Saturday, November 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 18 2017

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig Finger Family / Nursery Rhymes Lyrics and More Baby Songs - Duration: 2:41.


¿Gordofobia en Harry Potter? [CC] - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Gordofobia en Harry Potter? [CC] - Duration: 11:02.


Best Finger Family Superhero Nursery Rhymes - Learn colors with Superheroes Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 4:48.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Best Finger Family Superhero Nursery Rhymes - Learn colors with Superheroes Nursery Rhymes for Kids - Duration: 4:48.


Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Gabriel Diniz - Updated Songs - Summer 2018 - Top Lyrics - Duration: 44:59.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Gabriel Diniz - Updated Songs - Summer 2018 - Top Lyrics - Duration: 44:59.


Breakfast in Bratislava, Slovakia - Duration: 10:24.

Well good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning guys.

Breakfast time in Bratislava.

And it has been a little difficult finding a place this morning.

Yeah, yeah.

It is just we went to one place and we thought oh this would be a great place to film.

We went inside and it was just way too loud.

So yeah the music in these cafes is like boom boom boom.

One thing we don't always show you guys is that like there are times that a restaurant

or a cafe or a bar might be a really good place to have food or a drink but not necessarily

a good place to film either because it is too loud, the lighting is awful or just like

we're seated too close to other people so we like feel uncomfortable.


So those are the awkward.

Those are the kind of three conditions that cause us to kibosh a video.

So alright but we found a place.

We did find a place.

We're at Mondieu.

Yeah, apparently this is one of the best places to have breakfast here in Bratislava.

And cakes.

And cakes as well.

Yeah, they have a great looking cake display.

Um, yeah they basically have a very I would say very diverse menu.

Pancakes, French Toast, Omelets.

So you were actually looking up what a traditional Slovak breakfast is.

What was that basically?

So it involves sausage.

Yeah, it involves sausage.

And we haven't seen a whole lot of sausage on this menu.

Well, there is one option.

One option.

But to be honest I've been eating like way more meat than normal and I just like don't

feel I can stomach it this morning.

So we've gone for something a little bit lighter.

Um, yeah, we've placed our orders and the food should be arriving soon.

So we'll show you what we've got in just a few minutes.

Alright, so the drinks are here and we both got the cafe latte macchiato with chocolate.

Look at this thing of beauty.

Look at those layers in there.

Oh my goodness.

I know it is so big.

And they've got these cute little sugar packs.

It is so big.

Look at this.


Actually I don't even know if we need sugar so I'm going to try it first.

I have a feeling we won't.

Especially me.

You may still want some of it.


Oh my gosh that is so thick.

It almost looks like a milkshake.


It kind of is.

Is it?

It is like a warm latte milkshake.

Like it is so frothy and rich.

Like the glass is coated in melted milk chocolate basically.

Oh man.

It is amazing.


So no extra sugar needed?

No extra sugar needed at all.


This is an amazing coffee.

Oh my gosh.

I wish they had this at every single cafe we've ever been to and are ever going to go



High praise over here.

Really this is the best.

Like I've already had so much.


So let's see if Sam agrees with my high praise for the caffè latte macchiato with chocolate.


Let's zoom in on that face.


Get that reaction right there.

Yeah, that is like way better than let's say like a hot chocolate or even like a mocha

or something like that.

It is some premium stuff.

I would put that up there with like one of those mixed alcohol coffee drinks.


Like your Baileys coffee.

Yeah, like a Baileys or Irish Coffee.

I mean it doesn't have alcohol but it just has that rich.

It is so rich.

Like you can see look at the bubbles.


Look at that.

But what I like most about it is that it is also really warm and yeah we need that because

it is a chilly fall day today.


The wind is howling and somebody refused to wear a jacket because he thought I'm Canadian.

I'm a polar bear.

Yeah, I could probably have used a jacket today even being Canadian.

I mean normally I don't get cold but it is a little chilly so this drink is going to

help warm me up for sure.

Alright breakfast is here and it looks amazing.

I ordered the scrambled eggs with parmesan and baby spinach.

And it is one of those meals that I'm just going to have to eat super quickly before

it gets cold because it is actually quite quite chilly outside.



Parmesan mixed in with scrambled eggs.

Good idea?

That was a very good idea indeed.

Oh my gosh.

I haven't had scrambled eggs in a while so this is pretty tasty.


And it comes with some brown bread, a little salad on the side.

I'm not sure if this is your typical Slovak breakfast.

It is more of a contemporary twist but it is still very very tasty.

Alright in he goes.

Okay cool.

Breakfast time.

I'm going to get some of the scrambled egg, a bit of spinach.

And I'm also going to try the bread.



What do you think?

That is really good.

You're right the cheese adds a really nice kick.


I also think the spinach has been sauteed in something really nice.

Probably some kind of an oil.

Because it tastes delicious.

And I'll try the bread.

Yeah, it is nice having bread to go along with this.

I have a really peculiar um taste when I'm eating like eggs.

Like scrambled eggs or omelette.

I like to have jam on it.

So I would have liked to spread some jam on there.

Oh my gosh that is really weird.

Sam puts jam on his toast and on top of the jam he puts the eggs.

He mixes sweet and savory.

It is so good.

I think it is disgusting.

So good.

If you haven't tried it don't knock it.


Anyways, that is one of my weird food preferences for eggs.

Eggs with jam people.

Eggs with jam.

And now Sam is going to introduce us to his dish.

Oh, when I saw this on the menu it just looked so colorful and good.

My napkin is blowing off.

So I am getting.

I'm basically getting two pieces of toast.


One of them has like I guess it would be an original hummus.


And this over here is uh beetroot hummus with pomegranate sprinkled on top.

So this is definitely not your average Slovak breakfast at all.

Yeah but I'm going to try some and I want to make sure I get some of the pomegranate



Oh my gosh that is good.



I had no idea how thickly spread on.

That is a very thick layer.

Nice thick layer of hummus going on.

Yeah, you do taste the hummus.

You do taste the chickpeas but it is there is a very high concentration of beetroot in


So yeah, it doesn't taste like a average hummus.

And I'm going to try the original one here.



Which do you prefer?


Well they are both really good but I think I like the one with beetroot.

It is just a little bit different and yeah this fantastic.

Like again I just can't believe how thickly they are spreading it on.

This is so generous.


Great breakfast guys.

Alright going in for the hummus.

Let's see what this is all about.



Isn't that nice.


That has some olive oil drizzled over it.



I can't wait for you to try the one with beetroot.


I like this one a lot already.

I know.

They're both really good.

They're both really good.

Let's see the pink hummus.


It makes it a little bit sweeter.




I didn't think of that.

It is true.

It is a little bit sweeter.

It is good.

I like beetroot but I still prefer my classic hummus but this was a really good choice.

My hair is flying into your food.


I apologize.


Um, but yeah this has been a really really tasty breakfast so far.

And since this place specializes in chocolates, cakes and baked goods Sam could not resist

getting a slice of cheesecake.

The fruit cheesecake just looked too good and it is like time for a bit of confession


It is actually 12:05 right now.

This is about as late of a breakfast as you can possibly have.

Because at what time did little prince wake up?

I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning last night.

So anyways, he woke-up at like 9:30.

Eating chocolate and wine so never a good idea.

Not a great idea.

I had trouble going to sleep.

Anyways let's try this.




He's rolling it around in his tongue.


That was a good decision to get this.



It is the kind of cheesecake that tastes so good that you just want to like having it

rolling around in your mouth for as long as possible.

Don't even chew it just let it.

Let it melt.

Let it disintegrate and melt slowly over time.

This is good.

Great way to finish off the breakfast.

Alright Mister price point.

Alright price point time.

So it came to 18 Euros total.

And I thought that was a really good deal because we ended up basically getting three

food items, two breakfast mains plus cheesecake and we got like the two most premium types

of coffees on the menu.

Really fancy.

Oh yeah.

They were the most expensive on the menu and it was well worth it.

So yeah, this was just a wonderful place to go.

I'd highly recommend coming here.

You could come for breakfast, you could also come in the middle of the afternoon for a

really nice snack as well.

And you know what we're going to do next?

What are we going to do?

We're going to go back to the apartment and put on warmer clothes.

I need to put on my jacket and you said you were going to get a sweater so yeah.

A sweater and a winter hat.

I think fall has officially arrived here in Bratislava.

Yeah, we'll say fare thee well.

Yeah, tata guys.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Breakfast in Bratislava, Slovakia - Duration: 10:24.


Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Summer 2018 CD - In Your Speech - Summer 2018 - New Repertoire - Duration: 46:08.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Summer 2018 CD - In Your Speech - Summer 2018 - New Repertoire - Duration: 46:08.


PJ Masks Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 2:03.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Finger Family Song - Nursery Rhymes for Babies - Duration: 2:03.


Rampage Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Rampage Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:32.


Mesdames, voici pourquoi vous devez absolument arrêter de dormir avec les cheveux mouillés ! - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Mesdames, voici pourquoi vous devez absolument arrêter de dormir avec les cheveux mouillés ! - Duration: 4:58.


8 razones por las cuales no logras bajar de peso - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> 8 razones por las cuales no logras bajar de peso - Duration: 7:44.


3d audio | Arc North - Meant To Be (feat. Krista Marina) in 3d sound | Lazy Boys Productions - Duration: 3:58.

I want you to show me

How to get to know

Someone like you, someone like you

I want you to know me

'Cause I know then you'll see

We can be true, we can be true

I want you to see what I see in us

Something so real, something so real

I want you to see that this is a love

That we both feel, that we both feel

And how will we ever know

If the love will ever grow Without trying, without trying

And how will we ever see If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

That we are meant to be

We've both been there before When love shuts the door

It's a losing game, it's a losing game

But this time it's more

Than another love war

This ain't the same, this ain't the same

They say love heals all It makes it all alright

In time, in time

My heart still feels the breaking

But you make my world so bright It feels so right, it feels so right

And how will we ever feel

That what we got is real There's no denying, there's no denying

And how will we ever see If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

And how till we ever know

If the love will ever grow Without trying, without trying

And how will we ever see If we are meant to be

It's terrifying, it's terrifying

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

we are meant to be

That we are meant to be

We are, we are

we are meant to be

For more infomation >> 3d audio | Arc North - Meant To Be (feat. Krista Marina) in 3d sound | Lazy Boys Productions - Duration: 3:58.


