Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 31 2018

If you've ever studied film or advertising, you'll know that colors are not just randomly


There's a good reason why many personal care products come in white packaging, and

that's because white symbolizes purity and cleanliness.

If we want to denote that something is natural, we might use the colors green or brown.

Things that are mysterious or wicked might be painted black, while sensuality will almost

always come in red.

If we are trying to make a scene look happy, we'll use bright colors such as yellow or

orange, and if we want something to exude femininity, we might think about using the

color pink.

While different cultures give different meanings to some colors, the meanings also cross cultures

at times.

Today we'll look at mostly one color, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Why

Is Blue A Boys Color.

When we talk about blue and its symbolism, we must first think about what hue of blue

are we talking about, because there are many.

Crayola, the company we all know that makes crayons, has 19 different blues.

But we'll keep this simple and talk about two of the blues you all know well.

Those are dark blue and light blue, or sky blue.

Dark blue can signify seriousness, or even sadness (feeling blue), but also intelligence,

integrity and power.

That's why you might find politicians donning a blue suit, rather than say, a yellow and

pink outfit.

Light blue is a different animal, it symbolizes purity, tranquility, harmony, security.

But what has any of this to do with boys?

Prior to the 19th century we didn't have a blue for boys and pink for girls binary


In fact, most kids just wore white or beige or even rags if you came from the wrong side

of the tracks.

Historians tell us it was in the mid-19th century that pastel colors became popular,

but according to the book, "Pink and Blue: Telling the Girls From the Boys in America,"

at that time there wasn't yet a pink and blue rule.

It's confusing, though.

Listen to what one writer said in the "Ladies' Home Journal," in 1918, "The generally

accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls.

The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the

boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."

Hmm, ok, so what happened?

Well, that little snippet didn't mean everyone followed that rule.

In fact, one historian tells us that until the 1950s there was a kind of chaos when it

came to colors.

You can actually have a look online at something Time magazine published in 1927.

It is a chart of sex-appropriate colors.

The chart is based on a survey of American clothes stores and what those stores thought

was the right color for boys and girls.

More stores said pink was the most appropriate color for boys, but not all.

According to the writer of that book we mentioned, after World War 2 the pink for girls and blue

for boys' thing started to become popular, but he also says it didn't really stick

until the 1980s.

"This happened during a time when mass marketing was appearing," said one sociologist about

this phenomenon.

"Being 'gender normal' is very important to us, and as a marketing technique, if retailers

can convince you that being gender normal means you need to buy a certain product — cosmetics,

plastic surgery, blue or pink clothing, etc. — it just makes sense from a production

or mass marketing perspective," he told Live Science.

According to another writer, after the war people were more than ready for some normalcy

in their lives after the utter chaos of global conflict.

When labels such as Christian Dior were telling women to don pink they did so, and they didn't

mind doing it.

People wanted some stability in their lives, according to that writer at least, and so

color gender norms were met with no amount of contempt…rebellion would come in the

60s, but for a while women mostly embraced pink and men hugged blue.

But why did girls get pink?

Well, not everyone says pink is innately feminine, it just became feminine.

You see, the French, who were often thought to be the leaders of fashion, used pink as

a girls' color.

Other countries and cultures didn't, but hey, the French were the avant-garde when

it came to clothes and so some people believe we just followed them.

Another sociologist from Italy looked deeper into this blue and pink thing.

He used technology to scan books on Google that were published in the USA from 1880 to

1980, and you know what, he could find lots of instances where someone wrote that blue

was for boys, but he found no instances of pink being called a boy's color.

"Pink seems to have been a feminine color at least since the late 19th century," he

said in an interview, and he went as far to say that this thing about a reversal and pink

once being a boy's color was probably an urban legend.

So, now it's confusing.

We must ask if indeed it's true that blue is a boy's color and pink is a girl's


Is there something in our biology that makes it that way?

Do boys just like blue more and girls like pink more?

Scientists say this is just not clear, and there is no way of proving it as we can't

go back in time.

We are already influenced by societal norms.

Live Science tells us, "The debate about how, exactly, we got to the point where something

as impartial as the color pink seems infused with femininity, will probably rage on in

the pages of academic journals."

So, what we don't know is if girls and boys innately prefer one of the colors.

What we do know is that the rule hasn't always been there, but when the rule became

clear companies that made clothes pounced on it and it has never been reversed.

That's not to say boys don't wear pink, they do, but as little children they are more

likely to be dressed in blue then they are pink.

It gets more interesting, though.

Academics tell us that in the 50s and 60s during a strong movement of feminism the colors

became more unisex again.

Many people rebelled against these color norms as they thought that they contained inherent

gender bias.

People didn't want to follow the dogmas of gender norms and so for a while blue and

pink were again sitting on the fence.

In fact, some clothing labels totally dropped the idea of sex-appropriate colors.

Feminists argued that colors in themselves were not innately feminine or masculine, and

if you bought into that paradigm of blue for boys and pink for girls you were conforming

to a gender norm that just wasn't true.

Girls didn't have to be girly and boys didn't have to be boyish, it was a mixed up, muddled

up, shook up world, and the palette was everyone's.

We wonder how many of you will get the 60s gender reference in there.

But then in the 80s things changed again, according to one academic.

He said that because prenatal testing was developed, parents could go out and buy all

their baby stuff before the little parcel of flesh was delivered.

Those parents wanted to know what to buy, and manufactures were more than happy to tell

them what to buy.

You see, for those in the business of making or selling clothes, having this color binary

was a good thing.


Because if you bought blue for little Jack and a year later a little Jill springs to

life, the parents will have to buy another set of clothes.

We are told that the children of the rebels of the 60s were nothing like their parents,

and conformity was back in.

The 80s were garish and bright and perhaps fashion has never been more kitschy.

Little girls in bright pink was something you'd often see.

It was a peculiar decade, perhaps the one decade that people look back on with embarrassment

regarding what they wore.

Of course babies wear all kinds of colors, and gender neutral clothes are in fashion.

We know that for a long time parents have chosen to dress their kids in pastel colors

because these colors have a certain innocence and beauty.

Imagine if you looked at your baby pictures and in all of them you are dressed in black,

grinning at the camera, with your cute bright red bonnet on.

You might wonder if your parents were trying to cultivate a future Satan's slave.

So, even if you're against blue for boys and pink for girls because it offends your

sense of fairness, it's more than likely you'll still adhere to some of the rules.

The force is strong with color symbolism.

The BBC writes about what it calls the blue and pink gender myth, a myth in that girls

and boys are not inherently suited to one color.

It's society that manufactures this belief, says the article.

Kids in tests before the age of two when offered a blue or pink object didn't really have

a color preference, but after the age of two they conformed to the pink and blue norm.

After all, they see that everywhere.

In another test, kids aged three to five were given different colors to wear, and they kind

of formed sides, at the end of a few weeks the kids just liked their own color.

It didn't matter what it was.

Still this chicken and egg story remains unclear, because scientists still don't really know

if there has always been something a little more feminine in the color pink and that just

evolved over time.

It might not always be the case, but we must ask how we have ended up with this binary.

Did something natural happen, that was later pushed by society and manufacturers?

Science is still trying to find the answer to the riddle.

Some experts tell us women in their research indeed favored bright colors such as red and

pink, more than men did.

Some of those experts even said that women liked these colors because it was hard-wired

from our hunter-gatherer days, when men did the hard hunting and women did the gathering

of brightly colored berries and such.

Maybe that's a stretch, but it's worth considering.

Tests have been performed on men and women to see what colors they prefer, and pink is

not popular in most of these tests although women do like pink more than men.

More men pick blue than women do, but both sexes seem to like the color.

Anyway, we'll now hand this conundrum over to you and ask you what you think.

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other show These Are The Signs

That You Are Going Through Puberty.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Why Is Blue A Boys Color? - Duration: 9:22.


📱 2 Troubling Tinder TRUE Horror Stories Read By Strangers - Duration: 7:14.

I was working as a night auditor at a small chain motel in the midwest.

My hours were normally 11:00PM to 8:00AM.

With those kinds of hours, and being a woman, I'm bound to have some weird experiences.

The scariest experience I've ever had while working there, happened within my first month

on the job.

I was 22 and single at the time.

It was just before my shift started so I browsed Tinder for a bit.

I matched with this guy who seemed cool.

A little goth, and into ouija boards and Tarot, which is exactly my type.

I was hyped.

We chat for a bit, I tell him I have to go to work and we say goodbye.

That night was my first night off training, so I was running the motel by myself for 9

hours straight.

I was already a little nervous, but then this vaguely familiar guy comes up to the front

desk and asks for me by name.

This dude was weird…

I have red flags popping all over in my head.

I tell him that it's me, and he explains that he was the guy from Tinder, and he saw

that i was less than a mile away, so he went to see if I was possibly working at his motel.

That's right, this guy was staying where I worked.

I stay behind the comfort of my desk for TWO hours, while this guy won't stop talking to


He tells me how his ex left him, how he beats people up, and how he wanted to bang me.

I snooped a bit on his account.

He was a painter and was doing work locally, he wasnt from here.

Needless to say, I was uncomfortable.

I had no idea what to do.

Its around 2am and the creep finally decided to go to bed, so I take a much needed smoke


I go outside and as soon as I spark up, creepy dude shows up.

He tells me where he's from, and keeps getting closer and closer to me.

He asks if its ok to smoke weed, which I said yes to.

