I think civic responsibility is being kind to everyone in your community
and making sure it's a well structured and safe environment
I think civic responsibility means being aware of what's going on in your community
and making sure you're respectful to the people you interact with
also making sure to keep the community clean
For more infomation >> Split Decisions - Civic Responsibility - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
Swaps: David Hurn on Henri Cartier Bresson - Duration: 1:39.
Swaps: David Hurn on Dorothea Lange - Duration: 1:23.
Swaps: David Hurn on the collection - Duration: 1:37.
How to Store your Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Cryptocurrency Safely - Duration: 5:46.
today you're gonna find out how to store your bitcoins or any other
cryptocurrencies and we're starting right now
fun fact bitcoins aren't actually coins they're bundles of information and a
Bitcoin wallet is just simply a place to store your private keys so that you can
access them to send or receive your funds so they come in different forms
designed for different types of devices you can also get a paper storage to
avoid having them on a computer at all you know because some people are afraid
of hackers which you know sometimes your accounts can get hacked so I will
recommend in this video I will recommend some wallets that I use and some wallets
that are just safe like you you can create a paper wallet it's very easy to
do I can show you in a video it'll take me like five minutes to show that to you
if you're interested in that let me know in the comments and I'll do a video
about how to set up your paper wallet but for now I'm just gonna show you a
bunch of options that you have for storing your Bitcoin alright so first
you have your desktop your desktop wallets and basically what that is is
you download a software onto your desktop another way is mobile wallets
you know you you have those apps on the phone they're a bunch of them on here
there's coinbase I'll link that down below if you hold your Bitcoin there you
can also purchase Bitcoin there there's coinbase blockchain dot info right here
there is there are places like bit bay and sap oh those are also mobile wallets
and they allow you to have a a card to go with them
and this one also like a SAPO card and that allows you to spend your Bitcoin at
feasts on merchants places so those are some good options out of those I don't
really recommend bitpay I've done a video about this earlier I
just got my bit Bay last week the card isn't working yet I've been using SAPO
for that but mostly I use for the mobile wallets the online wallets I use
blockchain and coinbase and SAPO for that so those are your online wallets
you also have the hardware wallets I will link those below as well it's just
a little bit more secure so you have your treasure hardware wallets and your
ledger or nano ledger wallet it's it's a it's like a pendrive USB
that's what it looks like I'll put a picture up here somewhere but it looks
like a pendrive and you can just plug it into the computer it's all very
plug-and-play it's very simple to do but it keeps your your private Keys more
secure plus in the event of a heart Fork when you have your own private keys then
most of them will split like the like how it happened with Bitcoin cash you
know you get an equivalent amount of Bitcoin cash for the amount of Bitcoin
that you held in your your wallets your your hardware wallets or your paper
wallets which brings me to the next point is paper wallets again I can do a
video on that soon if you if you guys like comment below if you do then I'll
make a video about how to set that up it literally takes about five or ten
minutes if you're on the slower side one thing you really gotta understand with
these wallets like a paper wallet you know it has two QR codes one for
sweeping and one for receiving Bitcoin one thing that is really important when
you're looking at a place to store your Bitcoin is this if you have your paper
wallets make sure you keep it in a safe place and make sure you have a copy of
it because if you lose it it's gone those paper wallets you can also set
with a password but if you lose that then it's gone and if you have a bunch
of Bitcoin on there and the prize does end up rising to the moon you know to a
million per coin or a hundred thousand per coin then it's really a shame if
you'd lose that because of you know bad printer that you know you know you can't
scan the QR code anymore you can find the the private key or you just lost the
paper or whatever just make sure you keep it in a safe place and then you can
pretty much look at paper wallets or hardware wallets as a legitimate wallet
to hold your cash in and then Bitcoin becomes literally digital cash if you
lose it you lose it there's no way to get it back but if you keep it you know
as a normal person keeps thar wallet then you're fine you're good to go so
I'll link everything like that down below thank you for watching and I will
see you on the next video
Top 10 best ap computer science book - Duration: 4:27.
rocks wiki's best product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top ten
best have computer science book starting with the list number ten book name
barons AP Computer Science book information three AP practice tests for
the level of course including a diagnostic test charts detailing the
topics for each test question all test questions answered and explained a
subject review covers static variables number nine book name computer science
principles book information for AP registered computer science principles
computer science is the fastest growing field in the world and there are no
signs of slowing just because this is a relatively new field of study number
eight book name cracking the AP Computer Science exam book information everything
you need to help score a perfect five tastes the AP Computer Science exam with
dis comprehensive study guide including two full-length practice tests thorough
content reviews number seven book name Barron's AP Computer Science a book
information this best-selling review manual has been thoroughly updated to
reflect the College Board his elimination of the level AB course and
the update and level a syllabus the new edition presents three full-length AP
practice exams for the level a course number six book named fundamentals of
Java book information Kenneth a Lambert is a professor of computer science at
Washington and Lee University he has taught courses in almost every subject
area of computer science and has published several textbooks in
introductory programming and data structures in C++ Java and Python he is
the co-creator of the Breezy swing framework and is the creator of the
breeze ipython eye framework number five book named Java concepts for AP Computer
Science book information if you really want to master Java it's not enough to
know the code you must begin to think like a programmer and in this newest
edition of his best-selling guide Java concepts programming guru K Horstman
shows you how number four book named AP Computer Science hang and AB RBA book
information book by a gurmann Ernest C albright Richard died - Zeta M Fran
kitty jean-claude Garg nu lay Simon Linh Hong Najarian
J Shipman Gerry our number three book named barons AP Computer Science with C
D book information the new fourth edition of Barron's Advanced Placement
computer science test preparation manual has been updated with a new case study
this new grid world case study will be tested on the AP exam starting in May
2008 number two book named how a computer formula big ideas and the best
of intentions burned book information New York City 1968 the RAND Corporation
had presented an alluring proposal to a city on the brink of economic collapse
using rands computer models which had been successfully number one book named
AP Computer Science he and AB RB a book information would you like to tell us
about a lower price if you are a seller for this product would you like to
suggest updates through seller support thank you for watching our video about
top 10 best AB computer science book to get those AB computer science book
follow the description link bellow and subscribe to our channel for future
UnderTale歌曲翻譯_與世界道別(Goodbye To A World(c.c字幕 - Duration: 5:30.
Midland - Make A Little
Homossexualidade e a "cura gay" - Duration: 6:07.
LMC Musica 470 E - Duration: 1:11.
📯 Musica Flauto Rilassante Per Meditazione Trascendentale E Potente ✨ - Duration: 1:10:30.
Tango e burlesque: perchè no? - Duration: 5:26.
Volkswagen Golf 1.6 FSi, APK 04-2018! E 450 Extra! VERWACHT!!! - Duration: 0:43.
Peugeot 308 SW ACTIVE 1.6 E-HDi | NAVIGATIE | CLIMATE | LM VELGEN | USB | - Duration: 0:52.
Peugeot 5008 1.6 E-HDI STYLE 5P. (115pk) Automaat! Navi/ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Blueth./ Panor - Duration: 0:58.
Ford Fiesta 1.6 TDCI 5drs, APK 07-2018! E 500 Extra! Zondag Open! - Duration: 0:43.
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active AIRCO! - Duration: 0:54.
MTB passi alpini Längeneggpass Svizzera itinerari Trail All mountain Enduro Specialized Epic MTBT - Duration: 7:04.
Today we go there
wow, nice
Hi guys today will ride on the Längeneggpass, a 45km
1800 m of elevation
I'm here with my friend Pier, and we will try
to do the ride as fast as possible because with him you have to go really fast
Exactly, here we will ride around the lake and then
we will climb about 8.5 km with an average slope of 11.5%
we will see if we'll survive :)
see you later
It's a bit steep, but just a bit
well we deserve a little coffee break
I ate an energetic bar very dry,
and I had to brush with the tongue to unplug it. To help
I started to drink water like a hell
and when I realized that level of the water was almost at a minimum
I started to get panic
a mock, non-drinking water
"non-drinking water". How is it possible? 1500 m of altitude and the water is not drinkable?
