Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 19 2017

From the hand sanitizer at your favorite food truck to those single-use wipes at the doctor's

office, alcohols are used to disinfect things all the time.

So every time you have an alcoholic drink, it's basically like microbe-killing juice…

which doesn't sound so great for the helpful critters in your gut.

But, turns out, drinking in moderation could actually kill the microbes that cause food

poisoning and diarrhea, while helping the bacteria that help you.

It's been known for centuries that alcohols can kill microscopic germs—the Greek physician

Galen used wine to clean gladiatorial wounds way back in 150 CE.

But the ethanol in beer and wine is just one type of alcohol.

Chemically, alcohols are compounds with at least one hydroxyl group, which is just a

hydrogen and an oxygen, bound to a chain of at least one carbon .

High concentrations of alcohol—like the 70% isopropanol in antibacterial wipes—dissolve

cell membranes, killing bacteria and viruses on contact.

But a straight shot of vodka is only about 40% ethanol, while the average glass of wine

is 12%, and beer is 5%.

Even though they're below membrane-nuking concentrations, lots of drinks can kill bacteria and viruses.

But exactly how is less clear.

We know that lower concentrations of ethanol can still make cell membranes unstable.

And they can promote the production of reactive oxygen metabolites, which can damage important cell parts.

So alcohol can knock out some unwelcome microbes in your stomach and upper intestine before

they become harmful.

For example, there's pretty good evidence that beer and wine take out Vibrio cholerae—the

bacterium that causes cholera, a disease where you're attacked by uncontrollable diarrhea.

That could be part of why alcohol was so popular on long sea voyages, and not just for Captain

Jack Sparrow-types: it was safer to drink rum or beer than probably-contaminated water.

Booze doesn't just kill cholera, either.

Case studies have shown that wine, in particular, might be able to kill the nasty bugs that

cause food poisoning like Salmonella and Norovirus, before they set up shop in your bowels.

And one study on around 80 people found that drinking wine and other beverages with more

than 10% alcohol kept people from being infected with hepatitis A from contaminated oysters,

which can cause liver disease.

Of course, we now know that there are also beneficial bacteria that live on and inside

us, and you wouldn't want to kill a bunch of them with every shot of tequila.

So it's a good thing that doesn't really happen, partially because a lot of the microbes

that matter are in your colon, not your stomach.

By the time your drink mixes with stomach acid and makes its way through your upper

intestines, most of the alcohol is already absorbed.

That said, some scientists think a glass of wine every night could affect your lower intestines—in

a good way.

Some of the non-alcoholic compounds in wine called polyphenols feed helpful bacteria,

and get broken into smaller useful molecules.

Some scientists think these molecules can bind to the cell membranes of disease-causing

bacteria, like those in the genus Clostridium, and kill them off.

Or they might even boost your health.

One study suggested that polyphenol byproducts could explain why regular wine drinkers

seem to have fewer heart problems.

And another found that they might help counteract some of the metabolic problems caused by obesity.

But don't go tapping that keg in celebration just yet.

These potential benefits aren't a sure thing, and they refer to moderate drinking—so,

like, a glass of wine or a couple beers a day.

Binge drinking and alcoholism are a totally different ballgame.

For example, a fairly large study published in 2001 found that regularly drinking a little

alcohol seemed to reduce the chance of being infected with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium

that causes severe stomach ulcers.

But the researchers found that drinking more wasn't better.

After a certain point, as alcohol consumption increased, so did the chance of infection.

In fact, the upper intestines in both short and long term heavy drinkers tend to have

too much bacteria.

Scientists think that large doses of alcohol could slow down intestinal movement and take

a toll on helpful bacteria, which could give harmful microbes the time and space to gain a foothold.

Alcohol can also mess with the genes in cells that line your intestines and stomach, which

can lead to things like producing too much or almost no stomach acid after long term abuse.

And this isn't great because stomach acid is one of the most effective defenses against

disease-causing bacteria.

Chronic alcohol abuse also cripples your immune system, making you much more vulnerable to

pathogens in general.

Not to mention the whole "destroying your liver" bit.

If you picture your gut lining as a sturdy trash bag made of cells, alcohols and their

byproducts can punch a ton of little holes in it.

This lets junk like bacterial toxins leak out, which your liver has to clean up.

And the harder it has to work, the more damaged it becomes.

So a glass of red wine with dinner might actually help you resist some food poisoning.

But if you go overboard, hangovers will be the least of your concerns.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help keep the science shots flowing, order a round on you by pledging

your support at

For more infomation >> Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Your Gut Bacteria? - Duration: 4:27.


draft1upload - Duration: 1:32.

But, according to information from the descendants of slaves and freedmen, the question of who is a hereditary slave concerns much more than 850, 000 people - 7% of the population.

Since its creation in July 2012, the Malian Coalition Against Slavery,

which ABA ROLI is a supporting member of,

has undertaken a series of actions, the most emblematic of which

has been the development of a draft law criminalizing slavery and related practices in 2014.

''After a year and a half in the premises of the Ministry of Justice, this draft law found itself on the table of the Council of Ministers,

which unfortunately did not adopt it.'' Keita Fatoumata (pictured) of CISSOKO.

For more infomation >> draft1upload - Duration: 1:32.


Ableton Live 10: What's New

For more infomation >> Ableton Live 10: What's New


LUZ, CÂMERA E... CORTA!!! #9 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> LUZ, CÂMERA E... CORTA!!! #9 - Duration: 3:12.


Loucura? Homem diz ser viajante do tempo e alega tomar remédio para rejuvenescer - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Loucura? Homem diz ser viajante do tempo e alega tomar remédio para rejuvenescer - Duration: 3:37.


Ao falar à plateia, Lula mostra aflição e militante responde em 'pegar em armas' - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Ao falar à plateia, Lula mostra aflição e militante responde em 'pegar em armas' - Duration: 2:56.


Exercício Joanete Hálux Valgo Dor Pés Dedão Pé Tratamento - Clínica Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Exercício Joanete Hálux Valgo Dor Pés Dedão Pé Tratamento - Clínica Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 11:05.


O DESAFIO!! The challenge in Portuguese. O desafio das 5 perguntas - Duration: 22:20.

For me it is going to be weird.. but ok

Hello guys,

Fellow rides on 2 wheels

and motorcycle riders and motovloggers in general

Welcome to my channel

I´m Hellishrider

Ok.. We are here today with my

dear and oldy CBRipper

to do a vlog completely different

today is gonna be a vlog

that is an answer to a challenge

a challenge that has been posted in the

Portuguese motovloggers community

it is proudly

that I´ve noticed recognition from the Portuguese community

regarding my self and my channel

need to say

many many thanks

many thanks to you guys

o vlog de hoje

this challenge


to all this people from the motorcycle world

to get to know each others

and I believe that is one of the things

very important in the motorcycle brotherhood

and motorcycle world

it is also a reason

that I´m proud to be challenged

a big compliment

to my friend MPA Neves

Please check is channel in the description box

My friend MPA Neves

thank you so much

very proudto be challenged

the challenge is about 5 questions

that I´m gonna try to answer the best way possible

with my natural stupidity

and my not very well developed

intelligence... lets say

well.. ass ?

I like them very much

those one nicely rounded, like bass guitars..

I like them very much


I also like sluts, I was also a slut in the pass

just a bit ;)

I like them all

now more serious

This question is about who am I

who are you or...

who are you and what are you doing here!


I´m Hellishrider

I was born and raised in Portugal

with roots in the center of the mountain area

Land of the granite!

I´m talking about Serra da Estrela mountain

I was born in the city of Covilhã

in 1979

so this carcass already has

38 years old...unfortunately

but well lived ....... I hope

I lived in Portugal till my 30 years old

and then I decided to live abroad

thing´s were a bit bad

and I was tired of the situation

thing´s of the pass !!

hey you fk clown, couldn´t you wait

a bit.???

