Saturday, November 18, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 18 2017

[Intro music]

Hey guys, it is me Chaseypoo and today I'm going to talk about

how to deal with haters online.

Because, listen toots, it's something that I've had to deal with literally for the last seven years.

Seven? Seven? Eight? Eight years online.

And I-I-I have learned things I have tricks and I have tips for you.

So that's what we're talking about today.

Also, if you're wondering why am I wearing such an awesome shirt

that I never wear before, this is 'Pretty Fly For A Transguy' t-shirt

that I have on my online shop which is

They're really not expensive, I wanna make sure that anybody who wants a shirt can get a shirt.

So if you wanna take a look at this shirt, and a whole bunch of other designs that we have,

please go take a look at that. Link in the description below.

So, what-what constitutes as online hate?

Okay so here's the deal.

There are so many aspects of my life that people like to nitpick at.

Alright. So I'm gonna use the biggest one and how all of this online hate started for me.

[Inhales] Okay. When I was on hormones I decided to stop, T after a year.

I felt like the changes were too fast for me

and I don't like change and I have a lot of anxiety and I disassociate a lot

so seeing that change in the mirror

and seeing my progress from the year to year. Like some people love that sh- I love it now.

But it was just- it was terrifying to me so I decided to go off of T.

[Pause, inhale]

Well, I didn't know that it would be an explosion of hate online.

There were these like radical feminist lesbians who are like

super like like TERFs y'know like Trans Exclusionary -terf- Radical Feminists.

Um, who literally wrote on the comments "Our lesbian is coming back to us"

"Our lesbian is coming back to us?"

PLEASE, I never said anything about destransitioning.

And that's what is a big issue about hate online, is that somebody will

say something and then people who are so critical of everything -because this is the internet-


they they they like take what you, what you said and they

switch it in the way that they want so that you look bad

and that they look good so they have something to say.

And I feel like we do that a lot for anything we see online like

Caitlyn Jenner says something everyone squints eyes right away

because of stuff that she's said in the past, of course,

and the squinty eye is good and because she said something problematic.

Um, so that- that's an example of something that's like

we're used to doing that.

But then some people take it extra far and they

take what she said and they twist it around and

say all these other things that she has never said.

Um, I don't know why I used Caitlyn Jenner as an example, she's not a very good role model for the trans community.

Just forget what I said about that.

My point is that people take what you say and they switch it around.

So me saying I'm going off of T

apparently meant I was detransitioning and apparently meant

that I was going to be a girl again and identifying as a lesbian and dating lesbians again.

Which was very [pause] interesting t-for my identity

honestly because I was- I felt like now I had an identity crisis.

Because when I went off of T I did not have an identity crisis.

I was like "I'm going off T but I'm allowed and I'm still trans and that's it."

But then all these people putting all these ideas in my head.

I'm like wait a minute, am I not allowed to be trans because I'm not on T anymore?

So all of these things hurt me so much for years

and I kept getting, it and I got it on Tumblr.

And it hurt so much because a lot of trans people

[Inhale, pause]

get hate from other trans people in the community.

And that to me is just like, really? Really? Why would we do this?

We get so much hate from the outside world.

Why does our little community here have to hate each other inside?

But I did. And I wasn't allowed to go on my "Chase Ross" tag on Tumblr anymore.

Literally Zuzia like was like "If you go on that tag I'm gonna kill you."

So I was like okay I'm not going to go on my tag. [Inhales]

Um, I had to take a non-off and all of these things because I just got so much hate.

And it was people who were- who were

targeting me and saying things that I have said

and it being problematic.

About how like yes I think that people who are non-binary can also be under the trans umbrella.

And then it was all these people being like absolutely not.

And it was just hard because these people just don't know me in real life.

And I feel like if you see somebody in real life it's different.

So after a while I was able to go on the tag.

And what I didn't like though is like if you're gonna like critique someone's

like view on things, critique their view.

Don't critique their appearance and like the way that they are.

And that was a thing that really hurt me a lot

because I did get a lot of hate because of my spelling

and because of my grammar so like Zuzia had to write a lot of my posts,

because like I- I'm really bad at- I'm super dyslexic.

Um, and just like of my appearance and stuff like that, and that wasn't nice.

So how do you deal with all of this?

[Deep breath]

I have switched it over to the side where

before it used to matter so much that I would cry in bed

for hours and it was way too much.

And I get messages now from YouTubers who are

starting out and don't have that many followers but people are-

they found their video and they get hate.

And I have a friend Reid who posted a video

and he got a bunch of cis people on there like hating on him and he was like

"I don't know how to deal- how, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with all of this hate all the time?"


Um, and honestly I know this is gonna be easier said than done.

But I ignore it, I HAVE to ignore it.

If I don't ignore it I'm just gonna sit in my bed all day and cry,

because it reminds me of how cruel the world is.

But what I like to do is instead of focusing on these super negative comments from like

really, really transphobic cis people,


I turn away and I go back to the community.

And I look at positive things that have happened in my life

and I think about the things that I have achieved and I'm like

It is so sad that you took thirteen minutes to watch my video

and ya commented this huge paragraph

that I will literally never read, and if I do read it I'm gonna make fun of you

and I don't care about that because I'm in the privacy of my own home I can do whatever the fuck I want.

So ignoring it has been like the easiest way for me to do and then like I s-

you know me okay I think people like my channel because I talk about serious topics but I like laugh about it

so here, you want the biggest example of my entire life?

Literally, when somebody watches your video and they hate it and they hate you and they hate your views and

they hate that you're trans and they go on their keyboard ratatatatata and they're all mad you know what I say?

Thanks for the view;

you literally gave me a view.

Yeah, maybe I didn't make any money off of you,

I don't care because Google's ah Google-

YouTube is being so weird with their AdSense not giving anyone adds.

I don't even care about that, you sat down and you watched me.

Any press is good press hunty, who cares?

Like, literally you just gave me attention and then if you're gonna show

all of your other cis friends 'look at this fuckin faggot' or something like that

and watch my video; you just gave me ten other views, thanks a lot!

Um, and that has happened a lot.

So, there are these like new channels that I've never seen before who take a video

and they analyze and the whole thing.

So they watch it and they pause it and they like "wait a minute"

and these people are usually anonymous

and there's two that I've seen about me and I'm like

"Oh my god look at me, I'm like popular enough now that I can get a video about me that's like this that's so great"

[Inhales, pause]

I'm kidding I don't think that I'm like "popular enough" that- that's not a thing.

I'm just saying like it's just funny that I've come to that level that- of hate


so much hate that people now like to dissect my videos.

Like y'know my non binary video's like thirteen minutes right?

And that video of them dissecting it

is like thirty minutes because they have to dissect

[whispers] who has time for this? [wheezes]

One of them though I believe is a trans guy and that kinda hurts

like come on man if you don't like my views like

don't like views like my v- like my views on things but

don't watch my videos.

But I just think it's funny that

we've come to a- to a time in- in

our society, in our culture, in our community where like hating things is so common that everyone does it.

And we hate on each other.

And when you go to some of these FTM groups on Facebook and you talk to

some trans people and you see some of these posts

of like feminine trans guys

putting on nail polish and dresses and still identifying as trans or non-binary,

and then you have all these other people getting so angry like

"you're not trans get out of this group!"

It hurts me so much to see that


and it hurts me so much to see that because

because I don't know if the person who originally posted this picture can handle that.

I, on the other hand, could definitely handle it

because I have dealt with years

and years of people saying that I'm not valid enough

that because I talk with my hands so much and because I like Rent

and because I like cats, literally because I like cats

and I have a cat wall

that I am not a man.

I'll never be a man, I'll never have a penis, I'll never be with women, no one will ever have sex with me.

Well like you know what, you know what? None of that is true.

And do you know why?

Because they're not your life, they're not you, they don't know how you live your life.


And I have dealt with so much of this hate for years

and I know I can take it.

And I think that the only time where it's truly hit me,

and it's hurt me so much

-I don't want to get emotional, I don't want to get emotional-

is when YouTube started to restrict my videos.

And are still doing that, by the way, just a little update- they haven't changed that.

That hurt me so much because I have given my fucking life

to YouTube. It is my full time job, it is what I love to do.

I am in a I-I have had one of the worst weeks, okay,

and I-I-I look forward to standing in front of this circle light

and in front of my camera and talking to you 'cause this is what I love to do.

And for the fact that this website that I have dedicated my life to

is now restricting my content and no one is talking to me, I have tried everything.

It hurts and that's like-like I have never felt so targeted in my entire life.

And to me that hurts and that's me crying in my bed, so that's me trying to deal with-

"It's okay, it's okay"

but it's just because it keeps happening and no one's doing anything about it

it's really started to affect me.

The only thing that helps is to go back to the community,

and look at the other videos that I've done

and look at the comments that people have left that are good

and share my videos with other people and do binder giveaways

and just focus on the positive things which is really hard to do when you're getting a lot of hate.

So I think that overall what you need to do is

[Inhales, pause]

if it's a video that you're talking about that you got hate

ignore their comments.

Because if you co- if you talk to them

they're gonna talk to you and then you're going to start this whole thing;

the only upside about that is that every time they click to like reply to your comment,

they're giving you another view.

So there's like a- like a 200 like thread thing on my Arielle

um, reaction video like

that- that's 200 extra views that I got because people are mad.

Like, what? Like, you see what I'm saying? Like, it-

I don't- I-I'm not one of those people that's like

"everything happens for a reason, see the positive in something negative."

I can't do that I'm-I'm- I'm a very negative person sometimes-

I know it's hard to believe for real.

[Inhales] Um,

but it's just funny that something good comes out of that bad.

And, don't engage- don't engage with people

especially if we're talking about videos, especially if we're talking about cis people.

There is a point where you can educate someone and if

you feel like you can truly educate this person who's hating on you then absolutely try if you want to.

Don't put it on yourself that you have to though, absolutely not.

If we're talking about Facebook posts,

um, about family members that are hating you, that's a completely different thing.

Um, that's another video honestly that I will- be made later on.

But, if you're talking about FTM groups on Facebook and other FTMs hating on you;

Like, really though? Like, literally, I site there and I'm like

"you have time, who has time?"

Literally no one has time to do anything; everyone is always so busy.

We're always rushing, we're always doing that, we're always working,

we have like 3 jobs so that we can afford an apartment.

Like [inhales]

Who has time to sit there and hate on someone else and judge their identity?

So I want you to know, okay, and this is just a little pep talk for you.

If you have ever had online hate,

okay, and if you are c-currently experiencing it

-especially if it's from the trans community-

and it's hurting you a lot.

You are valid.

Okay? 100% you are valid.

You are allowed to identify how you want,

you are allowed to be who you want.

Don't look at these comments as reality, because it's not.

It's people who-who are so close-minded that they can't

understand that there is a world outside of this little life that they live in.

And when you open up your mind it is a beautiful thing.

So don't narrow yourself down to what they're thinking and focus on what they're saying.

Instead, go be you, be you because who you are is fantastic and it's fabulous.

So you- instead of focusing down you got to focus up

and when you go up you see way more than when you look down,

so looking up -Oh my God, so metaphor right now- when you look up,

[deep breath]

you're able to see the bigger picture and

the bigger picture of life is that you control your life and your- you do you.

Don't let these people who are hating on you control your life.

because the second you let them get under your skin,

and one comment is bothering you, two comments, three comments, you're letting them win.

And never let the haters win, and you know why?

Because they don't deserve it.

Because they- y-y'know some of these people I swear to God,

some of the comments that I get just-

like, I've come to a point like, I'm not even joking now

when I get a hate comment I screenshot it and I posted online.

And like yeah, maybe that's me giving them like

a platform because now their username is online,

but it just makes me laugh

that they are just- some of these comments like;

literally "you have a cat while behind you, you can't be a man."

"Stop coloring your hair, stop with this-this jewelry on your face, stop talking with your hands."