We went on steep slopes
The tongue, very dry, caused me devastating hallucinations
We have to look at whether there is a fountain in that house
and fortunately, after an hour of burning
we arrived at a stable where they served water and drinks to poor mountain bikers
lacking liquids
So far, we have seen a bit of mountain bikers, but who knows why and how,
they always came down, on the opposite side of ours.
It's okay to do a mistake one time, and if you do not know what I mean, click on the link here above,
but stupid twice no please.... do you see them descending instead of climbing?
The only goats that ride up are us.
It's not that I've been wrong again
No, this time I was sure I took the right direction because
it downloaded the trail from an internet site, so we continue
confident to the goal.
Now you understand why I call him the ibex?
here we go
That is the pass
We should almost be there
You have to talk, because I did not breathe
The climb up is very demanding
fairly regular
in the first part, the first half
The first 3-4 km were hard, but fairly regular,
but after that there were a sequnce of tears, alternating with flat pieces but really hard,
tears that go well beyond 20% in some stretches
and...he had no problems climbing up...
I had to push the bike....what a shame
it is a fairly pedal trai, and in some ways it is really complicated
from a technical point of view
Because he has the beautiful bike
He was better than me because he has the Specialized Epic
Model 2017. It is a cross country model, very light.
Very nice
Larki Kunwari Hai K Ni Chek Kerny Ka 100% Yaqeeni Terika ? || Larky Aik Bar Zaroor Dekhen || - Duration: 3:19.
Autárquicas 2017: campanha em Sintra | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 2:21.
Debbie Abrahams | Vision of Hope for Workers - Duration: 0:42.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System - Duration: 15:12.
The female reproductive system includes all of internal and external organs that help
with reproduction.
The internal sex organs are the ovaries, which are the female gonads, the fallopian tubes,
two muscular tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus, and the uterus, which is the
strong muscular sack that a fetus can develop in.
The neck of the uterus is called the cervix, and it protrudes into the vagina.
At the opening of the vagina are the external sex organs, and these are usually just called
the genitals and they're in the vulva region.
They include the labia, the clitoris, and the mons pubis.
The ovaries are a pair of white-ish organs about the size of walnuts.
They're held in place, slightly above and on either side of the uterus and fallopian
tubes by ligaments.
Specifically, there's the broad ligament, the ovarian ligament, and the suspensory ligament.
And the suspensory ligament is particularly important because the ovarian artery, ovarian
vein, and ovarian nerve plexus pass through it to reach the ovary.
If you slice the ovary open and look at it (don't try this at home) there's an outer
layer called the cortex, which has ovarian follicles scattered throughout it, and an
inner layer called the medulla, which contains most of the blood vessels and nerves.
At birth, the ovarian cortex has around two million follicles - that's roughly the population
of Paris - and they're called primordial follicles.
Each primordial follicle has a single immature sex cell called the primary oocyte at the
core, and a layer of follicular cells surrounds this.
The primary oocyte has 46 chromosomes, but eventually it has to turn into a gamete with
only 23 chromosomes.
To do this, the primary oocytes have to complete meiosis 1, and in a person's lifetime only
about 400 successfully do that.
This process of oocyte development follows that of follicular development, which can
be broken into three stages.
The first stage lasts from infancy to puberty, and during this stage the primary oocyte remains
stuck in the prophase step of meiosis 1.
So, in other words, the cell is living, but not dividing.
Meanwhile, the primordial follicle turns into a primary follicle, meaning that the follicular
cells that surrounding the primary oocyte develop into granulosa cells.
The second stage of follicular development begins for a few lucky primary follicles with
the first menstrual cycle in puberty, and a few more primary follicles go into the second
stage with each subsequent menstrual cycle.
In the second stage, the primary follicles develop into secondary and eventually tertiary,
or graafian follicles.
In a secondary follicle, the primary oocyte is still in the prophase step of meiosis 1,
but now the follicle has additional layers of granulosa cells, as well as theca cells.
Theca cells make androstenedione, a sex hormone precursor, and granulosa cells use the enzyme
aromatase to convert it into estradiol - a member of the estrogen family.
In a graafian follicle, a central cavity called the antrum forms within the follicle, and
the granulosa cells secrete a nourishing fluid for the primary oocyte directly into that
The second stage takes roughly 70 to 85 days and results in a few fast-growing graafian
The third stage of follicular development starts when the graafian follicles are ready
and occurs during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
So let's briefly switch gears and go over the highlights of the menstrual cycle to put
that follicular phase into context.
The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of menstrual bleeding, lasts 28 days on average
from then.
Assuming a 28-day cycle, the follicular phase makes up the first two weeks of the menstrual
cycle, and the luteal phase, the last two weeks.
These two phases are separated by ovulation, which is when the follicle ruptures and releases
an oocyte that is ready to be fertilized.
This usually occurs on day 14 of a 28 day cycle.
The menstrual cycle is ultimately controlled by the hypothalamus, which is at the base
of the brain.
Before puberty, the hypothalamus constantly secretes small amounts of a hormone called
gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH.
That GnRH travels to the nearby pituitary, which secretes two hormones of its own - follicle
stimulating hormone, or FSH, and luteinizing hormone, or LH.
Once puberty hits, the hypothalamus starts to secrete GnRH in pulses, sometimes more
and sometimes less, and pituitary FSH and LH make the ovarian follicles develop.
The amount of GnRH can be mapped out like a wave over time, and the frequency and amplitude
of the waves of GnRH determine how much FSH and LH get produced by the pituitary.
LH binds to LH receptors on theca cells and they make progesterone and androstenedione.
FSH binds to FSH receptors on granulosa cells and they make aromatase and, as a consequence,
Serum levels of estrogen and progesterone act as feedback for the command center in
the brain, which adjusts its hormone production according to the phases of the menstrual cycle.
During the follicular phase of each menstrual cycle, the few fast-growing graafian follicles
enter the third stage of development.
Pituitary FSH makes the follicles grow and the granulosa cells produce more estrogen.
In addition to estrogen, the granulosa cells also secrete a hormone called activin, which
stimulates FSH production, as well as binding to FSH receptors, and the activity of granulosa
cell aromatase as well.
So early in the follicular phase, a small rise in FSH, leads to a large increase in
However, estrogen acts a negative feedback signal – that is, it tells the pituitary
to secrete less FSH and LH.
Less FSH means that there is only enough left to stimulate one follicle.
The follicle that has the most FSH receptors hoards most of this hormone, and becomes the
dominant follicle.
It usually takes about a week for a dominant follicle to get selected, and after that happens,
the rest of the follicles regress and die off.
The dominant follicle keeps secreting estrogen for the rest of the follicular phase.
The steady increase in estrogen makes the pituitary more responsive to the pulsatile
action of hypothalamic GnRH.
When blood estrogen levels reach 200 picograms/milliliter, dominant follicle estrogen becomes a positive
feedback signal – that is, it makes the pituitary secrete a whole lot of FSH and LH
in response to GnRH.
This triggers the primary oocyte within the dominant follicle to finally complete meiosis
1, and turn into a secondary oocyte, which has 23 chromosomes.
The dominant follicle completes its third stage of development in a blaze of glory called
That's when the nearly 2 centimeter sized follicle ruptures and releases the tiny secondary
oocyte into the fallopian tube.
The secondary oocyte stops in metaphase of meiosis 2, and waits for fertilization as
the menstrual cycle transitions into the luteal phase.