Out of nowhere he pulled me in, smelled my neck, and started grabbing my ass.

I swiftly hit him, and told him he better not fucking touch me.

I threw my cigarette on the ground and grab my phone to call my boss before going inside.

The guy RIPS the phone from my hand, and proceeds to text himself.


First thing he sends me is a grotesque picture of his weird looking penis.

Then came the creepy bdsm porn gifs, with captions like

"I cant wait to do this to you."

"You know what room I'm in".

I was freaking out.

My boss wasn't answering..

I don't know why I didnt call the cops.

I was in the back office having the panic attack of my life, when I get one more video.

Why I clicked on it, I'll never know.

I refuse to say what I saw in detail, but it was a snuff porn film.

Very violent, very sexual.

I locked myself in the back room, cried, and waited for hours until morning came.

The texts went on for a few days until I've had enough, and got the balls to tell my boss

all about it.

He immediately kicked this guy out and banned him from our motel.

His company is not even allowed to book with that motel anymore.

I should've called the cops…

Thank god this situation didn't escalate more than it did..

I was 21, recently became a Police Officer, and was also recently dumped, so my friends

suggested Tinder.

As a 21 year old and new cop, I had the "I'm invincible and can take on anyone" mentality.

I matched with a very good looking, out of my league female.

We chatted, and eventually set up a date to meet.

She said she knew a great open field to look at stars and hang out.

The night came.

I picked her up and she guided me to the field.

Open space, woods, deer and other wildlife.

Really nice place!

In the field, I noticed really dim headlights in the distance.

Then, a van started driving towards us and pulled up right in front of us, almost close

enough to block me from going forward.

I told my date to stay in the car.

I grab my flashlight and walked up.

The driver was a decently sized man.

I asked him what's going on and if he could back his car up a little bit.

He was very polite, said he was the owner of the property and said he didnt mean to

scare us.

I ensured him we only came out to look at the stars and wild life.

He was perfectly ok with that, told me to have a nice date, and drove away.

Around an hour later I saw headlights coming towards us again, this time really fast.

It came close enough to almost hit my car.

My date hopped out of the car and ran towards the van.

I immediately knew I was fucked.

I got out, and gave them commands to back up and get on the ground.

Neither of them complied..

I saw my "date" grab a metal pipe from the van.

She told me they had a gun, and that if I give them my money and truck I won't get hurt.

At that point, I told them I was a cop, drew my concealed firearm, and told them to lay

on the ground.

They finally complied.

I was able to call 911, tell them my name and badge number, and that I needed back up


I gave our dispatcher the best directions I could to this field.

While on the phone, the two fled.

I took off after the man, who ran into the woods around the field.

I chased him for maybe 30 seconds when I heard 3 loud pops, and saw a muzzle flash.

My I'm invincible mentality went right out the window.

I ran like hell back towards my car and got the hell outta there.

I called dispatch again, and had officers come to my location.

The first officers to pull up were my Sergeant and my Field Training Officer.

They called me a "Dumbass" and a "Stupid fucking rookie"…

We went towards the field.

I was told to shut my mouth and stay inside.

They cleared the area and started looking in the van.

They found meth right on the center console.

What scared me the most was when my Sergeant came back, let me out and told me to come

look in the back of the van.

He was pale, looked horrified.

I went to the back of the van, and saw several knives, duct tape, lighter fluid, rifle ammunition,

handcuffs, and what looked to be dried blood.

In the front seat passenger side, we found an AR-15 style rifle, and two more handguns.

Turns out the van was stolen…

We never found my 'date' or the driver..

and needless to say, I will never use online dating again.


For more infomation >> 📱 2 Troubling Tinder TRUE Horror Stories Read By Strangers - Duration: 7:14.



This is a well known place, right?

The Wine Room. Take a look at this beauty!

This is Daddy's room

It's Daddy's room.

That's the translation to portuguese. Daddy's room.

My living room. Or at least, what I dream of.


Are you happy to be here?

Very much, look how beautiful this place is!

Did you enjoy it?

Very much.

What are you freaking out about, Raposo?

Loot at this!

I think it's cool, the experience. I like it.

We arrived in Ft. Lauderdale.

Today we were delayed,

because the was a problem with the bus battery and it took a while to fix it,

but everything is going to work out just fine.

You're welcome!

Look at that crazy ship on the back.

Today, we are in Baltimore, where we're going to play tonight

and we are really close to the sea, at least it appear to be.

That's the Coast Guard big ship.

There's the cannon. Pretty cool.

It's 1:00 A.M. in Maryland. Maryland?

Ah, you guys arrived! Eccoli!


It's not Hercules!

Hercule?! No, it's not the same!

You said "Hercules". He said "Eccoli".

Thank you.

Thank you!

Thank you.

I got it on camera!

You said it "Obrigada".

There's the goy. He is a goy.

These two here!

Yes, that's a goy!

Thank you!

Come out to the camera, as a goy.

Today, that's normal. A goy, that's normal.

Everybody is doing it.

Yeah, to be a goy is something normal.

Evertybody but me.

We're friends, it's all a joke.

That's not for me, ok?

It's all right, it's a joke.

Nowadays, I would say that's not with me.

I have a song for you:

"Let's all dance together,

everybody with their fingers in their asses, but me"

That's what people do when there's nothing else to do!

That's a good song, right?

But I'll tell you this:

I would very much like to eat a slice of pizza in Baltimore, Maryland

because we are getting closer to New York, and I heard that there, we'll find a very good pizza.

But this one you're talking about that you're eating in the street that is the really good one.

No, it isn't.

Have you ever eaten a good pizza in a restaurant in NY?


No. So we need to find a good one. I've only eaten the sliced ones.

Me too.

Which are great!

Yes, they are.

We can take a walk, have a coffee...

I came from Sao Paulo, which is a city with a sensational pizza, unbeatable.


São Paulo isn't unbeatable. No more than the ones from the south region.


It's not better than in the south.

He is not alright...

No, he isn't.

If you were talking about barbecue, or even other things, but pizza...

Let's talk about pizza. São Paulo is the there is.

Do you have strogonoff pizza in São Paulo?

I love to use a bit of olive oil. And there's a hint: olive oil, some pepper...

Oh, so you just found out about olive oil?

You're teaching Angra fans what olive oil is, so they can put on their pizzas?

So, you guys from São Paulo, you never had that idea.

He is telling you that you can put olive oil on your pizza. How innovative!

Olive oil is great with pizza, for sure. I love it!

That's it.

Here we are, guys.

It's September 12th, in New York,

it's a day after a very meaningful day for the city.

And tonight we are playing at the Gramercy Theatre,

a venue that seems to be very nice,

a lot of great bands have been playing there recently.

Now we are driving around, me and my partners

- That's us! - Yep.


We're going to Manhatttan,

to have a coffee, see some stores.

We'll begin at Times Square.

- That's right. - See what's going on.

The last tour you did, you didn't have time to walk around, is that right?

No, we didn't, but B.B. King's Blues Club is right at Times Square, right?

It's pretty close.

But we passed by it, right?

I don't think so, no.

You would know if you did.

It looks pretty different.

I went to Times Square.

But I went to Times Square, right? Or are we going there today?

Yes. Today you'll make a check mark in your notebook.

And then we'll take a walk.

I have to go to Aguilar's office, to do some photos, because it's my sponsor...

I'm sorry.

Am I interrupting your video?

I'm explaining to about Times Square...

... I don't know, is it still where the New York Times building is located? Or not anymore?

The New York Times? It might be.


It might be, I don't know.

- I think it is. See? It's because of that. - Got it.

So it names that whole area.

And there are lots of buildings that are theaters,

because Broadway is right over there too.

And many TV talk shows are recorded there,

like Stephen Colbert's.

And Broadway crosses Times Square, because it's the longest street in the world, if I'm not wrong.

That's right.

I don't know how many kilometers, but it's absurd.

It has your length.

- It's an agressive lenght. - It's very imponent in lenght.

It's humongous when it comes to lenght.

I got it. When it comes to lenght, it's pretty huge.

Talking about lenght, it's amazing.

If you're talking about size...

Talking about lenght, we can say it's pretty distinctful...

When the subject is lenght, Broadway is the one.

It's right over there. Are we still talking about street lenghts, right?

Yes, of course.

That's what I thought.

That's it, we are finally here, at Times Square.

It's the second time I come there, my third time in New York.

It feels like we're in a Hollywood movie, right?


That's right.

- So we are here, taking a walk in New York, right? - Yes.

And suddenly we can see

something at that billboard.

Can you see it already?

First, there's a singer there, his name is Fabio Lione.

There he goes, all fashionable.

And there you can see "Angra: tonight".

Look at that, "Angra: tonight".

- Will there be Angra tonight? - There will be Angra tonight!

You're breaking the law, walking in the middle of the street.

Say hello to the camera!

What's up?

Thank you!

For more infomation >> QUASE SAIU BRIGA POR CAUSA DE PIZZA - Duration: 15:29.


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #5: Borderlands Austin Powers - Duration: 31:56.

Edmond_SA: Your name is terrible and I hate my Steam friends list every time I open it

Rirse: Could you restart if possible for twitch quality options?

Lrrose20: Those certainly are usuer names

ArashiKurobara: oh hey that's the same pair my friend and I played as

Lrrose20: Yay, my favorite of this game's heroes!

