Thursday, November 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 17 2017

This program contains violence, sex, and inappropriate

or provocative dialogue.

It is intended for mature audiences.

Viewer discretion advised.

The characters and situations in this program are fictitious.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.


Are you serious?

Of course I am.

You know I don't have any family.

Well, I do, but I don't want to be with them.

So what do you say? Yes or no?

Yes, of course, yes.

I just don't really know what to do right now.

I'm being discharged tomorrow,

but I don't know how to pay.

I have money, but I don't know how to get to it.

What do you need?

Money to get out of here? I'll get it.


A neighborhood shop owner.

He gives out loans.

I can put up my house as collateral.

I could never let you do that.


Why not?

You can pay me later when you get to your money.

If not, then we'll start a business or something

and you can make it back there.


Hey, Cata.

Mrs. Vanessa, how'd it go?

Great, thank you!

Come in.


-How are you? -Everything good?

Yes, thankfully.

Mr. Albeiro.

How is everything?

Did you visit Jotica and Daniel?

We just came from there.

How are they?


The police commander is a good man, very honest.

He said he wouldn't press charges until he got

all the information from their records.

That's great.


Hopefully, he can help Daniel clear his name.

We would love that.

It's going to happen. Don't worry.

So what's the reason for those big smiles?

We have some good news amidst all this tragedy.

We got proposed to.

That's amazing.


Hilda and I also want to get married one day.

We could have a group wedding.

-Good idea. -That sounds nice.

We have to wait for her to come back.

-Is this your daughter? -Yes.

Hello, I'm Abigail.


You're very cold.



Have you decided, ma'am?

Yes, I've made up my mind.

I brought my daughter

because she also wants to bewitch someone.

Did you tell her I'm the best at this?

I don't know that for sure. I haven't seen results.

If you were patient, you would.

What do you want?

Who are you trying to bewitch and for how long?

His name is Hernan Dario and I want him kissing my feet

for the rest of our lives.

First things first.

Let's start with Albeiro Marin.

Good morning, Albeiro. How are you?

Thank you.

Have a seat.

Good morning.

How are you?

I'm ready to start looking for my mom.

I can't take long, though,

because I need to keep a close eye on Mariana.

Don't worry, Catalina. Everything will be fine.

How do we split up?

I suggest we go in pairs.

I'll go with Hernan Dario

and we'll start looking in hospitals.

Ximena and Valentina told me they were coming too.

If you'd like, I can go to the morgue with Lucia.

That's rough.

She won't be there.

Ximena and Valentina can go downtown.

-Yes. -And...

we can go to the police station.

Yes, that's sounds great.

We just have to pick up my car because it's in the shop.

Quick question.

Are you two going alone together?

No, go with your sister. I'll go with Hernan Dario.

-Right? -Yeah.

No, I was just asking.

Don't worry. I'll go with Hernan Dario.

Let's head out already.

Yes, let's go.

Let's go.

What's with you two? Why are you so smiley?

You're up to something.

We got proposed to.

Both of you?



Thank you.

Vane, that's so great.

Double weddings!

We're over the moon.

Did you bring what I asked for?

All of it.


This works.

If Mariana isn't here in ten minutes,

would you mind waiting outside?

-No. -I have to go.

I can wait outside. That's fine.

Sorry, but I don't really know you enough

to leave you here alone.

Where's the trust? We can get to know each other.

Nice to meet you. I'm Dayana.

Is Mariana here?

No, they're here to pick me up.

You can stay.

Stay and wait for her.

Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge.

Make yourself at home.



Weird kid.


I was about to head to your place.

I came early because everyone was leaving my house

in pairs, and I got stuck with you.

Oh yeah?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Come on.

Sweetie, you left this.

You might need it.

Hi, I know you!

Angela, right?

Yes, we know each other.

The neighborhood madam is at your house?

Just a second. I'm a businesswoman.

Yes, you're very good.

And you help her.

Shut up. I don't help you.

You said you didn't have a phone and look.

-It's not what you think. -You're sick.


Move before I run you over.

Really? I'm so scared.


Cata, it's not what you think.

Let's talk.

How rude.

Get out of here!

I was helping you. You should thank me.

No, you're not!

I told you to stay inside, now get out of here!

-But you left your phone. -I said leave!

Don't scream at me. I'll get my purse and leave.

No, you're not. I'll get it.


Wow, what a catch. Poor and rude!


At least tell me what I did wrong.

I don't get it.


You're so aggressive.

Mari, you took forever. Look at the time.

Sorry, I live far away.

Do you have the joint here?

Yeah, but say hi first.

Let's go somewhere more low-key so we can smoke.

Alright, hurry up.

Aren't you going in?


Is someone there?

No, I was knocking forever and no one answered.

Let's go.

Alright, then no.

Let's go. It's smoky time.

What work skills do you have?

I know how to kidnap, extort, murder...

I was a bodyguard for a long time,

but you shouldn't worry about that.

I can take care of you and my son.

He's all I have left.

You call that work?

Trust me, ma'am, there's no way out for people like me.

That's not true.

There is a way out for people like you.

I'm going to prove to you that there are decent things

you can do to get out.

I promise you.

I would do anything for you and for this chance

you're giving me.

I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


I'm going to go get the money to get you out

and to start a new life with.

You'll see.

Thank you, my sweet lady.

Cata, please.

Can we talk for one second?


I don't want to talk. Leave right now.


Let me explain.

I have the right to doubt you. Leave!

What store do you want to go to?

I don't know. Anywhere.

It can't be just anywhere. Try a little.

You need to look like a queen.

I don't want any trouble with Titi.

He said...


Yes, don't get mad. Let me explain.

He's the one paying for the party and the clothes.

Don't get mad, though.

How can I not?

Lower your voice.

He's sorry.

He was drunk that day too.

What do I care?

He's a gentleman. Plus, didn't you say

you liked the weed I just gave you?

Well, Titi is the only one in Colombia who has it

because he's the one who grows it.

Think of it like that.

We'll go to the party.

We'll smoke all you want

and you can even take home enough weed for a month or two.

Plus, I promise I'll be sober and looking over you.

Like your guardian angel, sweetie.

You'll be fine.

We're going to party, smoke, and then go.

I like this store.

Do you want to look for a dress here?



Something to show off your hot bod.

This is...



I don't want to talk!

Cata, it's me. What's wrong?


Hold on.

What's wrong, Catica?

Hey, girl.

I'm so sorry.

I'm having an issue with Mr. It Wasn't Me.

Can we talk for one second?

I said no.

Come in.


What happened, sweetie?

He's a liar.

Last night he told me he didn't have any clothes

and that was his excuse for going home.

I said it was fine and when I went to pick him up today

he came out nonchalantly and two seconds later

some call girl walks out with her boobs out,

telling him he left his cell phone.

They ------! Period!

No, sweetie.

That's very strange.

A call girl?

It's not that strange, Mrs. Ximena.

He's a cheater, that's all.

This is the second time.

I'm the one with the problem. I keep trusting him.

My niece is pregnant with his baby.

How could I trust someone like that?

I hate him!

What did he say?

"It wasn't me."

Same thing again. He never does anything

except lie to me.

How can I trust him after everything that's happened?

I understand why you're mad,

but I thought you two had settled everything.

Not really.

I've been really weak.

I can't stop loving him overnight.

That's the problem.

If I could press a button and be done with him,

that would be great, but I can't.

I was giving him another chance

and he took advantage of that to pull this.

I hate him with every fiber of my being!

I understand, honey. That's the way love works.

Just relax.

Mrs. Hilda is what really matters right now.

Just calm down.


My priority right now is my mother.

Hernan Dario can go to hell.

It's over... forever.

I hope it's not him.

Love is like that.

It's him.

Tell him to leave. For the love of God.

I will.


He'll feed you lies and try to ---- you too.

Cata, hush. Don't say those things.


I need to talk to Catalina.

-She doesn't want to see you. -Why not?

She saw some chick leaving your house.

-I don't know her. -Then why was she in your house?

How should I know? She was waiting for Mariana.

Did you tell Catalina that?

You know how stubborn she is. She won't listen.

-You can't go in. -I don't care.


Let me go.


Where is she?

-Leave my house. -Not until you hear me out.

-I don't want to. -You're imagining things again.

That's not fair to me.

No, it's not fair to me! You lied to me.

You said you had to change,

but that prostitute walked out to hand you your phone.

What am I supposed to think? You slept with her!

No, I didn't.

Plus, I don't owe you an explanation.

We're nothing.

Then go.

Not until you hear me out.

I don't want to, so then I'll leave.


Let me go.

Fine, I'll let you go, but hear me out.

I don't know that chick.

I don't even know her name.

Oh, sure. I do. It's Dayana.

I told you that when she gave me her card, liar!

But I don't remem-

I'm talking about why she was at my house.

She wasn't there for me. She was there for your niece.

I don't care about your crap

or if she was looking for my niece

and if you're insinuating that my niece

hangs with prostitutes and lives in your house,

that mess is between the three of you.

Leave me out of it!

Hold on a sec.

There's no mess and I'm not insinuating anything.

I have nothing to do with her or your niece.

She's just having your baby.

She wasn't there for me! Listen!

She was there for your niece.

She's got her in some mess.

That's what I came to tell you.

For more infomation >> Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso 2 | Capítulo 79 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:38.


Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo - Duration: 21:10.

I'm this close to meeting you...

my little coyote.

I'm going to drop the charges against your father.

