Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 21 2017

Have you ever seen a shooting star, or even a meteor shower?

They're some of our favorite things to look for in the night sky.

It's so cool to see the streaks of light!

Meteors happen when pieces of dust or rock in space hit the Earth's atmosphere — the

air way up in the sky.

They're going so fast when they hit the atmosphere that they start to get really hot

and burn up!

That's where the light we see comes from.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Oh, don't worry Squeaks!

Meteor showers aren't dangerous.

Once the dust or rock burns up, they're gone.

Meteor showers can look really beautiful, and they're something special to watch for.

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's a great question.

Squeaks wants to know what would happen if a much bigger piece of rock hit the Earth.

What would that look like?

Well, Squeaks, that does actually happen sometimes.

If a rock is big enough, not all of it will burn up as it falls through the atmosphere.

Every year, about 30 bigger pieces of rock make it all the way through the Earth's


But many of them don't even hit the ground, and if they do, they usually fall in remote

places or the ocean, so we don't see them.

Every once in a while, though, people do find pieces of them.

These pieces are called meteorites, and there are some big, cool-looking ones you can see

in museums.

We also know that some huge rocks, called asteroids, hit the Earth a very long time


Like 65 million years ago, when a very large asteroid hit the Earth.

It was about 10 kilometers, or 6 miles, wide!

It would probably take you about 2 hours to walk that far.

That's how gigantic it was.

When that asteroid hit Earth, the impact was so powerful that scientists think it caused

the extinction of many dinosaurs.

The asteroid created a giant crater — a hole in the ground shaped like a bowl.

That crater is still there, in Mexico!

And you know what's covered in craters?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right — the Moon!

The Moon doesn't have an atmosphere with lots of air like Earth does, so the rocks

that hit it don't burn up — they get all the way to the surface and make a crater when

they land.

And, since the Moon doesn't have things like trees or dirt or flowing water to cover

them up, it's really easy to see all those craters!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Squeaks was wondering if we should be worried about a big asteroid hitting the Earth again

any time soon.

And, it's really not something to be worried about.

Astronomers, the scientists who study space, use their telescopes to keep track of all

the asteroids nearby.

We know where they're going in space, and we can tell that none of them will hit the


But even though we won't see a real asteroid impact, do you want to do an experiment to

see how rocks falling from space make craters?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Let's do it!

All you'll need are a few things that you probably already have around the house.

To create your own craters, you'll need:

a baking dish or cookie sheet;


cocoa powder, or any other kind of powder a long as it's a different color than the


a sifter;

and some small, round objects.

We're going to use bouncy balls, but you can use marbles, or even foods like nuts or sunflower


If you don't want to make a mess, you can spread out some newspaper or do this experiment


The first thing we're going to do is add two or three centimeters, or about an inch, of

flour to the baking dish or cookie sheet.

Try to spread it out evenly.

Then, using the sifter, we'll add a thin layer of the cocoa powder on top of the flour.

These layers are like the surface of the Earth!

The cocoa powder is like the top layer of dirt, and the flour is like the rocks underneath.

Now: assemble your space rocks!

That's what these bouncy balls are for — or whatever you're using as your small, round

objects, like nuts or seeds.

They're going to act like the rocks falling from the sky!

Take one of your space rocks and hold it up about a meter above the flour.

Before you drop it, can you predict what might happen when it makes the impact?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Squeaks thinks the flour will go everywhere!

Let's see what happens.

3...2...1… impact!

You can see what happens to the surface when the rock hits.

It's almost like a tiny explosion!

What's left behind is the crater!

Just like the craters here on Earth, or all those craters on the Moon!

You can keep experimenting with different objects from different heights to see what

kinds of craters they make.

If you try this experiment, we'd love to know how it goes!

Ask a grown-up to help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.

For more infomation >> Create Your Own Asteroid Impact! - Duration: 4:42.


Arbeitskleidung als Zahnmedizinische/r Fachangestellte/r | ZFA - Die Praxishelden - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Arbeitskleidung als Zahnmedizinische/r Fachangestellte/r | ZFA - Die Praxishelden - Duration: 1:33.


How To Get Into ICO's / ICO Strategy / Spectre / Salt / Lending Platform - Duration: 20:18.

WARNING: The following programs are extremely risky. You should not invest in them unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of your deposit.

I am not a financial adviser. I only talk about the strategies I use in programs that I personally invest in.

For more infomation >> How To Get Into ICO's / ICO Strategy / Spectre / Salt / Lending Platform - Duration: 20:18.


Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors (Radiology, December 2017) - Duration: 11:00.

Alexander A. Bankier Hello.

My name is Alex Bankier.

I'm Deputy Editor of the journal Radiology responsible for thoracic imaging.

For today's podcast we welcome Dr. Symons and Dr. Pourmorteza from the NIH in Bethesda

and we are discussing today their article the technical development of Feasibility of

Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors: Initial Human Results.

Dr. Symons let's start with you.

Could you give to our readers a brief explanation, description of this technical innovation and

explain in what this (inaudible) from previous technologies.

Rolf Symons, MD Certainly.

So photon-counting detectors use semiconductors to directly convert incoming x-ray photons

into an electric signal and the pulse height of that electrical signal is proportional

to the photon energy.

High speed applications and specific circuits then integrate the signal, they count all

the pulses and measure their energy and they can then divide the multiple x-ray photons

into different bins based on their energy.

This approach can then effectively eliminate electronic noise which is as we all know a

very important contributor to noise in low dose studies such as dose reduced chest CT.

All currently available commercially available CT scanners use energy integrating detector

where the x-ray photon indirectly is converted into an electric signal which leads to a combination

of multiple photons into one intensity value and a loss of this spectral information and

a retention of electronic noise in the signal.


I see.

Dr. Pourmorteza you show that this new technology has the ability to reduce dose to reduce noise

are there other practical implications of this technical innovation?

Amir Pourmorteza, PhD First of all thanks for inviting us.

It's a pleasure to be here.

And yes, so the way we when we think about photon-counting detectors as Dr. Symons just

mentioned, one of the aspects is the rejection of electronic noise, but there are also other


Specifically in this paper we focused on the rejection of electronic noise, but there's

also the spectral information or the energy information of photons that could be used

specifically to separate or discriminate different materials and also another aspect of photon-counting

detectors is very important there is no scintillating crystal so the steps where we go from detecting

the x-ray into light photons into an electric signal.

The light photons are removed.

There's no intermediate step so that adds two important things.

Number one is that because we don't have that intermediate step, some photon statistic

is now better preserved so not only electronic noise but the actual (inaudible) or quantum

noise of the system is better preserved.

There are lots of studies based on cascaded system modeling of photon-counting detectors,

so that's one aspect.

So if we choice to do model-based reconstructions we will have a better behaving signal compared

to energy-integrating detectors.


I see.

A.P. And then number two is that because we don't have these scintillating crystals,

we can make the pixel sizes of the detector much, much smaller.

The size of the detector pixels have been limited to about a millimeter and with photon-counting

detectors we can reduce that.

There will be some (inaudible) and other effects that are produced but we can reduce the size

to a quarter or half of a milliliter.


So this whole interface and interaction between resolution noise and so forth is of course

of particular interest for thoracic images, for lung images, you have applied this new

technology to preliminary nodules which are by definition high contrast structures, do

you anticipate that the technique will provide equally good results with more diffused changes

in the lung parenchyma that are (inaudible) of lower contrast?


So I'll start with something and then I will let Dr. Symons answer the rest of it.

But before this paper we actually did an extensive phantom study and the phantom study was focused

on more diffuse type of nodules, ground-glass nodules, and actually the performance that

we observed was better for photon-counting CT even better than what we saw in the clinical


Of course it was a phantom and you know a well-shaped phantom so we expected the results

to be better, but that initial study made us confident that we could move forward to

do these human studies with similar results, but Rolf would you like to add something to



I completely agree in that phantom study we saw that also for low contrast structures

like ground-glass there was a clear advantage of using photon-counting technology.

Another advantage of the photon-counting technology is that we see that the Hounsfield stability

is better preserved probably related to the lower electronic noise.

So repetitive follow-up scans and measurements of Hounsfield units which is important to

follow-up of certain diseases such as lung fibrosis are more reliable at low dose with

photon-counting detector technology.

So I think that also in that regard for low contrast changes or discrete changes in Hounsfield

units photon-counting technology has certain potential.


Yeah I agree.

I think this study issue of Hounsfield units attenuation measurements is of big importance.

Notably with the rapidly evolving iterative reconstruction technologies that are currently

used, you call your paper initial human results, obviously we are quite early in this development,

what are the next steps that are needed to evaluate this technology and my second question

would be what is the time course, what is the path in the future until this technology

will become part of routine imaging.


Now as we know this is a prototype system.

The purpose of using the scanner is to answer this main question that do we even want to

move from energy integrating detectors or the current technology to the next generation.

It brings to my mind the time where we were going from analog cameras into digital cameras

and small webcams, so the first challenge right now is a mass production of these photon-counting


These detectors have been around for a very long time.

They were developed at CERN and the challenge that we have in CT diagnostic CT is that the

photon count rate is so high so we had to wait for certain advances in electronics for

better you know faster electrical circuits and now we're at a step that we have very

viable prototypes and very stable prototypes that can operate in room temperature and does

not have a lot of the (inaudible) or problems of older detectors.

I think in terms of is this a viable technology, that was the purpose of this paper and a couple

of other papers I've been working on, and I do believe the answer to the initial question

that at least with photon-counting detectors we're not losing it.

It shows the non-inferiority of photon-counting detectors and in addition we're seeing that

we have benefits in terms of noise and radiation and spatial resolution and contrast.

Our next steps would be I think to further develop this technology in terms of its stability

and its mass production and moving it – combining this technology with a more advanced reconstruction

algorithms and more advanced CT algorithms for example flying focal spots using smaller

focal spots and the current scanner that we work with has a limited field of view mainly

because it's a prototype, so it would be advantageous to use a larger field of view



I see.

Dr. Symons do you want to add to that?


Well I think the technical aspect has already been elucidated.