Lrrose20: Did you hear that Obsidian is making Borderlands 3: New Vegas?

thamazingfiona: howdy

manylots: how's it going, claptrap

Edmond_SA: Not New Vegas 2

Lrrose20: It's really good at cheesing bosses

Charlettmoon: Oh boy more fun times~~

thamazingfiona: here's my interpretation of the lore in this game: i like shooting things

Lrrose20: RIP one of the less annoying Claptraps

manylots: everyone on this moon is a criminal anyway

Charlettmoon: He was a cool claptrap yes :(

Edmond_SA: Wow, that's some fantastic writing

Lrrose20: I appreciate that they didn't want to make Jack sympathetic, but the writing here is still boring

Lrrose20: AI Jack is the best Jack

thamazingfiona: brilliant

Charlettmoon: Australians: What are they? We just don't know!

permagreen: This game is so aggressively Australian. It's like the developers felt bad about there not being more Australian flavored games, so they crammed as much Australian into this one game as they could

Wiseblood_79: Getting laid has mellowed her out in Tales

Galeboomer: I can't wait for Borderlands 3 to just end as a big Fortnite reference

permagreen: In Borderlands 3 the entire UI will be replaced by Claptrap. You have to talk to him if you want to do anything menu-wise. For immersion.

Galeboomer: 100 vault hunters land on an island, and only 1 can get the Borderland Royale

Lrrose20: Is this a recording of a phonecall from Gearbox Australia

thamazingfiona: cause she has standards?

wozzen: Yay for Speycial Ice!

wozzen: But which GUN will you choose?

Lrrose20: 5/6 of the crew are evil, but all of the quest givers feel the need to justify having you kill people

Charlettmoon: Is the one good guy Claptrap? :V

MilestoneRP: Claptrap likes killing people, soooo.....

Lrrose20: Claptrap is too annoying to be good. Athena is genuinely heroic

Charlettmoon: That's true, I was thinking she was pretty merc but yeah

Lrrose20: Are there Austin Powers references in any Borderlands game, or is Austion Powers too dated even for this series?

thamazingfiona: i wouldn't even blink if there was one

Galeboomer: On it

permagreen: I'm pretty Austin Powers was considered too dated for even the Borderlands writers

shinju_forest: that's the actual subtitle for borderlands 3

permagreen: pretty sure*

shinju_forest: borderlands 3: this one has austin powers in it

MilestoneRP: And Duke Nukem

Galeboomer: The first video result is the quest where you give Scooter's poem to Daisy, and the second is someone getting their car stuck between rocks like that one scene in the first movie

thamazingfiona: only result i got was a video of someone who got their car stuck like that one scene

Galeboomer: Otherwise yeah, there's nothing

thamazingfiona: oh no, now we know one of your friends plays warframe

Lrrose20: I can't wait to hear more about how Jack went from being evil to being evil.

mrthelazyone: Wait, Jack is evil?

shinju_forest: light buzzass was my favorite space mutiny name

shinju_forest: wait whhhhhAAAT?

Charlettmoon: Spoilers

eternalotl: I'm glad the names update immediately

mikedaws0n: The problems with cars in this one is there's more death jumps and the guns aren't as fun as "catapult that throws explosive barrels"

thamazingfiona: oh man it looks like it handles like a dream

For more infomation >> Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #5: Borderlands Austin Powers - Duration: 31:56.


Miss Media: Goal Setting Apps for Adults and Kids for the New Year - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Miss Media: Goal Setting Apps for Adults and Kids for the New Year - Duration: 5:41.


Ep 1 - Iniciando os Estudos | Estudo de Caso do Fórmula Negócio OnLine - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> Ep 1 - Iniciando os Estudos | Estudo de Caso do Fórmula Negócio OnLine - Duration: 13:21.


Fuochi capodanno 2019 per i TicinoResidenTI - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Fuochi capodanno 2019 per i TicinoResidenTI - Duration: 1:26.


Happy New Year 2019 | Best Moments 🎁 - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Happy New Year 2019 | Best Moments 🎁 - Duration: 10:10.


Why Is Blue A Boys Color? - Duration: 9:22.

If you've ever studied film or advertising, you'll know that colors are not just randomly


There's a good reason why many personal care products come in white packaging, and

that's because white symbolizes purity and cleanliness.

If we want to denote that something is natural, we might use the colors green or brown.

Things that are mysterious or wicked might be painted black, while sensuality will almost

always come in red.

If we are trying to make a scene look happy, we'll use bright colors such as yellow or

orange, and if we want something to exude femininity, we might think about using the

color pink.

While different cultures give different meanings to some colors, the meanings also cross cultures

at times.

Today we'll look at mostly one color, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Why

Is Blue A Boys Color.

When we talk about blue and its symbolism, we must first think about what hue of blue

are we talking about, because there are many.

Crayola, the company we all know that makes crayons, has 19 different blues.

But we'll keep this simple and talk about two of the blues you all know well.

Those are dark blue and light blue, or sky blue.

Dark blue can signify seriousness, or even sadness (feeling blue), but also intelligence,

integrity and power.

That's why you might find politicians donning a blue suit, rather than say, a yellow and

pink outfit.

Light blue is a different animal, it symbolizes purity, tranquility, harmony, security.

But what has any of this to do with boys?

Prior to the 19th century we didn't have a blue for boys and pink for girls binary


In fact, most kids just wore white or beige or even rags if you came from the wrong side

of the tracks.

Historians tell us it was in the mid-19th century that pastel colors became popular,

but according to the book, "Pink and Blue: Telling the Girls From the Boys in America,"

at that time there wasn't yet a pink and blue rule.

It's confusing, though.

Listen to what one writer said in the "Ladies' Home Journal," in 1918, "The generally

accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls.

The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the

boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl."

Hmm, ok, so what happened?

Well, that little snippet didn't mean everyone followed that rule.

In fact, one historian tells us that until the 1950s there was a kind of chaos when it

came to colors.

You can actually have a look online at something Time magazine published in 1927.

It is a chart of sex-appropriate colors.

The chart is based on a survey of American clothes stores and what those stores thought

was the right color for boys and girls.

More stores said pink was the most appropriate color for boys, but not all.

According to the writer of that book we mentioned, after World War 2 the pink for girls and blue

for boys' thing started to become popular, but he also says it didn't really stick

until the 1980s.

"This happened during a time when mass marketing was appearing," said one sociologist about

this phenomenon.

"Being 'gender normal' is very important to us, and as a marketing technique, if retailers

can convince you that being gender normal means you need to buy a certain product — cosmetics,

plastic surgery, blue or pink clothing, etc. — it just makes sense from a production

or mass marketing perspective," he told Live Science.

According to another writer, after the war people were more than ready for some normalcy

in their lives after the utter chaos of global conflict.

When labels such as Christian Dior were telling women to don pink they did so, and they didn't

mind doing it.

People wanted some stability in their lives, according to that writer at least, and so

color gender norms were met with no amount of contempt…rebellion would come in the

60s, but for a while women mostly embraced pink and men hugged blue.

But why did girls get pink?

Well, not everyone says pink is innately feminine, it just became feminine.

You see, the French, who were often thought to be the leaders of fashion, used pink as

a girls' color.

Other countries and cultures didn't, but hey, the French were the avant-garde when

it came to clothes and so some people believe we just followed them.

Another sociologist from Italy looked deeper into this blue and pink thing.

He used technology to scan books on Google that were published in the USA from 1880 to

1980, and you know what, he could find lots of instances where someone wrote that blue

was for boys, but he found no instances of pink being called a boy's color.

"Pink seems to have been a feminine color at least since the late 19th century," he

said in an interview, and he went as far to say that this thing about a reversal and pink

once being a boy's color was probably an urban legend.

So, now it's confusing.

We must ask if indeed it's true that blue is a boy's color and pink is a girl's


Is there something in our biology that makes it that way?

Do boys just like blue more and girls like pink more?

Scientists say this is just not clear, and there is no way of proving it as we can't

go back in time.

We are already influenced by societal norms.

Live Science tells us, "The debate about how, exactly, we got to the point where something

as impartial as the color pink seems infused with femininity, will probably rage on in

the pages of academic journals."

So, what we don't know is if girls and boys innately prefer one of the colors.

What we do know is that the rule hasn't always been there, but when the rule became

clear companies that made clothes pounced on it and it has never been reversed.

That's not to say boys don't wear pink, they do, but as little children they are more

likely to be dressed in blue then they are pink.

It gets more interesting, though.

Academics tell us that in the 50s and 60s during a strong movement of feminism the colors

became more unisex again.

Many people rebelled against these color norms as they thought that they contained inherent

gender bias.

People didn't want to follow the dogmas of gender norms and so for a while blue and

pink were again sitting on the fence.

In fact, some clothing labels totally dropped the idea of sex-appropriate colors.

Feminists argued that colors in themselves were not innately feminine or masculine, and

if you bought into that paradigm of blue for boys and pink for girls you were conforming

to a gender norm that just wasn't true.

Girls didn't have to be girly and boys didn't have to be boyish, it was a mixed up, muddled

up, shook up world, and the palette was everyone's.

We wonder how many of you will get the 60s gender reference in there.

But then in the 80s things changed again, according to one academic.

He said that because prenatal testing was developed, parents could go out and buy all

their baby stuff before the little parcel of flesh was delivered.

Those parents wanted to know what to buy, and manufactures were more than happy to tell

them what to buy.

You see, for those in the business of making or selling clothes, having this color binary

was a good thing.


