis is StallordD,

because he's the god of all Warframe related lore.

That's honestly a good question.

What will I do once Vauban becomes actually good?

Honestly, I don't know.

I wouldn't mind talking about other shitty frames in hopes of getting them reworked,

but what would I do if Vauban's rework is actually good?

I really don't know.

Japan's a great place to live, but I can't be here forever, unfortunately.

I'll have to go back to the States at some point.

I don't.

I actually got an e-mail from DE after I uploaded my video on the Guides of the Lotus, so I

at least know that they know I exist.

Rainbow Six Siege is the only other game I play on a consistent basis.


Well the changes they gave Vauban are supposedly just as a placeholder; so I'm assuming his

rework is still in the works.

My guess is that it'll be released next year in Spring.



Or at least, I hope so.

No, because I'm not a Marine.

In terms of music, I recommend these artists.

If there's anything I can absolutely recommend, it's literally anything made by

Supergiant Games.

As someone who owns all their games, I'm not joking when I say that they have yet to make

a single bad game.

Bastion was great, Transistor was great, Pyre was great, and their newest game Hades is


It also helps that each of their games has a beautiful soundtrack.

I cannot recommend them enough.

I would remove Nezha, because if we're not allowed to meme about him being a trap, why

should we keep him around?

I don't really hate any Augments, since I don't use many to begin with.

However, my favorite Augment by far is Phoenix Renewal.

Because they're assholes?

I dunno.

I'd rather not dox myself, so I can't tell you where I live specifically.

What I can tell you however, is that I don't live in the Saitama prefecture.

I preferred it when we had Keys instead of Relics, but I cannot deny that Relics are

overall better, because key leechers were cancerous back in the day.

I don't really have a concise opinion on Kuva, because I haven't rerolled any of my Rivens

in a very long time, because I usually just buy what I want instead of rerolling it.

That's all I got.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> I answer your questions: Japan Edition - Duration: 4:54.


bruce & selina — remind me to forget. (HAPPY NEW YEARS!) - Duration: 1:43.

Me and you...

It's weird for me.

Why were you up on the roof?

I was looking for Selina Kyle.

I see.

You sided with them.

He's a thief.

I'M a thief.

What about Bruce Wayne?

Forget about him.

I don't think she's my girlfriend.

I'm sorry I was gone for so long.

You both lied to me.

You're a selfish son of a bitch, you know that right?

But for very different reasons.

So, that's it?

You don't owe me anything, Selina.

You never did.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Does this mean you are my girlfriend?

No. Yes.

It's complicated.

Shut up.

So is Selina.

I got you wrapped around my pinkie.



Always have.

Be that as it may.

That was YOUR half you threw out!

I saved enough for burgers?

For more infomation >> bruce & selina — remind me to forget. (HAPPY NEW YEARS!) - Duration: 1:43.


Podsumowanie 2018 - co wyszło, a co nie? *___* - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Podsumowanie 2018 - co wyszło, a co nie? *___* - Duration: 10:54.


My ultimate inktober 2018 sketchbook tour - Duration: 9:15.

Hi guys and welcome to Everydayidraw.

I am finally, FINALLY sharing my inktober

sketchbook tour with you.

Words cannot describe how happy I am

to be finally able to do so, because

this Inktober took me freaking FOREVER.

Strictly speaking this sketchbook is not

even a sketchbook, because I was using

separate A4 format paper for watercolour

and inks and later I gathered it all

into one place, so you can take a look at that.

Every year starting from 2015, when

I first decided to participate in this

challenge, I had this feeling, that

I finally tamed inktober: "Now I know how to

do it, now I will be able to finish it in time".

And every year I failed miserably. Each year I had

more knowledge, I had more skill, and

I've been setting myself more and more difficult

goals, which took me a gazillion amount

of hours to finish. So this year I've decided to

explore two characters for my upcoming

comic books called "Atomgrad-29".

I've started sketch creation process and

thinking process in the beginning of

September almost. In the first week of

September I've made a mood board on

Pinterest. I thought about the way that

I want to release the finished product and

I really wanted to make another fanzine,

because the way that printed

illustrations look is something

absolutely out of this world. I love how

my illustrations look in real life.

That's why I've decided, that I want to make

a fanzine. It would tell a story of my

two main characters. I still haven't come up

with names, so that's a mystery for me

for now. But those are just 2 "gopnik" guys.

I've decided, that I will draw different

life situations, that they might end up in.

Very simple ones, since it's a

challenge that you are supposed

to do daily. And I won't be doing

backgrounds. I even wrote it down for

myself in a huge red letters and put it

above my desk: "I will not draw

backgrounds". Well, little did I know…:D But

I knew from my previous Inktober experience,

that I'm not really good with

daily drawings and I also had another

responsibilities in my life apart

from inktober, like teaching my students

and doing other clients work. And you

know taking out my dog and having a

relationship. So I've decided that I will

do one to two drawings per day. I did a

schedule, and I tried to perform

according to it. But again, even when

I think, that something will take "this" and

"this" amount of time, it's the same with

time and with money - it will always take

three times more. Something will be more expensive

than you can imagine. Or something,

if you you are thinking: "Okay, it will

only take me one hour to finish

this drawing" - you will be working for

three hours, or two days, I don't know.

I always try to be very thoughtful when

I set myself a calendar and when I work

with the goals and timing and stuff like

that. Because I'm a working artist, so

working with client means meeting deadlines

and every time, every time I fail. But

I guess, next inktober probably… :D

My story is taking place in a closed

military town in the middle of Russia.

That's why I'm including a lot of

Soviet classical staples, like this sofa,

or a deer carpet. This deer carpet is

actually a thing, there is a Google

search category devoted only to this

deer carpet. And when I posted this

picture on my Instagram, a lot of my

Russian-speaking audience, a lot of you

guys, commented, that they had the same

freaking deer with dead eyes,

when they were growing up, looking,

starring at them from the wall. I was

really hugely inspired by the 'Welcome to the

Night Vale". I love this idea of

magical, weird conspiracy world,

coexisting with a normal world, so-called

'normal' world. When if you are a demon, you

are still supposed to have

a registration or some kind of an ID card,

and you have to go to DMV, and you know,

all this kind of stuff. I've tried to

incorporate something that is very dear

to my heart, an image of Russia in the 90s,

which was very weird and kind of, you

might say, scary times for the country.

