Monday, November 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2017

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! Nod's here.

There have been many interesting events and changes happened to Gwent in its first anniversary

Community of the game is becoming more and more active uniting creative individuals and even the teams.

The perfect thing about this games is that it not only inspires you to have 1000 matches in it

but also to make valuable content or even help other players to get more pleasure from playing it.

You can find many one-of-a-kind streamers and youtubers that are interesting to watch and listen to.

These guys aren't only the Gwent players

they are dreamers, who want to make this game even more successful!

Gwent has become a hard to master game with hundreds of tactics to rely on.

That is the reason it is evaluated as a cybersport now.

Now the tournaments are conducted by CD Projekt RED and fan-communities both

But that doesn't mean developers have forgotten about the players who came to it just for fun

This is how the deck-trackers appeared

Let me explain it for those who don't understand what it is

Decktrackers allow you to see remaining cards in your deck or cards played by your opponent

There are also several interesting features that will be helpful for both newbies and experienced players

The pioneer here was Gwent Tracker, then Gwent Up emerged, running a close second,

and causing another dilemma amongst Witcher's fans (the first one is, of course, "Triss or Yennefer".)

It is for you to decide, which one you choose

I personally have chosen Gwent Up

Why did I do it?

I will explain it.

I've never been a conservative one, but I appreciate the will of developers to make their project better and better

I see powerful functionality that is evolving, getting more add-ons and upgrades

The team's very ambitious and its goals are getting more and more epic

They didn't just stop at making a tracker, no.

They are making an info-portal where the users will access

statistics of different top players' decks, matchups, and even cards.

It allows you to see the current situation on the ladder

that helps both common players and resources similar to our WildCard.

By the way, the team is Russian, so you can easily contact them and provide them with your feedback

I'm sure they'll like it!

In order to get clearer vision of what's Gwent Up and get acquainted with the team members,

I decided to talk to Sergey Rukosuev, on of the Gwent Up's creators

Besides, Sergei is responsible for community-management,

so we have been in touch since Close Beta times

This time I chose the interview format for you to get answers for the questions that you have

Please, tell us in the comment section whether you like such format

and enjoyed the interview with our first guest.

Hello Sergey! Please, introduce yourself!

Tell us, what were you doing before Gwent Up and what eventually made you do it?

Hey, Alexander! I will start with answer ing the first part of question

That is "What we were doing before Gwent Up?"

We have been making games and services for other projects and continue doing it right now

How did we decided to make this step?

Well, we were eager to work with Big Data (statistics and analytics)

We looked at Hearthstone and then found out about Gwent

As we are big fans of A. Sapkovskiy's books and Witcher game saga (and especially Witcher III)

we decided to look at this game closer

We wanted to use Overwolf's experience in another game

Such services are highly needed, so if isn't for us, than it will be someone else

Probably, part of our viewers don't know what is Overwolf. I, myself, haven't heard about it either.

Yeah, Overwolf is a creator and thought leader of the most popular deck tracker for another card game

that we won't mention on this stream, I suppose

I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.

So the next question is about numbers. How many people are using Gwent Up, at least approximately.

Everyone loves numbers (hey, Forbes.)

Recently we have reached a mark of 63.000 users in total

But if we're talking about daily evaluation, it is something around 13.000

The number of players depends on major updates of the game

If it is the first week after update, we are having 20.000 gamers online

If it is season's end, and the position's in ladder are already distributed and there are few of those

who want to get higher in ladder, the number of active players falls to 12.000 or even 10k

I think it is not bad for Gwent

It is good that you've mentioned Forbes

as there will be a captious question

Does such amount of users bring any profit?

We have no secrets in financial aspect

We are currently getting donations from clients through patron system

which brings us ~$150 dollars of monthly revenue

As I recall it

There is also a Webmoney wallet, but there isn't much,

but some people prefer to donate there

Anyways, we would love to thank all patrons that support us

We wouldn't have such a strong motivation to develop our project, if it wasn't for you, guys!

As we are speaking about money, I wanted to ask you whether you have a regular job

besides Gwent Up's development?

Of course I do

Unfortunately, 150 dollars isn't enough for six people


It is more like a hobby to us

I dedicated last 5 years to Game development

PC and Mobile games

The main specialization is Community management

Got it

So let's talk about your site now

Firstly, you didn't have it at all. There was just a page for downloading app

What eventually made you to create it?

I don't remember whether I answered these questions earlier

We planned to create the site in the first concepts

So it is a drastic difference…

I am sorry, I will get into details for a bit

as I need to tell you about the background

People are asking us: "What's the difference between you and the the first tracker?"

The most obvious thing that proves to stay out of players' sight

is that the first tracker was made to be just a tracker

We, on contrary, want to use it as a basis

platform for our future site

Initially we've had an ordinary site

that was transformed into a portal later on

That is exactly what we've been looking for

As soon as the tracker allowed us to use data we had at full capacity

we considered making all data public

As a conclusion to this answer - we have always wanted to have an analytical resource

Hmm, so the tracker is the tool for reaching that long-term goal

Of course. Moreover, if we unfold the entire idea for a bit more, statistics that we have is quite valuable

so besides getting feedback from our users, our e-mail has different offers from various portals

They see our statistics and say that they want it on their sites

In this case yes, the tracker was needed to solve the issue of acquiring this statistics and assist players…

Probably, I've got too far, so I will tell more about it later

Okay, as we are talking about site. What can a guest see on it?

Currently there isn't much to inspect as we' are only about to begin the development of larger services

Right now you can see the link to download our tracker, contact us via email,

and small description of the main features of the app

But that's got rusty and we want to actualize the functional of our site in the first quarter of 2018

Also we have Meta reports

By the way, we published 22th meta report last weekend

We develop the ranking system each season

As most players play with 2000 ranked points,

sooner or later they will develop their skills and get more points

We follow their lead and open new brackets

e.g. if we have 2000 points at the beginning later we will add brackets for 3000, 3500, and so on

Mhm, so what about these meta reports, how close are they to reality?

I heard feedback of pro-players who were saying

that the powerful decks were put somewhere deep below in the rating as their winrate is too small

How can you explain it?

I must say that pro-players are right

Let's consider an example: the average salary in a city is $1000

So if one person works as a plumber and gets $100 per month,

whilst another person is a businessman that gets $2000

the average salary for this city will still be $1000 (the numbers are close)

You should evaluate reports by their main mood

How good or bad they are in general

As you see, we have great decking in Gwent

There are examples of how one guy has 80% winrate on 4k+, when another - just 50%.

So the variability of data won't look trustworthy for those with high winrate

We must also mention newbies or just casual players

who consider new hero King Bran's 53% winrate unbelievably high, when they have only 40%


Therefore, we are going to add more tools for more detailed classification of brackets.

There you will find numbers that will be closer to realia of top ladder

I have some secret information or maybe it isn't confidential at all

Still, you are making personal statistics for each player. Tell us more about it

Great question

Yes, it isn't a secret at all

We just test several functions in close access, they are, obviously, not shown to the wide audience yet.

And yeah, one of our projects is players' personal pages, the common attribute of any online game

But we understand that CD Projekt RED doesn't have much time for it now

so we decided to handle this mission ourselves

I hope that everyone will have access to it by the end of the year

What will be in personal statistics of the player

and how will it differ from meta reports?

Will there be additional features besides leaders or winrate?

There will be the most basic things: number of matches, winrate, position in ladder, and the nickname

There will also be 3 tabs:

1. Match history, meaning you will have access to your gaming record

We are flooded by the questions like: "Show us statistics of the 1st and 2nd turns"

so we will show who had the first turn

2. Deck statistics. It will be more detailed than in in-game tracker

There you'll see the statistics of the 1st and 2nd turns as well as the efficiency of this deck against each leader

3. The third tab will contain your decks - their cards, winrates, and everything else

We understand that all players are concerned about their privacy,

so you will be able to choose what you want to show to others

You can show all your decks and cards to everyone on the service or hide everything

so you would be the only person to see them

The settings will be in your personal cabinet on Gwent Up site

I like the thing with decks

It will be a great tool for streamers as you will be able to say: "Stop asking me, all my decks are right here"

It's comfy

Yeah, it is a convenient thing. That is why we do it

Besides everything you have already told,

Is there anything, in a long run, you will love to develop for your tracker or the site?

Although Gwent Up is our Pet project (an additional to the main one)

We consider it our hobby and don't want to stop upgrading it. In the first interview we've had...

Was it like a year ago?

Yeah, a year ago.

Yes, I told you that we want to make a replay kit, the tool that will record your matches right in-game

and save them (not in a video-format)

Which cards were played, what was the impact, etc

It is one of the long-term goals

What will happen in the nearest future is live statistics (which is already in the early access stage)

It will provide statistics on a daily basis instead of a weekly one,

there will also be more brackets (we won't wait until we'll have 100.000 games), more settings, and pro-category

It will allow you not only to look at ranked, but also at the situation on the pro-level

Okay, I think you have answered anything I needed regarding Gwent Up

So here is one more thing

Your team has increased in numbers, so I want to ask you

whether you are working on anything else besides GU

Well, some people from the team work together on different projects sometimes

I can discuss what some of our members do in general

But that wouldn't be true to say that we are constantly working together

I can tell you about one project called "Mentors" that has already been published in Russian AppStore

It is a turn-based RPG in a fantasy setting

Although it still requires some things to show it to entire world, it is very beautiful

I will send a link to Alexander, so he could post it in the description for you to check the game

The second project or, it'd be better to say, direction is game prototyping

We make game prototypes,

then we divide them into the projects that seem to be interesting and develop them further,

and those that we put aside to get back to them in future

And, sure thing, Gwent Up

Along with that there is plenty of things that I do myself

They are mostly related to my specialization like teaching at Higher School of Economics

where I had a "Community Management in gaming industry" course

and many other things that will be too long to mention

You have already answered everything I wanted to ask regarding this topic, I guess

So let's talk about Gwent now, okay?


