Friday, November 17, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 17 2017

There's a lot of changes to see in Pokémon Ultra Sun

& Ultra Moon.

And one of the first you'll discover is how your trainer has upgraded his console

of choice from a Wii U in Sun & Moon to a Nintendo Switch.

Now, this isn't all that surprising.

The trainer's console always gets upgraded to whatever is most current.

And we even pointed this out back when the first trailer was revealed.

But there's a bit more to this than we first thought.

One of the main antagonists of the game is Team Skull.

Now they're never presented as that huge of a threat.

Mostly they're punks and dropouts who couldn't make it through the Island Challenge so they

decided to mess it up for anyone else who tries.

Basically, these guys are losers and kinda pathetic, as sad as that may seem.

But what's really interesting is when you fight your way through Po Town, which Team

Skull has taken over.

The boss, Guzma, is based out of a mansion there that you have to work through.

And in one of the rooms, we can actually see that they have TVs and a game console set


But it's not a Switch like your trainer has.

Instead, Team Skull still uses Wii Us which is just all kinds of sad.

Is Nintendo dumping on their own console by having it associated with the losers of the


Or is it just a statement that the notoriously poor Team just hasn't had the funds to upgrade

to the new system.

Either way, we got a kick out of this Easter Egg and hope you did too.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Throws Shade at Team Skull & the Wii U (Easter Egg) - Duration: 1:43.


Trump Just Unleashed 'Raging Bull' And Rained Hell On Those Who Had It Coming – He's NOT Messing Ar… - Duration: 7:03.

Trump Just Unleashed 'Raging Bull' And Rained Hell On Those Who Had It Coming – He's

NOT Messing Around.

It was reported early Thursday morning that hundreds of illegal aliens have been arrested

because of a federal crackdown on the violent Latino gang known as "MS-13."

Sixteen of the 214 arrests in the United States were are of U.S. citizens.

Five were legal immigrants.

The update comes several months after President Donald Trump gave a speech in Long Island

which meant to detail the administration's plan to crack down on MS-13, also known as

Mara Salvatrucha.

Speaking in a town where MS-13 has launched attacks, Trump, rightly so, linked the gang

violence to soft immigration enforcement of the past presidential administrations.

The "MS" in MS-13 stands for Mara Salvatrucha.

The now-international criminal gang which of course originated in Los Angeles, California

in the 1980s because of the weak immigration policies of that liberal state and it's

citizens who as a whole support open borders with no limit or control whatsoever.

The group later spread to other countries, including Canada, Mexico, and Central America.

They later turned to gun running, drug-smuggling, and human trafficking, MS-13 activities have

contributed to making Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras some of the most violent places

in the world that are not going through a war.

U.S. factions often recruit new members from these countries, making their gangs even more


And because of our open borders policies of the last 20 years, there has been nothing

standing in their way stopping them from growing their numbers.

Breitbart Reports:

Almost one-third of 214 U.S.-based MS-13 gang members arrested in an international sweep

were invited into the United States by President Barack Obama's "Unaccompanied Alien Children"


The successful "Raging Bull' sweep was announced by Immigration and Customs Enforcement

(ICE) Deputy Director Tom Homan in a joint press conference at ICE headquarters in Washington,

D.C. on Thursday.

The operation is a "significant step towards dismantling and eradicating MS-13 in the United

States and in El Salvador," said Deputy Assistant Attorney General David Rybicki,

the second-ranking official at DOJ's Criminal Division.

El Salvador police also arrested 53 gang members in El Salvador.

Sixteen of the 214 arrestees in the United States are U.S. citizens.

Five were legal immigrants.

Ninety-three of 214 arrestees are charged with federal or state criminal offenses and

will face prison time in the United States, said Derek Benner, the deputy executive associate

director of the Homeland Security Investigations division.

The group of 214 include 193 illegal aliens, including 121 arrestees who will be deported

but will not face criminal charges.

Sixty-four of the 193 illegals – nearly one in three – are would-be "dreamers"

because they illegally crossed the border while claiming to be minors.

Their unscreened claims to be children — not adults — won them the legal status of "Unaccompanied

Alien Children," which allowed them to claim federal aid and be released into the United


The status was provided by Obama's administration, which was seeking ways to welcome migrants

from Central America into the United States.

That invite spiraled out of control, resulting in a huge wave of migrants in 2014, which

helped Donald Trump get elected.

"Definitely some UACs end up being bad people and enter the country to do bad things,"

said Homan, who is serving as acting ICE director and was nominated on Tuesday by Trump to head

the agency.

"That's why we asked for several policy changes in [the requests] we sent to the Hill."

Criminal charges against the 214 gang-members include racketeering and conspiracy to commit

murder in the furtherance of racketeering.

According to Rybicki, an entire eight-man MS-13 "clique" (a local division of a

gang) was arrested in the operation.

This "Sailors Clique" operated in suburban Maryland, a hotspot of MS-13 activity, and

has been linked to at least three murders.

U.S. Border Patrol Deputy Chief Scott Luck explained that the operation worked with El

Salvadoran intelligence agencies to identify people with links to MS-13.

The gang was created in Los Angeles during the 1980s because the U..S government failed

to enforce immigration laws, which allowed El Salvador youths to sneak into the United


Without economic skills in California's diverse society, they formed their own national

gang — and then recreated that gang in their own homeland once the illegal immigrants were

repatriated home.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Francis Cissna explained

that his agency's work to identify illegal aliens with gang affiliations was vital to

Raging Bull's success.

USCIS had one of its Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate (FDNS)agents at the Raging

Bull command center full time to work to that effect.

"That individual reviewed asylum claims for MS-13 members targeted by the operation

and assisted in assembling target packages for the immigration and/or criminal court

proceedings of these gang members arrested during the operation," Cissna said.

As Attorney General Jeff Sessions bemoaned in October, gang members and other unworthy

illegal aliens often use the United States's generous asylum policies to tie up their cases

in administrative proceedings, often needing only a "credible claim" of persecution

in their home country to avoid deportation for years.

"FDNS also notified ICE HSI regarding asylum applicants with strong ties to MS-13 or other

significant gang indicators," Cissna continued.

"Our headquarters FDNS officers search USCIS systems for information regarding 195 targeted

MS-13 members and associates identified by the operation for additional vetting."

Operation Raging Bull carries on a series of nationwide and international efforts against

the brutal gang.

In July, Attorney General Sessions went to El Salvador to announce nearly 600 arrests

in that country.

Earlier in the summer, ICE's "Operation Matador" netted dozens of arrests in the

United States.

El Salvador police also arrested 53 gang members in el Salvador.

President Donald Trump has warned of the dangers surrounding MS-13 from day one.

He has justly gone as far as to say MS-13 doesn't just shoot people because it's

too fast and painless, they cut them up into little pieces because they enjoy watching

them suffer.

In a way, this makes them worse than Al Queda.

The fact that should bother all us American Citizens the most is that our politicians,

on both sides of the political aisle, want this for our nation.

It's come to a point where either you are with the American people, or you're with

the gang members.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Trump Just Unleashed 'Raging Bull' And Rained Hell On Those Who Had It Coming – He's NOT Messing Ar… - Duration: 7:03.


UPDATE! Jeff Sessions Just Said A Big 'NOPE' To Sanctuary Cities And Conservatives love it! - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> UPDATE! Jeff Sessions Just Said A Big 'NOPE' To Sanctuary Cities And Conservatives love it! - Duration: 3:24.


UPDATED! AG Sessions Has Given Green Light to Taken Down the Clintons! FINALLY HAPPENING - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> UPDATED! AG Sessions Has Given Green Light to Taken Down the Clintons! FINALLY HAPPENING - Duration: 3:02.


Superação - A Mais Linda Mensagem De Reflexão De Vida - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> Superação - A Mais Linda Mensagem De Reflexão De Vida - Duration: 7:48.


VLOG 33: A ORDINARY DAY IN MILANO! - Duration: 5:02.


Thankyou for watching the vlog again.

It is friday, the last day of the week.

I'm on my way to the pool to have a swim.

sooo, i am exited for that!

its 10:30 in the morning and i have a new jacket but i don't know if i like it or not..

It is sooo big really big ass.

On one hand i like him and on the other hand i think he is huge and really striking because it's red

I bought it at H&M but like i said i dont know jet about his one.

But it keeps me warm. Because i didn't expect it to be this cold in Milano.

But anyway i am on my way,

And i hope you all have a nice last day of the week. And are just as exited for the weekend as i am.

I will talk to you later today.

So i just went to the gym and the swimming pool.

I had a really nice swim.

And i already showered as you can see. I think its really nice that they have showers there it's great!

At the moment i am walking in china town. I just did some grocery's here.

Bought some stuff at a asian supermarket. Because i like their stuff.

Because i like asian food.

Now i am on my way to the model appartment. And later today i am going ti grab lunch with Sharon at the juice bar.

So she is waiting for me there. so lets go there!

On the go with Sharon to the juice bar.

We are going to have some lunch because we really felt like that.

So that's the plan for now.

Luckily for us it's close and it's near the Duomo.

What did you do today?

Uhm nothing!

YEs you did! you were so active today

Ohhh... I did the laundry and cleaned out my closet. But my eyes are still sleepy..

I'm really proud of you!

I made dinner.. It's vegtables with beans and sweet potato.

So yes i am going to eat this!

So Sharon and I are going to have a drink in the city.

Because it is Friday evening after all.

After that we are going to sleep. But i don't take my camera with me.

So i will end this vlog here. Thankyou for watching this vlog!

If you did not subscribe yet and u dont want to miss a vlog then go tsubscribe now.

And if u liked the video u can give us a thumbs up.

U can always leave a comment down below as well if u like that.

And then I will see you guys tomorrow!

See you tommorow and goodnight for now.

For more infomation >> VLOG 33: A ORDINARY DAY IN MILANO! - Duration: 5:02.


NASA Silicon Valley Podcast - Episode 68 - Kevin Sato - Duration: 26:11.

Host (Matthew Buffington): You are listening to NASA in Silicon Valley, Episode 68.

Frank, tell us about our guest today.

Frank Tavares: Hey, Matt!

Today, we're talking with Kevin Sato, the Project Scientist and Deputy Project Manager

of NASA's Space Biology research projects.

So, space biology is basically figuring out how humans can live in space, on Mars, on

the Moon, wherever we end up going.

And Kevin not only works on some of these individual experiments, but also looks at

the big picture of developing a portfolio, picking what experiments go when, and basically

planning all of that out for the future.