I think there is potential and we've shown it in volunteers, but now of course the question

remains whether this better long nodule CNR this lower image noise actually translates

to better outcomes and better diagnosis in patients.

So I think large scale clinical trials of course will be necessary to further validate

our approach, but I think the data as my colleague Dr. Pourmorteza has already said I think the

potential of the technology has been shown in these volunteers and it provides the rational

for the further development of this technology and for the implementation of this technology

for larger prospective clinical trials.


I see.

Okay so I really believe this is a very promising technique.

We are looking forward of hearing from your group, from other groups, about the next incremental

steps and implementation steps of this technology and with this I would like to thank both of

you for participating and thank you very much.

A.P. Thanks for having us.


Yeah, thank you very much.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors (Radiology, December 2017) - Duration: 11:00.


Ricegum- Martinez Twins Le...

For more infomation >> Ricegum- Martinez Twins Le...


Aleluia do Filme Shrek | Músicos para Cerimonial e Recepção | Casamento no Buffet Castelo Imperial - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Aleluia do Filme Shrek | Músicos para Cerimonial e Recepção | Casamento no Buffet Castelo Imperial - Duration: 1:43.


Laird Mackintosh Becomes Monsieur André | The Phantom of the Opera - Duration: 1:32.

I grew up in Calgary, Alberta in Canada and I definitely caught the acting bug early

so I was really performing from my earliest memories, really I was up on stage.

After high school I trained as a dancer and I was a dancer in the National Ballet of Canada.

I really felt like I didn't want to make that my entire career

and I knew that I wanted to sing.

I had seen Phantom of the Opera in the Toronto production.

I took my photo and resume to the office of the casting director and they called me in

for an audition and that's how I got into Phantom in Toronto.

I got older and I basically just aged up into the role of André.

André is a wonderful character to play.

You can really feel the audience responding to the managers I think

which is very fun as an actor.

My routine is that I begin the process of putting on my makeup, then I have someone

from the wig department who comes in and puts this beautiful wig on to me, the sideburns,

then I have the mustache that goes on.

By the time you hit the stage, you're in character.

Phantom is the most romantic show on Broadway.

It has the scale of operatic passion in this show and I think that's why people love it

and keep coming back to it.

I consider myself extremely lucky that I've had Phantom in my life.

It's been a dream for me.

For more infomation >> Laird Mackintosh Becomes Monsieur André | The Phantom of the Opera - Duration: 1:32.


🌙PURPOSE - JUSTIN BIEBER / Laysa Blenda cover - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 🌙PURPOSE - JUSTIN BIEBER / Laysa Blenda cover - Duration: 3:41.



For more infomation >> MARINHEIRO - É HORA DE VIR TRABALHAR - Duration: 2:29.


Promo Presentazione video BUBBLEtv, il tuo mondo in una bolla! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Promo Presentazione video BUBBLEtv, il tuo mondo in una bolla! - Duration: 1:06.


Ver Elini Aşk / All Aboard For Love Trailer - Episode 11 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:04.

- This girl stays with me. - She stays with me.

- She'll stay with me. - Hey, I'm her father!

- And I'm her... - Yes Ayperi, you are her what?

I said let's sit down and speak calmly, but it did not change anything.

- Of course it would not. - What do you mean, of course? What does it mean?

It means that whatever happens to you happens because of your modern guy style.

Oğuz has started talking nonsense.

- Hush, keep quiet Antep for a minute. He might have a point.

Brother, you'll take her over your shoulder and abduct her.


That's it!

I don't understand what you are saying, brother.

He said follow me, let's walk around, you stand guard...

...then I'll bring her here. What is not to understand?

Come here, I'll kiss you.

Did you abduct Ayperi, you idiots?!

- Did we? - Did you not?

For more infomation >> Ver Elini Aşk / All Aboard For Love Trailer - Episode 11 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:04.


Assassinos em série - Dahmer 2002 - Filme - Lengendas em português - Duration: 1:39:16.

For more infomation >> Assassinos em série - Dahmer 2002 - Filme - Lengendas em português - Duration: 1:39:16.


Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


The bond that we have is unique.

- Do not come, Commander. - Stop the nonsense, hang on!

Beyond brotherhood...

...we are protecting each other's lives.

If anything happens to one of us, we lose one...

Lie down!

Ready to sacrifice my life for the homeland as long as my flag flies high

Our red flag has been entrusted by the martyred soldiers

The homeland, which you set your sights on, is my land.

Our people would sacrifice their lives without batting an eye, my lad.

We have crossed so many mountains and seas without going down

Every inch of our land, in the east and in the west, is our homeland.

Maroon berets are always on full alert.

If homeland is at stake, be sure that everything could be levelled with the ground

My revenge is greater than my ambition and rage

I am proud of my homeland which is home to heroes

My crescent and my star are my endless love

I am ready to sacrifice my life as long as my flag flies high.

For more infomation >> Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


How to build Solar Ready Power Generator Part 1 - Duration: 11:35.

Hello everyone

It's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

If you've been watching our campervan build

You know we don't have a house battery.

So what we did is

make a portable battery bank.

Let me show you inside the power bank.

In this video

We going to show you how we made it.

But be warned.

Mark and I

have no expertise in electronics and battery banks.

So keep that in mind when watching.

First let's take a look at what you'll need.

There might be some things I missed.

I think I got everything.

But if I think of anything else

I'll let you know later.

I forgot something! The very important case.

This case you see.

You can find it online by searching control box.

First we're going to put on some masking tape.

This is so we can trace our face plates for the ports.

Also, we're going to be drilling and sawing holes.

So it will protect the plastic from scratches.

We're using the face plate for the ports

To trace the holes before we drill.

Tracing them carefully.

That box is the solar charge controller.

We have to connect wires later

So we're marking the spots to drill the holes.

Now we rotated the case.

The inverter will stick out here.

We pre-measured it

And we're drawing a rough box for it.

The face plate for the inverter

will be on the outside of the case.

So we're unscrewing it.

Now we're disconnecting the port and switch.

But there is a problem.

Part of the AC port is soldered on.

So it won't be easy to remove.

So we're going to take apart the port.

Now we're putting the face plate over the rough box.

And now we're making more accurate lines.

Looks pretty good now.

Now it's time to drill out these holes.

We're using a tiny drill bit

to make a pilot hole.

Now we have 4 pilot holes.

We'll use this drill bit.

This drill bit is for wood.

It's not the best for this plastic case.

But we don't want to buy another bit.

So we'll just use the wood bit.

Let's give it a try.

Looks like it's working.

Now to clean up this mess.

Now let's drill out the rest of the holes.

Oh no.

Ran into a snag.

The problem is

It got snagged on a piece of plastic that didn't shave off.

By drilling in reverse we were able to finish the job.

So there's a little tip for you.

And now we're finished.

Now that the holes are cut

we can see if the ports fit.

They fit perfectly!

Now we need to drill holes for the wires.

Both these wires are 14awg.

But one has double insulation so it is much thicker.

So to accommodate the different thicknesses

we use a larger bit for the thick wire

and use a smaller bit for the thinner wire.

Drilling along the marks.

Now we make sure the wires fit.

Just slide them in.

Now to the other side.

We're making a hole for the inverter.

First we drill holes in the corners

And insert a jigsaw the finish the cuts.

We have a problem.

The jigsaw blade is so fast

that while it's cutting

it's melting the plastic and fusing it together.

So if you are using a jigsaw in this situation

Make sure you don't let the blade get too hot.

Or you'll fuse the plastic like we did.

Anyway, we got it done.

Even if it's a bit messy.

After cutting with the jigsaw

We used sandpaper to clean up the edges.

Let's see if the inverter panel fits.

Fit's really well.

USB port, 12V port, switch and voltage meter holes

and the inverter hole

And the wire holes a done!

Now we're attaching VHB tape to the inverter.

So we can secure it in the case.

And now we press it down to secure it.

Now we re-attach the inverter AC port and switch.

After re-attaching the parts

Again we use the VHB tape

to attach the inverter face to the outside of the case.

Press firmly on the inverter plate

to make sure it's on tight.

Now we're lifting the case to show you

the holes we drilled out along the top edge of the case.

This is for when the inverter get's hot

and it need air to cool down.

So we drilled these vent holes.

Now for the USB, 12V and meter.

It looks like a pretty good fit.

Now screw them in place from the back.

What do you think?

Do it look good?

And now we us VHB tape to attach the solar charge controller.

We still haven't wired it

but it's starting to look like a battery bank.

For more infomation >> How to build Solar Ready Power Generator Part 1 - Duration: 11:35.


Manhã Leve | Jornalistas conversam sobre o atual cenário do desemprego no Brasil - - Duration: 21:09.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Jornalistas conversam sobre o atual cenário do desemprego no Brasil - - Duration: 21:09.


MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For Bill Clinton' - Duration: 6:48.

MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For

Bill Clinton's Jugular.

You know things are bad when you're a liberal and even MSNBC is calling you on your B.S.

One of the great ironies of the 2016 election were Hillary's predictions that following

Donald Trump's loss (which was inevitable, wasn't it?) he'd refuse to accept the

results of the election, calling it "rigged."

Ironically, not only did Hillary rig the 2016 DNC primary, she's also claiming that the

presidential election was rigged against her!

It was the Russians!

Or James Comey!


Fox News!

There's truly no shortage of people and organizations that Hillary is willing to point

the finger at – except herself.

Like she claimed Trump would do if (or in her head, "when") he lost, she's remained

in the media spotlight, already capitalizing on her loss with a book on the election titled

"What Happened."

She truly is the only person who doesn't seem to know.

It's not just conservatives wishing that Hillary would go return to the woods surrounding

her home in Chappaqua – even liberals are getting tired of seeing her.

And why wouldn't they be?

They hate Trump even more – and Hillary is the reason he's President!

And as sexual misconduct accusations against her husband have begun to resurface, it's

become clear that the Clinton's have remained in the public eye for a year too long.

As Yes I'm Right reported, the Clintons free pass is over.

Liberals are finally holding them accountable for their crimes.

Multiple women have accused Bill of sexual assault, and for years their claims were derided.

People are listening now.

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski told viewers Monday Hillary needs to stop blathering about sexual

assault until she's ready to talk about the accusations lodged against her husband.