7 year ago

put some clothes in a backpack

and let´s go to Holland

since I´m here

thing´s are going OK

I was able

to have the life

that I wanted


1st done

for the second question

first let me show you guys

the landscape

in the area that I live, Tilburg

in the south of Holland

today you see here my CBRipper

but I have also the chopper.. my Shwarley

that I show in the last video

well... so

first question is done.. second question..

what is my motivation?

is quite simple

we all have our jobs

that give us the money

to pay the bills


what we see here.. the bikes

and making some video

fun videos I hope, I like to think they are funny

at least I have a lot of fun doing and watching them

this is what motivates me, get to the end of the work day

pick your bike and go for a ride

let your brain flow to other dimension

only you and the bike

the surroundings and freedom

don´t know how to explain

is something that you need to feel inside you

if you do this as obligation... forget it!

do something else

when we do like what we do

there are no words to describe what you feel

it all started as a joke

because I live far away from family

we do not have the same daily contact

i wanted to

some how..... to share

with family and friends

how is my life

out of the work or normal life!

how is my life here in Holland,

and what do I do with my free time

it started like this

riding alone

let me record the rides

to show the guys


i discovered the motovlog world

and then I decided

lets try to do something fun

despite to live abroad

and speak English

not even in Dutch

but I was accepted in the community

and I´ve beed doing

cool stuff

get to know a lot of people

from all over the world

I´ve been making group rides

and solo rides

great things

and all this is my motivation

at the end of the day

or in the weekend and know that I´m gonna ride

one of them at least

and go for a ride

What you guys see here

this is pretty much Holland

everything is flat

a bit boring to ride here

but if you cross the border to Belgium and Germany

it´s awesome to ride around here

let´s go for the next questions

third question

could you live from this?

lets say..

I have the opinion

unfortunately not everybody has the dream job

and even when you have

if it starts being........

just like obligation

maybe the feeling

it is not the same!!!

the dedication...

our way of doing things

maybe gets different!!

If I would like to live from it?

I would like that my life would be..

riding motorcycles everyday!!

everyday... making reviews

making maintenance on the bikes..

tutorials about the bikes...


the recording..

as the editing the videos

is something that I really

like to do, I really like it


make this my life?

I would..

If my income didn't depend on it!!

as someone said before

If I get the Lotery

and no need to work

of course I would do this for a living

ok then

next one

at 20 ?

or at 200 ?

for me it makes no difference!

I ride at 20 and at 200 !!

after some time riding at 200

at least in my experience

you realize

at 200 things go by really fast

in life!!

and we have no time to enjoy them

or build memories about them

I get to the conclusio that some times at 20 is really nice

it allows you

really enjoy

what are we doing here

I think every one should

experience both ways

everyone should try at 20

but try at 200 as well

you need to try

but don't over do it

on the CBRipper

I like to do it at 200 some times

it is true

on Shwarley is all about the 20..

yehp at 20!!

to feel the air in the brain

I love to ride my chopper

and in the choppers there is no meaning to ride at 200

Shwarley doesn't even reach 200

but even if it could

I prefer to ride slow, appreciate and enjoy life!



I believe

there is only 1 more question

Lets go then..

last question!

For who would you delete you channel ?



the kid was asking

please rev it hard!!!

yyeehhhyy the lake with the ducks!!


I though about this

very seriously...

maybe 10 seconds

about this question

very easy to get the answer

for who I would delete the channel?

for nothing or no one!

not a chance

making this kind of channel or this activity

it is personal

what the f** is this?

looking with ass face?

damn kids

drive licence only for 2 days

look at this s**t

F**k dumb kids

Hello blondie

ups... she no!!

she really said no!!


lets go back to the challenge!

Nothing or no one!!

we do this

at least I do it because I love to do it

I like it a lot

Like I told you, recording, the editing..

everything around this..

get to know people and share erperiences

so.. I think there is nothing

or no one

that could make me change my mind

the channel is mine!

I do what ever I want with the channel

there is nothing or any one that could make me

Hey.. am I safe here? do you need all the f**k space?

so.. is exactly that,

this channel.. good or bad

with nice videos or bad videos!!

being funny or not.. crappy or awesome!! what ever it is..

It´s mine

if the people enjoy it?

great.. I feel very happy!

it is really nice to get comments

it is really nice when you see comments like:

hey man, I was having a shitty day

but I watched your video and just had a laugh!!

this is very comforting!

I do with this channel

what I think best while I´m having fun

while I´m enjoying what I´m doing

because for serious stuff

the daily life and work is enough!

this is a escape

this is my escape!


I would never delete the channel... never!

even if life gets to a point

that I´m not able to.. lack of time,

or because physical condition!!

that I can not ride

only for something really serious

I would stop doing what I do

I´m not here only for subs

not for the views

this is my escape

while I can and health allows me,

more or less

I will continue to do this


if something goes really wrong for some reason in the future

maybe I stop doing videos

but delete the channel? Why??

Good or bad

we did this..

and we..

need to be responsible for what we do

what ever it is.. we did it!!

and the rest can F** off

sorry.. now we can not swear on youtube

Here he goes!!

in the red!!

it had to be!!

and that's it!

guys, I hope that I answered

basically to the questions

I hope you guys understand it

I hope you guys enjoy it.. of course

again, a big thanks to MPA Neves

for the challenge, really proud to be,,


lets say, in the Portuguese motovloggers community

believe me, is quite important to me.... to feel that

and then I´m leaving the challenge

to other motovloggers

I think that is how things work

if I´m not mistaken, the other challenges that I saw

V-max, Sem Destinos, Overland 4All,

from Russo

the guys usually nominate 1 or 2 motovloggers

which motovlogger shall I nominate?

lets see..

I don´t know if some of you guys already know

but he is a friend

motorcycle rider, also does motovlogs

and also has a youtube channel

and most important

like me Hellishrider

he is also living abroad here in Holland

he is Portuguese but he works here in Holland

and it has a channel

really really nice guys

it is not specific

dedicated to motovlog but

lets say in a general way to the motorcycle world

please check him out

Critical Rider

I leave the links on the description box

on the message box.... ok?

please check the channel

so I challenge him to this Portuguese challenge

with this 5 questions

1st question....... 2nd question

you can cross blondie!!!

lets go.. come on..come on..

before I regret ... ok, you'r welcome


3th question

would you live from this?

4th question.... at 200

or at 20...

or at 20or at 200

it does not matter how you make the question

in first or in second the 200 or the 20

and last question

ok guys..

lets go

help the community!! and answer

if you please

look guys.... very nice

very proud in making this for you guys

I hope you enjoy the video

many many thanks

for watching, many thanks for all the support

that you guys show to the channel

ok.. hope you guys enjoy the video

if you like it, press that like button

or the dislike, does not matter

it is more cool the like but for me does not matter

the important is that you put something there

please leave your comment

even if is to tell me to F** my self.. is also ok

I´m used to it.. it happens all the time

on the traffic

if I look to they'r faces..

when I over take them.. is what they are thinking.. to tell me to F** my self

please leave your comment

about the channel

and what you think about this

if you are already subscribed, many thanks

if you are not yet, think about it.. is for free!!

so.. feel free to subscribe

you can subscribe, I don´t mind


share the videos with friends, family

do what ever you feel like!! it´s always nice support each others

is what I try to do, be active on the community

share.. and comment and like...

once again

many thanks, really!!

the kid was excited!!

ok guys

I´ll finish here

hope you guys enjoy it

we see each other on the next video

do not forget

\m/ Ride in peace

For more infomation >> O DESAFIO!! The challenge in Portuguese. O desafio das 5 perguntas - Duration: 22:20.


7 Natural Remedies to Free Your Dog from Fleas - Duration: 5:04.

A dog is, in fact, the best friend man.

Having a pet can provide joy in many ways.

However, one can not deny that having a dog may also mean trouble.

Especially during the summer months, that's when many often complain

of fleas on their dogs.

Now see in this video some of the solutions natural that can be effective to deliver

your dog of fleas:

Olive oil

In general, the natural oils can prove effective in killing fleas,

as it kills and prevents the spread.

Among other options, one of the most popular It would be the oil as it is a common item in many


Just rub the oil on your pet starting with the face to the entire body.

This sense is recommended to prevent fleas come into contact with eyes.

Let stand at least four hours and rinse much later.

lemon peel, orange and / or grapefruit

If you have a dog and you usually eat lemon, oranges or grapefruit, you might consider

the peel of the citrus fruit as a natural removing fleas.

Let the shells boil in a pot filled water for about 15 minutes.

This will allow you to create citrus oil.

Let cool and then pour it in your dog, ensuring a distribution

uniform to cover all areas well.


There are many brands of shampoos for dogs containing natural eucalyptus and you can easily

make yourself at home.

One thing you can do is simply mixing corn starch eucalyptus leaves


You can also consider a combination water, soap and eucalyptus oil.

Another option would be to use a cloth folded with a few drops of eucalyptus oil

like necklace for your dog.

white vinegar

White vinegar you have in the kitchen It may prove useful not only to add

taste in food but also in the treatment of fleas on dogs.

In this recipe you will need a bottle spray, 1 part vinegar to 3 parts

of water.

Put one part vinegar to three parts water within the spray bottle.

You can if you want, add a drop of any essential oil.

Spray it lightly on their dogs or in areas where their dogs often remain,

as the couch for example.


Salt is another basic kitchen product serving more than just flavor the


Did you know that you can use salt to fleas away from your dog?