Because if you bought blue for little Jack and a year later a little Jill springs to

life, the parents will have to buy another set of clothes.

We are told that the children of the rebels of the 60s were nothing like their parents,

and conformity was back in.

The 80s were garish and bright and perhaps fashion has never been more kitschy.

Little girls in bright pink was something you'd often see.

It was a peculiar decade, perhaps the one decade that people look back on with embarrassment

regarding what they wore.

Of course babies wear all kinds of colors, and gender neutral clothes are in fashion.

We know that for a long time parents have chosen to dress their kids in pastel colors

because these colors have a certain innocence and beauty.

Imagine if you looked at your baby pictures and in all of them you are dressed in black,

grinning at the camera, with your cute bright red bonnet on.

You might wonder if your parents were trying to cultivate a future Satan's slave.

So, even if you're against blue for boys and pink for girls because it offends your

sense of fairness, it's more than likely you'll still adhere to some of the rules.

The force is strong with color symbolism.

The BBC writes about what it calls the blue and pink gender myth, a myth in that girls

and boys are not inherently suited to one color.

It's society that manufactures this belief, says the article.

Kids in tests before the age of two when offered a blue or pink object didn't really have

a color preference, but after the age of two they conformed to the pink and blue norm.

After all, they see that everywhere.

In another test, kids aged three to five were given different colors to wear, and they kind

of formed sides, at the end of a few weeks the kids just liked their own color.

It didn't matter what it was.

Still this chicken and egg story remains unclear, because scientists still don't really know

if there has always been something a little more feminine in the color pink and that just

evolved over time.

It might not always be the case, but we must ask how we have ended up with this binary.

Did something natural happen, that was later pushed by society and manufacturers?

Science is still trying to find the answer to the riddle.

Some experts tell us women in their research indeed favored bright colors such as red and

pink, more than men did.

Some of those experts even said that women liked these colors because it was hard-wired

from our hunter-gatherer days, when men did the hard hunting and women did the gathering

of brightly colored berries and such.

Maybe that's a stretch, but it's worth considering.

Tests have been performed on men and women to see what colors they prefer, and pink is

not popular in most of these tests although women do like pink more than men.

More men pick blue than women do, but both sexes seem to like the color.

Anyway, we'll now hand this conundrum over to you and ask you what you think.

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other show These Are The Signs

That You Are Going Through Puberty.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Why Is Blue A Boys Color? - Duration: 9:22.


📱 2 Troubling Tinder TRUE Horror Stories Read By Strangers - Duration: 7:14.

I was working as a night auditor at a small chain motel in the midwest.

My hours were normally 11:00PM to 8:00AM.

With those kinds of hours, and being a woman, I'm bound to have some weird experiences.

The scariest experience I've ever had while working there, happened within my first month

on the job.

I was 22 and single at the time.

It was just before my shift started so I browsed Tinder for a bit.

I matched with this guy who seemed cool.

A little goth, and into ouija boards and Tarot, which is exactly my type.

I was hyped.

We chat for a bit, I tell him I have to go to work and we say goodbye.

That night was my first night off training, so I was running the motel by myself for 9

hours straight.

I was already a little nervous, but then this vaguely familiar guy comes up to the front

desk and asks for me by name.

This dude was weird…

I have red flags popping all over in my head.

I tell him that it's me, and he explains that he was the guy from Tinder, and he saw

that i was less than a mile away, so he went to see if I was possibly working at his motel.

That's right, this guy was staying where I worked.

I stay behind the comfort of my desk for TWO hours, while this guy won't stop talking to


He tells me how his ex left him, how he beats people up, and how he wanted to bang me.

I snooped a bit on his account.

He was a painter and was doing work locally, he wasnt from here.

Needless to say, I was uncomfortable.

I had no idea what to do.

Its around 2am and the creep finally decided to go to bed, so I take a much needed smoke


I go outside and as soon as I spark up, creepy dude shows up.

He tells me where he's from, and keeps getting closer and closer to me.

He asks if its ok to smoke weed, which I said yes to.

Out of nowhere he pulled me in, smelled my neck, and started grabbing my ass.

I swiftly hit him, and told him he better not fucking touch me.

I threw my cigarette on the ground and grab my phone to call my boss before going inside.

The guy RIPS the phone from my hand, and proceeds to text himself.


First thing he sends me is a grotesque picture of his weird looking penis.

Then came the creepy bdsm porn gifs, with captions like

"I cant wait to do this to you."

"You know what room I'm in".

I was freaking out.

My boss wasn't answering..

I don't know why I didnt call the cops.

I was in the back office having the panic attack of my life, when I get one more video.

Why I clicked on it, I'll never know.

I refuse to say what I saw in detail, but it was a snuff porn film.

Very violent, very sexual.

I locked myself in the back room, cried, and waited for hours until morning came.

The texts went on for a few days until I've had enough, and got the balls to tell my boss

all about it.

He immediately kicked this guy out and banned him from our motel.

His company is not even allowed to book with that motel anymore.

I should've called the cops…

Thank god this situation didn't escalate more than it did..

I was 21, recently became a Police Officer, and was also recently dumped, so my friends

suggested Tinder.

As a 21 year old and new cop, I had the "I'm invincible and can take on anyone" mentality.

I matched with a very good looking, out of my league female.

We chatted, and eventually set up a date to meet.

She said she knew a great open field to look at stars and hang out.

The night came.

I picked her up and she guided me to the field.

Open space, woods, deer and other wildlife.

Really nice place!

In the field, I noticed really dim headlights in the distance.

Then, a van started driving towards us and pulled up right in front of us, almost close

enough to block me from going forward.

I told my date to stay in the car.

I grab my flashlight and walked up.

The driver was a decently sized man.

I asked him what's going on and if he could back his car up a little bit.

He was very polite, said he was the owner of the property and said he didnt mean to

scare us.

I ensured him we only came out to look at the stars and wild life.

He was perfectly ok with that, told me to have a nice date, and drove away.

Around an hour later I saw headlights coming towards us again, this time really fast.

It came close enough to almost hit my car.

My date hopped out of the car and ran towards the van.

I immediately knew I was fucked.

I got out, and gave them commands to back up and get on the ground.

Neither of them complied..

I saw my "date" grab a metal pipe from the van.

She told me they had a gun, and that if I give them my money and truck I won't get hurt.

At that point, I told them I was a cop, drew my concealed firearm, and told them to lay

on the ground.

They finally complied.

I was able to call 911, tell them my name and badge number, and that I needed back up


I gave our dispatcher the best directions I could to this field.

While on the phone, the two fled.

I took off after the man, who ran into the woods around the field.

I chased him for maybe 30 seconds when I heard 3 loud pops, and saw a muzzle flash.

My I'm invincible mentality went right out the window.

I ran like hell back towards my car and got the hell outta there.

I called dispatch again, and had officers come to my location.

The first officers to pull up were my Sergeant and my Field Training Officer.

They called me a "Dumbass" and a "Stupid fucking rookie"…

We went towards the field.

I was told to shut my mouth and stay inside.

They cleared the area and started looking in the van.

They found meth right on the center console.

What scared me the most was when my Sergeant came back, let me out and told me to come

look in the back of the van.

He was pale, looked horrified.

I went to the back of the van, and saw several knives, duct tape, lighter fluid, rifle ammunition,

handcuffs, and what looked to be dried blood.

In the front seat passenger side, we found an AR-15 style rifle, and two more handguns.

Turns out the van was stolen…

We never found my 'date' or the driver..

and needless to say, I will never use online dating again.


For more infomation >> 📱 2 Troubling Tinder TRUE Horror Stories Read By Strangers - Duration: 7:14.


Police: Don't shoot guns in the air to celebrate the new year - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Police: Don't shoot guns in the air to celebrate the new year - Duration: 2:15.


Free CS:GO Won't Ruin the game with cheaters - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Free CS:GO Won't Ruin the game with cheaters - Duration: 8:42.


🔴MAKE EVERYTHING AD-FREE Firestick Android IPAD Devices No root 2018 - Duration: 10:41.