So how often do you play Gwent?


Okay, so I don't have any system for that. I can have no time to play for like a week

and then I enter the game and complete one daily mission a day (or even more)

So those who play often have their favourite factions like Northern Isles or Nilfgaard.

Do you have one?

Yeah, I have my personal favorite since Close Beta, it is Skellige

I didn't know it was very powerful when I started playing it, so it was a great thing to know

The deck that I created is based on Crach an Craite and modify it:

maybe add another bronze, then decide to change a gold card

But I wouldn't call myself a pro-player. I play more like for my personal satisfaction.

Do you have any advantages from developing Gwent Up while playing Gwent itself?

Like an instant access to all statistics or getting data that most players don't possess.

Yeah, it happens sometimes

But there is a strong difference between checking players' stats

to develop the entire tracking system, adding more features, seeing new concepts, etc.

and using such data to get higher in ladder or going to the tournaments, and winning prizes

The latter is unfair and wrong in general. By the way, I don't have this much time

And it is wrong again

Agree with you on that

So as you are working in the development sector and you have experience in this area, please, tell us,

what do you think is bad in Gwent?

I mean in general, anything that goes beyond problems with cards

Let's not mention balance issues, first-turns, and coinflips here.

Okay, so I will try to make a statement and then I will explain it

Currently, in my opinion, there are no big problems with the game at all

Let me explain it now

I look at the game from the point of Game developer, not a player

As you once go to GameDev's backstage for like a year, you start evaluating projects

in a different way that you did before

So Gwent is an original project, players that were satisfied with its

game core (the feature or several features that make people love the game)

and retention are very good

For those who don't know, retention is a period of time that you need to get tired of the game,

stop playing it, and get back to it later.

So the retention is very high

People don't get exhausted while playing it and if they do, they usually come back

So the game handles this task perfectly great

Though it has another problem, controversial to what I've said before

the entry barrier is quite high, meaning it is hard for novice players to understand the basic notions of it

However, the player has to feel oneself confident while playing,

but he is overwhelmed by the new information instead

Everyone including developers understands it,

as Adam Kiciński said in his last interview, they plan to make it easier for the newbie players to enter it

They also plan to bring more players to the game,

so I'm sure we'll have many interesting pieces of news during entire 2018

With an interval like 1.5 - 2 months

Oh, that would be awesome

In a few words, how do you think they can handle this entry barrier?

I'm not a game designer to talk about such matters, but I suppose

that some part of cards will get more casual

But there will also be enough place for the hardcore ones

You can see this tendency in game

There are cards of old type - they, in most cases, are easy-to-use, like put a card and get more power

or make a buff of your existing units and hit an enemy

But the cards similar to Gaunter o Dimm with more complicated conditions will be brought to lategame

I don't know and when yet, but we will probably see it ourselves soon

One more thing that can make us be sure about Gwent's future

Is another piece of news that I was surprised to hear is that Riot's Esports manager has left

the Russian office recently

So several days ago he announced that he is going to work in CD Projekt RED's team

on the post of Esports manager

So I think that will be even more emphasis on the cybersport aspect from now on.

Great news! I play League of Legends, when I get tired of Gwent

I've played it for 2 years, but now I don't have time to play it

I'm talking about the power of Riot's Russian team in general

You can find a lot of info about them, what they're doing, etc.

As I remember, this person started his path as a Community manager at Riot,

so he probably has some good background in that

Moreover, he is Russian, with almost native English, so I'm sure we are in good hands

So let's make a conclusion. Sergey, what do you think about the game? Is it going in the right direction?

Does it have future? Besides the future of Esports manager.

If the company's middle and top managers didn't see the future in it

they would neither develop it anymore, nor be loud in their praises of it in the media environment

So I think that everything goes fine

It is too early to talk about direction as there have been almost no steps yet

There are more words, than actions now, actually.

Please, ask me about it next year. Closer to the summer

Does it have future? Yes, it does

Even if we are talking about Gwent as the first CD Projekt RED's online product

It is very important, because it allows them to get experience in that field

So I predict that more online projects like this one will be released in future

Besides cool AAA singleplayer games, of course!

Okay, I've told you so much, but it is hard to structure everything properly

But I think everything will be great for us and CD Projekt RED

Thank you for your time! Would you like to wish anything to our watchers?

Sure! Play Gwent, use Gwent Up's analytics, and get fun while doing both!

So let's finish our interview on good terms

See you, Sergey!

Thanks! Would love to visit your channel once more

I hope we will get a huge number of questions from you and our watchers next time

Sure thing!

Please, tell us in the comment section whether you like such format

and enjoyed the interview with our first guest.

Besides, you can make a suggestion or ask a question regarding the new tracker

I think Sergey will be glad to answer the most interesting questions

Join our group in VK

and check the Meta-reports from Gwent Up!

I will put all mentioned links in the description!

Va fail!

For more infomation >> InterVIEW around Gwent #1 - Smirk (GwentUp team) [EN subs] - Duration: 28:53.


Black Friday Curso Online Photoshop Fácil. - Duration: 1:33.

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For more infomation >> Black Friday Curso Online Photoshop Fácil. - Duration: 1:33.


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For more infomation >> Guida a NOOBS - il MultiBoot su Raspberry Pi diventa semplice - Duration: 6:35.


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For more infomation >> OMG! by Effektiv #34 – YouTube Verlinkungen, Featured Snippets, Instagram Hashtags, SEO Rand Fishkin - Duration: 6:44.


जानिये दिये के कल्याणकारी महत्व के बारे में II SIGNIFICANCE OF DIYA IN OUR LIFE II - Duration: 1:06.

Every festival has its own importance

On every festival we worship different structure of gods

How? Well, let's see to it

Well we all know that human body is made up with "Five Elements"

If we notice carefully, diya (earthen Lamp) symbolise these five elements only

For example light of Diya that means Fire Element

Earthen Lamp that means soil or land

That means our body

Air(Hawa) means Air Element which is available everywhere around us

Earthen lamp floating in water that means Water Element

And lastly Antariksha that means Space and we are a very minor part of it

It means that in the form of earthen lamp we present our self to the god

So that we can walk on their leanings

For more infomation >> जानिये दिये के कल्याणकारी महत्व के बारे में II SIGNIFICANCE OF DIYA IN OUR LIFE II - Duration: 1:06.


GEOBIOLOGÍA, RADIESTESIA Y SUBCONSCIENTE - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> GEOBIOLOGÍA, RADIESTESIA Y SUBCONSCIENTE - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 6:06.


【MUKBANG】 [Osaka Ohsho] 50 Original Dumplings + 50 Soft dumplings!!! 100 In Total 5300kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:50.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I'm here at Osaka Osho's and since I adore Gyozas I'm totes looking forward to this

alrighty let's eat

tadaa they've all been prepped

these are the original style gyozas and we've got 50 of them

these are the soft and chewy gyoza and we've also got 50 of them

combined total of 100 they look so scrumptious

they smell so amazing and are making me so hungry ITADAKIMASU

this is the vinegar soy sauce its the standard mix of vinegar ra-yu chili oil and soy sauce

this is apparently vinegar and pepper this is going to be my first time trying it out

its made with vinegar and pepper

this is the miso sauce depending on the store this might not be available

please consult with your local shop if they do carry it you're totes lucky

lets start things off with the regular gyozas in the vinegar soy sauce

the skins are so crispy and they're so yummy

its nicely flavored with garlic but they say that they won't affect your breath all that much

and so you can eat worry free

its flavored with so much garlic and the flavor is so yummy

this is the vinegar and pepper sauce ~my first time trying this~

this is very refreshing and you can absolutely taste the tasty peppery flavor

this is the miso sauce ~this is another first for me~

this is yummy as well would be perfect with a bowl of rice

they are so hot and steamy with a nice meaty flavor

and when you bite down on them these nice meaty juices just gush right out... I just can't stop eating

since there are 3 types of sauces you can enjoy 3 different flavors with these gyozas

the gyozas have such a wonderful color to them

50th one

Next are these soft and chewy gyozas that were just brought back on the menu in november

they're so jiggly

the skins are so jiggly and chewy apparently they're made using some tapioca

its nicely flavored with chinese chive and sesame oil

its not made with any garlic and instead flavored with ginger so its something that is perfect for us girls

this is the miso sauce

goes so nicely with it it feels as if I'm eating a hot pot

I totally recommend eating these boiled gyoza with this miso sauce

when you dip it in vinegar it helps enhance the flavors of the ingredients and you can taste the sweetness within

last one itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita the fried gyoza and the chewy boiled gyoza

were so yummy tasting

the fried gyozas were flavored with plenty of garlic and it really stimulated the appetite

and the wriggly gyozas were a milder flavor and so easy to eat

and right now Osaka Osho's is currently doing a gyoza challenge marketing blitz

they want their customers to decide between the fried and boiled gyozas to see which is the most popular one

you can find the details on their website

for placing your vote there are 2 rewards a coupon and

if you choose the popular gyoza they will select 100 people from their twitter accounts

and they will receive a gift card worth 5,000 yen

the url link is right below so please take a look

these gyozas were so yummy won't you all come visit osaka osho

and as always thanks for watching and if there anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment section if you liked this vid please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Osaka Ohsho] 50 Original Dumplings + 50 Soft dumplings!!! 100 In Total 5300kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:50.


