Saturday, November 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 18 2017

Hi everyone, welcome to The Madd Mentor. Quick video today, I'll show you how

to use autoplay for movies and TV series works for covenant Exodus Elysium

spectro and loads more so well jump right into it before a load Cody I just wanted

to show you that I'm running a VPN in the background if you not got a VPN

already i recommend installing one it gives you extra security it opens up

more content and it generally makes cody work much better so click the link on

the screen about now and come back here after

so we're going to go ahead and load Cody I'm running coda krypton 17.5 it should

work for all versions of Krypton but I do recommend installing the latest

version so click the link on the screen about now and come back here after

so go ahead and load whatever add-on you use in for this video I'm using covenant

it's great for movies and TV series the links on the screen now if you want to

install it so go ahead and click on tools

scroll down and click on playback

and all you need to do now is click on default action until it changes to

autoplay just bear in mind the lower the quality the quicker it's going to play

so you can change that under max quality at the moment it's

remember to click on okay and that's it we're all done

so before I go I'm just gonna quickly show you how that works I'm going to

click on new movies

I'm going to go ahead and click on a movie

it will now start finding all the providers and then shortly after it'll

auto play

so thanks for watching please smash like if I helped you out check out all my

other videos and I'll see you next time



Aprende Colores con Dinosaurios y Huevos Sorpresa - Video Educativo para Niños - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Aprende Colores con Dinosaurios y Huevos Sorpresa - Video Educativo para Niños - Duration: 2:31.


El destape de escándalos sexuales salpica a ambos partidos y exige medidas correctivas - Duration: 8:32.

El destape de escándalos sexuales salpica a ambos partidos y exige medidas correctivas

Líderes del Congreso promueven un proyecto de ley para combatir el acoso sexual en sus filas.

Salvo sonadas excepciones, el acoso sexual de mujeres, en el Capitolio, Hollywood o el sector privado, hasta ahora había sido un secreto bien guardado por temor a represalias pero ahora, gracias en parte a la campaña virtual "#MeToo", cada vez más mujeres se atreven a revelar sus historias de agresión sexual y humillaciones.

La líder de la minoría demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, dijo ayer que el país afronta "un momento de inflexión", y ha pedido que el Congreso revise y reforme el proceso legislativo para combatir el acoso sexual en sus filas.

El martes pasado, un comité de la Cámara Baja realizó una audiencia precisamente para empezar ese proceso porque, según la congresista demócrata, Jackie Speier, el Congreso tiene que ser un sitio de empleo seguro y libre de acoso sexual.

Por ello, Speier presentó un proyecto de ley bicameral y bipartidista para reformar la Oficina de Cumplimiento del Congreso, para que se enfoque en las necesidades de las víctimas.

El Senado aprobó la semana pasada una resolución bipartidista encabezada por los senadores Catherine Cortez Masto,demócrata por Nevada, y Chuck Grassley, republicano por Iowa, que obligará a todos los senadores, empleados administrativos, asesores y becarios de la Cámara Alta a recibir capacitación contra acosos.

Esta semana, alrededor de 1,500 exasesoras del Congreso firmaron una carta abierta exigiendo la puesta en marcha de un programa obligatorio contra el acoso sexual que abarque a ambas cámaras del Legislativo, y una reforma del proceso para presentar quejas, como la que promueve Speier.

En julio de 2016, una encuesta conjunta de "Congressional Quarterly" y "Roll Call" reveló que una de cada seis mujeres en el Congreso dijo ser víctima de acoso sexual, y un 40% cree que es un problema serio en el Capitolio.

¿"Contagio" de acosos?.

El goteo de acusaciones en el caso del influyente productor de cine, Harvey Weinstein, ahora parece un torrente de casos que amenaza con arrastrar a políticos de todo el espectro ideológico.

Así, en las últimas semanas, los titulares de prensa han mostrado cómo el destape de escándalos sexuales ha salpicado tanto a políticos de izquierda, como el senador demócrata por Minesota, Al Franken, como a los de derecha, como es el caso del candidato republicano por el escaño de Alabama en el Senado, Roy Moore.

Franken ha pedido disculpas por haber acosado a Leeann Tweeden, una comentarista de radio de Los Angeles, durante un viaje a Afganistán en 2006, antes de ganar el escaño del Senado, y ha dicho que colaborará con una investigación de ética del Senado.

Moore ha negado las acusaciones de acoso sexual en la década de 1980 por al menos ocho mujeres, incluyendo una que entonces tenía 14 años, no piensa pedir disculpas, y ha dicho que abandonará la contienda solo si cae muerto.

Además, Moore sigue teniendo el apoyo del Partido Republicano de Alabama y de buena parte de los republicanos en el Congreso, ansiosos de retener el control del Senado en los comicios de 2018.

En esta lista de acosadores caben también figuras públicas como Louis C.K, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey y el expresidente, George H.


El presidente Donald Trump, que ganó la contienda en 2016 pese a más de una decena de acusaciones de acoso sexual – hace comentarios vulgares contra una mujer en un video de 2005– no tardó en atacar anoche la doble moral de Franken, pero en el caso de Moore, ha dicho que su futuro en realidad está en manos de los votantes el próximo 12 de diciembre.

Trump ha dicho en una declaración escrita que si las acusaciones contra Moore son ciertas, éste debería dejar la contienda por el escaño que dejó vacante el actual fiscal general, Jeff Sessions, pero no ha sido una denuncia contundente ni le ha retirado su apoyo político, como han hecho los principales líderes republicanos en ambas cámaras del Congreso.

La portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Sarah Sanders, nuevamente insistió ayer en que la postura de Trump es que la decisión sobre Moore está en las manos de los votantes de Alabama.