You will not use the salt directly into it, but will apply it directly in the areas

where flea eggs are, as in his furniture for example.

Just sprinkle salt in the places where he often stay, leave for two days and vacuum


Apple vinegar

One way to use apple cider vinegar to avoid fleas is to let the dog take


All you need to do is combine a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in

water your pet.

It will gradually penetrate the skin, and the fleas will begin to fade.


This is the cheapest and most practical way for which you can treat fleas.

Cleanliness is perhaps the best way to get rid of them.

Make sure you wash your dog regularly.

Allow it to soak in a tub full of water.

This will allow the fleas came out so natural and easy, since it does not cling

to the stem.

And then liked the tips on how to help your dog to get rid of fleas naturally?

It's pretty easy is not it?

If you have already made or will make share us your opinion.

For more infomation >> 7 Natural Remedies to Free Your Dog from Fleas - Duration: 5:04.



The first thing I do

Is if course take a shower but I've skipped that part cause there's no need to show it, right?

But the first thing I do as soon as

My shower before I started getting dressed is


Today I'm gonna have to do it because as you can see it shows

And that's not allowed. It's gotta be smooth-looking

I usually shave every 3 days

I always use hot water


It opens up the pores and prevents ingrown hair

By the way

I have bruise right here


Done shaving! Let me wash the shaving cream off

See? Clean and smooth

Well, starting to get dressed

The first thing I put on is the white undershirt

Not only is it hygienic because

You don't sweat over the uniform shirt

But also

It is a requirement from the company

It is part of grooming standards

You must have a white undershirt underneath the uniform shirt

So I have it on already

Let's start getting dressed

Here's the uniform shirt

Which I always bring an extra one from home

If I'm flying a lot and I have no spare one

I use the laundry service in the hotel

Most times I bring one from home though

And that's how we roll, right?

Now onto the most annoying part

Which is the hair

I'm gonna go back to the bathroom and blowdry it

And see if I can fix this

Hair looks decent

I always use this texturizer powder

It's a dry powder

So I put a little bit on

And it thickens the hair so I can fix it

From the same brand, that's a hair wax

I use very little of it

Cause I hate that wet look on the hair

I only use on the sides

In order to give it a more formal look

We can't have anything too spiky

It's gotta be within

Image and uniform standards

I'm almost ready

And now what I'll do is try to tidy up the room

I can never pack in a practical way

What I really need is always at the bottom of it all

So I always have to dig in and look for it

Have a look at the state of this!

I'm gonna try to have it semi-ready

So I can lock my suitcase and be ready for checkout

Now onto the shoes

Polished, beautiful and perfect!

Now I'll get my socks

The company requires for it to be brown obviously

So it matches the uniform which is also brown

It's gotta be brown guys!

Belt on, shoes polished

We're almost ready. Only the tie left

I can never complain cause I think it's super handy

All you have to do is

Click it!

Ready, see?


And then we put on the clip which has the Emirates logo

We put it on like this

From the middle downwards

So what do you think? I'm almost ready!

That's pretty much it

Now the final touch is when we put on the blazer

Which has

The Emirates star which we call Najoum

It's a promise we make to

Always deliver an impeccable service

And this star represents that

The name tag

Which has my name in Portuguese

And in Arabic as you can see

Let's put it on

Put on the company ID

Which we have to use at all times

The watch must also follow the company guideline

Mine is brown and black

And it's acceptable according to what they require

And it's mandatory to have one

Because it's safety-related

Now all I have to do is lock the suitcase, go down

And be happy!

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed watching me

getting ready for the flight

What I did here

Is nothing different than what I do in Dubai

And it's something you've been asking to see a lot!

So I've decided to show you guys what it's like

Just to keep the habit I'm gonna ask you guys to follow me on Instagram

Subscribe to the channel

I'll try to post every week some cool videos and things you ask me about

Meet me somewhere in the world

See you next time. Bye!



1 Clarim na Clarinada da Rainha para Entrada da Noiva - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> 1 Clarim na Clarinada da Rainha para Entrada da Noiva - Duration: 1:13.


Minuto Agreste 32 - Semana de 17 a 23 de Novembro - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Minuto Agreste 32 - Semana de 17 a 23 de Novembro - Duration: 2:05.


Na frente do namorado, Sophia Abrahão confessa que é louca por outro homem - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Na frente do namorado, Sophia Abrahão confessa que é louca por outro homem - Duration: 2:31.


8 alimenti che aiutano a mantenere sano il cervello - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> 8 alimenti che aiutano a mantenere sano il cervello - Duration: 6:56.


Lineage II Revolution in italiano - Recensione Gameplay - Android IOS - Duration: 34:49.

For more infomation >> Lineage II Revolution in italiano - Recensione Gameplay - Android IOS - Duration: 34:49.


Photo Finish For Women's Triathlon at London 2012 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 5:16.

You see a lot of close finishes in the sprints.

100m, 200m, the hurdles,

it's in the nature of sprinting

that victory is won by tiny margins.

Fans love it.

Kids these days, always on their phones.

Hm, what?

For sprinters, microseconds are their business, their currency.

For them, one tenth of a second

in the 100m final is an eternity.

It's all a matter of proportion.

You don't see many dead-heats in the marathon.

But there was one long-distance race, lasting two hours,

which really did come down to the wire.

As you'll see, we're talking close, really close.

The triathlon has quickly become one of the iconic events

of the summer Games following its introduction in 2000.

It comes in three sections. The swimming. The cycling.

And the run.

To spice it up, it has awkward little transition sections

where so often the race is won or lost.

It's an event virtually designed to smash the field,

to scatter the competitors

into one thin line of athletic torment.

The previous Olympic Women's event was won

by well over a minute.

No photo required.

The Women's Triathlon at London 2012 was different.

Here are the two athletes to look out for.

Lisa Norden of Sweden

and Nicola Spirig of Switzerland.

You can barely see them in the swimming section

because neither of them counts it as their best discipline.

There are some very good swimmers in here,

as we say, look out for

Great Britain's Lucy Hall, who's wearing 8.

She will more than likely take Vicky Holland with her.

Lucy Hall of Great Britain emerged from the water

with a handsome lead.

Spoiler alert - Hall would finish 33rd.

It's a cruel sport.

The split times tell us that Norden and Spirig

complete the swimming events in exactly the same time.

The Swiss Spirig considers the cycling her top event.

She's awesome on the bike,

quickly making up time lost on the swim.

But Norden is having a good race,

she feels strong, matching Spirig

in her strongest discipline.

Well, here they come back towards transition.

Here comes Nicola Spirig.

It comes down to the run.

The final 10K of an Olympic triathlon is a thing of wonder,

athletes pushing themselves to the limit,

with unbelievable reserves of energy and determination.

Spirig has both,

and puts herself in prime position for the final section.

She is flying.

And looking at some of the runners in that field,

the likes of Nicola Spirig,

this could literally come down

to a sprint finish for the three medals.

She holds off the Australian, Erin Densham.

But, try as she might,

she cannot not shake off her Swedish rival.

Lisa Norden - is this going to be her day?

Here they come. It is a sprint finish.

It's all come down to this.

Two hours of racing,

Nicola Spirig and Lisa Norden, it would appear.

The Australian has gone.

Spirig, look...look for the Norwegian,

the big, long strides of hers,

and she's eating into the Swiss.

Look at this, nothing between them as they go into the tape.

Dead heat.

Densham bronze, while Spirig and Norden

have to wait for the judges

to examine photographic evidence.

Even now it's hard to judge.

Eventually, a decision is made,

the same time for Spirig and Norden.

The same time to within one-hundredth of a second

but Nicola Spirig wins, by a whisker.

It hasn't sunk in yet, it's...

I don't think I really realise that

I'm Olympic Champion now

but it's amazing, it's just amazing.

It's been a lot of ups and downs, and this is amazing.

I had so many injuries leading up to this and I never thought

I'd get it together and running in the last ten laps, I felt

amazing and I realised I could probably get a medal

and actually up until the last couple of metres...

It's really amazing.

The photo suggests victory by the tiniest of margins,

maybe two centimetres, to be generous.

That's over a race that's 51.5 million centimetres long.

You've already worked that out as a percentage, right?

So, if, say, this was a 100m sprint

it's the equivalent of winning by a margin so slim

it's almost beyond human detection.

38.8 micrometres, to be precise.

The diameter of a typical human hair is about 50 micrometres,

less than a hair's breadth!

You could watch 1,000 triathlons,

1,000 races and never see a finish as close as that.

For more infomation >> Photo Finish For Women's Triathlon at London 2012 | The Olympics On The Record - Duration: 5:16.


