Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 20 2017

How old are you today?!

Are you seven months old?!

Oh! I'm seven months old!

Big month.

So much has happened.

We're eating new foods.

Mom got a kidney stone.

It's crazy!

You see the light, huh?

You like the light.

Stay away from the light, Allie!

Don't go to the light!

Oh my God!

"Blinded by the light!"

Oh, okay!


Oh, wow!

You're not the same when you don't have a Snickers.

[louder grunt]

You're getting so big!

Stop growing up, Allie!

Oh my God!

You're getting so big!

Stop growing up!


I know!

You're over the hill, Allie!

Seven months old, man!

Why dawg?! WHY?!

Why you gotta do this?

Oh my gosh!

I'm the prettiest girl in the world!

Next to my Mom.

I mean...

your mom is a fox!



You're gettin' smudges on my camera.

I think that's it.


I'm seven months old and...

I like to grab everything now.


For more infomation >> Allie Jo's Seven Months Old! - Duration: 1:16.


[YTPH]-Constituyentistas drogados :v - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> [YTPH]-Constituyentistas drogados :v - Duration: 1:52.


Estas son las Razones para comer estas Semillas una vez por Semana - Beneficios de las Vainitas - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Estas son las Razones para comer estas Semillas una vez por Semana - Beneficios de las Vainitas - Duration: 6:58.


How to create libraries of ready-to-use - Duration: 23:22.

For more infomation >> How to create libraries of ready-to-use - Duration: 23:22.


Autoridades investigan muerte de agente fronterizo en Texas - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Autoridades investigan muerte de agente fronterizo en Texas - Duration: 0:33.


Savjz - Savjz cava profundo y encuentra el(los) Antiguo(s) [Sub. Español] - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> Savjz - Savjz cava profundo y encuentra el(los) Antiguo(s) [Sub. Español] - Duration: 6:54.


3 recettes de thé détox pour dire adieu à la graisse du ventre ! - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> 3 recettes de thé détox pour dire adieu à la graisse du ventre ! - Duration: 8:05.


Inside Atlanta: Birthplace of T...

For more infomation >> Inside Atlanta: Birthplace of T...


DESPACITO🔹Madilyn Bailey&Leroy Sanchez Cover🔹NIGHTCORE - Duration: 2:23.

Come on over in my direction So thankful for that, it's such a blessin',

yeah Turn every situation into Heaven, yeah

Oh, you are My sunrise on the darkest day

Got me feelin' some kind of way Make me wanna savor every moment slowly

You fit me, tailor-made love, how you put it on

You got the only key, know how to turn it on

The way you nibble on my ear, the only words I wanna hear

Baby, take it slow so we can last long

Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan

Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal

Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro

Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo

Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito

Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

Quiero ver bailar tu pelo Quiero ser tu ritmo

Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos

Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro Hasta provocar tus gritos

Y que olvides tu apellido

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas Pero pa' montarlo aquí tengo la pieza

Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo

Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito

Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Hasta provocar tus gritos Y que olvides tu apellido


For more infomation >> DESPACITO🔹Madilyn Bailey&Leroy Sanchez Cover🔹NIGHTCORE - Duration: 2:23.


After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.

After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The


No matter what he does and how much he wins President Trump just can't seem to make

the left happy.

Even when he gets 3 spoiled entitled ball players out of hot water in China.

President Trump was able to save and get 3 UCLA basketball players safely home.

LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley, and Jalen Hill, who have now been suspended indefinitely by

the Bruins basketball team.

All three players apologized at a news conference Wednesday morning about the incident in China

that had them stay behind on a team trip after they were accused of shoplifting at 3 different

local area stores.

But of course, since their Messiah, Former President Barack Hussein Obama had no hand

in freeing these 3 characters, the American left and even one of the player's father

just can't seem to give Trump the credit he so rightly deserves.

In fact, LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father is not giving President Trump any of the credit.

When asked about his son's return and the whole ordeal he actually had the galls to

say "Who?" when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter.

"What was he over there for?

Don't tell me nothing.

Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

Ummm. grammar is key!

The Mercury News Reports:

Trump scolds LiAngelo Ball: 'Are you going to thank me?'

The three UCLA players who were detained in China for shoplifting returned to the U.S.

on Tuesday night, following intervention from, among others, President Donald Trump.

As immensely relieved as LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill and Cody Riley must be to have been allowed

to leave so quickly (not to mention to have avoided prison sentences), they came back

to calls for strong punishments from the school – and a chiding from the president.

"Do you think the three UCLA Basketball Players will say thank you President Trump?

They were headed for 10 years in jail!" Trump tweeted Wednesday.

Among those insisting that the trio be suspended for the entire season was Los Angeles Times

columnist Bill Plaschke, who wrote Tuesday, "If the three students had any sort of involvement

in something so appallingly entitled and dumb while on a school trip to a foreign country,

UCLA's next move should be clear.

School authorities should say welcome home, and see you next season."

The three Bruins were reportedly accused of stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store

adjacent to the team's hotel where it was staying in Hangzhou, as part of a weeklong

trip that involved playing a game in Shanghai against Georgia Tech.

Ball, Hill and Riley were released on bail in time for the game, but they were benched

by coach Steve Alford.

Now that they are back in Los Angeles, it remains to be seen when they will be allowed

to play.

During halftime of a nationally televised game Tuesday between No. 1 Duke and No. 2

Michigan State, ESPN's Jay Williams disagreed with fellow analyst Seth Greenberg's vehement

assertion that the three players should sit out the season.

Williams said they should be suspended for "a couple of games," adding, "We're

talking about kids."

Greenberg exclaimed, "I don't care about 'kids'!

You're taking your team to another country, a different culture, they steal things in

three different stores, allegedly.

To me, that's egregious."

"They should not be able to play this year.

This is an embarrassment," Greenberg went on.

The arrest of the players coincided with a trip to Asia by Trump, who added an unexpected

item to his agenda when he asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help resolve their case.

"The basketball players, by the way – I know a lot of people are asking – I will

tell you, when I heard about it two days ago, I had a great conversation with President

Xi," Trump said Tuesday while aboard Air Force One in Manila.

"What they did was unfortunate.

You know, you're talking about very long prison sentences.

[The Chinese] do not play games."

In his Wednesday tweet, Trump exaggerated the punishment the players were facing.

According to a blog that specializes in decoding the Chinese criminal justice system, the players

could have received prison sentences of anywhere between one and four years under the worst-case

scenario, punishment that likely would have been mitigated by the players' ages and

the fact that they appeared to be cooperating with authorities.

It's not clear what terms were negotiated to bring the players back, but it's apparent

that they received relatively minimal punishments from China.

Now it's up to UCLA, possibly with some input from the Pac-12 Conference, to determine

how the three freshmen should atone for what is a very embarrassing incident for the school.

"I want to be clear that we take seriously any violations of the law," UCLA Chancellor

Gene Block said in a statement.

"In this particular case, both Athletics and the Office of Student Conduct will review

this incident and guide any action with respect to the involved students.

Such proceedings are confidential, which limits the specific information that can be shared."

The 23rd-ranked Bruins have their home opener Wednesday, and before the game, Ball, Hill

and Riley, as well as Alford and athletic director Dan Guerrero, are set to offer comments

on the episode but reportedly will not take questions.

Tuesday evening saw the players making their way through a media scrum after landing at

Los Angeles International Airport.

Hanson Wang, a columnist for UCLA's student newspaper, The Daily Bruin, called Sunday

for his school to "lay down the hammer" in disciplining the trio.

Citing his grandfather's firsthand, frustrating experience with the Chinese legal system,

Wang wrote that UCLA "should suspend the three players for the entire year and possibly


"These players were responsible for representing UCLA and the country during their time abroad,

and they failed to meet even the most basic standards of law-abiding citizens," Wang


"UCLA must hold them accountable and send the message that no player – or players

– can be let off the hook for violating foreign laws and making a fool out of the

school, the Pac-12 and the U.S."

However, some have pointed out that UCLA officials might be concerned with how well lengthy suspensions

may sit with LaVar Ball, LiAngelo's father, who was with the Bruins in China when the

arrests occurred and said of them, "It ain't that big of a deal."

LaVar Ball's oldest son, Lonzo, starred for the Bruins last season before being drafted

No. 2 overall by the Los Angeles Lakers, and his highly touted youngest son, 16-year-old

LaMelo, has already been ticketed to follow in his brothers' footsteps and play for


"UCLA officials now have the delicate task of determining a suitable punishment," wrote

USA Today's Nancy Armour on Tuesday.

"And by suitable, I mean one that won't incur the wrath of Ball's father, LaVar.

Or prompt him to yank another son out of school."

In waiting to announce its disciplinary measures for Ball, Hill and Riley, UCLA might be trying

to gauge how light a punishment it can get away with meting out.

However, anything less than a full season's suspension won't go over well with at least

a few media figures.

This is everything that's wrong with our great nation.

People like this ball tosser's father are given a platform to ooze their biased hate

to the public.