Hypocrite Hillary went of her way to shame Bill's victims into keeping their mouths


"Hillary Clinton needs to stop," Brzezinski said.

"'She needs to stop talking about this topic unless Bill Clinton wants to come forward

and apologize for being a sexual harasser, for settling [lawsuits] with women, for what

happened with Monica."

She continued, "it's about time liberals stop defending Bill.

You can't support women and also refuse to believe Bill's accusers.

His actions with Monica Lewinsky alone are enough to mark him as a predator.

Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, sexually harassing someone who is 22 years

old when you're in power is just wrong, and you should go – in real time."

"He needs to apologize as quickly as Al Franken did, as much as Mark Halperin did.

And as much as he wants to…

If you're not going to apologize and it's clear you've done something wrong, please,

please, you the politician and your wife the politician need to not talk about these issues.

Bill Clinton's behavior was accepted.

It was pushed under the rug, and even women defended him.

… And his wife ran for president even though these women who accused him were attacked

in the media, were maligned, or settled [in court]," she concluded.

Watch The Video :


expected to hear that on MSNBC of all places, did you?

Me neither – but remember that they've waited nearly two decades after the fact to

admit as much.

Only as countless men of power (starting with those in the entertainment industry) have

found themselves overwhelmed with allegations of sexual misconduct did any of the liberals

finally condemning Bill see fit to do so.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For Bill Clinton' - Duration: 6:48.


Manhã Leve | Veja as características da depressão nos idosos! - 21 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 24:15.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Veja as características da depressão nos idosos! - 21 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 24:15.


İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 24 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:33.

We'll walk around the back and sneak in. Then we'll take them down one by one.

Let's go.

I see that you are going beyond the limits of your mercilessness.

It has gotten really crowded here.

A huge chaos, turmoil...


Korkut, I asked if you are alright.

For more infomation >> İsimsizler / The Nameless Trailer - Episode 24 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:33.


Manhã Leve | Saiba o que é fotografia Newborn! - 21 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 24:16.

For more infomation >> Manhã Leve | Saiba o que é fotografia Newborn! - 21 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 24:16.


【Back Pain】Psoas major muscle Approach theory - Duration: 4:27.

Hi!! How are you?

I am Kochi the founder of Kochi Method.

Kochi Method is a new treatment method that utilizes a new theory of Muscle Linkage to greatly relieve muscles in a short period of time.

Thank you for viewing this Kochi Method Free email lecture.

I have posted the Seminar schedule for next year on the website.

Some of the Countries may have details confirmed soon.

Please try participating and acquire Kochi Method.

By becoming a Seminar Teacher you will have a big chance of being able to establish it as a profession.

Now let us go over some of the Koch Method theories. The theme this time is on back pains.

An important point with back pains is the "Psoas Muscle".

Psoas muscle!!!

This Point!

When there's a problem with it, it becomes very likely to end up with back pains.

This can be resolved by softening it. (Which is called SHIKAN By Kochi Method)

But to do so we need to treat 2 points.

By treating these 2 points using the Kochi Method SHIKAN techniques then approaching the Psoas Muscle, the back pain caused by it improves greatly.

No,1 : The Quadriceps Muscle

This Point.

No,2 : Iiliacus muscle.

This Point!

This point

By treating these 2 points using the Kochi Method SHIKAN techniques then approaching the Psoas Muscle, the back pain caused by it improves greatly.

No stress Back Pain

That is all for this email course. I plan to incorporate these into the Sensei and level 3 back pain Seminars in the future.

Pleas try participating in a Seminar to see what Kochi Method is like.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> 【Back Pain】Psoas major muscle Approach theory - Duration: 4:27.


Agario - Jam Noob?! | YlliGraphics - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Agario - Jam Noob?! | YlliGraphics - Duration: 2:12.


Cubos de gelatina com mel e cúrcuma: um maravilhoso anti-inflamatório! - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> Cubos de gelatina com mel e cúrcuma: um maravilhoso anti-inflamatório! - Duration: 9:02.


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Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

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Create Your Own Asteroid Impact! - Duration: 4:42.

Have you ever seen a shooting star, or even a meteor shower?

They're some of our favorite things to look for in the night sky.

It's so cool to see the streaks of light!

Meteors happen when pieces of dust or rock in space hit the Earth's atmosphere — the

air way up in the sky.

They're going so fast when they hit the atmosphere that they start to get really hot

and burn up!

That's where the light we see comes from.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Oh, don't worry Squeaks!

Meteor showers aren't dangerous.

Once the dust or rock burns up, they're gone.

Meteor showers can look really beautiful, and they're something special to watch for.

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's a great question.

Squeaks wants to know what would happen if a much bigger piece of rock hit the Earth.

What would that look like?

Well, Squeaks, that does actually happen sometimes.

If a rock is big enough, not all of it will burn up as it falls through the atmosphere.

Every year, about 30 bigger pieces of rock make it all the way through the Earth's


But many of them don't even hit the ground, and if they do, they usually fall in remote

places or the ocean, so we don't see them.

Every once in a while, though, people do find pieces of them.

These pieces are called meteorites, and there are some big, cool-looking ones you can see

in museums.

We also know that some huge rocks, called asteroids, hit the Earth a very long time


Like 65 million years ago, when a very large asteroid hit the Earth.

It was about 10 kilometers, or 6 miles, wide!

It would probably take you about 2 hours to walk that far.

That's how gigantic it was.

When that asteroid hit Earth, the impact was so powerful that scientists think it caused

the extinction of many dinosaurs.

The asteroid created a giant crater — a hole in the ground shaped like a bowl.

That crater is still there, in Mexico!

And you know what's covered in craters?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right — the Moon!

The Moon doesn't have an atmosphere with lots of air like Earth does, so the rocks

that hit it don't burn up — they get all the way to the surface and make a crater when

they land.

And, since the Moon doesn't have things like trees or dirt or flowing water to cover

them up, it's really easy to see all those craters!

[Squeaks squeaks]

Squeaks was wondering if we should be worried about a big asteroid hitting the Earth again

any time soon.

And, it's really not something to be worried about.

Astronomers, the scientists who study space, use their telescopes to keep track of all

the asteroids nearby.

We know where they're going in space, and we can tell that none of them will hit the


But even though we won't see a real asteroid impact, do you want to do an experiment to

see how rocks falling from space make craters?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Let's do it!

All you'll need are a few things that you probably already have around the house.

To create your own craters, you'll need:

a baking dish or cookie sheet;


cocoa powder, or any other kind of powder a long as it's a different color than the


a sifter;

and some small, round objects.

We're going to use bouncy balls, but you can use marbles, or even foods like nuts or sunflower


If you don't want to make a mess, you can spread out some newspaper or do this experiment


The first thing we're going to do is add two or three centimeters, or about an inch, of

flour to the baking dish or cookie sheet.

Try to spread it out evenly.

Then, using the sifter, we'll add a thin layer of the cocoa powder on top of the flour.

These layers are like the surface of the Earth!

The cocoa powder is like the top layer of dirt, and the flour is like the rocks underneath.

Now: assemble your space rocks!

That's what these bouncy balls are for — or whatever you're using as your small, round

objects, like nuts or seeds.

They're going to act like the rocks falling from the sky!

Take one of your space rocks and hold it up about a meter above the flour.

Before you drop it, can you predict what might happen when it makes the impact?

[Squeaks squeaks]

Squeaks thinks the flour will go everywhere!

Let's see what happens.

3...2...1… impact!

You can see what happens to the surface when the rock hits.

It's almost like a tiny explosion!

What's left behind is the crater!

Just like the craters here on Earth, or all those craters on the Moon!

You can keep experimenting with different objects from different heights to see what

kinds of craters they make.

If you try this experiment, we'd love to know how it goes!

Ask a grown-up to help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.

For more infomation >> Create Your Own Asteroid Impact! - Duration: 4:42.


Arbeitskleidung als Zahnmedizinische/r Fachangestellte/r | ZFA - Die Praxishelden - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Arbeitskleidung als Zahnmedizinische/r Fachangestellte/r | ZFA - Die Praxishelden - Duration: 1:33.


How To Get Into ICO's / ICO Strategy / Spectre / Salt / Lending Platform - Duration: 20:18.

WARNING: The following programs are extremely risky. You should not invest in them unless you are prepared to sustain a total loss of your deposit.

I am not a financial adviser. I only talk about the strategies I use in programs that I personally invest in.

For more infomation >> How To Get Into ICO's / ICO Strategy / Spectre / Salt / Lending Platform - Duration: 20:18.


Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors (Radiology, December 2017) - Duration: 11:00.

Alexander A. Bankier Hello.

My name is Alex Bankier.

I'm Deputy Editor of the journal Radiology responsible for thoracic imaging.

For today's podcast we welcome Dr. Symons and Dr. Pourmorteza from the NIH in Bethesda

and we are discussing today their article the technical development of Feasibility of

Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors: Initial Human Results.

Dr. Symons let's start with you.

Could you give to our readers a brief explanation, description of this technical innovation and

explain in what this (inaudible) from previous technologies.

Rolf Symons, MD Certainly.

So photon-counting detectors use semiconductors to directly convert incoming x-ray photons

into an electric signal and the pulse height of that electrical signal is proportional

to the photon energy.

High speed applications and specific circuits then integrate the signal, they count all

the pulses and measure their energy and they can then divide the multiple x-ray photons

into different bins based on their energy.

This approach can then effectively eliminate electronic noise which is as we all know a

very important contributor to noise in low dose studies such as dose reduced chest CT.

All currently available commercially available CT scanners use energy integrating detector

where the x-ray photon indirectly is converted into an electric signal which leads to a combination

of multiple photons into one intensity value and a loss of this spectral information and

a retention of electronic noise in the signal.


I see.

Dr. Pourmorteza you show that this new technology has the ability to reduce dose to reduce noise

are there other practical implications of this technical innovation?

Amir Pourmorteza, PhD First of all thanks for inviting us.

It's a pleasure to be here.

