Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 22 2017

Ungrateful LaVar Ball Just Made SICK Demand Of What He Wants From Trump After He Saved

His Son From China.

After President Trump helped secure the release of three UCLA basketball players from "house

arrest" in China for shoplifting controversy is still swirling.

When the players were freed, thanks to Trump speaking to President Xi, the young men were

sent back to America.

Cody Riley, Jalen Hill and LiAngelo Ball, the younger brother of Los Angeles Lakers

rookie Lonzo Ball all thanked Trump for intervening on their behalf, but not everyone appreciates

what the president did.

LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo Ball, is not accepting of President Trump's help

in the situation one bit and has made a point to bash him every chance he gets.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on Monday night, Ball went on a disgusting rant

diminishing Trump's help, and that is not all he said.

"I would have said thank you if he put him on his plane and took him home," the elder

Ball told Cuomo.

"Then I would have said thank you, Mr. Trump, for taking my boys out of China and bringing

them back to the U.S.

There's a lot of room on that plane.

I would have said thank you kindly for that."

Watch the Video :

Now, that is not the worse of what Ball had to say in this interview, in fact, those are

just the highlights.

Ball went on to downplay the actions of his son essentially saying that shoplifting in

China was not that big of a deal.

"I'm from LA.

I've seen a lot worse things happen than a guy taking some glasses.

My son has built up enough character that one bad decision doesn't define him.

Now if you can go back and say when he was 12 years old he was shoplifting and stealing

cars and going wild, then that's a different thing," he added.

"Everybody gets stuck on the negativity of some things, and they get stuck on them

too long.

That's not me.

I handle what's going on, and then we go from there."

So, LaVar Ball is saying that since President Trump did not invite the players onto Air

Force One, essentially rewarding them for bad behavior, he doesn't need to thank him.

It is evident that LaVar Ball is missing the point, and what makes it even more ironic

is that liberal bootlicker, Whoopi Goldberg gets it.

Last week, Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts on ABC's "The View" expressed their

astonishment over the fact that these players were arrested in the first place.

Then Goldberg went on to say that the players embarrassed the country, President Trump,

and most of all themselves, and the credited Trump for their safe release back home.

"You embarrassed your families, you embarrassed the country, and you embarrassed the president,"

Goldberg said.

"Now I'm not a big fan of the president, but the fact that he had to call and get your

asses out of there is not anything to be proud of or think is cool."

Watch the Video :

Now, it is not often that anyone on the conservative side agrees with any of these ladies on "The

View" but even a broken clock gets it right twice a day, and these women got it right

this time.

Maybe LaVar Ball should take a few notes from these women and say thank you to President

Trump for his help or at the very least he can keep his mouth shut.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Ungrateful LaVar Ball Just Made SICK Demand Of What He Wants From Trump After He Saved His Son From - Duration: 7:53.


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Online Course Platforms | Why I Chose Kajabi 🖥️ - Duration: 10:40.

Hi guys Petrina here and in today's episode of Petrina shows I'm going to

show you how to choose an online course platform so if you're someone who knows

a whole lot about a particular subject and would love to make money by sharing

that knowledge go ahead and hit that like button down below and stay tuned. If

you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about and have never heard of

online courses before boy have I got news for you! Online courses or online

learning or eLearning as they're sometimes called are really marvelous

ways you can learn just about anything- whether you want to speak a new language,

start your own food truck business, play a musical instrument,

clean up your nutrition, perfect your public speaking skills, improve your

relationship or even how to perform CPR on dogs and yes that really is a course!

Chances are you can find an online course that'll teach you how to do it

and if you're someone who knows how to do a certain something or better yet a

whole bunch of different something's and can break it down in a simple

step-by-step fashion for others- guess what? You could be creating an online

course on that special something or a whole bunch of different somethings and

make money doing it. I kid you not! really good money potentially if you've

got something that lots of folks would love to learn and most importantly would

pay to learn but in order to deliver your course content (we're talking video,

audio lessons, worksheet, checklists and anything else you'd like to throw in the

mix to make it easier for your students to master whatever the heck it is you're

teaching) you're going to need a place to put it on the interwebs and that my

friends is where an online course platform comes in mighty handy! Little

spoiler alert I just finished launching a course about YouTube for marketers.

It's called Brand Starring You and if I do say so myself it's pretty awesome!