Like what kind of- what-what world- what world do these

people live in? Because hunty it's 2017 open your mind everything is changing.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about online hate.

If you want me to elaborate more on online hate or how

to deal with online hate like, I would love to talk about it

more, I have so much more to say.

But this is a long video already.

But I love you guys so much and I will see you later.

Okay. Bye.

[Outro music]

For more infomation >> HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.


Гиппо Пеппа СВАДЬБА сестры. Peppa Hippo wedding - Duration: 7:24.

This cartoon about how Hippo Peppa preparing for the wedding of his sister.

Hey, guys, you're on the channel Krut Werth.

It's morning, time to get up.

Today my sister wedding and I need to prepare.

But first, I need to clean up here, and the sneakers are scattered, the pillow lying on the floor.

It's not beautiful.

Oh, where's your other sneakers?

And then I think, why me So cold!

Probably my sneakers where here.

And the truth is, there he is.

In the morning I water my flowers.

It's not flowers, and cacti!

We also have a beautiful cactus flowers.

Guys, you have a home grow Flowers?

Ask your parents how they're called.

Names write in comments, it is interesting to us.

It is time to bring myself up.

And you have white teeth, probably you their part of the net.

I brush them every day.

That I smelled nice to me you have to buy.

I hope to have a hot tap water.

Hooray, it's very nice.

And now, well-behaved sodium this washcloth.

I buy and feel a burst of energy.

It is good, in front of me waiting for a difficult day.

You brought myself up, Now we go to the wedding?

Now you will see what I will do.

At the wedding to go too early and I have the time to do household chores.

I wash their clothes.

And now my brother and I Ji We want to have breakfast.

I'll make you breakfast.

In your brother's plate sprinkle wheat flakes and add prune juice.

And currently I spread ground corn cereals.

Eat, Gee, this is delicious.

I ate?

You can go.

While you eat, I'll help you dirty dishes, wash my her.

Thank you, you helped me a lot.

Now help me to choose outfit.

Red dress and pink hat will look great on you.

I like.

Now you have to buy a gift.

Present I have to go through the city.

Oh, what a nuisance, red traffic signal.

Already green.

So you can go.

Hey, Mr. Panda, miss me, I'm in a hurry.

We came here for this.

Here an abandoned garden, I want to grow flowers.

That is the wedding you want give flowers?

No, I do not have money, and the gifts are expensive.

Now dig a pit.

Now I will plant seeds and when they will grow

flowers, selling them and I earn on gifts.

Yeah, everything is clear.

And that they have grown now, I shall water their magic water.

Rising rapidly cool.

Flowers rose, but envious neighbor wants to steal them.

I studied it.

Look, now he is here He wants to steal flowers.


So that you will know how stealing other people's flowers.

Dragon will be no more steal from me flowers.

We collect flowers and drive them sell.

Hi, I want to buy flowers.

And what colors do you want?

I need a tulip.

A clove do you have?

There are of course many do you want?

I've got four of them.

Four cloves and one tulip stand fifteen money.

Excellent, I the money enough to buy a lot

gifts for my wedding sister.

But there are so many gifts, how to find mine?

I will help you.

You found all the gifts.

Now we hit the road.

Time is short, you can not make it.

And then as luck would have omitted barrier.

All you can go, I hope I have time.

Finally we arrived, put the car into the parking lot

and begim to your sister.

I get it on time?

Hi, Peppa, of course in time.

I'm not dressed wedding dress.

How do I look?

Come on, tell me, do not be silent.

You look great.

You're a very beautiful bride.

Finally, the wedding began.

All guests gathered and waiting, when the bride throws a wedding bouquet.

Now my sister will throw bouquet.

I really want to catch him.

One, two, three, catch!

Cheers, my dream has come true, this wedding was the best in my life.

Put Like video, we it will be pleasant.

And signs, and skip The most interesting.

For more infomation >> Гиппо Пеппа СВАДЬБА сестры. Peppa Hippo wedding - Duration: 7:24.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


Grande Fratello Vip, Francesco Monte e Cecilia Rodriguez torneranno insieme? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, Francesco Monte e Cecilia Rodriguez torneranno insieme? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:58.


Federico Angelucci: da Amici a rivelazione di Tale e Quale Show - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Federico Angelucci: da Amici a rivelazione di Tale e Quale Show - Duration: 2:23.


Uomini e Donne gossip: Lucas Peracchi in crisi con la moglie? - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne gossip: Lucas Peracchi in crisi con la moglie? - Duration: 3:27.



eee look what happened with this little banano

are two banano

twin bananos

my grandma now is taking for me

[granma]let's count it, one, two




five, six

little bananos twins

look it

give me that

look little friends

look at that

look it look it

now i'm going to draw

I'm not telling now what it is

i'll just to draw

so little friends

look what I'm drawing

I'm drawing eyebrows

now I'm drawing other one here

it's ready

now I already did it and I'm gonna cut it with the scissor

scissor without tip

I'm cutting it now

it's ready

so now I have this eyebrows

people say eyebrowns but I don't care

I'm very mad

and now I can complain a lot cause

now I have a expression on my face

I'm not that cute anymore

I'm mad

and I want to complain

because this week we didn't have any cake in the house

and i like when we have cake

but we have got nothing

and I have other complain to do

because I would like to be a milionaire

and I'm not a milionaire

and I'm very mad about this

cause I would love to buy many things but I can't

I never have moneys

hihi! Hey my litle friends I just noticed now I also can be Salvador Dalí

I could

paint lots of paintings and

sell lot of paintings

and you all could buy them

and I would be rich

I'm ready

and now I have got this confused eyebrows

I'm confused because

I don't know

Why I wasn't born rich

so I'm confused because of it


I dunno

I'm so confused that I don't even know what to talk

I think is better to finish this video here

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram

and subscribe on my channel


For more infomation >> I WAS TOO ANGRY AND I HAD A GREAT IDEIA TO EARN MONEY - Duration: 3:32.


A hipnose de PJ Harvey e a festa indie rock do Phoenix - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> A hipnose de PJ Harvey e a festa indie rock do Phoenix - Duration: 3:26.


Playing Hockey with a 100-Year-Old Uniform ft. "Las Leonas" | Fashion Behind the Games - Duration: 10:15.

This is Past and Present - the ultimate challenge

to see how fashion has helped sport move forward to this day.

We travel all around the globe to challenge six athletes

and six designers to make an old garment

and test it under today's conditions.

Let's see what happens when past and present collide.



Meet Giselle Kanevsky.

She is a former hockey player

of the national Argentinian team,

known as "Las Leonas".

Bronze medallist in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Retired in 2011, since then, she has dedicated her life

to fashion and design.

That's why we challenged her to recreate the old garment

used in the beginning of hockey.

In the beginning of the 20th century,

sports for women was a social thing,

and hockey was an opportunity to show that a woman

belonged to a certain social class.

The garments used by that time

were the same as those used for meetings or cocktails,

obviously subject to the restrictions of that time.

Let's see the amazing transformation

of hockey's uniform along these last 100 years.


The challenge is to recreate that uniform

and for a current player to use it,

and show and comment on the differences.

I proposed recreating the hockey of the 1900s.

Must have been hard to move, right?

We can clearly see the length of the skirt.

And the baby collar.

We shared with her the proposal she brought along,

and the fabrics she chose.

Each time I touched a fabric, I could imagine myself

playing with that skirt on and saying, "I can't play".

I would suffocate before even starting.

This one's really good.

- It's heavier. - It is heavier.

I chose the heaviest one so she suffers a bit more.

But really, it's a very rigid spandex.

I think that my main focus was in the garment's details.

The design, the quality,

and the elegance that garment requires.

Giselle will need an athlete to test her recreation

of the 1908 hockey garment -

fortunately, she has a very special friend

that would like to help her -

the three-time Olympian, Carla Rebecchi.

It's surprising to see them playing hockey like that.

We're so used to such a different kind of thing.

So comfortable and with high mobility.

And then you see them in those clothes

better suited for parties.

Carla was considered the best player in the World

for several years.

She won a bronze medal in Beijing 2008

and a silver in London 2012.

But still, she is thrilled about this new challenge.

Playing hockey as if in the past century.

I'll check how they managed to play at the time

with those clothes.

(DAY #1)

Well, this would be what I'm looking for.

To really keep that collar, those shoulders...

This protruding fluff here.

Well, Giselle chose what she wanted

and began working with the model-maker

on top of her body, taking the first measures.

After that we'll see what's next,

since sometimes we have to go back a few steps

to reach the final, ideal product.

This fluff is too high.

I want this detail to stick out a lot.

She works the costume test in detail,

minding the arm holes, the drape,

the length over the person, to feel how you want

that garment to look like.

And the end result is very good.

(DAY #2)

We have to pass everything on to the model-maker

along with the data gathered.

Then we load them to a clothing pattern, a drawing,

to be able to make the patterns.

We use cheviot fabrics, poplin fabric, 100% cotton,

all good quality.

We make the prototype,

the prototype is then cut and sewn up, it is finished,

then we do a costume test,

and surely then we'll have to modify some things.

Take other measures, make it shorter or wider.

I'd make it longer and pull this up a bit.

Give it a bit more volume.

And the neck has to be round.

We do a second test

to achieve the quality we always strive for.

(DAY #3)

I'm here today for the second test.

The last one, we hope.

And if everything goes well, we can see how it looks

with the finishing touches we discussed the last time.

The first time we changed the roll neck for a round neck.

We added a lot of volume to the sleeves' puff.

And we have longer cuffs, and the skirt's drape

we also corrected - looks good now.

I'm really happy.

At first I was scared to start, because

I didn't know if I'd be able to do it.

But seeing it now,

I feel that we're almost done.

It's awesome. I didn't think they could create

something this similar, almost identical

to what they used back then.

We were astonished when we saw her.

We laughed, it was hilarious.

I don't think they sweated much.

Not if they kept looking this neat after the match.

Imagine trying to play a sport with these clothes.

It's crazy.

- Now off to the court. - Let's test it.

Let's see how it goes.

In a grass field, right?

Giselle has done an incredible job

with the clothing.

She has been doing research

and finally resolved the challenge

to make the unwearable outfit.

I look on point for a party, but when it comes to hockey...

not so much.

Let's see what happens when past and present collide.

(TEST #1)

This is our first test.

The short corner.

The idea is to recreate a situation she resolves

all the time in the court,

which stands out and makes her the best player in the world.

For this, we are going to recreate

a spectacular moment from the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

We were just talking about this goal she scored

back in Rio, against India, and we'll recreate that move,

to see how much she's constricted.

This is going to be fun.

When I run, I can't move.

I can't stretch, I can't get down,

and this sweeping gesture is mostly about stretching,

making a long step at the end.

And that's the hardest part. I can't do it.

I can't do the last step properly long.

Now we ask Carla to repeat the test

with the current Leonas uniform.

It's so different. Now it's like flying.

It's amazing how thin the fabric is.

- Very. - It's like...nothing.

Like wearing nothing.

That long step allows you to move the ball

for a longer time, which gives you the strength

and the power for the shot.

(TEST #2)

And now it's time for test number 2.

I think this should be easier than sweeping.

This is a usual play for Carla in any game.

She dribbles past a lot of opponents

and then shoots at full speed,

and always smashes it right on the corner.

Although she did it quite well,

this is not her full speed and power, like in a match.

Now we see Carla doing the dribbling and shooting exercise

with the current Leonas uniform.

It's so different.

Especially for the dribbling.

I was feeling stuck by the skirt.

Now I felt so comfortable, even shooting,

since I could stretch to hit the ball.

Back then I was dragging, now I'm flying.

We're just enjoying the quality of her game. It's tremendous.

Well, this is curious.

Again, again.

With the modern outfit,

Carla seems less precise in front of the goal.

It's hard to miss going slow, but at full speed,

you will obviously make some mistakes.

OK, OK, this is science. It's not personal.