What good is revenge if they can't see it happening?

I'm going to help you.

Just be cool and play along.

Salvador's innocent and you know it.

I killed Chucho Casares!

Me, myself and I!

You've become quite the nuisance.


Hey, Phillips. Are you feeling better?

You look better.

You need to recover, 'cause what's coming won't be easy.

We still haven't heard from Vicenta.

Our only viable option of exerting pressure

is through the president's ex-wife Cayetana Acosta,

but guess what?

We have no idea where she is.

I think I can figure that out.

You're all set.

Please hand me my phone.



It's me. Daniel.

Where the ---- are you, man?

I heard what happened in Sonora

with the Mexican president.

Please tell me you had nothing to do with that.

Yep! I did.

That's why I'm calling you.

I need you to help me, bro.

Vicenta's missing

and we think the Mexican president was involved.


What do you need? How can I help you find her?

First, I need you to locate the president's ex-wife.

She's in the States, but I need to know exactly where she is.


Yes, bro.

Find every lead available in the office.

This is very important. Yeah.

You're the only one I can trust.

Okay. Yeah.

Thanks, man.

He'll help us look into it.

That's good.

Can I please have a glass of water?

Oh, cheer up.

What matters is that we crossed without a problem.

Without a problem?


We only got away 'cause I have the Devil on my side.

And that ------- Indira! She let us down!

Damn that ------- ICE cop!

What'd Romero say?

He's a ------- pain all the ------- time!

He was happy in the end.

He wants to do more business. We will.


Where are you? Are you on break or something?

Get your ass here!

Get me two tequilas. I'm really thirsty!

Hurry, you bitch!

What about what I asked?

Everything's moving full steam ahead, Amaro.


That wasn't so bad, was it?

The movie was fine.

Thank you for staying.

Where's my kiss?

-I already gave you one. -So? I want another.

I love you.

Me too.

Voicemail again? This can't be happening!

Ayala, call me back.

I need to know what happened last night.

We have eyes on the Immigration's chief's son.

See? I'm not a thief.

You kept saying I'd stolen from you,

but it was just stuck to my stomach's lining.


Same ----.

How can we get it out without breaking it, Mohammed?

An endoscopy should do the trick.

Get everything ready.

Hold on. Hey!

Misa! Hey!

Talk to him! An endoscopy?

That sounds painful and I don't want to be in pain.

My stomach feels empty after all the laxatives I've taken.

It's almost as if my stomach is full of ants,

which by the way, they took care of my back pain.

Also, I need to call my son. Can I get a phone?

You talk so much!

You're not here on vacation, chatterbox!

No, I'm not!

You're a busybody and a gossiper!

You called me a thief, even though I'm innocent.

You told your boss I'd stolen from you!

Tell him I didn't! Call him, Cirulo!

My name is Cirilo! Shut up already!

I won't! I'm not a thief!

Why'd I ever think I could be a drug trafficker?

I could end up like a cold slab of meat on that table.

What about my son?

He'll be left without his mom, dad or a family!

Call your boss, Ciriri! Tell him I'm no thief!

Quit stressing. It's not good for you.


Call your family

and tell them you'll help them find your sister.

How am I supposed to do that from here, Highball?

How can I help them from inside this ------- dump?

They're probably going crazy looking for Vicenta.

I know where she is.

I have ears everywhere.

One of my contacts told me President Heriberto Roca

is holding her hostage.

That stuck-up bastard? Where is she?

Where is he holding her?

We don't know that yet.

In the meantime, call your family

and tell them she's alive... for now.


How are you, sis? It's great to hear from you.

It's nice to hear from you, sis.

How are you? How's Salvador?

How's Chenta?

<i> We're not doing well.</i>

Everything's gone to hell.

Chava's... in prison and Vicenta's missing.

We haven't heard from her.

What? No way! What happened?

Listen, we're in the States

because the Mexican president put a price on our heads.

What'd you do? Why would he do that?

That's a long story I can't tell you right now.

Help me get out of here.

If you don't, I'll go crazy or I'll wind up dead.

Shut it! Bite your tongue!

Are you still working in Falfurrias?

Yeah, I'm still working at the cattle ranch I told you about.

You think you could help me get a job there?

I need money, so I can help the family and get Salvador out.

I'll talk to my boss.

He's a cool guy who doesn't mind hiring illegal workers.

You think he wouldn't mind hiring my friend?

She has a baby, and that baby deserves better.

We're sick of being scared and on the run.

What if Sanchez's information is wrong?

The trip to NY would've been a waste of time!

Hey, Sanchez is my brother! He's never let me down!

Much less now that Vicenta's life is at stake.

Have some faith!

We're all set.

Pancho's guy is waiting at the Rio Rico private airport.

He'll give us money for Cayetana,

'cause nothing's free in life.

Where'd you get the money?

Well, we're neck deep in debt,

but I'll find a way to pay it all back somehow.

Let's go.

Rooster speaking. Who's this?


Hey, kid! How are you?

What the ---- are you doing in my office?



I don't get it.

First Mario Casas sends me to prison,

and now I'm being released just like that?

Mario dropped the charges against you.

And why is that?

He's planning something and I want to know what.

We have to take action.

If our daughter stays with Mario she'll be in danger.

By danger I mean he could kill her.

That guy's sick! He's crazy.

No, he's not just crazy. He's bipolar too.

He's been off his meds for three months.

You asked me to handle the training of new agents.

I couldn't find a manual, so I was looking...

Right, so you thought it'd be easier

to barge into the boss' office without permission?

I knew you were having family issues.

I didn't want to trouble you.

My personal life has never interfered with my work!

Leave my office, Sanchez.


Amaro, call me as soon as you get this message.

Hold on, Chavalon. I'm putting you on speaker.

<i> Don't you get it, Rooster?</i> My sister's alive!

A contact in prison just confirmed it.

I knew Vicenta was still alive.

Does your contact know where she is?

No, but we know the president kidnapped her.

Rooster, do whatever it takes to find her.

That ------ has to return her alive.

Tell your contact that if the president lays a finger on her,

I'll kill him myself.

We have a plan. Don't worry about a thing.

We're heading out to meet with Cayetana Acosta.

She's the president's ex-wife

and she knows everything there is to know about him.

We'll use her to pressure him into handing over Vicenta.

We'll get your sister back safe and sound.

Just hang in there.

We'll get you out, too. Hang in there.

Hey, I have to hang up so the guards won't find the phone.

Could you do something for me?

Tell Rosario I'm sorry.

I'm sorry she's gone through so much just 'cause she's with me.

Forget about Rosario right now and worry about yourself.

Rosario's fine. We're looking after her.

Magician is staying to look after everyone

while we're in New York.

Be careful, kid.

Prison's a dangerous place

for people with unsettled scores like us.

-At least we know he's okay. -Let's go.

-Let's go, Bebote. -Let's.

Perfect, Ayala.

I'll pay my partner.

Thank you.


<i> What's the deal, bitch?</i>

<i>You said you'd come to Matamoros</i> <i> wearing a bikini,</i>

<i> but you didn't even</i> <i> send a picture.</i>

I told you I couldn't make it,

but Ayala helped and everything went as planned.

<i> No thanks to you, bitch.</i>

<i>You couldn't care less about us.</i>

I hate people who don't keep their word

'cause I have to remind them of what they failed to do.

Here's a little reminder.

The kid put up a fight at first,

but he came around in the end.

<i> Look at him!</i>

Amaro, no!

Amaro, please! Not my son!

I'm begging you! Don't!

No! Amaro, please don't!

What's up, boss?

Just look at how she spends the money she stole from us.

I need this in a size seven, please.

Check the back.

Could you check its price?

It's nice.

Do you like it, Cayetana?

Cayetana Acosta, right?

Who are you

-and what do you want? -Relax.

We're just greeting a fellow countrywoman.


Don't even think about calling your guards

or all hell will break loose.

Quit being stubborn and listen to what my girl's saying.

Relax, man.

You wouldn't want there to be a shootout in Manhattan.

You're a smart woman who knows it's best to avoid a scandal.

If I scream, the clerks will dial 911...

911, my ass!

If you ask for help, I'll ---- you up.

Work with us and listen to what we have to say.

This is about your ex-husband, Cayetana.

We want to do to that ------------

what you tried but couldn't do.

Yeah, we want to bury that ------ in his own filth.

We have plenty of evidence to do it,

and we also have a little monetary incentive for you.

Now that we've gotten to know each other better,

I'll tell you how it's going to go down, Cayetana.

We're going to do this with or without you.


Nicolas has nothing to do with this!

Please let him go.

I'm begging you! Please let him go!

<i> And miss my chance</i> <i> to watch you cry</i>

<i> like a kid who dropped</i> <i> her ice cream?</i>

<i> I told you you'd pay</i> <i> for letting me down.</i>

<i> I always keep my promises!</i>

What do you want?

What do I do to get him back? Please tell me!


<i> You should've thought of that</i> <i> before screwing up.</i>

Now I'm pissed!

<i> This is your fault!</i>

<i> And yours alone!</i>

I couldn't be there because something big happened.

Amaro, please! Please!

<i> Our deal came first!</i>

My deals are to be kept no matter what!

Things worked out this time 'cause I said so!

Now you're going to do what I say.

You'll never let me down again, Cardenas.

Or should I call you bitch?


Amaro, please don't!

You can't do this to me! Nicolas is all I have!

I'm begging you! Please don't!

The kid pissed himself!

His pants are ruined!

