Saturday, November 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 18 2017

Dino Dan # 7 Fiesta de Dinosaurios y sus amigos videos canciones infantiles populares en espanol para ninos Dino Dana for children Video for kids and their friends videos children's songs in Spanish for children, children's songs, children's songs in Spanish, trek's adventures, popular children's songs

For more infomation >> Dino Dan 7 Fiesta de Dinosaurios y sus amigos videos canciones infantiles en espanol para ninos - Duration: 10:36.


MARIUS N' WATUSI - NO PREGUNTES MÁS (Prod. Akartesano) - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> MARIUS N' WATUSI - NO PREGUNTES MÁS (Prod. Akartesano) - Duration: 2:56.


Pepa on Fire Muddy Puddles 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Kidz Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:03.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"Put those monkeys back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> Pepa on Fire Muddy Puddles 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Kidz Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:03.


Reduce tu celulitis día a día con estas 5 especias poderosas - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> Reduce tu celulitis día a día con estas 5 especias poderosas - Duration: 8:18.


Hương Tràm - Em Gái Mưa Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Hương Tràm - Em Gái Mưa Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 11:29.


Wisin, Yandel, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Ozuna, Daddy Yankee | Pop Latino 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Estrenos - Duration: 58:27.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Wisin, Yandel, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Ozuna, Daddy Yankee | Pop Latino 2017 Lo Mas Nuevo Estrenos - Duration: 58:27.


Exhibición del arte de 'Coco', una segunda mirada a la cinta - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Exhibición del arte de 'Coco', una segunda mirada a la cinta - Duration: 5:28.


FmConlara Córdoba - Vídeo 2 San José Desfile Cívico Aniversario 124 años de vida.17/11/17 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> FmConlara Córdoba - Vídeo 2 San José Desfile Cívico Aniversario 124 años de vida.17/11/17 - Duration: 1:12.


Jugando a 500ms 100% real no Fake|TheGrumex - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Jugando a 500ms 100% real no Fake|TheGrumex - Duration: 9:21.


REMEDIO PARA LAS TIROIDES CON CEBOLLA (Remedios Caseros) - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> REMEDIO PARA LAS TIROIDES CON CEBOLLA (Remedios Caseros) - Duration: 3:44.


Corea del Norte: "Trump debería ser condenado a muerte" - Duration: 3:02.

Corea del Norte: "Trump debería ser condenado a muerte"

La administración de Kim Jong-un manda un nuevo y agresivo mensaje.

La guerra de palabras en constante aumento entre los Estados Unidos y Corea del Norte tuvo un momento álgido el miércoles cuando una editorial de un periódico oficial del gobierno de Kim Jong-un consideró que el presidente Donald Trump debería ser "condenado a muerte".

Rodong Sinmun, vocero del gobernante Partido de los Trabajadores de Corea, apuntó que el mandatario estadounidense, quien recientemente regresó de una gira de cinco países por Asia, y afirmó que con los tres socios más importantes en ese continente de los EEUU están de acuerdo con "retirar armas nucleares a Corea del Norte".

"El peor crimen por el que nunca puede ser indultado es que se haya atrevido a dañar malignamente la dignidad del liderazgo supremo (en referencia a Jong-un)", publicó el Washington Post, que tuvo la información de la Agencia France-Presse.

"Debería saber que no es más que un horrible criminal condenado a muerte por el pueblo coreano".

El editorial también se burló de Trump por evitar una visita a la Zona Desmilitarizada, una franja de 2.

5 millas de ancho y 160 millas de largo que divide Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur.

La mayoría de los altos funcionarios estadounidenses que se detienen en Corea del Sur pasan al menos un par de horas allí, como lo hizo el secretario de Estado Rex Tillerson en en marzo y el vicepresidente Mike Pence lo hizo en abril, y en octubre lo hizo el secretario de Defensa Jim Mattis.

El presidente Trump tenía programado visitar la zona, pero el helicóptero en el que viajaba tuvo que regresar después de cinco minutos debido a la niebla, se informó en su momento.

For more infomation >> Corea del Norte: "Trump debería ser condenado a muerte" - Duration: 3:02.


La doble caja fuerte donde el IRS resguarda las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump - Duration: 4:11.

La doble caja fuerte donde el IRS resguarda las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump

Trump daría a conocer sus declaraciones de impuestos solo cuando deje la presidencia.

Cada vez parece más real el hecho de que Donald Trump no va ha revelar sus declaraciones de impuestos mientras sea el presidente de los Estados Unidos.

El comisario saliente del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) dijo en una entrevista con Politico que la agencia tiene la intención de mover las declaraciones de impuestos del presidente de Trump a una nueva caja fuerte más segura la cual estará adentro de un cuarto de seguridad.

John Koskinen, dijo que nunca había visto las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump, y dijo que la agencia está en el proceso de cambiarlos de lugar para protegerlos.

"Los [retornos de impuestos de Trump] están en una caja fuerte cerrada con llave en una habitación cerrada con llave que nadie puede acceder.

Usted necesitará una llave de la habitación y de la caja fuerte para conseguirlos", dijo Koskinen a la revista.

El funcionario al ser preguntado no pudo asegurar si las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump están siendo auditadas como dice el presidente.

,"Vas a tener que creer lo que él [Trump] dice" explico el funcionario al explicar que nadie dentro del IRS tiene la capacidad de ver las declaraciones de Trump.

"Nadie puede, a menos que esté autorizado para el proceso de examen.

Yo no puedo ni mirar mi propia declaración de impuestos.

Cualquiera que mire las declaraciones de cualquier persona está sujeta a la terminación de su contrato", añadió.

Trump se convirtió en el primer candidato presidencial en las últimas décadas en no revelar sus declaraciones de impuestos.

Durante su campaña electoral en 2016 dijo que no iba a revelar sus impuestos debido a que se encontraba en una auditoría del IRS, sin embargo el propio Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) ha dicho que las auditorias no impiden que las personas hagan pública su información de impuestos.

En una entrevista en mayo con The Economist, Trump dio a entender que podría dar a conocer sus declaraciones de impuestos solo hasta que haya dejado la presidencia.

"A nadie le preocupa mi declaración de impuestos a excepción de los reporteros", dijo el presidente.

Por su parte demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes han tratado de aprobar medidas para obtener las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump, pero esas medidas han sido bloqueadas por los republicanos.

For more infomation >> La doble caja fuerte donde el IRS resguarda las declaraciones de impuestos de Trump - Duration: 4:11.


Ivanka Trump a Roy Moore: "Hay un lugar en el infierno para los depredadores de niños" - Duration: 3:20.

Ivanka Trump a Roy Moore: "Hay un lugar en el infierno para los depredadores de niños"

Finalmente un miembro de la familia Trump se pronuncia sobre el escándalo del republicano Roy Moore.

Ivanka Trump rompió su silencio sobre el enorme escándalo que tiene en el huracán al candidato republicano al senado por el estado de Alabama, Roy Moore.

En una fuerte entrevista Ivanka Trump aseguro que hay un "lugar especial en el infierno" para los depredadores de niños y dijo que no tiene ninguna razón para dudar de las acusaciones de las mujeres que dicen haber sido acosadas en la adolescencia por Moore, el candidato republicano para el Senado en Alabama.

En una entrevista con AP, la hija del presidente Donald Trump no llegó a pedir la renuncia de Roy Moore a la elección especial que se realiza el próximo 12 de diciembre, pero sí dejó bien claro que no se pueden desestimar las acusaciones, hasta el momento siete, en contra del político.

"Hay un lugar especial en el infierno para las personas que se aprovechan de los niños", dijo a AP.

"Todavía tengo que ver una explicación válida y no tengo ninguna razón para dudar de las cuentas de las víctimas.".

Entre tanto la presión para que Moore renuncie a la candidatura al senado sigue creciendo al interior de su partido.

Hasta el momento el líder de la mayoría del Senado Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, líder de la Cámara de Representantes, entre otros republicanos se han sumado a la petición para que renuncie de inmediato.

Varios senadores han dicho que el presidente debe intervenir para tratar de que Moore desista de la candidatura, en la que está compitiendo contra el demócrata Doug Jones.

Trump respaldó en la elecciones primarias de su partido al oponente de Moore, el senador Luther Strange, en la carrera para ocupar el puesto dejado vacante por Jeff Sessions, quien se convirtió en fiscal general.

