Sunday, November 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 20 2017

13 SPOT-On Traits of an INTJ Personality Type

Most people usually skeptic when it comes to zodiac signs, personality quizzes, or any

sort of metric that attempts to define who they are.

But surprisingly, when they learn about Myers Briggs personality test and see the result,

you will see they are nodding their head instead of rolling their eyes.

Personally, I'm an INTJ, which is in short characterized as a planner and a strategic


In fact, this personality type is said to be one of the rarest and the most strategic

of them all.

We make up two percent of the population, and female INTJs are even more difficult to

find as they only form 0.8 percent of people.

INTJ (nicknamed "the architect", or the "mastermind") stands for (I) Introverted, (N) Intuition,

(T) Thinking, and (J) Judging.

We're cynical yet idealistic, logical but imaginative, hardworking, and confident.

We can basically do anything we put our minds to.

We do have our share of weaknesses, but we'll get into that later.

If you're an INTJ like me, these 13 traits ahead will seem spot-on.


You were a bookworm as a kid.

Many INTJs show a thirst for knowledge beginning at a young age.

You took pride in being the bookworm and weren't afraid to answer questions in class.


You're a cynic.

You're a living contradiction because you're one of the most cynical people as well as

one of the biggest dreamers.

You know that with effort, intelligence, and will, you can achieve what you want to, which

is why you also view those unable as lazy.

You pretty much doubt everyone else but yourself.


You don't like rules or tradition.

INTJs are filled with original ideas and observations that often make them want to rework current

systems and ideas.

If they think something can be improved, they'll think of a way to make it better if they haven't


16 Personalities calls it the, "Is this going to work" filter: "this mechanism is applied

at all times, to all things and all people, and this is often where INTJ personality types

run into trouble."

You also hate blind obedience because you require a logical reason behind everything.


You're always a step ahead.

Your mind works like a chess game; each move is heavily weighed and analyzed before proceeding.

You don't like curve balls, so you make sure you're ahead of the game to be able to always

maintain control.

You're constantly comparing strategies and thinking situations out in your head.


You think with your head, not with your heart.

If you are an INTJ, this would ring most true to you (Thinking vs. Feeling).

You don't allow your emotions to decide for you.

Instead, you assess whether or not the situation makes the most sense rationally.

INTJs have a conscience but may appear as cold to other people.


You keep it real.

Lies and small talk are not your thing because you appreciate truth and authenticity.

You're deep, reflective, and highly intelligent, and you only ask for others to reciprocate

the honesty you give them.

You put much thought behind everything, including who you choose to surround yourself with,

and don't like feeling betrayed after letting someone in.


You know what you want.

Some may perceive your decisiveness as being insensitive or blunt, but it's just because

INTJs have "set opinions about what works, what doesn't, what they're looking for, and

what they're not," says 16 Personalities.

They don't like to waste their time on things or people they find unworthy and will cut

right to the chase so that they can invest their attention on something that matters.


You're self-confident.

You know that when you're right, you're really right, and that's that.

You're confident in your capabilities and intelligence to come up with the best strategy

and results and therefore have no reason to doubt yourself.

Arrogance also happens to be one of INTJs' main weaknesses.


You're open-minded.

Despite your high self-confidence, you're receptive to ideas and opinions outside your


Because you're so rational, you consider all possibilities with an open mind.


You have difficulty expressing your emotions.

INTJs often feel emotions more deeply than other personality types because they're not

good at controlling them.

They equate feelings with vulnerability and constantly keep their guard up to allow a

clear head for decision-making.

They even use their logic to address certain emotions.

Rather than allowing it to control them, they identify the emotion and figure out why they're

feeling this way and what they can do to fix it.


You're a hard worker.

If you want something, you don't allow anything to get in your way.

You'll dedicate all your time and effort toward achieving your goal and find the most efficient

way to get there.


You're independent.

You are highly self-sufficient and don't rely on anyone else but yourself to get sh*t done.

As a result, you don't require a lot of attention, making you both a good partner and somebody

who is difficult to read.

INTJs maintain a very small circle of friends of those who they believe to be on their level.

They rely on themselves and only keep around friends who also want an honest and intellectually

stimulating relationship.


You have a dark sense of humor.

As the bitterest of cynics, you have a very sarcastic and dark sense of humor that not

everybody can handle.