<i> The kid's a scaredy-cat.</i>

<i> I don't blame him, though.</i>

<i> His bitch of a mother</i> <i> trained him, after all.</i>

Amaro, I'll trade myself for my son.

You can torture me instead.

He has nothing to do with this. He didn't know we had a deal.

Debts to me are only repaid in blood.

You can have my blood.

Just don't hurt my son.

<i> Your blood won't be enough.</i> I demand a lot of blood.

I need slaves!


Want your kid back?

Bring me 40 guys to run my ranch.

-40? <i> -Did I stutter?</i>

<i> I want strong guys!</i> <i> Very strong guys!</i>

I want them here first thing tomorrow morning.

<i> Otherwise I'll ------- waste</i> <i> your kid.</i>

<i> I'll be so thorough,</i> <i> I'll mail him back in pieces.</i>


No, Amaro! I'll find them!

I swear I will! Just don't hurt him.

I hope you don't have anything more important come up.

You have less than 24 hours, bitch!

Get to it! <i> See you!</i>



Have you made your choice? Are you going to talk?

I'd rather die!

Die! Same goes for you!

<i> Just die already</i> <i> and do Mexico a favor!</i>

If you talk, you'll get to leave right away.

If you don't, you'll be joining your brother.

I'd rather sell my soul to the Devil.

We've beaten her a lot, but it hasn't gotten us anywhere.

If we keep this up, we'll be accused

of trampling on her human rights.

It's a miracle she's still alive.

You shouldn't just believe in miracles, Mr. President.

You should trust in them.

To catch the sheep, we needed to catch the wolf first.

Or the coyote in this case.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 09 | Telemundo - Duration: 21:10.


Prueba esta rica ensalada para deshinchar el vientre y bajar de peso - Duration: 7:21.

For more infomation >> Prueba esta rica ensalada para deshinchar el vientre y bajar de peso - Duration: 7:21.



When a season comes in, lots of trends come out

My theory!!

My theory is that when a trend becomes a trend, it turns from being a trend into being in fashion.

Call me ;)

Trending is a passing phase set by trendsetters

(fashion gurus)

such as Olivia Palermo, Selena Gómez, etc.

This autumn-winter we will see mini bags, lots of shoulder bags


and the idea of carrying more than two bags, as Dolce & Gabbana did in his spring-summer 2016 show.

But notice what will be the top trending this autumn-winter…

metallic bags!

We have already seen them a little bit in some streetstyle but we'll keep seeing them during the whole season.

Honestly, I'm not completely convinced

and I'm not sure if I will give in to them though

is a good option to put aside the always black and grey bags

and get a funnier look

But be careful when combining this colour, since you can end up looking like an astronaut

or a chav.

On top of the list is the Gabrielle de Chanel,

the new it bag that is turning into a must have.

Lots of celebrities wore it in this tonality and it suits super top.

Jonathan Anderson has launched the Elephant for LOEWE in silver

as well as the tartan and the brown colour with bow;

I love this last one

And for his own firm,

J.W. Anderson,

the Pierce Bag

which is still, for me, one of the bags of the year,

though my advice for you is better wear the white with black.

Aspinal of London

a London firm I really love,

all their designs are super lady

Her designer Mariya Dykalo

has launched the Micro Lottie in silver

and I really like the way it suits,

especially going with the hardware in golden.

Let's carry on, let's carry on!

Mark Cross is very well-known for his famous bags in the shape of a trunk

and he has also launched his design Grace in this tonality.

The Natalia by Tom Ford is another design super versatile.

This one has a tonality a little bit darker, of a greyish colour and in fact I really like it.

The Duchess by Carolina Herrera

has also got that silver touch

and has being all trimmed

with silver ornaments

giving a luxury-like and feminine touch.

And the last two are

the Micro Cahier by Prada,

which in this size and combined with golden,

I really fancy!

And the other one, the Speedy 25 by Louis Vuitton

This one, in fact, has a futuristic appearance

but I like the design and I can imagine it in a fashion week;

it'll also be a design in demand and surely

by the time I'm uploading this video, it's totally sold out.

To combine this type of bags

better choose a more elegant look

or a sport-like touch, but not completely.

I hope you enjoyed the video,

if you really love any bag,

in the infobox at the bottom you can see the links to the shops.

Thank you so much for following me one more week

and see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> VIENEN LOS BOLSOS METÁLICOS [ENGLISH SUB.] - Duration: 3:45.


EXCLUSIVE interview with John Romero | PlayDome - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE interview with John Romero | PlayDome - Duration: 7:51.


Despedida de Sierra Nevada. Granada - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Despedida de Sierra Nevada. Granada - Duration: 1:04.


Los mejores alimentos antiinflamatorios - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> Los mejores alimentos antiinflamatorios - Duration: 12:16.


No te metas el dedo en la nariz - Canciones infantiles educativas | Canción original de LBB Junior - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> No te metas el dedo en la nariz - Canciones infantiles educativas | Canción original de LBB Junior - Duration: 1:50.


Bar Crescendo, Sierra Nevada. Granada - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Bar Crescendo, Sierra Nevada. Granada - Duration: 1:54.


Charlotte Casiraghi et Dimitri Rassam, un vrai conte de fées- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi et Dimitri Rassam, un vrai conte de fées- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:38.


Jean-Jacques Goldman bientôt de retour en France après un exil à Londres - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Jean-Jacques Goldman bientôt de retour en France après un exil à Londres - Duration: 1:45.


Prince de Bretagne démate dans la Transat - Bretagne Télé - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Prince de Bretagne démate dans la Transat - Bretagne Télé - Duration: 2:29.



For more infomation >> MẮT TÔI GẦN NHƯ BỊ MÙ MAY MẮN BIẾT ĐƯỢC CÁCH NÀY GIỜ ĐÃ SÁNG TRỞ LẠI - Duration: 6:40.


"Nos llamaron de McLaren y firmamos". Cuando le toca la 'lotería' a un piloto español - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> "Nos llamaron de McLaren y firmamos". Cuando le toca la 'lotería' a un piloto español - Duration: 7:03.


Smart Holiday Light Display

For more infomation >> Smart Holiday Light Display


Ultimate Comfort Hacks! Best Ways To Make Your Boots Comfortable! - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Ultimate Comfort Hacks! Best Ways To Make Your Boots Comfortable! - Duration: 12:32.


【纯素吃播】[Vegan Mukbang] Drunken noodles+Mango Sticky Rice+Tofu stir fry+Sesame paste spinach - Duration: 28:32.

Hi everyone, this is Munchimadness here.

Today I brought

vegetarian series

it should be vegan atually

but these contain coconut milk

well....then...coconut milk

my chopstick fell

Then this should be vegan series.

Let's introduce the food first.

I ordered them from a restaurant.

These two are drunk noodle

It's kind of similar to Chow Fun

This one is spicy, and this one is mild spicy.

I made this spinach dressed with sauce.

Sesame paste.

Sesame paste, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.

Mango sticky rice, which is mixture of sticky rice and mango.

It contains coconut juice.

This is white rice, and this is black rice.

Which is white rice and black rice.

This is tofu stir fry.

It's accompanied with dry chili pepper.

Water. And rice that pair with these dishes.

Let's have a look of closeshot.

Awesome. The camera focuses on my chest. 👏🏻

Cold spinach with sauce.

Drunken noodle.

Mango sticky rice.

It's my first time ordering from that restaurant, and wow

It costs more than $60.

Exclude $5 tips I paid.

I should probably cook once in every 2 eating show,

so that I can afford making videos.

Let's eat this first.

I made this.

It's eatable just after being boiled.

So yummy.

I really like spinach.

Something strange about it,

is why it tastes sweet somehow?

No there is no sweetness, just

It feels like sweet.

No there is not.

Very...very good.

Sooo yummy.

Filming a video feels like thanksgiving to me,

which is eating tons of great food.

So happy.

This is tofu.



Woah god

This is mango.

This one is yummy too.

They are all yummy.

The mango is so sweet.

So happy.


I don't eat mushroom.

This rice noodles are tender.

These broccolis are so palatable.

This part

absorbed so many juices, so it's flavory.

I'll go get spoon.


Woah there's sesame on top.

There are two pieces of mango.

I like them both.

I just finished the spinach.

Just now my phone

Just now my phone's storage

Just now the phone's stor...

Just now my phone's storage is full again,

so I went to delete some stuff.

go on.

Food is cold already.

I'll put some chili on this.

It's dry chili pepper. They smell so good.

Just a little.

Woah this chili pepper is good.

Geez so spicy.

Wow so hot.

This pepper is unbelievably hot.

Did my face turn red?


My god this is too hot for me.

At the beginning I can't taste the spiciness, but

Jesses christ.

It's too chili.

This mild spicy one,

The mild spicy drunken noodle is gone.

Let me move the camera closer.

Now it's closer.

I feel like I have pulled all my hair off.

It hurts so bad.

Here's so crowded.

It still hurts.

Mango sticky rice is finished.

It's really yummy.

These two dishes are cold. I'll microwave them.

The foil can't be microwaved. I'll go get a bowl.

I'm full.

Let me find a couple of excuses.

First excuse, I haven't been filming for a long time that my stomach shrinks.

Now I'm having a few days of holiday,

so I have some times to eat.

I was having classes earlier,

and I've been skipping meals.

I'm having a few days off,

though I still have homework to do,

I have some free time to enjoy my meals.

So my stomach should stretch bigger as I eating these days.