(TEST #3)

And now it's time for our third and final exercise.

Now we'll do a key exercise for Carla, which is for speed.

In this test, the athlete has to make a short run

from A to B a repeated number of times,

to test the velocity of the apparel.

The speed I can reach in this outfit

and the one I get to with my normal clothes,

like those in Rio, will be entirely different, for sure.

Let's go to a split-screen to see the differences

between past and present.

We can see that with the old garment,

Carla loses speed,

her primary attribute in the field.

So, Carla,

what do you think about the outfit?

It's pretty tough.

The clothes, the feet hurt.

- Yeah... - Stopping and sprinting...

I can't play a whole match in these clothes.

So you quit.

Honestly, I can't understand how they managed to play.

It really is quite cumbersome.

The clothes are so heavy and stuffy.

Yeah, the weight.

Probably the worst enemy of any sport.

This time, we have more than a kilogram.

That's ridiculous.

Even for the best player in the world.

But I think it was great to be able to test

and wear these clothes to compare them

and realise that nowadays we really are privileged

by playing with our uniforms.

Thanks for asking me to do this.

It really was amazing. I enjoyed it so much.

We had a blast, it was so much fun.

So yeah, I'm happy.

Well, that's it for today.

Thanks, Giselle and Carla.

You were both magnificent. "Adios, amigas".

From its beginnings, the field hockey's outfit

has taken the path of functionality.

The changes in the sport have been so massive,

not only in the length of the skirts

and the fabrics, but also the surface of the fields

and the sticks.

The great teams have been able to demonstrate character

through their clothes, which at the same time

are the most efficient version for the game.

A truly great achievement.


For more infomation >> Playing Hockey with a 100-Year-Old Uniform ft. "Las Leonas" | Fashion Behind the Games - Duration: 10:15.


Uomini e Donne, Gianni Sperti lancia una frecciatina a Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Gianni Sperti lancia una frecciatina a Giulia De Lellis - Duration: 2:44.


Sayani Bolivia and Angelica Calani - No one - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Sayani Bolivia and Angelica Calani - No one - Duration: 4:34.


Como substituir um barra de direcção no BMW 5 E39 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:28.

Use an open-end wrench №16 and №24

Use an open-end wrench №19

Use an open-end wrench №32

For more infomation >> Como substituir um barra de direcção no BMW 5 E39 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:28.


Reinas no tan ejemplares se desvelan los negocios opacos de dos importantes casas reales - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Reinas no tan ejemplares se desvelan los negocios opacos de dos importantes casas reales - Duration: 11:09.


Shiva Kayla Rüzgar- Gelmedi (Şiir) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Shiva Kayla Rüzgar- Gelmedi (Şiir) - Duration: 4:22.


BENETEAU GRAN TURISMO 50 Sportfly [test in acqua] - Duration: 9:50.

Cannes Boat Show, we are in the Beneteau stand on the brand new

Gran Turismo 50 flybridge. This is its movable stern platform which

allows you to get directly in the sea.

Behind me its garage that I'm showing you right now,

I'll show you how spacious it is.

Just wait a second: 3 2 1

Its opening system is legit innovative, in fact

it lifts up like this

allowing people on the platform that are having fun

not to move from there not being

dangerous at all. Moreover, due to its mobility it allows you to put

your tender in the water.

This tender glides on water with no effort, actually

it is very easy. It is even equipped with a winch

so it is very easy to handle.

The entry, one sliding door that is a very innovative one

in fact it can all be moved with no problems

in order to have te maximum of space. I just

have to move its pannels aside

and here it is: one huge entry. Remember we are on a 50 feet boat.

This innovative system

allows this couch to fit 20/25 people, actually

I don't even know exactly how many because it is enormous.

You can even lower this table and turn this area into a very big sun deck.

In this way you will have a super free cockpit

and s huge couch where all your guests can sit.

This is the flybridge version, in fact this is the boarding ladder we will use to

get in the flybridge. This version is even equipped

with a small kitchen in order to

cook outside with no internal bother. We are on the flybridge

of this Gran Turismo 50 and look how elegant and spacious

it is. Fully equipped dashboard,

including one joystick and the electric commands. There is

space everywhere where to chill and sunbathe. This couch can

be turned into a sun deck simply by moving its seatback

in this position, so you can relax. Now let me show you

the other relax area on this flybridge.

Look at all the details on this table: in this

case Beneteau has spared no expense in creating a very tough, long lasting,

elegant table.

Besides this very well made table this flybridge

is equipped with a second very comfortable, big couch

which can fit 5/7 guests.

Going down this ladder, just in front of you this amazing kitchen equipped

with a handy countertop. This isn't just a very good looking, elegant

boat, it is legit comfortable to use. Its fridge is actually

as big as the one at your house.

This kitchen is equipped with everything you will need.

You can even add one dishwasher and another

fridge. If you are a couch lover and you don't care to have

a third cabin, you can set this area up with

a little couch just in front of the kitchen.

3 cabins version: let's go find out the third cabin of this boat.

Beneteau was able to create a very large space,

let's have a look at it. It is not that easy waking up in the early morining

especially if you sleep in a cabin, that would be the third one, but which has two

separate beds with the possibility to turn them into a double one.

Amazing space, incredible size.

Behind this door there is the toilette that can be used

by the guests, in fact this cabin has its own bathroom equipped with a

separate shower. Spaces and highs are remarkable considering we are on the GT,

a 50 feet sport boat. A second bathroom,

always equipped with a

separate shower where I am now. Second room

which can be used by your guests. You have to treat them good if you want

them to come back. With a cabin like this one you won't

make bad impressions: highs, sides spaces, couches and

cabinets everywhere on board and inside this cabin.

Many boats with the same size of this one have the main cabin with the size

of this cabin, that is the guest one.

We simply host guests in here because for the owner of

this boat there is a very special room that I'm showing you right now.

Follow me, let's go find it out.

Central bed on this cabin that is placed

in the center of the boat which

means that we can have the maximum of width

and so an amazig large area

where to sleep and relax. And if you have a

child, why not? he can

very easily sleep or relax in this little bed.

Privacy and space are never enough, in fact

here we have a separate bathroom with a separate toilette and a separate shower.

This allows you to easily get in the bathroom

for all your necessity.

Franch get crazy for this.

I'm almost done, just a second and I'm all yours. I told you

about it, I promised you: the test of this Gran Turismo 50 flybridge, the brand new

boat presented at Cannes and Genua boat shows

and finally it is ready to be tested.

Now we are getting out of the harbor and in just few minutes I will be

driving this amazing boat, stay tuned. It is not magic, the skipper is sailing

this boat from the interior dashboard

but obviously it is possible to sail it from the external one,

in few minutes we will be testing this boat from both of the two dashboards.

As french would say during Beneteau boats test "Essaie de bateau, France, Beneteau".

We are in Barcellona

at Ginesta Harbor, an amazing harbor which is perfect to test these boats

both for us and our clients.

Well, what is that I feel like doing more than ever right now

that I've been talking to you for a while? So let's go, we are here

just for this so let's have some fun.

Follow me, this is awesome!

it's awesome!

Well I showed you all the details or at least

most of them.

All the informations and details of this boat which I'm not gonna

tell you now just because I don't want to

bore you, are in the description of this

video down below.

Even the commercial informations and all our contacts are down there,

so if you want to contact us,

come and see this boat and why not? make an appointment to test this

amazing Gran Turismo 50, it is really easy.

Don't waist time, make an appointment right now.

For more infomation >> BENETEAU GRAN TURISMO 50 Sportfly [test in acqua] - Duration: 9:50.


Novo casal? Tônia convida Bruno para sair em "O Outro Lado do Paraíso" - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Novo casal? Tônia convida Bruno para sair em "O Outro Lado do Paraíso" - Duration: 2:25.





AM I HANDSOME? - (TROLL PRANK)(Headphone Prank) - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> AM I HANDSOME? - (TROLL PRANK)(Headphone Prank) - Duration: 4:47.


Polizei warnt vor Betrüger E Mails - Augen auf bei Lieferungsbestätigung - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Polizei warnt vor Betrüger E Mails - Augen auf bei Lieferungsbestätigung - Duration: 0:55.


5 alimentos que te ayudarán a combatir y a eliminar las grasas saturadas - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> 5 alimentos que te ayudarán a combatir y a eliminar las grasas saturadas - Duration: 8:59.


#066 Representante oficial de los brasileños en Panama [SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL] - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> #066 Representante oficial de los brasileños en Panama [SUBTITULADO EN ESPAÑOL] - Duration: 10:33.


SUPER Nail Art 2017 - Duration: 13:10.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> SUPER Nail Art 2017 - Duration: 13:10.


Le gombo, un véritable allié pour la santé-Le Gombo - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Le gombo, un véritable allié pour la santé-Le Gombo - Duration: 8:14.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Qui est le méde­cin français qui soigne le cance.r de Johnny Hally­day?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Qui est le méde­cin français qui soigne le cance.r de Johnny Hally­day?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 4:03.


Volkswagen Golf Variant R-line 1.6 TDI 110PK DSG7 HighLine Business Edition R - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Variant R-line 1.6 TDI 110PK DSG7 HighLine Business Edition R - Duration: 0:54.


HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.

[Intro music]

Hey guys, it is me Chaseypoo and today I'm going to talk about

how to deal with haters online.

Because, listen toots, it's something that I've had to deal with literally for the last seven years.

Seven? Seven? Eight? Eight years online.

And I-I-I have learned things I have tricks and I have tips for you.

So that's what we're talking about today.

Also, if you're wondering why am I wearing such an awesome shirt

that I never wear before, this is 'Pretty Fly For A Transguy' t-shirt

that I have on my online shop which is

They're really not expensive, I wanna make sure that anybody who wants a shirt can get a shirt.

So if you wanna take a look at this shirt, and a whole bunch of other designs that we have,

please go take a look at that. Link in the description below.

So, what-what constitutes as online hate?

Okay so here's the deal.

There are so many aspects of my life that people like to nitpick at.

Alright. So I'm gonna use the biggest one and how all of this online hate started for me.

[Inhales] Okay. When I was on hormones I decided to stop, T after a year.

I felt like the changes were too fast for me

and I don't like change and I have a lot of anxiety and I disassociate a lot

so seeing that change in the mirror

and seeing my progress from the year to year. Like some people love that sh- I love it now.

But it was just- it was terrifying to me so I decided to go off of T.

[Pause, inhale]

Well, I didn't know that it would be an explosion of hate online.

There were these like radical feminist lesbians who are like

super like like TERFs y'know like Trans Exclusionary -terf- Radical Feminists.

Um, who literally wrote on the comments "Our lesbian is coming back to us"

"Our lesbian is coming back to us?"

PLEASE, I never said anything about destransitioning.

And that's what is a big issue about hate online, is that somebody will

say something and then people who are so critical of everything -because this is the internet-


they they they like take what you, what you said and they

switch it in the way that they want so that you look bad

and that they look good so they have something to say.

And I feel like we do that a lot for anything we see online like

Caitlyn Jenner says something everyone squints eyes right away

because of stuff that she's said in the past, of course,

and the squinty eye is good and because she said something problematic.

Um, so that- that's an example of something that's like

we're used to doing that.

But then some people take it extra far and they

take what she said and they twist it around and

say all these other things that she has never said.

Um, I don't know why I used Caitlyn Jenner as an example, she's not a very good role model for the trans community.

Just forget what I said about that.

My point is that people take what you say and they switch it around.

So me saying I'm going off of T

apparently meant I was detransitioning and apparently meant

that I was going to be a girl again and identifying as a lesbian and dating lesbians again.

Which was very [pause] interesting t-for my identity

honestly because I was- I felt like now I had an identity crisis.

Because when I went off of T I did not have an identity crisis.

I was like "I'm going off T but I'm allowed and I'm still trans and that's it."

But then all these people putting all these ideas in my head.