Hasta el momento, Trump no ha ofrecido comentarios sobre el escándalo de Roy Moore y las numerosas acusaciones de abuso de menores en su contra.

For more infomation >> Ivanka Trump a Roy Moore: "Hay un lugar en el infierno para los depredadores de niños" - Duration: 3:20.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Phim võ thuật hài hước ║ Thích tiểu long thuyết minh ─ phim lẻ - Duration: 1:35:21.

For more infomation >> Phim võ thuật hài hước ║ Thích tiểu long thuyết minh ─ phim lẻ - Duration: 1:35:21.


הכנת כרטיס ברכה בהשראה מפינטרסט - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> הכנת כרטיס ברכה בהשראה מפינטרסט - Duration: 7:06.


How to Get Creases Out Of Shoes & Look New - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> How to Get Creases Out Of Shoes & Look New - Duration: 11:14.


Hoe een spoorstang vervangen op een BMW 5 E39 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:28.

Use an open-end wrench №16 and №24

Use an open-end wrench №19

Use an open-end wrench №32

For more infomation >> Hoe een spoorstang vervangen op een BMW 5 E39 HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:28.



For more infomation >> ZULA RÖPORTAJ - HİLELER YANDI, YENİ HARİTA GELİYOR ? - Duration: 24:33.


12 Loại Rau Qủa Làm Tăng Nguy Cơ Sảy Thai Mẹ Bầu Tuyệt Đối Kiêng Dùng ✔ - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 12 Loại Rau Qủa Làm Tăng Nguy Cơ Sảy Thai Mẹ Bầu Tuyệt Đối Kiêng Dùng ✔ - Duration: 6:06.


Peugeot Bipper XT 1.3BLEU HDI Profit - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Bipper XT 1.3BLEU HDI Profit - Duration: 0:42.


Làm Đẹp Da Mặt Bằng T.INH TRÙNG - Bạn Đã Thử Chưa??? - Duration: 14:12.

For more infomation >> Làm Đẹp Da Mặt Bằng T.INH TRÙNG - Bạn Đã Thử Chưa??? - Duration: 14:12.


সকালে খেলে যৌন শক্তি বাড়বে কয়েকশগুন ! না দেখলে মিস করবেন ! ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সহ। - Duration: 2:59.

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For more infomation >> সকালে খেলে যৌন শক্তি বাড়বে কয়েকশগুন ! না দেখলে মিস করবেন ! ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সহ। - Duration: 2:59.


Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...

For more infomation >> Singer Songwriter Chad Focu...


Quotes that changed my life | Minimalist Journal Idea - Duration: 6:39.

Hi everyone, as I was reading my daily motivational quotes for the morning and listening to my

favorite podcast, I had this urge to share some of the quotes that helped change my life with you.

I don't know if you're on the same path as I am, but I hope you'll find one or a

few that really inspire you or comforts you.

I decided to add these quotes, some little drawings, and images from my travels that

help reflect the mood of the quotes into my journal/sketchbook.

This way, I can just flip back through to the section if I need a little push in the

right direction.

Ever since I could remember, I had this pull to do something more with my work, my life,

and my art.

I went to college and during my junior year opened a summer non profit workshop as part

of a fellowship, I had this desire to use my love of art to help inspire children who

didn't have art in school, but I was honestly so lost in my purpose.

Then I tried my hand in a couple of independent fashion shows then tried teaching a little

bit and I loved that and learned so much from the experience.

After that I wanted to start my first etsy shop to try to sell my work while I was working

full time as a graphic designer but that didn't go anywhere, then came Youtube on and off.

And through every single one of those trials, I would doubt myself.

One of my all time favorite and super short but effective quotes is by Suzy Kassem and

she says: "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

The first time I read this, it was almost like a sudden realization because it is the


This one quote is kind of the beginning to my love of quotes.

I think hearing very successful people talk about relatable experiences, allows me to

see that I too can become successful.

And so, on the next few pages I have quotes that kept me going and are still keeping me going.

I've read these many many times.

I have an image of me climbing some rocks during a hike and below that is a quote by Michael Jordan.

He says: "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career.

I've lost almost 300 games.

26 times I've been trusted to take the game's winning shot and missed.

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that's why I succeed."

Then on the next page I have five quotes:

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the

ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade

winds in your sails.

Explore, Dream, Discover."

- Mark Twain

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl,

but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do.

It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't."

~ Rikki Rogers

The next one is from my favorite podcast by Brooke Castillo, she says:

"Self-doubt does not mean something has gone wrong.

It means you're growing, it means that you are in the process of overcoming and becoming

the person that you truly are meant to be.

Self-doubt does not mean turn around and go home.

It means you're on the right path."

"By changing nothing, nothing changes."– Tony Robbins

This is a memory of a trip I took with my family to the Hudson Valley in New York, overlooking

old train tracks and the beautiful ruins of Bannerman's island arsenal.

Below that it says: "When you take risks you learn that there

will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally


- Ellen Degeneres

I think that we can get so caught up in what others think of us and our work that we become

a little timid and very doubtful.

I also saw failure as proof that I can't achieve my goals.

But then, after reading a few of these, I have come to the conclusion that failure is

only proof that I am trying.

And the more that I try, the more that I practice, the more confidence I will gain

But it all starts with understanding and accepting failure and the low times as part of the process.

As got into collecting more quotes and listening to more podcasts I started realizing that

if I wanted to be the best version of myself then I can't

keep holding onto my past struggles and letting all of my uneasy experiences burden me.

I can't live today with the heavy mindset of yesterday and I truly can't build a future

by carrying all of the negative emotions.

So on the next few pages are quotes that really helped me to understand the power of going

forward with kindness.

Ellen Degeneres, someone whom I am so inspired by, once said: "True beauty is not related

to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are.

True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral compass."

"If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can

be our teacher."

- Pema Chödrön

Here is the view of the changing autumn landscape from a hike I did a few years ago.

Below it is a quote that says:

In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load.

When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind

a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with.

~ Brian Tracy

To add to that, you also relieve all of your own burdens.

I can't quite explain it, but basically when you can be kind to others, you are not

allowing the negative emotions to control your actions.

I think Amelia Earhart explains it a little better, she says: "No kind action ever stops

with itself.

One kind action leads to another.

Good example is followed.

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up

and make new trees.

The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves."

I loved how this turned out, it is so simple but there is so much meaning within these

few pages.

I hope this video helps you to move forward in a positive light and overcome any form

of doubt.

Please follow me on instagram for any updates on what I am working on and thank you so much

for watching and listening to my thoughts.

I hope you have a wonderful day everyone, bye!

For more infomation >> Quotes that changed my life | Minimalist Journal Idea - Duration: 6:39.


what i eat in a day #3 to stay FIT and HEALTHY - Duration: 7:47.

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well !

I'm back today with a new video, a what I eat in a day video

and if you are new on my youtube channel, welcome ! My name is Capucine


For my breakfast, I decided to make a creamy chocolate and peanut butter oatmeal

So you will need a cup of rolled oats,

I added a 1 Tbsp of carob powder

and 1 tbsp of lin seeds

Then, I added 2 cups of homemade oat milk

The recipe is coming soon.

I cooked my porridge on a medium heat

until a creamy and delicious consistency

For the toppings, I used one banana, one kiwi,

I also added some cacao nibs

I then added 2 Tbsp of overnight oats that I had left from the day before

and of course 1TBSP of peanut butter

And I can tell you that this was DE-LI-CIOUS

For lunch, I decided to make some veggie noodles with some crispy tofu

I first cutted my veggies into noodles and

For the dressing, I used 30 ml of rice vinegar

30 ml of soy sauce

30 ml of agave syrup

And 2tsp of peanut butter

I used smoke tofu that I cooked with some garlic powder, some soy sauce and some agave syrup

I cutter the tempeh and cooked it with some soy sauce

I hope you liked this video, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel. See you soon in a next video !

For more infomation >> what i eat in a day #3 to stay FIT and HEALTHY - Duration: 7:47.


Are You Too Old for Martial Arts? No! - Duration: 5:34.


Ando here from and Happy Life Martial Arts.

"Am I too old to start martial arts?"


You know, I get this question all the time from people in their 60s, 40s, 20s, even 12 years old.