En la historia reciente del país, cada vez que surge un nuevo escándalo, siempre se cuela el caso del expresidente Bill Clinton, que en 1998 afrontó un juicio político por mentir sobre su amorío con la becaria de entonces, Monica Lewinsky.

Aunque Clinton fue exonerado por el Senado en febrero de 1999, dos meses después de iniciado el proceso de destitución, su nombre siempre ha estado asociado con críticas a su "vacío moral" en la Casa Blanca.

Para la comentarista de CNN, Amanda Carpenter, el escándalo que enloda a demócratas y republicanos es un recordatorio de que la respuesta a semejante conducta indebida debe transcender la política.

"Por cada Clinton, habrá un Trump.

Por cada Roy Moore, habrá un Al Franken.

Cuando has encubierto a uno, entonces habrás perdido la credibilidad moral para exigir cuentas" a nadie, advirtió.

For more infomation >> El destape de escándalos sexuales salpica a ambos partidos y exige medidas correctivas - Duration: 8:32.


Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 10:18.

Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural

Cuando hablamos de queloides nos referimos a esas heridas que no cicatrizan como nos gustaría.

Algunas se curan de una manera anormal, ya que nos dejan una marca de mayor tamaño que la lesión original y presentan un color muy característico.

Además, muchas personas sufren picazón o dolor.

Así, no solo suponen un problema estético, también ocasionan ciertas molestias.

Por ello, durante su formación, los pacientes suelen preocuparse, ya que puede confundirse con una infección.

Si este es tu caso, lo mejor es visitar al especialista para descartar esa posibilidad.

Aunque se desconoce el germen exacto de las mismas, sí se ha detectado una mayor frecuencia en mujeres con piel más oscura.

Suelen surgir con quemaduras, heridas quirúrgicas, infecciones o acné.

Asimismo, tienden a concentrarse en la parte superior del cuerpo, en especial en las orejas, cuello, espalda y rostro.

Para atajarlas, tenemos geles y lociones en las farmacias y terapias con láser.

Sin embargo, también podemos ocuparnos de las queloides de manera natural.

Muchos preferimos probar alternativas más limpias y respetuosas con nuestro organismo.

Remedios para tratar las queloides de manera natural.

Vinagre de manzana.

Es importante que elijas este tipo de vinagre y no otro.

La acidez del mismo y las propiedades de la manzana contribuyen a rebajar la irritación, así como el tamaño de la cicatriz.

¿Qué debes hacer?.

Vierte el vinagre de manzana sobre la zona y masajéala con suavidad durante 2 minutos y deja que se seque alrededor de 5 minutos.

Pasado el tiempo indicado, repite la operación, para incrementar la eficacia del tratamiento.

Puedes hacerlo todos los días sin problema alguno.

Bicarbonato de sodio.

Además de ser un exfoliante genial, el bicarbonato de sodio también desinflama y desinfecta.

A continuación, te enseñamos cómo usarlo para tal fin.


2 cucharadas de bicarbonato de sodio (20 g) 6 cucharadas de agua oxigenada (60 ml).

Elaboración y preparación.

Mezcla el agua y el bicarbonato hasta que quede una pasta similar al dentífrico.

Aplícala sobre la cicatriz y deja que actúe entre 3 y 4 minutos.

Si quieres intensificar su rendimiento, puedes recurrir al preparado hasta 4 veces al día.

Es posible variar las medidas que te hemos ofrecido.

La clave está en que la pasta esté compuesta por 1 parte de bicarbonato por cada 3 de agua.

Aloe vera.

Ya hemos hablado de las posibilidades del aloe vera para tratar las heridas.

En este caso, queremos destacar su poder hidratante.

Por otra parte, si se está gestando algún tipo de infección, esta increíble planta te ayudará a deshacerte de ella.

El proceso es muy simple.

¿Qué debes hacer?.

Basta con abrir la penca de aloe vera y aplicar el gel sobre la piel, tras haberla limpiado con un poco de agua tibia.

Puedes emplearla siempre que quieras.

   . Miel de abejas.

Al igual que los remedios anteriores, la miel de abejas es antiinflamatoria y antiséptica.

Además, aporta un frescor que viene muy bien para las queloides.

¿Qué debes hacer?.

Basta con aplicarla sobre el área afectada, al menos, una vez al día.

Al tratarse de un producto completamente natural, no provoca efectos secundarios, a menos que padezcas alergia a la misma.

Aceite de ajo para tratar las queloides de manera natural.

El ajo está indicado para evitar que se creen esas fibras extras que provocan el aumento de tamaño de la cicatriz.


3 cabezas de ajo 2 tazas de aceite de oliva (400 g).


Una botella de cristal Un colador.

Elaboración y aplicación.

Pela los dientes de ajo.

Pon media taza de aceite a calentar en la sartén.

Introduce los ajos para que cojan el sabor.

Mezcla ambos con el aceite restante en una bandeja para meterlo todo en el horno.

Gradúa el horno y caliéntalo a 250 ºC durante 20 minutos.

Deja que se enfríe antes de verterlo en la botella de cristal.

Espera dos horas antes de usarlo.

Pon el remedio sobre la cicatriz y permite que actúe durante 10 minutos.

Pasado el tiempo indicado, retira la mezcla con agua tibia,.

Estas terapias nos ayudan a frenar y a paliar la formación de queloides.

No obstante, también es importante evitar la exposición de la piel a elementos sintéticos que puedan perjudicarnos.

De todos modos, siempre recomendamos que en estos casos se consulte con el especialista, ya que las heridas son muy delicadas.

Una vez que se haya diagnosticado como queloide, te animamos a usarlos y a que nos cuentes si te han funcionado.

