Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 19 2017

Today on this occasion we are going to buy 💳

a game called Dex 🎮 .

What in Spanish means clarified

Dex has no translation .

It is a side-scrolling platform game

in 2D focused on the exploration

It is a Role playing game .

Once we are on our Xbox

we go to store or store .

We go to the Search 🔎 section .

And we put the name of the game 🎮 that in this case

It's Dex .

Once we have found the game

there are 2 versions the first

is the game and the second one is the Demo

Highly recommended Demo .

Dex 💲 249 Pesos

Mexicans but in the description I will leave you

the price in Dollars 💵 .

It seems to them if we bought the game .

Dex 💲 249 Pesos

Mexicans confirm purchase .

How they saw is Downloading 🔄 the game

In the description I will leave you how long it takes

install and if you need an Update 📶.

The story 📔 follows Dex, a young woman 👩 .

That lives 🌎 .

In Harbor Prime it is a city 🌆 .

Controlled by a secret corporation 🚧

known as complex 🔰 .

It becomes a goal. And it is 🚷

saved by a Hacker known as Raycat 💻 .

That guides you to a safe area 🌇 ,

Raycat reveals 💬 to Dex that she is the " Ketcher Fragment ".

It is an Artificial intelligence program 💽

created by the complex 🔰 .

It closed 🚪 when the complex

I lost control of it. And Dex becomes

in part of the resistance and is controlled by 🔩

the complex .

In the description I will leave the game trailer for you

if you like to see it .

Developer .

Published by .

Gender RPG of Action and Adventure .

Released 📅 July 7, 2016 .

Classification M of 17

for above .

Single player game mode .

Languages 🌎 Spanish and English in the

description I will leave you the rest of the Languages .

Platforms Xbox One, Playstation 4,

Play Station Vita,

Stim and PC .

Approximate size 3.

6 GB .

Download 📶 from the Xbox store .

I would like to send a greeting

to 2 subscribers their names are

Arnulfo Ruiz and Arlin

The Crack .

In the description I will leave your channels

in case you like to see them .

Well I hope you liked the video 🎥 there .

Do not forget to subscribe den like 👍


Do not forget to activate the bell 🔔 to get them

information each time you upload a video .

Do not forget to follow me in all my Social Networks 📲.

On twitter on my Facebook page

on Instagram twitch and on YouTube .

I say goodbye to your friend 👥

Cook of Games

until then 👋 .


For more infomation >> Discover the truth Dex 🎮 ( Xbox One ) - Duration: 5:33.


Splatoon Stream: Just Playin - Duration: 44:15.

For more infomation >> Splatoon Stream: Just Playin - Duration: 44:15.


Metro de Santiago | Entrando a tren vacío de Línea 6 en Cerrillos - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Metro de Santiago | Entrando a tren vacío de Línea 6 en Cerrillos - Duration: 5:13.


Kolento - Demasiados Y'shaarjs! (Big priest) [Sub.Español] - Duration: 22:59.

For more infomation >> Kolento - Demasiados Y'shaarjs! (Big priest) [Sub.Español] - Duration: 22:59.


Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...

For more infomation >> Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...


TYLKO U NAS: Ciężarna Boczarska z Banasiukiem na Festiwalu Camerimage w Bydgoszczy (ZDJĘCIA) - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> TYLKO U NAS: Ciężarna Boczarska z Banasiukiem na Festiwalu Camerimage w Bydgoszczy (ZDJĘCIA) - Duration: 2:27.


Hansel and Gretel - Ivica i Marica (1987) - Duration: 1:25:39.

For more infomation >> Hansel and Gretel - Ivica i Marica (1987) - Duration: 1:25:39.


Meet Miss Universe Canada Lauren Howe - Duration: 0:54.

There are a number of challenging moments in everybody's life.

One time when I thought I might fail,

it was a very difficult time, was my engineering degree.

It is not a walk in the park

and I was working a full-time job with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

And there were a number of times during that program

where I wanted to call it quits.

The important thing is to look at the end goal

and to see where you will end up at the end of it.

I'm so proud to have already started my first company.

One of the biggest goals in my life is to

build a successful company from the ground up.

And to ensure that that company is also giving back to communities.

One of the strongest lessons that I learned from my mom

is how powerful women can be

when they set their minds to something.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Canada Lauren Howe - Duration: 0:54.


Tu Tu Main Main (An Important letter!) Episode 35 - Duration: 21:22.

For more infomation >> Tu Tu Main Main (An Important letter!) Episode 35 - Duration: 21:22.


Meet Miss Universe Honduras 2017 April Tobie - Duration: 0:43.

I come from an island called Roatán which is very beautiful

and it's known for its touristic attractions.

So I'm very much an island girl.

I love to go to the beach.

I'm currently studying at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras in Tegucigalpa,

which is the capital of Honduras.

I've been playing volleyball for over a year and a half.

I got involved in it because I was tall.

But then after I started playing, I made some very great amazing friends

and I think that drew me closer.

Also to improve my discipline and my strength and my endurance.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Honduras 2017 April Tobie - Duration: 0:43.


This Is Who Just Survived An Assassination Attempt And What He's About To Do To Hillary Will DESTROY - Duration: 5:13.

This Is Who Just Survived An Assassination Attempt And What He's About To Do To Hillary


Hillary Clinton's hit men have been busy as her startling trail of dead bodies is accumulating

around her at an accelerated rate recently.

In just the past 48 hours, we've reported of two sudden and mysterious deaths of people

who hold some of her deepest secrets.

Now, we're learning of a third individual she's tied to, who was luckier than the

numerous others before him since he managed to escape a harrowing ordeal with his life.

Despite an apparent attempt to take him out, he lived and is about to get his revenge that

will completely destroy this woman who should have been in prison by now.

There's a lot of people with dirt on Hillary that she's desperate to keep hidden no matter

who she has to kill to keep it quiet.

William D. Campbell was one of those people who holds the key to her jail cell with what

he was about to reveal in court on Monday with his testimony he's scheduled to make.

Knowing this damning day for Hillary was fast approaching, it seems that she tried to stop

it before it could happen.

That's now come back to bite her since Campbell wasn't ready to die and is more driven to

get revenge than ever before.

Your News Wire reports:

William D. Campbell, a Russian insider who is due to testify to a Senate committee on

Monday that Hillary Clinton accepted bribes in the uranium scandal, has gone into hiding,

telling close friends that he has already survived one attempt on his life.

William D. Campbell is due to testify against the Clintons on Monday – a testimony that

legal analysts warn could put Clinton behind bars for "twelve plus years" – however,

Campbell has raised fears that he might not make it to the hearing on Capitol Hill.

Warning that he has "already survived one attempt on my life since it was made public

by the Sessions DOJ that I intend to testify," Campbell claims that if it wasn't for the

fact he was carrying, he would have been killed during a routine daily hike in the hills behind

his home.

Explaining that he was surprised by an armed man in the woods, Campbell said he drew his

weapon and held the man's gaze until he disappeared.

"I was prepared for any eventuality," Campbell said, explaining that "the stakes

are very high, I understand that.

Was this man connected to anybody I plan to testify against on Monday?

I have no proof.

But I can't take risks, which is why I have gone into hiding until Monday."

Investigative reporter John Solomon from The Hill told Sean Hannity on Thursday that William

D. Campbell, a former consultant for a Russian firm, has video of briefcases full of money

used to bribe US officials in the Russia uranium scandal involving Hillary Clinton.

The deal where a Russian supported company bought a uranium firm with mines in the U.S.

and is responsible for 20% off all the Uranium we have in the United States.

Campbell gave information to the FBI about what he saw while undercover as an informant.

All clues point to the fact that Campbell, who was undercover for roughly five years,

worked to get information on Russia's efforts to grow its atomic energy business in the


"At the time of the sale, Campbell was a confidential source for the FBI in a Maryland

bribery and kickback investigation of the head of a U.S. unit of Rosatom, the Russian

state-owned nuclear power company.

