Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 27 2017

Before you can give oftentimes you need to grow and that's the part of emotional

growth, spiritual growth, and intellectual growth. And I think that sometimes if

we're thinking we can just grow internally I think there's a point where

we seek as humans external direction whether we get a feeling from within I

mean people seek a preacher or religion or or the Bible or or teachings which

there's nothing wrong with studying the teachings it's every bit of importance

to understand history right because it really is history but how you experience

growth and what does that mean to you as an individual, and are you stuck in

your story are you just basically constantly angry, hurt, fearful guilty. I

mean these are emotions that oftentimes are unresourceful they serve a purpose to the person

but they're not always of the highest source okay and we oftentimes can

correct ourselves in the moment and some people talk about referring to the sage

instead of the judge instead of the critic and it's okay to be critical of

certain things but let up on yourself I mean we're we're pure beans and there's

some lot of good in the world yes so the need for actual growth again is mistaken

many a times as some sort of achievement first of all most of us grow up and the

very first thing you're asked is what are you going to be right so people go

for oh my growth is in I want to be of doctor I want to be a lawyer I want to

be this I want to be that so well we need to really check our motivations

there is it because then you will make a lot of money in early nothing wrong all

right about that I'm just saying that coming from a very egoic consumption

oriented Western culture we immediately instill that in our children that this

your you growth factor and your significance both

are attached to which you achieve in life yeah so where I come from is

recognizing the fact that the deepest human need is the growth spiritually

meaning you want to know who you really are as your universal intelligence self

your God self your consciousness self and when we begin to harness that light

within ourselves you can take directions for the most part that direction is you

can't help but want to contribute to your fellow humans and from that passion

occurs passion is very very important when we are expanding into growth

For more infomation >> Growth from the Inside - Dr. Nick Delgado with Zeerak Khan - Simply HealthyTV - Duration: 3:13.


Alan Watts - Vous Êtes Dieu - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Alan Watts - Vous Êtes Dieu - Duration: 3:58.



For more infomation >> EMPIRE


(LETRA) Joias e Verdades - Pablo Martins, MT, Chino... (Prod.1Kilo) - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> (LETRA) Joias e Verdades - Pablo Martins, MT, Chino... (Prod.1Kilo) - Duration: 6:11.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI COLLECTION Climatecontrol, Cruisecontrol, Trekhaak * - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI COLLECTION Climatecontrol, Cruisecontrol, Trekhaak * - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220 CDI BNS CLASS AVANTGARDE, PANORAMADAK! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Estate 220 CDI BNS CLASS AVANTGARDE, PANORAMADAK! - Duration: 0:54.





When I was a kid I had this very strong feeling that no matter what, I would be OK if I dropped

out of school.


To be so young and yet have those thoughts.

But they proved to be one of the biggest inspirations behind what I now do for my life�s work.

Which is helping to create a consciousness shift in our world and creating Collective


It was strange at the time, because it started when I was in elementary school.

Something always made me feel like my potential or my skills were actually being held back

in some sense by continuing with school.

The more I heard of some of the world�s smartest and most successful people being

drop outs, the more I was intrigued.

The older I got, the more I my intuitive feeling about being OK if I left school got stronger.

One day, I finally dropped out of college for good and my entire life began to change.

I went through a process of unlearning some of what I had been taught in school about

myself, my knowledge, my beliefs, and even how I defined my intelligence.

Several times throughout my education I thought I was stupid or not as intelligent as my peers

because of the way school functioned and how we were graded.

I put faith in what my grades meant and in the importance of what I was learning to some


And as I struggled to find interest in memorizing what I felt were useless facts, or supposed

facts, I felt I wasn�t smart.

But as I got older that feeling changed.

Soon enough I knew more about who I was and what I was good at.

I discovered where my brilliance was and what I was meant to do.

As I began to act on that how my life unfolded was incredibly.

I share my journey and where I ended up in my TEDx talk which you can check out below.

I want to get deeper Billy Willson�s story, because like Billy, I had a near perfect GPA

at the time that I dropped out of college.

Guy Drops Out With 4.0 GPA

All of the information you need in to learn things these days is online -or at least almost

all of it.

Now this isn�t to take away from what valuable things you can learn in school, but this is

to say that the way we educate today needs to dramatically change for many reasons.

But that is a whole different discussion.

One student, Billy Willson, from Kansas State University, realized after finishing a semester

with a 4.0 GPA that college was a giant financial scam.

�I purposely made the post controversial because I knew it would help it spread so

much farther,� Willson told USA TODAY College.

�My goal with getting it to go viral is to reach out to those students who feel like

they don�t have a choice, and to encourage those in similar situations as me to reach

their goals and feel comforted in the fact they have someone to relate to.�

Willson made a public notice about his decision to leave college and shared a telling photo

and description on Facebook.

it went viral and you will see why.

Willson also says he has a problem with the pressure facing students to go to college,

and the lack of other options for people for whom college may not be the best path.

�I quickly realized that I was learning so much more outside of class than I was inside

of class (by) reading and informational videos on YouTube,� Willson says.

�I feel like there are a lot of other students just like me who are really driven to learning

and it doesn�t matter what the platform is, they�ll learn anywhere they go.�

�Now that I�ve finished my first semester I think it�s safe to say� FUCK COLLEGE.

Now before all you of you go batshit crazy� i have a few points to make.


Yes I have dropped out after finishing my first semester (with a 4.0 GPA).

And it�s one of the best choices I�ve ever made.

Not because I am averse to learning, but actually the exact opposite.



You may not see it today or tomorrow, but you will see it some day.

Heck you may have already seen it if you�ve been through college.

You are being put thousands into debt to learn things you will never even use.

Wasting 4 years of your life to be stuck at a paycheck that grows slower than the rate

of inflation.

