Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2017

muhammad salla will leave liverpool for real madrid before long according to

former egypt star meadow salad joined Liverpool in the summer and had been on

fire this season his double yesterday made him the premier league's top

goalscorer with nine goals Liverpool paid a club record thirty-nine million

pounds to Roma for salad this summer and he has already been linked with Atletico

Madrid this term but Mita believes he could be heading to the European

champions and in a series of tweets Vito said congratulations to a 22 masala on

becoming Egyptian to score the most goals in Europe and still got plenty to

come I remember when the Liverpool fans made fun of me when I said three years

ago the cell is ten times better than Raheem Sterling well now they know I was

right keep going son at 22 masala got the mentality to keep playing at the top

level for many years and this is what we were all Egyptians are missing when we

had the chance to play in Europe I believe that Salah will not stay for

long at LFC soon he will be gone too at real mental and pound hala Madrid Jordan

Henderson has worn Liverpool's rivals the seller will get even better I just

want him to keep going and to be fair he hasn't took his foot off the gas

Henderson told Liverpool calm he's kept working hard in training scoring goals

working hard in games it's not just his goals it's his work rate as well which

helps us as a team he's been brilliant for all the season so far but he's got

to keep it going along with other players

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS !!! Mohamed Salah will quit Liverpool for Real Madrid - Duration: 2:21.


Ableton Live 10: What's New

For more infomation >> Ableton Live 10: What's New


Malore shock in diretta a Verissimo: paura in studio per Jeremias e la Toffanin | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Malore shock in diretta a Verissimo: paura in studio per Jeremias e la Toffanin | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:31.


Globo pode tomar decisão que põe a carreira de Luciano Huck e Angélica em risco - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Globo pode tomar decisão que põe a carreira de Luciano Huck e Angélica em risco - Duration: 2:27.


Sonia Abrão abre o jogo e diz que o público não cansou de sua cara - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Sonia Abrão abre o jogo e diz que o público não cansou de sua cara - Duration: 2:25.


A Fazenda 9: Você é garota de programa e eu não sei, diz Marcos para Monique Amin - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Você é garota de programa e eu não sei, diz Marcos para Monique Amin - Duration: 1:36.


A Fazenda 9: Yuri pede trégua entre Monique e Flávia: É bom vocês conversarem - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Yuri pede trégua entre Monique e Flávia: É bom vocês conversarem - Duration: 1:57.


Marcos diz que Flávia faz "VT de empregada doméstica" e critica público de A Fazenda 9 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Marcos diz que Flávia faz "VT de empregada doméstica" e critica público de A Fazenda 9 - Duration: 1:36.


A Fazenda: Yuri diz que Marcelo fez sexo após sair e Flávia dispara: 'Eu acabo com a raça dele' - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda: Yuri diz que Marcelo fez sexo após sair e Flávia dispara: 'Eu acabo com a raça dele' - Duration: 3:33.


Caminhos do Morro (Documentário) - Duration: 33:38.

For more infomation >> Caminhos do Morro (Documentário) - Duration: 33:38.


This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid For W… - Duration: 5:17.

This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid

For Will Make You SICK!

Something rare just happened that cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars and it's

sure to have you livid.

Not only is it costly, but it potentially puts the American military at risk due to

a possibly heightened mental health issue that could lead to loss of lives or suicide.

The Pentagon has reported that a currently active military service member has been provided

with a gender reassignment surgery and the military health coverage paid for it.

Trump previously tried to ban transgenders from entering the military, but a federal

judge keeps fighting it.

Transgenders often commit suicide and are known to suffer from mental illness which

makes them a huge threat to the safety of soldiers and themselves.

Think about it, does the military really need someone around high powered weapons if they

can't figure out what gender they are?

And with such a high suicide rate among transgender people, do the American military really need

to put that type of person in a line of battle or have them be responsible for covering the

backs of fellow soldiers?

Many transgender people would love to fight for America, but the simple fact is that they

can barely hold themselves together, so with all due respect, we should not cater to them

nor allow them to be in the military.

The sheer statistics of their suicide rate alone should be enough to say no.

A guy with asthma can't get into the military, so why should a guy wearing a dress get in?

The recovery time for a transgender is long and grueling as well, which means the person

who gets the surgery is completely useless to the American military for the entire duration

of their recovery.

So what happens if someone signs up to fight for America, gets their free transgender operation,

and then spends months recovering and they don't do anything to actually serve the


Sounds like money well spent?

Not at all.

That's money very well wasted and wastefulness needs to be considered.

Via Fox News:

An active-duty service member has undergone gender reassignment surgery, the Pentagon

said Tuesday.

Defense Department spokesman Dana White said in a statement that the military's health

coverage paid for the surgery because the doctor who performed the operation deemed

it to be medically necessary.

"Military hospitals do not have the surgical expertise to perform this type of surgery,

therefore it was conducted in a private hospital," said White, who added that that because the

service member "had already begun a sex-reassignment course of treatment … a waiver was approved

by the director of the Defense Health Agency."

It's a very strange time when your military is paying for gender reassignment surgery

and you're supposed to be the strongest force on the planet.

Other militaries must be laughing at America right now.

They must envision our military like a bunch of men in dresses waltzing around with no

penis and waving LGBT flags.

If people want to transition and act/dress like the opposite gender they were born, that's

fine and they have that American freedom to do whatever they want.

However, that doesn't mean they should be permitted to serve in the United States military.

Go be a transgender somewhere else.

The military is for real men and women who don't suffer from mental issues.

The military needs the bravest, tough, and mentally stable to conduct the most harrowing

missions and fight when there's a time and need.

Just because a guy can throw on a dress and walk in a Pride parade doesn't mean he's

capable of marching into hostile warzones and conducting the most gritty job on Earth

that often consists of murdering enemies and dodging missiles.

What do we think will happen when a transgender goes to war?

Are they going to run into the battlefield and start handing out free hugs and breath


No thanks!

We want war bound murder machines out there killing enemies.

We want the kinda soldiers movies are made from!

Fox continued:

"The Obama administration last year eliminated the longstanding ban on transgender individuals

serving in the military.

But President Donald Trump tweeted in July that the federal government "will not accept

or allow" transgender troops to serve "in any capacity" in the military.

He followed that a month later with a formal order telling the Pentagon to extend the ban.

He gave the department six months to determine what to do about those currently serving."

It was already banned and should've stayed banned.

Obama messed up.

Trump fixed it.

Now weak federal judges are challenging it.

Had it been done by a Democrat, then no one would blink an eye over it.

But once Trump does something, then all hell breaks loose and people have to challenge

it just because it's Trump.

Whatever Trump does will be faced with opposition simply because he's "not our guy" according

to the fledgling Democrats who feel the need to base much of their decisions on people's

feelings and not reality.