hey techdoctor how can I block all of the adverts on all of my apks on all of

my devices I don't want to install an apk to do this I don't want to root my

device what's the best way to do that oh hello in this video today I'll show

you a simple trick you can do on all of your devices your fire steaks your

Android boxes your Nvidia shields even your iPhones and iPads and computers can

all take advantage of this fix now this fix does not need you to

install any apk like block order or add God or anything like that it's a very

easy thing to do and I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you so it all

of that being said let's get started

okay so the way this fix works is is we update our DNS servers to use a special

set which are specifically designed to block adverts they'll block any kind of

odd very do adverts animated adverts any kind of address you see on your

applications on your browser it'll automatically block all of those for us

now for us to understand how this fix works is first we have to understand

what DNS is so DNS stands for domain name system and it's a method or process

which allows your computer or device to translate domain names into IP addresses

so let's put that into real-life so the job of DNS is to translate the friendly

names that we type into our browser into IP addresses I can understand and

communicate with so right now I've opened up a browser and type in or another address the first thing the browser will do will see do I

already know the IP address of this website and if I know the IP address it

will just make a connection to that IP and then it will show me the web page

and away you go now in the case where it doesn't know what the IP address is this

is where your browser will now say hey DNS server I'm configured to use what is

the IP for this particular website so your computer will make a connection to

your DNS server which is normally your ISPs DNS server and say what is the IP

for this website Ron looker now in reality and many to us a couple of DNS

servers before actually finds out what is the IP address for that website and

as soon as it finds our answer it gives that back to you

computer and you compute you can now make a direct connection to the IP

address and you can now see that website and that's essentially how DNS works

okay so now that we understand what DNS is if we do change our DNS servers to

use this special set which are designed to block adverts the next time we start

our streaming application or start our browser if those applications or if that

browser tries to download an advert because that application will make a

request to that special DNS server as soon as that DNS server recognizes that

this actual request is for an advert or maybe like foreign video advert it will

immediately return null or zeros because it doesn't want to give you the IP

addresses for those advert sites or for those video advert so your streaming

application your browser will not load those adverse which means we can enjoy

all our content advert free now these DNS servers actually provided by an ad

guard and we know they specialize in blocking all sorts of adverts okay so

for me to actually demonstrate this what I've done is I've actually updated the

DNS servers for my Ethernet connection so when I'm using my wired connection on

my fire stake my fire stick is using the ad gaudia servers but I've left the

standard DNS servers on the wireless connection to be the normal one so in

theory the wireless should give me adverts and when I'm using this thing it

should not give me adverts so let's test out now so let me first just disconnect

this so now my fire stick should use the normal DNS servers so if I just try an

application let's try a let's try one at the popular streaming applications and

here we can just see in this popular streaming application we have this big

advert along the bottom here so once again this is me on my fire stick using

normal DNS servers let's try the fix now ok so I'm now gonna plug back in my

cable now for the people that don't know when you have an Ethernet connection a

wired connection this automatically overrides your wireless connection

because why de juez gives you more stable better connection so I've now

plugged the cable back in which means now my fire stick should be using my

Ethernet connection which already has the custom DNS server set so let's test

the streaming application again and we can see guys that start straightaway and

there's no advert on the bottom here and if we just try a streaming website which

normally has a ton of adverts we can see here guys this line at the

top which normally is full of adverts is totally clear

in fact let me demonstrate that so if I just unplug my Ethernet connection so

once again my device is not using the wireless connection if I just refresh

this page and we can see all the others have now come back so this has proves

that when my device is using the custom ad god DNS servers we don't see any

adverts anymore okay so to change the DNS servers on your firestick let's go

over to settings now in my case because I'm using a wide connection the steps

are slightly different but I'll show you how you can do it both on wired and also

wireless so let's do the wireless first so the first thing we need to do guys is

we need to confirm what our current IP address is and the way we do that is if

we go over to my fire TV go to about go to network so make a note of your

current IP address which we can see mine is 167

and also make a note of your default gateway we can see mine is 254 okay

let's go back to network okay because I have a wired connection we can see how

the option here update your network configuration so I click on that and

here we can you see I type in the same IP address that I previously saw so in

my case it was dot 167 I click on next okay so this is going to be a 24 bit

subnet mask which is the 255 255 255 0 so we leave this as 24 click on next ok

so this is the default gateway that we previously saw so type that in as well

click on next and this is the key thing guys so we have 2 DNS servers we want to

type in this is the first one which is 176 the 103.1 302 132 let's type that in

click on next and the other one is the same bye ends with 134 so so type of DNS

servers in and click on connect and we can see we get the summary here just to

confirm that we do have the right IP address that we previously chose and we

also have the right DNS settings ok so that's how you do it if you're using a

wired connection now if you're doing this on a wireless connection let me do

that now so let me disconnect this ok so now I'm on wireless we can see my

wireless is connected I'm once again going to go out and go and confirm my IP

address so let's go back to my Wi-Fi TV go to about how we can see my IP address

now is dot 170 so get the IP address make a note of your gateway and we can

just see here by default my device does use the Rooter as the DNS server but

we're going to change that now so the way we change that is we go back into

network ok so here we can see my wireless is connected and connected what

we're going to do now is we're going to click on forget this network because for

us to change our DNS settings we have to do when we first establish the wireless

connection so let's press the contacts key to disconnect it says press sector

confirming on disconnect let's press select ok so that's now gone ok so we've

now disconnected let's go back into the same wireless SSID again let's click on

that let's enter in the password ok so I've just entered in my wireless

password but instead of clicking on connect I'm going to click on advanced

and here I just type in the same IP address that we just saw when I was

connected to my wireless so which was 170 so one nine two one six eight dot

zero dot 170 okay let's double check that that's fine

and just make sure you've got your IP address that you saw in my fight TV

about network settings let's click on next

ok the Gateway we saw which is your route to his IP address so mine is ends

in two five four one nine two one six eight 0.254 next and we leave the prefix

length as 24 which is the default so 24 and click on next and it's the key thing

now guys it's now asking for those two dns servers so the two DNS servers once

again are they are 176th or 103 dot 130 dot 132 let's type that in let's click

on next the other one is the same so 176 and the other one is 176th or 103 to 132

134 let's click on connect ok we see that's now established a connection

using the custom our DNS server so let's just press the application one more time

and there we can see guys I'm still on the wireless connection but because I've

changed my wireless settings to use the custom DNA

service from add guard we're not seeing any adverts whatsoever and if I just

tried that streaming site again and there we can see guys no adverts here

whatsoever so changing our device to use as custom bns service means we're not

gonna see any adverts on any of our apks or a browser or anywhere else ever again

now if you want to see the steps but you're using a different device like an

android box or an iPhone or an iPad what i've done is i've created a new section

on my website under the tips and tricks so if you just go to my website now and

we can see there's a section here called tips and tricks let's click on that at

the moment there's only one tip this website is a work in progress i will be

adding more and more stuff in here very soon so please click on this tip here

and here we can see all of the steps so this is for an android box this is the

steps for an iPhone or any AI device then we have the step save for if you'll

do this on windows so so if you have like a desktop or a laptop or you want

to block all the adverts you can just follow the steps here then loss you've

got the steps for a route and now now the route a block is the big ones so if

you want to take this to the next level and basically block all the adverts for

all of the devices on your home network now these home devices are normally

configured to use your router for the DNS name resolution and on your route or

you normally have your ISPs configured DNS servers well if we change those to

use the add got DNS servers that means all of the devices on your home network

will now automatically start using the add god DNS servers and they won't see

any adverts anymore and that's all for this video guys many thanks for watching

if you did find this useful then do give it a thumbs up if you want to see more

stuff like this then do subscribe and hit the notification bell so many of you

are asking on how we can block adverts but without using block audio or any

special apk so I do hope you like this fix let me know and I'll hopefully catch

up with you guys real soon thanks

For more infomation >> 🔴MAKE EVERYTHING AD-FREE Firestick Android IPAD Devices No root 2018 - Duration: 10:41.


Netflix Sparks Debate Over Infinity War Synopsis - Duration: 4:16.

When Marvel's biggest film of 2018, the exhilarating and surprisingly sad superhero ensemble Avengers:

Infinity War, hit Netflix on December 25th, fans were delighted.

A Christmas present from the Home of Heroes and the number-one streaming platform in the


A chance to watch the super-sized flick in their pajamas, sunk into the corner of their

couch and hiding behind a bowl of popcorn where no one could judge them for crying when

Spider-Man said a tearful goodbye to Iron Man in the last few minutes of the film?

Who wouldn't be excited by that?

Unfortunately, elation turned to outrage for a vocal contingent of Marvel fans when Netflix

users discovered the Infinity War plot summary.

At the time the film hit the streaming site, its description read, "Superheroes amass to

stop intergalactic sociopath Thanos from acquiring a full set of Infinity Stones and wiping out

half of all life in the universe."

As it turns out, some concerned movie watchers took issue with the use of the phrase "intergalactic

sociopath" to describe Thanos, the purple-faced despot who committed mass genocide with the

snap of his Infinity Gauntlet-adorned fingers.

Some felt as though the label didn't completely fit, given how subjective and ill-defined

some people consider the term "sociopath" to be.

Thus, fans did what most everyone does nowadays when they need to blow off steam and have

their thoughts heard: they headed to Twitter to air their grievances in true Festivus fashion.

One wrote:

"Isn't Thanos a psychopath, not a sociopath?

Pls correct me if my dumbass is wrong."

Another had this to say:

"[...] does this mean that Thanos knows that what he's doing is wrong, but is doing it

anyway because he's stubborn?

Does he truly believe that wiping half of life from the universe is key to saving it?"

One Marvel fan was certain that Netflix royally messed up in classifying Josh Brolin's Mad

Titan as a sociopath, tweeting, "Really take issue with Netflix categorizing Thanos as

a sociopath.

He's clearly not."

Of course, until we get Thanos on the couch, it's difficult to say with absolute certainty

whether the Mad Titan has a diagnosable personality disorder at all.

To summarize the two disorders in a not-at-all scientific way, the generally accepted difference

between psychopathy and sociopathy is that a psychopathic

individual will not feel empathy or have a sense of morality.

Meanwhile, a sociopathic person, by contrast, does have a sense of morality, having the

knowledge that a particular action is bad, but going ahead and doing it anyway.

But despite these differences, the two terms are frequently conflated.

And because none of us at home can truly know whether Thanos felt bad about eradicating

half the universe's population or if he knew that it was wrong but still did it anyway,

it's not hard to see why some fans have confused the alien megalomaniac for being more of a

remorseless psychopath than regret-refusing sociopath.

Want to see more of this debate?

Of course you do!

Back to the Tweets:

"He's a far more dangerous villain than a sociopath — he's obsessed with his own power,

and believes what he's doing is right."

