Thursday, September 28, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 28 2017

Hey there.

This is my fourth video on Yemen's disaster, and I haven't talked about Al Queda at all!

After studying Yemen for a number of months, that strikes me as about right.

If I was going to rank Yemen's greatest problems, Violent Jihadists would probably

come in somewhere around number 25.

But that's not how the US government sees it.

For the Bush and Obama administrations nothing mattered more in this country of almost 30

million than Al Queda.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's Machiavellian president recognized this, and milked it for

all it was worth.

I maintain that Yemen's current disaster isn't entirely the fault of the United States.

Yemen has been a country of building pressures for decades.

But Our Al Queda obsession certainly didn't help.

As the most powerful country in the world we put our finger on the scale to make Yemen

just that little bit more screwed up.

And in doing so we may have turned the myth of a powerful and growing Al Queda in The

Arabian Pensinsual into a reality.

The most important factor in Yemen's relationship with violent Jihad is the country's poverty.

It's got a lot of people, and unlike the rest of the peninsula it doesn't have much

in the way of oil resources.

I've mentioned elsewhere the way that Saudi Arabia's hyper-development has hurt the

generally poorer countries of the Muslim World.

Poor countries across Africa and Asia have had their local interpretations of Islam crushed

by Saudi ideas.

Yemen's location, directly to the South of Saudi Arabia, sharing a long and porous

border, means that it has been harder hit than most.

From the establishment of the Republic in North Yemen, the Saudis had built Wahhabi

schools and Mosques.

The Saudis have made great progress with the Sunni population of Yemen, and a surprising

amount of progress with the Zaydi Shia as well, causing great resentment among Yemen's

traditional leaders.

The Houthi rebellion, for example, got started in 2004 as a response to the infiltration

of Wahhabi, Saudi ideology, and its indirect connection to the United States and Israel.

During the first flourishing of Violent Jihad in the 1980's Yemenis were over-represented.

The US-Saudi Jihad in Afghanistan presented a spiritual opportunity for Yemeni youth,

but the economic opportunity was probably just as important.

Saleh turned the returning Jihadists against more local communists, using them to win the

war against the South in 1994.

This history, combined with Yemen's general Wild West vibe made it a comfortable refuge

for Al-Queda.

The USS Cole bombing in Aden in October 2000 provided an early indication of this.

As we mentioned Last time, in 2001 Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh had a problem.

He had used oil revenues to build something that looked kind of like a Modern state.

But oil revenues were fading.

He needed a new source of income.

September 11th gave it to him.

Saleh didn't repeat his 1990 mistake, when he defied the international community to stay

loyal to Saddam Hussein.

In November 2001 he traveled to the United States to meet with Bush and Cheney and declare

conspicuous loyalty for the War on Terror.

He was well rewarded for his choice.

Saleh had already demonstrated his mastery of Yemeni politics, simply by surviving for

a couple decades.

But his playing of the United States as the oil ran out may be his masterpiece.

Throughout the Bush and first Obama administrations he used US weapons and money to secure his


He built out large counter-terrorism forces controlled by his family members, that were

more often used against the Houthis and Southern Separatists than they were used against Al


Saleh's regime should have ended with the decline of the oil money, or at least been

forced to change dramatically.

US Counter-Terrorism money probably gave Saleh another ten years of unaccountable power.

Saleh's actual efforts against Al-Queda militants have been heavily questioned in

the West.

He was reliant on Jihadi Rehabilitation programs of dubious merit, and "surrenders" and

"arrests" that look a lot more like promises to do better than actual punishments.

I think this criticism is merited but kind of misses the point.

Saleh wasn't really running a country.

He was running a negotiation.

The Yemeni government had used Jihadi ideology and money to shore up its power in the 1980s

and 1990s.

Much of Saleh's architecture of power was built on Saudi money and radicalism.

This Was very much in service to Saudi-US Anti-Communist objectives by the way.

It was more than a bit ridiculous to expect Saleh to turn around and ship many of his

major supporters to Guantanamo.

And it turns out that his approach was a lot more effective against Al Queda than the US


Despite all the Saudi money, and history of Jihad, there probably weren't all that many

Al Queda supporters before the acceleration of the drone war.

After the failed Underwear Bombing in the skies over Detroit in 2009, the US forced

Saleh to accept an accelerated program of drone strikes.

These strikes, which tend to take out large numbers of civilians and the occasional wedding

party have probably done more than anything else to recruit members to Al Queda.

The drone strikes certainly didn't help Saleh retain power.

His strategy of using US money to maintain his crumbling government finally fell apart

in 2011.

The Arab Spring brought people to the streets to protest his seemingly endless regime.

More importantly, resentment over the power given to Saleh's immediate family caused

the military to split.

Saleh agreed to give up power in November 2011, after surviving a rocket attack.

This led to a period of barely controlled chaos from 2011 to 2014, and not at all controlled

chaos from 2015 until today.

Saleh has teamed up with the Houthis against the Saudis and members of his old government.

It's a mess.

And this Chaos is great for Al Queda.

For year-long periods

they have managed to take over cities and surrounding territories in Provinces in

Southern Yemen.

They've been pushed out both times, but the Saudi supported government hasn't exactly

been interested in hunting them down.

That government has teamed up with the Jihadists on certain fronts.

In fact, the United States is now de facto allied with Al Queda, just as it was in Syria.

This is what we get for supporting the Saudi agenda.

Our blind focus on Al Queda in Yemen has been completely self-defeating.

Our drone war is Al Queda's best recruiting tool.

Our support for Saleh, long after everybody in the country was sick of him, contributed

to Yemen's fall into chaos.

It's this chaos more than anything else that keeps Al Queda in the Arabian Peninsula

going today.

Our ideas about Yemen have failed completely.

Next time I'll suggest a better way of looking at this mess, and suggest the only way out.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to help me keep making videos

like this one, I suggest you check out my crowdfunding thing on Patreon.

For more infomation >> The Al Qaeda Myth | Yemen 4 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 22 - Duration: 8:00.


Midland - Make A Little

For more infomation >> Midland - Make A Little


Carlos Wizard fala sobre a Aloha Oils e Pirâmide Financeira - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Carlos Wizard fala sobre a Aloha Oils e Pirâmide Financeira - Duration: 3:32.


Barbara D'Urso critica il Grande Fratello vip e Giulia De Lellis: Frasi gravi | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso critica il Grande Fratello vip e Giulia De Lellis: Frasi gravi | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:37.


Emma Marrone e Elisa ai ferri corti: perché hanno litigato.HD - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Emma Marrone e Elisa ai ferri corti: perché hanno litigato.HD - Duration: 4:19.


Vida de Estudante - Racismo na Universidade - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Vida de Estudante - Racismo na Universidade - Duration: 10:22.


The Al Qaeda Myth | Yemen 4 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 22 - Duration: 8:00.

Hey there.

This is my fourth video on Yemen's disaster, and I haven't talked about Al Queda at all!

After studying Yemen for a number of months, that strikes me as about right.

If I was going to rank Yemen's greatest problems, Violent Jihadists would probably

come in somewhere around number 25.

But that's not how the US government sees it.

For the Bush and Obama administrations nothing mattered more in this country of almost 30

million than Al Queda.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's Machiavellian president recognized this, and milked it for

all it was worth.

I maintain that Yemen's current disaster isn't entirely the fault of the United States.

Yemen has been a country of building pressures for decades.

But Our Al Queda obsession certainly didn't help.

As the most powerful country in the world we put our finger on the scale to make Yemen

just that little bit more screwed up.

And in doing so we may have turned the myth of a powerful and growing Al Queda in The

Arabian Pensinsual into a reality.

The most important factor in Yemen's relationship with violent Jihad is the country's poverty.

It's got a lot of people, and unlike the rest of the peninsula it doesn't have much

in the way of oil resources.

I've mentioned elsewhere the way that Saudi Arabia's hyper-development has hurt the

generally poorer countries of the Muslim World.

Poor countries across Africa and Asia have had their local interpretations of Islam crushed

by Saudi ideas.

Yemen's location, directly to the South of Saudi Arabia, sharing a long and porous

border, means that it has been harder hit than most.

From the establishment of the Republic in North Yemen, the Saudis had built Wahhabi

schools and Mosques.

The Saudis have made great progress with the Sunni population of Yemen, and a surprising

amount of progress with the Zaydi Shia as well, causing great resentment among Yemen's

traditional leaders.

The Houthi rebellion, for example, got started in 2004 as a response to the infiltration

of Wahhabi, Saudi ideology, and its indirect connection to the United States and Israel.

During the first flourishing of Violent Jihad in the 1980's Yemenis were over-represented.

The US-Saudi Jihad in Afghanistan presented a spiritual opportunity for Yemeni youth,

but the economic opportunity was probably just as important.

Saleh turned the returning Jihadists against more local communists, using them to win the

war against the South in 1994.

This history, combined with Yemen's general Wild West vibe made it a comfortable refuge

for Al-Queda.

The USS Cole bombing in Aden in October 2000 provided an early indication of this.

As we mentioned Last time, in 2001 Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh had a problem.

He had used oil revenues to build something that looked kind of like a Modern state.

But oil revenues were fading.

He needed a new source of income.

September 11th gave it to him.

Saleh didn't repeat his 1990 mistake, when he defied the international community to stay

loyal to Saddam Hussein.

In November 2001 he traveled to the United States to meet with Bush and Cheney and declare

conspicuous loyalty for the War on Terror.

He was well rewarded for his choice.

Saleh had already demonstrated his mastery of Yemeni politics, simply by surviving for

a couple decades.

But his playing of the United States as the oil ran out may be his masterpiece.

Throughout the Bush and first Obama administrations he used US weapons and money to secure his


He built out large counter-terrorism forces controlled by his family members, that were

more often used against the Houthis and Southern Separatists than they were used against Al


Saleh's regime should have ended with the decline of the oil money, or at least been

forced to change dramatically.

US Counter-Terrorism money probably gave Saleh another ten years of unaccountable power.

Saleh's actual efforts against Al-Queda militants have been heavily questioned in

the West.

He was reliant on Jihadi Rehabilitation programs of dubious merit, and "surrenders" and

"arrests" that look a lot more like promises to do better than actual punishments.

I think this criticism is merited but kind of misses the point.

Saleh wasn't really running a country.

He was running a negotiation.

The Yemeni government had used Jihadi ideology and money to shore up its power in the 1980s

and 1990s.