Facts and reality don't care about feelings.

Enemies aiming cannons at soldiers don't care about feelings either.

We need the bravest, toughest, and strongest men in our American military when the cry

for battle is called.

Think about it, folks.

Do you want your military turning into a rainbow covered Pride parade?

For more infomation >> This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid For W… - Duration: 5:17.


Gols do Pré-Olímpico 2000 no Sportv News - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Gols do Pré-Olímpico 2000 no Sportv News - Duration: 0:56.


After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.

After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The


No matter what he does and how much he wins President Trump just can't seem to make

the left happy.

Even when he gets 3 spoiled entitled ball players out of hot water in China.

President Trump was able to save and get 3 UCLA basketball players safely home.

LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, who have now been suspended indefinitely by

the Bruins basketball team.

All three players apologized at a news conference Wednesday morning about the incident in China

that had them stay behind on a team trip after they were accused of shoplifting at 3 different

local area stores.

But of course, since their Messiah, Former President Barack Hussein Obama had no hand

in freeing these 3 characters, the American left and even one of the player's father

just can't seem to give Trump the credit he so rightly deserves.

In fact, LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father is not giving President Trump any of the credit.

When asked about his son's return and the whole ordeal he actually had the galls to

say "Who?" when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter.

"What was he over there for?

Don't tell me nothing.

Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

Ummm. grammar is key!

The Mercury News Reports:

Trump scolds LiAngelo Ball: 'Are you going to thank me?'

The three UCLA players who were detained in China for shoplifting returned to the U.S.

on Tuesday night, following intervention from, among others, President Donald Trump.

As immensely relieved as LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley must be to have been allowed

to leave so quickly (not to mention to have avoided prison sentences), they came back

to calls for strong punishments from the school – and a chiding from the president.

"Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?

They were headed for 10 years in jail!" Trump tweeted Wednesday.

Among those insisting that the trio be suspended for the entire season was Los Angeles Times

columnist Bill Plaschke, who wrote Tuesday, "If the three students had any sort of involvement

in something so appallingly entitled and dumb while on a school trip to a foreign country,

UCLA's next move should be clear.

School authorities should say welcome home, and see you next season."

The three Bruins were reportedly accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store

adjacent to the team's hotel where it was staying in Hangzhou, as part of a weeklong

trip that involved playing a game in Shanghai against Georgia Tech.

Ball, Hill and Riley were released on bail in time for the game, but they were benched

by coach Steve Alford.

Now that they are back in Los Angeles, it remains to be seen when they will be allowed

to play.

During halftime of a nationally televised game Tuesday between No. 1 Duke and No. 2

Michigan State, ESPN's Jay Williams disagreed with fellow analyst Seth Greenberg's vehement

assertion that the three players should sit out the season.

Williams said they should be suspended for "a couple of games," adding, "We're

talking about kids."

Greenberg exclaimed, "I don't care about 'kids'!

You're taking your team to another country, a different culture, they steal things in

three different stores, allegedly.

To me, that's egregious."

"They should not be able to play this year.

This is an embarrassment," Greenberg went on.

The arrest of the players coincided with a trip to Asia by Trump, who added an unexpected

item to his agenda when he asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help resolve their case.

"The basketball players, by the way – I know a lot of people are asking – I will

tell you, when I heard about it two days ago, I had a great conversation with President

Xi," Trump said Tuesday while aboard Air Force One in Manila.

"What they did was unfortunate.

You know, you're talking about very long prison sentences.

[The Chinese] do not play games."

In his Wednesday tweet, Trump exaggerated the punishment the players were facing.

According to a blog that specializes in decoding the Chinese criminal justice system, the players

could have received prison sentences of anywhere between one and four years under the worst-case

scenario, punishment that likely would have been mitigated by the players' ages and

the fact that they appeared to be cooperating with authorities.

It's not clear what terms were negotiated to bring the players back, but it's apparent

that they received relatively minimal punishments from China.

Now it's up to UCLA, possibly with some input from the Pac-12 Conference, to determine

how the three freshmen should atone for what is a very embarrassing incident for the school.

"I want to be clear that we take seriously any violations of the law," UCLA Chancellor

Gene Block said in a statement.

"In this particular case, both Athletics and the Office of Student Conduct will review

this incident and guide any action with respect to the involved students.

Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the specific information that can be shared."

The 23rd-ranked Bruins have their home opener Wednesday, and before the game, Ball, Hill

and Riley, as well as Alford and athletic director Dan Guerrero, are set to offer comments

on the episode but reportedly will not take questions.

Tuesday evening saw the players making their way through a media scrum after landing at

Los Angeles International Airport.

Hanson Wang, a columnist for UCLA's student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, called Sunday

for his school to "lay down the hammer" in disciplining the trio.

Citing his grandfather's firsthand, frustrating experience with the Chinese legal system,

Wang wrote that UCLA "should suspend the three players for the entire year and possibly


"These players were responsible for representing UCLA and the country during their time abroad,

and they failed to meet even the most basic standards of law-abiding citizens," Wang


"UCLA must hold them accountable and send the message that no player – or players

– can be let off the hook for violating foreign laws and making a fool out of the

school, the Pac-12 and the U.S."

However, some have pointed out that UCLA officials might be concerned with how well lengthy suspensions

may sit with LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father, who was with the Bruins in China when the

arrests occurred and said of them, "It ain't that big of a deal."

LaVar Ball's oldest son, Lonzo, starred for the Bruins last season before being drafted

No. 2 overall by the Los Angeles Lakers, and his highly touted youngest son, 16-year-old

LaMelo, has already been ticketed to follow in his brothers' footsteps and play for


"UCLA officials now have the delicate task of determining a suitable punishment," wrote

USA Today's Nancy Armour on Tuesday.

"And by suitable, I mean one that won't incur the wrath of Ball's father, LaVar.

Or prompt him to yank another son out of school."

In waiting to announce its disciplinary measures for Ball, Hill and Riley, UCLA might be trying

to gauge how light a punishment it can get away with meting out.

However, anything less than a full season's suspension won't go over well with at least

a few media figures.

This is everything that's wrong with our great nation.

People like this ball tosser's father are given a platform to ooze their biased hate

to the public.

Why not instead ask him what he did wrong that his son was shoplifting, to begin with?

Someone who speaks like this guy shouldn't even be asked questions by the media.

Who cares what he says or thinks.

We as a nation better start to wise up and put these people in their places.

What exactly entitles this man to give his opinion on this international incident considering

he wasn't even able to raise his son to know the difference between right and wrong?

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.


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For more infomation >> Clarissa Marchese e il caso Brizzi , Luxuria sospetta ,Daniele ''caso leggero'' - Duration: 6:37.


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For more infomation >> Napoli-Milan: formazioni ufficiali e ultimissime. Mario Rui con i "titolarissimi" - Duration: 3:52.


