Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 19 2017

Hi I'm Mike, according to Leonardo da Vinci water is the driving force of all nature and

at the same time it's the driving force of the ranch, without it we have no animals

and no crops.


Join me as we take a look at the cool refreshing side of the ranch with water, on our Wyoming


Life is simple, just add water.

On the ranch water is everything.

Cattle can survive for as long as sixty days with little or no food, but only seven days

without water, and it's even shorter in the hot summer months.

In any given mammal 60% of their body weight is made up in water, which constantly has

to be replenished and it's no different in cows.

A growing animal or a lactating cow needs two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body


A nonlactating cow or bull needs one gallon of water per 100 pounds of body weight.

So for an example, a cow with a calf will need close to 24 gallons of water per day

for themselves and another 5 to 10 gallons for their calf daily.

That's a lot of water.

On the ranch we consider our water consumption for animals to be about 5500 gallons per day

during the summer months.

The average bathtub holds about 40 gallons of water, so in one day in July or August,

the cows here on the ranch would drink almost 140 bathtubs full of water.

That's if you let them in your bathroom, which luckily, we don't have to.

Spread out all over the ranch are a number of water supplies for the cows.

From stock tanks to reservoirs to creek bottoms, but none of these are an endless supply.

Like everything on the ranch, control and management are required.

Just like managing the grasslands the cattle graze you have to oversee the water they drink.

It's a never-ending job because losing control of one resource could set the ranch into a

downward spiral that could end up being devastating.

Under the ground and maybe under you right now, is water, in underground aquifers.

These aquifers can found anywhere from a few feet to up to 30,000 feet deep.

Some come up through the ground naturally in natural springs but for a majority of the

water around here you have to drill.

Drilling a new water well will cost you about $35 per foot and there isn't really a guarantee

of how deep you will have to drill.

We have 2 wells on the ranch that are only about 35 feet deep, others that are about

300 and a deep well that is drilled to 680 feet.

Even though they are within miles of each other the depths differ greatly and the reason

behind that is the water table.

The water table is the top level of water found underground in the cracks and spaces

in soil, sand and rock.

It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called


Ground water fills these aquifers by soaking into the ground from rain and snow and is

a renewable resource , as long as you have rain and snow, which there is no guarantee

of in these parts.

Run off from rain and melting snow can also fill reservoirs but will eventually soak back

into the ground unless the bottom of the pond or reservoir is below the water table.

Like every resource here on the ranch, renewable or not, water is very valuable and requires

supervision and water management starts right here at the hydrant.

We have 6 water wells spread across the ranch, each producing water that animals drink.

Hydrants are normally used to fill stock tanks.

Our average stock tank measures 10 feet around and 2 feet deep, each holding about 1000 gallons

of water.

Each pasture the cattle graze has at least one stock tank in it.

Cattle will generally only travel about a mile from any given water source, so our goal

on the ranch is to make sure that water is available in strategic locations throughout


This ensures equal and even grazing of the grassland and in some cases, we will even

move water tanks and fill them with the fire truck to move cattle to better grazing areas.

All summer long it is important to make sure that stock tanks are always full and that's

where floats come into play.

A float is hooked up to a water hydrant and in turn attached to a stock tank.

The float regulates the water flowing into the tank and when the water is full it will

shut off the flow of water, keeping the tank full while at the same time, keeping it from


They work great, in the summer, but as the temperature falls and eventually lands below

zero they will freeze and become useless.

Managing water in the summer and water in the winter can be as different as night and


During the summer we utilize windmills rather than electric wells to pump water to the ranch


These windmills are old and require constant maintenance and upkeep to keep them running


During the winter the upkeep on an old fashioned windmill can become overwhelming due to high

winds and freezing temperatures.

So in the winter the windmills are shut down, floats are disconnected and all watering is

done by hand.

Filling each tank and making sure they don't overflow and make a huge mess.

A stock tank that overflows actually becomes a hazard to cattle as the water will sit on

the frozen ground, and then eventually freeze itself creating a sheet of ice that cows can

slip and fall on.

During winter all the cows and other livestock is kept pretty close to home, mostly for easy

feeding but also for easy watering.

Because we use electric water wells in the winter having all the stock tanks near the

main ranch saves time and money.

Animals are also separated during this time of year.

Cows in one pasture, bulls in another, heifers off by themselves and steers and horses in

their own corrals as well.

All these separated living conditions require their own water and everyday we check and

fill 5 different stock tanks, one or two for each group.

Another addition to the tanks in the winter are stock tank heaters.

1500 watt electric heaters that either float or sit in the water to keep it from freezing,

until the temperature gets too low.

In larger tanks even the heaters cant keep up and a tool that will will bring with us

everyday will be a hatchet to break ice so the animals can get in.

A new challenge this year is Erin's winter gardens.

This is our first year growing in the winter and almost all of the irrigation for gardens

runs above ground.

Which means that getting water to the gardens through our normal irrigation system is impossible

in the winter due to freezing.

The only way to combat this is to use a portable water tank and fill it and take it to the

garden when she needs to water, then using a small pump she can apply water to her plants.

Water on the ranch is always a challenge, and just when you think things are going fine

that's when you come out and find a broken water line.

Never and easy fix but a lot easier to fix when your fingers aren't wet and frozen.

This is the water line to the chickenhouse and this morning after a cold night that got

down into the teens, I found that my electric heat tape that I usually count on to keep

the line from freezing had failed.

The big problem with broken water lines is that you never know that they are broken until

they thaw and by then you have a mess to fix.

But after a quick trip to town for parts its just a matter of fixing the broken section

of pipe.

Then replacing the defective heat tape and hoping that it holds out.

Every rancher I know is part vet, part environmentalist, part plumber and part crazy, it's a life

that you either love or you hate but in the end its all about being here next year and

the year after that and hopefully passing something down to our kids that is worth having,

loving and respecting.

Water is everywhere, and without it this would be straight whiskey and like a good whiskey,

water shouldn't be taken for granted.

I'm going to sit here and hydrate myself.

If you'd like to join the herd and become a ranch hand yourself, make sure you click

that subscribe button and join us on a journey through hard work, dedication and sometimes

disappointment but when the day is done, we can all look back and say that there are no

limits to what we can achieve.

Quick side note, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook and Instagram

this week.

It was a little overwhelming and a whole lot humbling but because I couldn't reply to

everyone, I just want to say thank you.

Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Water on the Ranch - Duration: 10:15.


Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.

Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas

For more infomation >> Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.


Аниме приколы под музыку #111 | "Ум они такие большие и упругие!!!" - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку #111 | "Ум они такие большие и упругие!!!" - Duration: 5:39.


You and Me

For more infomation >> You and Me



For more infomation >> LANDINGS AND TAKE-OFF IN GUARULHOS - PART 96 - Duration: 58:06.


Anastacia cantante: età, altezza, marito, figli, tumore e vita privata - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Anastacia cantante: età, altezza, marito, figli, tumore e vita privata - Duration: 3:17.


Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 14:22.

Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves

Commuter a controversy a driver put on blast by the Fort Bend County Sheriff

this is a very quiet community a very family-oriented County and many people

are offended by the language driving while anti-trump a photo now going viral

and prompting an internet debate over free speech the sheriff would like to

find that driver ingestion tonight we did you'll hear from her shortly but

first the debate many of you are giving us your input on our KPRC Facebook page

right now here's how it is escalated over the past few hours at 3:30 11:00

shares and hundreds of likes at 4:30 the number of shares soared well past 100

and at 5:30 this evening that number even higher Venetia rasta

joining us live from Fort Bend County where sheriff Troy nails is standing by

his decision to post that picture Anusha build Oh Monique Sheriff Nels

tells us that he understands the message on the sticker is protected under the

First Amendment of the United States Constitution but he argues it could

potentially cause a violent confrontation in the streets a sticker

on a truck seen in Fort Bend County with an offensive term against President

Trump and those who voted for him is prompting law enforcement to step in the

big question should law enforcement get involved the fact that it offends people

doesn't mean that anybody particularly law enforcement has the right to act as

a censor attorney and channel 2 legal analyst Brian Weiss tells us this

sticker with the f-word against Trump and his voters is protected under the

First Amendment of the Constitution in fact Weiss cites a 1971 US Supreme

Court case Cohen versus California a man wears a jacket in a courthouse with the

F word about the draft and United States Supreme Court said that that four-letter

word as it regards the draft could not be the basis for a breach of

the peace citation any more in my estimation than this could be the basis

of a disorderly conduct charge in a post on Facebook for Penn County Sheriff Troy

Nels posted a picture of the truck and the sticker saying in part quote our

prosecutor informed us she would accept disorderly conduct charges regarding it

but I feel we could come to an agreement regarding a modification to it I want to

reach out to the owner of the truck and just say hey listen the last thing we

need to do is see anyone you have any type of confrontation over the language

on your truck the thing is very disrespectful to the president and I

don't agree with that they should be removed they can say what they want but

I don't like the cuss words on it I don't think people are offended and if

they are they just need to take a deep breath change the channel

drive by the car and get on with their lives and the ACLU of Texas responded to

sheriff Troy Nels Facebook post about the truck sticker saying quote sheriff

Troy emails constitutional law 101 you can't ban speech just because it has the

f-word in it hey truck owner feel free to contact the ACLU of Texas

reporting live in Fort Bend County tonight a new show Rasta KPRC Channel 2

News and just within the past 30 minutes we found that driver turns out it's a

woman and she lives in Fort Bend County let's go live now to our Sophia

Beausoleil with that drivers reaction to all of this

Sofia well the driver told me she and her husband put this sticker on the back

of their white truck about a year ago and she says she's surprised by all the

noise of it she says because they've had it up there for quite some time now she

says she and her husband put it on the back of the truck because they want to

express how they felt in regards to the presidential election and when it comes

to the political climate of the country she says it's her First Amendment right

and she says she's received different types of reactions but she explained to

us most of them have been positive and her highs

I thought the whole thing was just totally crazy it's been on there for

such a long time and we have so much positive out of it that more positive

that outweighs the negative Caryn Fonseca says she's a mother of 12

children and coming up at 10 o'clock or and hear more from her in regards to

this sticker about 24 hours the sheriff after the sheriff posted the photo of

the truck on Facebook the driver has been arrested as we first reported at 5

o'clock the charge is unrelated to that truck decal but now new at six we are

hearing from the woman's husband our Roseanne Aragon just spoke to him right

outside the jail Roseanne that's right detectives arrested her for

fraudulent use or possession of identifying information the husband says

he has no idea what that's about but he says it is quite a coincidence spin my

misery inhale all kinds of stuff Miguel Fonseca never thought he'd be here

trying to bail his wife out of jail his wife is Karen Fonseca the woman who's

been the face of this controversial anti-trump decal on her truck my wife

called me she's the one that called me told me that they're coming to pick her

up because about something that she did I guess in like 2015 2016 Miguel says

detectives came to their home around 1:30 this afternoon

just hours after we spoke with her it's been more overwhelming it's people are

stopping and wanting to shake your hand asking to take pictures with you the

truck and they're just like go for what stand behind what you're standing behind

nobody can stop you detectives told him they had a warrant for her arrest since

August this arrest came just a day after Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy nails