Much of Saleh's architecture of power was built on Saudi money and radicalism.

This Was very much in service to Saudi-US Anti-Communist objectives by the way.

It was more than a bit ridiculous to expect Saleh to turn around and ship many of his

major supporters to Guantanamo.

And it turns out that his approach was a lot more effective against Al Queda than the US


Despite all the Saudi money, and history of Jihad, there probably weren't all that many

Al Queda supporters before the acceleration of the drone war.

After the failed Underwear Bombing in the skies over Detroit in 2009, the US forced

Saleh to accept an accelerated program of drone strikes.

These strikes, which tend to take out large numbers of civilians and the occasional wedding

party have probably done more than anything else to recruit members to Al Queda.

The drone strikes certainly didn't help Saleh retain power.

His strategy of using US money to maintain his crumbling government finally fell apart

in 2011.

The Arab Spring brought people to the streets to protest his seemingly endless regime.

More importantly, resentment over the power given to Saleh's immediate family caused

the military to split.

Saleh agreed to give up power in November 2011, after surviving a rocket attack.

This led to a period of barely controlled chaos from 2011 to 2014, and not at all controlled

chaos from 2015 until today.

Saleh has teamed up with the Houthis against the Saudis and members of his old government.

It's a mess.

And this Chaos is great for Al Queda.

For year-long periods

they have managed to take over cities and surrounding territories in Provinces in

Southern Yemen.

They've been pushed out both times, but the Saudi supported government hasn't exactly

been interested in hunting them down.

That government has teamed up with the Jihadists on certain fronts.

In fact, the United States is now de facto allied with Al Queda, just as it was in Syria.

This is what we get for supporting the Saudi agenda.

Our blind focus on Al Queda in Yemen has been completely self-defeating.

Our drone war is Al Queda's best recruiting tool.

Our support for Saleh, long after everybody in the country was sick of him, contributed

to Yemen's fall into chaos.

It's this chaos more than anything else that keeps Al Queda in the Arabian Peninsula

going today.

Our ideas about Yemen have failed completely.

Next time I'll suggest a better way of looking at this mess, and suggest the only way out.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to help me keep making videos

like this one, I suggest you check out my crowdfunding thing on Patreon.

For more infomation >> The Al Qaeda Myth | Yemen 4 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 22 - Duration: 8:00.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Official Trailer 2 - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Red Dead Redemption 2 Official Trailer 2 - Legendado PT-BR - Duration: 1:30.


¿Qué es la Ley Jones?, suspendida por el presidente Trump para acelerar la ayuda a Puerto Rico - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es la Ley Jones?, suspendida por el presidente Trump para acelerar la ayuda a Puerto Rico - Duration: 2:04.


Estos son los puntos clave de la propuesta de reforma fiscal presentada por Trump - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Estos son los puntos clave de la propuesta de reforma fiscal presentada por Trump - Duration: 1:41.


Sigue estas instrucciones para no cometer errores en el formulario de renovación de DACA - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Sigue estas instrucciones para no cometer errores en el formulario de renovación de DACA - Duration: 6:51.


Aumentan el tiempo para las labores de búsqueda y rescate en edificios colapsados de México - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Aumentan el tiempo para las labores de búsqueda y rescate en edificios colapsados de México - Duration: 3:12.


Steve Scalise vuelve al Congreso tras ser baleado en una práctica de béisbol en junio - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Steve Scalise vuelve al Congreso tras ser baleado en una práctica de béisbol en junio - Duration: 0:35.


Free eBooks For Gentlemen & What To Expect From The Gentleman's Gazette - Duration: 1:39.

Welcome to the Gentleman's Gazette!

I'm glad you found us!

So first of all, who are we and how can we help you?

One, we are a site about classic men's clothing and style that is timeless and we're not about

fast fashion and high-end designers such as Armani, Gucci, or Dior.

Two, we do our homework and we're really interested in the history of things but we're not about

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Three, our focus is on quality that stands the test of time and we're not into quantity

so if you're here to look for the 30 second iteration of air jordans this is not the place

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We help men to live the modern gentleman lifestyle in all of its facets; we teach you how to

invest wisely into your wardrobe, how a suit should fit, how to tie a bowtie, or how to

dress for your age.

We're not limited to clothing, we also discuss how to host Scotch tasting, how to host a

poker night, or how to get the perfect shave.

Because it was very difficult to find exactly the products that we wanted that met our quality

standards, we simply created our own and you can find all of them in our shop here.

If you haven't already done so, I suggest you subscribe to our youtube channel and sign

up for our free newsletter so you get all the videos and articles right to your inbox.

With the sign up, we give you the free ebook 15 style mistakes and how you can avoid them,

and I also urge you to check out our Black Tie guide because it shows you what kind of

content we provide and what we can do for you.

If you enjoy those I'm sure you'll love the gentleman's Gazette.

For more infomation >> Free eBooks For Gentlemen & What To Expect From The Gentleman's Gazette - Duration: 1:39.


Festival Piauí GloboNews de Jornalismo - O que aprendi - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Festival Piauí GloboNews de Jornalismo - O que aprendi - Duration: 0:31.


Raining in T B I L I S I (Lo-fi Hip Hop Mix ' Chill & Jazz Beats) - Duration: 20:12.

For more infomation >> Raining in T B I L I S I (Lo-fi Hip Hop Mix ' Chill & Jazz Beats) - Duration: 20:12.



For more infomation >> Destiny 2 UNLIMTED FACTION 5-6 TOKENS EACH TIME TITAN FARMING - Duration: 4:22.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ EddyBeatz - Trompete Ainda Mais Crazy - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - DJ EddyBeatz - Trompete Ainda Mais Crazy - Duration: 1:27.


The Pentatonic Scale for Dorian and Lydian You Forgot to Check out - Duration: 14:55.

(Jazz guitar music)

- Hi everybody, my name is Jens Larsen.

In this video, I'm going to take the Hirajoshi scale,

which is a Japanese pentatonic scale,

and I'm gonna show you how that works extremely well

for making some licks with a Dorian or a Lydian type sound.

I'm also gonna show you how, if you take any scale,

but in this case just the pentatonic scale,

how I go about looking for melodic ideas

and finding arpeggios and patterns within the scale

that you can use when you are making lines

and when you're getting used to it.

If you want to learn more about jazz guitar,

about improvising over chord changes,

interesting scales and arpeggios,

then subscribe to my channel.

If you want to make sure not to miss anything,

then click the little bell icon notification

next to the subscribe button.

The hirajoshi scale is a pentatonic scale.

And of course, Hirajoshi is--

I hope I'm not completely slaughtering the name,

is a Japanese word, so it's a Japanese pentatonic scale.

If you check this out on Wikipedia and a few other places,

you'll see they don't really agree on where the root is.

The way I'm going to think about the scale in this video,

because I don't really care too much

about what the root of the scale is

because I'm putting it on top of other chords,

is that if it's in the key of E,

or we think of E as the root here,

then we have this scale.

So E...





And E.


You can look at this as being sort of a pentatonic scale,

if you build a pentatonic scale from the sixth degree

of a major scale, then this is actually what you get.

Because you would use one,

Two, three, five, and six.

Similar if you play one from C major,

it would be one,


Three, five, six.

So that's kinda one way of looking at it.

It's easy to relate to it if we think about it like that

because it's close to how we normally work

with pentatonic scales.

There are going to be a few things

that I'm going to work with.

This is going to be a little bit guitar-oriented

in terms of some of the patterns that I'm using,

and some of the approaches to finding material.

But for the rest, this whole video will actually work

just as well for any other instrument.

It's not really about that,

but I'm going to use a few guitar tricks, so to speak.

The way we play pentatonic scales most of the time

on guitar is two notes per string.

So of course you know...

(musical scale)

This A minor pentatonic scale.

If we take this scale and make it

into a two note per string structure,

then that could be something like that.

(pentatonic scale)

And of course you can do this in five positions

because it's a pentatonic scale.

The reason why I'm doing this,

this might seem less than obvious in the beginning,

but there are just a lot of things

that are really nice to do

with two note per string patterns.

And we already know them because we already checked

out most of the pentatonic scales.

So we might as well try and use them

on other structures that are similar to the normal

minor pentatonic scale that we all know and love so much.

Another way of playing this pentatonic scale

that's really useful is to think of it

as being sort of a small cell

that you can move around in octaves.

And probably anybody who's checked out any kind

of heavy-metal tutorials online will recognize this shape.

(plays Hirajoshi scale)

To start exploring the scale and figuring out

what kind of chords we can use it on,

let's just look at the notes

and see if we can come up with something.

So if we have E...





And of course it repeats,

so E, F#, G, B, C, E.

Then we have two octaves of the scale.

And a few things that sort of jumps out at me,

is if we take the notes...

C...E...and G...

Then we have a C-major triad.

So that's in there.

And we can also take E, G, and B.

Okay, that's here.

Okay, so E, G, and B, that's an E-minor triad.

Another structure that's in there is...

B...E...and F#.

So that's a Bsus4...

And also one that's a little bit less common

would be F#...B, and C.

Which is like an F, dim, sus sharp four triad.

So if we look at those triads,

we can also see that we have actually a complete...

C-Major seven arpeggio in here.

And actually the scale is Cmaj7,

with an added #11.

So that's kinda given us the Lydian vibe.

And this also was telling us we can use this very well

to get sort of a Dorian sound.

Sort of like a Cmaj7(#11).

Like this one.

Over on A, so it would be...

This type of sound.

(Am13 Dorian chord)

Which is probably where I would suggest using this.

The reason I don't use it on E

is we don't actually have a seventh degree.

So we only have the C but we're kind of missing something

that would be a D, or a D#

to get something that we can really use on an E minor.

In my opinion, anyway.

The next thing we can do, is to take some structure

and then try to move that through the scale

just to get a better overview of what's in there.

And see if we can find some arpeggios

or chords that we can use.

And I'm just gonna start with really just looking

at what notes are in there and making sort of

an observation, what is possible to make.

And the voicing that I have here

is a Gmaj7 shell voicing.

Which is contained in the scale

because we have G, B, and F# in the scale.

And if I move that through the scale,

so the idea here is...

This scale is kind of easy to think of on one string

because we have sort of one cluster of notes

which is E, F#, and G.

And then we have B and C.

And then that repeats.