2ed excuse,

there were too many accidents today.

I did prepare a lot, but still

First of all, I poured water over my laptop earlier.

Yes, again.

It's been sitting till today I can turn it on again.

I was trying to share my phone screen to my laptop, but I failed

using the 1st app.

The food has been set up while I was trying to figure things out.

and my food got cold.

Finally the app starts working,

but during recording it crashed.

I have to fix it again, and the food got even colder.

After tons of working it's still failing, so I have to try 2ed app.

A new one.

I'm back.

My laptop just crashed.

I'll show you.

This is how I record, so I can see myself on the screen.

Then this thing just crashed.

See the small black window?

It's trash.

I just purchased a new screen sharing app.

So I can see myself.

I'll continue eating.

I continued eating, but then it tells me

my phone's storage is full.

So I took my phone down,

delete, delete, and delete.

Then put it back.

There were so many accidents, so then...

basically I missed the best time to eat.

The noodle lost its texture.

It seems like I only have these 2 excuses.

3rd excuse,

I'll put them in fridge,

and eat as breakfast.

No food are wasted.

One more thing, the dance that I posted on September 1st,

Togen Renka.

I was wearing high heels for this dance,

and almost fell and die.

I haven't mentioned in my mukbang yet, so

Are you sure you're not going to have a look?

Click here to watch it.

Or there's links down in the description.

Or there'll be end screen cards as I end this video.

Sure I'll end the video now.


if u like it pls leave a like, comment or share.

Or subscribe.

Don't forget to click the bell.

Feel free to check out my other videos.

This is Munchimadness, and I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> 【纯素吃播】[Vegan Mukbang] Drunken noodles+Mango Sticky Rice+Tofu stir fry+Sesame paste spinach - Duration: 28:32.


How Long a Human Can Survive In Space Without a Space Suit in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 2:07.

How Long a Human Can Survive In Space Without a Space Suit

For more infomation >> How Long a Human Can Survive In Space Without a Space Suit in Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 2:07.


西野カナ、USJでサプライズ・クリスマスライブ「本当に貴重な体験」 - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 西野カナ、USJでサプライズ・クリスマスライブ「本当に貴重な体験」 - Duration: 2:39.


Mikóczi Ferenc: Merj kitörni! - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Mikóczi Ferenc: Merj kitörni! - Duration: 3:19.


GF Vip: le prime parole di Jeremias Rodriguez dopo l'uscita dal reality show - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: le prime parole di Jeremias Rodriguez dopo l'uscita dal reality show - Duration: 3:38.


Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...

For more infomation >> Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...


Escaped murder speaks: I felt human during those four days - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Escaped murder speaks: I felt human during those four days - Duration: 2:44.


The Writer - Duration: 16:28.

Hello Mr Charles, how are you?

Where is my stuff?

I writing the final scene...

...give me 3 days and I will send you the final version.

That's what you said last week. Producer is about to hang me.

If you can't do the job, return my bloody money.

You guys are very unprofessional man.

I need my script by tomorrow afternoon. Don't make me call you again.

It's true that I am broke.

I wasn't born to rich - that's also true.

The writer's den is now open

What the hell is this?

Just give me 3 more months. I am about to make some money.

I know...but I am trying my best.


Business guy?

What you mean your parents like him.

Just listen to me ok...I am about to make some money ok.

It's not like that, you don't understand. Just listen to me.

I got some work and about to...

Priya...priya....hello! hello!

I truly loved her - that's true.

Is it love or is it jewels she wants? - she has made a decision.

Anthony, what time is it?

It's around lunch time sir.

Looks like you had a party last night eh?

My whole life is a bloody party mate.

Anyway what brings you here?

Madam, asked me to collect the rent.

Let her know that I'll pay next week.

She said, if you didn't pay this week you have to move out.

Sir, did you write any poems?

What for poems going to cook me a meal.

Don't say that. Your poems fill my heart and belly at the same time.

Take care sir.

(Energetic voice in the distance)

Welcome all Writers.

The writer's den is now open.

The writer's den is open!


Who's there?

Please enter.

The writer's den is open.

Hello Good morning Mr Charles.

Good morning. Now this is what I call a script.

I love comedy. You done a good job mate.

That Banana scene is pretty wicked.

Don't you have a dirty mind.


This is a super hit. It might start trending too.

Which scene you talking about? I was half a sleep when I was writing it.

So the boy breaks up with the chick right.

I think her name is Sunita or something.

Then boy goes out clubbing.

I like how he loose his pants in the middle of the dance floor. That's so funny.

Even the producer said this is very funny.

Mr Charles, you sure you are reading my script?

Mate, are you drunk?

This is your bloody script.

Script by Kalinga The-Nuwara.

Boom Boom Boom

I love the title as-well - Not only a good flow it has a deep meaning.

Boom boom what?

I'll pay the rest of the invoice next week.

Ok someone's here. I'll speak to you later.

What the hell did I send this guy?

Let me check my outbox

The fisherman's wife

Written by Kalinga Thenuwara.

He received something I've never sent.

How the hell did this happen?!

(The Writer)

Hello Mr. Charles

Kalinga Thenuwara

Congratulations, our video is now become trending no1

Producer is very happy too.

He's after another script. I told him you'll get it done next week.

Something funny like before.

Mr Charles, I don't think I can write a similar one again.

Don't be silly man

He's willing to pay 50,000 for the next script.

50,000 ?

OK, send me the script next week.

A funny one like before ok.

I got a TV interview to do now. Talk later.

Sir, you up early today.

Madam, send some cake for you.

I'll put it here then.

There's a article about you on every single newspaper.

Narmadha wants to come and meet you in person.

I told her, you are too busy and don't have time for cheap bitches like her.

Sir, did you write any poems?

Sir, there's nothing on it, this is an empty page

Words once nurtured me aren't loyal to me any more.

Blood from my own bleeding words are colouring the red carpet.

Hello, Mr Chales.

I need a new script before last week.

A comedy one ok.

Mr Charles, I have given up writing.

Don't be a fucking retard mate. You are getting paid 1 million for this.


I am lonely artist - It's ugly but that's the truth.

Money or a free soul? It's time to make a choice.

For more infomation >> The Writer - Duration: 16:28.


Hello Anyung - 楊舒帆『政治大學』| 樂人Campus Voice - Duration: 4:18.

The phone goes ring-a-ring

I don't know what to do

I pick it up and then it's heavy breathing

The phone goes ring-a-ring

Already waiting for you and then

My heart starts racing fast for a secret admirer

I've got a secret

I really mean it

I'm your biggest fan today

hello hello hello baby

anyung anyung anyung darling

Is there anyone to answer my heart

Is there anyone to answer my heart

hello hello hello baby

I have been waiting on the telephone

Hello goodbye to the boy on my mind

The phone goes ring-a-ring

I don't know what to do

I pick it up and then it's heavy breathing

The phone goes ring-a-ring

Already waiting for you and then

My heart starts racing fast for a secret admirer

Secret admirer as dangerous as a fire

Admiration best kept alone

we know the location of your home

Watching from afar with a heavy heart

When you find me, we'll never part, boy

I've got a secret

I really mean it

I'm your biggest fan today

say hello hello hello baby

anyung anyung anyung darling

Is there anyone to answer my heart

Is there anyone to answer my heart

hello hello hello baby

I have been waiting on the telephone

Hello goodbye to the boy on my mind

I know, always have, always will

Know you're watching out for me

I see, always have, always will

With the spotlight shining

Your love's so true

I'm gonna keep this love for always

Did you know I'm your fangirl today

say hello hello hello baby

anyung anyung anyung darling

Is there anyone to answer my heart

hello hello hello baby

I have been waiting on the telephone

Hello goodbye to the boy on my mind

For more infomation >> Hello Anyung - 楊舒帆『政治大學』| 樂人Campus Voice - Duration: 4:18.


Mia Vaile - I'll Follow (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 2:54.

📝 Mia Vaile - I'll Follow Lyrics

You're the only kind of trend to follow Just the right pill to swallow

Want to be more than a shadow So I got to let you know that

Baby, you're a masterpiece You sweep me right off my feet

Oh baby, you're all that I need But first things first, you got to say please

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

We need nothing but each other Let's get under the covers

We got so much to discover So I want to let you know that

Baby, you're a masterpiece You sweep me right off my feet

Oh baby, you're all that I need But first things first, you got to say please

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

So love on me, even if we're wasted Kiss on me, you know you got to taste it

So fall for me, and I'll follow you, you

For more infomation >> Mia Vaile - I'll Follow (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 2:54.


BROWN GIRL IN THE RING - BONEY M. zespol (teksty/lyrics) I LO KONIN RONDO MOSIR KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> BROWN GIRL IN THE RING - BONEY M. zespol (teksty/lyrics) I LO KONIN RONDO MOSIR KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB - Duration: 2:41.


Bộ ra trải giường hello kitty I Drap nệm hello kitty đẹp màu hồng KS1-664 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Bộ ra trải giường hello kitty I Drap nệm hello kitty đẹp màu hồng KS1-664 - Duration: 2:47.


Drap trải giường hello kitty I Chăn ga gối độc đáo Hàn Quốc xanh dịu mát KS1-665 - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Drap trải giường hello kitty I Chăn ga gối độc đáo Hàn Quốc xanh dịu mát KS1-665 - Duration: 2:48.


"400 hits of LSD for breakfast and eternity for dinner" (Creepypasta & Creepy Reddit Stories) - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> "400 hits of LSD for breakfast and eternity for dinner" (Creepypasta & Creepy Reddit Stories) - Duration: 11:58.