8 Legendary Artworks That Mesmerised the World - Duration: 15:11.

8 World Famous Paintings

Hey guys, Culture here.

Today we're going to be taking a look at 8 world famous paintings.

More specifically, we'll be examining the context in which they were made and deciphering

their meaning.

Looking at fine art is amazing Culture, so rich and vibrant.

Just like Starburst Chews.

They're the candies everyone's talking about.

Why not go out and grab some today?

Oh jeez, Crash I know you're taking this hard but it's been 3 weeks now!

The Starburst sponsorship isn't gonna happen buddy.

They're NOT interested!

How can you not be interested when there are so many flavours to choose from!

From blackberry to peaches and cream, there's a flavour for everyone!

Let's uh… let's get on with it.

Number 1: Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam is the fourth panel painted on the roof of the Sistine Chapel by Italian

Sculptor Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512.

The scene depicts God and Adam with arms outstretched towards one another, with God giving Adam


God appears in a nebulous cloud of figures in a white tunic, surprisingly plain compared

to more powerful and imperial earlier depictions of God.

It is thought that the grounding of God with a more human physique evokes the major theme

of this work, stated in Genesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the

image of God he created them."

Yet, the small distance between Adam and God's fingers suggests Adam has yet to be given

life, perhaps explaining his somewhat laidback posture.

Is that also why God has all the ladies and Adam has none?

Adam gotta get himself some Eve action, and FAST.

Well two of the figures surrounding God are of particular interest: The woman and child

under his arm.

Some people theorise these are the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, or perhaps that

the woman is Eve herself waiting to be created from Adam's rib.

So Adam is just getting God's sloppy seconds?

Not cool God, not cool.

What's especially amazing is that Michelangelo wasn't even a painter but rather excelled

in sculpting.

But when Pope Julius commissioned him to paint the roof of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo

went above and beyond the Pope's desires and came up with the entire idea to depict

the key events from the Book of Genesis.

His expertise with sculptural anatomy shows through in the twisted, muscular bodies of

both God and Adam.

Oh I get it, the red, swirling cloak thing is like a uterus that Adam is being born out


Eww what?


Well… actually… errr moving on!

Number 2: The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas painting created by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in


The night sky itself, which predominates the image, was painted by looking out of his room

in the Saint Paul asylum in the Saint-Remy-de-Provence of France.

Why was he in an asylum?

Well he uh…

He had a breakdown, cut off his ear and sent it to his girlfriend.

It's called "romantic passion", some people just don't get it.

The work was created using both real and imagined elements.

One of the real components includes the bright star just left of centre that astrologists

determined was actually Venus based on the date on which Van Gogh says he saw this image,

July 19th 1889.

The moon and village were made up however, with the village presumed to be based on Van

Gogh's native Dutch architecture as typified by the steeple in the centre of the village.

The cypress tree in the foreground, a common symbol for death, connects earth and sky.

A quote from Van Gogh may shed some light on what exactly this means: "Just as we

take the train to go to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to go to a star."

Well we did already say he was in an asylum.

That might also explain why he inconceivably thought of this work as a failure.

Seriously though, he didn't enjoy dabbling in abstractionism and much preferred to draw

inspiration from nature.

The swirling of the sky whilst visually pleasing to most made Van Gogh anxious that he was

straying from true representation of nature.

Personally, I just think the colours look great.

Just like Starbursts!

The deep blue of blueberry and bright yellow of lemon, a great combination.

Starbursts: Come for the colour, stay for the flavour!

Number 3: The Scream by Edvard Munch

The Scream is a composition in both painting and pastel forms made by Norwegian artist

Edvard Munch in 1893.

The inspiration for the image came one day when Munch was walking with two friends and

suddenly heard , quote: "A huge endless scream course through nature."

He recalls his two friends leaving him, the two figures in the back of the painting, as

the "air turned to blood".

And what's the thing in the middle?

Is it Macaulay Culkin?

The actually screaming creature itself is a twisted personification of this scream,

a sexless mutant being with hands clasped to the side of its head.

I repeat: Is it Macaulay Culkin?

The being isn't based on any real thing but rather on the emotions Munch felt in that


This turning of the inner world onto the canvas is called expressionism, and the sheer madness

of this image scared Munch himself.

The distorted depiction of the creature made Munch fear he himself may be a madman, not

an irrational fear since his sister Laura suffered from a schizoaffective disorder.

As a sort of rebellion against this idea, Munch grounded the painting in reality by

countering the art nouveau curves of the sky with the rigidly defined perspective of the

roadway in the foreground.

Munch believed that his art relied upon his childhood suffering, even saying "Without

anxiety and illness, I am a ship without a rudder."

Isn't that a lyric from The Cure?

Number 4: Dogs Playing Poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

Dogs Playing Poker is a collection of paintings created between 1894 and 1910 by American

artist Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, more commonly known as C.M.

Coolidge or "Cash" by his friends.

The 16-piece collection was commissioned by Brown & Bigelow Co. to sell their cigars,

but the somewhat endearing and mischievous images quickly became iconic.

A common misconception is that Dogs Playing Poker is a single painting, but most often

people are actually thinking of just one painting in the collection titled A Friend in Need.

This image shows five hounds facing down two bulldogs who are cheating below the table.

The idea for the collection itself came from the original 1894 piece simply titled "Poker

Game", yet there are also pictures of dogs playing rugby and even dancing.

Awww these are adorable!

A far cry from all that emo stuff that Norwegian guy was into.

Art critics would agree with you, but for a different reason.

These paintings are considered by art elite to be low brow, lacking any real meaning or


As an April Fool's joke the Chrysler museum even released a statement saying "…it

is now time for these iconic images to assume their rightful place on the walls of our institutions

where homocentric art has too long been unjustly privileged."

But jokes on them because our man Cash made a bunch of money off of his works anyway,

with individual pieces selling for upwards of $300,000 dollars each.

At the height of his success he even married a girl 35 years his junior who, ironically,

preferred cats.

When you find someone 35 years younger who wants to marry you, you just put a ring on

that ASAP.

Number 5: Composition 8 by Vasily Kandinsky

Composition 8 is an oil on canvas painting of odd geometric shapes made by Russian painter

Vasily Kandinsky in 1923.

Whereas dogs playing poker was a relatively easy concept to understand, this painting

may seem needlessly complex and uh… wanky.

What you need to understand is that at the time Kandinsky was a member of the Bauhaus

movement which sought to reinvigorate mass-produced crafts with creativity.

Kandinsky also sought to generate a kind of universal language built upon symbols rather

than words.

A combination of these ideas led to the integration of rigid shapes and bold colours in his works,

with Composition 8 being the epitome of Kandinsky's Bauhaus work.

OHHHH, I see!

That white triangle in the middle is a head, and the darker triangle jutting into the right

hand side of it makes a nose.

And that white circle in the darker triangle is an eye and…

OH that's another eye floating up there!

And those two black lines coming out the right hand side are arms holding that saxophone

made out of squares.


I was gonna tell you you're wrong but honestly, I have no idea.

All I know is that Kandinsky was interested in how colours and forms could exert psychological

and spiritual effects on the viewer.

To me, it's interesting how the painting seems so dynamic yet so peaceful all at once.

Of this and later works involving circles, Kandinsky said "The circle is the synthesis

of the greatest oppositions.

It combines concentric and eccentric in a single form and in equilibrium."

The variety of emotions I feel right now is only challenged by the wide range of Starburst

lollies that exists!

Fruit Chews, Babies, Snakes and even the delicious Starbust Sucks lollipops!

Try a whole new way to experience the "unexplainably juicy" flavour of Starburst!

Number 6: The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

The Persistence of Memory is an oil on canvas painting rendered by Spanish artist Salvador

Dali in 1931 as part of his surrealist movement.

Dali believed surrealist paintings were like "hand-painted dream photographs", designed

to capture the subconscious working of the human mind.

His interest in the teachings of Freud taught him that dreams could have meaning, and in

this way, he explored the notion of time through this desolate wasteland of melting clocks.

The destruction of the clocks as seen by both the melting and the ants signifies decay of

time, and an inconsistency with how we experience time.

For this reason, scholars thought the painting may be an allusion to the theory of relativity

by Einstein but Dali himself said the clocks' form was derived from the sight of camembert

cheese melting in the sun.

Stinky cheese is one flavour that doesn't exist in the fantastic Starbursts range!

How about lime, or maybe even pineapple?

Try a few with your friends and see which ones you like the best!

"Share something juicy today!"

Hey, uh, want to talk about drugs instead?

Dali says he got many of his ideas by taking drugs, or as he puts it: "I don't do drugs,

I am drugs."

As a result, Dali said his paintings surprised even himself, so there's no clear answer

to the meaning behind many of his paintings.

The central creature in the picture is through to be a twisted self-portrait however, with

a large nose and closed eye with long eyelashes.

Furthermore, it is known that the cliffs in the background are the same cliffs from Dali's

home in Catalonia, Spain.

Perhaps this childhood setting coupled with the motifs of melting clocks and the sarcastic

title indicate a fading of Dali's childhood memories, a realisation of his mortality.

Personally, I prefer Dali's infamous work "The Great Masturbator."

Crash shut up.

No seriously it's real!

Look it up.

Something about it just speaks to me.

I know it's real, still though: Shut up.

Number 7: Guernica by Pablo Picasso

Guernica is a composition made by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in 1937, as if you couldn't

already guess by the weird cubic figures.

On the bright side this painting has a clear message: One of the chaos and horror of war.

The painting was made after the Nazi bombing of Guernica, a small town in the Basque region

on the border of France and Spain.