Why not instead ask him what he did wrong that his son was shoplifting, to begin with?

Someone who speaks like this guy shouldn't even be asked questions by the media.

Who cares what he says or thinks.

We as a nation better start to wise up and put these people in their places.

What exactly entitles this man to give his opinion on this international incident considering

he wasn't even able to raise his son to know the difference between right and wrong?

what do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> After Trump Saved UCLA Player, Ungrateful Father Just BRUTALLY Stabbed Trump In The Back. - Duration: 7:41.


How To Grow A Kiwi Tree or Vine From Seed - 18 Months - Duration: 5:45.

hey everyone its Rob the backyard gardenerr and a lot of you are asking

about my Kiwi vines and so I need to give you an update I will warn you

though we had a freeze about what is it three weeks ago two weeks ago and it

pretty much decimated what was on the vine so they're not gonna look that

great but this is the season where the Kiwi vines go dormant anyway and if they

can survive the winter like last year they'll put on some explosive growth ten

extent let me get you caught up on the Kiwi vines and we'll show you where

they're at today all right guys these are the two

original ones I planted in the box if you followed this one along it wraps I

know it's hard to see around this pole comes up through here up to the top and

wraps this way as you can see the frost damaged

believes quite a bit but I'm not too concerned about it the same thing

happened last year during the frost sorry about the Sun but it's still

growing pretty good and I'm happy with that and the other one which is ran up

this pole right here doing the same thing so I'm allowing these two if

you'll call these are the two I'm just gonna allow to spread across this top

fence wasn't looking to train the trunk so to speak kind of let them do their

own thing these guys are eighteen and a half months old so this year they didn't

put on a ton of growth I did notice the vines hardened up a little bit but the

vines thickened up down here on these parts this one was actually just a stump

down here remember they got chewed away by the rat or rats and so this is all

growth so it did grow quite a bit on this one and then I kept them trimmed

because I can't let them get out of control I want the trunks to fatten up a

little bit focus on some trunk growth and then we'll focus on some mining

anyway that's the first two but I wanted to get you caught up on them let me show

you the other ones alright guys I wanted to show you this

one it's a pretty sad sight like I said the Frost did what it does destroyed

most of the leaves and unfortunately the roofers also did a number on this guy so

he's not looking too good you can see they broke up some branches so the best

thing to do with this one I believe is I'm going to chop him probably right

around here and we'll let this part fatten up I will

wait for another month until we've had a real deep freeze before I chop him and

we'll let him go into the winter about half the size he was he'll come back

full effect next year if they all survive the winter in me last year we

had a mild winter and everything survived if we have a major ice freeze I

don't know if these Kiwis will make it but I'm pretty sure they will I'm not

gonna panic yet but I'm gonna chop him off at about the 5 foot mark and we'll

let him come back that way so again not much to show you after the freeze but

the keys are still alive and they're still doing fine and you can see the

ones over here with a little protection they're doing really well as well

starting to lose their leaves look what we got here some more roofing shingles

they're everywhere anyway these ones are doing fine as well I have growing up

this post so I will be chopping these ones right at this level as well my plan

is to get all these Kiwis chopped in about a month again I wanted to give you

guys an update could you ask but you can see there's not really much to show you

right now we're right at that transitional part of the season where

the leaves are dying the plants don't look great but that's what they do when

they go into dormancy either way the trunks are really nice

and thick on these guys about half an inch wide so if they survive last year

with half those sized trunks they should survive this year

these ice chunks the final one we got is in the greenhouse which is just using

bird netting right now and you can clearly see that he was yellow in the

last video he's still yellow now but he's alive he's doing fine we're going

to let him stay that height we're not gonna chop him any further and I'll

probably chop that side branch over there a little bit down but I wanted to

give you a look at that one anyway guys that's the Kiwi update at 18 and a half

months you can see there's not much to show you but I didn't want to be

disrespectful I had quite a lot of my viewers that are fall in the series and

they wanted to see what they look like they're not gonna look good over the

next what four months I will give you another update after we have a freeze

and I topped it and prune them and I fertilized them in public January or

February once I get that done we'll get you an update again and they'll be going

on their second full year here come mid-may next year so they're moving

along just fine I mean they don't look great there's not much to show this

video but you get the idea I appreciate you guys fall on the Kiwi series and if

you like the video please give it a thumbs up if you like the series please

give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How To Grow A Kiwi Tree or Vine From Seed - 18 Months - Duration: 5:45.


「パナソニックビューティ新企画」スペシャルティザー動画【パナソニック公式】 - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 「パナソニックビューティ新企画」スペシャルティザー動画【パナソニック公式】 - Duration: 0:31.


Kim Heang - Land Lots | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:31.

Kim Heang

Founder and CEO of Khmer Real State

Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Kim Heang - Land Lots | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:31.


This Is The 7-Word Response Trump Gave To Freed UCLA Player's Father That Has Everyone Cheering. - Duration: 4:49.

This Is The 7-Word Response Trump Gave To Freed UCLA Player's Father That Has Everyone


Members of UCLA's basketball team were arrested in China after being caught shoplifting.

President Trump was fortunately able to get them released after speaking with the Chinese


However, the President took issue with the families of the young men who were arrested

when he felt they did not give him the proper respect he was owed.

The father of LiAngelo Ball did not give much credit to President Trump for getting the

boys released.

In an ESPN interview he said,


What was he over there for?

Don't tell me nothing.

Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

After the ESPN interview, the President tweeted out the following in response to the father's


"Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail,

LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting

is no big deal.

I should have left them in jail!"

Originally, the President tweeted out,

"To the three UCLA basketball players I say: You're welcome, go out and give a big

Thank You to President Xi Jinping of China who made your release possible and, HAVE A


Be careful, there are many pitfalls on the long and winding road of life!"

John Kelly, the president's chief of staff, said of the Chinese authorities,

"These are law and order guys; they have pretty swift justice.

An awful lot of American kids don't realize that the kinds of things that in United States

society we tolerate with a slap on the wrist, a lot of countries they take very seriously."

However, the father received flack in the media for downplaying his son's behavior.

In the same interview with ESPN he said,

"As long as my boy's back here, I'm fine.

I'm happy with how things were handled.

A lot of people like to say a lot of things that they thought happened over there.

Like I told him, 'They try to make a big deal out of nothing sometimes.'

I'm from L.A. I've seen a lot worse things happen than a guy taking some glasses.

My son has built up enough character that one bad decision doesn't define him.

Now if you can go back and say when he was 12 years old he was shoplifting and stealing

cars and going wild, then that's a different thing."

During the event in question the three players, Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, admitted

they stole sunglasses as well as a few other things during a team trip to China.

Their crime occurred at the same time that President Trump was in Asia for his international


The Washington Post wrote,

"Trump was piqued because he has pointed to his record of freeing Americans held overseas

as evidence of his dealmaking prowess and as a contrast with predecessor Barack Obama.

Before the three basketball players, the Trump administration had successfully negotiated

releases including American student Otto Warmbier from North Korea and charity worker Aya Hijazi

from Egypt.

Although those efforts earned bipartisan welcome, the apparent grievance that he has not gotten

more credit or thanks in the UCLA case drew criticism."

The Los Angeles times also reported,

"Rep. Steve Womack (R–Ark.) said Trump "personally engaged the Chinese president

and it turned out the way it did," with the players released.

He said China is known for being "extremely punitive" with criminal suspects, adding:

"This could have been a disaster for those families."

Ball, Hill and Riley were detained in Hangzhou for questioning last week before the Bruins

beat Georgia Tech in their season-opening game in Shanghai.

The rest of the team returned home Saturday.

Athletic director Dan Guerrero said the shoplifting occurred when the team had 90 minutes of free

time on Nov. 6 in Hangzhou.

He said the three took items from three stores.

The players are suspended indefinitely, and coach Steve Alford has said they will have

to earn their way back onto the team."

President Trump has made it a mission during his presidency to work on releasing Americans

that are detained and arrested while overseas.

He was able to obtain the release of college student Otto Warmbier.

He died shortly thereafter.

Now he has obtained the release of these students.

The president's comments speak to a much larger issue at hand.

President Trump has received very little support or acknowledgment for the work he has done

especially on behalf of Americans that have been arrested while overseas.

This is something that President Obama never did do, nor was willing to do.

Instead, he stood by and waited for action to happen and it never did.

what do you think about this?

Share if you think the father of the ball player should have been more understanding

and respectful to President Trump for his diligent work in getting them released from

what would have been years in prison!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> This Is The 7-Word Response Trump Gave To Freed UCLA Player's Father That Has Everyone Cheering. - Duration: 4:49.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ২০ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 14:44.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ২০ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 14:44.


Cả Triệu Tiền T.HUỐC Cũng Không Bằng 1 Nắm Lá Mơ Lông Trị Được Bách Bệnh Ai Cũng Cần Biết - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> Cả Triệu Tiền T.HUỐC Cũng Không Bằng 1 Nắm Lá Mơ Lông Trị Được Bách Bệnh Ai Cũng Cần Biết - Duration: 13:14.