posted this saying she could be charged today the sheriff deleted the post the

DA's office said charges in this situation would not be accepted her

husband today is questioning the timing I guess the sticker is causing a lot of

problems but as I said yesterday it's gonna stay up there no matter what now

to the story that just continues to have more twists and turns all stemming from

a controversial anti-trump decal on a truck this quickly became national news

after the 4-pin County Sheriff posted that picture on Facebook on Wednesday

since then the owner of the truck has been found

and then arrested on an unrelated warrant Channel 2 reporter Ryan Coors

guard live in Fort Bend County where people are trying to keep up with all

the developments in this one Ryan and when she was arrested here she told us

she had no earthly idea of why tonight we have a clearer picture when Karen

Fonseca left the Fort Bend County Jail on Thursday night she said she had no

idea that there was a warrant out for her arrest

Fonseca believes the arrest is in retaliation for her offensive sticker on

her truck related to President Donald Trump fort benton county sheriff troy

nails told KPRC two that this was not the case i've never even known i had one

court documents show she is accused of fraud and possessing identifying

information in 2014 the case was filed in july of this year with an arrest

warrant issued in August deputies arrested Fonseca yesterday

Rosenberg police say the warrant is out of their Department which did not

contact the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office about that warrant instead the

police said the sheriff's office served the warrant on its own

Rosenberg police said that they would have served their own warrant I want to

reach out to the owner of the truck on Wednesday the sheriff posted a picture

online of the sticker on the truck the sheriff removed that post after the

trucks owner was identified at his office received threats sheriff nails

said that he did not know Fonseca however he confirmed she worked in the

county jail from 2014 to 2015

I think it's crazy the way it's all abroad - of attention after it's been

here for almost 11 months on there I thought that was crazy as well I was

working and I got a couple of calls through messenger people that don't even

know my number look at look at Facebook I said I don't

have the time they're like but you're being one and I said for what because of

your sticker and they were laughing and I'm like oh wow that's crazy look I

really have to get back to work so what I had a chance to look at it I thought

the whole thing was just totally crazy it's been on there for such a long time

and we have so much positive out of it that more positive that outweighs the


I do feel like it because why would I mean he is a sheriff he has every means

he he went ahead posted the license tag you could pull that up and contact me on

your own or show up I mean look y'all don't know me y'all

found me he could have done that at the same time I feel it is an evasion of

privacy and everything else because it put me on his Facebook page is a blast

like I said I feel like he could he has every means he could have just called me

on or showed up over here and talked to me on a personal level the the reasons

that he has for it is because of people's opinions about their children

etc I understand the actual tall children of my own at the same time what

we have on the back of the truck is nothing compared to what you see every

day on the music video see on TV and these kids playing on their games Call

of Duty etc this is nothing unless you're gonna put your kids in a bubble

you can't blame it on your children

that's my point that's my husband he put it on there but me and him support that

we both went together to get it enlarged and put it on we've all supported a

hundred percent I feel the president is more of an

entrepreneur he's a person to go ahead and use his money not not a political

figure almost since he'd been elected president before that we had a different

truck last year when people were voting for Trump and we had a small sticker

that said F Trump on it our truck was stolen in December when we bought this

new truck we went and got this a large one and put it on and we've been driving

it and we've got stopped by numerous officers and at the same time I'm like

they're gonna give me a ticket okay if you can show me in the law book where

you can give me a ticket they couldn't find a coach they couldn't there is no

law against freedom of speech in Texas do you feel like there's a certain irony

where you know the government's trying to tell you what to do yet at the same

time the other side may be against the government I don't think it's the

government I think it's the sheriff at one point on his own because he said

he's had numerous calls well saw of multiple police departments and I'm not

going to name them that have told me to have had multiple calls but the same

time they stopped me and shake my hand and say there's nothing we can do about

it there's no law against it but he wants to take into his hand put on a

public page there is no law I don't think the government is not contacted me

he's the one that blasted it not them I wouldn't change it I'm gonna leave it

there's no law that's telling me that I came my husband yes if he could be here

he's at work but I have a smaller demeanor than he does see what go ahead

and say things that you can't post but he would not change it I guarantee and

no I haven't not personally no no he has not I have not reached out to him when I

was contacted about it I work in the vehicle so I'm in it all day long all

day until four o'clock I came off duty on my in my truck he nobody reached out

to me but I've looked at posts here and there but someone you are popping up I

can't even keep up with it and I think he dug yourself as a hole in it to bring

it up because first of all to go ahead and find the prosecutor that's going to

go ahead and give me a charge for disorderly conduct when there's not a

law against it how can you do that contact I can contact the District

Attorney's Office I can I can guarantee you they're going to say that he's in

the wrong you worried and feel free to drive your

truck no I'm not I've been driving it all day I'll continue to drive it I've

Drive it multiple times i-i've it all the time on a daily basis

I'm not fearful at all there's too much positive and it makes

people smile they honk their horn they give you a thumbs up there is some

negativity I won't say that because we're a diversified community there's

some negativity but the positivity out waves the negativity

I really don't know what the reasons are for him doing this the only thing I can

think of is like he said that he's had numerous phone calls that warranted him

but at the same time why would you post it on your Facebook page reach out you

have the means to reach out to trace that license tag number and that's one

thing I did not like why would you post my license tag number out there for the

because there is some people that do not like it why would you put me it's like a

violation of my rights as well not since this post know I have had cuts people

contact me in parking lots somebody handed me a $50 bill today and said keep

going with what you're going and I saw this on Facebook and a lot of positive

no negative today

For more infomation >> Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 14:22.


This Week at UBC - November 19 - November 25, 2017 - Duration: 1:29.

Welcome to this week at UBC.

Map the system is a global research-based

competition that asks you to think differently about social changes by exploring possibilities and not solutions.

Participating students have the opportunity to win a cash prize of

$2,500 and a trip to Oxford to share their findings.

Attend the info session on Wednesday to find out more.

It is a point of pride for UBC to mark every student's graduation day with the ceremony that speaks to the significant accomplishment

They have achieved in their lives and the important contributions they have made to the University as a whole.

2017 fall graduation ceremonies will take place between November

22nd and November 24th. The Belkin Art Gallery is pleased to present a public lecture by Dr.

Catherine Malibu, one of France's leading philosophers. Her work considers the concept of plasticity

And how it has become a major category in philosophy, arts, psychology, neurobiology, and cell biology.

Join the UBC neuroscience community in commemoration of 20 years of

neuroscience research and brain health discovery at the University of British Columbia.

Escape from the cold for a night of wild and wet fun in the warmth of the UBC Aquatic Center

UBC represents Water Wars where teams will compete in a series of aquatic challenges. So grab your friends and dive in

Well UBC that's it for this week. As always for more info go to

See you next week!

For more infomation >> This Week at UBC - November 19 - November 25, 2017 - Duration: 1:29.


RED VELVET (레드벨벳 ) Peek-A-Boo( 피카부) MV REACTION - Duration: 5:18.

Hey guys! I'm Natalia from the channel 3 Marias and today I'll be doing a react for the song "PEEK-A-BOO"

From Red Velvet so I really hope you all watch it...I really really like them!

If you guys enjoy the video, don't forget to give us your like,comment and became a subscriber :)

Okay,we have the 5 of them....really pretty

Looking at the full moon!

Is on the full moon that things happen right? like werewolves and vampires (a former Twilight fan )

We also have the pizza guy!

Full moons are great days to eat pizza too! (says who ?)

wow what a beach vibe!

Now the five of them are wearing red...kind of dead...they are witches maybe ?


I think they are taking off their invisible beard!

wearing red ( Mrs.obvious)


Joy is seriously beatiful in this mv! they all are but Joy is my bias.

Yeri is receiving the pizza! (as we can see)

Now the others have appeared! out of nowhere.

JOY!!! Sungjae needs to see it ( we got married feels)

( I think she is trying to fly or something)

There are many shirts! have they killed others...?

(Lost her line of reasoning to dance)

You can also say pika-pika-chu! ( also a pokemon former fan)

It's weird...Yery is giving me a different vibe from the others here.

Are they witches?

witches that...sacrifice pizza guys? and turn them into diamonds..or food?

They are using the weapons! This is a game for them right? a hunting game... I think they are killers ( Really Sherlock? )

The a ritual...I'm pretty sure they are witches!

They even did that eye thing!

( trying to fly again)

I saw a lot of pics of them like this!

The guy is like " they are really hot ,but also weird as hell"

I loved the choreo!

Now they are playing with their prey...there is a lot of pizzas! so they have killed many other guys ... they're pizza collectors!

I'm sure that they eat the guys!... not in the sexual way

they are all blindfolded now!

And are going to eat a gelatin?

they left him eating and leave !

( This is not a JPG image)

They deceived him! (discovering that the world is not just rainbows and butterflies)

they made him eat that gelatin, and went to they could scare him!

They are running away?

Was there drug in that gelatin? I'm sure that there was!

(Her mind now : I don't care about the guy,I'll just dance!)

Well..they want to kill him...obviously

they must need to kill him for their full moon's ritual! in exchange for diamonds!

The song is really amazing!

Ow! I loved this..whose voice it is?

