Thursday, November 9, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 10 2017

Giu: hello everyone, we are B&W Project

Anne: I'm Anne Bella: I'm Bella Giu: and I'm Giulia

Bella: and today we're bringing another challenge, this time, blindfolded challenge!

Giu: and how does it work? Bella: we're going to put this masks on and dance to Orange Caramel's "My Copycat"

Giu: if you haven't seen the video yet, it's already out so please go see it

Bella: just click the card up here, and the original video will be here for you guys to see while we do the game

Bella: so that's it, we'll put the song there, using the masks and we'll see what happens

Giu: and we'll get lost

Bella: let's go guys

Giu: help

Bella: I'm afraid to walk

Anne: I'm already wrong

Bella: *screams*

Giu: I can't understand anything

Anne: not we're screwed

Giu: where is it?

Giu: please help

Giu: I don't know where you guys are

Giu: I'm dizzy

Giu: it feels like when I'm not seeing stuff, I lose my brain

Giu: I'm going to crash

Bella: I don't know where I am

Giu: omg you're so far away

*we're happy because our hands touched*

*we're laughing because we bumped on each other*

Giu: I'm going to bump into someone

Giu: I don't know if I'm going to the right side

Bella: oh my god

Giu: ouch, my hand! Ouch ouch ouchhh

Bella: I'm SUPER dizzy

Giu: where do I go oh my god

Giu: I'm screwed I'm going to bump into someone

Giu: I don't know where I am

Giu: ouch I crashed

Giu: heeeeelp


Giu: guys this is very very hard you have no idea

Bella: you lose your senses, you just get 100% lost

Giu: I crashed into the wall and I hit my nail and it hurts, and when you don't know where you are, you don't know where you need to go anymore

Bella: I tought I was right and I was like over there

Anne: at the time I could hold Bella's hand I was very happy

Bella: when I got you guys hands I was like OMG SO HAPPY

Giu: in the first one I was like "where's the hand?" and then I heard the voice really far away and I was like "fuck"

Bella: so that's it guys, I hope you liked it, if you have any suggestions leave them down below

Bella: like the video, share it, subscribe to the channel, activate the channel's notifications, watch our other videos

Bella: and that's it, kisses, see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> [VARIETY] Blindfolded Challenge || Desafio da Venda #1 (eng sub available) - Duration: 5:08.


Operativo encubierto expuso fallas en las revisiones que la TSA realiza en los aeropuertos - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Operativo encubierto expuso fallas en las revisiones que la TSA realiza en los aeropuertos - Duration: 2:09.


Buscando un futuro mejor, estas mujeres se ganan la vida trabajando en una mina de México - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Buscando un futuro mejor, estas mujeres se ganan la vida trabajando en una mina de México - Duration: 2:19.


Pastor en Texas planea dar sus sermones portando un arma para velar por la seguridad de su congregac - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Pastor en Texas planea dar sus sermones portando un arma para velar por la seguridad de su congregac - Duration: 1:57.


Cientos de inmigrantes exigieron frente al Congreso la aprobación del Dream Act antes de 2018 - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Cientos de inmigrantes exigieron frente al Congreso la aprobación del Dream Act antes de 2018 - Duration: 2:17.


Ladrón termina muerto al poner en jaque a las autoridades tras robar un auto en Colorado - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Ladrón termina muerto al poner en jaque a las autoridades tras robar un auto en Colorado - Duration: 0:32.


Cargando un ataúd en el metro: la insólita foto que se volvió viral en Ciudad de México - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Cargando un ataúd en el metro: la insólita foto que se volvió viral en Ciudad de México - Duration: 1:30.


Video pone al descubierto el maltrato al que son sometidas las vacas en una granja de Florida - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Video pone al descubierto el maltrato al que son sometidas las vacas en una granja de Florida - Duration: 0:32.


SeekersHub 2017 Annual Benefit Luncheon: Building the Azhar of our Time - Duration: 3:46.

Assalamu alaikum, this is Faraz Rabbani, inviting you to SeekersHub

Toronto's annual fundraiser on December 10, 2017. SeekersHub started six years ago

with a small space by the lakeshore.

Many of you might remember that, and we just had one teacher, myself.

And now alhamdullah over the years, SeekersHub Toronto has been growing.

We moved to our second location here on Tomken, and from there,

the location started being too small for us. The community programs,

the seminars there just wasn't enough space. We'd pack the place we had multiple

classes going on and it would be very difficult to hold them in a small space.

So alhamdullah, we moved to this new hub, which we call Hub 3.0 and Unit 16 on 5650 Tomken.

And here now, we have multiple teachers, Ustadh Amjad Tarsin, along with myself,

Shaykh Qutayba, Ustadha Umm Umar, and other teachers as well,

and in the last couple of years, we've had a pilot seminary program running.

Now, we have a number of students, male and female, studying full time, and a wider pool

of students who are studying part time to become future scholars

to become future scholars, teachers, and callers of this deen.

And this has been a gradual, deliberate progression.

Now seekers of Toronto is formally launching our Islamic Seminary

and we are renaming SeekersHub Toronto as the SeekersHub Toronto Islamic seminary

because that is at the heart of our message,

that we are here to strive to establish a center of learning that will train future generations of

Canadian scholars male and female that will provide knowledge and guidance to

our children, our families, our communities, and to the ummah of the

messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasalaam, and we're aiming high that we want this

Toronto Islamic seminary to be the Azhar of our age, to be a center of learning.

With all of the turbulence happening in the Muslim world, why just say, well,

where are the future scholars going to come from?