Full Day of Eating Keto VLOG #02 - Hamilton Edition! - Duration: 8:26.

Today is finally the day. After 18 months of being obsessed with the soundtrack

and listening to little else, the family and I are hitting the road down to New

York City to see Hamilton on Broadway. So I figured I would do another Full Day of

Eating Vlog. This time, it'll be Hamilton style. So that's starting right

now . Hey guys, how are ya? I'm Aaron. Welcome to A.D. Keto. This is the channel where we

talk about all things ketogenic diet. We talk a little bit about keto foods, we

talk a little bit about keto science, and we do some keto recipes. If this is

your first time here, please consider subscribing, and if you do, please click

that bell icon so you get a notification every time I upload new content.

Guys, today's the day. I've been waiting for this day for about 18 months.

My wife introduced me to Hamilton, the Hamilton soundtrack, back in about May of

2016, and I became completely obsessed with it. Listened to nothing else for about

nine months, and purchased tickets for it last November. So I figured I'd do a full

day of eating / travel vlog today to document it. Extra hour of sleep! Gonna have

some bacon. This bacon is super, super long, so I gotta make choppies. There. Yeah.

Bacon for everybody who wants it.

Keto coffee time, starting with heavy whipping cream. I just kind of eyeball it.

Kerrygold buttah! Ooh, running low. Put in some sweetener of choice. Running low also on

Truvia. Coconut oil! About a tablespoon of this. You know what? I'm gonna go a little

bit heavy on the coconut oil, because we're gonna be driving, and I need

something to sustain me! And today's special flavor, which I know some people

scoff at, but: Wild Mountain Blueberry!

I got an unintentional bacon lattice over here. Look at that! Community bacon pile.

I'm gonna do up a few eggs. I think I AM gonna break these yolks, just because I'm

a monster.

Okay. Gonna try to flip them. Hopefully, I don't rip them the shreds.

All right. Not too bad. Okay, so here's the Hamilton morning breakfast: three fried

eggs, five pieces of bacon, and my Keto coffee. And i'm going to put the macros, I

think, right here, so you can kind of see what this is doing. And I think for lunch,

I'm just going to snack on some some beef jerky and maybe a Quest Bar. Yeah! so

I'll see you guys on the road. So I decided to also have a Muscle Milk,

because I ran a Pre-Hamilton 5K this morning, and I was still feeling a little


Times Square?! OMG! Times Square, Caroline.

I hope somebody has the tickets! I DID panic for a second.

Venti Cold Brew with light ice, heavy cream, and three pumps of sugar-free

vanilla, please.

So first act finished. Couldn't have asked for anything more. It's so.. it's

better than I thought it was going to be. I was... I was kind of a mess from Phillip's duel

to the end. We gotta go chow down.

This place is called Joe Allen's. Is that the name of it? Joe Allen's. And they... Joe ALLEN, excuse me. No S.

And they celebrate the flops of Broadway. I'm planning on getting a New York

strip steak. I'm gonna have the New York strip steak, medium, and instead

of French fries, could actually get a side of roasted cauliflower as well?

Thank you

[Clink, clink, clink] Yay, Hamlet! Yay, Hamlet.

Hey guys. I just got back from Hamilton. Holy crap, what a day. That was amazing.

I can't even process the day. It was... that show was everyth ing I hoped it would be

and more. The cast was fantastic. Actually, the guy who played Hamilton was Bobby

McFerrin's son, which was shocking to see. But just

so much stuff. If you're a Hamilton fan, let me know in the comments, because I

could just talk about Hamilton like, for days. I loved the show.

Like I said, I've been obsessed with it for 18 months. Finally got to see it today. It

did not disappoint. And I hope you enjoyed the food vlog portion of the

video, too. I kept things pretty Keto today. And really loved the restaurant we went

to, Joe Allen. And man what a day. I loved it. So I hope you enjoyed the video. I

hope you got some value out of it. I really had fun today, and it was fun to

vlog the day too. So hopefully I'll do more of these in the future. Not sure

that I'll get to see Hamilton again in the future anytime soon, but some food

vlogs definitely in the works. So again, hope you liked it. If you did, give this

video a thumbs up, consider subscribing, and comment below if you're a fan of

Hamilton. What's your favorite track? There was actually a song that was not...

did not appear on the soundtrack that was in the show. Crazy awesome, so comment

below. We can rap about Hamilton if you want to, and that's gonna do it for this

time. I hope you have a fantastic day, and I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> Full Day of Eating Keto VLOG #02 - Hamilton Edition! - Duration: 8:26.


How To Do A 24 Hour Fast! - Duration: 2:17.

what's up guys it's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm talking about

intermittent fasting and focusing more on a 24-hour fast. Now intermittent fasting

if you don't know what it is is basically pushing your first meal

back. Skipping breakfast and probably eating around lunchtime or in the early

afternoon. We call this a 16-8 because you're fasting for 16 hours, and then

you're eating for 8 hours. Or you could do 18/ 6 or 20/4 whatever fits your

lifestyle. Some people have been asking about the 24-hour fast.. Is it good

for you? Is it healthy? Is it ok? and how do you do it? Is it good for you?? yes it's

very good, fasting has many tag-along benefits along with calorie control.

Including increased human growth hormone levels, autophagy which is

cleaning the cells out of toxins and damaged proteins and also rebooting the immune

system. now a 24 hour fast is just not eating

for 24 hours. For example if I had dinner tonight at 7 p.m. which is a Monday, I

wouldn't eat again until 7 p.m. on a Tuesday. We're sleeping for 8 hours

hopefully, are also busy through the day as long as you drink lots of water

you're hydrated you are fine! You're not gonna waste any muscle mass,

not going to waste away. You're not going to just keel over and die because we

don't need to have food every three or four hours. This is a myth that's been

spun by the media, by the fitness industry, by the supplement industry, so

you have to buy into their products and their bottom line gets larger, that's all

it is! A 24 hour fast once a week is a great way to calorie control because

you're taking out a whole day of eating. You're also getting those tag-along

health benefits that I mentioned before and you're also building a mental

toughness. It's good not to have an attachment to anything including food,

and when you know you can do a 24-hour fast then you kind of build some grit,

some determination and you know other things in life aren't going to be that

hard. So if you're thinking about doing a 24-hour fast

I would advise it! The caveat or the warnings I would say is stay hydrated,

stay busy and know you're not going to keel over and pass out because you

haven't got any food in your belly. Go and try for 24 hour fast and let

know how you get on!

For more infomation >> How To Do A 24 Hour Fast! - Duration: 2:17.


Bath Bomb, Review and Demo: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 6:31.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a dollar tree gold I

upload a dollar tree gold every single Friday make sure you subscribe to my

channel and and hit that notification bell I don't want you missing the

upcoming video so let's go and get started

so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is on the bath bomb I got three different

kinds here so I've got this I'm really a mermaid and it is coconut scented I have

this donut stress and it is donut scented that one seems interesting and

then I have this over the rainbow and it is floral so I have never seen these at

my local Dollar Tree I was really super interested let's see so the over the

rainbow is three point five three ounces the donut is three point five three and

so is the mermaid they had probably about probably a total like eight

different kinds they had one with glitter I didn't want to get that once

and I knew I was gonna have a huge mess to clean up on my tub but I think these

are really really cute I love the packaging I think it just looks really

really nice and you know for the impact the local Dollar Tree I mean they look

really really kind of fancy I think this mermaid one is so cute but you know I

think that these would make a really really great gift I am gonna go ahead

and try this out and give you my first impression of it I've never tried a bath

bomb before we don't have a lush or anything here I know that like body

ecology and some drugstore brands do make bath bombs but I just couldn't you

know resist myself when I did see these at my local Dollar Tree so yeah they are

made in China they are created by best accessories

group but I think they're really really cute they have a manufactured date of

June 25th of 2017 and they expire July 24th of 2019 so I think it's cool to how

they have an expiration date on them but I'm excited to try these out I am gonna

try the donut one out so yeah let's go ahead and try that okay so I got the

donut here I'm just going to go ahead and

I sit in the water so I've seen like the lush bath bombs and they do seem to fizz

pretty good this Dollar Tree one it smells a little bit florally it doesn't

really smell like doughnuts but it's fizzy and really good when it is turning

the bathwater pink but the scent is really really good

yes most really good doesn't smell like donuts but it does smell I have a light

floral fragrance bud

that's nice

so guys I'm gonna go ahead and get in the tub and I'm gonna go ahead and give

you my first impressions doesn't make my skin itchy or anything like that okay

but yeah I'll see you guys in a little bit hey everybody hey so I just got out

the tub a little bit ago and I have to say that these bath bombs from Dollar

Tree are really really nice my skin isn't itchy I stay in the tub for about

20 minutes and yeah the fragrance lasted throughout the whole entire bath and so

did the color so my first impression of these like I said they didn't make my

skin itchy which is awesome they did fizz up pretty well and they

come in a huge array of designs and colors they are fragrance but they're

not overly fragrant so if you're somebody that doesn't like a strong

scent I think you would actually like these they aren't overpowering it didn't

irritate me at all so these are really really nice I think that these would be

great for stocking stuffers or for holiday gifts for friends and family I

think a lot of people really enjoy bath bombs like I said we don't have a lush

here and now you can order them online but I'm also not gonna drop you no more

than a few bucks on a bath bomb so you know this being a dollar I think the

packaging is really really cute I think it looks more expensive than a dollar so

like this with you know a candy bar or something I think that'd be really great

for individuals that are in middle school high school or even if you're a

parent or a grandparent or an aunt or an uncle I really think that you know a lot

of people would actually like these it's a really inexpensive gift you could get

them a different variety of them and not be popping down a whole bunch of dough

so I really really like them I'm glad I picked up a few you know hopefully when

I go back to the dollar store they will still have them there so yeah I

definitely think that these are worth the time to go look at your local Dollar

Tree for I think a lot of people would really

enjoy them I know that I do I'm thinking about picking up a few for some

Christmas gifts more people because yeah I think they just look really nice and

they're not out of date I guess that they expire in 2019 so there's still a

good year and a half all these so yeah I'm really really impressed with these

but you guys thank you so much for watching this Dollar Tree Gold I hope

you enjoyed it if you did then please go ahead and give it a thumbs up please

make sure to share this video I would love to get the word out on these

awesome bath bombs at Dollar Tree like I said the holiday season is coming up and