So those patterns really help us

when we need to move something along the neck.

It's like a chord shape, like this, through the scale.

And that's really what I'm going

to be doing in this next example.

So we start with the Gmaj7 shell voicing.

And I'm not going to do it in detail for all the voicings,

but just to show you the idea,

so G...the next note up from G would be a B.

From this B here, the next note is C.

From the F#, the next note is a G.

And then we have this one.

If I do that again, then B moves up to C.

C moves up to E.

And G moves up to B.

And you have a C major shell voicing.

And we can just repeat that, and we get this voicing.

And this voicing.

So all in all...

It's a really interesting sounding voicing.

And they will all work really well

for some sort of A minor Dorian or C Lydian sound.

And of course we can also use them as arpeggios, so...

(jazz guitar arpeggios)

If we start building chords the same way

as we can with a normal pentatonic scale,

then really what we do is just sort of split

the pentatonic scale into a first and second row of notes.

And just put three of those together.

And if we do that with this fingering,

so we have of course...

(pentatonic guitar picking)

this fingering for this scale.

Then we get these voicings.

(strums jazz chord)

And here we have this one, which is sort of like a D7(13)

without a D, or an Am6,

or some sort of C, Cmaj7(#11) without a third.

So that's useful for the kind of sound that we're going for.

The next one, this one,

is the same as this...

If we play it an octave higher.

That's a C major triad and the first inversion.

Then we get this from F#,

which is in fact our B.

So B...sus4 triad.

Then we have...

This, which is like a C Lydian triad inversion.

And then we get the final one,

which is an E minor triad.

So if we take these triads and move them along the neck

in the middle strings, that would be this.

(plays chord voicings)

As I mentioned, there are some things

that are really easy to play if we think

in terms of the two notes per string patterns.

And then some stuff will just sort of fall naturally

within the scale and give us

some great material to work with.

And an example of that could be this pattern,

that's a five note grouping start on this G.


(plays pentatonic pattern)

A similar idea could be a pattern like this.

(plays scale pattern)

And of course, this scale is laid out

quite differently on the fret board,

with the two notes per string type pattern.

And it's more difficult to play than a normal

minor pentatonic scale.

But still, I think this works really well,

and it's a nice way to just come up with some ideas.

And you can use some of the same patterns

that you would normally use in a pentatonic scale.

So in that way it's easy to just use some material,

and get some easy, accessible, melodic ideas from that way.

(plays Dorian Jazz Lick)

The first example starts off with this arpeggio,

which is of course...

The D7(13) chord voicing without the root.

And this an arpeggio I use a lot.

I find it extremely useful, both for the Dorian

and the Lydian sounds.

And actually also just to mixolydian or even,

diminished type of dominant sound.

And here I'm starting with leading notes,

so I'm sliding into the C.

And then I'm using the pattern that I talked about

in the previous example, so that's...

This pattern.

And then from the next string set as well.

And then down to an E.

Skipping down to C.

And ending on the F#, which in this case

is like the 13 on the A-minor.

And of course, I think all these lines,

you can use them on the A minor and also

on the C Lydian sound.

So really, whether it's Dorian or Lydian,

doesn't really matter too much.

And this line would work just as well

if you played it over...

C seventh flat five or #11.

The second example, I'm also playing an A minor chord,

so over this A minor 13.

But again, you can use it on the C as well.

I'm starting with basically the scale minus one note.

So it's the scale minus the C,

and that gives me this E minor at nine arpeggio.


(plays arpeggio)

And I'm playing two octaves left,

down to the E again.

Then we get a C shell voicing.

And then an F#.

And then just down the scale,

to end on the ninth of the A minor.

(jazzy guitar)

The third example has a background

of a Cmaj7(#11),

of a b5 chord just to really demonstrate

the Lydian idea works quite well.

And the first part of it is an E minor triad,

so this is E minor first inversion triad,

with a leading note.


And then the next part is a Bsus4 triad.

So E minor first.


Then a Cmaj7 arpeggio.

And then I'm repeating the first phrase again.

So there's an E minor first inversion triad

with a leading note.

But I'm playing it from this F#, so...

(jazz guitar lick)

This example is also really emphasizing the Lydian sound

you can use this scale for.

I'm starting with a pattern that's coming

out of this fingering, so...

But I'm playing it descending

so I'm starting on the G, so...

And then just using this octave.

From this B, I'm just using an E minor triad,

and then up to F#.

And here I'm using the F# to just lead

into a Gmaj7 shell voicing.

Followed by a Cmaj7 shell voicing.

And then down the E minor triad,

and then ending on the #11.

(Strums Lydian Chord)

As you can tell, I'm not really that concerned

with which note is the root note in the scale,

and what kind of tonality it implies.

Because the way I use pentatonic scales when I'm playing,

well at least when I'm improvising like this,

is really just a set of notes that have a certain sound.

So they are certain extensions on top of another chord,

and they have certain intervals,

and contain in that way a sound that I can put

on top of another chord.

So I'm really not concerned with

what the root of the scale is,

because I'm anyway mostly using this on two chords,

one of which, the root is not really

even contained in the scale.

And I think that's the most normal way

to really work with pentatonic scales in jazz in general.

If you have an idea for a pentatonic scale

that I should try and go over and work through

like I'm working through this one,

then leave a comment.

And of course, also, if you have an idea

for some sort of arpeggio or structure

that I forgot to talk about,

then you can also leave a comment on that

because the more complete we have in terms of--

the more material we have on the scale, the better.

And it can sometimes be difficult

to just spot all the chords that are in there, of course.

If you wanna learn more about jazz guitar,

and this is the first time you see one of my lessons,

then subscribe to my channel.

I publish a new lesson every Thursday,

and I've been doing this for quite some time.

So there's already really a lot of material

available on my channel.

I'm really grateful for the support

that I get from my patrons.

It's because of the support that I get

through my Patreon page that I can keep

on making all these videos.

And if you want to help me keep making videos,

then check out my Patreon page.

If you support me over there,

then I can also give you something in return.

That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching,

and until next week.

For more infomation >> The Pentatonic Scale for Dorian and Lydian You Forgot to Check out - Duration: 14:55.


인생은 한방! 28억짜리 고래 똥 걸려 떼돈 번 남자 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 인생은 한방! 28억짜리 고래 똥 걸려 떼돈 번 남자 - Duration: 6:13.


Farming Simulator 17 FISHING RIVER BOAT - Duration: 5:37.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I make this video for fun this a flying River boat You can transport with it grain or seed and fertilizer 15.000l Capacity.

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 FISHING RIVER BOAT - Duration: 5:37.


How to mine Decred - Using Linux CPU ( CPUminer ) - Duration: 4:06.

decred - How to mine decred on Linux (CPU)

This video will demonstrate how to create an account at suprnova pool and how to mine decred using the CPU of a computer running Ubuntu linux.

Follow me on steemit: @virtualcoin

Open your browser, access the suprnova website and create a new account.(Link in the description)

Now, create a worker account.

Update your apt-get database, using the command below:

Install the required packages using the following commands:

Now, let's clone the CPU miner program called cpuminer:

Compile and install the cpuminer

Use the following command to start mining decred

REMEMBER to replace my account virtualcoin.bcc for your worker account and password.

For more infomation >> How to mine Decred - Using Linux CPU ( CPUminer ) - Duration: 4:06.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Renault Mégane 1.5 dCi Bose (R-LINK2/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.5 dCi Bose (R-LINK2/Climate/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.


Renault Mégane 1.6 dCi GT-Line (Camera/R-link2/BOSE/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.6 dCi GT-Line (Camera/R-link2/BOSE/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:56.


Renault Captur TCE 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/Cruise/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCE 90pk Dynamique (R-link/Climate/Cruise/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 1:02.


Renault Clio TCE 120pk GT-Line (Camera/R-LINK/BOSE/P.Glass/Climate/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCE 120pk GT-Line (Camera/R-LINK/BOSE/P.Glass/Climate/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:57.


The Al Qaeda Myth | Yemen 4 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 22 - Duration: 8:00.

Hey there.

This is my fourth video on Yemen's disaster, and I haven't talked about Al Queda at all!

After studying Yemen for a number of months, that strikes me as about right.

If I was going to rank Yemen's greatest problems, Violent Jihadists would probably

come in somewhere around number 25.

But that's not how the US government sees it.

For the Bush and Obama administrations nothing mattered more in this country of almost 30

million than Al Queda.

Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's Machiavellian president recognized this, and milked it for

all it was worth.

I maintain that Yemen's current disaster isn't entirely the fault of the United States.

Yemen has been a country of building pressures for decades.

But Our Al Queda obsession certainly didn't help.

As the most powerful country in the world we put our finger on the scale to make Yemen

just that little bit more screwed up.

And in doing so we may have turned the myth of a powerful and growing Al Queda in The

Arabian Pensinsual into a reality.

The most important factor in Yemen's relationship with violent Jihad is the country's poverty.

It's got a lot of people, and unlike the rest of the peninsula it doesn't have much

in the way of oil resources.

I've mentioned elsewhere the way that Saudi Arabia's hyper-development has hurt the

generally poorer countries of the Muslim World.

Poor countries across Africa and Asia have had their local interpretations of Islam crushed

by Saudi ideas.

Yemen's location, directly to the South of Saudi Arabia, sharing a long and porous

border, means that it has been harder hit than most.

From the establishment of the Republic in North Yemen, the Saudis had built Wahhabi

schools and Mosques.

The Saudis have made great progress with the Sunni population of Yemen, and a surprising

amount of progress with the Zaydi Shia as well, causing great resentment among Yemen's

traditional leaders.

The Houthi rebellion, for example, got started in 2004 as a response to the infiltration

of Wahhabi, Saudi ideology, and its indirect connection to the United States and Israel.

During the first flourishing of Violent Jihad in the 1980's Yemenis were over-represented.

The US-Saudi Jihad in Afghanistan presented a spiritual opportunity for Yemeni youth,

but the economic opportunity was probably just as important.

Saleh turned the returning Jihadists against more local communists, using them to win the

war against the South in 1994.

This history, combined with Yemen's general Wild West vibe made it a comfortable refuge

for Al-Queda.

The USS Cole bombing in Aden in October 2000 provided an early indication of this.

As we mentioned Last time, in 2001 Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh had a problem.

He had used oil revenues to build something that looked kind of like a Modern state.

But oil revenues were fading.

He needed a new source of income.