Another fan responded, tweeting:

"That's actually a psychopath.

Sociopaths can feel empathy and regret but ignore it to achieve their goal.

Psychopathy is the absence of, or impaired, empathy.

During the movie, Thanos did exhibit signs of remorse.

Especially when it came to Gamora.

"A sociopath is what he is.

He cried.

He showed remorse.

People are confusing sociopathy with psychopathy.

Psychopathy is the ABSENCE of remorse or empathy."

As tired as you probably are of this discussion, imagine how everyone else on the internet


The result of the exhausting back-and-forth between the tweeting armchair psychiatrists

was that many outlets on the Internet started reporting that Netflix had actually changed

the description of the movie to remove the word "sociopath," instead describing Thanos

as "Invader.


So-called savior."

Of course, as of the making of this video, opening up Infinity War on Netflix reveals

the same sociopathic language as ever — at least for some users.

It's unclear if these reports seem to indicate that Netflix has slowly begun rolling out

a changed synopsis, or if some people are just getting confused by the two descriptions

that Netflix includes on all of its movies.

Just like the debate between whether Thanos is a psychopath and sociopath, this question

is likewise pointless and frustrating.

It is, indeed, a truly perfect note to close out the year of 2018.

Check out one of our newest videos right here!

Plus, even more Looper videos about the Marvel Cinematic Universe are coming soon.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.

For more infomation >> Netflix Sparks Debate Over Infinity War Synopsis - Duration: 4:16.


Is Sitting up Straight Actually Good Posture? - Duration: 5:03.


Hey, you! Sitting there all slouchy!

You gotta fix that posture and straighten out your spine.

Well, maybe not completely.

Your spine has all these curves in it, so it's not really straight in the first place.

Actually, with how your spine is naturally curved, how do we even know what good posture is?

Turns out, it's pretty difficult to define.

But we do know that some types of bad posture aren't so great for your health.

And it all has to do with your spine.

The spine is one of the most important structures in the human body.

It serves as the central support, and it protects the nerves in your spinal cord, allowing your

brain to communicate with your muscles and organs.

That's why it's so important to take care of your spine.

If you don't, there can be drastic consequences.

A massive 2010 study on the Global Burden of Disease estimated that lower back pain

causes more global disability than any other condition, affecting nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide.

To understand what causes this sort of back pain, and how posture fits into the picture,

you have to understand the shape of your spine.

Your spine isn't perfectly straight.

The bones, which are called vertebrae, aren't stacked neatly on top of one another.

Instead, your spine is curved in an S shape,

so the load from your torso is centered directly over your hips.

Two parts of the spine curve outward like a turtle shell.

Physiotherapists call this kyphotic curvature.

These sections are also called primary curves, because they have the same shape

from fetal development to adulthood.

But you also have secondary curves, which start kyphotic and slowly change after birth

until they curve the other way, which is called lordotic curvature.

The neck starts to switch when an infant can lift their head, and the lower back takes

shape when they begin to walk.

These secondary curves shift the center of mass of a child's head and torso over their

hips and feet, which makes balance easier while standing.

Now, these spinal curves can also change in adulthood.

For instance, when someone is pregnant, their lower back will become more

lordotic to account for the weight of the fetus.

In addition to bigger curvature, certain regions of your spine also have some subtle lateral

curves and rotation to account for the all the organs you're hauling around.

Interestingly, people with a rare condition called dextrocardia have hearts on the right

side of their torsos, like a mirror image.

And they also have mirrored spinal curves to account for the different weight distribution.

All this to say, your spine is clearly supposed to be curved in certain ways.

But unfortunately, there's not a gold standard for posture to accommodate these curves.

For starters, many claims about sitting with proper posture aren't

universally supported or strongly backed by science.

For example, simply changing your sitting posture doesn't seem to have a major impact

on your baseline metabolism.

So you won't be able to get shredded just from sitting at your desk in a certain way.

To make things even more complicated, many physiotherapists don't agree on what the

"best" posture should look like.

So these days experts are more likely to suggest regular movement and varying posture.

You may have noticed that standing desks have become pretty popular.

And on its own, extended standing hasn't been shown to be any better than extended sitting.

But mixing up your daily routine with sitting, standing, and walking

has been found to reduce the incidence of lower back pain in some people.

However, it's also important to acknowledge that some people, like those who use wheelchairs,

may not be able to adjust their posture that way.

Studies have shown that providing lower back support

can increase wheelchair users' lung capacity and flow.

That can be really important for people who can't breathe as easily.

In addition, wheelchair backs that support spinal curves can give users more vertical

range of motion of their arms and make it easier for them to push their wheelchairs forward.

So we don't really have a definitive "best" posture.

But therapists have identified a couple signs of bad posture that can cause back problems,

whether you're sitting or standing.

The classic example of bad posture is slouching, and for good reason.

Bending forward while you're sitting reverses the curvature of your lower back,

making it more kyphotic.

An easy way to fix this is to scoot to the back of your chair,

which helps realign your vertebrae.

And despite the wonders of smartphones, like being able to watch YouTube from anywhere,

they've actually led to a new type of bad posture.

So-called "text neck" is what happens when people are using a cell phone or

looking at a computer monitor that's positioned too low, and bend their neck sharply.

This posture fights against the normal lordotic curvature of your neck, and can lead to pain.

To avoid this, you might just need to position your screens closer to eye level, so you're

not bending your neck so much and can preserve those smooth spinal curves.

Of course, we aren't doctors here at SciShow.

So if you are concerned about any pain, a physical therapist can prescribe exercise

and posture aids to help your muscles and spine.

That's their job, not ours.

Sorry if you're super aware of your sitting posture now,

but thanks for learning all about spines and support with us here on SciShow!

And if you want to support our team and help us provide free,

fascinating science content every single day, you can go to


For more infomation >> Is Sitting up Straight Actually Good Posture? - Duration: 5:03.


This Is Why Chili's Is Struggling To Stay Open - Duration: 5:03.

Out of all the popular American bar and grill chains, Chili's might be the one with the

most noticeable presence, but today, the company finds itself at a crossroads.

Here are the real reasons Chili's is struggling.

Market trends change every year, but one thing we've seen consistently over the last decade

is the declining popularity of casual dining chain restaurants.


It's just too easy to get."

There are two reasons for this: Over-expansion and more competition.

Between 2006 and 2014, restaurants were opening at an alarming rate - faster than the population

of the United States was growing, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Although the growth has slowed, many of these excess restaurants remain, making it harder

to turn a profit.

Then there's the growing popularity of quick service chains like Chipotle and Five Guys,

which offer food that's fast, lower-priced, and just as tasty.

That means casual dining spots like Chili's are in trouble.

Unless the chain can figure out how to stand out in the marketplace, they'll continue seeing

declining traffic and sales whenever a new competitor rears its head.

"You're right.

There's no law against just having appetizers for dinner."

"I didn't think so."

People who eat at Chili's want to feel like it's a "safe" choice.

You know what the food will be like, and how the atmosphere will feel.

"Our first date was at Chili's exactly two years ago."

"One and a half years, actually."

"It was a Friday night."

"Saturday Lunch."

But in 2018, that safety came into question when customers learned of a data breach that

reportedly occurred between March and April of that year.

Oddly, though, the company didn't announce the incident until May 12th.

"The company believes malware compromised its payment systems, stealing credit and debit

card information."

Chili's also failed to immediately provide information regarding which locations were


Security breaches have been making headlines in recent years, because companies seem to

play it fast and loose with clients' information.

In a market where consumers have more choices than money to spend, knowing a company takes

their personal security seriously is a selling point.

If Chili's wants to gain back the trust of their customers, they'll need to be more proactive

with data confidentiality.

These days, eating out feels more wasteful than ever.

From the excessive plastic used in to-go orders, to food waste, people who want to maintain

a green lifestyle can find it difficult to justify eating at most restaurants.

"It's just what you'd expect from Chili's To-Go."

According to a 2018 report by the National Restaurant Association, modern consumers take

sustainability practices into account when it comes to choosing where they dine.

The report claims customers factor in a restaurant's efforts to reduce food waste as well as their

recycling and food donation programs into the decision-making process.

Chili's already made strides in 2016 when they committed to sourcing sustainable seafood.

But if they really want to appeal to consumers, they should lean even more into sustainable

practices like switching to compostable materials for to-go orders and reducing food waste through

prevention, recovery, and recycling methods.

These ideas would generate loyalty among existing customers, and create new opportunities for

marketing to new ones.

Plus, sustainability saves businesses money.

It's a win-win for everyone.

Nobody likes the idea of eating in an establishment with a dirty kitchen.

In September 2018, a Chili's franchise in Winter Haven, Florida had to shut down after

health inspectors found live roaches in the kitchen.

Inspectors reportedly issued a total of 15 violations for issues including old food debris

in microwaves, ceiling tiles leaking rainwater, limescale in the dishwasher, and worse.

"After inspectors saw several roaches crawling next to the salad bin on the cook's line,

and next to the waiter's station."

Since consumers have a wide range of dining establishments to choose from, a single report

of uncleanliness can turn off patrons for the long-term.

While the incident only applies to one out of the hundreds of Chili's locations in the

country, the wide reach of digital news means people can make the assumption that "Chili's

equals Dirty Kitchen."

In order to recover their rep, Chili's has to wait for the incident to fade from people's


In the restaurant biz, if you snooze, you lose.