He is calling..probably to the police...but he really should've run..He is too close to their house!

They are not answering!


He was murdered!

R.I.P pizza guy! number...1690


I loved it...guys they too the song is trully great! I really enjoy it

Leave your comment below , subscribe to the channel and...give us your like,and please watch our other videos too! kisses

For more infomation >> RED VELVET (레드벨벳 ) Peek-A-Boo( 피카부) MV REACTION - Duration: 5:18.


Stranger Things - Mike and Eleven (Kap Slap Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:55.

If you're up there say something or give me a sign, I won't even won't even say anything just wanna know if you're okay



Don't know where she is and even if I did, I never tell you I would never

She's a very dangerous individual

Never gave up on called you every night

For more infomation >> Stranger Things - Mike and Eleven (Kap Slap Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:55.


LA MIA SKIN CARE ROUTINE #1 - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> LA MIA SKIN CARE ROUTINE #1 - Duration: 10:06.



For more infomation >> CANLI YAYINDA 28 ADET ZULA DESTEK KASASINI KİM YOLLADI ? - Duration: 12:58.


Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.

Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas

For more infomation >> Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.


Candice Swanepoel fala sobre Russell James em evento na China | PT - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Candice Swanepoel fala sobre Russell James em evento na China | PT - Duration: 2:14.


1. Vasile Mardare - Floare și copac - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> 1. Vasile Mardare - Floare și copac - Duration: 4:51.


Are pre op charges generally done in office setting? - Duration: 3:41.

Q: "Is the pre op charges generally done in office setting?"

A: This is what I found on that subject.

It was a general question so I had to guess what they're really asking, so I'm going to

assume that they're talking about either the history and physical that's done prior to

the surgery or sometimes it's that pre-op clearance visit that might be being done by

a cardiologist if the patient has heart problems, that sort of thing.

Pre-op services can include the history and physical usually done a day or two beforehand

- because they're trying to make sure everything is OK with the patient, they don't have a

flu all of a sudden, they're about to go into surgery, that would be a "no-no."

But that H&P per the guidelines is bundled into the surgery code, so the surgeon cannot

bill for the H&P, it's part and parcel of the CPT code that they're going to report.

Here's where it says it in the surgery guidelines.

It says: "The services provided by the physician to any patient by their very nature are variable.

The CPT codes that represent a readily identifiable surgical procedure thereby include, on a procedure-by-procedure

basis, a variety of services.

In defining the specific services 'included' in a given CPT surgical code, the following

services are always included in addition to the operation per se:"

So, when you see the CPT code and the definition to the right of it, there's a lot more that's

included in the guidelines.

It tells you all of this is also included: local infiltration.

Meaning, getting the area prepped.

It could be doing that initial topical numbing, sort of thing.

This is the key, this bullet here that we're talking about.

"Subsequent to the decision for surgery, one related evaluation and management (E&M) encounter

on the date immediately prior to or on the date of procedure (including history and physical)."

So, that preop visit is included.

That subsequent to the decision for surgery, what that's about is, it could be months before,

it could be a week before, it depends on how urgent the situation is, you're probably going

to be talking with a physician and say "You know what, we really need to take care of

this surgically, let's get you scheduled."

That E/M visit is billable.

It's not the preop visit, so that's when you use that modifier 57.

That's a decision for surgery.

You probably don't need it if it was weeks before the surgery, but if it's on the day

of or the day before, then they're not going to pay it, when we say, "Oh, this is that

preop visit that's bundled in."

The modifier 57 tells you, "No, no, no, this is the E/M visit where we decided to do the


The next type of scenario, if your office is doing pre-op clearance maybe for lung or

cardiac concerns and there's medical necessity, that's key, and they're not the surgeon doing

the procedure, the surgery, then that visit can be billed as long as it's medically necessary.

That's what my research reveals.

A lot of times they're wanting to bill for this visit when it's actually bundled in.

So, hopefully that answered that.

We are good!

9:35 we're done with the pre-prepared questions.

After we give out the CEU information, we're going to go into questions from the chat.

But this is where you ask it on the CCO website, if you go to Contact CCO - Topic Request,

this is the form that will help create this Q&A webinar.

You can also ask questions in the Club, we get it from different sources but this is

our public page where you can ask us question and if you ask a question we try and let you

know once it's answered, "Hey, this was answered, here's the video clip" or whatever.

So, keep those questions coming.

It's free to the public, we answer questions for everybody.

We do give a little more priority to our club members, obviously.

Alicia: And if you don't know where it should be answered per se, it has a question, don't

worry you can leave that blank and we move them around where it would be the most appropriate.

For more infomation >> Are pre op charges generally done in office setting? - Duration: 3:41.


ADIDAS TELSTAR 18 OFFICIAL MATCH BALL (Bola Oficial do Mundial 2018) - UNBOXING 4K | FreeKicksPT - Duration: 3:22.

Hi guys! Here's FreeKicksPT!

And today we bring to you a special video

We're going to do the unboxing of Adidas TELSTAR 18 (Official version)

The ball of the World Cup 2018 (in Russia)

The Adidas Telstar 18 is the only ball that includes an NFC chip inside of it

And we can connect to it with our smartphone

And get access to EXCLUSIVE content from Adidas!

That's it! If you enjoyed this video give a "thumbs up"!

Subscribe our channel if you didn't do yet!

Turn ON notifications to know when we upload new videos

And follow us on social media

Especially in Facebook & Instagram

Now stay tuned because we'll test this ball

For more infomation >> ADIDAS TELSTAR 18 OFFICIAL MATCH BALL (Bola Oficial do Mundial 2018) - UNBOXING 4K | FreeKicksPT - Duration: 3:22.


paluten animation rewi ist t... - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> paluten animation rewi ist t... - Duration: 0:22.



Hello everyone!

Welcome to my channel!

I'm really sorry for disappearing,

I haven't uploaded videos for 3 weeks now

buuuuut some serious issues happened in my life

one of them is that i quit my job

basically my contract ended and

i decided to finish up with them.

annnnnnd i've got some new and exciting plans

I'm really thrilled and can't wait for them!


after all, things happened and I've been places in the last weeks

now I would like to talk about them

and about my great plans i'll talk next week!


let's see where i've been!

on the last weekend of October

we went to Italy

in Milan we slept one night

so we visited Milan in a day

which i believe was enough

it was gorgeous, i loved it, we ate delicious food

buuuut it didn't catch me

so i was already in Rome and other italian cities

i truly loved Rome! (shout out to my guys there! lovee u!)

Milan.. erm... wasn't a big deal

whatever, that wasn't really the case

but we went the other day to the Cinque Terre

which was a HUGE bucketlist dream for me

ever since i know about it

i wanted to go there for years

and it's not even that far tho

it's not like Thailand

so finally getting there

was incredible.. when a bucketlist dream come true...

when you're there and you can't really believe it

and it was great, i loved it

now i cut in here videos

like, i wasn't vlogging there exactly

saying where i was, which city are we in

so yeah i skipped the talking-part again..

but i made videos about the cities

i cut them here

we went thru all the 5 cities

since it's a sight of these 5 cities

our huge luck was that

the season ends at 1st November

so after the 1st November

it's not that they close it or something

but officially till then lasts all the touristy things

since we were there at the end of October

we were JUST in time

so luckily there weren't many tourists

but we had super weather!

since i moved from Kaprun

that's why i made

a shortcut of videos about my favourite place

from where there is a breathtaking view

alright, that's it for today

I'd like to apologise again why i was unable for 3 weeks

i had a lot to do, hadn't had time for video editing

and i didn't want to upload something that i don't really like

and that is not as quality as i'd have liked it to be

from now i'll have the time again for editing

so the videos will be coming!

and next week i'll be coming with my new plan!

that is really exciting and i can't wait for them!

if you haven't done it, please SUBSCRIBE

give this video a THUMBS UP, if you liked it

i haven't said them yet, but..


see you next week, byeee!

For more infomation >> COMING BACK FROM CINQUE TERRE! - Duration: 12:10.


Fazilet Hanım Ve Kızları / Fazilet Hanim And Her Daughters - Episode 24 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.

You are dying inside, aren't you? You locked them in with your own hands.

You locked your heart in, in fact. It's a done deal, Yağız Egemen, you have an undying love from now on.

You played with my self-confidence and self respect. You played with me.

God damn me!

You mother did it. The news that is consist of insults from top to bottom is your mother's doing, Ece.

Let it all begin, Ms. Fazilet. Game on!

That woman's real target is you, my daughter. She wants you to hurt your mother but at the end she'll hurt you.

What is that medicine for?

Stop it, Ms. Fazilet, stop! I am tired of feeling ashamed of my own mother.

That's it. Your daughters can be happy in their paradise without you now.

For more infomation >> Fazilet Hanım Ve Kızları / Fazilet Hanim And Her Daughters - Episode 24 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


Il Gallo della Salvia. - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Il Gallo della Salvia. - Duration: 2:22.


12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal - Duration: 11:49.

12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal

12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal

12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal

12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal

12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Respected sir and fellows! 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal There was dominance of gloom in whatever place. Regime of darkness, ignorance and hypocracy. Wine was drunk like water.12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Daughters were buried alive at birth, influentials ruled the weak. Slaves were treated in a way that we can't imagine today. 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Sir! To eliminate the gloom of darkness and ignorance, Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alayhe Wasallam came to this world.12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal He brought the treasure of faith. To remove hypocracy, he came as 'Truthful'. He came to eliminate wine. He came to restore the respect and dignity of women, the mother, daughter and sister. He came to free the slaves undergoing hardships and cruelties. With the advent of prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alayhe Wasallam, beams of brightness stretched across the world especially the land of Arab.12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Every thing swayed up. Trees, mountains and every thing else put heads in submission in your honor.12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came as a saviour for every human being. He came as blessing for people of Arab and rest of the world. He is the prophet whom all messengers of ALLAH wished to be follower of. How blessed we are to be his ummati (believer) since our birth. We got that by God which was the desire of all messengers of ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Taa'ala).12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal And why wouldn't one wish that? He will be the one to provide intercession on resurrection day. He will be the one to offer water from Hoz e Kausar. He will be the one to get his believers pardoned.12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal Subscribe To My Channel : Facbeook Page: Google+: YouTube Channel:

For more infomation >> 12 Rabi Ul Awal Speech In Urdu Rabi Ul Awwal In Urdu Part 2 Rabi Ul Awwal - Duration: 11:49.