For more infomation >> Cómo tratar las queloides de manera natural - Duration: 10:18.


Ableton Live 10: What's New

For more infomation >> Ableton Live 10: What's New



Yixing doesn't have lots of performances but nowadays is kai also okay

but coming over hmmm

its okey baby.. its okey

come over babes... come to germany

i swear yall wont taste the roofiess

are u on ?

on what?


dont have that

sign in!!

u can vote for exo to come to germany with it


u will show u later




am i still wearing make up or why is my face so weird

no ur just ugly

help mee

For more infomation >> EXO 엑소 'LOTTO' MV (EXTREME THIRSTY FANGIRL REACTION !!!! ) - Duration: 6:30.





Mysteriös: U-Boot mit 27-köpfiger Besatzung verschwunden - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Mysteriös: U-Boot mit 27-köpfiger Besatzung verschwunden - Duration: 1:35.


Farming activities Coloring Page - How to Draw farming activities & Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 11:21.

Farming activities Coloring Page - How to Draw farming activities & Learn Colors for Kids

For more infomation >> Farming activities Coloring Page - How to Draw farming activities & Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 11:21.


Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Deficiency - Duration: 15:08.

Hi, I'm Johnny on this occasion I will talk about signs and symptoms that your body needs more omega-3 fatty acids

Please note the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing

professional medical or nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development

They are known as essential fatty acid as the body isn't capable of producing them on its own

Therefore you must rely on omega-3 foods in your diet to enjoy the health benefits

Here are the top 10 signs and symptoms that your body needs more omega-3 fatty acids

one heart problems

the role of omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular disease is important in

Fact experts recommend eating a diet low in saturated fat and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

fats including omega-3 fatty acids to prevent heart disease

the fatty acids help reduce risk factors for heart disease

Including high cholesterol and high blood pressure by slowing the development of plaque and blood clots which can clog arteries

This is important to reduce the risk of heart attacks

strokes and abnormal heart rhythms in people who are at a higher risk of suffering from heart disease a

2014 study by Oxford University in England reports that fish oil fatty acids with

anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent and reverse a plethora of cardiovascular


to poor mental performance

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered to be crucial for memory and mental performance

They help build cell membranes in the brain which are important for brain health?

Hence a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids intake is important when it comes to efficient brain function in

Fact low intake can lead to attention deficit. Hyperactivity disorder ADHD and poor academic performance a

2010 study published in nutrients reports that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to ADHD and related

developmental and other mental health problems

3 depression

omega-3 fatty acids particularly, EPA and DHA are highly effective in preventing and managing depression in

Fact a low level of this healthy fat in the body may increase the risk of depression as well as worsen the symptoms

a 2009 study published in CNS

neuroscience and therapeutics reports that omega-3 fatty acids were shown to be more effective than

placebos for depression in both adults and children in small controlled studies and in an open study of bipolar depression

for vision problems

Failing eyesight or other eye problems are another sign of essential fatty acid deficiency

These fatty acids are an important component of fat molecules which keep your eyes healthy

They also a proper drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye, that's decreasing the risk of high pressure and glaucoma

dry eye syndrome also has been linked to omega-3 deficiency a

2009 study published an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Reports that people who consume the most omega-3s were 30% less likely to develop macular degeneration than those who ate less

This study was carried out over 12 years


Inflammation and joint pain a low level of omega-3 fatty acid in the body mainly to inflamed joints

Which in turn may cause rheumatoid arthritis?

The omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inflammation in the body

The fatty acids also help ease joint tenderness decrease stiffness and may help lessen the need for medication in

Addition these healthy fats may decrease symptoms if morning stiffness and tender or swollen joints along helping increase blood flow during

exercise a

2006 study published in surgical neurology reports that omega-3 fish oil supplements work just as well as non-steroidal

Anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs in reducing arthritic pain and are a safer alternative to NSAIDs

6 below immunity

Low omega-3s in the body may contribute to weak immunity making you more prone to common colds infections and other health problems in

Fact adequate amounts of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid helped boost the immune system

the functions of the immune cells are enhanced by the DHA and EPA fatty acids at

The same time fat soluble vitamins like a D

G and K need these fatty acids in order to be absorbed and stored by the body a

2002 study published in the East rail Medical Association Journal highlights the positive connection between

omega-3 fatty acids and the immune system in autoimmune diseases

This study recommends the use of omega-3 fatty acids in the general healthy population not only to prevent atherosclerosis

But possibly also to reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases

7 weight gain when your diet lacks omega-3 fatty acids you may have difficulty losing the extra pounds in

Fact when you wish to lose weight increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids and reduce your carbohydrate intake

Due to low carbohydrate intake your body has no other option, but to access stored fat for energy

Omega-3 fatty acids can also lead to a higher resting metabolic rate and even speed up

Cell activity which means your body can burn more calories

these fatty acids also suppress appetite because of their effect on leptin levels the hormone that effects appetite a

2007 study published an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Reports that a combination of fish oil supplements and regular exercise can reduce body fat while also improving heart and metabolic health

eight extremely dry skin

Another sign of an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is dry itchy or flaky skin

These fatty acids are needed by the oil-producing glands the skin's natural

moisturizers in your body

This is turn maintains healthy skin cell membranes and produces ample amounts of lipids

Lipids help stop water from escaping through the skin keeping it hydrated and smooth

it even prevents wrinkles and works against the aging process a

1995 study published in the Journal of investigative dermatology reports that fish oil leads to healthier skin by reducing inflammation