Riester-Rente ist pfändungssicher - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Riester-Rente ist pfändungssicher - Duration: 1:52.


Ist Weihnachtsgeld pfändbar? - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Ist Weihnachtsgeld pfändbar? - Duration: 2:54.


Funny hide and seek, play with daddyㅣkids toy toys family kitchen sofa closet ㅣRIWORLD - Duration: 4:58.


did you see where is mommy hiding?

No, I didn't see anyone


RIWON~ let's play Hide and Seek

OK, we should call mommy too


Let's play Hide and Seek





I won~

Oh.. that is me

So.. Let;s play!!

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Where is the right place to hide?

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

she never find me

3 2 1 0

I know where you are!!


did you see where is mommy hiding?

No, I didn't see anyone

Here you are!!

Where are they??

I found you

Oh what is this?

I found you!



I won~

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

She never find me

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Here you are RIWON~~

I think she has hid here

Where you are??

Oh there??

I found you!

Where are you sweety!

Why the doors are open?

Are you there??

I found you!

For more infomation >> Funny hide and seek, play with daddyㅣkids toy toys family kitchen sofa closet ㅣRIWORLD - Duration: 4:58.


6 antigos remédios caseiros que ajudarão você a conciliar o sono - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> 6 antigos remédios caseiros que ajudarão você a conciliar o sono - Duration: 9:56.


Live: India vs Sri Lanka 1st Test Day 4 Live Scores & Hindi Commentary | 2017 Series - Duration: 3:57:34.

Like Share & Subscribe Our Channel !!!

For more infomation >> Live: India vs Sri Lanka 1st Test Day 4 Live Scores & Hindi Commentary | 2017 Series - Duration: 3:57:34.


Nonstop Remix 2018 , កំពុងល្បី NEw MeloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 10:53.

Nonstop Remix 2018 , កំពុងល្បី NEw MeloDy Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop Remix 2018 , កំពុងល្បី NEw MeloDy Remix 2018 By S Remix Club Thaiᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 10:53.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Hotel Bristol, Warszawa, Oferta na urządzenie obiadu 20. 05. 1939 r. - dokument z historii hotelu - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Hotel Bristol, Warszawa, Oferta na urządzenie obiadu 20. 05. 1939 r. - dokument z historii hotelu - Duration: 2:42.


Assembly model RF-4B Phantom II VMCJ-2 from Hasegawa part 9 - Duration: 15:06.

For more infomation >> Assembly model RF-4B Phantom II VMCJ-2 from Hasegawa part 9 - Duration: 15:06.


InterVIEW around Gwent #1 - Smirk (GwentUp team) [EN subs] - Duration: 28:53.

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! Nod's here.

There have been many interesting events and changes happened to Gwent in its first anniversary

Community of the game is becoming more and more active uniting creative individuals and even the teams.

The perfect thing about this games is that it not only inspires you to have 1000 matches in it

but also to make valuable content or even help other players to get more pleasure from playing it.

You can find many one-of-a-kind streamers and youtubers that are interesting to watch and listen to.

These guys aren't only the Gwent players

they are dreamers, who want to make this game even more successful!

Gwent has become a hard to master game with hundreds of tactics to rely on.

That is the reason it is evaluated as a cybersport now.

Now the tournaments are conducted by CD Projekt RED and fan-communities both

But that doesn't mean developers have forgotten about the players who came to it just for fun

This is how the deck-trackers appeared

Let me explain it for those who don't understand what it is

Decktrackers allow you to see remaining cards in your deck or cards played by your opponent

There are also several interesting features that will be helpful for both newbies and experienced players

The pioneer here was Gwent Tracker, then Gwent Up emerged, running a close second,

and causing another dilemma amongst Witcher's fans (the first one is, of course, "Triss or Yennefer".)

It is for you to decide, which one you choose

I personally have chosen Gwent Up

Why did I do it?

I will explain it.

I've never been a conservative one, but I appreciate the will of developers to make their project better and better

I see powerful functionality that is evolving, getting more add-ons and upgrades

The team's very ambitious and its goals are getting more and more epic

They didn't just stop at making a tracker, no.

They are making an info-portal where the users will access

statistics of different top players' decks, matchups, and even cards.

It allows you to see the current situation on the ladder

that helps both common players and resources similar to our WildCard.

By the way, the team is Russian, so you can easily contact them and provide them with your feedback

I'm sure they'll like it!

In order to get clearer vision of what's Gwent Up and get acquainted with the team members,

I decided to talk to Sergey Rukosuev, on of the Gwent Up's creators

Besides, Sergei is responsible for community-management,

so we have been in touch since Close Beta times

This time I chose the interview format for you to get answers for the questions that you have

Please, tell us in the comment section whether you like such format

and enjoyed the interview with our first guest.

Hello Sergey! Please, introduce yourself!

Tell us, what were you doing before Gwent Up and what eventually made you do it?

Hey, Alexander! I will start with answer ing the first part of question

That is "What we were doing before Gwent Up?"

We have been making games and services for other projects and continue doing it right now

How did we decided to make this step?

Well, we were eager to work with Big Data (statistics and analytics)

We looked at Hearthstone and then found out about Gwent

As we are big fans of A. Sapkovskiy's books and Witcher game saga (and especially Witcher III)

we decided to look at this game closer

We wanted to use Overwolf's experience in another game

Such services are highly needed, so if isn't for us, than it will be someone else

Probably, part of our viewers don't know what is Overwolf. I, myself, haven't heard about it either.

Yeah, Overwolf is a creator and thought leader of the most popular deck tracker for another card game

that we won't mention on this stream, I suppose

I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.

So the next question is about numbers. How many people are using Gwent Up, at least approximately.

Everyone loves numbers (hey, Forbes.)

Recently we have reached a mark of 63.000 users in total

But if we're talking about daily evaluation, it is something around 13.000

The number of players depends on major updates of the game

If it is the first week after update, we are having 20.000 gamers online

If it is season's end, and the position's in ladder are already distributed and there are few of those

who want to get higher in ladder, the number of active players falls to 12.000 or even 10k

I think it is not bad for Gwent

It is good that you've mentioned Forbes

as there will be a captious question

Does such amount of users bring any profit?

We have no secrets in financial aspect

We are currently getting donations from clients through patron system

which brings us ~$150 dollars of monthly revenue

As I recall it

There is also a Webmoney wallet, but there isn't much,

but some people prefer to donate there

Anyways, we would love to thank all patrons that support us

We wouldn't have such a strong motivation to develop our project, if it wasn't for you, guys!

As we are speaking about money, I wanted to ask you whether you have a regular job

besides Gwent Up's development?

Of course I do

Unfortunately, 150 dollars isn't enough for six people


It is more like a hobby to us

I dedicated last 5 years to Game development

PC and Mobile games

The main specialization is Community management

Got it

So let's talk about your site now

Firstly, you didn't have it at all. There was just a page for downloading app

What eventually made you to create it?

I don't remember whether I answered these questions earlier

We planned to create the site in the first concepts

So it is a drastic difference…

I am sorry, I will get into details for a bit

as I need to tell you about the background

People are asking us: "What's the difference between you and the the first tracker?"

The most obvious thing that proves to stay out of players' sight

is that the first tracker was made to be just a tracker

We, on contrary, want to use it as a basis

platform for our future site

Initially we've had an ordinary site

that was transformed into a portal later on

That is exactly what we've been looking for

As soon as the tracker allowed us to use data we had at full capacity

we considered making all data public

As a conclusion to this answer - we have always wanted to have an analytical resource

Hmm, so the tracker is the tool for reaching that long-term goal

Of course. Moreover, if we unfold the entire idea for a bit more, statistics that we have is quite valuable

so besides getting feedback from our users, our e-mail has different offers from various portals

They see our statistics and say that they want it on their sites

In this case yes, the tracker was needed to solve the issue of acquiring this statistics and assist players…

Probably, I've got too far, so I will tell more about it later

Okay, as we are talking about site. What can a guest see on it?

Currently there isn't much to inspect as we' are only about to begin the development of larger services

Right now you can see the link to download our tracker, contact us via email,

and small description of the main features of the app

But that's got rusty and we want to actualize the functional of our site in the first quarter of 2018

Also we have Meta reports

By the way, we published 22th meta report last weekend

We develop the ranking system each season

As most players play with 2000 ranked points,

sooner or later they will develop their skills and get more points

We follow their lead and open new brackets

e.g. if we have 2000 points at the beginning later we will add brackets for 3000, 3500, and so on

Mhm, so what about these meta reports, how close are they to reality?

I heard feedback of pro-players who were saying

that the powerful decks were put somewhere deep below in the rating as their winrate is too small

How can you explain it?

I must say that pro-players are right

Let's consider an example: the average salary in a city is $1000

So if one person works as a plumber and gets $100 per month,

whilst another person is a businessman that gets $2000

the average salary for this city will still be $1000 (the numbers are close)

You should evaluate reports by their main mood

How good or bad they are in general

As you see, we have great decking in Gwent

There are examples of how one guy has 80% winrate on 4k+, when another - just 50%.