Host: And all of this is very relevant now, as we're getting ready for, towards the

end of this month, for SpaceX 13, where we'll be launching up to the International Space

Station, of which they'll be several Ames payload, and science experiments.

Frank Tavares: Yeah, definitely!

And Rodent Research is something that Kevin's worked on in the past, and Rodent Research

6 is one of the science experiments that will be going up to the space station again.

Again, looking at, you know, how life changes when it's put into space.

Host: So on a similar note, we are a NASA podcast but we are not the only NASA podcast!

And our friends over at the Johnson Space Center have a podcast called Houston We Have

a Podcast.

We're actually, as a special treat, going to be doing a joint episode with those guys

next week, where we'll be talking about SpaceX 13 and some of this work.

Frank Tavares: Yeah, and the really exciting thing about that is we'll actually have

an astronaut calling in, so we'll be able to get two ends of the spectrum, both the

astronauts that are on the space station actually doing these experiments, and some of the scientists

that are developing those experiments, so we're getting both perspectives.

Host: And so as a special shout out, also from NASA's Headquarters, they're going

to be launching a new podcast this very week, called Gravity Assist, that is going to be

run by our director of planetary scientist, the famous Dr. Jim Green, is basically giving

a virtual tour of the solar system and beyond, starting out with the Sun, building all the

way up into 10 episodes, that'll end in Pluto.

But before we jump into our episode, a reminder, we have a phone number, (650) 604-1400.

Any questions, comments, go ahead and give us a call, and leave a message for us, and

we can figure out how to add that into the podcast.

But for those of you who want to be on social media, we're using the hashtag #NASASiliconValley.

But for today…

Frank Tavares: … Let's hear from Kevin Sato.


Matthew Buffington: We always start it off the same.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

What brought you to -- ? How did you join NASA?

How did you end up in Silicon Valley?

Kevin Sato: Actually, I didn't end up in Silicon Valley.

I grew up in the Silicon Valley.

Host: That happens.

Kevin Sato: Yep.

I grew up in Mountain View.

Host: Really?

Kevin Sato: Went to Castro Elementary School, Graham Middle School, and Los Altos High School.

So, I know this area and I know this base.

Host: That's so rare in this area with having the Google headquarters next door, Facebook


It's like this tech boom in this area.

It's kind of rare you find people who are natives.

Kevin Sato: Yeah.

No, I remember when the Bay Area was actually a large number of orchards.

Host: Yeah.

Kevin Sato: The actual part related to the silicon part.

The semiconductor industry was just getting started.

And so, it's been really a treat to see how the Bay Area has grown up from one type of

technology through to the next generation.

Host: Wow.

Yeah, a while back we had an episode with Jack Boyd where he was telling about the history

of the place.

I know a big part about putting an NACA, now NASA, center in this area was also taking

advantage of you have Stanford, you have all these universities, you have companies.

It's like this was just like a very fertile ground.

So, I'd imagine growing up in this area, it just seemed such a natural flow to end up

working over in NASA.

Kevin Sato: Yeah, it is.

I was lucky enough, or old enough, to actually be able to remember back to Apollo.

In fact, one of the first things I remember about NASA was being at my grandmother's house

one Sunday for dinner and we all went outside.

My dad and uncle somehow knew Gemini -- don't remember which mission -- was actually going

to fly over.

And so, we looked up and we saw Gemini come right over us.

That was the first thing.

But I remember all the Apollo missions.

But actually, my coming to work for NASA, which is something I thought would never,

ever happen, was actually very accidental.

I was completing my postdoctoral fellowship.

And there was an opening that I was called in for to actually work with the NASA Flight

Payloads group at that time.

And so, it was a complete shift where I would no longer be doing research, but actually

working with principal investigators to translate their dreams and their goals for their scientific

research into ones that they can actually conduct into space to understand the usual:

how does life respond to space.

But a lot of the scientists were also interested in not necessarily just exploration.

They were really interested in using the space environment to understand how a particular

disease state occurred, and then turn that back into understanding how we might be able

to solve that on Earth.

Host: I always get a kick out of, especially taking to anybody who's working on payloads,

that mix of science, research, scientific method, hypotheses, running experiments, but

also the engineering side of building a thing that can survive a launch, that can get up

into the space station and do this.

But in your own background, was it more science?

Was it engineering, working on payloads?

Or was it both?

How did that even launch into working at NASA?

Kevin Sato: My background was straight science.

Host: Okay.

Kevin Sato: It was straight fundamental research.

I was focused in the areas of human cancer, human molecular biology and development of

the cancer and how cells divide.

And so, when it came to moving to the NASA side, it was very much no longer that specific

area where you're focusing.

You were really utilizing everything you had learned as a scientist, because now you weren't

just looking at one thing.

You had to be able to understand the science in many different areas, a drosophila focus,

cell, rodent, C. elegans, just microbiology.

A lot of different areas.

So, it was really interesting because I was now pulling on all of my experience and education

in order to work with the investigators.

But the really interesting thing was the folks that I worked with, especially the engineers

and the operational people, because they were very helpful in really learning what they

did, but learning their language.

Because I think something people don't think about is, "It's science.

He can talk science."

But in a lot of ways, when you move from one type of area of research or method into different

areas, you're actually learning to speak differently.

You're learning, in a lot of ways, a new language and a new way to communicate and being able

to say, "Here's what the science needs to engineer so they understand how to implement it.

Here's what science needs, so the operational folks need it.

And then here's how we justify it so people in business, in management, can understand

what's needed."

And so, that's been the interesting part about my career here is that you're forever growing

and learning, and learning new ways to communicate as I've been moving through the different

areas that I've been involved in.

Host: And so starting off, it was payloads from the beginning or helping people design

those experiments?

Kevin Sato: Right.

It was science operations.

Basically, there are a series of phases that we go though.

First phase was taking an investigation, translating that into a flight capable investigation through

defining the requirements of that investigation.

For example, a principal investigator wanted to be able to study how quail developed in


Now you have to say, "Okay, how do we translate that into set of requirements that engineers

can understand to develop the hardware [they need]?"

So, they said, "Okay, the quail needed to get air of this amount.

They need to be able to develop.

Like with anything, the eggs need to be turned periodically."

Host: Yeah.

Kevin Sato: "They need a certain temperature."

So, you're looking at all these particular perspectives of the investigation and turning

it into rather than "I need to do this study," like you would in a lab, to specific defined

specifications that anyone can look at and go, "Okay, I know what you need so that I

can run it operationally as well as engineering wise."

That was a real large difference, because you don't think in those terms necessarily

as a scientist.

You do subconsciously, but you never have to really put it down on paper and tell someone


Host: I imagine as a researcher, as a scientist, you have a lab, you probably have a little

bit more freedom of like, "Okay, here's my hypothesis.

This is what I'm looking at."

Design the experiment, run the experiment, control groups.

You do the whole rigmarole.

But there's only so much stuff that can go to the space station, and it takes a lot of

effort and a lot of money to get something up on the space station.

So, I'd imagine it's just like -- I don't know.

I'm just making this up.

You can tell me if I'm wrong -- I'm thinking of a funnel of people propose a lot of ideas,

a lot of investigations, a lot of theories, and then that slowly gets whittled down to,

"Okay, what's an actual real experience and how can we actually put it up?"

Is that kind of how it works, to narrow down who wins and goes up to the space station?

Kevin Sato: Yeah.

Yeah, exactly.

The way it works is NASA puts out regular what's called NASA research announcements,

their solicitations.

For flight investigations, they go through basically three series of reviews.

The first one is a peer review.

Scientists from the scientific community come in.

They review all of the grants for scientific merit.

Is it worth doing?

Is it addressing a question that's worth asking?

And is the science that is being conducted of high merit and worth us funding?

Once those receive a passing score, they then get passed on to the different centers who

have the expertise, and we look at them for now technical feasibility.

Host: Okay.

Kevin Sato: Exactly as you said.

Can you actually conduct this experiment in space?

Can we actually turn this into a flight experiment within the constraints, the requirements,

and capabilities we have available?

Then once they receive a score for that, it's combined with the main peer review score.

Then we look at it at the headquarters levels in terms of programmatics and funding.

Do we have the funding for how many can we support?

Programmatically, does it actually fit what we're interested in and our objectives for

exploration: standard fundamental knowledge advancement?

Once all of those are considered, then the final whittling goes down, as you said, to

funnel where a certain select few are then recommended to, in our case, the space life

and physical sciences research and applications director for his approval to fund those particular


Once that's done, the principal investigators are notified.

Then for us at the center, when I was doing flight payloads, the fun begins.

Because then we meet the PIs, we learn about what they're doing, and we now take the first

steps to defining their experiment requirements in terms of flight investigation.

And then we go from there.

Host: In the role that you're working in even now, it's like you're not just working on

one experiment and one thing.

You're looking at a whole suite, like the whole of the program, all these different

experiments and different things.

Kevin Sato: Yes.

Now I'm working more on the programmatic side with the strategic and tactical planning,

but also looking across our entire portfolio of investigations to identify which experiments

we want to fly in which priority orders based on what we know is currently the programmatic

needs not just for NASA Space Biology, but also for the human research project.

Possibly also with respect to commercial and other areas.

But primarily, what do we need to understand and know in order to safely fly humans to

the moon and to Mars again.

And so, that's why I work across all the portfolios.

Then we then hand those to the various implementation groups or our, definitionally speaking, that


I'm still doing definition work and working with PIs, but less so.

We have a group of really great people who are portfolio leads, and also our mission

scientists who are now the next generation of folks who are taking experiments out to


Host: Early on in the podcast, we'd spoke with David Smith who's in the space bioscience

group, and also Elizabeth Pane on some of the working on payloads and different things.

Basically, your day-to-day is working with these people, understanding these experiments,

and getting them all lined up to become a reality.

I know one of the big competencies, one of the big things that Ames does, is focusing

on space biology.

So, talk a little bit about that.

I love the catchphrase of the International Space Station of working off the earth for

the earth.

Why is it important to have space biology or space biosciences?

What are we looking for?

What we trying to understand?

Kevin Sato: Right, so space biology is actually a very unique field of study.

I think most people when they think about research, you're doing it in gravity, you're

doing it in 1G on earth, and you're doing it in an environment that you can control

that basically life evolved in.

Now when you leave earth, all of those norms that you understand biology to function by,

all of the norms that you do research by, change completely.

For example, if you go into orbit, you're basically in freefall, you're in microgravity,

and life biology changes.