We are hoping, with your support, to establish a world class Islamic Seminary

right here in Toronto.

We are in process of bringing over some world-class

scholars from the Muslim world who are displaced and challenged, not just to

support them but so that we can establish a true Islamic seminary

they'll provide knowledge, train future generations of scholars but also provide

that guidance, provide that clarity, and those answers for ourselves, our children,

our families, our community, for the society at large and the world over and

this seekers of Toronto Islamic Seminary will be connected with our global

Islamic seminary where we have some of the top scholars in the world teaching.

So join us for this Sunday December 10th. We have Shaykh Yahya Rhodus and other esteemed

scholars attending and we hope for your attendance as well

For more infomation >> SeekersHub 2017 Annual Benefit Luncheon: Building the Azhar of our Time - Duration: 3:46.


¿Añoras la comida de las abuelas? Este restaurante busca resaltar los sabores tradicionales - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> ¿Añoras la comida de las abuelas? Este restaurante busca resaltar los sabores tradicionales - Duration: 4:06.


BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble. - Duration: 4:16.

BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble.

Judicial Watch's legal battle with the Department of Justice (DOJ) continues as the group fights

for transparency and strives to uncover the truth.

Recently, they've uncovered new details regarding former-FBI Director James Comey.

According to Judicial Watch president, , "We now have Justice Department confirmation that

Comey was wrong to have leaked records to the media to settle a score with President


How can this Justice Department defend its position that memos written for pernicious

purposes to target a sitting president with a criminal investigation should remain secret?

Mr. Mueller may have an interest in protecting Comey, but the public's interest demands

transparency about Comey's vendetta against President Trump."

In June, the Judicial Watch group filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit

against the DOJ after they refused to provide earlier requested documents by the deadline.

Judicial Watch had requested Comey's memo from a meeting he had with President Trump

during which they discussed former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

The DOJ has been fighting the request, claiming that the memo falls under FOIA exemption because

it was used for law enforcement reasons.

Judicial Watch filed another FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ in September on behalf of

The Daily Caller News Foundation after the DOJ again refused to provide requested documents

— this time requested by The Daily Caller.

That request seeks unclassified memos written by Comey regarding his discussions with President

Trump and his aides.

Neil Patel, CEO of The Daily Caller News Foundation, stated "The Freedom of Information Act was

designed to give the American people access to the records its government keeps," calling

the access "fundamental in a democracy like ours."

Patel continued, "Today, when so many Americans feel detached from a government that they

feel often doesn't serve their interests, this sort of access is more important than


When the Daily Caller News Foundation made a reasonable request for access to FBI Director

Comey's memos we were completely stonewalled.

Our request is legally sound and completely within the public interest so with the help

of our friends at Judicial Watch we are fighting in court to see it through."

During a testimony given under oath in June, Comey told the US Senate Select Committee

on Intelligence that he intentionally leaked his memo regarding Flynn.

Comey told Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), "My judgment was, I need to get that out into

the public square.

So I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a [New York Times] reporter.

I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons.

I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.

I asked a close friend to do it."

On May 17, only one day after Comey provided the memo that was published in The New York

Times, Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel.

The move was viewed with suspicion considering Comey and Mueller had a prior working relationship,

and Mueller has since gone above and beyond his investigative boundaries in what appears

to be a witch hunt against Donald Trump.

Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ), noted: "Could Mr. Mueller be acting with vengeance?

Or to vindicate his good friend and colleague James Comey, who had a very public feud with

the president?"

Judicial Watch has argued that the DOJ is refusing to hold Comey accountable for intentionally

leaking classified memos to the press, despite the DOJ making comparisons between Comey and

Wikileaks, the latter who the DOJ is initiating a lawsuit against.

"Mr. Comey may have violated the law in leaking these memos to the media," said


"It would be a scandal if Comey coordinated his Senate testimony with Mr. Mueller's

special counsel office.

That we have had to sue in federal court speaks volumes."

It's past time for Mueller to be fired and new special prosecutor appointed so the real

Russia collusion among Democrats can be properly investigated, and Comey can be properly prose

cuted for his admitted and well-evidenced wrongdoing.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble. - Duration: 4:16.


Con la boca abierta nos dejaron estos intrépidos que lograron récord Guinness - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Con la boca abierta nos dejaron estos intrépidos que lograron récord Guinness - Duration: 1:28.


La constipation-perdre du ventre - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> La constipation-perdre du ventre - Duration: 9:07.


Archaeology and poo? | Ep. 2 - The Royal faeces - Duration: 4:25.

Alright Gabriela. We liked your CV a lot, and we think that your references are excellent.

We want you to star on Monday.

That's great!

Do you have some question?

Yes, I do. Could you please repeat the job description?

Oh, it's so simple!

You'll be responsible for His Majesty's external sphincter's prophylaxis.

Before you ask me, yes, this job really existed!

Well, let's get to the bottom of it.

This position was known in England as 'Groom of the Stool'.

Google Translate translated into Portuguese as 'noivo das fezes'.

This position was created during Henry VIII reign, and consisted

in helping the king with his basic necessities,

and also with his hygiene.

'Maria Teresa, my daughter, I have to stop for a minute to poo.'

'Of course father, feel free.'

'Antonio! Antonio!'


'I must stop to poo!'

'The king will poo!'

Queens could also enjoy this service,

and had a feminine version of the Groom of the Stool to help them with their necessities.

And to have the honour of occupying such desired position,

of accompanying the king, and help him with his necessities

on this throne, so far from public eyes,

the candidate should be necessarily a member of nobility.