GF VIP: la rabbia di Cecilia Rodriguez | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: la rabbia di Cecilia Rodriguez | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:53.


Jardim - Além da concepção (part. FA-EL) [Prod. CLN] - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Jardim - Além da concepção (part. FA-EL) [Prod. CLN] - Duration: 2:21.


Um Amor Quase Perfeito - Filme Gay - Legendado - Duration: 1:43:50.

For more infomation >> Um Amor Quase Perfeito - Filme Gay - Legendado - Duration: 1:43:50.


What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another NFL Game. - Duration: 5:57.

What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another

NFL Game.

Now the NFL and its cronies are blaming President Donald Trump for their own stupidity and ignorance.

NBC broadcaster Al Michaels was asked about his thoughts on the NFL rating decline in

an interview with this week.

Michaels listed multiple factors, but of course, wasted no time circled back to President Donald

Trump's September comments at a rally in Alabama where he called for protesting players

to be "fired.

He alluded to the false notion that President Trump's comments reignited the spotlight

on player protests.

But the fact was that Trump didn't reignite the controversy, the controversy was never

extinguished, he only called out what players were already doing.

Especially the failed ex-Forty Niner's quarterback Colin Kaepernick who, because he saw his career

was ending he decided to take a knee against our flag and all she stands for.

The NY Times Reports:

Maybe Colin Kaepernick Is Just Not That Good.

Whether or not Colin Kaepernick plays another down in the N.F.L., I'm going to say that

he can achieve more off a football field than he — or anyone else in the sport — can

achieve on one.

Football, in the larger scheme of things, is not that important.

Kaepernick, meanwhile, has a message about crucial aspects of our frayed but hopefully

repairable nation that will continue to grow.

If he has the devotion to work for change, he could outclass Tom Brady, or any player

you might name, as someone who did something that truly matters for future generations.

But I thought it might be useful to at least consider something.

The conventional wisdom is that Kaepernick, who opted out of his contract with the San

Francisco 49ers after last season and has yet to be signed by another team, does not

have an N.F.L. job on account of his politics.

In protest against racism and police brutality, he won't stand for the national anthem,

and he's increasingly outspoken on social issues.

Earlier this summer in a tweet he likened the police to members of the fugitive slave


N.F.L. owners, the thinking goes, must be racists who don't like his politics — or

cynical pragmatists who don't like that their racist fans don't like his politics.

What seems to me more problematic than Kaepernick's not having a job is the general unwillingness

to consider that this situation might be justified on the merits, given Kaepernick's current

attributes, or lack thereof, as a quarterback, rather than assuming, as part of a kneejerk

gospel of victimhood, that persecution must be the cause.

It's not hard to make a statistical case for why Kaepernick is not playing now.

He threw for a mere 187 yards a game last season, which was good enough for 30th (in

a league of 32 teams).

For his career, he has completed fewer than 60 percent of his passes.

Last season, 24 passers completed more than 60 percent.

Kaepernick, at 59.2 percent, was ranked 26th.

If you're below 60 percent, you're a fringe guy.

More damning, Kaepernick was not asked to make difficult throws; he's not a Matt Ryan-type

quarterback, slinging the ball far down the field on deep crosses or challenging out routes.

In the current iteration of the N.F.L., offense rules the day, with quarterbacks tasked to

put up crooked numbers on the scoreboard.

Kaepernick's job was to be a game manager, making the easiest, high-percentage throws.

And he still struggled.

What are you supposed to do with a guy like this?

What can he do for you?

Can he help you win?

If Kaepernick deserves a spot in the league, it's only as a backup quarterback.

And he will eventually get a job as one, I bet, once quarterbacks start getting hurt.

But the fact that he doesn't have a job right now isn't shocking, and it doesn't

have to be because N.F.L. owners are racists who are blackballing him.

The older I get, the less I care about football, but I do care about merit, and things being

seen for what they are.

"Life is," as Dostoyevsky wrote, and it is our job to figure out what the "is"


I believe that's one of the core responsibilities of being human.

We don't do this enough anymore.

We don't ask the tough questions.

We seek to align ourselves with what I think of as the "control voice" — whatever

piped-in monotone is dictating a given narrative at the moment.

It's easy to feel good about yourself when you're patting yourself on the back for

your inability to never fail to take the moral high ground, which everyone who agrees with

you reinforces and enables, one Facebook "like" at a time.

But there is nothing real about that.

It doesn't matter that Kaepernick doesn't have a job; it matters that so few people

even wonder if there might be a non-disgraceful explanation.

We have become the anti-meritocracy.

We resent those who outperform us, outwork us, outproduce us.

And the person who has been perceived to have been slighted?

He is whom we now adore.

The only reason Colin Kaepernick ever started kneeling was because he was for all intents

and purposes, on his way out of the NFL.

He knew this so his Muslim girlfriend, who has deep ties to Islamic extremism, convinced

him to pull a stunt like he did.

He never had an issue with any so-called "cop brutality" or hating our flag while he was

actually still an active player for the Niners.

But today since it seems like no team wants the drama Kaepernick started after he was

benched when he was playing poorly for the San Francisco Forty-Niners he has changed

his tune.

It has gotten to the point that he is actually begging teams to hire him.

He is even saying that he will never kneel for the National Anthem again if someone hires


Gee thanks, what a guy.

Way to stand up for your so-called convictions dude.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree that players who kneel should be fired on the spot.

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another NFL Game. - Duration: 5:57.


Renault Kadjar - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar - Duration: 0:51.


Napoli-Milan, presentazione e probabili formazioni: Mario Rui all'esame Suso, Montella si copre - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Napoli-Milan, presentazione e probabili formazioni: Mario Rui all'esame Suso, Montella si copre - Duration: 3:46.


Promova o bem-estar do seu corpo com cúrcuma e água com limão - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> Promova o bem-estar do seu corpo com cúrcuma e água com limão - Duration: 8:30.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Your Gut Bacteria? - Duration: 4:27.

From the hand sanitizer at your favorite food truck to those single-use wipes at the doctor's

office, alcohols are used to disinfect things all the time.

So every time you have an alcoholic drink, it's basically like microbe-killing juice…

which doesn't sound so great for the helpful critters in your gut.

But, turns out, drinking in moderation could actually kill the microbes that cause food

poisoning and diarrhea, while helping the bacteria that help you.

It's been known for centuries that alcohols can kill microscopic germs—the Greek physician

Galen used wine to clean gladiatorial wounds way back in 150 CE.

But the ethanol in beer and wine is just one type of alcohol.

Chemically, alcohols are compounds with at least one hydroxyl group, which is just a

hydrogen and an oxygen, bound to a chain of at least one carbon .

High concentrations of alcohol—like the 70% isopropanol in antibacterial wipes—dissolve

cell membranes, killing bacteria and viruses on contact.

But a straight shot of vodka is only about 40% ethanol, while the average glass of wine

is 12%, and beer is 5%.

Even though they're below membrane-nuking concentrations, lots of drinks can kill bacteria and viruses.

But exactly how is less clear.

We know that lower concentrations of ethanol can still make cell membranes unstable.

And they can promote the production of reactive oxygen metabolites, which can damage important cell parts.

So alcohol can knock out some unwelcome microbes in your stomach and upper intestine before

they become harmful.

For example, there's pretty good evidence that beer and wine take out Vibrio cholerae—the

bacterium that causes cholera, a disease where you're attacked by uncontrollable diarrhea.

That could be part of why alcohol was so popular on long sea voyages, and not just for Captain

Jack Sparrow-types: it was safer to drink rum or beer than probably-contaminated water.

Booze doesn't just kill cholera, either.

Case studies have shown that wine, in particular, might be able to kill the nasty bugs that

cause food poisoning like Salmonella and Norovirus, before they set up shop in your bowels.

And one study on around 80 people found that drinking wine and other beverages with more

than 10% alcohol kept people from being infected with hepatitis A from contaminated oysters,

which can cause liver disease.

Of course, we now know that there are also beneficial bacteria that live on and inside

us, and you wouldn't want to kill a bunch of them with every shot of tequila.

So it's a good thing that doesn't really happen, partially because a lot of the microbes

that matter are in your colon, not your stomach.

By the time your drink mixes with stomach acid and makes its way through your upper

intestines, most of the alcohol is already absorbed.

That said, some scientists think a glass of wine every night could affect your lower intestines—in

a good way.

Some of the non-alcoholic compounds in wine called polyphenols feed helpful bacteria,

and get broken into smaller useful molecules.

Some scientists think these molecules can bind to the cell membranes of disease-causing

bacteria, like those in the genus Clostridium, and kill them off.

Or they might even boost your health.

One study suggested that polyphenol byproducts could explain why regular wine drinkers

seem to have fewer heart problems.

