Monday, November 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2017

One thing I know is that...

The only way out,

is to find something that you care about.

Have you found something to do that for you?



I can not let that happen to you, you got that?


Why was he even here?

I think he was looking out for me.

Blacksmith already tried to get me once.

I really don't wanna give him a second chance.

He's not gonna get it.

This piece of shit is going after Karen.

What's the deal with you two?

Be careful.

Be careful.

The deal is that nobody goes after her, okay? Not on my watch.




You stay. Please.

People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you,

are the ones that are close enough to do it.

You see, I'll never feel that.

I'd chop my arm off right here, in this restaurant, just to feel that one more time.

You two have a connection, I know that.

Why do you care so much about Frank Castle?

Almost took the shot.

Believe it or not, I actually care what happens to you.

It's funny how you and Castle keep bumping up together.

He's not who they say he is.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Frank Castle & Karen Page (The Punisher) | I Need My Girl - Duration: 2:12.


I-Team's Call For Action Gets Back-Ordered TV Refunded - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> I-Team's Call For Action Gets Back-Ordered TV Refunded - Duration: 1:36.


How to Brine a Turkey ~ Thanksgiving Basics ~ Brining a Turkey ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:10.

Hi everyone, I'm Noreen and welcome to my kitchen and today

We are going to satisfy what so many of you have asked me to do show you how to brine a turkey

This may not look very pretty now, but I'm telling you it's gonna taste delicious when it's roasted

And I'm just gonna show you how to make this all you know get this brine all ready to go, so

That you can have it ready for your Thanksgiving Day. Let's go see how this all comes together


Have brined turkey for a long time we loved it in another video. I shared with you

how to make this classic turkey Bryan gift in a jar we're gonna be using that today to make our turkey brine it is about

24 hours before we're gonna want to eat our turkey, so you can brine this for 8 hours at minimum overnight

So I'm just gonna show you what I have here

We have our classic turkey brine that's already mixed up with our salt nurse sugar our chicken bullion

There's some spices and some dried fruit in there, and we're gonna add some aromatics to this I have an onion

This is just whatever kind of onion you want. It's as mine as a sweet onion sliced up

I have a granny smith apple sliced up

I did not bother to core it because it doesn't matter and I have two

mandarin oranges that I just quartered and I have a couple of sprigs of rosemary and a couple of fresh bay leaves and

that is what we're gonna use now as far as the hardware for this project I


my cooler I

have a bag of ice and I have

Two of these ten gallon ziplock bags, and I have two already set up

I put one inside the other so I have a double bag. This is just to ensure that it's

insulated and

leak free

But we are putting this inside of our cooler, so it will be easy to clean up if something does happen

It's cold here where I live now

So we're gonna just be able to put this cooler right outside in our carport or on our deck overnight

And it's gonna be perfect until we need it tomorrow when we roast our turkey

We do have a big bag of ice is that like a 10 pound bag of ice

Whatever came from the grocery store, and we have our turkey

This is a turkey. I've had in my freezer since last year when turkeys were super cheap. It's been waiting just for this occasion

This is a 19 pound turkey. I got this for 59 cents a pound weight

I got this for 39 cents a pound pardon me

So this was a super deal and when your turkeys are that cheap and you have freezer space

You buy two one for this year and one for another occasion

But the one thing I will say is one thing I always do and you've seen me do this before

Take this pop-up timer out because this does not measure the temperature of your bird properly

And you'll do that with a meat thermometer later on

This video is only gonna show you and cover how to brine the turkey

In another video, I'm going to show you how to roast it. I have a Murphy how to roast a perfect turkey video

That is from 2011, and I think it's time for an update

So we're gonna be redoing that video and we're gonna be making turkey for dinner tomorrow, so that'll be two weeks from Thanksgiving

Where we having turkey where I have a lot of Turkey this month, but no worries, so we got our turkey. It's

Unwrapped and rinsed and ready to go and then we have our aromatics ready to go

But what we have to do first is we have to mix up the brine

And there are lots of different ways you'll see lots of different people doing this

But the way I do it I have very hot tap water

Right from my tap and all I'm gonna do is

Hopefully get this out

I'll put a link to the turkey Brion gift in the jar video

And you can go check that out, so all that's in here is kosher salt brown sugar

Chicken bouillon powder you can also use vegetable bouillon powder or you can leave that out if you want

and then you can use chicken or vegetable stock when you make your brine and

It's also got some peppercorns some allspice berries and some dried

cranberries and some candied ginger

And what I want to do is just stir this until it dissolves in that very hot tap water