For me it was when I was growing up. So

I wouldn't say, that I was suffering, that's

for sure, no, no, but I still have this

romanticized image of gopnick's or

mobs and street fights. I've never

actually experienced this myself. I only

read about it in newspapers or seen over the

TV, because my parents never let me go

out during the night, and I didn't date

during the school days, I was just this

weird geek kid, watching Harry Potter and

Lord of the Rings and anime. So for

sure, for me it all has this taste of

romance to it. I am also taking a

storytelling class, because I figured that

I have this idea, this image of a world

and heroes inside my head, but I am

absolutely and totally lost when it

comes to what is going to happen to them :D

I have a general idea of what is going

to happen, but no small details and no

small stories. That is why I'm taking a

storytelling class with the guy who is

working in movies. And it's so

interesting! I mean, everything he says is

absolutely new to me and I'm always

gasping during the classes, like: "Ooh! Is

that so ?!" That's very interesting and now

knowing, how much work is going into

writing down a scenario, I start to

appreciate scenarist's work so much more.

And here comes an illustration

with "no background" as I said. This

background took me freaking forever,

I have to say, and the only thing that

really saved me during this inktober, were

audiobooks, Harry Potter. I was listening

to audiobooks read by Stephen Fry,

which is a delight! I mean, he is just,

he's just so good! I mean, he reads it in

such a way, that I imagine everything

inside my mind, and it's just so

much fuller than a picture that I might

see in movies. And to me this is a new

thing, because I was never this kid who

would say "book is better", because for me

those were two different experience. When

I was reading books I didn't really

imagine things all that much, I would say.

Readings by Stephen Fry is absolute

delight. And I would also listen to "Lore"

podcast, which totally settled the mood

for a frightening one October. After I finished

my inktober, I think that's very important

part of working as an artist is creating

a portfolio piece, that represents

fully what you did. And I did

this project on Behance, and I would

really appreciate if you would guys,

take a look and give it a like.

Because I feel, like a lot of us think,

that drawing is real work, and putting it

all together, is you know, just a pain in

the a**. But it's just as important,

because people need to see what you do,

and they need to be able to appreciate that.

So thank you so much in advance for

giving it one click, It means a world to me.

I finished this project, and I've made

a fanzine out of it. It exists in 2 forms:

printed form and I loooooove it ! You can

buy it from my Etsy store or from my store in Vkontakte.

And it also exists in digital format,

If you are more likely to look at

things on the screen and to zoom in and out.

You can download it from my Gumroad.

The fanzine has one secret picture, that

I didn't show you here, but it's the main

one, and it shows where the relationship

of my two heroes is going.

And as you can guess from my voice,... yeah...

a lot of hot stuff is involved :D

Thank you, guys, for watching. Leave links to your

inktober projects in the comments down below.

I would love to see, what you guys

did for the challenge. Give this video a

thumbs up, subscribe to my channel, and

I'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> My ultimate inktober 2018 sketchbook tour - Duration: 9:15.


♡ what i got for christmas 2018 ♡ - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> ♡ what i got for christmas 2018 ♡ - Duration: 5:39.


Untranslatable Words #3: Pulang Kampung, Nyolot, Terlanjur - Duration: 7:49.

Hi everyone

So I think it has been a while since I made this type of video

I think the last one was around 6 months ago

Therefore let's just get straight into it

THe first untranslatable word is: TUKANG

So tukang is a little tricky because

Each 'tukang' has a different word in English depending on the occupation

so For instance:

I don't think there's an english word for tukang bakso because there's no such thing as tukang bakso in the west

as far as I know

when I'm back in Jakarta I usually call it..

"eh itu ada tukang baksonya disana! panggil panggil!"

Street vendor

but bakso vendor sounds a little fancy

so whenever I'm in Indonesia I just say..

The second word is:

But actually in the west

in the US or Europe, the concept of a bolster pillow

is not as common (not similar like in Indonesia/Asia)

throughout my time living in the US &Europe,

I've never seen any westerner sleep with a bolster pillow

The only times I've seen people here use bolster pillow is

either they are of Asian descent: vietnamese, chinese, indonesian,

Other than that, I've never seen any Westerner sleep with it

Because here, bolster pillow is usually

used as a decoration for the couch or the bed

but it's not used to hug when you sleep

when a Westerner sees us

they will think of it as

"itu terlihat sangat asing, ngga ada yang tidur kayak gitu disini"

so anyways,

third is..

oops, can't pick my nose for real

but there's a different word for the noun in English

terlanjur itu lumayan gampang di terjemahin

hmm what other examples can I think of..

oke gw ngga bisa mikir contoh lain

so begadang has two translations in english

but they both are different in context

'staying up all night' is used..

but 'pulling an all-nighter' is used..

dipakai untuk konteks.. menyelesaikan sebuah tugas

like for instance..

in Indonesian it would be..

but if you say it like..

something sounds off

I don't think busybody is used as often as nosy. It sounds a bit fancy

jadi orang biasanya bilang 'nosy'

this is actually quite simple, you can say..

oh are you going back home for christmas?

in English you say..

are you going back home for christmas?

Are you visitig your family for thanksgiving?

mudik ke amrik ngga?

pulang kampung ke amerika ngga?

mudik ke Indo ngga buat liburan?

so like..

Last one is..

aduh susah di pronounce dalam bahasa inggris

iya nga sih, kalo kamu bilang satu kata terus2an

lama2 terdengar aneh

so that's it for this week

hope it's useful

don't forget to comment below

what other Indonesian words you can't translate to English

that you wanna find out

dan aku akan bahas di episode berikutnya

okay Idon't have a santa hat

so I'll use this hat instead

so Iwanna say, merry christmas

and happy new years 2019!

I think this video will be uploaded

beginning of January

so Happy New Year!

I hope this year will be filled with lots of blessings and joy

for you all, dan mudah2an

tahun ini aku bisa posting lebih sering

I'll see you in 2019, and...

have a good year!