Paying $200 for a $6 textbook.

Being taught by teacher�s who have never done what they�re teaching.

Average income has increased 5x over the last 40 years while cost of college has increased


You�re spending thousands of dollars to learn information you won�t ever even use

just to get a piece of paper.

I once even had an engineer tell me �I learned more in my first 30 days working than in my

5 years of college.� What does that tell you about this system?

There are about a million more ways you�re being scammed into this.. just watch the video

I�m gonna comment if you want to see more.


Colleges are REQUIRING people to spend money taking gen. ed. courses to learn about the

quadratic formula (and other shit they will never use) when they could be giving classes


Though Willson�s math may be slightly off, it is close.

One study by the Government Accountability Office saw a 3x increase in tuition, relative

to the increase in living expenses.

GAO found that:

(1) between 1980 and 1995, average tuition at 4-year public colleges for in-state, full-time

students increased 234 percent, while median household income increased 82 percent and

the Consumer Price Index increased 74 percent;

(2) the increase in colleges� expenditures and a greater dependency on tuition as a revenue

source were the two factors most responsible for the tuition increase;

(3) tuition revenues increased from 16 percent to 23 percent during this period, mainly because

the revenue share provided by states decreased 14 percent;

(4) student grant aid has not kept pace with tuition levels, so students and their families

are relying more heavily on loans and personal finances;

(5) increases in instruction, administrative, and research costs accounted for more than

two-thirds of the 121 percent increase in total college expenditures;

Final Thoughts

Unless you want a job that requires a specific piece of education or unless you are very

clear on what you want to do (and education is required) don�t rush into school and

don�t let society pressure you to take its apparent importance seriously.

I created a very successful business built around my passion.

I hired my friends, love what I do and we are changing the world together.

Can this be the story for anyone?


Why can�t you do something you love?

Why is that even taboo to think?

If you are passionate about something, know how to take action on it and work at it, it

will work out.

It�s one of the key ingredients to almost every success story you hear out there.

I tell young people all the time now, truly focus on what you love and then make a decision

about school.

But learn!

Learn as much as you can through life experience, work and other interests.

More importantly, focusing on developing you!

Self awareness, inner peace, knowing who you are, these skills are incredibly important

and will take you further than anything else.

For more infomation >> UNIVERSITY STUDENT WITH 4 0 GPG DROPS OUT TO TELL OTHERS THAT 'E - Duration: 8:07.


Concreto cai do 50º andar do maior prédio em construção do país e atinge veículos - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Concreto cai do 50º andar do maior prédio em construção do país e atinge veículos - Duration: 2:55.


Joven relata cómo encontró a toda su familia bajo los escombros - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Joven relata cómo encontró a toda su familia bajo los escombros - Duration: 2:27.


Autoridades en Puerto Rico afirman que las pandillas están saqueando tiendas en la isla - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Autoridades en Puerto Rico afirman que las pandillas están saqueando tiendas en la isla - Duration: 2:12.


Joven decidió seguir los pasos de su padre, quien fue rescatista en el terremoto de 1985 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Joven decidió seguir los pasos de su padre, quien fue rescatista en el terremoto de 1985 - Duration: 2:55.


"¿Dónde están las ayudas del gobierno federal?", la pregunta de cientos de puertorriqueños - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> "¿Dónde están las ayudas del gobierno federal?", la pregunta de cientos de puertorriqueños - Duration: 3:10.


Familiares exigen lista oficial de desaparecidos en el terremoto de México ante falta de información - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Familiares exigen lista oficial de desaparecidos en el terremoto de México ante falta de información - Duration: 2:09.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 27/09/2017 - OS FILHOS DE BALAÃO - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 27/09/2017 - OS FILHOS DE BALAÃO - Duration: 2:30.


Puerto Rico teme por sus ancianos, el lado más frágil de la tragedia - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico teme por sus ancianos, el lado más frágil de la tragedia - Duration: 2:18.


Dukes of Hazzard (Unrated) - Movie - Duration: 1:46:55.

For more infomation >> Dukes of Hazzard (Unrated) - Movie - Duration: 1:46:55.


La difícil tarea de los embalsamadores que deben arreglar cuerpos de los fallecidos en el terremoto - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> La difícil tarea de los embalsamadores que deben arreglar cuerpos de los fallecidos en el terremoto - Duration: 2:05.


Gabriela Spanic se reconcilia con su hermana Daniela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Gabriela Spanic se reconcilia con su hermana Daniela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 3:27.


Los niños del terremoto: Sobrevivieron pero deben enfrentar la pérdida de gran parte de su familia - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Los niños del terremoto: Sobrevivieron pero deben enfrentar la pérdida de gran parte de su familia - Duration: 2:56.


Una mujer fue decapitada y sus hijas creen que su padre fue el autor del crimen - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Una mujer fue decapitada y sus hijas creen que su padre fue el autor del crimen - Duration: 4:59.


México: remover escombros con sus propias manos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> México: remover escombros con sus propias manos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:05.



Hi friends, welcome to a new video, how are you?

I´m very happy, and i will told you why

Well, i was searching channels for the Youtube PES Community

And i found a channel that it was not about pes, but, he had a way to give him money with a page, i don´t remember the name, but that isn´t important

So, i go to the link, and it said benefits of transfer me: Whatsapp´s group whit the Suscribers, if you tranfer him, you can come in to his group

So, i started to think and I become to a great idea, I can create a whatsapp´s group, why not?