So the variability of data won't look trustworthy for those with high winrate

We must also mention newbies or just casual players

who consider new hero King Bran's 53% winrate unbelievably high, when they have only 40%


Therefore, we are going to add more tools for more detailed classification of brackets.

There you will find numbers that will be closer to realia of top ladder

I have some secret information or maybe it isn't confidential at all

Still, you are making personal statistics for each player. Tell us more about it

Great question

Yes, it isn't a secret at all

We just test several functions in close access, they are, obviously, not shown to the wide audience yet.

And yeah, one of our projects is players' personal pages, the common attribute of any online game

But we understand that CD Projekt RED doesn't have much time for it now

so we decided to handle this mission ourselves

I hope that everyone will have access to it by the end of the year

What will be in personal statistics of the player

and how will it differ from meta reports?

Will there be additional features besides leaders or winrate?

There will be the most basic things: number of matches, winrate, position in ladder, and the nickname

There will also be 3 tabs:

1. Match history, meaning you will have access to your gaming record

We are flooded by the questions like: "Show us statistics of the 1st and 2nd turns"

so we will show who had the first turn

2. Deck statistics. It will be more detailed than in in-game tracker

There you'll see the statistics of the 1st and 2nd turns as well as the efficiency of this deck against each leader

3. The third tab will contain your decks - their cards, winrates, and everything else

We understand that all players are concerned about their privacy,

so you will be able to choose what you want to show to others

You can show all your decks and cards to everyone on the service or hide everything

so you would be the only person to see them

The settings will be in your personal cabinet on Gwent Up site

I like the thing with decks

It will be a great tool for streamers as you will be able to say: "Stop asking me, all my decks are right here"

It's comfy

Yeah, it is a convenient thing. That is why we do it

Besides everything you have already told,

Is there anything, in a long run, you will love to develop for your tracker or the site?

Although Gwent Up is our Pet project (an additional to the main one)

We consider it our hobby and don't want to stop upgrading it. In the first interview we've had...

Was it like a year ago?

Yeah, a year ago.

Yes, I told you that we want to make a replay kit, the tool that will record your matches right in-game

and save them (not in a video-format)

Which cards were played, what was the impact, etc

It is one of the long-term goals

What will happen in the nearest future is live statistics (which is already in the early access stage)

It will provide statistics on a daily basis instead of a weekly one,

there will also be more brackets (we won't wait until we'll have 100.000 games), more settings, and pro-category

It will allow you not only to look at ranked, but also at the situation on the pro-level

Okay, I think you have answered anything I needed regarding Gwent Up

So here is one more thing

Your team has increased in numbers, so I want to ask you

whether you are working on anything else besides GU

Well, some people from the team work together on different projects sometimes

I can discuss what some of our members do in general

But that wouldn't be true to say that we are constantly working together

I can tell you about one project called "Mentors" that has already been published in Russian AppStore

It is a turn-based RPG in a fantasy setting

Although it still requires some things to show it to entire world, it is very beautiful

I will send a link to Alexander, so he could post it in the description for you to check the game

The second project or, it'd be better to say, direction is game prototyping

We make game prototypes,

then we divide them into the projects that seem to be interesting and develop them further,

and those that we put aside to get back to them in future

And, sure thing, Gwent Up

Along with that there is plenty of things that I do myself

They are mostly related to my specialization like teaching at Higher School of Economics

where I had a "Community Management in gaming industry" course

and many other things that will be too long to mention

You have already answered everything I wanted to ask regarding this topic, I guess

So let's talk about Gwent now, okay?


So how often do you play Gwent?


Okay, so I don't have any system for that. I can have no time to play for like a week

and then I enter the game and complete one daily mission a day (or even more)

So those who play often have their favourite factions like Northern Isles or Nilfgaard.

Do you have one?

Yeah, I have my personal favorite since Close Beta, it is Skellige

I didn't know it was very powerful when I started playing it, so it was a great thing to know

The deck that I created is based on Crach an Craite and modify it:

maybe add another bronze, then decide to change a gold card

But I wouldn't call myself a pro-player. I play more like for my personal satisfaction.

Do you have any advantages from developing Gwent Up while playing Gwent itself?

Like an instant access to all statistics or getting data that most players don't possess.

Yeah, it happens sometimes

But there is a strong difference between checking players' stats

to develop the entire tracking system, adding more features, seeing new concepts, etc.

and using such data to get higher in ladder or going to the tournaments, and winning prizes

The latter is unfair and wrong in general. By the way, I don't have this much time

And it is wrong again

Agree with you on that

So as you are working in the development sector and you have experience in this area, please, tell us,

what do you think is bad in Gwent?

I mean in general, anything that goes beyond problems with cards

Let's not mention balance issues, first-turns, and coinflips here.

Okay, so I will try to make a statement and then I will explain it

Currently, in my opinion, there are no big problems with the game at all

Let me explain it now

I look at the game from the point of Game developer, not a player

As you once go to GameDev's backstage for like a year, you start evaluating projects

in a different way that you did before

So Gwent is an original project, players that were satisfied with its

game core (the feature or several features that make people love the game)

and retention are very good

For those who don't know, retention is a period of time that you need to get tired of the game,

stop playing it, and get back to it later.

So the retention is very high

People don't get exhausted while playing it and if they do, they usually come back

So the game handles this task perfectly great

Though it has another problem, controversial to what I've said before

the entry barrier is quite high, meaning it is hard for novice players to understand the basic notions of it

However, the player has to feel oneself confident while playing,

but he is overwhelmed by the new information instead

Everyone including developers understands it,

as Adam Kiciński said in his last interview, they plan to make it easier for the newbie players to enter it

They also plan to bring more players to the game,

so I'm sure we'll have many interesting pieces of news during entire 2018

With an interval like 1.5 - 2 months

Oh, that would be awesome

In a few words, how do you think they can handle this entry barrier?

I'm not a game designer to talk about such matters, but I suppose

that some part of cards will get more casual

But there will also be enough place for the hardcore ones

You can see this tendency in game

There are cards of old type - they, in most cases, are easy-to-use, like put a card and get more power

or make a buff of your existing units and hit an enemy

But the cards similar to Gaunter o Dimm with more complicated conditions will be brought to lategame

I don't know and when yet, but we will probably see it ourselves soon

One more thing that can make us be sure about Gwent's future

Is another piece of news that I was surprised to hear is that Riot's Esports manager has left

the Russian office recently

So several days ago he announced that he is going to work in CD Projekt RED's team

on the post of Esports manager

So I think that will be even more emphasis on the cybersport aspect from now on.

Great news! I play League of Legends, when I get tired of Gwent

I've played it for 2 years, but now I don't have time to play it

I'm talking about the power of Riot's Russian team in general

You can find a lot of info about them, what they're doing, etc.

As I remember, this person started his path as a Community manager at Riot,

so he probably has some good background in that

Moreover, he is Russian, with almost native English, so I'm sure we are in good hands

So let's make a conclusion. Sergey, what do you think about the game? Is it going in the right direction?

Does it have future? Besides the future of Esports manager.

If the company's middle and top managers didn't see the future in it

they would neither develop it anymore, nor be loud in their praises of it in the media environment

So I think that everything goes fine

It is too early to talk about direction as there have been almost no steps yet

There are more words, than actions now, actually.

Please, ask me about it next year. Closer to the summer

Does it have future? Yes, it does

Even if we are talking about Gwent as the first CD Projekt RED's online product

It is very important, because it allows them to get experience in that field

So I predict that more online projects like this one will be released in future

Besides cool AAA singleplayer games, of course!

Okay, I've told you so much, but it is hard to structure everything properly

But I think everything will be great for us and CD Projekt RED

Thank you for your time! Would you like to wish anything to our watchers?

Sure! Play Gwent, use Gwent Up's analytics, and get fun while doing both!

So let's finish our interview on good terms

See you, Sergey!

Thanks! Would love to visit your channel once more

I hope we will get a huge number of questions from you and our watchers next time

Sure thing!

Please, tell us in the comment section whether you like such format

and enjoyed the interview with our first guest.

Besides, you can make a suggestion or ask a question regarding the new tracker

I think Sergey will be glad to answer the most interesting questions

Join our group in VK

and check the Meta-reports from Gwent Up!

I will put all mentioned links in the description!

Va fail!

For more infomation >> InterVIEW around Gwent #1 - Smirk (GwentUp team) [EN subs] - Duration: 28:53.


Black Friday Curso Online Photoshop Fácil. - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Black Friday Curso Online Photoshop Fácil. - Duration: 1:33.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Why Should I Purchase Your Course Instead Of Theirs? - Duration: 4:39.

Hey, it's Joe.

This next question is from Annette.

Annette says, "First, thanks for all you do.

The free stuff and all the great videos.

You're rare in this world."

Thank you.

"My question is just one.

I have looked into a few other courses as well, some seem legit and some are not.

Why should I purchase your course instead of theirs?

Thanks so much."

Well, I don't really keep up on everybody's courses, so I don't know what's out there,

I don't know who you're comparing me with.

I know there's some really good teachers out there and I think you should just go and

look at what they teach and see if you like their technique.

If you like the process that they're going through, if it makes sense to you.

I think there are some things that you should look at with everybody that you're thinking

about spending money with.