Campbell was identified as an FBI informant by prosecutors in open court and by himself

in a publicly available lawsuit he filed last year," according to Reuters.

"Campbell's lawyer, Victoria Toensing, who has not previously identified her client,

said despite Campbell telling the government 'how corrupt the company was,' Rosatom

still got permission to buy Uranium One.

She did not say what Campbell would reveal regarding any alleged wrongdoing by Clinton."

Campbell was lucky to alleged avoid assassination since at the same time this allegedly occurred,

another informant wasn't so lucky.

Houston Texas trial attorney and Democrat mega-donor Steve Mostyn died on Thursday in

what authorities are saying was an apparent "suicide," according to the Houston Chronicle.

Mr. Mostyn was only 46.

He left behind a wife and several children.

And interestingly enough earlier this year he had announced that he was going to be stepping

away from politics to spend more time with his family.

He had never had any declared mental health issues.

Now here is the best part of the whole story.

Mostyn was very close to Crooked Hillary Clinton and her campaign but apparently, their relationship

came under severe stress back in 2015 when an ethics watchdog group Foundation for Accountability

and Civic Trust (FACT) filed a formal complaint against Hillary and her campaign for illegal

coordination with the Ready for Hillary Super PAC.

The extent of Mostyn's ties to the Clintons hasn't been fully disclosed but he seems

to have been a major player in their inner circle for years.

No doubt the timing of his death is especially alarming considering crooked Hillary Clinton

has once again found herself at the center of scrutiny for alleged dirty dealings during

her time as Secretary of State with the Uranium One deal in which she and her foundation were

paid off to approve a deal effectively turning over 20% of our Uranium deposits to the Kremlin.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> This Is Who Just Survived An Assassination Attempt And What He's About To Do To Hillary Will DESTROY - Duration: 5:13.


Meet Miss Universe Egypt 2017 Farah Sedky - Duration: 0:41.

Hello. My name is Farah Sedky.

I'm 23 years old and I represent Egypt.

Part of the main reason I joined the Miss Universe Competition,

was to spread the idea of positive body image and positivity.

Especially for women and for younger generations.

Because it's not okay when you listen to a child saying

that I need to change how I look to fit a certain social mold

or a certain idea of beauty.

We need to spread the idea that we are all beautiful in our own way.

We're not supposed to look like each other.

What makes you different than the next person right next to you

that's what makes you unique.

And that's what you should celebrate.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Egypt 2017 Farah Sedky - Duration: 0:41.


Meet Miss Universe Costa Rica 2017 Elena Correa - Duration: 0:35.

I'm Elena Correa, Miss Universe Costa Rica 2017.

I love my country.

We have a lot of forests, beaches, and different types of animals.

But most importantly, is our friendly people

because I feel that I'm in a special place.

I'm so proud to study medicine

because I'm hoping to be a doctor in the future.

In that way, I can help a lot of people with my knowledge.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Costa Rica 2017 Elena Correa - Duration: 0:35.


LoL Serija 3 epizoda Iznenadni napad - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> LoL Serija 3 epizoda Iznenadni napad - Duration: 0:50.


Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...

For more infomation >> Ayo & Teo on Atlanta's Danc...


ABC Challenge? I'M BACK! - Duration: 3:17.

Yo, you already know who it is, it's the one and only one

So it's been a long time since you guys seen me, I'm

back, yeayuh. Yes! Yes!

Yes, we are almost at a hundred subscribers. Click the subscribe button to join the fuzefam. We are outstanding


Look, look. This dude thinks when you put the earpods in your ear, they don't get bacteria. WHAT! What!


Can you cry under water? Wait, I think my friend is calling me. Wait

Wait I don't have any friends

Huh the reason why I wasn't uploading is because I didn't have a camera this camera

Samsung S8. That's what I wanted to tell you guys, but I didn't have a camera to record

Now I have a camera to record. Now I'm going to record a lot of videos

So I have a small clip to show you. I did it on improv. Watch it

Are you the one basically the one and only cuz I'm looking for the one

Excellent. for what reason did you call me for. got any problems with me have problems with you

That's not what I have. I didn't think so just tell me what you need to tell me. Know this.

Leave the people alone. may your will be done. no fighting in my house. Okay. people can die when you do that. Queue me

Recognize his face. something you should never forget. this is serious business

understand. vanish out of my office.

You don't do that to people. Zero

Did they see that?

So you guys might have noticed that the conversation is in alphabetical order

I missed the "x" that's why I didn't want to upload that clip. Thank you guys for watching really

Thank you guys for watching. I don't know how you watch the whole clip really. Thank you. I really appreciate it

I'm on snapchat right now. Add me on snapchat. It's going to pop up somewhere on the screen

Did you guys see the girl in the intro that said yeayuh

Yeah, if you want to do something like that too. send me a video on snapchat or on

Instagram send me a video and you can be in the intro. so remember stay strong ,take chances, have faith. God bless and Salut.

Today I'm so hyper that's why I'm making this video

For more infomation >> ABC Challenge? I'M BACK! - Duration: 3:17.


Why do I constantly worry about money? - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Why do I constantly worry about money? - Duration: 3:42.


Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.

♪ You keep dreaming, and dark scheming ♪

♪ Yeah, you do ♪

♪ You're a poison ♪

♪ And I know that it's the truth ♪

♪ All my friends think you're vicious ♪

♪ And they say you're suspicious ♪

♪ You keep dreaming ♪

♪ And dark scheming ♪

♪ Yeah, you do ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am drowning ♪

♪ You're holding me down and ♪

♪ Holding me down ♪

♪ Killing me slow ♪

♪ So slow, oh no ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am drowning ♪

♪ You're so plastic, and it's tragic ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ I don't know what ♪

♪ The hell you're gonna do ♪

♪ When your looks start depleting ♪

♪ And your friends all start leaving ♪

♪ You're so plastic, and it's tragic ♪

♪ Just for you ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am, drowning ♪

♪ You're holding me down and ♪

♪ Holding, me down ♪

♪ Killing me slow ♪

♪ So slow, oh no ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am, drowning ♪

♪ My life's okay ♪

♪ Just when you're not around me ♪

♪ My life's okay ♪

♪ Just when you're not around me ♪

♪ My life's okay ♪

♪ Just when you're not around me ♪

♪ My life's okay ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am drowning ♪

♪ You're holding me down and ♪

♪ Holding me down ♪

♪ Killing me slow ♪

♪ So slow, oh no ♪

♪ I feel like I'm drowning ♪

♪ I am drowning ♪

For more infomation >> Two Feet - I Feel Like I'm Drowning (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:07.


Hansel and Gretel - Ivica i Marica (1987) - Duration: 1:25:39.

For more infomation >> Hansel and Gretel - Ivica i Marica (1987) - Duration: 1:25:39.


I AM BAAAAACK *GTA5* - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> I AM BAAAAACK *GTA5* - Duration: 5:00.


Amici di Maria De Filippi 17: gli allievi, i professori e i tutor - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Amici di Maria De Filippi 17: gli allievi, i professori e i tutor - Duration: 6:49.


Amici, Sergio Sylvestre pubblica 'Big Christmas' tra i classici del Natale... - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Amici, Sergio Sylvestre pubblica 'Big Christmas' tra i classici del Natale... - Duration: 4:08.


How to draw hair【Voice Over】ENG subs - Duration: 22:51.

Hi everyone!

This is Rina and today's video is a how to draw hair tutorial

I hope it'll be useful!

But first I wanna make clear that this is only MY technique, okay? There are a lot more ways out there.

So don't just use mine. Search for tutorials from other artists that you like

and try everything. This way you'll eventually find a technique that totally fits your style/needs, okay? :)

So as you see I've prepared this cute little bald girl here

which shall be our Guinea pig today...