The scene depicts a bull and horse, presumably frightened by the bombs, trampling over a

mess of human figures, all in black and white to both heighten the drama of the piece but

also to give it a "newspaper-ish" feel as though it's reporting on the bombings.

Black and white are so dull when compared to-

No Crash!

Just, no.

Art critics argue over the meaning of the bull and horse in the image.

Some say the bull represents darkness and wrath, whilst the terrified horse represents

the people of Guernica.

Others point to the bull as an important animal in Spanish culture and that therefore it may

be a stand-in for the Nationalist party that Nazi Germany was supporting in the war.

Picasso has said of this work that "This bull is a bull and this horse is a horse",

going on to say that their meaning is not intentional but rather subject to the viewer's

mind set.

What a cop out.

And I bet that eye-lightbulb-thing is just a random coincidence as well then?


It may represent the spotlights of the German bombers, or demonstrate the overwhelming power

of the artificial lightbulb when compared to the lamps held by the citizens of Guernica.

The violence of this event is made more horrendous by the fact the Nazis seemingly targeted Market

Day in Guernica, a day when innocent civilian casualties would be as high as possible.

This violence is exemplified by the replacing of tongues in the picture with what appear

to be daggers… though that could just be Picasso's weird art style.

Number 8: The Son of Man by René Magritte

The Son of Man is an oil on canvas painting by Belgian surrealist René Magritte made

in 1964.

Magritte's painting takes the "self" out of "self-portrait" by almost entirely

covering his face with a mysteriously floating green apple.

The painting invites curiosity as we, the viewer, desperately want to see behind the


For some reason, those things that are hidden intrigue us most.

As Magritte himself puts it, we feel "…a sort of conflict… between the visible that

is hidden and the visible that is seen."

Riiiight… whatever you say dude.

I think he just has a fetish for apples.

For some reason though we aren't interested in the overcast sea scene obscured by Magritte

himself, perhaps speaking to the way our eyes are drawn to the lively green of the apple.

One more odd detail is how the man's left arm appears to bend backwards at the elbow,

another sight which invites curiosity.

In the 1999 remake of the Thomas Crown Affair, the accomplices wear bowler hats and suits

like the Son of Man in order to confuse and escape police.

Something about the faceless businessman aesthetic of the picture heightens the oddity of it.

Many of Magritte's works exhibit similar themes, such as The Great War in which a woman's

face is hidden by a flower.

Screw apples and flowers, Starburst is what's on everyone's lips…


Thanks to new Starburst lip balms you can have that delicious fruity Starburst flavour

you know and love with you wherever you go!

Crash please-

That's right everyone, you can now have Starburst even in the classroom!

The juice is loose, and I ain't talkin' 'bout OJ-



We didn't get the Starbursts brand deal and you'll just have to live with that.

But… but why Culture?

I did everything right!

You grabbed the Starbursts rep by the lapels and shook him.

Do you remember what you yelled?

I remember expressing my passion for Starburst.

And how did you express that?


And then what did you do?

Well I…

I hit him with a baseball bat repeatedly… like… like a piñata.

Let's just be happy he didn't press charges because I told him you were my ward by reason

of insanity.

The only thing insane about me is my craving for that juicy Starburst goodness!

See you next week everyone!

For more infomation >> 8 Legendary Artworks That Mesmerised the World - Duration: 15:11.


La parabole de Saint Denis - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> La parabole de Saint Denis - Duration: 5:07.


Time to unite the UK and leave the EU - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Time to unite the UK and leave the EU - Duration: 2:10.


Trump obligado a responder por decisión de terminar con DACA - Duration: 5:43.

Trump obligado a responder por decisión de terminar con DACA

Corte de apelaciones ordena al gobierno entregar documentos sobre el fin DACA.

Por más que Donald Trump trató de impedir que se conozcan las deliberaciones al interior de su gobierno sobre la terminación de programa de Acción Diferida, la realidad política del presidente es hoy diferente.

Una corte de apelaciones de California determinó que la administración del presidente Donald Trump deberá presentar todos los documentos relacionados con su decisión de cancelar el programa Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA).

Dos de los tres jueces miembros de la Corte de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito concordaron este jueves en que la Administración federal debe presentar "todos los documentos" referentes a quienes asesoraron a la directora interina del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), Elaine Duke, en su decisión de poner fin a DACA, medida anunciada el 5 de septiembre.

"Dicho sin rodeos, la idea de que el director de una agencia estadounidense decidiera dar por terminado un programa que brinda protección legal aproximadamente a 800000 personas basándose únicamente en 256 páginas de documentos disponibles al público no es creíble", escribieron los jueces Kim Wardlaw y Ronald Gould al anunciar anoche su decisión.

La posición de la Corte de Apelaciones va en contra de la postura del Departamento de Justicia en su apelación a una decisión del juez de Distrito William Alsup que ordenaba presentar todos los documentos.

En su apelación, el Gobierno federal alegaba que los materiales que no son relacionados directamente con la demanda son irrelevantes y no deben ser incluidos.

El fiscal general de California, Xavier Becerra, ponderó la decisión de la Corte de Apelaciones al destacar que "nos pone un paso más cerca de mantener a la Administración responsable de su decisión de rescindir DACA".

"Nuestros soñadores DACA merecen saber que lucharemos por ellos en todo momento por sus derechos y oportunidades, para que puedan continuar contribuyendo a Estados Unidos", anotó Becerra en un comunicado.

De igual forma, los dos jueces descartaron el argumento de que los documentos de la Casa Blanca estaban protegidos por el privilegio ejecutivo, citando una decisión previa de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.

El tercer integrante de la Corte de Apelaciones, el juez Paul Watford se opuso a que estos documentos internos fueran hechos públicos al argumentar que ello podría interferir en los debates internos de la Administración federal en decisiones mayores sobre políticas a seguir.

La demanda legal por poner fin a DACA fue presentada entre otros por la Universidad de California, la ciudad de San José y el condado de Santa Clara en California, y los estados de Maine, Minesota y Maryland y tiene como demandante principal a California.

California alberga más de 200,000 "soñadores" como se les conoce a los beneficiarios de DACA, siendo el estado con el mayor número del país.

Trump anunció el 5 de septiembre el fin de DACA, proclamado en 2012 por el entonces presidente Barack Obama y que protegió de la deportación a 800,000 jóvenes que llegaron a EEUU de niños y, gracias al programa, pudieron obtener además un permiso de trabajo.

Aunque anunció el final de DACA, Trump pidió al Congreso que buscara una solución legislativa para los jóvenes en seis meses (antes del 5 de marzo de 2018) y ofreció a los "soñadores" la posibilidad de renovar su inscripción a DACA si su permiso expiraba entre el 5 de septiembre y el 5 de marzo de 2018, es decir, entre la fecha de su anuncio y el límite dado al Legislativo para actuar.

For more infomation >> Trump obligado a responder por decisión de terminar con DACA - Duration: 5:43.


Bedtime Music for Babies

For more infomation >> Bedtime Music for Babies


Reached 1,000,000 Subscribers! - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> Reached 1,000,000 Subscribers! - Duration: 12:51.


Kon tujhe yun pyar karega whatsapp status - Duration: 0:30.

Direct Downloading Link In Description

For more infomation >> Kon tujhe yun pyar karega whatsapp status - Duration: 0:30.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour|Lam nhi|Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Seri 16-20 - Duration: 19:49.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour|Lam nhi|Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Seri 16-20 - Duration: 19:49.


india vs sri lanka 1st test 3rd day highlights,full highlights,ind vs sl 1st test 3rd day highlights - Duration: 0:44.

india vs sri lanka 1st test 3rd day highlights,full highlights,ind vs sl 1st test 3rd day highlights

india 1st innings

srilanka 1st innings

pujara 52 runs

saha 29 runs

sanaka 2 wickets

lakmal 4 wickets

lahiroo thirimanne 52 runs

dinesh chandimal 51 runs

umesh yadav 2 wickets

bhuvneshwar kumar 2 wickets

full highlights of ind vs sl

r ashwin no wickets

md shami no wickets

like share subscribe

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> india vs sri lanka 1st test 3rd day highlights,full highlights,ind vs sl 1st test 3rd day highlights - Duration: 0:44.


송혜교 이병헌 남친들 스캔들 정리 - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 송혜교 이병헌 남친들 스캔들 정리 - Duration: 3:44.


Peugeot 208 Active 1.2 82 pk ETG 5 DEURS | NAVIGATIE | AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 Active 1.2 82 pk ETG 5 DEURS | NAVIGATIE | AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:02.


Mutual Fund Q&A, Bharat 22 ETF & SIP Closure, Hindi, November 18, 2017 - Duration: 5:14.

In this video, we take up the questions of two viewers. Rajat Arora wants to know how to get money back at the end of 5 year SIP

The other question is by Anand Kumar who wants to know whether to buy Bharat 22 ETF for listing gains

Listing gains are sought in initial public offerings (IPOs) in stocks, not mutual funds

Bharat 22 ETF is a mutual fund which is listed on the stock exchanges like all exchange traded funds (ETFs)

For listing gains, you need to be in stocks and in IPOs. When you seek listing gains, you are behaving like a trader, not an investor

ETFs are passive investments which track an index and invest in stocks in the same proportion as the composition of the index

In Bharat 22 ETF, the investment is done in 22 stocks comprising the index

We invest in mutual funds for gains in the long term

If you stay invested in an equity investment for less than one year, you are hit by 15% short term capital gains tax

At the end of an SIP, you can't get all the money out if it is an ELSS SIP since each instalment has a lock in period of 3 years

It is not an ELSS, the capital gains from the SIP instalments of the last one year will be subject to 15% short capital gains tax

The remaining SIP instalments are tax free since they are subject to long term capital gains tax which is nil

First, you need to sound out your bank to cease the funds transfer. You then need to inform your advisor to assist you

If you have made the investment directly from the fund house, among other things, you need to visit the website for handholding in the process

For more infomation >> Mutual Fund Q&A, Bharat 22 ETF & SIP Closure, Hindi, November 18, 2017 - Duration: 5:14.