You´ll comunicate with me very more easy, you can ask me what you want, you can talk with me on private


So, i went to buy a new Sim card

I have the card, of course a phone with whatsapp

I created the group, so we all ready!!!, you have channel´s group

I´m very agog, we can comunicate very more easy

You cant talk me on private, i´ll update states about new videos, so you can see it before

So, i´ll show you the group

This is my private phone, it just will be this moment because i can´t record in the other phone, it´ll not be on the group, it´s just to record

And i´ll show you that all is secure, i´ll not stalk you or something like that, is all real

So you can coming in with all security, i´ll show you right now

So, this is the group

I created today, like you can see there´s my private number that i´ll put out, and there´s the new sim´s number

So you can see it

Enjoy it is very easy

I´ll give you the official link

This one, it´ll be on description and comments of the video

With this you enjoy to the group

You just click it from whatsapp and you will come in

Very easy

If you don´t like this way just send me your telephone number and I add you

So, that are the 2 ways to enjoy

You decided

Well that is the group, like you can see is all normal and secure

You can unite by that 2 ways

Clicking the link, or seending me your number

The 2 ways works

The important thing is that you ENJOY!

And be allot of people in that group

And you send me capture, and you can be in the next video

In the next video´s final or we can do a special video if you want

The important is that you come in, comunicate, and be a more united community

And this was the video, i hope you liked

See you soon



For more infomation >> WHATSAPP´S GROUP!!!! - SPORTS GAMES TUTORIALS - Duration: 5:18.


Manifestaciones en Washington DC en favor de los dreamers | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Manifestaciones en Washington DC en favor de los dreamers | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.


Geostorm Movie Trailer

For more infomation >> Geostorm Movie Trailer


Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TDI SPORT&STYLE 4MOTION R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 2.0 TDI SPORT&STYLE 4MOTION R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 0:56.


Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 110PK 5D Highline R-Line 2+2 jr gar. - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI 110PK 5D Highline R-Line 2+2 jr gar. - Duration: 1:00.


Growth from the Inside - Dr. Nick Delgado with Zeerak Khan - Simply HealthyTV - Duration: 3:13.

Before you can give oftentimes you need to grow and that's the part of emotional

growth, spiritual growth, and intellectual growth. And I think that sometimes if

we're thinking we can just grow internally I think there's a point where

we seek as humans external direction whether we get a feeling from within I

mean people seek a preacher or religion or or the Bible or or teachings which

there's nothing wrong with studying the teachings it's every bit of importance

to understand history right because it really is history but how you experience

growth and what does that mean to you as an individual, and are you stuck in

your story are you just basically constantly angry, hurt, fearful guilty. I

mean these are emotions that oftentimes are unresourceful they serve a purpose to the person

but they're not always of the highest source okay and we oftentimes can

correct ourselves in the moment and some people talk about referring to the sage

instead of the judge instead of the critic and it's okay to be critical of

certain things but let up on yourself I mean we're we're pure beans and there's

some lot of good in the world yes so the need for actual growth again is mistaken

many a times as some sort of achievement first of all most of us grow up and the

very first thing you're asked is what are you going to be right so people go

for oh my growth is in I want to be of doctor I want to be a lawyer I want to

be this I want to be that so well we need to really check our motivations

there is it because then you will make a lot of money in early nothing wrong all

right about that I'm just saying that coming from a very egoic consumption

oriented Western culture we immediately instill that in our children that this

your you growth factor and your significance both

are attached to which you achieve in life yeah so where I come from is

recognizing the fact that the deepest human need is the growth spiritually

meaning you want to know who you really are as your universal intelligence self

your God self your consciousness self and when we begin to harness that light

within ourselves you can take directions for the most part that direction is you

can't help but want to contribute to your fellow humans and from that passion

occurs passion is very very important when we are expanding into growth

For more infomation >> Growth from the Inside - Dr. Nick Delgado with Zeerak Khan - Simply HealthyTV - Duration: 3:13.


Alan Watts - Vous Êtes Dieu - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Alan Watts - Vous Êtes Dieu - Duration: 3:58.


9JKL – New Comedy

For more infomation >> 9JKL – New Comedy


Renault Grand Scénic 2.0-16V T 7 pers 163pk 6bak,airco,el-pakket,trekh. - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Scénic 2.0-16V T 7 pers 163pk 6bak,airco,el-pakket,trekh. - Duration: 0:59.


Donkey Kong Barrel Blast - The Kart Racer...? - DPadGamer - Duration: 1:13:56.

For more infomation >> Donkey Kong Barrel Blast - The Kart Racer...? - DPadGamer - Duration: 1:13:56.


[ENG SUB] 170820 Mamamoo Wish Corner - MOOSICAL in Busan DAY 2 - Duration: 13:34.

S: Oh oh! Pull up your jacket.

H: It's hot.

S: Surprised me there H: It's hot!

S: No, no~

M: That's right, no.

S: There are young kids here.

M: Hyejin-ah! Put this on too.

H: Young kids will know everything eventually.

S: No, NO!

W: They can find out later.

H: Calm down, calm down~

Calm down

Since we're here in Busan,

We prepared a special event for our Busan MooMoos.

A corner inside MOOSICAL

"If I were to describe my wish~"

M: Tell Mamamoo your Fans: Wishes!

M: Ohh~ How did you know? H: *Singing SNSD - Genie*

That's right, 'Tell Mamamoo your wishes'.

Actually this corner was made yesterday. We did this once already.

That's right.

However, it was me and Wheein yesterday..Oh!

Shall we change it this time?

W: Shall we switch? S: Try something new?

W: Shall we go with YKBK and 2YoungGirl?

S: Why?

S: This! (Play a game to decide) W: That? Ok.

S: Shall we try that? All: Okay.

H: So you'll be starting first?

M: Take care of this jacket for me.

S: But we're always paired this way.

H: How about we pair up like this? (Solar/Hwasa - Byul/Wheein)

H: You don't see that often.