'Antonio, I'm done!'

But the position had its advantages.

These...employeees...let me put it this way,

had the key to the royal chambers, stood by the king's side during his meals to keep an eye on his diet,

so they could be there when the time came,

and spent hours alone with him, becoming his confident.

Can you imagine the amount of insider information they were able to get?

But on the other hand, this could be a very dangerous position.

Sir Henry Norris, that occupied the position, serving Henry VIII ended up executed,

because he was an ally to the Boleyn clan.

Anne Boleyn was Henry VIII's second wife, and ended up executed for treason.

Consequently some members of her family and some allies, also lost their heads.

But what is a stool?

Is a kind of latrine, some of them more elaborated,

for example with velvet over the seat to make the king more comfortable.

Others more simple.

Some of them were even portable, so the Groom of the Stool could carry them around

with water and towels, to serve his king at a moment of necessity,

that's why the name 'Groom of the Stool'.

But during the Stuart dynasty,

both the name and the position suffered some changing,

and it became simply a job of helping kings and queens to get dressed.

The position was totally abolished in the beginning of the 20th century.

But the last man to occupy the position as it was during the Tudor era was Sir Michael Stanhope, that served Edward VI.

Thanks to a criminal accusation due to a supposed insurrection, he got flushed in 1552.

I wasn't able to find in any source the reason why this position was created,

but since it was created during Henry VIII reign, that had lots of issues like

gout disease, overweight, syphilis, and a huge wound that never healed,

and also used those elaborated clothing.

For more infomation >> Archaeology and poo? | Ep. 2 - The Royal faeces - Duration: 4:25.


Nissan Teana 2018 aumenta ligeiramente no mercado dos EUA - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Nissan Teana 2018 aumenta ligeiramente no mercado dos EUA - Duration: 3:41.


Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...

For more infomation >> Simplify Your Grocery Shoppi...


The Parity Multisig Story + Calling for Parity Contract Boycott - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> The Parity Multisig Story + Calling for Parity Contract Boycott - Duration: 12:55.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 5D - Duration: 1:01.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 3D EDITION - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW/90PK 3D EDITION - Duration: 0:54.


he didn't stand a chance... - Duration: 13:33.

he didn't stand a chance...

For more infomation >> he didn't stand a chance... - Duration: 13:33.


That Mother Who Cares About Education - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> That Mother Who Cares About Education - Duration: 2:05.


AMD/Intel Join Forces, WOW Classic Servers, Torchlight 3?? -- Weekly Download #69 - Duration: 5:53.

Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 69, which is my tech

and PC gaming news series.

We got a lot of cool news this week and I'm excited to share this all with you.

Today I'm gonna be playing some Call of Duty World War 2 while I give you this news,

and I got myself another cup of coffee.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what you're sippin' on, let's

get into it.

To start off the tech news this week, Intel and AMD are joining forces to create a much

better CPU with integrated graphics for some upcoming thin laptops.

Yea I said that right, Intel and AMD are joining forces.

With the past year being about as competitive as it's been in the last decade between

these two companies, this is crazy to hear but the deal actually makes a lot of sense.

Intel has been producing some very non impressive integrated graphics in their CPUs for the

last generation, I actually made a video about it a while ago, and AMD's APUs have much

better performance with their built in graphics.

Intel and AMD have agreed on a deal where AMD will sell Intel just the part of the processor

for the integrated graphics and Intel will install that in their processors to achieve

super thin laptops with somewhat decent gaming performance.

There's a bunch of other details about the deal between the two, if you're interested

in more info just check out the link in the description, I link everything I talk about

down there.

Alright so I haven't been excited about a pair of headphone or even a headset in quite

some time.

The last pair of headphones that I probably truly got excited about were my Sony XB950BT's.

Steelseries however has created a pair of gaming headphones that I'm super excited

about, and i'm probably gonna buy them immediately.

They are called the Arctis 3 Bluetooth and the feature that's crazy is that you can

use it wired to listen to your gaming audio, and at the same time connect it to Bluetooth

for any other type of audio.

It sounds amazing.

There are so many times when I'm battling the audio mixer or trying to listen to music

on my phone and I wish I could do this.

The gaming audio is wired because most PC gamers say that there's too much lag in

Bluetooth, so they really thought this one through.

You can pick up the Arctis 3 now on their website, but it's kind of expensive I'm

not gonna lie, hopefully this idea becomes a thing in the future with other major brands.

Elgato announced a new gaming capture card that can now record in 4K and 60 frames per


This card will definitely make a lot of streamers and YouTubers happy as other brand's 4k

60 FPS recorders are simply too expensive right now.

This card is honestly a deal breaker for those other brands and I can really see this card

selling well, especially from a big name like Elgato.

You can preorder the card now from Amazon, use my link in the description please, and

the card will release on November 21st.

Alright so that was the tech news for the week, now we gotta cover PC gaming and like

half of this is Blizzcon news, as you would expect.

First up Blizzard announced the newest World of Warcraft expansion called Battle for Azeroth.

Blizzard is introducing mechanics into the game that will reignite the rivalry between

the Horde and Alliance, as for several years now it really hasn't mattered that much.

There are no new classes or races, however there are slightly altered races.

The max level will be 120 as expected and there's a lot of new PVP action.

And what I think is WAY more important world of warcraft news, Blizzard finally finally

announced that official Vanilla servers are coming.


I actually used to play WoW way back in the vanilla and burning crusade days, and I couldn't

be happier with this news.

Tons of private servers such as Elysium have been working on classic servers, but private

servers are just a pain to deal with and there's always issues with them.