I'm like wait a minute, am I not allowed to be trans because I'm not on T anymore?

So all of these things hurt me so much for years

and I kept getting, it and I got it on Tumblr.

And it hurt so much because a lot of trans people

[Inhale, pause]

get hate from other trans people in the community.

And that to me is just like, really? Really? Why would we do this?

We get so much hate from the outside world.

Why does our little community here have to hate each other inside?

But I did. And I wasn't allowed to go on my "Chase Ross" tag on Tumblr anymore.

Literally Zuzia like was like "If you go on that tag I'm gonna kill you."

So I was like okay I'm not going to go on my tag. [Inhales]

Um, I had to take a non-off and all of these things because I just got so much hate.

And it was people who were- who were

targeting me and saying things that I have said

and it being problematic.

About how like yes I think that people who are non-binary can also be under the trans umbrella.

And then it was all these people being like absolutely not.

And it was just hard because these people just don't know me in real life.

And I feel like if you see somebody in real life it's different.

So after a while I was able to go on the tag.

And what I didn't like though is like if you're gonna like critique someone's

like view on things, critique their view.

Don't critique their appearance and like the way that they are.

And that was a thing that really hurt me a lot

because I did get a lot of hate because of my spelling

and because of my grammar so like Zuzia had to write a lot of my posts,

because like I- I'm really bad at- I'm super dyslexic.

Um, and just like of my appearance and stuff like that, and that wasn't nice.

So how do you deal with all of this?

[Deep breath]

I have switched it over to the side where

before it used to matter so much that I would cry in bed

for hours and it was way too much.

And I get messages now from YouTubers who are

starting out and don't have that many followers but people are-

they found their video and they get hate.

And I have a friend Reid who posted a video

and he got a bunch of cis people on there like hating on him and he was like

"I don't know how to deal- how, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with all of this hate all the time?"


Um, and honestly I know this is gonna be easier said than done.

But I ignore it, I HAVE to ignore it.

If I don't ignore it I'm just gonna sit in my bed all day and cry,

because it reminds me of how cruel the world is.

But what I like to do is instead of focusing on these super negative comments from like

really, really transphobic cis people,


I turn away and I go back to the community.

And I look at positive things that have happened in my life

and I think about the things that I have achieved and I'm like

It is so sad that you took thirteen minutes to watch my video

and ya commented this huge paragraph

that I will literally never read, and if I do read it I'm gonna make fun of you

and I don't care about that because I'm in the privacy of my own home I can do whatever the fuck I want.

So ignoring it has been like the easiest way for me to do and then like I s-

you know me okay I think people like my channel because I talk about serious topics but I like laugh about it

so here, you want the biggest example of my entire life?

Literally, when somebody watches your video and they hate it and they hate you and they hate your views and

they hate that you're trans and they go on their keyboard ratatatatata and they're all mad you know what I say?

Thanks for the view;

you literally gave me a view.

Yeah, maybe I didn't make any money off of you,

I don't care because Google's ah Google-

YouTube is being so weird with their AdSense not giving anyone adds.

I don't even care about that, you sat down and you watched me.

Any press is good press hunty, who cares?

Like, literally you just gave me attention and then if you're gonna show

all of your other cis friends 'look at this fuckin faggot' or something like that

and watch my video; you just gave me ten other views, thanks a lot!

Um, and that has happened a lot.

So, there are these like new channels that I've never seen before who take a video

and they analyze and the whole thing.

So they watch it and they pause it and they like "wait a minute"

and these people are usually anonymous

and there's two that I've seen about me and I'm like

"Oh my god look at me, I'm like popular enough now that I can get a video about me that's like this that's so great"

[Inhales, pause]

I'm kidding I don't think that I'm like "popular enough" that- that's not a thing.

I'm just saying like it's just funny that I've come to that level that- of hate


so much hate that people now like to dissect my videos.

Like y'know my non binary video's like thirteen minutes right?

And that video of them dissecting it

is like thirty minutes because they have to dissect

[whispers] who has time for this? [wheezes]

One of them though I believe is a trans guy and that kinda hurts

like come on man if you don't like my views like

don't like views like my v- like my views on things but

don't watch my videos.

But I just think it's funny that

we've come to a- to a time in- in

our society, in our culture, in our community where like hating things is so common that everyone does it.

And we hate on each other.

And when you go to some of these FTM groups on Facebook and you talk to

some trans people and you see some of these posts

of like feminine trans guys

putting on nail polish and dresses and still identifying as trans or non-binary,

and then you have all these other people getting so angry like

"you're not trans get out of this group!"

It hurts me so much to see that


and it hurts me so much to see that because

because I don't know if the person who originally posted this picture can handle that.

I, on the other hand, could definitely handle it

because I have dealt with years

and years of people saying that I'm not valid enough

that because I talk with my hands so much and because I like Rent

and because I like cats, literally because I like cats

and I have a cat wall

that I am not a man.

I'll never be a man, I'll never have a penis, I'll never be with women, no one will ever have sex with me.

Well like you know what, you know what? None of that is true.

And do you know why?

Because they're not your life, they're not you, they don't know how you live your life.


And I have dealt with so much of this hate for years

and I know I can take it.

And I think that the only time where it's truly hit me,

and it's hurt me so much

-I don't want to get emotional, I don't want to get emotional-

is when YouTube started to restrict my videos.

And are still doing that, by the way, just a little update- they haven't changed that.

That hurt me so much because I have given my fucking life

to YouTube. It is my full time job, it is what I love to do.

I am in a I-I have had one of the worst weeks, okay,

and I-I-I look forward to standing in front of this circle light

and in front of my camera and talking to you 'cause this is what I love to do.

And for the fact that this website that I have dedicated my life to

is now restricting my content and no one is talking to me, I have tried everything.

It hurts and that's like-like I have never felt so targeted in my entire life.

And to me that hurts and that's me crying in my bed, so that's me trying to deal with-

"It's okay, it's okay"

but it's just because it keeps happening and no one's doing anything about it

it's really started to affect me.

The only thing that helps is to go back to the community,

and look at the other videos that I've done

and look at the comments that people have left that are good

and share my videos with other people and do binder giveaways

and just focus on the positive things which is really hard to do when you're getting a lot of hate.

So I think that overall what you need to do is

[Inhales, pause]

if it's a video that you're talking about that you got hate

ignore their comments.

Because if you co- if you talk to them

they're gonna talk to you and then you're going to start this whole thing;

the only upside about that is that every time they click to like reply to your comment,

they're giving you another view.

So there's like a- like a 200 like thread thing on my Arielle

um, reaction video like

that- that's 200 extra views that I got because people are mad.

Like, what? Like, you see what I'm saying? Like, it-

I don't- I-I'm not one of those people that's like

"everything happens for a reason, see the positive in something negative."

I can't do that I'm-I'm- I'm a very negative person sometimes-

I know it's hard to believe for real.

[Inhales] Um,

but it's just funny that something good comes out of that bad.

And, don't engage- don't engage with people

especially if we're talking about videos, especially if we're talking about cis people.

There is a point where you can educate someone and if

you feel like you can truly educate this person who's hating on you then absolutely try if you want to.

Don't put it on yourself that you have to though, absolutely not.

If we're talking about Facebook posts,

um, about family members that are hating you, that's a completely different thing.

Um, that's another video honestly that I will- be made later on.

But, if you're talking about FTM groups on Facebook and other FTMs hating on you;

Like, really though? Like, literally, I site there and I'm like

"you have time, who has time?"

Literally no one has time to do anything; everyone is always so busy.

We're always rushing, we're always doing that, we're always working,

we have like 3 jobs so that we can afford an apartment.

Like [inhales]

Who has time to sit there and hate on someone else and judge their identity?

So I want you to know, okay, and this is just a little pep talk for you.

If you have ever had online hate,

okay, and if you are c-currently experiencing it

-especially if it's from the trans community-

and it's hurting you a lot.

You are valid.

Okay? 100% you are valid.

You are allowed to identify how you want,

you are allowed to be who you want.

Don't look at these comments as reality, because it's not.

It's people who-who are so close-minded that they can't

understand that there is a world outside of this little life that they live in.

And when you open up your mind it is a beautiful thing.

So don't narrow yourself down to what they're thinking and focus on what they're saying.

Instead, go be you, be you because who you are is fantastic and it's fabulous.

So you- instead of focusing down you got to focus up

and when you go up you see way more than when you look down,

so looking up -Oh my God, so metaphor right now- when you look up,

[deep breath]

you're able to see the bigger picture and

the bigger picture of life is that you control your life and your- you do you.

Don't let these people who are hating on you control your life.

because the second you let them get under your skin,

and one comment is bothering you, two comments, three comments, you're letting them win.

And never let the haters win, and you know why?

Because they don't deserve it.

Because they- y-y'know some of these people I swear to God,

some of the comments that I get just-

like, I've come to a point like, I'm not even joking now

when I get a hate comment I screenshot it and I posted online.

And like yeah, maybe that's me giving them like

a platform because now their username is online,

but it just makes me laugh

that they are just- some of these comments like;

literally "you have a cat while behind you, you can't be a man."

"Stop coloring your hair, stop with this-this jewelry on your face, stop talking with your hands."

Like what kind of- what-what world- what world do these

people live in? Because hunty it's 2017 open your mind everything is changing.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about online hate.

If you want me to elaborate more on online hate or how

to deal with online hate like, I would love to talk about it

more, I have so much more to say.

But this is a long video already.

But I love you guys so much and I will see you later.

Okay. Bye.

[Outro music]

For more infomation >> HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.


Гиппо Пеппа СВАДЬБА сестры. Peppa Hippo wedding - Duration: 7:24.

This cartoon about how Hippo Peppa preparing for the wedding of his sister.

Hey, guys, you're on the channel Krut Werth.

It's morning, time to get up.

Today my sister wedding and I need to prepare.

But first, I need to clean up here, and the sneakers are scattered, the pillow lying on the floor.

It's not beautiful.

Oh, where's your other sneakers?

And then I think, why me So cold!

Probably my sneakers where here.

And the truth is, there he is.

In the morning I water my flowers.

It's not flowers, and cacti!

We also have a beautiful cactus flowers.

Guys, you have a home grow Flowers?

Ask your parents how they're called.

Names write in comments, it is interesting to us.

It is time to bring myself up.

And you have white teeth, probably you their part of the net.

I brush them every day.

That I smelled nice to me you have to buy.

I hope to have a hot tap water.

Hooray, it's very nice.

And now, well-behaved sodium this washcloth.

I buy and feel a burst of energy.

It is good, in front of me waiting for a difficult day.

You brought myself up, Now we go to the wedding?

Now you will see what I will do.

At the wedding to go too early and I have the time to do household chores.

I wash their clothes.

And now my brother and I Ji We want to have breakfast.

I'll make you breakfast.

In your brother's plate sprinkle wheat flakes and add prune juice.

And currently I spread ground corn cereals.

Eat, Gee, this is delicious.

I ate?

You can go.

While you eat, I'll help you dirty dishes, wash my her.

Thank you, you helped me a lot.

Now help me to choose outfit.

Red dress and pink hat will look great on you.

I like.

Now you have to buy a gift.

Present I have to go through the city.

Oh, what a nuisance, red traffic signal.

Already green.

So you can go.

Hey, Mr. Panda, miss me, I'm in a hurry.

We came here for this.

Here an abandoned garden, I want to grow flowers.

That is the wedding you want give flowers?

No, I do not have money, and the gifts are expensive.

Now dig a pit.

Now I will plant seeds and when they will grow

flowers, selling them and I earn on gifts.

Yeah, everything is clear.

And that they have grown now, I shall water their magic water.

Rising rapidly cool.

Flowers rose, but envious neighbor wants to steal them.

I studied it.

Look, now he is here He wants to steal flowers.


So that you will know how stealing other people's flowers.

Dragon will be no more steal from me flowers.