Estas son las Razones para comer estas Semillas una vez por Semana - Beneficios de las Vainitas - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Estas son las Razones para comer estas Semillas una vez por Semana - Beneficios de las Vainitas - Duration: 6:58.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


I should have NEVER got in his van - full story - Duration: 5:22.

This is a horrific story that happened to me, I'm willing to share it to you.

This story happened about a decade ago.

My mom was acquainted with this weird but nice guy named Michael.

They would often hangout and she introduced me to him at some point.

I noticed a creepy vibe when I was around him but as I got to know him more I never

really cared.

He even got me a real dream catcher as I'm into that kind of stuff and this got me to

grow much respect towards him.

However, there was this one day my mom was at her friends house and I was home alone.

Michael was driving a mini van and he pulled up on the driveway and started honking the

car horn for my mom, I went outside to tell him that she wasn't home.

He grinned at me, I mean he grinned like he was going to get what he wanted.

Well I think he did because he asked me if I wanted to go get ice cream with him and

i being that little kid that didn't know better, I said "yes".

"Hop on in bud" he said.

I got in and we drove down to a place called "dairy delight".

To be fair we actually did get ice cream but the car ride after that was just ..weird.

We started driving in a direction I wasn't familiar with.

"Where are we going?"

I asked.

I kid you not, his response was "Were going to see your mom!"

He said that with a dark smile on his face.

That didn't make any sense my mom was busy during this day there's no way she would of

been able to be picked up by this guy.

I started feeling a pain punch my stomach, I nervously said" Maybe we should go back

to my house" and he turned back to me and glared.

After glaring at me for like 5 or 10 seconds, he said in a very dark tone "No".

I noticed he was pulling over and there was a guy standing on the road with his thumb


Michael pulled over and told him he would drive him to wherever he was headed.

The guy got in the van and we drove off In what felt like a hurry.

For the record I was in the back seat.

Michael and this guy both smiled and looked at each other then at me.

This guy was messy, wearing a stained green shirt and cuts on his pants.

The two were talking back and forth to each other about stuff I don't even remember but

they seemed to be getting along like they knew each other.

I already could tell that Michael knew this guy, he wasn't a hitchhiker . I was scared

out of my mind, I wanted to go home.

I failed to notice this earlier, but In the way back of Michaels van there were pictures

of what looked like young kids with their shirts off.

What scared me straight was one of the pictures was of me.

It looked like me walking home from school.

I finally realized what Michaels true colours were.

I started crying and screaming for someone to help me and the two up front started laughing.

I saw a wrench that was on the floor of Michaels van.

I quickly thought of what I had to do.

I picked up the wrench and swung the van window open and screamed for my life.

The "hitchhiker" tried grabbing me but I bit his hand and he let out the most horrific

blood curdling scream.

Michael slammed on the brakes and I jumped out.

The van didn't move an inch while I was running away.

I was able to get help from a nearby pedestrian and she helped me to my place where we called

my mom and the cops.

Turns out Michael was convictions and spent some time in jail.

My mom rushed home when she heard the news.

She made sure to give me trouble for going with him but she was very happy I was safe

and cried while holding me.

Michael was found at his sketchy apartment and was arrested later that same day.

Unfortunately they never found the guy he picked up.

I don't know where Michael is today but I hope he's rotting in jail for other reasons

because no kid should have to go through with what I did.

I'm 18 now and my mom has passed on... things are still uneasy in my life but they're getting


I hope I can finally have closure on this event after sharing it.

I'd like to give a special thanks to Valentine from Windsor, Canada for sharing that true

scary story with us.

My name is Chills and if you're curious to see what I look like without all this darkness,

then follow me on Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt.

And feel free to send me a DM if you have any questions or suggestions.

For more infomation >> I should have NEVER got in his van - full story - Duration: 5:22.


Full Comstock & Dingell: 'I Don't Know A Woman That Doesn't Have A Story' | Meet The Press |NBC News - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Full Comstock & Dingell: 'I Don't Know A Woman That Doesn't Have A Story' | Meet The Press |NBC News - Duration: 8:23.


How To Grow A Kiwi Tree or Vine From Seed - 18 Months - Duration: 5:45.

hey everyone its Rob the backyard gardenerr and a lot of you are asking

about my Kiwi vines and so I need to give you an update I will warn you

though we had a freeze about what is it three weeks ago two weeks ago and it

pretty much decimated what was on the vine so they're not gonna look that

great but this is the season where the Kiwi vines go dormant anyway and if they

can survive the winter like last year they'll put on some explosive growth ten

extent let me get you caught up on the Kiwi vines and we'll show you where

they're at today all right guys these are the two

original ones I planted in the box if you followed this one along it wraps I

know it's hard to see around this pole comes up through here up to the top and

wraps this way as you can see the frost damaged

believes quite a bit but I'm not too concerned about it the same thing

happened last year during the frost sorry about the Sun but it's still

growing pretty good and I'm happy with that and the other one which is ran up

this pole right here doing the same thing so I'm allowing these two if

you'll call these are the two I'm just gonna allow to spread across this top

fence wasn't looking to train the trunk so to speak kind of let them do their

own thing these guys are eighteen and a half months old so this year they didn't

put on a ton of growth I did notice the vines hardened up a little bit but the

vines thickened up down here on these parts this one was actually just a stump

down here remember they got chewed away by the rat or rats and so this is all

growth so it did grow quite a bit on this one and then I kept them trimmed

because I can't let them get out of control I want the trunks to fatten up a

little bit focus on some trunk growth and then we'll focus on some mining

anyway that's the first two but I wanted to get you caught up on them let me show

you the other ones alright guys I wanted to show you this

one it's a pretty sad sight like I said the Frost did what it does destroyed

most of the leaves and unfortunately the roofers also did a number on this guy so

he's not looking too good you can see they broke up some branches so the best

thing to do with this one I believe is I'm going to chop him probably right

around here and we'll let this part fatten up I will

wait for another month until we've had a real deep freeze before I chop him and

we'll let him go into the winter about half the size he was he'll come back

full effect next year if they all survive the winter in me last year we

had a mild winter and everything survived if we have a major ice freeze I

don't know if these Kiwis will make it but I'm pretty sure they will I'm not

gonna panic yet but I'm gonna chop him off at about the 5 foot mark and we'll

let him come back that way so again not much to show you after the freeze but

the keys are still alive and they're still doing fine and you can see the

ones over here with a little protection they're doing really well as well

starting to lose their leaves look what we got here some more roofing shingles

they're everywhere anyway these ones are doing fine as well I have growing up

this post so I will be chopping these ones right at this level as well my plan

is to get all these Kiwis chopped in about a month again I wanted to give you

guys an update could you ask but you can see there's not really much to show you

right now we're right at that transitional part of the season where

the leaves are dying the plants don't look great but that's what they do when

they go into dormancy either way the trunks are really nice

and thick on these guys about half an inch wide so if they survive last year

with half those sized trunks they should survive this year

these ice chunks the final one we got is in the greenhouse which is just using

bird netting right now and you can clearly see that he was yellow in the

last video he's still yellow now but he's alive he's doing fine we're going

to let him stay that height we're not gonna chop him any further and I'll

probably chop that side branch over there a little bit down but I wanted to

give you a look at that one anyway guys that's the Kiwi update at 18 and a half

months you can see there's not much to show you but I didn't want to be

disrespectful I had quite a lot of my viewers that are fall in the series and

they wanted to see what they look like they're not gonna look good over the

next what four months I will give you another update after we have a freeze

and I topped it and prune them and I fertilized them in public January or

February once I get that done we'll get you an update again and they'll be going

on their second full year here come mid-may next year so they're moving

along just fine I mean they don't look great there's not much to show this

video but you get the idea I appreciate you guys fall on the Kiwi series and if

you like the video please give it a thumbs up if you like the series please

give it a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How To Grow A Kiwi Tree or Vine From Seed - 18 Months - Duration: 5:45.


Grande Fratello Vip 2: i ripensamenti di Cecilia - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip 2: i ripensamenti di Cecilia - Duration: 3:45.


Putin BOMBSHELL: Shock claims Russian leader to QUIT - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:37.

Putin BOMBSHELL: Shock claims Russian leader to QUIT

RUSSIAN leader Vladimir Putin is considering quitting his role as President so he can splash

his vast fortune, according to reports.

Putin, 65, has led the nation since 2000 – with a four-year break from 2008 – but reports

suggest all could be about to end.

The hardline boss is said to want to start enjoying a fortune some put as high as £160billion,

and may even pull the plug ahead of March's presidential election.

That would shock world politics to its core, and come just months before the freezing country

hosts the World Cup in June 2018.

Experts say he is "tired" and allude to Putin feeling reluctant to carry on.

Valery Solovei, a professor of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations,

told the Independent: "There is a growing sense that this election is less about the

future, as it is about the end."