Before I even started developing my course, I did a ton of research on

different online course platforms. There are a lot to choose from and things can

get pretty confusing and pretty overwhelming pretty

fast. The big players and the ones that I spent the most time researching are

Teachable, Thinkific, Zippy Courses, Kajabi and Udemy each have their own pros

and cons when it comes to pricing, ease of use, different style elements you can

use, customization you name it. The good news is all but zippy will give you an

opportunity to try them out a little bit before investing in them.

Udemy is pretty different from the other four in that the platform is part of an

entire marketplace. It's composed of literally thousands of different

instructors all on one big platform where people visiting the Udemy site can

pick and choose and search for a ridiculously wide selection of different

online courses. The big Pro for getting on board with Udemy is that you can

get absolutely free exposure for your course just by being part of the

marketplace so you could get students without even having an email list or

spending any money on ads whatsoever. Now the big con with Udemy is they will take

half of your earnings for those who find your course on their marketplace. Now if

somebody comes to Udemy because of you, you would then keep 97 percent of

your earnings which is not too shabby but another big con of Udemy is that

it also offers its users significant and I'm talking huge discounts on

Marketplace courses to new udemy students and sometimes even all of Udemy

We're talking let's say you have a $200 course - Udemy will

sometimes bring the price of that course down to 10 dollars. That's a huge chunk

of money that you could be making and it's completely unfair and not very cool

in my humble opinion. My own personal take on Udemy was also colored by the

fact that I've taken courses through the Udemy marketplace and found them to be

pretty much crap. Not to say everything on Udemy is absolute crap but the

few courses that I took the content quality was really really low and

because of all of these things put together

udemy got off my list pretty quickly. After that point I started comparing

pricing and features of again Teachable, Thinkific

Zippy courses and Kajabi. I talked to a lot of other course creators, did some

digging around with YouTube reviews and message boards and did some majorly deep

business and budget soul-searching kind of stuff before I wound up choosing

Kajabi and now well over a year and a launch later I am so glad that I did! The

big reason I wound up choosing Kajabi over all the others is that it's truly an

all-in-one online learning platform and doing the research and actually getting

on board with the platform I learned that Kajabi was great not just

for creating and selling online courses but also you know if I want to branch

out into having a membership site where people would pay monthly to have access

to different digital products I I may want to offer or if I wanted to start

offering standalone digital products like an e-book or maybe an audio training

series I could do it right there in my Kajabi website. If you've got good

knowledge to share, Kajabi is in my humble opinion the best place to market

and deliver that knowledge online and it's just gotten better and better

since I first joined. With Kajabi I've got a space to store all my documents

and PDFs -we're talking the worksheets that make up my course and help my

students better master YouTube marketing. I've also got built in Wistia video

hosting for all my different video lessons included.

I've got simple PayPal integration and Stripe integration so that I can offer

my students an easy way to pay for my course. I can even have live or

pre-recorded evergreen type of webinars within Kajabi to promote my course. I was

able to really easily create a website to not only feature my online course but

also deliver really great blog post content, opt-in offers and all sorts of

other marketing goodies. I could easily create landing pages for different

opt-in offers to get people on my email list and best of all make a really crazy

good sales page for my first of hopefully many

courses or digital products that entice people to actually buy these courses or

products. I can also manage affiliates for my programs if I want to get other

people on board with promoting certain online course or product and I can

quickly and easily build a sales funnel that doesn't feel one bit slimy putting

any of these different features that Kajabi offers me into play to convert

browsers to my website into buyers thanks to Kajabi's really remarkably

simple pipeline too. I can even create quizzes or surveys within my courses, my

website or my landing pages! That's crazy! With Kajabi I could even get rid of my

CRM and if you don't know what that means its customer relationship

management which is a highfalutin way to say like an email kind of service that

helps you connect with your clients and your prospective clients. I can email

those on my list, segment them in to different categories based on behavior

and create nice email sequences for those who sign up for one of my freebie

offers. Kajabi is easy. It's intuitive. It helps you get everything you need on as