For more infomation >> Untranslatable Words #3: Pulang Kampung, Nyolot, Terlanjur - Duration: 7:49.


Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation - Duration: 6:47.

Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation

For more infomation >> Toy Guns Box of Toys For Kids to Learn Fun Colors Nerf Nation - Duration: 6:47.


Hulk (2003) Cast - Then and Now ★ 2019 - Duration: 2:21.

Hulk (2003) Cast - Then and Now ★ 2019

For more infomation >> Hulk (2003) Cast - Then and Now ★ 2019 - Duration: 2:21.


Best Sea Animals Box of Toys Learn Colors with Sharks and Fish - Duration: 6:01.

Best Sea Animals Box of Toys Learn Colors with Sharks and Fish

Red fish

Orange fish

Blues stingray

Ray seal

Orange seashell

Purple fish

Brown crab


Blue shark

Green fish

Pink fish

White and black penguin

Green jellyfish

Gray shirt


Black-and-white penguin red fish with sharp teeth

Green turtle

Brown sea lion

Red starfish

Pink seashell

Yellow tang fish

Race eel

Blue baby shark

Yellow fish

Blue sand dollar

Red sea horse

Blue whale

Green tan fish

Pink fish


Tan dolphin

Red tang fish

Gray stingray blue

Sea turtle green

Blue jellyfish

Purple seahorse

Blue fish

Red Lobster

Teal fish

Teal eel

Ten hammerhead shark

Green stingray

Blue Dolphin

Black and white Orca

Orange starfish

Blue penguin

Yellow duck

Red Lobster

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, I'll see you next time. Bye

For more infomation >> Best Sea Animals Box of Toys Learn Colors with Sharks and Fish - Duration: 6:01.


Best TIkTok Funny Video Compilation - 2018 - Duration: 4:10.

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For more infomation >> Best TIkTok Funny Video Compilation - 2018 - Duration: 4:10.


SNAPlife: What You Have vs How You Use What You Have - Duration: 3:47.

Hi, I'm Bill Snodgrass, and in this SNAPlife episode we're gonna talk about the

difference between having things and how you use the things that you have. There's

a big difference and that's what we're talking about in this in this episode

I'm going to look at this concept in three areas three areas where what you

have and how you use it make a huge huge difference so the first one is there he

is is tools and resources and gizmos

gadgets software having tools having gadgets and all of that sort of stuff

we're talking about how that compares to how you use it

a lot of people act like having things makes them somehow better to perform

having the right you know obvious the example would be camera gear and

microphones and equipment and lenses but just because you have good equipment

doesn't mean you're good at using it having the best microphone in the world

doesn't make your audio quality good if you don't know where to put that

microphone I have a set of really nice craftsman wrenches that does not make me

a good mechanic having tools and software and not knowing how to use it

just means you have good tools and software it doesn't mean that you get

the job done any better so the temptation is to assume that if you have

talent the outcome is automatically going to be good that's not always true

because there are a lot of people with talent who won't use their talent rather

than using their talent to accomplish something they they just don't they do

something else they're not comfortable speaking to groups even though they're

good at it they're not using the talent that they have to do the best they can

because they're for some reason to have decided to hide that talent away the

last thing I want to talk about in return regards of what you have and how

you use it now this might be the one that's most significant I want to talk

about your resources and my resources I'm going to

talking about your financial resources and your relationship resources now you

can use what you have to make things better for the people around you to see

that better things are done or you can keep it all for yourself now this might

be one of those places where it's the biggest difference between what you have

and what you do with it you can look it at people who have celebrity status who

spend a million dollars on an aquarium while there's there's people in their

old neighborhood who are going hungry

it's not what you have it's how you use it it's not your tools it's not your

talents it's not your resources that makes the difference the thing that's

going to make the world different is how you use what you have I'm Bill Cyrus

that's it for this snap life episode please click the like button subscribe

the channel sign up for notifications leave me a comment a question I would

love to interact with you share this with someone else I will see you in the

next episode


For more infomation >> SNAPlife: What You Have vs How You Use What You Have - Duration: 3:47.


How To Make $13 Per Hour As A Web Search Evaluator - Duration: 8:19.

Hey guys John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time with me

here today. Today I have a website for you that is very similar to what I shown

you in the past which I've gotten very specifically and it's a web search

evaluators position with a very unique website and things you very very well

but before we get into that I want you to subscribe my youtube channel click on

the little Bell notifications every time I make it uploaded you'll get to see it

first and remember if you no longer want to trade time for money but you all

learn how to make passive income you all watch my number one recommended

opportunity click that link below watch the free video it's how I got started

and thousands of other people got started gave me ability to work from

home and the great thing about it is you learn how to make passive income set

something up once let it make the money for you

alright guys a lot any further ado this is what I have for you today it is I

soft stone dot-com okay now this actually is a web search evaluator

website okay now one of the ones that I've shown you in the past is a pen calm

and I'll try to remember I'll find that link for you but I'll put the little

card up there in the right upper right hand corner for you can watch that video

I focused on another one called a pen and a pen is actually a really good

opportunity it's a little challenging to get into but it also pays very well this