And Gleb Pavlovsky, a former Kremlin advisor and head of the Effective Politics Foundation,

added: "Whichever way you play it, this campaign is about transitioning to a post-Putin Russia."

While some estimate that £160bn will make him the world's richest man, others believe

the figure could be closer to £32bn.

The don already owns a fleet of planes, helicopters, yachts and super mansions along with a private

jet and lavish jewellery.

In 2015, Russian fund manager and author Bill Browder, who estimates his wealth to be £160bn,

told the International Business Times: "After 14 years in power of Russia, and the amount

of money that the country has made, and the amount of money that hasn't been spent on

schools and roads and hospitals and so on, all that money is in property, bank — Swiss

bank accounts —shares, hedge funds, managed for Putin and his cronies."

For more infomation >> Putin BOMBSHELL: Shock claims Russian leader to QUIT - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 2:37.


Mix up leaves family with dozens of baby guinea pigs - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Mix up leaves family with dozens of baby guinea pigs - Duration: 2:24.


Why Dragon Ball Fans LOVE BULMA! - Duration: 13:43.

I have very unfortunate news.

For more infomation >> Why Dragon Ball Fans LOVE BULMA! - Duration: 13:43.


DESPACITO🔹Madilyn Bailey&Leroy Sanchez Cover🔹NIGHTCORE - Duration: 2:23.

Come on over in my direction So thankful for that, it's such a blessin',

yeah Turn every situation into Heaven, yeah

Oh, you are My sunrise on the darkest day

Got me feelin' some kind of way Make me wanna savor every moment slowly

You fit me, tailor-made love, how you put it on

You got the only key, know how to turn it on

The way you nibble on my ear, the only words I wanna hear

Baby, take it slow so we can last long

Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan

Solo con pensarlo se acelera el pulso Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal

Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo más Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún apuro

Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo

Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito

Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

Quiero ver bailar tu pelo Quiero ser tu ritmo

Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos

Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de peligro Hasta provocar tus gritos

Y que olvides tu apellido

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza Veo que eres malicia con delicadeza

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Y es que esa belleza es un rompecabezas Pero pa' montarlo aquí tengo la pieza

Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito

Deja que te diga cosas al oído Para que te acuerdes si no estás conmigo

Despacito Quiero desnudarte a besos despacito

Firmo en las paredes de tu laberinto Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Que le enseñes a mi boca Tus lugares favoritos

Pasito a pasito, suave suavecito Nos vamos pegando, poquito a poquito

Hasta provocar tus gritos Y que olvides tu apellido


For more infomation >> DESPACITO🔹Madilyn Bailey&Leroy Sanchez Cover🔹NIGHTCORE - Duration: 2:23.


Hot Milk [Meme] - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hot Milk [Meme] - Duration: 1:01.


Gifts of Autumn 'Pine Mushrooms' - Duration: 5:34.

The autumn flavor is fully in the air at Woodosan Moutain in Geochang, Gyeongsangnam-do Province.

Walking through a desolate a mountain path in the heart of the mountain...

we see a hidden treasure of the season.

(SOV) "I found a pine mushroom "

It's pine mushrooms, also known as matsutake.

Let's begin an intense aromatic adventure with autumn's gift.

These guys are climbing a rugged mountain path, gasping for air.

They are hunting wild pine mushrooms in time for the harvest season.

The once-yearly harvest season begins around September 7th and lasts for 40 days.

(KOREAN, ) "Pine mushrooms only grow in the wild, so

they are affected by various uncontrollable environmental factors, including temperature,

climate, and humidity.

A single mushroom will not grow unless all the conditions are right."

Pine mushrooms grow only in optimal soil, not too moist or dry, and require humidity

at around 70% and a ground surface temperature of 19 degrees Celsius.

The hunter looks around the mountain forest and then gazes at one spot.

(SOV) "I see one here, but it's small due to

the dry weather."

Unfortunately, the crop for the year is not what they expected.

(KOREAN, ) "The best pine mushrooms have full veils,

so this one would fall into Grade 4.

Grade 1 pine mushrooms should be tall with their veils fully intact."

pine mushrooms are categorized into five grades based on their shape and size.

Ones with button tight buds, veils completely intact and over 8cm tall are the crme de la


Top-quality matsutake are true rarities even for these veteran hunters with 40 years of

experience under his belt.

The clock is ticking, but the hunters haven't been able to achieve the desired results...

(SOV) "Foraging for pine mushrooms is a lot like

a treasure hunt.

Do you see anything there?"

They continue to search for the mushrooms deeper in the forest.

After a long while...

(SOV) "Is that a Grade 1 mushroom?

It's huge.

Let's pick it."

Underneath a thick layer of pine needles is Pine mushrooms.

(SOV) "This is beautiful.

It's Grade 1."

(KOREAN, ) "Top-grade pine mushrooms should be clean

without worms and visually appealing.

This is the best quality."

The name of the mushroom came from where it grows: the soil beneath pine trees.

The spores are produced only around the roots of pine trees, therefore, they cannot be farmed,

making it more elusive.

pine mushrooms are famous for its signature spicy and intense flavor and surprisingly

firm texture.

So-called, the "truffles of Asia," they are rich in anti-cancerous properties and

reinforce the immune system among many other health benefits.

The hunters take each and every step very carefully?

Because they can easily step on the mushrooms, which are hiding underneath pine needles.

(SOV) "Be careful not to step on the mushrooms.

Here is another one."

"That's right."

With his careful touch, this hunter harvested three pine mushrooms from one place.

(KOREAN, ) "Pine mushrooms grow only in clean areas and

around the roots of pine trees.

This area is exceptionally clean, making it the perfect home for top-quality pine mushrooms

with their intense fragrance."

Pine mushrooms should be consumed raw for the best taste, texture, and flavor

So... how does it taste?

(SOV) "Do you like it?"

"The scent is absolutely amazing."

That thrilling aromatic adventure keeps the hunters going back to the mountain.

The hunters have been on duty from early morning to late in the afternoon.

The work is exhausting, but they cannot give up on the Pine mushrooms that they dedicated

their lives to.

(KOREAN, ) "I feel completely refreshed every time I

discover a pine mushroom.

That moment is truly thrilling."

Pine mushrooms announce the arrival of autumn with its spicy odor.

And the season is working its magic with that irresistible scent.

For more infomation >> Gifts of Autumn 'Pine Mushrooms' - Duration: 5:34.


Mail Time - New Board and New Stickers from Survival Mindset and Native Tearz 📨 - Duration: 10:47.

Big Crazy John with Big Crazy Outdoor Adventures and today we got a new board

So we're indoors not outdoors but that's okay.

A lot of YouTube channels I've seen

you know they have different methods they have kayaks they have coolers they

have you know the crates bins whatever they have poster boards with their

stickers that they get from you know they trade with channels. So if you're

not familiar with this method. With what this is there's YouTube

channels do this kind of trading of stickers between each other so they'll

send a sticker to another channel the channel present and talk about that

channel and and they do that trade so I've sent some stickers to other

channels and they've shared mine first of which was

survival mindset so with that we're going to talk about survival mindset and

this is the first sticker I've received and it was the first sticker I've I've

had shared so you can probably see that there is an so he's got survival and the

I's are the what I assumed to be an ESEE 6 knife which there's a funny story

with that so and then there's an axe and then there's a fire going on there

which I can really appreciate a piece that's in our logo as well so that's

survival mindset this actually came as a sticker and I placed it onto this magnet

and cut it out of this survival mindset I got a note with that sticker so this

this note says this is our second batch of stickers with our new logo design

thank you for your interest and support with our youtube channel we enjoy your

friendship and your channel thank you survival mindset Justin and Jana so

their channel is outdoor activities very similar to my you know but they are

focused in some other areas so one of which is knife reviews and it's actually

I came to their channel commented on a knife review Justin was doing and he you

know I was kind of looking for a particular knife and he gave me some

suggestions and he actually pointed me to another knife review video he did and

it was for the ESEE 6 which is probably a knife I'm going to buy for myself for

Christmas and or after Christmas we'll see but they have other videos some of

which are camping outdoor cooking fire making bushcraft just a lot of different

cool videos I enjoy watching so there's that Justin posts quite a few videos

which is a great thing for a YouTube channel and that's why he's grown so

much I wish I had the time to do that so he's I think last I checked about 5,995

subscribers he's about to hit the six thousand points so be sure to go over

and check out his channel and I think he's gonna have a six thousand

subscriber giveaway so you know be part of that and a good channel I enjoy it

survival mindset go check it out we'll have the link in the description below

the next channel is Native Tearz so I get this homing magnet from native tears

Native Tearz and that's with a Z at the end garden and outdoors you can see

there with the pine tree or the evergreen trees and the acorn so they

are in Missouri and they sent me this envelope which I have to show this this

I like this green color it's a good good color they or Dee provided this card

and a handmade card here with some stickers on it and says hey brother here's one of my