You see changes where you no longer have the standard gradient of fluid pressure, for example,

on the body from the head to the feet.

All that begins to equalize out.

Mechanical stimulations that we get from walking or moving are reduced or eliminated.

And so, you need to start to think in terms of what is going on in the absence of the


But also, the science itself is also thinking about "If I'm going to conduct this research

in space, why do I need to conduct it there?

What can spaceflight, that environment, tell me that I cannot do on earth?"

There are a lot of things.

For example, there are potential disease syndromes such as I think everyone understands osteoporosis.

Host: Okay.

Yeah, like bone density.

Kevin Sato: Bone density, correct.

On earth, that takes years and years, almost a lifetime, to occur.

To study that over someone's lifetime means that 80, 90 years before you get any understanding.

However, it's known that when astronauts go into space, and we've seen this in rodents,

there's an almost immediate start in loss of bone.

Host: Really?

Kevin Sato: Yes.

And so the idea, the understanding, is that there's somehow a disconnect between how bone

is degraded and bone is formed.

On earth, there's a homeostasis, meaning there's a static change with how you lose bone and

gain bone, because you remodel your bone throughout your life.

In spaceflight, as in osteoporosis, there's a disconnect between the bone loss and the

stimuli to stimulate the cells that will come in and form bone.

That's no longer there.

So, you get more accumulative bone loss than you do bone formation.

And that's what could give an osteo product like state in bones in astronauts and rodents.

One of the questions that's out there is does this particular state really describe what

happens in the disease state on Earth.

There's a lot of indications that, yes, that's true.

But it's an area that's of very high and strong research that we at Ames are actually very,

very much involved in.

We have scientists finding major breakthroughs in how it might be occurring at a mechanistic

level, and also how we may be able to identify some countermeasures that may stop that particular


Host: Yeah, I think naturally when you think about these biology experiments in space,

"Biology in Space," naturally you tend to think of on going to Mars, humans going to

the moon, living long term out in space, how that affects you.

There's a natural connect to that.

But there's also a lot of pharmaceutical industries.

There's other things that you can learn that can help us living on earth that aren't necessarily

related towards the journey to Mars.

But it's just like things that you can learn about how microgravity affects biology that

can help us out here.

Kevin Sato: Yeah, and that's key, I think.

Although a while ago, there was actually an NIH, National Institutes of Health, call for

research investigations that required the use of the spaceflight environment in order

to address specific disease questions on earth.

One of the investigators who was one of the payload specialist astronauts years ago on

the space shuttle and is studying aging -- because there's a lot of aging analogs that occur

-- had identified that T cells, which are an important part of your immune system that

activate cells that produce the B cells that produce antibodies, weren't stimulated to

become activated so they can do that work.

And so, that was actually funded by the National Institutes of Health.

There are companies who are actually using the space environment because of the acceleration

in possible analog disease states in space in order to actually investigate possible

countermeasure drugs, that they can see whether it works or not.

And based on that, they can either come back and say, "Hey, let's go look at this further.

This compound looks like one that we might be able to use for further drug testing."

Or the idea ultimately is the ability to maybe use the space environment to validate drugs.

Now it's a little harder because you have a limited number of specimens you can study.

But I think the key is the fact that, as I mentioned with osteoporosis, there are certain

physical states, physiological states, in the human body, or the animal, or in other

model organisms like drosophila, C. elegans, and especially bacteria where you're seeing

changes occur at a much more rapid rate that you can actually analyze within a certain

shorter period of time and get really good research data that we may be able to base

some commercial basis for a drug, identification of a countermeasure, or potential therapeutic


Host: Wow.

I remember the last time when we were hanging out and talking.

I think we were talking about some of the rodent research stuff.

You were talking about how some of the new upcoming experiments of it's not only just

like, hey, this is some of the stuff that NASA is working on to understand the journey

to Mars, to understand how this knowledge can benefit us here on earth.

But also going into how the teams are formatted and how the teams can work together and different

things that you guys have learned about.

Go ahead and talk a little bit about some of that stuff.

Kevin Sato: Yeah.

Everything we do here at NASA, which is, I think, one of the most exciting things we

do, is we work in teams.

We work in teams that have different specializations.

We have scientists.

We have people who know operations.

These are all the guys that make things happen for us, for a scientist.

We have engineers.

We have people who are business, project managers.

We have PAO, education.

Host: Yeah, yeah.

Kevin Sato: We work in teams.

It's that interaction of the teams that make the science happen.

In the case of the rodent research.

There's a lot of different things that have to happen for a rodent research experiment.

There's the identification of the science and what the requirements are that the scientists

do, as well as working with our flight internal animal care and use committee in order to

understand how we work with the animals to make sure it's done in a humane and ethical


Because the animals are very important for research, they always have been, and we look

at them as partners in understanding in our trip to Mars.

Once those are done, it gets handed off to our engineers and ops people to be able to

then take that and translate it into an actual flight.

What hardware do we need?

What kits do we need to bring up in order to support the animals?

What operational needs do we have in order to change out food, change out the water supply

system, send them up, bring them back?

But on top of that, where you see the integration of work within a project and within a specific

flight, there's also the interplay that occurs between flights.

Because as you're working on one investigation, you're starting to work on another or you're

finishing another.

Host: This is layered.


Kevin Sato: It's just layered.


And it's like that for any investigations we do for flight payloads for any model organism.

That's one of the larger challenges, making sure that the teams are able to work in a

manner where they complete one and start another or begin another while they're beginning to

work and deal with one study that they're already doing.

And so, it's a very dynamic environment, and it's one in which it's very exciting because

you're constantly learning something new, you're constantly doing something different,

or you're constantly learning something that you did the last time that you changed and

all of a sudden there's an improvement.

But on the bottom line that I think we get as a team, and the greatest kick we get, is

when a scientific investigator comes back and says, "Hey, I can address all my objective's

specific aims.

I can do my research.

And I really want to thank you."

That's really rewarding.

Because what you end up feeling, even though you're not doing the science, is the fact

that you've enabled something to occur that is going to benefit space exploration and

potentially earth and humans in general.

Host: That's a really cool thing I've enjoyed and thing that I've loved about talking with

people during the podcast is also it really takes all different types to make this place


It's also good because there's so many people who watched Star Wars as kids or watched SpaceCamp

or Star Trek, or people who are inspired by the stuff, and they're like "Love NASA."

But maybe math is not their thing, or maybe writing isn't their thing, or business classes.

It's like no matter what your area of interest is, there's a role to play.

It's when you take these smart people no matter what they're doing, no matter what their skillset

or what they're working on, being science, engineering, technology.

Or if it's mission support, business cases, logistics, human resources.

It all matches together.

And by everybody working together, that synergy, you come up with something greater than the

sum of its parts.

Kevin Sato: Absolutely.

The neat thing is that everyone is so excited about making things happen.

These are folks that go over the top.

They go beyond expectations because they know that the benefits to gain are great.

The other thing, too, that's neat is we don't just work within Ames, and you fly.

We're actually working with other centers.

There are the group at Johnson Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Kennedy, Glenn.

All of us are working together to fly a particular investigator or fly a series of experiments.

One of the greatest things is you can talk to folks who think "They're so far away from

what we're doing, but they're trying to help us."

And they come back and say, "You're doing this.

You need this.

You have to have this."

Or they're asking us questions that are actually [unintelligible] think of, "I didn't think

about that."

They understand it.

Then when it goes to flight, they're right there.

They're our advocates.

They're fighting to get everything we need to get our experiments conducted in space

and completed.

It's just really amazing when they talk about NASA as a family and NASA as a team regardless

of what center you're at.

Everyone is working together for one goal, and that's to get exploration up.

That goal includes making sure that the science, the engineering, whatever we need to do, is

being accomplished at those levels to make that happen.

It's a really neat environment to see that.

It really is that large a family.

Host: Excellent.

For folks who are listening to the podcast, anybody who has questions for Kevin, want

to hit us up.

We are on Twitter @NASAAmes.

We're using the hashtag #NASASiliconValley.

If folks have questions, they can come on over, hit you up on Twitter, and we'll get

back to you and we'll go back and forth.

But considering the work for the space station is an ongoing thing, this isn't going to be

the last time that we talk to you and your team.

Thanks so much for coming on over.

Kevin Sato: Thank you very much.

I appreciate you giving the opportunity to talk a little about what I do and what we

do as NASA on flight payloads to help us get along with the exploration out to Mars and

beyond low earth orbit.

Host: Excellent.

Talk to you later.

Kevin Sato: Thank you.

For more infomation >> NASA Silicon Valley Podcast - Episode 68 - Kevin Sato - Duration: 26:11.


حرقة التعليم ◆ لايمكن أن ننهض بدون تعليم ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> حرقة التعليم ◆ لايمكن أن ننهض بدون تعليم ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور طارق السويدان - Duration: 12:30.


Chittagong Vs Khulna bpl 2017 ।। Anamul Haque 62 Runs by 47 Balls ।। 18th match - Duration: 2:01.

anamul hauque

For more infomation >> Chittagong Vs Khulna bpl 2017 ।। Anamul Haque 62 Runs by 47 Balls ।। 18th match - Duration: 2:01.


Learning life skills through football - Duration: 1:04.

Russian children with Down Syndrome are taking lessons with international coaches

who are explaining to them the best ways to train.

I'm sure that it's not only the Russian children who are enjoying it

but that it's also an interesting and useful experience for the international coaches.

For more infomation >> Learning life skills through football - Duration: 1:04.


Doom - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 6:53.

Doom is the antithesis of so much of what the Switch excels at.

Brash and bloody with thundering music and a cold heart, Doom is the digital representation

of idle doodlings from a 15-year-old boy.

One trait it does share in common with Nintendo's more family-friendly offerings, though, is

gameplay that's as refined and exciting as anything out there.

Combat is relentless, empowering, and downright thrilling in Doom, pushing this year-old port

above the lesser aspects that make up the rest of this diabolical adventure.

First, Switch owners are probably wondering how Doom holds up technically.

Starting life on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in May 2016, Doom always emphasized

smooth action over high-end graphics.

And, for the most part, Doom Switch is every bit as easy to play.

The framerate holds up during almost every fight, and the few dips usually only happen

during bloody executions so it doesn't hamper the killing fun.

There is one glitch I encountered a number of times, though.

The music drops out and the sound effects become dulled at seemingly random points.

Things get back to normal during the next load screen but it's a definite headscratcher

when things go silent.