And another found that they might help counteract some of the metabolic problems caused by obesity.

But don't go tapping that keg in celebration just yet.

These potential benefits aren't a sure thing, and they refer to moderate drinking—so,

like, a glass of wine or a couple beers a day.

Binge drinking and alcoholism are a totally different ballgame.

For example, a fairly large study published in 2001 found that regularly drinking a little

alcohol seemed to reduce the chance of being infected with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium

that causes severe stomach ulcers.

But the researchers found that drinking more wasn't better.

After a certain point, as alcohol consumption increased, so did the chance of infection.

In fact, the upper intestines in both short and long term heavy drinkers tend to have

too much bacteria.

Scientists think that large doses of alcohol could slow down intestinal movement and take

a toll on helpful bacteria, which could give harmful microbes the time and space to gain a foothold.

Alcohol can also mess with the genes in cells that line your intestines and stomach, which

can lead to things like producing too much or almost no stomach acid after long term abuse.

And this isn't great because stomach acid is one of the most effective defenses against

disease-causing bacteria.

Chronic alcohol abuse also cripples your immune system, making you much more vulnerable to

pathogens in general.

Not to mention the whole "destroying your liver" bit.

If you picture your gut lining as a sturdy trash bag made of cells, alcohols and their

byproducts can punch a ton of little holes in it.

This lets junk like bacterial toxins leak out, which your liver has to clean up.

And the harder it has to work, the more damaged it becomes.

So a glass of red wine with dinner might actually help you resist some food poisoning.

But if you go overboard, hangovers will be the least of your concerns.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on Patreon.

If you want to help keep the science shots flowing, order a round on you by pledging

your support at

For more infomation >> Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Your Gut Bacteria? - Duration: 4:27.


draft1upload - Duration: 1:32.

But, according to information from the descendants of slaves and freedmen, the question of who is a hereditary slave concerns much more than 850, 000 people - 7% of the population.

Since its creation in July 2012, the Malian Coalition Against Slavery,

which ABA ROLI is a supporting member of,

has undertaken a series of actions, the most emblematic of which

has been the development of a draft law criminalizing slavery and related practices in 2014.

''After a year and a half in the premises of the Ministry of Justice, this draft law found itself on the table of the Council of Ministers,

which unfortunately did not adopt it.'' Keita Fatoumata (pictured) of CISSOKO.

For more infomation >> draft1upload - Duration: 1:32.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Battlefield 1 - Sunday Night Live - BFMS Livestream #43 - Duration: 1:57:17.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 - Sunday Night Live - BFMS Livestream #43 - Duration: 1:57:17.


Weird Ways To Practice Dance Moves | STEEZY Original | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 1:50.

Hey you know where the Japanese Restaurant is?

Yeah man! It's right over there! just sit right here and when we call you up just come on right over.

Yeah! Thanks! Appreciate it.


Alright man well thanks for coming through.

Yes! Peace out bro.. Good seein' you man.

Oh wait! I forgot my keys.

Comin' back.

For more infomation >> Weird Ways To Practice Dance Moves | STEEZY Original | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 1:50.


All I Want For Christmas | Part 15 - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> All I Want For Christmas | Part 15 - Duration: 0:07.


16 Things You'll Notice When You're In The Presence Of An Empath - Duration: 10:15.

16 Things You'll Notice When You're In The Presence Of An Empath

You're standing in line at the grocery store and the person behind you suddenly begins pouring their heart out to you.

You feel an immediate connection with them because, well, because they are human,

and you can't help but experience their experience right along with them.

Have you ever wondered why a certain friend seems to feel more than others?

It could be that he or she is an empath.

An empath hones a magnetism that instantly draws people toward them.

It's not that they are sympathetic--it's more.

An empath has the ability to not only feel another's pain, but absorb it, too.

Here are 16 signs you are in the company of an Empath:


They are often described as "too sensitive" or even mushy.

This seems to imply that feeling is a bad thing, but being sensitive is an indication that you are still connected to

the heart of the human experience.

In a world growing continuously more desensitized, we are need of sensitivity.

So, if someone tells you this, take it as a compliment.

Being sensitive is a gift.


They really, really hate being lied to.

One of the key traits of an empath is being able to sniff out a lie.

Because empaths hone such deep understanding toward human nature, they see lying as absolutely unnecessary.

Lying will strike an empath right in the heart.


They feel directly impacted by negative images.

Empaths are mostly unable to read or view negative images and forget about them.

They soon want to avoid the news or stories of heartbreak at all costs.


Crowds overwhelm them.

One of the unusual traits of an empath is their amphibious nature—they are both introverts and extroverts.

However, while they absorb energy from a crowd, their sensitivity toward the ebb of flow of emotions will leave them

exhausted after being around so many people.


They find peace and happiness in helping others.

Your true sense of happiness occurs when you feel that you are being in some way a service for another human.

When someone needs someone, an empath is the person who will drop what he or she is doing and rush to help.

When push comes to shove, an empath will be there.


They think twice before pouring another cup of coffee or taking medicine.

Empaths react differently to stimulants like caffeine, which tends to increase anxiety or agitation.

Similarly, empaths will often react adversely to medications, and thus, avoid using synthetic solutions.


They can't be anyone but themselves.

In other words, empaths are raw and painstakingly honest.

They see no reason to put on a false front.

Empaths embrace who they are—the good and the bad.

They accept the bad as a work in progress.

Because of such deep self-insight, empaths epitomize true friendship.


They know what others are going through and experience it with them.

Empaths are deeply connected to those who they care about, and they care about everyone.

So, when someone is going through a rough patch in life—from a break-up to major dental work—empaths experience the

pain too.


They have an incredible bond with animals.

Pets don't exist to empaths, as "pet" implies ownership.

Rather, for the empath, animals are family.

Places like pet stores and zoos will deeply disturb the empath because animals should be free and not shoved in cages

to be gawked at.


They are used to being emotionally and physically exhausted.

Carrying the weight of others' emotions and pain, joy and happiness takes a toll on the empath.

For the lucky empaths, knowing how to process and let go of the daily weight will be an accomplishment, though,

still exhausting.

For other empaths, learning to let go will take time and can sometimes lead to utter debilitation.


They have a talent for advice.

Empaths know how to listen, and they listen to every word you say.

They put themselves in your shoes.

For this reason, it would be unwise to discard the advice of an empath.

Nothing they say is wasted breath.

They are invested in your success and well-being.


They are easily distracted.

Sound familiar?

Empaths' sensitivity causes them to notice the small things many people look past.

They will notice the girl standing alone in the corner, the couple arguing at a nearby table,

the sad look in a child's eyes—you get the idea.

It would be very hard for an empath to get much done working at a coffee shop.


They have no room in their life for a narcissist.

An empath will flee at the sign of a narcissist.

This is perhaps the one trait they will not invest in trying to help.

They know it's a losing pursuit.

As you can imagine, empaths attract narcissists and they share a very unique bond.


They are hyper sensitive to sound.

Empaths operate on a unique frequency, which is most likely why certain pitches, buzzes,

and bangs can easily disrupt them.

For this reason, empaths will avoid places where loud noise is constantly present.

Likewise, pleasing sounds are felt just as intensely, but obviously much more welcomed.


They are an above-average listener.

Be assured, when you are in the presence of an empath, they will not have eyes that glaze over while spoken to,

they listen—even to strangers or passers-by on the streets.

Even more, empaths are able to listen without judging, so you can trust your words will not be wasted breath.


They have a strange effect on electronics.

Say what?

It's true.

Empaths have the uncanny ability to cause disruption in electrical currents.

It's not unusual for an empath to experience strange glitches on the computer, a phone that dies too quickly,

or the like.

If it has an electrical current, empaths will surely experience some strange phenomena.

If you find that you know an empath, consider yourself lucky!

Likewise, the next time someone tells you that you are too sensitive or the lights flicker when you enter a room,

you can be comforted in knowing that you hone an incredible understanding of the human heart and the human condition.

Embrace this beautiful gift.

For more infomation >> 16 Things You'll Notice When You're In The Presence Of An Empath - Duration: 10:15.


The relationship that couldn't be ruined - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> The relationship that couldn't be ruined - Duration: 7:43.


Glückliche Bald-Mama Cathy Hummels feiert "die beste Babyparty aller Zeiten" - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Glückliche Bald-Mama Cathy Hummels feiert "die beste Babyparty aller Zeiten" - Duration: 2:14.


What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another NFL Game. - Duration: 5:57.

What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another

NFL Game.

Now the NFL and its cronies are blaming President Donald Trump for their own stupidity and ignorance.