(shut the f*** up and gimme some hair already!)

Okay so we'll start by deciding where do we want the bangs to start from?

You can mark it with a little cross if you think that will make it easier for you.

Once we've decided the placement of the mark we'll just

start drawing/pulling the bangs from that said point, more or less.

Like this...

Try to make the top of the bangs gather near the X mark

which is where the hair starts growing.

If you want the bangs to look natural, try not to fill it with too many lines.

Don't do this.

Because this won't look like...

It doesn't look like pretty bangs, it looks like some really messy hair.

Best is to draw some locks but let them have some space between each others.

So the hair can "breath" (?

Like here

and there

Drawing the rest of the hair is basically the same technique

You just need to decide

where or in which direction does the hair part.

You can place it to the side, or the center or zigzag...

That's what you have to decide now.

And once we know that, for example I'll put mine on the center.

We have to make the hair grow from that line

Just aproximately! Like we did with the bangs, don't stress yourself making it perfect

Like I said about the bangs, don't put too many lines inside the hair neither

don't do this cause it will look... kinda bad

at least I think it doesn't look good in a manga style. If we were talking about realism that would be a different case.

Best is to make a few well distributed lines

Like this

instead of 300 lines that would make the hair look dirty

And... that's it ~

Tutorial is over, bye! xD

Just kidding! ^w^

Uhm.. the thing is I don't really know what else to explain

I mean to me it is something natural to draw the hair like this.

So I will try to

explain you or give you some tips or things you should keep in mind when drawing different hairstyles, okay?

If you don't want the hair to look too straight and want to make it look more alive

try to avoid drawing super straight lines.

Even a very soft subtle curve can change everything, you'll see it right now.

Let's try it with super straight lines first.

This hairstyle doesn't look much appealing if we compare it to the previous one.

They give out different vibes.

Something I also do while drawing hair is trying to think of it as if it was... a tape.

I'll explain that right now.

So what if I want to draw hair with movement? Like imagine in a very windy day

or maybe the hair is floating or there's a soft breeze...

Then I imagine it as...

Imagine a tape! Or a sheet of paper! Or something the like.

Then just...

Make a line

but now give it some 3D shape that reminds of a tape or a sheet of paper

Something like this.

We can also make it longer and add more curves...

That's it, the thing is so imagine the hair as if it was some kind of tape, ribbons, etc...

this way it's easy to distribute every lock of hair.

Let's add some more lines

and we'll give them a 3D shape

Let's keep adding volume always thinking of it as if we were drawing tapes

Or paper or whatever you want to call that.

If you have troubles imagining it as tape, if you don't know how to exactly imagine this concept

just grab some toilet paper or a ribbon or whatever

then move it, wrinkle it, play with it somehow

until you understand the idea or the concept of this kind of 3D shape

I also like adding...

(oops, pressure stopped working)

I also like adding little strands or smaller locks of hair here and there

This can give more life or joy to the hairstyle

Another technique to draw hair, that I don't usually use, but I think it's nice that you know it too.

Pick whatever tool but keep its size big

Then once you've decided the direction/movement of the hair

just draw some locks, like this; very thick.

Don't think too much about it.

Then lower the opacity

And we'll draw the contour of these shapes

This is a nice way to draw the overall idea of the movement in a very natural way

thanks to those thick shapes.

And we can take advantage of this natural feeling to define the shape of the hair later.

Then just hide the thick lines layer

And we've got hair! And it's pretty lively too ♥

Next up; pigtails, buns and the like.

There we go, and... how about some buns?

If you've got long hair, grab a small mirror

then pull some part of your hair up,

since I was thinking about making the buns on the upper part of the head,

Then pay attention to how the hair parts and how it goes up to the place where you are grabbing it

Just make a few lines to show the direction in which the hair is being tied.

They can be subtle or not, that depends on your style.

Let's move to the actual bun!

There we go...

General shape is now ready. Now once again look at your own hair (if you've got it long enough)

then observe how the hair gets all cluttered on the part where it is being tied up

We can play with the shape and direction of some strands but most lines will tend to gather on the point where it's being tied.

So there will be more lines there because of the pressure.

Now imagine we're only tying half of the hair.

Then only a part of the hair will go up while the rest goes down

If you do this and look at your own hair you'll see there's some kind of line here separating each sides.

Just like the hairline we saw on the previous samples.

So now just pull out the hair from this line.

And it's done!

What other hairstyles could we try? Uhm..


Okay, let's do some braids now...

Braids follow a similar technique to buns. Remember that when the hair is being tied up it puts pressure onto it

so lines will tend to gather at those pressure points. Well braids are more or less the same.

First let's add some bangs...

Remember to leave space between some of the locks

Now onto the braids.

Depending if they're low, high, a bit loose... they will have to be drawn in a different way but let's see the main idea.

I think I'll go for something loose here so let's first add some locks that go down in a soft curve.

we'll also make the bottom part a bit thicker to let the hair seem loose.

So from here...

There's a lot of ways to draw braids! What I do to get the main shape is

drawing curves, it's like an S shape somehow.

Make an S here, another one here and so on...

It's important to keep in mind that braids should be thinner at the end (where the hair is tied up)

and for the same reason they should be thicker on the upper part but this is not always necessary!

It will depend a lot on the hairstyle and how much pressure we want to put on the braids.

So as I was saying earlier... everytime the hair is put under some pressure

lines will tend to gather at those points

with braids the hair is usually very pressure since every lock is being trapped between 2 more locks

So here... and there... uhm...

We can also add some tiny strands if we want to braid to look like it is already falling apart.

And our braid is now ready~

Another hairstyle that many artists tend to struggle with are the ones related to curls, waves...

When I have to draw curls I use the sheet of paper or tape technique that I've shown you earlier.

So instead of doing a soft curve, we must imagine the tapes according to the kind of curl we want to recreate.

You know curls can be very small or very big.

This depends on yourself.

But the technique is the same for all, just imagine it as a tape

As usual we can add a few strands here and there, or just pull out the hair like this. It depends on the overall lok that you want to recreate.

And remember to use a real tape or the like as reference if you are having troubles imagining the 3D shape of the locks.

But what if we want the curls to look more like drills?

Drills/curls are hard! So don't worry if you can't draw them well the first time, these are some of the most complicated hairstyles for artists.

Usually it's hard to find a way to draw them that feels natural/comfortable.

So to draw drill hair...

(Crap... Pressure being stupid again)

So just draw some kind of spring shape

Don't try to make it too perfect and symetric, in fact it's good if it's irregular and some parts are bigger than others

because this way it will look like a more natural hairstyle

So once we got the basic shape of the spring we just need to build up some depth and 3D shape into it

by converting it to tapes again xD

Like this...

It can be tricky because we've got a lot of lines going on.

And as you keep refining the shape you can transform some parts to make it look irregular and more natural.

Also... each part of the cylinder don't need to be symetrical neither

We can make it thicker on one side by adding more strands of hair.

I'd also highly recommend to pull out a few strands (unles you're aiming for

a super perfect hairstyle look, like you just came out of the hairdressing)

Also remember that if we leave space between each cylinder we will be able to see the backpart of those, so make sure to draw that too.

As I said the more irregular the more natural it looks, which is better in my opinion

But if you want to depict super perfect curls then it's totally okay to make them more symetrical and refined.

Otherwise I'll always recommend to play a lot with the curls shape.

Don't worry if you have to re-do everything 300 times.

Just learn from your own mistakes.

And that's it! Uhm, maybe I'll add a few more details here...

Those who have curly hair already know how hard it is to keep every strand in their place. Curly hair tends to do whatever it wants xD

And that's the result ~ I've added a bit of color so it can be easier to understand for you

(since I know my sketches are quite messy and I'm the only one who can kinda understand them xD)

That's it for today! I hope the tips I gave you here can be helpful in the future.