S: We just keep talking amongst ourselves!

W: Going back and forth! H: Ok, ok.

S: Is that fine? H: Ok

M: Then can you take this jacke- Ah! We're going in first.

H: Why are you obsessed with that jacket?

W: Bye~!

H: Bye~

W: Wait, wait! Let me leave this behind.

S: So now-

What? What is it?

You did this yesterday, right~?

Oh yeah, how did you know?

I heard everything~


Unnie, you're that side.

S: Oh! Yesterday, we picked each other's. H: Really?

Pick our own? No~ Let's pick for each other.

Okay~ Okay~

S: This is better, right? Fans: Yes!

So before you came in, we asked you to write down any requests you had on a post-it

And here they are filling these boards. Thank you so much.

We will pick them one by one.

We have to pick them quickly and do them quickly.

H: Really? S: There's no time to waste.

I see

Alright, here. I picked one.

Hyejin they want to see 3 'pretentious' poses.

Why did you pick something like that?...

I'll go, 'click - click - click' for you

1, 2, 3


1, 2, 3 Click

My nail fell off..

Let's put that on again later.

S: You have it rough. H: Alright, again.

Let's continue


2 left, right?


H: I have one too. S: That was full of bluffing.

"Can you do an impersonation from this season of Show Me The Money?"

As an avid viewer of SMTM,


'Let me do it again'

Another, another!


H: Another. S: Another one?





H: Was that Woodie Gochild? S: Yeah H: Ah, ok~

The two of us would watch SMTM and send messages to each other on Kakaotalk.

Saying, "This is fun!"

We really enjoyed watching it.

We're not making fun of it, we really enjoy watching the show.

We try to copy them, but since we're not good at it, it turns out like that

I can do Young B

Do it!

What kinda sound was that?!

What was that?

Alright! Let's move on quickly.

"Do a morning call!"

H: Morning call? S: Yes.

'Wake up, it's morning'

'Wake up quickly~!'

S: What did you say? H: Huh?

I didn't hear it. Again, start!


'Wake up, it's morning now'

'Wake up already~'

Alright, unnie's turn now.

Let's give her a nice turn.

S: They want you to speak in Busan dialect. They want you to say unnie.




I'm Lion~

"Yongsun unnie, do 'Strawberry jam is coming out' please"

'Strawberry jam is coming out'?!

What is that?

'Strawberry jam is coming out'

'Jam is coming out I see'

But this!.. this!

There's actually a story behind this, but since I'm just doing it...

Does't make sense, huh?


Alright, another one...

This is the kind of corner it is. A bit all over the place.

H: "Yongsun unn- S: "Sexy-" It's here everyone!!

Sexy dace- AHHHH!!

W: Why are you so shocked seeing a normal person?!

H: Since the two of them are back-

W: It's not like we're monsters.

H: Since they're here, let's take turns sexy dancing. M: That was really funny!

S: Alright, let's do it. M: Huh? W: What?!

M: Just finish your turn and go in quickly.

M: There's no time, go change. H: Sir?

Please turn on the sexiest song you have.

Starting from Hyejin, go!

W: We'll go in this order. M: You'll be doing it without music.

In this standing order.

Ok, give me the song.

You're looking for it, right?

There are none? Oh they just contacted me and said there's no muic.

Let's do it for her, 1 2 3!

That was good!

M: Now go inside and get changed S: We'll be back soon~

Please change the boards for us.

That was funny~

Really funny.

"Please do 'Strawberry jam is coming out'" is here on the floor.

I think Wheein will be able to do it too~

Alright, let's start this.

Let's pick for each other.

Oh that's right, right.

Picking our own is..!

W: Let's each pick one~ M: Kay~

What is that song?

I'm just humming~

I got one.

"Please do the 'Healthy pose' to cheer up MooMoos"

I'll do click - click - click for you

M: That slow? W: Yes.

Do 3 poses.

Do you guys need health right now?

Fans: Yes!!

You got the pace, right?

W: Click *pause* Click M: Got it.

Here I go.

1, 2, 3, 4-




I only said three!

She went overboard-

When you get into these 'Healthy poses', there's no stopping!

There's a course you need to go through.

Alright, Ms Wheein

"Wheein unnie, please do an impression of Ggomo"


How do you copy Ggomo? There are so many requests for that here.

I mean... I really don't know either.

Why don't you talk about when Ggomo stepped on you while running?

This unnie!

When we were home together,

Cats usually react to moving objects, right?

She knows that, so she started shaking a toy near my face while I was lying down!

You know how chilling that was?

I saw from the corner of my eye Ggomo getting ready-

He was in this pose!

I was looking at him like 'Oh no..!'

Then he suddenly starting running at me and BAM stepped on my face!

It really felt-

It was so funny.

I thought he was gonna flatten my face.

There are many stories about Ggomo. There's a fart one as well.. just so many!

Shall we tell them about the fart one too?

I was sleeping and suddenly... a smell that could make you curse started spreading.

Seriously! I didn't know.. I even swore in my sleep

That's how bad the smell was.

I was like, 'What is this ABC' and then-

I opened my eyes, and Ggomo's butt was right here!

He farted on my face and ran away.

Ggomo is a cat everyone, a cat!

I wish they could smell it in person.

W: You can't describe with words.. M: Alright, Wheein.


Can I go first?


"Please do Byulie unnie's part in Yes I Am"

How about it?

Why is your arm behind your back?!

What is this pose?!

This is a new dance-

She scrunches up her face well, doesn't she?

That's Byuli unnie!

Now your turn.

Just like Park Seo Joon from drama Fight My Way, say "Byulie is upset, hing hing!"

Can you teach me how to do this?

You can just do it like this,

Just do it cutely like that.

Make sure to say 'upset' like this.