NBC broadcaster Al Michaels was asked about his thoughts on the NFL rating decline in

an interview with this week.

Michaels listed multiple factors, but of course, wasted no time circled back to President Donald

Trump's September comments at a rally in Alabama where he called for protesting players

to be "fired.

He alluded to the false notion that President Trump's comments reignited the spotlight

on player protests.

But the fact was that Trump didn't reignite the controversy, the controversy was never

extinguished, he only called out what players were already doing.

Especially the failed ex-Forty Niner's quarterback Colin Kaepernick who, because he saw his career

was ending he decided to take a knee against our flag and all she stands for.

The NY Times Reports:

Maybe Colin Kaepernick Is Just Not That Good.

Whether or not Colin Kaepernick plays another down in the N.F.L., I'm going to say that

he can achieve more off a football field than he — or anyone else in the sport — can

achieve on one.

Football, in the larger scheme of things, is not that important.

Kaepernick, meanwhile, has a message about crucial aspects of our frayed but hopefully

repairable nation that will continue to grow.

If he has the devotion to work for change, he could outclass Tom Brady, or any player

you might name, as someone who did something that truly matters for future generations.

But I thought it might be useful to at least consider something.

The conventional wisdom is that Kaepernick, who opted out of his contract with the San

Francisco 49ers after last season and has yet to be signed by another team, does not

have an N.F.L. job on account of his politics.

In protest against racism and police brutality, he won't stand for the national anthem,

and he's increasingly outspoken on social issues.

Earlier this summer in a tweet he likened the police to members of the fugitive slave


N.F.L. owners, the thinking goes, must be racists who don't like his politics — or

cynical pragmatists who don't like that their racist fans don't like his politics.

What seems to me more problematic than Kaepernick's not having a job is the general unwillingness

to consider that this situation might be justified on the merits, given Kaepernick's current

attributes, or lack thereof, as a quarterback, rather than assuming, as part of a kneejerk

gospel of victimhood, that persecution must be the cause.

It's not hard to make a statistical case for why Kaepernick is not playing now.

He threw for a mere 187 yards a game last season, which was good enough for 30th (in

a league of 32 teams).

For his career, he has completed fewer than 60 percent of his passes.

Last season, 24 passers completed more than 60 percent.

Kaepernick, at 59.2 percent, was ranked 26th.

If you're below 60 percent, you're a fringe guy.

More damning, Kaepernick was not asked to make difficult throws; he's not a Matt Ryan-type

quarterback, slinging the ball far down the field on deep crosses or challenging out routes.

In the current iteration of the N.F.L., offense rules the day, with quarterbacks tasked to

put up crooked numbers on the scoreboard.

Kaepernick's job was to be a game manager, making the easiest, high-percentage throws.

And he still struggled.

What are you supposed to do with a guy like this?

What can he do for you?

Can he help you win?

If Kaepernick deserves a spot in the league, it's only as a backup quarterback.

And he will eventually get a job as one, I bet, once quarterbacks start getting hurt.

But the fact that he doesn't have a job right now isn't shocking, and it doesn't

have to be because N.F.L. owners are racists who are blackballing him.

The older I get, the less I care about football, but I do care about merit, and things being

seen for what they are.

"Life is," as Dostoyevsky wrote, and it is our job to figure out what the "is"


I believe that's one of the core responsibilities of being human.

We don't do this enough anymore.

We don't ask the tough questions.

We seek to align ourselves with what I think of as the "control voice" — whatever

piped-in monotone is dictating a given narrative at the moment.

It's easy to feel good about yourself when you're patting yourself on the back for

your inability to never fail to take the moral high ground, which everyone who agrees with

you reinforces and enables, one Facebook "like" at a time.

But there is nothing real about that.

It doesn't matter that Kaepernick doesn't have a job; it matters that so few people

even wonder if there might be a non-disgraceful explanation.

We have become the anti-meritocracy.

We resent those who outperform us, outwork us, outproduce us.

And the person who has been perceived to have been slighted?

He is whom we now adore.

The only reason Colin Kaepernick ever started kneeling was because he was for all intents

and purposes, on his way out of the NFL.

He knew this so his Muslim girlfriend, who has deep ties to Islamic extremism, convinced

him to pull a stunt like he did.

He never had an issue with any so-called "cop brutality" or hating our flag while he was

actually still an active player for the Niners.

But today since it seems like no team wants the drama Kaepernick started after he was

benched when he was playing poorly for the San Francisco Forty-Niners he has changed

his tune.

It has gotten to the point that he is actually begging teams to hire him.

He is even saying that he will never kneel for the National Anthem again if someone hires


Gee thanks, what a guy.

Way to stand up for your so-called convictions dude.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree that players who kneel should be fired on the spot.

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> What This NBC Announcer Said About Trump On LIVE TV Will Make You NEVER Watch Another NFL Game. - Duration: 5:57.


ETSY HAUL - Duration: 15:30.

hi everybody Valerie here I'm back with my first ever

let's see sticker and die-cut haul and I'm really

excited to show you guys what I got and I basically bought these to decorate my

dash board in my very new chic Sparrow pocket-sized travelers notebook that I

purchased and I'll show you that at the end but let me go ahead and show you

what I got from the first shop and the first shop by looking at is by little

TLC designs and I just got some die cuts so you get it in this plastic little

baggie and her logo is on here a little TLC and then these are die cuts so I got

these three die cuts from her I got this one with a little shopping bag is this

frou-frou and look at this gorgeous color it's a good tiffany blue color or

aqua gas and it just so happens that my favorite flowers are here we have

hydrangeas peonies and roses so that was absolutely gorgeous and then I got this

Chanel like bag with of course the coffee cup and then I got the Tiffany

blue box with the beautiful white ribbon and then she also did send some freebies

this is all the stickers happy mail hydrate so you can kind of check off if

you've drank you know how many you know glasses of water you've drank and then

say for next sale so I thought that was really nice and then I do have a coat

for you guys on here which I will link down below for our shop next I purchased

by planning Rosa this is my very first sticker purchase at Etsy and she also

has a YouTube channel planning roses and also Jenna Jenna Rose I believe is our

youtube channel as well she's got two YouTube channels I will link those below

as well but I got some kind of like since you know since Heidi

YouTube videos I got the little YouTube sticker kind of like - I'm gonna put it

in my planner - to kind of log the videos that I've uploaded and the type

of video and that that sort of thing so I got the Hat and then I thought these

were kind of pretty the flags - you know just put anything

important but on these colors beautiful and then of course guys I had to get the

cameras because of YouTube's so I got black cameras and white cameras so

that's what I got from her shop and she also did send a freebie which is awesome

that Etsy shop shop owners do that and I got a beautiful holographic coffee a cup

and kind of glitter these little stickies sunglasses perfume a little

notebook with a phone so very very cute love that so that's what I got from

planning roses and then the next shop is confetti baby and I did just get one huh

look how gorgeous these are so pretty so we have some washi a cup mug with some

pens some different planners with roses or flowers stickers with like the dough

clip and the bow so so pretty I had to get that and then she also did send a

freebie very cute I love this one the little gas one to keep track of your gas

I'm probably gonna go back online and purchase that one because I love it and

also I do have a code for you guys so I will link her code as well in the

description box next shop I got from in new studios he sends her information on

here her Facebook and YouTube says she just

have a youtube channel as well and she just wrote a little no which is very

sweet you know Valerie thank you for your order I hope you love your lady

clip happy planning love mag yeah look at this look at this

clip you guys I just love it this is the target copy the little lashes so cute

you guys so I ordered this one and then she sends me a freebie which was so so

sweet a Hello fall paper clip so cute I love it so that's what I got from paper

and new studios alright next I got from the from the planner press and this is

probably one of my favorite shops in all of EXCI and I did another three of these

bows and these are just die-cuts I am actually I do have a third one which

unfortunately I thought it was in here but it is that I think it's in my back

somewhere but look how beautiful these are with kind of like the watercolor

pinks and yellows and greens and then it's got the holographic border and then

this one is a polka dot and then the other one I think was just more of a I

can't remember but I think it was a polka dot as well and it also has the

holographic edge to it so that's what I got from planner press and then she also

did send a freebie as well and we have a little donut truck I'm just super cute I