First of all, you might want to try to get as much free information from them as you


You know, if you go to my blog,, there's over five hundred videos, training

videos, on there that are free that explain a lot of the different aspect of what I'm

teaching and you can learn a lot about it before you spend a dime.

And that might be something that is the first thing you want to look at.

You also want to look at are they suggesting that you use your own cash?

Are they suggesting you get loans?

Are they suggesting hard money?

Are they suggesting private money?

If they are suggesting those things, you can make money doing that.

But there's a lot more risk because of that.

You know, it makes more sense to learn how to make money with no money before you start

making it with money, or using money.

When I invest my cash, I invest it in very safe places.

I don't leverage my cash anymore.

I used to do that, and I found out that it was a mistake.

So don't do that.

So many of my students have come to me and said, boy I wish I'd talked to you before

I started this program, or that program, or this other one, or investing in this technique

because I lost my money and I lost my credit and I screwed everything up.

I've been through that before.

I know what it feels like.

I know what it's like and I don't recommend it to anyone.

So I would suggest that you learn how to do this with zero down.

Now, it's easier to buy a property if you have cash.

You know, you can just go out there and you can buy any property you want and give them


But it's not any easier to make money using cash.

If you don't know how to make money using no money, you probably won't be able to

do it with money, or you'll screw it up somehow.

You'll lose your money or you won't make much money on your investment and there are

better ways to do it.

So hold on to your cash until you learn how to do this.

Anyway, hopefully that answers the question on how to pick someone who's going to mentor

you, how to use, how to pick the technique that you want.

It's all about what fits for you and your life, where you're at.

It's also about risk and what you're comfortable with.

Some people are comfortable taking big risks and they take big falls sometimes.

And that's okay.

That's something that I went through.

I would suggest that you don't do it that way.

That you learn from somebody who's already been there and try to do it in a way that's

going to be more stable, more secure, more consistent.

Also, learn how to turn it into a business.

Not just doing a deal here or there.

You know, I think a lot of people, they do a deal and they're done and they've got

to start their business over and find the next deal.

And then they've got to do that deal, and they get that done and then they start over

again, and they find the next deal.

But what if you built a business system?

You know, something that you could count on, something that you could rely on, something

that's the funnel system.

This is how internet marketing works, this is how direct marketing has always worked

all these years where you bring in leads, you educate those leads, you make offers to

them, you follow up with them using automated techniques with, if you're using something

like the Automarketer.

And then eventually, a few people drop out the bottom and those are the people that you

end up working with and make money on even though there's a bunch of leads coming into

to the system.

And that's how you have consistent income because there's always money coming in to

the deal.

And that's what you're going to try to strive for if you want to have a consistent

systematized, automated and outsourced business where you're doing very little of the work.

You be the rainmaker, and all the other work is done by somebody else who's paid much

less than what you're making.

Anyway, hope that answers the question.

Good luck with it.

For more infomation >> Why Should I Purchase Your Course Instead Of Theirs? - Duration: 4:39.


Big Man | 빅맨 - EP12 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 59:12.

What's this? This isn't a petition.

"Distribution Contract"?

Oh, I think I put that in there by mistake.

- Give that to me. That's not it. / - Hold on.

This is a dual contract.

You entered into a dual contract with Daesam?

Your Honor...

You should've been careful.

Why did you put

such an important document in there?

(A week ago)

(Episode 12) I understand what you're saying.

It's a good plan. It really is.

But things like that are only possible in the movies.

Don't think too much of it.

We just need to know one thing.

How Dongseok found the document that I had hidden

in the sundae soup restaurant.

Have some onions.



What do you want?

Tell me just one thing.


Take a look at this, please.

Many union members disagree with the leader.

I met with them secretly and got them to write these.

They are petitions stating that they oppose

the current union leader and wish Kang Dongseok

would continue to be the administrator.

Did they write these willingly?


I promised they would be

guaranteed a job later on.

That's doable, right?

That much is doable, yes.

It will come in handy.

- Bring these to Attorney Cha. / - Yes, Sir.

And we have a rebuttal for those petitions.

What is it?

Did they write these willingly?

I promised they would be

guaranteed a job later on.

That's doable, right?

That much is doable, yes.

The person who recorded this will

come testify if necessary.

Okay, I'll look into that later.

Give me some time to think this over first.

Wait outside for about 10 minutes.

- What did you do? / - Like you don't know?

I only did what you did to me.


Here, have something nice and cold.

Want some? It's nice and cold.

How does it feel to get sucker-punched by someone

you treated like a dog?

Dual contracts are illegal.

Please cancel it and enter into a legal arrangement.

Yes, I will do that.

And the content of the recording reveals

inappropriate action on the administrator's part.

It's sufficient to warrant

the change in court-appointed administrators.

If this is reported properly, I will investigate it.

So we can change the administrator?

Yes, of course.

But there's something that concerns me.

Kim Jihyeok,

you're on probation for charges of fraud.


I will tell you my decision now.

There is adequate support for changing administrators,

but because Kim Jihyeok, the union's nominee

is disqualified,

I will deny the request to change administrators.

Give up.

A world where you win exists only in your dreams.

How did it go?

I'm sorry, but I failed this time.

I'm too inadequate.

Thank you for trying.

You have nothing to be sorry about.

We asked this of you.

Yes, you can't expect to win on your first try!

Let's try again!

Yes, I agree.

We won't give up until we get our company back.

So don't you give up on us, either.


I'll fight until the end then!

Mr. Choi. Mr. Gu. Are you with us?

There is no need to ask. We're family.

You should ask the traitor over here.

Hey, come on.

Okay! I swear my allegiance until the day I die!

Okay! This is just the beginning.

Let's gather around and do a cheer!

Gather around! Let's to this!

- Gather around! / - This is the beginning.

Over here. Here.

Okay, we won't be discouraged until

we save Hyunsung Distributions.

Here's to Hyunsung Distributions!

- Let's do this! / - Let's do this!

To celebrate my marriage, drinks are on me!

Okay, then I'll buy the second round afterwards!

- Kim Jihyeok! / - Kim Jihyeok!

Second round on Kim Jihyeok!

Third round on Kim Jihyeok!

Fourth round on Kim Jihyeok!

- Karaoke on Kim Jihyeok! / - Karaoke on Kim Jihyeok!

Yes, Your Honor?

You need to let go of Hyunsung Distributions.


The court-appointed administrator

must stabilize the company.

While the leader's qualifications are important,

the employees' will to save the company matters more.

I think Hyunsung needs a leader

who will encourage the employees.

Why was that contract in that envelope?

Can't you do anything right?

I think our mole double-crossed us.

You're saying he put that in there?

What was Attorney Cha doing? How could he not see that?

He said he checked multiple times.

- Then how? / - Don't you remember?

It's exactly how we got the documents from Kim Jihyeok.

Like you don't know?

I only did what you did to me.

That idiot used his brain for once.

By the way,

what happened with Cho Hwasu?

A little lower. A little higher.

Right there. Perfect.

But why do you want to use the same motto as Hyunsung?

- It's nice. / - I like it, too.

The motto finally found its rightful home.

"We are a family."

You haven't accomplished anything.

You merely picked up an empty can from the trash.

Don't be proud.

We know, Sir.

This is just the beginning.

Rebuilding Hyunsung Distributions

is what we need to do.

I told you not to underestimate Jihyeok.

Hyunsung Distributions is a failed company anyway.

Anyone can be its administrator. It's meaningless.

Yet you had it taken from you.

The company didn't suffer any harm.

Financial harm isn't important.

You lost something much more important.

- Faith in you. / - What?

The board has opposed your nomination to the board.

Why is everyone doing this? What did I do?

You can be nominated again, so don't worry.

But if, just if,

Jihyeok saves Hyunsung Distributions,

they will say you lack management skills

and you'll be scooping up manure in our farms. Got it?

Don't worry. That will never happen.

There you go, underestimating him again.

Do you know how often he made my blood pressure spike?

Please take this seriously.

Don't underestimate him, okay?


Kim Jihyeok.

Chairman Kang made some personal investments

using company funds, and lost a lot of money.

His broker got caught and was prosecuted.

Chairman Kang's corruption was about to be discovered,

so he framed your late father of the crime.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I resented you, even if for a brief moment.

I won't forgive them.

Neither him

nor those people.

I won't forgive them.

We're offering shares of Hyunsung Energy

to some shareholders who lost money on

Hyunsung Distributions shares.

I see.

So you're saying I'm one of them?

Yes, you may be.

I may be?

We have one rule.

We punish the dog that bit us.

To do that, a small sacrifice can be tolerated.

And is Kim Jihyeok that dog?

I'm too soft-hearted to kill the dog myself.

I don't like getting blood on my hands, either.

Isn't that your specialty?

Let's consider the shares a payment for the specialist.


- Excuse me? / - You little runt!

You think I'm a butcher?

I like money, but I'm not obsessed with it!

You brat. You only picked up bad habits.

You rude brat.

Do you know what Kang Dongseok said to me?

He said I'm an expert dog-catcher.

That little runt.

Do you know why I want Hyunsung Distributions?

I can't stand jerks like that looking down on me.

Jihyeok will

raise me from the dark into the light.

Mom, be honest.

Is there a difference in sales

between when I'm here and when I'm not?


I must be a human perfume.

My presence alone increases business.

Look at that. You're almost sold out. And...

Did you do something wrong to me?

Why do you always cower when you see me?

- Soju and sundae, please. / - Here.

- Uncle, I... / - I heard.

You don't need to explain.