Badluck or Goodluck - Duration: 7:43.

what's up guuuu...


shut upp !!

everything cool?

now it's exactly


and I most to be where?

at school

and why am I not there?

so today we are here for questions and answers

but before we start

this was a week full of badluck

to start


i was going to school relaxed on my car

listening to music

then a police stoped me

and asked me to take out the window tint of my car

I removed it without a problem

and I continue with my life

relaxed and peaced



when i brought my car to tint the window again

then what happens?

I'm not remenbering

never even saw it .. what day was it?

the guy who was putting the tint

with that thinf like a hairdryer

that warms the window

then he holds it too long

the window breaks


i was so angry

i was desispared

because I hadn't money for a new window

then he said the it was already broken

i said" no, my son if it was broken then you shouldn't have start with it

then after all

the store paid for my window

this was just the begining

there i just lost 150srd

with the tint

the store paid for the window but not the tint

then I went home

I woke up 6:00am to go school

the lessons starts 7:30am

listen good

I was thinking " it's too early "

i'll set another alarm


and I"will go relaxaed to school

take a shower 6:30am

I was dreaming

that I was eating a burger

when I was goingto take a bite

on thar big burger

i heared a voice calling me

and the voice was coming closer

and I was going up and the burger was desappearing

it was me grandmother calling me

asking me if I was not going to school


I looked to my phone and saw that it was


I woke up despair

from my house to the school

it's 40 min with car


then I took a shower quickly n went to school

then when I was in front of the school

my belly started to hurt me

hard and I can't to the toilet at school

then I went back home

to take a shit

it was already 8:00am

then I went back to school

it was a messege from god to stay home

but ok

when I came back to school

what happens?

I'm not remenbering

what day was it?

son of a bit**

it was really god

I was trying so hard to go school

and everytime was another thing that happens

then I said " no, it's better to stay home"

at that time I saw a light

that white light on me like a spotlight

calling me


but debie it's my family name

there is a lot of debie

debie bearded with big nouse

heyy it;s me

speak to me my god

do not


to school

but God I had to

shut up!

shut up and stay home

then I stayed

here am I

and to finish this badluck

I came here to record this video

and start with a music

I forget my charger of my leptop

and I cant even edit the video

and put the music at the beginning

but how I said it to you

Q & R

use #Coracaoforteresponte

comment the question on my video

the the hashtag

or the last photo of my instagram

or the last photo of my facebook

your question

then I'll answer

first question

debinho what"s your age?

the age isn't important

important is that I have my licence

next question

did u stopped fight?

so I'll tell you from the beginnen

telling everything

on my vacation I went to brasil

to visite my mother and train there

with the guys of WRTEAM

if you are wachting ,, enoiss

back to the point

went to train..

on vicosa Minas Gerais

but here in Suriname

it's very hot, I don't even have winter clothes

just for you to have an idea

and there was winter

it was very cold

and then when you to from here to there to train

your condition will not be that good anymore

because you ain't comforted with the temperature

and it will be harder to breath during the training

and because of that I went with my cousin

to do bike trail

we went at 8:00am

then what happend

i'm not remenbering

but how?

I never even see it

and we were done with the trail at 10:00am

and our lunch wasn't done yet

it was sunday

then I said " it;s too early, lets go jump some ramp

you are the man!

and I was with what?

i wasn't with bmx bike

i was with a mountain bike

big, with good breaks

with small seats

small and thin

my menn

when I jumped the ramp with that bike

I think that I forget how to jumped

when the bike landed

I hit my ass so hard

aauuu my anus

that small seats

with 2cm more I would lost my virginity of my ass


but I didn't get hurt

then turning back home

we were racing

going down on the mountains

because the ramp was at the top

I was racing

then on a curve i fell down like..

then what happend

is that I got a injury

and now I'm recovering yet

with a docter

so I can't train these day

next question

do you have tattoo?

i have one on my back

of nossa senhora aparecida

next question

how much languages do you talk?

you are crazy!!

you're very crazy

so this was it guys

the video of today

like it here

comment your questions

with #CoracaoforteResponde

on my last picture of

facebo of instagram

and here on the video

leave you questions

and I'll be here

answering the questions

like it

share it

e noiss


For more infomation >> Badluck or Goodluck - Duration: 7:43.


Miss Mondo 2017 è l'indiana Manushi Chhillar | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Miss Mondo 2017 è l'indiana Manushi Chhillar | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:15.


Angelus Leather Paint | Cust...

For more infomation >> Angelus Leather Paint | Cust...


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 1:00.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Business Edition R Connected - Duration: 1:00.


Water on the Ranch - Duration: 10:15.

Hi I'm Mike, according to Leonardo da Vinci water is the driving force of all nature and

at the same time it's the driving force of the ranch, without it we have no animals

and no crops.


Join me as we take a look at the cool refreshing side of the ranch with water, on our Wyoming


Life is simple, just add water.

On the ranch water is everything.

Cattle can survive for as long as sixty days with little or no food, but only seven days

without water, and it's even shorter in the hot summer months.

In any given mammal 60% of their body weight is made up in water, which constantly has

to be replenished and it's no different in cows.

A growing animal or a lactating cow needs two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body


A nonlactating cow or bull needs one gallon of water per 100 pounds of body weight.

So for an example, a cow with a calf will need close to 24 gallons of water per day

for themselves and another 5 to 10 gallons for their calf daily.

That's a lot of water.

On the ranch we consider our water consumption for animals to be about 5500 gallons per day

during the summer months.

The average bathtub holds about 40 gallons of water, so in one day in July or August,

the cows here on the ranch would drink almost 140 bathtubs full of water.

That's if you let them in your bathroom, which luckily, we don't have to.

Spread out all over the ranch are a number of water supplies for the cows.

From stock tanks to reservoirs to creek bottoms, but none of these are an endless supply.

Like everything on the ranch, control and management are required.

Just like managing the grasslands the cattle graze you have to oversee the water they drink.

It's a never-ending job because losing control of one resource could set the ranch into a

downward spiral that could end up being devastating.

Under the ground and maybe under you right now, is water, in underground aquifers.

These aquifers can found anywhere from a few feet to up to 30,000 feet deep.

Some come up through the ground naturally in natural springs but for a majority of the

water around here you have to drill.

Drilling a new water well will cost you about $35 per foot and there isn't really a guarantee

of how deep you will have to drill.

We have 2 wells on the ranch that are only about 35 feet deep, others that are about

300 and a deep well that is drilled to 680 feet.

Even though they are within miles of each other the depths differ greatly and the reason

behind that is the water table.

The water table is the top level of water found underground in the cracks and spaces

in soil, sand and rock.

It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called


Ground water fills these aquifers by soaking into the ground from rain and snow and is

a renewable resource , as long as you have rain and snow, which there is no guarantee

of in these parts.

Run off from rain and melting snow can also fill reservoirs but will eventually soak back

into the ground unless the bottom of the pond or reservoir is below the water table.

Like every resource here on the ranch, renewable or not, water is very valuable and requires

supervision and water management starts right here at the hydrant.

We have 6 water wells spread across the ranch, each producing water that animals drink.

Hydrants are normally used to fill stock tanks.

Our average stock tank measures 10 feet around and 2 feet deep, each holding about 1000 gallons

of water.

Each pasture the cattle graze has at least one stock tank in it.

Cattle will generally only travel about a mile from any given water source, so our goal

on the ranch is to make sure that water is available in strategic locations throughout


This ensures equal and even grazing of the grassland and in some cases, we will even

move water tanks and fill them with the fire truck to move cattle to better grazing areas.

All summer long it is important to make sure that stock tanks are always full and that's

where floats come into play.

A float is hooked up to a water hydrant and in turn attached to a stock tank.

The float regulates the water flowing into the tank and when the water is full it will

shut off the flow of water, keeping the tank full while at the same time, keeping it from


They work great, in the summer, but as the temperature falls and eventually lands below

zero they will freeze and become useless.

Managing water in the summer and water in the winter can be as different as night and


During the summer we utilize windmills rather than electric wells to pump water to the ranch


These windmills are old and require constant maintenance and upkeep to keep them running


During the winter the upkeep on an old fashioned windmill can become overwhelming due to high

winds and freezing temperatures.

So in the winter the windmills are shut down, floats are disconnected and all watering is

done by hand.

Filling each tank and making sure they don't overflow and make a huge mess.

A stock tank that overflows actually becomes a hazard to cattle as the water will sit on

the frozen ground, and then eventually freeze itself creating a sheet of ice that cows can

slip and fall on.

During winter all the cows and other livestock is kept pretty close to home, mostly for easy

feeding but also for easy watering.

Because we use electric water wells in the winter having all the stock tanks near the

main ranch saves time and money.

Animals are also separated during this time of year.

Cows in one pasture, bulls in another, heifers off by themselves and steers and horses in

their own corrals as well.

All these separated living conditions require their own water and everyday we check and

fill 5 different stock tanks, one or two for each group.

Another addition to the tanks in the winter are stock tank heaters.

1500 watt electric heaters that either float or sit in the water to keep it from freezing,

until the temperature gets too low.

In larger tanks even the heaters cant keep up and a tool that will will bring with us

everyday will be a hatchet to break ice so the animals can get in.

A new challenge this year is Erin's winter gardens.

This is our first year growing in the winter and almost all of the irrigation for gardens

runs above ground.

Which means that getting water to the gardens through our normal irrigation system is impossible

in the winter due to freezing.

The only way to combat this is to use a portable water tank and fill it and take it to the

garden when she needs to water, then using a small pump she can apply water to her plants.

Water on the ranch is always a challenge, and just when you think things are going fine

that's when you come out and find a broken water line.

Never and easy fix but a lot easier to fix when your fingers aren't wet and frozen.

This is the water line to the chickenhouse and this morning after a cold night that got

down into the teens, I found that my electric heat tape that I usually count on to keep

the line from freezing had failed.

The big problem with broken water lines is that you never know that they are broken until

they thaw and by then you have a mess to fix.