I do want to get this out yeah it will be less than a week after I found these

that I will it will be up live on my channel so it'll be like four days so

that way you know they will still be there by time it goes out and you can go

see if there's any at your local Dollar Tree but anyway guys thank you so much

like I said thank you so much for watching you can always follow me on my

other social media my Twitter and Facebook is that budget glam bay but my

instagrams that came at makeup and I will see you guys tomorrow for another

video have a great got one guys bye

For more infomation >> Bath Bomb, Review and Demo: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 6:31.


VOA News November 17, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

Hello, I'm Steve Miller.

Zimbabwe's state-run newspaper has published photos of President Robert Mugabe meeting

with army commander Constantino Chiwenga as talks continue on a resolution to the political

turmoil and the likely end to Mugabe's decades-long rule.

Chatham House analyst Knox Chitiyo cautions against speculation but negotiations could

indicate "there are strong rumors that he will be stepping down in the next few days.

I think this still needs to be verified but it's, it's very, very clear that we're talking

a matter of days now."

Chitiyo says the military has wanted a dignified exit for Mugabe, who has ruled since independence

from white majority rule in 1980.

At least 10 people have been killed and many more wounded by a suicide bomb attack near

a political gathering in Kabul, Afghanistan.

A city police spokesman told VOA eight security officers, including a senior police commander,

were among the dead in the attack.

The bomber wanted to enter an event hall where supporters of Balkh province Governor Attah

Mohammad Noort had gathered to "honor" his national services.

But tight security around the venue prompted the attacker to blow himself up at an outer

security post.

The Islamic State terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Cambodia's Supreme Court has dissolved the country's main opposition party in a ruling

likely to cement Prime Minister Hun Sen's already expansive grip on power.

Thursday's unanimous ruling by the nine-member court also bans 118 members of the now-defunct

Cambodia National Rescue Party from any political activity for the next five years.

For stories, videos, pictures and more, follow Voice of America on social media.

This is VOA news.

Mohammed Yusuf reports Kenya's Supreme Court is in its last day of hearing arguments on

two petitions contesting results of the October 26 presidential election.

The two petitions were filed by a former lawmaker, Harun Mwau, and two human rights defenders,

Njonjo Mue and Khalef Khalifa.

The petitioners argued the electoral commission committed illegalities by going ahead with

the election despite opposition leader Raila Odinga pulling out of the race.

The human rights defenders, Mue and Khalifa, argued the electoral commission did not conduct

the presidential election in all 290 constituencies as required by the constitution.

The commission failed to deliver voting materials to some opposition strongholds in the west

of the country due to violent protests.

But Attorney General Githu Muigai said this should not be a reason to annul the election.

The Supreme Court is expected to rule Monday on whether Kenyatta's win will stand or be

annulled again.

Mohammed Yusuf, for VOA news, Nairobi.

French President Emmanuel Macron has invited Lebanon's recently resigned Prime Minister

Saad Hariri for visit.

He is expected to depart within 48 hours.

Lebanese President Michel Aoun refused to accept Hariri's resignation, accusing the

Saudis of holding him hostage.

Edward Yeranian reports that Saudi Arabia still denies the charge.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir has again insisted Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

is "not being detained against his will" in Saudi Arabia, while accusing Iran and its

Hezbollah proxy militia of trying to dominate Lebanon and meddling in Yemen and Bahrain.

Saudi Arabia regards Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and last week accused Lebanon

of having declared war on it because of Hezbollah's role [and another] in other Arab countries.

Russia's Justice [Minister] Ministry has warned several U.S. government-funded news outlets

they could be designated as "foreign agents" under a new bill that is yet to be fully approved.

Philip Alexiou has the story.

The bill comes in response to U.S. demands that Russian state-funded RT TV register as

a foreign agent.

The Justice Ministry said Thursday it has notified the U.S. government-funded Voice

of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, along with its regional outlets, that they

could be designated as foreign agents under the new law.

The bill was endorsed by Russia's lower house on Wednesday but needs to be approved by the

upper house and signed by President Vladimir Putin to become law.

Philip Alexiou, VOA news.

Evidence is emerging of possible attempts by Moscow to influence Britain's referendum

on leaving the European Union.

Researchers have identified thousands of social media accounts that promoted anti-EU messages

or sought to whip up political and racial tensions.

I'm Steve Miller in Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> VOA News November 17, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


'슈주' 강인, '여친 폭행' 신고로 새벽에 경찰출동 소동 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> '슈주' 강인, '여친 폭행' 신고로 새벽에 경찰출동 소동 - Duration: 2:35.


Los mejores alimentos antiinflamatorios - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> Los mejores alimentos antiinflamatorios - Duration: 12:16.


Man Utd News: Preston ace Ben Pearson reveals why Josh Harrop quit Old Trafford - Duration: 1:52.

Man Utd News: Preston ace Ben Pearson reveals why Josh Harrop quit Old Trafford

Thats according to his Preston team-mate Ben Pearson. Harrop, 21, left United in the summer after his Old Trafford contract ran out.

And Pearson says the forward felt he had no choice but to leave United due to limited first-team chances. "Josh had a good opportunity last year and took it," Pearson told Sky Sports.

"But with the money being spent at that club it was always going to be tough for him to carry that on. "He has made a similar decision to me, to come here and play games.

"With the money being spent at that club it was always going to be tough for him to carry that on" Ben Pearson "For many young players that has to be the route if youre not getting regular football at a Premier League club.

"There are two ways of doing it really. You either come down from the Premier League or you work your way up the way that [Prestons former non-league striker] Jordan Hugill has done.

"It means that as well as a good mix of experienced pros and young players, we have a mix of different experiences too. "There are all the right ingredients for a good squad here.".

For more infomation >> Man Utd News: Preston ace Ben Pearson reveals why Josh Harrop quit Old Trafford - Duration: 1:52.


"탈퇴 안하면 서명 운동"..강인 '슈주' 팬도 등돌렸다 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> "탈퇴 안하면 서명 운동"..강인 '슈주' 팬도 등돌렸다 - Duration: 3:08.


'슈주' 강인, '여친 폭행' 신고로 새벽에 경찰출동 소동 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> '슈주' 강인, '여친 폭행' 신고로 새벽에 경찰출동 소동 - Duration: 2:09.


When world war 3 will Happen - Episode 1 - Duration: 4:15.

Nothing here

For more infomation >> When world war 3 will Happen - Episode 1 - Duration: 4:15.


【纯素吃播】[Vegan Mukbang] Drunken noodles+Mango Sticky Rice+Tofu stir fry+Sesame paste spinach - Duration: 28:32.

Hi everyone, this is Munchimadness here.

Today I brought

vegetarian series

it should be vegan atually

but these contain coconut milk

well....then...coconut milk

my chopstick fell

Then this should be vegan series.

Let's introduce the food first.

I ordered them from a restaurant.

These two are drunk noodle

It's kind of similar to Chow Fun

This one is spicy, and this one is mild spicy.

I made this spinach dressed with sauce.

Sesame paste.

Sesame paste, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar.

Mango sticky rice, which is mixture of sticky rice and mango.

It contains coconut juice.

This is white rice, and this is black rice.

Which is white rice and black rice.

This is tofu stir fry.

It's accompanied with dry chili pepper.

Water. And rice that pair with these dishes.

Let's have a look of closeshot.

Awesome. The camera focuses on my chest. 👏🏻

Cold spinach with sauce.

Drunken noodle.

Mango sticky rice.

It's my first time ordering from that restaurant, and wow

It costs more than $60.

Exclude $5 tips I paid.

I should probably cook once in every 2 eating show,

so that I can afford making videos.

Let's eat this first.

I made this.

It's eatable just after being boiled.

So yummy.

I really like spinach.

Something strange about it,

is why it tastes sweet somehow?

No there is no sweetness, just

It feels like sweet.

No there is not.

Very...very good.

Sooo yummy.

Filming a video feels like thanksgiving to me,

which is eating tons of great food.

So happy.

This is tofu.



Woah god

This is mango.

This one is yummy too.

They are all yummy.

The mango is so sweet.

So happy.


I don't eat mushroom.

This rice noodles are tender.

These broccolis are so palatable.

This part

absorbed so many juices, so it's flavory.

I'll go get spoon.


Woah there's sesame on top.

There are two pieces of mango.

I like them both.

I just finished the spinach.

Just now my phone

Just now my phone's storage

Just now the phone's stor...