The luteal phase makes up the second half of the menstrual cycle - week 3 and week 4,
of the 4-week cycle.
Right after ovulation, while the LH levels are still high, the remains of the follicle
turn into the corpus luteum, which is made up of luteinized granulosa and theca cells.
Luteinized granulosa cells secrete inhibin, which inhibits the pituitary gland from making
Without FSH, estrogen levels fall, and the amount of LH goes back to the level before
Luteinized theca cells respond to the low LH concentrations after ovulation by producing
more progesterone.
So, overall, this means that progesterone surpasses estrogen as the dominant hormone
during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.If fertilization occurs - meaning if a sperm
meets the secondary oocyte - then the corpus luteum continues making progesterone until
the placenta forms.
If fertilization doesn't happen, then the corpus luteum stops making hormones after
around 10 days, becomes fibrotic, and is called the corpus albicans.
After ovulation, the secondary oocyte makes a very quick journey through the peritoneal
space and lands in the fallopian tube.
The first part is the fimbriae which are the finger-like projections that surround the
ovary and guide the secondary oocyte into the fallopian tube.
Next is the infundibulum where fertilization happens between the secondary oocyte and the
sperm - this is the magical spot where they meet.
Then there's the ampullar region, which curves around the ovary, and finally the isthmus
region, which opens into the uterine cavity.
On the outside, the fallopian tubes are covered by peritoneum, and supported by the mesosalpinx,
which is part of the broad ligament.
On the inside, the fallopian tubes have smooth muscle with an inner lining that has ciliated
cells that slowly sweep the secondary oocyte or zygote towards the uterus.
The uterus is a hollow organ that sits behind the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum.
The top of the uterus above the openings of the fallopian tubes is called the fundus,
and the region below the openings is called the uterine body.
The uterus tapers down into the uterine isthmus and finally the cervix, which protrudes into
the vagina.
The cervix has a superior opening up top, and an inferior opening down below, both of
which have mucus plugs to keep the uterus closed off except during menstruation and
right before ovulation to allow sperm to reach the secondary oocyte.
The uterus is anchored to the sacrum by utero-sacral ligaments, to the anterior body wall by round
ligaments, and it's supported laterally by cardinal ligaments as well as the mesometrium,
which is part of the broad ligament.
The wall of the uterus has three layers: the perimetrium, which is a layer continuous with
the lining of the peritoneal cavity, the myometrium, which is made of smooth muscle that contracts
during childbirth to help push the baby out, and the endometrium, a mucosal layer, that
undergoes monthly cyclic changes.
During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens in case fertilization
occurs, during the luteal phase, spiral arteries emerge to bring more nutrients to support
the thick endometrium.
If fertilization doesn't occur, the spiral arteries collapse, and the superficial layers
of the endometrium die.
During menstruation or menstrual bleeding, that dead tissue is removed or sloughed off
of the uterus through the vagina.
The vagina has a muscular wall and is covered by an inner mucosa with ridges that run along
The vagina is the passageway for the baby during childbirth, and it opens up into the
In childhood, a thin sheet of vaginal mucosa called the hymen partially covers the vaginal
opening, and it can break because of exercise, the use of tampons, or sexual intercourse.
The external sex organs, together referred to as the vulva, are the labia majora which
are called "the two greater lips", labia minora, or "the two smaller lips", the
mons pubis, or "the mountain of the pubis", and the clitoris, a small erectile organ that
develops from the same embryonic tissue as the male penis.
It is hooded by a skin fold called the clitoral hood.
Both the labia majora and the mons pubis become covered in pubic hair during puberty.
The labia majora cover the labia minora, and between the two labia minora there is a space
called the vulvar vestibule that includes, the opening of the vagina and the the urethral
All right, so as a quick recap: the female reproductive system comprises of internal
sex organs, such as the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the vagina, as well
as external sex organs such as the labia, the mons pubis and the clitoris.
The ovaries are the female gonads, and they produce the ova, as well as the female sex
Both the ovaries and the uterus are subject to the pulsatile hormonal activity of the
hypothalamus and pituitary glands.The uterus is where pregnancy develops, and the baby
the world through the birth canal, or the vagina, that connects the internal and external
sex organs.
Suzuki Swift 1.3 Black & White 62.000 km NAVI ECC STOELVERW. BLUETOOTH '09 - Duration: 0:59.
Dolunay / Full Moon Trailer - Episode 14 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.
Why did you have an abortion?
I believe Hakan is behind all this.
Your big sister had an abortion without telling me.
We'll learn that Hakan is behind all this. I will take Bulut from that house and bring her to mine.
Bulut, I will get you out of here.
- To where? - Wherever you want.
You'll answer me first.
Ferit Aslan, enough is enough. Why the hell do I answer you? Look, I will...
You killed Demir and Zeynep!
How easy it is to fling dirt at pure and innocent people, you saw that right?
- Guys! - Ferit!
I called you here to make an offer.
If you want to get close to Nazlı, this is a very good opportunity.
Car Travel in Germany: Berlin - Beelitz. Автопутешествие по Германии: дорога из Берлина в Беелитц - Duration: 44:42.
Hyundai i30 1.6i Dynamic Airco - Duration: 0:58.
Watch the Trailer
Volvo V60 T5 245pk Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 0:59.
Split Decisions - Civic Responsibility - Duration: 2:09.
I think civic responsibility is being kind to everyone in your community
and making sure it's a well structured and safe environment
I think civic responsibility means being aware of what's going on in your community
and making sure you're respectful to the people you interact with
also making sure to keep the community clean
Swaps: David Hurn on Henri Cartier Bresson - Duration: 1:39.
Swaps: David Hurn on Dorothea Lange - Duration: 1:23.
Swaps: David Hurn on the collection - Duration: 1:37.
How to Store your Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Cryptocurrency Safely - Duration: 5:46.
today you're gonna find out how to store your bitcoins or any other
cryptocurrencies and we're starting right now
fun fact bitcoins aren't actually coins they're bundles of information and a
Bitcoin wallet is just simply a place to store your private keys so that you can
access them to send or receive your funds so they come in different forms
designed for different types of devices you can also get a paper storage to
avoid having them on a computer at all you know because some people are afraid
of hackers which you know sometimes your accounts can get hacked so I will
recommend in this video I will recommend some wallets that I use and some wallets
that are just safe like you you can create a paper wallet it's very easy to
do I can show you in a video it'll take me like five minutes to show that to you
if you're interested in that let me know in the comments and I'll do a video
about how to set up your paper wallet but for now I'm just gonna show you a
bunch of options that you have for storing your Bitcoin alright so first
you have your desktop your desktop wallets and basically what that is is
you download a software onto your desktop another way is mobile wallets
you know you you have those apps on the phone they're a bunch of them on here
there's coinbase I'll link that down below if you hold your Bitcoin there you
can also purchase Bitcoin there there's coinbase blockchain dot info right here
there is there are places like bit bay and sap oh those are also mobile wallets
and they allow you to have a a card to go with them
and this one also like a SAPO card and that allows you to spend your Bitcoin at
feasts on merchants places so those are some good options out of those I don't
really recommend bitpay I've done a video about this earlier I
just got my bit Bay last week the card isn't working yet I've been using SAPO
for that but mostly I use for the mobile wallets the online wallets I use
blockchain and coinbase and SAPO for that so those are your online wallets
you also have the hardware wallets I will link those below as well it's just
a little bit more secure so you have your treasure hardware wallets and your
ledger or nano ledger wallet it's it's a it's like a pendrive USB
that's what it looks like I'll put a picture up here somewhere but it looks
like a pendrive and you can just plug it into the computer it's all very
plug-and-play it's very simple to do but it keeps your your private Keys more
secure plus in the event of a heart Fork when you have your own private keys then
most of them will split like the like how it happened with Bitcoin cash you
know you get an equivalent amount of Bitcoin cash for the amount of Bitcoin
that you held in your your wallets your your hardware wallets or your paper
wallets which brings me to the next point is paper wallets again I can do a
video on that soon if you if you guys like comment below if you do then I'll
make a video about how to set that up it literally takes about five or ten
minutes if you're on the slower side one thing you really gotta understand with
these wallets like a paper wallet you know it has two QR codes one for
sweeping and one for receiving Bitcoin one thing that is really important when
you're looking at a place to store your Bitcoin is this if you have your paper
wallets make sure you keep it in a safe place and make sure you have a copy of
it because if you lose it it's gone those paper wallets you can also set
with a password but if you lose that then it's gone and if you have a bunch
of Bitcoin on there and the prize does end up rising to the moon you know to a
million per coin or a hundred thousand per coin then it's really a shame if
you'd lose that because of you know bad printer that you know you know you can't
scan the QR code anymore you can find the the private key or you just lost the
paper or whatever just make sure you keep it in a safe place and then you can
pretty much look at paper wallets or hardware wallets as a legitimate wallet
to hold your cash in and then Bitcoin becomes literally digital cash if you
lose it you lose it there's no way to get it back but if you keep it you know
as a normal person keeps thar wallet then you're fine you're good to go so
I'll link everything like that down below thank you for watching and I will
see you on the next video
Top 10 best ap computer science book - Duration: 4:27.