But after a quick trip to town for parts its just a matter of fixing the broken section

of pipe.

Then replacing the defective heat tape and hoping that it holds out.

Every rancher I know is part vet, part environmentalist, part plumber and part crazy, it's a life

that you either love or you hate but in the end its all about being here next year and

the year after that and hopefully passing something down to our kids that is worth having,

loving and respecting.

Water is everywhere, and without it this would be straight whiskey and like a good whiskey,

water shouldn't be taken for granted.

I'm going to sit here and hydrate myself.

If you'd like to join the herd and become a ranch hand yourself, make sure you click

that subscribe button and join us on a journey through hard work, dedication and sometimes

disappointment but when the day is done, we can all look back and say that there are no

limits to what we can achieve.

Quick side note, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook and Instagram

this week.

It was a little overwhelming and a whole lot humbling but because I couldn't reply to

everyone, I just want to say thank you.

Have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Water on the Ranch - Duration: 10:15.


Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.

Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas

For more infomation >> Kathy's 16′ x 28′ Tiny Cottage in Texas | Great Small House Design - Duration: 3:21.


Аниме приколы под музыку #111 | "Ум они такие большие и упругие!!!" - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку #111 | "Ум они такие большие и упругие!!!" - Duration: 5:39.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


paluten animation rewi ist t... - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> paluten animation rewi ist t... - Duration: 0:22.


「Nightcore」→ Selena Gomez vs Justin Bieber (Switching Vocals) - - Duration: 2:40.

Nightcore - Selena Gomezvs Justin Bieber (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Selena Gomez vs Justin Bieber (Switching Vocals) - - Duration: 2:40.


Sofi Tukker - F*ck They (Jinco Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:30.

♪ I don't give a fuck about they ♪

♪ Oh, they put me up and me down ♪

♪ Tie on me slowly ♪

♪ After that, after they ♪

♪ Nothing is holy ♪

♪ Play the freak, pray for weeks ♪

♪ Smooth out my body ♪

♪ 'Cause after all ♪

♪ Deep down, underworld ♪

♪ Don't disrupt we got ♪

♪ All these rules that everyone keep making up ♪

♪ Who the fuck is they?

I wanna meet with them ♪

♪ I wanna be real nice, I wanna be their friend ♪

♪ We gonna get real close, we gonna laugh all night ♪

♪ We gonna have a moment that we say goodbye ♪

♪ I don't give a fuck about they ♪

♪ (I don't give a fuck about they) ♪

♪ Oh my ♪

♪ What a time, what a vibe ♪

♪ And we are hardly, hardly beginning ♪

♪ Oh, this party ♪

♪ We got us, we got they, we got an army ♪

♪ Oh, 'cause we know ♪

♪ Deep down, underworld ♪

♪ Don't disrupt we got ♪

♪ All these rules that everyone keep making up ♪

♪ Who the fuck is they?

I wanna meet with them ♪

♪ I wanna be real nice, I wanna be their friend ♪

♪ We gonna get real close ♪

♪ We gonna laugh all night ♪

♪ We gonna have a moment that we say goodbye ♪

♪ I don't give a fuck about they ♪

♪ (I don't give a fuck about they) ♪

♪ (I don't give a fuck about they) ♪

♪ (I don't give a fuck about they) ♪

♪ (I don't give a fuck about they) ♪

For more infomation >> Sofi Tukker - F*ck They (Jinco Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:30.


Most SHOCKING Things Found In Your Favorite Foods! - Duration: 11:21.

From venomous arachnids to human body parts, here are 11 shocking things found in people's

favorite foods!


Black Widow

Boston resident Jorge Fuertes purchased a bag of Anthony's brand red seedless grapes

from a Whole Foods Market.

Later, when he and his twenty-year-old son took a lunch break, they saw something strange

in the bag.

According to Fuertes, the bag was full of spider webs and between the grapes they could

see a spider.

As they inspected the bag, at least two more spiders crawled out, both black, shiny, and

with the distinctive red hourglass.

Yes, their bag of grapes contained black widows.

These spiders, however, are rarely deadly.

Their neurotoxic venom is extremely painful, though, causing muscle cramps, vomiting, and


Of course, Fuertes reported his find.

Bags of Anthony's brand grapes were pulled from the shelves of that store and the grocery

store chain immediately began inspecting all produce.

A spokesman for Whole Foods Market assured the public that they take every precaution

to inspect produce but that spiders were "part of the natural environment where grapes are


And now for number 10 but first be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the latest


For those of you who are already subscribed, welcome back!!


Frozen Frog

When we open a bag of frozen veggies, we don't expect to find a stowaway.

In 2010, Marty Hoffman opened a bag for her dog.

The Hoffman's dog was on a special meat-and-vegetable diet to help with a skin condition.

When she dumped out the bag, she saw something frozen that she at first thought was a weird

looking asparagus.

However, on closer inspection, she discovered it was a frog!

The Hoffmans contacted the FDA, who didn't respond as quickly as the family would have


I mean, who are you supposed to call when you find something weird in your food??They

then reported their find to a local newspaper columnist, who in turn contacted the grocery

store chain.

That brand name of frozen vegetable was immediately pulled from shelves and inspected.

No other frogs, though, were found and the whole incident was put down as a fluke.

Supposedly, the FDA eventually got around to inspecting the factories where the vegetables

were processed, but there's no word on what they found.

Rumors spread that the family intended to sue or capitalize on the viral event.

However, the Hoffman family denied those rumors and say they still shop at the store where

they bought the frozen vegetables.

After all, what's a tiny frozen frog going to do to you?


A Condom

In the late '90s, a customer named William Smith ordered two Big Macs, fries, and a drink

in a mini-mall in Easton, Pennsylvania.

The first sandwich was fine but the second had a strange flavor.

Smith took off the bun to discover a condom in his sandwich.

What's more, the condom was reported later to be, quote, "degraded" because the Big

Mac had been warmed in a microwave.

Smith showed the sandwich to the manager, who brought out seven male workers.

None of the workers owned up to putting the condom in Smith's food, though they all

thought it was funny.

The manager gave him two coupons for free sandwiches.

Feeling ill later, he went to the hospital.

A police officer tried to confiscate the sandwich as evidence but the manager claimed she was

instructed by McDonald's headquarters not to turn it over.

William Smith tried to sue the company but the lawsuit was later dismissed.

This wouldn't be the last time a condom would be found in a McDonald's meal.

In 2009, a 7-year-old girl found a condom in her French fries.

The police investigated it and deemed the condom was a "health risk".

I think anyone with common sense could say that eating warmed up rubber clearly can't

be good for you.


A Mouse

Mice tend to turn up a lot in places they don't need to be.

One such place would be a loaf of bread.

In 2009, Oxfordshire resident, Stephen Forse, took out a loaf of Hovis Best of Both to make

sandwiches for his children.

He noticed a strange dark patch covering the corner of four slices.

At first thinking it was a defect from the baking process, he took a closer look and

realized it was a mouse.

More horrifyingly, the mouse was missing a tail.

Upon further investigation, no one could account for the tail.


Forse turned the loaf over to environmental health officers.

Friday Premier Foods, who make Hovis Best of Both, pled guilty for not properly inspecting

their food at all stages of production.

They were fined £5,500.

The Oxford Crown Court also ordered them to pay an additional £11,109.47 in costs.


Chicken Head

According to ABC News, a woman in Virginia found a fried, intact chicken head in a box

of wings in 2008.

The woman claimed she was just about to eat the chicken head when her 8-year-old son screamed

for her to stop.

It should be noted that another version of the story says the woman noticed it herself

when she was dishing out the food to her family.

A third version of the story says it was chicken nuggets and not chicken wings.

So clearly, this story has taken on a life of its own, or maybe it has just happened

to more people than we know and all their stories get confused!

Anyhoo, the manager offered her two weeks of free meals, which she declined.

She also tried to sue McDonald's for $100,000 but apparently was unsuccessful.

It looks like it's harder to sue McDonald's than you might think!

There are a few strange things about the story, however.

Some reports indicate the woman didn't allow the manager to inspect the food but instead

went to television stations right away.

Also, there are multiple stages in the processing of the chicken where it should have been noticed

that a chicken's head had snuck in with the wings.

In fact, the entire incident has the feel of an urban legend, especially since there

are multiple versions.

True or not, it's always a good idea to look at something before you bite into it.


Tongue-Eating Louse

One day in 2015, Zoe Butler of Nottingham opened a can of Princes tuna chunks for lunch.

Much to her surprise, she discovered a tiny round head with bulbous black eyes.

She took a picture of the critter and posted it to Twitter.

The Twitterverse exploded with people guessing at what it could be, with theories ranging

from tadpole to the head of a soft-shelled turtle.

It even earned it's own hashtag: #tunagate.

The British Museum of Natural History eventually swooped in with an answer.

The creature was a Cymothoa exigua, or tongue-eating louse.

This parasitic isopod, which lives in the Gulf of California, enters a fish through

the gills.

In most species of fish, the louse attaches to the tongue and drains blood from its victim.

However, with the rose snapper, the louse devours the entire tongue and replaces the

organ with its own body.

Canned fish company Princes, however, state that the head actually belongs to a small


Are they really going to argue with the British Museum??

Since Princes has a stake in making sure people keep eating their tuna, it's a little hard

to believe it was something so innocuous.

Butler refused any form of compensation, saying she just wanted to know what it was and to

make sure it didn't happen to anyone else.


Lizard's Head

Robin Sandusky, a theatrical agent living in Manhattan, ordered a salad from Guy & Gallard

on West 40th Street and had the meal delivered to her Chelsea office.

This, obviously, was something she did on a regular basis.

But on that day in 2014, she got an extra surprise in her kale salad: a lizard's head

and leg.

What's a little bit more horrifying is that she found the lizard after taking a few bites

from the salad.

According to Sandusky, it was "like 15" bites.

So maybe she was practically finished by the time she noticed it.

Sandusky sent the salad back and was given a full refund.

However, she refuses to eat there again.

Guy & Gallard later released a statement saying they were looking into the incident but the

damage is already done


A Live Scorpion

Earlier in 2017, a weatherman in Halifax named Nathan Coleman bought a bag of bananas from


He also got a bonus of a free live scorpion.