And then we're gonna hit it with some cold water

And then we're gonna take all this stuff over to the cooler

And we're gonna fix up our tricky brine and we're gonna let it take a nice briny nap

Overnight until we're ready to roast it so when this is all

Dissolved I'll come back and we'll proceed

Okay, our salt and sugar is all dissolved and what we're gonna do now is we're gonna add

So that was a half gallon of hot water

This is a half gallon of cold water

Because you don't want to put hot on that

frozen turkey, okay

That's right absolutely hot water was only to dissolve the sugar in the salt now

At this point if you want to make this ahead of time you can do that

You can put it in your fridge. You can let this cool completely before you put it on the turkey

We're gonna be icing this immediately, so I'm not gonna bother to do that, so we'll come down here. I

Have my turkey in the double bag inside of my cooler

So now we're going to go ahead and put our aromatics in

You don't have to be particular about this just get them in there

And what I like to do with my herbs is just give them a crush to start releasing some of those

Oils that they have in there boom now, we're gonna take our brine

Get all that goodness in there all of it you want it all in there, and then we're gonna grab our bag of ice

And then it goes

Just like that okay now what you want to make sure

Is we're going to want to flip this bird over for the breast side down

Just like that

And on the inside bag. I'm just gonna

kind of

get as much air out of there as possible and

I'm gonna zip it shut and then we'll take this bag, and we will do the same

Done now this is gonna go outside and take a nice cool nap until we're ready to roast it and that's it

That's how you brine a turkey?

We'll come back in the next video, and we will show you how to roast the perfect turkey

and it will be delicious, so

Stay tuned for that video, and we'll show you what to do after the turkey comes out of the brine and all that good stuff

Okay, it is the next day and we're getting ready to roast this bird off

And I just wanted to show you Rick just pulled this bag right out of the cooler and brought it to the scene

Look it still ice in this we did this at 5:30 last night, and it's about 1:30 in the afternoon the next day

So guess what we're ready who's nice and cool. Yeah

Absolutely what you want to do?

Is now you're gonna take this out and rinse it pat. It dry and proceed as usual

However, you roast your turkey, so that's as easy as it gets that's how you brine a turkey


That is how I make my brine and you'll be able to get that recipe off of the website

I'll leave a link down below, and that's this the whole procedure

It's super easy

and I think sometimes people tend to overcomplicate it so that solves the mystery and takes all of

The questions away for you. I hope if you have other questions that I haven't covered

Please be sure and leave them in the comment section below

If you liked today's video, please consider giving you a thumbs up

I hope you enjoyed the video

And if you're new to my kitchen welcome always a pleasure to welcome a new friends in and please consider hitting that subscribe button

And of course if you are trying to remember the nerine's kitchen family

Please remember to be sure to hit that Bell

Notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people

Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen

I hope that you'll continue to watch us as we proceed to have our make head Thanksgiving

Make Thanksgiving easy on you and your family

I hope you give burning a trick you try sometimes soon, and I hope you love it and until next time. I'll see you

For more infomation >> How to Brine a Turkey ~ Thanksgiving Basics ~ Brining a Turkey ~ Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 9:10.


Fans from SINGAPORE?! - Duration: 9:09.

what's up guys my name is Adam and welcome back to the daily vlog well

daily vlog? trying to daily vlog but today is Saturday one of the coolest

days of the week part from Monday mom he's like one of my favorite days but

right now I'm gonna start off today let's go to time I remember whenever I

was first learning to pantie board it was actually going down this spot right

here in the dark at night and I remember this being like a real base struggle

right now just coming down here but nice like whoa we can cruise and everything

you know

first off first things first today I'm gonna head to the vape store at later I

need to get a new SD card because there's something wrong with this one I

don't know what it is it's just cramping itself every two minutes you know that

thing on Canon that normal casual Canon air that says your movie has stopped

recording I think it's because the SD card is not fast enough but it did work

those SD cards generally slow down through time maybe that's what it is I

don't know but as I was saying heading to the vapor store of a few clients

stuff to do okay I'm gonna pennyboard during this band I wonder if I can make

it run that band it's pretty tight

yeah no problem and a misty win really is that time of the year you own

everything just stopped not in the sense of everything stops but in the sense

that it gets dark really really early starting to get darker at night my

cinematics footage is gone oh my cool b-roll shots and everything I

got there just poof going into the abyss of darkness they were getting renovated

the last day I was on there they were just sort of set and open stuff it was a

new desk felt they had this like 10 bottom on the desk and boom just like

that left vape store 10 minutes it's dark already like you know it's starting

to get dark that sort of early stages of darkness but I mean lighting here in the