one will pay you somewhere around $14 thirteen to fourteen dollars an hour and

this is how it breaks down for this one you're not like I just showed you in the

u-haul video yesterday you are not an employee you are an independent

contractor which means that you'll be paying and being responsible for your

own money and taxes okay at the end of the year so with that being said you

have time freedom in the sense that you can manage when you decide to work for

them when you want to be a web search evaluate or web engine evaluator now I

think for this one this one here specifically years toward you searching

like things on Google or Bing or Yahoo or start page or DuckDuckGo any of the

search engines that are out there this company has you do searches for

them and you evaluate what the reads what the results are going to be what

the results were what were the errors that you

encountered when they're looking up certain sites on the search engines and

things of that nature so it's not like crazy challenging work

but it is detail-oriented and you're probably going to have to respond and

reply and comment you know have good written skills good verbal skills and be

able to communicate the things that you found and experienced while you're doing

these tasks for people with that being said like I've said in the last couple

of videos for this kind of job depending on you know certain times a day or who

if you have to talk to supervisors or other people you're going to need a

headset and a boom probably and I'll click down that right now I'll get that

up there for you good when I recommend right here the logitech hg h 390 USB

computer headset for around 40 bucks go to Walmart go on Amazon to PI you get it

for ten to fifteen dollars less but it's a good quality headset getting back to

the website what I want to tell you is this you have to work a minimum okay of

10 hours a week minimum minimum minimum minimum minimum but the difference

between this website and ape and for example apron was pretty much you could

work 30 to 40 hours as long as you know time was built up and you built your

reputation up you would get more jobs keep you busy or longer during the week

well I soft stone you only get a maximum of 20 hour 25 hours per week with this

job at least in its current form or state depending on if things change they

always do right so I don't know when you're seeing this video so keep those

things in mind I'm telling you as I'm saying them to you it is factually true

but I would you know endeavor or tell you to endeavour on doing your own

research and see if anything's changed since this video has been put out

because those things are constantly changing it as of now you can only get

up to 25 hours per week making say thirteen to fourteen dollars an hour and

at the high end maybe fifteen depending on your experience and hauling you with

the company but another thing I want you to keep in mind as I'm telling you this

pay you get paid once a month through direct deposit not PayPal not any other

online services they'll want your banking information

so they'll pay you once a month you know goes directly into your bank account so

I mean this is actually pretty simple guys it's really nice and easy it's

effective and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna in the bottom of the link below

and in the description I'll put these links in there for you so you can

actually click check everything out yourself check this out I'm gonna put

this link in here these are the current job openings and where you they're

located like here you know Germany Spain let's see if they have any American jobs

available there goes to another page United Kingdom I don't see me oh here we

go United States but it's Seattle American English data collective

Charlottesville Charlottesville Hellena Charlottesville so here right now those

are the only jobs available where you are locally if you want those kind of

jobs but this I'm gonna put this in the link for you this is constantly changing

if not every day at least every week so keep an eye on it if this is the kind of

thing you want to do and you want to work from home

check out these sites see what things are open look for the work from home

jobs and grab them as soon as they pop up that's the trick when you find jobs

that require little to no experience and you just have to apply the hard part the

hardest part is getting your foot in the door and paying attention to when the

jobs are actually available for you know for you to apply alright guys I believe

that's all I have for today oh and one more thing I wanted to show

you this is on reddit now there is a you know a forum and a stream right now a

discussion going on as far as ice to ice soft stone search evaluator job so check

it out I'll leave the link below you can see what other people are saying about

the job they'll give you idea more so if it's something that you're interested in

because the best information my personal opinion is people have actually done the

job and where you're going through here and you're searching through things and

you want some more information always try to find or talk to people who are

actually doing the job you think you might want because that's going to give

you the best idea of whether this is something that's fit for you all right

guys listen that's all I happy today if you would be so kind click on that link

below watch the free video if you want to learn how to make passive income

now this is a serious thing making passive income you're basically your own

boss you you're basically starting your own business but if you no longer take

time for money and you want to set something up once and make money doing

that then guess what that's what you have to do you have to click the link

below and watch the free video and learn how to do it you got to get the

education you got to have the connections you got to have the support

and you have to have the business to start that link is your starting point

to getting all those things and also remember subscribe to my youtube channel

click on the little bell notification so every time I make an upload guess what

you will see it first and if you're interested subscribe to my newsletter I

put out newsletters basically every day maybe I'll skip a day here or there or

whatever and maybe sometimes I'll skip a weekend but most of the time I'm on the

ball every day Monday through Friday and I'm just giving out like you know a new

newsletter with information updated videos whatever the case may be so click

on that link subscribe to my newsletter and I'm gonna give you a free gift

that's this little thing right here that the 10,000 email day manifesto and

basically what this is is gives you an introduction on how you can make money

with your email how you can actually create your own email list because the

best way to actually make money online is to actually get to know people and

have them get to know you and as soon as that happens guess what the money starts

flowing in.. This Ebook shows you how to do that.

Alright guys what do I we say until the next video I say God Bless guys take care

until next time God Bless

For more infomation >> How To Make $13 Per Hour As A Web Search Evaluator - Duration: 8:19.


АСМР Я желаю тебе...🎁 [Русская версия] - Duration: 13:55.


I want to

wish you a new year

many nice

I wish

I wish you



I wish you


I wish you


strong good health

hold on

I wish





many many goosebumps


I wish you

of understanding

and heat

of understanding

and heat

I wish you

clear smile

Come on, smile


clear clear smile

clear clear smile

I wish you



if you want it

I wish


fantastic luck

magical, the most magical luck

so that you are lucky

in all all all

all luck


I wish you


kindness and tenderness


and tenderness

I wish you

self confidence

in their abilities

in their views

in their judgments

I wish


just great



I wish you

big ones


great success

big ones


I wish you


cheer up


and in nothing


and go ahead

no matter what


many many optimism

I wish you

sound sleep

strong strong strong




I wish you


and care



and care

I wish you


fascinating and magical life

so that your every day was

fascinating and interesting




wonderful, wonderful friends

friends with whom

and fire and water

and iron pipes

the most faithful

honest and kind


on your way

I wish you

fulfillment of your desires



let your wishes


I wish you

eternal youth

eternal youth

both body and soul

I wish you

quiet neighbors

I wish you

so your fridge

was always full

I wish you

wonderful meetings

wonderful meetings with wonderful people

beautiful emotions and memories

from these meetings

I wish you





many many relax


I wish you


and comfort

so everything you have was cozy


I wish you

interesting ideas

so that ideas come to you

and you had time to write them

many many interesting ideas

I wish you


gift gifts

gifts, gifts

yes more

many many gifts

I wish you

get support

from your family and friends

and just the people around you

I wish you

so that you too share

with people around


and care

I wish you

world travel

I wish you


I wish


of love

clean and sincere

so that the heart stops


and the most magical



of love

for you

kind and light

I wish


so that you have

all all all

turned out

I wish

so that you have

was all the best

in life

I wish you

so you


was the most


I wish you


all yours

all your desires

of dreams

and thoughts

all the best and brightest to you

in the new year

conquer even more peaks

I believe in you

thank you for you

with me

thank you for you

believe in me



for all

wish wish wish

For more infomation >> АСМР Я желаю тебе...🎁 [Русская версия] - Duration: 13:55.