Having Blizzard create official vanilla servers will be amazing, I'm sure the servers will

be overloaded for weeks, and I'm definitely excited for this.

There's no date I don't think as of right now but I would guess that they won't be

available till AFTER this new expansion.

Next up Blizzard announced that StarCraft 2 is going free to play which is kind of a

surprise I think.

Maybe not, I honestly don't know.

Blizzard said that some of the content such as the Wings of Liberty campaign will be completely

free but you will have to pay for some of the newer stuff.

This transition to free to play is scheduled for next week on November 14th.

And to wrap up the Blizzcon news, Overwatch is getting a new hero, she's called Moira

I think, I don't know I didn't even watch a video on how to pronounce it sorry.

I actually haven't played Overwatch for a few months now so I'm kinda outta that

game at the moment.

The new hero is already live on the PTR so you can check her out already if you're

interested in that.

Moving on Halo Wars 2 just got a HUGE update that now allows PC and console gamers to go

at it head to head over crossplay.

You guys know I'm all about this crossplay idea becoming a popular thing so I'm super


As of right now you can only play unranked matches against the opposite console/PC because

343 what's to keep it fair and test this concept out for a bit.

Halo Wars 2 is available on the Windows Store for 40 bucks.

What's a Weekly Download episode without some sad news right.

Well Runic Games, the developer of Hob and the super famouse Torchlight series shut down

last week and I'm pretty upset about it.

Torchlight 2 was one of my favorite games like 5 years ago and I had a ton of fun with


I know a lot of us were patiently waiting for a Torchlight 3 to come out, but instead

we got a completely different style of game with Hob.

In light of the news one of the co-founders of Runic Games posted a Runic Games trivia

over on his Twitter and there's some cool info about the company if you're interested

in that.

And finally to wrap up this excellent week of PC gaming, you can grab yourself a copy

of Watch Dogs over on Uplay this week.

I actually put over 30 hours into the original Watch Dogs, during my last deployment actually,

and it's a pretty solid game especially for free.

It's definitely worth adding to your library if you think you'd like a Grand Theft Auto

game but with a ton of hacking, that's all it really is.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 69.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what your favorite tech or PC gaming

news was this week, or if I missed anything.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> AMD/Intel Join Forces, WOW Classic Servers, Torchlight 3?? -- Weekly Download #69 - Duration: 5:53.


Burger King® | Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich Review! 👑🐔🐷 - Duration: 5:25.

peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time

headed back into BK to take a look at their take at a classic sandwich but not

just any old sandwich let's see what this one's all about after we scoop it

up through the drive-thru yes hi peep this out let me go for the the

new chicken cordon bleu sandwich please and that'll be all okay thanks something

tells me I think they know me here hey thank you thank you so much thanks

appreciated we'll see you next time all right guys this one gonna deliver let's

peep this out

we're going a little upscale for the latest version of the chicken sandwich

here at BK today guys feast your eyes upon the chicken cordon bleu and I do

have to say this is already presenting pretty nicely with the black forest ham

on the top you've got the melted mozzarella cheese and what they're

saying is a mouthwatering tomato pepper signature sauce all on top of that

crispy new recipe chicken patty that we know from BK and I'm definitely a fan of

that and that's all inside a brown toasted potato bun so let's pop the top

here and get a closer look and see what we've got going here looks like there is

that tomato pepper signature sauce there and a pretty decent quantity of it as

for the black forest ham it looks like it is just about two slices they're

folded over as you can see and you've got the melted mozzarella there on the

very bottom let me see if I can kind of bring this up a little bit and it is

actually kind of glued to the bottom with more of that sauce there so looking

pretty tasty looks like about maybe two slices of mozzarella cheese is melted on

there as well a nice presentation I do have to say guys and it really does

smell pretty nicely it actually kind of looks like a Thousand Island if I'm not

mistaken there but decent guy is pretty decent

this is BK's version of the chicken cordon bleu let's peep out this flavor

it's a pretty cheesy situation on the outside of this chicken cordon bleu guys

even if it's a little non-traditional since most chicken cordon bleu's have the

ham and the cheese on the inside of the chicken this is actually pretty nice for

presentation I got to say it does look pretty great it's the all new chicken

cordon bleu sandwich here in BK hmmmm wow guys that tomato pepper sauce has

got a little bit of a zip to it there the pepper's coming up on the backend so

there's a little bit of the sizzle but it's almost like a weaker Thousand

Island dressing but I got to say it is trying to stay in front of the flavor of

the crispy chicken itself they're kind of battling back and forth not really

getting too much of anything else aside from the soft potato bun but it's pretty

flavorful guys and definitely a little bit different you know if you really try

and focus on it you can kind of taste the ham in the background but I got to

be honest not tomato pepper sauce is really the star of the show of this one

here very very sweet overpowers is just about everything else but then after

that you're getting the crispiness of the chicken which is pretty juicy not really