September 11th gave it to him.

Saleh didn't repeat his 1990 mistake, when he defied the international community to stay

loyal to Saddam Hussein.

In November 2001 he traveled to the United States to meet with Bush and Cheney and declare

conspicuous loyalty for the War on Terror.

He was well rewarded for his choice.

Saleh had already demonstrated his mastery of Yemeni politics, simply by surviving for

a couple decades.

But his playing of the United States as the oil ran out may be his masterpiece.

Throughout the Bush and first Obama administrations he used US weapons and money to secure his


He built out large counter-terrorism forces controlled by his family members, that were

more often used against the Houthis and Southern Separatists than they were used against Al


Saleh's regime should have ended with the decline of the oil money, or at least been

forced to change dramatically.

US Counter-Terrorism money probably gave Saleh another ten years of unaccountable power.

Saleh's actual efforts against Al-Queda militants have been heavily questioned in

the West.

He was reliant on Jihadi Rehabilitation programs of dubious merit, and "surrenders" and

"arrests" that look a lot more like promises to do better than actual punishments.

I think this criticism is merited but kind of misses the point.

Saleh wasn't really running a country.

He was running a negotiation.

The Yemeni government had used Jihadi ideology and money to shore up its power in the 1980s

and 1990s.

Much of Saleh's architecture of power was built on Saudi money and radicalism.

This Was very much in service to Saudi-US Anti-Communist objectives by the way.

It was more than a bit ridiculous to expect Saleh to turn around and ship many of his

major supporters to Guantanamo.

And it turns out that his approach was a lot more effective against Al Queda than the US


Despite all the Saudi money, and history of Jihad, there probably weren't all that many

Al Queda supporters before the acceleration of the drone war.

After the failed Underwear Bombing in the skies over Detroit in 2009, the US forced

Saleh to accept an accelerated program of drone strikes.

These strikes, which tend to take out large numbers of civilians and the occasional wedding

party have probably done more than anything else to recruit members to Al Queda.

The drone strikes certainly didn't help Saleh retain power.

His strategy of using US money to maintain his crumbling government finally fell apart

in 2011.

The Arab Spring brought people to the streets to protest his seemingly endless regime.

More importantly, resentment over the power given to Saleh's immediate family caused

the military to split.

Saleh agreed to give up power in November 2011, after surviving a rocket attack.

This led to a period of barely controlled chaos from 2011 to 2014, and not at all controlled

chaos from 2015 until today.

Saleh has teamed up with the Houthis against the Saudis and members of his old government.

It's a mess.

And this Chaos is great for Al Queda.

For year-long periods

they have managed to take over cities and surrounding territories in Provinces in

Southern Yemen.

They've been pushed out both times, but the Saudi supported government hasn't exactly

been interested in hunting them down.

That government has teamed up with the Jihadists on certain fronts.

In fact, the United States is now de facto allied with Al Queda, just as it was in Syria.

This is what we get for supporting the Saudi agenda.

Our blind focus on Al Queda in Yemen has been completely self-defeating.

Our drone war is Al Queda's best recruiting tool.

Our support for Saleh, long after everybody in the country was sick of him, contributed

to Yemen's fall into chaos.

It's this chaos more than anything else that keeps Al Queda in the Arabian Peninsula

going today.

Our ideas about Yemen have failed completely.

Next time I'll suggest a better way of looking at this mess, and suggest the only way out.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want to help me keep making videos

like this one, I suggest you check out my crowdfunding thing on Patreon.

For more infomation >> The Al Qaeda Myth | Yemen 4 | Everybody's Lying About Islam 22 - Duration: 8:00.


Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line met Clima, Cruise, Bluetooth en Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line met Clima, Cruise, Bluetooth en Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 0:59.


EDEN - start//end (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 5:35.

It's all wrong

There's no hope

Let's go home

What are we doing

cos I feel like I need to crash...

You're dead wrong

And it's not right

But I think it's time to go

And it breaks my heart you know

but it seems like they're all gone

Been looking for the the stars

since I was like 5 years old

And I been looking at the sky

But it keeps raining on me

like someone was looking down

Been looking at the sky

to show me where where I went wrong

Cos I been looking at the sky

Real friends, dead home town...

Dream clouds, ghost ground

I'm just trying to find the real now

And head now

And head out or maybe just the two of us

That shit just to try and find a way get my head down

And now all I really want is to scream

And now all I really want is to scream

And now all I really want is to scream

And now all I really want is to scream

Oh no

But no one told you That this gon hurt

And oh all we've got is to try to get it right

Be someone

that we stay up all night to be someone

And I could be the reason

Cos I can't be the one to shrug it off

just to try and get it right

And I've got way too many questions

It's all wrong

There's no hope

Let's go home

What are we doing

cos I feel like I need to crash...

You're dead wrong

And it's not right

and I need you to talk me down...

My new draw

forgetting timing

Get fucked up

I stressed time

I've moved on

been disconnected

It's played out

But it keeps raining on me

like someone was looking down

Been looking at the sky

to show me where where I went wrong

Cos I been looking at the sky

It's all wrong

There's no hope

Let's go home

What are we doing

cos I feel like I need to crash...

You're dead wrong

And it's not right

and I need you to talk me down...

My new draw

forgetting timing

Get fucked up

I stressed time

I've moved on

been disconnected

It's played out

I've missed times

Learning through future solecism

Can we build our past right?

Am I living bridges

Is this burning right?

How could you do nothing

you can't take back that you said nothing

To say it's too late

It's too late

Yeah you know you can't go back

You're running out of time

Try to forget it but it won't stop killing you

You try to kill it but it won't stop bleeding

For more infomation >> EDEN - start//end (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 5:35.


Q&A about MOROCCO AFRICA - Duration: 6:09.

For more infomation >> Q&A about MOROCCO AFRICA - Duration: 6:09.


Annihilation Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Annihilation Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration: 1:47.


Fastest Way to Ripen Avocados - 5 Hacks Tested & Reviewed - Duration: 5:23.

Hey guys, have you ever wondered what is the fastest way to ripen an avocado? Well, stay

tuned cause that's coming up. Hey everybody, it's Julia with Konkin Can Do and today, I'm

talking about what is the fastest way to ripen an avocado. Well, I'm going to be honest with

you, I don't know, I haven't actually tried it myself, but I am going to find out for

you right now. I've got five avocados, they're all super green, hard as a rock. I've picked

to top five most common techniques from across the web, claiming to ripen avocados the fastest.

So, we're going to find out. I'm just going to take an avocado and place it in a windowsill.

For technique number two, all you need is a paper bag, an avocado, either a banana or

an apple but I'm going to get crazy a little crazy here and I'm going to do both. Close

it up nice and tight and I'm going to put it on a windowsill. For this next technique,

you're going to need a paper bag, an avocado and about a half a cup of flour. Seal up the

bag and again, you're going to want to put this on a windowsill. For this technique,

all you're going to need is an avocado, tinfoil and a preheated oven. It's super soft. There

is steam coming off of this thing. The pit kinda just falls out. I would say it's a very

similar texture to a sweet potato or a yam. It almost smells like baked chestnuts or something

like that. So, I'm going to give it a try, I'm a little concerned. No, nope. Don't do

it. So this last technique is very similar to the oven technique in that we are wrapping

the avocado with tin foil, and heating it up, but this time, with a hair dryer. So it's

definitely gotten a little bit softer, If you're avocado is just slightly underdone,

then it's definitely worth a try, it's probably would help. This one is just way to green

and it's not going to happen. I'm going to put this on the windowsill beside the regular

avocado because I'm kind of curious to find out if it will ripen any faster. The avocado

feels really nice, it's actually just perfect. The banana and the apple sure look gross.

Nice. I'm going to just go dust this off. Nice. Here's the avocado that I simply left

out on it's own in front of a window for four days. So there you go. This one is definitely

not a s ripe as the ones that were in paper bags. So this is the avocado that was wrapped

in tinfoil that I heated up with a hair dryer. This one actually still feels really hard

and unripe. So I don't even want to open it because it's going to waste an avocado. My

favourite method of all of them was putting the avocado in the paper bag with some flour

and leaving it by a window sill. Not only did this method make the best texture, but

also actually made the avocado taste better. I would say the avocado that wasn't in a bag

was maybe only one day behind the avocados that were in the bag, so it's not going to

be a miraculous thing. I do not recommend using a hair dryer or wrapping it in tinfoil

and putting it in the oven. I'm still trying to get that flavour out of my mouth. So guys,

that is how you ripen an avocado a little bit faster. Don't believe everything you hear

on the internet. This proves it. Thank you guys so much for watching Konkin Can Do and

I hope that you found this helpful. Hit us up, press like, hit subscribe, comment below.

Peace out.

For more infomation >> Fastest Way to Ripen Avocados - 5 Hacks Tested & Reviewed - Duration: 5:23.


This is How You Can Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You - Duration: 4:50.