If handheld is you've preferred method of Switching, Doom looks just as good on the

small screen.

But it's a much better game on a television.

Granted, my vision isn't top-notch, but I struggled to make out the smaller enemies

and couldn't hit airborne foes to save my life.

Doom is just so fast and frenetic that it's hard to do it justice in handheld mode.

Thankfully, there aren't any motion controls, so if your eyes are sharper than mine, there

aren't any control hurdles to overcome.

Now to get the real selling point.

The action in Doom is the polar opposite of the many plodding, duck-behind-cover-while-you-regenerate-your-life

shooters out there.

Fights are so fast it's like you're a jacked up rabbit being slingshot head first

into a demonic battle.

Movement is the key to success in that stopping leads to quick deaths.

Enemies pour into the battlefields and you have to sprint through tunnels, leap across

chasms, shinny up ledges, and leap off glowing trampolines to stay one step ahead of your

determined pursuers.

The brilliant innovation of Doom that pushes you to stay on the offensive comes from the

hand-to-hand executions.

Once you stagger an enemy with enough bullets, they glow blue and orange, and that's your

chance to smash their heads in.

Doing so gives you extra life, so when you're near death, it's better to rush in to perform

an execution than cower away from danger.

That risk/reward system is the key to Doom's tenacious hook.

Fights are long and nasty affairs that require you to think fast and move even faster to

quell the relentless horde.

Your arsenal is more than enough to stay on top.

There's a shotgun, plasma rifle, chaingun, and more, each with their own unique strengths

and weaknesses to ensure you use every weapon.

I really loved how I couldn't just rely on one or two guns the entire campaign.

Ammunition is a short supply so you're forced to bounce between guns so you'd better master

each and every one.

You wouldn't want to face off against a boss with just a gauss cannon if you've

haven't disposed of a few dozen enemies with it beforehand.

As great as the combat is, though, none of the other elements can live up to its impressive


This is an ugly game.

I know hell and Mars aren't supposed to be the most beautiful places, but the artistic

design was downright boring and repetitive for most of the campaign.

The levels look so similar that I often got lost.

Plus, the compass and map aren't great at pointing you in the right direction so I spent

a lot of time wandering around.

It's a serious letdown going from the crazy combat to bumbling around nondescript locations

trying to find the next fight.

The game also slows down when you upgrade your gear.

Guns and your armor can be infused with new abilities which sounds fine but I had no interesting

poking around in menus when there were enemies waiting to be killed.

I would have preferred an upgrade system like Ratchet & Clank.

In that franchise, guns automatically upgrade when you kill enough enemies with that gun.

It's the perfect way to inject more variety into your arsenal while incentivizing reasons

to switch which guns you use without slowing things down with menus.

There's also a story about Mars, hell, demons, and portals to mysterious places, but the

narrative clashes with the combat, too.

This is a game about speed.

The music is loud and raucous, the enemies quick and deadly, and I got amped up in each

and every fight.

My heart was racing and my blood was pounding and then... a cutscene?

Holographic people talking about whatever?

Come on!

There's a time and a place for story and it's not when you're slaying demons by

the truckload.

It's incredible how the combat in Doom is so exciting but every other aspect contradicts

that design approach.

Maybe I'm impatient, but when I'm immersed in a superfast game, I don't want to spend

time in menus or listen to a by-the-book story or stare at a map to figure out where to go


I want to rush into the next battle head first as I wonder what kind of afterlife demons


The campaign is a long one.

It took me about 12 hours and I didn't find most of the secrets strewn across levels.

There's plenty of reason to go back two or three times to thoroughly humiliate demons

and perfect your combat tactics.

But if you want more, there's a multiplayer mode.


it's not nearly as exciting as the main offering.

There's little to separate this from other shooters so it just feels kind of flat compared

to the great campaign.

I would much rather dive back into a harder difficulty setting than trade rockets with

some dude living in Des Moines.

So, Doom is a little uneven.

But ID Software nails the most important part: the combat.

As long as it's fun to slay demons, it doesn't matter too much that the rest of the adventure

fails to live up to that high standard.

I can only say that I liked Doom but it's a no-brainer if you're itching for some

first-person action on your Switch.

For more infomation >> Doom - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 6:53.


When I Die

For more infomation >> When I Die


Do I Need a Will or a Trust? - Duration: 4:58.

Hi this is Lee Phillips.

I want to talk to you for a minute about the question

Do I need a will or a living revocable trust?

and this is something that I've dealt with for a long time.

I've done trusts for years and years

well more like decades


I can't answer the question for you.

If you have property,

real property: bank account, car, brokerage account,

then you probably need the living revocable trust.

Mom and dad probably need the living revocable trust.

If there really isn't much property,

then we don't have to worry about the living revocable trust

use a will.

A young couple who are going to school

they have basically nothing

but they have a kid

the kid needs a guardian appointed in a will

and it's a disaster---I've got other YouTubes on how to appoint guardians

but the guardian has got to be there

and it's named in the will

that guy is named in the will.

So even a young couple

who doesn't have any assets to speak of

they need the will to protect their children.

So they have different functions--the will and the trust

the will names the guardian

names the personal representative

and it can divide up the property

say who gets what after the person dies.

But you got to remember

a will is always going to be probated.

The will has no legal teeth to it

until it goes through the probate process.

On the other hand, the living revocable trust

if you manage it properly

and I've got lots of YouTubes on how to manage your trust

or what to do with trusts.

If the trust owns the property

then you will not go through the probate process.

So if there's property involved then you probably want the trust

because you don't want to have to go through the probate process.

And in fact you're gonna say, "Well, do I have enough money to have the trust?"

It really isn't a matter of money.

My dad the other day came to me

and I've done everything I can for my dad

and he says, "Look.

I figured out I've got this bank account

this credit union account

that I set up 45 years ago with mom.

It's got $250 in it.

We left enough money in it to keep it open."

And I'm going, oh my gosh.

It was in his name.

I said, "Dad go down, close the account, and get the 250 bucks, get it out of there."

Because if he dies,

it's gonna cost me more than $250

to go get that account.

I'll just leave the account.

So it really isn't a matter of how much money's in the account.

The question is

is it worth going through the probate process to get it out

or would you rather have it in the living revocable trust

and just have it go instantly

without any probate process.


primary question, what do I have

not how much, but what

and if that what is gonna have to have a probate proceeding

then I probably want the trust.

Mom's dying

she's older

the house has been sold she's living in the rest home

she's got a bank account the daughters name is on it as joint tenant

that's a mistake

we talk about that in other YouTubes

but in this case I'll let you have it, okay?

Mom doesn't have anything to probate

she doesn't need a living revocable trust

she may not even need a will in that case

unless there's something that she needs to "send to the kids"

and by the way it's always not the money

it's the dollies and the doilies in the treadle sewing machine

that's where the fight is

and I can get rid of those easier

in the trust than I can the will

in most states

some states have have given us permission

to make out lists within the will

and then append them to the will

some states haven't

so depends on which state you're in if that's a possibility

but in a trust I can always list those things out very easily

and we can send them where we want them.

So trust or will?

I don't know.

You're gonna have to decide

and it's primarily what's the probate potential

of the individual that I'm looking at.

This is Lee Phillips trying to answer the question,

Do I need a will or a living revocable trust?

For more infomation >> Do I Need a Will or a Trust? - Duration: 4:58.


I CREATED MY OWN PALETTES?? 3 Easy Eyeshadow Looks with Buxom Cosmetics | Mar - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> I CREATED MY OWN PALETTES?? 3 Easy Eyeshadow Looks with Buxom Cosmetics | Mar - Duration: 9:18.


Accident on I-95 north in Guilford causing delays - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Accident on I-95 north in Guilford causing delays - Duration: 0:27.


Citroën C3 1.4i Ambiance apk toot 27-10-2018 airco - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i Ambiance apk toot 27-10-2018 airco - Duration: 0:53.


Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era like Indie Game! First Mission - Duration: 24:56.

Tower 57 is an indie game made by Pixwerk and 11bit Studios and believe me this is a great title to play.

When I've just touched this game, it's lovely and incredibly beautiful looking game

I love 8/16 bit era and all these pixel art levels, characters, mobs and weapons are something I like.

The difficulty I took is Hard, let's hope it won't be too much for me.

The enemies in this game are another story, they are also pretty in their own way!

Add to this some steampunk climate and you have this game, in my opinion of the best titles to try this year

If you remember such titles as Alien Breed from Team 17 or Chaos Engine and Skeleton Krew you will love it.

For me it's very big 9/10 and I truly recommend this game to you!

You can purchase the game in the links below on Steam or GOG.

(Please use GOG because with it you will invest in Eastern Poland)

For a very long time I haven't been feeling so much excitation after playing the first level.

For a very long time I haven't been feeling so much excitation after playing the first level.

This gives me a feeling to explore the game even more, find more weapons, buy more upgrades, meet more mobs and...

Just look at the locations you can explore, they are amazing and really catchy.

For a very long time I haven't seen such a colorful palette, this is amazing how beautiful can it be.

Now you will have to slowly push towards one of the Allied Construction Yards.... this mission is really long...

If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era like Indie Game! First Mission - Duration: 24:56.


RIDOT: Travel delays expected during final phase of ramp repair - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> RIDOT: Travel delays expected during final phase of ramp repair - Duration: 1:58.


Taylor White Elementary Science Superstars - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Taylor White Elementary Science Superstars - Duration: 2:22.


Ford Fusion 1.4I-16V Cool & Sound - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Ford Fusion 1.4I-16V Cool & Sound - Duration: 0:48.


Ruch gwiazd na niebie - model kula ziemska i płaska ziemia - autor PŁASKOZiEMCA - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Ruch gwiazd na niebie - model kula ziemska i płaska ziemia - autor PŁASKOZiEMCA - Duration: 5:29.


The grieving process of losing my Mum - Interview on grief, loss & life - Duration: 22:50.

For more infomation >> The grieving process of losing my Mum - Interview on grief, loss & life - Duration: 22:50.


Large crack on busy Albuquerque bridge concerns drivers - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Large crack on busy Albuquerque bridge concerns drivers - Duration: 2:12.


[SMO Challenge] Bowser's Kingdom WITHOUT Capturing Pekios? Is it possible? - Duration: 2:56.

Not sure about this still screen at the start. :/

Was going to say something here but forgot lol

Oh this part was just me showing off by the way. Sorry :P

You're bored, I can sense it lol. Skip to 0:32 to see anything interesting.

This is easily the hardest part. Getting this triple jump right is actually really difficult with the Pekios chasing you.