Who wrote this?!!

Here we go, 1 2 3!

Byulie is upset!


It's really hot here

That was fun~

Really fun.

What else is there?

Yongsun unnie's Strawberry jam!

Why would I do that?

Driving me crazy~

"Unnie, sing one verse from a Justin Bieber song please"

There's that song!

That surprised me! So that's how it felt.

It felt like Grim reapers coming for us.

Grim reapers when we're in white like this?

M: They dress like that these days S: Go ahead with your request

M: We're done. S: Oh you're done?

That one? Ah~

One verse? That's all I know.

I know the dance though.

Fans: Show us! Show us! W: Can we turn on "One Less Lonely Girl"

It's a dance I practiced a lot in my trainee days.

To say she danced to that song only for 2 years is not an exaggeration.

Do you have it?

W: They probably do, it just takes time M: Really?

They're getting it from a music site.

M: Ah~ Streaming? W: Yes.

It says, Please do 'Strawberry jam is coming out' here.

I did it earlier.

M: Do it one more time. S: I already did-

Just while Hyejin is coming out.

I already did this earlier.

But no one knows this!

You can do "Love Story Of A Girl" rap with that!

'The story begins and builds up, it's all about you!'

Alright, Wheein


"I know it's hot, but fighting till the end

Unnie loves what ever you do"

That's what the message says.

Thank you!

She danced to this for two years, but

The beginning and the end have been the same for 2 years.

You start by sliding out!

You turn around and then go out.

You push once, then go out!

And the ending is always like this.

She loves this move.

Because of this dance, we ended 'Piano Man' with this move.


That dance to her is like... 'GRAY' (Signature sound/move)

You're back

Justin, Justin Moober. Enjoyed watching that~

What happened to your nail?

H: I put it back on. M: Why? What happened?

She moved a bit too roughly and her nail fell off earlier.

That incident happened.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 170820 Mamamoo Wish Corner - MOOSICAL in Busan DAY 2 - Duration: 13:34.


Early leaf-peepers visit NH - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Early leaf-peepers visit NH - Duration: 1:33.


View the status of an invoice file in online services for providers - Duration: 2:26.

ReturntoWorkSA's online services for providers makes it easy to search for, view and understand the status of your invoice file upload.

In this video, I'll show you how to search for invoice file upload history and understand the invoice submission status and invoice payment status, and download invoice search results.

To view the status of an invoice file, go to Invoice upload (bulk).

Here you'll find the Invoice search box. Let's search for invoice files uploaded successfully during the last week.

You may experience a bit of a wait time depending on the amount of information the system needs to display.

Let's take a closer look at the Invoices submission status, and Invoice payment status columns.

The first column of the Invoices submission status, Received, indicates the number of invoices that were received in the invoice upload.

The second and third columns, Valid (yes) and Valid (no), indicate how many of the invoices were accepted for processing or not. To view the details, I simply click the numbers under each column.

When we look at the invoices that were valid and accepted for processing, you can see a filtered view of the Invoice search, including:

The Payee and ReturntoWorkSA invoice numbers, which clicking allows you to download the Provider Invoice details as a PDF.

The ePay reference number.

The Claimant name and Claim number.

The Invoice date and status.

The Claims agent.

The Invoice amount, the Amount paid.

As well as the ability to view the Remittance information.

Also notice the little arrow. This handy feature allows you to download the search results as a CSV file.

Let's now look at the Invoice payment status columns. Again we have three columns.

The first column, Paid, indicates invoices that have been paid, which when you click this you get the same filtered view of the Invoice search screen.

Column two, Denied, indicates invoices that were reviewed but the payment rejected. Clicking this number provides additional information that can be printed off.

And column three, Pending, indicates any invoices that are still being processed.

For more infomation >> View the status of an invoice file in online services for providers - Duration: 2:26.


53% say Trump shouldn't comment on NFL - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> 53% say Trump shouldn't comment on NFL - Duration: 11:50.


Find confidence through doing | daily sprout 362 - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Find confidence through doing | daily sprout 362 - Duration: 0:29.


Daisy Fuentes Ruffled Cardigan - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> Daisy Fuentes Ruffled Cardigan - Duration: 11:27.



For more infomation >> BEST FAMOUS KOREAN FOOD "JJAJANGMYEON" with Ibrahim [ARB/ENG][THE HALAL ROAD-04] - Duration: 10:23.


Wouldn't It Be Great - rei brown (Lyrics Enlgish and Spanish) - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Wouldn't It Be Great - rei brown (Lyrics Enlgish and Spanish) - Duration: 3:24.


Daisy Fuentes Embroidered Blouse - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Daisy Fuentes Embroidered Blouse - Duration: 7:42.


What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind! - Duration: 12:36.

What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind!

Operation Highjump (OpHjp) put nearly 5000 U.S. military personnel along with every resource available to the Navy's

disposal in the hands of Admiral Richard Byrd, the Operations Leader of the U.S. Naval mission into the Antarctic.

Think about that for a moment and let it sink in.

Every resource in the entire U.S. Navy was made readily available for Admiral Byrd's team's use.

Although Byrd was chosen to lead the mission for a rather specific reason, which I will later explain,

he was quite qualified and a favorite amongst the American public–the perfect candidate of choice by U.S. Navy and Top


Additionally to Byrd's recruitment another man, Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen, was selected to head-up the task force.

And make no mistake, this was an unusually bold move for the American military at the time as people, nations,

and even world economies were still volatile from war's aftermath.

So we have to ask the following questions:

Why would the U.S. military be seeking to expend so many resources at the risk of great collateral loss to explore such

a harsh region of the Planet Earth as Antarctica?

What was the rush?

What did they know?