far as course creation and marketing without having to pull your hair out at

a cost between a hundred and three dollars and eight hundred and ninety

nine dollars a month depending on which plan you choose and whether you pay

monthly or just in one annual payment, Kajabi is not cheap by any stretch of

the imagination but in my eyes it is worth every single penny and then some. I

did the math for everything I had started building when I was first

creating my course with WordPress and I'm actually saving money from all the

different plugins and services I had to patch together in order to sell my

course. If you really want to create an online course or a membership site or

even offer any number of different digital products and you want to do it

under one magnificent simple roof and you really don't want to sweat on the

coding and other computer labyrinths of torture, Kajabi is gonna be your jam-

even if you wanted actually dig in and do some custom coding kind of magic

Kajabi lets you get under that hood so to speak and do some extra custom things

with code. Could you tell I heart Kajabi? If you'd like to make money by

sharing what's in your noggin go ahead and use the link in the description to

check Kajabi out and try it for free. Yeah I know I said it before in this

video but I will say it again - in my humble opinion out of all the online course

platforms out there and there are a lot and more coming each and every day good

Kajabi is hands-down the best online course platform out there period end of

story. Kajabi made online course creation actually and i'm not kidding here fun

and super simple giving me more time to focus on creating great course content

and so much less time stressing over the technical aspects of it all and it can

get really technical. The customer support at Kajabi is super responsive

and I love the fact that the two creators of Kajabi and all the

developers they have on their team actually listen to the feedback of all

the course creators using their platform and continually add new features based on

our requests. I love me some Kajabi. If you've got any questions about online

courses, digital products, Kajabi or even if you'd like me to come back on the

channel and do like a walkthrough demo tutorial kind of thing just leave a

comment below and I will be happy to oblige

and again if you want to learn more about Kajabi or even try it out just

click on the link in the description below! And that's it for this week guys.

Take care and have a very happy Thanksgiving! Bye guys!

For more infomation >> Online Course Platforms | Why I Chose Kajabi 🖥️ - Duration: 10:40.


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Ungrateful LaVar Ball Just Made SICK Demand Of What He Wants From Trump After He Saved His Son From - Duration: 7:53.

Ungrateful LaVar Ball Just Made SICK Demand Of What He Wants From Trump After He Saved

His Son From China.

After President Trump helped secure the release of three UCLA basketball players from "house

arrest" in China for shoplifting controversy is still swirling.

When the players were freed, thanks to Trump speaking to President Xi, the young men were

sent back to America.

Cody Riley, Jalen Hill and LiAngelo Ball, the younger brother of Los Angeles Lakers

rookie Lonzo Ball all thanked Trump for intervening on their behalf, but not everyone appreciates

what the president did.

LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo Ball, is not accepting of President Trump's help

in the situation one bit and has made a point to bash him every chance he gets.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on Monday night, Ball went on a disgusting rant

diminishing Trump's help, and that is not all he said.

"I would have said thank you if he put him on his plane and took him home," the elder

Ball told Cuomo.

"Then I would have said thank you, Mr. Trump, for taking my boys out of China and bringing

them back to the U.S.

There's a lot of room on that plane.

I would have said thank you kindly for that."

Watch the Video :

Now, that is not the worse of what Ball had to say in this interview, in fact, those are

just the highlights.

Ball went on to downplay the actions of his son essentially saying that shoplifting in

China was not that big of a deal.

"I'm from LA.

I've seen a lot worse things happen than a guy taking some glasses.

My son has built up enough character that one bad decision doesn't define him.

Now if you can go back and say when he was 12 years old he was shoplifting and stealing

cars and going wild, then that's a different thing," he added.

"Everybody gets stuck on the negativity of some things, and they get stuck on them

too long.

That's not me.

I handle what's going on, and then we go from there."

So, LaVar Ball is saying that since President Trump did not invite the players onto Air

Force One, essentially rewarding them for bad behavior, he doesn't need to thank him.

It is evident that LaVar Ball is missing the point, and what makes it even more ironic

is that liberal bootlicker, Whoopi Goldberg gets it.

Last week, Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts on ABC's "The View" expressed their

astonishment over the fact that these players were arrested in the first place.

Then Goldberg went on to say that the players embarrassed the country, President Trump,

and most of all themselves, and the credited Trump for their safe release back home.

"You embarrassed your families, you embarrassed the country, and you embarrassed the president,"

Goldberg said.

"Now I'm not a big fan of the president, but the fact that he had to call and get your

asses out of there is not anything to be proud of or think is cool."

Watch the Video :

Now, it is not often that anyone on the conservative side agrees with any of these ladies on "The

View" but even a broken clock gets it right twice a day, and these women got it right

this time.

Maybe LaVar Ball should take a few notes from these women and say thank you to President

Trump for his help or at the very least he can keep his mouth shut.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Ungrateful LaVar Ball Just Made SICK Demand Of What He Wants From Trump After He Saved His Son From - Duration: 7:53.


