Monday, November 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2017

Hi, everyone, this is Ellie Sparkles.

Today we're at the toy store to look for our favorite toys and look what we found!

A whole case of LOL Surprise Glitter Series Dolls!

I can't believe we found so many of them.

I wonder who's going to come and buy some first!

Give me a big thumbs up if you want to see someone go shopping.

Hey look who made it to the toy store!

Hi there, Skye!

Oh boy!

Oh Boy!

Oh Boy!

I can't believe I finally found some Glitter LOL Dolls.

I've looked all over with Everest and Chase to find just 1 doll..and now I finally found

a WHOLE CASE of them!

Wow, it must be my lucky day!

I have to run and get my money so I can buy these ultra rare lol dolls!

I'll be right back!

Okay, Skye, see you soon!

Skye's right, these are so rare that everyone wants them!

Wait a second.

Who's there?

Is that...Romeo?

What is he doing here?

Hehehe...finally, the Glitter LOL Dolls.

I'm the one that stole the LOL Dolls from all the other stores because I don't want

anyone else to have any...ever!

I want to have them all for myself.

That's why I'm taking all of these!


And now their mine...all mine!

And Skye can't have any at all!

That makes me so happy!

I'm the smartest, most best villain in the world!

I'm back!

I'm back!


What happened to my shopping cart.

And wait...

There's no LOL Surprises left.

Did someone take them?

That's not fair, I wanted to buy some.

Now I don't get any and I'll never find them again.

What I am going to do now?

Okay, time to check out!

I got five LOL Dolls all to myself and I'm ready to pay for them.

Okay, Romeo, let's ring them up.

That's one LOL Doll….then that's two LOL dolls.

Now we scan the third LOL Doll.

Then the fourth LOL Doll.

And finally...the fifth LOL Doll.

That makes five dolls!

That's a lot of dolls, Romeo.

Each LOL Doll cost 1 gold coin.

And you have Five LOL Dolls.

That means you have to pay 5 gold coins!

Wow look, Romeo is going to pay with his Romeo credit card?

Hmmm...that's weird.

It isn't working.

Romeo, your card doesn't work...sorry Romeo, but that means you don't have enough money

to pay for all of the LOL Surprise Dolls.

What do you mean it doesn't work?

It has to work!

This isn't fair!

I don't have any other money!

My plan is ruined if I can't take these toys home!

Sorry Romeo, if you can't buy these toys, then we'll have to let another boy or girl

buy these LOL Glitter Surprises!

And look who it is!

Hello again Skye.

Why are you so sad?

Hi Ellie.

I finally found two LOL Dolls, but then someone really mean took all of them.

I think I'm going to cry.

Don't worry Skye... it's your lucky day because someone was just going to buy some

but didn't have any money!

Here are Two LOL Glitter Surprises for you and your friend Everest!

That's two dolls coming right….two.

And since they are each one gold coin, that means you have to pay two gold coins.

Do you have two gold coins, Skye?


Let's put them in the cash register them you can take your LOL Dolls home and open


Thank you so much Ellie!

I'm so happy I actually got the Glitter LOL Dolls.

Everyone's going to be so excited!

I'm going to go open them now.

We actually did it!

We got two Glitter LOL Dolls.

I'm really excited to see which dolls we got.

There are seven layers of surprises in these toys, so Let's start unwrapping!

The first layer surprise is always our clue.

This clue is that a bomb?

That means Glitter Bomb!

This character must really love glitter.

That's so cool!

What else is in here?

Oh course, the flyer that shows us our LOL Doll can cry, tinkle or spit.

I can't wait to find out what our doll does.

Now let's keep unwrapping.

I wonder what doll this is...and I wonder what our first accessory will be.

It's a glittery bottle.

This one is white with a very very glittery black lid.

Now I'm even more excited to see which baby will use this.

Someone who wears shoes...but what kind?

Only one way to find shoes with frilly white socks and black bows.

There must be an amazing outfit to match these shoes.

Let's take a look at what it shorts and a blue, white, and red shirt.

But the best part is that it's all so glittery.

That's why everyone wants these!

That's why they are so rare!

They have glitter all over everything.

That is super special.

We're almost done, only one more accessory to open before we get to the doll.

But wait a minute, I didn't know there were so many Glitter LOL Dolls to collect.

I want to collect them all!

But first, let's see who we're starting with.

Someone who wears a hat?


Someone who wears glasses!

These glasses are bright red and have the coolest shape ever!