What we find is that a lot of the details regarding Operation Highjump have been carefully tucked away over the years.

Wikipedia explains little about the mission officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program,


A United States Naval operation organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge,

Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68.

Operation Highjump commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947.

Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft.

The primary mission of Operation Highjump was to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.

Highjump's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy's report on the operation were as follows:

training personnel and testing equipment in frigid conditions;

consolidating and extending United States sovereignty over the largest practicable area of the Antarctic continent

(This was publicly denied as a goal even before the expedition ended);

determining the feasibility of establishing, maintaining and utilizing bases in the Antarctic and investigating

possible base sites;

developing techniques for establishing, maintaining and utilizing air bases on ice,

with particular attention to later applicability of such techniques to operations in interior Greenland,

where conditions are comparable to those in the Antarctic;

amplifying existing stores of knowledge of hydrographic, geographic, geological,

meteorological and electro-magnetic propagation conditions in the area;

supplementary objectives of the Nanook expedition.

(The Nanook operation was a smaller equivalent conducted off eastern Greenland.)

Interestingly enough many of the actual mission details were shrouded by secrecy, hidden from the American public,

which leads us to where we are now.

An excerpt from a report entitled The Antarctica Enigma reads:

Little other information was released to the media about the mission,

although most journalists were suspicious of its true purpose given the huge amount of military hardware involved.

The US Navy also strongly emphasized that Operation Highjump was going to be a navy show;

Admiral Ramsey's preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that,"The Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with

other governmental agencies" and that "no diplomatic negotiations are required.

No foreign observers will be accepted."

Not exactly an invitation to scrutiny, even from other arms of the government.

Admiral Byrd, was a strategic choice as he was a national hero to the Americans.

He had pioneered the technology that would be a foundation for modern polar exploration and investigation,

had been repeatedly decorated and had undertaken many expeditions to Antarctica and was also the first man to fly over

both poles.

However, the task force itself, remained strictly under the military command of Rear Admiral Richard Cruzen

Unfortunately, the ships central group entered the ice pack off the Ross Sea on 31st December 1946 and found conditions

as bad as had been noted for over a century.

Cebreakers such as the USCGC Burton Island, a ship that had only recently been commissioned and was still undergoing

sea trials off the Californian coast when Operation Highjump was launched,

fought to cut a way through the ice to help the men land.

Richard Cruzen was one of a few men to have located at several 'oases' which were actually the real reason the

expedition team was sent there in the first place, although at the time only those with a top-secret clearance would

truly know the mission's true objective.

An excerpt from the Daviess County Historical Society reads:

According to a Navy report, 1,000 miles of new coastline was discovered on exploratory trips by the Bear and Byrd's sea


Commended by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox for his "superior seamanship, ability, courage, determination,

efficiency and good judgment in dangerous emergencies," Cruzen was one of the 16 members of the 1939-41 expedition who

received the Antarctic Expedition Medal, presented in November 1946.

On Dec. 2, 1946, Cruzen once more set sail for the Antarctic continent.

This time, as Task Force Commander under Admiral Byrd of the Navy's Antarctic Developments Project also known as

"Operation Highjump" Cruzen led a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,000 men, including meteorologists, zoologists,

physicists and experts from oceanography institutes into the adventure of a lifetime.

Besides looking for new scientific data, another purpose of the expedition was to train Navy personnel and to test

standard Navy ships and other equipment in cold weather operations.

Cruzen navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America.

Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition.

Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two "oases," one a region of ice-free

lakes and land.

More than 300,000 square miles of unpathed territory were charted on aerial mapping operations.

Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.

Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic?

What does this mean?

The Hollow Earth Theory

Researchers such as Dr. Brooks Agnew and others have deeply considered the possibility that the earth itself could be

hollow or egg-like.

Although this theory seems hard to comprehend because you have been told exactly opposite your entire life, in school,

and so on.

Entertain this idea for a moment.

What if the earth was hollow?

Would that be possible?

Is there evidence to back this up?

The answer is yes!

Evidence shows that the earth rings like a bell after an earthquake for a period of up to about 60 minutes and that's

why some scientists and researchers say that this is due to the fact that the earth is hollow.

If the earth had a solid core, when and earthquake happened it would likely absorb all of vibration and not resonate it.

This is just one detail that should open your mind to the possibility that a hollow planet is a possibility.

Famous author and lecture, David Icke, explains in his book, Moon Matrix, exactly how the moon is likely hollow as well.

While Icke has been received lately harshly with criticisms, an ActivistPost.com article points out how "Icke believes

that the moon is an inter-dimensional, intensity portal for entities and energies from other dimensions.

He believes that aliens use the moon as a home base for hijacking signals from the universe so that our bodily forms

that are experiencing this virtual reality on Earth, can't fully experience what our creator meant for it to be.

These aliens are the same reptilian shape-shifters that Icke claims are responsible for much of suffering on our planet.

Reptilians want to filter anything beyond our five senses so that it manipulates what kind of world we can experience."

I myself have had the privilege of interviewing David Icke and other hollow earth experts,

such as Rodney Cluff and Dr. Brooks Agnew, personally–pushing me further into accepting that this theory may be more

than just a theory.

Virtually every culture and civilization across the planet, throughout time,

has documented what appears to be the existence of a 'hollow Earth.'

According to Dr. Brooks Agnew, who I have personally interviewed many times,

'a hollow earth is a very real possibility'.

Agnew has focused his studies to the North Pole region, as him and his team plan to one day locate a documented "polar

depression" thus launching test overflights from a "nuclear powered icebreaker."

Brooks and his team plan a scientific expedition to the brim of the hollow earth,

which proves to been unsuccessful at this time due to a lack of funding.

Brooks plans to use a "sun compass" and a "gyroscope" above the 60th parallel to get accurate measurements of the

oceanic depression.