Don't forget to check out my Patreon page, you can get a lot more content by supporting me there.

Such as videos, access to my illustration files, exclusive content and a lot more!

Plus you'll be helping me have more time I can spend on creating new tutorials ♥

Well see you on the next video, guys! Bye bye ♥♥♥

For more infomation >> How to draw hair【Voice Over】ENG subs - Duration: 22:51.


Płaska Ziemia. Wschód słońca i jego przejście przez sztuczną chmurę. - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> Płaska Ziemia. Wschód słońca i jego przejście przez sztuczną chmurę. - Duration: 8:45.


Season 5 Intro: Passport Kings - Duration: 0:32.

Im Roklan,

I travel the Globe for Leisure , Exploration

and Education about different cultures.

Join Me!!

and you too can be Royalty.!!!

This is Passport Kings

Welcome Aboard, Abroad

For more infomation >> Season 5 Intro: Passport Kings - Duration: 0:32.


Books to finish by the end of the Year TBR! [CC] - Duration: 4:08.

Hello, my name is Stephen Alff and welcome back to Alffbooks! And today we are here

to do a books I'd like to finish before the end of the year TBR! It's kind of to

keep myself accountable to get some reading done while I'm still studying

just so that I can balance them! So yeah, let's have a look at the books that I'm

hoping to read before the end of the year! Due to the light over there causing

a ridiculous amount of reflection on the covers of the books when I was picking

them up instead of doing that I'm going to just put up a picture so it's nice

and clear and you can see the covers of the books! The first book is The Hobbit

by JRR tolkien. I've mentioned this book before. I think it was July or June, I put

up a video which was, 10 books I'm currently reading and that book was one

of the books in that video. So I'm still reading it and I really want to finish

it before the end of the year! Just so that I could finally finish it because

it's really good I just haven't had time to, with all the other books that I'm

currently reading, just get through to that one! Though I did get through the

book I started in 2014 that was mentioned in that video So I got some

reading done! Next, we have Harry Potter and the cursed child. I started reading

this a few weeks ago and I'm a few scenes in, three four scenes, I think. And

yeah I'd like to just finish it because well I want to finish basically the

books I'm in the middle of and that's one I started, so yeah. Next, we have Artemis

Fowl and the Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer. This is one that well, it's the

last book in the series! So I want to finish off the series and well finishing

it off before the end of the year just seems like a good idea!

Next, we have a book by Aesop? Ae-sop? EEsop? Asop? I'm never sure how to

pronounce AE! so a Greek poet who writes in prose and the book is called The

Dolphins, the Whales and the Gudgeon. I don't know what that is. Well, I'm looking

forward to reading it! He's a poet that I quite liked when I was back in

secondary school. I preferred him to the one that we were always kind of

introduced to in France which was Jean de la Fontaine!

Mostly because they covered similar topics only that Aesop had a really

quicker way of getting to the point, that he was trying to make! The moral of the

story, just... it was faster and back then that's what I preferred! And I still

really like it! I just like the way it's written! I'm looking forward to reading

that and seeing what else he has to offer! Next, we have another book which is the

last in a series which is United as One by Pittacus Lore. It is the last book in

the Lorien legacies series. Another series that I'd like to finish so that I

can move on to other books, other series! I don't really want to start a new

series if I haven't finished the ones I'm currently in the middle of! If I'm in

the middle of a standalone or something like that, it doesn't really matter, but I find

that if there's a series attached to a book it's: I'm in the middle of this book

but I'm also technically in the middle of this series of this many books! So

because of that, I just prefer finish off a series before I start a new one! I don't

always keep to that but I try! And the final book that I'm reading is an

audiobook. I'm listening to 11/22/63 by Stephen King and I'm really looking

forward to seeing what this is about I like the idea of time-travel being

involved and I don't know anything else about it so, well, it should be

interesting to get into it! I'm about 30 minutes into the audiobook. The audiobook

is just over 30 hours long so, I think I have yet a lot to find out! Let me know

down below in the comments, if there are any of the books that I've mentioned

here that you have already read or that you're currently reading! Maybe we can do

a readalong! That would be really fun! And also, what are you currently reading?

I look forward to reading your replies and getting into a conversation with you!

I'm going to leave you with my most recent video as well as a video I think you're really going to like!

Also a little subscribe button! That's all for me, bye!

For more infomation >> Books to finish by the end of the Year TBR! [CC] - Duration: 4:08.


remove a backround on paint pt 1 - Duration: 15:02.

picture belongs to @legend.erin.draws

I do not own any characters in this video

For more infomation >> remove a backround on paint pt 1 - Duration: 15:02.


Ayurveda Henna Treatment for GROWTH + MAXIMUM STRENGTH | T'keyah B - Duration: 13:37.

hey you guys welcome to my channel or welcome back I'm T'keyah

so first of all I just want to thank you guys for subscribing to my channel I

really appreciate it and I know you guys have been wanting the hair videos so

that's why I've been getting them out the way I've been getting them out if

you would give the video a thumbs up share the video and subscribe that would

help me a lot and that would also let me know that you guys like these videos and

it will also let youtube know that you guys like these videos so I can keep

putting these types of videos out one thing that I actually recently started

to research and see more videos about on YouTube is ayurvedic herbs and

treatments for your hair so ayurveda y'all please please don't judge me if I

butcher any of these names so ayurveda is an Indian medicine practice

basically and there's a ton of herbs a lot of great potent things with a lot of

micronutrients and antioxidants for our hair for our skin for the health of our

body and everything so I have been doing some research and I also visited curly

proverbs channel I think that's her name she is big when it comes to the

Ayurvedic herbs and I know she really really loves henna so I wanted to try

using henna as a mask in my hair for a little bit of time now but I was really

apprehensive because I heard that it's extremely strengthening for your hair

and sometimes it's so strengthening that it can make your hair really hard and

very difficult to manage if you're not familiar with your hair in that state so

I have just put it off on the back burner but I was actually contacted by

Brittany from Cornerstone skin and she wanted to send me her ayurvedic henna

blend I thought I would try out this blend because it was the perfect way to

try out a milder henna treatment so that I didn't just go in full force I also

have been using protein as most of you guys know in my routine and henna is not

protein but it is a very strong strengthening herb now I haven'y used

protein in a little bit over a week because I knew I was going to be doing

this henna treatment and I didn't want to overload my hair so there are tons of

ways to use henna and the Ayurvedic herbs and I actually want to break down

some of the herbs that in this mix because this is jam-packed with

nutrient-rich Ayurvedic herbs you guys I do want to apologize if this video is a

little bit long-winded but I really want to get all of the information out to you

guys and I want to be really diligent because this is my first time trying

henna and I don't want you guys to just jump in and try something it's really if

you don't know what you're getting into you know what I mean I made the henna

mask the day before and then the next day I went ahead and applied it to

freshly cleansed hair so without further ado let's get into the video I was so

happy to find out that they sent this huge herbal pack I got about 17 plus

ounces so I'm starting with half a cup and then I'm taking boiling water and

this is gonna help activate the herbs in the mask I'm starting with the half a

cup of water because that's what the directions say on the back so I'm just

gonna mix that up until it's nice and blended and it wasn't enough so I added

about 1/4 a cup more of the powder some more boiling water mix that

until it was nice and blended and I got a really cake batter smooth consistency

at that point I added aloe vera juice and this is gonna help kind of

counteract those strengthening herbs it's gonna add shine to your hair

moisture and then I also added some of my favorite oils wrap that up and left

that overnight and I prepped my area the next day because henna is messy all

right my hair is freshly cleanse that's what it looks like I'm excited

real muddy and kind of crumbly this is the consistency I added aloe vera juice

so it is a lot creamier and I'm just gonna try to not get this on my cut but

luckily it's not my right hand okay yeah so it's still like grainy because of the