Who is going to wear these amazing glasses?'s Rocker!

Rocker has glittery pink and black hair that is the coolest style ever.

That's cause Rocker is a really cool girl.

BUt she'll look even cooler in her outfit.

Oh my!

Her glasses are super awesome, but she looks so great without them too.

Seriously, everything on these dolls is just really glittery.

It makes me really excited to see what other doll we got.

But first, let's see what happens when we give her water with her bottle.

She's spitting.

Ew, Rocker… where you're spitting.

You almost hit me.

Now you silly girl, we have to open our second lol surprise to see who your new friend will


When we unwrap the first layer, The first thing we always see is the clue, the secret


This time it's a dress...and then winning.

Hmm, does this say: Dress for success!

That means this LOL Doll is really good at dressing!

Wow, I can't wait to see what she wears!

Let's keep unwrapping.

The next thing we see is everything that the LOl Doll can do.

She can do everything that a real baby can do.

That's so perfect.

Up next is our first accessory.

The bottle.

This bottle better be glittery.

And it is.

It's super glittery!

The pink lid is the most glittery lid I've ever seen.

I can't wait to see what color her shoes!

Pink shoes with the same fluffy socks and black bows that Rocker's shoes had.

They will look so cute matching.

Speaking of matching, do you think her clothes will match these shoes?

Will there be pink?

Let's take a look and find out.


This is the coolest dress ever!

It's so glittery, and there is pink!

I can't believe how big it is and it's a cheetah print.

Will this LOL Doll where glasses like rocker or a hat?


She's going to wear a big, bright bow!

One that is more pink than I even knew was real.

This is getting super fun because the next thing we open will be the LOL Doll herself.

We will finally get to meet her.

It's Diva!

Diva has glittery white hair and tall black socks.

She will look so amazing in her outfit.

You wanna see?

Then let's put it on!


Her bow is so big and her dress is just as big too!

Diva wants to show us what her bow can do.

Okay, let's dip her and water and see what happens.

No way!

Do you see her bow?

It's getting cheetah printed to match her dress!

That's amazing.

But it's not the only thing she does with water.

Let's give her a drink from her bottle and we can show you what she does.

She spits!

Just like Rocker!


You watch where you're spitting too, Diva, you silly girl.

I can't believe how far you can spit.

Hmmm...maybe sometime we can have a water spitting contest to see which LOL Doll can

spit the farthest.

That would be so fun!

Oh boy!

Today was so great!

I got two LOL Dolls, but I can't decide which one I'll give to my friends yet.

Rocker and Diva are both so amazing!

Thank you so much for helping me with everything today, Ellie Sparkles.

I'm happy you liked them, Skye.

If you liked penin the LOL Dolls and shopping then don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Ellie Sparkles for more adventures for you every day!

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Doll Shopping at Toys R Us with Paw Patrol Skye and PJ Masks Romeo - Duration: 13:02.



For more infomation >> TOP 4 PITCHING INTELLIGENCE KIRILL TERESHINA! - Duration: 8:30.


Hil's Pills - Tamsulosin - Useful Information - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Hil's Pills - Tamsulosin - Useful Information - Duration: 5:41.


DUMBEST BREAKUPS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:18.

• From fake goldfish funerals to literally giving someone shit, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the dumbest ways we tried

breaking up with someone.

I'm Hellbent and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Hope_for_freedom1331 Doopie

One summer, Doopie's boyfriend invited her to a fair.

She wanted to break up with him because he never really paid attention to her, plus she

thought he may have been cheating.

While at the fair, they went on the biggest ride they had… a roller coaster.

But before going to the fair, Doopie made a sign that said, "I'm breaking up with

you, buh bye!"

While they were on the roller coaster, as soon as the part of the ride came where they

took the picture, Doopie held up the sign and yelled in his ear, "I'm breaking up

with you, bitch!"

Doopie smiled at the camera as they went down the slope.

When the ride was over, she went to see the picture.

She saw herself smiling while holding up the sign… and the angry look on her boyfriend's


She bought that picture.

Number 9 was submitted by BloodryneRenesme2 Mimi

The dumbest way Mimi tried to dump someone was to put a note in her boyfriend's drink.

When he took a drink, he ended up choking on the note.

She gave him the Heimlich Maneuver, and he ended up being okay.

They remain friends to this day.

Number 8 was submitted by fbnboy04 SaltySquid

When SaltySquid was 18, he had the bright idea to break up with his girlfriend by banging

her 19-year old sister.