tasting the mozzarella cheese because of the sauce and that's to be expected

because mozzarella cheese tends to be mild anyway so with a sauce like this

overtaking it it actually does a pretty decent job of trying to be there but

again it's really just the glue to hold

everything together on the sandwich but I got to say again man that sauce is

actually really really tasty I stand by my weaker Thousand Island description of

this one here with a little bit of pepper on the backend guys but it's got

a lot more sweetness compared to typical thousand but pretty tasty still I'm

definitely a fan of BK's upgraded chicken fillets guys the crispiness is

on point the juiciness is there so it's always fun checking out the different

versions they come out with and I do have to say with this version with the

chicken cordon bleu it's actually very very tasty and one of my favorites

actually just because of the sauce itself it's actually very very good it's

very sweet but it goes very nicely with the outer coating of the chicken itself

and although I can't really taste the black forest ham too much if you're

really kind of focused on it while you're eating it's a little bit there in

the background as well along with the cheese but guys just a nice combination

of flavors on this one even if it's a non-traditional chicken cordon bleu

with everything on the outside instead of the inside of the chicken filet what

counts is the flavor when you bite into it this is actually really good

one more shot on the inside of this one for you guys this is one of those rare

cases where I don't mind the potato bun not having that flour dusting on the top

overall it's just a very nice bun itself there and it houses everything perfectly

on the inside given the size of it and the fact that it's both soft and dense

makes for a very fun eating experience not bad on this one hey but of course

that's just my opinion what do you guys think do you think this all new chicken

cordon bleu here at BK is the real deal even though most of the ingredients are

on the outside of the chicken patty as opposed to inside like they usually are

let me know what you guys thought of this one by dropping those comments down

below and as for my overall score I'm gonna have to give the chicken cordon

bleu brand new over here at BK a pretty decent

8 out of 10 that tomato pepper

signature sauce is easily the star of the show of this one guys on top of the

juiciness and the crispiness of the chicken itself that combination works

very very well but unfortunately it does mask the

flavors of that black forest ham and the mozzarella cheese pretty well also but

overall a very tasty chicken sandwich and a worthy addition to the new line of

chicken sandwiches here at BK definitely give this one a try and those are my

thoughts on the latest from BK as we close out another episode of peep this

out guys and like I always say I've got brand new content every single week here

on my channel so why you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the

meantime stay frosty yesir I am definitely a fan of the

upgraded chicken sandwiches here at BK and whatever the next version of the

sandwich is that comes out down the road you can absolutely count on it to be

another featured review here on the channel alright guys until next time

I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Burger King® | Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwich Review! 👑🐔🐷 - Duration: 5:25.


NFL Commissioner Just Woke To The Worst News Of His Life When He Saw Who Sued Him Overnight - Duration: 4:48.

Sometimes even the greatest friendships fail, and duos like Sonny and Cher find themselves

at an impasse where they just can't get along.

That seems to be the case with National Football League Commissioner Rodger Goodell and what

was formerly known as "America's team" owner, Jerry Jones.

Jones is the longtime owner of the Dallas Cowboys and has worked quite a bit with Goodell.

He knows what the good, the bad, and the ugly are in the NFL, and he knows who is responsible

for it.

Every team owner has a vested interest in the league doing well, and at this point,

it has become clear that Goodell isn't what's good for the league.

The National Anthem protest that led to the largest nationwide NFL boycott in history

has hit the league's bottom line hard, and the trickle-down effect to the teams has been

incredibly detrimental.

That means that the commissioner, who is supposed to be looking out for the good of the league,

isn't doing his job, and Jones intends to do something about it.

Daily Mail reports that Jones, who has been threatening to sue the NFL has now decided

the best course of action will be to block commissioner Goodell's contract from being


It's safe to say that Goodell isn't thrilled with the proposition:

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is reportedly threatening to sue the NFL and several owners

over contract negotiations with embattled commissioner Roger Goodell, going so far as

to hire high-profile lawyer David Boies, who defended scandalized Hollywood executive Harvey

Weinstein against accusations of sexual harassment.

Goodell's contract is set to expire in 2018, and although Jones is not on the committee

responsible for negotiating a new deal, the Cowboys owner is threatening to serve legal

papers if the committee extends the NFL Commissioner, according to the New York Times.

Jones declined to comment through a team spokesman.

A spokesman for Boies also declined to comment.

The NFL protest wasn't the first issue that Jones had with the commissioner.

Undoubtedly, the commissioner has to make some tough choices, even ones that might infuriate

the teams or the owners, and up to now, everyone has accepted that.

However, the differences between now and then is that when it came to tough decisions that

were detrimental to an individual time, like benching a player, Goodell has no problem

with it.

But when a whole slew of owners asked him to make a decision that would be good for

the league but would tick-off the social justice warriors, the man seems to have his hands

inexplicably tied behind his back.

"Jones's issue with Goodell ostensibly began when the Commissioner suspended Cowboys

running back Ezekiel Elliott for six games back in August after the former Ohio State

star was accused of domestic violence by his former girlfriend, Tiffany Thompson.

Elliott, however, has remained on the field thanks to a series of rulings and court appeals.

Last week the second-year running back was granted an emergency injunction that lifted

the suspension again and allowed him to play in Sunday's 28-17 win over the visiting

Kansas City Chiefs.

According to the report, Jones told the owners of the Chiefs, Atlanta Falcons, New York Giants,

New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Houston Texans that legal papers had been

drawn up and would be served if the negotiating committee decided to extend Goodell's deal.

Jones was a nonvoting member of the owners committee that is negotiating Goodell's

extension, but the six aforementioned owners recently revoked that status after he told

them of his plans to sue, according to the report.

Goodell's salary is no longer disclosed publicly since the NFL changed its tax status

in 2015.

But he did earn $34.1 million in 2014 and was paid a whopping $174.1 million over the

first seven years of his tenure as commissioner."

Jones has questioned the suspension of Elliott, who has maintained his innocence.

In fact, Ohio prosecutors decided against pursuing a case against Elliott last year.

'Zeke is a victim of an overcorrection,' Jones said in an October radio interview."