herbs in here but it's not like thick as far as consistency it's creamier and so

that's making it easier also you want to get it on the scalp I will say this

henna herbal mask is kind of difficult to get into your hair it's just

different as far as working with it so spraying your hair is definitely a must

another thing I want to point out is you really don't want to manipulate your

hair too much while the mask is on every strand and you also want to make sure

you split your sections and you're coating all of your strands so you get

that strength and you get that even application but it is just a little bit

difficult so keep that in mind it is messy so definitely protect your working

area the floor don't wear clothes that you really like but I didn't find that

the henna actually stained my clothes or it even got on a little part of my white

desk and it didn't stain it but still I would recommend covering your area

I don't know I have enough I think the rest of this will be able to fit half my

head so this henna also does not stain your skin I was worried about that

initially I got it off my face but it doesn't stain your skin it doesn't stain

your hands so that was a huge bonus and I did actually feel like it lightened my

hair a little bit or it gave me like this rich brown but you could really

only see it under light so keep that in mind as well I'm not sure if it did but

it I feel like it did this I wasn't worried at the end there that I wouldn't

have enough for the left side and my left side is less curly than my right so

I definitely move acne to the strengths over here but I should have started on

this side but it's cool so next time I will definitely make a little bit more

yeah this is what it looks like now I'm gonna take the the culprit of my cuts I

couldn't use a plastic cap but I really want to trap in that heat and I also

love saran wrap in my hair there we go

today I'm going to let this set for four plus hours I'll let you know when I come

back here I'll catch you the prototype

little wheel hips move to the baseline buddy see me in a different light I was

trying to slide through but you waste time scared girl would you bask in the

Sun I embrace got you looking like the work so to get me stuck in a trick all

right you guys officially 6 p.m. which means I've left this in for about 5

hours and I'll be playing on to a 4 and then I started editing and I kept

editing so let's take this off so from everything that I've seen as far as the

take out process it could take a minute because you have to get those grains and

those herbs not grains but the mass felt grainy so you have to get those herbs

out of your hair so my hair feels it doesn't feel super hard or anything a

lot of heat and moisture was trapped in when you do saran wrap and when you like

put something on top so if you do condition and you don't have a heat cap

try that so I will take my ass in the shower so I forgot to mention that

you're supposed to decondition with a very moisturizing deep conditioning the

treatment after you do a mask like this and although it wasn't just a straight

henna mask which would be like really strong

and possibly drying I'm still gonna do a really moisturizing deep conditioner so

I have a DIY deep conditioner mix from a few days ago and there's only a little

bit left of this so what I'm gonna do is add some of my natural raw dry hair

solution avocado deep conditioner and I already have a video up showing the

process using this and all of that so I'm going to use some of this not all of

it and that should be enough for my hair we'll see how my hair feels when I rinse

this out and I might try to show you guys what my hair looks like when I

rinse it out okay so I haven't even put the deep conditioner in yet I only have

a towel on you guys I just got out of the shower because I was feeling my hair

when I was rinsing out the mix and I was like wow it feels really ripply but this

is what it looks like naked hair no deep conditioner yet actually was just going

to put a little bit on on-camera I'm here for this I am here for this

and I'll show you this side you guys my hair feels amazing its so soft

but it does feel like it needs moisture I definitely ended up using my

Trader Joe's tea tree tingle with a little bit of shampoo just a tiny little

bit and then I just worked it through and I didn't put it too much but that

makes it way easier to get the herbs out of your hair why I spent a good twenty

five minutes just rinsing I was like okay then I'll obviously go to

conditioner but you can rinse for like seven minutes and then put in

conditioner and you want to use a conditioner that's hydrating that has

slip but also one that doesn't have mineral oils petroleum and all of those

terrible ingredients that will block moisture from getting into your hair

because then when you deep condition after that moisture won't get in

to balance out the strengthening effects of this mask so I rock with this a lot I

cannot wait until well my hair it looks amazing but I think this look is so cute

like a down the middle part and then behind the ears alright you guys so I

just got out of the shower and my hair is currently in the deep conditioner mix

but I'm gonna show you guys and close out this video

literally I've never felt my hair feeling that strengthened when it's wet

never usually when I'm rinsing out deep conditioners my hair feels soft moist

urized but not necessarily strengthened and

this really had my hair feeling super strengthened when I was rinsing the mix

out and as far as dryness goes I definitely felt like I needed to deep

condition after I rinsed the mix out it wasn't brittle it wasn't

stiff it just felt really really strengthened and even when the water was

on it felt like it needed more moisture so I don't think it was as intense as it

would have been if I just did a straight henna mask I am gonna do another

treatment at the end of November and right now it is November 7th so it's not

already the end of November when I'm filming this but I might do another treatment

like at the very very end of November or just the beginning of December like I

said right now it is the 7th of November so I will update you guys I'll put some

text on the screen if I have noticed any differences with the strength of my hair

breakage shedding all of that I am gonna deep condition for probably another it's

already been in for like 20 minutes so I'll probably leave it on for another 45

minutes or so and then that'll be it but you guys can get your own mask down in

the description box there is a link for you guys to get the mask down in the

description box I hope you guys enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up

and subscribe and share the video if you think this would be helpful for somebody

because it really helps me out with my channel

out and it helps me continue to put out content for you guys so yes I hope you

guys got a real y'all support I rock with y'all I thought y'all alright I

will see you guys in my next video

For more infomation >> Ayurveda Henna Treatment for GROWTH + MAXIMUM STRENGTH | T'keyah B - Duration: 13:37.


Connection and contribution as a means for restoring self-love - Duration: 9:12.


So, first, thank you for watching [or reading :-)].

I really, really appreciate that.

I appreciate you taking the time to let me share with you my experiences and try to help

out a little bit.

If you haven't been watching my videos, it might be worth it to go and check last week's.

We discussed how you will never "fix" a body that you hate, and concluded with the thought

that body image, especially negative body image, is often rooted

- and I mean, probably, I mean, I'm not an expert, but I'd say nearly always rooted - in

poor self image.

That is, if you are approaching your health and fitness efforts from a place of hating

your body, there's a strong possibility that that dislike for your body is rooted in not

being happy with yourself.

And then at the end of last week's video, I made the tall order promise that, in this

video, I'd address how to restore self love as a means of being able to approach your

health and fitness goals from a place of self-respect and self love and self compassion, and that

that would be the only way that you would be happy with your results.

Because ultimately, as discussed last week, if you don't love your body, if you're not

happy with yourself how you are, it doesn't matter how jacked or ripped or defined or

strong or fast or small or big you get, it doesn't matter.

You'll never start loving yourself or loving your body by getting fitter or leaner or stronger

or more muscular.

That doesn't happen.

Anyway, so, cultivating self love - restoring self love, I should say…

I use the word "restoring" because it's my opinion, it's my understanding that self love

is something that is innate.

It's something that we're born with.

And then somewhere along the way something happens, or our circumstances change, or something

breaks within us.

Something happens that that disconnects us from our ability to love ourselves.

And the number of things that can cause that are just as varied as the number of individuals

there are on earth, you know.

Who can even, who can number the different ways that we can become broken as human beings,

you know?

There are just so many things.

But, what I can tell you is that, at least for me, with my experiences, and often what

I've seen with others, is that the sense of self worth and the sense of self love often

is very closely related to our relationships with other people.

Whether that's our family or our friends or our community.

Very often, when we have issues where we don't love ourselves, it's because there's a problem

in some way, shape, or form, with relationships outside of ourselves, our relationships with

people outside of ourselves.

Maybe, maybe somebody hurt you or, you know, somebody said something to you that kinda

jacked things up in your head or...

You know, I know that in my case, what happened was I actually had kind of closed my--

Well, I wouldn't say closed myself off.