And yes, so the way we when we think about photon-counting detectors as Dr. Symons just

mentioned, one of the aspects is the rejection of electronic noise, but there are also other


Specifically in this paper we focused on the rejection of electronic noise, but there's

also the spectral information or the energy information of photons that could be used

specifically to separate or discriminate different materials and also another aspect of photon-counting

detectors is very important there is no scintillating crystal so the steps where we go from detecting

the x-ray into light photons into an electric signal.

The light photons are removed.

There's no intermediate step so that adds two important things.

Number one is that because we don't have that intermediate step, some photon statistic

is now better preserved so not only electronic noise but the actual (inaudible) or quantum

noise of the system is better preserved.

There are lots of studies based on cascaded system modeling of photon-counting detectors,

so that's one aspect.

So if we choice to do model-based reconstructions we will have a better behaving signal compared

to energy-integrating detectors.


I see.

A.P. And then number two is that because we don't have these scintillating crystals,

we can make the pixel sizes of the detector much, much smaller.

The size of the detector pixels have been limited to about a millimeter and with photon-counting

detectors we can reduce that.

There will be some (inaudible) and other effects that are produced but we can reduce the size

to a quarter or half of a milliliter.


So this whole interface and interaction between resolution noise and so forth is of course

of particular interest for thoracic images, for lung images, you have applied this new

technology to preliminary nodules which are by definition high contrast structures, do

you anticipate that the technique will provide equally good results with more diffused changes

in the lung parenchyma that are (inaudible) of lower contrast?


So I'll start with something and then I will let Dr. Symons answer the rest of it.

But before this paper we actually did an extensive phantom study and the phantom study was focused

on more diffuse type of nodules, ground-glass nodules, and actually the performance that

we observed was better for photon-counting CT even better than what we saw in the clinical


Of course it was a phantom and you know a well-shaped phantom so we expected the results

to be better, but that initial study made us confident that we could move forward to

do these human studies with similar results, but Rolf would you like to add something to



I completely agree in that phantom study we saw that also for low contrast structures

like ground-glass there was a clear advantage of using photon-counting technology.

Another advantage of the photon-counting technology is that we see that the Hounsfield stability

is better preserved probably related to the lower electronic noise.

So repetitive follow-up scans and measurements of Hounsfield units which is important to

follow-up of certain diseases such as lung fibrosis are more reliable at low dose with

photon-counting detector technology.

So I think that also in that regard for low contrast changes or discrete changes in Hounsfield

units photon-counting technology has certain potential.


Yeah I agree.

I think this study issue of Hounsfield units attenuation measurements is of big importance.

Notably with the rapidly evolving iterative reconstruction technologies that are currently

used, you call your paper initial human results, obviously we are quite early in this development,

what are the next steps that are needed to evaluate this technology and my second question

would be what is the time course, what is the path in the future until this technology

will become part of routine imaging.


Now as we know this is a prototype system.

The purpose of using the scanner is to answer this main question that do we even want to

move from energy integrating detectors or the current technology to the next generation.

It brings to my mind the time where we were going from analog cameras into digital cameras

and small webcams, so the first challenge right now is a mass production of these photon-counting


These detectors have been around for a very long time.

They were developed at CERN and the challenge that we have in CT diagnostic CT is that the

photon count rate is so high so we had to wait for certain advances in electronics for

better you know faster electrical circuits and now we're at a step that we have very

viable prototypes and very stable prototypes that can operate in room temperature and does

not have a lot of the (inaudible) or problems of older detectors.

I think in terms of is this a viable technology, that was the purpose of this paper and a couple

of other papers I've been working on, and I do believe the answer to the initial question

that at least with photon-counting detectors we're not losing it.

It shows the non-inferiority of photon-counting detectors and in addition we're seeing that

we have benefits in terms of noise and radiation and spatial resolution and contrast.

Our next steps would be I think to further develop this technology in terms of its stability

and its mass production and moving it – combining this technology with a more advanced reconstruction

algorithms and more advanced CT algorithms for example flying focal spots using smaller

focal spots and the current scanner that we work with has a limited field of view mainly

because it's a prototype, so it would be advantageous to use a larger field of view



I see.

Dr. Symons do you want to add to that?


Well I think the technical aspect has already been elucidated.

I think there is potential and we've shown it in volunteers, but now of course the question

remains whether this better long nodule CNR this lower image noise actually translates

to better outcomes and better diagnosis in patients.

So I think large scale clinical trials of course will be necessary to further validate

our approach, but I think the data as my colleague Dr. Pourmorteza has already said I think the

potential of the technology has been shown in these volunteers and it provides the rational

for the further development of this technology and for the implementation of this technology

for larger prospective clinical trials.


I see.

Okay so I really believe this is a very promising technique.

We are looking forward of hearing from your group, from other groups, about the next incremental

steps and implementation steps of this technology and with this I would like to thank both of

you for participating and thank you very much.

A.P. Thanks for having us.


Yeah, thank you very much.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Dose-reduced Chest CT with Photon-counting Detectors (Radiology, December 2017) - Duration: 11:00.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Tossing and turning - can't get the sleep you need? Technology could be the culprit. - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Tossing and turning - can't get the sleep you need? Technology could be the culprit. - Duration: 2:09.


We Are In A Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness Which Leads T - Duration: 6:34.

We Are In A Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness Which Leads To Light Body Formation

Beloved Tribe,

We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen.

All is being revealed and all secrets will be brought to the LIGHT.

When this happens, it happens not only in 3D but also in every community on earth including

the spiritual community.

The false lights will also be brought into the open as they will no longer be able to

spread their agenda.

As a psychic I know when things are coming in and where they will end up.

This is a gift that I have had my entire life, seeing how things will play out in the future

depending on the timeline selected.

This past month since the 10/10 WAVE we have experienced massive upgrades to our consciousness

that works to build the light body.

Light body Consciousness goes far beyond 3D and anything most people have ever experienced.

It streams the beings consciousness into the 5th dimension and beyond.

The being then starts to experience other realities other than the third dimension.

This is now an indicator you are building your light body and expanding your consciousness.

As we raise consciousness our light body builds.

We must raise our consciousness first and then with each new level we have reached,

there is a building to the light body.

This is the aches, pains and symptoms we experience is the light body expansion.

As more of the light body builds, these aches and pains become less.

A huge symptom of our light body transformation in NOW Underway, which starts in attaining

higher levels of consciousness and becomes the PUSH to become more authentic and for

others to do the same.

The cardboard copy that has existed for eons of all of society to adhere to the program

that we are all the same is now being washed away.

We in fact are all unique.

This is why we came to planet earth at this time.

Each persons unique qualities makes them needed for the expansion we are in.

As we become more of our authentic self, it opens the GATEWAY for others to do the same.

This push to become AUTHENTIC also comes along with a mighty push to tell the TRUTH and for

others to do the same.

Many are experiencing these NEW symptoms and the ones I will mention next.

Many will now start to pull away from the ones in the spiritual community who are still

spreading false light because they will understand there is no truth or authenticity to their


They will now start to be able to read between the lines and see the agenda of those that

are still stuck and wanting to keep others stuck where they are.

This will become more and more intense for everyone over the next year.

Some other NEW consciousness rising symptoms I have noticed are increased awareness of

food and how it relates to the body and the building of the body into the light body.

Many have been health conscious already but this is a new awareness that has kicked in

and will now begin to escalate for many.

The light body that is activated now guides us through this process, guiding us on what

is best to build the body of light.

There is a large portion of beings now that will and have stopped eating most meats.

This will now start to become more and more of the population.

If you are guided to change your diet to more plant based, I advise to start slowly cutting

down on foods you no longer want and gradually adding more foods you do.

This is the easiest way to transition in and out of something and the easiest on the body

and the consciousness.

We want to do everything within ourselves in the most loving way we can.

Our body reacts to how we treat it, so this is a very important step to take things slow

and integrate changes slowly.

The body we have now is already light body infused so what we did before will no longer

work for our new body that is in the middle of the transition into the light body.

I talked one year ago about how the US and the world would be in for some big changes

and I reposted on October 17 how the changes were now ready to come through.

We will see more and more intense changes happening in society as we all upgrade to

a higher level of awareness than has ever been done before.

This will change society into the kind of paradise we all want but have not been able

to have.

This can be accomplished by the removal of the dark forces that have been in charge for

so long.

In the recent past they have gained power because they were able to convince many of

the people their programs were for their own good.

Many of the people did not realize that it was exactly the opposite, they were only good

for the dark side to gain more power and control.

As we have seen in the media now many of these dark forces are being brought into the light.

This will continue and it will pass through every section of society leaving no stone


Many dark minions are outing others and this will continue as the minions start to turn

on each other.

As 3D society and the spiritual community continue to receive upgrades their consciousness

will continue to expand, bringing more light into the light body.

To become ONE with the light we must tell the truth and honor our authenticity above

all else.

This is the path to expanded consciousness and the light body transformation happening


Truth is what we seek and what we yearn for.

Now more and more will be able to see truth for themselves and discard all that is not


This is the way to activate higher consciousness and the light body.

The New Earth is being built as an overlay right on top of our 3D earth, as the 3D earth

upgrades we become ONE with our NEW Earth.

Our Friends, our galactic brothers and sisters consciousness is already expanded and they

can move in and out of the light body at will.

They are waiting for us to catch up !

For more infomation >> We Are In A Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness Which Leads T - Duration: 6:34.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE AUTOMAAT.... - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE AUTOMAAT.... - Duration: 0:49.


Holiday Shopping Around The Corner, Cops Look To Bust Grinches - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Holiday Shopping Around The Corner, Cops Look To Bust Grinches - Duration: 1:43.


Trump Just Overtook Every Major European Leader in Popularity Polls - Duration: 2:27.


Just Overtook Every Major European Leader in Popularity Polls.


If you listened to the left, you might think that most Americans are unhappy with President

Donald Trump�s performance � especially in comparison to Europe�s biggest leaders.

But you would also be wrong.

While the left loves to rub low poll numbers in Trump�s face, what they won�t tell

you is that he is doing better in the polls than major European leaders.

According to the latest Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Trump�s

approval rating sits at 41 percent.

This is higher than Europe�s liberal leaders, according to a Zogby poll.

Britain�s Prime Minister Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron both have

an approval rate of just 28 percent.