It can be difficult to become good friends with you, but you definitely know how to have

fun with those you know well and respect.

All in all, that's the 13 SPOT-On Traits of an INTJ Personality Type.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 13 SPOT On Traits of an INTJ Personality Type - Duration: 6:13.


Cold and windy with snow in some parts _ 112017 - Duration: 2:12.

Winter is in full-swing... and snow will fall in the upper parts of the country.

Cold winds and snow will make it feel colder than the actual temperature,... so dress warmly.

Highs in Seoul will be at 4 degrees, while Daejeon and Daegu rise to 9 degrees Celsius.

Skies will get brighter as the day goes on.

The air is cold and getting drier with a dry weather advisory in place for many regions,

including here in the capital.

This week won't be as cold as last week.

Suneung test day on Thursday will be rainy in some parts, but milder than the original


We'll see frequent rain or snow this week.

Soon the roads will be covered with snow and ice.

It's essential that you tread carefully... and remember to keep your full attention on

your steps... to avoid a nasty fall.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While upper regions in South Korea could see some snow in the afternoon along with colder

highs, many regions in North Korea will also have snow to mostly sunny skies depending

on the region.

As for major cities in Asia,.. toxic smog in Beijing and India isn't showing signs of

easing's forecast to be another very dusty day.

Meanwhile, Sydney will be mostly sunny while Wellington will be windy and cloudy.

Heading to North America, major cities on the continent will be under mostly sunny skies,...

while Montreal will be freezing cold.

As for South America, most cities will have rainy start to the work week.

Taking you to Europe,...major cities will have sunny to cloudy skies and even rain depending

on the region.

Lastly to Africa, Cape Town will have a rainy Monday.

That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Cold and windy with snow in some parts _ 112017 - Duration: 2:12.


Govind Kapse, Pimpalgaon Dhage Village, Nanded District - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Govind Kapse, Pimpalgaon Dhage Village, Nanded District - Duration: 0:56.


Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind - Duration: 3:23.

Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind

Eminem is bonafide rap royalty, so even if youre one of those OGs whos of the opinion that he peaked with 2000s Marshall Mathers LP, its not to see why so many continue to Stan out over Slim Shady.

These days, most of the focus is on Ems personal life, which is understandable for a couple of reasons:.

See our earlier comment about dude hitting his creative peak like 17 years ago.

(We love you, Em, but you know its the truth.

Mr Mathers tends to shy away from the press these days, which lends him a J.D.

Salinger-esque recluse mystique.

(Hard to argue that anyone who appears in public as often as Eminem does could be considered a proper recluse, but in 2017, if you go a day without posting a selfie, youre basically Emily Dickinson.

Anyway, the point is, the 44-year-old has achieved permanent headline-maker status.

Even new photos of daughter Hailie Jade Mathers get social media all in a tizzy.

So we suppose its not a huge surprise that a major shakeup in the rap legends facial hair status has caused the Internet to lose its f--king mind:.

Yes, thats Em looking less like that the blonde trash-talker that rose to fame two decades ago and more like the guy who works the counter at your local vape shop.

The beard is working for him, but its a shock to see the man making such a significant change after being beard-free for his entire adult life.

Maybe Em got a memo from El-P, Action Bronson, Post Malone, Mac Miller, and Riff Raff, informing him that in 2017, white rappers rock facial hair.

Or maybe he remembered that he has a daughter in college, which means its time to flex his beard muscle.

Either way, the look is definitely contributing to his mysterious reculse status.

Em was on the red carpet to promote The Defiant Ones, an upcoming HBO documentary about the collaborative relationship between Dr.

Dre and hip hop mogul Jimmy Iovine.

Enjoy it, because its probably the last look youll get at dude this year.

But dont worry, well let you know when new photos of Hailie Jade surface.

(She turns 22 this year, you can ogle without shame.

For more infomation >> Eminem Grows Beard; Internet Loses Its Damn Mind - Duration: 3:23.


MrFr33zy™ Yo Yo Yo - Duos, Squads Fun Night -PUBG - Duration: 2:18:34.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ Yo Yo Yo - Duos, Squads Fun Night -PUBG - Duration: 2:18:34.


Eisenhower Matrix: Let's Prioritize Those Tasks ✓ - Duration: 3:27.

The most urgent decisions are rarely the most important ones.

This is what U.S. president Eisenhower said.