The Myth of 'Natural' Sugar - Duration: 6:30.

Up next on SUGARbriety.

Which is worse for you?

7 teaspoons of sugar?

Or this luscious Large Red Delicious Apple?

Table sugar and apples both contain the sugary carbohydrates glucose and fructose.

These are the most common sugars in high carbohydrate foods.

Table sugar.

Also known as sucrose contains one glucose and one fructose joined together.

So it's 50% glucose - 50% fructose.

Why is this important?

Because you need to know what's poisoning you?

And what's not?

Glucose isn't poisoning you unless you're 1.

diabetic or 2. you're eating WAY too much of it.

Which a LOT of people are.

So within reasonable limits, glucose is fine and can be used by your entire body.

All the starchy polysaccharides in rice and potatoes and bread break down to simple glucose

molecules which supply energy anywhere and everywhere your body needs it.

As long as your slender and not metabolically broken, (like me) glucose isn't a big deal.

But then, there's fructose.

Fructose is that naturally sweet sugar found in fruits.

It's also half of table sugar, sucrose.

Fructose is problematic.


Because while glucose can be used everywhere in your body, only your liver can digest fructose.

And nowadays, we're asking the liver to digest WAY too much fructose and our livers just

can't take it.

Too much fructose causes high triglycerides which puts us at risk for heart attacks.

Too much fructose causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease that raises our cancer risk.

Heart disease and cancer are our two biggest killers and eating too much fructose raises

our risks of both.

That's one of the big reasons to avoid sugar.

And yet, many people still have health problems after seemingly removing all the sugar in

their diets.


Dr. David Unwin says, "When I ask patients where they think the

sugar in their diet is coming from, many are genuinely mystified as they have already cut

out all the sugar they can think of – they don't have any puddings or chocolate bars

or sugar in their tea.

Often, thinking 'fruit is healthy', they are eating loads of bananas or pounds of grapes

and wondering why they still gain weight.

A variant of this is drinking too much fresh orange juice or fruit smoothies."

Ah, Dr. Unwin?

Too much fruit, eh?

In the old days fruit was no big deal.

Your liver can handle some fructose and fruits are high in some vitamins like vitamin C.

But nowadays with more and more people eating tons of sugar, becoming diabetic, getting

fat, and getting fatty liver disease, we need to start being a little more cautious about


Yes, the vitamin C from fruit is good.

But will the big dose of fructose erase all those benefits?

For some fruits?


The fructose kills the benefit.

And unfortunately, some of the highest fructose fruits are also the most popular.

Makes sense, they're the sweetest.

Dried fruits like raisins, dates and figs are chock full of fructose.

If you're not young and in perfect health, you probably shouldn't be eating those at


Popular fresh fruits like apples, bananas, pears, and grapes are also extremely high

in fructose.

So let's return to my question: Which is worse for you?

7 teaspoons of sugar?

Or this luscious Large Red Delicious Apple?

Can you guess which?

Let's see.

The seven teaspoons of sucrose in table sugar are 50% fructose.

So they contain 3 1/2 teaspoons of fructose.

This apple contains seven teaspoons of sugar

BUT it's 67% fructose.

So this apple contains 5 teaspoons of fructose.

Since it's higher in fructose, the apple is actually worse for you than the table sugar.

After all, there are lots of other places you can get that vitamin C WITHOUT a big liver

poisoning dose of fructose.

When choosing foods, it's best to use a nutrient density approach.

Pick foods that pack the most nutrients possible without potentially toxic substances like


In a word, vegetables.

All the time health authorities lecture us to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Eat more fruits and vegetables!

You're not eating enough.

Eat more!


Enough with the fruit pushing already.

Fruit has too much fructose!

Jennifer Di Noia, PhD published a list of the most nutrient dense fruits and vegetables

and not one...

single... fruit... made the top 25.

The MOST nutrient dense plant foods are ALL vegetables.

Let me repeat that slightly little differently.

The top 25 MOST nutrient dense plant foods are ALL vegetables.

So HELLO health authorities, why aren't you telling us to eat more VEGETABLES and vegetables?


Forget the fruit!

I'll leave you with this quote from Dr. Georgia Ede,

"It is well established that diets high in sugars are unhealthy, but if you choose to

include some sugar in your diet, the healthiest sources of sugar, in my opinion, are whole

fruits—not fruit smoothies, not fruit sauces, not fruit juices, not even dried fruits—these

are all much higher in sugar than whole fruits and too easy to overeat.