German Chancellor Angela Merke�s approval rating sits at 40 percent.

Those numbers are bad news for left-wing darlings.

Considering the amount of love that these liberal leaders get from the left and the

mainstream media, along with the amount of hate that Trump gets, these numbers are as

incredible as they are telling.

Ever since before the presidential election, the left has consistently worked to paint

Trump in an unfavorable light.

The media loves to gloat about Trump�s low approval numbers but you can bet they won�t

take the time to point out that popular leftists across the ocean aren�t faring any better.

These numbers will no doubt enrage liberals, and it�s doubtful this news will be given

much covered from the media.

Imagine how high Trump�s numbers would be if the mainstream media didn�t try to drag

him through the mud at every possible opportunity.

This country would really be winning.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Overtook Every Major European Leader in Popularity Polls - Duration: 2:27.


Councilor Miller hasn't stepped down - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Councilor Miller hasn't stepped down - Duration: 2:00.


Why The Future Of DC Movies May Blow You Away - Duration: 12:21.

The DC Extended Universe has been struggling to achieve the right tone to match wits with

its Marvel counterpart, but despite a few hiccups, the franchise doesn't seem to be

slowing down anytime soon.

"Ride ain't over yet."

"My man."

Warner Bros. has still got quite a few new films on the roster for future development

that might just turn things around once and for all, so here's what DC has in store for

superhero movie lovers next.


He's been the butt of jokes for years, but James Wan's Aquaman film looks to finally

bring some respect to the man who talks to fish.

Of course, casting burly Game of Thrones star Jason Momoa in the title role didn't hurt.

The film will give the eponymous hero a few central foes, including Aquaman's half brother

the Ocean Master and arch-nemesis Black Manta.

Making a feature-length film about the sea hero is a risky venture, but Wan intends to

breathe new life into the watery comic character.

"Well, I think there's a certain perception of Aquaman, and I think part of the fun will

be to subvert that expectation."

Considering how well he's handled everything from horror films to racecar dramas, audiences

will likely be in for an action-packed adventure when this movie hits theaters December 21st,



It's been in the works for years, but for a while there it seemed like the long-awaited

adaptation of Shazam!

Might never actually come to pass.

Initial reports had Dwayne Johnson attached to the film as the villainous Black Adam,

but DC later revealed that Johnson's character would get his own film.

Instead, it'll be Chuck alum Zachary Levi who handles the title role, with Annabelle:

Creation's David Sandberg directing the picture.

Levi has described the picture as being akin to Tom Hanks' 1988 comedy favorite Big … only

with superpowers instead of a wish machine.

"I don't get it."

The movie is expected to launch production in 2018, so get ready to giggle when Shazam!

hits theaters on April 5th, 2019.

Wonder Woman 2

The first sequel to the summer's smash hit Wonder Woman was finally given an official

announcement at San Diego Comic-Con, with a release date set for November 1st, 2019

shortly thereafter.

After months of keeping fans in the dark, director Patty Jenkins confirmed in early

September that she is officially set to return for the sequel, and rumors suggest her salary

could be historic.

"Promise me you will protect it with your life."

Jenkins and DC Studios head Geoff Johns are teaming up with The Expendables' Dave Callaham

to work on the script, based on a treatment from Jenkins and Johns.

With Jenkins saying she wants to take Diana to America and rumors saying the film could

take place in the 1980s, Wonder Woman 2 seems like it will be an amazing ride.

And now that embattled producer Brett Ratner is out of the picture, Gal Gadot is officially

a go for it, too.

"Who will I be if I stay?"

Green Lantern Corps

The Green Lantern has certainly had a rough history in Hollywood, with the Ryan Reynolds-led

adaptation arriving as a laughing stock in 2011.

"No thanks necessary, miss."

But DC isn't done trying to make Hal Jordan happen.

David Goyer and Justin Rhodes are working on a script to revive the fallen franchise,

with plans for the film to take flight on July 24th, 2020.

There's no word yet on the plot of the new take, but it has been described as "Lethal

Weapon in space," and is reportedly based on a comic book origin story.

We also know it'll focus on two different characters: the popular Lanterns Hal Jordan

and John Stewart.

Bringing Stewart in is a wise move since he's a fan favorite, and getting him in the mix

will help this film stand apart from its predecessor.


DC's Flash movie, starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, has had a bit of a rocky road.

The film first found a director in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' Seth Grahame-Smith,

but he dropped out and was followed by Rick Famuyiwa, who also left.

Rumors have put Matthew Vaughn, Robert Zemeckis, and Sam Raimi in the mix, although it's unclear

as of the making of this video if talks are moving forward with any of them.

The script has also undergone quite a few rewrites, with reports saying it was being

completely overhauled.

Concrete details about the film finally began to be released at this year's Comic-Con, when

DC officially announced that the movie would be titled Flashpoint.

This seems to suggest that the movie will cover the famous 2011 comic storyline, which

is a move that could have huge ripple effects across the rest of the DCEU.

"Oh, sh.


Miller has been a consistent favorite in everything he's appeared in so far.

So, the pressure is on to get the speedy superhero to the theaters sooner than later.



By the time Cyborg shows up in his solo movie, fans should be pretty familiar with him.

"Relax Alfred, I'll take it from here."

"Uh, do I know you?"

After making half a cameo in Batman vs. Superman, Ray Fisher's version of the character will

appear in Justice League and will appear in Flashpoint.

While details are still slim as to what his solo movie will entail, Fisher has said that

if he had his pick of the villainous litter as to who he'll fight it'd be the Phantom


The Batman

Batman has long been the cash cow of the DC universe.

But as much as Warner Bros. wants to get a standalone movie going with Ben Affleck's

version of the Dark Knight, the project has been very troubled.

Not only have there been numerous script rewrites and Affleck stepping back from the director's

chair, he's now said to want a "cool" way to escape the cape altogether.

He's since clarified that he's still planning to take the role, but reports on his commitment

to being the Caped Crusader have given DC fans a bit of whiplash.

Meanwhile, the film has tapped War for the Planet of the Apes' Matt Reeves to take the

helm, and he's supposedly got a guy in mind to take over for Affleck if the situation

calls for it.

Whether "Batfleck" takes flight again or not, Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke is expected

to be the central villain, which should make for one beefy bonanza indeed.

Dark Universe

Also known as Justice League Dark, Dark Universe is set to focus on the mystical side of things

with characters such as John Constantine, Swamp Thing, Deadman, Zatanna, and Etrigan

the Demon.

Edge of Tomorrow's Doug Liman was initially signed on to direct, but he dropped out due

to scheduling conflicts, and the film has yet to find a new director as script changes

are underway.

Considering the success Marvel had with its similarly otherworldly Doctor Strange, it

stands to reason Warner Bros. will be keen to get this one off the bench soon.

Gotham City Sirens

While Suicide Squad 2 is also in the barrel, David Ayer will first tackle this Harley Quinn-centric

spinoff with Margot Robbie and other female heroes and villains across the DC Comics canon,

called the Gotham City Sirens.


No word on which characters will show up, though players like Catwoman and Poison Ivy

seem like prime candidates.

Along with getting a Wonder Woman movie out before Marvel could make Captain Marvel, DC

has an excellent opportunity take the edge in female-led superhero fare, which could

be a huge move for a studio playing catch-up… that is, as long as the movies are good.

"I'm known to be quite vexing.

I'm just forewarning you."

Justice League 2

Warner Bros. originally penciled this one in for 2019, though it's since been bumped

to an unspecified date to clear out some space for The Batman.

But of all the projects at the far end of DC's master plan, it stands to reason another

Justice League is one of the most bankable.

The Avengers has become a flagship franchise for Marvel, and DC is looking to leverage

Justice League the same way.

It'll just have to wait until after a couple of stand-alone films.

Man of Steel 2

It's the worst-kept secret in movie history that Superman returns for the Justice League

film, despite the events of Dawn of Justice.

But the studio doesn't seem to be in a major hurry to give him another solo adventure,

even though Man of Steel was technically the inaugural installment of this franchise.

The cast has confirmed a script is in the works, but with so many other movies on the

docket, it could be years until they actually get around to making this one, but when they

do, it'll surely be a brave new adventure for the big blue boyscout.

Suicide Squad 2

A proper Suicide Squad sequel is in development, but there's been no word on when it'll actually

hit the big screen.

Despite terrible reviews, the first film still made a whole lot of money—and introduced

characters like Robbie's Harley Quinn, and Will Smith's Deadshot.

"You might want to work on your team motivation thing."

The Accountant's Gavin O'Connor has officially signed on to direct and rewrite the script,

so with a behind-the-scenes team finally coming together, it looks like the rumored Fall of

2018 production start date isn't so unreasonable after all.


The Lego Batman Movie's Chris McKay will take on live-action superheroes in DC's planned

Nightwing movie.

The film is being scripted by The Accountant's Bill Dubuque, and, although it doesn't have

a star yet, the acrobatic shoes of Dick Grayson are going to be fun to fill.

Because according to McKay, he's not going to be relying on CGI to make his, "badass

action movie" happen.


After taking over the helm of Justice League from Zach Snyder, Joss Whedon will next write,

direct, and product an adaptation of Batgirl for the DCEU.

The title role is rumored to follow the New 52 version of Barbara Gordon and offer a darker

version of the character's storyline, featuring her using experimental surgery to recover

from a severe spinal injury inflicted by the Joker.

With the amazing success of Wonder Woman, it makes sense that DC is pursuing Batgirl,

and it wouldn't be surprising to see them push the movie ahead quickly.


Word leaked last year that Warner Bros. is looking to bring the space bounty hunter Lobo

to the DCEU, after a Guy Ritchie adaptation fell through a few years back.

And Wonder Woman's Jason Fuchs is reportedly working on the script now.

The new project is apparently a fresh take on the character, and considering the success

Fox and Marvel have had with Deadpool, Lobo could be a foul-mouthed sweet spot for DC

to get in on the four-letter action, too.


Will Smith is a Hollywood star, so it's no surprise Warner Bros. is looking to spin him

off with a film focused on his Suicide Squad character Deadshot.