Yeah. Finally. Took quite a few attempts to get it.

Also I wanted to bring up how this was my favorite part of the song but couldn't find any way to smoothly transition to that. ;(

me showing off again

I honestly didn't even realize my health went back up.

Yeah. Skip to 1:25.

The game supposedly wants you to capture a Pekio at this point, but it's actually surprisingly easy to do it without one. I did it without a Pekio on my first run of this Kingdom.


Not much else to say about this part. Moving on.

For some odd reason, this part of the song gave this video a copyright notice but the first part didn't. Hmmmm

Yes I know. I suck at this game. No need to keep pointing that out

I honestly thought this part was going to be really hard, but I got it first attempt. It was hard when I was practicing this though.

And that's all. It's recommended you turn CC off now.

For more infomation >> [SMO Challenge] Bowser's Kingdom WITHOUT Capturing Pekios? Is it possible? - Duration: 2:56.


VLOG 26 - "Maybe we'll end up at NRK" - Duration: 13:26.

- Welcome to a new week!

- Just finished two hours biking. Was pretty nice! Good clothing makes it ok.

- Next week we're going to The Netherlands again to release the music video and get attention around it.

- After that I'm going directly to Geithus and NC 2!

- We are here with Thomas Vatn. How is your shape?

- Good. - Is it?

- What's your goals for this season?

- PB on the 500!

- Great! Good luck!

- Thomas! You were looking great out there! Happy? - I think so!

- Sjika and I are out running in the snow. Because now we've got snow in Trondheim!

- Now we're on our way towards what may be our biggest adventure ever.

- We're going to The Netherlands, the Viking factory, photoshoot, maybe television... We will see. We are excited!

- We are here. This is Joelle! She's helping us. Getting us geared!

- We just got a lot of stuff from Viking. Amazing!

- We just got a whole box with stuff, including the Sapphire blades. Those are good for you, right?

- Yes... - That's for me!

- This is amazing. Viking is giving us a lot of things! This is very fun and these people are amazing!

- What is up?

- Just received a lot of stuff from KPN and KNSB. Not sure what it is yet. Also not sure if we get to keep it...

- We hope we'll get to keep it. It's cool to get things!

- Now we're going to the Hotel. Van der Valk. Dinner!

- Hello! It's 0730 in the morning and we're on our way in to Thialf.

- Only hours left until the release of the music video.

- First we have to do some training ourselves.

- Then there will be a day with a lot of stuff happening! See you!

- What are you thinking about, Kristian?

- What I'm thinking about? This song and Tom Kant who's over there. He's in our music video.

- Now my focus will be on the training. See you!

- We are in the press room here in Thialf. We are getting very close to the release!

- We are excited! Looking forward to see how people will react!

- Johann, now we are at Craft Nederland.

- Just got some stoff. Waiting for some more! Exciting!

- This is fun!

- We're waiting for the clock to reach twelve because that's when the music video comes out.

- I'm celebrating with ice cream, apple cake and How I met your mother. That's great!

- Now we are just excited. Good job!

- Happy Saturday! No, it's Friday.

* Babbling *

- We are in Thialf! Schaatsen in Thialf!

- Just watched the B-group. Henrik Rukke 35,49 and Jørgen Sæves 35,63. Good job by the boys!

- We are gonna have a lot of speed skating fun and two Norwegians who are not on the ice today contributes to the entertainment here today.

- The Vårvik brothers have made a song, Schaatsen in Thialf. It translates speed skating in Thialf. Here it is!

- This is the Vårvik brothers who made this song. Why did you make this?

- We just love speed skating. We want to make the sport bigger. In Norway, hence the song "Here's to Norway".

- When they asked us to make on in The Netherlands, we wanted to contribute here too.

- What's the biggest challenge when it comes to making more fun and excitement in the speed skating audience?

- Hard to say... In Norway we have a long way to go before we're at the Dutch level.

- They do a great job here with the atmosphere, the show, the lights and now their own music video!

- Johann! We've just been on TV. In front of a full Thialf the Vårvik brothers were interviewed about "Schaatsen in Thialf".

- That's amazing! We are really happy about our music video being played on NRK 1 and that we got TV time.

- Love attention and thus is it perfect!

- Johann was great! He has delivered on two out of two. Can't ask for more!

- On our way back home to Norway. First Schiphol. Then I need to find a place to stay tonight before NC 2 tomorrow.

- Later!

- Who is this? Is it Guro Bergstrøm?

- Yes. -What do you think of today's upcoming training?

- It will be great! - Nice!

- Winter is here at Jevnaker. What are we doing now, girls?

- Shuffling. The tractor did stop... - The tractor went away.

- The poor birthday kid who has to work on her birthday...

- And her boyfriend. Happy with the day so far? - Yes.

- Have you met the expectations? - I don't know about that.

- Did you bake a cake? - Muffins. Didn't bake them. I did the topping.

- I am at Gardermoen after a comprehensive week. World Cup, music video release, NC 2 and training with the best group.

- Been a great week but it will be good to get home for a few days before Hamar on Friday.

- But first. Trondheim!

- Can't tell you how good it is to be home again. Have to pack out my Oakley's and my newest Viking Sapphire.

- Get out all the new glasses (from

- Need to get them in here on Sven's side.

- This is good. Now I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.

- Nice. Good night, peeps. Good night!

- Hey, Marte Vatn! - Hey, Kristian's vlog.

- I love training with you. - Wish I could say the same to you...

- I will try again over here. I love to train with you, Erik! - Wish I could say the same.

- That's how the team mates are here...

- Comeback king, Terje Tobias Tønne is back on the ice!

- I think we have to watch out... - No, you most definitely don't have to!

- 2022? Comeback 2022?

- We will see after the season. - We'll make a plan after the season.

- It's great to have him back. I really love this guy!

- Hey and welcome to Kristian's new vlog!

For more infomation >> VLOG 26 - "Maybe we'll end up at NRK" - Duration: 13:26.



Hey guys it's me, JJ.

With me is Drink (Bibiana) and Vinicius.


If you didn't already realize.

I am recording a video in Portuguese.

They will speak in English.

- I'm going to try, right.

No, in English!

- I will try to speak english.

If you speak portuguese, click the portuguese captions.

And if you speak english click the english legends.

Okay let's do this.

So we're gonna choose a random word.

- I will.

And we've got to find music with this word.

- But in portuguese.

Brazilian Music.

And prove that this music exist, we will show on YouTube.

I am going to... how do you say react?

react to brazilian music!

Let's go, walter.

Um... flora.

- Flora?

This is the word?


- Ah, flor.

- Flora is very difficult.

Okay so, flower.


- Sertanejo.

University Sertanejo.

Is Sertanejo similar to (american) country?

- Yes, it's similar with country.

Like the root of Sertanejo is more similar.

Where in Brazil do people like Sertanejo?

Here in the South, southern brazil.

One point for Bebida.

I am speaking in Portuguese because I was talking with my sister and she said that I

need to make a video in Portuguese so later I can see and you all can see my growth in


And so...

- You are very good.

I have some words written in my notebook, if you want to read?

But you already (know)

- I was gonna say that!


- Oh my God.


I have a song.

You are my strawberry.

- Really?

- Really?

I have a song.

I'm going to search for the song.

Doesn't have strawberry.

- Wait!

- Speak in english!

Don't have "morango"

She is a strawberry!

What type of music?

- Pagode?

- I think that it's Pagode because "soul mate".

In english!

- Ah I don't know.

I think it's Pagode.

- Pagode.

And Pagode is popular with?

- Northeast.

I don't know this song.

So one and one.

- Say knockout.




- I don't know!

I am bad today.

- Do you know "pela televisao"

He is going to win!

- I know.

Seriously? Do you know?

- No

Why do you know weird music?

- Old school.

Everybody says this.

- I know this song.

Two points and one.

Next word, chick.

- MC Kevinho, I know.

Speak, sing!

- I don't remember.

I think it's that song, I don't know.

Let's see.

My song was, "essa novinha terrorista"

- I don't know if O Grave Bater has.


Two to two.

You have two and you have two so next

- Ah, until 3. I understand.

It's a tie.

Do you think there is a song that has Guarana?

- Guarana?

- Dolly...

- Dolly, Dolly Guarana Dolly.

Oh my God!

Why Dolly, why little Dolly?

I don't know.

- Dolly is the brand.

It said guarana?

- Guarana.

- Yes.

- It's a brand for Guarana.

but this is the worst.

- Yes.

- It's horrible.

It' creepy.

Don't watch this at night because it will give you some nightmares.

- Yeah.

This is, how do you say round?

- round.

the final round.


- Empina?

- Empina and start moving.

- No no no.

- Why?

I don't know!

- But I know!

- It's all funke.

Do you know?

- Yes.

I know this song.

- Empinadinha!

It's different!

- No!

They are going to say empina.

- Empinadinha!

- Before they said it really fast.

- Okay.

I don't think this has "empina".


He won!!!


- Where's my award?

- Juice!

Thank you for watching!

Please - subscribe to my channel.



And follow me on Instagram.

- That's it.

Um... that's all.

- And like the video as well!

- Yes, please!

Do you have any final words?

- What?!?

- Thanks for the invitation!

No problem!

Peace out and Tchau!!!

For more infomation >> GRINGO REAGINDO A MÚSICA BRASILEIRA! - Duration: 9:05.


Huge News | Vlog #89 - Duration: 4:40.

We have like a million dollars to make this thing work, and if you can't do that then

it's like on us for not being able to execute.

I mean I think their going to do it, I would do it if I was them.

What happened with the guys from yesterday?

Alright so the guys from (redacted) gave us a hard pass.

A lot of times fund economics play into it,

like if the fund is too big they have to invest either too much money

or the company has to be like a $10 billion exit.

for it to make sense for them to invest in.

Our presentation didn't do it?

No it didn't do it.

But that's cool, we were like bro-ing out on this email.

He was like "best of luck" I was Iike "I wish you best of luck"

I love you dude

I love you bro-montana

We closed the round today!

High Five!

We raised $1.2 million dollars today.

We closed it.

We could operate off of 1.2 and get to our goals where we need to be.

We had it higher just because like

we were getting a lot of interest into the round.

And we still might get another 500k come in, we're talking to some people still.

This could get us to 1.25 launch will get us to 3.

I don't know, I have a weirdly good feeling about this.

It doesn't matter anyways.

At the end of the day it just means we sold less of the company, which is good.