No one noticed the arachnid until Coleman unloaded the groceries.

His 11-year-old daughter saw something squirming in the plastic bag.

Coleman, though, ignored his daughter.

Then, his wife went to put the bananas away and saw the scorpion.

Coleman placed another bag over the first and drove his creepy bundle to the Nova Scotia

Museum of Natural History.

Their response was to kill the creature and place it in alcohol.

According to Andrew Hebda, the museum's zoologist, this wasn't the first time a

scorpion arrived to the province in fruit.

He said everything from snakes to spiders come in annually in fruit shipments.

However, on a positive note, it means that fewer chemicals are being sprayed on crops.

Costco reportedly is looking into the matter.

Once again, check your produce before you take a bite!


Pepsi Frog

Another frog where he really shouldn't be.

Fred DeNegri of Ormond Beach, Florida decided to drink a Pepsi while grilling dinner for

himself and his wife.

However, the first sip he took told him that something was terribly wrong.

It tasted rank with a slimy, thick texture.

He shook out the contents and discovered a disgusting substance that resembled "pink

linguini" with "dark stuff".

He sent the contents to be tested by the FDA, who said it was most likely a frog or toad,

that had disintegrated because of the acidic nature of the beverage.

Jaydee Hardee, a policy analyst at the Center for Food Safety in Washington, D.C., claimed

that processing plants have frequent problems with animals getting into the production facilities.

The FDA inspected the facility where the can was processed.

However, they did not find any problems at the site.

No one is sure how the frog came to be in the can.


Severed Finger

In 2005, a woman named Anna Aayala claimed she found a severed finger in her cup of chili

from a Wendy's in San Jose.

Subsequently, the chain lost over 21 million dollars in revenue over the resulting scandal.

Detectives later learned that it was all a scam.

There was really a finger in the chili.

Aayala's husband, Jaime Plascencia, obtained the digit from a coworker who lost it in an

industrial accident.

Both Aayala and Plascencia pleaded guilty to conspiracy to file a false insurance claim

and attempted grand theft.

Aayla cried in court, claiming she had merely had a moment of bad judgment.

She and her husband were both sentenced to 12 years in prison.

However, Aayala was released after nine years but with a condition.

She was not allowed to ever go to a Wendy's again.


Serrated Knife

This time it is not an animal.

Somehow, some way, a 6-inch serrated knife was baked into a loaf of bread at a New York

City Subway.

When 27-year-old John Agnesini went to take another bite of his 12-inch cold-cut sub,

he found the knife between his teeth.

Luckily, it was the melted plastic handle and not the blade.

Agnesini claims the knife did not injure him.

However, about three hours later, he became violently ill and a doctor diagnosed him with

food poisoning.

It's possible that contaminants from the handle of the knife seeped into his sandwich,

from which he had taken a few bites before reaching the knife.

Agnesini took Subway to court and received a settlement of $20,000.

Thanks for watching!

Have you ever found anything weird in your food?

Let us know in the comments below!

Be sure to subscribe if you haven't already and see you next time!


For more infomation >> Most SHOCKING Things Found In Your Favorite Foods! - Duration: 11:21.


MrFr33zy™ Yo Yo Yo - Duos, Squads Fun Night -PUBG - Duration: 5:28:08.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ Yo Yo Yo - Duos, Squads Fun Night -PUBG - Duration: 5:28:08.


How we cook and eat at a festival - Rapalje (Cooking) Show #36 - Duration: 10:42.

In this video we show you how we cook and eat on a festival backstage

So David, William and Dieb are going to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for us

Now David and I will show you how we make breakfast

on the Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum in Germany

We had a very nice accommodation like you saw on the other video

But now we're going to make breakfast and David is heating up the oven

And we're going to bake some bread

Bake the rye hardrolls in the oven (as instructed on the packaging)

and make sure to speed up the instructed time

because you are as impatient as David

Meanwhile put some butter in the pan, throw in the bacon

(1 slice per person if you are a poor musician as we are)

and the eggs

Add salt and pepper to taste

Bake on two sides and add some cheese

(also just a bit; we have to watch our figure apparently)

Slice open the bread, add the bacon-egg-cheese and enjoy!

And after this late breakfast, William is going to prepare the dinner

And he has to do this right before we go on stage

so if something happens during this cooking adventure

he has to deal with it on stage..

And now you see that whatever happens backstage, it doesn't matter because the show will go on

And you got a comment from Lovely Lych that she really liked the video

And she writes: I like the behind the scenes things like traveling to the festival,

the atmosphere there, the food and stuff, a day in your life so to speak

So I hope you like this video and we show you as much as possible

So now it's time for lunch and Dieb is making some scrambled eggs

and the trick here is to add an extra egg yolk to it

Make scrambled eggs like you're used to

but use 1 extra egg yolk; you won't be disappointed!

And make sure to take your time;

good scrambled eggs are made with love and patience.

And now David will show you how he prepares toasties for us

And also this recipe is in our descriptions

For the toast, first butter the bread

and top it with some cheese

(lots of cheese actually)

and put another buttered bread on top

Then put them in the already heated pan

Make sure to press the bread often

to help it get burned a bit faster

flip it over and repeat.

Don't take it out too early it needs to be nice and black

so that when you put it on a plate

you can scrape off the burned bits

and serve it to a good friend

In this case; André from Saor Patrol

So right after the concert

we all wanted to eat and everybody's helping out with preparing the food

So, we're going to try the food from William right now

It's a Cabbage stew



Garbage stew

We're missing a spoon

Haa! Haa?



Sausage for the girls. Girls like sausage

They do

More sausage

Boys like sausage as well

Some boys do

Enjoy - Oh, it's really hot

Ahm! Thank you very much, William

This is great - Yes, thanks a lot!

Oh, it's so good

The recipe will be in the descriptions

Flies and all other things

The T-shirt I'm wearing right now is from this festival

where we are cooking our breakfast, lunch and dinner

And it's called Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum

And of course you can see

some trailers

and movies in our Rapalje T-shirt playlist

So be easy free and I'd like to meet you as a subscriber

on our YouTube channel and in the comments

For more infomation >> How we cook and eat at a festival - Rapalje (Cooking) Show #36 - Duration: 10:42.


Healthy Options For This Year's Thanksgiving Dinner - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Healthy Options For This Year's Thanksgiving Dinner - Duration: 5:41.


Quick Tip 01: How To Record & Edit Voice Samples [TUTORIAL] - Duration: 5:31.

Hello there guys and girls,

with this video I wanna start yet another series called "Quick Tips".

These are just some very short tutorials with a few key infos which wouldn't really be

worth making a full length workshop about.

That way I wanna keep helping you making your machinima visions come true.

In the first video I wanna offer you some insight on the voice acting and voice editing

part of your machinima.

This is something many creators don't know anything about at all, which is too bad because

it is essential to how convincing your movie will be.

I'm making this video because Corman Brusco asked an intriguing question on Twitter.

So thanks again for the inspiration!

Please put on your headphones for this video now.

You may proceed.

Let's start with the basics: You should get a good microphone.

If you record with a headset or a built in notebook mic you're gonna have a bad time.

If you really wanna have good audio quality for low budget, check out the Audio Technica


It's a USB microphone which I've been using for at least seven years now and it

still works fine.

It delivers amazing audio quality for only a hundred bucks.

If you can, you should get a pop filter on top of that.

You could even go out with your notebook and use it to record your own ambient sounds.

I use Audacity to record voice samples, the download link is in the description.

In this software you can change the input volume very easily.

When voice acting, make sure that you don't go over 0 decibels because then your audio

gets clipped which sounds awful.

So it's best to record quiet and loud parts of a character's voice separately with different

input volumes.

Now you could already cut out the takes you don't like so the file size will be lower.

I usually leave everything in so I have something for my outtakes videos.

When you're done recording you can export the file as a WAV.

Don't use MP3 here because your audio is gonna get compressed.

Then you import the WAV file into your editing program.

I have prepared three little scenes here.

Because the voice you have recorded now is far from perfect for your video.

If you do have a proper microphone your voice will have too much bass which you need to


Just drag a parametric equalizer onto your voice clip and cut out the lower frequencies.

This is because the only voices that should have more bass are the ones that speak from

off the scene, so that the viewer instinctively knows it's a narrator and not a person on


Let me show you the difference here.

You can also use the equalizer to create a radio or phone effect if you cut out the low

and very high frequencies and raise the middle ones.

The next step is adding a reverb to the voice depending on the situation.

In the first scene our character is in a small room with hard walls, which means you should

use a short reverb time and a small room size.

You can drag these handles left and right to see what happens.

Down here you can decide how loud the reverb and the original signal should be in relation

to each other.

Let's have a listen.

Sounds way better than the original.

If you have a small room with a carpet and softer surfaces, the reverb should be shorter

and not as audible.

In this case you can increase the dampening so the reverb gets quieter a little faster.

Next up we have a big garage which is basically the same as the bathroom, only with a longer

reverb time, kinda like this.

You are free to experiment here.

If you go a step further and imagine a cathedral interior, you can really crank up these sliders.

In the third scene we are outdoors in the open and I don't think we're gonna need

much reverb here.

Nonetheless I like to have a slight reverb which is barely audible but gives the voice

a little more width since now it's missing bass.

The last thing I'm gonna talk about is positional audio, which isn't a necessity for beginners

but nice to have.

For instance if your character moves away from the camera you can use a little ramp

to decrease or increase the volume of a single voice clip.

Also you can change the stereo position of a voice clip, so if your character is moving

from left to right, you can keyframe the volumes for the left and right channel individually.

Let's listen.

You can do the same thing for any sound effect or music.

Of course for all the voice clips you must adjust the volumes so it suits well with the

rest of the sound effects and ambient sounds.

Again watch out that your master volume doesn't exceed 0 decibels.

As you can see this is fairly easy to do with a little practice.

But keep in mind that there is no quick recipe or preset for this kind of work, because every

voice you record is individual.

Some characters have deeper, bassy voices, others are pitched higher.

You need to open your ears to really comprehend if the audio fits the video.

Because sound design is 50% of a movie.

And that's about it for this quick tip.