It can even reduce Sun induced inflammation

9 low energy level if

You have a low energy level despite getting sound sleep and rest you may lack an adequate daily intake of fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that your body needs for proper growth and development and normal brain function in

fact these fats are the most concentrated source of energy for your body as

The brain is composed largely of fatty acids a low level of these fatty acids can lead to physical as well as mental fatigue

When foods with omega 3 fatty acids are eaten along with carbohydrates the fats actually slow the digestion of carbohydrates

This in turn improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the sugar crush that one

experiences after eating simple carbohydrates like white bread or pasta


Extremely cold hands and feet if you feel cold all the time your body may like the important omega-3 fatty acids

These essential fatty acids help the body regulate its core temperature

These fats are found just beneath the skin, which aids in insulating the body and retaining heat

This is important for maintaining the correct body temperature as compared to the outside temperature in

addition these fatty acids protect the inner core from extreme temperature drops

This is important when you travel to places where there are frequent changes in temperature or climate

Apart from an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency magnesium and iron deficiencies can also make you feel cold all the time

Being underweight having a low-performing thyroid or a peripheral vascular disease can also lead to this problem

Ten habits that make you age faster and look older with age the skin becomes thinner and dryer

This leads to fine lines and wrinkles

increased pigmentation loss of elasticity and firmness and dull skin at

times body starts showing aging signs sooner than you might expect

several environment lifestyle and dietary factors can cause premature aging

This makes you look and feel older faster

But by taking care of your skin and overall health and avoiding certain day-to-day habits, you can prevent premature aging

Here are the top ten habits that make your skin age faster


Smoking it is a known fact that smoking harms your health in many ways

But smoking can also accelerate the aging process of your skin

the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke chronically deprive your skin cells of oxygen which can lead to pale uneven coloring

It even triggers the breakdown of collagen and can cause loose saggy skin in

fact the whole process of smoking can cause deep wrinkles around the mouth a

2007 study published in the Journal of dermatological science reports that smoking tobacco leads to accelerated skin aging

So those who are more concerned about their appearance should try to stop smoking

by quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke, you can restore your skin's health a

2010 study published in skin Journal reports that quitting smoking improves skin conditions and above all skin aging effects

To drinking and excess

Before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos

Alcohol is a natural diuretic so when you drink in excess it causes dehydration

Dehydration depletes the natural moisture from your skin, which automatically makes you look older than your age

excess alcohol intake causes a depletion of healthy nutrients in your body particularly vitamins A and C

These antioxidant vitamins are essential for maintaining vibrant and supple skin

Plus excessive alcohol intake is one of the triggers for associate outbreaks

high alcohol intake is even associated with skin cancer a

2014 study published in cancer causes and control reports that higher current alcohol intake higher lifetime

alcohol intake and even a higher preference for white wine or liquor were associated with increased risk of melanoma and non-melanoma skin


3 holding grudges

Forgiveness is something most of us believe in but we don't always practice it

holding grudges against any person or situation is not good for your health as well as appearance if

You are not able to forgive. You are adding more stress to your life, which boosts your level of the hormone cortisol

Cortisol leads to weight gain high blood pressure and high blood sugar

stress even leads to more frowning one of the key causes of wrinkles on a forehead a

2005 study published in the Journal of behavioral medicine highlighted the link between lack of forgiveness and reduction in stress

Stress is a common cause of a lot many health problems and also contributes to aging

Do not allow an old grudge to SAP your youthfulness

practice forgiveness and experience better mental and physical well-being

For sun exposure

No matter how amazing the Sun feels on your body?

Regular and prolonged exposure to sun rays is one of the worst things you can do for your skin

long-term exposure to harmful ultraviolet UV

Rays of the Sun weakens your skin cells and blood vessels

Which causes at and leathery looking skin it even needs to?

pigmentation reduce skin elasticity and a degradation of skin texture

also, the risk of skin cancer is significantly higher due to sun exposure a

2013 study published in clinical

cosmetic and investigational dermatology states that UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs

freckles can turn into brown sunspots the skin takes on a try leather appearance and wrinkles and sagging increase

Before going out in the Sun protect your skin by wear hat covering up with clothing and using sunscreen that is broad-spectrum SPF

30 or higher

you should apply sunscreen throughout the year if you like a tight look apply self-tanner rather than soaking up the sun rays if

You are worried about sun damaged skin

Consult a doctor to reduce existing damage

Five to mil fleet

Just one night of bad sleep can make you look and feel tired it can even lead to dark circles and bags under your eyes

Now imagine what lack of sleep for days can do to your skin appearance?

sleep deprivation can cause skin damage in several ways

First of all it can increase your cortisol level which in turn can worsen inflammatory conditions

Secondly it can cause poor collagen formation which leads to skin aging in

a 2013 study by the university hospitals case Medical

Center physician scientists found that sleep quality impacts skin function and aging

According to the study for sleepers had increased signs of skin ageing and slower recovery from several

environmental stressors such as disruption of the skin barrier or UV radiation

Staying up late can be fun but burning the midnight oil can make you look older as you age

To enjoy beautiful and flawless skin make sleep a priority and try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night

But avoid sleeping too long on one side of your face as it can cause wrinkles and sleep lines

Also use a satin pillowcase to avoid fine lines and wrinkles

For more infomation >> Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Deficiency - Duration: 15:08.


Bayan On Wrong Number || Life Changing Bayan || Must Listen - Duration: 4:28.

Please Subscribe This Channel

For more infomation >> Bayan On Wrong Number || Life Changing Bayan || Must Listen - Duration: 4:28.


5 мифов о сале - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 5 мифов о сале - Duration: 3:38.


Il talento di Federico Angelucci a Tale e Quale Show esplode con Kiss di Prince - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Il talento di Federico Angelucci a Tale e Quale Show esplode con Kiss di Prince - Duration: 2:37.