love that coffee very cute birthdays Church adorable the

next shop I got from bunny plans and this is her information here and I got

some die cuts as well from her and look how beautiful this is a

beautiful Pearl Earring and Louis Vuitton handbag a beautiful white flower

a lipstick a do teak candle and a beautiful die cut so that's what I got

from bunny plans and then she also sent a freebie love the dark kind of like

plum roses I had the rain boots I love that it says

hustle there my planner for 2018 on the front end says hustle so I love that

more sunglasses little hearts pumpkin another pearl earring and a little

flower spirit cute so this is what he got from bunny plans mod mode designs

and I got a beautiful paper clip she sends it within this beautiful packaging

with some washi and let me see if I can open this she senses gorgeous gold bow

with over with some washi and the back of it has a little rhinestone look at

that let me see I'll take this out for you guys so you can see it but yep look

at this gorgeous glitter bow paper clip and it does have the little rhinestone

on the back isn't that pretty so yeah that's what I got from mod mode

designs and then she also sent a freebie as well so cute look at this one she's

holding an Essie nail polish um she's this one's been shopping

this one's been spending a lot of money this one's drying her hair she's doing a

mess and she's taking a bath and then we also

got a little Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday you know the days of the

week and that's really cute with little stars on it sticker washing repeat it

says very cute so that's what I got from mod mode design and then the last well

actually not the last I have a couple other things to show you but I did get

these stamps clear stamp sets from Andrea Kamal on Etsy and guys look how

gorgeous these girls are this one is called the Happy Meal one and I love the

snail with the little you know envelope on there it says speedy but it's crossed

out it's a special delivery smile you've got happy mail there's nothing

better than a real letter airmail and to my lovely pen pal isn't that

beautiful love that and then I also got Tea Party Queen because I love my tea

look at this gorgeous doughnut I mean I just want to eat it it looks so good

Little Mac or on a smaller smaller doughnuts

look at this tea bag and just her face is that she draws are so beautiful

another doughnut and a tea with a teapot and tea cup with the little tea bag

hanging off the side of it and then of course I had to get the coffee Queen

this one is gorgeous as well this is I love you even more than coffee how about

some coffee got beans really pretty so this is what I got from Andrea come on

last shot that I got comes in this big box by 1407 plane and this is how the

Box looks like when you open it she has her beautiful icon which is a flamingo

and then she gives you this beautiful lined box and also you get a cute little

flamingo paper clip and here is her information to contact but again I will

link it below and then I just got a whole bunch of

starts to go into my chic Sparrow my new sheiks peril which I will show you in a

second I got the meal and grocery insert and then you have the meal plan and then

the days of the week and then shopping list for your meal plan and guys this is

really good quality thick paper if you're looking for inserts for your

travelers notebooks definitely check out 1407 planning I just love these and I

would definitely be purchasing purchasing some more and also which I

loved it was such a nice touch she actually put a Cheryl's cookie in the

box as well which I already ate so that's why I can't show to you guys but

that was such a nice touch and so in the in share of those cookies are actually

one of my favorites so I was thrilled when I saw it in the box so again I got

the meal and grocery I got the food and fitness and then in the top she has date

calories and exercise totals hydrate eight little circles that you can check

off and then what you a in the morning and afternoon dinner and then what you

did for exercise so that's the food and fitness one and I also got a cleaning

cleaning tracker and then this one it has gives you options to check off and

then it has living room kitchen bathroom bedrooms laundry organized and then she

also gives you two that you can kind of fill in on your own and then you can

write down what you're gonna do for each row and then just check them off so that

was I thought that was very useful as well and then I also got a to do list

and this one again you kind of just need fill it in and then use you know tick

them off when you're when you've done with your to-do list and then I also got

a weekly one which the days of the week and then grit on the other side and I

just love this girl with like she's drinking some coffee so I had to get

that and then I also got a wish list one you know just in case there's something

that you're interested in purchasing in the future where you can purchase now

you kind of just fill in your wish list you know what the item is the price

where you can purchase it and then when you once you purchase it

you know you check it off so that's a nice way because I tend to forget what I

want so I'm gonna you know this is gonna be really good for me in terms of

keeping track of you know what I want to purchase and what I've purchased so far

and then the last one is a purchase tracker like once I have purchased the

item I can put it in here you know the month the store the item if

it's been shipped I can check it off and if it's receives I can check it off so

all of these inserts I purchased for my sheiks peril travelers in a notebook

which I'm gonna show you right now so you get it in this you know this sleeve

to protect it but I'm probably never gonna you know put it back in here still

this is what I got I got the sheiks peril black beauty cream at that I

believe it's called and this is a perfect size to just throw in your bag

it's got the white trim it's got a pebbly smooth leather and if you guys

could smell this leather it smelled amazing and then it's got the block

bands and then when you open it up it's got the pocket in here and then another

pocket here it has does have a belt loop which is actually pretty pretty big so

you can fit pretty much any sized pen and then it's got two pockets here and

then it's got four bands so you can easily fit four books or if you want to

double them up you can do that as well so I got that and then she also sends

some stickers with your order and then this is her information you know to

contact her and then I also did purchase only one dashboard so guys that is my

haul my Etsy sticker and die-cut haul I hope that you guys enjoyed it and like I

said earlier I will link all the shops that I purchase from below and if I have

any coupons I will link those as well and thank you guys so much for watching

I will see you next week with another video

have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving bye

For more infomation >> ETSY HAUL - Duration: 15:30.


Personal Message from the Basic Filmmaker - THANK YOU! - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Personal Message from the Basic Filmmaker - THANK YOU! - Duration: 6:00.


Make It A Habit! - Make What's Difficult - Easy! - Duration: 3:00.

the beginning of something very big on my youtube channel


Make Habits

Habits Benefits

How to have habits

How to develop habits

For more infomation >> Make It A Habit! - Make What's Difficult - Easy! - Duration: 3:00.


200 SUBSCRIBERS SPECIAL! Q&A session (Gavin Plays Minecraft #4??) - Duration: 9:46.


Hello! What is up guys, and welcome to another video. This is Gavin Liu. And... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Today I'll be uploading a 200 subscribers special (YAY!!!) yes I reached 200 subscribers not long ago **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Although it was, like, almost a week ago. Nah forget it :\ **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I have reached 200 subscribers! And for that... I'm going to do a few things today... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

The first thing is: the opening of an official YouTube Instagram account... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

(wait what is a LIUTUBE+INSTA account) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**


The opening of a Instagram account which I will make public and I will follow no one but myself. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So in that insta acct I'll be posting updates and not-a-vlog, or elements of my life **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Just like my personal insta acct. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Anyway, you'll also be wondering: Gavin! Why are you not doing a song for this 200 sub special? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Well, I have some updates for you :) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

This one may be one of my not-a-vlog videos but since this is a 200 sub special, so **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**


Some info about upcoming songs: I'll be uploading my first copyrighted album maybe in Jan(?) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**


Because I do not have time right now. I will be going back to China for the holidays and I will not be **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

able to access YouTube for a month. But in the meantime I will bring along my computer. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Hopefully my VPN still works back there in China, yeah. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

You know, the Chinese have very strict rules and regulations. Anyways for my 200 sub special... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I'm going to do a Q&A. You ask questions, I answer'em. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So in the past few weeks I've collected some questions posted on Discord (also Insta & QuizUp y no Facebook) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

From QuizUp I have the one and only respondent by the name of Cyro. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

This guy asked: do you like taanks? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

My answer is: yes. I like tanks. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Some ez Q&A session isn't it? Ez questions ez answers. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I do have a lot of interesting questions on Discord **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

This guy called gummyyy asked: **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Do you dab on them haters **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

My answer is: no. I do not know how to... HOW THE HECK DO I DO A DAB!? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Like... dabbing... from the last century's 80s or 70s it's gotten more popular and also... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

That is really, really... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**



Some of my friends describe that as autism. Like, the word "autism" is so overused **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

That nobody rly understands it anymore... right? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

The second question is from Im Royal **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

He asked: How many printers have a destroyed in the past year **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

@Gavin Liuranium **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

My answer is: **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**




I have destroyed no printers in the past year. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

From Rainbowz. She asked: **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

What inspired you to do YouTube? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I be like: oy cyka blyat! You asked a very very interesting thought-provoking question... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**


After thinking for a long time, I finally found a good, legitimate answer to your qn on **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

What inspired me to do YouTube. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Or maybe I should go back in history of my YouTubefirst. So first I was uploading content on Minecraft gameplay. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Of course, I sucked at it I don't even have a proper recording software. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

All I used was Bandicam which really sucks for Minecraft because that took up so much **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

RAM on my already low RAM computer. That was like 4GB back then. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Now I have a new(-er) computer with an 8GB RAM and now I still do play minecraft and I have **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

3(not 2) episodes of Minecraft gameplay on my channel, but that's not the main purpose of my channel anymore. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Last time when I started this channel, I wanted to do gameplays, mainly on Minecraft **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So this was supposed to be a gaming channel and I was uploading such stuff until I realized... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

HEY! My stuff were all shit why the heck do I still do gameplay? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So I be like: is there another way to make myself popular? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I got inspired by some YouTubers who produce music **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Like DeroVolk. He was uploading national anthems **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