Amadeo I y la 1ª República española - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Amadeo I y la 1ª República española - Duration: 7:37.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool airco - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Active Cool airco - Duration: 0:46.


Mazda Premacy 1.8i Active - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mazda Premacy 1.8i Active - Duration: 1:10.


ULTIMATE OPTION - Duration: 2:58.

I'm here with Paulo Magalhães, the night's big winner.

To what do you owe this amazing performance

against a far more favored opponent?

It was all thanks to the man!

By "man" you mean God, right?

God? What? I'm talking about Temer.

-Temer? -President Temer.

What does president Temer have to do with it?

If I'm a fighter today, it's all thanks to the president

and those guys working with him for some years.

Why? Was it some kind of incentive policy?

Well, an indirect incentive.

It all began when they anticipated the entrance exams without warning

and made me miss them.

So I couldn't go to med school.

There was this journalist harassing latecomers,

so I got in a fight with him right there.

I see. So you decided to become a fighter?

Nah, I got my ass kicked. Dude broke my jaw with a tripod.

I had to eat through a straw for a year

because treatment at public hospitals is slow like that.

Thanks, Garotinho!

But that beating must have been a long time ago?

It's been, what, some 14 years?

But it changed the course of my life.

Then you decided to become a fighter?

No, I saw our failing healthcare system and gave up being a doctor.

I studied civil engineering

and graduated the year before last.

But if that was 14 years ago, how did you graduate two years ago?

You know public colleges. On Mondays and Fridays there's a strike.

On Tuesdays there's no power. On Wednesdays, no materials.

That's been happening since the FHC days.

But I finally got there.

So you've practiced MMA for two years, Paulo?

No, I spent a long time looking for a job.

But after Cabral ruined Rio, who even constructs anymore?

Who's gonna make buildings? Nobody does that.

So when did you become a fighter?

That was after Uber.

You were an Uber driver?

Yeah, when they cancelled my masters scholarship, I had to work for Uber.

-And when was that? -That was last week.

You've been training for one week?

I didn't even train for this fight.

I'm just frustrated. I'm a dad, can't support my son,

then this guy wanted a fight. So I kicked his ass.

I took out all my frustration in his face.

Let's talk about good things! You won the fight!

What's your next challenge?

I'm thinking about facing the mortgage challenge.

-Back to you, Kira! -Can I just say something?

Just a sec. Guys,

I have a diploma in civil engineering.

But I work in other fields, too. I pour concrete.

I walk dogs, real cheap.

I can walk a group of dogs at once.

I also teach kids and take care of them.

I can make food and clean the house real good.

I can even freelance as a journalist after a fight, you know?

-C'mon... -We're together.

Help me out, guys. Give this dad a job.

No, man. What the hell, journalist?

-Fuck off! -Not a journalist.

For more infomation >> ULTIMATE OPTION - Duration: 2:58.


08 - Resiliência 🌞 (Prod. LXVE) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 08 - Resiliência 🌞 (Prod. LXVE) - Duration: 3:21.


In Ayyappa temple o worshiped and worshiped అయ్యప్ప దేవాలయo లో పడి పూజలు bk channel - Duration: 1:19.

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please subscribe for more videos

please subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> In Ayyappa temple o worshiped and worshiped అయ్యప్ప దేవాలయo లో పడి పూజలు bk channel - Duration: 1:19.


Pawle vs Machar| New funny videos competition | Comedy videos 2019 | Hindi Comedy 2019 | Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Pawle vs Machar| New funny videos competition | Comedy videos 2019 | Hindi Comedy 2019 | Pendu Bachy - Duration: 6:41.


Curso Online. Papercut: ilustrando con capas de papel - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Curso Online. Papercut: ilustrando con capas de papel - Duration: 2:56.


Judge Orders Affordable Care Act To Stay In Effect During Appeal - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Judge Orders Affordable Care Act To Stay In Effect During Appeal - Duration: 0:27.


🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.

Travel for me is about learning it's about learning about history people's

experiences. I just realized suddenly I feel at home here I feel like this is where I'm

supposed to be. But I felt very privileged to be there and to be able to experience

that collective feeling of patriotism. You may be wondering why I'm standing in

front of an octopus attacking a volcano that's because I'm not in China. Because

I feel like a Mexican now and to hear some of the things that people say that

Mexico without even coming in it drives me crazy. I had a great day it's

definitely a side of Mexico that I haven't seen before

and I would recommend that you go there to experience that. And yes this videos

being slightly negative but as I said a few videos ago this is my journey this

is life just like your life. And for me it's something that makes the difference

between just making a place and loving a place. I guess living with someone and

hearing his story every day completely broke my heart. So overall it was just

quite humbling I think to meet someone that's been through that experience. It

really opened my eyes to a lot of things and reminded me a lot of things. And I

never expected that this country would become such a big part of my life

because I loved it

so hello everyone and welcome back to Japan. Now I just need to see if you get into

China. So this is my third time in Thailand. I am at Patong Beach or more

accurately Bangla walking street. Because I am in Mexico City.

okay I'm now at the top of the pyramid of the moon. welcome to Merida.

I have finally made it to Chichen Itza. Today I am in Havana, Cuba. So so welcome back to Medellin, Colombia.

the first one being guadalajara that's right.

five hours later and I've arrived in Guanajuato. And I'm now I'm in Taxco. In

case you haven't realized I am a Montreal. I am in Iceland!

I'm having a journey that's what YouTube is about thanks for watching and I'll catch

you later

For more infomation >> 🇲🇽MEXICO CITY - I'M COMING HOME | 2018 TRAVEL REVIEW - **Traducción en Español** - Duration: 4:21.


Amor Doce || LWYMMD | GMV - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Amor Doce || LWYMMD | GMV - Duration: 1:51.


To już dziś! Maja Bohosiewicz bierze ślub! "Oficjalnie Bohosiewicz Kwaśniewska" - Duration: 1:02.