rocks wiki's best product advisor behind Amazon rocks wiki's presents top ten
best have computer science book starting with the list number ten book name
barons AP Computer Science book information three AP practice tests for
the level of course including a diagnostic test charts detailing the
topics for each test question all test questions answered and explained a
subject review covers static variables number nine book name computer science
principles book information for AP registered computer science principles
computer science is the fastest growing field in the world and there are no
signs of slowing just because this is a relatively new field of study number
eight book name cracking the AP Computer Science exam book information everything
you need to help score a perfect five tastes the AP Computer Science exam with
dis comprehensive study guide including two full-length practice tests thorough
content reviews number seven book name Barron's AP Computer Science a book
information this best-selling review manual has been thoroughly updated to
reflect the College Board his elimination of the level AB course and
the update and level a syllabus the new edition presents three full-length AP
practice exams for the level a course number six book named fundamentals of
Java book information Kenneth a Lambert is a professor of computer science at
Washington and Lee University he has taught courses in almost every subject
area of computer science and has published several textbooks in
introductory programming and data structures in C++ Java and Python he is
the co-creator of the Breezy swing framework and is the creator of the
breeze ipython eye framework number five book named Java concepts for AP Computer
Science book information if you really want to master Java it's not enough to
know the code you must begin to think like a programmer and in this newest
edition of his best-selling guide Java concepts programming guru K Horstman
shows you how number four book named AP Computer Science hang and AB RBA book
information book by a gurmann Ernest C albright Richard died - Zeta M Fran
kitty jean-claude Garg nu lay Simon Linh Hong Najarian
J Shipman Gerry our number three book named barons AP Computer Science with C
D book information the new fourth edition of Barron's Advanced Placement
computer science test preparation manual has been updated with a new case study
this new grid world case study will be tested on the AP exam starting in May
2008 number two book named how a computer formula big ideas and the best
of intentions burned book information New York City 1968 the RAND Corporation
had presented an alluring proposal to a city on the brink of economic collapse
using rands computer models which had been successfully number one book named
AP Computer Science he and AB RB a book information would you like to tell us
about a lower price if you are a seller for this product would you like to
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UnderTale歌曲翻譯_與世界道別(Goodbye To A World(c.c字幕 - Duration: 5:30.
Beautiful Hairstyles Tutorials ...
ELVIS PRESLEY - Can't help falling in love (TERJEMAHAN) EIN STYLE - Duration: 3:00.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 115pk DIG-T XTRONIC Tekna Automaat in nette staat!! - Duration: 0:43.
NOOIT meer twijfel over -d, -t of -dt! Spellingsregels volgens marxistisch-utopische theorie. - Duration: 2:55.
Mort de Hugh Hefner : son épouse va-t-elle hériter de sa fortune ? - Duration: 2:08.
Dimwit Jared Kushner Accidentally Claims He's A Woman On His Voter Registration - Duration: 4:15.
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, and, I guess, senior advisor to the president
who also happens to be somebody who is in charge of Middle East peace talks.
Well, as it turns out, he's really, really bad at filling out forms.
Now, we already knew that he was pretty bad at it when he had to go back and amend his
security clearance disclosure forms three separate times over the last few months, but
recently it was revealed that not only does he get complicated forms, like security clearance
forms, confusing, he also managed to screw up his voter registration in the state of
New York and as far as the state of New York's registry of voters is concerned, Jared Kushner
is a woman.
Now, they say that, they claim that, because according to Jared Kushner's own voter registration
he accidentally checked the box next to female instead of male.
Now, this isn't illegal, it's not voter fraud because this was obviously accidental on behalf
of Ms. Kushner there.
But what's interesting is that this guy has security clearance.
He has access to information that very few people in this country actually have access
to, and he can't even fill out a basic form to save his life.
You know, this is a humorous story to a degree, but it actually highlights a really important
problem within the Trump administration itself.
Jared Kushner has absolutely no qualifications whatsoever to be serving any kind of role
in the White House unless he's actually serving dinner rolls.
That's about the only thing this man is actually qualified to do.
He is not qualified to meet with Middle Eastern leaders and try to talk about peace.
He certainly is not qualified to have access to top secret information that the rest of
the public can't get their hands on.
Why in the world would this man, who cannot fill out a simple form, who is so careless
or reckless or downright stupid that he can't fill out a form, why should we trust him within
the Trump administration?
You know, let's go back to those security disclosure forms.
Three times he had to go back and amend those.
The first time, he said it was because his staff accidentally hit "send" before he had
a chance to fill it out.
That's the one where he omitted all of his foreign contacts.
He later had to go back and add more than 100 personal phone calls and meetings that
he had with foreign contacts, one of those the subject of Bob Muller's special prosecutor
Another thing that Kushner got wrong on those initial disclosure forms, which wasn't as
big of a deal, he got his father-in-law's address wrong.
He put down the incorrect dates of his graduation from school.
Is this a guy we can trust?
Is this a guy we can trust with security clearance?
I mean, we already know he's using private emails, which is something that sends Republicans
into a frenzy, so I'm not sure why they're all being so quiet about Kushner at the moment.
But Kushner clearly has taken the mantle of quite possibly the dumbest person serving
within the Trump administration, and it's because the man can't fill out a form, again,
to save his life.
He can't figure out whether he's male or female because maybe he doesn't even know what those
words mean when he sees the boxes to check.
Maybe he's just scribbling through it so fast that he doesn't even care.
Either way, this man has access to top secret secured information that only a few people
in the world are privy to.
That should concern every single American citizen.
TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN Funny Animals Compilation 2017 | The Best & FUNNIEST Animals Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:02.
Thanks for watching
Hope you have a great time
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Advanced Tips and Tricks in Super Mario Maker! - Duration: 10:31.
Hello you lovely mario maker person, my name is ceave and welcome back.
There are tons of little but useful tricks possible in super mario maker.
A lot of these small tricks are super useful, but don't fit thematically in any videos,
so what we are going to do today is to take a look at a lot of these little advanced techniques
at once.
The main things which I want to discuss in this video are, input conversion, basic spawn
blocking and interesting invisible block shenanigans, but there will be a couple of other small
tricks as well.
So are you ready?
Let's do this!
Okay so first let's take a look at some basic input conversions.
Input conversions are contraptions which change one input that mario gives into another one,
here for example mario triggers a p-switch, but a pow-block is triggered.
Such contraptions are incredibly useful when creating more complicated shenanigans.