If you have trouble processing carbohydrate or if you are trying to lose weight, you would

be wise to choose low-sugar fruits (such as berries), significantly limit fruit intake,

or even avoid fruit entirely."

Thanks, Dr. Ede.

Makes sense.

I need to lose some weight so I'm going to avoid fruit entirely.


As always, I'm your sweet but not sugary host Ben Fury.

Please subscribe to SUGARbriety.

And also please donate to our nonprofit mission to help save the world from sugar addiction.

Because stopping sugar addiction is up to us.

Thank you and be well.

For more infomation >> The Myth of 'Natural' Sugar - Duration: 6:30.


Chăn ga gối đệm hình Doremon I Drap Doremon trẻ em đáng yêu T-797 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Chăn ga gối đệm hình Doremon I Drap Doremon trẻ em đáng yêu T-797 - Duration: 2:09.


Restore your soul with top 8 Kpop famous songs - Duration: 4:36.

Music is always seen as an inseparable part of one's life

and nothing can motivate your spirit better than songs that convey meaningful messages.

Anti-love, -society , -life or simply breaking one's limits are some popular messages

that Kpop idols send to us through their songs, to make us more confident and energetic.

Let's take a look at some products which have impressive messages from Kpop idols:

For more infomation >> Restore your soul with top 8 Kpop famous songs - Duration: 4:36.


594 Sq Ft Little Cottage in Monte Rio, CA - Duration: 4:37.


For more infomation >> 594 Sq Ft Little Cottage in Monte Rio, CA - Duration: 4:37.


Guilt is a feeling not a verdict | daily sprout 418 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Guilt is a feeling not a verdict | daily sprout 418 - Duration: 0:42.


Johnny Rockets® | Chipotle Chicken Sandwich Review! 🚀🐔 - Duration: 4:59.

peep this out guys it's Ian K back again with another one for ya this time

headed into Johnny Rockets to savor the flavor of their all-new chipotle chicken

sandwich yesir it sure looks pretty tasty and I'm so glad to be checking

this one out is my first official Johnny Rockets review on the channel now being

that this Johnny Rockets said I'm going to does not have a drive-thru because

it's in a mall location let me run inside and scoop this one up and before

I give you my thoughts on it like I always do we'll get right up on it first

for that closer look let's peep this out

Johnny Rockets is dropping some pollo love on us for the holidays in the form of

their chipotle chicken sandwich and I do have to say this is a pretty huge

looking whole-wheat bun guys look at that compared to my hand this is pretty

wide let's crack it open - we've got underneath here plenty of leaf lettuce

and also a nice generous portion of their chipotle ranch sauce in there as

well normally tomato but we absolutely 86'd those let me lift this up a little

further lots of caramelized onions guys take a

look at that they do not skimp on the amount of onions over here at Johnny

Rockets it looks really really tasty and underneath that it looks like we've got

some gooey pepper jack cheese and some crispy looking bacon not bad guys I do

have to say there this is sitting all on top of a pretty nicely grilled chicken

breast I'm gonna try and lift this as much as I can because it is really messy

looks like it is a nice 100% white meat chicken breast in there

connected with more of that pepper jack cheese but guys this is a very messy

sandwich but a very flavorful looking one at that there definitely digging

the presentation of all the goodies on the inside let's get into this right now

this is the all new chipotle chicken sandwich here at Johnny Rockets let's

peep out this flavor definitely messy but in a good way guys plenty of

chipotle ranch sauce to go around let's get into this one right now it's the

chipotle chicken sandwich as part of the holiday menu here at Johnny Rockets

mm-hmm an instant hit of that all white meat chicken breast on this guys with a

little bit of the pepper jack cheese coming up on the back end right now

let's keep going see what all those are the flavors are about mm-hmm caramelized

onion goodness mixed up with a little bit of that chipotle ranch sauce it's

cool but a little bit of heat coming up on the back end nice combination on this

guys I got to say most of the moisture is coming from the grilled onions

themselves as expected they look pretty oily anyway but then you get some nice

coolness and then some heat of that ranch coming up on the back end let me

hit up a piece of this crispy bacon before the close-up mmm yeah this is a

really tasty sandwich guys very flavorful as expected with all those

ingredients under there I do have to say though the pepper jack cheese is

immediately falling back because of that chipotle ranch sauce but that's to be

expected because that is the dominant player with this one and I'm really glad

because it's in the name of this sandwich really diggin the overall

quality the bacon is crispy and everything else just really really melds nicely it's