I would say I, my, I was, hmm...

I shouldn't say I closed myself off to other people because I wouldn't necessarily say

that I did it deliberately or knowingly.

But I was in a situation where, you know, in high school and college, I spent so much

time with other people and I spent so much time focusing on things outside of myself.

And then when I graduated, I spent a few years - or I spent a couple years, at least - in

very small towns and I really struggled to create a community.

I really struggled to find a group of people to interact with and to contribute to.

And so that - in retrospect - that is when my body image issues started.

That's when I started to really struggle with obsessive exercising and really really just

obsessing over food, and never being happy with my body.

That really all happened when I lost my community, when I lost a sense of belonging, a sense

of contribution.

And I didn't start to recover from that until probably around 2014 or 2015, when I finally

started to reintegrate myself with friends and I started to contribute to things outside

of myself.

You know, I joined a small gym and started meeting people there, I started my blog, you

know, I just started--

Those are just examples, but I just started contributing and I started reconnecting with

the people and the things that mattered to me.

And it wasn't until I started to contribute and focus on something outside of myself and

focus on other people - it wasn't until I started doing that - until I started looking

outwards - that I started to restore my love for myself and my respect for myself.

And then, it wasn't until I started to restore my respect for myself and my love for myself

that I started to restore my love and respect for my body.

And I found that in the years since starting those efforts to reconnect with other people

and start contributing again, in those years since, the more that I focus on those things,

the more that I integrate myself with other people, the more that I focus on connecting

and maintaining and building relationships, the happier I am with myself.

The more I love myself.

The more I love my body.

The more I'm happy with my body because I see it as myself.

It's no longer just some burden that I have to maintain.

It's my vehicle for interacting with the world.

I mean, it's awesome.

Like, I love that and I want to be...

I want to treat it as well as I can.

Like, I want to be healthy and strong and be able to move.

Not because I wanna look, you know, ripped or jacked or whatever.

It's just because, like, that's healthy.

And the more that I focus on treating my body as well as I can and getting as healthy as

possible, the better I look and the better I feel.

It's just, it's awesome!

So, yeah, so I kinda went all over the place there, but I'd like to summarize with:

You won't fix a body that you hate.

And hating your body, there's a strong possibility that it's rooted in a lack of self love or

self respect.

And that one of the most effective tools that I have found at least for restoring self love

and self-respect, is to focus on contributing to other people and to focusing, and to focus

on contributing to something outside of yourself.

That's what I got for you.

Chew on that for a hot minute.

Go forth, kick ass, make it an awesome day.

For more infomation >> Connection and contribution as a means for restoring self-love - Duration: 9:12.


Kris Erroh - Bampa (Official Music Video) SKIZA 7300328 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Kris Erroh - Bampa (Official Music Video) SKIZA 7300328 - Duration: 3:29.


Kanon (2006) - Episódio 04 - HD - Legendado - Duration: 24:14.

For more infomation >> Kanon (2006) - Episódio 04 - HD - Legendado - Duration: 24:14.


★ A remedy for the ELDER and the NID, which really works. Pediculosis is curable. - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> ★ A remedy for the ELDER and the NID, which really works. Pediculosis is curable. - Duration: 3:33.


2017 Amazon Fire TV with 4K HDR Review - Duration: 14:49.

Before I jump into the review of the New Fire TV, I want to note other people's review on

this product .

High profile Critics like CNET and Techradar seem to be good with this product, but individuals

with reviews of their own on Amazon not so much

This is a head scratcher because typically Amazons products tend to review pretty well,

especially on their website.

Here the Fire Stick for example.

So I guess the question is where do I land on this?

To be completely honest there's a lot to not like about this device, but...what are you

guys looking at?

I wasn't...I wasn't talking about you

I was talking about Roku. I wasn't

Oh come on - don't go. I didn't think he would...

I should go after him, right?

Actually let's start the review first, I'll deal with him in a little bit

The unboxing experience is pretty nice.

Definitely a step up from the Fire tablet unboxing I did in my last video.

You can power the Fire TV either with a wall outlet

or by plugging it into a usb slot in the television itself

Also, odd no reset button.

I think this is a mistake, but to be fair I've only had the fire TV lock up on me once

in the few weeks I've owned it.

I just had to unplug the fire TV and plug it back in to get it going again.

After putting my wifi in, an update to the Fire TV, a few reboots and logging into my

Amazon account, I was good to get streaming.

Actually I take that back, I didn't need to log in!

I think because amazon shipped it and they had my account info they had me already logged

in and ready to go.

Nice touch Amazon!

I really like the app picker at the beginning of the setup.

It shows popular options in several categories to get you started in streaming.

After I was in I tried to find where I could search for apps.

But then I realized that was what Alexa was for.

This makes installing apps really easy.

I bought a kit including the echo dot

To use that with it, you have to link Alexa on the echo dot in the Alexa app

After that short process you're good to go.

The interface is really nice

It looks a lot nicer than the Roku interface which I can appreciate, but it's a little

bit amazon-centric.

To be fair Amazon does promote things other than their apps.

I like how on the main screen if you highlight something Amazon is promoting it shows a trailer

in the background but it's totally out of the way and you can still control things if

the trailer doesn't grab you.

But the Fire TV definitely pushes Amazon services for sure.

It's like every other thing is something Amazon is streaming.

And they update this home screen pretty frequently.

It seems like daily, which is really nice for getting exposed to new things.

It supports tons of apps - Netflix, Hulu, Epix, Prime Video, and there are even some

I'll talk about later Plex and HDHomerun

There are some notable missing - Vudu and Google Play Movies for instance.

I guess amazon didn't want the competition.

But I will note although it has YouTube, it's not a official app.

YouTube and Amazon have a complicated relationship.

It works but it's a less than perfect experience with video stuttering and some additional

load times, but it's pretty good for the most part

And it supports HDR which we'll talk about later

you can beam YouTube from your phone to the Fire TV which is a really fun feature

Also the screensaver that it uses is really awesome.

These photos just stop me in my tracks at times

Let's just enjoy these for a little bit

Hey I've been there!

But Alexa is where this thing shines

You can control Alexa via the voice remote or hands free with a nearby echo device like

my echo dot

You can pause, play or even rewind or fast forward a specific amount of seconds.

Really cool stuff

But this functionality doesn't work on every app

Prime Video works flawlessly.

Netflix is close but it won't let you specify an amount of seconds, you can just fast forward

or rewind 10 seconds at a time

And Hulu just supports pausing and playing

YouTube would let you pause and play but fast forward or rewind just skipped to another


But even HDHomerun supported fast forward and I wouldn't consider that a high profile

app, although again you couldn't specify the amount seconds

I imagine support will be added in the near future for all of these features for all of

these apps though

Here's some cool things you can do.

I can tell Alexa to play a particular show and sometimes it's smart enough to know

where I can watch that show for free

Alexa, Play Stranger Things

See here, it knew it was on Netflix

Alexa, play This Is Us

And here it knew it was on Hulu

And a simple "Alexa play" gets things going

But sometimes you hit some walls with Alexa.

Like if I tell it to play SpongeBob SquarePants it takes me to purchase it instead of to prime

video where I can watch it for free.

And this is Alexa, so you can even control smart devices

Set the temperature to 52

The heat is set to 52

Or order something

Order toilet paper


Or have it tell you a joke

Tell me a joke

What is a pirates favorite animal? Arrhhh-varks

This is a lot of functionality you don't get with other devices.

But I will say controlling the Fire TV sometimes feels a little limited.

Here is all the commands I'm aware you can do

Be sure to be specific in your wording.

It's not the smartest voice control I've seen

But what's missing?

You can't navigate the menus by saying up or down, it just supports pretty specific


Even something as simple as turning on your tv is out of the question.

"Alexa, turn the tv on"

Sorry I didn't find tv

Nope nothing.