3 Con Giáp Thảnh Thơi Sướng Như Bà Hoàng trong tháng 12/2017 | Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 3 Con Giáp Thảnh Thơi Sướng Như Bà Hoàng trong tháng 12/2017 | Tử Vi Trọn Đời - Duration: 3:10.


Peugeot 108 5-deurs Allure TOP! 1.0 e-VTi 68 pk S&S | NETTODEAL DAGEN | - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 5-deurs Allure TOP! 1.0 e-VTi 68 pk S&S | NETTODEAL DAGEN | - Duration: 0:50.


GF Vip, Ignazio fa la doccia con Ivana: Cecilia gelosa| Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, Ignazio fa la doccia con Ivana: Cecilia gelosa| Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


Cecilia e Ignazio: mamma Rodriguez e Jeremias inferociti, nuove dichiarazioni - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Cecilia e Ignazio: mamma Rodriguez e Jeremias inferociti, nuove dichiarazioni - Duration: 3:34.


GF VIP 2: Gelosie e battute ironiche: la coppia scricchiola? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> GF VIP 2: Gelosie e battute ironiche: la coppia scricchiola? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 6:39.


Go Inside Atlanta's Booming ...

For more infomation >> Go Inside Atlanta's Booming ...


I Saw A Ship Sailing | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers By Farmees - Duration: 1:05:34.


Look at that beautiful ship

I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;

And, oh! it was all laden With pretty, things for thee!

There were comfits in the cabin, And apples in the hold;

The sails were made of silk, And the masts were made of gold.

I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;

I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;

The four-and-twenty sailors That stood upon the decks,

Were four-and-twenty white mice With chains arround their necks.

The captain was a duck, With a packet on his back;

When the ship began to move, The captain said, "Quack! Quack!"

I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;

I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea;

For more infomation >> I Saw A Ship Sailing | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Videos For Toddlers By Farmees - Duration: 1:05:34.


English Grammar: A = 1 vs THE = the 1 I told you about - Duration: 5:33.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video about English grammar

A and THE is one of the most difficult things about English grammar.

Very, very few people are able to master the articles:

A is called the "indefinite article"

THE is called the "definite article"

This will be my third and last video on articles, so before you watch it

please watch my video # 1 and video # 2

Listener and Speaker

Every conversation consists of two parties: a listener and a speaker

you are always the speaker

When choosing between A and TH

you should consider whether the listener knows about the thing you are about to introduce

if the listener hears for the first time, doesn't know, you should use A

I saw a movie.

if the listener hears for the second time, knows, you should use THE

I saw the movie.

In the case of "I saw a movie" you introduce the thing (movie) for the first time

the listener hears that information for the first time.

You know about the movie you know because you saw it

but the listener doesn't, therefore,

you should use A: I saw a movie, I saw 1 movie (any movie).

In the case of "I saw the movie" you introduce the thing (movie) for the second time, the

the listener knows about the movie you saw.

Maybe the previous day you told the listener that you had a plan to see that particular movie

therefore, now the listener knows which movie you are talking about

I saw the movie = I saw the movie I told you about yesterday

(one particular movie).

A = 1

THE = the 1 I told you about

Notice the interplay between A and THE when telling a story:

I met a girl yesterday. (1 girl)

The girl was beautiful. (the girl I told you about)

She was wearing a long dress and a pearl necklace. (1 dress, 1 neckless)

The dress was black and the necklace was white. (the dress and neckless I told you about)

I decided to take her to an Italian restaurant near the Empire State Building. (1 restaurant)

Unfortunately, the restaurant was closed so we went to the movies instead.

(the restaurant I told you about)

You introduce the person (girl, couple) or thing (dress, necklace, restaurant, movie) with A

(listener hears for the first time)

and follow it up with THE (listener hears for the second time).

That was the last of 3 videos on A vs THE.

The truth of the matter is that

to me articles have always been about rhythm and melody

it is something I talk about in my book

my book Virtually Native in the chapter on Collocations and Syllables

it is what I call: Harmonizing

I met a girl

It is not: I met girl

It's: I met a girl

A is just an extra beat, extra syllable

Understanding the theory behind A and THE won't help you much

next time you engage in a spontaneous face-to-face conversation.

The only thing that matters is the melody of the language

Grammar is not something you should study in isolation,

grammar should be a part of you your overall approach to language,

and I've laid out my approach my method in my book Virtually Native

which is available on Amazon and

For more infomation >> English Grammar: A = 1 vs THE = the 1 I told you about - Duration: 5:33.


Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i LS NAP AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mazda 323 Fastbreak 1.5i LS NAP AIRCO - Duration: 0:54.


Mitsubishi i-MiEV 4-persoons/ 0%bijtelling/ Incl BTW!!/ Stoelverwarming/ Airco/ 100% elektrisch/ Dea - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi i-MiEV 4-persoons/ 0%bijtelling/ Incl BTW!!/ Stoelverwarming/ Airco/ 100% elektrisch/ Dea - Duration: 1:00.



James brother! how much money do you earn from Youtube monthly? Please tell us

A lot of people have asked me this question till now and today finally I'm going to reveal it (but first)

can you do your signature dance movie once brother.

(sad music playing)

(Happy music playing) Snoop Dog & Pharell Williams Drop it like it's hot

James did you get any pimples when you were 17 years old?

my friend! you don't only get pimples when you're 17 years old, theres a lot of ther things thats comes with 17 years old

(Music Playing) Snoop Dog Featuring Dr Dre

from where did you learn your laugh?

Do you guys have that friend whom you look at and just laugh?

their face makes you laugh and that friend

feels the same way about you too, now I have a friend like that whom I met last year

from that day my laughing started!

if one day God asks you

as which famous celebrity among these two you want to live as PewDiePie or

Bill Gates

Now PewDiePie releases video every day, he works really hard

editing, uploading, recording takes time at least 6 to 7 hours, now Bill

Gates if I have to be honest, he's getting old, what's his life span?

probably like 10 plus years, now he is very rich he doesn't have to do anything

his life is amazing! he is chilling, he has people working for him and he's earning money with his eyes closed

his business is doing great, Bill Gate's has the money but

his lifespan is short and you cannot extend your lifespan with the money

so now you guys tell me who I would live as!

if you are with the girlfriend and in the same meantime you need to fart, what you gonna do?

did you say fart?

(laughs) I can remember one of the funny things

that I did to you it's disgusting it's relating to like (fart)

get some drone shot in your upcoming video blogs for the squad, if you don't buy

you are not a youtuber you are greedy youtuber so buy it!


Im immediately gonna go and buy a drone today!

okay first of all I don't need a drone

the reason I don't need it is because you guys have probably seen what kind of video blogs I make

it's not like travel video blogs, I did do some travel vlogs when my girlfriend came to visit me

that time I dodn't think of buying a drone

I didn't think I needed it because I was just starting YouTube

secondly If I don't need a drone, why waste money? thirdly in my area

it's restricted to fly a drone and If I want to fly a drone I need to go to some park

and If I fly a drone at the park, you will only see park, now if you guys want to

see the park then

I will immediately go and buy a drone today!

now if I ignore all these factors and still go and buy a drone, I'll be the

most stupid person ever. Now I have a small advice for all my young viewers

guys don't waste your money on something that you don't need because

if you don't get serious about your money

you will never have serious money

forget about other things just tell me how to impress your crush and make her fall in love with us?

now friend!

like us a report on because I love my barnacles are impressed Panama no

Sauceda I don't need to cross the log is also salty they say they just go for it

right now just go for it just do it just look at yourself in the mirror before

you go and tell yourself you're handsome you're the most smartest guy in the

world you're the most funniest guy in the

world and just go for it if one day you wake up and realize that your whole life

was just a dream what would be your first reaction

squad is always first

what is the secret behind your managed teeths actually they're so good

I only have one advice, never trust anyone (based on a true story) when I was a little kid

that time one of my tooth was about to fall out, and my unce or aunti don't know who

got a thread and tried pulling it out and I was scared, from that day I started taking it out myself

don't trust anyone guys don't trust even though I was a

small kid I did not trust anyone I did not trust anyone, I pulled out most of my teeth myself

James brother who is your best friend?

it's time to reveal! love! now talking about my best friend, I had a best friend before

he passed away 2013 December, at the moment my best friend is my

girlfriend! brother can we see what's inside your wallet?

let's explore you wallet bro do you really want to see what's inside

my wallet okay I'm just gonna show it to you, let's have a look okay I don't

mean to offend anyone this joke I do it with my friends as

well so please don't get offended, okay I know why you wanted to explore my wallet!

you naughty boy very naughty very naughty now why did Ananda

wanted to explore my wallet? If you know please write down in the comments section

at James please say I love you too

Johan hi

go away im busy at the moment!

I know that I just wanted to say that I love you, any plan on

on changing the content something creative and unique than others well I

a lot of us nepalese watches Tamil hindi dubbed movies from Goldmine telefilms

suppose next week Goldmine telefilms uploaded a gardening video

wh ois gonna watch it? and just like that

when I started my channel, I started off with reaction roast videos, vlogs

so most of my subscribers they want to see reaction

videos roast videos and blogs and if I suddenly change my content not

many people are gonna watch it so I'm sure you guys have noticed my

reaction roast videos and vlogs have got more views

whereas other videos like challenges and others haven't got many views

so you guys probably know why

James brother how much do you earn from Youtube monthly please tell me

hashtag squad

Now I have been getting this question from a lot of my viewers till now

and today finally I'm gonna reveal it

Now I'm not gonna show you guy's my monthly earnings but im gonna choose a random video

and show you how much money that video made!

the moment you all been waiting for who roasted James Shrestha this is one of

my video are released a few months ago and I made one hundred and thirty three dollars

point 56 cents from this video I'm gonna let you guys figure out how many views will get you 1 dollar

now views doesn't matter the main thing

is YouTube has to show ad's on your video in order to earn more money thats the main thing

hold on guys, don't go anywhere okay? if you enjoyed watching this video don't forget

that like and don't forget to subscribe and my next q&A video is coming out soon

also stay tuned and girls I love you guys I love you

too but no homo, take care

For more infomation >> MY YOUTUBE EARNINGS REVEALED!!! - Duration: 6:54.