Talk about ridiculous!

Okay—the short answer is no.

You're never too old to start training in the martial arts.

So, if you've been using age as an excuse to either sit home and play video games or

sit in the nursing home and play bingo,

I want you to get up and go sign up for a martial arts class.

Having said that, I do have a word of warning for some of you old timers out there.

And that's coming up right now.

Look, I'm not going to lie to you.

If you're 30 years old and you've never taken a martial arts class, and you have a dream

of becoming a UFC champ or winning a gold medal in the Olympics for Judo?

It's too late.

I mean, I hate to be a dream squasher, but that ship has sailed and sunk.

If you truly have your heart set on becoming a champ or winning a medal, then might I suggest

a pie eating contest.

But if your goal is to simply to improve your life—if you want to get in shape, toughen up,

learn how to fight back against a bad guy, develop your balance, strength, your flexibility—

well, then don't think twice about it.

Go sign up for a class right now.

If you're not sure which style to get involved with, well, I have a video all about that.

You can check that out. I'll put the link below.

Just remember that even if you can only show up for a class one time a

week, it's still going to be worth it.

Even a little martial arts will make your life a whole lot better.

So, whether you're 20 or 120, go for it.

Rah rah rah.

We all love a good pep talk, don't we?

But let's not turn off our brains completely.

The truth is that training in the martial arts does get a little trickier and

more difficult as you get older.

Let me give you an example. When I was in my teens, if I threw too many punches or kicks,

sure, I'd wake up sore.

but I'd usually recover over breakfast and

be back to full power by lunch.

In my 20's, if I woke up a little sore, it might take a day or two to recover.

In my 30's, maybe two or three days.

Now, I'm in my late 40's and let me tell you,

some days I wake up and I'm sore and it may take a week or two before

I'm feeling back to normal.

The weird thing is sometimes I don't even know why I'm so beat up.

Sometimes you just wake up and you're hurt.

No kidding, this week, I woke up and I swear, both of my shoulders were separated.

I didn't go to the hospital or anything like that, but I couldn't lift up either one of my arms

and I have no idea why.

I thought about it forever. Like, was I doing cartwheels the day before?

Was I hanging off of a helicopter?

No. I still have no idea.

So, the fact is, I am a little scared about what's going to happen to me in my 50s.

The older I get, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be normal again.

Wait. Normal?

Did I say normal?

Let me tell you something else—how you define normal in your 40's is not the same

as how you define normal in your 20's.

When I was in my 20's, it was not normal for me to carry bandages, braces, and

Advil in my gym bag.

Now, don't get me wrong, I can still hit hard, just as hard as I could in my 20s,

just not all day, every day.

Which brings me to the secret of success for older martial artists.

The secret to success in the martial arts as you get older is mindset.

Consider my experience in BJJ.

I had white hair when I tied on a white belt in my first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class.

And in that class, there were a bunch of tough, terrifying 20-year-olds.

And when a 40-year-old tries to match up with a bunch of tough, terrifying 20-year-olds, let me tell you,

the 40-year-old goes home in pain and feeling like a loser.

But once I stopped trying to be 20, once I changed my goal to becoming the toughest, most terrifying

40-year-old that I could become, well, then class got a lot easier.

So, remember this--accept who you are. Accept what you can do, accept what you can't do.

As you get older, you should have more wisdom in knowing the difference.



That seems to happen more now, too.

All right.

Bottom line.

I don't care if you're 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, or whatever, if you've always wanted

to try martial arts—do it.

If you quit martial arts years ago and now you're worried that you'll never catch up,

well, thinking like that is just gong to make you farther and farther behind.

And if you're 12?

Man—shut your mouth.

The point is this--life is short, my friend.

If you want to do something, go do it.

Yes, the journey might be a little bit steeper when you get older,

you may take few more twists and turns, but I promise you, the climb is worth it.

With each step you take, the view gets a little better.

If you liked this video, thanks for giving it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

Until next time, throw out the bingo cards and keep fighting for a happy life.

For more infomation >> Are You Too Old for Martial Arts? No! - Duration: 5:34.


BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE 59000KM Pannorama dak Leer Navi - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0I XDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE 59000KM Pannorama dak Leer Navi - Duration: 0:59.


LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Drone Explorer review! 31071 - Duration: 9:15.

hello everyone this is the Lego creator three and one drone Explorer set I'm

showing you here the three official builds you can make one at a time only

from the parts included in a single set so I'm going to show you each of these

yeah I'm going to start with the main one the feature to build that actually

uses all of the parts included in the set now you may notice that this thing

is minifig compatible so I'm going to go ahead and get one of my own figures no

figures are included with this set but you can open up that canopy and

definitely put a figure in there has a control stick even which really helps to

highlight just how wrong the word drone is and how misused the word drone is

these days I mean this whole thing is based on real concepts for personal

transport pods that's been designed that are actually possible that may actually

be created on a commercial basis it's kind of an extension of the whole long

term dream of mankind to have flying cars at some point in the future

everyone will have a flying car and it'll leave alleviates all problems of

traffic and such and you know people when dreaming about that getting

features in Popular Mechanics popular science magazine since I don't know what

30s 40s something like that this is just kind of the latest version of that dream

this is what adventures are actually considering and trying to make real so

Lego has done a very nice thing here combining kind of that that spirit of

innovation that desire for freedom of mobility humans and desire to fix

problems with technological advances all that is just kind of wrapped up into

this one little set and probably a lot of people won't be able to appreciate

that won't understand that I think that's okay I just like that they've

actually made a set of this of course having a person

the seats controlling it means it is not a drone just like most of the things

that we call drones or not drones because there's somebody actually

controlling it it's just remotely controlled in this case is not even

remotely controlled but that's okay that's another another top he called

together the build went together nicely has some nice building techniques

especially for these rotor pods that build in several different directions

they look good I appreciate the placement of the three

bladed rotor actually above the thing that the propeller above the thing so

that it can kind of overlap just slightly because if you tried to make

the opening large enough to fit that and they would look too wide the edges would

look too thick this is just a really nice I think a really nice compromise

and all those things I'm go ahead and take this figure out since it's not

included with said I thinks it looks just fine without a figure and it's

great that the creator line does have an increasing number of minifig compatible

things even they're not perfectly scaled what I don't like about this is what

they've done for the the landing skid thing assembly it's just each of these

can rotate forward and back which is kind of cool for posing the whole thing

on the ground if you want to I don't know what this camera is for but it's

there but you know if you want to have it angled forward a little bit you know

give it some rake while it's on the ground almost makes it look like it's

it's in motion or like it's gonna be able to to take off like this but each

of these EXO force drone haha yeah they actually recall drawings

because those were actually drones in that but a completely different thing

these his arm pieces is able to rotate as well so when you put it down on the

ground you just try to get it flat then these types of things start to happen

and that's really awkward so that doesn't work so well but you know just

try to get it roughly right and then don't push down too hard when you place

it on the ground I prefer you know multi legged systems

that allow you to just push down and get it nice and flat the way you want it

each of the struts is the same length and just did a little bit of

offsetting here that works really well just a nice build a nice looking thing

this will look great in Lego cities I think you look nice just on display just

by itself you know just on on a shelf on the edge of a cubicle

I think this appeals to kids and adults alike and it's good it has a certain

amount of realism a certain amount of near-future kind of wonder I don't know

what that clip on the back is for put a minifig accessory there if you want but

I really like this especially for the price for the number of pieces it's very

nice here's an airboat which uses kind of the

same sort of arrangement for a single prop housing shroud around the back

similar proportions similar building techniques back there but just one which

works just fine I think has the big light up on top you can angle up and

down you can spin the prop and it still has a compartment a driver's compartment

that is compatible with many things you can put a figure in there just have to

be careful with the hair I have to have them you know leaning forward a bit and

I think you know longer hair pieces won't work but within reasonable limits

you can make it work with a figure which is another really good thing I think

that the you know obviously with so few pieces in a set you're really limited in

what you can do in total that can look nice I think that given those

limitations this is a worthy alternate build it looks like something the

building techniques are good uses a fair number of the pieces and it just kind of