street it's actually not that bad if I'm gonna be honest ladies not that bad I

need to get some stuff from Tesco sunny again there's just bread I'm not gonna

lie this is Brad that's really good it's no feel like as I'm sponsored by bread

oh cool it'll be responsibly read I just Brad I tried the other day and I was

like damn that brands pretty good I'm gonna get some hot bread

one skate across the bridge and I'm freakin free it is a cold night tonight

guys like it it's cool young man what's up hey down there from Singapore and

they watch my videos Singapore is real far away yes I met these guys in healing

arts a couple of weeks ago and it was its colour season so far six weeks I'll

travel Singapore someday I'll hit y'all see the story is you buddy I'm doing

what's the craic y'all good if you're good Hey Dude your has beautiful why did

you change yours to dreads I like dreadlocks and reef old strats

are who floats curls i folk curls I was talking to this really cool guy called

Nathan a second ago in Richmond center he's from Derry but they have this like

shop that sells teddy bears and stuff it was talking about cameras and stuff but

he seemed like a really interesting guy he just published a book flare which is

really cool Nathan if you're watching the good job

alright snow the task is to get this really good bread and I'm saying this

because you know it's just bread bread Auster's normal bread as Brad as

freaking good

got the bread it was actually reduced which is pretty corny but that's bread

this stuff is really good right now I feel you need a coffee

the warehouse is one of the few cafes in the time that stays open late I'm not

even sure if it is open I think it eyes to get myself a coffee in here oh this

is gonna be good as usual caramel cappuccino you guys know me caramel

cappuccinos all the way this is one of them tables it's like I'm tables that

really drive me insane Dairy do not that's the flavor I'm on today who my

god these guys are just they're calling all these are the part of the bag like

look at the designs on top of the cup and here thanks one of the best places

for the design and top and a cuff like it's a dog I like it's a it's a dog look

at that it's a freakin dog we've seen this coming I don't even wanna wreck

this car it's so nice like it's a dog on it this is gonna break my heart to drink

this besides coffee but damn they may left flavor

one caffeination is that you can't set the same good caffeine fully caffeinated

knife-like I'm ready to start work and I'm gonna head home before the town

enter psycho mode which generally happens thank you

on a Saturday this time what's up guy back from China it was really cool died

saying it's like coming home put on this hoodie more this story I was getting

washed you see it's out of the wash now freakin love this hoodie it's so cozy

it's made of cotton especially in the winter it keeps me super super warm

before I was like really obsessed with this thing being closed but no I think I

kind of like it open my mind has changed like look at this back right now it's

Camborne dull no detail i'm bone the shots more interesting you've got a

little bit of detail in the background gives you an insight to I don't know am

i talking rubbish let me wit you thanks better this is

just a little thing it's been playing on my mind recently and I left it open in

one of the vlogs link was yesterday's video

you haven't seen yesterday's video go check it all right right up here I don't

watch karna listen someone just do this for an hour off she's really learn what

corner it is I think it's this one yes and if you're new be sure to hit that

subscribe button down below this video and turn on push notifications and smash

the like and thus destroy the like destroy the like hit the like button see

if we can break YouTube guys that's we're gonna try and destroy YouTube not

really I need that bought on that today was a

really interesting day I went for coffee when I got the bread and you try bread

right now it's so good I have to show you guys it's like really good I was

gonna end off the vlog I thought you know what the brand I just remembered

oh yeah whatever I was going to buy this the thing was breaking it this is the

way it was in the shop horn open so how to ask the guy for a bye

mmm I don't know what does the bread is just really good

For more infomation >> Fans from SINGAPORE?! - Duration: 9:09.


Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 24 / Obiecuję! - Napisy PL - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> Pani Fazilet i jej córki / Odcinek 24 / Obiecuję! - Napisy PL - Duration: 8:54.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 2.0I 136pk AUTOMAAT DIFFÉRENCE incl NAP CRUISE CLIMA '03 - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 2.0I 136pk AUTOMAAT DIFFÉRENCE incl NAP CRUISE CLIMA '03 - Duration: 0:54.


Convicted drunken driver joins push to prevent crashes - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Convicted drunken driver joins push to prevent crashes - Duration: 2:17.


NEVER HAVE YOU EVER *gone wild* - Duration: 13:00.

Funny Never Have I Ever Challenge, Funny Never Have you Ever Challenge. ENJOY!

no don't say that okay we don't want to do the same thing that we've seen on

YouTube over and over again so we're gonna do never have you ever it's not

works basically we're gonna say never have you ever done this if you haven't

done it you have to do a build up to like it's gonna get worse and worse it's

probably gonna start for the worst Oh what first okay okay I'm gonna start

with my favorite one oh great never have you ever eaten your

own toenails you're insane without any milk what do

you say about any milk What's Wrong dog what are you good for

you bro you're insane make sure you watch it

the fungus would probably give you fungus it is pre clean now bro bro

what's the difference between half of it and just all of it this one's hat and

one's all of it bro that's like one no need a different story this is me

holding your mouth I got it you just do the rest in your mouth bro that's part

of the rule never evening a fault on it - inhaler capital nails

I think oh my god okay I'm actually putting him in so I'm crying but

focusing on your face focus on a pole it's less than an inch in tell you that

so what we'll do now solve it you're insane took a die I'm gonna fry

swallow this but if I if I told me I'm going on recorded I'm getting some spit

sloppily well you made me do this no it's gone it's gone your daughter and

it's coming back up oh yeah right now for free never have

you ever crack the egg open like this and swallowing right tell me why not

and I'll maybe let you off that's not gonna go yet the great footage the

nastiest thing I ever made him do was the toenail month and there's just a

tornado doesn't taste bad I have to eat this raw egg man you do it

I'm gonna do to me Oh bro you're gonna spill it on you I'm gonna throw up man

mama raised no why am I such as ooh boy Oh bro come on no chance I actually ate

it all the phony never have you ever danced salsa with our dog yeah you dance

partners running

you've done the cinnamon challenge but never have you ever done the cayenne

pepper challenge which is a teaspoon of pepper pepper as the tear drip stand my

I help like I'm already good I'm sorry crying a dramatic scene

it was all stuck to my mouth put some music it was all starts right now

I left an agony and I went to wash and rinse my mouth little did I know I just

switched around all the spice and just turn my tongue on fire but I've switched

around water a came more spice get me more milk get me moving on never

have you ever for I seen you know what do you mean like that crusted up somehow

make a smaller forfeit your nose we can bring pieces so easily this is becoming

my bra but this stuff I had Marie we're so innocent it's fun just fun

apparently I have to put two pieces of ice in my nose and let it melt all the

way all of it and let it melt baby no it's burning why this ice burn because

you're not putting it back enough it's going in my nose

whoa sighs if you put the ice in you know what it's melting through my hair

is going to my brain is it cold thank you water here there's just a lot of us

back yes I mean never have you ever ran across the street

with your underwear oh thank you that let's do it

real funny everyone's doing construction on the other side wall first is wrong

never have you back flip into our pool off the table do that I have an idea so

so so I'm gonna roll the footage I jumped in the pool

Gary forgot to turn the mic on okay roll it this next one is payback from when we