Outside of Ben Affleck, Smith is arguably the biggest star in the DCEU—so it's only

a matter of time until they get him suited back up for another fight against Batman.

Even so, the project is still very early on in development, so no release date has been

established just yet.

Black Adam

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been attached to co-star in a Shazam movie for years, playing

the villain Black Adam, but Warner Bros. is now developing a full-fledged Black Adam spinoff

film, which will split the character off into more of an antihero.

It remains to be seen how DC will juggle a two-pronged side section of the DCEU while

they're still trying to establish the main universe—but in the meantime, we've done

a little Photoshop to imagine how Johnson will look in character.

Joker's origin story

The Joker is one of DC's most popular characters, so it makes sense that they're taking yet

another stab at bringing him to the big screen—and this time, with a planned solo movie about

the character's origins.

The movie is said to explore what it took for the Joker to become a criminal mastermind,

using an '80s setting as a backdrop.

While it will obviously draw heavily from the comic books, it's supposedly intended

to feel more like a gritty crime drama than a superhero film, and is said to be separate

from any other iteration of the Joker in the DCEU.

The movie is set to be co-written and directed by The Hangover's Todd Phillips, with The

Fighter's Scott Silver joining as a co-writer.

Don't expect to see Jared Leto in the lead—Phillips apparently wants to recast the Suicide Squad

star, which makes sense considering the movie's different time period and separation from

the rest of DC's films.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Martin Scorsese is attached to the film as a producer,

and sources say that Warner Bros. is looking to secure Leonardo DiCaprio for the role of

the Joker.

In response to the rumored casting possibility, artist Royy Ledger drew some amazing concept

art of what a DiCaprio Joker would look like.

Joker and Harley Quinn's movie

Jared Leto is, however, expected to reprise his role alongside Margot Robbie's Harley

Quinn in their own film, which has been described as "When Harry Met Sally on benzedrine."

To that end, the studio has recruited a duo familiar with romance, with This Is Us's Glenn

Ficarra and John Requa in final talks to write and direct.

The pair also already have experience working with Robbie, having directed her in both Focus

and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

While the movie doesn't have a release date yet, it could be on the way soon.

Insiders say the plan is to fast-track the movie after the upcoming Suicide Squad 2,

with the timeline being pushed up thanks to the actors' holding agreements.

While it may seem like we're getting Joker overload with the Suicide Squad sequel and

the character's planned origin story movie, this film is said to be further along.


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Why The Future Of DC Movies May Blow You Away - Duration: 12:21.


10 Reasons You Aren't Building Muscle | Kevin Kreider - Duration: 9:30.

hey guys it's Kevin Kreider more than just muscle in this YouTube video I'm

gonna share with you 10 reasons why you aren't building muscle or not building

muscle fast enough number one you're not lifting heavy enough

too many body building magazines and people I see out there saying go 12 go

15 reps hell even go 40 reps for muscle hypertrophy and shocking the muscles in

the growth now that bullshit guys look there is a threshold of intensity that

needs to happen the muscle to grow and to get a proper overload when you do 40

reps you just tap into what they call a sarcoplasmic hypertrophy which is only

temporary anyway it just means that your muscle cells swell a little bit because

it's more efficient at storing glycogen so you can store more glycogen into

those muscle cells but the moment that you actually ended this Blackduck acid

build up the moment that the lactic acid build up starts to lower and same with

the muscle glycogen stores you start at the flate and you're like what am I most

ago I lost too much muscle now I have to eat protein every two to three hours and

you go back into that alright number two now we go to the opposite spectrum you

think that you have to lift your 1 rep max to 4 reps every single time you

think you have to lift like a power lifter all the time power lifters aren't

as muscular and here's the things because a lot of them only train within

a very low rep range number two is that you think you go to the opposite

spectrum you think you have to train in the one before breath range that just

isn't true if you train within the one the 4 rep range you're missing out on

the hyper hypertrophic rep ranges which is around 4 to even 10 reps ok those are

hypertrophic 1 the 3 the 4 is more power power and speed and that's the thing

when you do that you're not gonna work out the hypertrophic muscles and and a

hypertrophic rep range so you get a lot of power you get a lot of speed but

you're just gonna get a lot of muscle strength and you'll and the thing is you

would be wondering why again so much stronger but you're not getting muscle

get within that range ok number 3 you aren't progressing progressing is not

changing a workout routine or an exercise and then you do it that's

called just variation you got to change variation once in a

while but the thing is you aren't progressing because you haven't tracked

and measured so that means tracking and measuring

your for example everybody's favorite benchpress did you increase in reps this

week did increase in strength did you increase from four to five reps this

time did you increase what weight with four to five reps to all about

progression progressively get over loading your muscles that's how you grow

number four you keep changing your routine up too much we get so bored that

we have to change things up so quickly anything that you do needs to be tracked

and measured going back to number three right when you don't give it enough time

you don't know if it's actually working and things I recommend you stick into a

workout program for three months before deciding if it's worth your vest mat and

that's the thing obviously if you get injured first it's not working for you

but here's the thing you need to be able to have enough time to see if it's

working for you we're way too impatient and we think it's we're marketed and

brainwashed to believe it's all gonna happen within 30 days and it's not

you'll get some results but keep going into those stops working for you if it

ain't broke why fix it I just wanted to say that but anyway that's the thing

guys changing it up too much you won't be able to track it and then you'll just

end up going to the new thing the new thing that looks fun and there's bells

and whistles and all these men's health exercises that you could do great add

them in once in a while for variation but here's the thing the main basic

principles and lifts to do to grow will always remain the same you just can't

beat them number five is you aren't eating enough

and I hear this all the time so many people still tell me all the time

I just can't gain weight I'm a hard gainer I just can't gain weight I eat so

much and then they track how much to eat and somebody who's 140 pounds is only

eating 1,200 calories not one day you're only a hundred forty pounds dude now if

I keep track they're like oh my god I gotta eat more everybody thinks they're

the biggest everything right the biggest eater

I'm the biggest loser I'm the biggest what

I'm the worst that my god is so much black and white you know everything that

most people live in between actually the thing is guys you're not that big of an

eater especially if you have 140 pounds okay yes there are some metabolic things

like hyper thyroids or hyper thyroid Zoar the main one made of thyroid just

revs and you just can't burn you just can't eat enough because you're burning

off so much those are very rare cases chances are you're not one of them

you're just not in a track to see if you are and then you know the answer just be

more than all right the next one you are taking way too many supplements this one

kills me because you think supplements rule over nutrition nutrition always

beats supplements any day think of supplements is this if you had an ice

cream sundae it's nice to have the chain on top right it looks good aesthetically

pleasing some people love cherries but if you got rid of the cherry it'd still

be an ice cream sundae I think right it still tastes good the bulk of it it's

still there nutrition and training is that

supplements or that cherry on top so don't rely on supplements stop wasting

your time on it it's not going to do anything people rely on it too much

don't slack off because they like I have supplements Wow

it's not gonna do that for you okay so don't rely on supplements especially for

these claims that it's gonna help you grow 510 pounds and one week balla but

don't believe in that shit okay next one you aren't resting enough in between

sets when you're doing a strength and weight training program at a gym or even

at home whatever when you have lower rest periods it's been proven that yes

it releases more growth hormone levels but the problem with growth hormone it

has nothing to do with gaining muscle actually just helps you with your

rejuvenation of the skin and cells and makes you feel good maybe get a little

bit more of a pump because you have lower rest periods the thing is when you

actually have longer rest periods three minutes in between each set maybe even

two minutes you will increase testosterone and you will increase your

strength and testosterone will actually help you with the muscle growth that's

just proven that way and because you have longer rest periods you will

actually be able to lift more with the weights and progressively overload which

is the number-one principle to gain muscle anyway

and strength it's progressively overload and so when you have three minutes

wrestling between each set or your energy system start to replenish your

ATP all that kind of stuff and then you're gonna be able to lift heavier and

lift your heaviest capability which will lead to progressive overload so take

enough rest in between sets not in the next one you think it's because of your

exercise program the thing is exercise programs are designed but they're very

simple to design actually you go with the heavy compound movements first and

then you do accessory and smaller muscle groups in between that and then you rest

and recover in between and solidify through nutrition it's not your exercise

program it's not because you know not doing this fancy BOSU ball exercise it's

not because you're not doing TRX it's not because you're not doing insanity

workout to know that kind of stuff it's just beak this is probably because your

nutrition exercise is important it's great for you it's like being on a drug

basically it releases a lot of the same hormones and systems to make you feel

good it's just not the answer to it's a program that you need not just exercise

so exercise is great it's part of it but especially for fat loss and muscle

building exercises about 20% of the results that you're gonna get you're on

a zero fat diet or a very low fat diet and what I mean low fat is if you're

about a 185 pound male and you only have about 20 to 30 grams of fat and you're

pretty much a hormone level gonna be shot it's shown that when you have a

very low fat diet your your hormone levels such as the stop strong drop it's

just what happens and especially if you're not eating enough - for a very

long period of time your hormone levels drop in your testosterone mode so eat

enough fats in your diet they are actually shown to be anabolic the next

one is you're not drinking enough water your body is mostly made out of water

anyway I believe the muscle tissues actually eighty percent of water so it's

hard to really look at my statistics on that but the thing is you're not

drinking enough water and I don't believe you need to carry around a jug

of water and drink a gallon of water because they've actually shown that if

you eat fruits and vegetables - they're very water based food those count -

towards your water intake so if you're drinking a gallon of water near the high

fruit and a high vegetable diet and you even have a little bit of coffee and tea

that counts towards your water intake then you don't need a whole gallon of

water just drink enough just try to aim

towards eight to ten glasses of additional water after that I knew

somebody who was just drinking martinis and coffee for a long period of time and

he actually looked really ripped but the thing is he felt like crap and he wasn't

building muscle and his doctor told him you're it's just a very dehydrated drink

more water and the moment he did he started to feel better and he looked

better - please subscribe to my youtube channel and also guys you can take the

body design tool to serve a tour guide you to a muscle and strength program and

you can get the results that you want and then you can get the whole piece

through the puzzle for you a hole in one laid out course so please subscribe and

take that tool I'll see you guys next week

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons You Aren't Building Muscle | Kevin Kreider - Duration: 9:30.