makes sense to me you know that's good detailing in there and this looks like

it's horizontally opposed to cylinder aircraft engine here almost you know a

little bit detailing here and stuff so I respect this you know it's small and

simple but I think it's not bad and then last up is this aeroplane which

is even smaller and simpler still obviously is not going to hold on to a

minifig but you could probably adapt it to work with one sitting

Mack comically smaller simpler nothing too fancy in the building techniques

department here but still nice I think you know this looks more like a

five-dollar kind of set but I think it's okay as a as an alternate build a very

different alternate build from a ten dollar set you know I think that this

looks decent it makes sense to me the color scheme is nice and unified the

shapes are nice looks kind of recognizable like some actual planes

that have been made long in the past and some are still available and are still

flying so I think pretty good stuff here overall I also want oh yeah it's kind of

angled back thanks to that inverted round tile that's under there see it as

a seaplane potentially if if you want the tail is able to rotate up and down

not the greatest thing just leave it in one spot but I didn't want to call out

one interesting piece that's included in this set I'll just pick one of the

spares it's that it's one stud wide compared to the previous two stud wide

design that we had so this may be useful for simplifying some things bringing in

some structural stability in a very small space where previously you

couldn't get that much shines it's nice I think it's much more useful for that

exterior shape than a pair of the 1 by 2 inverted slope pieces would be because

those don't have this nice little dip in there they can be used for other things

and yeah they still need to be connected so this could be useful draw an explorer

I feel like this is right in many ways obviously the main build I personally

like of course it's the best-looking one but then the alternate builds again

given this very small part count I think look very nice

I appreciate the ability to use minifigs with two of these builds and I like the

themes and you know it definitely has some very teachable moments for kids who

might think this is just made up no spaceship or something from a

different world but it actually has very deep ties to reality of the past present

and future that's it for this video thanks for watching and I'll talk to you

in soon

For more infomation >> LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Drone Explorer review! 31071 - Duration: 9:15.



yo yo yo CPA strength here with my 16th straight Mukbang what what best move

on yet where'd I go Taco Bell get that $5 craving man you got that $5 box let's

see what's in here boy I don't even know what's in here we got these uh these old

crispy things mmm we're gonna start wrapping on these so yeah I don't even

know what they're called or like cinnamon twists they're good they're

good AF so I like that deal I got a diet for health of course so we're at the

five-dollar cravings box I don't know I got three those are two tacos a burrito

no cinnamon twists and a drink for five bucks and then I got an extra I got an

extra burrito for for like two bucks or something mmm these are good how's

everybody doing today whenever you're watching this man I hope you having a

good time I hope you're enjoying your life cuz I sure AM right now you know

what I never thought I would enjoy my life either like

majority of my life I'd wake up in wish I wasn't around you know wish I was dead

so got lately though not lately at all ooh

I had my album what I have on I take my keys out so it's like the radio was

still on so I was losing a little bit of charge I think everyone forget jump

start you know what it is so hard to get a jump start these days maybe it's just

like a bigger guy or something but it's like people like don't want to help you

some of these weird cars don't even have

we my friend had a Prius I know don't judge he had it not me no I like the

Prius it was nice good guys might come

to me Clinton jumpstart me these are delicious here you want one want some of

these old cinnamon twists you guys like cinnamon twists they're yummy

so yeah anyways I mean you can follow my channel for a while you know probably oh

well I know September so we're just in the middle of November so two and a half

months ago I thought you know what I'm gonna start thinking more positive and

say everything being negative and bad and everything just everyone's stupid

cuz that gets just consuming and you

know you know I had the month the positivity and like so my videos were

like talking about trying to be positive and you know so I'm putting some effort

into it but yeah I should have probably finished for these I don't know Oh

white-trash king boy meme some really white trash white trash so alright that

was funny that actually I do it last month bring the last car bang any last

week let's go for the burrito supreme here in the craving box so I just went

this is a burrito supreme alright let me get the one bite off here mmm

then ain't bad I really don't know what burrito this is

whatever is in the craving box I think it just beam they gave me napkins that

lady was good in Taco Bell she was good she had some nice eyes too I'll go back

yum yum yum I was looking for some sauces here I

don't you give me some sauce oh yeah mama don't hook it up boy motherhood

let me get some hot sauce

swear to god you leave the office for a minute and you get 20 emails mmm it's a

life of a boss though may be a millionaire some

it's pretty gonna bring out there's just bean burrito in the crave box but for

five bucks I mean you can't beat that

so you're seeing this excuse me

the Saturday this comes out I'm gonna be a Nashville North Carolina I'm looking

forward to it what's up and I lived in Eugene Oregon for another

so I shouldn't do that yes of course a work-related transferring over

somebody's living I think it's this hilarious so I was at that was that

homies homeboys office the other day right and you see it was that industrial

park and it was a big building and anyways he was um you know what let me

have a taco we have one of the tacos I don't know what one of the tacos is oh

just it's a hard taco regular meat here hey guys

he was gonna transfer uh who's gonna ask his friend to transfer over him some

money and uh it was like he was gonna ask him for 70 K he's like I mean that's

like 100 I might as lose that there's no difference between 70 K and 1 K is there

and I'm like I looked at the other guy in the room I was like this fucking guy

like 30 K's nothing hot dog I mean it's all relative and you live in good you

live in good you know I am I'm gonna make a million look like 10 million so

I'm liking this Taco Bell cray box

yeah so I'm gonna be in North Carolina when you're seeing this or what you see

it on the Saturday it comes out I'm gonna looking forward to it I got a

couple different people to see and it's gonna be a lot of fun gonna be fun

diet drink for health yeah so I gotta get all the stuff ready I'm doing extra

oh this is fat this is a chalupa so that was a taco I just had I know that's a

good deed or chalupa whoo I love this bread too i legit thought this was just

a regular taco but it's not it's either whatever's in the Craig box I don't

really know there's the oh this is a chalupa or gordita

it's a chalupa this bread is so good I

guess the chalupa this was this was by far the obviou the winner of oh it has a

little taco inside of it Oh yummy mmm

I'm sorry guys like that I really had to turn my phone off when I'm doing these

car bangs or mukbangs or it's not fair for you guys to be distracted I'm

distracted so sorry about that I'm learning you would think after my 15th

or 16th one I'd get it right Oh

mmm loop is yummy it was a mess

yes I'll be driving tomorrow of course I'm am i get LA Fitness I can

go to any gym in Florida so Jacksonville there's like two gyms so I'm gonna hear

one of the LA Fitness a--'s in Jacksonville go get the scrapping 'he's

right fat boy winning fat boys winning

ladies winner is coming around you need a fat dude who wants to cuddle

that's what unique eep you warm during the winter little skinny motherfuckers

got it anyways no no shit they don't know how to eat I don't know how to do

nothing right those skinny boys

you know fat dude cut cuffing seasons coming up this wintertime you to cuff

you a fat dude so I'm saying I'm not sure what burrito

this is but it was my extra one was the beefy burrito triggered see how I'm

doing this I got a packet for the hold the bite I can't get it all out I see

now I see an amigo at Taco Bell employ this method so Mike that he knows what

he's doing

gif Chris Jones

I was thinking I mean nothing about 33,000 subscribers on the youtubes you

know I don't know I want to say it was Chris Jones I remember I started

watching YouTube get into working out like 2013 or 2014 it was when he had his

first channel P og and I was just like yeah schools I want to see what Chris

Jones doing we had to get old spatula he was being real and I was like I want to

do that both someone just called me the the Ct Fletcher of accounting laughter

at my motivational video where I was screaming and if you know Ct Fletcher

and good idea whatever it's still your motherfucking set that was the ultimate

compliment because he screams laughs but he has a heart of gold which I think I

do as well this burrito had some it has like some some of that nacho some of

that nacho cheese like that cheese with cheese I just had a bite of that so good

so for all this stuff 7.7 dollars and 20 cents

I like this a lot better than um I think I got the family meal for like this is

like 14 bucks I'd rather just get this for seven be full be done not be a total

pig about it hey thanks for watching this move bong hope you like this little

car barn 20 ways I love doing these move bombs I have other move bombs I have

accounting videos I have everything



Toyota Verso 1.8 16v VVT-i Luna (7p) Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 16v VVT-i Luna (7p) Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT airco - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I COMFORT airco - Duration: 0:47.


HEIMSDALL'S AUGA I Gameplay Presentation par Block - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> HEIMSDALL'S AUGA I Gameplay Presentation par Block - Duration: 6:52.