Ne-Yo - Over (Official Video) Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Ne-Yo - Over (Official Video) Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.


Hard core FoodPorn;Silken Tofu of Desire - Duration: 6:38.

Hard core FoodPorn;Silken Tofu of Desire


and weak

silken tofu

my right hand of darkness that has been

starving for a while..

will consume you

so happy that I can use this hand again

( lip strike)

you can be truthful

when you are filthy

so let me do that to you as well

damn what a fake ass shit

its all the same

im about to blast these

stop denying

[ silken tofu ] This is made when the soymilk inside the tofu is coagulated and hardened after.

It's the most soft tofu out there.

who is this

He was the king of the Korean kids (Korean cartoon character)


you will be

impeached today


Type of green onion. About 30cm.

It has unique fragrance and flavor and used to add flavor in different types of foods.


( couldn't put it down bc the water underneath)


This is fried silken tofu

Its my first time trying

oh shit help

( thought my tongue was gonna melt down)

its pretty good

cold kimchi

my esophagus would've been ripped in pieces if I didn't have kimchi



Silken tofu is easy to be digested

Its made outta beans so it should be good for the body

Thanks to my male student fans who are enjoying my video in the classroom.

★★ Thank you to my Female student fans I hope you guys achieve your dream!

make sure u be careful when u eat hot things

Those who were worried about my Black Hand of desire

Thank you

Comment Like Subscribe Please!

For more infomation >> Hard core FoodPorn;Silken Tofu of Desire - Duration: 6:38.


My Story Mobile Legends WTF 55 Franco Fail Hook Simulator - Duration: 10:04.

rezonate-canvas for the intro

For more infomation >> My Story Mobile Legends WTF 55 Franco Fail Hook Simulator - Duration: 10:04.


Peugeot 308 GTI: Road to Spa Francorchamps! + Citroen Museum & Autoworld Brussels - Duration: 14:36.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 GTI: Road to Spa Francorchamps! + Citroen Museum & Autoworld Brussels - Duration: 14:36.



For more infomation >> FIFA 18 POTM LEROY SANE TRADING METHODS! (MAKE THOUSANDS) 🤑 - Duration: 10:56.


Travel Video : 7 BEST Things To Do in Singapore (ENG CC) - Duration: 13:43.

Ryu's Penna Channel's trip is


Hi guys

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

Today, I came to Singapore!

I don't know if it's just my thought, but I'm visiting only hot countries

The first schedule is 'Arab Street'

The buildings are very pretty

So, you can think of it as a big photo zone

I'm going into the Sultan Mosque and look around

Let's go together!

Go go!

Ah~ it's too hot! (Very hot Arab Street)

-It's too hot

-It's hot and you're pretty


The upper parts of the buildings were very pretty

The Sultan Mosque is in the middle of the street

The streets were pretty, so I took a pose

Guys! I wanted to go into the mosque right away

But it gets opened at 10 o'clock (arrived too early)

And since it's raining

I'm going to take a sleep at my hotel

So, after sleeping

Do you remember the long jeans I wore?

I don't know if I'll use that part in the clip (did you see?)

It was long pants

But, since it's too hot, I changed into shorts

Now, I'll really go into the Sultan Mosque

We had to take off our shoes to go in

(Sleeveless shirts and shorts were banned, so gowns and skirts were borrowable for male and female)

(Sleeveless shirts and shorts were banned, so gowns and skirts were borrowable for male and female) How's it like wearing a skirt?

-I think it's cooler

-I think it'll be cool if I didn't wear anything inside

You look good than I thought

It's green from top to bottom

Take a shot of me, too

How do I look?


Do I look good guys?^^

Then, I'll go in!

This was a place for only Muslims

They gather and pray together

Since we can't go into the worship place

We could feel the Islam culture at only permitted places

The exterior of the building was gold

It's a very pretty place

We got hungry, so we came to eat Kaya Toast

There were many kinds of toasts

There was a soft-boiled egg for dipping and toast

One drop

Two drops

Three drops

Four drops

Five drops!

You have to put two or three drops of soy sauce per egg and mixe

Dip it to eat!

Let's eat!

Started to eat!

(piece of toast) what's this?LOL

I'll try it with nothing with it

I'll try it dry and dipping


Why is this a familiar taste?

Isn't it?

It's very familiar

This might be a very famous place

But not be known to Korean people

Kaya Jam & Toast full with butter and soft-boiled eggs!

It's just a soft toast (It's just an ordinary ham and cheese toast)

It's very good~ (this is the Kaya toast)

It's our first time eating Kaya toast, how was it?

-It's better than I thought

I surfed the internet before eating

People said that we must eat it if we're going to Singapore

But, the visual is so simple

-Too simple

So, I didn't expect much

But the taste was better than I thought

The jam and butter were good


If you're sure of not eating because of the visual!

I recommend eating it!

Since we have some time before the next schedule, let's go shopping!

Go Go~

Arrived at a close shopping center

Do you like Super Hero?

-It's cute!

I saw a follower of my Instagram(@CORNU_RYU) collecting this

-It looks so cute!

(very many cute stationary!) Cute!

(very many cute stationary!) Look at the pens

Even Gimbap!


-It looks like Cori!

One two! (a boxing panda)

There are many shapes

Even a cactus! So pretty

(I love this! Unique designed headsets) A donut? Pretty

-You should go to Dunkin Donuts wearing that

LOL Then go to McDonalds and Lotteria with this?

-Plus Burger King LOL

I think this is pretty (bling bling black color! I'll try it!)

(Kyung-Ah, being a DJ with swag!) -Pretty

(Kyung-Ah, being a DJ with swag!) DJs just do it with one hand like this LOL

-Are you DJ Soda?

Now trying the crane doll game!

Success? Or fail?

How is the result?

I don't think you'll succeed

It's too week~ look at this

-No, just do it like this and that

OOOOOOOh!!! Succeeded at one try!

Next, we went to Merlion Park

You can see the famous Marina Bay Sand Hotel!

Guys, we can see the famous!

Marina Bay Hotel from here

Although we don't sleep there, we're just going to look around (take care of visiting famous places!)

And here

There's a Merlion Statue that is a mixed mermaid and a lion

This is the famous mother merlion

There's many people here

As I said before, if you take a picture like you're drinking water

There's a myth that you'll have luck for 1 year (I edited the saying)

Dinner was at the Newton Hawker Centre

We could eat chilly crabs at a cheap price

This was about 2/3 of other restaurant's price

(There was even a kind Korean menu) Shall we eat the 100$ set menu?

(We chose the chilly and black pepper menu!)

We can't miss beer for dinner! I really like beer

Before eating tasty food, cold beer can't be missed!

It's cold!

Really tasty black pepper crab

OMG! Very rich crab!

I can't wait! I'm going to eat

-I must eat it!

(we mixed the rice with the crab) Ah! We have to mix it!

(we mixed the rice with the crab) -Didn't I say that Korean people have to eat it like this?

(half of the roes and half of the flesh! Very full)

-Look at the roes

-How's the taste?

Do you know crab's taste? (this saying was in trend in Korea)

-I wondered when you'll say that

-It's obvious LOL

The roes were very tasty

Hurry up and eat it instead of taking clips

Very tasty!

It's okay?

- it's like soy sauced crab(Korean food) but, it's more sweet

No, I don't like that

But this is just my taste

I know now why it's famous (infinite food! What's the next menu?)

(infinite food! What's the next menu?)

(it's cereal shrimp that's crunchy from head to tail!)

It's shrimp!

I don't like the shell, so I peeled it and dipped it at cereal

-It's not polite to shrimp

-It's blasphemy to shrimp (?) LOL

It's tasty!

It's really good!

-Guys, you shouldn't eat it like that

-You should eat it whole!

(like a man!)

There's many people who can't eat the head~

(Next is richly sauced chilly crab!)

It's like a course!

Don't give it to me, just eat it yourself LOL

I am~


Thumbs up!

-Can you see?

Guys! Look at this! (The highlight of the crab! The claw's flesh)

Didn't I take it out well?

Personally, I think the black pepper crab is better than the chilly one

My taste is the black pepper one!

What's better to you?

-I like the black one! (black pepper crab)

black pepper crab!

You are too?

The black pepper one was more spicy and better to Korean people

For the last menu was wheat bread?

-It doesn't taste like anything

What is this taste?....

-I think it's supposed to go with the crab

-You have to raise the crab on it

And I think it should go with the crab, but the waiter forgot

So, it arrived late

Since it had no taste, I think it's not a dessert

It's a really boring taste

Since we're full, we'll pass it

Well, we ate the chilly crab

And that's our finish to the schedule

How was it like?

-It was tasty

Honestly, it was the most expensive food we ate at Singapore

It was better than we thought

But this isn't the end to our schedule

We're going to enjoy our Friday night at Clarke Quay!

The buildings are very pretty

I think they would be pretty in the day also

At the street of youth, you can see another street at night

They are very pretty

The rooftop there is

The street of amusement

Shall we go there?

Differently than Hongdae or Kangnam in Korea, the streets were pretty

There was light on the roofs and the night view was pretty

At the middle of the streets, there was a fountain

We went to a pub in the middle

It was quiet, except the performance times

I really don't know if it's hot here

So, we're just drinking beer at a pub


I don't want to go to our bed soon

Are the gods saying me to just go in and edit clips? (differently as Korea, Friday night was boring)

It was boring and just loud, I don't know if my voice is getting recorded

Let's just drink~

Shall we have a toast?

It is cool~

We moved to another store

But the atmosphere was similar

We went to Singapore Sling, the first place of cocktail in Singapore

(the taste was bad)

Since I love beer, I finished the night with Guiness beer

This was our first day of Singapore!