X Factor:top e flop della quarta puntata: fischi su Rita Bellanza - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> X Factor:top e flop della quarta puntata: fischi su Rita Bellanza - Duration: 5:27.


GF Vip, scoppia la lite tra Cecilia e Ivana: ecco perché| Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, scoppia la lite tra Cecilia e Ivana: ecco perché| Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:20.


Old School Hip-Hop Meets B...

For more infomation >> Old School Hip-Hop Meets B...


I buoni propositi per integrarsi al Nord. - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> I buoni propositi per integrarsi al Nord. - Duration: 1:56.



Yixing doesn't have lots of performances but nowadays is kai also okay

but coming over hmmm

its okey baby.. its okey

come over babes... come to germany

i swear yall wont taste the roofiess

are u on ?

on what?


dont have that

sign in!!

u can vote for exo to come to germany with it


u will show u later




am i still wearing make up or why is my face so weird

no ur just ugly

help mee

For more infomation >> EXO 엑소 'LOTTO' MV (EXTREME THIRSTY FANGIRL REACTION !!!! ) - Duration: 6:30.


Ga giường hello kitty có sẵn I Chăn ga gối hello kitty Hàn Quốc xinh xắn KS1-665 - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> Ga giường hello kitty có sẵn I Chăn ga gối hello kitty Hàn Quốc xinh xắn KS1-665 - Duration: 0:25.



For more infomation >> ĐẠI GIA ĐÌNH ĐÃ THỪ HỦ TIẾU HỒ MÓN TUYỆT CHIÊU NGƯỜI TRIỀU CHÂU Ở SÀI THÀNH CHƯA I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 33:16.


僕の歌は君の歌 - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> 僕の歌は君の歌 - Duration: 3:19.


World War 3: Kim Jong un in TROUBLE as North Korea STRUGGLE to develop new missile - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:28.

World War 3: Kim Jong-un in TROUBLE as North Korea STRUGGLE to develop new missile

NORTH Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) programme is struggling to

develop new technology, according to foreign intelligence.

The hermit kingdom has hit a roadblock in developing a reliable atmospheric re-energy

technology that would allow their missile to return from the Earth's orbit, South

Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS) revealed in a report.

The NIS met with the South Korean National Assembly's Intelligence Committee behind closed

doors on Thursday.

A Parliamentary source said: "The NIS said that the North had recently carried out a

few missile engine tests, but it is still not at a stage where it can complete its ICBM


The report claims it is not the fault of North Korean engineering but rather evidence of

how difficult reentry vehicles are to build.

The warheads must be protected from temperatures of 12,600 degrees Fahrenheit and speeds of

18,500 mph.

North Korea has not launched a missile since September, however, the communist state undertook

two high-profile tests of the Hwasong-14 ICBM earlier this year.

Both of these tests were a success, with the second one reportedly demonstrating that the

Hwasong-14 could potentially hit the US.

If North Korea were to reach the US mainland and ignite World War 3, the Hwasong-14 would,

however, need an effective reentry vehicle.

The Hwasong-14 made its way into space, although the missile broke down into pieces when it

returned to Earth.

The NIS said that not only do reentry vehicles take considerable technical know how to build

but they also require a variety of specialised and expensive components.

Recent US military pressure, such as the deployment of strategic bombers, is said to have a major

contributor to the hermit kingdom's indecision to test another missile.

But the NIS warn it is only a matter of time before Kim Jong-un's communist state launch

another missile.

The dictatorship e is believed to be developing new terrifying weapons as World War 3 threats

continue to increase.

The North has ignored US threats to halt its reckless military development, with satellite

photos revealing despot Kim Jong-un's latest war toys.

Photos show North Korea is constructing powerful new submarines, cable of firing deadly ballistic


North Korea watchdog 38 North warned work has been underway at the Sinpo South Shipyard

for a number of weeks.

They said the hermit state "is on an aggressive building schedule" and determined to deploy

its first operational ballistic missile sub.

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson earlier this week ordered the immediate suspension

of foreign aid to North Korea in a major victory for the Daily Express.

He acted after public outrage over Britain's bloated overseas commitments and the escalation

of the basket case regime's nuclear weapons programme.

The UK has funnelled £4million of Official Development Assistance to the communist state

since 2010 – during a period when it has ratcheted up tensions with the West.

Official documents show that last year the country – run by dictator Kim Jong-un and

labelled a pariah by the international community – received £216,000 in handouts from Britain.

The Foreign Office said: "The Foreign Secretary has instructed officials to discontinue funding

for all aid projects in North Korea.

"We remain resolute in our condemnation of the North Korean regime's human rights


For more infomation >> World War 3: Kim Jong un in TROUBLE as North Korea STRUGGLE to develop new missile - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 4:28.


Ga trải giường hello kitty I Ra nệm Hello Kitty đẹp màu hồng cho bé KS1-671 - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Ga trải giường hello kitty I Ra nệm Hello Kitty đẹp màu hồng cho bé KS1-671 - Duration: 0:34.


Shawn mendes instagram story 11/17/2017 (Full) (isnt she Lovely cover) With closed captions - Duration: 0:28.

Isnt she lovely?

Isnt she wonderful?

Isnt she precious?

Less than one minute


And i never Thought

Through love we'd be here

Making one as lovely as she

Isnt she lovely?

For more infomation >> Shawn mendes instagram story 11/17/2017 (Full) (isnt she Lovely cover) With closed captions - Duration: 0:28.


38 Mistakes Gravity Falls - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> 38 Mistakes Gravity Falls - Duration: 10:03.