Nightcore - Satellite (Gabbie Hanna) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:59.

Nightcore - Satellite

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Satellite (Gabbie Hanna) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:59.


[Speedpaint] Speak None - Duration: 3:57.


bweee-bwooo-bwa bwa bwuuuu-bwa bwa bwoooooo


いっこうwake me up

i forgot to draw her eyebrow

For more infomation >> [Speedpaint] Speak None - Duration: 3:57.


Pokémon Water? -- Game LÜT - Duration: 4:40.

Save your coins the mushroom kingdom way or get them stolen the Pokémon way.

With the sneaky Pikachu coin bank.

Featuring over 200 different phrases and sounds it's the perfect Pika Piggy Bank.

Power in your Starcraft Protoss Pylon USB Charger so send out some probes and mine some

minerals because this is Game LÜT.


Why did you say that name instead of the name Bruce Wayne.

This incredibly detailed Batman Statue made in honor of Justice League even allows you

to unmask the bat and reveal the mug of a man named Affleck. AFFLECK!

For just a MugMan on your shelf grab this vinyl figure to sip alongside Cuphead.

Then head over to RoseColoredGaming to elegantly store and display your N64 collection.

Organize that pile of loose cartridges with custom cases that hold the game, manual and

controller pak.

They print the cover art in-house so you just tell them what games you need cases for.

Before you slip into your Gears Of War pajama pants and rest for the night pop on a cube


The wooden retro game LED color night light allows you to alter the mood while displaying

classic icons like Donkey Kong, Sonic and Mario.

What was that?

You're cold?

Warm that frigid body by wearing a Warhammer 40k long coat.

So you can Imperial Guard your Rocket League Neon Cover T-shirt.

If your lapel is feeling left out pierce it with the Gears Of Industry pin from SteamWorld


And in honor of its release on Switch dig these Skyrim prints.

Fus Ro Don't miss out on the sweet sounds spinning Hero Of Time.

The Ocarina Of Time 2-LP soundtrack performed by the 64-piece Symphony Orchestra

is back in stock.

Then stock up on Taiwan's first officially-licensed Pokémon bubble water.

Available in wonderful frog seed version, dragon version, and Jenny Turtle Edition.

For gaming first-class edition, there's Cary42.

A portable wooden folding briefcase arcade.

It comes loaded with over 100 classic games, featuring a 12" LCD screen, 16 GB nano flash

and stereo speakers.

Speaking of mobile gaming, the SmartBoy is here to turn your android phone into a GameBoy.

Compatible with USB Type-C, simply pop in any GameBoy or GameBoy Color cartridges and

play away.

If you just want awesomely upgraded GameBoys check out SB Mods.

Sam Bailey loves modifying retro game consoles with new tech and has a store showcasing his


The GameBoy Zero is decked out with a full color LCD screen, a rechargeable battery,

a 16 GB micro SD and built-in wifi and bluetooth.

It's basically like an awesome modern reimagination of the GameBoy.

One of the most original reimaginations of gameplay during the PS2 era was Katamari Damacy.

Literally a game about rolling around a ball and picking up stuff to make a bigger ball.

Well, First4Figures has Katamari fans covered thanks to this Prince available for pre-order.

So watch over him like the King Of All Cosmos while he rolls things up like a snowball...Overwatch


Which is almost as soft and comforting as snuggling up in the Fallout 4 Red Rocket Fleece


If you've ever wanted to jump into designing your own cards for table top games

Skillshare has an amazing course for that.

It's taught by Daniel Solis who is the new art director for the Firefly game.

Skillshare actually has over 17,000 classes taught by experts so you're sure to find exactly

what you want to learn about.

A premium subscription is less than 10 bucks a month and the first 200 people to sign up

using the link in the description below get their first two months for free.

So check that out. As far as what am I playing right now. Still finishing up Persona 5.

Like almost 80 hours into it. I 'm getting near the end I think. If you finished it let me know

how many hours you put into Persona 5. I also popped this in recently.

Luigi's Mansion on the 3ds. Such a fun game. It's just puzzles and ya find ghosts.

Ya suck them up in a vacuum. What could be better?

Let me know what ya think of this. Check out skillshare. Thanks for supporting this channel and as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Water? -- Game LÜT - Duration: 4:40.



For more infomation >> 5 UNSOLVED FIFA MYSTERIES CAUGHT ON CAMERA - Duration: 10:23.


Apink's Jung Eun Ji Expresses Frustration About Continuous Bomb Threats - Duration: 1:52.

Apink's Jung Eun Ji Expresses Frustration About Continuous Bomb Threats

has addressed the suspect of bomb threats against Apink.

After the most at the Untouchable press conference, Jung Eun Ji took to her Instagram to share her thoughts.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

She began, I do not know who you are, but the authorities know who you are, and continued, However, as the laws are different in Canada and Korea, although he is committing crimes, although they know who he is, they have been unable to punish him.

Please take stronger measures so that the criminal who is continuing to do damage can be caught as quickly as possible..

Jung Eun Ji concluded, Also to the police who always work hard and the reporters who came and waited today, sorry and thank you.

    A post shared by @artist_eunji on Nov 20, 2017 at 10:30pm PST.

For more infomation >> Apink's Jung Eun Ji Expresses Frustration About Continuous Bomb Threats - Duration: 1:52.


MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For Bill Clinton' - Duration: 6:48.

MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For

Bill Clinton's Jugular.

You know things are bad when you're a liberal and even MSNBC is calling you on your B.S.

One of the great ironies of the 2016 election were Hillary's predictions that following

Donald Trump's loss (which was inevitable, wasn't it?) he'd refuse to accept the

results of the election, calling it "rigged."

Ironically, not only did Hillary rig the 2016 DNC primary, she's also claiming that the

presidential election was rigged against her!

It was the Russians!

Or James Comey!


Fox News!

There's truly no shortage of people and organizations that Hillary is willing to point

the finger at – except herself.

Like she claimed Trump would do if (or in her head, "when") he lost, she's remained

in the media spotlight, already capitalizing on her loss with a book on the election titled

"What Happened."

She truly is the only person who doesn't seem to know.

It's not just conservatives wishing that Hillary would go return to the woods surrounding

her home in Chappaqua – even liberals are getting tired of seeing her.

And why wouldn't they be?

They hate Trump even more – and Hillary is the reason he's President!

And as sexual misconduct accusations against her husband have begun to resurface, it's

become clear that the Clinton's have remained in the public eye for a year too long.

As Yes I'm Right reported, the Clintons free pass is over.

Liberals are finally holding them accountable for their crimes.

Multiple women have accused Bill of sexual assault, and for years their claims were derided.

People are listening now.

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski told viewers Monday Hillary needs to stop blathering about sexual

assault until she's ready to talk about the accusations lodged against her husband.

Hypocrite Hillary went of her way to shame Bill's victims into keeping their mouths


"Hillary Clinton needs to stop," Brzezinski said.

"'She needs to stop talking about this topic unless Bill Clinton wants to come forward

and apologize for being a sexual harasser, for settling [lawsuits] with women, for what

happened with Monica."

She continued, "it's about time liberals stop defending Bill.

You can't support women and also refuse to believe Bill's accusers.

His actions with Monica Lewinsky alone are enough to mark him as a predator.

Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, sexually harassing someone who is 22 years

old when you're in power is just wrong, and you should go – in real time."

"He needs to apologize as quickly as Al Franken did, as much as Mark Halperin did.

And as much as he wants to…

If you're not going to apologize and it's clear you've done something wrong, please,

please, you the politician and your wife the politician need to not talk about these issues.

Bill Clinton's behavior was accepted.

It was pushed under the rug, and even women defended him.

… And his wife ran for president even though these women who accused him were attacked

in the media, were maligned, or settled [in court]," she concluded.

Watch The Video :


expected to hear that on MSNBC of all places, did you?

Me neither – but remember that they've waited nearly two decades after the fact to

admit as much.

Only as countless men of power (starting with those in the entertainment industry) have

found themselves overwhelmed with allegations of sexual misconduct did any of the liberals

finally condemning Bill see fit to do so.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> MSNBC Just Ruined Hillary Thanksgiving Tells Her To Shut Up About Trump- Then Goes For Bill Clinton' - Duration: 6:48.


Ver Elini Aşk / All Aboard For Love Trailer - Episode 11 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:04.

- This girl stays with me. - She stays with me.

- She'll stay with me. - Hey, I'm her father!

- And I'm her... - Yes Ayperi, you are her what?

I said let's sit down and speak calmly, but it did not change anything.

- Of course it would not. - What do you mean, of course? What does it mean?

It means that whatever happens to you happens because of your modern guy style.

Oğuz has started talking nonsense.

- Hush, keep quiet Antep for a minute. He might have a point.

Brother, you'll take her over your shoulder and abduct her.


That's it!

I don't understand what you are saying, brother.

He said follow me, let's walk around, you stand guard...

...then I'll bring her here. What is not to understand?

Come here, I'll kiss you.

Did you abduct Ayperi, you idiots?!

- Did we? - Did you not?

For more infomation >> Ver Elini Aşk / All Aboard For Love Trailer - Episode 11 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 1:04.


Elysee Brighten and Firm Eye Duo - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Elysee Brighten and Firm Eye Duo - Duration: 7:44.


Kim Jong-Un Has Banned Drinking & Singing In North Korea - North Korea News - Duration: 2:49.

Kim Jong Un Has officially banned drinking and singing in north korea.

Does he mean, singing while drinking, or singing and drinking as two separate entities?

More on this today on IO.

What is good, welcome back to another IO video, my name is charlotte and if this is your first

time here, hit that subscribe button for more trending news commentary

According to the National Intelligence Service, which is an organization of South Korean spies,

north korea has banned gatherings which involve singing, drinking and entertainment.

Which sounds like a pretty bad idea to me.

It sounds like Kim Jong un wants to ban fun altogether.

If I lived in north korea, I would drink daily to cope.

I would be chugging all the vodka.

How does kim jong un plan to enforce these new rules?

Is he going to employ literal fun police?