DIY homemade channel stickers or magnet for your board we are neighbors and have

to do a YouTube meetup when it gets warm congrats on the 100 sub milestone first

of many to come I'm sure and it says Dee with Native Tearz

so that is Dee's channel um she actually has two YouTube channels she just I

think started up or restarted another channel which was a Native TearzTU

and that's a little different channel that she's kind of going down different

paths with but her original channel native tears is its primarily focused

around bushcraft camping Ferro rod handles and you know actual handmade

wooden Ferro rod handles and also gardening obviously she has that on there magnet

and a number of other outdoor activities so it's good stuff a positive Channel I

appreciate it and that is Native Tearz

so I've had some people ask me about the

stickers and you know where where to get the stickers so you know we have our

sticker here I also put on a magnet and

there is our sticker Big Crazy Outdoor Adventures remember get outside and have some fun.

that sticker I purchased from Vistaprint and they seem

to be cheap for business cards and so I just kind of stuck with them for the

stickers however after a little more review and got some advice on vinyl

stickers Lars Londian and apologize if I mispronounced

that but Lars is a youtuber he's commented on a number

of my videos really all my videos which has been awesome and so he suggested

vinyl disorder and vinyl disorder I've checked them out I placed an order and

this is not a paid endorsement but on either vistaprint are a violent disorder

I will give you a better review of those two companies and the products later but

I do want to share this quote I got from vinyl disorder when I was trying to you

know get more information from and this is kind of what I really appreciated

about these stickers because these vistaprint stickers you get them wet

they're they don't look right they're not made for outdoors they're

made for indoors which is it's great for this kind of application so vinyl

disorder said all vinyl disorder stickers are printed on high quality

outdoor grade vinyl come cut to shape which is important to note because

vistaprint are not cut their sheet so you have to look at that too because I

mean that's more time you're going to invest with these things but they come

cut to cut to shape and are laminated laminate adds durability scratch

protection as well as UV protection which extends the life of this sticker

the average outdoor life stick lifespan is about 4 to 5 years in all weather

conditions our stickers are waterproof weatherproof and can even be ran through

the dishwasher top rack air drying so I thought that was pretty

cool because I wanted to be able to use these stickers on coolers kayaks the

camper you know and when I give them the people that are in home today you have

outdoor activities I want them to be able to use it on whatever you know so you

might notice that I have outdoor related YouTube channel stickers don't let that

stop you I will take most any YouTube channel and if they want to trade stickers

or you know message me and I'm happy to participate and I think most small to

medium sized channels that have channel stickers you know I think they are

it's all part of this collaboration and I think we need to look at it you know

not from our own niche or genre or whatever you want to call it category

but I think you know the small medium size youtubers we kind of have to stick

together and I think collaborating this is a great way to do this

you know exchanging stickers and I'm looking forward to it so I would

appreciate having a collaboration with another YouTube channel also when I get

a sticker I am going to try to participate with that channel I am I

want to get an understanding of what their videos are I'm gonna you know

watch some of their videos and a comment I'm gonna like their videos and

reciprocation with that would be appreciated not required but appreciated

last order of business is the post office box

post office box is BCOA.TV p.o box five one zero zero three one st. Louis Missouri six three one five one

so that's the P o box that's the board that's the new stickers

that is it I hope you remember to get outside and have some fun during these

holidays coming up have a good one

For more infomation >> Mail Time - New Board and New Stickers from Survival Mindset and Native Tearz 📨 - Duration: 10:47.


FREE Local Ads for Facebook 🏢 - Duration: 0:43.

Hi, if you want to grow, your business and grow,

your exposure online, I'm here to help my name is

Carrie Peterson. I'm an ambassador with the

Northfield Chamber of Commerce and I look forward

to the next 30 days meeting business owners in

the local community,

helping to get their message and the brand out to

the community. I look forward to meeting them

tag them below if you know it's a business that

would love to be exposed the local community I'll

be paying for ads to get your message out, get

your company out so I hope that you'll help me to

look to the local community to help other people

get their message out

thanks for your help

For more infomation >> FREE Local Ads for Facebook 🏢 - Duration: 0:43.