Wait a little longer. I'll save the company and...


Don't worry about us anymore.

We're used to being taken advantage of like this.

You know,

we would prefer to see you succeed than

getting a little compensation money.

Then you can repay us

10,000 times over, right?

We'd like to see an important figure

rise from the market.


- Uncle. / - Okay?

Can you succeed for us?


I will.

I won't disappoint you.


Let's toast to our market's hope, Kim Jihyeok.


I told you I'm busy.

I'm not the daughter of Hyunsung you once knew.

It's me and myself now.

Plus, I have to support two unemployed jerks.

So don't call me anymore.

If I knew how to make this, I would've opened a shop...

What are you doing?

The artist is a rising star.

Mother said artwork is a good investment.

And I thought it would be nice to hang this here.

What do you think? Doesn't the office look nicer?

It does. But what's gotten into you?

I was hoping you and I could look at this

and forget all the bad things from the past,

and start anew.



Jeongseon, this is your desk. I'm sorry,

but we won't be able to pay you for a bit.

Don't worry. I'm President Kang's fan.

- I'll survive on seeing him. / - Really?

Sir, we're in trouble!

The large corporations refuse to send us

any of their products!


What on earth?

Why are you doing this?

You must have a reason for cutting off your supply!

We have a contract.

Hey, we'll sue you for this.

What? Hello?

What on earth?

Hello? This is Hyunsung...

- Hello? / - Mr. President.

I think they're being pressured hard.

- Otherwise, why would they... / - You're right.

It's Kang Dongseok's doing.


Thanks for coming.

He's the head of the Owner's Club.

It's a gathering of corporate heirs.

I'm sure he made them do it.

Thanks, guys.

I appreciate your help.

It's okay.

We have to stick together.

Well said.

If you lose money on this, let me know.

Hyunsung will reimburse you.

Why would they take a loss to do this?

To kill us, that's why.

But they gain nothing.

I don't understand why they'd go so far.

Is this a warning to make us behave?

Yes, there's that emotional aspect,

but there's a practical problem, too.


The replacement of the administrator was huge.

If Hyunsung Distributions is saved,

Kang Dongseok's credibility will be questioned.

He didn't get nominated to the board because of this.

So that's why he's fighting so hard? Great.

Why is he always a stumbling block to us?

What should we do?

We have to do something.

Let's call the smaller companies.

- Get up. / - Okay.

They'll go for the small companies.

Take care of them, too.

Check everything carefully. Make no mistakes.

How about you come work with us?

It would be of great help to have you here with us.

No, I think I'd be of more help if I stay there.

Go back. I know you're busy.

Okay. Get back safely.

And call me if you ever need my help.


No, I'm the one who may end up needing help.

Because you're the only one who can take them down.

The small companies

also refused to send us their goods.

They won't even answer our calls.

They've been pressured by the large corporations.

They can't go against the powerhouses.

What's the most urgent right now?

We can use what's in the inventory for appliances.

The problem is goods with short expiration dates.

The shortest would be dairy products.

Those are the most problematic.

We can't keep the stores open with empty shelves.

Then let's look into that first.

What are you doing, Mother?

Mira, what are you doing?

My back hurts, so...

Then go to the nail salon.

She's going to be your daughter-in-law.

She isn't your maid.

It's okay.

I like it.

She says she likes it.

Get up. It looks bad.

No, I'll finish this since I started already.

Don't worry about me.

The one who took the contract came to deliver wine.

Who was the jerk?

He's caught on the security cameras,

but he didn't reveal his face.

It looks like he knew where the cameras were.

That means he knew everything about the house.

Someone who knows the code to my safe...

So Mira.

President Kang wants you. Go in.


Oh, Mr. Do.

- I have something to say. / - What?

It's something I've been meaning to tell you.

Please don't talk down to me anymore.

I'm going to become part of the Hyunsung family soon.

It'll be awkward for you to change when the time comes.

Yes, Ma'am.

I understand.

Do you know what this is?

These are all the crimes Kim Jihyeok committed

before we met him.

You still think he's clean, don't you?

You've been fooled.

It was an act to make us think he was a good guy.

I've collected information on crimes

the detectives haven't found.

If I give this to a prosecutor that I know,

it'll be easy to obtain evidence necessary

to lock him up.

Must you go that far?

You still want him to succeed?

I did all I could.

I've washed away my guilt already.

I'll release this when the time is right.

Don't think I'm framing him this time.

I'm just trying to expose what he did in the past.


I guess that can't be helped.

You don't care even if he ends up in prison?

I told you, he has nothing to do with me now.

- Thanks, Mira. / - For what?

For being good to my mom.

- Mr. Gu. Wake up. / - What? Yes?

Do you remember this company?

Pure Dairy.

It's the company that Mr. Choi cut after taking a bribe

and then apologized to, right?

Yes, it is.

The company really grew since then.

He'll help us for sure.

I believe in him.

Wow, it has changed a lot here. Hello.


You have more employees, too. It's totally different.

- He's our president. / - Hello.

Our manager, Mr. Gu. This is the vice president.

Hello, I'm Kim Jihyeok.

But where is the president?

I apologize, you came all the way,

but he suddenly came down with the cold,

so he couldn't come in today.

Then when will he be back?

He'll be back in two days, so we'll talk to him then.

I'm sure he'll help us.

The president of Pure Dairy may not be so pure.

You only think he is because you're so pure in heart.

Let's go.

- Did they leave? / - Yes.

Just tell them you can't do it.

They said they'll be back.

Yes, but...

It's just that I know I shouldn't refuse them.

Don't worry and go home.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you!

It's me. Turn the machines back on.

Turn them back on.

We've been saved! Yes!

We have no choice. All the big markets and chain stores

will cancel their contracts if we supply to Hyunsung.

Right. I can't sacrifice myself to save someone else.


What are you doing here?

Do you think this work befits you?


I won't stop you from having me watched,

but have someone else do it.

- Miss. / - When I think about what you've done to him,

I never want to see you again.

You make me sick.

Isn't it better to work for half pay?

There's nothing to do.

What if we really shut down like this?

Just wait. It's just taking longer because

our president doesn't play dirty.

I have faith in him.

His cold got worse, so he hasn't come back.

Then can we call him?

He spoke with me about the contract.


He did?

You're pretty much asking for a rebate.

Well, we may look big, but we're still struggling.

And you need to compensate us

for going against the large corporations.

You'll supply the goods, but you want a kickback.

Is that it?

Yes, pretty much.

This is just how things work in this business.

We're desperate, so...

Please tell your boss I'd rather shut down

than sign a bogus contract like this.

Let's go. There's nothing more to talk about.

Wait, Sir. Hold on...

There's no need to be so strict.

This isn't the time to worry about rules.

I can't do it.

I won't enter into a dirty contract like this.

Sir, I...

- Please listen to me. / - I'll call you later.


- Mr. Choi. / - Yes?

What is he like? You must've met him often.

Yes. He's very honest and upright.

That's probably why he succeeded, albeit later on.

And success has changed him?

That's life, I guess.

That's how you should live.

Give up.

A world where you win exists only in your dreams.

It will come.

The world in my dreams will come.

It's me, Mr. Choi.

Do you know where the Pure Dairy president lives?

- It's bitter, isn't it? / - Yes. What?

H-How did you find me?

Long time no see.

Yes, well...

I knew you'd be drinking near your home.

A good person like you

wouldn't be able to just go home today.

I'm sorry. I had no choice.

The pressure was just unbearable.

I know.

- Let me pour you a drink. / - Thank you.

You too.

You must hate me.

No, I understand.

You helped me,

but I can't repay you.

I'm very sorry.


do you remember

what you said when you first asked for a contract?

"We make clean milk."

"We don't add any additives."

"It is pure milk."

"That's why it's called 'Pure Milk.'"

You were so pure back then,

as pure as your milk.

But a rebate? Really?

I'm sorry for disappointing you.

When I first met you,

this is what I thought.

"What a stubborn man."

"He gets kicked around and used,

but he has lived an honest life."

So I want to live like you.



please give me hope.

Hope that I could succeed

without succumbing to corruption.

That if I stay true, I will see

a light at the end of the tunnel.

Please let me believe that.

Please, Sir.

You know, my milk has been tasting different lately.

Do you know what milk tastes the best?

Milk straight from the cow.

That's truly pure milk.

But I forgot that taste momentarily.

I started this because I fell in love with that taste.

But to think

I had forgotten that taste...

Let's set a date.

What about this fall?

Why don't we do it sooner?

My dad loved fall.

He used to get sentimental.

He can't come to my wedding,

but I'd like to have it during his favorite season.

It's not because you want to delay it?

We can have it sooner if you want. Just choose a date.


You mean this fall, right?

Of course.

Leak the information to Mira

that you're going to submit the documents on

Kim Jihyeok's crimes in my safe to the prosecutor.

You have documents on Kim Jihyeok?

Just tell her that.

Come in.

- You asked for me? / - Yes.

We're missing a week's wine shipment from the invoice.

We never skipped a week. What happened?

There must have been an error.

I'll call them and resolve it.

Okay, you may go.

Mr. Lee? It's me.

Bring some documents to the prosecutor tonight.

No, I don't have them with me.

President Kang will give them to you.

You know what? I was confused.

Forget what I just said. Okay.

- Hi Dongseok. / - Hey, Mira.

I'm sorry, but can you get me something from my house?

What is it?