This commissioner sticking to these guns and letting the players do something that is ripping

the league apart is proof positive that whatever is motivating Goodell isn't what's good

for the league, and Jones plans to do something about it.

For more infomation >> NFL Commissioner Just Woke To The Worst News Of His Life When He Saw Who Sued Him Overnight - Duration: 4:48.


NFL Legend Just Issued Death Blow To Colin Kaepernick After He Sued The League For Not Hiring Him - Duration: 4:39.

What to do about Colin Kaepernick?

That's the question on the minds of many football executives in the United States today

because the controversial player has stirred up such a stink, and he's not going to be

soon forgotten.

To be perfectly honest, from a purely PR perspective, the day Kaepernick knelt for the National

Anthem was the day he endowed his career with brilliance because from that day forward we

have not stopped mulling over what to do about Colin Kaepernick.

While the obvious answer to that question is the one that the 49ers were contemplating

when Kaepernick chose to be a free agent, (fire the unproductive player) the social

justice warriors league of America seems to have gotten together and decided that he is

their mascot and must therefore be protected at all costs.

The 3rd string backup quarterback who according to his own coach was fired because he couldn't

play in the pocket, now has a toehold to say his firing was illegal.

And all because he knelt.

That's a story we're all too familiar with.

What we're not very familiar with until now is other football players calling Kaepernick

out on his crap, but that's just what NFL legend Warren Moon did in a recent interview.

According to the Conservative Daily Post, Moon thinks that Kaepernick doesn't actually

want to play in the NFL, otherwise, he would have played his cards very differently:

"[Kaepernick] was not a very good football player and was not going to be in the N.F.L.

for very long due to that reality.

He then began this mindless kneeling during the national anthem as he proclaimed the falsehood

of "white privilege" and other untruths and it has become all that he is known for.

His playing is still subpar, no team wants him due to his lack of talent, so now he is

angry and suing the league, according to the Daily Caller.

To him, the fact that he is a lackluster player is not why he isn't playing because he can

not be that real with himself.

Instead, he stretches the truth and implies that he is out of the league for other reasons,

which is 100% untrue.

Football legend Warren Moon chimed in and observed, 'If he was gonna file a lawsuit,

he maybe should've waited 'til this season was over if he did want to play this year

because it was almost like, does he really wanna play if he's gonna go and sue the

league and then also try to get signed by a football team?

The two just don't seem to mix.'"

Most of us probably do assume that there is some nuance here that we're missing; maybe

since we've never experienced the NFL, we don't really understand what it's like

to be in Kaepernick's cleats.

We do, however, know what it's like to give respect to whom respect is due, and it's

a trait that we require of anyone who plans to make the big bucks playing a game that

people play for free all the time.

"The disgraced kneeler is suing because he falsely claims that the league is 'colluding

against him,' when in fact, he just isn't good enough to earn a uniform.

Somehow, suing the prospective employer is the best way to get one's job back, at least

if one is Kaepernick.

It is so sad to see him unable to accept the truth about his talent, or lack thereof.

If he had not race-baited in a bunch of unhappy protestors who feel that detestable people

like Michal Brown did not deserve shot after robbing a store and charging a cop, no one

would even know who he was.

He would be recalled as "that one quarterback, what's his name with the dumb hair…."

The fact that not one person on his side, no matter how much they like sports, can name

any of his stats is proof of his inadequacy on the field.

For that matter, he is a person who many loathe and his jersey is even used as a doormat.

As it stands, that seems like an insult to doormats."

There are a million reasons why a player could be cut from a team, not the least of which

is his disrespect to someone that the coach or the owner requires that he show respect


As much as we would all like to believe that Kaepernick isn't playing in the NFL this

season because he was disrespectful to the flag and the National Anthem, the more logical

answer seems to be that he's not playing because he's not a great player, and all

of this is fluff, meant to distract us from a washed-up has-been who's only accomplishment

in life is to single-handedly bring down a once beloved institution named the National

Football League.


For more infomation >> NFL Legend Just Issued Death Blow To Colin Kaepernick After He Sued The League For Not Hiring Him - Duration: 4:39.


윤일상 회식 저작권료 아내 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> 윤일상 회식 저작권료 아내 - Duration: 3:14.


California PUC Adds Background Check Requirement for Ride-Hailing Drivers - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> California PUC Adds Background Check Requirement for Ride-Hailing Drivers - Duration: 3:41.


Legalization For Medical Cannabis CBD (cannabidiol) - Duration: 7:00.

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20 Years Ago Today: Clinton's Response to California's Legalization of Medical Marijuana"

american legion wants to legalize medical

cannabis to give veterans a safe alternative to treat pain.

Family's video inspires bill to legalize medical marijuana.

Australia: the truth about medical cannabis.

2017 Texas announces medical cannabis.

Medical marijuana and legalization of recreational marijuana.

Pennsylvania is set to become the 24th state to legalize medical marijuana...

The law and policy debate on legalizing medical cannabis in the Philippines.

Philippine President-elect duterte open to legalizing medical marijuana.

Ohio has legalized medical marijuana...

In australia the move to legalise cannabis has gained momentum thanks largely to the

tenacity of Tamworth couple Lucy and Lou

Haslam who believed the benefits medicinal cannabis had on their dying son needed to

be shared with the broader community.

Trump position on medical marijuana.

While the legalization of medical marijuana will not lead to a reduction in heroin use,


marijuana is not a gateway drug for heroin

Lawmakers introduce bill to legalize medical marijuana in Tennessee.

For more infomation >> Legalization For Medical Cannabis CBD (cannabidiol) - Duration: 7:00.