Today, we'll talk about the Eisenhower Matrix.

It's a very useful tool to prioritize your tasks.

You'll be able to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent and which

one to attend first.

THE CAREER MASTERY INTRO So, the way it works is, all the tasks you

need to accomplish in a day, list them down.

For example, for me, at any given day, I have about 20 to 50 tasks I need to finish.

Sometimes these tasks are actually part of a project, an ongoing project or even part

of a big portfolio of projects or sometimes just standalone tasks that came in last minute.

Now, once you do that, once you list all your tasks, Next thing is you need to create your

quadrants in terms of their importance and urgency.

The first quadrant is; not important - not urgent.

These are the tasks that you can just do it later.

Just kick the can down the road.

Not a priority The next quadrant is where you have tasks

that are urgent, but not important.

If they are not important, but urgent, you can delegate them to your subordinates or

team members.

Next quadrant is important but not urgent.

These tasks have to be done.


But I don't have to do them immediately first thing in the morning.

So, I just basically open my calendar in 2 seconds, find an empty spot, and schedule

these activities for later.

They will be done.

But just not right now.

And finally, you have the killer quadrant and those are the tasks that are urgent and


These are the ones for me at least are the ones that came from crises situations.

Something went wrong, a problem.

A big one.

So, you have to attend first.

Because otherwise, if it was part of a regular work flow, then you would have attended these

earlier before these very important tasks became urgent.

That's it.

This was a quick video.

So, tomorrow, when you start day, give this a try, create your 4 quadrants, place your

tasks in each of them to see which ones you have to attend first, which ones you can reschedule,

which ones you can delegate, and which ones you can ignore.

It's very helpful.

Great, see you next week!

For more infomation >> Eisenhower Matrix: Let's Prioritize Those Tasks ✓ - Duration: 3:27.


Relaxing in the Blue City of Jodhpur Rajasthan India Vlog 13 Travel Videos for Youtube - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Relaxing in the Blue City of Jodhpur Rajasthan India Vlog 13 Travel Videos for Youtube - Duration: 7:02.


#YesMeansYes - Duration: 23:37.

For more infomation >> #YesMeansYes - Duration: 23:37.


RUN GEELONG 2017 - Duration: 11:10.

G'day it's Dash

I'm participating in the Run Geelong event

running 12ks

It's 6:30 am right now

Expecting it's going to be 28 today

and quite sunny

should be a good day for it

Just at Eastern Park right now

Ready to do a 12k run

Although you can do the 6k run

or also a walk one as well

but decide to do a 12k run

Ok, so I done my 12k run

which just took me

an hour and ah, five minutes?

so anyway

I'm just going to get something to rehydrate myself

So I just got my backpack back

What I'm going to do right now is head back to my car

and come back later for some more fun

Ok I'm just back again

it's ah

10:30 right now

24 degrees and sunny

and feel it's pretty hot already

so anyway

I'm going to take it easy, get something to drink and something to eat

So thanks for watching

Really hope you enjoy this blog

Feel free to like, drop a comment

Share this video, share any of my videos or subscribe to my channel

Also check out my artwork channel

For more infomation >> RUN GEELONG 2017 - Duration: 11:10.


MESSY, MURKY, MUDDY, and MUCKY - Episode 075 - Duration: 13:21.

What's up crew? This is Millionaire Case Study Episode 75.

Hey this is a benchmark episode and if you've been following me on the other

episodes that it's been a minute since the last episode. So episode 74 I got my

hair cut finally so I'm not as bushy and big and stuff like that. But it's been a

couple weeks since then. Today is September 13 2017 and I want to

pop in and document a few things. So I think the first thing I want to talk

about so a ton of some pretty significant things have happened over

the last couple of weeks and I want to get real right off the bat and talk

about some of the not so feel-good stuff right at the beginning of this. By the

way I'm here in Columbus, Ohio. I'm here in this hotel room this is a quick win I

just. Yesterday I just barely spoke at an event here that I was hired for for my

book it was I think I'll get into that in just a sec but yeah here in Columbus

Ohio came to speak and then I'll also be here the rest of the week for my buddy

Lewis Howes School of Greatness or Summit of Greatness event that he has

going on. So one of the things that I think on a document is since last

episode there have been moments and times and days actually where my energy

has dipped in a major way. And I just want to document that why has it dipped?