Zagrał Króla Maciusia I. Zmarł w zapomnieniu - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Zagrał Króla Maciusia I. Zmarł w zapomnieniu - Duration: 3:25.


Ford Fiesta 1.25i 16v TREND Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.25i 16v TREND Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era like Indie Game! The Thermal Bath - Duration: 28:41.

Tower 57 is an indie game made by Pixwerk and 11bit Studios and believe me this is a great title to play.

When I've just touched this game, it's lovely and incredibly beautiful looking game

I love 8/16 bit era and all these pixel art levels, characters, mobs and weapons are something I like.

The difficulty I took is Hard, let's hope it won't be too much for me.

We've reached the second level of the game and we have to go deeper.

Our mission to find the pass to the Sweetshop and it won't be an easy thing to do.

Level is full of annoying traps, the worst are these hiding in the sewers.

Take a note that in this game a lots of enemies can bite your legs off, literally.

In this state you are way slower and thus much more fragile.

Same applies to your arms, if your arms are damaged too much, you can't use the weapons and tools applied to you.

You can also revive your characters, but you must find a sphere responsible for it and a certain character.

You can see this at the beginning of the mission, be wise and don't try to lose your character.

The second character I've chosen, has the fantastic Railgun, great weapon with a very long range.

Pretty slow and ammo consuming but deals a lot of damage.

For a very long time I haven't seen such a colorful palette, this is amazing how beautiful can it be.

Now you will have to slowly push towards one of the Allied Construction Yards.... this mission is really long...

If you really appreciate my content and videos, please leave a like and subscribe to it. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Tower 57 - A colorful 16bit era like Indie Game! The Thermal Bath - Duration: 28:41.


Recreating a 4000 Year Old Battery - Was Electricity Used in Ancient Times? - Duration: 11:43.

Hey guys, in this video I am gonna show you the recreation of an electric battery, which

was used in Ancient India.

This battery was described by a sage called Agastya who lived at least 4000 years ago,

and what I am making is according to what's being described in the ancient text called

Agastya Samhita.

This text, talks about using an earthen pot as a container and using two types of metals:

Copper and Zinc.

So, this is how the setup looks.

If I test this with a voltmeter, you can see there is no voltage so far.

Now, the text mentions that sawdust must be put in the container.

When we add sawdust in the container, the sawdust goes in between the two metals, and

makes sure they don't touch each other, or create a short circuit.

If we check the voltage now, we can see that it is already producing 0.4 or xx volts.

But the text mentions adding yet another strange material to complete the battery: The neck

of a peacock.

In the ancient Sanskrit text this material is mentioned as shikhigreeva, which means

the neck of a peacock.

Many secret cults exist even today, and these people still trying to recreate the battery

using the actual neck of a peacock.

But this is a mistake, because all ancient texts, especially those related to alchemy

use code words, to confuse the public.

Even Isaac Newton mentions using Green Lion, and experts are trying to figure out what

he actually meant.

In ancient Indian alchemy, the neck of the peacock actually refers to copper sulfate


You can see that both of them have the same color.

So, I bought copper sulfate, and I have made it into a solution, and as soon as I add this

liquid, you can see the voltage rising up dramatically.

Here it is showing xx volts.

So, you can see that what's mentioned in the ancient text is actually capable of making


Remember, we read in history books that the electric battery was created by a man called

Alessandro Volta just 200 years ago, but sage Agastya used this battery at least 4000 years


But what's really strange is that Alessandro Volta uses pretty much the same materials

for creating the "very first battery".

He used copper and zinc plates just like Agastya, and instead of using copper sulfate, he used

sulfuric acid.

Now, going back to the ancient text, Agastya says, use 100 containers and you can create

a very effective force.

Here, I have just used 3 of them in series and you can see that the voltage increases

to 3 volts or xxx volts.

Now, if I connect a small Led bulb, you can see that it glows.

This is a very interesting point that the ancient text mentions using the batteries

for increasing the voltage.

The natural question is "WHY" was this used?

Why did ancient people use multiple containers to produce high voltage electricity?

Did they use it for lighting purposes, just like modern times?

If so, is there any evidence that electric bulbs were used in ancient times?

In the Dendera Temple of ancient Egypt, there are strange carvings which show the usage

of electric bulbs.

These carvings were also created 4000 years ago, and you can see huge electric bulbs with

snake like filaments inside.

What's even more interesting is that there are wires coming out of these bulbs and going

into a box.

Did this box, contain Agastya's battery of 100 cells, producing 100 volts to illuminate

these bulbs?

If this is true, this might explain how ancient structures like Giza Pyramid and Kailasa Temple

were constructed in such a short period of time.

If we visit the Kailasa temple for example, the chambers inside are so dark, that nothing

is visible.

There is no way to use mirrors or metal sheets to reflect sunlight into these chamber for


But, there are spectacular, flawless carvings created inside these chambers.

Creating such brilliant carvings is impossible with flickering flames of natural fire.

How was it possible, without the use of steady electric light?

If we assume, that ancient people did use torches and used light from fire, for creating

this temple and carvings, there should be a lot of soot or carbon deposited on the ceilings.

But there is no trace of soot or carbon on the ceilings at all.

How do we explain the creation of these brilliant monuments?

Is it possible that the ancient people were using battery powered lights?

How else do we explain this ancient battery, mentioned thousands of years ago by Agastya?

Agastya actually explained many advanced technical devices in the same book.

He talks about battery powered vehicles.

Today we have electric bikes which use just 24 volts.

The text mentions Electroplating which can be easily done with this set up.

He talks about splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen, and using this hydrogen in balloons

for traveling.

We do hot air balloon rides today.

He also talks about the concept of an electric motor.

Now, I have set up 5 of these cells, and here you can see that there is enough power to

charge a cell phone and we can even run a motor.

This is really fascinating because, once we realize that these type of gadgets were used

in ancient times, we can understand how ancient temples like Hoysaleswara temple were built.

I've shown you the machine made pillars in this temple, and even archeologists agree

that these were made using lathe technology.

If Agastya's batteries and motors were used along with the gears and machining tools carved

on the Hoysaleswara temple, we can easily produce these machine made pillars.

Now, why did Agastya use earthen pots instead of other items?

If he could use metals like copper and zinc, he could have easily used these metals, wood

or glass for the container.

The reason for using earthen pot is this.

it cools what's inside, by a process called evaporative cooling.

The efficiency of the battery, dramatically changes with its temperature, so the earthen

pot will keep the battery at its optimal temperature.

If these earthen pot batteries were used in large numbers in ancient times, we should

have found at least a few of them.

Believe it or not, archeologists have unearthed thousands of these pots, in varying sizes

all over India.

The usual theory is that these pots were used for burying dead people, but they have also

excavated many, many pots which don't contain human remains, but have metal plates instead.

For example, in the village of Chandayan, several pots were unearthed with copper plates

inside them.

Archeologists estimate that these are also 4000 years old, which matches the timeline

of sage Agastya.

Are all of these evidences just coincidences?

The ancient battery that can light up a bulb - The electric bulbs carved in ancient Egypt

- Carvings in the dark chambers of Kailasa temple, with absolutely no natural light - Today's

motors running using just 5 cells?

The machine made pillars of Hoysaleswara temple - Thousands of excavated earthen pots with

copper and metal plates.

Are all these evidences mere coincidences or do they prove that ancient civilizations

used advanced technology?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching.

Please like and share this video.

Don't forget to subscribe and I will talk to you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> Recreating a 4000 Year Old Battery - Was Electricity Used in Ancient Times? - Duration: 11:43.


European Girl Singing Bedu Pako baramasa || Kumaoni Song - Duration: 3:21.

My name is Ines,

Hello! Namaste!

My name is Ines, I came from Portugal.

Kumaoni Song!

are you ready ?



one, two, three


Bedu Pako Baramasa

Bedu Pako Baramasa

Narena ! Narena ! Narena

Kafal pako chaita, meri Chailla

Almora ki Nanda Devi

Narena Naren Narena !

Phool chadondi Pata, Meri Chailla

Almora Ko Laal bazaar


Laal Mata ki sidhi, meri chaila

Bedu Pako Baramasa

Narena Narena Narena!