If the rate of change begins to increase than likely the team would be entering the longed elusive "polar depression"

which has been reported by ancient Viking explorers and modern-day seamen alike.

Moreover during an interview on Red Ice Radio, Agnew talked about the formation of planets, Sir Isaac Newton,

and the difference between "thick" and "thin" crust physics, zero gravity and more.

The episode is very interesting to say the least.

Essentially what Agnew was talking about is what's known as a rather large "Graviton".

You know, those rides at the county fair that spin real fast?

They stick you to the wall then the floor lowers.

Oh boy–I can smell the funnel cake and the cotton candy now!

In the interview Agnew continues to get into the possibility of a 'hollow Earth',

questioning the possibility of advanced life within.

Agnew explains how migration patterns of birds could be proof that something to the nature of a hollow earth exists as

birds migrate north for winter in some cases, retreating to a warm area in the polar region.

Additionally it has been reported that the U.S. Navy encountered several UFOs during the Antarctic expedition and

possibly may have had a firefight with at least one of them.

A brief clip of this was allegedly caught on film.

Some also speculate that mermaids and other rare creatures may derive from the inner earth,

sometimes making their way into the upper waters divided by the firmament as mentioned in the Bible.

For more infomation >> What the U.S. Government found, then covered up, in Antarctica will blow your mind! - Duration: 12:36.


12 Easy Homemade Bacon Recipes | Tutorial to Make Bacon Recipes For Your Family #1 - Duration: 11:00.



For more infomation >> 12 Easy Homemade Bacon Recipes | Tutorial to Make Bacon Recipes For Your Family #1 - Duration: 11:00.



hey guys I'm trying to multitask today so I'm cooking dinner eating my lunch

and making my videos but I hope you guys like my title basically put the prank

videos down for now stop looking at those videos and let's talk about

something that's a lot more important especially if you're trying to grow your

channel I see here YouTube it says YouTube will no longer let you make

money off its platform unless your channel reaches ten thousand lifetime

views which we all know and then I'm not gonna read but as I'm talking you can

see what they're saying and then you can pause the video and read what's going on

but I'm just gonna sum it up in a nutshell but there's one part that I do

want to read to you and it's okay it's right here it says YouTube's says this

is designed to help discourage scam artists and content creators that

violate YouTube's policies for making money on the platform the company said

in a blog post now you know what in a way you guys might call me idiot but I'm

gonna say this to you I'm far from idiot and the reason why I'm saying this is I

think that that's a brilliant idea because there's so many people that are

up here abusing the platform to the point of it's ridiculous and they're

making it for youtubers that are dedicated to their channel to make

content and I think that if you do discourage people from getting up here

making videos the ones that are not serious they won't make videos and cause

havoc up here on YouTube and leave the platform for people like myself and

people like you that are watch in this video as we speak they will

leave this space for us to be creative and I think that it's fear that you have

to have on your whole channel as a whole 10,000 lifetime views in order to start

getting your videos monetized that is a key component to YouTube now before it

was you can upload video and then monetize it doesn't make any sense to

monetize anyways I'd monetize my videos I'm at a little over two hundred

thousand views however I'm not making any money at this point yet it has to be

consistent 200,000 views per month I'm in order to see maybe a hundred a

hundred dollars from that revenue but with all that being said youtube has made

some changes and I think that it's for the better and I also like that system

that pops up that lets you know when a video is not appropriate for the

platform I'd rather know before I upload a video that YouTube is not with that

program that YouTube doesn't want that video on their platform I don't need to

hear that my channel is being threatened to be taken down six months later when

I'm doing well on that channel because of some video that I had posted six

months ago so I like the changes that are going on on YouTube and I think that

the changes are also going to let other smaller channels grow and they're also

cracking down on the bigger channels that are doing the clickbait videos that

are making the videos that are violating the terms of YouTube

they're also cracking down not only on the small channels but the big channels

as well I think soon YouTube will have us all at an even platform an even playing

field YouTube has to be aware that if they allow everyone to be at even

playing field everybody will get a chance to grow at their own pace and

then perhaps there will be many many many more PewDiePie's to come if give

the chance and not being treated differently than a big youtuber so I

really feel like this article here did some justice me scrolling upon it and

finding this this information here I don't know how we got way down here but

yeah really go and read the literature that they're talking about in this blog

post here it's very very interesting this whole blog post it's a short little

blog post I love that and it's not like a book long but it's a blog post telling

you basically some of the policies that YouTube was implementing at

this present time to make YouTube a better environment and this post was

posted on April 6 2017 so this wasn't too long ago this is not like this is

some old news this is only a couple of months ago but didn't have to tell me

that I couldn't monetize my videos until I reached 10,000 because it

already shows it on the platform that you're not able to even have that icon

that link will symbol to monetize until you reach 10,000 and you still have to

be reviewed the channel as a whole which is another good thing you want YouTube

to be able to when you reach 10,000 so if they're so-called doing this review

your channel to make sure that you're not breaking the violations of YouTube

so that later on you get community strikes or copyright strikes when your

channel starts to grow let me know from the gate don't even let me indicate

unless I basically have a clean channel that is suitable and is I'm following

all the guidelines to YouTube don't have me making all this content and then as

soon as I start making some revenue you want to stop flagging videos and then

shut me down so with all that being said please subscribe share and like this

making a favorite and always remember to look in the description from relative

search terms of other videos to watch similar or maybe different than the

video that you're watching now and you know videos that you might never

otherwise would have known about if you didn't copy and paste one of those

search terms in YouTube search engines and found it so with that all

being said please subscribe Share and like this video I'm making a favorite and I

already said that but I'm saying it again and I'll see you guys in the next

video bye for now



Grimerica - Duration: 59:59.