definitely a two-hander sandwich for sure guys and be careful in the very

back you because everything is gonna fall out the back if you're not careful

here let me just hit this real fast mmm that is really delicious and pardon me I'm

talking with my mouth full here guys but this really is a mouthful of a sandwich

and a very flavorful one guys I'm gonna go in for this bite over here before the

next close-up it's got a combination of everything together there we've got the

caramelized onions and plenty of that chipotle ranch sauce I really want to

get a good hit of that stuff let's hit it up mm-hmm just a crazy delicious

chicken sandwich made to order that really delivers everything that it's

selling here guys along with that thick-cut applewood smoked bacon there I

gotta say that chipotle ranch sauce really nails this one nicely and a

fairly juicy chicken patty that's really helped along by those caramelized onions

really digging a guys really diggin it yeah this is a pretty tasty addition to

the Johnny Rockets holiday menu if you ask me but what do you guys think how

did this one present to you right now aside from the way I described it drop

those comments down below and definitely let me know and as for my overall score

I'm gonna have to give the chipotle chicken sandwich brand-new for the

holidays here at Johnny Rockets

a rock-solid 10 out of 10 this is easily

one of my favorite chicken sandwiches right now and aside from the fact that I

can't really taste the pepper jack cheese too much it's that chipotle ranch

that really makes up for it in a big way with a combination of a little bit of

sizzle and some nice coolness to go with it the flavor just goes so nicely

along with the bacon and the caramelized onions and the semi juicy chicken patty

on its own definitely give this one a shot guys it really is that good and

those are my thoughts I'm one of the latest holiday items here at Johnny

Rockets as we close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I always

say I've got brand new content every single week here on my channel so while

you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay

frosty hey everyone I just wanted to take a quick moment to wish each and

every one of you guys a very happy Thanksgiving definitely enjoy all the

good eats with the people that mean the most in your life and as always thank

you so much for your love and support here on the channel I'll definitely

catch you in the next review we'll see ya

For more infomation >> Johnny Rockets® | Chipotle Chicken Sandwich Review! 🚀🐔 - Duration: 4:59.



For more infomation >> "BOSS ROSS"...THIS GOT NASTY QUICK,"AIN'T NO MO FRIENDS"!!! - Duration: 10:54.


Mix of snow and rain but temperatures ease _ 112217 - Duration: 2:15.

Today we are seeing temperatures much higher than yesterday.

The lows are about 7 degrees higher than Tuesday.

However, you should be aware of a mix of rain or snow in the morning hours, drive with caution

for your morning commute.

Also,... it seems yellow dust could also blow in,... elevating fine dust levels.

After showers let up, we can expect some sunshine, and highs in Seoul and Daejeon will be at

12 degrees Celsius... a lot milder... while Gwangju and Daegu will see the high rising

to 11 degrees Celsius.

The weather won't be as generous for Suneung test takers tomorrow, a mix of snow and rain

is in store for Seoul and surrounding areas in the early hours, so dress warmly and be

extra careful on the roads.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While we'll see temperatures easing up on this Wednesday along with brighter skies in

many regions in South Korea, most parts in North Korea will have mostly sunny skies but

colder highs.

As for major cities in Asia,..

Beijing will be as cold as yesterday, while Tokyo will be rainy.

Meanwhile, Melbourne swelters through its hottest November week in 155 years and Wednesday's

highs will be similar to yesterday at 32 degrees.

Heading to North America, LA could have the hottest ever Thanksgiving this year, this

November 23th is forecasted to be the hottest in nearly 85 years.

As for South America, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro will see showers along with thunder

and lightning again.

Taking you to Europe,...Berlin and Stockholm will be rainy while Moscow will be freezing

at a high of minus 1.

Lastly to Africa, Cape Town will have another rainy day with sunshine in store for Thursday.

That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Mix of snow and rain but temperatures ease _ 112217 - Duration: 2:15.


Anti-Trump Billionaire Posts Costly Billboards In NYC, One Word Leaves Onlookers Stunned - Duration: 4:46.

The hatred expressed by liberals for President Donald Trump is sadly nothing new.

However, one anti-Trump billionaire decided to take things into his own hands and to an

all new low as he paid to place costly billboards in Times Square — and one word seen on them

has left onlookers stunned.