Kafal pako chaita, meri Chailla

Thank you

She is singing Song which is called Sweet child o' mine

here she is

She's got smile that it seems to be reminds me of childhood memories.

bright blue sky

cause now and then when I see her face she takes me away to that special place.

sweet child o Mine

Sweet love o Mine

She is taking English music class.

he is Diego.

he has little drum in his hand.

she is Inesh

she is teaching music

and here is, What's your name?

Reshma is also a teacher,

For more infomation >> European Girl Singing Bedu Pako baramasa || Kumaoni Song - Duration: 3:21.


Nightcore - All Night (Steve Aoki & Lauren Jauregui) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:12.

Nightcore - All Night

For more infomation >> Nightcore - All Night (Steve Aoki & Lauren Jauregui) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:12.


My homework - Introduce my class - L'epoca champion k12 ( Last Video) - Duration: 2:59.

hello. my name is Cường. Today I want to ask you have you ever attended English

classes or a foreign language class . Do you know how to use NLP to learn English?

here you will feel a completely new learning environment .Please follow me

Just that interesting this class I want to ask you did you know, what is NLP ?

NLP is a science that's studies about 0.7% of the world's most prominent people.

John Grinder and Richard Brancer lead

American scientist everywhere in the world finding

outstanding leaders sscholars, and academics .  What does Nlp have to do

with learning English. We use English as a better of a learning the word Kungfu Vacabulary

learning English through film simulation...Just like that

have you seen these learning methods differ from what you have learned?

when I was taught by my center teacher, learning English was a lot easier.

you will also wear this as I do when you study here.. what about teachers? Nothing to

say anymore? Responsible, enthusiastic, qualified. The virtues that make

me learn are interesting and reassuring. and what about the friends?

My class only has over 20 students so the class help each other in learning and

even in a real life. They are friends that I can not forget.

Do you want to study in such a positive environment?

If you find it interesting and necessary, go to experience and meet our great teachers.

I hope you guys like it. Thank you for listening.

For more infomation >> My homework - Introduce my class - L'epoca champion k12 ( Last Video) - Duration: 2:59.



For more infomation >> MAKEUP CHALLENGE - MY SISTER DOES MY MAKEUP!! - Duration: 11:48.


THE 5 MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS OF JAPAN by Sebastiano Serafini - Duration: 6:29.

Hello guys and welcome to the bamboo chick!

If you're new don't forget to subscribe to this channel

also your friends or enemies should SUBSCRIBE!

Today we are here to talk about "girls", because I think that this is a very interesting and beautiful argument.

Today we are not going to talk about frigid girls, but we are going to talk about bamboo "chicks" (Japanese girls)

So, after some conversations with my Japanese friends,

that are experts in bamboo chicks,

we made a ranking on the 5 most bautiful Japanese girls in the world of the Japanese entertainment.

We have come to two conclusions:

number 1: we tried to take only girls that are completely japanese,

so, in this chart these girls are not included:

... I saw her many times at the fashion week,

in my opinion I would have put her in this chart,

but we came to the conclusion that she has some Bangladesh origins

and maybe also chinese, so she isn't in this chart.

So, we excluded all the girls that aren't fully Japanese,

because I decided to focus only on the ones who have extremely oriental features.

So I decided to take the girls that for the japanese men where considered fully Japanese and not "mixed"with other nationalities

In Japan there is no problem if you are coming from a mixed family,

a lot of models, singers, actors are mixed

...has some italian origins,

Kiko Mizuhara, she was at the Milan Fashion week.

She modeled for Moschino and also appeared in Attack on Titan

I've met her often and also her sister,

I don't think that she is Japanese, because she is half American and half Korean

I hope it's right, well she is beautiful and her name is fully Japanese.

I didn't put her in chart and also Kuroki Meisa

because also she isn't fully Japanese.

I have also a funny news, my friend Dominic is the godfather of their child

Kuroki Meisa is very beautiful and she looks like the Japanese version of our italian Manuela Arcuri

in my opinion.

I wanted to put Dan Mitsu, but a lot of my friends said that they don't like her

I don't know I find her beautiful

and in my opinion she is one of the most beautiful Japanese, but a lot of people don't like her

and also Yamada Yu

I don't know if she is mixed, or she is from Okinawa

Okinawa people have more exotic features

well, a lot of people don't like her, but I find she's beautiful!

Well, since I wanted to take in consider also the opinion of the Japanese people and also mine

I gave also my vote,

and there were other 6 Japanese people that decided who the most beautiful 'chick' is

so, we decided to put together all votes.

In 5th position we have Chiaki Kuriyama

well, we put her in this rank, because she has a very particular beauty,

she has a big nose, but she is beautiful, maybe you saw her in Kill Bill

maybe she is also in Kill Bill 2 and

she's also in Battle Royale, it's maybe one of my favourite Japanese movies and maybe I'm going to do a review.

In fourth position we have Kyōko Fukada

I know her ex boyfriend, she acted in YatterMan as Doronjo.

Moreover I've met the film director of YatterMan

and do you know who he wanted for the main role?

Angelina Jolie

but, she refused because there wasn't enough money to pay her.

In the third position we find Aya Ueto

beautiful girl, and she acted in Thermae Romae

I don't know if you saw it, but it's a film about this Japanese man ( physically he seems italian, don't know why)

he goes back in time and he wakes up in the Thermal baths.

This story is a little bit messy, maybe I'm going to talk about it.

Ueto Aya, for those who know Dead or Alive

there are funny news.

You know in the Dead or Alive movie that came out a lot of years ago,

there wasn't any girl that could resemble the physiology of the Dead or Alive girls,

but Ueto Aya was the girl that the creator of Dead or Alive wanted for the role as Ayane

and for sure she would have been better than the girl that they took for the role,

a beautiful girl, but Ueto Aya in my opinion would have been been better.

In 2nd position we have Satomi Ishihara

she was in Shin Godzilla and also in Attack on Titan

she is very beautiful, very famous and more boys than girls like her,

she is not so a universal beauty

Then in first position we had some debate.

At the beginning we putted in 1st position Erika Sawajiri

I've met her also, we did also a shooting together

we didn't put her, because we discovered that she is mixed

So, we decided to be more concentrated in the real Japanese girls

since we found informations about her origins

and I think that she lived also in Spain for some time, but that's a long story

it happened a lot in her life so she isn't in the chart.

In first position, since we all did agree,

guys, girls and also my hair dresser did agree,

In first position, the one that portrayed Sailor Mars

in that not so beautiful live action movie

she also had a role in the 2006 Fast'n'Furious movie

and she's also the wife of DAIGO

he is a singer and grandson of a famous Japanese politician

she also had a role in Paradise Kiss.

I think that now you know who I'm talking about

I don't think that she's faous in Italy, but here in Japan everybody wants her in their beds,

The first one in position that wins the 2017 Sebastiano Serafini 'chick' prize is:

Keiko Kitagawa

she is in first position!

This one here is the chart of all 5 girls

let me know who your favourite is

and if you agree with my ranking.

I don't take all responsibility about this ranking, but with all my friends,

I surely agree with the first one in position, because she is very beautiful,

let me know what you think.

Personally I would have put Dan Mitsu, they didn't even let me put it in the top 5!!

If you think that I had to put a certain Japanese girl in the chart let me know

See you tomorrow with another video, always at 2pm (Italian Time)

If you liked it leave a LIKE and a comment

and see you tomorrow! CIAO!!

For more infomation >> THE 5 MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS OF JAPAN by Sebastiano Serafini - Duration: 6:29.


Wang so x Hae soo - It's you 당신이 잠든 사이에 OST - Duration: 3:52.

She belongs to me.

I said that she belongs to me.

However, do not say I "belong" to you ever again.


Should I call you my "person"?

For more infomation >> Wang so x Hae soo - It's you 당신이 잠든 사이에 OST - Duration: 3:52.