We get to retain that equity, we just have to be a little bit more disciplined about

how we execute because we have a little less money to burn.

I'm kind of excited about it because we get to just like super super focused on like funnel

metrics, and unit economics and things like that.

Before it's like you can give away too much money and you can be reckless

I want everyone now that is in the round make a lot of money and everyone is only going

to make a lot of money if the company does really, really well.

So now it's like just time to execute.

If you can still see the screen this is where you set it up.

But it's like basically your saying like "Hey we only need it to search for ad words because

we only want to track phone call conversions for adwords."

Again, it's up to you and what your looking to do with the data.

What I'm finding is like the financial decision maker is a lot of times different than the like product decision maker

Like the product decision maker will be like a you know a director

digital search manager or something like that and the financial one will be like the owner.

So then it's like you kind of have multiple parties that you have to sort of sell to.

And that's what I want to do, I want to humanize it.

Because SAAS these days it's like is like super commoditized, where it's like you know

everyone is going to have the same product at the end of the day.

But it's like if we can just like wow them and delight them.

A competitor called; I don't know what he wanted but we were just chatting for like

30 minutes about like call tracking and stuff like that.

He's like a direct competitor too, doing the exact same thing as us.

We're doing probably what you're doing is more like top of funnel like hey you know

optimize marketing spend and see what's working and what's not and really track your cost

per lead, cost per sale better.

But then it's like how do we help them do things like sell more.

They are doing like a million in annual revenue and it was actually cool.

I told them it was cool. Like I don't mind, I share everything.

You guys have been following along for the journey, you have been following us as we've

raising this and we finally closed.

It only took us like

two months really

To like decide we were going to raise.

Then like create the video.

Then create the deck.

Then actually like get the meetings and stuff.

Then get all the investors into the round.

Then get the terms sheet.

Then get all the documentation signed with them.

Then we got to get like DNO insurance.

Then we have to do legal to view it.

The we have to file with New York to like even do business in New York.

Multiple pitch decks.

Then boom, finalize paperwork.

Get the signatures.

Get the wires into the bank.

In two months.

While still running and growing the business at like 20 percent month over month.

Again I want to thank everyone for like following along on the journey.

And we're out, Peace!

For more infomation >> Huge News | Vlog #89 - Duration: 4:40.


Alexia Kallaugher, Music Teacher - Odyssey Elementary School - Duration: 1:36.

Ready? Here we go... (singing) Welcome to music join in the fun,

clap your hands, shine like the Sun. Music is special for everyone, come now and

sing along.

Welcome to music join in the fun

pat your legs, shine like the Sun. Music is special for everyone,

come now sing along.

Welcome to music join in the fun, stamp your feet, shine

shine like the Sun. Music is special for everyone, come now and sing along.

Oh that was beautiful.

Eyes and ears on me. Eyes and ears on you.

All right let's do your best to stay as still and quiet as we can.

Hi my name is Alexia Kallaugher, and I

teach music Odyssey Elementary School.

The reason why I love to teach music is

I have always had a passion for music my entire life and it just means so much

to me to me to be able to share my passion with all of my students.

Ready, let's do all three.

(Singing) Welcome to music join in the fun, clap your hands

pat your legs, stamp your feet, shine like the Sun. Music is special for everyone...

For more infomation >> Alexia Kallaugher, Music Teacher - Odyssey Elementary School - Duration: 1:36.


DIY How To Make M&M's Disney Cars Lightning McQueen Cars 3 New Movies Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> DIY How To Make M&M's Disney Cars Lightning McQueen Cars 3 New Movies Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:42.


Perfect Tsukemen at Rokurinsha on Tokyo Ramen Street - Duration: 3:27.

That was the Rokurinsha promo video you just saw so I definitely had to check out this


Rokurinsha is located at the bottom level of Tokyo Station on Tokyo Ramen Street.

Tokyo Ramen Street consists of 8 ramen restaurants right next to each other and this is the board

listing the restaurants and their specialties.

I wanted to try this restaurant for their tsukemen, which is like a deconstructed ramen

where they separate the soup from the noodles, and also because their noodles are extra thick.

Tokyo Ramen Street is really convenient especially if your hotel is within walking distance plus

there's a huge underground mall so you can do your shopping here too.

Most ramen restaurants in Japan use a ticket machine.

Basically you just insert your money and press a button indicating the ramen of your choice,

then just hand the ticket to one of the staff members.

You can also use an IC Card such as Suica or Pasmo to pay for your meal if your not

carrying cash.

Some ticket machines don't have pictures on them or English translations so I just

use Google translate on my mobile phone.

It's not perfect but I just need to know if I'm ordering ramen or tsukemen, and the

pricing tells me that if it's more expensive, then obviously it has more ingredients.

Fortunately, while we were standing in line, one of the staff members handed out a menu

as you can see here, to keep the lines moving, so I was able to figure out what to order

before my turn on the ticket machine.

I ordered the regular dipping noodles with a soft boiled egg and this is what it looks


The soup is slightly thick and has a concentrated flavor and the chashu pork just melts in your


Probably the best tsukemen I've tried and judging by the long lines at their other branches,

I think most people would agree.

For more infomation >> Perfect Tsukemen at Rokurinsha on Tokyo Ramen Street - Duration: 3:27.


Holidays in Manuel Antonio, Spending the Holidays in Costa Rica - Duration: 12:53.

Thank you so much for being here.

What we are talking about is spending the holidays in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, and

I'm Evelyn Gallardo.

My husband, David, and I own the Discovery Beach House, and this is our incredible concierge.

If you ever look at our Trip Advisor reviews, you're going to read Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina,


Hi, I'm Sabrina.

The reason we decided to do this is the holidays are approaching and a lot of people ask us,

you know, why Manuel Antonio for the holidays.

So, we're here to answer some questions.

If you haven't already booked for these holidays coming here in 2018, maybe in 2019.

Well actually, it's to pre-book in advance because the holidays get booked up, sometimes

a year in advance.

We're already actually have a couple places 2019 already booked.

All the holidays for this year are already booked.

Yes, and I seem to notice that July, by July, they're booked up, so be sure and make your reservations

We hope you're staying with us.

In Manuel Antonio.

Yes, yes.

Where the monkeys are at.

Once you are reserved and you do have your location, hopefully, here at the Discovery

Beach House.

Or anywherehere in Manuel Antonio, it's always good to know to also pre-book

your tours.

Things get booked up quickly.

The better tour companies, the most popular guides, they're the first ones to go.

So how far in advance would be, should they…

I'd say, if you have a concierge, if you're here with me or any other house that has a

concierge, I would say the sooner the better.

Working with them.

Yes, as soon as they, as soon as they've got their reservation confirmed, that's

the time to do it.

You can wait, you know a little longer on low season or even other times, but the holidays


Exactly and I'll tell you, what certain like chefs or tours that get booked up pretty,

really quickly.

Simply because they don't do mass amount of tours per day, so they have limited amount

of space and they're awesome tours or awesome chefs.

And the other thing is, be aware about car rentals.

Not only are you going to be dealing with car traffic during the holidays and it's,

you know that becomes a mission.

But have you noticed that care rental agencies, out of habit, overbook because sometimes there's

last minute cancellations.

What I've noticed with some guests that have booked their own rental cars during the

holiday weeks, those prime weeks, is that their flight might be delayed 30 minutes.

And they get to the car rental place, and find that their car is no longer there, and they

have to downgrade, or they run out of a car and they call me up, "Do you have anybody?"

Or, they have to, one guest had to spend unexpectedly in San Jose.

So, try to avoid that.

Try to just get a shuttle, you know, and pre-arrange the pickup.

A private transportation.

And another caveat is we once had a party here with a lot of people.

So, we had party and some of our friends booked cars and when they got here, they weren't

here, they were in San Jose, California.

So, there was a fleet of cars waiting for them there.

Luckily, they were able to work it out.

So that's just another little small…

That's another thing, when you get your ticket, make sure it's San Jose, Costa Rica

and not San Jose, California.

I've had two guests do that before.

Now, it's in my intro letter.

Oh no.

I try to remind everybody of that.

How about restaurants?

What, restaurants get really full.

Does everyone take reservations, or do they tell you they can tell you super early?

You know what, the restaurants, it's a hit and miss.

Some restaurants will take a reservation but sometimes they get frustrated because they'll

hold a table, and then, if you know

They don't mind taking a reservation with a concierge that they communicate with, but

if you do it directly, what happens is they are kind of wary because what people sometimes

do, is they change their mind at the last minute.

And, so they cancel, or they don't even show up.

So, the restaurant is holding a table, telling a potential client that wants to eat at the

restaurant, "No this table is reserved," and that person decided to go eat somewhere


So, some restaurants will take a reservation.

Some may not.

Some will only take one if they can hold the concierge accountable.

So, I think the kind of the lesson there is, really, really, rely on your concierge.

It's small town days.

Especially during the holidays.

Or you'll be able to tell our viewers where to go eat, which restaurants take a reservation.

Exactly, who's having a special and all that good stuff.

Oh, and another wonderful thing about the holidays, well there are more people but it's

awesome weather.

So, more potential for wonderful sunsets.

You know here at the Discovery, you're just about, what 30 steps away from the beach.

You know just have to get past the pool and the jacuzzi, and there you are on the beach.

Darn that's tough.

And, so it makes it wonderful to go out there, even at night time.

It's just, you know, it's so beautiful.

Now what about the holidays?

Which holidays are we talking about?

Well, I'd keep in mind that mainly Christmas, New Years, Spring Break, and Easter.

Those are the most popular holidays.

Easter week is huge here in Costa Rica.

Yes, sometimes it's like two or three weeks because you have that Spring Break.

All of it, it is super super busy.

So, anytime the kids are off school, that is what you can pretty much anticipate, Costa

Rica, Manuel Antonio will be pretty busy.

And, please, just keep in mind, if you want, if you decide to come for the holidays, it's going to

be a little noisier than normal because there will be a lot more people.

But it makes it fun.

Yeah, very high energy, positive high energy here.

I like the way you think.

Yeah, everybody is like in a super good mood, and it's a lot of fun.

So, yeah, I think there's always a plus and a minus.

You know with the lower season, you don't get the crowds, which is also wonderful.

But you also do, if you don't mind the rain, it's great.

I love it too.

So, you've just got ask yourself, can you come here during low season?

If you can, wonderful.

If you don't mind the rain, wonderful, even better.

And then you get less crowds.

And it usually rains in the afternoon anyway, usually.

Yeah, usually.