 To dziś ten wielki dzień! Maja Bohosiewicz stanie dziś na ślubnym kobiercu. Gwiazda serialu "Za marzenia" zapowiadała od jakiegoś czasu, że szykuje się do ślubu i że ma on się odbyć jeszcze w 2018 roku! I rzeczywiście, w ostatnim dniu starego roku powie "Tak" swojemu partnerowi, Tomaszowi Kwaśniewskiemu! Dziś ślub Mai Bohosiewicz  Do fanów jej profilu na Instagramie, którzy chcieliby im pogratulować zaapelowała też o datki na szczytny cel:  Zobacz: Co z serialem "Za marzenia"? TVP podjęła decyzję! Suknia ślubna Mai Bohosiewicz zdjęcie  Już wcześniej Maja pokazała suknię ślubną, w której wystąpi podczas dzisiejszej uroczystości - to projekt od znanej marki Laurelle

Kim jest mąż Mai Bohosiewicz?  Tomasz Kwaśniewski jest biznesmenem. Para wychowuje dwójkę dzieci syna Zacharego i córkę Leonię

 Zobaczcie najnowszy wpis Mai:  Zobacz też: Za nami FINAŁ "Za marzenia". Dlatego czas na test wiedzy z serialu

Kto uważnie oglądał?

For more infomation >> To już dziś! Maja Bohosiewicz bierze ślub! "Oficjalnie Bohosiewicz Kwaśniewska" - Duration: 1:02.


QUIERES CAMBIAR de VIDA en 2019? - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> QUIERES CAMBIAR de VIDA en 2019? - Duration: 4:15.


Powerslide Rollerobics Special - BCN Sports day 2018 - Duration: 1:39.

Hello! Today i present a very special video.

On June 30th, we celebrated a full day

dedicated to sport in Barcelona organized by Nike.

In this event Powerslide brand provided Swell skates for the participants.

Mireille, longboard trainer, was my partner and together

we did a road with Rollerobics on inline skates and longboards.

It was an incredible experience and we've had lots of fun

We'll sign up the next year!

For more infomation >> Powerslide Rollerobics Special - BCN Sports day 2018 - Duration: 1:39.


365 CHANCES ♫ ~ João Keller - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 365 CHANCES ♫ ~ João Keller - Duration: 3:41.


Krystyna Pawłowicz jest poważnie chora. Lekarze robią, co mogą, żeby ulżyć jej cierpieniu - Duration: 5:18.

 Krystyna Pawłowicz ogłosiła niedawno przerwę od polityki. Zwłaszcza tej „podkręcanej" przez media społecznościowe

Dziś posłanka potwierdza, że jest ona wymuszona poważnym leczeniem. W najświeższym wpisie odniosła się przy okazji do polskiej polityki

 Krystyna Pawłowicz i ogłoszona przez nią w tym miesiącu „przerwa od polityki" wstrząsnęły polską sceną polityczną

Komentatorzy i politycy opozycji odebrali tę deklarację jednoznacznie – szef PiS Jarosław Kaczyński zadecydował o „schowaniu" eurosceptycznego skrzydła partii przed zbliżającymi się wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego

Podobnie wyciszony został inny z ciętych posłów, Dominik Tarczyński.Choruje, ale znów atakuje na Twitterze

Krystyna Pawłowicz ostro o opozycji i dziennikarzach Taki przekaz poszedł na całą Polskę

Początkowo posłanka nie odnosiła się do tych spekulacji. Głos zabrała przed świętami Bożego Narodzenia

Na Twitterze odpierała wszelkie doniesienia prasowe. Ujawniono nieznane zdjęcia Kaczyńskiego

Tak bawił się prezes PiS  – Nikt mnie nie chowa ani nie wyrzuca. „Totalni", w tym upadli dziennikarze Szułdrzyński, Czuchnowski, Grochola itp

oraz bezmocni posłowie opozycji – nie zmuszajcie mnie bym szybko wyzdrowiała – napisała 20 grudnia Pawłowicz

 Dementowanie nie przyniosło jednak skutku. Pod tablicą jednej z ostrzejszych „szabli PiS" posypały się komentarze, raczej te niepochlebne

 Posłanka postanowiła odnieść się do kolejnych wpisów w sprawie jej przerwy od polityki

Na sugestię jednego z użytkowników Twittera odpisała:  – Źle się domyślasz. Kuruję kręgosłup, mucho – po czym dodała: – Mam dolegliwości związane z kręgosłupem, a nie z Twitterem

 Jeszcze w innym wpisie wspominała, że „ma drobne problemy ze stawami". To z kolei potwierdzałoby wcześniejsze doniesienia, że nad zdrowiem Pawłowicz pracują lekarze

 Mimo to w tym roku nie zakończyła się aktywność Pawłowicz. Jeszcze przed Sylwestrem ogłosiła „drugą, wymuszoną przerwę od kuracji" wstawiając na ściankę utwór teatralny Marcina Świetlickiego

Nie obyło się bez politycznego pstryczka w stronę opozycji. Nawiązanie było oczywiste – posiedzenie Sejmu z 28 grudnia i głosowanie nad ustawą, która ma powstrzymać podwyżki cen prądu w Polsce

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ: – Dedykuję „totalnym" donoszącym do ich zewnętrznych mocodawców na działania Polski osłaniające Polaków po energetycznej zdradzie interesów PL przez Tuska i Kopaczową – czytamy

 Jak łatwo się domyśleć, nie obyło się bez zaangażowania w dyskusję z internautami

Jak myślicie, czy terapia posłanki ma szansę powodzenia? ZOBACZ TAKŻE: źródło: Twitter

com Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Krystyna Pawłowicz jest poważnie chora. Lekarze robią, co mogą, żeby ulżyć jej cierpieniu - Duration: 5:18.


TOP 30 SERTANEJO 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário (Lançamentos) - Duration: 1:00:40.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> TOP 30 SERTANEJO 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário (Lançamentos) - Duration: 1:00:40.


48 Mensagem Evangélica de Ano Novo (Voz Masculina) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 48 Mensagem Evangélica de Ano Novo (Voz Masculina) - Duration: 1:30.