this is how you can tell if a woman is interested in you ten eye contact eye

contact is a universal symbol of human attraction if she likes you or is

interested in you she is going to make lots of eye contact eye contact is so

basic yet so many men overlook it when they're looking for signs of attraction

in girls they're talking to women naturally avoid eye contact with the guy

they don't like or they are not interested in so if you notice she is

always looking into your eyes than usually women do then she is definitely

interested in you 9 vocal changes both men and women change the tone and the

pitch of their voices when speaking to someone they're attracted to when

speaking to someone we are attracted to our vocal tone tends to go down and

vocal tone changes are easy to notice and detect she's going to do it

automatically without thinking much about it because she's attracted to you

often during flirting the tone gets slower without us being conscious about

it 8 she talks to you all the time if she is not interested in you you will

never hear from her and the opposite is also true if she communicates with you

all the time leave a loving voicemail or a message for you then it is a definite

indicator that she is interested and that you have something she likes you or

is attracted to you I'm noticing if she is always available and she is

frequently communicating with you and is always happy to see you then she is a

keeper don't let her go 7 sharing the self the powerful way women convey

attraction is by sharing stories about themselves usually stories they don't

share with just anyone well this might not happen on the very first meet but

when you're out somewhere and a girl is confiding things about her personal life

for new don't take it for granted she told you because she wants to let

you in six if she glances at you many times she may be sitting with you as

part of the group or she may even be talking to another guy but if you notice

that in the middle of a laugh she almost always glances at you you will know that

this girl desires your attention if a girl is sitting right next to you and

she is feeling all emotional thus making frequent lingered eye contacts then she

is trying to bond with you pay attention to her peaks in emotions and look to see

who her eyes fixate on five if she doesn't keep her distance you all must

have heard of it the personal space which is present in almost every kind of

relationship well it can play a very important role when you are with a girl

when she likes you there is a good chance that she will not concentrate on

the factor of personal space and be fully involved in you on contrary a

woman who doesn't like you will not cross the invisible boundary of personal

space with you and she will definitely notice if you will for position of the

body lots of guys worry about were there or not she's touching her hair or her

clothes or these other super subtle cues reading her body language is actually

much simpler than that a girl could fake interest in you with her body language

but the more she's facing you the more likely she is to be interested 3 she

hugs you does she hug you at every opportunity we only hung people we like

hugging you could be an excuse to get closer to you and experience the feel of

your body perhaps she likes you but can't tell you with words it may be

easier for her to use other strategies like hugging you and making herself very

close to you too she hangs out with you often she suggests hanging out with you

or doesn't hesitate to say yes when you suggest that you hang out

if she's down to hang out when you suggest something and doesn't even check

to see if she's busy that's definitely a good sign that she's into you one talks

about past a relationship many men take this situation to be not in their favors

but the case is quite opposite if she talks about a relationship she had in

the past she is making it clear that attended and she is feeling lonely now

if this is the case then she is probably attracted to you don't assume that she's

still obsessed with her ex-boyfriend consider it an invitation to take his

place thanks for watching subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> This is How You Can Tell If A Woman Is Interested In You - Duration: 4:50.


How to Make Bread in a Crock Pot | Easy Crockpot Bread Recipe Demonstration - Duration: 5:44.

How to Make Bread in a Crock Pot Easy Crockpot Bread Recipe Demonstration

Hello and welcome back to In the Kitchen with Matt, I am your host Matt Taylor, today I

got an excited little episode for you, I am going to show you how to bake bread in a crock

pot, what?

Yes a crockpot.

Let's get started.

All right first we need our bread dough, I have a couple of loaves here ready to go,

here is a short little video on how to make the bread dough.

All right I let these rise a second time, and now they are ready to be baked.

This one I am going to bake in the oven traditionally for 25 to 30 minutes, at 350 degrees F. And

this one we are going to bake in a crockpot, and then we are going to compare the two.

So what you do is you get yourself a large Crock Pot, and if you don't have a large crockpot,

what you can do is, put parchment paper in there, and then just put your dough right

in there, so it will resemble, it will resemble one of the round loaves, as opposed to the

sandwich loaf.

All right then we just put our dough right in there like that, ready to go, then we turn

it on high, we put the top on and then we let it bake for 2.5 to 3 hours.

Until it is nice and golden brown on top, all right time is up, let's go ahead and take

a look, ha ha, look at that.

Bread cooked in the crock pot.

All right now with oven mitts I am going to go ahead and come in here, grab my bread,

all right I am going to go ahead and take this loaf out of the bread pan here.

All right and then I am going to point out some differences right away, so the side there

got more crispy or more hard on the sides, this is the one that was in the crockpot,

this is the one that was baked normally in the oven, a little bit browner on the edges

here, nice little crust, a little bit softer, pretty cool, now look at the tops, as you

might expect this one looks like a normal loaf of bread, this one got these little ridges,

what you might expect from the steam inside of the crock pot cooking the top.

Now let's cut into them and see what we can see.

First let's start with our normal loaf, take my bread knife here and I am just going to

cut the end, look at the inside, it looks really good, it looks like you know how bread

should look.

Give this a little taste, mmm, now let's take our crockpot bread, same ingredients and everything,

same dough, cut off the end here, a little crispier on the edges, and a little bit different

texture on the inside, a little bit more brown, here is the difference, I probably could have

cooked this a little bit less time, that's pretty cool thought the difference.

Let's give it a taste, taste really good the outside crust is nice and hard the inside

is really soft, really cool.

All right our crock pot bread is done, it turned out amazing, now there are some differences

as I showed you, between this loaf and the loaf that was baked traditionally, in the

oven, the crockpot loaf has more crispy or crunchy edges around it, and it turned out

the color was just a bit different then the other one, but it still tastes really good,

so there you go, if you don't have an oven, or your oven is not working, make your bread

in a crockpot.

It is really easy to do, if I can do it you can do it.

I am Matt Taylor, this has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, thank you for

joining me, as always if you have any questions or comments, put them down below and I will

get back to you as soon as I can, thumbs up down in the corner, push it, don't forget

to subscribe to my channel, and check out my other videos, take care.

Time for me to finish eating this slice, oh yeah, mmm, mmm, mmm.

For more infomation >> How to Make Bread in a Crock Pot | Easy Crockpot Bread Recipe Demonstration - Duration: 5:44.


10 TRICKS on DE_NUKE You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:41.

Hey guys, NadeKing here.

In today's video you will see 10 tricks on De_Nuke you probably didn't know yet.

This is the last video in this video series, so make sure to watch those tricks for all

official maps and please hit the like button for those videos,

you will find them faster if you need them again and those likes will help me to produce

more quality content for you guys.

Btw if we collect 2000 likes for this video I will crouch on the hut.

Yep, just like this.

Now lets start and hopefully you will see something new for De_Nuke.

To begin with, I show you one sick pixeledge spot in secret.

This is rather a theorycraft position, but if you could get good spawns, force Ts

back with your nades, have yourself covered with some smokes you could try this spot out.

So let your teammate boost you and let him stand up under you.

Now jump and crouch plus hold your backwards key, which in my case is


It is hard, but possible to get stuck in this position and this angle rarely gets checked

tho, so if they do late secret push you could wait and backfire them to get some really

easy kills.

As you can see, from the enemy perspective it looks like this.

If you are not focused on this place.. you will probably not see that there is somebody

up there.

So supergeneral spot, altough it takes a bit practise to get there and they must play slow

outside round or you have to throw many good nades to force

them back and get to this awesome position.

Alright, now ramp.

You should know that with a casual boost, you could get up here.

But if you stay crouched in this corner there is higher chance that someone will spot you,

so when someone is pushing ramp you need to start taking battles right away.

On this same position, there is actually lower box, so if you crouch here and face downwards

you can do sneaky play and let some enemies past you and stand up and then get

some eazy peazy kills.

This is what it looks like from the enemy perspective again, if you are not focused

on this certain spot, it could easily work for you.

So, this is definitely something to try out and experiment with.

Let me now down below, did it worked for you or not?

T roof.

If you have time and you feel you could make a crazy play or just want some extra info

you could make a cool two man tower.

Ask for a boost right here.

Let your teammate under you stand up.

Break the glass and start jumping.

You can actually spot heaven from here.

So, if you see somebody you can tell it to your teammates, it may be valuable.

Also, if you feel crazy enough you could hit a jumping scout shot and even get a kill from


It would be perfect way to start the round.

This is a great way to spend your time if you are playing a slow round.

Big garage roof.

If Ts are playing slow at outside you can do those jumps and get on this roof.

Now crouch and hug this wall.

Line yourself up with this thingy, so you cant really see it like this.

Now you are in a position, that you have a offangle to Silo, but enemies coming

from outside area can't really see you.

You can use this to your advantage, let them come closer and then jump out from here or

just wait here and tell the info to your teammates.

Choice is yours.

Again a really creative idea to play around, so just have fun with it.

Alright, B bombsite.

You can actually create yourself a really powerful offangle to defend vent and B site


So go to this awesome room, whatever you like to call it and now shoot this door and stop

when you achieve the smallest hole possible.

Now you can actually see vent and the bombsite and if anybody comes here you got a nice little

advantage against him, especially if he comes from vent.

So, this is what it looks like from the enemy perspective.

If you use this spot once or twice in a match.. trust me, it will work really fine.

Just try it out.


If there is good awp in ramp and he is holding this long annoying angle it is really hard

against him, but we could try to wallbang him.

So, take a position like this.

Now aim like shown, in the center of this door window and try to shoot.

Ofcourse you can play around with it and shoot a bit right and a bit left, whatever works

for you.

If you are lucky.. you may get this AWP down and go for the ramp rush.


Next up trick, which takes place in the positions where we have glass.

If you are already next to glass - take out your graffiti and spray it on the glass.

The best ones are the ones, which cover the most area and have a blue color,

because this is the CT color right.

My best one with those requirements is this blue hand imitation.

As you can see from this side of the window the graffiti is not bothering

you, you could easily see through the glass.

On the other side, enemy will see it like this and you got a huge vision advantage against


So, you could use this trick from here like this.

Or next to B bombsite, like this.

Keep in mind that once someone breaks the glass you need to spray your graffiti again.


Here we got a cool one way smoke.

So, you can see them and they can't really see you through the smoke.

Go to this position.

Aim on this little yellow line and use right click throw.

Smoke lands on this edge and this leaves you tiny gap to look through.

You will see people coming towards ramp, altough they can't really see anything.

This is the enemy's point of view.

Keep in mind that he could try to shoot through the smoke, but if he does, he will anywayz

most likely miss it.


T outside.

If there is good CT AWP in big garage and you want to suprise him.

You can suprise him with an awesome offangle with this two man tower.

Make a boost right here on this box.

Now you can see over this roof and if there is anybody in big garage holding

wide AWP angle you should get him with ease.

You can do this boost with two players, but if you don't want to be visible before you

need third guy, who could boost you up on this box.

So, use smoke or third guy, make this boost and clear outsite/big garage area.

Easy as that.

And the last tip for this video.

This is kind of teamplay tip.

I think you know that this molotov from squeaky to CT vent is really common if it is going

to be A hit or even if they go from vent to B, still they may try to molotov

this place.

What you can do?

If you got a friendly teammate in B bombsite and you feel it coming ask for a smoke like


This smoke actually will help you to stay on your position, they can't molly you out

from here.

Also, you got a little vision advantage, as this smoke

provides you some cover.

They can see you, but it is not that easy.

So if they do their casual execute and you have this smoke down.. it is a lot easier

for you to defend the bombsite.

By the way, join with the supergeneral Steam group and as always, hope you improved your

supergeneral CS:GO knowledge and thanks for watching!

Now its really right time to eiter subscribe or click on the next video.

For more infomation >> 10 TRICKS on DE_NUKE You Probably Didn't Know - Duration: 8:41.