How To Grow & Manage Your YouTube Channel with TubeBuddy - Duration: 5:09.

Hello everyone welcome to another video today, I'll be showing you how to grow and manage your channel using tubebuddy

I have been using tubebuddy since the very beginning of my channel and it helped me a lot in many ways

I might not be getting a million views per video, but the ones that did get the most views

It's because of tubebuddy

and for creators that are just starting out.. TubebBuddy can be a goldmine

This video is in fact sponsored by TubeBuddy, but that's not the reason i'm making this video

I wanted to make this video of the day i hit a thousand subscribers

I contacted TubeBuddy a few days ago

And they were kind enough to sponsor this video

Now if you don't know what TubeBuddy is, TubeBuddy is basically a browser extension that works inside Youtube

It Helps you manage Your channel and find information about your channel

That you normally wouldn't be able to find easily

You will get to know what this extension does in this video so enough of the talk

Let's get right into it

Ranking your videos to the top in the search results is really easy with Tubebuddy

if you know how to use it.. First youtube search main keywords that is related to your video

For example if it's a music video type in "trap", "dubstep", or simply "music"

Play the first video and let Tubebuddy load up the tags used in this video

Once tags are loaded, Click on "Show search rankings"

The number next to the tag represents with this video ranks in the search result

Would not suggest you

Copying and pasting all the tags as they are but copied on ones that are ranking in search and paste them into your video tags

Do the same thing again, but this time search for different keywords that are related to the type of video you are uploading...

if you are uploading for example a Call of Duty gameplay search for "gameplay, "Call of Duty", "Cod" "Walkthrough" etc

and copy the ranking tags from the top 3 videos

Number 2 is 'Share Tracker'

Every youtuber should have an account or literally every social media

They can possibly think of it can be Facebook it can be Twitter Instagram and all of them

They will not only help you engage with your audience

But grow your channel too..

tubebuddy share tracker feature allows you to share your video to multiple social media accounts in just a few clicks

To do so go to your video manager and click on tubebuddy icon next to the video you want to share

Here you can find a bunch of other fascinating things

I would recommend you try each of these to get the most out of tubebudy.. In the promote tab select the share tracker a

New window will show you all the social media icons like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit etc

And you can make a post individually click on any other side where you want to share it

And it will open up in another window where you can create a post instantly think of a clever

But not click very title and down spam in any social media website

I will make a separate video on how to grow your channel using reddit

But that's for a future video.

Number 3 is video ideas video ideas is the most painful part of being a youtuber

Tubebuddy's video planner helped me in many ways to come up with video ideas when nothing was popping into my head

To find this feature click on to body icon on top and click video planner

Here you can find what's trending on YouTube?

Find trending topics

And you can save video suggestions that are left by your viewers

You can also use this as a notepad and write your video ideas right on YouTube to help you remember and keep track

Which is SUPER COOL!

You can go to the related tab and find videos that are related to your niche

To help you come up with something new

And last but not least.. 'Upload checklist'

You have no idea how many times this little feature

Saved my back if you are one of my subscribers

You will know that whenever one of my video goes live everything is all set up like end cards pop-up cards

Description and everything that is thanks to tubebuddy's upload checklist or launch pad

This feature is basically like a to-do list that helps you never forget an important step during the uploading process

You complete each task and mark one by one as you complete them

You won't forget to share your video to Twitter next time you upload your video

Tubebuddy has a ton more features that will help you in every aspect

I will recommend you spend more time with the extension and get to understand how it works the extension is completely free and also has

paid options to unlock more features to get the most out of it..

I Hope this was helpful for you.

Thanks again to tubebuddy for sponsoring this video

Don't Forget to leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more videos

Thank you all for watching. I will see you guys next time peace out

Peace out ^_^

*Links to Music used will be in the Description*

For more infomation >> How To Grow & Manage Your YouTube Channel with TubeBuddy - Duration: 5:09.


Hippy Hoppy Superhit Rhymes Vol 1 | 3D Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children I 60 Mins Non Stop - Duration: 45:40.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap),

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp),

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray)

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth,

Brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth, On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we wash our face, wash our face,

Wash our face.

This is the way we wash our face,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair,

Comb our hair.

This is the way we comb our hair,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we put on our clothes, put on our clothes,

Put on our clothes.

This is the way we put on our clothes,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we go to school, go to school,

Go to school.

This is the way we go to school,

On a warm and sunny morning.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there,

Here a chick there a chick,Everywhere a chick chick.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,

Here a quack there a quack,Everywhere a quack quack.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With an oink oink here and an oink oink there,

Here an oink there an oink,Everywhere an oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,

Here a moo there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cats, E-I-E-I-O.

With a meow meow here and a meow meow there,

Here a meow there a meow,Everywhere a meow meow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some dogs, E-I-E-I-O.

With a bow wow here and a bow wow there,

Here a bow there a wow,Everywhere a bow wow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon.

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle twinkle all the night.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

Then the traveller in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark.

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

Jump, Jump, Jump

No more jumping on the bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

I said...No more jumping on the bed.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.

Build it up with sticks and stones,

Sticks and stones, sticks and stones,

Build it up with sticks and stones,

My fair lady.

Sticks and stones will all fall down,

All fall down, all fall down.

Sticks and stones will all fall down,

My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay,

Wood and clay,wood and clay.

Build it up with wood and clay,

My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away,

Wash away, wash away.

Wood and clay will wash away,

My fair lady.

Build it up with iron and steel,

Iron and steel,iron and steel.

Build it with iron and steel,

My fair lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow,

Bend and bow, bend and bow.

Iron and steel will bend and bow,

My fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

Silver and gold,Silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold,

My fair lady.