were little when we were little we were playing basketball right by the pool and

there was a fence the ball goes over the fence and I went to get the ball from

the pool but I was right in front of the fence on a small ledge on a small bench

yeah that's that yeah those a small ledge enough room for me to get the ball

Eric being a little monkey daddy is goats on the other side of the fence and

starts trying to climb it for some reason cuz you're taking so long foot

slips from the fence like there's bars with the slips kicks my butt I go flying

it he was bending over like this to get the bubble oh yeah never have you ever

got pushed by me during the winter time with your clothes on into the pool

clothes are great you

okay Gary forgot to turn the mic on and now I'm very disappointed that the mic

wasn't on so instead of doing it again with the mic on Gary's gonna jump at the

pool again yeah yeah let's settle this like men go ah one one glass one go I'm


let's recreate the scene I'll do it twice showing what you did to me you yes

as a crane no we're gonna do show him again and then Eric just like oops

is it cold enough I know that's what

you're insane oh my god this guy's insane video that

means you're gonna drop a like and if you're where you look at me you're never

in the shot why do you always take up space if you're new here subscribe

subscribe subscribe that's the beginning of the video

wait the shoutouts are OBB sweet shout out this sorrow BB probably means sorrow

BB sorrow it's sa u ro b b sh na nan my memory

we're so to the screenshot after you

right gianna do you with the means oh my god Joe in the club why getting scared

of a dog if you want a shout out this dog wasa show what did you did a lot of

crazy things in this video yeah yeah post your favorite part on your

Instagram story make sure to tag us so we see it okay huh and if your account

is private you have to DM us so we'll see it got it you got it yeah okay yeah

until next time


my hair is very weird hey your hair got what my did not mine did not mine in


For more infomation >> NEVER HAVE YOU EVER *gone wild* - Duration: 13:00.


Anymore - Duration: 4:06.

Hey it's been a while

You're talking to me and I don't know why

But I don't mind

And you tell me about your new town

You say it gets a lot of snow

And you seem happy there

And I hope you're happy there

'Cause all the space you used to take

Up in my heart and in my brain

I don't let you live there anymore

And I have made it to a place where

It doesn't hurt to say your name

'Cause I don't even know you anymore

Hey, it's been a while

I'm talking to you and I'm starting to smile

And I don't know why

But I tell you about my new town

And how I'm soaking up the sun

I know you've moved on to bigger things

And I've heard that you've met someone

And you seem happy there

And I hope you're happy there

'Cause all the space you used to take

Up in my heart and in my brain

I don't let you live there anymore

And I have made it to a place where

It doesn't hurt to say your name

'Cause I don't even know you anymore

And I wish you could see the ways that I've grown

and how I've changed

The homesick girl you used to know

and I are not the same

And I've moved on to bigger things

I'm going where I want

And I have made it to a place where

I don't mind that you're gone

And I am happy here

'Cause all the space you used to take

Up in my heart and in my brain

I don't let you live there anymore

And I have made it to a place where

It doesn't hurt to say your name

'Cause I don't even know you anymore

And all the space you used to take

Up in my heart and in my brain

Well I won't let you live there anymore

And I have made it to a place where

It finally doesn't hurt to say your name

'Cause you don't even know me anymore

Hey, it took a while to feel okay

But I guess I

All I needed was time

Hey, it's been a while

You're talking to me and I don't mind

I guess these things just take time

'Cause I don't mind anymore

I don't mind

I don't mind

No, I don't mind

For more infomation >> Anymore - Duration: 4:06.


Nightcore - Delicate (Taylor Swift / Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:19.

Nightcore - Delicate (lyrics on the screen)

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Delicate (Taylor Swift / Cover) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:19.


10 SONGS YOU LIKE #1 | Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Years & Years and more! - Duration: 6:13.

November 20th

A day like today I was uploading my first video to Youtube

Exactly, today's the first birthday of our channel.

So, I thought about doing something special for you guys

And I decided to open a new section called

Basically, I'm gonna sing the songs that you always wanted me to sing.

Hope you like it!

Talkin' in my sleep at night

Makin' myself crazy

(Out of my mind, out of my mind)

Wrote it down and read it out

Hopin' it would save me

(Too many times, too many times)

My love,

He makes me feel like nobody else

Nobody else

But my love,

He doesn't love me, so I tell myself

I tell myself

One, don't pick up the phone

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two, don't let him in

You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't getting over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

Is it desire

Or is it love that I'm feeling for you?

I want desire

'Cause your love only gets me abused

Whoa, oh

Take me to church

I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

Offer me that deathless death

Oh good God, let me give you my life

If I could,

Then I would

I'll go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low

I'll go wherever you will go

If I could, then I would

I'll go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low

I'll go wherever you will go

But you see it's not me

It's not my family

In your head, in your head

They're fighting

With their tanks and their bombs

And their bombs and their guns

In your head, in your head

They're cryin'

In your head,

In your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie

Hey, hey

What's in your head,

In your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie

Hey, hey, hey, oh

Say what you mean

Tell me I'm right

And let the sun rain down on me

Give me a sign,

I want to believe


Mona Lisa,

You're guaranteed to run this town


Mona Lisa,

I'd pay to see you frown

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin' me closer

'Til our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

Wait for me to come home

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?

Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know

You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die

Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don't you know I'm human too?

Why you gotta be so rude?

I'm gonna marry her anyway

Wanna hear your beating heart tonight

Before the bleeding sun comes alive

I want to make the best of what is left, hold tight

And hear my beating heart one last time

Before the daylight

Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go


Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

Let me know if you like this new section

Giving me a THUMBS UP!

And be free to ask me any song right here below in the comments section.

Oh! And thank you for always being there!

It means a lot for me :)

Hope you see you soon!


For more infomation >> 10 SONGS YOU LIKE #1 | Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Years & Years and more! - Duration: 6:13.


VLOG/ CONFIRMATION DAY IN ITALY! Cresima a Firenze. - Duration: 17:08.

you're like me it's fine (bad at english)

what time is it?

it's time to go to sleep

a martian passing by

appear in my vlog

what are u doing?

ohhhh they got u the new phoneeee


but is it the 5, 6, 8, 92? XD

ahhhhh is the SE

cause I got a small hand

I got the huge phone, like this

but I can use it

I preferred this one

but do you have the sim card?

or do they have to buy it?

no no I already have it

hi grandma say hi!

you are in my vlog

mamma mia!XD This camera is new

Lucia gave it to me



say hi!! ciaooo

did u turn it on?

like this u are recording

you're live say hi

are u happy??


these are all the relatives

can u take a picture of me and Giovanni?

near the cakes

but I'm not taking photos I'm recording a video haha

you have to ask him for the photo

confirm that it's good

what are u laughing at?

this will be my walk of shame in this vlog

later u have to send us the link for this vlog

hello everyone so, everyone appear

so you can all appear in the video at the end haha


actually it's a video, it will be on youtube

in the meanwhile everyone screaming over my voice

what did u want to say?

I wanted to say, fortunally u didn't notice our bottle haha

also known as the "Alpini's Table" XD

For more infomation >> VLOG/ CONFIRMATION DAY IN ITALY! Cresima a Firenze. - Duration: 17:08.


MMJ Monday #2: Silicone Bong Review + Choosing the Best Strains for Your Symptoms [CC] - Duration: 9:02.


Alright, today I'm going to be reviewing the piece of equipment that I use every day to

use my medication.

It's called the Eyce silicone bong?

I guess you would say?

It comes in a few parts.

I've taken the bottom part out here.

This is what it looks like and I'll show a little bit of that later, but Randy got this

for me for an early Christmas present because thanks to all the cats my pieces that I use

kept getting shattered or broken and this one…that cannot happen!

For the most part.

Between me being careless with differing temperatures and stuff like that and the cats being obnoxious

I just went through a bunch of different pieces left and right, so what he decided was to

invest in this so I won't have that problem anymore, so…

And I think it's gonna work.

Here's the packaging that it comes in and what it says is that it's durability that

rips…I agree.

So it has just…this long part here.

It says it has a large hidden stash jar.

Now the glass parts inside of it: There's a glass slide, diffused glass down-stem, right

here, which is really the part you have to clean, as well as what you're using up here.

And then the magnetic lighter, or whatever holder here.

With it, it boasts of platinum-cured silicone, magnetic lighter-holder, an ice catcher, which

would be this thing right here…I've never used it, but maybe I should.

I keep forgetting.

And the thing under it, as well as a lifetime guarantee, which is great.

I guess that would only be for the silicone part and I don't know what I'd have to do

to destroy it.

And then you can find their information on and I'll link all of that information


So like I said, it comes in a few parts…the parts that can get broken are whatever piece

you're using there and then here's the inside tube.

And it comes out, I'm not gonna take it out cuz it'll spill everywhere, but…that comes


And then on the bottom you have two things: lemme just dig this out…you get this little

container for your medication or whatever, and then this little poker thing.

And I always forget about this, and I remembered after watching a few videos that this part

is also magnetic, so you can just leave it right there.

I typically don't because again, cats.

Alright, so this, you can take this apart and then there are these little compartments

in here.

I leave my stuff in here.

Then you just…put that back on.