John Hunyadi: The Mighty Magyar | Tooky History - Duration: 3:20.

His mom was Hungarian. His dad was a bit of a prick really and lied to his missus about pretty much everything

So, what we do know for a fact is that he was either Romanian, Hungarian, Serbian, Wallachian or Bulgarian

This caused our guy to have all these different names

But his daddy's lady skills are not what made John Hunyadi this amazing

Little is known about Hunyadi's younger days, but we do know that he wasn't of a noble family

He created his own crest and bought his own armor, which made the King of Hungary have no reason

To believe that Hunyadi's in fact not a knight

His first noticeable battle was between the Hungarians and the Turks

Hungary needed a special kind of crazy to win – they needed someone to go Hunyadi-crazy

So, John went Hunyadi-crazy and pretty much single-handedly pushed the Turks back

Hunyadi was regarded as one of the best warriors in the country, and with the fall of Serbia and the approaching Turks

Hunyadi was given titles of Ban of Severin, Voivode of Transylvania, Count of Temes

Captain of Belgrade and Mother of Dragons

Hunyadi was raiding Turkish lands and winning fights with little importance

But it gave him a celebrity status and it really pissed off the Turks

They invaded Transylvania with 70,000 soldiers and were defeated by Hunyadi's 15,000-strong army

The Hungarian King decided to launch a conquering campaign with Hunyadi at helm

After a year of what was known as "The Long Campaign", John went Hunyadi-crazy

He reached the far south, getting rid of Turkish influence in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Herzegovina

So he did alright, I guess

The Turks offered a ten-year truce which was accepted, and everything was going well for Hunyadi

He must have thought how lucky he was that the Pope decided to stay awaa-aaand here comes the Pope with a Crusade

Hunyadi was vocal against the decision, but the Pope got bored waiting for the new Half-Life to come out

So he went with the original plan. As you can guess, the Crusade was a disaster.

Turks beat the Crusaders in the battle of Varna and killed the Hungarian King, with Hunyadi narrowly escaping

After the Crusade, Hunyadi was Governor of Hungary and Regent to the juvenile King

He tried attacking Turks again, but he was defeated and his influence in the country waned

The Turks didn't really take the break of the truce lightly, so they launched a siege of Belgrade

100,000 Turks arrived to a fortified city with just 6,000 mercenaries. John went Hunyadi-crazy for the last time

He left the city and went to the nearby countryside to recruit villagers

Around 30,000 untrained peasants with pitchforks agreed to come with him

Hunyadi, knowing that they weren't militarily knowledgeable, gave them a strategy:

"Instead of losing, how about we just win?"

The peasants thought that would be cool and Hunyadi miraculously defeated the Turks

The Turks went "Maan, screw this!", and didn't attack Hungary for the next 70 years

Following Hunyadi's great victory, the Pope ordered all Christian churches throughout Europe to ring their bell

Every day at noon, as to celebrate the victory in Belgrade. A custom that still exists to this day

John Hunyadi died some 20 days after the siege, most probably from an epidemic that broke out in the troops

If Hunyadi hadn't stopped the Turks, who knows how the world would look like today

He changed the course of history on his own

You should go Hunyadi-crazy over that like button, I think he deserves it

For more infomation >> John Hunyadi: The Mighty Magyar | Tooky History - Duration: 3:20.


What to Expect on a Sunday in the Mormon Church | 3 Mormons - Duration: 9:47.

What happens on a Sunday when you go to a Mormon Church?

Well, we're gonna tell you.


Because, you know, behind the closed doors it's actually a really nice place.


Friendly people talking about Jesus (talking about Jesus),

learning about the scriptures (learning about the scriptures).

Yeah (yeah). Huh (huh).

You're pulling up to the church, what are you gonna see?

Okay, so you're pulling up to the church building and you park.

You open two doors, and then you open two doors again,

and then you go into-- that's the foyer area.

That has no religious meaning, by the way, the two doors,

it's just architecturally, that's that's how we do things--

-because you die-

and then you go through the first veil you walk through these doors and there was this

nice foyer with couches and there's gonna be some programs for what's gonna

happen in a meeting. You'll see some like babies, older people, younger people,

middle-aged people of all ages. And then you're gonna go into this big

sacrament room and it's interesting because when I first went to a sacrament

room it looked like space court. What do you mean by that?

Okay so I'm imagining like Mel Brooks Spaceballs. Uh I wish. So when you

go to most churches, it's in a gym or a nice really nice room. A lot of its in a

gym. I mean they have a stage. And they have a cross on stage and you have like

instruments for the band and like a podium or a mic for the pastor, preacher.

You're not gonna generally see crosses on the outside or the inside. Yeah I mean

we'll have a picture, like art, the picture of Christ on the cross sometimes

like crucifix picture. Maybe. I've seen those in churches but we don't like show

the cross about you know. He died on the cross but the cross isn't the end.

So there's gonna be a prelude, an organist... Wait, wait I didn't finish the space court. Oh.

What's space court? So basically there's like big lights like orbs hanging from

the ceiling so it looks like space court. Yeah it's normal. So you walk into

the foyer. You walk in and you're gonna hear music and that's where you

should generally go towards the music and there's an organist

she may have a chorister up there you know preparing the music. You're gonna see

some hymns right in the top left at the top right. See how it did that? To

them it's right. I mean left. You messed it up. So also you'll

see most men wearing white shirts. You're gonna see three men up there too, that's

the bishopric. Yes. They're stewards over the church. We'll talk about that in a

later episode. And then you've got most of the women

wearing dresses, skirts usually. You don't have to. You can wear a

pantsuit. I like pantsuit HC Clinton. Actually HR

Clinton, Hillary Rodham. Wow. She's not Mormon. You just gave her a plug. How did I

give her a plug, I mentioned her. As you go into the sacrament room and

you're gonna sit down on these pews, pick any spot you want. You wanna sit in the back?

Cool. You wants in the front? Awesome. And if the views are taken they'll open up

the back and there's more chairs yeah so there's gonna be room for you no matter

what you're not going to be sitting on the floor. Yeah and you're gonna want a

couple things. You're gonna want a little program because you can read that and

it'll give you the idea of what's about to happen and then you're gonna want

this green little hymn book with a weird design on the front. Those are

actually pipes from an organ, just so you know. First I actually didn't know what

those were for the longest time. The hymn books are made of pipes? The image, the icon on the green

hand book. You're gonna want that because you're gonna wanna look through the

numbers. Yeah. So a program, family with you, and a hymnbook and you're set.

And they're gonna sing the hymn and then someone is asked to give the opening

prayer and it's not a memorized prayer, it's just a prayer. A personal prayer

just to have an invocation for the meeting. And a benediction at the

end. And then they give the announcements and then we sing another hymn, a more

solemn him about, usually about Jesus Christ, repentance,

something like that. The atonement of Jesus Christ. It prepares us for

the climax of the meeting. You're like why are you calling it a sacrament room?

Well because the sacrament, when we pass out the bread and the water, that is the

moment we come to church, like that's the reason why were there. Yeah. So it's to

you know renew our baptismal covenants. We have to be forgiven. Mentally and spiritually prepared

for that. Now if you're new walking through an LDS Church you don't have to

take the sacrament. You see the see little boys holding, you don't have

to take it, okay? And if you want to, you're more than welcome, you

don't have to. Then there will be speakers so um we don't have we don't

have a pastor yeah so a lot of people like will come on the wait for the

pastor, there's no Mormon pastor. The way it works is the bishop or

someone in the bishopric will ask someone to speak so they'll prepare

a talk. Can be anywhere from two minutes to eight minutes. It can be a

twelve-year-old kid or an 80 year old

person. I've seen it where it's like an old guy and a

young girl. It's just so good. So they'll have a few speakers,

great dynamic. And then there's a theme so all of them speak about the same thing so it's

easy to follow. Sometimes. In my ward, we had free rein.

Really. It's a YSA ward, so free rein, talking about anything you

want. My topics have been crazy. Also in the sacrament meeting there's no like

hallelujah or clapping or Amen brother or anything like that. It's kinda solemn.

So I have been to a ward where that has happened, where it was actually commonplace

Really? So it really depends on the region where you're going to church. Most

likely you will not hear that in your ward. You will hear babies crying.

If you go to a family ward. And if you do it, totally cool. Some people might be like

hmm because it's just not a part... You will be the only one most likely doing

it. But if you hear some guy does something amazing, you're just like...

I just kind of want them to do it so that if I'm in

that ward I'll be like... I want to start like a 1970 slow build up clap one day,

just like... Everyone just starts clapping when they stand up. That's not like a middle school thing? It's like

a 1970s movie. That sounds like me in sixth grade being like an idiot.

No, cuz you watched all the 70s movies. No, I didn't. I watched like Star

Wars I guess that's 70s but they don't slow

clap in that. Maybe that's how John Williams got the idea for the music

he was like... I almost sang the wrong theme song. Steven Spielberg. George Lucas produced it.

There we go. No worries. It all works. I love Star Trek. And then after that it'll be

very different. We have sunday school, Relief Society, Elders Quorum,

priesthood, mission prep, eternal families, a lot. Something that's really cool too

is like there won't be specific needs for each Ward and so the bishopric might

call someone to teach about like family preparedness

or to teach about like finances or to teach about just activities in

general, you know, it's just so great that the church across the world will be

learning the same thing through the manuals but there will be some nuances

there just for that specific ward. Something we didn't touch on and we should--

In the sacrament meeting there is no scripture reading so it's very

rare, just doesn't really happen, when a speaker will be like, "Can you all take

out your Bibles of your Book of Mormons to

Deuteronomy or 2 Nephi. It doesn't happen. We just kind of listen.

Now sometimes once a month you will have what's called fast and testimony

meeting. So you go up and they speak super fast. Yeah, you can, anyone can go up

"Oh yeah I really just love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, I

really believe that Thomas S. Monson was the prophet of God, and that Joseph Smith restored

the gospel and the Book of Mormon is truly a record of the American people

before Jesus Christ and after. And I saw these things in the name of yea. Or

if somebody's like, "I know the Savior lives, I know that Jesus Christ is..." They bear their

testimony. They'll say what they believe. So fast and testimony. Fasting...