That is how I got my list of national anthems. Look I'm really into music. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I love music so much and I believe I do have a taste for **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Nationalist music (!?!?) and now I'm primarily focusing on producing music **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Although I do upload a few countryballs speedarts, **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Gameplays, game reviews and I also like mapping and programming and languages **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And not just these. Yes I do like these all but my main goal of starting this YouTube channel (now) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Is to spread music. I plan to make this a music channel. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

In just years' time, my music will reach every corner of the world. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I am going to entertain the world on YouTube through my music **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So the answer to your question concluded in one sentence is: **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Music inspired me to do YouTube. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Thanks for asking this very thought-provoking question, I appreciate it very much. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And this last question is from Radon86. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Yay thanks for asking me this question: where are the coding videos? (Vladimir Lenin face) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I be like: okay you want me to upload coding videos? Alright I'll be sure to upload them. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

They are coming up next in my agenda. I plan to do coding on HTML, C, Java, JavaScript... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Do you guys expect me to do Python? Because, Python is very easy. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I be like: if Python is so easy why the heck you still want me to do Python? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

It's usually the first programming language language nowadays kids learn when they are like 12-14. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I'm 14, I learned Python when I (was) 12 and some really genius friend of mine learned Python when he was 10. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Python is a really easy language so I'll be doing the rest of the languages for programming EXCEPT for Python. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Because yeah. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So, to answer your question where are the coding videos? The coding videos are comin' up next, stay tuned **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Recently I received some negative review on my game review video **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

About "Life of Boris: Super Slav" **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

People were calling western spy because I did not have the Slavic accent!? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I be like: come on! There are countries west of the Slavic countries **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

There're also countries east of the Slavic countries. Just because I have a Slavic accent, **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Means I'm a western spy? No! I'm of EASTERN spy! **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I come from a glorious country called China. I'm NOT from America I'm from China!!!1! **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I'm a freaking EASTERN spy not WESTERN spy, blyat! **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

They say, your enemy's enemy is your friend. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

The eastern spies, us Chinese, our enemies are western spies, the Americans. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And you, Slavs, your enemies also the Americans, so Slavs and Easterners are friends! **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

We're friends, ok? Stop calling me a western spy just because I don't have the accent. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

I am a Chinese! I'm an EASTERN spy, ok? You get it now? **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Anyway I am pretty fascinated by the Slavic culture. Russian is my third language. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Also... Radon86 also speaks a bit of Russian (why do you need to know??) **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

So conclusion: I am eastern spy, stop calling me a western spy. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And now it's time for me to explore more games, create more music... **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And maybe... even get CHEEKI BREEKI! **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

You know, there are police in China who squat on patrol so I want to be like a Chinese squatting police **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

Spy on the sestern spies, making sure they IDI NAHUI. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**

And for now I'm going to buy some semechki my friends. Thanks for watching and stay cheeki breeki. I'll see you next time. **SUBSCRIBE AND LIKE**


For more infomation >> 200 SUBSCRIBERS SPECIAL! Q&A session (Gavin Plays Minecraft #4??) - Duration: 9:46.


Lost Alice: Prologue - Duration: 24:48.

Hey Guys! Welcome to my channel! My name is Purity!

Right now I am talking can't hear me.. xD

Sorry if you can't hear me....all I have is a Chromebook and an Iphone to record all of this xD

And yes I love anime, yes I love love stories, yes I am weird and embarrassing XD

And by the way I might blur out some words and scenes that could be inappropriate for kids who maybe watching and reading this so.......yeah xD

Ok lets start!


Ok......any minute now purity xD

Any minute now lol

Yay! :D

Now hit that read story button!

eh Im good :)

This is so exciting :D well......for me xD

Come on purity! press that page and do yo thang!

And the place is called....3 question marks

And this is the part where I'm texting in the middle of the game xD

Im Sorry if I'm taking to long xD I'm almost done

You know what you can skip it if you want? xD

Woooow was I writing an eassy or something xD

Purity please! xD there is no time for texting

Come on purity! There are people watching! xD

Finally! xD

Wha!? where did you come from?!

Oh! I got photos


You were watching me while I was sleeping? 0_o

Jerk -__-

And now I am texting again xD

No I'm good


xD talking again

xD omg

You think? o_0

It looks pretty normal to me


Are you sure about that? 0_o

More photos 0-0

Hey...I'm not your Alice xD

Haha xD Thats my girl!


Why are you guys teasing her so much xD

Woah! Wha?

Pffft xD That Grin

Kayle? xD

Don't you mean Kyle? xD


Trying to say his last name xD

Dot, dot,dot

haha the word astray reminds me of proverbs 17

Or Kayle? xD

And I fainted xD

Ok ! I guess thats the end of the prologue

Wooooow 0_0 so many characters

Maybe I should try him first let me know by the comments down below :)

Thank you so much for watching :) and I guess ill see you guys later

Love you! Jesus love you!

Buy buy!


Bye xD

Ok Bye xD

For more infomation >> Lost Alice: Prologue - Duration: 24:48.


Don't Starve Together The Forge With Viewers !join to see details - Duration: 2:52:06.

For more infomation >> Don't Starve Together The Forge With Viewers !join to see details - Duration: 2:52:06.



Jacob: What.

Jacob: Are you trying to be a musician?

Me: No

*awkward laugh*

*oh crap.......*


*points to Jacob*

For more infomation >> NIECE AND NEPHEW BONDING TIME - Duration: 6:14.


Why Study Your Dreams - The Man of My Dreams - Duration: 5:47.

Hello, it's Carol Chapman of Creative Dream Interpretation. If you've seen my

video about Larry Page's dream, you know that the first step to interpreting your

dreams is to write them down, because that way, you're going to remember them.

Okay, I know you're thinking, why go through the bother of writing my dreams

down? I'm not Larry Page. I'm not going to have a dream like his basically: how to

create Google. Well, you know, you are absolutely right. You are not going to have

Larry Page's dream. Not only that, if you did, you wouldn't know what to do with it.

You're gonna have your dream, you're going to have a dream about your life, about

your hopes, your fears, your work, your love, your health. Your dreams are about

you and your life. One really good reason to remember your dreams is that you

never know what your dreams are going to come up with. For example, a number of years

ago, I dreamt about a stranger, and we've now been married for 22 years. That's

right. I'm literally married to " The Man of My Dreams."

In a minute, I'm going to tell you all about it.

Remember, I'm telling you my story to encourage you to write your dreams down,

so you can remember them. At the time, I've been keeping a dream journal for

years, and I still do. So, when I had this dream,

I just quickly jotted it down, interpreted it the best I could, and went

on with the rest of my life. I assumed the man in the dream was just symbolic,

not a real man. At the time, I worked at NASA. You can imagine my astonishment

when, later that day, I was in the NASA cafeteria, holding my tray, and I looked

over, and there was the man I dreamt about. I was shaking so hard I almost

dropped my tray! I thought, okay how could this happen? How could this happen? And I

thought, all right, I must have subconsciously seen him out

of the corner of my eye and thought he was hot and then put him in my dream. And

I thought, you know, the other details in the dream like his work, his best friend, and

his dog, his house - I must just have made them up. However, that night before bed, I wrote

in my dream journal, "Just saw the man in my dream - looked at his hands,

no wedding band." If only my dream had been as easy as Larry Page's. All he had to do

was stay up for three hours in the middle of the night and work the math out

to see if it was doable to download the web and save the links. He'd been doing

math, you know, for most of his life. I, on the other hand, had never gone up to

a good-looking stranger I dreamt about. In fact, I'd never heard of anyone else

doing that. I'd never read an article. I'd never seen a talk show about it.

I'd never seen a video. I was terrified!

Well, eventually I did muster my courage, and I did go up to him, and well, we

started dating, and like I said, we've now been married for 22 years. And I also did find

out that the details in the dream about his house, his best friend, his work and

his dog - things that I could have never known about - were true as well.

So, I really do encourage you to write your dreams down and record them somehow,

because it'll help you to remember your dreams, and you never know what your

dreams are trying to tell you. Just think if I hadn't written my dream down. I was

a single mom, I had three kids, I had a full-time job. Plus, there's all those

other things I had to do like grocery shopping, I had a one hour commute to

work. If I hadn't written my dream down, I would have forgotten it just like that.

All right, it's Carol Chapman of Creative Dream Interpretation. If it's responsive

to you, "like" and "subscribe," and if you want to know more about dream

interpretation, just click on the link below. See you next video. I must have

just . . . whatever, ah ha, I have no idea what I was going to say next. All right, remember . . . ah, yeah!

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