Billionaire Tom Steyer has openly expressed his dislike for President Donald Trump from

the beginning.

However, it seems that his distaste has gradually grown into desperation as evidenced by his

most recent costly purchase.

Shockingly, he purchased and designed ads that are displayed in New York City's Times

Square, costing a whopping $20 million dollars.

The advertisements, which are shown for ten minutes out of every hour, began to display

on November 20th and will continue until New Year's Eve.

Steyer spent the money for the ads, knowing full well that over 350,000 people walk through

Times Square every day, in addition to the million people who come to ring in the New

Year every year.

However, one word that Steyer decided to place on the billboards has left onlookers in shock.

The word across each billboard is "Impeach."

Steyer has used his wealth to buy these ads, to call for the impeachment of President Trump.

Someone should have informed Steyer that he's greatly mistaken if he thinks this is how

impeachment works.


Each of the signs calls on anti-Trump onlookers "to sign a petition calling for Trump's

impeachment at NeedtoImpeach.com," according to Daily Mail.

It shows in real time the growing number of people adding their names to the list.

They have already reached well over 2.6 million, which might sound like a lot, but it's really


The U.S. population is over 323 million and 8.5 million people live in New York City alone.

Furthermore, there's no way to confirm whether each name is a unique and legitimate person.

For all we know, angry liberals are signing away, using multiple emails and fake identities.

But, I digress.

"We're putting a couple of large billboards in Times Square calling for the impeachment

of the president," Steyer said.

"We legitimately feel that this is the huge issue in front of the American people that

no one is standing up for what the overwhelming number of Americans think."

Steyer is so desperate to get Trump impeached, he has even released a campaign-style commercial

promoting his calls for impeachment.

However, one of the broadcasts that the commercial ran during Fox & Friends, the presidents morning

show of choice, was pulled because of negative reactions.

Clearly, this billionaire was so blinded by his rage that he couldn't stop to think

that the viewers of the right-leaning program would also be fans of the President.

In fact, even Democrats disagree with Steyer's goals.

Surprisingly, even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says that there are more important

things to worry about than Trump's impeachment, calling the ad campaign a "distraction."

While there may be several people who agree with Steyer, there are many more who are opposed

to his antics.

In fact, several people on the Internet haven't hesitated to share their distaste.

"Waste of millions.

You just dont put up an ad and website and impeach the President.

I guess he has his reasons for the publicity and what he will get out of it.

Money could be spent for better deeds than this," one social media user wrote.

"Just think of all the good things that could have been done with this much money.

What a shame to waste all this money on a childish, stupid and fruitless attack on the

President," another said, while yet another clearly fed up person added, "the liberal

temper tantrum continues.

These anti-American people make me puke."

Another stated the brutal truth, writing, "Another leftist idiot, that money could

have helped so many people in dire need this Christmas, yet he throws it away on a lost


It's a shame that this man is so blinded by his hate that he not only can't see just

how well President Donald Trump is doing but also can't see how a petition to impeach

the president isn't how any of this works.

Trump has accomplished more good in less than a year than President Barack Obama did in

eight, and you don't get to impeach any president based on the opinion of his opposition.

Clearly, anti-Trump liberals are stubborn and can't admit when they are wrong.

Money may be able to buy a nice billboard, but it won't get them what they want in

this case – President Trump is here to stay.

For more infomation >> Anti-Trump Billionaire Posts Costly Billboards In NYC, One Word Leaves Onlookers Stunned - Duration: 4:46.


Meet the chatty scientist | Undertale | Part 6 - Duration: 23:49.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Undertale

Let's continue this game

Two knights...

Oooh, lab..

There is a camera

Yeah, that's me

I probably need to find the light switch

I dunno who is your robot

What is that?

I dunno

Mew mew kissy cutie...

Let's go upstairs

I don't know what am I supposed to do now

I need to find another way... Go to...

The king's name is... Asgore or whatever...

Go to the castle

Oh, that's all

I need more... Take all of the food and drinks

Why can't I turn off the notifications?

I just realized that my HP is 1...

I need to find more food

It didn't restore my health.. HP..

Ok.. I'm playing the puzzle..

I see the pan

I dunno what is that for?

Let's go back

Who is that?

Oh, that's you


Oh my god.. Seriously, you're so annoying

What is this place?

A note..

Oh, I get it

Is it over?