We collect flowers and drive them sell.

Hi, I want to buy flowers.

And what colors do you want?

I need a tulip.

A clove do you have?

There are of course many do you want?

I've got four of them.

Four cloves and one tulip stand fifteen money.

Excellent, I the money enough to buy a lot

gifts for my wedding sister.

But there are so many gifts, how to find mine?

I will help you.

You found all the gifts.

Now we hit the road.

Time is short, you can not make it.

And then as luck would have omitted barrier.

All you can go, I hope I have time.

Finally we arrived, put the car into the parking lot

and begim to your sister.

I get it on time?

Hi, Peppa, of course in time.

I'm not dressed wedding dress.

How do I look?

Come on, tell me, do not be silent.

You look great.

You're a very beautiful bride.

Finally, the wedding began.

All guests gathered and waiting, when the bride throws a wedding bouquet.

Now my sister will throw bouquet.

I really want to catch him.

One, two, three, catch!

Cheers, my dream has come true, this wedding was the best in my life.

Put Like video, we it will be pleasant.

And signs, and skip The most interesting.

For more infomation >> Гиппо Пеппа СВАДЬБА сестры. Peppa Hippo wedding - Duration: 7:24.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE: Funny Animals Will Make You LAUGH | Funny Animals Compilaion 2017 - Duration: 10:04.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE: Funny Animals Will Make You LAUGH | Funny Animals Compilaion 2017 - Duration: 10:04.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR Airco, Navigatie, Camera achter, Parkeer s - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE NAVIGATOR Airco, Navigatie, Camera achter, Parkeer s - Duration: 0:59.


Best Apple Black Friday Deals of 2017 (Macbook, iPhone, iPad's) - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Best Apple Black Friday Deals of 2017 (Macbook, iPhone, iPad's) - Duration: 4:51.


How Morally Outraged Are You? Well, That Depends on Who's Watching | Molly Crockett - Duration: 4:56.

Moral outrage is a very powerful emotion that motivates us to shame and punish people who

have broken some social rule, who have harmed us or someone we care about in some way.

And there are many benefits of moral outrage, but there are also many costs.

So the benefits can fall into two broad categories.

The first category of benefit is social benefits.

So when we express outrage about some kind of wrongdoing, that teaches others that that

kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated, and it can motivate other people to behave

morally so that they can avoid getting shamed or punished for breaking the rules.

The other kind of benefit that moral outrage brings out is personal.

Moral outrage broadcasts to the rest of your social group that you are the kind of person

who is not likely to break the rules.

So these two benefits of expressing outrage have to be balanced against the costs of outrage.

So expressing outrage carries some risks, particularly in the day to day world.

If you approach a stranger on the street—let's say for littering—there's a chance they

might retaliate against you.

There's a chance that they could physically aggress against you.

We saw a really tragic case of the huge possible costs of expressing moral norms and trying

to regulate bad behavior earlier this year in Portland when a couple of people, really

brave people lost their lives for trying to rein in someone who was expressing racist

comments on a commuter train in Portland.

So it can be risky to express outrage.

It can be uncomfortable, stressful; telling somebody to their face that they've done

something wrong is just awkward sometimes.

So when we are expressing outrage we really have to weigh these costs against the benefits.

And evolution has equipped us with a really fine-tuned calculus for making these kinds

of decisions in interpersonal and face to face interactions.

If moral outrage is a fire, the internet is like gasoline.

So when we think about the costs, of benefits of expressing outrage, what social media does

is it turns down all the costs and dials up the benefits.

So expressing outrage on social media is way easier than expressing it offline.

It's less costly.

You can do it with the click of a button.

You can join a large crowd, so hiding amongst a lot of other people really takes down the

riskiness of expressing outrage towards a person who has broken some norm.

And, of course, it dials up the benefits.

You're getting social feedback, likes from your friends, retweets, shares.

And the audience, of course, is so much bigger on social media than it is offline.

So the reputational benefits of expressing outrage are massively bigger when you take

it online.

So moral outrage is really interesting because of its reputational benefits.

And it can be contrasted with cyber bullying for example.

Both are aggressive kinds of behaviors, but the one expresses that you are a morally good

person, and the other has rather the opposite effect.

So research on cyber bullying seems to suggest that anonymity that's often found online

increases cyber-bullying.

There are fewer studies on this, but it seems like the opposite occurs in the case of moral

outrage expression online.

So there's one recent study that looked at expressions of outrage in an online political

forum in Germany.

And in this study they looked at the effects—of being anonymous versus identified—on how

aggressive the language was in these posts that had to do with social policies.

And they actually found that people were expressing more outrage about these moral political issues

when they were not anonymous.

So that seems to contrast with what is typically seen for cyber bullying.

For more infomation >> How Morally Outraged Are You? Well, That Depends on Who's Watching | Molly Crockett - Duration: 4:56.


How to Make Hydraulic Powered Bulldozer from Cardboard - Duration: 7:56.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to Make Hydraulic Powered Bulldozer from Cardboard - Duration: 7:56.


AM I HANDSOME? - (TROLL PRANK)(Headphone Prank) - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> AM I HANDSOME? - (TROLL PRANK)(Headphone Prank) - Duration: 4:47.


Reckless (Baby Driver) - Duration: 2:04.

Why does he listen to music all the time, Doc?




He had an accident when he was a kid.

He's still got a hum in the drum.

Plays music to drown it out.

Fuck you, Buddy!

Oh, fuck!

They call, I go.

In this business, the moment you catch feelings...

Is the moment you catch a bullet.

Because when he sees RED,

you will see nothing

but BLACK.

He got himself into a bad spot.

I was just trying to get him out.

I believe the defendant is of good character.

He didn't deserve what happened to him.

I want us to head west on 20,

in a car we can't afford,

with a plan we don't have.

Keep driving and never stop.

You and I are a team.

Nothing is more important than our friendship.

Don't feed me any more lines from "Monster, Inc"

It pisses me off.



Song is over, Baby.

But I'm afraid you still have to face the music.

For more infomation >> Reckless (Baby Driver) - Duration: 2:04.


Big Game Predictions - Duration: 2:59.

So who do you predict is going to win, then?


Okay, maybe Stanford, 'cause like, they have the Refs bought off


(the truth is out there)

Hi, I'm Allison Lin

And I'm Ryan Cardiff

And we're here tonight at the Hearst Greek Theater

to see what Cal fans are most excited about

for tomorrow's 120th Big Game: Cal vs Stanford

So who do you think is going to win tomorrow, Cal or Stanford?

Of course, Cal! We will get Stanford out

Okay, by how much?

We will win more than 50 I guess

The reason I feel good about Cal is that it should be easy

to beat a team that's just coddled by the institution it plays for

You know?

Cal players have to put up with a lot more

You can get into classes at Stanford,

We have to fight here. Produces graduates with a work ethic

Stanford can't win

The only reason they win games is because their parents pay the referees

I said it. Only I will say the truth.

Now we're gonna see how well Cal fans actually know football

So are you going to the game tomorrow?

Oh absolutely

Yeah, and what are you most excited about?

About the fact that we're gonna win!

Yeah! So, if you think Cal is gonna win, how much do you think we're gonna win by?

Oh, probably just enough

I mean we wanna let them think that they have a chance

and then destroy them

And if we do win, will you give your students any

type of reward or freebie or any way to celebrate?

Well of course, if we win, everybody gets an A. Simple.

How many football games have you guys been to this year?

I haven't been to any but I've been working at them

I've been driving golf carts for the parking and transportation

Yeah, I haven't been to like a football game this year, but like last year I've been to, yeah

And how many touchdowns do you think Russel Westbrook is gonna score tomorrow

in the Big Game for the California Golden Bears?


Uhh... two?

Two, alright, sounds good

Alright, are you guys pretty big Cal football fans?

Yes, been to every game

Not every game for me, but I am a big fan

Every home game, I've been to Washington

How many three pointers is Nick Hamilton gonna nail tomorrow in the Big Game?


Uhh, I'll go three

Alright, I'd go with four myself but that's respectable

Hey Cal fans, I'm here with Collin Moore of Cal Football

Collin, what have you guys done differently in practice to prepare for such a big game?

Well, Coach WIlcox is really big on just keeping everything traditional

and he really just wanted us to focus in on us during the week

and focus on how we can better ourselves during practice

And really just treat it like it's every other week

For more infomation >> Big Game Predictions - Duration: 2:59.


Nightcore - Échame La Culpa (Luis Fonsi, Demi Lovato) - Lyrics / Letra - Duration: 2:42.

Nightcore - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Échame La Culpa (Luis Fonsi, Demi Lovato) - Lyrics / Letra - Duration: 2:42.


Just for Laughs Gags Funny Chinese Pranks 2017 - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:41.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Just for Laughs Gags Funny Chinese Pranks 2017 - Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:41.


HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.

[Intro music]

Hey guys, it is me Chaseypoo and today I'm going to talk about

how to deal with haters online.

Because, listen toots, it's something that I've had to deal with literally for the last seven years.

Seven? Seven? Eight? Eight years online.

And I-I-I have learned things I have tricks and I have tips for you.

So that's what we're talking about today.

Also, if you're wondering why am I wearing such an awesome shirt

that I never wear before, this is 'Pretty Fly For A Transguy' t-shirt

that I have on my online shop which is

They're really not expensive, I wanna make sure that anybody who wants a shirt can get a shirt.

So if you wanna take a look at this shirt, and a whole bunch of other designs that we have,

please go take a look at that. Link in the description below.

So, what-what constitutes as online hate?

Okay so here's the deal.

There are so many aspects of my life that people like to nitpick at.

Alright. So I'm gonna use the biggest one and how all of this online hate started for me.

[Inhales] Okay. When I was on hormones I decided to stop, T after a year.

I felt like the changes were too fast for me

and I don't like change and I have a lot of anxiety and I disassociate a lot

so seeing that change in the mirror

and seeing my progress from the year to year. Like some people love that sh- I love it now.

But it was just- it was terrifying to me so I decided to go off of T.

[Pause, inhale]

Well, I didn't know that it would be an explosion of hate online.

There were these like radical feminist lesbians who are like

super like like TERFs y'know like Trans Exclusionary -terf- Radical Feminists.

Um, who literally wrote on the comments "Our lesbian is coming back to us"

"Our lesbian is coming back to us?"

PLEASE, I never said anything about destransitioning.

And that's what is a big issue about hate online, is that somebody will

say something and then people who are so critical of everything -because this is the internet-


they they they like take what you, what you said and they

switch it in the way that they want so that you look bad

and that they look good so they have something to say.

And I feel like we do that a lot for anything we see online like

Caitlyn Jenner says something everyone squints eyes right away

because of stuff that she's said in the past, of course,

and the squinty eye is good and because she said something problematic.

Um, so that- that's an example of something that's like

we're used to doing that.

But then some people take it extra far and they

take what she said and they twist it around and

say all these other things that she has never said.

Um, I don't know why I used Caitlyn Jenner as an example, she's not a very good role model for the trans community.

Just forget what I said about that.

My point is that people take what you say and they switch it around.

So me saying I'm going off of T

apparently meant I was detransitioning and apparently meant

that I was going to be a girl again and identifying as a lesbian and dating lesbians again.

Which was very [pause] interesting t-for my identity

honestly because I was- I felt like now I had an identity crisis.

Because when I went off of T I did not have an identity crisis.

I was like "I'm going off T but I'm allowed and I'm still trans and that's it."

But then all these people putting all these ideas in my head.

I'm like wait a minute, am I not allowed to be trans because I'm not on T anymore?

So all of these things hurt me so much for years

and I kept getting, it and I got it on Tumblr.

And it hurt so much because a lot of trans people

[Inhale, pause]

get hate from other trans people in the community.

And that to me is just like, really? Really? Why would we do this?

We get so much hate from the outside world.

Why does our little community here have to hate each other inside?