(WW2 XP HACK PATCH) 0:00:01.660,0:00:05.000

[Music] WW2 XP LOBBY

0:00:13.000,0:00:17.420 hey what's going on guys my name is Zack

WW2 XP LOBBY GLITCH 0:00:15.890,0:00:18.680

be guess and call me hazardous thank you WW2 XP LOBBY HACK

0:00:17.420,0:00:20.510 guys so much for tuning back on my

WW2 XP GLITCH 0:00:18.680,0:00:22.279

channel and welcome back to another Call WW2 XP HACK

0:00:20.510,0:00:24.170 of Duty World War 2 video here on my

WW2 UNLIMITED XP 0:00:22.279,0:00:26.480

channel today and in today's video we're WW2 UNLIMITED XP LOBBY

0:00:24.170,0:00:29.000 gonna be talking about the unlimited XP

WW2 UNLIMITED XP GLITCH 0:00:26.480,0:00:31.160

glitch in Call of Duty World War 2 this WW2 UNLIMITED XP HACK

0:00:29.000,0:00:33.080 is absolutely crazy guys you will not

COD WW2 XP LOBBY 0:00:31.160,0:00:34.940

believe what is going on in multiplayer COD WW2 XP GLITCH

0:00:33.080,0:00:36.500 right now before we get into today's

COD WW2 XP HACK 0:00:34.940,0:00:38.690

video guys if you guys could do me a COD WW2 UNLIMITED XP

0:00:36.500,0:00:39.860 favor and go down and drop it like on

COD WW2 UNLIMITED XP LOBBY 0:00:38.690,0:00:42.019

this video and subscribe to my channel COD WW2 UNLIMITED XP GLITCH

0:00:39.860,0:00:43.489 if you guys are new and also if you drop

COD WW2 UNLIMITED XP HACK 0:00:42.019,0:00:45.920

a comment telling me you did those two COD WW2 XP LOBBY GLITCH

0:00:43.489,0:00:47.720 steps you guys will be entered into my

NEW WW2 XP LOBBY 0:00:45.920,0:00:50.089

monthly channel sweepstakes where you NEW WW2 XP GLITCH

0:00:47.720,0:00:52.100 guys can win a $25 Amazon gift card that

NEW WW2 XP HACK 0:00:50.089,0:00:53.930

I will be giving away and I will give it NEW WW2 UNLIMITED XP GLITCH

0:00:52.100,0:00:55.820 to anyone to spend on anything of their

NEW WW2 UNLIMITED XP HACK 0:00:53.930,0:00:57.409

choice every single month guys so be XP GLITCH

0:00:55.820,0:00:59.239 sure to be one of the most active people

0:00:57.409,0:01:01.339 on my channel go follow me on Twitter I

0:00:59.239,0:01:02.750 always tweet videos when I upload them

0:01:01.339,0:01:04.190 so be sure to go to my Twitter and

0:01:02.750,0:01:07.040 follow it without further adieu guys

0:01:04.190,0:01:09.710 let's get into this unlimited XP glitch

0:01:07.040,0:01:11.840 video so guys this is absolutely insane

0:01:09.710,0:01:14.240 it is breaking multiplayer right now and

0:01:11.840,0:01:16.670 I urge you guys not to do this because

0:01:14.240,0:01:19.100 you will be banned I was on Twitter

0:01:16.670,0:01:21.140 today and I saw ledge hammer games tweet

0:01:19.100,0:01:23.149 out they said attention we have a team

0:01:21.140,0:01:25.609 working around the clock to fix current

0:01:23.149,0:01:27.560 bugs of the game any players exploiting

0:01:25.609,0:01:30.170 the postgame XP glitch will be

0:01:27.560,0:01:31.969 permanently banned and removed from the

0:01:30.170,0:01:33.289 leaderboards guys this means that if

0:01:31.969,0:01:35.420 you're doing this glitch you will have

0:01:33.289,0:01:36.950 your account permanently remove from the

0:01:35.420,0:01:38.539 leaderboards if you guys aren't on it

0:01:36.950,0:01:40.549 top in the world and you're doing an XP

0:01:38.539,0:01:42.380 glitch you guys will be removed and your

0:01:40.549,0:01:44.210 account will be banned you will be reset

0:01:42.380,0:01:46.039 it's not even temporary like usually if

0:01:44.210,0:01:47.749 you XP boosts you will like you'll get

0:01:46.039,0:01:49.969 like a two-week ban and stuff I remember

0:01:47.749,0:01:51.920 back in black ops 2 I boost it a little

0:01:49.969,0:01:53.149 bit and I got a two-week ban but you

0:01:51.920,0:01:54.829 will be permanently banned now

0:01:53.149,0:01:57.259 sledgehammer is not playing around they

0:01:54.829,0:01:59.119 are not letting players boost or do XP

0:01:57.259,0:02:01.189 glitches or XP exploits so I urge you

0:01:59.119,0:02:02.060 guys not to partake in this but I just

0:02:01.189,0:02:04.340 wanted to bring this to you guys

0:02:02.060,0:02:06.109 attention because I know some people are

0:02:04.340,0:02:07.670 already doing it in-game people were

0:02:06.109,0:02:09.649 tweeting me photos about this thing and

0:02:07.670,0:02:10.910 I'm like that's not such a good idea I

0:02:09.649,0:02:12.800 don't want anyone doing that because I

0:02:10.910,0:02:15.020 can guarantee you now they will get

0:02:12.800,0:02:16.909 banned this is absolutely crazy what I'm

0:02:15.020,0:02:18.739 hearing about this XP glitch basically

0:02:16.909,0:02:19.910 is that when you get the post game

0:02:18.739,0:02:21.680 results in here after

0:02:19.910,0:02:23.720 action report and you see how much XP

0:02:21.680,0:02:26.300 you got for the game literally it was as

0:02:23.720,0:02:29.210 simple as like Halo Reach back in 2012

0:02:26.300,0:02:30.980 and 20 2013 or actually no it was

0:02:29.210,0:02:33.860 actually earlier is back in 2010 and

0:02:30.980,0:02:35.780 2011 all you had to do was unplug your

0:02:33.860,0:02:38.030 ethernet cord and do something else with

0:02:35.780,0:02:39.560 the after-action report and you'd get

0:02:38.030,0:02:41.750 that xp in the second you logged into

0:02:39.560,0:02:43.820 multiplayer all you needed to do is jump

0:02:41.750,0:02:45.890 into a game leave it and then you'd get

0:02:43.820,0:02:47.330 the after-action report again and get

0:02:45.890,0:02:48.530 the XP and you keep doing that and all

0:02:47.330,0:02:50.690 you have to do is a search for a match

0:02:48.530,0:02:52.520 join it and then leave I highly

0:02:50.690,0:02:53.750 recommend you guys don't try and do this

0:02:52.520,0:02:54.890 because I don't know if you guys will

0:02:53.750,0:02:56.780 get banned they're saying anyone who

0:02:54.890,0:02:58.550 does this will I don't know exactly how

0:02:56.780,0:03:00.230 they're figuring out people are doing it

0:02:58.550,0:03:02.300 or not if there's a way to say like hey

0:03:00.230,0:03:04.490 they're joining games and getting XP or

0:03:02.300,0:03:06.230 you know if you got 20,000 XP in a game

0:03:04.490,0:03:07.730 and then you join a game and leave and

0:03:06.230,0:03:09.140 you got 20,000 XP I don't know if

0:03:07.730,0:03:11.060 there's any way that the server's can

0:03:09.140,0:03:12.350 prove that or sledgehammer games could

0:03:11.060,0:03:14.210 prove that because there's no theater

0:03:12.350,0:03:15.710 mode there's nothing like that but if

0:03:14.210,0:03:18.200 you're doing absolutely nothing in a

0:03:15.710,0:03:19.490 game if you join you you know get a kill

0:03:18.200,0:03:21.710 or whatever even if you just joined

0:03:19.490,0:03:23.870 spawn in and then leave and you get xp

0:03:21.710,0:03:25.970 for that that's sent to the game servers

0:03:23.870,0:03:27.680 that's kept on your combat record you're

0:03:25.970,0:03:30.140 ranking up for that and if sledgehammer

0:03:27.680,0:03:31.880 games sees that you are ranking up

0:03:30.140,0:03:33.650 without doing absolutely anything in a

0:03:31.880,0:03:34.970 game I can guarantee you they will ban

0:03:33.650,0:03:36.320 you so I just want to bring that to your

0:03:34.970,0:03:38.060 guys attention because I don't want

0:03:36.320,0:03:39.320 anyone getting banned I love everyone

0:03:38.060,0:03:41.270 who subscribe to my channel I love

0:03:39.320,0:03:42.590 everyone who watches my videos and to

0:03:41.270,0:03:44.840 hear about people getting banned like

0:03:42.590,0:03:46.010 last year in infinite warfare that would

0:03:44.840,0:03:48.380 break my heart that would just suck

0:03:46.010,0:03:49.760 because this game is pretty fun even

0:03:48.380,0:03:51.320 though the whole skill based matchmaking

0:03:49.760,0:03:53.270 thing kind of blows right now I think

0:03:51.320,0:03:55.489 during ranked play when that's released

0:03:53.270,0:03:57.230 December 5th I think it'll all blow over

0:03:55.489,0:03:58.910 and it'll all be okay but for right now

0:03:57.230,0:04:00.290 this game kind of sucks in my opinion

0:03:58.910,0:04:02.360 just because I can't do good I'm getting

0:04:00.290,0:04:04.610 smoked in every lobby and so I feel like

0:04:02.360,0:04:07.190 that's what's leading people to try and

0:04:04.610,0:04:08.989 find and actually perform these XP

0:04:07.190,0:04:11.330 glitches I'm just stressing to you guys

0:04:08.989,0:04:12.770 don't do it you'll get banned I just

0:04:11.330,0:04:14.810 hope to god no one doesn't please don't

0:04:12.770,0:04:16.190 that would upset me guys thank you so

0:04:14.810,0:04:17.720 much for tuning in to my channel today I

0:04:16.190,0:04:19.100 hope you guys enjoyed today's video and

0:04:17.720,0:04:20.810 I hope you guys don't get banned in

0:04:19.100,0:04:22.640 World War 2 like I said if you guys want

0:04:20.810,0:04:24.500 to enter my monthly channel sweepstakes

0:04:22.640,0:04:25.910 be sure to go on this video drop a like

0:04:24.500,0:04:27.380 subscribe to the channel if you guys are

0:04:25.910,0:04:29.090 new and also comment below saying into

0:04:27.380,0:04:31.590 those 3 steps and I will be sure to na

0:04:29.090,0:04:32.730 you into the $25 Amazon gift card

0:04:31.590,0:04:34.260 give away thank you guys so much for

0:04:32.730,0:04:37.260 watching and I will see you guys in the

0:04:34.260,0:04:57.350 next video adios amigos

0:04:37.260,0:04:57.350 [Music]








Modern Shakespearean Sonnet 25. The Actor's Morning After, by Andrew Barker - Duration: 1:10.

Hi, I'm Andrew Barker. This is "Modern Shakespearean Sonnet Number 25: The

Actor's Morning After." And where you mean to shock you irritate/ Yourself, and all the rest

with repartee/ That doesn't sound perceptive sounds more like/

The malcontent boy's sense of injury./ Sometimes you hear your outbursts and you cringe/

To wonder what it was made you a spouse/ That roaring truth you knew,

reduced to whinge/ Outside the closed door of the public house./ 'Did I just say what

I just said back then?' As you get older that just doesn't play./ To feel unworthy

of your own esteem/ You have to know you're better than you say,/ When smart

enough to recognize that fear/ You're neither Potter, Stockman, Loman, Lear./

Thank you. That was "The Actor's Morning After." Sonnet 25 from "Joyce is Not Here: 101

Modern Shakespearean Sonnets." If you enjoyed that please Comment, Like,

Subscribe. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Modern Shakespearean Sonnet 25. The Actor's Morning After, by Andrew Barker - Duration: 1:10.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Sweet Spicy Cassava Chips & Kebab Burger - Duration: 18:09.

kebab burger

sweet spicy cassava chips (keripik singkong pedas manis)

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Sweet Spicy Cassava Chips & Kebab Burger - Duration: 18:09.


Mugabe defies intense pressure to resign - Duration: 2:33.

Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world…

Zimbabwe's Mugabe defies expectations of a smooth resignation….

Hollywood bigwig Harvey Weinstein reportedly had a secret hit-list of film industry figures

to keep his sex scandal from going public….

And the Queen of England celebrates 70 years of marriage….

For a closer look at these we turn to our Ro Aram…


Starting off with Mugabe… not what many had expected…

That's right Semin… the Zimbabwean president had been under intense pressure from the military,

his own party and the public to step down.

But, in a highly anticipated televised address on Sunday he defied those expectations, but

did acknowledge the criticism he has been facing.

(English) AP - 4126694 / 2 "I as the President of Zimbabwe and as their

commander-in-chief do acknowledge the issues they have drawn my attention to, and do believe

that these were raised in the spirit of honesty and out of deep and patriotic concern for

the stability of our nation…."

The ruling Zanu-PF party had removed Mugabe as party leader hours before his address and

replaced him with his sacked deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The party also gave him less than 24 hours to quit as head of state or face impeachment.

However, Mugabe said he would preside over Zanu-PF's congress next month.

(English) AP - 4126694 / 2 "The congress is due in a few weeks from now.

I'll preside over its processes, which must not be prepossessed by any acts calculated

to undermine it or to compromise the outcomes in the eyes of the public."

Meanwhile, Mugabe's wife, who many had feared would take over power, has been expelled from

Zanu-PF along with a few other senior officials.

The leader's grip on power has been dwindling since the military staged a de-facto coup

on Wednesday and many members of the public are blaming Mugabe for the country's economic


For more infomation >> Mugabe defies intense pressure to resign - Duration: 2:33.