What's made it go down? What was I hitting into? Well one of the

things is I went to an event in San Francisco and in San Francisco I

actually had a great time um got to hang out with some super cool people we had

some fun, was able to look around and see the city, go to the park that was nearby

like it was an absolute blast but there are some things with that event that

started to cause me to question like what it is that I really want and that

questioning really got to me.

Really started to make me like wonder like okay what is it but I really want

to what I want to do, what's my legacy, what do I want to be when I grow up, what

do I want to what's the impact I want to leave on this world and those questions

asking those questions and not knowing the answers put me in a in a funk and I

was in a funk for several days. And at this point I honestly don't even know

what as I can't pinpoint exactly what's even gotten me out of the funk because

it was in such a deep dark place but I think one of the things that got me out

of the funk is it's gonna sounds cliche but it's falling on this this idea and

this principle of gratitude. Like finding the things that I can be grateful for

that's good about my life now. Because it wasn't just being depressed about the

answers it was being depressed about like feeling like that I'm going

backward feeling like things aren't moving as fast as they should be

questioning whether or not I'm really going to be able to make a million

dollars especially this year. It's something I've wanted forever and look looking for

ways to to do that and so I think one again one of the things that started to

help me pull out of the negativity was recognizing what was good when I was in

that funk. what's good about my life today, what's good what has my life what

has made my life super good up to this point and and in its in a sense of I'm

okay right now. And I think that's what helped me start moving forward and

getting out of it also since this time since last episode I went to Long Beach

and got to me some cool cool people including Mel Robbins. That was the first

time I ever met Mel Robbins and she's so freaking awesome. I'm actually gonna see

her again probably tomorrow or Friday because she'll be here at this event at

Lewis Howes. But it was cool meeting her because I really resonated with her in

fact I purchased her online course not just to go through it but to see how

she's doing it because she has a really engaged

audience is my sense. I'm just wanting to learn from her and start

surrounding myself and expanding my mind with really cool people.

Now something I really want to document is a person that I really got to to hang

out with and spend a significant amount of time with in Long Beach is Tom. Tom of

Impact Theory. He is a freaking rock star, he's the real deal. I stood there and he

did after his talk he did QA for like seven hour for people coming up and

asking questions and that just showed so much dedication for me it was such an

awesome standard to see somebody doing that, to see somebody at his level

giving that much to other people and it was a good thing for me to keep in mind

for when I'm to that point. It just gave me the idea that when I go speak at

events I want to make it a point that I don't leave until every single person

gets their question answered because that had such a cool effect and there's

no way those people are gonna forget him that came and talked to him that's that

where he gave so much and showed his dedication like that. That was just

unbelievable. So I got to spend a great deal of time with him he was super

awesome got to connect on a one-on-one basis as well just especially because I

was standing there the whole time. Anyway it was just super super awesome. And then

here's the big thing and the reason why I'm here in Columbus something

that was a stress for a lot for a little bit but ended up being like for whatever

reason, after coming back from San Francisco with this event I went to I

wondered I was starting to really question like my my worth and things

like that and wonder I didn't feel like I was going the right direction or at

least I wasn't sure. And seeing somebody that's looked playing at a really good

level like Tom for some reason gave me a sense of peace of me staying in my lane

and and giving value in that in that lane.

So I bring that up because the last couple of days right after this Long

Beach event was my this this talk that a company hired me to come do. And this

talk the reason the significant is it's the most I've ever made up to this point

for a single speaking engagement when people ask me how much it is I explained

it as like a ten thousand dollar deal it wasn't exactly ten thousand dollars

in money received but the company bought books from me, gave it to their top

leaders, paid for this hotel stay while I'm here in Columbus, paid for my flight

out to Columbus and then six thousand in cash.So I say that just to document

because I want to be able to see where I was at and so because that was the most

I had ever received I wanted there was a lot of pressure at first to deliver but

for whatever reason one thing I wanted to document here is as it was getting

closer to the day, the day was yesterday morning I started to feel way more calm.