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Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 -​ បែកស្លុយកំពុងល្បី nEw MeloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 12:14.

Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018 -​ បែកស្លុយកំពុងល្បី nEw MeloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 12:14.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

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BREAKING NEWS !!! Mohamed Salah will quit Liverpool for Real Madrid - Duration: 2:21.

muhammad salla will leave liverpool for real madrid before long according to

former egypt star meadow salad joined Liverpool in the summer and had been on

fire this season his double yesterday made him the premier league's top

goalscorer with nine goals Liverpool paid a club record thirty-nine million

pounds to Roma for salad this summer and he has already been linked with Atletico

Madrid this term but Mita believes he could be heading to the European

champions and in a series of tweets Vito said congratulations to a 22 masala on

becoming Egyptian to score the most goals in Europe and still got plenty to

come I remember when the Liverpool fans made fun of me when I said three years

ago the cell is ten times better than Raheem Sterling well now they know I was

right keep going son at 22 masala got the mentality to keep playing at the top

level for many years and this is what we were all Egyptians are missing when we

had the chance to play in Europe I believe that Salah will not stay for

long at LFC soon he will be gone too at real mental and pound hala Madrid Jordan

Henderson has worn Liverpool's rivals the seller will get even better I just

want him to keep going and to be fair he hasn't took his foot off the gas

Henderson told Liverpool calm he's kept working hard in training scoring goals

working hard in games it's not just his goals it's his work rate as well which

helps us as a team he's been brilliant for all the season so far but he's got

to keep it going along with other players

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS !!! Mohamed Salah will quit Liverpool for Real Madrid - Duration: 2:21.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


'Don't Be Tardy' Recap: Kim Zolciak Meets Brielle's Boyfriend's Parents, Pressures Michael - Duration: 5:10.

'Don't Be Tardy' Recap: Kim Zolciak Meets Brielle's Boyfriend's Parents, Pressures Michael to Propose

  Don't be tardy for meeting the parents! The Friday, November 17, episode of Don't Be Tardy brought us the usual Zolciak-Biermann chaos, along with a fascinating look at how Kim Zolciak acts when meeting her daughter's boyfriend's parents for the very first time.

Following last week's episode that captured the horror of 6-year-old Kash as suffering from a horrific dog bite injury to his eye, it was clear that he was headed in a positive and healing direction.

When asked about his son, Kroy Biermann responded, "I think he's doing fairly well." Kim, whose priorities are always in line, added, "I think there's a good possibility that he'll be able to swim in Turks and Caicos." When the topic of the family dog Sin came up, Kroy appeared tense.

Kim and Kroy, who have since revealed they decided to keep the dog that nearly blinded their son, were still in the midst of deciding Sin's fate at the start of this episode.

Kroy revealed, "If Sin is gonna return to our home and be a part of our family, I have to know that it was an accident and that I have the ability to control if that accident were to happen again." Seems like Kroy eventually got his answer.

  The episode moved on to Kim and Kroy as they visited Brielle Biermann's baseball-playing beau, Michael Kopech, during one of his games. More importantly, Kim relished this event as an opportunity to get to know Michael's parents, Michael P.

After a solid first impression, Kim hinted at wedding bells in a testimonial, saying of the two parents, "If I had to spend some years with them, I wouldn't mind." Brielle Refers to Biological Father as 'Sperm Donor' Brielle quickly got embarrassed when the Tardy for the Party" singer divulged way too much personal information to the duo she had just met.

"When I got pregnant with Brielle, I was 18 years old," Kim recalled.

Her dad was a one-night stand situation." In a testimonial, a mortified Brielle said, "Stop talking about my sperm donor, please." Then, Kim pestered the parents about Michael proposing to Brielle, saying of their potential cohabitation prior to a proposal, "Why would he give you a ring if he's getting the cow for free?" Tabbetha finally put the idea to rest, responding, "He loves Brielle.

I just think he wants to wait for the right time." Chef Tracey Bloom Slams Kim's Taste The episode ended with the dramatic reveal of Kim's personal chef Tracey Bloom's remodeled bedroom.

Kim and Kroy, who had originally offered to remodel her whole house and eventually settled on just doing the bedroom, were excited to give the gift of crown molding to their friend and employee. Before the reveal, Kim slammed Tracey's style.

Later, Tracey slammed Kim's taste saying, "Kim's decorating style is like the Duck mansion … Like Donald Duck's rich uncle." Eventually, after seeing the redone room, Tracey burst into tears, absolutely loving the outcome.

Kim and Kroy's secret to remodeling a bedroom? Well, according to Kroy, an important step is "getting rid of all the garbage." Don't Be Tardy airs Fridays at 9 p.m.

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For more infomation >> 'Don't Be Tardy' Recap: Kim Zolciak Meets Brielle's Boyfriend's Parents, Pressures Michael - Duration: 5:10.


Top 10 Crazy Pets Sold In China - Duration: 5:28.

Welcome back to another most amazing top 10 video.

I'm Landon and today we are going to be talking about the top 10 crazy pets sold in


Yeah there are some pretty crazy and bizarre pets in China so let's take a look at some

of them.

Starting off this crazy list in at number 10 with Panda dogs.

Despite their appearance, these dogs are not some new bizarre breed.

They are actually Chows that have undergone a cosmetic makeover.

Pet shops all over China have been selling out of these Panda dogs and people don't

mind paying the extra money.

These dogs actually require a lot of up keep because the colouring only lasts for about

6 weeks.

So if you want your panda dog to continue looking like a panda, then you need to put

in the money.

Moving into number 9 we have the Short-tailed chinchilla.

Chinchillas have actually become quite popular in China as pets.

I can see the appeal, they are pretty cute little creatures.

My friend actually owns one of these and they sort of remind me of squirrels.

They are apparently easy to look after and cheap to buy.

The Raccoon comes onto this list in at number 8.

I don't know about you guys, but raccoons in Toronto are considered annoying and a nuisance.

They are always digging into your garbage and they break into your garage.

Well, for some people in China, they consider raccoons to be their pets.

This is definitely a non-traditional type of pet and I can sort of see the appeal.

They are really cute but I feel like your garbage would always be scattered around your

house and they would just get into everything you own.

Jumping into number 7 is the Horned frog.

These creatures are usually found in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay but for some

reason they are being sold in China as pets.

This frog is very popular in China because it looks like the computer game character


I think frogs would be cool pets until you need to feed them insects and flies.

I wouldn't want their food escaping and living in my house.

Climbing into number 6 we have The rhesus monkey.

Unfortunately, this species is being hunted and sold on the black market after a mini

pet monkey became a viral hit online.

A lot of young people in China want to own this pet because they are unique and exotic

however there are a lot of laws in China that actually make it illegal for people to own

this species as a pet.