This is the end to this clip!

If it was fun or useful

♥Click the like and subscribe please!♥

Then see ya in the next clip!


For more infomation >> Travel Video : 7 BEST Things To Do in Singapore (ENG CC) - Duration: 13:43.


How to Get Real Instagram Followers! [Instabot] - Duration: 3:39.

what's up YouTube this is Akash here and today I am going to show you how you

can get free and real Instagram followers with just a laptop and nothing

else Instagram is one of the most popular social networking sites on the

planet with over 200 million active monthly users getting likes and

followers on Instagram is quite hard luckily I have found a bot that can help

you do this and the best part is it's free so all you need to do is go to this

github page links will be in the description and download this zip file

or clone this repo after that head on to and download Python version

2.7 for your machine all the links will be in the description so you guys need

not worry now that you have both the files go ahead and install the Python

2.7 and make sure you're installing it in the basic or default directory only

all you need to do is just click next next and it will get installed as you

guys can see I have already installed it on my PC so I won't be doing it again

after installing Python successfully now we need to set the environment variables

for it so that it can work go ahead and follow the steps make sure you have

installed the Python in the default directory and you guys can just copy

paste these values as it is

after that go ahead and extract the zip file now open the example dot py file in

WordPad and edit the user name and password of your Instagram account also

set the number of lights you want the bar to make birthday

now in this folder hold shift and click right button on your mouse and then you

can see there's a option to open command window over here and then go ahead and

type this command pip install - our requirement dot txt as I have already

installed pip on my machine it won't be downloading again but you can see some

files being downloaded over here if you are installing for the first time after

that go ahead and enter this command that is python space example dot py so

that the part will actually start running

so as you can see I had said a thousand likes per day in the example file so the

bots will now approximately like thousand pictures in if it runs for a

full day I do not recommend going over a thousand as it may get you banned so

that's it guys I hope you liked the video subscribe if you haven't already

and peace

For more infomation >> How to Get Real Instagram Followers! [Instabot] - Duration: 3:39.


Playing some League - Duration: 3:37:39.

For more infomation >> Playing some League - Duration: 3:37:39.


20 FACTS ABOUT ME w/ Soraya Tomassen - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 20 FACTS ABOUT ME w/ Soraya Tomassen - Duration: 3:52.


Home Remedies || How to Looks More Beautiful Than Before - Duration: 3:43.

Remove pigmentation and dark spots naturally at home for this home remedy

we need pineapple pieces almond powder and lemon add pineapple pieces an almond


squeeze half lemon in it

to mortar and pestle and crush them and mix thoroughly to become paste before

applying this mixture wash your face with warm water now apply this mixture

directly to pigmentation areas dark spots and acne marks let it stay for 20

to 30 minutes and rub this mixture on applied areas before cleaning finally

clean your face with cold water and Pat it dry with a towel thank you for

watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

special die face pack before any party tired and dull face feels sad to attend

party to make your face active and glow instantly this simple home remedy will

works effectively and gives natural bright skin in 10 minutes

for this we need thick curd 1 cup Multani mitti 1 cup and mint leaves

extract curd is a very good moisturizer it keeps your skin away from dryness and

Multani mitti is a natural herbal powder which helps

to brighten skin clean wrinkles and tightens skin mint leaves also good for

skin health and it helps to rejuvenate your skin let us see its making process

take an empty bowl and add 2 table spoons of curd

and beat it

then add 2 table spoon of Multani mitti

now add few drops of mint leaves juice to become smooth paste

apply this mixture to enter your face and neck unlettered stay until it

completely dry finally wash your face with normal water later with cool water

and pat dry with a towel you may feel fresh and healthy skin and

looks more beautiful than before thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more Videos

For more infomation >> Home Remedies || How to Looks More Beautiful Than Before - Duration: 3:43.


Målet med videoen - Lær videomarkedsføring med Videomarkedsskolen - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Målet med videoen - Lær videomarkedsføring med Videomarkedsskolen - Duration: 1:39.


Ultraman Orb ED "Shine Your Orb" (Full English Lyrics (TURN ON CCs)) - Duration: 4:12.

街に命を吹き込むように 夜が明けてゆく... Machi ni inochi o fukikomu yō ni yogaakete yuku... To breathe life into the city, turn night to day...

...胸が高鳴って走り出す夢 キラメク宝物 ...Mune ga takanatte hashiridasu yume kirameku takaramono ...Your heart will throb as you dream of that sparkling treasure

どんなことでもできる 負けない気持ちになれるよ... Donna koto demo dekiru makenai kimochi ni nareru yo... I can do anything even if I am defeated...

...ぶつかり合いながら 築いてきた 絆を抱きしめて ...Butsukari ainagara kizuite kita kizuna o dakishimete ...Embracing the bond we built ever since we met

取り戻せひかり共に立ち上がれ... Torimodose hikari tomoni tachiagare... Stand together to take back the light...

...いま誰も知らない 無限の力呼び覚ませ... ...Ima daremoshiranai mugen no chikara yobisamase... ...Call upon the infinite power you have no-one yet knows of...

...まだ見ぬ明日を追いかけて ...Mada minu ashita o oikakete ...Whilst you follow the tomorrow unknown to you

風が背中をそっと通すように 通り過ぎてゆく... Kaze ga senaka o sotto tōsu yō ni tōrisugite yuku... The wind passes by me gently...

...何か起きそうな 淡い予感に ドキドキが止まらない ...Nani ka oki-sōna awai yokan ni dokidoki ga tomaranai ...Yet the pounding within me never seems to cease throbbing

どんなことでもできる 負けない気持ちになれるよ... Donna koto demo dekiru makenai kimochi ni nareru yo... I can do anything even if I am defeated...

...周り道しながら 紡いてきた 希望を握りしめ ...Mawari michi shinagara tsumuite kita kibō o nigirishime ...I keep the hope we've all crafted clenched while I'm wandering

取り戻せひかり共に立ち上がれ... Torimodose hikari tomoni tachiagare... Stand together to take back the light...

...いま誰も知らない 無限の力呼び覚ませ... ...Ima daremoshiranai mugen no chikara yobisamase... ...Call upon the infinite power you have no-one yet knows of...

...まだ見ぬ笑顔を追いかけて ...Mada minu egao o oikakete ...Whilst you follow the smile unknown to you

取り戻せひかり共に立ち上がれ... Torimodose hikari tomoni tachiagare... Stand together to take back the light...

...いま誰も知らない 無限の力呼び覚ませ... ...Ima daremoshiranai mugen no chikara yobisamase... ...Call upon the infinite power you have no-one yet knows of...

...まだ見ぬ明日を追いかけて ...Mada minu ashita o oikakete ...Whilst you follow the tomorrow unknown to you

君を取り戻せ 夢に立ち上がれ... Kimi o torimodose yume ni tachiagare... Get up and follow your dreams...

...いま誰も知らない 無限の彼方突き進め... ...Ima daremoshiranai mugen no kanata tsukisusume ...Call upon the infinite endings that no-one yet knows of...

...輝くオーブを手にして ...Kagayaku ōbu o te ni shite ...With the shining orb in hand

どこまでも行けるさ 君となら行けるさ... Doko made mo yukeru-sa kimitonara yukeru-sa... I can go anywhere, but if I go there with you...

...確かな未来をこれからも ...Tashikana mirai o korekara mo ...Then a reliable future is set

For more infomation >> Ultraman Orb ED "Shine Your Orb" (Full English Lyrics (TURN ON CCs)) - Duration: 4:12.


Kon tujhe yun pyar karega whatsapp status - Duration: 0:30.

Direct Downloading Link In Description

For more infomation >> Kon tujhe yun pyar karega whatsapp status - Duration: 0:30.


Rampage Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Rampage Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 2:32.


아유미 한국비하 컴백 근황 아유미 몸매 성형전후 아유미 국적 각트 - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> 아유미 한국비하 컴백 근황 아유미 몸매 성형전후 아유미 국적 각트 - Duration: 4:16.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Ne-Yo - Over (Official Video) Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Ne-Yo - Over (Official Video) Lyrics - Duration: 3:58.


Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Summer 2018 CD - In Your Speech - Summer 2018 - New Repertoire - Duration: 46:08.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Summer 2018 CD - In Your Speech - Summer 2018 - New Repertoire - Duration: 46:08.


Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Gabriel Diniz - Updated Songs - Summer 2018 - Top Lyrics - Duration: 44:59.

For more infomation >> Gabriel Diniz 2018 - Gabriel Diniz - Updated Songs - Summer 2018 - Top Lyrics - Duration: 44:59.


8 Legendary Artworks That Mesmerised the World - Duration: 15:11.

8 World Famous Paintings

Hey guys, Culture here.

Today we're going to be taking a look at 8 world famous paintings.

More specifically, we'll be examining the context in which they were made and deciphering

their meaning.

Looking at fine art is amazing Culture, so rich and vibrant.

Just like Starburst Chews.

They're the candies everyone's talking about.

Why not go out and grab some today?

Oh jeez, Crash I know you're taking this hard but it's been 3 weeks now!

The Starburst sponsorship isn't gonna happen buddy.

They're NOT interested!

How can you not be interested when there are so many flavours to choose from!

From blackberry to peaches and cream, there's a flavour for everyone!

Let's uh… let's get on with it.

Number 1: Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

The Creation of Adam is the fourth panel painted on the roof of the Sistine Chapel by Italian

Sculptor Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512.

The scene depicts God and Adam with arms outstretched towards one another, with God giving Adam


God appears in a nebulous cloud of figures in a white tunic, surprisingly plain compared

to more powerful and imperial earlier depictions of God.

It is thought that the grounding of God with a more human physique evokes the major theme

of this work, stated in Genesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the

image of God he created them."

Yet, the small distance between Adam and God's fingers suggests Adam has yet to be given

life, perhaps explaining his somewhat laidback posture.

Is that also why God has all the ladies and Adam has none?