So this is what a simple p-switch into pow-block conversion looks like.
As soon as the p-switch is triggered the spring drops down and triggers the shelmet, which
in consequence triggers the pow-block.
Here we convert a pow-block signal into a triggered p-switch.
The reason why this works is incredibly simple as well.
There is a muncher tower at the top, as soon as a pow is triggered two munchers decide
to leave the game which allows the big muncher to trigger the p-switch.
This p-switch grants mario a key when triggered.
This contraption is even simpler, there is a muncher on top of a brick block hidden at
the top.
Okay so far we took a look at really simple ways to convert signals, but is there a really
complicated way to convert a signal as well?
From our ongoing series what is the most complicated way to trigger a p-switch I proudly present,
the input conversion solution!
Okay so next up, let's take a look at a really simple but incredibly useful trick.
It's usually impossible to stack enemies on top of an enemy which lives inside a clown
But it's still possible to get stacked enemies inside of clown cars.
Because if an empty clown car picks up an enemy tower, the enemy tower stays the way
it was , and is now piloting the clown car.
There are tons of really crazy things possible because of this little trick.
Here for example we use this mechanic in order to create a driveable car for mario.
If Mario walks to the right of this platform the platform slowly starts to accelerate and
to drive to the right, but if our still-a-plumber-to-me, walks into the middle of the platform, our
drivable platform suddenly stops.
The reason why this works is because there is a boo and muncher tower stacked in a clown
car at the bottom.
Okay so next I want to talk about the most useful mini contraption to ever exist in mario
I like to call this little contraption the Triggerer.
A triggerer is a shelmet on top of a spring, enclosed in a one-block wide space.
So what does a triggerer do, well it triggers things as soon as it is loaded.
To be precise it triggers all blocks to it's side and above it, but not the ones below
Triggerer can be spawn-blocked but we need a one-way bomb in order to do so.
We'll talk about one way bombs in a second.
Here we use the Triggerer to trigger vine blocks, mainly as a quick reminder that vines
blocks which are triggered but blocked above them start to grow downwards, which is a really
useful mechanic as well.
Before we talk about one-way bombs and spawn blocking, here's another small but interesting
If we have an item trapped on top of a question block which contains another item, interesting
things tend to happen once the question block is triggered.
We get different results depending on which item is on the top, which item is in the question
block and whether the right or left side is blocked.
I won't go through every one in detail, but these interactions can be really useful
when working with very little space.
Okay so let's talk about basic spawn blocking.
So what do I mean with spawn blocking.
Spawn blocking is basically preventing an entity from spawning, when the room is loaded
the first time but allowing the entity to spawn the second time when the room is loaded.
I've actually explained this before on this channel so we'll only talk through it really
quick here.
This bullet blaster and thwomp contraption for example is spawn blocked when the room
is loaded the first time, but because of the one-way-bomb explosion it is able to load
the second time the room is loaded.
This is a one way bomb, as soon as this room is loaded this ice-block crushes this bob
Which explodes the bob omb but destroys the ice block in the process.
The next time this bomb is loaded it won't explode because the ice-block won't reload.
This is really useful when spawn blocking enemies.
If the bob omb would explode the second time it is loaded it would destroy all enemies
that are now loaded as well, but since the bob omb is a one way bomb, it won't explode
when the enemies are unblocked.
Okay so we are almost done explaining this room but there is one more interesting tech
hidden here.
This door is blocked by brick blocks which means mario can't go through it as long
as there is a brick block at one side of the door.
But if both brick blocks are destroyed it is possible for our still a plumber to walk
through it.
Such a door could be a really interesting element in a puzzle stage, where mario needs
to find a way to open the door, from the other side first, before he is able to go through
It should actually be possible to create a custom key system around this concept now
that I think about it, I might give this a closer look in the future.
Okay so let's talk about some really interesting invisible block shenanigans.
First here we use an invisible block to change the position of a winged muncher, who triggers
a p-switch in consequence.
Something like this could be an interesting element in a puzzle stage.
The next mechanic is probably completely useless, but I thought maybe someone of you wonderful
people is able to figure something clever out with this trick.
Okay, so cannons, loading and invisible blocks.
If cannons are on top a question block, they drop down as soon as the block is triggered
, but reattach to the block when the room is reloaded.
If there are cannons floating in the air, with an invisible block near them, they drop
down, if this block is triggered and the room is reloaded they still drop down.
So here's where things become interesting.
Here we have 2 cannons which are attached to a block that is destroyed by a one-way-bomb
as soon as the room is loaded.
If the room is reloaded they still drop down but if an invisible block is triggered these
cannons decide to attach to the block, while the ones before decided not to do so.
Next up, let's talk about the really useful invisible block tricks.
Invisible blocks can only be triggered from below, but they can be triggered by everything
that is able to trigger blocks, as long as the input comes from below.
This means that invisible blocks can be triggered by Triggerer which is really really cool,
because this allows for reverse spawn blocking.
Reverse spawn blocking is, when an entity is loaded the first time, but not loaded the
second or third time this area is loaded.
Let's take a look at a small room using this.
Here Mario finds himself in a small corridor in one of bowser's castles.
Everything here is peaceful until he reaches the end of the corridor.
Sadly for Mario the exit is blocked by a bullet blaster, but not only this, there is an evil
muncher on tracks as well which starts to destroy huge parts of the floor.
Marios only chance to survive here is by running back to the beginning, but at the beginning
a bullet blaster suddenly appeared which shoots dangerous lava bubbles.
The only chance which our plumber has to escape this room alive is to carefully make his way
back to the right.
Luckily the bullet blaster which was blocked the way there before is now gone because this
little Triggerer reverse spawn blocked the bullet blaster that was here before.
Okay now let's go really crazy with invisible blocks, because there is a really interesting
glitch with them.
For some reason invisible blocks do not destroy enemies when they are triggered.
This means that it's possible to entrap basically everything inside an invisible block.
So I know what at least someone of you watching this right now is thinking.
Is it possible to do this by using triggerer and the answer is yup.
The game treats a shell that triggers a block exactly the same way as mario triggering a
And this is by the way the solution to last week's magic trick.
So I've got a new trick for you but before we take a look at it just a quick little announcement.
So this video is actually the 99th video on this channel which means the next vid will
be number one-hundred.
So what I want to do in order to celebrate this is to do a video showcasing my very first
and super mediocre mario maker levels while answering some questions you might want to
ask me.
So if you have any question you might want to ask me mario maker related or not, feel
free to leave me a comment with a question, I'll try to answer as many of them as possible
in next weeks video.
Okay so here is the trick for next week.
The question here is super simple.
Why are there shelmets in this bullet blaster?
Thanks for watching this little video, I hope this wasn't too technical and that you enjoyed
it, if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave me a thumbs up and maybe you want to advance
your subscription feed, by hitting the subscribe button as well.
I hope that you have a wonderful day and to see you soon, goodbye.
Youtubers I'm Watching Right Now - Duration: 5:19.
Hey guys.
Welcome back.
Before we jump into today's video, I want to remind you to click the little subscribe
button down below if you aren't already subscribed so that you never miss a video.
Today I'm gonna be talking about my favorite people to watch on YouTube right now.
Now there are some people that I have watched for years and years, like Cora from Vintage
or Tacky or Leesha from xSparkage.
I love them and I still watch their videos, but there are new people that I watch from
time to time.
So I want to talk to you about my current top 11 that I watch, aside from Cora and Leesha.
Some of these bloggers are not cruelty-free.
So number one, Jamie Page Beauty.
I really like her, because she's very mellow.
She doesn't talk really, really hyper.
She doesn't make me feel anxious or nervous the way some people do, like ... Jaclyn Hill
kinda makes me feel a little on edge sometimes, because she's so hyper throughout her video,
and I can only deal with hyper in small doses.