Live turtle key rings make it into number 5.

These turtles are usually Brazilian turtles that are enclosed inside of a small plastic

bag that is supposedly filled with a nutrient rich liquid.

This liquid is supposed to be able to feed the turtle for up to three-four months.

But how does the poor turtle get oxygen?

These "pets" have raised a lot of controversy in China because they are being considered

to be a form of animal abuse.

And I agree, I'd want to buy all of them and release these poor guys.

Chomping its way into number 4 is the Alligator snapping turtle.

Again, what is the appeal with having pets that can bite off one of your limbs?

I'll tell you why it's not a good idea to have one of these turtles as a pet.

These things can grow to be 200 pounds and they are aggressive carnivores.

They aren't cuddly and they can live to be between 80 and 120 years old.

I don't think your grandkids are going to be trilled about having to take care of one

of these things.

The Sugar glider flies its way into number 3.

These cute little guys are normally found in the forests of Australia, Indonesia and

New Guinea but they have become so popular over in China because they are so small and


They only cost about $600 so that isn't even that expensive for being considered an

exotic pet.

They like to eat things that are sweet, especially fruit and vegetables and they like to keep

themselves very clean.

So they sound like a good pet to me.

A fennec fox and this cute little guy comes in at number 2.

This animal became very popular after it was featured as a character in Disney's movie


These cute animals can set you back about $2000-3000 but despite their price, they are

extremely popular in China.

I would definitely want to own a fox as a pet but I don't think it would get along

with my pet bunny.

Finally, in at our number 1 spot is the Saltwater crocodile.

I'm not sure why you would want to own a pet that has the potential to bite off you

hand but for this guy, he loves crocodiles.

When this crocodile is fully grown, it can reach up to six meters, so I'm not sure

where he plans on keeping him.

Hopefully they have a spare bedroom.

This man actually owns five crocodiles and two large snakes.

Is he trying to convert his house into a swamp?

He must sleep with one eye open.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Crazy Pets Sold In China - Duration: 5:28.


This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid For W… - Duration: 5:17.

This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid

For Will Make You SICK!

Something rare just happened that cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars and it's

sure to have you livid.

Not only is it costly, but it potentially puts the American military at risk due to

a possibly heightened mental health issue that could lead to loss of lives or suicide.

The Pentagon has reported that a currently active military service member has been provided

with a gender reassignment surgery and the military health coverage paid for it.

Trump previously tried to ban transgenders from entering the military, but a federal

judge keeps fighting it.

Transgenders often commit suicide and are known to suffer from mental illness which

makes them a huge threat to the safety of soldiers and themselves.

Think about it, does the military really need someone around high powered weapons if they

can't figure out what gender they are?

And with such a high suicide rate among transgender people, do the American military really need

to put that type of person in a line of battle or have them be responsible for covering the

backs of fellow soldiers?

Many transgender people would love to fight for America, but the simple fact is that they

can barely hold themselves together, so with all due respect, we should not cater to them

nor allow them to be in the military.

The sheer statistics of their suicide rate alone should be enough to say no.

A guy with asthma can't get into the military, so why should a guy wearing a dress get in?

The recovery time for a transgender is long and grueling as well, which means the person

who gets the surgery is completely useless to the American military for the entire duration

of their recovery.

So what happens if someone signs up to fight for America, gets their free transgender operation,

and then spends months recovering and they don't do anything to actually serve the


Sounds like money well spent?

Not at all.

That's money very well wasted and wastefulness needs to be considered.

Via Fox News:

An active-duty service member has undergone gender reassignment surgery, the Pentagon

said Tuesday.

Defense Department spokesman Dana White said in a statement that the military's health

coverage paid for the surgery because the doctor who performed the operation deemed

it to be medically necessary.

"Military hospitals do not have the surgical expertise to perform this type of surgery,

therefore it was conducted in a private hospital," said White, who added that that because the

service member "had already begun a sex-reassignment course of treatment … a waiver was approved

by the director of the Defense Health Agency."

It's a very strange time when your military is paying for gender reassignment surgery

and you're supposed to be the strongest force on the planet.

Other militaries must be laughing at America right now.

They must envision our military like a bunch of men in dresses waltzing around with no

penis and waving LGBT flags.

If people want to transition and act/dress like the opposite gender they were born, that's

fine and they have that American freedom to do whatever they want.

However, that doesn't mean they should be permitted to serve in the United States military.

Go be a transgender somewhere else.

The military is for real men and women who don't suffer from mental issues.

The military needs the bravest, tough, and mentally stable to conduct the most harrowing

missions and fight when there's a time and need.

Just because a guy can throw on a dress and walk in a Pride parade doesn't mean he's

capable of marching into hostile warzones and conducting the most gritty job on Earth

that often consists of murdering enemies and dodging missiles.

What do we think will happen when a transgender goes to war?

Are they going to run into the battlefield and start handing out free hugs and breath


No thanks!

We want war bound murder machines out there killing enemies.

We want the kinda soldiers movies are made from!

Fox continued:

"The Obama administration last year eliminated the longstanding ban on transgender individuals

serving in the military.

But President Donald Trump tweeted in July that the federal government "will not accept

or allow" transgender troops to serve "in any capacity" in the military.

He followed that a month later with a formal order telling the Pentagon to extend the ban.

He gave the department six months to determine what to do about those currently serving."

It was already banned and should've stayed banned.

Obama messed up.

Trump fixed it.

Now weak federal judges are challenging it.

Had it been done by a Democrat, then no one would blink an eye over it.

But once Trump does something, then all hell breaks loose and people have to challenge

it just because it's Trump.

Whatever Trump does will be faced with opposition simply because he's "not our guy" according

to the fledgling Democrats who feel the need to base much of their decisions on people's

feelings and not reality.

Facts and reality don't care about feelings.

Enemies aiming cannons at soldiers don't care about feelings either.

We need the bravest, toughest, and strongest men in our American military when the cry

for battle is called.

Think about it, folks.

Do you want your military turning into a rainbow covered Pride parade?

For more infomation >> This Is EXACTLY Why Transgender Servicemembers Should Be Banned, What The Pentagon Just Paid For W… - Duration: 5:17.