Silver and gold will be stolen away,

Stolen away, stolen away.

Silver and gold will be stolen away,

My fair lady.

Build it up with bricks of Shaw,

Bricks of Shaw, bricks of Shaw.

Build it up with bricks of Shaw,

My fair lady.

It will stand forever more,

Forever more, forever more.

It will stand forever more,

My fair lady.

It will stand forever more,

Forever more, forever more.

It will stand forever more,

My fair lady.

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

The animals went in two by two, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in two by two, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in two by two,

The elephant and the kangaroo.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in three by three, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in three by three, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in three by three,

The wasp the ant and the bumble bee.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in four by four, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in four by four, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in four by four,

The big hippopotamus stuck in the door.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in five by five, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in five by five, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in five by five,

By hugging each other they kept alive.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in six by six, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in six by six, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in six by six,

They left out the monkey because of his tricks.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah hurrah.

The animals went in seven by seven, hurrah hurrah.

The animals went in seven by seven,

The little pig thought he was going to heaven.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah hurrah.

The animals went in eight by eight, hurrah hurrah.

The animals went in eight by eight,

The turtle thought he was coimg late.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in nine by nine, hurrah hurrah.

The animals went in nine by nine,

Marching up in a long straight line.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

The animals went in ten by ten hurrah, hurrah!

The animals went in ten by ten, hurrah hurrah!

The animals went in ten by ten,

The last one in was a little red hen.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

And they all went into the ark,

For to get out of the rain.

Five little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are four speckled frogs glug glug.

Four little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are three speckled frogs glug glug.

Three little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are two speckled frogs glug glug.

Two little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there is one speckled frog- glug glug.

One little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

He jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are no speckled frogs glug glug.

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap),

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp),

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet (stomp stomp).

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it shout "Hooray!" (Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray),

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray).

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

If you're happy and you know it do all three (clap clap stomp stomp Hoo-Ray)

This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth,

Brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we wash our face, wash our face,

Wash our face.

This is the way we wash our face,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we comb our hair, comb our hair,

Comb our hair.

This is the way we comb our hair,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we put on our clothes, put on our clothes,

Put on our clothes.

This is the way we put on our clothes,

On a warm and sunny morning.

This is the way we go to school, go to school,

Go to school.

This is the way we go to school,

On a warm and sunny morning.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here and a chick chick there,

Here a chick there a chick,Everywhere a chick chick.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.

With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,

Here a quack there a quack,Everywhere a quack quack.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.

With an oink oink here and an oink oink there,

Here an oink there an oink,Everywhere an oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.

With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,

Here a moo there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some cats, E-I-E-I-O.

With a meow meow here and a meow meow there,

Here a meow there a meow,Everywhere a meow meow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

And on his farm he had some dogs, E-I-E-I-O.

With a bow wow here and a bow wow there,

Here a bow there a wow,Everywhere a bow wow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon.

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle twinkle all the night.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

Then the traveller in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark.

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

Twinkle twinkle little star,

Jump, Jump, Jump

No more jumping on the bed

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

No more jumping on the bed.

Jump, Jump, Jump

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head,

So mother called the doctor and the doctor said,

I said...No more jumping on the bed.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed, To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat played the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed,

To see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.

London Bridge is falling down,  Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady.

Build it up with sticks and stones,

Sticks and stones, sticks and stones,

Build it up with sticks and stones, My fair lady.

Sticks and stones will all fall down, All fall down, all fall down.

Sticks and stones will all fall down, My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay,wood and clay.

Build it up with wood and clay, My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away.

Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady.

Build it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel,iron and steel.

Build it with iron and steel, My fair lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow.

Iron and steel will bend and bow, My fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold, Silver and gold,Silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold, My fair lady.

Silver and gold will be stolen away, Stolen away, stolen away.

Silver and gold will be stolen away, My fair lady.

Build it up with bricks of Shaw, Bricks of Shaw, bricks of Shaw.

Build it up with bricks of Shaw, My fair lady.

It will stand forever more, Forever more, forever more.

It will stand forever more,  My fair lady.

It will stand forever more, Forever more, forever more.

It will stand forever more,  My fair lady.

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Brother Finger, Brother Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Sister Finger, Sister Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

Baby Finger, Baby Finger, Where are you?

Here I am, here I am,

How do you do?

Five little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are four speckled frogs glug glug.

Four little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are three speckled frogs glug glug.

Three little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum,

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are two speckled frogs glug glug.

Two little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

One jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there is one speckled frog- glug glug.

One little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious bugs - yum, yum.

He jumped into the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are no speckled frogs glug glug.

For more infomation >> Hippy Hoppy Superhit Rhymes Vol 1 | 3D Nursery Rhymes for Kids and Children I 60 Mins Non Stop - Duration: 45:40.


Our IVF Diary Ep 5 - Duration: 3:40.

Bit emotional

Every year 50,000 couple walk into an IVF clinic

Newsreader Hannah Vaughan Jones and her husband Lewis

You've been posting videos

9 embryos on Monday and we're expecting a call to see how many survived.

A week ago Han had 18 eggs collected 17 of them were injected.

then 24 hours later we found out about nine of them had fertilized which is

good and then we had a check in three days after that and about eight of them

were still going so now we're at the end of the week and we're just driving to

the clinic now to find out if any of the embryos have survived and if they have

then they'll be transferred back into Han.

So we've got 6!

we've never had this many before

the most we've ever had is two at the end of the whole process and now we

have six so we can now go and put two back today

this is the womb and then this white flash of light is the air bubbles which

with the embryos in them

I don't want to move in case I dislodge them and they fall out

For more infomation >> Our IVF Diary Ep 5 - Duration: 3:40.