Just now my phone's storage is full again,

so I went to delete some stuff.

go on.

Food is cold already.

I'll put some chili on this.

It's dry chili pepper. They smell so good.

Just a little.

Woah this chili pepper is good.

Geez so spicy.

Wow so hot.

This pepper is unbelievably hot.

Did my face turn red?


My god this is too hot for me.

At the beginning I can't taste the spiciness, but

Jesses christ.

It's too chili.

This mild spicy one,

The mild spicy drunken noodle is gone.

Let me move the camera closer.

Now it's closer.

I feel like I have pulled all my hair off.

It hurts so bad.

Here's so crowded.

It still hurts.

Mango sticky rice is finished.

It's really yummy.

These two dishes are cold. I'll microwave them.

The foil can't be microwaved. I'll go get a bowl.

I'm full.

Let me find a couple of excuses.

First excuse, I haven't been filming for a long time that my stomach shrinks.

Now I'm having a few days of holiday,

so I have some times to eat.

I was having classes earlier,

and I've been skipping meals.

I'm having a few days off,

though I still have homework to do,

I have some free time to enjoy my meals.

So my stomach should stretch bigger as I eating these days.

2ed excuse,

there were too many accidents today.

I did prepare a lot, but still

First of all, I poured water over my laptop earlier.

Yes, again.

It's been sitting till today I can turn it on again.

I was trying to share my phone screen to my laptop, but I failed

using the 1st app.

The food has been set up while I was trying to figure things out.

and my food got cold.

Finally the app starts working,

but during recording it crashed.

I have to fix it again, and the food got even colder.

After tons of working it's still failing, so I have to try 2ed app.

A new one.

I'm back.

My laptop just crashed.

I'll show you.

This is how I record, so I can see myself on the screen.

Then this thing just crashed.

See the small black window?

It's trash.

I just purchased a new screen sharing app.

So I can see myself.

I'll continue eating.

I continued eating, but then it tells me

my phone's storage is full.

So I took my phone down,

delete, delete, and delete.

Then put it back.

There were so many accidents, so then...

basically I missed the best time to eat.

The noodle lost its texture.

It seems like I only have these 2 excuses.

3rd excuse,

I'll put them in fridge,

and eat as breakfast.

No food are wasted.

One more thing, the dance that I posted on September 1st,

Togen Renka.

I was wearing high heels for this dance,

and almost fell and die.

I haven't mentioned in my mukbang yet, so

Are you sure you're not going to have a look?

Click here to watch it.

Or there's links down in the description.

Or there'll be end screen cards as I end this video.

Sure I'll end the video now.


if u like it pls leave a like, comment or share.

Or subscribe.

Don't forget to click the bell.

Feel free to check out my other videos.

This is Munchimadness, and I'll see you in the next video.


For more infomation >> 【纯素吃播】[Vegan Mukbang] Drunken noodles+Mango Sticky Rice+Tofu stir fry+Sesame paste spinach - Duration: 28:32.


False Memories - Duration: 7:50.

I read somewhere once that as time goes on, you stop remembering things as they happened

and instead you're remembering the last time you remembered that thing.

Confusing, I know, but it makes sense to me.

It's probably why when we recount tales from our childhood it's almost never the same as

how others remember it.

This is a story about a memory from my childhood that I remember vividly, but everyone else

assures me is distorted by time and the wild imagination of a child.

The problem is, I recently found something that leads me to believe I'm remembering things

just fine.

I'll let you guys be the judge.

There's one part of this memory that I know isn't made up; it's the only part that my

mother confirms.

I was seeing a doctor as a child; I don't remember what for (my parents claim not to

either) but I remember the waiting room.

Most pediatricians' waiting rooms are full of old broken toys that I was never allowed

to touch in case the sick kids had played with them and worn copies of Highlights magazine

with all the puzzles already complete.

This one was nothing like that.

It had the usual bank of uncomfortable chairs, the coffee table littered with magazines,

and the drab linoleum floor.

And in the corner, there was a castle.

I couldn't have been older than 3 or 4 at the time (I remember my brother hadn't been

born yet) and to a child that size, it seemed like a real castle.

It was beige and had a rough texture on the outside, giving it the appearance of a large


Inside was a small "lobby" area just big enough for me to stand, then a series of tunnels

to crawl through leading up and across the castle.

It had the occasional window just big enough for a child's head to peak through and wave

at mom and dad, and to let in a bit of light, and at the end of the tunnel was a slide that

brought you right back down into the waiting room.

I don't know what made me remember this castle so many years later, but when I asked my mother

about it, she did remember visiting that doctor's office and the temper tantrum I put up when

it was time to go and I could no longer play.

As she stood at the stove preparing dinner and recounted that tale, I laughed and remarked,

"I think my visits to that office were the only time I was excited to go to a doctor."

My mom gave me an odd look.

"Sweetheart, you only went to that office once.

We had to take you to a specialist."


I distinctly remembered visiting that office multiple times, remembered that after a few

times there I'd declared myself queen of that castle.

The one and only time I remember another child being there with me, I bossed him around for

the duration of our wait, showing him every inch of the castle and explaining the kingdom's



I remember us going at least a few times."

My mom just shrugged.

"You know how it is with memories.

You probably just fantasized about playing in that castle so much it felt real."

I returned her shrug and silently agreed.

I was only a child at the time, so my memories were spotty at best.

She would know better than me anyway.

But before I could drop it, I asked, "What kind of specialist was it anyway?"

The hand that was stirring a pot of mac and cheese froze.

I could see her visibly tense up for the briefest of moments before the smile returned to her

face and she resumed cooking.

"You know, I really don't remember.

Whatever it was, you're healthy now, and like I said we never went back.

It was probably just some for tests."

I thought it odd that a mother wouldn't remember something like that but I didn't press the


My mom oftentimes couldn't remember what she'd had for breakfast by lunchtime.

That was the last I thought of it for a while.

A couple of years later, while reading an article about suppressed childhood memories

for a university psychology class, I thought of that doctor's office again.

This time, though, I found myself remembering details I hadn't been able to recall the last


This time I remembered walking into the office and the plump-faced receptionist in brightly

colored scrubs behind the desk welcoming me back, calling me by name like an old friend.

I remembered the receptionist calling my name and me slowly coming down the slide to be

escorted into the examination room.

And I remembered a room seemingly made out of stainless steel, everything shining and

metallic, even the examination table.

I remembered a trio of serious looking doctors hooking me up to machines that beeped incessantly,

then standing by with their clipboards, which were also a gleaming silver metal.

I remembered another machine being wheeled in, this one like a giant jar of thick white

liquid atop a control panel.

I remember crying out for my mother, who I swore had been standing right next to me but

was now nowhere to be found.

I'll admit that memory shook me a bit.

My mother had insisted my brain was playing tricks on me and it made sense.

I couldn't think of a reason she would lie to me.

Most likely I was conflating my memory of the doctor's office with some sci-fi movie

I'd watched.

I was unsettled but managed to calm myself down by convincing myself it was just me remembering


After all, I was technically not remembering this memory itself, but the last time I'd

thought of the memory.

And as weird as my mom acted that day it stood to reason that I would begin to associate

that memory with all kinds of weirdness.

So once again I pushed these – presumably false – memories from my mind.

I was healthy, after all.

The reason I'm telling you all this story is because I remembered something else the

other day.

It's been about three years since the last time I thought about this doctor's office.

I've moved back to my hometown and have a job at a call center in town – something

to hold me over until I can get a position in my actual field.

Over the weekend I was driving through town and passed a building that looked vaguely


I couldn't quite put my finger on it but as I turned the corner I started to remember

a time I'd driven along this same road as a child, around the age of 5 or 6.

I remember being in the backseat next to my brother, who was still a baby.

My mom was driving.

As we passed the building in question I pressed my face against the car window and said, "Mommy,

can we go?

Can we go to the doctor?"

I remember jerking a bit as my mom pressed the brake a little too hard.

We were at a stoplight and she turned to look at me, her eyes wide.

"You remember that building?

You remember going to the doctor there?"

I remember nodding excitedly.


I wanna play in the castle again."

I remember the look in my mom's eyes, like she'd seen a ghost, and how she shook her

head as the light turned green and she continued driving, mumbling something about having to

get my brother home.

I crossed my arms and pouted, upset that I wouldn't be playing in the castle that day

and gave the baby a dirty look.

He was always ruining my fun.

I remember hearing my mother mumble, "You weren't supposed to remember that.

What they did to you in there...I don't even like remembering.

The way you cried when they hooked you up to that machine and pumped you full of that...stuff."

Again she turned her head to look at me from the corner of her eye.

"I prayed you'd never remember what we let them do to you."

I remember my parents having a big fight that night, and many nights after that.

My mom moved out later that year, and I didn't see her for a few months.

When she came back my parents had legally separated, and eventually divorced.

At the time I didn't see how those events could be connected.

Now I have to wonder.

I haven't asked my mother about this.

I'm not even sure if I should, what good it would do.

Part of me still thinks (hopes) my brain is just filling in the gaps of my childhood with

false memories, things I imagined, and dreams I've had.

Another part of me feels like I'm being lied to.

The main thing is, I googled every possible combination of words looking for a medical

procedure that involves being intravenously injected with a gallon of something that resembles

milk of magnesia and found nothing.

I've posted on a few medical forums and no one seems to know what I'm talking about.

So, assuming I'm not crazy, what the hell did those doctors put in me?

Has anyone else ever heard of such a procedure?