TOP 10 HEROIC WEAPONS IN COD WW2 - Best COD WW2 Heroic Weapons & Secret Weapons! (COD WW2 Top 10) - Duration: 10:14.

the top 10 rarest and best heroic weapons in Call of Duty WW2

multiplayer I'm giving away a $50 PSN and Xbox card to get yourself some free

con points for Call of Duty WW2 supply drops if you guys want to

enter the giveaway all you have to do is drop a like on the video leave a comment

down below subscribe to the channel and press the Bell button to turn on

notifications yo what's going on guys aaron ortega d welcome back to the call

duty WW2 video today we are going to be going over the top 10 heroic

weapons that you can unlock within supply drops if you guys enjoy the video

smash a like on a down below if you want to see more Cod WW2 top 10

videos covering the best most overpowered and rarest weapons in the

game drop a like down below and make sure you guys enter my cop 1 giveaway to

win yourself some free cop points to open supply drops to get these heroic

weapons within supply drops all you got to do is drop a like on the video leave

a comment down below and subscribe to the channel if you didn't know what

heroic weapons are you can get them in supply drops they give you bonus xp and

they are the rarest weapons within COD WW2 for the ones you see today and the

ones that you might pull on your own account or the rarest weapons within

World War 2 supply drops number one of the top ten heroic weapons within World

War two is this heroic golden eagle snipe and other snipers with in World

War two are absolutely insane they are so overpowered and with the bonus xp

granted from these heroic variants it's even that much better now this sniper is

so cool the diamond camo finish it off diamond camo adds that extra touch to it

anyone walking around with this in headquarters in multiplayer wherever

they got this sniper trust me everyone is looking number two is one of the

craziest heroic weapons within World War two one of the wildest designs whoever

made this over at sledgehammer games I got a I got to give you a clap this

thing is so dope it is the blade 2 LMG variants it turns this LMG into some

sort of machine it looks like some sort of factory machine technology thing it's

ridiculous the iron sights are crazy the barrel is crazy the way the weapon works

the way it carries the way you hold it the way you move with it it's absolutely

insane and of course the XP bonus comes in clutch number 3 is another heroic

sniper the midnight 2 variant this thing is super stealthy super sleek it has the

black and gold finish with this white logo in the corner

it looks absolutely dope slap a camera on this thing and it's even cooler the

cool thing about these snipers and these variants with in world war ii as you'll

see in this video and many more to come in the future make sure you guys press

that subscribe button down below is that these weapons while they don't change

the stats they changed the way the weapon looks and anything refreshing

your game and giving you that rare weapon variant that not every single

player has knowing that you have the weapon that maybe 1% or 0.1% players

have it just makes an eye thing it just makes playing with any weapon that you

have a heroic variant for it that much more fun the dole Raimi 2 heroic variant

for the mp40 if you thought the pack-a-punch mp40 from call of duty

zombies was cool this thing is an absolute god gun not only is the mp40

the final SMG the secret SMG that you can unlock this heroic variant is

extremely rare and changes the weapon from its normal standard version which

is chromed decor finish that makes the weapon look like an art piece it makes

it look like some sort of 1820 masterpiece sell for 3 mil on eBay this

thing is a dope weapon not only the base weapon but the variant itself now this

one is one of my personal favorites it is the shovel the flash - heroic very it

turns the shovel into this platinum chrome again decor finishing an absolute

art piece to handle is phurba swish some sort of wood like it is a super high-end

looking shovel this shovel you know I'm not digging anything in the backyard

with this one and with diamond camo it looks absolutely insane covers the

entire thing up with diamond camo not a single centimeter of surface area is not

covered by the diamond pixels and when you pull this in a Supply Drop within

the headquarters everyone is staring because they say wait a melee weapon

within World War 2 a lot of people don't realize but there is only one current

melee weapon and this heroic variant brings it to that ultra rare level were

barely any players have access to it the snake - ppsh variant as me and my

friends call it the Gucci gang weapon this thing is an absolute beast the ppsh

one of the best weapons in the entire game Boosh again my personal favorite

weapon in call duty world war ii multiplayer as of now this snake heroic

variant changes it from the dull gray black white monochromatic look to the

red chrome snake finish all my little pomp fans out there

Gucci gang weapon this is the one it turns the ppsh into not only one of the

rarest weapons in the game but if in real life one of the most expensive

weapons gucchi ppsh yeah that's a that's a

pretty price tag right there this haywire two variant is absolutely in st.

other black and gold finish on the stg44 I have not been lucky enough to see this

one in game I haven't picked it up I haven't opened it myself other weapons

on the list I have been able to pull myself or pick up off the ground from

other lucky players but this one is so rare I've literally yet to see it the

stg44 haywire 2 variant it looks absolutely dope the black and gold

finished the ovo colorway shoutout to Drake and just an overall dope rare

weapon m-19 assault rifles heroic Savior and battle watch two variants now I put

both of the heroic weapons that I've seen for this particular weapon because

they're so similar one is a little bit more of a desert warfare and another is

a little bit more of a sleek combat base variant but they both feature an

extended barrel that has some sort of chrome or metal or colored or Cambodia

SH but the wrapping of the weapon this sort of bandage wrap almost mummy like

if you will featured in a beige color and a white color it looks absolutely

dope especially in-game and just an overall really unique weapon that a lot

of people don't have another stg44 hog variant the serum - this thing is so

dope it basically turns the STG into what seems to be the ak-74 you a

nostalgic throwback weapon from previous Call of Duty games if you like the

aks-74u and you pull this heroic variant consider yourself lucky because this

thing not only shortens the barrel shortens the stock of the STG but just

turns the weapon into a completely different visual conception of the STG

44 and the Supply Drop card is super super cool as well another stock and

barrel shortening weapon variant the rookie - m1 garand heroic variant

shortens the stock shortens the barrel turning this into almost a shotgun style

assault rifle it's extremely small extremely miniature almost like a spazz

12 from bo1 but this thing is far from an absolute monster two-shot kill

assault rifle with a premium gold text code on the side a green camouflage

finish on the top and this super clean wood finish on the bottom a super nice

super rare assault rifle variant with in World War 2 those were the top 10 heroic

variants within World War 2 supply drops the rarest most overpowered and dopest

looking weapon variants that you yet within World War two exclusively

unlocked with in World War two supply drops if you guys enjoyed the video make

sure you guys smash it like on the down below let me know in the comment section

down below your favorite heroic or epic variant within World War two if you want

to see more videos like this breaking down top 5 and top 10 weapon variants

epics heroics and base weapons within World War 2 multiplayer all you've got

to do is press that like button beneath the video that'll let me know that you

want to see more videos like this and I'll bring them to you as soon as I can

I mentioned it briefly in the beginning of the video but if you guys are new to

World War 2 or you're planning on getting it soon for Christmas your

birthday whenever you guys decide to get the game if you have not already

the heroic weapon variants within World War 2 are one exclusively unlocked

within Supply Drop you cannot craft them in the

quartermaster armory you cannot currently buy them in World War two the

only chance you have of getting a heroic weapon which is the highest tier of

rarity for weapon variants within world war ii supply drops is to open them in a

Supply Drop it can be common it can be a rare it can be a zombie Supply Drop you

can earn it from a contract and order a regular after match bonus it doesn't

matter how you get the supplier or what's a pod review open but it's

exclusively found in supply drops and the heroic variants are extremely rare

as they are the highest tier of rarities for the variants within world war ii if

you guys have any questions about world war ii how the variants work how supply

drops work how to get other things within the game let me know in the

comment section down below I'll be breeding those if you guys are

struggling with anything I'll try to help you guys with the future video on

how to unlock or how to get certain things faster and easier so if you want

to see more videos like that as well let me know in the comments what you guys

are struggling with or what you guys are wondering about world war ii and no

one's giving you answers about cuz i'm making video for you and like i said

it's as of now i don't know if the future holds a different system for the

heroic variants where you could unlock them or get them for free or buy them

straight up or buy them in a certain Sun you know type of bribes Supply Drop like