Christmas special 2017 (an animation by singlelito) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Christmas special 2017 (an animation by singlelito) - Duration: 3:11.


5 Surprising FILIPINO Athletes in American Sports - Duration: 9:20.

Hey guys, it's Frank here!

Let's get back to it with another video featuring Filipinos in popular media.

This time, let's focus on Filipino athletes in popular sports.

For the sake of this video, I will only be featuring Pinoy athletes who are currently

or have been active in American sports league associations.

This means athletes who currently play or compete in sports teams in the Philippines

or outside of the United States will be excluded but may be featured in a future video.

Also, I won't be including Manny Pacquiao because that would be way too obvious, but

just know that he gets an honorable mention.

Also shoutout to David who suggested I make this video!

Now let's get started!

Timothy Leroy Lincecum is a professional baseball starting pitcher who pitched in Major League

Baseball for the San Francisco Giants from 2007 to 2015 and for the Los Angeles Angels

of Anaheim in 2016.

Lincecum helped the Giants win three World Series championships in a five-year span.

Lincecum was the team's ace starter in 2010 and as a relief pitcher in 2012 and 2014,

winning the Babe Ruth Award in 2010 as the most valuable player of the MLB postseason.

Tim was nicknamed "The Freak" for his ability to generate powerful pitches from his athletic

but slight physique at 5 feet 11 inches and weighing 170 pounds.

This power pitcher led the National League in strikeouts and strikeouts per nine innings

pitched for three consecutive years in a span from 2008 to 2010 as well as shutouts in 2009,

helping Lincecum win consecutive Cy Young Awards in 2008 and 2009 to become the first

MLB pitcher to win the award in his first two full seasons.

Tim's mother, Rebecca Asis, is the daughter of Filipino immigrants, making him half-Filipino.

Although he wasn't close with his mother and hasn't had many Filipino traditions

instilled in him throughout his life, Tim mentions that he is very superstitious, especially

before games, a trait that most Filipinos seem to exhibit as well.

Jordan Taylor Clarkson is a professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National

Basketball Association.

After foregoing his senior year in college to enter the 2014 NBA draft, Clarkson was

selected by the Washington Wizards in the second round with the 46th overall pick and

was immediately traded to the Los Angeles Lakers.

In his first year, he was named to the NBA All-Rookie First Team.

Jordan is a dual Philippine and American citizen.

He is the second person of Filipino descent to play in the NBA since Raymond Townsend

played from 1978 to 1982.

Jordan's dad Mike Clarkson, is African American, and his mom, Annette Davis, is half Filipina.

They met in the US Air Force Reserve and Jordan was born in the United States.

His parents divorced when he was young, and his father remarried.

In 2015, Jordan was in discussions on the possibility of also playing with the Philippine

Men's National Basketball Team.

FIBA, the International Basketball Federation had ruled that Jordan was eligible to be a

member of the Philippines team due to his Filipino mother.

However Jordan ultimately passed on the opportunity due to a schedule conflict between the LA

Lakers training camp and the Philippines national team playoff schedule.

Even if Jordan had played for the Philippines, he would have missed crucial playoff games

due to the Lakers training camp taking top priority.

Tedy Lacap Bruschi is a former professional American football player who was a linebacker

in the National Football League for thirteen seasons.

He played college football for the University of Arizona, and was a two-time consensus All-American.

He was drafted by the New England Patriots in the third round of the 1996 NFL Draft,

and played his entire professional career with the Patriots.

Tedy won three Super Bowls and was a two-time All-Pro selection.

Tedy was the first player in NFL history to return four consecutive interceptions for

touchdowns and his career total of four interceptions returned for touchdowns ranks second in Patriots


He is tied for fourth in NFL history among linebackers, and Tedy is the only Patriots

linebacker to return multiple interceptions for touchdowns in a single season (2002 and


Additionally, since 2002 Tedy's defensive play has created seven defensive touchdowns.

Although he was born in San Francisco, California, Tedy's paternal grandparents were from Bedonia

in Italy while his mother is of Filipino ancestry.

Americans usually don't use their mothers' maiden names for their middle names but Tedy

was once asked in an interview if his "unique middle name" had any special meaning to

which he answered, "It happens to be my mother's maiden name.

Her name was Juanita Lacap before she married my dad.

My sister, my brother and I all have the same middle name.

It's sort of a way of showing respect to your mother's family.

That way the Lacap name can live on."

David Michael Bautista Jr. is an American actor, semi-retired professional wrestler,

former mixed martial artist, and bodybuilder.

From the early to mid 2000s, he was signed to WWE under the ring name Batista, where

he became a six-time world champion.

In August 2012, Bautista signed a contract to fight in mixed martial arts.

He won his MMA debut on October 6, 2012 via TKO in the first round.

He was representing the Philippines during the fight.

Bautista first entered the world of acting in 2006.

As an actor, Bautista has starred in many movies.

He is best known for his role as Drax in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, portraying the

character in Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

His mother, Donna Raye has Greek ancestry, and his father, David Michael Bautista, is

of Filipino descent.

His paternal grandfather served in the Philippines military, worked as a taxicab driver and barber,

and held other jobs to feed the family.

Years back, Bautista, then a professional wrestler, was left dumbfounded after learning

of his massive Filipino fanbase.

He says, "I didn't really make the connection.

I couldn't understand why they looked up to me so much and it was really odd for me."

He only began to understand the fanfare surrounding him when he visited the Philippines.

"They really accepted me as one of their own, even if I was born in the United States,"

he shared.

"And they said, 'It's not often that the Filipino people get to be inspired by one of their


And from then on, I never took it for granted.

It is still so humbling to hear that."

Pointing to the tattoo he has on his shoulder, he added: "I love it and I wear the Filipino

flag on my shoulder all the time with pride."

Timothy Richard Tebow is a former professional American football quarterback and current

professional baseball outfielder in the New York Mets organization.

Tebow was selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round of the 2010 NFL Draft and

spent two seasons with the team.

He also played for the New York Jets in 2012.

Additionally, he had preseason stints with the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia


In 2016, Tebow announced he would pursue a career in professional baseball and signed

a minor league contract with the New York Mets on September 8.

Tebow's parents—Pamela and Robert—met while attending the University of Florida

in the late 1960s.

Although they are not of Filipino descent, in 1985, his family moved to the Philippines

where they served as Baptist missionaries and built a ministry.

2 years later, his mother gave birth to him in Makati City.

In fact, Tim has a special affinity with Filipinos.

After all, he was born and spent most of his early life in the Philippines.

Because of this special connection, Tim's charitable organization the "Tim Tebow Foundation"

often conducts missionary trips to the Southeast Asian country.

Tim has said in a People magazine interview: "I love the Filipino people – they're some

of the friendliest, warmest, nicest people in the world.

And, to be able to come back here and care for them and love them, well it's truly a

dream come true."

During his most recent trip, Tebow visited an orphanage and shared inspiring messages

to people in schools and prisons.

He also visited the Tebow CURE Hospital, a facility in Davao that his foundation opened

in 2014.

It's good to see how tied into their culture these athletes are, and although they may

not be 100% Filipino, they still carry some lineage and traditions with them.

It's good to see that they have not forgotten their roots which I think has helped paved

the way in their success.

Let me know in the comments below of other Filipino athletes in American sports that

I may have missed because I'm sure there are a few.

Also, which one surprised you the most?

Leave a comment and let me know!

Also if you enjoyed this video, please visit for similar videos.

Please make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to stay notified of new videos!

Thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video!

For more infomation >> 5 Surprising FILIPINO Athletes in American Sports - Duration: 9:20.


Lena Dunham Apologizes for Defending 'Girls' Writer Accused of Sexual Assault - Duration: 5:32.

Lena Dunham Apologizes for Defending 'Girls' Writer Accused of Sexual Assault: 'I Am So Sorry'

  Lena Dunham has apologized for defending Girls writer Murray Miller after he was accused of sexually assaulting an actress when the woman was 17.

The Girls creator, 31, was widely criticized on social media over the weekend after she released statements seemingly challenging actress Aurora Perrineau's allegations against Miller, who Perrineau claims raped her in 2012.

Fans were outraged with Dunhams dismissal of Perrineau's account and expressed their disgust with her stance on the matter, prompting Dunham to release a new statement on Saturday, November 18, to apologize.

  "As feminists, we live and die by our politics, and believing women is the first choice we make every single day when we wake up.

Therefore I never thought I would issue a statement publically supporting someone accused of sexual assault but I naively believed it was important to share my perspective on my friend's situation as it has transpired behind the scenes over the last few months," she tweeted.

"I now understand that it was absolutely the wrong time to come forward with such a statement and I am so sorry," the Lenny newsletter founder continued.

"We have been given the gift of powerful voices and by speaking out we were putting our thumb on the scale and it was wrong.