Whatever it is, do you think it's still inside of me?

For more infomation >> False Memories - Duration: 7:50.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Sin Senos Si Hay Paraíso 2 | Capítulo 79 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:38.

This program contains violence, sex, and inappropriate

or provocative dialogue.

It is intended for mature audiences.

Viewer discretion advised.

The characters and situations in this program are fictitious.

Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,

or any other events is purely coincidental.


Are you serious?

Of course I am.

You know I don't have any family.

Well, I do, but I don't want to be with them.

So what do you say? Yes or no?

Yes, of course, yes.

I just don't really know what to do right now.

I'm being discharged tomorrow,

but I don't know how to pay.

I have money, but I don't know how to get to it.

What do you need?

Money to get out of here? I'll get it.


A neighborhood shop owner.

He gives out loans.

I can put up my house as collateral.

I could never let you do that.


Why not?

You can pay me later when you get to your money.

If not, then we'll start a business or something

and you can make it back there.


Hey, Cata.

Mrs. Vanessa, how'd it go?

Great, thank you!

Come in.


-How are you? -Everything good?

Yes, thankfully.

Mr. Albeiro.

How is everything?

Did you visit Jotica and Daniel?

We just came from there.

How are they?


The police commander is a good man, very honest.

He said he wouldn't press charges until he got

all the information from their records.

That's great.


Hopefully, he can help Daniel clear his name.

We would love that.

It's going to happen. Don't worry.

So what's the reason for those big smiles?

We have some good news amidst all this tragedy.

We got proposed to.

That's amazing.


Hilda and I also want to get married one day.

We could have a group wedding.

-Good idea. -That sounds nice.

We have to wait for her to come back.

-Is this your daughter? -Yes.

Hello, I'm Abigail.


You're very cold.



Have you decided, ma'am?

Yes, I've made up my mind.

I brought my daughter

because she also wants to bewitch someone.

Did you tell her I'm the best at this?

I don't know that for sure. I haven't seen results.

If you were patient, you would.

What do you want?

Who are you trying to bewitch and for how long?

His name is Hernan Dario and I want him kissing my feet

for the rest of our lives.

First things first.

Let's start with Albeiro Marin.

Good morning, Albeiro. How are you?

Thank you.

Have a seat.

Good morning.

How are you?

I'm ready to start looking for my mom.

I can't take long, though,

because I need to keep a close eye on Mariana.

Don't worry, Catalina. Everything will be fine.

How do we split up?

I suggest we go in pairs.

I'll go with Hernan Dario

and we'll start looking in hospitals.

Ximena and Valentina told me they were coming too.

If you'd like, I can go to the morgue with Lucia.

That's rough.

She won't be there.

Ximena and Valentina can go downtown.

-Yes. -And...

we can go to the police station.

Yes, that's sounds great.

We just have to pick up my car because it's in the shop.

Quick question.

Are you two going alone together?

No, go with your sister. I'll go with Hernan Dario.

-Right? -Yeah.

No, I was just asking.

Don't worry. I'll go with Hernan Dario.

Let's head out already.

Yes, let's go.

Let's go.

What's with you two? Why are you so smiley?

You're up to something.

We got proposed to.

Both of you?



Thank you.

Vane, that's so great.

Double weddings!

We're over the moon.

Did you bring what I asked for?

All of it.


This works.

If Mariana isn't here in ten minutes,

would you mind waiting outside?

-No. -I have to go.

I can wait outside. That's fine.

Sorry, but I don't really know you enough

to leave you here alone.

Where's the trust? We can get to know each other.

Nice to meet you. I'm Dayana.

Is Mariana here?

No, they're here to pick me up.

You can stay.

Stay and wait for her.

Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge.

Make yourself at home.



Weird kid.


I was about to head to your place.

I came early because everyone was leaving my house

in pairs, and I got stuck with you.

Oh yeah?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Come on.

Sweetie, you left this.

You might need it.

Hi, I know you!

Angela, right?

Yes, we know each other.

The neighborhood madam is at your house?

Just a second. I'm a businesswoman.

Yes, you're very good.

And you help her.

Shut up. I don't help you.

You said you didn't have a phone and look.

-It's not what you think. -You're sick.


Move before I run you over.

Really? I'm so scared.


Cata, it's not what you think.

Let's talk.

How rude.

Get out of here!

I was helping you. You should thank me.

No, you're not!

I told you to stay inside, now get out of here!

-But you left your phone. -I said leave!

Don't scream at me. I'll get my purse and leave.

No, you're not. I'll get it.


Wow, what a catch. Poor and rude!


At least tell me what I did wrong.

I don't get it.


You're so aggressive.

Mari, you took forever. Look at the time.

Sorry, I live far away.

Do you have the joint here?

Yeah, but say hi first.

Let's go somewhere more low-key so we can smoke.

Alright, hurry up.

Aren't you going in?


Is someone there?

No, I was knocking forever and no one answered.

Let's go.

Alright, then no.

Let's go. It's smoky time.

What work skills do you have?

I know how to kidnap, extort, murder...

I was a bodyguard for a long time,

but you shouldn't worry about that.

I can take care of you and my son.

He's all I have left.

You call that work?

Trust me, ma'am, there's no way out for people like me.

That's not true.

There is a way out for people like you.

I'm going to prove to you that there are decent things

you can do to get out.

I promise you.

I would do anything for you and for this chance

you're giving me.

I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


I'm going to go get the money to get you out

and to start a new life with.

You'll see.

Thank you, my sweet lady.

Cata, please.

Can we talk for one second?


I don't want to talk. Leave right now.


Let me explain.

I have the right to doubt you. Leave!

What store do you want to go to?

I don't know. Anywhere.

It can't be just anywhere. Try a little.

You need to look like a queen.

I don't want any trouble with Titi.

He said...


Yes, don't get mad. Let me explain.

He's the one paying for the party and the clothes.

Don't get mad, though.

How can I not?

Lower your voice.

He's sorry.

He was drunk that day too.

What do I care?

He's a gentleman. Plus, didn't you say

you liked the weed I just gave you?

Well, Titi is the only one in Colombia who has it

because he's the one who grows it.

Think of it like that.

We'll go to the party.

We'll smoke all you want

and you can even take home enough weed for a month or two.

Plus, I promise I'll be sober and looking over you.

Like your guardian angel, sweetie.

You'll be fine.

We're going to party, smoke, and then go.

I like this store.

Do you want to look for a dress here?



Something to show off your hot bod.

This is...



I don't want to talk!

Cata, it's me. What's wrong?


Hold on.

What's wrong, Catica?

Hey, girl.

I'm so sorry.

I'm having an issue with Mr. It Wasn't Me.

Can we talk for one second?

I said no.

Come in.


What happened, sweetie?

He's a liar.

Last night he told me he didn't have any clothes

and that was his excuse for going home.

I said it was fine and when I went to pick him up today

he came out nonchalantly and two seconds later

some call girl walks out with her boobs out,

telling him he left his cell phone.

They ------! Period!

No, sweetie.

That's very strange.

A call girl?

It's not that strange, Mrs. Ximena.

He's a cheater, that's all.

This is the second time.

I'm the one with the problem. I keep trusting him.

My niece is pregnant with his baby.

How could I trust someone like that?

I hate him!

What did he say?

"It wasn't me."

Same thing again. He never does anything

except lie to me.

How can I trust him after everything that's happened?

I understand why you're mad,

but I thought you two had settled everything.

Not really.

I've been really weak.

I can't stop loving him overnight.

That's the problem.

If I could press a button and be done with him,

that would be great, but I can't.

I was giving him another chance

and he took advantage of that to pull this.

I hate him with every fiber of my being!

I understand, honey. That's the way love works.

Just relax.

Mrs. Hilda is what really matters right now.

Just calm down.


My priority right now is my mother.

Hernan Dario can go to hell.

It's over... forever.

I hope it's not him.

Love is like that.

It's him.

Tell him to leave. For the love of God.

I will.


He'll feed you lies and try to ---- you too.

Cata, hush. Don't say those things.


I need to talk to Catalina.

-She doesn't want to see you. -Why not?

She saw some chick leaving your house.

-I don't know her. -Then why was she in your house?

How should I know? She was waiting for Mariana.

Did you tell Catalina that?

You know how stubborn she is. She won't listen.

-You can't go in. -I don't care.


Let me go.


Where is she?

-Leave my house. -Not until you hear me out.

-I don't want to. -You're imagining things again.

That's not fair to me.

No, it's not fair to me! You lied to me.

You said you had to change,

but that prostitute walked out to hand you your phone.

What am I supposed to think? You slept with her!

No, I didn't.

Plus, I don't owe you an explanation.

We're nothing.

Then go.

Not until you hear me out.

I don't want to, so then I'll leave.


Let me go.

Fine, I'll let you go, but hear me out.

I don't know that chick.

I don't even know her name.

Oh, sure. I do. It's Dayana.

I told you that when she gave me her card, liar!

But I don't remem-

I'm talking about why she was at my house.

She wasn't there for me. She was there for your niece.

I don't care about your crap

or if she was looking for my niece

and if you're insinuating that my niece

hangs with prostitutes and lives in your house,

that mess is between the three of you.

Leave me out of it!

Hold on a sec.

There's no mess and I'm not insinuating anything.

I have nothing to do with her or your niece.

She's just having your baby.

She wasn't there for me! Listen!

She was there for your niece.

She's got her in some mess.

That's what I came to tell you.

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