Oh I see what you did! You did a fast... Oh! Fast and testimony - before church people will

start a fast and they'll you know fast for someone in need. Which is not

eating or drinking for two meals. Yes. Replace when you're

eating with praying. There won't be any like designated speakers. It's at

will, you can go up to the podium and declare your devotion to Jesus, God, show

how you gain a testimony, give a spiritual experience. It's great. Yeah. And

then afterwards wards sometimes have something called break the fast. Just, just

really in YSA wards though. Is it really? Yeah, it really is. You'll get there. You'll get

there buddy. I don't give that up. Kwaku's like that's the only welfare I

need is the food that's after church. Yeah. Nevermind, scratch the break the fast thing.

You'll probably be disappointed now

you're like, "Oh we're gonna get like coffee and cookies" but if you're watching this and you're our

age, you can go to the YSA ward near ya and they might

have break the fast. Free food. If they don't, you're gonna be real mad at Kwaku. But

anyways. They'll send me a mean tweet. So basically talk to

people at church, super nice people and you'll find that Mormons, like get super

weirdly excited when they're like, "You're not a Mormon? Oh my gosh, sit next to me

please. And they're like, it's like a weird thing where they get like their

first stuffed animal as a kid, like oh my gosh, I love you. I love you so

much. How did you feel, how do you feel?

You know what I mean? So you'll have like the one guy but most people will just be

like, "Alright." I over exaggerated but that's what they're feeling on the inside. That's

true. When there's a non-member, I'm like *yay*. So if you want to come to an LDS

Church, let's say you've been watching the show for a little bit, let's

say you haven't heard of the show and you're interested, don't be afraid, come on

in, we we welcome you. In fact all of our buildings say Visitors Welcome. We want

people who aren't LDS to come and check it out. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..

Go to a Mormon Church, you go onto and check out the meeting houses

and the time. Yeah. You'll figure it out it's super awesome, it's

really cool, way cool. Alright and if you liked this episode, you want

to go to an LDS Church or you just I don't know I'm saying so click the

subscribe button hit the notification bell. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and

Facebook. And then we should probably create like Guppy's own Instagram

someday. If we get big enough. He's been alive for a year. Goldfish don't

last long. The Lord is blessing this place. I think they're actually secretly replacing

like when you like a little kid your dog dies but your parents just replace it. He's

always been real! Yeah, don't lie to me. Okay, we replaced him twice but... Are you serious? No.

For more infomation >> What to Expect on a Sunday in the Mormon Church | 3 Mormons - Duration: 9:47.


You Can Do Better - Design a Winning Day | truTV - Duration: 1:13.

It can be a good day, Tina, remember,

you have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé.

That's very true.

So why do you think your mug is only half full

when Beyoncé's mug runneth over?

You know, I was just thinking that.

So why don't we design a day

that even Queen Bae herself would be proud of?


The first thing you need is a morning routine

that takes you from the sleep world to the awake world,

and there's no better way to do it than exercise.

Now, if doing 30 minutes or an hour of exercise every morning

sounds like torture, just do whatever you can

to make it bearable.

Make it your podcast time or your audio book time.

You know, stimulate the brain and the body.

I guarantee you that sleep for another hour

is not part of Beyoncé's routine.

I really wish it was.

Next, as soon as your workday starts, get some [bleep] done.

Identify your M.I.T.-- your Most Important Task--

and then try and focus on that for the rest of the morning.

"Had some thoughts on the interface.

Can we meet at 1:15?"

Don't let other people hijack your schedule.

As Bill Gates said, no matter how much money you have,

you can never buy more time.

For more infomation >> You Can Do Better - Design a Winning Day | truTV - Duration: 1:13.


4 Ways to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic and Grow Your Ecommerce Business - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 4 Ways to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic and Grow Your Ecommerce Business - Duration: 1:55.


italians react to B1A4 Rollin [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:19.

Hii I'm delly and I'm benny

and now we're going to react to B1A4's Rollin

and like...

we don't know them

of course we already heard of them

it stopped me

how freaking good looking is he???

i know only Bar btw,me too

it's Baron? no

yes? no

no,it's not Baro

but he's handsome

I can't see

it's not Baron

yeah it's not him

his nose is different

cool....ohh here he is

ahhh yes,yes it's him

nice the song

look here it is

no but that blondie one.....I likeeeee him

I like that one with the pink jacket

but also you in orange are good looking

i didn't know he has that voice

it looks like

where BAP filmed honeymoon

yes,it's true

don't fall please

I was nervous with Daehyun

and also with you

I feel sorry for never give a real opportunity to B1A4

because I saw one and it was wayy to cute

and so I didn't really liked it

to me it wasn't that bad only "Solo Day"

well,I also never try to stan them

and they're not too many

if these are all of them but I think yes

here i see the possibility to start to stan a new group

I don't like this

fuck,these visuals

and the voices


i love his voice

really nice

it has a really nice beat

look so swagg

hi Baro

oh god his voice is so nice

I saw video where one of them had long hair

but I don't know who was that

with glasses

but he didn't look good to me

like Jeonghan from Seventeen

but he didn't look that good to be honest (the guy from b1a4)

it's a shame because they look so handsome

the song is so cool

yes,I like it a lot

I mean,I was shook but in a positive way

also these part,are so cool

it's also really nice the video,realy on point

no baby don't fall...don't hurt yourself

see? he didn't pay attention to what you said and he fell


like I said to Daehyun

that she said "he's so pretty" and I was like "omg he's gonna fall"

btw write in the comments their names

tank you,and..

ok we know Baro but

if you would us like to do others of their reaction we'll do it

like other of their songs

yes for sure

omg the blonde one is so handsome

ohhh....I also like him so calm down

no but I like or the one with the pink jacket or the orange one

I like the blonde one or that boy with a pullover with stripes

Baro's rap was like.......omg it was amazing

because he has a cute face

so I didn't think he has a voice like this

write on the comments what you think

and see you next time,bye bye

For more infomation >> italians react to B1A4 Rollin [ENG SUB] - Duration: 4:19.


Mr.T Black IPA von Buddleship || Craft Beer Review - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Mr.T Black IPA von Buddleship || Craft Beer Review - Duration: 4:03.


How to Solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube: Beginner's Roux Method (Easy Tutorial) - Duration: 41:00.

Hello everyone and welcome to this video where we learn how to solve the Rubik's intuitively

using an interesting method.

My name is CriticalCubing and I have been solving the Rubik's cube for over 2 years

now and I can solve one in about 8-9 seconds on average.

The method that we are going to learn is called the Roux method which is an highly intuitive

method and can give you fast times as well.

The current fastest user of this method is Kian Mansour and he can solve a Rubik's cube

in 6 seconds on average.

This video tutorial is going to start from the very basics and explain my way through

how the Rubik's cube works, basics steps of the method so and so forth.

After watching this video, you will be able to solve the Rubik's cube entirely by yourself

without any external help, and you will also be able to teach others how to solve the Rubik's

cube as well.

Before we jump right in and start learning about the method, here are the basics of the

Rubik's cube.

You don't have to memorize them, just watch it once so you understand how the Rubik's

cube works.

Rubik's cube is a 3x3 puzzle which has 6 sides each with its own colored sticker.

The colors on the cube are white, yellow, green, blue, red and orange.

You can think of the Rubik's cube as a 3 story building.

Since this is a 3x3 puzzle, it has 3 layers and you can think of the layers as the floor

on the building.

We have first layer which is the first floor of the building.

We have second layer, which is the second floor of the building.

And finally we have the 3rd layer which is the 3rd floor of the building.

There are 3 main components of the Rubik's cube.

We have the center, edge and corner.

Centers are the middle pieces which hold the cube together.

Centers are only of one color and we have 6 centers of 6 different colors which are

white, yellow, green, blue, red and orange and these centers are on 6 sides of the cube.

The color on the center will be the color of that side, so if you have orange center,

then the whole color of that side will be orange.

If you have yellow center, then the whole color of that side will be yellow etc.

Centers are also stationary so you cannot move the centers individually.

Lets do a quick test.

I move my cube around randomly and no matter how much I move it around, the white center

always stays on the top and the green center always stays in my front.

Centers do not move as they are stationary.

However, you can get the center from one poisition to another by moving the entire layer together.

I can make my green center face on the top by moving the entire middle layer.

Next, I can make my yellow center face on top by moving the entire layer, however I

cannot move the centers individually as they are stationary.

THe entire layer has to move, for moving the center.

This brings us to layers.

The Rubik's cube is a 3x3 puzzle which gives us 6 turnable layers.

These layers move around the respective centers and here is how we name the layers.

The layer which is on the right side of the cube is called R layer, or right layer.

The layer which is on the left side of the cube is the L layer, or the left layer.

Similarly, we have U layer and D layer, the Upper layer which faces on the top, and the

Down layer that faces on the bottom.

Lastly, we have F layer and B layer.

F layer is the front layer and then B layer is the Back layer.

Layers are also sometimes called face.

Instead of saying F layer, you call it F face and similarly B layer becomes B face and so


Next we look at edges.

Edges are pieces which have 2 sticker on them and these edges go between centers.

Edges are unique and you will only have one edge of one kind.

You will not have 2 white and green edges and you will only have 1 white and green edge.

Edges also go between adjacent centers so you won't have edges with opposite center


For example, opposite of white is yellow, so you will never have white and yellow edge

since edges go inbetween adjacent centers and not opposite centers and you cannot place

a edge betwee white and yellow center.

White and green edge will always go inbetween white center and green center.

There are total of 12 edges on the Rubik's cube.

Now we come to corners.

Corners have 3 stickers on them and go inbetween 3 centers.

White green and red corner will go inbetween the white center, green center and red center.

Similarly, white green and orange center will go inbetween white center, green center and

orange center.

There are total of 8 corners and all of the corners are unique so you won't have two of

the same kind.

Corners also won't have white/yellow sticker on them since white and yellow center are

on opposite sides and there is no corner that go inbetween them.


THe moves done on a cube can be denoted as follows.

There are 2 kind of moves.

Normal moves and Prime moves.

In normal moves, you move the layer clockwise, 90 degrees.

So if I can do a R move, then that means you move the R layer 90 degree clockwise.

Primer moves are opposite of normal moves and you move the layer counter clockwise or

anti clockwise.

Prime moves have an apostophe at the end.

So R' move will be be moving the R layer, 90 degrees anti clockwise and R' is denoted

as R with an apostophe.

The other move that we have are Twice moves which are denoted with 2 at the end and that

is basically moving the layer 180 degrees.