But I did. And I wasn't allowed to go on my "Chase Ross" tag on Tumblr anymore.

Literally Zuzia like was like "If you go on that tag I'm gonna kill you."

So I was like okay I'm not going to go on my tag. [Inhales]

Um, I had to take a non-off and all of these things because I just got so much hate.

And it was people who were- who were

targeting me and saying things that I have said

and it being problematic.

About how like yes I think that people who are non-binary can also be under the trans umbrella.

And then it was all these people being like absolutely not.

And it was just hard because these people just don't know me in real life.

And I feel like if you see somebody in real life it's different.

So after a while I was able to go on the tag.

And what I didn't like though is like if you're gonna like critique someone's

like view on things, critique their view.

Don't critique their appearance and like the way that they are.

And that was a thing that really hurt me a lot

because I did get a lot of hate because of my spelling

and because of my grammar so like Zuzia had to write a lot of my posts,

because like I- I'm really bad at- I'm super dyslexic.

Um, and just like of my appearance and stuff like that, and that wasn't nice.

So how do you deal with all of this?

[Deep breath]

I have switched it over to the side where

before it used to matter so much that I would cry in bed

for hours and it was way too much.

And I get messages now from YouTubers who are

starting out and don't have that many followers but people are-

they found their video and they get hate.

And I have a friend Reid who posted a video

and he got a bunch of cis people on there like hating on him and he was like

"I don't know how to deal- how, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with all of this hate all the time?"


Um, and honestly I know this is gonna be easier said than done.

But I ignore it, I HAVE to ignore it.

If I don't ignore it I'm just gonna sit in my bed all day and cry,

because it reminds me of how cruel the world is.

But what I like to do is instead of focusing on these super negative comments from like

really, really transphobic cis people,


I turn away and I go back to the community.

And I look at positive things that have happened in my life

and I think about the things that I have achieved and I'm like

It is so sad that you took thirteen minutes to watch my video

and ya commented this huge paragraph

that I will literally never read, and if I do read it I'm gonna make fun of you

and I don't care about that because I'm in the privacy of my own home I can do whatever the fuck I want.

So ignoring it has been like the easiest way for me to do and then like I s-

you know me okay I think people like my channel because I talk about serious topics but I like laugh about it

so here, you want the biggest example of my entire life?

Literally, when somebody watches your video and they hate it and they hate you and they hate your views and

they hate that you're trans and they go on their keyboard ratatatatata and they're all mad you know what I say?

Thanks for the view;

you literally gave me a view.

Yeah, maybe I didn't make any money off of you,

I don't care because Google's ah Google-

YouTube is being so weird with their AdSense not giving anyone adds.

I don't even care about that, you sat down and you watched me.

Any press is good press hunty, who cares?

Like, literally you just gave me attention and then if you're gonna show

all of your other cis friends 'look at this fuckin faggot' or something like that

and watch my video; you just gave me ten other views, thanks a lot!

Um, and that has happened a lot.

So, there are these like new channels that I've never seen before who take a video

and they analyze and the whole thing.

So they watch it and they pause it and they like "wait a minute"

and these people are usually anonymous

and there's two that I've seen about me and I'm like

"Oh my god look at me, I'm like popular enough now that I can get a video about me that's like this that's so great"

[Inhales, pause]

I'm kidding I don't think that I'm like "popular enough" that- that's not a thing.

I'm just saying like it's just funny that I've come to that level that- of hate


so much hate that people now like to dissect my videos.

Like y'know my non binary video's like thirteen minutes right?

And that video of them dissecting it

is like thirty minutes because they have to dissect

[whispers] who has time for this? [wheezes]

One of them though I believe is a trans guy and that kinda hurts

like come on man if you don't like my views like

don't like views like my v- like my views on things but

don't watch my videos.

But I just think it's funny that

we've come to a- to a time in- in

our society, in our culture, in our community where like hating things is so common that everyone does it.

And we hate on each other.

And when you go to some of these FTM groups on Facebook and you talk to

some trans people and you see some of these posts

of like feminine trans guys

putting on nail polish and dresses and still identifying as trans or non-binary,

and then you have all these other people getting so angry like

"you're not trans get out of this group!"

It hurts me so much to see that


and it hurts me so much to see that because

because I don't know if the person who originally posted this picture can handle that.

I, on the other hand, could definitely handle it

because I have dealt with years

and years of people saying that I'm not valid enough

that because I talk with my hands so much and because I like Rent

and because I like cats, literally because I like cats

and I have a cat wall

that I am not a man.

I'll never be a man, I'll never have a penis, I'll never be with women, no one will ever have sex with me.

Well like you know what, you know what? None of that is true.

And do you know why?

Because they're not your life, they're not you, they don't know how you live your life.


And I have dealt with so much of this hate for years

and I know I can take it.

And I think that the only time where it's truly hit me,

and it's hurt me so much

-I don't want to get emotional, I don't want to get emotional-

is when YouTube started to restrict my videos.

And are still doing that, by the way, just a little update- they haven't changed that.

That hurt me so much because I have given my fucking life

to YouTube. It is my full time job, it is what I love to do.

I am in a I-I have had one of the worst weeks, okay,

and I-I-I look forward to standing in front of this circle light

and in front of my camera and talking to you 'cause this is what I love to do.

And for the fact that this website that I have dedicated my life to

is now restricting my content and no one is talking to me, I have tried everything.

It hurts and that's like-like I have never felt so targeted in my entire life.

And to me that hurts and that's me crying in my bed, so that's me trying to deal with-

"It's okay, it's okay"

but it's just because it keeps happening and no one's doing anything about it

it's really started to affect me.

The only thing that helps is to go back to the community,

and look at the other videos that I've done

and look at the comments that people have left that are good

and share my videos with other people and do binder giveaways

and just focus on the positive things which is really hard to do when you're getting a lot of hate.

So I think that overall what you need to do is

[Inhales, pause]

if it's a video that you're talking about that you got hate

ignore their comments.

Because if you co- if you talk to them

they're gonna talk to you and then you're going to start this whole thing;

the only upside about that is that every time they click to like reply to your comment,

they're giving you another view.

So there's like a- like a 200 like thread thing on my Arielle

um, reaction video like

that- that's 200 extra views that I got because people are mad.

Like, what? Like, you see what I'm saying? Like, it-

I don't- I-I'm not one of those people that's like

"everything happens for a reason, see the positive in something negative."

I can't do that I'm-I'm- I'm a very negative person sometimes-

I know it's hard to believe for real.

[Inhales] Um,

but it's just funny that something good comes out of that bad.

And, don't engage- don't engage with people

especially if we're talking about videos, especially if we're talking about cis people.

There is a point where you can educate someone and if

you feel like you can truly educate this person who's hating on you then absolutely try if you want to.

Don't put it on yourself that you have to though, absolutely not.

If we're talking about Facebook posts,

um, about family members that are hating you, that's a completely different thing.

Um, that's another video honestly that I will- be made later on.

But, if you're talking about FTM groups on Facebook and other FTMs hating on you;

Like, really though? Like, literally, I site there and I'm like

"you have time, who has time?"

Literally no one has time to do anything; everyone is always so busy.

We're always rushing, we're always doing that, we're always working,

we have like 3 jobs so that we can afford an apartment.

Like [inhales]

Who has time to sit there and hate on someone else and judge their identity?

So I want you to know, okay, and this is just a little pep talk for you.

If you have ever had online hate,

okay, and if you are c-currently experiencing it

-especially if it's from the trans community-

and it's hurting you a lot.

You are valid.

Okay? 100% you are valid.

You are allowed to identify how you want,

you are allowed to be who you want.

Don't look at these comments as reality, because it's not.

It's people who-who are so close-minded that they can't

understand that there is a world outside of this little life that they live in.

And when you open up your mind it is a beautiful thing.

So don't narrow yourself down to what they're thinking and focus on what they're saying.

Instead, go be you, be you because who you are is fantastic and it's fabulous.

So you- instead of focusing down you got to focus up

and when you go up you see way more than when you look down,

so looking up -Oh my God, so metaphor right now- when you look up,

[deep breath]

you're able to see the bigger picture and

the bigger picture of life is that you control your life and your- you do you.

Don't let these people who are hating on you control your life.

because the second you let them get under your skin,

and one comment is bothering you, two comments, three comments, you're letting them win.

And never let the haters win, and you know why?

Because they don't deserve it.

Because they- y-y'know some of these people I swear to God,

some of the comments that I get just-

like, I've come to a point like, I'm not even joking now

when I get a hate comment I screenshot it and I posted online.

And like yeah, maybe that's me giving them like

a platform because now their username is online,

but it just makes me laugh

that they are just- some of these comments like;

literally "you have a cat while behind you, you can't be a man."

"Stop coloring your hair, stop with this-this jewelry on your face, stop talking with your hands."

Like what kind of- what-what world- what world do these

people live in? Because hunty it's 2017 open your mind everything is changing.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about online hate.

If you want me to elaborate more on online hate or how

to deal with online hate like, I would love to talk about it

more, I have so much more to say.

But this is a long video already.

But I love you guys so much and I will see you later.

Okay. Bye.

[Outro music]

For more infomation >> HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.


6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love - Duration: 10:01.

6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love

The INTP INTJ relationship is likely to make for a very smart couple.

David Keirsey, author of "Please Understand Me" observed that INTJs are highly selective

of their romantic partners, and perhaps the most systematic of all the MBTI types in their

approach to INTJ dating.

They screen potential partners in the same methodical manner they employ to their impersonal


INTPs by contrast may have a more open handed attitude towards finding a mate but generally

speaking, they do not go out of their way to find one.

A study found that both INTJs and INTPs were more likely than average to marry persons

who share their own type.

The study also found that INTP males in the sample did not ever marry ESFJ females.

It appears that in the case of both INTP and INTJ, opposites do not attract so much.

They seem to be happiest with other rationals types, preferably their own.

Keirsey proposed that rationals were most compatible with other rationals and idealist


In another study, rationals who paired with idealists reported the highest satisfaction

ratings of any other rational pairing.

So why do INTP and INTJ get along?

Aside from the obvious reasons, there are a number of unique benefits to this match

up that the INTP INTJ couple is bound to cherish.

Here is a look at 6 aspects of this sapiosexual relationship that might explain the INTP INTJ



INTJ and INTP Stimulate Each Other's Mind

As fellow rationals, the INTP INTJ combination could be characterized as mindmates.

In their relationships, both the INTP and INTJ place high importance on mental stimulation.

They would prefer a romantic partner or friend with whom they can explore ideas and someone

who shares a healthy intellectual curiosity.

An INTP INTJ friendship or romance is likely to provide an adequately brainy rapport that

both personalities may find enjoyable.

While both the INTP and INTJ will no doubt pride themselves on the areas of knowledge

in which they've built proficiency, they also appreciate the idea of being around someone

from whom they can learn more.

Each partner will likely delight in sharing what they learn and discover, and INTP-INTJ

conversation may include a number of philosophical debates fueled by their judging or perceiving


INTJ in particular will enjoy discussing their plans, visions, discoveries, and progress

towards their objectives.

INTPs will be eager to share their creative compositions, new ideas and concepts they've

either learned or come up with themselves, and they may enjoy testing the strength of

those ideas through friendly debate with their INTJ mate.


INTP Appreciates INTJ's Clarity and Directness

INTPs being not the greatest at reading people's indirect innuendos will appreciate that INTJ

generally does not play those games.

If anything, INTJs tend to be too curt and blunt and may need to curtail the hard edges

of how they communicate with or around more sensitive "PC" people.

While both personality types are oriented towards shyness and aloofness, it most likely

that the INTJ would be the first to express interest before an INTP ever would.

INTJ has little reservation about saying what they really think or dispensing criticism

and INTP for the most has little trouble taking it so long as it is seen as valid to them.

INTPs are generally receptive to objective criticism and able to take it in stride so

long as there is no malice or nastiness behind how it is given.