Leading up to it I thought I needed to have like a perfect outline of exactly

what I was going to talk about and say and after talking to the main guy that

was that hired me and was in charge of it and getting kind of his ideas of what

I should do or what they're trying to accomplish I kind of decided to just

bring me and have that in top of mind when I'm speaking and trust that

whatever I say is the right thing to say and not only that going out of that way

going at it in the way of of more improv instead of practice I actually felt more

confident and more calm. Whereas when I was trying to like plan it out it was

like stressful and so this is something I want to do more and more I want to be

able to have the guts to lean into this where somebody hires me to come speak

I'm not even I haven't even planned on what I'm saying and I show up and speak.

That's the plan so that's what I'm gonna do I want to do

more of that with any other speaking opportunities that come up for me.

And so again yesterday at this time the talk was done and I felt really good and

I want to document that I was like yes this is what I want to be doing like one

of the epiphanies I've had over the last few days hanging out with awesome people

and getting answers to my questions though is I want to be doing more of

this, more of me, more of my own books, more of my own video, more of my own

content. That feels good but right now my energy is kicked a little bit because

now I've gotten back into like checking my emails today I've been getting back

into all my client work and everything which I'm super grateful for because

it's allowed me to create this life. It's been an awesome stepping stone but

there's something that feels off that I want to document like I don't know what

needs to be aligned but I just don't feel completely in love with the

business side of my work and it's not to say I'm gonna get rid of it like but I

need to be putting more of my energy into my business. They're into like my

business me like the business of of Calvin doing videos, reaching out to

people, using social media for my personal brand, that's something I need

to do more of. When I was in that flow the last few days I felt at peace and I

didn't worry and for whatever reason today after checking my emails and

seeing client issues customer service stuff even gaining a new client a

interesting set of fear comes in. I don't know if it's because I feel like I have

to learn new stuff and or perform I don't know and being me is just being me

and so that's easy to do cuz that's who I am.

I don't know so just something that I want to document I just want to get the

feel that this is my world right now. This is what's going on here in this

episode on September 13th 2017 and so where's

life taking me I usually would say I don't know right there I want to say I

don't know but at the same time I want to say somewhere good. Like that's the

the stance I want to start taking is somewhere good

like believing that good is coming, good is happening, good has happened, it

continues to happen and find the good and everything and not be so worrisome

about what's happening and what's going on. But I'm still on a journey right now

and I'm I'm in something right now and I don't know what I don't know what it's

gonna look like on the other side cuz I'm not totally clear and it feels funky

and that's what I want to document because based on other successful people

I've looked at that like are just going balls to the wall doing the thing they

love I imagine I'm gonna get there. I'm gonna be there someday maybe it's a week

a month, two months, who knows but I'm gonna be going balls to the wall and it

might look like on the outside that I've always had that clarity and I've always

just knew what I was doing and no wonder I'm as successful as I am but this is

what it is now. It's messy, it's murky, it's muddy, it's mucky and I'm still

trying to figure it out. But that's what I want to end it on right now, life is

good. I'm gonna go spend an awesome few days

here in Columbus with Lewis Howes and rest of the crew. It's going to be a ton of fun.

So I'm gonna end right there so I'm Calvin Wayman, your Millionaire Case

Study. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you on the next Millionaire Case Study

episode. Peace out!

For more infomation >> MESSY, MURKY, MUDDY, and MUCKY - Episode 075 - Duration: 13:21.


Why You Must Become A Property Goldmine Area Expert | This Week In Property Podcast - Duration: 32:43.

For more infomation >> Why You Must Become A Property Goldmine Area Expert | This Week In Property Podcast - Duration: 32:43.


An Epic Train Journey in Sri Lanka with Badulla - Colombo Express Train No. 1007 with German M6 - Duration: 2:22.

Approaching to Ambewela Railway Station

Approaching to Ohiya Railway Station

Approaching to Idalgashinna Railway Station

For more infomation >> An Epic Train Journey in Sri Lanka with Badulla - Colombo Express Train No. 1007 with German M6 - Duration: 2:22.


룰라 김지현 남자친구 배우 양악전 성형전후 예전사진 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> 룰라 김지현 남자친구 배우 양악전 성형전후 예전사진 - Duration: 4:05.


Dora Cakes | Dorayaki | Dora Pancakes | Kid's Favourite Food Recipe - Duration: 5:46.

3/4 cup milk

1/3 cup powder sugar or to taste

3 tbsp milkmaid

1 tsp honey

1/2 tsp vanilla essence

1 cup maida

1/4 tsp soda by carb

1/2 tsp baking powder

mix well

1/2 tsp butter

chocolate spread

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