Odgłosy zwierząt na farmie l Odgłosy zwierząt domowych dla dzieci l BaMa Kids TV - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Odgłosy zwierząt na farmie l Odgłosy zwierząt domowych dla dzieci l BaMa Kids TV - Duration: 4:29.


Pijana urodziła dziecko. Chłopiec z 3 promilami alkoholu we krwi w stanie ciężkim - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Pijana urodziła dziecko. Chłopiec z 3 promilami alkoholu we krwi w stanie ciężkim - Duration: 1:07.



Hi everyone, welcome to The Madd Mentor. Quick video today, I'll show you how

to use autoplay for movies and TV series works for covenant Exodus Elysium

spectro and loads more so well jump right into it before a load Cody I just wanted

to show you that I'm running a VPN in the background if you not got a VPN

already i recommend installing one it gives you extra security it opens up

more content and it generally makes cody work much better so click the link on

the screen about now and come back here after

so we're going to go ahead and load Cody I'm running coda krypton 17.5 it should

work for all versions of Krypton but I do recommend installing the latest

version so click the link on the screen about now and come back here after

so go ahead and load whatever add-on you use in for this video I'm using covenant

it's great for movies and TV series the links on the screen now if you want to

install it so go ahead and click on tools

scroll down and click on playback

and all you need to do now is click on default action until it changes to

autoplay just bear in mind the lower the quality the quicker it's going to play

so you can change that under max quality at the moment it's

remember to click on okay and that's it we're all done

so before I go I'm just gonna quickly show you how that works I'm going to

click on new movies

I'm going to go ahead and click on a movie

it will now start finding all the providers and then shortly after it'll

auto play

so thanks for watching please smash like if I helped you out check out all my

other videos and I'll see you next time



Paul Ince states his prediction for Liverpool v Southampton ● Highlights ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:13.

Paul Ince believes Liverpool FC will have too much for Southampton in their Premier

League meeting at Anfield on Saturday afternoon.

The Merseyside outfit are looking to record a fourth successive win following victories

over Huddersfield Town, Maribor and West Ham United to build some much-needed momentum

heading into the festive schedule.

Liverpool FC were 4-1 winners against West Ham at the London Stadium in their last Premier

League games thanks to goals from Mohamed Salah, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Joel Matip.

The Reds have only conceded one goal at Anfield this season and are unbeaten in five home

games ahead of the visit of Southampton.

Liverpool FC failed to score in four games against the Saints last season and Shane Long's

winner at Anfield denied Klopp's men a place in the League Cup final.

Former Liverpool FC midfielder Ince believes the Reds should find a way to get past a struggling

Southampton team.

"You can't trust that Liverpool defence!"

Ince told the Daily Express.

"Time and time again we have learnt that, and this game will be no exception.

I do think though, that at the end of the day, Jurgen Klopp's side will have a little

too much in the tank for Saints."

Liverpool FC signed four players in the summer transfer window after Klopp brought in Oxlade-Chamberlain,

Dominic Solanke, Andy Robertson and Oxlade-Chamberlain.

The Reds are in fifth place in the Premier League table and four points behind Chelsea,

who occupy the final Champions League qualification spot after 11 games.

For more infomation >> Paul Ince states his prediction for Liverpool v Southampton ● Highlights ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:13.


Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.11.16 - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> Cats Diary Komugi & Daizu 2017.11.16 - Duration: 10:33.





Prepare to Die by Simple AI - Dark Souls and Difficulty | Design Dive - Duration: 29:14.

For more infomation >> Prepare to Die by Simple AI - Dark Souls and Difficulty | Design Dive - Duration: 29:14.


[포토엔HD]홍콩 떠나는 김재중 '얼굴 공개 불가' - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> [포토엔HD]홍콩 떠나는 김재중 '얼굴 공개 불가' - Duration: 1:37.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



For more infomation >> 5 TRUCOS PSICOLÓGICOS PARA SER MÁS ATRACTIVO /A - Duration: 12:08.


"Hotel Europe: The migration of workers" - (VPRO documentary - 2013) - Duration: 49:54.

For more infomation >> "Hotel Europe: The migration of workers" - (VPRO documentary - 2013) - Duration: 49:54.


Os 12 melhores alimentos para desentupir as artérias - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Os 12 melhores alimentos para desentupir as artérias - Duration: 11:13.



Hi everyone, welcome to The Madd Mentor. Quick video today, I'll show you how

to use autoplay for movies and TV series works for covenant Exodus Elysium

spectro and loads more so well jump right into it before a load Cody I just wanted

to show you that I'm running a VPN in the background if you not got a VPN

already i recommend installing one it gives you extra security it opens up

more content and it generally makes cody work much better so click the link on

the screen about now and come back here after

so we're going to go ahead and load Cody I'm running coda krypton 17.5 it should

work for all versions of Krypton but I do recommend installing the latest

version so click the link on the screen about now and come back here after

so go ahead and load whatever add-on you use in for this video I'm using covenant

it's great for movies and TV series the links on the screen now if you want to

install it so go ahead and click on tools

scroll down and click on playback

and all you need to do now is click on default action until it changes to

autoplay just bear in mind the lower the quality the quicker it's going to play

so you can change that under max quality at the moment it's

remember to click on okay and that's it we're all done

so before I go I'm just gonna quickly show you how that works I'm going to

click on new movies

I'm going to go ahead and click on a movie

it will now start finding all the providers and then shortly after it'll

auto play

so thanks for watching please smash like if I helped you out check out all my

other videos and I'll see you next time



Bayan On Wrong Number || Life Changing Bayan || Must Listen - Duration: 4:28.

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