After SaltySquid and his girlfriend's sister were done doing it, his girlfriend walked


The sisters started beating the shit out of each other, and SaltySquid got the hell out

of there through the nearest window.

Naked, he jumped in his car and sped away.

Number 7 was submitted by ArgentoVeta MKyleM

After MKyleM became disinterested in his second girlfriend, he decided to ask his usually

sarcastic and snarky friend, Grgak, for advice.

Grgak told MKyleM to dump her, but MKyleM didn't know what that meant because he had

only experienced mutual breakups.

MkyleM asked Grgak about it, and Grgak gave the snarky reply, "What do you think 'dump'


MkyleM, totally clueless, replied, "Taking a shit?"

Grgak stared at him for a solid minute and replied, "Yes, just give her some shit and

you'll be fine."

MKyleM did just that and, long story short, they didn't talk for a year after that.

Number 6 was submitted by Super_Nova_Nebula Ramona

When she was in seventh grade, Ramona had a boyfriend who she had been dating for about

a year.

He wasn't that bright and she never really liked him that much.

At brunch one day, Ramona told him they needed to talk in private.

She pulled him to the side of the building with a box of chocolates in her hand.

In the box there were chocolates wrapped with papers that came together to say, "I'm dumping


But he read them wrong and thought they said, "I will dump on you."

He went around telling the whole school that Ramona would take a dump on all of her boyfriends.

By the end of the day, the entire school called her "Dumpy."

It got so bad that even the principal found out about the note and told her parents.

She ended up getting grounded and was called "Dumpy" for the rest of her time at that school.

Number 5 was submitted by Mint-Chip-Kittens Melissa

When Melissa was sixteen she dated a guy she didn't really like.

Despite being a nice guy, the spark in their relationship was just no longer there.

When they went on a date one night, she planned on telling him that it just wasn't working

anymore, but when they got to the restaurant he said he had a special surprise at the end

of dinner.

Melissa immediately thought he was going to propose.

She saw they had a karaoke machine and a huge stage, so she did one of the dumbest and cruelest

things in her lifetime.

Melissa picked a song, went on stage, and said into the microphone, "This goes out to

my boyfriend.

I hope you enjoy it."

He blew her a kiss and she started singing 'Tainted Love.'

When it was over, Melissa saw that he wasn't in the restaurant anymore.

He was outside, crying.

She felt awful, and he asked what he did wrong.

It turned out the surprise was Baskin Robbins, so Melissa didn't need to break his heart

in front of about seventy people.

She realized only afterward how dumb it was to think he would propose since they were

only sixteen.

Number 4 was submitted by Cuntasaurs Spinalpalm

A couple years ago, Spinalpalm dated a girl who was overly-attached.

He wanted to dump her, so one night he decided to tell her that they were breaking up.

She didn't take that very well and started throwing stuff at him, so he told her he was

just joking.

Spinalpalm then thought of a different way to dump her, and decided to make her a mixtape.

He told her in the mixtape that he wasn't joking and put some of the worst songs ever

on it.

He even had a remix with his own voice about her being a psychopath and other embarrassing

stuff, and she didn't take that well, either.

On prom night, while Spinalpalm danced with his new girlfriend PrincessProton, his ex-girlfriend

went to the DJ booth, pushed the DJ out of the way, and put on Spinalpalm's mixtape.

That was when he realized the mixtape was a bad idea.

Number 3 was submitted by Midnight10001 Spincess

When Spincess was in 6th grade, she had a boyfriend who wouldn't leave her alone,

and she couldn't be away from him at school or he'd get mad, so she decided to break up

with him by telling him that her goldfish died and that she needed some time to herself.

He didn't believe her, so Spincess invited him to a fake funeral at the park.

She got a dead fish from Walmart and faked the whole thing.

It worked, and now she's in a happy new relationship with Tolop.

Number 2 was submitted by SkyblueSkill11 Froggy

Back when Froggy was 16, she dated a guy who she didn't really like.

She decided to bake him a cake on his birthday that said, "I'm breaking up with you!"

She knew that it was stupid, and felt bad because she also got him a ticket to a concert

that he really wanted to go to.

Before the cake, he said it was the best day of his life.

But it turned out that he wasn't really that upset when she showed him the cake because

he didn't really like her either.

They're still friends and laugh when they look back on it.

Number 1 – What was the dumbest way I ever tried breaking up

with someone?

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