So R2 will be moving the R layer clockwise 180 degrees and R2' is the same as R2 move.

Similarly, we use this notation with the other layers as well.

U move.

U' Move.

U2 Move.

L Move.

L' Move, L2 move.

D move.

D' Move, D2 Move.

F Move F' Move F2 Move.

B Move.

B' Move B2 move.

Those are the moves that you can do on the Rubik's cube and the notation for it.

Whew that is a lot of information.

But fret not, you don't have to memorize it.

Just loosly understand it and that's all.

If you have doubts, you can refer this introduction video once more and without further ado, lets

get started with

the solving.

For more infomation >> How to Solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube: Beginner's Roux Method (Easy Tutorial) - Duration: 41:00.


If Max Couldn't Rewind | Life is Strange - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> If Max Couldn't Rewind | Life is Strange - Duration: 4:45.


Weird Tinder Profiles That Are Truly Annoying - Duration: 3:05.

Weird Tinder Profiles That Are Truly Annoying

For more infomation >> Weird Tinder Profiles That Are Truly Annoying - Duration: 3:05.


Vote for the questions in the November 2017 Ask the Vet video! - Duration: 1:22.

SARAH: Hi guys!

SmartPaker Sarah and Dr. Lydia Gray here.

You've asked your questions and now we need you to vote to find out which ones she is

going to answer.

We'll answer the top 5 questions, and in case you don't know how these work cause you haven't

seen one of these before, it's a little bit scary for Lydia.

DR LYDIA GRAY: No, I'm getting better.

SARAH: Because something is going to pop up over her head.

It's very exciting, and you'll see some polls listed over there and there are questions

that are available to vote on.

Keep scrolling cause there's a whole bunch of them.

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The blog will have this video, the Twitter polls, and the poll on the blog so you can

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DR LYDIA GRAY: One stop shopping.

SARAH: That's exactly right.

And then literally shopping for some of the great stuff you see behind us.

So the blog you can send around to your friends and get them to vote as many times as you

want so that your question can win you a gift card if we answer it in the next video.

DR LYDIA GRAY: And get answered.

SARAH: That's exactly right.

You would ultimately get the answer.

But also, you get to go shopping.

To make sure your question gets chosen, don't forget to recruit those folks and get those

votes in.

Thank you for watching, thank you for Asking the Vet, and have a great ride.

For more infomation >> Vote for the questions in the November 2017 Ask the Vet video! - Duration: 1:22.


Top 5 Motocross Helmets Under 300 - Duration: 7:33.

- What's up guys, I'm Chase,

here at Rocky Mountain ATV, MC.

Coming at you with our Top 5 helmets under $300.

So in this video today, we're going to focus

on our Top 5 helmets.

What we feel are the best helmets coming in under $300.

Obviously your helmet's your most important piece

of your safety gear.

We have a very large selection here at Rocky Mountain,

and a very big price range as well.

Anywhere from several hundred dollars

all the way up to around the $800 mark.

But today, we're just focusing on the best helmets sub-$300.

So I'm going to walk through and talk about each one

and cover the key features and the highlights.

And by the end of this I'm going to narrow down

your search and I'm going to help you find

the helmet that has exactly what you are looking for.

If you are in the market for a premium helmet

don't forget we do have your premium helmet buyer's guide.

I do the same thing, but it's our Top 5 Premium helmets.

But without further ado, let's get to it.

So the first helmet that we have up here

is the FG-MX coming from HJC.

Now you probably didn't see this one coming but HJC

has actually been in the helmet game for a very long time.

Since 1971, in fact, and they put a big emphasis

on safety, on comfort and also coming in

at an affordable price point.

Now this helmet, I've actually worn it myself

it's very comfortable, fits true to size.

But don't forget guys, with any helmet,

we have our fit guarantee, so if you ever get a helmet

and you're not happy with the size or the fitment

just send it back to us, in brand new, unworn condition

and we will give you free shipping on your first exchange.

So the FG-MX, very comfortable, true to size,

it's going to come in just around that 3-1/2 pound mark.

Now with the FG-MX, what really stands out to me,

and the reason we selected this to be in our top five,

is at just over $200, its affordable price point,

it's going to be DOT certified,

but it's also SNELL Approved.

Now the reason that's a big safety feature for me,

is if you're not familiar with SNELL,

SNELL is a non-profit organization and they're known

for having some of the highest safety standards

when it comes to motorcycle helmets.

And they just don't certify any helmet.

Manufacturer's have to take their helmets,

send them off to SNELL, seeking their approval,

after they've gone through their rigorous testing.

And this isn't a cheap process, it adds cost to the helmet,

which is why I really like the fact that HJC has

brought you a rock solid helmet.

Cool color ways, as you can see, and you're going to get

SNELL Approved, coming in just over $200.

And that's why we put it here in our Top 5.

So moving on, the next helmet that we have up here

is the MX-9 with MIPS, coming from Bell.

Now Bell needs no introduction, these guys have been

around since the 1950's, that's over 60 years

of helmet making.

Probably one of the most recognizable names

in the helmet industry.

So the MX-9 with MIPS, going to fit true to size,

very comfortable, I've worn this helmet.

What I love there's three different shell sizes

that's going to give a better fitment

depending on the rider's head.

The big safety feature that I want to highlight

here with the MX-9 is going to be on the inside.

So it's already a rock solid helmet,

already a great price point

coming in right around $200 bucks.

But the MIPS liner system was incorporated into

this helmet and that's a big safety feature.

If you're not familiar with MIPS, it stands for

Multi-Directional Impact Protection System.

And what it is, is a yellow liner that

goes between the EPS liner in the helmet

and the comfort liner, and it creates a slip zone.

So it allows the rider's head to slip just enough

in those angular impacts to help disperse

away some of that energy.

So Bell took the MX-9, which was already a rock solid

helmet, had a great price point

and they incorporated the MIPS liner system.

Now MIPS liner is something that you see in a lot

of the high end premium helmets, you now get it in the MX-9,

but you still sitting around right at that $200 mark.

So that's the MX-9 with MIPS, coming from Bell.

So now from the MX-9 with MIPS, we move on to the

F2 Carbon from Fly Racing.

So this helmet fits true to size, it's very comfortable.

You do want to take note though, the cheek pads

on the F2 Carbon are pretty thick.

So if you do have a wider face, just know it might fit

a little bit snug, but those are going

to break in a little bit over time.

So the F2 Carbon, couple key features I want to point out.

First of all, it's one of the lightest helmets

in our lineup coming in just over 3 pounds.

The way they keep it so light, is they use a

carbon fiber, Kevlar composite shell.

Great venting design,

it's going to be DOT and SNELL Approved.

I've already told you how much I like the SNELL rating.

But the big feature here that I want to highlight,

is with the F2 Carbon, this was the flagship lineup

in Fly Racing for many years.

So it was and still is worn by a lot of the top

level riders in the world.

Now their new flagship helmet is the F2 Carbon,

the exact same helmet, but they incorporated the

MIPS liner system into it.

So with the exception of the MIPS liner the F2 Carbon,

is what I consider a premium helmet but you're staying

underneath the $300 mark.

And that is the F2 Carbon from Fly Racing.

So fourth up on the list, I've got the SE4

coming from Troy Lee Designs.

Now some is going to fit true to size.

I've worn it, it's very comfortable,

it's going to come in three different shell sizes

and it's going to be DOT Certified.

Now, when Troy Lee came out with this helmet,

I was actually really excited.

There's a lot of people that absolutely love the

look and the design of this helmet.

Both the SE4 Carbon, which is their flagship model,

you're talking north of $600.

So what they did, is they went from a

carbon fiber construction to a polyacrylate.

And that brought the price point all the way down to $250.

Which I think is an option price point for this helmet.

And there are some other cool features

I do want to highlight.

Probably the best venting design of all the helmets

that I've shown you today.

You're going to have 16 intake vents,

you're going to have 6 exhausts.

So if you're looking for a helmet

that's going to breathe and vent well,

I would definitely put this one at the top of your list.

If we flip it over, we look at the bottom.

Couple big safety features here.

First, if you look at the cheek pads,

emergency cheek pad removal system.

And what those are, you have these little pull tabs

right here, so in the event of a crash,

if you need to get the helmet off the rider's head,

you can pull on these tabs and it just makes it easier

to remove the cheek pads without further injuring

the rider's head.

And on top of that, on the inside, you can see it,

you're going to get the MIPS liner system

incorporated here as well.

I've already talked about that.

Big safety feature when it comes to those angular impacts.

So if you are looking for a helmet that's going

to vent well, that's got the MIPS liner system,

coming in just over the $200 mark,

the SE4 from Troy Lee Designs is a rock solid option.

So the fifth and the final helmet in our lineup,

is going to be the V2 coming from Fox Racing.

So if you were wondering what is one of our most

popular helmets sub-$300, year after year, well,

it's going to be the V2.

The fit is spot on, it's very comfortable,

it comes in three different shell sizes.

It's going to be DOT and ECE Certified.

A couple things about the V2 that I want to point out,

is the eye port is going to be the biggest

of all the helmets that I've had up here today.

I've tried on all these helmets, if you want a helmet

with a bigger eye port, if you have bigger goggles

and you want the maximum amount of space,

the V2 is going to give a really good fitment for that.

Another great feature about the V2,

is when I weighed all these helmets

that I've shown you today, all in a size medium,

V2 actually took the trophy for being the lightest

helmet in the line up, coming in at just over 3 pounds.

And the way they keep that nice and lightweight

is they use a very high quality fiberglass construction.

So the V2, really just does everything well.

It's very comfortable, great venting design,

and I love just how lightweight this helmet is.

That is the V2 from Fox Racing.

All right guys, so thanks for checking out

our Top 5 helmets, what we feel are the best helmets

coming in sub-$300.

Now I know there's probably a helmet

that you didn't see up here, that you have, that you love.

So make sure, comment below, what helmet are you wearing

that comes in sub-$300 and let us know

what you like so much about it.

Because that will definitely help out the viewers

that are looking to pick up their next helmet.

To see all the helmets that we talked about today

and all the great color ways that are available

you can click on the link or head over to our website


Check those out, remember guys,

orders over $75 ship free.

And if you haven't, click, subscribe,

stay up to date on the latest gear, guides, parts,

views and How-To videos that we are constantly rolling out.

I'm Chase at Rocky Mountain, we'll see you on the trails.

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