CALL OF DUTY WWII - D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944 Normandy Beaches, France - Duration: 16:07.

CALL OF DUTY WWII - D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944 Normandy Beaches, France

it lets Krieger games to Western Europe to see it to the print as we place our

darkest hour we must summon our strength to be the bulwark against of pressing

the na z onslaught will be the greatest test we'll ever face but with our eyes

place it and defeated we must

this day is set upon a mighty endeavor a struggle to preserve our civilization

and to set free a suffering humanity our sons pride of our knick

leave them straight to prove

they're roving long

many souls will be sickened with the balances of war in this hour of great

sacrifice we shall prevail

Paul it's June 6 1944 wish you could see this brother we're invading some frog

Beach I'm not supposed to even know the name of all so we can take back France

from the Nazis but the wait has been after battle

so he asked me for my watch and I'm thinking what the hell you want my watch

for you're the captain or the goddamn football team I made some good buddies

in basic and they're all on the boat with me everybody's scared as hell but

nobody's letting on I hated zeisman the first week of basic but now he's

probably the best friend I have in the world he's always looking for trouble if

there wasn't already a war on he'd be off trying to Star Wars nights I got to

keep all my fingers I'm gonna take photo of the year Stiles says he's gonna be a

photographer for Life magazine kind of looks like Clark Kent said when he takes

off his glasses the only thing that happens is he can't see shit Aiello's

the bet but being honest he will mom would call it a bit of a

rube okay let's make this more interesting st. Michael patron saint of

soldiers he's had my back since Kasserine owes me three times in 10

seconds and he's all yours I don't know oh you could always push out my money's

on Sussman okay I'm in I can't watch just time you when I tell you back to my

story me and my boys we muscled our way into

this poker game that the football team has going we worked out a system where

they can signal to me everybody's hands you should have seen the cube you

spaceflight to that pot you ready that's what happens when you try to hustle a

hustler now you get oh I love had enough fighting him for two minutes I said

never shake handle a Jew that's not what you said last night and enough bigotry

for six now let me just do the pendant anyway apparently you did yeah I'm gonna

give me something better a real children to see good luck with that

Oh briefings at 1800 we're gonna be late

I got us covered Daniel don't worry about it

briefings about to start what the hell you boys doing then there's sergeant

Pearson a real sweetheart you think you're special huh the Krauts

are gonna eat your lunch it's not our lunch sergeant our lunch is secure watch

your lips husband on me since I'm obviously on a lucky streak whatever

happens stay close first Normandy then the Rhine we got

this Daniels

today with our allies we embark on an operation of unparalleled importance to

establish a beachhead at Normandy and rollback the German aggression that has

terrorized Europe for the past five years we are all that separates the

world from darkness this so much more than a chance to be

heroes in our own lifetimes if we prevail our triumph will be edged into

the hearts and minds of a grateful world or untold generations I'm talking about

glory gentlemen true glory Colonel Davis sure can't give a nice speech his pep

talk reminded me of the one coach Johnson gave us on our Thanksgiving Day

game versus Austin I'm sure you remember we lost that game about 42 points

always looking over Pierson shoulders lieutenant Turner he's got him on a

tight leash but a Pearson breaks free we'll all get bit

ever since I could hold a rifle I wanted to be like you Paul you've always been a

tough act to follow but I'm damn sure gonna try

it's now or never hey I wish I was coming home to her yeah

just wait till we do Paris seems like a long way off

remember go digging in at the shore gotta advance we need to stay low and do

not bunch up stick to your training you're gonna make it through a proud

look at you fellas in the battle anytime anywhere

all right give them hell boys beaches are supposed to be flattened right

self-care private no sir it should be

Daniel got a light sure thing

take a bag of lore and get to the seawall Daniel this is what you trained

for now pick up that banner you can do this yes sir oh Jesus

hurry before every vote

that water up over you absolutely breach keep pushing towards the bunker


which one man yay

reading crap

wait laugh

he thought Oh

taking fire

which way

hold on

shit / Matt grab the wheel I'm getting all

the gonna be cheap

director go


Oh rally up we gotta stop meeting like this

what you be going soft on me Murphy well thanks for showing up when you did

thank captain Davis it was his orders okay it's too late to press on it looks

like you boys got a reprieve excuse me sergeant

yeah isn't half the crowd army on the other side of this building shouldn't we

find a better place to set up a perimeter sure private why don't you

book us a room at the Ritz sir he's scared is all huh

why don't you worry about your own problems like how that side is gonna

hold up tomorrow I'm right as rain sergeant Daniels what did you watch him

the only thing more dangerous than the enemy hate is Brian rest up boys

we take merit

dangerous than the enemy's bride rest up boys we take married yeah

For more infomation >> CALL OF DUTY WWII - D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944 Normandy Beaches, France - Duration: 16:07.


김영철 송은이 결혼하면 안되나요? - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> 김영철 송은이 결혼하면 안되나요? - Duration: 6:44.


이순재 부인 최희정 사진 딸 아들 나이 - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> 이순재 부인 최희정 사진 딸 아들 나이 - Duration: 4:09.


JUST IN: China Stuns Trump With Major Honor, This Has Never Happened - TODAY NEWS - Duration: 3:14.

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are underway on their first tour of

Asia since assuming office.

The way that China decided to honor President Trump is leaving many speechless.

During the President and first lady's first trip to China, they were met with generosity

and respect.

According to The Daily Caller, the Trumps were offered a rare dinner opportunity at

the Forbidden City.