Granny Square Messy Bun Hat - easy messy bun hat - Duration: 17:47.

what we Littlejohns yarn today we're gonna be making this rainbow messy bun

hat if you liked this tutorial please don't forget to give me a thumbs up and

click the link and subscribe to my channel we'll hop right into the

tutorial today we're gonna be using a five millimeter crochet hook and some

worsted weight yarn I just have a whole lot of scrap yarn with leftover to

create this multiple color granny square hat we're gonna start by chaining thirty

five one two three four five I won't make you watch me count to thirty five

I'll meet you at the completion of your 35th stitch we have completed 35

stitches and now we're going to slip stitch to join into the very first thing

chain stitch

you'll notice I have a little road counter on my finger

it's gonna help me count the corners because I tend to forget exactly how

many corners I'm creating when I'm crocheting okay.we slips this to join so

we're going to chain three one two three this counts as a double crochet place

two more double crochets into the ring


- chained to one - this is going to be your corner place three more double

crochets into the ring one


and three so now we're going to do the side part just chain one stitch and

place three more double crochets into the ring one


three and chain one now we're going to work the second corner we're going to

place three double crochets into the ring one two

and the ring chain one I'm sorry chain 2 now three more double

crochets into the ring one two three we completed our second corner now let's

work on the side chain one place three double crochets into the ring again one


and three chain one and let's work on our third corner one


three chain two one two three more double crochets into the ring it's a

little hard to hold so it's such a big loop one two three that is the

completion of our third corner now we're going to work the side chain one place

three more double crochets into the ring we're almost done

Oh almost done with this row one two

and three chain one now let's work our last corner three double crochets into

the ring one

two three chain two one two place the room or into the room one


and three and now chain one we're gonna work our very last side stitch last

three I'm side stitch hmm I'm saying it wrong last three double crochets into

the ring to create the side there we go three of them one two and three chain

one and we're going to slip stitch to join into the very top of the chain

three stitch but first I want to make sure my stitches aren't too twisted

there we go

slip stitch to join and we're going to fast cut and fasten off our work here's

what your first row looks like it's a little bit hard to see but just like a

granny square it has corners each of the chain two spaces are the corners of your

work and this is where we placing six double crochets into the corner with a

chain two stitch we're going to begin by attaching your yarn to any of the chain

two stitches

make sure your yarn is attached and we're going to chain three one two three

counts as a double crochet place two more double crochets into the same space

one two chain two one two place three more double crochets into the same space

one two and three to work on a side chain one place three double crochets

into the chain one space one two

three chain one place three double crochets into the next stitch because

it's still considered your side is a chain one stitch one two and three chain

one now let's work into the chain two stitch which is your corner place three

one two three chain two one two and place three more into the corner stitch

one two

and three chain one we're going to continue to place three double crochets

chain two three double crochets and to ollie your chain two spaces and just

place three double crochets into all your chain one spaces complete that and

I'll meet you all the way at the other side we have made it back around and

we're going to slip stitch to join into the very top of your chain three stitch

and we're going to fasten off your work

now you're kind of able to see the square shape a little bit better we're

going to repeat this row again for the very next row by placing 3

double-crochet chain 2 3 double-crochet to the chain 2 space and 3 double

crochets into the chain 1 space all the way around I'll meet you at the

completion of that row remember do it one more time we've completely completed

three rows of our granny square now we're going to reduce your hat to give

you the size of your hat so little curve in we're gonna attach your yarn to the


chain three one two three your chain three councils a double

crochet we're going to place two more double crochets into this chain two

space one

- in the previous rows we chained to and put three more double crochets into the

same space this time since we're reducing we're just gonna put three

double crochets chain one and go to the next space chain one space and place

three double crochets into this space one two three chain one put three more

double crochets into the next space

we're going to do this all the way around three double crochets chain one

and three double crochets into the next space one two

and three chain one three double crochets into the next space



three chain one we made it back to the next corner remember we're only putting

three double crochets into each space so one

two and three by reducing your hat is going to begin to curve up we're going

to continue this all the way around chaining one and placing three double

crochets into the chain one spaces even the corners all the way around and I'll

meet you back at the other side we have made it back around we are going to slip

stitch to join into the top of the chain three stitch and you can fasten off to

work to prepare to change for another color you'll notice by placing three

double crochets in each space your work will begin to curve up at the edges so

we're going to repeat this reduction row for another six rows for a total of

seven reduction rows including the one we just completed I'll meet you at the

completion of your six row we've completed our seven rows of our

reduction and now it's time to work on the brim of the Hat attach your yarn to

any other chain one spaces

okay yarn is attached chain three one two three

we're gonna place three I mean we're gonna place two double crochets into the

same space one and two now we're gonna place three double crochets into the

next chain one space we're not going to change chain in between this time one

two three move over to the next chain one space and place three double

crochets into the next space one two

three we're gonna place three double crochets

into each of the chain one spaces all the way around and I'll meet you back at

the other side we have made it back around and now we're going to slip

sister joint into the very top of the chain three stitch

chain2 1 2 this does not count as a double crochet we're gonna start doing

front post double crochets yarn over push this front stitch forward go

through the back and that through the top and this is called a front post

double crochet I'll show you again yarn over take your needle and go through the

back and push up through the front yarn over pull through two yarn over

pull through two front post double crochet I'll show you again back to the

front yarn over go through to go through two we're going to front post all the

way across front post double crochet

front post double crochet all the way to the other side and I'll meet you there

we have made it back around we're going to slip stitch to join into the very

first double crochet and we're going to repeat the last sequence again for this

row so chain two one two and begin your front post double crochet we are going

to front post double crochet and every single stitch around front post double

crochet okay complete this all the way around and fasten off your work and

you're done with your hat here's your completed work if you like

this messy bun and would like to see more don't forget to click up on the

link above to find more messy bun hats okay guys if you like this tutorial

please don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I'll see

you guys on the next tutorial

For more infomation >> Granny Square Messy Bun Hat - easy messy bun hat - Duration: 17:47.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Você Já se Sentiu Como um Estranho? - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Você Já se Sentiu Como um Estranho? - Duration: 11:09.


LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Drone Explorer review! 31071 - Duration: 9:15.

hello everyone this is the Lego creator three and one drone Explorer set I'm

showing you here the three official builds you can make one at a time only

from the parts included in a single set so I'm going to show you each of these

yeah I'm going to start with the main one the feature to build that actually

uses all of the parts included in the set now you may notice that this thing

is minifig compatible so I'm going to go ahead and get one of my own figures no

figures are included with this set but you can open up that canopy and

definitely put a figure in there has a control stick even which really helps to

highlight just how wrong the word drone is and how misused the word drone is

these days I mean this whole thing is based on real concepts for personal

transport pods that's been designed that are actually possible that may actually

be created on a commercial basis it's kind of an extension of the whole long

term dream of mankind to have flying cars at some point in the future

everyone will have a flying car and it'll leave alleviates all problems of

traffic and such and you know people when dreaming about that getting

features in Popular Mechanics popular science magazine since I don't know what

30s 40s something like that this is just kind of the latest version of that dream

this is what adventures are actually considering and trying to make real so

Lego has done a very nice thing here combining kind of that that spirit of

innovation that desire for freedom of mobility humans and desire to fix

problems with technological advances all that is just kind of wrapped up into

this one little set and probably a lot of people won't be able to appreciate

that won't understand that I think that's okay I just like that they've

actually made a set of this of course having a person

the seats controlling it means it is not a drone just like most of the things

that we call drones or not drones because there's somebody actually

controlling it it's just remotely controlled in this case is not even

remotely controlled but that's okay that's another another top he called

together the build went together nicely has some nice building techniques

especially for these rotor pods that build in several different directions

they look good I appreciate the placement of the three

bladed rotor actually above the thing that the propeller above the thing so

that it can kind of overlap just slightly because if you tried to make

the opening large enough to fit that and they would look too wide the edges would