a heroic bribe how they did with black ops 3 the weapon bribes so hopefully

those who are wondering are now understanding answer my free cop won't

giveaway by dropping a like leaving a comment and subscribing to the channel

if you guys are joining the notification squad press that Bell button on the

video right now to never miss another daily called Duty World War 2 and black

ops 3 video thank you guys so much for watching have an awesome day stay safe

and I'll catch you guys in the next one I'm giving away a $50 PSN and Xbox card

to get yourself some freak on points for Call of Duty World War 2 supply drops if

you guys want to enter the giveaway all you have

to do is drop a like in the video leave a comment down below

subscribe to the channel and press the bell button to turn on notifications I

have hundreds of double xp codes for Call of Duty World War two if you want

to answer and win yourself some free double xp all you got to do is drop a

like on the video comment down below and subscribe to the channel for every 1000

likes this video gets I'll put a random code in the comment section down below

to enter this month's $50 Xbox PSN or steam card giveaway all you have to do

is drop a like leave a comment and subscribe no scam boy there's a link in

the description all you gotta do is click it click the link down below and

download it if you have me reliable and easy way to get points in my packs

For more infomation >> TOP 10 HEROIC WEAPONS IN COD WW2 - Best COD WW2 Heroic Weapons & Secret Weapons! (COD WW2 Top 10) - Duration: 10:14.


After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.

After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The


No matter what he does and how much he wins President Trump just can't seem to make

the left happy.

Even when he gets 3 spoiled entitled ball players out of hot water in China.

President Trump was able to save and get 3 UCLA basketball players safely home.

LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, who have now been suspended indefinitely by

the Bruins basketball team.

All three players apologized at a news conference Wednesday morning about the incident in China

that had them stay behind on a team trip after they were accused of shoplifting at 3 different

local area stores.

But of course, since their Messiah, Former President Barack Hussein Obama had no hand

in freeing these 3 characters, the American left and even one of the player's father

just can't seem to give Trump the credit he so rightly deserves.

In fact, LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father is not giving President Trump any of the credit.

When asked about his son's return and the whole ordeal he actually had the galls to

say "Who?" when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter.

"What was he over there for?

Don't tell me nothing.

Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

Ummm. grammar is key!

The Mercury News Reports:

Trump scolds LiAngelo Ball: 'Are you going to thank me?'

The three UCLA players who were detained in China for shoplifting returned to the U.S.

on Tuesday night, following intervention from, among others, President Donald Trump.

As immensely relieved as LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley must be to have been allowed

to leave so quickly (not to mention to have avoided prison sentences), they came back

to calls for strong punishments from the school – and a chiding from the president.

"Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?

They were headed for 10 years in jail!" Trump tweeted Wednesday.

Among those insisting that the trio be suspended for the entire season was Los Angeles Times

columnist Bill Plaschke, who wrote Tuesday, "If the three students had any sort of involvement

in something so appallingly entitled and dumb while on a school trip to a foreign country,

UCLA's next move should be clear.

School authorities should say welcome home, and see you next season."

The three Bruins were reportedly accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store

adjacent to the team's hotel where it was staying in Hangzhou, as part of a weeklong

trip that involved playing a game in Shanghai against Georgia Tech.

Ball, Hill and Riley were released on bail in time for the game, but they were benched

by coach Steve Alford.

Now that they are back in Los Angeles, it remains to be seen when they will be allowed

to play.

During halftime of a nationally televised game Tuesday between No. 1 Duke and No. 2

Michigan State, ESPN's Jay Williams disagreed with fellow analyst Seth Greenberg's vehement

assertion that the three players should sit out the season.

Williams said they should be suspended for "a couple of games," adding, "We're

talking about kids."

Greenberg exclaimed, "I don't care about 'kids'!

You're taking your team to another country, a different culture, they steal things in

three different stores, allegedly.

To me, that's egregious."

"They should not be able to play this year.

This is an embarrassment," Greenberg went on.

The arrest of the players coincided with a trip to Asia by Trump, who added an unexpected

item to his agenda when he asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help resolve their case.

"The basketball players, by the way – I know a lot of people are asking – I will

tell you, when I heard about it two days ago, I had a great conversation with President

Xi," Trump said Tuesday while aboard Air Force One in Manila.

"What they did was unfortunate.

You know, you're talking about very long prison sentences.

[The Chinese] do not play games."

In his Wednesday tweet, Trump exaggerated the punishment the players were facing.

According to a blog that specializes in decoding the Chinese criminal justice system, the players

could have received prison sentences of anywhere between one and four years under the worst-case

scenario, punishment that likely would have been mitigated by the players' ages and

the fact that they appeared to be cooperating with authorities.

It's not clear what terms were negotiated to bring the players back, but it's apparent

that they received relatively minimal punishments from China.

Now it's up to UCLA, possibly with some input from the Pac-12 Conference, to determine

how the three freshmen should atone for what is a very embarrassing incident for the school.

"I want to be clear that we take seriously any violations of the law," UCLA Chancellor

Gene Block said in a statement.

"In this particular case, both Athletics and the Office of Student Conduct will review

this incident and guide any action with respect to the involved students.

Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the specific information that can be shared."

The 23rd-ranked Bruins have their home opener Wednesday, and before the game, Ball, Hill

and Riley, as well as Alford and athletic director Dan Guerrero, are set to offer comments

on the episode but reportedly will not take questions.

Tuesday evening saw the players making their way through a media scrum after landing at

Los Angeles International Airport.

Hanson Wang, a columnist for UCLA's student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, called Sunday

for his school to "lay down the hammer" in disciplining the trio.

Citing his grandfather's firsthand, frustrating experience with the Chinese legal system,

Wang wrote that UCLA "should suspend the three players for the entire year and possibly


"These players were responsible for representing UCLA and the country during their time abroad,

and they failed to meet even the most basic standards of law-abiding citizens," Wang


"UCLA must hold them accountable and send the message that no player – or players

– can be let off the hook for violating foreign laws and making a fool out of the

school, the Pac-12 and the U.S."

However, some have pointed out that UCLA officials might be concerned with how well lengthy suspensions

may sit with LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father, who was with the Bruins in China when the

arrests occurred and said of them, "It ain't that big of a deal."