Typically I'll just leave this out, but if I were to travel, I would throw it back in

there, because it's so convenient, and then take that out, and then you can just fold

it up, and put it where you need to.

Now I know I need to move toward a vaping alternative…one of those pens like I've

seen in Chronically Mo's videos or something like that but as it stands for right now I'm

not left with a lot of money between the bills I need to pay and then medication just to

keep me going.

Right now, I have NO money leftover.

If anything, I'm basically subsisting on donations at this point.

So, for now, this is what I'm gonna be using.

And this is what I'm gonna be using probably until I find that solution.

And that's assuming I prefer that solution.

But yeah, as for now, when it comes to what I'm using, I'm using this.

I was a little intimidated because that's…it's a pretty large and everything I had was quite

a bit smaller.

But I'm happy with it.

I'm happy that it can't shatter.

I'm happy that I can drop it and it probably will be fine, unless it lands on here, and

this is pretty thick anyway.

I'd say it's pretty safe.

This is absolutely not the ideal way I'd like to take this medication, I dunno-- there's

a lot of stigma when it comes to things that are stereotypically used for recreation I

feel like, which is unfounded, and it shouldn't be that way, but it is, in some ways.

I do like how it's bi colors.

Randy was very conscious of what he was buying-- HAAAA

Would I like something a little more discreet than …… yeah, absolutely, but I only medicate

at my house at this point and nobody comes over, so it's always just in front of the


There's really no shame to be had there…she's loving it!

Hey baby, say hi!

And I know these are a little more expensive but I think they are worth sort of inching

toward or…stop it!

or at least possibly saving up for as a goal just because…I've had this for as long as

I've probably had two or three pieces just because they keep breaking.

This has already basically paid for itself.

So Randy bought this for me at a local shop around town.

I know you can get this online.

Just google eyce: e-y-c-e, and I'll link it below as well.

And as for this little background I cobbled out, it's all of my disability t-shirts and

tank-tops and I'll link all of those below as well so you can find those.

And that's all I have for like, the big content part of this episode, so please enjoy whatever

I end up lacing to the end of this because really it's Saturday so I'm probably gonna

have more to put on there.

But anyway, thank you for watching and see you next week for this kind of content!

Alright so, what I'm doing is driving a little bit further across town to go to a place that

typically has a good selection between indica, sativa, and hybrid.

I have this theory that I'm only gonna get good relief with sativas cuz that's really

been my experience for about the last six months.

So I think I'm at a point where I'm gonna stop wasting my money, essentially, on indicas,

and anything that says CBD on it cuz it's…it's not that great.

And it's always more expensive or often more expensive, so…

It just doesn't work for me!

Alright so for today, it's not Monday-- filming this it's Saturday… it's "Shatterday…"

so when I learned that the dispensary I'm typically going to is not gonna be selling

a lot of sativa-specific shatter, I thought it would just be best--oh my god.

So they've said they're not going to be stocking a lot of sativa shatter, like sativa-specific,


so what I did is I drove a little bit farther out of my way to go to a place called Earth's

Healing which typically has a very wide selection on Saturdays, and also pretty good pricing.

So I picked up…

So I picked up four little packages, so that's two grams total.

Pretty good prices, really nice people…I do wish that they had been a little more knowledgeable

on which ones were like THE sativa ones, but, but yeah, I got at least half of these are

only sativas.

So that what should be what helps me the absolute most.

So we'll see!

Alright, so, with the short amount of time I've had with these new medications, I can

pretty safely say that I should be sticking to sativa products from here on out, if I

really want to save my money and get the most out of what I'm purchasing.

Already I've noticed that I've been trending to go for the Pineapple Express, pretty much

only, and that's the thing that's the straight sativa, compared to the other thing I bought,

I don't remember the name of it, but it's a hybrid.

It's like, a sativa-heavy hybrid, but it's still not as good as the one that's a straight


So, I consider this little experiment a success in that I know that I should be sticking more

toward sativas from now on.

And that's all I have for this video!

So thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you next week for more of this content!

For more infomation >> MMJ Monday #2: Silicone Bong Review + Choosing the Best Strains for Your Symptoms [CC] - Duration: 9:02.


Cave Story Final Cave [Hidden] Tips [TURN SUBTITLE ON] - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Cave Story Final Cave [Hidden] Tips [TURN SUBTITLE ON] - Duration: 6:22.