There's a bidding document in my safe. It's on top.

It says "Oil Corporation" on the envelope.

- Will you get that for me? / - Okay.

- Oh, and I changed the code. / - You did?

Yes, to your birthday.


I've collected information on crimes

the detectives haven't found.

If I give this to a prosecutor that I know,

it'll be easy to obtain evidence necessary

to lock him up.

Bring some documents to the prosecutor tonight.

- Dongseok. / - Where's the document I asked for?

Oh, well...

Is that it?

- Yes. / - Let me see.

- I want to see if you found it okay. / - Sure.

What is it? Why are you smiling?

It's nothing.

Why are you here? You said you were busy.

I did it on purpose.

On purpose?

To spend some time alone with you.

I love you, Mira.

I love you.


The creditors will sanction Hyunsung Distributions.

They'll be notified tomorrow morning.

- Really? / - But...

what happened with So Mira?

So Mira...

There's no problem with her.

They must've gotten a specialist to get the contract.

I see. But what are the documents on Kim Jihyeok?

Oh, that.

I just made that up.

I understand. Yes. I see.

Thank you.

Goodness. What on earth.

- What is it? / - It was the creditors.

They said if our sales keep decreasing,

they'll demand that we downsize.

My goodness.

Where have you been?

- What? / - How can you drink that right now?

What? It tastes good.

If you want some for yourself

go check out our stores.

They're full of them!

- What? / - Go take a look.

It's completely full.

Thank you.

Good work.


The president of Pure Dairy is well-connected

with other small companies.

For how long must we be taken advantage of?

I'm not saying I want to be the one in power.

I just want to be on the same level as they are.

He said someone like

President Kim Jihyeok must succeed.

That that's the only way they'll survive.

We've filled the shelves now,

but we can't win with just small companies' products.

We need to create an image.

As in, we need advertisement or marketing.

We need something to draw in the customers.


It's impossible with our current financial situation.

I know. I mean, let's use the media

since it's free.

Don't you want to live in a place like this

with a pool and stuff?

Beg your dad to buy this place.

No parent can refuse their child.

Here. It's nice and cold.

A huge playground is going to be built out there.

What is he doing?

Mr. Chairman.

Based on my interaction with the clients

I think you're targeting the wrong audience.

If you advertise this purely as a vacation spot,

you'll only get the elderly coming over.

That's a good deduction.

But why are you doing this?

You have a favor to ask, don't you?

I heard you have many connections

with people in the media.

You thug.

Hyunsung is changing how business is conducted.

They are using a strict standard to fill their stores

with inexpensive, high-quality goods

from small companies.

The well-recognized brands are actually...

With the cost to hire a reporter and

the insurance premiums,

I won't forgive you if you fail again.

Yes, I'll try my best.

My life is at stake.

Hyunsung's evaluation system and competitiveness

are setting an example in the industry.

Kim Jihyeok must be behind this outrageous result.

But who's working with him?

The president of Pure Dairy.

I heard he's helping Kim Jihyeok in many ways.

Oh, Pure Dairy?

I'll kill it

along with Hyunsung Distributions.


Want a drink?



I was wrong, okay?

I regret what I've done.

I'm sure you're disappointed to have a father like me.

I have no excuse.

What must I do?

What must we do for you to forgive us?

Go to him and beg on your knees.

Why should we do that?

Why must we kneel before him? He's not even human.

You guys are the ones who aren't human.


Good for you. We're all beasts and you're honorable.

Fine, so live however you want.

I don't want to turn you into a beast, too.

Let's cut all ties. Happy?


- Jina. / - Please leave.

What do you plan to do?

I'll start over.

I'll forget I was ever Hyunsung's daughter.


Why is she calling us here?

She said to look nice and come in lieu of paying rent!

It's been a while.

Are you here to see Jina?

Please, leave Jina out of this.

I wanted to kill you.

That hasn't changed.

You think I'm that easy?

Do you think I'm that soft?

I'll get back

everything you took from me.

You'll end up begging on your knees to the loser

you tricked into calling you "Father".

You'll beg for forgiveness

and for me to spare you.

You hate my dad, don't you?

Do you hate me, too?

Of course I do.

How can I get you to not hate me?

Go home.

No, I can't.

I'm the landlord, remember?

And I left home.

I won't go back there.

I'm tired.

So tired.

Did you find someone?

Yes, Sir.

It's time. Do it.

Yes, Sir.


Here. Drink it.


Here. Good?

So drink up.

Okay, once the company is stabilized,

shouldn't we change the name?

Do you have one in mind?

- I don't know. / - What would be good?

I think we should use something pretty. Pretty...

Mira Distributions?

Isn't that a bit personal?

I was distracted. Never mind.


We have a problem!

It's the worst possible situation!

Kim Seokdong, who bought milk at Hyunsung Market,

is being treated at a hospital for food poisoning.

The police found a receipt in his pocket...

Let's go to the hospital.

We have to see if he's okay.

Prosecutor Chang. I have a favor to ask.

Can you request a tax audit for a company?

No, it shouldn't be a problem. It's the company

responsible for the recent food poisoning.

I just don't understand.

Why would he leave right after being treated?

Most people would stick around to get

as much as possible from the company.

But thank goodness he's okay.

Sure, he may be okay,

but our company is about to die.

- The food poisoning... / - Yes?

The milk definitely caused it?

They pumped out spoiled milk from his stomach.

You have a call.

Hi, Mira.

I saw the news.

Did you meet the food poisoning victim?

- No, I couldn't. / - You won't be able to.

I'm positive Kang Dongseok hired him.


I heard him talking to Do Sangho.

He asked if he found someone.

Okay, thanks.

What is it?

I think Kang Dongseok is behind this.

I knew it didn't make sense.

So he made someone drink spoiled milk?

How is that possible?

What is this, a new method of torture?

Let's check the security camera videos at the store.

What are you saying?

That's a mistake.

That's not... Okay, I understand.


We'll have to recall all the milk.

Everyone is freaking out.

Okay. Stop the machines for now.

I'm sure. I spoke with the president.

Okay, I understand.

We're with the IRS. You are being audited.

What are you talking about?

Why are we being audited all of a sudden?

Wait! What are you doing? What's going on?

Does anyone know him?

The store manager said he's never

- seen him before. / - Hello?

It's the vice president of Pure Dairy.

Pure Dairy?

Hello, Gu Deokgyu speaking.

What? A tax audit?

Why the sudden audit...

Where's the president?

Hello? This is Kim Jihyeok.

Mr. President...

Are you okay?


Nothing was wrong with your milk. It was a set-up.

So don't be too discouraged and wait a little.


You must succeed.

Don't end up like me.



They won't find the food poisoning victim, right?

I made it clear to him, so he won't be found.

Good work.

Do you know what pains Kim Jihyeok the most?

Seeing people he cares about getting hurt and in pain.

I'm glad we let him live.

If he had died, he wouldn't have felt that pain.



Give up.

A world where you win exists only in your dreams.

It will come.

The world in my dreams will come.

For more infomation >> Big Man | 빅맨 - EP12 [SUB : ENG, CHN, IND, VI] - Duration: 59:12.


Feet Brightning Pedicure At Home - Suntan Removal | PrettyPriyaTV - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Feet Brightning Pedicure At Home - Suntan Removal | PrettyPriyaTV - Duration: 5:07.


OnePlus 5T - Most desirable flagship of 2017? - Duration: 2:41.

OnePlus 5T - Most desirable flagship of 2017?

OnePlus 5T, did it live up to your expectations?

It seems that OnePlus has settled into a tick-tock model.

Early in the year, a new model brings a new design and major new features, later on a

T model launches with refinements.

But did the company do enough to make the OnePlus 5T a worthy upgrade?

It�s great that the price is mostly unchanged, making the 5T one of the most affordable Snapdragon

835 flagships out there.

The other late 2017 high-enders push against or even break the $1,000 barrier making wallets

around the world shriek.

The new 18:9 screen is strictly an improvement over the older screen.

You don�t get a higher pixel density, but you do get more room and a more modern look.

The OnePlus 5T is roughly the same size as the previous model too, making for a more

efficient use of the front.

The fingerprint reader moved to the back (not an issue, we think), but from our tests it

seems that the new Face Unlock might take its place as the preferred locking mechanism.

It�s fast and works in the dark too.

It�s harder to argue that the new dual camera is an outright upgrade.

Maybe you won�t miss the telephoto lens, but is the new 20MP f/1.7 camera really that

good in the dark?

You can check out our hands-on review for camera samples � including night shots and

testing the new Portrait mode (since both cameras have the same FoV, there�s no cropping


OnePlus 5T Face Unlock IMPOSSIBLE To Crack???

In this video, we put the new OnePlus 5T's Face Unlock security feature to the test by

trying to use it in the dark, fool it with a digital photo, and so on.

Where to buy the OnePlus 5T? -

The OnePlus 5T is OnePlus's latest flagship phone.

This phone's powered by the Snapdragon 835 chip and has 8GB RAM along with 128GB on board


The OnePlus 5T sports a 6.01" 1080p Optic AMOLED display with an 18:9 aspect ratio.

It also comes with an improved dual camera setup, with the secondary camera sensor now

being paired with a relatively wide 27.22mm lens with an F1.7 aperture.