So, you can do your tours and you know, whatever you want in the morning.

Get that done earlier in the morning.

Now, what about Thanksgiving?

It's not such a big holiday but you know, we have guests coming in.

So, for Thanksgiving, what are the things they should keep in mind?

Certainly, what the chef will ask.

Have Thanksgiving dinner early.

Please, especially if you decide to have a chef.

Chefs get booked up because nobody wants to come on vacation with their own turkey, but

they would like to have that Thanksgiving dinner.

So, Thanksgiving book your chef in advance.

And, weather in December is awesome.

Actually; well I should say, the reason why it's awesome is that you still get your afternoon showers

They're less predictable, you can

Your chances of getting wonderful sunsets are better because your slipping right out

of rainy season, so everything is still lush, and you know you're stepping into the, what you call it?

High season, dry season, different names for the seasons.

Exactly, exactly, so it's a good time to come.

You know, less chances of rain, more chances of sunsets, and everything is still beautiful

and lush, and not as hot.

March, which would be Easter, Thanksgiving area, you are definitely going to get a lot

of sun, beautiful sunsets.

It is a little bit warmer.

The cool thing is though, okay pluses and minuses of everything in life, right.

The monkeys also do get hot and it's a crack up when they've learned how to dip, they've

seen us going into the pool so many times, tourists, that they dunk one limb at a time

in the pool.

Sometimes when you're actually in it.

That's how, they don't, they're not aggressive.

They're just like looking at you, going, "Can I.

Because I'm hot."

One day I was right here in the kitchen and I looked out, and there was, there was a capuchin

monkey in the swimming pool, just hanging on to the edge, with just his head sticking out.

That is so cute.

He was cooling off. Exactly.

The question was, "Is it crowded?"

Is it crowded?

Okay, so there's not a bunch of ants, you know, overlapping each other but everybody

is doing different types of tours, so everybody is kind of scattered.

So, you will have to compete for your tour times.

You will have to schedule things earlier, but you know, versus there being nobody being

on the beach, or you know, maybe just you and another person.

You know.

So, the crowds are relative.

The thing that does get a little bit busy, is sometimes just the road from Manuel Antonio, to

or San Jose to Manuel Antonio.

Sometimes just the roads but once you're kind of like in your vacation rental, or on

a tour, it's kind of you forget the outside world.

Everybody getting to wherever.

So, it's not crowded here like, sorry Kate, like Hawaii or Miami, yeah you know or Miami.

It's not that kind of crowded, and since we have, there are 27 different adventure

tours that you can do in Costa Rica and we have 24 of them.

So, that speaks to what you were saying.

There's so many things to choose, everybody's not doing the same exact thing.

Exactly, everybody's doing a tour, usually not everybody that comes here because there

is so much do.

They don't want to spend it just on the beach.

Tour specials, tour specials on during the holiday, not really, I'll be honest.

You know, there are the tour companies…

Peak season.

Yeah, you're competing for the same tours, that is so, and that's the one time of the

year that the tour companies can actually make money, because during our low season,

they're absolutely getting, making no money.

Because there's no guests.

So, during that time of year, they don't want to run specials.

But they don't increase the prices, do they?

No, they don't.

So, that's the good thing.

So, on holidays, in holidays, on holidays, and probably around the world, the prices are going up.

The only thing that they increase prices are the chefs and car rentals.

Chefs and car rentals will increase their rate during the holidays, but the tour companies

will not charge you more because Christmas week, or things like that.

Neither will the shuttles, which is nice.

A private transportation will stay the same.

Where if you try to rent a car during any peak week or holidays the price goes up.

Is there anything else about the holidays they should know?

Bring your own gifts.

There's not a lot of shopping, well there is a lot of shopping, but you don't want

to spend the whole holiday, you know you can buy little things like these cute little bracelets,

or you know things at the beach.

But sometimes if you want to buy something the kids have seen on a commercial in the

state and you try to find it here, good luck.

Bring it with you.

Oh, and do not mail things.

We'll talk about that because our mailing system is a little difficult.

It's better to pay for the extra luggage.

Does Santa stop in Costa Rica?


Yeah, oh yeah!

This is his favorite place.

We'll even…

Like, you know, yeah, you can put cookies, we don't have a chimney, that's only thing.

But actually, you know, he knows how to get in.

In the house.

And, so we would love you visit our website at, and so, I think

we're unless there's…

That's a wrap.

I think it's a wrap.

Give me a high five without missing.

Okay, yes.

Thank you so much for joining us and remember to leave a comment or hit the like button,

and we'll let you know when we're going to do another Facebook live in the future

So thank you so much for joining us.

My mama is watching, so hi mama, Iove you. Bye Bye.

For more infomation >> Holidays in Manuel Antonio, Spending the Holidays in Costa Rica - Duration: 12:53.


175 FEDERAL DIMPLE, 11KDCF MODEL, (6+6 TRAP PINS) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 22:34.

Hello guys, welcome back again

The lock I have for you today is a FEDERAL

that my friend Lock Noob sent to me

thank you so much, buddy

I love this lock I liked it a lot It's different from the ones I have

it's a dimple

and really worth trying Let's look at the front

It's the 11KDCF model

It is completely new He sent it to me complete,

but I have taken apart one half to be able to do the opening and gutting easily in the video

It is a lock that has six active lower pins

five pasive uppers that you do not have to pick, but they do bother you a bit

and here is the novelty,

I love it

It has three side pins on the left side and three on the right side

which are trap pins

they act when the plug rotates and the key is not inserted

these pins get into the key pins chambers

and in the gap of the keyway

and to turn the plug completely you have to pick them several times

they act like little spools

and the feedback they give is weird

you have to get used it to be able to pick them

this is the key

it works perfectly, as you can see

I will show you the biting

there you can see

the first one is very very long

the fifth is also long the second and third have no cut, they are very very small

It´s hard to set them The sixth is also small

that also increases the difficulty because

these trap pins match the second, fourth and sixth key pins

which in this case are quite short the fourth is not, but the sixth and second are quite short, you have to set them deep down

I want to show you several things, how the side pins work and the lock gutting,

I hope it does not come out as a very long video But I do not know, let's start

and so we will make it as short as possible

the picking would be like picking three different locks

first one with six lower pins

then one with three laterals

the three trap pins

and then the last one with three laterals on one side and three laterals on the other side

since these are locked with the key pins

and these with the keyway hole that does not let you turn and you have to pick them


let's start

Let's do it

Well, the location and angle of the camera is different for this cylinder

I hope you are patient !

let's see if we can accommodate everything

I will use this commercial wrench

and this Goso modified pick I have reduced the flag size

It's a curved flag pick to be able to set to the smallest pins

all right

Let's do it

there we have it

let's now pick the six lowers

Let's see there it is

the first is loose the second is loose

the third one gives a click

the fourth is loose the fifth gives nothing

the sixth is binding

and makes one click

the fifth gives nothing

the fourth gives nothing

the third one gives a click

the second has nothing

the first is binding

there it is, it made a click

second nothing

the third one gives a click

the fourth, nothing the fifth is set

the sixth is set

the first is set

the second is binding

it is very short

there it is, it is set

the third seems set

the fourth is binding

it gives a bit of counter rotation

there it is, it makes a click

we lose the false set the first is set

the second is set

the third is binding

it gives a bit of counter rotation

and when I set it

we have it open already

I will zoom out so you can see

how the side pins

that are now in the initial position I have already dropped something on the ground GRRRR

and when the plug advances

the pins come into play and get inside the key pin chambers

Let's do it there it is

as you see they go in

this one also, although it seems set, it is active

according to the plug position, it moves

these are the trap pins and now we have the plug locked

it has room to turn, but does not advance ok

Now we're going to pick those trap pins wait a second, let me get the wrench

wrench that I dropped GRRRRRR

ok, we're back I had to get it because I'm going to need it later


let's pick those trap pins

they work like spools

but you have to learn their feel

If you tension all the way the plug allows you to turn, it is likely that you can not set them

it is better to rotate the plug but without reaching the top, only as far as you notice feedback from the trap pins

let´s look for the second, there it is

there you heard it, it made a click

I'm looking for the fourth that is the one that moves the second side trap pin

there it is,

I think I have set it I am looking for the sixth

there it is, the sixth

something has dropped

the fourth gives nothing

I'm looking for the second

it's hard

to get the hang of it there it is,

we'll see

Yes, it seems that I have set them

let's see if I can get the pick out

now they should be set


it will get stuck, we'll see

there it is

I have to go back

I will start again

I can not see them, logically if you do, seeing them is much easier

but the interesting thing is to do it without seeing the side pins

second nothing

this is binding

there I have set the first side pin second is set

the third one is missing

there the third make a click

the second seems set

one is half set

there it is, it seems that all of them are set

yes, this time

there you can see they are all set

Now we keep moving forward with the plug

these side pins will lock in the gap of the keyway

logically we do not have to do anything other than to use a tension wrench

two tensioners

there it is, now the lower ones are locked

and now let's see how these side pins are locked

we are turning and there they enter, interlock and hold the plug

Ok This is the hardest pick because the ones on the left have entered

entered and those on the right have entered. now we have all the side pins trapped those on the right are in the keyway

and although it may seem that you can set them with a wrench

but when picking those of the left makes the spool movement back and forth and those pins drop again

first let's set these

and then we will set the ones on the opposite side

Let's do it

these are the most difficult to set the position is very awkward

let´s do it

let's go for the second there it is

the fourth...

I don't think I have set it

I don't

let´s see

it's not easy

there something has made a sound

let´s see

the first side pin seems set

the second

There it is, I've overset it

let's see the third

there the third one made a sound, but it is not set


there it is, I have set the third

the second is set the first one is set

apparently, they are all set

I am going to try

you are watching them on the screen but I cannot see the side

pins and I do not know when the side pins are set

here the first one

gives counter rotation

the third is binding

third again

there it is

now we have set those on one side

and those on the other

and we have gone full circle

the first time you do this

it is exasperating

well let's try to make the video as short as possible

let's try to take it apart

I hope I don't break anything

and we will see what it has inside

Let's do it


if the video turns out too long, then the video will be too long, what are you gonna do?