look too thick this is just a really nice I think a really nice compromise

and all those things I'm go ahead and take this figure out since it's not

included with said I thinks it looks just fine without a figure and it's

great that the creator line does have an increasing number of minifig compatible

things even they're not perfectly scaled what I don't like about this is what

they've done for the the landing skid thing assembly it's just each of these

can rotate forward and back which is kind of cool for posing the whole thing

on the ground if you want to I don't know what this camera is for but it's

there but you know if you want to have it angled forward a little bit you know

give it some rake while it's on the ground almost makes it look like it's

it's in motion or like it's gonna be able to to take off like this but each

of these EXO force drone haha yeah they actually recall drawings

because those were actually drones in that but a completely different thing

these his arm pieces is able to rotate as well so when you put it down on the

ground you just try to get it flat then these types of things start to happen

and that's really awkward so that doesn't work so well but you know just

try to get it roughly right and then don't push down too hard when you place

it on the ground I prefer you know multi legged systems

that allow you to just push down and get it nice and flat the way you want it

each of the struts is the same length and just did a little bit of

offsetting here that works really well just a nice build a nice looking thing

this will look great in Lego cities I think you look nice just on display just

by itself you know just on on a shelf on the edge of a cubicle

I think this appeals to kids and adults alike and it's good it has a certain

amount of realism a certain amount of near-future kind of wonder I don't know

what that clip on the back is for put a minifig accessory there if you want but

I really like this especially for the price for the number of pieces it's very

nice here's an airboat which uses kind of the

same sort of arrangement for a single prop housing shroud around the back

similar proportions similar building techniques back there but just one which

works just fine I think has the big light up on top you can angle up and

down you can spin the prop and it still has a compartment a driver's compartment

that is compatible with many things you can put a figure in there just have to

be careful with the hair I have to have them you know leaning forward a bit and

I think you know longer hair pieces won't work but within reasonable limits

you can make it work with a figure which is another really good thing I think

that the you know obviously with so few pieces in a set you're really limited in

what you can do in total that can look nice I think that given those

limitations this is a worthy alternate build it looks like something the

building techniques are good uses a fair number of the pieces and it just kind of

makes sense to me you know that's good detailing in there and this looks like

it's horizontally opposed to cylinder aircraft engine here almost you know a

little bit detailing here and stuff so I respect this you know it's small and

simple but I think it's not bad and then last up is this aeroplane which

is even smaller and simpler still obviously is not going to hold on to a

minifig but you could probably adapt it to work with one sitting

Mack comically smaller simpler nothing too fancy in the building techniques

department here but still nice I think you know this looks more like a

five-dollar kind of set but I think it's okay as a as an alternate build a very

different alternate build from a ten dollar set you know I think that this

looks decent it makes sense to me the color scheme is nice and unified the

shapes are nice looks kind of recognizable like some actual planes

that have been made long in the past and some are still available and are still

flying so I think pretty good stuff here overall I also want oh yeah it's kind of

angled back thanks to that inverted round tile that's under there see it as

a seaplane potentially if if you want the tail is able to rotate up and down

not the greatest thing just leave it in one spot but I didn't want to call out

one interesting piece that's included in this set I'll just pick one of the

spares it's that it's one stud wide compared to the previous two stud wide

design that we had so this may be useful for simplifying some things bringing in

some structural stability in a very small space where previously you

couldn't get that much shines it's nice I think it's much more useful for that

exterior shape than a pair of the 1 by 2 inverted slope pieces would be because

those don't have this nice little dip in there they can be used for other things

and yeah they still need to be connected so this could be useful draw an explorer

I feel like this is right in many ways obviously the main build I personally

like of course it's the best-looking one but then the alternate builds again

given this very small part count I think look very nice

I appreciate the ability to use minifigs with two of these builds and I like the

themes and you know it definitely has some very teachable moments for kids who

might think this is just made up no spaceship or something from a

different world but it actually has very deep ties to reality of the past present

and future that's it for this video thanks for watching and I'll talk to you

in soon

For more infomation >> LEGO Creator 3-in-1 Drone Explorer review! 31071 - Duration: 9:15.





MEET YOUR IDOL: Junky Grey || Interview - Duration: 7:49.

I'm guitarist of Junky Grey, Suhyun

I'm vocalist, ToA.

To be albe to meet with you, we will now answer this questions

Previously I was active in visual rock band, RoaR

and Suhyun was in band IMGL

We were thinking earlier about working together

2 people

rock band.

We tried for 3 years

And we're doing it now

Our music taste is similar

we will do our best

Our music base is....

It's something between bright IMGL style and dark RoaR style

Something between

Color grey

Not white, nor black, it's between

I suggested extravertic concept a lot

Kim Sarang from Korea

Kuroyume and Dir en Grey from Japan

they inspired us a lot


new meeting with a style like that

new concept

new band

new music

new listeners

To be exact, we are working now together and doing new things

Our first single also is a kind of music I didn;t experience before

Maybe not hard, but we want to be able to show you quickly

we want to show you good quality

so we can't show you our work quickly

we want to do it quickly, but we can't, so that's not easy


Because of Junky GRey

Why we are Junky GRey

Everyone lives a bright, happy lives,

but we want to show people's darkness inside their hearts

Dark heart is Junky

That;s we are Junky GRey




Korean people likes salty food


Me too, night

Of course bad

Because we are Junky

I like photos more

I, too, prefer photos

If it's movie i can't imagine what will be next, but with photos I can


Me - guitar

"Przyjedźcie na kimchi" (Come for kimchi)

"Zapraszamy do Korei" (We invite you to Korea)

Ah, it's "Korea" in Polish

"Pierogi są dobre" (Dumplings are good)

Westerners eats them a lot

"Jesteś Szalona"

I didn't have thought that we will ever do interview for Poland

It was a great chance

It's a great honor to meet people that are supporting us

It would be great to meet you, but we can't so being able to do it through this video is great

Poland has beautiful landscapes

I want to go there

I hope we could meet there

I also want to eat pierogis

It was a great chance for us to do this interview, we are very happy

<Meet Your Idol>

We are always thankful and love you


For more infomation >> MEET YOUR IDOL: Junky Grey || Interview - Duration: 7:49.


Pepa on Fire Muddy Puddles 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Kidz Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:03.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,

One fell off and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

One little monkey jumping on the bed,

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,

"Put those monkeys back to the bed!"

For more infomation >> Pepa on Fire Muddy Puddles 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed - Kidz Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:03.


הכנת כרטיס ברכה בהשראה מפינטרסט - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> הכנת כרטיס ברכה בהשראה מפינטרסט - Duration: 7:06.


Havana - Acoustic (No Rap) - CAoki Cover - Duration: 3:45.

Hey, how are you?

Give it a thumbs up and share!

Please subscribe so we can reach our goal together (1k sub)

And if you enjoyed

Request a song down below!

cause it helps me to choose the next cover

That's it

Kisses of Rainbow and Unicorns for everyone AND BYE

Take 2

Take 2

For more infomation >> Havana - Acoustic (No Rap) - CAoki Cover - Duration: 3:45.


Exploring Japan's cutting edge science and technology! - Duration: 9:28.

This is a bit crazy.

For more infomation >> Exploring Japan's cutting edge science and technology! - Duration: 9:28.


Exhibición del arte de 'Coco', una segunda mirada a la cinta - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Exhibición del arte de 'Coco', una segunda mirada a la cinta - Duration: 5:28.


Anna Powierza: Nie mogłam znieść swojego widoku - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Anna Powierza: Nie mogłam znieść swojego widoku - Duration: 2:41.


Kinh Phật _ Kinh Phật Cho Người Tại Gia.29 Kinh Chuyển Pháp Luân - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Kinh Phật _ Kinh Phật Cho Người Tại Gia.29 Kinh Chuyển Pháp Luân - Duration: 6:47.


"Parece que eu virei um monstro aqui dentro", desabafa Monique - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> "Parece que eu virei um monstro aqui dentro", desabafa Monique - Duration: 1:53.


Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - In Volo sull'Appennino Modenese e Lago Scaffaiolo! I Vostri Voli! - ITA - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K - In Volo sull'Appennino Modenese e Lago Scaffaiolo! I Vostri Voli! - ITA - Duration: 6:38.



For more infomation >> ASSISTA ANTES QUE SEJA APAGADO PELO MARK ZUCKERBERG - Duration: 0:32.


Estátua Harley Quinn & The Joker Suicide Squad - Iron Studios - Review Unboxing #107 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Estátua Harley Quinn & The Joker Suicide Squad - Iron Studios - Review Unboxing #107 - Duration: 8:46.



For more infomation >> АНИМЕ ПРИКОЛЫ ПОД МУЗЫКУ #28 | СМЕШНЫЕ МОМЕНТЫ ИЗ АНИМЕ | ANIME COUB | CRACK | VINES (Specially) 18+ - Duration: 6:39.


💩 Zwiastun Kanału! 😈 - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> 💩 Zwiastun Kanału! 😈 - Duration: 0:46.



People, I'm going to be ashamed, a lot in truth.

I'll make the challenge of google translate

Google translate challenge

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