If you have any questions, just hit me up in the comment section.

Thank you for watching, whanowa over

For more infomation >> Quick Tip 01: How To Record & Edit Voice Samples [TUTORIAL] - Duration: 5:31.


Absolutely Beautiful Private Residence Guest House and Garage - Duration: 3:04.

Absolutely Beautiful Private Residence Guest House and Garage

For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Private Residence Guest House and Garage - Duration: 3:04.


Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 14:22.

Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves

Commuter a controversy a driver put on blast by the Fort Bend County Sheriff

this is a very quiet community a very family-oriented County and many people

are offended by the language driving while anti-trump a photo now going viral

and prompting an internet debate over free speech the sheriff would like to

find that driver ingestion tonight we did you'll hear from her shortly but

first the debate many of you are giving us your input on our KPRC Facebook page

right now here's how it is escalated over the past few hours at 3:30 11:00

shares and hundreds of likes at 4:30 the number of shares soared well past 100

and at 5:30 this evening that number even higher Venetia rasta

joining us live from Fort Bend County where sheriff Troy nails is standing by

his decision to post that picture Anusha build Oh Monique Sheriff Nels

tells us that he understands the message on the sticker is protected under the

First Amendment of the United States Constitution but he argues it could

potentially cause a violent confrontation in the streets a sticker

on a truck seen in Fort Bend County with an offensive term against President

Trump and those who voted for him is prompting law enforcement to step in the

big question should law enforcement get involved the fact that it offends people

doesn't mean that anybody particularly law enforcement has the right to act as

a censor attorney and channel 2 legal analyst Brian Weiss tells us this

sticker with the f-word against Trump and his voters is protected under the

First Amendment of the Constitution in fact Weiss cites a 1971 US Supreme

Court case Cohen versus California a man wears a jacket in a courthouse with the

F word about the draft and United States Supreme Court said that that four-letter

word as it regards the draft could not be the basis for a breach of

the peace citation any more in my estimation than this could be the basis

of a disorderly conduct charge in a post on Facebook for Penn County Sheriff Troy

Nels posted a picture of the truck and the sticker saying in part quote our

prosecutor informed us she would accept disorderly conduct charges regarding it

but I feel we could come to an agreement regarding a modification to it I want to

reach out to the owner of the truck and just say hey listen the last thing we

need to do is see anyone you have any type of confrontation over the language

on your truck the thing is very disrespectful to the president and I

don't agree with that they should be removed they can say what they want but

I don't like the cuss words on it I don't think people are offended and if

they are they just need to take a deep breath change the channel

drive by the car and get on with their lives and the ACLU of Texas responded to

sheriff Troy Nels Facebook post about the truck sticker saying quote sheriff

Troy emails constitutional law 101 you can't ban speech just because it has the

f-word in it hey truck owner feel free to contact the ACLU of Texas

reporting live in Fort Bend County tonight a new show Rasta KPRC Channel 2

News and just within the past 30 minutes we found that driver turns out it's a

woman and she lives in Fort Bend County let's go live now to our Sophia

Beausoleil with that drivers reaction to all of this

Sofia well the driver told me she and her husband put this sticker on the back

of their white truck about a year ago and she says she's surprised by all the

noise of it she says because they've had it up there for quite some time now she

says she and her husband put it on the back of the truck because they want to

express how they felt in regards to the presidential election and when it comes

to the political climate of the country she says it's her First Amendment right

and she says she's received different types of reactions but she explained to

us most of them have been positive and her highs

I thought the whole thing was just totally crazy it's been on there for

such a long time and we have so much positive out of it that more positive

that outweighs the negative Caryn Fonseca says she's a mother of 12

children and coming up at 10 o'clock or and hear more from her in regards to

this sticker about 24 hours the sheriff after the sheriff posted the photo of

the truck on Facebook the driver has been arrested as we first reported at 5

o'clock the charge is unrelated to that truck decal but now new at six we are

hearing from the woman's husband our Roseanne Aragon just spoke to him right

outside the jail Roseanne that's right detectives arrested her for

fraudulent use or possession of identifying information the husband says

he has no idea what that's about but he says it is quite a coincidence spin my

misery inhale all kinds of stuff Miguel Fonseca never thought he'd be here

trying to bail his wife out of jail his wife is Karen Fonseca the woman who's

been the face of this controversial anti-trump decal on her truck my wife

called me she's the one that called me told me that they're coming to pick her

up because about something that she did I guess in like 2015 2016 Miguel says

detectives came to their home around 1:30 this afternoon

just hours after we spoke with her it's been more overwhelming it's people are

stopping and wanting to shake your hand asking to take pictures with you the

truck and they're just like go for what stand behind what you're standing behind

nobody can stop you detectives told him they had a warrant for her arrest since

August this arrest came just a day after Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy nails

posted this saying she could be charged today the sheriff deleted the post the

DA's office said charges in this situation would not be accepted her

husband today is questioning the timing I guess the sticker is causing a lot of

problems but as I said yesterday it's gonna stay up there no matter what now

to the story that just continues to have more twists and turns all stemming from

a controversial anti-trump decal on a truck this quickly became national news

after the 4-pin County Sheriff posted that picture on Facebook on Wednesday

since then the owner of the truck has been found

and then arrested on an unrelated warrant Channel 2 reporter Ryan Coors

guard live in Fort Bend County where people are trying to keep up with all

the developments in this one Ryan and when she was arrested here she told us

she had no earthly idea of why tonight we have a clearer picture when Karen

Fonseca left the Fort Bend County Jail on Thursday night she said she had no

idea that there was a warrant out for her arrest

Fonseca believes the arrest is in retaliation for her offensive sticker on

her truck related to President Donald Trump fort benton county sheriff troy

nails told KPRC two that this was not the case i've never even known i had one

court documents show she is accused of fraud and possessing identifying

information in 2014 the case was filed in july of this year with an arrest

warrant issued in August deputies arrested Fonseca yesterday

Rosenberg police say the warrant is out of their Department which did not

contact the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office about that warrant instead the

police said the sheriff's office served the warrant on its own

Rosenberg police said that they would have served their own warrant I want to

reach out to the owner of the truck on Wednesday the sheriff posted a picture

online of the sticker on the truck the sheriff removed that post after the

trucks owner was identified at his office received threats sheriff nails

said that he did not know Fonseca however he confirmed she worked in the

county jail from 2014 to 2015

I think it's crazy the way it's all abroad - of attention after it's been

here for almost 11 months on there I thought that was crazy as well I was

working and I got a couple of calls through messenger people that don't even

know my number look at look at Facebook I said I don't

have the time they're like but you're being one and I said for what because of

your sticker and they were laughing and I'm like oh wow that's crazy look I

really have to get back to work so what I had a chance to look at it I thought

the whole thing was just totally crazy it's been on there for such a long time

and we have so much positive out of it that more positive that outweighs the


I do feel like it because why would I mean he is a sheriff he has every means

he he went ahead posted the license tag you could pull that up and contact me on

your own or show up I mean look y'all don't know me y'all

found me he could have done that at the same time I feel it is an evasion of

privacy and everything else because it put me on his Facebook page is a blast

like I said I feel like he could he has every means he could have just called me

on or showed up over here and talked to me on a personal level the the reasons

that he has for it is because of people's opinions about their children

etc I understand the actual tall children of my own at the same time what

we have on the back of the truck is nothing compared to what you see every

day on the music video see on TV and these kids playing on their games Call

of Duty etc this is nothing unless you're gonna put your kids in a bubble

you can't blame it on your children

that's my point that's my husband he put it on there but me and him support that

we both went together to get it enlarged and put it on we've all supported a

hundred percent I feel the president is more of an

entrepreneur he's a person to go ahead and use his money not not a political

figure almost since he'd been elected president before that we had a different

truck last year when people were voting for Trump and we had a small sticker

that said F Trump on it our truck was stolen in December when we bought this

new truck we went and got this a large one and put it on and we've been driving

it and we've got stopped by numerous officers and at the same time I'm like

they're gonna give me a ticket okay if you can show me in the law book where

you can give me a ticket they couldn't find a coach they couldn't there is no

law against freedom of speech in Texas do you feel like there's a certain irony

where you know the government's trying to tell you what to do yet at the same

time the other side may be against the government I don't think it's the

government I think it's the sheriff at one point on his own because he said

he's had numerous calls well saw of multiple police departments and I'm not

going to name them that have told me to have had multiple calls but the same

time they stopped me and shake my hand and say there's nothing we can do about

it there's no law against it but he wants to take into his hand put on a

public page there is no law I don't think the government is not contacted me

he's the one that blasted it not them I wouldn't change it I'm gonna leave it

there's no law that's telling me that I came my husband yes if he could be here

he's at work but I have a smaller demeanor than he does see what go ahead

and say things that you can't post but he would not change it I guarantee and

no I haven't not personally no no he has not I have not reached out to him when I

was contacted about it I work in the vehicle so I'm in it all day long all

day until four o'clock I came off duty on my in my truck he nobody reached out

to me but I've looked at posts here and there but someone you are popping up I

can't even keep up with it and I think he dug yourself as a hole in it to bring

it up because first of all to go ahead and find the prosecutor that's going to

go ahead and give me a charge for disorderly conduct when there's not a

law against it how can you do that contact I can contact the District

Attorney's Office I can I can guarantee you they're going to say that he's in

the wrong you worried and feel free to drive your

truck no I'm not I've been driving it all day I'll continue to drive it I've

Drive it multiple times i-i've it all the time on a daily basis

I'm not fearful at all there's too much positive and it makes

people smile they honk their horn they give you a thumbs up there is some

negativity I won't say that because we're a diversified community there's

some negativity but the positivity out waves the negativity

I really don't know what the reasons are for him doing this the only thing I can

think of is like he said that he's had numerous phone calls that warranted him

but at the same time why would you post it on your Facebook page reach out you

have the means to reach out to trace that license tag number and that's one

thing I did not like why would you post my license tag number out there for the

because there is some people that do not like it why would you put me it's like a

violation of my rights as well not since this post know I have had cuts people

contact me in parking lots somebody handed me a $50 bill today and said keep

going with what you're going and I saw this on Facebook and a lot of positive

no negative today

For more infomation >> Texas Sheriff Sees F*ck Trump Sign On Mexican's Truck Owner Gets What She Deserves(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 14:22.