Here you have it

let´s see if I can get some light in there

the lowers chambers those on the sides

they go through

they have a smaller diameter on the outside

and a larger diameter inside the bible

there you can see it

There are some plugs in the upper part

against drilling of the side chambers

the gap for the passive upper pins

a cool lock

is very pretty

very pretty

the plug, of course it is not less

here you have the lower chambers with two diameters

they have like a light milling

I had not noticed this before

It will make the picking more difficult

many anti-drill bars

the upper chambers

and here on this side there is a hole

in which this steel ball bearing is located

it's an anti-drill ball

and it's spring loaded Whoops!

it's spring loaded

It has a small spring here There is a spring, I do not know if you can see it,

but it's there

to avoid drilling the plug here and divide it in two

it is cool

as for the key pins

we'll see

let's put them properly

we are going to zoom in

we will go one by one

here are the lowers, all key pins are standard, first and second are steel and the rest are brass, I do not see anything special

the driver pins, They are cool the first and second are steel, standards, anti-drill

third, fourth and fifth are doubles serrated, very nice

that's why they gave me a slight counterotation movement like a spool, they are very beautiful

they will engage in the milling

and the sixth is a barrel pin

the opening has not been difficult considering the pins it has inside

these are the side pins, the trap pins

that have a smaller diameter in which the spring is embedded

let's try zooming

to see them in more detail

there it is, to see if it focuses, yes

here you can see them

a steel spring and a T-shaped pin

in which the spring is embedded They are all the same

They are very pretty

and the upper pins, which are passive and simply lock into a groove to prevent turning

they are key control pins they have no influence on the picking

ok, so

this has been the opening of the FEDERAL

model 11KDCF

that Lock Noob sent me thank you very much, my friend

I love this lock It is very nice to pick

we'll see if it's so nice when it comes to reassembling it; o))

I hope you liked it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time


For more infomation >> 175 FEDERAL DIMPLE, 11KDCF MODEL, (6+6 TRAP PINS) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 22:34.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


"existem mistérios abaixo do céu que o homem se que possa imagina" - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> "existem mistérios abaixo do céu que o homem se que possa imagina" - Duration: 6:05.


175 FEDERAL DIMPLE, 11KDCF MODEL, (6+6 TRAP PINS) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 22:34.

Hello guys, welcome back again

The lock I have for you today is a FEDERAL

that my friend Lock Noob sent to me

thank you so much, buddy

I love this lock I liked it a lot It's different from the ones I have

it's a dimple

and really worth trying Let's look at the front

It's the 11KDCF model

It is completely new He sent it to me complete,

but I have taken apart one half to be able to do the opening and gutting easily in the video

It is a lock that has six active lower pins

five pasive uppers that you do not have to pick, but they do bother you a bit

and here is the novelty,

I love it

It has three side pins on the left side and three on the right side

which are trap pins

they act when the plug rotates and the key is not inserted

these pins get into the key pins chambers

and in the gap of the keyway

and to turn the plug completely you have to pick them several times

they act like little spools

and the feedback they give is weird

you have to get used it to be able to pick them

this is the key

it works perfectly, as you can see

I will show you the biting

there you can see

the first one is very very long

the fifth is also long the second and third have no cut, they are very very small

It´s hard to set them The sixth is also small

that also increases the difficulty because

these trap pins match the second, fourth and sixth key pins

which in this case are quite short the fourth is not, but the sixth and second are quite short, you have to set them deep down

I want to show you several things, how the side pins work and the lock gutting,

I hope it does not come out as a very long video But I do not know, let's start

and so we will make it as short as possible

the picking would be like picking three different locks

first one with six lower pins

then one with three laterals

the three trap pins

and then the last one with three laterals on one side and three laterals on the other side

since these are locked with the key pins

and these with the keyway hole that does not let you turn and you have to pick them


let's start

Let's do it

Well, the location and angle of the camera is different for this cylinder

I hope you are patient !

let's see if we can accommodate everything

I will use this commercial wrench

and this Goso modified pick I have reduced the flag size

It's a curved flag pick to be able to set to the smallest pins

all right

Let's do it

there we have it

let's now pick the six lowers

Let's see there it is

the first is loose the second is loose

the third one gives a click

the fourth is loose the fifth gives nothing

the sixth is binding

and makes one click

the fifth gives nothing

the fourth gives nothing

the third one gives a click

the second has nothing

the first is binding

there it is, it made a click

second nothing

the third one gives a click

the fourth, nothing the fifth is set

the sixth is set

the first is set

the second is binding

it is very short

there it is, it is set

the third seems set

the fourth is binding

it gives a bit of counter rotation

there it is, it makes a click

we lose the false set the first is set

the second is set

the third is binding

it gives a bit of counter rotation

and when I set it

we have it open already

I will zoom out so you can see

how the side pins

that are now in the initial position I have already dropped something on the ground GRRRR

and when the plug advances

the pins come into play and get inside the key pin chambers

Let's do it there it is

as you see they go in

this one also, although it seems set, it is active

according to the plug position, it moves

these are the trap pins and now we have the plug locked

it has room to turn, but does not advance ok

Now we're going to pick those trap pins wait a second, let me get the wrench

wrench that I dropped GRRRRRR

ok, we're back I had to get it because I'm going to need it later


let's pick those trap pins

they work like spools

but you have to learn their feel

If you tension all the way the plug allows you to turn, it is likely that you can not set them

it is better to rotate the plug but without reaching the top, only as far as you notice feedback from the trap pins

let´s look for the second, there it is

there you heard it, it made a click

I'm looking for the fourth that is the one that moves the second side trap pin

there it is,

I think I have set it I am looking for the sixth

there it is, the sixth

something has dropped

the fourth gives nothing

I'm looking for the second

it's hard

to get the hang of it there it is,

we'll see

Yes, it seems that I have set them

let's see if I can get the pick out

now they should be set


it will get stuck, we'll see

there it is

I have to go back

I will start again

I can not see them, logically if you do, seeing them is much easier

but the interesting thing is to do it without seeing the side pins

second nothing

this is binding

there I have set the first side pin second is set

the third one is missing

there the third make a click

the second seems set

one is half set

there it is, it seems that all of them are set

yes, this time

there you can see they are all set

Now we keep moving forward with the plug

these side pins will lock in the gap of the keyway

logically we do not have to do anything other than to use a tension wrench

two tensioners

there it is, now the lower ones are locked

and now let's see how these side pins are locked

we are turning and there they enter, interlock and hold the plug

Ok This is the hardest pick because the ones on the left have entered

entered and those on the right have entered. now we have all the side pins trapped those on the right are in the keyway

and although it may seem that you can set them with a wrench

but when picking those of the left makes the spool movement back and forth and those pins drop again

first let's set these

and then we will set the ones on the opposite side

Let's do it

these are the most difficult to set the position is very awkward

let´s do it

let's go for the second there it is

the fourth...

I don't think I have set it

I don't

let´s see

it's not easy

there something has made a sound

let´s see

the first side pin seems set

the second

There it is, I've overset it

let's see the third

there the third one made a sound, but it is not set


there it is, I have set the third

the second is set the first one is set

apparently, they are all set

I am going to try

you are watching them on the screen but I cannot see the side

pins and I do not know when the side pins are set

here the first one

gives counter rotation

the third is binding

third again

there it is

now we have set those on one side

and those on the other

and we have gone full circle

the first time you do this

it is exasperating

well let's try to make the video as short as possible

let's try to take it apart

I hope I don't break anything

and we will see what it has inside

Let's do it


if the video turns out too long, then the video will be too long, what are you gonna do?

Here you have it

let´s see if I can get some light in there

the lowers chambers those on the sides

they go through

they have a smaller diameter on the outside

and a larger diameter inside the bible

there you can see it

There are some plugs in the upper part

against drilling of the side chambers

the gap for the passive upper pins

a cool lock

is very pretty

very pretty

the plug, of course it is not less

here you have the lower chambers with two diameters

they have like a light milling

I had not noticed this before

It will make the picking more difficult

many anti-drill bars

the upper chambers

and here on this side there is a hole

in which this steel ball bearing is located

it's an anti-drill ball

and it's spring loaded Whoops!

it's spring loaded

It has a small spring here There is a spring, I do not know if you can see it,

but it's there

to avoid drilling the plug here and divide it in two

it is cool

as for the key pins

we'll see

let's put them properly

we are going to zoom in

we will go one by one

here are the lowers, all key pins are standard, first and second are steel and the rest are brass, I do not see anything special

the driver pins, They are cool the first and second are steel, standards, anti-drill

third, fourth and fifth are doubles serrated, very nice

that's why they gave me a slight counterotation movement like a spool, they are very beautiful

they will engage in the milling

and the sixth is a barrel pin

the opening has not been difficult considering the pins it has inside

these are the side pins, the trap pins

that have a smaller diameter in which the spring is embedded

let's try zooming

to see them in more detail

there it is, to see if it focuses, yes

here you can see them

a steel spring and a T-shaped pin

in which the spring is embedded They are all the same

They are very pretty

and the upper pins, which are passive and simply lock into a groove to prevent turning

they are key control pins they have no influence on the picking

ok, so

this has been the opening of the FEDERAL

model 11KDCF

that Lock Noob sent me thank you very much, my friend

I love this lock It is very nice to pick

we'll see if it's so nice when it comes to reassembling it; o))

I hope you liked it, that it will be useful and thank you very much for your time


For more infomation >> 175 FEDERAL DIMPLE, 11KDCF MODEL, (6+6 TRAP PINS) GANZUADO, SPP & GUTTED sub eng - Duration: 22:34.


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For more infomation >> Superação - A Mais Linda Mensagem De Reflexão De Vida - Duration: 7:48.


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For more infomation >> Pokémon Ultra Luna | Let's Play #1 - Duration: 2:08:29.


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smells like melting or something Wow what's wrong today stunk first we had

that pop quiz at school

oh sure like I'm gonna just give you the answers when I tried to impress Kevin

look on the bright side the molar bear didn't eat you beholding me you and hey

you don't have a deranged loose bolt stocking you huh what are you talking

about long story but my point is mark I I'm trying to vent here this was the

worst day since the invention of the word worst you ask me the worst day is a

tie between every day before we met Oh see you tomorrow the worst day then

come join us it's time and someone's rolled in a

delightful new scent for the occasion I see

how about you channel that rage into helping me give Sandhya bath man cave

door I had the worst

okay you awful day I may not have anyone to vent to but I can't draw pictures of

you and Earl them into this part I was trying to destroy that Oh

oh thanks I hate sorry today stunk hope tomorrow smells better

who wrote this someone over there sent this thanks

it's nice having someone listen to me for a change here send this back to them

sure what's the point of life if you don't have someone to complain about it

to someone who gets me you know not you my my pal across the pit huh my pit pal

okay boy let's play fetch

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