LaVar Ball's oldest son, Lonzo, starred for the Bruins last season before being drafted

No. 2 overall by the Los Angeles Lakers, and his highly touted youngest son, 16-year-old

LaMelo, has already been ticketed to follow in his brothers' footsteps and play for


"UCLA officials now have the delicate task of determining a suitable punishment," wrote

USA Today's Nancy Armour on Tuesday.

"And by suitable, I mean one that won't incur the wrath of Ball's father, LaVar.

Or prompt him to yank another son out of school."

In waiting to announce its disciplinary measures for Ball, Hill and Riley, UCLA might be trying

to gauge how light a punishment it can get away with meting out.

However, anything less than a full season's suspension won't go over well with at least

a few media figures.

This is everything that's wrong with our great nation.

People like this ball tosser's father are given a platform to ooze their biased hate

to the public.

Why not instead ask him what he did wrong that his son was shoplifting, to begin with?

Someone who speaks like this guy shouldn't even be asked questions by the media.

Who cares what he says or thinks.

We as a nation better start to wise up and put these people in their places.

What exactly entitles this man to give his opinion on this international incident considering

he wasn't even able to raise his son to know the difference between right and wrong?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.


Spheretest - Duration: 9:10.

*barely understandable mumbling*

For more infomation >> Spheretest - Duration: 9:10.


After Years Of Holding Steady, Carbon Emissions Climbing Again - Duration: 3:48.
































































For more infomation >> After Years Of Holding Steady, Carbon Emissions Climbing Again - Duration: 3:48.


| MMD | ORIGINAL MOTION | VINE | Get me this! - Duration: 0:05.


Why don't I have this? Get me This!

I need this now!!

For more infomation >> | MMD | ORIGINAL MOTION | VINE | Get me this! - Duration: 0:05.


(SIMPLEST WAY) What to Eat for Spiritual Diet - Sadhguru - Duration: 4:12.

see if he's a question of survival eat garbage and you survive what's the

problem if it's about survive I think largely view past that situation of how

to survive now it's a question of choice we brought

life to everything to a choice almost every human being can choose and eat

there still is a segment of unfortunate population which cannot choose they have

to eat what comes but that's not so in this country definitely one can choose

and eat so once choice comes what to eat there's

a whole dimension of how to know what we eat and what not to eat if I go into

this design elaborate effect but every human being can generate the necessary

awareness that if food appears you know what to eat and what not to eat above

all what kind of food is your system designed for that is the kind of food

you eat don't make food into your philosophy or

religion food is about the body it must go through the system with minimum

amount of resistance for example because the question is about vegetarian or

non-vegetarian how we look at the food is if you eat any food what is happening

is the food has to become a part of your system it has to be integrated to become

you if the food that you consume has a very complex sense of memory and

information then our body's ability to break it and make it a part of ourselves

is reduced if you eat a simple memory code or the genetic code in a particular

creature let's say you eat and vegetable it is very simple or in other words in

the evolutionary scale whatever is farthest away from you that's what you

must consume or in other words you never consume a mammal because it is too close

to you and it's memory is too complex and you will never be able to break it

down 100 and if you consume this partly you break

the break down the genetic code another part of it remains or in other words

gradually the animal qualities will enter your system and unknowingly these

things will find expression people are going through anger stress just simply

rage everywhere this is simply because of the one main reason is the food that

they're consuming so whatever is the simplest memory code that is what you

must consume so that easily you can break it down and make it a part of

yourself or whatever is farthest away from you in the evolutionary scale

that's the best thing so in that context if you must eat non-vegetarian food the

fish is the best thing to eat because it is the first form of life on this planet

as it gets more complex as you come towards mammals is becoming very complex

and that's not suitable for human consumption we can show various

parameters in the body the length of the element we can all how things happen in

the system if you look at all this clearly the body is stating what it

wants when it comes to food you should not ask your doctor a guru or a

nutritionist now you must ask your body you eat something and see how quickly

the food moves out of your stomach back into the intestine if it's happening

very quickly within 2 and 1/2 hours if everything is gone that's good food to

eat if it's lingering on between 4 to 6 hours

that's not good thing to eat


For more infomation >> (SIMPLEST WAY) What to Eat for Spiritual Diet - Sadhguru - Duration: 4:12.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Sweet Spicy Cassava Chips & Kebab Burger - Duration: 18:09.

kebab burger

sweet spicy cassava chips (keripik singkong pedas manis)

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Sweet Spicy Cassava Chips & Kebab Burger - Duration: 18:09.


Volkan Oezdemir ARRESTED For Aggravated Battery; Colby Covington on Tyrone Woodley Fighting Diaz - Duration: 2:19.

The big news of the day is not UFC Sydney but

the arrest of Volkan Oezdemir Yesterday in Florida.

He was charged with aggravated battery and is currently being held in Broward County


Details on the arrest have yet to surface.

He was on the cusp of getting a deal done to fight Daniel cormier early in 2018, but,

we'll see if this incident affects the fight at all and whether the charges hold validity.

Colby Covington asks a rhetorical question in why Tyrone Woodley is calling out a lightweight

instead of someone in the welterweight division when it's deeper than ever.

He then answered his own question with "Oh yeah that's right I'm next in line that's


I gotta take Covingtons side on this because when Conor fought Diaz the first time around

it's because Diaz was the one of the few that stepped up to the plate on short notice

after Dos Anjos pulled out of the fight.

Then I understood the rematch with Diaz because he wanted to avenge the loss.

So, the featherweight division had to wait in order for him to legitimize the featherweight

title again.

Then fighting Alvarez was done to make history and winning a belt in two different weight

classes was something he had spoken of long before his UFC career.

The Mayweather fight was done because of the pile of cash he would make and possibly history


He ultimately left a good impression on boxers and made them respect MMA fighters more.

I'm still trying to figure out what would make Tryone Woodley call out a smaller opponent,

aside from the money.

The welterweight division is on fire right now and there are a ton of action fights.

So it makes it less understandable to me, or do you agree with it?

Who do you guys think Woodley should fight next let me know down below!

Belal Muhammad calls out Covington in his post-fight speech after defeating Tim Means

via split-decision I doubt Colby Covington responds since Muhammad isn't even considered

top 15 yet.

And finally UFC Sydney broke a record for longest event in UFC history with 3 hours

4 minutes and 18 seconds of cage time.

10 fights went the distance including Werdum's bout vs Tybura where he won via Unanimous


The UFC was supposed to give out 4 Performance bonuses but only 3 were given because Frank

Camacho was ineligible due to missing weight.

So, he requested to have his bonus forfeited to his opponent Damien Brown.