¿Tienes el colesterol alto? Averígualo con estos 10 síntomas - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> ¿Tienes el colesterol alto? Averígualo con estos 10 síntomas - Duration: 9:32.


How to TRX Tri Extension from your Christian Personal Trainer - Duration: 0:46.

facing away from the anchor point, feet shoulder-width apart.

Grab the handles with an overhand grip.

Shift weight to the balls of your feet as you extend arms out in front of you at eye


Bend elbows until hands are behind your head, elbows framing either side of your face.

Return to start

For more infomation >> How to TRX Tri Extension from your Christian Personal Trainer - Duration: 0:46.


Tiny RV Kitchen Tour + Organizing Tips & Tricks Full Time RV Family - Duration: 16:30.

For more infomation >> Tiny RV Kitchen Tour + Organizing Tips & Tricks Full Time RV Family - Duration: 16:30.


Dumpsite visit to Miras Administrative Unit - Duration: 0:24.

Field Visit of the Local Working Group in Miras, 18 November 217

The dumpsite in Miras is a small environmental hotspot that needs immediate interventions.

The Local Working Group established by ACEG Centre in the frame of the SENiOR II programme is discussing interventions measures.

A small project will be developed and shared with our beneficiary and supporters.

The dumpsite will be turned into a small recreational park.

Devoll municipality is committed to implement this pilot project.

For more infomation >> Dumpsite visit to Miras Administrative Unit - Duration: 0:24.


Enjoy The Moments In The Journey To Success - Daily Marketing Motivation - Duration: 4:35.

yeah is the WT Hamilton and I approve this message all right I'm Hands free again I'm back hey how you doing

mofos let me talk to you today then an awesome day I want to talk to you

about taking time to just stop and relax and really appreciate when you have in

your life so today I had an awesome day what you are partying so welcoming some

people into the community party from Rwandies's community my wifes from

Rwanda so we have to be where we walk the people in the community that are

new there are some students that came and that meant and also this weekend had a

birthday party but a pretty big birthday party the night before so the whole time

like just celebrating and having fun I've been doing a little bit of work

because really hard not to do any work

but hey we're need to take time sometimes just relax have fun but don't

always have to be on hustle we can put things into motion get things going and

we can step back and watch that some of those things work I got had my twitter

popping Twitter's off that's an Instagram flowing off of this

as automated have some stuff that's automated so I was able to still do some

marketing wise while is relaxing continue always

working in the background as you're building off your business in the

background you're able to take your mind off you can just enjoy yourself so

that's what I'm talking about in this video

that's what I want you guys to know mofos don't know always gotta be

hustling sometimes you can chill and relax you might have not after you relax

the whole day I need to take the whole day off but you know like I did a really

beautiful work in the morning it's me it's explaining the morning and then I

took the afternoon off and now I'm back to working that night let me join myself

I'm giving a lot of gratitude for being able to have that time that you relax

have fun it has time to come back in your do a little bit of work but it's

not pressure is it's fun it's enjoyable that's what you want to do us when you

want to get do not really enjoy what you do

then these problem need to look at why are you doing this is really something

you're passionate about you gotta have fun if you're not passionate about it I

will punch is gonna turn into work in already musky so that's where unless you

guys to it hope you enjoyed this video and always put one obviously one thing

is worth one then when plan was mofos plan was to make this quick lunches I

just wanted to show that you put me so anyways that's all they're gonna see

from this video i've always say subscribe to this channel and check out

our stuff we had a couple of new promo things

pop it up check it out it up you don't use if you watch the whole video you're

gonna find a little surprise at the end or close to get somewhere just watch no

I'm saying it's not finished you think it's finished don't shut it

off now it's not a future what's not to check us out on Instagram Twitter and

Facebook also like this channel and leave a comment let us know what you

think and subscribe to this channel so you can check out more videos and yo

share this with your friends manage your friends experience this - that your

friends are gonna like it and hope you uh it's also check out our new episode a

lot about you know arbitrage check out our motivational books where many

motivational books helping you with the law of attraction with personal

development with creating that mindset for success you can get our books online

everywhere so check those out so here's my little tip for today you'll give your

plant time to develop your grow some steps take longer than others to develop

keep your plant time to the top that's my quick tip for today thanks for

watching this whole video will shot at you again

yeah it's WT a message

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