Xiaomi Mi 8 SE Teste de Câmera - Duration: 6:34.

Today I bring a video dedicated to the Xiaomi Mi 8 SE camera

Where I will show some pictures and videos that i took with the device

Without any edition, and all in auto mode

I hope that you guys enjoy, let's go?

another round with the Mi 8 SE, but now I will also include some night photos for you to see how

the smartphone goes in these situations

I really hope you liked this video, because it was a bit hard work to do it, so if you want it too

I can even bring a comparison between the Xiaomi Mi 8 SE and the Xiaomi Mi A2 that I have in my hands

it depends on what you comment, and also tell me if you like it, because this is very important, then that's it, until next time.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi 8 SE Teste de Câmera - Duration: 6:34.


Após 2 anos na Globo, Juan Alba retorna para Record - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Após 2 anos na Globo, Juan Alba retorna para Record - Duration: 7:31.


Agujeros de Guión: MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE 1 (1996) - Duration: 10:05.


Taking advantage of the premiere of the sixth installment, I wanted to comment briefly Mission Impossible, the first film of the saga, directed by Brian de Palma.

I've always loved it, and when I was a kid it was from my favorite movies, and I would say it still is.

Also, the screenwriter, David Koepp, is the same as my beloved Jurassic Park, so what can I tell you?

And then the game of the Nintendo 64 I will also have spent a lot of times.

Let's see, the movie is well written, and has no terrible faults, but I think it's worth commenting on some weird things that, when I saw it again, they caught my attention. Go for it.


The initial mission of the IMF team is to infiltrate the US embassy in Prague, in the Czech Republic,

because an attache named Alexander Golitsyn has stolen half NOC List and now, in the embassy, ​​he wants to steal the other half.

This NOC List is important because it is a list of all agents of the infiltrated agency in Eastern Europe.

The mission goes wrong, the Noc list flies in an alley and the only surviving agent is Ethan Hunt, who meets with his boss, Eugene Kittridge, who happens to be in Prague, suspiciously.

Well, he tells her that the whole operation was false. That the NOC list was a decoy to catch a mole alias Job 3-14, who was going to sell the secret information to an arms dealer named Max.

And here come the spoilers: the mole Job is the boss, Jim Phelps and his wife, the agent Claire Phelps. Knowing this we can begin to talk about things that do not finish to square.


Ethan just fled his meeting with his boss, and took refuge in the safe house that his agency had to carry out the operation.

The first thing that strikes me as an egg is that at no time does Kittridge and his agents go there to register it.

They should have the information of all the frank floors of the agency, but no, they do not know where their agent may have fled, and also with access to government databases and a lot of cool material.

Now Ethan's mission is to unmask the real mole, but he only has the information of Job 314.

He realizes that this makes reference to the Bible and begins to look at religious websites.

But here comes something that does not end up making sense. See from which account you send emails and what accounts send emails.

First: How does the mole's email account know? Job could have left the mail open, but that would betray Phelps, who was the only one who handled the laptop.

And even if Ethan fired all night long, he sent random emails to religious websites ... how does he get the crazy way to get the mail from arms dealer Max?

Because it is worth the mole to use the pseudonym of Job, but what exactly does Job have to do with Max's email address? It's a bit weird all this part.

And it turns out that he manages to find her, and that Job has already come up with the stolen NOC list, but the one that is a decoy.

Let's see, let's analyze this. Job knew that those in internal affairs were setting a trap for him?

I think Job had no fucking idea, because if not, he would not have sold a false list to Max.

The old man's idea was to charge all his comrades, steal Golitsyn's Noc list and play dead, throwing all the shit at Ethan.

And as he has it in his possession, he sells it to Max, but of course, they will not give him a hard one because when he puts the list on a computer, the cop comes. That's why I think the guy did not know about the trap.

However ... there are things that do not fit. Jim Phelps is a pretty smart guy, a veteran of the agency.

And apparently, later in the movie, everyone knows that the Noc list is safe in the more secure room of the CIA headquarters in Virginia.

Phelps, with all the years working there ... never wondered why something as fucking important as the NOC list was in a fucking embassy in Prague with a ridiculous security?

Did not even wonder how supposedly Golitsyn got one of the halves? Fuck, the operation had to smell scorn from afar.

And if after the operation Phelps believed himself in possession of the real NOC list ... why does he send his wife to the safe house with Ethan?

Both already had what they wanted (supposedly), the logical thing would have been to charge and get lost forever. Why Claire reappears further increasing the suspicions of the protagonist?

And we go to stage 2. If Phelps knew about the decoy ... why did not he just do the normal operation?

Overall, that was not the true NOC list. If he knew it was not the good one, why did he kill his team and risk stealing it? Why did you sell it to Max? Had it not been for Ethan's intervention in extremis they would have all been arrested.

And I do not believe that Phelps could have all that planned, nor that his plan was for Ethan, a young agent, to steal the NOC list for him from the safest building in the country.

That also the idea comes from him, not from Claire, that could have pushed him. Anyway, that plan I discard because it would have so many variables that it would be almost impossible that it would have gone well.


Here comes another somewhat incongruous part. I do not know if Phelps is obsessed with the Bible or what I know, but that is precisely why he is discovered by Ethan.

In the Free Room Bible, it says that she was left at the Drake Hotel in Chicago by the Gideons, some Christians who dedicate themselves to leaving Bibles in hotels.

Just the day before Phelps said he had been at that hotel. My question is ... why does Phelps take the Bible from a hotel and take it to an operation in Prague?

If he has been talking to Max for two years and according to his words, "he does not use quotes from the Bible" ... why does he keep it with him all the time?

And what is it that makes Ethan charge for several cities with the same bible itself and can find another anywhere?

When he's in London, it helps him unmask the mole, but there's no reason why he has to carry it with him throughout the film.

It is true that he then appears writing a message to Max using a quote from the Bible, and seems very serious thinking about which would be the best to send him.

However ... Max already knows him ... he does not have any fucking need to send him an email with any biblical reference. Also, we later see that he has his mobile phone.

Oh by the way. In that email he quotes Max on the train that goes from London to Paris, the TGV.