INTPs above all want to equip themselves with the most accurate information possible, and

if someone can redress them or point out a flaw in their thinking then so much the better.

It is only in respect to their personal processes and most deeply thought-over ideas that an

INTP may become defensive.

They will dispute anything they disagree with but upon realizing a fault in their reasoning,

they are generally able to quickly concede and adjust their position accordingly.

That being said, INTP INTJ communication is likely to be unencumbered by the need to tiptoe

around each other's sensitivities.


INTP and INTJ Appreciate Dark Humor

While studies have shown that the INTP and INTJ personality types are highly represented

among academically gifted students, this does not mean that all INTPs and INTJs are particularly


This is because MBTI tests are only designed to evaluate behavior and cognitive preferences,

not aptitude.

Nevertheless, rational types being less concerned about political correctness and generally

being less sensitive overall, have a penchant for appreciating off-color humor or jokes

that offend the sensibilities of perhaps most people.

There has been a study that found that a dark sense of humor may indicate high intelligence

on both verbal and non-verbal scales.

An INTP and INTJ relationship is likely to abound with humor that would be considered

inappropriate or offensive to the greater part of the outside world.

Furthermore, INTPs often have a great if not unconventional sense of humor but they may

feel it goes underappreciated or misunderstood by many people.

INTP can sometimes say the most unexpected and laugh-out-loud things that catches everyone

by surprise, but for the most part they choose not to bother verbalizing a lot of what comes

to mind.

This is because they know most likely, no one will find it as funny as they do.

With INTJ, this may not be as much of a problem and for once, INTP has someone with whom they

can share more of their geeky introverted comedy.


INTJ Can Add Structure To INTP Life

It is no secret that INTPs are not particularly concerned with creating order and structure,

at least not in the physical world.

They do care about meta-structure however, and they spend much of their time consciously

and subconsciously categorizing, sorting, analyzing and juxtaposing information as part

of their process of making sense of the various abstractions they draw from the outside world.

They want to enrich their mind palace and make themselves wealthy with knowledge and

understanding from many angles.

This preoccupation with the inner world often comes at the expense to INTP's abilities

in managing their external affairs.

Life structure is typically a blind spot for INTPs and an area in which INTJ can be of


So long as INTJ doesn't become overbearing, judgemental or controlling in their use of

extraverted thinking (Te), the iNTP will likely appreciate and even admire

INTJ's ability to stay on top of their commitments and responsibilities.

INTPs may feel pressure to try and pick up the slack on their part and be more conscientious,

diligent and mature like the INTJ.

This area could possibly be a point of contention or recurrent conflict amongst the INTJ and

INTP, but in the most ideal scenario may serve as a positive influence for INTP.


INTJ Can Inspire INTP To Work Harder

When INTP meets INTJ there is a recognition.

A recognition of similarities in terms of general intellectual bearing and a recognition

of differences in their attitude and approach to getting things done.

It just so happens that INTPs while being wildly imaginative and creative, may have

difficulty getting things started and seeing them through to completion in order to achieve

any material outcome or ROI on all the time they spend thinking things through.

INTJs once again can show the INTP how to organize and rally their time and energy effectively

towards the end of achieving a singular goal.

INTPs seem to suffer from analysis paralysis, and oftentimes this prevents them from acting

on even attempting to take their ideas to the next step, because of all the potential

pitfalls they've envisioned before even trying anything.

INTJs can help INTP to embrace action and overcome the fear of failure.

Whether it is an INTP female with INTJ male or INTP male and INTJ female (or whatever

other combination) these two types in both love and friendship can help one another realize

their personal goals and achieve their dreams by sharing the strengths developed by their

most dominant cognitive preferences.


Both INTJ and INTP Have Modest Emotional Needs

Neither the INTP or INTJ are emotionally needy creatures.

They are low maintenance in this regard and will place little demand on each other's

time being that they are both very independent.

The INTP and INTJ romance will be underscored by a mutual understanding where both individuals

operate on basically the same page.

Rationals, especially INTJs, do not require constant reminders or shows of affection from

their partners.

Based on the results of a thought catalog survey however, it appears that INTPs on average

value 'words of affirmation' as their second most preferred love language whereas

among INTJs it ranked number 4.

It was 'acts of service' that came out as INTJ's 2nd most preferred love language.

This suggests that INTPs appreciate encouraging and affectionate words a bit more than INTJs.

INTJs are not naturally compelled to reaffirm verbally what they feel once it has already

been established and evidenced through their actions.

in relationships they may instead opt to express their love and devotion through generous 'acts

of service' to their lover.

INTPs may prefer a little more warmth out of INTJ and fortunately, INTJs are generally

able and willing to improve their performance as an effective and sufficient lover.

All in all, that's the six Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Reasons Why INTJ and INTP Fall In Love - Duration: 10:01.


Ruth's 399 Sq Ft Park Model Tiny House For Sale, NC - Duration: 2:43.

Ruth's 399 Sq Ft Park Model Tiny House For Sale, NC

For more infomation >> Ruth's 399 Sq Ft Park Model Tiny House For Sale, NC - Duration: 2:43.


5 Tips To Optimize Hormones and Help Lose Belly Fat - Duration: 11:41.

Hey, hey, hey everybody.

My name is Shaun Hadsall.

I'm a 46-year-old stubborn fat expert

with over 20 years of real world,

hands on experience in the health and fitness industry.

And I'm very excited to be going live on Facebook today

to present you with five all natural tips that you can use

to naturally optimize hormones and help the body quickly

lose more belly fat.

So if you're scrolling through your feed

and you're over 35 years old, you're

in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, stop by.

Say hi.

Drop a comment below.

Let us know what area of the world you're from.

Let us know what your biggest struggle is in your quest

to achieve your dream body and lose belly fat.

Because I'm also going to share with you an innovative system

that my wife Karen and I created called the Over 40 Ab Solution.

So somewhere around this video, you're

going to see a link to click or tap where you go over

to our website.

And you'll learn all about our 12 minute metabolic protocol

that I call Metabolic Zone Training.

It's specifically designed for the hormonal condition

of people over 35 that are in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

And you'll also read all about my wife's inspiring

story that actually led to the creation of this system.

She's 11 years older than me.

I'm now 46 and she's 57.

We're grandparents to four beautiful grandkids.

We have one more on the way.

And when we met well over 10 years ago,

she was diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

And it forced her body into early menopause.

And she accumulated a ton of upper belly fat afterwards

because it wreaked havoc on her hormones.

And no matter how hard we tried, nothing worked.

We tried excessive amounts of cardio.

And I did some research and I found out

there's four studies that you'll see over at our website

that I refer to talking about how too much

regular cardio suppresses the thyroid, releases

cortisol, free radicals, and increases hunger.

So then we tried today's trendy ab routines.

I did some research.

According to Men's Health, it takes 22,000 crunches just

to burn one measly pound of fat.

Not to mention Dr. Stuart McGill, one

of the world renowned back experts,

talks about how repeated flexion of the spine with crunches

and sit ups is one of the leading

causes of herniated disc.

So remember if you're trying to lose belly fat

and you're doing stomach exercises,

you're just working a muscle and building

a muscle that's underneath the fat that you want to burn off.

Instead, you should be engaging in our 12 minute

metabolic protocols found inside of our system.

Because it uses strategic rest periods, intensity levels,

and movement patterns that are specifically

designed for the hormonal condition of people

over 35 years old.

So when we tried all these different things with my wife

and it didn't work, what I did is I went back

to the drawing board.

I started thinking about when I started my career.

And way back in 1998 I entered a Body for Life transformation

contest put on by Bill Phillips.

And out of over 22,000 finishers in that contest,

I was fortunate enough to place First Runner Up Grand Champion.

But the toughest part about that contest

is I took my body fat from 20% to 10% really quickly.

But as I wanted to lose my last five to 10 stubborn pounds

of fat, it got increasingly difficult.

So I had to come up with a scientific strategy

to trick my body.

And so I started using these 12 minute metabolic protocols.

And you can see here how lean and muscular

I was after I did that.

So after all this stuff didn't work on my wife Karen,

I'm like hey, what do we got to lose?

Let's go back to the same 12 minute metabolic protocol

I used to get ready for all my photo shoots.

You can see here.

Here's 10 years of progress pictures

of me using this 12 minute metabolic protocol.

Now I don't share this with you to impress you,

just to impress upon you how powerful this protocol is.

So I started having my wife use this protocol along

with the other four tips that I'm about

ready to share with you here in just a second.

And 10 weeks later, her confidence

soared, she was happy with what she saw in the mirror,

and she completely transformed her body,

as you can see right here.

So you can learn all about her story over at our web site.

But first, don't click or tap that link yet.

I want to share four more tips outside

of this 12 minute metabolic protocol

that you can use to naturally optimize hormones.

And the first one is simply to eat more protein.

Now most people don't get adequate protein intake

in their diet.

I know this after being in this industry over 20 years

and working with thousands of people online

and hundreds of people one on one, one of the number one

common things that I see is people

do not get enough protein in their diet.

Now protein will increase the metabolic rate naturally.

Remember, when you eat protein, it has a higher thermic effect.

So the body burns more calories digesting protein

than it does carbs or fat.

So simply by eating more protein,

it increases the metabolic rate naturally.

Also, research shows people who eat more protein lose more

weight than those who don't.

And people who eat more protein also

have less night time cravings, one of my biggest downfalls

when I'm trying to lose belly fat.

The second tip is to eat your carbs

after our 12 minute metabolic zone training protocols.

You see, after you engage in these movement

patterns, these rest periods and intensity levels

that I prescribe to you that are specifically designed

for your hormonal condition, the muscles

become like a sponge that's been wrung dry.

They're very depleted of energy called glycogen.

So by timing and eating your favorite carbohydrates

post-workout, you enhance the body's ability

to replenish liver and muscle glycogen and deplete it.

And this is a catalyst helping the body burn more belly fat.

And it also helps the body prevent fat spill

over from the carbohydrates that you eat.

Everybody wants to eat your favorite carbohydrates.

So just eat them after our 12 minute metabolic protocols

and you can still get your cake and eat it too.

The third trick is to try intermittent fasting.

Now if you've never experimented with intermittent fasting,

the science and the research behind this is phenomenal.

Research shows that people who use intermittent fasting

have higher growth hormone levels.

They have higher resting metabolic rate.

They also even have better cellular health.

Now I'm making a lot of claims inside this video.

So when you go over to our website,

you're going to see over 30 studies

over there substantiating every claim that I'm making.

So if you've never tried intermittent fasting,

my recommendation is just to start with 12 hours.

If you eat your last meal at 8:00 PM,

break your fast the next day at 8:00 AM.

Now as you get used to this, I recommend

if you're female you extend that out to 14 hours.

So now if you eat your last meal at 8:00 PM

you wouldn't eat again the next morning until 10:00 AM.

Remember, you're not skipping breakfast.

You're just pushing it back.

Now if you're a man, I recommend you extend this up

to 16 hours, my favorite method.

So if I ate my last meal 8:00 PM,

I'll break my fast usually the next day

between noon and 1:00 PM.

Now remember, it's still a breakfast,

because it's break fast, breakfast.

It's just that we're pushing it back a couple hours.

And the research to help people lose

belly fat is phenomenal using intermittent fasting.

So make sure you give it a shot.

The fourth and final tip is don't eat two hours before bed.

Now if you eat directly before bed

and it's healthy food choices, it's

not necessarily going to make you gain belly fat.

But it could blunt growth hormone secretion

while you sleep.

So the solution to this is to make sure you

wait two hours after a meal.

Remember, if you eat directly before bed, it raises insulin.

Insulin is the body's primary storage hormone.

And when insulin is present, it's

the antagonist to growth hormone.

So it makes it nearly impossible for the body

to access fat as a fuel source and release growth hormone

during the night.

So by eating two hours before bed,

you allow insulin to stabilize.