I think the northern door... is open

I did it


Looks like I'm in the cooking show

Oh well, I can't move


Oh hell no


The phone has the jetpack.. How?


That's the core

I have to go to the core and the elevator will go to... Asgore's castle

I can't use the jetpack again and go to the core. It's easy



I thought we were friends and you should give me the free food



Wait, I picked up the pan and apron

Is it for the cooking show?

Will you stop talking to me

That was easy

Ok, let's stop for now. I will continue this game for the next video

Thank you for watching. Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot. See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Meet the chatty scientist | Undertale | Part 6 - Duration: 23:49.


A Short Film To Highlight The Challenges Women In Our Country Face - Duration: 6:29.

A Short Film To Highlight The Challenges Women In Our Country Face

A Short Film To Highlight The Challenges Women In Our Country Face

For more infomation >> A Short Film To Highlight The Challenges Women In Our Country Face - Duration: 6:29.


Small House in Flat Rock, NC For Sale - Duration: 2:19.


For more infomation >> Small House in Flat Rock, NC For Sale - Duration: 2:19.


High cholesterol symptoms | Do you have high cholesterol? Find out with these 10 symptoms - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> High cholesterol symptoms | Do you have high cholesterol? Find out with these 10 symptoms - Duration: 6:01.


#28 - INDOOR BIKE PARK?! YES PLEASE! Joyride 150 | Biking With Panda - Duration: 6:40.

On this week's episode of Biking With Panda, we drive 4 hours to this massive indoor bike

park, Joyride 150.

It's fairly unique; I think it is the only indoor bike park in Ontario.

Once I paid the rather-expensive $31 entry fee, I tried the beginners area just to get

a feel for how my bike reacts to their features and concrete – it's actually pretty grippy!

The beginner's area is, well, pretty basic.

It's got ramps and skinnies, and generally was full of small children being shuttled

around by their parents.

I was actually surprised at how many were here, and I asked the front desk about it

– they said it was a couple birthdays happening on the same day, otherwise it's not that


Everywhere you ride, there's more lines to explore.

I found "Street Plaza", a classic skate-style BMX park with rails, wall rides, and quarter


It had a bunch of unsupervised kids doing what unsupervised kids do best.

Off the side from the main jump area is this experts-only zone I didn't even bother entering

since I'd probably injure myself just by walking into the room.

I'm not sure if this is a proper entrance to the XC circuit, but, this is the XC circuit.

It's a great pump track that surrounds the main jump area, and if you can maintain speed

without a child getting in your way, you can jump and double most of it.

Joyride has some awkwardly placed rock gardens for those who need a place to crash.

They're well-made, but their placement is just.. questionable at best.

Psycle City leads you away from the jump area up an awkwardly positioned climb around a

blind corner, to the top of the XC circuit section that surrounds the beginners area.

What I found odd is that once you go up here there's no way back to the jump area without

leaving the XC path again.

Kind of a bummer, but not a big deal at all.

The main pump track in the beginners area is amazingly built and offers many line choices

with options for doubles when riding faster lines, or just easily rolled by novice riders.

Unfortunately little kids do get in the way on this one too.

I tried to remember what it would have been like to ride at their age, how much fun they

must be having, every time they slowed me down.

There's another pump track that kind of looks like an air hockey table got left out

in the rain, but it's not slippery at all and can be fast, but it's not a continuous

loop, you have to exit the track to re-enter.

After exhausting myself with 10 rounds on the pump track to get that single third person

shot, I decided to make my way down to Street Plaza to see some gnarly tricks and, film

my next segment: "HOW TO DO THINGS" - Kill a sweet session spot!

I wanted to film some of the rail grinds they'd been doing, but as soon as you put a camera,

suddenly these kids were all shy.

It's like I farted in the elevator.

I'm a

huge fan of skinnies but I'm not good at them.

It's such a weird thing, you look at them and think oh, no problem!

But the first time you seriously fail at one, you see them differently.

Even the most basic of skinnies then have a strong mental component you must overcome

to ride it and get better.

If I weren't so anxious about them, I might do better – it's one of those vicious


To finish out my evening at Joyride, I finally figured out how to get up to the XC catwalk

trailhead and rode it to all the way to the front door.

It's been a blast to show you Joyride 150, I ended up riding for two hours and have the

soreness to prove it.

If you liked this, be sure to subscribe, and we'll continue to explore Ontario together!

Until next time, you know what

to do – go ride!

[music by proleter]

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