He puts the seat, but that train is very long and has lots of wagons. Seat ... what car? That information has not been told.


The sequence of the stealing of the Noc List in the CIA is pretty freaky. The most wanted guy of the moment manages to sneak into one of the safest buildings in the world posing as a firefighter.

For starters ... where does a fire truck come from? How does Luther hack into CIA systems? Do not they have other better hackers? And how is it that nobody watches the firemen?

The whole plan depended on Claire going right into that door and no one was looking in the corridor or inside?

And that the only guy with access to the room was a while in the cafeteria drinking coffee? It's all a little crazy, but the scene is cojonuda, yes.

The room where the famous list is has several security systems when there is no one inside. Pressure tiles on the floor, a sound meter and a temperature meter.

What makes me very grateful is ... why does the computer continue to work when there is no one in the room? Would not it be safer for the computer to lock or shut down with each exit?

And then there is the issue of ventilation ducts. Why this mania to make conduits in which a human being can fit?

And then it's also that there are rats. And I wonder ... those rats can not blow up the alarms of the lasers in the crack in the roof? I would be sounding all the fucking afternoons.

Finally I love how Ethan finds out that Krieger is in the garlic. Oh, his knife is the same as the one that killed Sara and Golitsyn.

Seriously, what killer is leaving his knives on the people he kills?


The final sequence of the film takes place in the TGV. The first thing that strikes me is that there are no catenary whores.

All the trains, and more in the mid-90s, had catenary whores.

But yes, it is true that if there were cables above the train the spectacular scene of the helicopter would not have any fucking sense, but hey, it is not something important either. You can get to forgive.

What would make me more squeamish is the fact that both Max and the mole Phelps and Agent Kittridge were on the train. Max trusted Ethan for saving him from the subject of the fake list.

But why does Max keep trusting Phelps and handing him to the prota on a tray in the baggage car?

Why does not Phelps shoot when Ethan is putting on his glasses that he knows perfectly well that they record video?

Was that all Ethan's plan? Everything depended on Kittridge wearing and looking at the right moment the video-watch that he had sent him in an envelope.

But he did not have to wear it on his wrist. I could have thought it was a trap or something.

And why does Phelps shoot his wife and Ethan leave him with just a tap on the back? If he does not have more bullets he could have stabbed him or crushed his skull with a stomp, but no. It leaves you in good condition.

I understand that Phelps kills his wife because he was flirting with Ethan, but I do not know, I always found that subframe a bit gratuitous.

Besides, Ethan, on the train, is still not sure that Claire is behind the conspiracy.

But it is obvious, fuck. If you know that Krieger is with them for the knife, and that of thousands of repudiated agents she chose him precisely ... lighter, water.

And since I upload the video again I wanted to add the reappearance completely without mentioning Phelps in London. Do not fuck me, why the fuck does the guy appear there saying he's alive?

He tells him that the mole is Kidrich, but fuck, given the situation, that only makes him look even more suspicious do not fuck. In fact, that is the point at which Hunt is definitely clarified.

And finally ... was it necessary to deliver the true Noc list to Max? If something had gone wrong all those names would have come to light and Ethan would have hundreds of agents killed behind his back.

I could have given him a new decoy or part of the list. Or the true one but encoded. That's why they hired a very pro hacker.

Better that to walk blocking signals with a mobile while Kittridge walks the wagons as they had foreseen.

Is Luther afraid of being recognized by his former bosses? But if they knew that the guy was going to be there ... why did not they give the hacker a fucking mask of those cool and end of the story?

Anyway, I love this saga. Less the second.

Around the holidays I will analyze Blade Runner, The Awakening of the Force and if you want me to speak also of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom give a good like to the video, man already. Have a happy summer.

For more infomation >> Agujeros de Guión: MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE 1 (1996) - Duration: 10:05.


✅ A Polícia Federal cumpre mandados contra um grupo terrorista que ameaçou a posse de Bolsonaro - Duration: 2:19.

 A PF (Polícia Federal) e a Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal cumprem sete mandados de busca e apreensão em Goiás, Brasília e São Paulo nesta segunda-feira (31), na investigação de um grupo autointitulado terrorista que ameaçou o presidente eleito Jair Bolsonaro

 Na investigação, a Policia Civil alertou a PF de que o suposto grupo estava ameaçando atacar a posse de Bolsonaro no dia 1º de janeiro

Em seu site, eles afirmam estar em "tocaia terrorística contra o progresso humano" e são disseminadas diversas mensagens de ódio, pregando "o caos e o terror no seio da civilização"

 O grupo terrorista, chamado Maldição Ancestral, também assumiu a responsabilidade pela bomba colocada ao lado de uma igreja na cidade de Brazlândia, no Distrito Federal, na noite de Natal

A organização postou fotos do artefato explosivo antes mesmo de colocá-lo no local

 "Se a facada não foi suficiente para matar Bolsonaro talvez ele venha a ter mais surpresas em algum outro momento, já que não somos os únicos a querer a sua cabeça

Se não for ele, servirá qualquer um de sua equipe, filiados, ou mesmo apoiantes e simpatizantes

Dia 01 de Janeiro de 2019 haverá aqui em Brasília a posse presidencial, e estamos em Brasília e temos armas e mais explosivos estocados", escreveu o grupo

O presidente eleito levou uma facada no abdômen durante campanha em Minas Gerais em setembro

 As ameaças também se estendem à futura ministra dos Direitos Humanos, Damares Alves, e ao presidente da CNBB (Confederação Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil), o cardeal Dom Sérgio da Rocha

As investigações estão sob segredo de Justiça e apuram o crime de associação criminosa, além de outros que possam ser identificados no decorrer das ações

 Devido ao temor quanto à segurança do presidente, a cerimônia de posse de Bolsonaro contará com um esquema inédito de segurança máxima, formulado em conjunto pelo GSI (Gabinete de Segurança Institucional), pelo Exército, pela Força Nacional e pelas autoridades de segurança do Distrito Federal

São esperadas até 500 mil pessoas na Esplanada dos Ministérios. AmeaçasBolsonarogrupo terroristapolícia federalposse

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