What's dumb here is this device supports HDMI CEC so theoretically Amazon could program

this feature in.

By the way HDMI CEC is an awesome feature that MANY people don't know about

Basically it allows the device and the TV to communicate so the Fire TV can control

your television and vis versa,

To make things a little more clear, by clicking the home button on my fire TV remote, the

tv will turn on

And I can control my fire tv with my television remote - it's really simple and really awesome

you're welcome!

Not all TVs support it, but a lot do and it's really a easy setup.

I found the performance to be pretty good

I've used the Fire TV Stick and I found this to be a good bit faster and more responsive.

and I've used the 2015 Fire TV and to be honest it's tough to say which is faster.

It's really close, but this certainly isn't an upgrade from that.

There is a bit of lag sometimes, but it's tough to say if it's because it's not

a powerful enough device or if it might be improved through software updates

One question I had going into purchasing this was how reliable this Fire TV was

I'm happy to say even after long streaming sessions it held up like a champ

I did run into some bugs and app crashes and it makes me think this device needs to cook

a little longer in the developer oven

I think amazon will eventually polish up this device with a few patches and updates

This is a 4K HDR device, so what about that, right?

Well this is embarrassing, but I don't have a tv with HDR...or 4k

I know, I know.

I can see the comments now.

"You call yourself a tech reviewer and you don't have a 4k HDR TV?


- Love, Mom"

You might be wondering why I'd buy one of these without a TV supporting those features

and I have a reason I promise, but I'll get to that later

Luckily a friend of mine has a 4K HDR tv and they allowed me give it go

4K HDR with the Fire TV is really nice.

I tried netflix, amazon, youtube in HDR and HDR is awesome, but I'd say even a non HDR

image still looks great from this device in 4k.

I could only notice the HDR difference in select scenes that really take advantage of

the extra range of color.

But watching at 4k though, that was a game changer for me.

The edges and crispness of the image we're nearly perfect.

It definitely makes me want to accidentally drop a bucket of water on my 60in Vizio

Loading the 4k HDR image was plenty fast even despite the extra data powering that image.

My friend has fiber internet at a gigabit speed and loading was near instantaneous with

the Fire TV

But you shouldn't need that much.

Amazon claims a speed of 20 megabits per second should do the trick.

Which is surprising, I would have thought you would need more.

The fire supports HDR 10 and not the Dolby Version of HDR so make sure your tv supports

that if you're wanting to take advantage of HDR.

Also at this time only Netflix, YouTube and Amazon apps support HDR, so not a huge collection

right now, but I'm sure more will come later.

Also, this device is perfectly portable.

Just bring it along and connect it to wifi and you're off and running

The built in HDMI cable helps this portability, but another reason I like having an all in

one device like this is it saves you a little bit of money.

An HDMI cable that supports 4k at 60hz with HDR runs for about $10 on Amazon.

It's a nice little bit of savings baked in there

The main reason I got a 4k HDR device without a 4k or HDR television was because I wanted

to use HDHomerun.

HDHomerun doesn't require a 4k hdr device, but I needed the extra horsepower to get this

thing going

It's a service that allows you to watch television off of an antenna

Actually it's a little more complicated than that, but it requires quite a bit of


And Roku doesn't have an app for it, so that's why I decided to pick up this Fire


I'm happy to say it works pretty well.

Not totally perfect with a few hitches here and there but pretty good nonetheless

To be fair no device I've ever used runs HDhomerun perfectly.

I also tried plex which is a popular app for playing media stored internally on your network

I was able to watch tv shows I recorded on my computer from the HD Homerun seamlessly

- great performance here.

I haven't talked about specs yet, because I think a device like this is more about what

it can do than what's on the inside

But it rocks a Amlogic Quad-core 1.5 GHz | ARM 4xCA53 and Mali450 MP3 GPU

Yeah I don't know what those are either, but they work well enough.

It also has 2 gb of ram and only sports 8gb of storage which in this day and age does

seems a bit low, but that appears to be the norm for these small tv devices.

It should be enough to store any apps you might want, but storing let's say your movie

collection is out of the question.

But that's not what a device like this is for so it's totally forgivable

It supports these codecs on the screen if that interests you.

Pause the screen if you want this, I'm about to take them away.

And gone...

But If you were hoping of gaming on this device, oh boy you're going to be disappointed.

I tried to play crossy road, yes crossy road and man that was bad.

Very laggy and did I mention it's just crossy road.

This is not an intense game by any stretch

After that I didn't bother with any other games.

If it can't handle Crossy road, I don't think it will run Crysis.

It does support some game controllers, but with it's lack of graphics power, I wouldn't

bother getting one.

Also a little random the included remote for some unknown reason uses bluetooth instead

of well whatever it was using before

I'm not sure what's the deal with the change, but it still takes 2 AAA batteries

But nothing else has changed.

Exact same layout and form factor.

Comparing it to my roku remote - this is the previous version of the Roku remote granted,

but the fires is skinnier and has more buttons, although the Roku remote has buttons to specific

apps which is nice.

But the sleeker design actually hurts the Fire a little bit.

I found this remote really easy to lose with it being all black and it being so skinny

it easily slides right into my seat cushions.

Hmm maybe smaller and sleeker isn't always better...just a thought.

There is even a remote app and it works as you'd expect, but it does use some sort

of a touchpad instead of buttons which is fine, but a little odd.

Also it doesn't support private listening through the phone like Roku does.

This is a nifty feature on Rokus where you can listen to the audio streaming from the

phone instead of it going through the tv speakers.

You can do this with earbuds to get a private listening experience

To put it simply, if you want a new Amazon Fire with HDR and the idea of Alexa being

built in appeals, then at this point this is device to get.

It's a pretty good device, but it's definitely not perfect.

If you already have the 2015 Amazon Fire TV, then you might want to wait for the next Amazon

Fire if you're wanting an upgrade

Rumor is it's coming out next year sometime.

Also if you're happy with your current streaming solution like through Smart Tv or Game console,

I really don't see a need to switch unless you think you'd benefit from the hands free

control of Alexa or you're wanting the 4k HDR support

With that said where do I land on this device and rift between critics and the average user

I think the issue here is the marketing.

This is a new 4k HDR fire streaming stick, I don't care that amazon is calling it a Fire

TV and not a streaming stick.

If you look at it like that, I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Not that this is a step back from the 2015 amazon fire tv.

No not at all.

It's more of side step

As I mentioned before, I used the 2015 Fire TV for a few weeks before getting this one

and although the older version is more polished with less bugs, I don't think performance

is that different as the streaming box.

It's basically the same thing in smaller profile.

That is unless you care about gaming on these, a microSD card slot for sideloading things

and getting an Ethernet jack built in

Well on that last one, you can get an Ethernet jack on this sold separately for $15

...except you can't right now.

It's not on sale for a few more weeks.

If these drawbacks are pushing you away from this device, then you might want to consider

the new Roku devices that came out recently.

There is a lot more of a selection to choose from and they seem really nice on paper although

I haven't used one yet

And they can control the volume on your TV from the remote, how great is that?

I've linked some to look at in the description.

I think that's it for the review, thanks so much for watching...I uhh, I gotta go now

I thought I might find you here

So, how are you holding up?

I'm sorry, I mean, I don't even like Crossy road

Why don't you just come home, I heard there's a new episode of the Walking

Dead that just came out...I've been really wanting to see that.

Listen, maybe you're not the perfect streaming box for everyone, but your

perfect for me...

At least until something better comes out

For more infomation >> 2017 Amazon Fire TV with 4K HDR Review - Duration: 14:49.


Damn That's Dope! - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Damn That's Dope! - Duration: 0:31.


BTS(방탄소년단) - 봄날 (Spring Day) Dance cover by はる / 妹×미아×ありす - Duration: 4:39.