Chili's learned that the hard way by waiting too long to implement changes that could've

helped their business.

As The Washington Post points out, their competitor Olive Garden simplified their menu all the

way back in 2014, and Ruby Tuesday did the same in 2016 by cutting thirty percent of

their dishes.

Meanwhile, it took Chili's until 2017 to catch up with the market trend.

"And now we remember the ones we lost."

Considering Chili's successful results, it's clear that making these changes even sooner

would've made a bigger splash.

While American fast-casual restaurants are struggling across the board, Chili's Grill

& Bar has the history and brand recognition to make it out alive.

But in order to stand out as an industry leader, they have to stay ahead of market trends,

not fall behind.

For more infomation >> This Is Why Chili's Is Struggling To Stay Open - Duration: 5:03.


Making a Life-Size Wood Nutcracker (that crushes coconuts) - Duration: 19:27.

what it's a Christmas miracle

hey I made myself a friend I'm lonely I don't have any friends except for my

friends over at Carolina Shoe Thank You Carolina Shoe for making this insane

project a reality and the video to Carolina is a huge supporter and believer in

everything that I do here they make super high quality work boots

and anytime I'm in the shop I have a pair on my feet my buddy here even wears

Carolinas now Carolina wants to pass along a special deal just for you guys

here to keep your feet comfortable and protected in the new year so just simply

use the code "Nutcracker10" at check out on it'll give

you ten percent off any pair of boots until the end of the month just in case

you are curious here's a few fun facts about my new Nutcracker buddy here he's

just over six and a half feet tall from the floor to the top of his little

pom-pom here right around 150 pounds he's made almost entirely from reclaimed

materials whole lot of red oak and pine reclaimed beam and stud that came from

community forklift some local salvage yard here just outside of DC and then

the rest comes from maple butcher block off cuts and he really does crush

coconuts I wasn't playing around there but anyway

I hope you enjoyed the journey I took you on in that video and I will see you

on the next one

For more infomation >> Making a Life-Size Wood Nutcracker (that crushes coconuts) - Duration: 19:27.


The Five New Year's Special 12/31/18 5PM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:31.

For more infomation >> The Five New Year's Special 12/31/18 5PM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:31.


See Pregnant Carrie Underwood Enlist the Help of Son Isaiah, 3½, to Tie Her Shoes: 'I Got It!' - New - Duration: 2:35.

It's a team effort to get Carrie Underwood fully dressed these days.

The country singer shared a glimpse at her later-in-pregnancy reality to Instagram Sunday, posting a video that showed her husband Mike Fisher and son Isaiah Michael, 3½, taking on the task of lacing up the mom-to-be's sparkly silver sneakers.

"I'm tying this shoe!" Isaiah proclaims adorably in the clip. In response, retired hockey pro Fisher asks his son, "Hard to do it backwards, isn't it?"

"You're doing a good job, buddy," says Underwood, 35, from the behind the camera, with Fisher adding, "That's pretty close! You got it!"

"Let Daddy fix it a little bit," Underwood continues before her little boy sweetly shouts, "No, I got it!" and insists on tying his mom's shoe himself.

Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter.

Pregnancy Pampering! Carrie Underwood's Prenatal Insomnia Led Her to Buy $600 Worth of Makeup

While Underwood hasn't spoken publicly about her exact due date, a source told PEOPLE earlier this month that the "Cry Pretty" singer and Fisher, 38, were "cherishing their last Christmas as a family of three. Unless of course the baby makes an early debut."

The main hint Underwood has given about her baby boy's arrival timeline is that her Cry Pretty tour will kick off in May 2019, after she has finished her maternity leave.

"Carrie is on lockdown until the baby [is born]," the insider revealed to PEOPLE. "They're fully moved into the Leiper's Fork house and have the hospital route mapped out." (Leiper's Fork is a rural suburb of Nashville, Tennessee.)

At the end of November, the American Idol champ joked that she's at the stage in her pregnancy where her entire wardrobe comes from the closet of husband Fisher, a former ice-hockey center who played for the Ottawa Senators and Nashville Predators.

"Officially wearing Mike's clothes in public now, so … 😳 #pregnant #MyClothesDontFit #sorrybabe," Underwood wrote on Twitter.

Shortly after, Fisher quipped back, "How dare you stretch my clothes 😂."

For more infomation >> See Pregnant Carrie Underwood Enlist the Help of Son Isaiah, 3½, to Tie Her Shoes: 'I Got It!' - New - Duration: 2:35.


• Why didn't she love me? - Duration: 1:48.

I'm Dean.


Oh, -


Me, that's -

- that's me.

I got kissed.

Oh my God,

he kissed me.

I say "I love you",

and she just sits there, and -

- and I'm -

- I'm the jerk?

I love you.

I'm the bad guy?

You're boyfriend's waiting.


He's not my boyfriend,

I hate him.






Because I love you, you idiot!

Are you my boyfriend?

Well, I am if you want me to be.

I do.

I'm not her boyfriend anymore.

What are you talking about?

You don't wanna be with me, Rory.

Yes, I do.

Oh, please!

You've been into him since he got to town.

And I have spent weeks,

mpnths, actually,

trying to convince myself

that it wasn't truth.

That everything was fine between us.

But now I know

that I was an idiot.

You're into him,

and he's into you.

I just came to tell you

that I'm truly sorry

that I hurt you.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

You don't want to fight me, Tristan!

Why not?!

'Cause I'll kill you, idiot!

Come on, Rory.

You will not come near her



I asked Lindsay to marry me.


I miss her.

Why didn't she love me?

What am I doing here, Rory?

I don't belong here.

Not anymore.

I'm writing a book.

Can I put you in it?

What are you gonna say?


you were the greatest boyfriend alive.

I love you, Rory.

I love you too, Dean.

For more infomation >> • Why didn't she love me? - Duration: 1:48.


Survivor 'fueled by anger' over Iowa Church sex abuse - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Survivor 'fueled by anger' over Iowa Church sex abuse - Duration: 0:57.


South Marquesan 30-Day Challenge Complete Collection (December 2018) - Duration: 6:11.

My name is Jared.

I am an American.

I love Oceania and Polynesia. In December I will be learning Marquesan.

I like the weather in Iceland in August.

I like going to fun events.

I also like Hannukkah. Happy Hannukkah!

Kevin Fei Sun is a hyperpolyglot.

He is from Shanghai. We speak a lot of languages. But we choose different languages.

I use Memrise, Clozemaster and Speakpipe every day.

I also read and watch TV in my fluent languages every week.

I will write sentences from my book into Clozemaster Pro.

Then I will read the sentences out loud.

I do not see any snow outside. It is cold. But the sun is shining.

The term "Marquesan" is a French word. But people should name themselves, especially nowadays.

So it is better to use the word "'enata / 'enana", in English "People".

Today is December 8th.

November 20th is my birthday.

Today is the last night of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah!

I am very lazy. I didn't write any questions. LOL.

Nauru's 50th birthday was in January. I made a polyglot video in February.

March was not good. November was my birthday.

I got three flags on my birthday.

I got a flag of Tuvalu, of Kiribati and of Greenland.

They are now in my room.

I made my sister a movie for her 20th birthday.

I used to make other movies as well. Maybe one day I will make more. In Marquesan!

I try to be happy every day. I try to say nice things about other people.

I do not travel for Christmas. I am Jewish.

On my trips, I take these things:

Books, clothing, cameras, intelligence and games.

My book is very good. I have been busy. But a little bit of Marquesan a day is helpful.

Reading about the city beforehand is a good idea. Looking at Google maps is helpful too.

I like travelling by myself.

I like to learn the local language. Not a lot of people like to learn the local language.

Six Flags is from Texas.

Because in the history of Texas, Texas had six flags. It also was an independent state once.

2018 was disappointing for me. I had a lot of dreams. I didn't do a lot of things, though.

Sometimes I sleep very little. Sometimes I sleep a lot.

I have the "Pack o Game" set. Every game is very small. There are sixteen of them.

I am Jewish. Nothing for Christmas. And I'm sick. LOL.

I was in Jerusalem for Christmas once. My Christian friends went to Bethlehem.

In the book "Brave New World", the Marquesas Islands are a place for people who think freely.

The evil government puts them there.

I want to thank the people who watch my videos.

I want to thank the people who read my blog posts. This was hard. Thank you very much.

This challenge alone will help. A lot. But you need other things. I speak Marquesan a lot better now!

I decided to learn Marquesan because I want to learn about a unique culture.

I think that I did a good job!

Happy New Year! Last recording of 2018! See you in 2019!

For more infomation >> South Marquesan 30-Day Challenge Complete Collection (December 2018) - Duration: 6:11.


(ENG SUB) [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS (방탄소년단) Happy New Year 2019! - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB) [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS (방탄소년단) Happy New Year 2019! - Duration: 8:48.


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #5: Borderlands Austin Powers - Duration: 31:56.

Edmond_SA: Your name is terrible and I hate my Steam friends list every time I open it

Rirse: Could you restart if possible for twitch quality options?

Lrrose20: Those certainly are usuer names

ArashiKurobara: oh hey that's the same pair my friend and I played as

Lrrose20: Yay, my favorite of this game's heroes!