Are fun police going to show up to gatherings now?

Banning people from having fun is only going to create resentment.

It could be that the North Korean government do not want North Koreans hanging out and

sharing information.

Revolutions start because people are talking about rising up against the government.

The government has cancelled the popular Pyongyang Beer festival/ Along with banning social gatherings,

the north Korean government is strenghthening control of information.

So theres likely a correlation between the two.

But as we saw with the case of prohibition during the 1930s, drinking still occurred

even though it was illegal, people were just a lot more sneaky about it.

Any person can make their own alcohol, quite easily I might add.

The one thing I really don't understand is, why ban singing?

What is so threatening about singing?.

Get this though, and this is honestly the most triggering ban of all, Northkorea has

banned people from expressing gratitude to their mothers on Mothers day because they

are concerned that it undermines the supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

North Koreans already endure restrictions on so many things that the rest of the world

freely enjoy.

I don't know about you guys, but I feel really terrible for the people of north korea.

COMMENTS Andre Fuentes Hello I surbscribed I love your


Welcome to the potato family.

Remixx – I told my mum im a potato , she then said I lied and told me I was an eggplant.


Eggplants are gross.

Aero – I don't want to look like a hater but the potato thing isn't funny.

The potato thing is funny.

You just don't have a sense of humor.

OHHHHHHHHHHH We have come to the end of the video, thanks

for watching, if you would like to keep watching IO, you should check out this video over here.

Kim jong un sentences Donald trump to death.

Don't forget to hit that bell notification so you never miss an upload.

That's it for me, later taters.

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-Un Has Banned Drinking & Singing In North Korea - North Korea News - Duration: 2:49.


How to build Solar Ready Power Generator Part 1 - Duration: 11:35.

Hello everyone

It's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

If you've been watching our campervan build

You know we don't have a house battery.

So what we did is

make a portable battery bank.

Let me show you inside the power bank.

In this video

We going to show you how we made it.

But be warned.

Mark and I

have no expertise in electronics and battery banks.

So keep that in mind when watching.

First let's take a look at what you'll need.

There might be some things I missed.

I think I got everything.

But if I think of anything else

I'll let you know later.

I forgot something! The very important case.

This case you see.

You can find it online by searching control box.

First we're going to put on some masking tape.

This is so we can trace our face plates for the ports.

Also, we're going to be drilling and sawing holes.

So it will protect the plastic from scratches.

We're using the face plate for the ports

To trace the holes before we drill.

Tracing them carefully.

That box is the solar charge controller.

We have to connect wires later

So we're marking the spots to drill the holes.

Now we rotated the case.

The inverter will stick out here.

We pre-measured it

And we're drawing a rough box for it.

The face plate for the inverter

will be on the outside of the case.

So we're unscrewing it.

Now we're disconnecting the port and switch.

But there is a problem.

Part of the AC port is soldered on.

So it won't be easy to remove.

So we're going to take apart the port.

Now we're putting the face plate over the rough box.

And now we're making more accurate lines.

Looks pretty good now.

Now it's time to drill out these holes.

We're using a tiny drill bit

to make a pilot hole.

Now we have 4 pilot holes.

We'll use this drill bit.

This drill bit is for wood.

It's not the best for this plastic case.

But we don't want to buy another bit.

So we'll just use the wood bit.

Let's give it a try.

Looks like it's working.

Now to clean up this mess.

Now let's drill out the rest of the holes.

Oh no.

Ran into a snag.

The problem is

It got snagged on a piece of plastic that didn't shave off.

By drilling in reverse we were able to finish the job.

So there's a little tip for you.

And now we're finished.

Now that the holes are cut

we can see if the ports fit.

They fit perfectly!

Now we need to drill holes for the wires.

Both these wires are 14awg.

But one has double insulation so it is much thicker.

So to accommodate the different thicknesses

we use a larger bit for the thick wire

and use a smaller bit for the thinner wire.

Drilling along the marks.

Now we make sure the wires fit.

Just slide them in.

Now to the other side.

We're making a hole for the inverter.

First we drill holes in the corners

And insert a jigsaw the finish the cuts.

We have a problem.

The jigsaw blade is so fast

that while it's cutting

it's melting the plastic and fusing it together.

So if you are using a jigsaw in this situation

Make sure you don't let the blade get too hot.

Or you'll fuse the plastic like we did.

Anyway, we got it done.

Even if it's a bit messy.

After cutting with the jigsaw

We used sandpaper to clean up the edges.

Let's see if the inverter panel fits.

Fit's really well.

USB port, 12V port, switch and voltage meter holes

and the inverter hole

And the wire holes a done!

Now we're attaching VHB tape to the inverter.

So we can secure it in the case.

And now we press it down to secure it.

Now we re-attach the inverter AC port and switch.

After re-attaching the parts

Again we use the VHB tape

to attach the inverter face to the outside of the case.

Press firmly on the inverter plate

to make sure it's on tight.

Now we're lifting the case to show you

the holes we drilled out along the top edge of the case.

This is for when the inverter get's hot

and it need air to cool down.

So we drilled these vent holes.

Now for the USB, 12V and meter.

It looks like a pretty good fit.

Now screw them in place from the back.

What do you think?

Do it look good?

And now we us VHB tape to attach the solar charge controller.

We still haven't wired it

but it's starting to look like a battery bank.

For more infomation >> How to build Solar Ready Power Generator Part 1 - Duration: 11:35.


Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


The bond that we have is unique.

- Do not come, Commander. - Stop the nonsense, hang on!

Beyond brotherhood...

...we are protecting each other's lives.

If anything happens to one of us, we lose one...

Lie down!

Ready to sacrifice my life for the homeland as long as my flag flies high

Our red flag has been entrusted by the martyred soldiers

The homeland, which you set your sights on, is my land.

Our people would sacrifice their lives without batting an eye, my lad.

We have crossed so many mountains and seas without going down

Every inch of our land, in the east and in the west, is our homeland.

Maroon berets are always on full alert.

If homeland is at stake, be sure that everything could be levelled with the ground

My revenge is greater than my ambition and rage

I am proud of my homeland which is home to heroes

My crescent and my star are my endless love

I am ready to sacrifice my life as long as my flag flies high.

For more infomation >> Söz / The Oath Trailer - Episode 23 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:56.


Never Tell Anybody About Your Dreams And Aspirations - Duration: 6:40.

Never Tell Anybody About Your Dreams And Aspirations

You know yourself way better than anybody else.

You have your spiritual guides that lead you through life and take care of you.

Don't ever tell anybody about your plans, wishes and dreams.

Be silent about them.

Believe that you have everything you need.

Be at peace with everything that's been created for you and put on your path.

Don't rush things.

You don't want everything happening right now, at the same moment.

Be grateful for the moment you live in.

Be peaceful and don't get into arguments that disrupt your inner peace.

No one will see you with your own eyes – not even the image you've created for yourself is real.

Let go of the need to show yourself to others in the light of that image,

when those people only see the world through their own eyes and it looks as 'real' to them as it does to you.

Don't lose your balance by explaining yourself.

Don't waste your energy on words to show and prove to somebody that you are not what they see.

You worked hard to get where you are now.

You gave up a lot in life because you chose to commit.

No one and nothing is more important than your inner peace – that harmonious connection with the unlimited

intelligence, with what you really are.

Other people are the same, but they might be hijacked by their own minds and they can't see it.

Get rid of the forms and patterns that control how things are done and be fearless.

Your freedom and support come from the Creator.

They are unconditional and bring people with similar vibrations to you.

You don't always have to be right and convince people of Who You Are.

Who cares?

And is it really worth it to lose what's holy inside of you because of some argument,

someone else's approval of you as a good person?

You have the right over your feelings and they could be your most valuable sign to show the right path for you.

You've got the right to say NO to the pattern that's being imposed on you- a pattern you,as an 'enlightened' person,

should fit.

You have the right to be angry, to lie,to forget , to be free, to be uncomfortable,

and to stand up for what's divine in you so you can spare yourself from people who seem to have good intentions.

You're not doing anybody a favor if you mess up your energy and give it away to those who feed on it.

No one could ever change you, so it means that your presence won't change anybody either.

Don't worry that much of other people, take care of yourself.

You can't even do that without the proper guidance of the Creator who takes care of you,

protects and leads you through life.

Nothing is worth your efforts to try to prove your inner state to somebody who can't understand you.

Say thank you!

Say thank you for the moments of explosive situations when something bigger than you saved you from sinking even deeper.

Say thank you that it happened now and not in the future moment when you practically die trying to be and prove

something you're not.

Say thank you for making everything as clear as a sunny day, and if you don't know how to continue alone, ask for help.

Move away from the source of the pain, surround yourself with energy that lifts you up,

pray for the situation to be resolved, surrender your emotions to the Universe and ask the Creator to meet you at the

place where your mind is.

Surrender your mind to the guides, because under your control it only led you back into the trap you've been in before.

And pray to be strong and emotionally disciplined to move away from everything that hurts your energetic body,

your inner child and everything else that makes you stressed and tense.

Life is strange and tempts you the same way it did before.

Resist the temptations, don't fall for the "help" that you've been offered,

which looks pretty but it's a completely different energy, dressed up to lure you in.

You're not somebody else.

No one else is you.

Life is setting you free from the drama and pain that you took part in – so now help yourself.

Harmony is possible even though the old You took the bait of the excitement brought by stress and fighting.


Forgive yourself and others for all the unpleasant things you caused to one another and move on.

Don't deny love only because you found yourself in a well-known situation of stress and chaos.

You're still worth it.

You still deserve the best.

You're still a loving part of the universe, whose natural state is peace.

No matter what happens older dysfunctional energetic ties that this toxic relationship had created.

Mold harmful consequences be remove from all the states of your being.

May you be filled with healing energy and may the heavenly light protect you so the only thing present in your life is


You've got the right to disconnect from the environment that lowers your vibration and drains your energy.

Let go of everything that's been holding you back and start moving up, where you belong.

You allowed yourself to forget and that's okay.

Now lift yourself up where you belong and be grateful for the lesson you learned.

In peace with yourself and in harmony with the Creator, may you find Divine Bliss, here and now.

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