Thor & Loki || Dynasty - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Thor & Loki || Dynasty - Duration: 2:13.


ASMR Water Sounds, shaking, spraying, Bottle tapping | GigiASMR - Duration: 16:48.

ASMR Water Sounds, shaking, spraying, Bottle tapping


For more infomation >> ASMR Water Sounds, shaking, spraying, Bottle tapping | GigiASMR - Duration: 16:48.


Are pre op charges generally done in office setting? - Duration: 3:41.

Q: "Is the pre op charges generally done in office setting?"

A: This is what I found on that subject.

It was a general question so I had to guess what they're really asking, so I'm going to

assume that they're talking about either the history and physical that's done prior to

the surgery or sometimes it's that pre-op clearance visit that might be being done by

a cardiologist if the patient has heart problems, that sort of thing.

Pre-op services can include the history and physical usually done a day or two beforehand

- because they're trying to make sure everything is OK with the patient, they don't have a

flu all of a sudden, they're about to go into surgery, that would be a "no-no."

But that H&P per the guidelines is bundled into the surgery code, so the surgeon cannot

bill for the H&P, it's part and parcel of the CPT code that they're going to report.

Here's where it says it in the surgery guidelines.

It says: "The services provided by the physician to any patient by their very nature are variable.

The CPT codes that represent a readily identifiable surgical procedure thereby include, on a procedure-by-procedure

basis, a variety of services.

In defining the specific services 'included' in a given CPT surgical code, the following

services are always included in addition to the operation per se:"

So, when you see the CPT code and the definition to the right of it, there's a lot more that's

included in the guidelines.

It tells you all of this is also included: local infiltration.

Meaning, getting the area prepped.

It could be doing that initial topical numbing, sort of thing.

This is the key, this bullet here that we're talking about.

"Subsequent to the decision for surgery, one related evaluation and management (E&M) encounter

on the date immediately prior to or on the date of procedure (including history and physical)."

So, that preop visit is included.

That subsequent to the decision for surgery, what that's about is, it could be months before,

it could be a week before, it depends on how urgent the situation is, you're probably going

to be talking with a physician and say "You know what, we really need to take care of

this surgically, let's get you scheduled."

That E/M visit is billable.

It's not the preop visit, so that's when you use that modifier 57.

That's a decision for surgery.

You probably don't need it if it was weeks before the surgery, but if it's on the day

of or the day before, then they're not going to pay it, when we say, "Oh, this is that

preop visit that's bundled in."

The modifier 57 tells you, "No, no, no, this is the E/M visit where we decided to do the


The next type of scenario, if your office is doing pre-op clearance maybe for lung or

cardiac concerns and there's medical necessity, that's key, and they're not the surgeon doing

the procedure, the surgery, then that visit can be billed as long as it's medically necessary.

That's what my research reveals.

A lot of times they're wanting to bill for this visit when it's actually bundled in.

So, hopefully that answered that.

We are good!

9:35 we're done with the pre-prepared questions.

After we give out the CEU information, we're going to go into questions from the chat.

But this is where you ask it on the CCO website, if you go to Contact CCO - Topic Request,

this is the form that will help create this Q&A webinar.

You can also ask questions in the Club, we get it from different sources but this is

our public page where you can ask us question and if you ask a question we try and let you

know once it's answered, "Hey, this was answered, here's the video clip" or whatever.

So, keep those questions coming.

It's free to the public, we answer questions for everybody.

We do give a little more priority to our club members, obviously.

Alicia: And if you don't know where it should be answered per se, it has a question, don't

worry you can leave that blank and we move them around where it would be the most appropriate.

For more infomation >> Are pre op charges generally done in office setting? - Duration: 3:41.


Install Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Free) - Full Version - Duration: 3:59.

Hi. I'm Ivan. Welcome to my channel.

In this video, I'm going to tell you how to install Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.

Let's get started...

Please check the link in the description for downloading Adobe Photoshop CC 2018.

This is a complete version so you don't have to install crack/patch. Just follow the instructions in this video.

First, you must disable the internet connection.

Look at the internet icon on the taskbar.

Make sure that the internet connection has been disconnected.

You must disable the antivirus.

For example I use Smadav,

Find the icon of Smadav on the taskbar,

Right-click and select Disable Protection.

If you are using Windows 10,

You must disable Windows Defender as well.

Just type "Defender",

Click "Virus and Threat Protection",

Click "Virus and Threat Protection Settings',

Then select "Real Time Protection" to be disabled.

Next, extract the downloaded installation file.

Right-click then select "Extract Here".

Enter the password "".

Go to the installation file.

Extract the file again.

Right-click on AUTORUN then click 'Run As Administrator'.

Change the setting language by clicking the ENG button.

Uncheck the "Install as homepage".

Make sure that "Visual C++ Redistributable Package" is checked.

Then, click the install button.

If a box like this appears,

Click Default (change).

Select a location for the installation folder, C:\Program Files\Adobe.

Click Make New Folder.

Type "Adobe Photoshop CC 2018"

Click OK.

Then click Retry & wait until the installation is complete.

Now Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 can be used.

I think its enough.

Keep watching to my channel.

If you like this video, don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE.

See you in the next video.


For more infomation >> Install Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Free) - Full Version - Duration: 3:59.


Holiday Nights Winter Party & Going Out Outfit Try On Missguided Fashion Nova Beauty Fashion - Duration: 3:45.

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For more infomation >> Holiday Nights Winter Party & Going Out Outfit Try On Missguided Fashion Nova Beauty Fashion - Duration: 3:45.


Wltoys K989 1 28 Rc Drift Project Episode2 Neccessary Car Upgrades And Mods For Kyosho Mini Z Clone - Duration: 3:53.

hi guys thank you all for watching a new episode of how to DIY Rc of the

drift and upgrade modifications of the Wltoys 1/28 scale RC car turning it

into a proper drift car and the first five ways to improve the little car

handling and cooling is by softening up the shocks at the rear removing all the

clips and then adding one clip to the front shocks stiffen them up then the

second upgrade that you can make yourself is by using a tiny screw driver

to remove the ball joint and place it in top upper servo link and then you get a few

more degrees of turning those it used to be on the lower link and now we have

place it up to the maximum so this gives you a little bit more turning degrees

making your U-turn smaller and that's perfect for a drift car of course we like

that then upgrade number three is having zero toe angle at the rear and there used to

be a lot of play on those wheels so they can change in some toe in to toe out

and when they are toe in they are fighting each other in the corners one

way one wheel wants to stay in the corner the other one wants to

going out of the corner so it makes it very twisty when you want to drift

and going from one way and then convert to the other way making an 8 so

we added a rubber band over the axle then underneath the shock and over the

chassis plate again underneath the shock and again over the axle and that pulls

them to the rear making the angle almost zero tow and that's what you want

the fourth really necessary upgrade because this car is

really fast and got overheating problems luckily the ESC got overheating

temperature cut off and a voltage cut off but the

temperature cut off stops around 40 to 50 degrees Celsius this motor gets 40 to

50 degrees Celsius the chassis plate heats up and

gets really really warm and you can't touch this motor it burns your finger so

it's a pretty good way and cause the ESC is inside the receiver to remove one

screw so you can place the receiver all the way to the front and I have removed

the body pulse just give me an extra few millimeters

keeping the receive and ESC away from the motor so this is number

four and then the fifth upgrade isn't 25mm by two and

half centimeter five volt cooling fan that we can place right next to the

motor it fits in between the server and motor mount standoff so perfect fit it

cost me 30 cents on ebay bid auctions and then we got a $2.00 5v BEC it cost

me almost next to nothing but I've put the links down below it makes it

easy for you so you can buy this stuff so you know you got the correct stuff and now I

just have to hook on bolt everything on we're gonna place the back in the middle

top plate so for balance purposes but the rest is going to be a really good

drifter except one-sixth necessary upgrade that we have to make and that's

locking the diff but they're gonna be a whole new video so I want to say thank

you all for watching I hope you like I subscribe so the next video that we

coming up locking the diff and make you some few more upgrades & modifications to make it a

proper drift car and if you did not like it and give the thumbs down I'm gonna say

goodbye until next time

For more infomation >> Wltoys K989 1 28 Rc Drift Project Episode2 Neccessary Car Upgrades And Mods For Kyosho Mini Z Clone - Duration: 3:53.


BREAKING: 70's Child MEGASTAR Hospitalized In CRITICAL Condition… It Doesn't Look Good - Duration: 1:44.

Teenage heart throb David Cassidy, best known for his role as "Keith Partridge" in the

hit TV series the "Partridge Family" is reportedly suffering from multiple organ failure

at a Florida hospital, his rep confirmed to several media outlets Saturday, Fox News reports.

Cassidy, 67, was admitted to the unidentified facility earlier this week.

The "Partridge Family" star was admitted to a Florida hospital three days ago and is

suffering from multiple organ failure.

"This is true.

He is conscious now and surrounded by family," a rep for the 67-year-old confirmed to Page

Six following a report that the singer's health is rapidly deteriorating.

The singer is suffering from kidney failure and needs a liver transplant, TMZ reported.

Cassidy's health has been in decline for more than two months, and his family has been

told to prepare for the worst, according to the report.

Cassidy revealed earlier this year that he has been suffering from dementia.

He has also been open about his struggles with alcohol and drug addition.

In February, Cassidy revealed to PEOPLE Magazine that he was battling dementia after he stuggled

to remember song lyrics and fell off the stage at a show in California.

"I was in denial, but a part of me always knew this was coming," Cassidy said at the


"I want to focus on what I am, who I am and how I've been without any distractions."

Cassidy has also battled substance abuse issues and went to rehab in 2014.

We wish him the best.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 70's Child MEGASTAR Hospitalized In CRITICAL Condition… It Doesn't Look Good - Duration: 1:44.


Stranger Things - Mike and Eleven (Kap Slap Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 2:55.

If you're up there say something or give me a sign, I won't even won't even say anything just wanna know if you're okay



Don't know where she is and even if I did, I never tell you I would never

She's a very dangerous individual

Never gave up on called you every night

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