For more infomation >> Volkan Oezdemir ARRESTED For Aggravated Battery; Colby Covington on Tyrone Woodley Fighting Diaz - Duration: 2:19.


Movie Reviews in Slow French - Learn French - The Hitman's Bodyguard - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Movie Reviews in Slow French - Learn French - The Hitman's Bodyguard - Duration: 11:13.


Kim Heang - Land Lots | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:31.

Kim Heang

Founder and CEO of Khmer Real State

Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Kim Heang - Land Lots | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:31.


Student Journey Mapping Workshop - Duration: 3:02.

Pip: So Alice a lot of my clients recently have been asking me about student

journey mapping and why they should be interested in getting involved want to

tell me a bit more about it. Alice: yeah so we

have a three stage approach here in Social Garden

The first stage is we sit down with your recruitment team, marketing

team, web services team and really map out what exactly you've got in place

right now, look at how all the different teams are working together what

campaigns you've got in place and then map that against your current student

enrolment journey Pip: okay that sounds really interesting

then what do you do from there, how do you analyze what you've seen and what you think

should be happening? Alice: yeah so the second most important stage

is actually getting

in the mind of a student when they are enrolling so you might run a workshop of

like three or four students and/or prospective students and see and

understand from their eyes how they would apply at the University or like

how many options they're seeking or like how many different universities or

TAFEs that are researching at each stage and then go through the actual

funnel with them and then that way you can see the opportunities where they may

actually fall off the funnel and it starts giving you you know these

understandings of where the gaps are and - you're pain points

Exactly or the pain points are and also you know starts you thinking about ways

that you can bring those leads back into the pipeline or opportunities where you

might be able to re-engage that person at a later date

Pip: Okay Alice: The third stage is

mapping out your ideal future state so key roles and responsibilities for

your three teams are so important that at this stage you are connecting your

recruitment team, your IT team and your marketing team

Pip: So people are working in silos they're working together across the whole campaign

Alice: Yeah absolutely, and that Universities a huge organization so it's so easy for that,

they're tough thing to happen

Pip: so yeah absolutely like so many people Alice: yeah there's so many people there's so

many teams and it's really important for that's where we can add value because we

can come in and kind of join the dots between the different teams

together we then map out the future state of how we would like all of our existing

technologies to work maybe a lot of opportunities of where we should be and

investing in the new technology like investing in a marketing automation

platform and also it gives us really good opportunities to start mapping our

ideas for nurtures or where we can utilize SMS and how we can use custom

audiences to re-engage leads who may be falling off the pipeline and it also

makes us kind of look at that last piece of the funnel when it's so important

we've already invested so heavily in this prospective student and it's so

easy for them to fall off. They've might already submitted an application but they

haven't yet accepted the offer and so we want to have some conversion steps in

place so to ensure that we are moving them towards their final point

Pip: Great

Alice: We've recently launched a student journey mapping workshop place or get in

touch if you're keen to hear more about our service

For more infomation >> Student Journey Mapping Workshop - Duration: 3:02.


George Ezra says he 'feels sorry' for X Factor stars - Duration: 3:08.

George Ezra says he 'feels sorry' for X Factor stars

The 24-year-old, who had a huge hit with his George Ezra Budapest song, said he feels sorry for those who come from the X Factor.

Talking exclusively to Daily Star Online, the Hertfordshire lad said being on the show means the acts miss out on the journey on their way to the top.

He said: I feel sorry for them in a sense because I loved working my way up.

I look back and theyre some of my fondest memories, like the open mic nights – I miss that sometimes..

"I feel sorry for them in a sense because I loved working my way up" George Ezra Asked about whether he would collaborate with an X Factor star, he said he didnt know, as he hasnt really watched it. George also talked about shunning the showbiz lifestyle in favour of hanging out with his old pals.

Despite reaching number one in several countries around the world, he admits he still feels new the the glitzy lifestyle.

George commented: Youll find me in the corner nursing a pint at awards ceremonies, Im still quite new to them.

In regards to the celebrity scene, you dont get much time off, so you to see people you know and love. Ezra also said he only recently realised how successful his first album Wanted On Voyage, was.

The single, released in June 2014, reached number one in the UK.

He added: I toured for just under two years and when I came off it was strange world, there was all this change.

I started to worry about things out of my control so I went to Barcelona for a month. The singer is now gearing up to release his George Ezra new album after releasing single Dont Matter Now on June 16.

He also announced a top secret George Ezra tour of UK and Ireland.

The star is next scheduled to perform in the UK at the London Palladium on November 26.

For more infomation >> George Ezra says he 'feels sorry' for X Factor stars - Duration: 3:08.


Stunnning White Interior Tiny Urban Cabin by Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins - Duration: 5:34.

Stunnning White Interior Tiny Urban Cabin by Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins

For more infomation >> Stunnning White Interior Tiny Urban Cabin by Tiny Portable Cedar Cabins - Duration: 5:34.


Literary Nonsense - Eve (ナンセンス文学 (English Subbed)) - Duration: 3:27.

Literary Nonsense

Translations: Colamiilk

I've always been sentimental, my cowardice stops me before it begins

How can I make myself better understood?

This problem spills out my arms, why not laugh at me too?

Too Too High Tension

Breathing Breathing To swallow it back

I'm getting disgusted with your back and forth behavior

Midday rendezvous

Bippity boppity boo

Raise our caution of solitary love

Today my heart grows ill

Lets be reborn!


Turning into a fool, dancing in the air

Now if only I could forget Lalala~

Lets Dance, heat this night up

I'll cry tears making sure my eyes don't close

I won't become the false me that ends myself Lalala~

The worst depression cycles day after day

But with you I want to reveal

Look here, Look here

Over there Little Miss

The coward I was became

Painted over with a black

Dying me deeply with the ashes of my-

Heartbeat Heartbeat Feeling of Virtue!

Wait now, after all now, what's the joke?

Only lies, your XXX

"Really? Even though I'm not here-

It doesn't matter, we're all the 'same'

You and even you are the same as me

Each of you think

you know what is wrong, but forget to find the right answer


What will the fools do?

Love knows how to hurt me

But still I Lalala~

Lets remember that night we spent

I'll cry tears making sure my eyes don't close

Today again I'll sing

With the false me Lalala~

With my last weapon hidden

you had the time to spare

I can't help but be sentimental

Now there is no fear

no need to make yourself better understood

when theres only one

Too Too High Tension

Breathing Breathing To spit it out

I've already grown tired tired of your back and forth behavior

Midday Rendezvous

Bippity Boppity Boo

Raise the caution of solitary love

Before the magic withers and disappears

Let's be reborn


Turning into an idiot, dancing in midair

Now if only I could forget Lalala~

Lets dance, heat this night up

I'll cry tears making sure my eyes won't close

I won't become the false me that ends myself Lalala~

What absolute nonsense this was

I'll leave this to you

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