The OnePlus 5T runs on Oxygen OS 4.7 based on Android 7 Nougat, and it comes with a few

new features like Face Unlock and Parallel Apps.

oneplus 5t face unlock, oneplus 5t face unlock test, oneplus 5t face recognition, oneplus

5t facial recognition, oneplus 5t features, oneplus 5t first look, oneplus 5t trailer,

oneplus 5t, oneplus, c4etech, oneplus 5t face unlock vs iphone x face id, face unlock vs

face id, face recognition app, face lock, face unlock app, face id, face id replacement,

face detection app, oneplus 5t face unlock for, face unlock for, oneplus 5t face lock

For more infomation >> OnePlus 5T - Most desirable flagship of 2017? - Duration: 2:41.


Gender and physics - Claudia de Rham - Duration: 1:01.

- I have a niece.

She's very bright, she's great.

She's 10 years old.

A few years ago she was asking me about the notion of time.

She would already have this questions and I told her,

"Look, we need people like you to study that.

"We don't know the answer."

And she was like, "I'm not going to become a physicist."

Because she has in mind that physicists are these

anti-cool people who--

- Is it physicists are anti-cool or is it

physicists are men?

Or is it both? (laughter)

- I think it's both.



If she had that picture that a physicist could be successful

in life and not need to live in a cave all day long

and be antisocial.

If they could see that a physicist is something really fun

to do, then that would change.

For more infomation >> Gender and physics - Claudia de Rham - Duration: 1:01.


Unauthorized & Unhappy - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> Unauthorized & Unhappy - Duration: 43:05.


Mother's Nightmare - Duration: 42:34.

For more infomation >> Mother's Nightmare - Duration: 42:34.


The Offer - Duration: 52:17.

For more infomation >> The Offer - Duration: 52:17.


Will Robots Replace House Cleaners? - Duration: 4:57.

Will robots replace house cleaners?

It's a fair question, because in my lifetime I've seen a whole bunch of automated systems

that have replaced humans that used to do the work.

We're going to talk about that today.

Hi, there.

I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now, today's question is brought to us by

Now, while we may not have robots automating our tasks,

you can go to,

and you can find somebody to help you automate yours.

For example, grocery delivery.

It used to be that you have to get in your car, and you got to drive to the grocery store

to pick up your groceries.

Now there are people on that will bring the groceries to your door.

If you're a senior, and you don't get out very much,

and you would like to have somebody bring the groceries to your house,

or maybe your car stopped working for whatever reason

and you don't have a ride.

Or maybe you need groceries delivered because you have kids

that are home after school, and you have to be there with your kids, and you're not able

to get out and go get them yourself, has people there that can help you do that. Yay.

Okay, cool.

Now, on to automated tasks.

We had a house cleaner that was curious to know,

"Do you think my job is going to be automated by robots?"

We started thinking about it.

We're thinking maybe there are already items that automate some of the tasks we do.

For example, most of us have dishwashers, and you can plop your dishes in there,

and the dishwasher washes the dishes for you so you don't have to do it.

But it still requires a human to stand there and to load the dishes in,

and to take the dishes back out,

and to put the dishes away in the cupboard.

The dishwasher doesn't do that part.

We have washing machines.

No longer do we have to stand there with a little bucket and one of those ripple boards

where you scrub the clothes against the board.

We don't have to do that anymore.

We just toss the clothes inside the washing machine, we add in some soap, add in some

softener, and hit the go button, and presto, our clothes are washed.

But after you wash the clothes, then you have to take the clothes out of the washing machine,

and you have to put them in the dryer.

The washing machine doesn't take the clothes out themselves and put them in the dryer.

It takes a human to do that, and then when you take them out of the dryer, they don't

just fold themselves and put themselves away.


That takes a human.

And so whether it's a mom, whether it's a dad, whether it's one of the kids that lives

in the house, it doesn't matter who it is, but it's going to require a human to finish

the rest of those chores.

Now, they do make automated things like the little automated vacuum that

zips around the floor.

It vacuums your floor in the pattern that you create based on the little sensors or

whatever that's inside the vacuum.

When it bumps into a corner, it turns, and it just keeps vacuuming.

Then when it's done vacuuming, it zips itself over to the little docking station, and it

plugs itself in.

I mean, how cool is that?

But there are certain things about the automated vacuum it can't determine.

Let's say that there is a stain on your carpet.

It will just vacuum right over the top of that.

It doesn't know it needs to stop, clean up the stain before we vacuum,

So there are things like that it can't do.

so house cleaning is never going to go out of business or go out

of vogue, if you will, because there are always things that are going to require a human.

As you clean, there are different surfaces, and you have to determine,

"Does this need polish this time, or does this just need a damp rag?"

There is no robot that exists just yet that can make those determinations for you, and

it doesn't know which cleaning supplies are on which surfaces,

because every house is different.

And so there can't be one robot that knows all these things,

and so it's going to require a human.

So if you are a house cleaner or if you're thinking about starting a house cleaning business,

it's a business that's probably never going to go out of style in your lifetime

for the sheer fact that although technology is so advanced,

and although we have all kinds of things that assist us in doing our jobs quicker,

faster, easier, it still requires a human

to activate those different things.

Is house cleaning going to be replaced by robots?

I don't think so.

I don't think any time in our lifetimes.

So, if you've ever thought about going into the

house cleaning business, yeah,

now is the time,

because you'll probably always have a job.

Alrighty, and that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Will Robots Replace House Cleaners? - Duration: 4:57.


【MUKBANG】 [Osaka Ohsho] 50 Original Dumplings + 50 Soft dumplings!!! 100 In Total 5300kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:50.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa I'm here at Osaka Osho's and since I adore Gyozas I'm totes looking forward to this

alrighty let's eat

tadaa they've all been prepped

these are the original style gyozas and we've got 50 of them

these are the soft and chewy gyoza and we've also got 50 of them

combined total of 100 they look so scrumptious

they smell so amazing and are making me so hungry ITADAKIMASU

this is the vinegar soy sauce its the standard mix of vinegar ra-yu chili oil and soy sauce

this is apparently vinegar and pepper this is going to be my first time trying it out

its made with vinegar and pepper

this is the miso sauce depending on the store this might not be available

please consult with your local shop if they do carry it you're totes lucky

lets start things off with the regular gyozas in the vinegar soy sauce

the skins are so crispy and they're so yummy

its nicely flavored with garlic but they say that they won't affect your breath all that much

and so you can eat worry free

its flavored with so much garlic and the flavor is so yummy

this is the vinegar and pepper sauce ~my first time trying this~

this is very refreshing and you can absolutely taste the tasty peppery flavor

this is the miso sauce ~this is another first for me~

this is yummy as well would be perfect with a bowl of rice

they are so hot and steamy with a nice meaty flavor

and when you bite down on them these nice meaty juices just gush right out... I just can't stop eating

since there are 3 types of sauces you can enjoy 3 different flavors with these gyozas

the gyozas have such a wonderful color to them

50th one

Next are these soft and chewy gyozas that were just brought back on the menu in november

they're so jiggly

the skins are so jiggly and chewy apparently they're made using some tapioca

its nicely flavored with chinese chive and sesame oil

its not made with any garlic and instead flavored with ginger so its something that is perfect for us girls

this is the miso sauce

goes so nicely with it it feels as if I'm eating a hot pot

I totally recommend eating these boiled gyoza with this miso sauce

when you dip it in vinegar it helps enhance the flavors of the ingredients and you can taste the sweetness within

last one itadakimasu

gochisosamadeshita the fried gyoza and the chewy boiled gyoza

were so yummy tasting

the fried gyozas were flavored with plenty of garlic and it really stimulated the appetite

and the wriggly gyozas were a milder flavor and so easy to eat

and right now Osaka Osho's is currently doing a gyoza challenge marketing blitz

they want their customers to decide between the fried and boiled gyozas to see which is the most popular one

you can find the details on their website

for placing your vote there are 2 rewards a coupon and

if you choose the popular gyoza they will select 100 people from their twitter accounts

and they will receive a gift card worth 5,000 yen

the url link is right below so please take a look

these gyozas were so yummy won't you all come visit osaka osho

and as always thanks for watching and if there anything you want me to do or eat please tell me in the comment section if you liked this vid please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Osaka Ohsho] 50 Original Dumplings + 50 Soft dumplings!!! 100 In Total 5300kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 4:50.



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How To Remove a Manager On YouTube - in 1 minute - Duration: 1:39.

Hi welcome to Let's Talk Video Production and let's talk about how to

remove a manager on your YouTube account. Hit the subscribe button for tips, how

to's and videos about business and video marketing

maybe someone's left your

organization or you've finished working with a freelancer and it's time to

remove them from being able to manage your account. You need to be an Owner to

do this and if you're the Primary Owner you can't remove yourself, you would need

to swap that primary ownership to another owner there has to be a Primary

Owner at all times. If you want to understand the roles of YouTube Owners

and Managers check out the link in the description to see a video about that

So first make sure you're signed into your account and you want to go to the

account page, you can type / account into the browser to reach

that or go to the top right icon here, select that and select the gear settings

and that will take you to the account page and we're going to select add or

remove managers here and that will take you to this page which gives you the

option to manage permissions so we'll select that button and here's the person

that we want to remove so we're just going to select the cross by their name

and confirm remove. Done, they're gone and if I went back into manager permissions

you can see they have been fully removed from the list. Looking at their email

they'll have a confirmation that their access has changed, it has been revoked

and you're done. Hope that was helpful, if it was you're helping me out by giving

this video a like. Maybe you know someone who would find this useful please do

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Thanks for watching

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