But I really love her videos.
I love watching her reviews.
Even though a lot of what she covers isn't cruelty-free, I still find the content interesting
because she manages to portray it in such a way that I just really like.
So if you like the mellower side of YouTube, she's somebody to check out for sure.
Number two is Tori from Biohazardous Beauty.
I love Tori.
I've been friends with her online for years.
I really enjoy her videos, because she's kind of gothic, alternative.
She's into indie brands.
I really like her taste.
I like her style.
So I just ... find whatever she has to share or something, I usually want to watch.
I definitely feel like she's one of the best alternative YouTubers out there, so if you're
looking for somebody who's outside the box, she's a great choice.
Next up would be Jackie Aina.
I'm probably saying that wrong, but I've been watching her for years and I love that she's
so approachable, and I chat with her on Twitter.
I really like that she brings you beauty videos, but she also will talk about really deep,
serious issues and ... about things that are going on in the world today, how brands treat
or don't treat women of color, and I just ... I find her perspective to be really refreshing
and informative.
I like that she's able to basically go beyond the scope of beauty to talk about more serious
issues in such a way that I feel she really is able to give me insight that I might not
have had otherwise.
So she's pretty awesome.
Next would be my friend Miranda from Slashed Beauty.
Miranda is best known for doing drugstore makeup, and I really love that about her.
So if you're looking for an affordable beauty option, she's a great person to check out.
Her videos are really cute, and I think they're really high quality as well.
Plus, she does a lot more lifestyle stuff now, so whenever she includes her husband,
I ... or her ... sorry, her fiance ... whenever she includes her fiance, I always love it
because they're so cute together.
Next would be my friend Emily from Haus of Hounds.
She just started making videos, so if you haven't checked out her channel, please go
check it out and subscribe.
I think that she's making adorable videos.
She is a friend of mine from California and she's a dachshund fanatic, so if you like
little dogs, she has the cutest.
She's also cruelty-free, so you'll be able to find some great cruelty-free information
on her channel.
She does really fun looks, so you're not gonna be worried about seeing the same brown smokey
eye over and over and over again.
Next would be Tashina from Logical Harmony.
Now I love Tashina.
I've been friends with her for years online, and I feel like she's basically the go-to
person when I have questions about vegan.
I ask Tashina, because I feel like she's the vegan expert.
She makes a lot of really cool cruelty-free and vegan videos, so you can check her out.
Next is Ashley from Lipstick Kitty.
I became friends with her on, I guess, Instagram and chatted back and forth.
Met her in California.
She's really awesome.
She recently started a YouTube channel, so she's been doing videos on that.
So you can check her out.
She's also very gothic and alternative.
She works for Kat Von D, so she's a really cool person and I love the looks that she
comes up with and I love that she's cruelty-free and vegan.
Next up we have Allison from Eyes on Allison.
Now her channel is really interesting because she has this mix of eclectic stuff.
You might see a decluttering video one day.
The next you'll see something on crafting.
The next may be a beauty video, then maybe a project pan.
So she does those wide variety of stuff.
It's very eclectic and I find her really refreshing and enjoyable just because she's very honest.
Next would be my friend Eugenia from Genia Be Me.
She's a local friend here in Tampa, and she started doing YouTube videos ... She most
recently did a really cool video that showed her taking her dark Asian hair to blonde and
purple here in Tampa.
I love it.
I think it looks great.
Next is my friend Ivy from IvyMUA.
Now she does a lot of really cool videos.
She does a lot of wig reviews and she does nail polish tutorials and makeup tutorials,
anti-hauls, hauls, all kinds of different beauty stuff.
She's a professional make up artist, so she's got some really good insight.
She actually is the one who prompted me to go out and buy a bunch of new wigs recently,
like this one which I love.
So if you're looking for somebody to give honest reviews on wigs and stuff like that,
definitely check her out.
And last, but not least, is Jen Luvs Reviews.
I've been watching her for a couple of months, and I just ... I find some of her ... She
does do your makeup minutes and beauty news type stuff, but she also does these videos
into the ... trying to give insight into the behind-the-scenes at YouTube and what makes
people popular and how they do well, how to make money off YouTube.
She has these other videos like that, that I really enjoy, and I like hearing her point
of view of things.
I think that she's another good one to check out.
So of course there are other people that I watch on YouTube, but these are my current
top 11.
Who are you really obsessed with right now?
Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.
If you found this video entertaining or informative, please give it a thumbs up and share.
Thanks so much for watching.
Top 10 Rider Impersonations | GCN - Duration: 3:44.
- [Narrator] Coming up are GCN's
top 10 cycling impersonations.
Can you guess who they are?
He's at home in the mountains and a menace in the sea.
Maybe that's just normal when you hail from Sicily.
He can win fair and square but didn't we all despair
when he held onto a team car
whilst the race was live on air?
Ciao ragazzi, arrivederci a dopo
- Hey, what are you doing?
(lively Italian music)
- [Narrator] He dressed up as a tiger,
a zebra and a Roman and there's absolutely no doubt
he was a hell of a showman.
He took 42 Giro stages
and his career went on for ages
but he caught the eye of a taxman
when he didn't declare his wages.
(lively Italian music)
As sprinters go, he's small
but there's no doubt he's got power.
He almost chews the stem
and often wins the flowers.
He rides for Orica-Scott and he's already won a lot
but there's plenty more to come
from this new kid on the block.
(upbeat music)
He's won the Vuelta and the Giro
and is a Colombian hero
but if he can't win in France,
there is a good chance he could go from hero to zero.
(upbeat music)
He annihilated everyone,
especially racing against the clock
until the Tour in '96 when he got the hunger knock.
He's a giant of the sport,
the cycling king of Spain.
He almost looked unbeatable until retirement came.
(lively music)
He rode for Credit Agricole and later CSC,
he raced his bike until he was 42 and was born in Germany.
He tells his legs to shut up
but with GCN there's a riff
because he's seen to take it personally
when it didn't work on Zwift.
- Shut up.
(lively music)
- [Narrator] This Belgian was a cannibal.
He won almost every race,
so if you look at historical cycling results
he'll top the database.
He won all the grand tours at least once,
as well as 19 monuments
and when we went on the attack
there were rarely respondents.
Sorry about that one.
(upbeat music)
This sprinter is far from lightweight
and he can't get his helmet on straight
but with San Remo and Flanders in his bulging palmares
he could be a cycling great.
(upbeat music)
He was third at the Tour de France this year
and second the year before,
so the fans in his home country
are hoping that there's more.
He struggles in the time trials
but loves to attack on climbs.
He also loves the downhills
but probably not these rhymes.
(lively music)
This Irishman was dominant at Paris-Nice each year.
He also won the Vuelta
but he didn't like new gear
except at Milan-San Remo
where he used a new helmet
but the question people asked
was how much money did this net?
Sorry again for that one.
(lively music)
If you've enjoyed this video, let us know
by giving us a thumbs up just down below.
- Come on, Lloydy, that is enough of the rhymes.
Now, make sure you put your answers
to the questions in the comment section down below.
We will be telling you who the impressions are
if you haven't already worked it out
in a forthcoming GCN show.
- And if you haven't already subscribed
to the Global Cycling Network,
if you click on the globe,
you can do so for absolutely free
and for our previous impressions video,
how about clicking just down here?
- Yeah and for a shortcut to that forthcoming GCN show,
click just down there.
Riverdale | Camila Mendes' Favorite Season 1 Scene | The CW - Duration: 0:43.
5 Signs You're Dating a Narcissist - Duration: 4:04.
Damn, I look good.
No filter needed.
All right.
I used a filter, but don't tell anyone.
Now, let me ask you.
Is this guy just confident?
Is he just another annoying millennial who posts way too much on social media?