Adam gotta get himself some Eve action, and FAST.

Well two of the figures surrounding God are of particular interest: The woman and child

under his arm.

Some people theorise these are the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, or perhaps that

the woman is Eve herself waiting to be created from Adam's rib.

So Adam is just getting God's sloppy seconds?

Not cool God, not cool.

What's especially amazing is that Michelangelo wasn't even a painter but rather excelled

in sculpting.

But when Pope Julius commissioned him to paint the roof of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo

went above and beyond the Pope's desires and came up with the entire idea to depict

the key events from the Book of Genesis.

His expertise with sculptural anatomy shows through in the twisted, muscular bodies of

both God and Adam.

Oh I get it, the red, swirling cloak thing is like a uterus that Adam is being born out


Eww what?


Well… actually… errr moving on!

Number 2: The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas painting created by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh in


The night sky itself, which predominates the image, was painted by looking out of his room

in the Saint Paul asylum in the Saint-Remy-de-Provence of France.

Why was he in an asylum?

Well he uh…

He had a breakdown, cut off his ear and sent it to his girlfriend.

It's called "romantic passion", some people just don't get it.

The work was created using both real and imagined elements.

One of the real components includes the bright star just left of centre that astrologists

determined was actually Venus based on the date on which Van Gogh says he saw this image,

July 19th 1889.

The moon and village were made up however, with the village presumed to be based on Van

Gogh's native Dutch architecture as typified by the steeple in the centre of the village.

The cypress tree in the foreground, a common symbol for death, connects earth and sky.

A quote from Van Gogh may shed some light on what exactly this means: "Just as we

take the train to go to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to go to a star."

Well we did already say he was in an asylum.

That might also explain why he inconceivably thought of this work as a failure.

Seriously though, he didn't enjoy dabbling in abstractionism and much preferred to draw

inspiration from nature.

The swirling of the sky whilst visually pleasing to most made Van Gogh anxious that he was

straying from true representation of nature.

Personally, I just think the colours look great.

Just like Starbursts!

The deep blue of blueberry and bright yellow of lemon, a great combination.

Starbursts: Come for the colour, stay for the flavour!

Number 3: The Scream by Edvard Munch

The Scream is a composition in both painting and pastel forms made by Norwegian artist

Edvard Munch in 1893.

The inspiration for the image came one day when Munch was walking with two friends and

suddenly heard , quote: "A huge endless scream course through nature."

He recalls his two friends leaving him, the two figures in the back of the painting, as

the "air turned to blood".

And what's the thing in the middle?

Is it Macaulay Culkin?

The actually screaming creature itself is a twisted personification of this scream,

a sexless mutant being with hands clasped to the side of its head.

I repeat: Is it Macaulay Culkin?

The being isn't based on any real thing but rather on the emotions Munch felt in that


This turning of the inner world onto the canvas is called expressionism, and the sheer madness

of this image scared Munch himself.

The distorted depiction of the creature made Munch fear he himself may be a madman, not

an irrational fear since his sister Laura suffered from a schizoaffective disorder.

As a sort of rebellion against this idea, Munch grounded the painting in reality by

countering the art nouveau curves of the sky with the rigidly defined perspective of the

roadway in the foreground.

Munch believed that his art relied upon his childhood suffering, even saying "Without

anxiety and illness, I am a ship without a rudder."

Isn't that a lyric from The Cure?

Number 4: Dogs Playing Poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge

Dogs Playing Poker is a collection of paintings created between 1894 and 1910 by American

artist Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, more commonly known as C.M.

Coolidge or "Cash" by his friends.

The 16-piece collection was commissioned by Brown & Bigelow Co. to sell their cigars,

but the somewhat endearing and mischievous images quickly became iconic.

A common misconception is that Dogs Playing Poker is a single painting, but most often

people are actually thinking of just one painting in the collection titled A Friend in Need.

This image shows five hounds facing down two bulldogs who are cheating below the table.

The idea for the collection itself came from the original 1894 piece simply titled "Poker

Game", yet there are also pictures of dogs playing rugby and even dancing.

Awww these are adorable!

A far cry from all that emo stuff that Norwegian guy was into.

Art critics would agree with you, but for a different reason.

These paintings are considered by art elite to be low brow, lacking any real meaning or


As an April Fool's joke the Chrysler museum even released a statement saying "…it

is now time for these iconic images to assume their rightful place on the walls of our institutions

where homocentric art has too long been unjustly privileged."

But jokes on them because our man Cash made a bunch of money off of his works anyway,

with individual pieces selling for upwards of $300,000 dollars each.

At the height of his success he even married a girl 35 years his junior who, ironically,

preferred cats.

When you find someone 35 years younger who wants to marry you, you just put a ring on

that ASAP.

Number 5: Composition 8 by Vasily Kandinsky

Composition 8 is an oil on canvas painting of odd geometric shapes made by Russian painter

Vasily Kandinsky in 1923.

Whereas dogs playing poker was a relatively easy concept to understand, this painting

may seem needlessly complex and uh… wanky.

What you need to understand is that at the time Kandinsky was a member of the Bauhaus

movement which sought to reinvigorate mass-produced crafts with creativity.

Kandinsky also sought to generate a kind of universal language built upon symbols rather

than words.

A combination of these ideas led to the integration of rigid shapes and bold colours in his works,

with Composition 8 being the epitome of Kandinsky's Bauhaus work.

OHHHH, I see!

That white triangle in the middle is a head, and the darker triangle jutting into the right

hand side of it makes a nose.

And that white circle in the darker triangle is an eye and…

OH that's another eye floating up there!

And those two black lines coming out the right hand side are arms holding that saxophone

made out of squares.


I was gonna tell you you're wrong but honestly, I have no idea.

All I know is that Kandinsky was interested in how colours and forms could exert psychological

and spiritual effects on the viewer.

To me, it's interesting how the painting seems so dynamic yet so peaceful all at once.

Of this and later works involving circles, Kandinsky said "The circle is the synthesis

of the greatest oppositions.

It combines concentric and eccentric in a single form and in equilibrium."

The variety of emotions I feel right now is only challenged by the wide range of Starburst

lollies that exists!

Fruit Chews, Babies, Snakes and even the delicious Starbust Sucks lollipops!

Try a whole new way to experience the "unexplainably juicy" flavour of Starburst!

Number 6: The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

The Persistence of Memory is an oil on canvas painting rendered by Spanish artist Salvador

Dali in 1931 as part of his surrealist movement.

Dali believed surrealist paintings were like "hand-painted dream photographs", designed

to capture the subconscious working of the human mind.

His interest in the teachings of Freud taught him that dreams could have meaning, and in

this way, he explored the notion of time through this desolate wasteland of melting clocks.

The destruction of the clocks as seen by both the melting and the ants signifies decay of

time, and an inconsistency with how we experience time.

For this reason, scholars thought the painting may be an allusion to the theory of relativity

by Einstein but Dali himself said the clocks' form was derived from the sight of camembert

cheese melting in the sun.

Stinky cheese is one flavour that doesn't exist in the fantastic Starbursts range!

How about lime, or maybe even pineapple?

Try a few with your friends and see which ones you like the best!

"Share something juicy today!"

Hey, uh, want to talk about drugs instead?

Dali says he got many of his ideas by taking drugs, or as he puts it: "I don't do drugs,

I am drugs."

As a result, Dali said his paintings surprised even himself, so there's no clear answer

to the meaning behind many of his paintings.

The central creature in the picture is through to be a twisted self-portrait however, with

a large nose and closed eye with long eyelashes.

Furthermore, it is known that the cliffs in the background are the same cliffs from Dali's

home in Catalonia, Spain.

Perhaps this childhood setting coupled with the motifs of melting clocks and the sarcastic

title indicate a fading of Dali's childhood memories, a realisation of his mortality.

Personally, I prefer Dali's infamous work "The Great Masturbator."

Crash shut up.

No seriously it's real!

Look it up.

Something about it just speaks to me.

I know it's real, still though: Shut up.

Number 7: Guernica by Pablo Picasso

Guernica is a composition made by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in 1937, as if you couldn't

already guess by the weird cubic figures.

On the bright side this painting has a clear message: One of the chaos and horror of war.

The painting was made after the Nazi bombing of Guernica, a small town in the Basque region

on the border of France and Spain.

The scene depicts a bull and horse, presumably frightened by the bombs, trampling over a

mess of human figures, all in black and white to both heighten the drama of the piece but

also to give it a "newspaper-ish" feel as though it's reporting on the bombings.

Black and white are so dull when compared to-

No Crash!

Just, no.

Art critics argue over the meaning of the bull and horse in the image.

Some say the bull represents darkness and wrath, whilst the terrified horse represents

the people of Guernica.

Others point to the bull as an important animal in Spanish culture and that therefore it may

be a stand-in for the Nationalist party that Nazi Germany was supporting in the war.

Picasso has said of this work that "This bull is a bull and this horse is a horse",

going on to say that their meaning is not intentional but rather subject to the viewer's

mind set.

What a cop out.

And I bet that eye-lightbulb-thing is just a random coincidence as well then?


It may represent the spotlights of the German bombers, or demonstrate the overwhelming power

of the artificial lightbulb when compared to the lamps held by the citizens of Guernica.

The violence of this event is made more horrendous by the fact the Nazis seemingly targeted Market

Day in Guernica, a day when innocent civilian casualties would be as high as possible.

This violence is exemplified by the replacing of tongues in the picture with what appear

to be daggers… though that could just be Picasso's weird art style.

Number 8: The Son of Man by René Magritte

The Son of Man is an oil on canvas painting by Belgian surrealist René Magritte made

in 1964.

Magritte's painting takes the "self" out of "self-portrait" by almost entirely

covering his face with a mysteriously floating green apple.

The painting invites curiosity as we, the viewer, desperately want to see behind the


For some reason, those things that are hidden intrigue us most.

As Magritte himself puts it, we feel "…a sort of conflict… between the visible that

is hidden and the visible that is seen."