I miss you

When I say that

I miss you more

I'm looking at your photo

But I still miss you

Time is so cruel

I hate us

Now it's hard To even see each other's faces

It's only winter here

Even in August, winter is here

My heart makes time run

Like a Snowpiercer* left alone

I wanna hold your hand

And go to the other side of the earth

To end this winter

How much longing has to fall like snow

For the spring days to come?


Like a small piece of dust

That floats in the air, like a small piece of dust

If the flying snow is me

I could reach you faster

Snowflakes are falling

Getting farther away

I miss you

I miss you

How much more do I have to wait?

How many more nights do I have to stay up?

Until I can see you?

Until I can meet you?

Past the end of this cold winter

Until the spring comes again

Until the flowers bloom again

Stay there a little longer

Stay there

Did you change?

Or did I change?

I hate even this moment that is passing

I guess we changed

I guess that's how everything is

Yeah I hate you

Although you left

There hasn't been a day

That I have forgotten you

Honestly, I miss you

But now I'll erase you

Because that will hurt less than resenting you

I'm blowing out the cold you

Like smoke, like white smoke

I say that I'm gonna erase you

But actually, I still can't let you go

Snowflakes are falling

Getting farther away

I miss you

I miss you

How much more do I have to wait?

How many more nights do I have to stay up?

Until I can see you?

Until I can meet you?

You know it all

You're my best friend

The morning will come again

Because no darkness, no season

Can last forever

Cherry blossoms are blooming

The winter is ending

I miss you

I miss you

If I wait a little longer

If I stay up a few more nights

I'll go see you

I'll go pick you up

Past the end of this cold winter

Until the spring comes again

Until the flowers bloom again

Stay there a little longer

Stay there

For more infomation >> BTS(방탄소년단) - 봄날 (Spring Day) Dance cover by はる / 妹×미아×ありす - Duration: 4:39.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



For more infomation >> O MARTíRIO TERRESTRE - IGNAVIA - Duration: 8:28.


Luis Miguel - O Tu, O Ninguna (subtitles PT/SPA) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Luis Miguel - O Tu, O Ninguna (subtitles PT/SPA) - Duration: 2:54.


10 Motivos Para Não Comprar um iPhone X - Será? - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> 10 Motivos Para Não Comprar um iPhone X - Será? - Duration: 8:06.


Saudades? Mulher tenta invadir a casa do ex-marido, e o inesperado acontece - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Saudades? Mulher tenta invadir a casa do ex-marido, e o inesperado acontece - Duration: 2:27.


O alimento orgânico é saudável? Todos os fatores analisados - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> O alimento orgânico é saudável? Todos os fatores analisados - Duration: 4:04.


Se Sua Esposa Não Tem DESEJO, Tome Isso e Você Terá o MELHOR SEXO da Sua Vida 😍 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Se Sua Esposa Não Tem DESEJO, Tome Isso e Você Terá o MELHOR SEXO da Sua Vida 😍 - Duration: 3:02.


Como fazer um diário para desenvolvimento pessoal - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Como fazer um diário para desenvolvimento pessoal - Duration: 7:17.


Não Há Nada :: Nanda Loren #NovasDivasByNielly #PremioWME - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Não Há Nada :: Nanda Loren #NovasDivasByNielly #PremioWME - Duration: 4:15.


GRAND FERRERO ROCHER: Natal - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> GRAND FERRERO ROCHER: Natal - Duration: 0:18.





Discover the truth Dex 🎮 ( Xbox One ) - Duration: 5:33.

Today on this occasion we are going to buy 💳

a game called Dex 🎮 .

What in Spanish means clarified

Dex has no translation .

It is a side-scrolling platform game

in 2D focused on the exploration

It is a Role playing game .

Once we are on our Xbox

we go to store or store .

We go to the Search 🔎 section .

And we put the name of the game 🎮 that in this case

It's Dex .

Once we have found the game

there are 2 versions the first

is the game and the second one is the Demo

Highly recommended Demo .

Dex 💲 249 Pesos

Mexicans but in the description I will leave you

the price in Dollars 💵 .

It seems to them if we bought the game .

Dex 💲 249 Pesos

Mexicans confirm purchase .

How they saw is Downloading 🔄 the game

In the description I will leave you how long it takes

install and if you need an Update 📶.

The story 📔 follows Dex, a young woman 👩 .

That lives 🌎 .

In Harbor Prime it is a city 🌆 .

Controlled by a secret corporation 🚧

known as complex 🔰 .

It becomes a goal. And it is 🚷

saved by a Hacker known as Raycat 💻 .

That guides you to a safe area 🌇 ,

Raycat reveals 💬 to Dex that she is the " Ketcher Fragment ".

It is an Artificial intelligence program 💽

created by the complex 🔰 .

It closed 🚪 when the complex

I lost control of it. And Dex becomes

in part of the resistance and is controlled by 🔩

the complex .

In the description I will leave the game trailer for you

if you like to see it .

Developer .

Published by .

Gender RPG of Action and Adventure .

Released 📅 July 7, 2016 .

Classification M of 17

for above .

Single player game mode .

Languages 🌎 Spanish and English in the

description I will leave you the rest of the Languages .

Platforms Xbox One, Playstation 4,

Play Station Vita,

Stim and PC .

Approximate size 3.

6 GB .

Download 📶 from the Xbox store .

I would like to send a greeting

to 2 subscribers their names are

Arnulfo Ruiz and Arlin

The Crack .

In the description I will leave your channels

in case you like to see them .

Well I hope you liked the video 🎥 there .

Do not forget to subscribe den like 👍


Do not forget to activate the bell 🔔 to get them

information each time you upload a video .

Do not forget to follow me in all my Social Networks 📲.

On twitter on my Facebook page

on Instagram twitch and on YouTube .

I say goodbye to your friend 👥

Cook of Games

until then 👋 .


For more infomation >> Discover the truth Dex 🎮 ( Xbox One ) - Duration: 5:33.


MI PRIMER VIDEO EN RUSO - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> MI PRIMER VIDEO EN RUSO - Duration: 5:19.


BTS(방탄소년단) - 봄날 (Spring Day) Dance cover by はる / 妹×미아×ありす - Duration: 4:39.

I miss you

When I say that

I miss you more

I'm looking at your photo

But I still miss you

Time is so cruel

I hate us

Now it's hard To even see each other's faces

It's only winter here

Even in August, winter is here

My heart makes time run

Like a Snowpiercer* left alone

I wanna hold your hand

And go to the other side of the earth

To end this winter

How much longing has to fall like snow

For the spring days to come?


Like a small piece of dust

That floats in the air, like a small piece of dust

If the flying snow is me

I could reach you faster

Snowflakes are falling

Getting farther away

I miss you

I miss you

How much more do I have to wait?

How many more nights do I have to stay up?

Until I can see you?

Until I can meet you?

Past the end of this cold winter

Until the spring comes again

Until the flowers bloom again

Stay there a little longer

Stay there

Did you change?

Or did I change?

I hate even this moment that is passing

I guess we changed

I guess that's how everything is

Yeah I hate you

Although you left

There hasn't been a day

That I have forgotten you

Honestly, I miss you

But now I'll erase you

Because that will hurt less than resenting you

I'm blowing out the cold you

Like smoke, like white smoke

I say that I'm gonna erase you

But actually, I still can't let you go

Snowflakes are falling

Getting farther away

I miss you

I miss you

How much more do I have to wait?

How many more nights do I have to stay up?

Until I can see you?

Until I can meet you?

You know it all

You're my best friend

The morning will come again

Because no darkness, no season

Can last forever

Cherry blossoms are blooming

The winter is ending

I miss you

I miss you

If I wait a little longer

If I stay up a few more nights

I'll go see you

I'll go pick you up

Past the end of this cold winter

Until the spring comes again

Until the flowers bloom again

Stay there a little longer

Stay there

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