Or is he just a total narcissist?
Let me explain this video.
Keep watching.
Hey there you sexy single ladies.
Adam LoDolce, here, from sexyconfidence.com, where I help the 21st century woman create
a love life that she absolutely freaking love.
Since I help women just like you, I needed to make a video about narcissists, because
men are far more likely to be narcissists than you women.
This is backed by a ton of data.
A huge analysis was just done looking back at over 350 different studies that have really
looked at over 400,000 people who participated.
They found that, statistically, men are much more likely to be narcissists than women.
Now, there are many different evolutionary theories or just psychological theories that
you can go into as to why this is the case.
Rather than waste our time on that, why don't we just make sure that you just stay the f-
away from one of these guys.
Here's the problem.
You're probably attracted to confident men with high self-esteem.
Sadly, when you first meet someone, it's easy to think a guy has high self-esteem, when
he's actually a narcissist.
Let me start by clarifying the key differences, so you don't fall into this trap.
Now, narcissists feel superior to others, but don't necessarily like themselves.
In fact, narcissists feelings about themselves tend to be entirely based on the opinions
of others, hence, the selfies.
Whereas, people with high self-esteem tend not to feel necessarily superior to other
and generally accept themselves regardless of what other people think of them.
Make sense?
Just because he has, of course, one of these signs doesn't mean he's a narcissist.
If you're seeing three, four, or certainly five, then it's definitely very possible.
Number five.
He loves to talk about himself.
If every conversation revolves around him, I, me, my, rather than you, then there is
definitely a problem.
It'll almost feel like he's bragging about the things that he's done just for your validation.
Then, when you won't give him that validation, he'll try even harder.
Number four.
Unless you agree with him, he really doesn't want to hear your opinion.
He doesn't want to hear your feelings, because he doesn't give a shit about your feelings.
He only cares about you caring about his feelings.
He'll dismiss you and maybe even make you feel stupid at times, especially if you embarrass
Number three is he expects you to cater completely to his needs without him needing to reciprocate
at all.
The dude is entitled to you doing his laundry, because he seems to think that his dirty laundry
smells like fresh baked cookies from the oven, even though he knows deep down inside, it
still smells like shit, just like the rest of us.
He's certainly never going to do your laundry for you.
Number two.
He can be very, very, charming when he wants something from you.
Sadly, once he does get whatever it is that he wants, he'll drop you like a bad habit.
Which doesn't make sense, because you, my sexy lady, are a damn sexy good habit that
should be held, cuddled, and loved, certainly not dropped.
If he does drop you, then consider it a blessing.
Finally, number one is that narcissists feed off spreading negative emotions to others
and tend to be emotionally abusive.
This is because they have such a fragile ego that they're willing to put you down to make
themselves feel better.
Did you just get a promotion at work?
He'll tell you that you didn't deserve it, because inside, he's pissed that he didn't
get that promotion.
Let me ask you, have you ever dated a narcissist?
Leave your story below, and this is a great way to be a part of this amazing community
and share your story.
Also, if you enjoyed this video and you want to avoid those types of guys and find an amazing
relationship then make sure you go ahead and click the link up there or right there and
head on over the sexyconfidence.com.
Join my email list.
We're going to get a ton of amazing resources that are going to help you through every singe
stage of dating, relationships, and finding love.
Make sure you click on that link.
Also, don't forget to subscribe on YouTube for more videos just like this every single
Of course, if you enjoy the video, please give it a like below.
Finally, don't forget to click on that link to sexyconfidence.com.
I will see you, you sexy lady, next week.
Sony Vegas Pro 13 And Pro 14 URDU Tutorial_Part 6_ Titles & Text/Saving & Rendering Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 16:51.
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Battle of Polygon Wood - Betrayal At The Italian Front I THE GREAT WAR Week 166 - Duration: 10:18.
During the three plus years of the war, soldiers and their armies have tried virtually everything
to win this war, to no avail.
But what if you do the opposite?
What if you tried to end it by losing?
What if you tried treason?
I'm Indy Neidell; welcome to the Great War.
Last week we saw revolt in the Russian Baltic Fleet, Russian soldiers in France, and even
Egyptian laborers in France.
There was action on the Libyan front, and the Battle of Passchendaele flared to life
again with a British victory that seemed to have cracked the German elastic defense system.
Those British attacks back on the 20th had secured most of their objectives and had held
them, doing enormous damage to the German Eingreif reserves - who counterattacked using
stormtroop methods - in the process.
British General Sir Herbert Plumer's planning had done what was seemingly impossible - turning
the German defense in depth system into a disadvantage, advancing just small distances
before digging in instead of trying for a breakthrough.
Now - the further the Eingreiftruppen, the German counterattack forces, advanced, the
more disorganized they grew and the less effective they were.
British Prime Minister David Lloyd George visited the front this week to find a mood
of "exaltation".
British Army Commander in Chief Sir Douglas Haig was described as radiant.
Plumer brought his artillery forward during the week, and on the 26th launched what is
known as the Battle of Polygon Wood.
His Second Army would again attack, with I ANZAC trying to take all of Polygon Wood and
Zonnebeke, while the flanks maintained the line of advance.
There was a withering artillery barrage and then the infantry attacked at 5:50 AM on a
front of around 6km.
They didn't have much problem reaching their objectives, though it wasn't so easy on
the flanks, especially to the south, where the Germans had launched a pre-emptive attack
the day before.
The fighting was bitter, as you may imagine, and the second phase, the German counterattack,
soon began.
Thing is, British and French aircraft had been flying over the battlefield all day,
strafing and bombing for all they were worth, and they noticed the signs of the reserves
moving in.
They made no progress against artillery and aircraft, though, and took huge casualties.
The British dug in after advancing about 800 meters.
Polygon Wood was a success, but the casualties were heavy - the British took over 15,000
casualties that day on a shorter front and with fewer divisions attacking than last week,
so it was proportionally greater.
The Germans looked on basically helplessly as the British dug in, having taken more German
What could they do in future to prevent ever more of their defenses from falling into British
hands in small "bites"?
Moreover, German Quartermaster General Erich Ludendorff wrote of the 26th (Gilbert), "A
day of heavy fighting, accompanied by every circumstance that could cause us loss.
We might be able to stand the loss of ground, but the reduction of our fighting strength
was again all the heavier."
He was seriously worried by now.
And he had lost one of the great German aces this week too.
On the 23rd came one of the most famous aerial dogfights of the war, when German Werner Voss,
with 47 confirmed kills, was ambushed by a patrol of SE5s. (quoted in "Passchendaele"),
"The triplane was still circling round the middle of six SE5s... at one point I noted
the triplane in the apex of a cone of tracer bullets from at least five machines simultaneously,
and each machine had two guns.
By choosing to stand and fight...
Voss showed an extraordinary level of dedication and bravery... but once he did the outcome
was inevitable.
After about ten minutes of frantic air combat- when most of the SE5s received bullet damage-
Voss's plane was hit and it went down in a steep dive, hitting the ground and disappearing
into a thousand fragments."
And something I haven't had time to mention happened recently on the Italian front.
In the Sugana Valley there had been fighting in 1915 and 1916 until the front stabilized
near Carzano.
It was actually kind of strategically important, but had been quiet for over a year.
So in July, an Austro-Hungarian soldier had slipped through the wire there and presented
himself to the Italians.
He had a sealed envelope and said he came to parley.
The envelope contained plans of the Austrian defenses in the region and a note signed "Paulino"
that said he wanted to help the Italians.
Major Cesare Finzi was the Italian head of information there, and his data confirmed
that the maps were authentic.
Eventually, a meeting with Paulino was arranged.
Paulino turned out to be Ljudevit Pivko, a Slovene Lieutenant, and he was a member of
a sort of secret society within his army called the Sokol.