Lrrose20: Did you hear that Obsidian is making Borderlands 3: New Vegas?

thamazingfiona: howdy

manylots: how's it going, claptrap

Edmond_SA: Not New Vegas 2

Lrrose20: It's really good at cheesing bosses

Charlettmoon: Oh boy more fun times~~

thamazingfiona: here's my interpretation of the lore in this game: i like shooting things

Lrrose20: RIP one of the less annoying Claptraps

manylots: everyone on this moon is a criminal anyway

Charlettmoon: He was a cool claptrap yes :(

Edmond_SA: Wow, that's some fantastic writing

Lrrose20: I appreciate that they didn't want to make Jack sympathetic, but the writing here is still boring

Lrrose20: AI Jack is the best Jack

thamazingfiona: brilliant

Charlettmoon: Australians: What are they? We just don't know!

permagreen: This game is so aggressively Australian. It's like the developers felt bad about there not being more Australian flavored games, so they crammed as much Australian into this one game as they could

Wiseblood_79: Getting laid has mellowed her out in Tales

Galeboomer: I can't wait for Borderlands 3 to just end as a big Fortnite reference

permagreen: In Borderlands 3 the entire UI will be replaced by Claptrap. You have to talk to him if you want to do anything menu-wise. For immersion.

Galeboomer: 100 vault hunters land on an island, and only 1 can get the Borderland Royale

Lrrose20: Is this a recording of a phonecall from Gearbox Australia

thamazingfiona: cause she has standards?

wozzen: Yay for Speycial Ice!

wozzen: But which GUN will you choose?

Lrrose20: 5/6 of the crew are evil, but all of the quest givers feel the need to justify having you kill people

Charlettmoon: Is the one good guy Claptrap? :V

MilestoneRP: Claptrap likes killing people, soooo.....

Lrrose20: Claptrap is too annoying to be good. Athena is genuinely heroic

Charlettmoon: That's true, I was thinking she was pretty merc but yeah

Lrrose20: Are there Austin Powers references in any Borderlands game, or is Austion Powers too dated even for this series?

thamazingfiona: i wouldn't even blink if there was one

Galeboomer: On it

permagreen: I'm pretty Austin Powers was considered too dated for even the Borderlands writers

shinju_forest: that's the actual subtitle for borderlands 3

permagreen: pretty sure*

shinju_forest: borderlands 3: this one has austin powers in it

MilestoneRP: And Duke Nukem

Galeboomer: The first video result is the quest where you give Scooter's poem to Daisy, and the second is someone getting their car stuck between rocks like that one scene in the first movie

thamazingfiona: only result i got was a video of someone who got their car stuck like that one scene

Galeboomer: Otherwise yeah, there's nothing

thamazingfiona: oh no, now we know one of your friends plays warframe

Lrrose20: I can't wait to hear more about how Jack went from being evil to being evil.

mrthelazyone: Wait, Jack is evil?

shinju_forest: light buzzass was my favorite space mutiny name

shinju_forest: wait whhhhhAAAT?

Charlettmoon: Spoilers

eternalotl: I'm glad the names update immediately

mikedaws0n: The problems with cars in this one is there's more death jumps and the guns aren't as fun as "catapult that throws explosive barrels"

thamazingfiona: oh man it looks like it handles like a dream

For more infomation >> Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #5: Borderlands Austin Powers - Duration: 31:56.


Journalist has given an insight into Arsenal's true feelings about Mesut Ozil - Duration: 5:02.

Football News24/7  It's hard to pinpoint an exact nadir of Mesut Ozil's season.   The playmaker missed the 5-1 defeat to Liverpool at Anfield with a sore knee, but the general consensus was that he wouldn't have featured anyway

   Ozil has now sat out 13 games in all competitions due to injury, illness, or as Unai Emery put it ahead of the Carabao Cup loss to Spurs, "tactical reasons"

   It's a pity when the 30-year-old can produce moments of such magic and vision as he did with his clinical pass to Sead Kolasinac against Burnley

   However, Arsenal have undoubtedly got themselves into a difficult spot with their biggest earner

   Back in January, he was awarded a new contract and with it, a rise that saw his wages rocket to a reported £350,000 a week

 It was an obvious move, especially with Alexis Sanchez leaving for Manchester United

 The Gunners felt they had to tie their other key man down and yet, his stock has fallen dramatically since then

   As the New Year dawns, so does the January transfer window.  Inter Milan are being discussed as a potential destination, though Ozil's salary could be a stumbling block even for a loan move

   Until his situation is cleared up one way or another, Arsenal fans will be left wondering what exactly is going on behind-the-scenes

   Fortunately, German journalist Raphael Honigstein has given a fresh update after speaking to a source

   While he insists Emery has nothing against Ozil personally, it seems Arsenal have come to a firm decision about the type of games he should be featuring in

  Is Ozil trusted?   Speaking on Sky Sports' Sunday Supplement, Honigstein said:  "The last time I spoke to someone who should know, they insisted it was nothing personal [between Emery and Ozil]

   "Whenever he has not been played it is because the manager did not fancy him for whatever game

 "Even in the club there's an acceptance that you need Mesut Ozil to beat those 20 smaller teams to get the 60 points to build the platform

 "But when it comes to the bigger games, against the more attacking teams, it's very problematic playing with him

 "Especially when you want Aaron Ramsey in your team."  Sadly, the World Cup winner's nonchalant reputation means that even had he been fit, it would have been difficult to include him away to Liverpool, a game that arguably requires more running than any other fixture in the Premier League calendar

 And for a player of his profile, he can't be content to feature solely against the 'smaller' teams

 Ozil could have a big decision to make in the coming weeks.  Should Arsenal keep Mesut Ozil? Have your say in the comments


For more infomation >> Journalist has given an insight into Arsenal's true feelings about Mesut Ozil - Duration: 5:02.


Gorgeous Cozy Lakeview Log Cabin Sleeps 6 For Sale from Lancaster Log Cabins - Duration: 1:42.

Gorgeous Cozy Lakeview Log Cabin Sleeps 6 For Sale from Lancaster Log Cabins

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Cozy Lakeview Log Cabin Sleeps 6 For Sale from Lancaster Log Cabins - Duration: 1:42.


আল্লাহ্‌ কেন দুর্যোগ দেন | Ask Dr Zakir Naik Bangla Lecture - Duration: 9:46.

AK Computer Network

Have Done This Video

For more infomation >> আল্লাহ্‌ কেন দুর্যোগ দেন | Ask Dr Zakir Naik Bangla Lecture - Duration: 9:46.


Portal | Animation - Duration: 1:43.

*mumble mumble mumble*

And then I was like,

What the..

Ooh a portal!

I wonder what's on the other side!

Maybe we should..


Oh my God, what just happened?

Wh- where did you..?

How did you..?

Hey, there's lots of cool stuff on the other side, like..

This fancy hat!

Yeah, well, maybe it's not safe to..

Or this beautiful rug!

Hey wait!

Or this cute puppy!

Will you stop for a moment so we can try to figure out what this thing is?!

Or what secret government agency we should contact..

Wait if they're secret, how can we contact them..?

What's the problem?

I didn't die.

So far..


All it has done so far is give me all this cool stuff!

You should try it!

Hey! Wait!


Is that an exotic plant?

..and a sculpture of a dragon made out of some precious gem?!

And oh my God, is that that famous painting by Mondriaan?!

This is literally all I ever dreamed of!

Like, literally!

Wait a second..

Ah, no, it was all a dream?

That's so lame..

Such an easy way to end the story..

Who even writes these?!

For more infomation >> Portal | Animation - Duration: 1:43.



For more infomation >> JACKIE CHAN ELIMINATES NOOBS IN FORTNITE IRL!? - Duration: 1:27.


La vraie définition de savoir porter ses c*uilles - Duration: 1:51.


I promise, it will last five minutes (actually, like two)

I could have started with some Shakespeare

It's beautiful and very meaningful

but you suck at English

and I think that comparing ourselves to starcrossed lovers

would have made me puke.

There was also the option of romantic comedies

but being romantic is not really my thing.

I could have started with saying that I like

your face

your eyes

your heart

your body

but... it sucks (especially because the list of things I like about you is very long)

So, I will brag about my knowledge

In 1939, René Magritte painted The Treachery of Images

In a nutshell, this canvas means that no matter how close a picture is to reality, it can never represent it fully.

thus, this is not a love statement.

So why now, you could ask?

Because a while ago, you asked me to stay and I said no.

Yes. I know. It's dumb.

Don't worry, I've beaten myself down for that.

I should actually have taken you around the world because that's what you deserve (your kids too)

I know that my life is a roller coaster but I promise that I will make your heart beat

I know how, I have done it before.

I know that I am always on the run and that you wouldn't know where to look for me but don't worry, I will be there to put you back on your feet.

I know that a girl like me can be scary

but i will show you that there is no reason to be scared because all I really want is what you want.

I know that my impulsivity would drive you crazy but I have to admit that I like this idea

because there is nothing more beautiful than seeing you with stars in your eyes

and finally, I know you are stubborn but you know, I am too

and I have already waited too long.

See, I haven't lied: this video could never sum up everything I feel...

but it's a good start don't you think? (and all of a sudden, between us)

(I would like everything to be soft)

(I would like the magic of love to act and)

(this story to be our last story)

(I would like the magic of love to act and)

(you to be the most beautiful on the planet)

(I would love to laugh with you like in a TV serie)

(to slow-dance with you all summer long)

(I would like the magic of love to act and)

(this story to be our last story)

And if you are still as stubborn, see you in a year. I still owe you a coffee...

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