Riiiight… whatever you say dude.

I think he just has a fetish for apples.

For some reason though we aren't interested in the overcast sea scene obscured by Magritte

himself, perhaps speaking to the way our eyes are drawn to the lively green of the apple.

One more odd detail is how the man's left arm appears to bend backwards at the elbow,

another sight which invites curiosity.

In the 1999 remake of the Thomas Crown Affair, the accomplices wear bowler hats and suits

like the Son of Man in order to confuse and escape police.

Something about the faceless businessman aesthetic of the picture heightens the oddity of it.

Many of Magritte's works exhibit similar themes, such as The Great War in which a woman's

face is hidden by a flower.

Screw apples and flowers, Starburst is what's on everyone's lips…


Thanks to new Starburst lip balms you can have that delicious fruity Starburst flavour

you know and love with you wherever you go!

Crash please-

That's right everyone, you can now have Starburst even in the classroom!

The juice is loose, and I ain't talkin' 'bout OJ-



We didn't get the Starbursts brand deal and you'll just have to live with that.

But… but why Culture?

I did everything right!

You grabbed the Starbursts rep by the lapels and shook him.

Do you remember what you yelled?

I remember expressing my passion for Starburst.

And how did you express that?


And then what did you do?

Well I…

I hit him with a baseball bat repeatedly… like… like a piñata.

Let's just be happy he didn't press charges because I told him you were my ward by reason

of insanity.

The only thing insane about me is my craving for that juicy Starburst goodness!

See you next week everyone!

For more infomation >> 8 Legendary Artworks That Mesmerised the World - Duration: 15:11.


Rio Lobo (1970), faroeste clássico com John Wayne, filme completo em HD e legendado em português - Duration: 1:54:18.

For more infomation >> Rio Lobo (1970), faroeste clássico com John Wayne, filme completo em HD e legendado em português - Duration: 1:54:18.


Breakfast in Bratislava, Slovakia - Duration: 10:24.

Well good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning guys.

Breakfast time in Bratislava.

And it has been a little difficult finding a place this morning.

Yeah, yeah.

It is just we went to one place and we thought oh this would be a great place to film.

We went inside and it was just way too loud.

So yeah the music in these cafes is like boom boom boom.

One thing we don't always show you guys is that like there are times that a restaurant

or a cafe or a bar might be a really good place to have food or a drink but not necessarily

a good place to film either because it is too loud, the lighting is awful or just like

we're seated too close to other people so we like feel uncomfortable.


So those are the awkward.

Those are the kind of three conditions that cause us to kibosh a video.

So alright but we found a place.

We did find a place.

We're at Mondieu.

Yeah, apparently this is one of the best places to have breakfast here in Bratislava.

And cakes.

And cakes as well.

Yeah, they have a great looking cake display.

Um, yeah they basically have a very I would say very diverse menu.

Pancakes, French Toast, Omelets.

So you were actually looking up what a traditional Slovak breakfast is.

What was that basically?

So it involves sausage.

Yeah, it involves sausage.

And we haven't seen a whole lot of sausage on this menu.

Well, there is one option.

One option.

But to be honest I've been eating like way more meat than normal and I just like don't

feel I can stomach it this morning.

So we've gone for something a little bit lighter.

Um, yeah, we've placed our orders and the food should be arriving soon.

So we'll show you what we've got in just a few minutes.

Alright, so the drinks are here and we both got the cafe latte macchiato with chocolate.

Look at this thing of beauty.

Look at those layers in there.

Oh my goodness.

I know it is so big.

And they've got these cute little sugar packs.

It is so big.

Look at this.


Actually I don't even know if we need sugar so I'm going to try it first.

I have a feeling we won't.

Especially me.

You may still want some of it.


Oh my gosh that is so thick.

It almost looks like a milkshake.


It kind of is.

Is it?

It is like a warm latte milkshake.

Like it is so frothy and rich.

Like the glass is coated in melted milk chocolate basically.

Oh man.

It is amazing.


So no extra sugar needed?

No extra sugar needed at all.


This is an amazing coffee.

Oh my gosh.

I wish they had this at every single cafe we've ever been to and are ever going to go



High praise over here.

Really this is the best.

Like I've already had so much.


So let's see if Sam agrees with my high praise for the caffè latte macchiato with chocolate.


Let's zoom in on that face.


Get that reaction right there.

Yeah, that is like way better than let's say like a hot chocolate or even like a mocha

or something like that.

It is some premium stuff.

I would put that up there with like one of those mixed alcohol coffee drinks.


Like your Baileys coffee.

Yeah, like a Baileys or Irish Coffee.

I mean it doesn't have alcohol but it just has that rich.

It is so rich.

Like you can see look at the bubbles.


Look at that.

But what I like most about it is that it is also really warm and yeah we need that because

it is a chilly fall day today.


The wind is howling and somebody refused to wear a jacket because he thought I'm Canadian.

I'm a polar bear.

Yeah, I could probably have used a jacket today even being Canadian.

I mean normally I don't get cold but it is a little chilly so this drink is going to

help warm me up for sure.

Alright breakfast is here and it looks amazing.

I ordered the scrambled eggs with parmesan and baby spinach.

And it is one of those meals that I'm just going to have to eat super quickly before

it gets cold because it is actually quite quite chilly outside.



Parmesan mixed in with scrambled eggs.

Good idea?

That was a very good idea indeed.

Oh my gosh.

I haven't had scrambled eggs in a while so this is pretty tasty.


And it comes with some brown bread, a little salad on the side.

I'm not sure if this is your typical Slovak breakfast.

It is more of a contemporary twist but it is still very very tasty.

Alright in he goes.

Okay cool.

Breakfast time.

I'm going to get some of the scrambled egg, a bit of spinach.

And I'm also going to try the bread.



What do you think?

That is really good.

You're right the cheese adds a really nice kick.


I also think the spinach has been sauteed in something really nice.

Probably some kind of an oil.

Because it tastes delicious.

And I'll try the bread.

Yeah, it is nice having bread to go along with this.

I have a really peculiar um taste when I'm eating like eggs.

Like scrambled eggs or omelette.

I like to have jam on it.

So I would have liked to spread some jam on there.

Oh my gosh that is really weird.

Sam puts jam on his toast and on top of the jam he puts the eggs.

He mixes sweet and savory.

It is so good.

I think it is disgusting.

So good.

If you haven't tried it don't knock it.


Anyways, that is one of my weird food preferences for eggs.

Eggs with jam people.

Eggs with jam.

And now Sam is going to introduce us to his dish.

Oh, when I saw this on the menu it just looked so colorful and good.

My napkin is blowing off.

So I am getting.

I'm basically getting two pieces of toast.


One of them has like I guess it would be an original hummus.


And this over here is uh beetroot hummus with pomegranate sprinkled on top.

So this is definitely not your average Slovak breakfast at all.

Yeah but I'm going to try some and I want to make sure I get some of the pomegranate



Oh my gosh that is good.



I had no idea how thickly spread on.

That is a very thick layer.

Nice thick layer of hummus going on.

Yeah, you do taste the hummus.

You do taste the chickpeas but it is there is a very high concentration of beetroot in


So yeah, it doesn't taste like a average hummus.

And I'm going to try the original one here.



Which do you prefer?


Well they are both really good but I think I like the one with beetroot.

It is just a little bit different and yeah this fantastic.

Like again I just can't believe how thickly they are spreading it on.

This is so generous.


Great breakfast guys.

Alright going in for the hummus.

Let's see what this is all about.



Isn't that nice.


That has some olive oil drizzled over it.



I can't wait for you to try the one with beetroot.


I like this one a lot already.

I know.

They're both really good.

They're both really good.

Let's see the pink hummus.


It makes it a little bit sweeter.




I didn't think of that.

It is true.

It is a little bit sweeter.

It is good.

I like beetroot but I still prefer my classic hummus but this was a really good choice.

My hair is flying into your food.


I apologize.


Um, but yeah this has been a really really tasty breakfast so far.

And since this place specializes in chocolates, cakes and baked goods Sam could not resist

getting a slice of cheesecake.

The fruit cheesecake just looked too good and it is like time for a bit of confession


It is actually 12:05 right now.

This is about as late of a breakfast as you can possibly have.

Because at what time did little prince wake up?

I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning last night.

So anyways, he woke-up at like 9:30.

Eating chocolate and wine so never a good idea.

Not a great idea.

I had trouble going to sleep.

Anyways let's try this.




He's rolling it around in his tongue.


That was a good decision to get this.



It is the kind of cheesecake that tastes so good that you just want to like having it

rolling around in your mouth for as long as possible.

Don't even chew it just let it.

Let it melt.

Let it disintegrate and melt slowly over time.

This is good.

Great way to finish off the breakfast.

Alright Mister price point.

Alright price point time.

So it came to 18 Euros total.

And I thought that was a really good deal because we ended up basically getting three

food items, two breakfast mains plus cheesecake and we got like the two most premium types

of coffees on the menu.

Really fancy.

Oh yeah.

They were the most expensive on the menu and it was well worth it.

So yeah, this was just a wonderful place to go.

I'd highly recommend coming here.

You could come for breakfast, you could also come in the middle of the afternoon for a

really nice snack as well.

And you know what we're going to do next?

What are we going to do?

We're going to go back to the apartment and put on warmer clothes.

I need to put on my jacket and you said you were going to get a sweater so yeah.

A sweater and a winter hat.

I think fall has officially arrived here in Bratislava.

Yeah, we'll say fare thee well.

Yeah, tata guys.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Breakfast in Bratislava, Slovakia - Duration: 10:24.


Agnieszka Dygant: trudno pogodzić aktorstwo z macierzyństwem - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Agnieszka Dygant: trudno pogodzić aktorstwo z macierzyństwem - Duration: 3:10.


attico terrazza abitabile viareggio - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> attico terrazza abitabile viareggio - Duration: 1:37.


Kako zamenjati jarmovi drogovi na BMW 5 E39 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:28.

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