Then when you go to sleep, growth hormone

will be able to pulse throughout the night.

So there you have it.

Five all natural tips to optimize hormones for people

in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

If you learned something in this video,

can you do me a huge favor and type "yes" down below.

I want to make sure that I still have your attention

inside this live video.

I also want to cover a couple more quick things before I sign

off that are very important.

First of all, there's a 90 day money back guarantee

on your system.

So when you click or tap the link around this video

and you go over to check it out, just

remember the results are guaranteed

and you get your money back.

Also, for every person who grabs a copy of this system,

we will donate clean water to a needy child in a third world

country for almost 90 days.

Now this might not seem like a big deal,

but we're very passionate about this cause.

We're actually intimately involved.

My business partner and I actually travel to Nicaragua

every year on a mission trip to help install a water well.

And last year alone, through the Over 40

Ab Solution with people like you who grabbed a copy

and took action, we donated almost $30,000

and installed four water wells across the globe.

Now keep in mind, these people are

drinking contaminated water, the same water

the cows are drinking.

And they're dying and getting diseases from this water.

So now you can help us be a part of this amazing cause.

Now there's three other things that I want to quickly share

before I sign off.

So make sure if you're getting something out of this, you

throw me some hearts, you throw me some likes,

you throw me some shares, and drop a comment

if you have questions.

My team and I will do our best to get back with you.

But these three tips are very important.

Because we can hand you the blueprint.

We can hand you the roadmap and to tell you exactly what to do.

But if you don't follow up and take action and do it,

you're never going see the results.

And these three things are key elements that we cannot

control, but you can.

And there are three specific laws.

The first one I call the law of the big reason why.

So way back in 1998 when I placed First Runner

Up Grand Champion in the Body for Life contest,

yeah, I wanted six pack abs for the first time in my life.

And it was amazing to have my dream body finally.

After over eight years of trying, I finally conquered it.

But this was just a bonus side effect.

You see, after this contest was over,

I had an anchor in my life.

The entire time, every day when I woke up

I was focusing on my daughter Jordan.

Because I was going through a joint legal custody

battle over her.

And I wanted more than anything in my life

for her to be a part of my life.

So that was my big reason why.

That's what kept me going every single day.

And when this contest was over, guess what.

She was part of my life consistently.

I had joint legal custody rights.

I had paid off a bunch of bad debt.

I had mended a bunch of broken relationships.

I landed a brand new career.

All of these bonus side effects simply

for taking action in losing belly fat.

So that's my promise to you is find the big reason

why in your life.

Look, fitting into your skinny jeans, having six pack abs,

or looking great naked when you look in the mirror are

all great goals to have, but they're never

going to keep you going when the going gets tough.

You must use the law of the big reason why

and have a deeper emotional reason that keeps

you going on a daily basis.

The second law I call the law of association.

This is crucial.

You become who you hang out with.

So if you hang out with overweight, unhealthy people,

guess what, you're probably going to follow suit.

If you go to a bar, you're probably going to drink.

However, if you hang out with like-minded people

and you go to a fitness class or you get a workout partner

or you hire a coach or you go to the gym,

guess what, you're more likely to work out.

So you have to associate yourself

with people that support your goals.

Otherwise they're going to bring you down

and you're never going to keep going

when the going gets tough.

The third and final law I call the law of Henry Ford,

because he was quoted as saying this years ago.

He said, whatever you believe you can do

or you can't, you're right.

So you have to believe in yourself.

This is huge.

If you're constantly telling yourself every single day

this will never work.

I can't do this, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You have to think positive.

You have to believe in yourself.

We believe in you.

We work with thousands of people that

have declining hormones that are over 35 years old.

We've helped them lose belly fat.

Just like them, we believe in you.

So we hope you can believe in us.

Click the link around this video.

Go grab your copy of the Over 40 Ab Solution.

And thanks for watching this and keep going strong.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips To Optimize Hormones and Help Lose Belly Fat - Duration: 11:41.


Baba Ganoush Recipe: Roasted Eggplant Dip - How to Make - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Baba Ganoush Recipe: Roasted Eggplant Dip - How to Make - Duration: 1:11.


Beauty Minibox Little Is A Big Deal by Idea Box - Duration: 2:51.

Beauty Minibox Little Is A Big Deal by Idea Box

For more infomation >> Beauty Minibox Little Is A Big Deal by Idea Box - Duration: 2:51.


Palm Harbor Real Estate - Homes For Sale Palm Harbor Real Estate - Duration: 1:08.

Are you searching for Palm Harbor Real Estate?

The Fazzini Group has been helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals

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Ranked number 34 in the entire Florida market, The Fazzini Group provides clients with a

world class experience while navigating some of the stateís most beautiful properties.

Whether you are buying or investing in Palm Harbor Real Estate, or selling a home so you

can move on to your next chapter, our agents are there to ensure a smooth transaction for

you and your family.

Our website has the tools you need to get either the ìfirst showingî of the house

youíre interested in, or if you are thinking about selling your home, we will use our 24

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home is worth.

Buying or selling Palm Harbor Real Estate shouldnít be difficult!

To see our listings or if you have any questions about Palm Harbor Real Estate, visit

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For more infomation >> Palm Harbor Real Estate - Homes For Sale Palm Harbor Real Estate - Duration: 1:08.


TOP 18 Unseen And Rare Pictures From 1990 Bollywood Fashion | Shocking !! - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> TOP 18 Unseen And Rare Pictures From 1990 Bollywood Fashion | Shocking !! - Duration: 4:06.


Bridge Loan | Mortgage Weekly | Nov 17th, 2017 | Jason Roy | Edmonton Mortgage Broker - Duration: 3:14.

Mortgage Weekly time. Another crisp winter day here so Bridge Financing what

is bridge financing and where does it come into play and how do you get it.

Bridge financing is when you sell your house and you're buying a new house and

the possession dates don't work out and you need some money to cover the down

payment for the new house so you've bought a new house and your possession

date let's say is January 1st but you've sold your house but their closing date

on that one isn't in terrible February 1st so you've got a month in there where

you need to be in the new house sooner then you sold the old house so you need

some money to cover the down payment so that you can get the new mortgage on a

new place so that's bridge financing so it covers that down payment that then

gets paid back once your house current house sells so how do you get it

obviously you need to have an accepted offer on your new house that you're

purchasing and have your mortgage approved and all that good stuff and

then you need to have an unconditional sales contract on your current house so

you can't just be listed for sale can't have an offer on it that offer needs

to be accepted and the new buyers need to have removed all their conditions so

that they're 100% committed to buying the house and then we can apply

with the lender for a bridge loan so that allows the lender to see ok you're

closing the new purchase on January 1st and your sales closing on February 1st

we can see how much your house has sold for and then you've got X amount of

dollars coming to you and in equity there that can cover the down payment

and then they can grant you that bridge loan

that loan gets facilitated through your lawyer so you don't actually see

the funds but it gets facilitated through the lawyer they register the

loan against your new house and your old house and then the lawyer pays out once

it sells so there's some fees that a set up fee paying the lender a couple

hundred bucks and then you pay a daily interest on the funds that are borrowed

just the key part being that you're boring just the down payment not the

full mortgage amount obviously you got the full the rest of the mortgage amount

but it's that down came at the twenty thousand 50 thousand whatever it is that

that you're putting down that's the bridge loan that's what you're borrowing

so the key is getting that accept that offer on your current house without that

you can't apply for the bridge loan because there's no way of the lender

knowing when your homes gonna sell when that loan is gonna be paid out so they

won't do it until you have a accepted offer on your current home so I know if you get in that

situation let me know happy to help figure it out and you need anything else

you know where to reach me all right have a good weekend ciao.

For more infomation >> Bridge Loan | Mortgage Weekly | Nov 17th, 2017 | Jason Roy | Edmonton Mortgage Broker - Duration: 3:14.


We're All Breaking The Law Without Knowing It - Duration: 4:58.

The average citizen doesn't usually have to worry about breaking the law.

Most of us pay our taxes, wear our seatbelts, and honestly try our best not to smuggle kilos

of anything across the border.

But all across the United States, there are numerous eccentric laws that people break

every day.

Get ready to face the truth, because here are some laws you may have been breaking your

whole life.

Public fun

Tossing a Frisbee with your friends at the beach probably doesn't make anyone feel like

a hardened criminal.

However, the Frisbee in particular has a long legal history.

In the 1970s, Los Angeles made it a crime to throw anything except a beach ball on public


That was later changed to a ruling that you can only throw Frisbees in designated areas

away from the public, a law that's still in effect today — even if nobody follows it.

By the same token, there are a bunch of weird rules about what you can do in national parks.

For example, it's a federal crime to roll anything down a hill.


No toboggan.

No Zorb ball.

Nothing that could cause someone to take a hit, start an avalanche, or disturb the wildlife,

so … okay, fair enough.

If you're going to enjoy life, keep it to yourself, you criminal.

Friendly wagers

Let's say it's the World Cup or whatever, and you're participating in a friendly bet

with your buddies.

Sure, that seems like fun.

But technically it has consequences.

These days, it's generally accepted that you can make a bet in most U.S. states, but it's

illegal to take bets.

So as long as you're not breaking legs as the neighborhood bookie, you're in the clear.

But according to Fortune, "About half of the 50 states do have ancient laws on the books

that criminalize the making of bets."

"Put your money where your mouth is."

"You mean bet?"


Of course, the anti-gambling laws differ from state to state and they're fuzzy at best.

Prosecution is extremely unlikely, mostly because the police have bigger fish to fry.

Lying online

We all get a name at birth, so there's really no need to pretend to be anybody else.

Some people end up changing their name, and that's perfectly fine — as long as you're

not deceiving anyone or pretending to be someone you're not.

"If you want the table, you have to be Cranjis McBasketball."

[Laughter] "My name is Cranjis McBasketball."

"Right this way."

But using a fake name on the internet is actually particularly serious because it poses a cyber

threat and violates the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

NPR notes you could be prosecuted for everything from "using a fake name on Facebook or lying

about your weight in an online dating profile."

Social networks specifically have a strict written agreement that's meant to protect

users and their activity.

Both Facebook and Instagram explicitly prohibit using a fake name in their Terms of Service.

So if you've ever whipped up a fake account for any reason, you have, in fact, broken

the law.

Using unsecured Wi-Fi

With the internet being such a huge part of daily life, it's not that unusual to connect

to a random Wi-Fi network.

Easy enough?



Hmm, probably … but since you've technically accessed a network without authorization,

you just violated that pesky Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

And suddenly, that sounds pretty darn illegal.

"Hooooooo… ohhhhh oh oh."

The good news is, you probably won't get prosecuted — according to Wired, most of the time something

like that is only used in court to add charges onto some other crime.

But you still shouldn't go out of your way to check your email on some unsecured hotspot

in your neighborhood.

It's ridiculously easy for anyone to see what you're doing.

Sharpie smackdown

Nobody would expect to get arrested for owning a permanent marker.

Unless you're, you know, robbing a bank with one...

"Don't move."

But writing with one?

That's literally what they're made for, right?

Well, you better check your local laws.

In 2010, a 13-year-old boy in Oklahoma was busted for illegal marker possession and escorted

by police to a juvenile holding center.

Even though he was simply writing with the marker at school — on a piece of paper — he

violated an obscure city ordinance that prohibits permanent markers or aerosol cans on private


If he was writing on the walls, yeah, okay.

But getting into trouble for correctly using a Sharpie?

That seems like overkill.

Dog tags

Just like humans need a license to drive, pets usually need a license to be owned.

In Los Angeles, for example, it's required by law for dogs to have a license as a form

of identification.

The license also indicates what vaccinations the dog has had, which is handy if Fluffy

decides to take a chunk out of the mailman.

If you get caught without a dog license somewhere like New York City, there's a $120 fine.

That's steep for a service that you could easily miss in animal shelters or veterinary


Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

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