We regret this decision with every fiber to our being. "Every woman who comes forward deserves to be heard, fully and completely, and our relationship to the accused should not be part of the calculation anyone makes when examining her case.

Every person and every feminist should be required to hear her. Under patriarchy, 'I believe you' is essential. Until we are all believed, none of us will be believed," she added.

"We apologize to any woman who have been disappointed." As previously reported, Dunham and Girls cocreator Jenni Konner shared a statement on Friday, November 17, in response to the allegations made against Miller.

"During every time of change there are also incidences of the culture, in its enthusiasm and zeal, taking down the wrong targets.

We believe, having worked closely with him for more than half a decade, that this is the case with Murray Miller," the statement said.

"While our first instinct is to listen to every woman's story, our insider knowledge of Murray's situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year." The Not That Kind of Girl author also tweeted on Friday, "I believe in a lot of things but the first tenet of my politics is to hold up the people who have held me up, who have filled my world with love." Her apology may not be enough: Many social media users accused Dunham of backpedaling and only apologizing because of the criticism she received after her original statements.

One wrote, "This isnt about 'politics' or 'timing' – this is about claiming the feminist label only when convenient."   Two other Twitter users shared screenshots of multiple news headlines showing Dunham's countless apologies, including joking about being molested in 2014 and comparing certain websites to domestic violence in 2015, among many others.

  Another added, @lenadunham youre not apologising for yourself, youre just sorry about the PR disaster. Hence the royal use of we when it should be me or I.

If anything youre making sure to ignore the victim. Sign up now for the Us Weekly newsletter to get breaking celebrity news, hot pics and more delivered straight to your inbox! Want stories like these delivered straight to your phone? Download the Us Weekly iPhone app now!  .

For more infomation >> Lena Dunham Apologizes for Defending 'Girls' Writer Accused of Sexual Assault - Duration: 5:32.



yo what's going on homies and hometts it's your boy Mugd and today I'm

coming at you guys with a super unexpected video I just decided to prank

my friend because he always wears these super expensive clothing and it's just

it's time to just f*#* with him so what I got is disappearing ink and I'm gonna go and

I'm just gonna be like yo can I spray this on your shirt cause like it's

wearing a white shirt right now and it's just so prime because it's all so

expensive and like it's just crazy so let's hope he gets a good reaction!

Me: Can I.. uhh, just put some ink on your shirt bro?

Him: No.

Me: Please?

Him: No.

Me: But like.. it's a white shirt.

Him: No I'll kill you.

Me: but it's prime.

Him: I'll kill you.

Him: Don't!

Him: DON'T!

Him: Dude, put it away.

Me: Just one drop.

Him: Put it away.

Me: One drop!

Him: Put it away!

Him: *Censored*

Him: put it away!

Me: Whoops.

Him: *Censored*


Him: Put it away.

Me: Dude, okay come.

Me: I'm putting it away.

Me: Come back here.

Him: Put it down.

Him: No.

Him: No!

Me: Can I put it on your skin?

Him: NO!

Me: On your pants?

Him: NOOO!

Me: I missed. F*#*

Me: It's fine you'll wash it out.


Him: IT'S INK!

Him: STOP!

Him: It's ink.

Me: Dude, dude. Just reach.

Him: IT'S INK!!

Him: IT'S INK!!

Him: Don't.

Him: Is that real or fake?


Me: Ya, you're f*#*ed bro. You're f*#*ed.

Me: That's it. :)



Me: Chill, chill, chill!!

Me: It's disappearing! Bro chill!!!

Me: It's disappearing.

Him: The f*#* is this?!

Me: It's disappearing. Don't worry. It'll leave in 5 minutes.

Me: G_d damn.

Him: I'm going to f*#*ing kill you!

Me: Dude, look. Read it. Read it.

Me: Look, look, look, it's already leaving!

Me: It's going to leave.

Me: Relax.

Me: Relax

Him: F*#*ing idiot.

Me: Oh my g_d.


Me: It's leaving thoughhh.

Me: You'll be fine.

Me: Okay, no, no. Don't waste it.

Me: Stop.

Me: See bro, I told you. It's all good.

Me: No need to.. No need to trip.

Me: You can go back to watching FaZe montages man.

Me: Shout out to kitty

For more infomation >> HE WENT INSANE! - SPRAYING INK ON FRIEND PRANK!! - Duration: 2:29.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


A Palavra em Libras: "O NÚMERO DA BESTA, 666" - Episódio 019 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> A Palavra em Libras: "O NÚMERO DA BESTA, 666" - Episódio 019 - Duration: 7:00.


A Fazenda 9: Nunca imaginei que eu ficaria com o Yuri, garante Monick Camargo - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Nunca imaginei que eu ficaria com o Yuri, garante Monick Camargo - Duration: 2:38.


Fazer algo para salvar seu casamento, conquistar marido novamente! Salvar casamento desgastado - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Fazer algo para salvar seu casamento, conquistar marido novamente! Salvar casamento desgastado - Duration: 2:17.



yo what's going on homies and hometts it's your boy Mugd and today I'm

coming at you guys with a super unexpected video I just decided to prank

my friend because he always wears these super expensive clothing and it's just

it's time to just f*#* with him so what I got is disappearing ink and I'm gonna go and

I'm just gonna be like yo can I spray this on your shirt cause like it's

wearing a white shirt right now and it's just so prime because it's all so

expensive and like it's just crazy so let's hope he gets a good reaction!

Me: Can I.. uhh, just put some ink on your shirt bro?

Him: No.

Me: Please?

Him: No.

Me: But like.. it's a white shirt.

Him: No I'll kill you.

Me: but it's prime.

Him: I'll kill you.

Him: Don't!

Him: DON'T!

Him: Dude, put it away.

Me: Just one drop.

Him: Put it away.

Me: One drop!

Him: Put it away!

Him: *Censored*

Him: put it away!

Me: Whoops.

Him: *Censored*


Him: Put it away.

Me: Dude, okay come.

Me: I'm putting it away.

Me: Come back here.

Him: Put it down.

Him: No.

Him: No!

Me: Can I put it on your skin?

Him: NO!

Me: On your pants?

Him: NOOO!

Me: I missed. F*#*

Me: It's fine you'll wash it out.


Him: IT'S INK!

Him: STOP!

Him: It's ink.

Me: Dude, dude. Just reach.

Him: IT'S INK!!

Him: IT'S INK!!

Him: Don't.

Him: Is that real or fake?


Me: Ya, you're f*#*ed bro. You're f*#*ed.

Me: That's it. :)



Me: Chill, chill, chill!!

Me: It's disappearing! Bro chill!!!

Me: It's disappearing.

Him: The f*#* is this?!

Me: It's disappearing. Don't worry. It'll leave in 5 minutes.

Me: G_d damn.

Him: I'm going to f*#*ing kill you!

Me: Dude, look. Read it. Read it.

Me: Look, look, look, it's already leaving!

Me: It's going to leave.

Me: Relax.

Me: Relax

Him: F*#*ing idiot.

Me: Oh my g_d.


Me: It's leaving thoughhh.

Me: You'll be fine.

Me: Okay, no, no. Don't waste it.

Me: Stop.

Me: See bro, I told you. It's all good.

Me: No need to.. No need to trip.

Me: You can go back to watching FaZe montages man.

Me: Shout out to kitty

For more infomation >> HE WENT INSANE! - SPRAYING INK ON FRIEND PRANK!! - Duration: 2:29.


Christmas special 2017 (an animation by singlelito) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Christmas special 2017 (an animation by singlelito) - Duration: 3:11.


[YTPH]-Constituyentistas drogados :v - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> [YTPH]-Constituyentistas drogados :v - Duration: 1:52.


Residential Property Market Update | November 2017 - Duration: 2:04.

Hi I'm Sean O'Connor from First National Real Estate with your November Market

Update. Well we're down here at North Beach it's another glorious day in the

Gong. A great day for buying and selling property. Well it's no secret that the

market has shifted, it shifted from what we term at seller's market to what I now

term a balanced market - it's a market that provides equal opportunities for

both buyers and sellers. For people looking to sell their property there's

going to be a lot more competition now and you must have what I termed the

three P's which is Price, Promotion and Presentation. Firstly, your price must be

accurate and you must listen to the market feedback. Your promotion must be

far-reaching and encompass all sectors of the market as they say to catch the

big fish you need a big fishing net and the presentation, well the

presentation must be spot-on us you only get one opportunity to make a first

impression and you've got to remember there's a lot of other properties

they're going to be on the market and competing with your property for the

buyers money. If you're a buyer looking to purchase you must be ready. Have your

finance ready because when you find that ideal property there's going to be other

people that'll be also interested in their property and there will be

competition to purchase and you must be able to act quickly and swiftly so as I

said earlier this is certainly a great opportunity for both buyers and sellers

for buyers as price has become more affordable this is your opportunity to

gain a foothold in the market. Well I'm Sean O'Connor for the First National Real

Estate Wollongong this has been your November Market Update

Happy House Hunting and I hope to see you on one of our opens soon

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