For more infomation >> Grimerica - Duration: 59:59.


Preview: Will Riggs Get His Job Back? | Season 2 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Preview: Will Riggs Get His Job Back? | Season 2 | LETHAL WEAPON - Duration: 0:42.


Romeoville IL Drain Clogs 815-630-1024 Romeoville IL Drain Clog - Duration: 1:09.

Romeoville IL Drain Clogs. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


For more infomation >> Romeoville IL Drain Clogs 815-630-1024 Romeoville IL Drain Clog - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 150, AIRCO ECC,17'' LM VELGEN,PDC,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 150, AIRCO ECC,17'' LM VELGEN,PDC,4 ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 0:57.


Lower Back Pain Stretches from Align Wellness Center in Northbrook, Illinois - Duration: 3:06.

- Hi, I'm Dr. Gregg Gerstin, a chiropractor

in Northbrook, Illinois, with Align Wellness Center.

And today I'm going to answer another commonly asked question

of many of our patients.

What kind of stretches should I do for my lower back?

Well, today we're going to go over

three main stretches that I really like.

However, I need to go over some precautions

before we get started.

If any of these cause pain, you need to stop.

If you currently have pain in your lower back,

you need to be looked at

to determine if these are correct for you.

You'll want to see your local chiropractor for that.

If you need help in finding one,

please call or email our office

and we'll help you to find one in your area.

Now the three stretches that we're going to go through

should be done twice a day,

once in the morning and once at night.

And all that they require is a firm surface.

So you could do this on your bed.

You could do this on the floor.

Now I do warn you about doing this in your bed.

It may disrupt someone else who's in your bed,

so be careful with that.

Now let's get into the stretches.

For the first one, you're going to lay down on your back

and you're going to pull your leg up

with your knee bent as far as you can.

You're going to hold this for ten seconds.

Then you're going to straighten your leg as much as you can,

holding your lower leg to your body as close as you can.

Our goal here is not to straighten our knee out.

However, it's to keep the knee bent

and to straighten our lower leg as much as we can.

For an added bonus stretch, you can pull your toe down

and that'll give you a stretch in your calf.

So the stretch winds up being here primarily

and then here second and for the advanced folks.

After that stretch, you're going to bend your knee in

and hold on top.

You're going to pull it up to your chest

and then across your body.

You'll hold this for ten seconds and you should feel

this stretch right here.

If you wind up feeling pain or a stretch in here

we need to change the positioning

and you want to straighten your leg

and pull your leg across your body

till you feel the stretch here.

You'll once again, hold this for ten seconds.

The third and the final stretch

is to bend your knee and put it flat on the table.

You'll then cross your legs over

and if you feel a stretch here the stretch here

will be in the bent knee across your leg.

You'll just push your leg down.

If you don't quite feel the stretch,

we'll start by grabbing underneath your knee

and hold it and if you still don't feel the stretch,

you grab on top of your knee and pull it up

as far as you can.

Once again, the stretch is going to be over here

on the knee that's crossed over.

You'll hold that for ten seconds.

Once you've done that you'll go through

and do your stretches on the other leg.

These three stretches should be done twice a day.

Once in the morning and once at night.

That'll help to lubricate your muscles,

get them ready to go for the day

and get you ready to go for the day.

Now if you wind up having any tenderness

or pain with this,

you do need to see your local chiropractor.

If you have one, great, get into them

if you don't give us a call or an email

and we'll help you to find one.

Once again, I'm Dr. Gregg Gerstin

with Align Wellness Center in Northbrook Illinois.

Looking forward to helping you live a life of optimal health

and well being.

For more infomation >> Lower Back Pain Stretches from Align Wellness Center in Northbrook, Illinois - Duration: 3:06.


NFL Star Asks 1 Question His Anthem-Kneeling Colleagues Refuse to Answer | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:30.

Over the past few days, there have been numerous NFL players, coaches, and other personnel

who have strongly objected to President Donald Trump's Friday night remarks about what

he thought should be done to those who kneel during the national anthem.

While a great many players have participated in the protests since Friday as a way of rebuking

Trump, several have come out in defense of his statement and explained why they refuse

to partake in this meaningless protest.

Broncos defensive end Derek Wolfe is one of the players who has refused to kneel.

On Sunday he issued a statement defending his decision not to kneel, and asked a tough

question of those who do, NBC Sports Pro Football Talk reported.

"But like I said to each their own it's AMERICA!

The greatest country in the world and if you don't think we are the greatest country

in the world and you reside here, then why do you stay?

A lot worse places in the world to call home.

Proud to be an American," read the statement he sent to ESPN.

That's the one question that I can almost guarantee none of the protesting football

players would ever answer.

It's easy to declare that the United States is a terrible place, but it's a lot harder

to find an actual reason that would make you want to leave.

"I stand because I respect the men who died in real battle so I have the freedom to battle

on the field.

Paying tribute to the men and women who have given their lives for our freedom is why I

stand," Wolfe's statement continued.

"But everyone these days likes to find a reason to protest and that's their right.

It's America and you are free to speak your mind.

I just feel it's disrespectful to the ones who sacrificed their lives and it's maybe

the wrong platform," the statement read.

It is important to remember that for all their bellyaching, these NFL players are raking

in millions of dollars.

There are very few other countries in the world where these men could make so much money

for what they do.

In the United States, these players are allowed to make millions of dollars, and then go disrespect

the very flag that gives the opportunity to make vast sums of money.

If they don't like the way things are here, maybe they could try somewhere like Venezuela,

North Korea, or Russia.

I'm sure those countries would definitely give these players the same freedoms to whine

and complain about everything that they have here.

What do you think of Wolfe's statement?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

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