This move is a show of honor that has not been presented to a foreign leader since the

founding of the People's Republic of China nearly 68 years ago.

This honor goes against the allegedly negative perceptions of President Trump around the

globe that the Left has tried to reiterate throughout the trip.

The mainstream media tried to convince many Americans that President Trump would be an

embarrassment and the trip would be a disaster, but the evidence certainly doesn't support

the rhetoric.

President Trump and the first lady met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife

Peng Liyuan for the third leg of Mr. Trump's Asia tour.

They met on Wednesday and made their way to the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City is known for its beauty.

It is a sprawling palace with multiple buildings intertwined throughout the complex.

The Imperial family lived on the property for centuries, and the land has since been

deeply revered.

The Trumps were invited to several events during their visit.

Notably, they attended a Peking Opera performance before sitting down for a magnificent dinner.

This treatment was much unlike the experiences of past presidents when they visited China.

Some have pointed out that this experience is particularly different from the most recent

presidential visit carried out by former-President Obama, including the farewell tour at the

end of his presidency.

Last year, President Obama's visit began with no available stairs to disembark from

Air Force One and a tense argument between White House staffers and a Chinese official.

Some predicted this special treatment before it happened, including Ming Wang, a professor

of government and politics at George Mason University.

He insisted that China, "will give Trump an exceptional reception, essentially they'll

try to make Trump happy."

Xi likely wants to provide President Trump a high level of respect and strong first impression

because Xi knows that he needs President Trump for dealing with North Korea.

China is North Korea's biggest trading partner, but there may be growing concern of retaliation.

"Xi is going to treat Trump almost like an emperor," Wang concluded on CNN when

discussing his projections of President Trump's visit to China.

Wang appears to be proven right after President Trump was the first in 68 years to enjoy the

Forbidden City.

Chances are, President Trump will encourage China to distance themselves from North Korea.

The end goal is ensuring that North Korea ends their aggression.

If Xi's actions show anything, it is that he is willing to work with President Trump

— and he could prove to be a key ally as the US confronts North Korea.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: China Stuns Trump With Major Honor, This Has Never Happened - TODAY NEWS - Duration: 3:14.


Courage as a result of | daily sprout 406 - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Courage as a result of | daily sprout 406 - Duration: 0:45.


BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble. - Duration: 4:16.

BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble.

Judicial Watch's legal battle with the Department of Justice (DOJ) continues as the group fights

for transparency and strives to uncover the truth.

Recently, they've uncovered new details regarding former-FBI Director James Comey.

According to Judicial Watch president, , "We now have Justice Department confirmation that

Comey was wrong to have leaked records to the media to settle a score with President


How can this Justice Department defend its position that memos written for pernicious

purposes to target a sitting president with a criminal investigation should remain secret?

Mr. Mueller may have an interest in protecting Comey, but the public's interest demands

transparency about Comey's vendetta against President Trump."

In June, the Judicial Watch group filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit

against the DOJ after they refused to provide earlier requested documents by the deadline.

Judicial Watch had requested Comey's memo from a meeting he had with President Trump

during which they discussed former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

The DOJ has been fighting the request, claiming that the memo falls under FOIA exemption because

it was used for law enforcement reasons.

Judicial Watch filed another FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ in September on behalf of

The Daily Caller News Foundation after the DOJ again refused to provide requested documents

— this time requested by The Daily Caller.

That request seeks unclassified memos written by Comey regarding his discussions with President

Trump and his aides.

Neil Patel, CEO of The Daily Caller News Foundation, stated "The Freedom of Information Act was

designed to give the American people access to the records its government keeps," calling

the access "fundamental in a democracy like ours."

Patel continued, "Today, when so many Americans feel detached from a government that they

feel often doesn't serve their interests, this sort of access is more important than


When the Daily Caller News Foundation made a reasonable request for access to FBI Director

Comey's memos we were completely stonewalled.

Our request is legally sound and completely within the public interest so with the help

of our friends at Judicial Watch we are fighting in court to see it through."

During a testimony given under oath in June, Comey told the US Senate Select Committee

on Intelligence that he intentionally leaked his memo regarding Flynn.

Comey told Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), "My judgment was, I need to get that out into

the public square.

So I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a [New York Times] reporter.

I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons.

I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.

I asked a close friend to do it."

On May 17, only one day after Comey provided the memo that was published in The New York

Times, Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel.

The move was viewed with suspicion considering Comey and Mueller had a prior working relationship,

and Mueller has since gone above and beyond his investigative boundaries in what appears

to be a witch hunt against Donald Trump.

Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ), noted: "Could Mr. Mueller be acting with vengeance?

Or to vindicate his good friend and colleague James Comey, who had a very public feud with

the president?"

Judicial Watch has argued that the DOJ is refusing to hold Comey accountable for intentionally

leaking classified memos to the press, despite the DOJ making comparisons between Comey and

Wikileaks, the latter who the DOJ is initiating a lawsuit against.

"Mr. Comey may have violated the law in leaking these memos to the media," said


"It would be a scandal if Comey coordinated his Senate testimony with Mr. Mueller's

special counsel office.

That we have had to sue in federal court speaks volumes."

It's past time for Mueller to be fired and new special prosecutor appointed so the real

Russia collusion among Democrats can be properly investigated, and Comey can be properly prose

cuted for his admitted and well-evidenced wrongdoing.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING: Comey Accused In Major Scandal, He's In Deep Trouble. - Duration: 4:16.


My Trip My Adventure (HD) 🏍 Trip To Madakaripura Forest Park || Uncover Probolinggo - Duration: 7:31.

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