It was a Slavic nationalist society and their goal was for Italy to win the war.
The treasonous Pivko pointed out that an Italian breakthrough in the Sugana Valley would take
Trento and, combined with an Italian attack from the west, cut the Trentino salient in
He thought some of his officers would support him, as well as the Serbs, though not the
Bosnian Muslims and the Croats.
Finzi says that if Pivko can get support and feed him information, maybe they can do something.
Finzi was fairly unusual among Italian officers in that he wanted to see the Austro-Hungarian
Empire destroyed, not just defeated.
Pivko did what he said he would and with a network of 52 contacts by August, outlined
his plan to open the front at Carzano.
The Italians would attack with 30 or 40,000 men and if they could overrun the city before
reinforcements arrive, they'll have the lower Trentino.
Finzi is worried, though, that word will get out if he goes to High Command through the
normal channels, so he tries to get the ear of Army Chief of Staff Luigi Cadorna.
Cadorna, however, is busy planning the offensive that just ended last week, so Finzi goes to
his sector commander, General Etna, instead.
Thing is, Austria has anticipated Cadorna's offensive and has taken away forces from the
Tyrol to prepare for that, and Pivko says this is a golden opportunity.
Etna, however, doesn't really take the idea seriously, and only thinks of a small, local
Pivko by now has a detailed plan for the Italian attack involving timelines, troop strength,
how to sabotage the Austrian phone lines and barbed wire, everything.
The loyal Austrian troops are even going to be drugged with opiates in their brandy and
the forward troops chloroformed.
Finzi finally gets Cadorna's ear early in September, but Cadorna takes Etna's recommendation
for a limited sortie along the Sugana Valley without the concurrent attack from the west,
frustrating Finzi.
Meanwhile, Pivko's plot is denounced by a Czech acquaintance, but the authorities
end up arresting the accuser for lying.
Austrian Emperor Karl even said to Pivko in person shortly afterward, "I regret that
somebody wished to cast a shadow over one of my most valiant officers."
(White War).
On September 15th, Pivko brings news that his battalion will soon be transferred, so
the Italians need to attack NOW.
Finzi says it'll happen within two days and Brigadier Zincone, in command of the troops,
agrees to this.
The Italians have seven well-equipped army Corps, a huge advantage.
The Austrian side of the plan goes off like clockwork and the road across no-mans land
is open for the taking.
However, the Italian troops don't trust their Austrian guides, and though the advance
troops take Carzano, the main force hasn't arrived and the road is deserted.
It turns out that Zincone has sent his men single file along a twisting lateral trench
instead of up the undefended road.
As dawn approaches, the main Italian thrust still hasn't arrived.
In fact, Zincone suspends the operation, calls back his men, and abandons the forward troops
and their guides.
Pivko and 300 Bosnians are taken prisoner by the Italians, and the forward troops surrender
to the Austrians.
There is an enquiry into the matter, and Etna and Zincone are relieved of command.
The whole thing was a fiasco, and Cadorna even said long after the war that nothing
during the whole war had angered him as much as Carzano.
He had good reason to be angry, for what could have been a decisive breakthrough and a huge
morale boost became instead a complete debacle, because of incompetence within the high command
structure of the Italian army.
And as the week ends, British forces defeat the Ottomans on the Euphrates River near Ramadiya,
capturing the Ottoman commander, 3,455 prisoners, and 13 big guns.
So, all in all, a good week for the British in the Far East and the west, and a rough
week for the Germans.
And a fa#iled attempt to give Italy an advantage by treason against Austria-Hungary, though
that was actually last week.
Something else happened this week.
Well, today now in 2017.
Today is September 28th, which means it's my birthday, and actually, today when this
episode comes out is my 50th birthday, which means I am exactly half as old as the events
that I'm talking about.
When you think about it like that, this stuff didn't really happen all that long ago at all.
Let's hope we learned something.
And happy birthday to me.
If you want to learn more about Cadorna, one of the secret stars of our show, you can click
right here for our biography episode about him.
Our Patreon supporter of the week is Bernd Schumacher.
Thank you for your support on Patreon, we couldn't do this show without you.
Gundam Versus: Quick & Dirty (15 tips for Beginners) - Duration: 2:41.
Welcome to Gundam Versus: Quick & Dirty, where we give you the most important info as fast as possible.
For starters, here are some good suits for beginners:
Nu, Sinanju, Freedom, GP-03, Mk-II, and Blitz.
There's nothing wrong with choosing your favourite suit,
but we cannot really recommend 200 cost suits to beginners.
For your Striker, pick Kimaris Trooper.
Unlock it by getting Kimaris Trooper to Level 4.
Just throw it out whenever anyone is sorta close to you.
Always pick Blaze Burst, unless your suit doesn't have a real melee.
Press the Jump button twice in quick succession to Boost Dash in the direction of your choosing.
You can use this to cancel out of any move you perform.
Movement is your defense, offense, and neutral game, so focus on this.
Your basic ranged combo is three Beam Rifles linked together by Boost Dashes.
Do this when punishing enemies or whenever you think it might hit them.
Do a Boost Hop by boost dashing, releasing the lever, then pressing jump.
Fire your beam rifle while falling to poke at enemies.
Boost Hop is best used at neutral or on defense.
When chasing, use boost dashes instead.
Don't spend too much boost.
Avoid overheating at all costs.
If you want to land, input a sidestep and boost dive at the same time
Only shoot in red lock.
Green lock shots don't track.
Always use bursts at 50% if you can, as anything more is a waste of meter.
Strikers refill when you burst and when you die, so try to always use all of your strikers
before bursting or when you find yourself low on health.
The higher cost suit should always die first.
If you are the lower cost suit, avoid dying first at all costs - it's the most common
way to lose games when you're new.
To avoid enemy melee attacks, hold jump to escape.
To practice the concepts mentioned in this video, use Free Play and set the CPUs to Stop.
When you have the basic controls and movelist down, turn those CPUs back on and practice
some basic combat.
Once comfortable, hop into Casual mode or play Player Lobbies with some friends.
Dolunay / Full Moon Trailer - Episode 14 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:50.
Why did you have an abortion?
I believe Hakan is behind all this.
Your big sister had an abortion without telling me.
We'll learn that Hakan is behind all this. I will take Bulut from that house and bring her to mine.
Bulut, I will get you out of here.
- To where? - Wherever you want.
You'll answer me first.
Ferit Aslan, enough is enough. Why the hell do I answer you? Look, I will...
You killed Demir and Zeynep!
How easy it is to fling dirt at pure and innocent people, you saw that right?
- Guys! - Ferit!
I called you here to make an offer.
If you want to get close to Nazlı, this is a very good opportunity.
Fat people deserve respect | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:12.
I think fat people deserve respect, and for some reason that has become like a controversial statement.
I see so much hate for fat people every day,
and I see people internalize those messages and hate themselves.
And that fucking sucks.
Your weight shouldn't be a reason for people to mock you or harass you or make fun of you.
It's just your weight, and it's none of their business.
And the argument I often hear right after that is, "Well, if we live in the same country,
my insurance costs are higher if they're unhealthy!
So it's my business!"
But that's just a massive misunderstanding of the way that health and weight interact,
and how much authority you have over other people's health just because they share
your insurance provider.
Because, for one, being fat doesn't automatically make you unhealthy.
There are plenty of fat people who exercise and eat well and just exist at a slightly
higher weight than other people.
But also, there are plenty of skinny people who have health problems who don't receive
anywhere near the amount of hate that fat people receive.
People who smoke have an increased risk for certain diseases.
People who binge drink have an increased risk for certain diseases.
But smokers and binge drinkers aren't nearly mocked to anywhere near the degree that fat people are.
In fact, binge drinking is usually joked about and often encouraged in our society, while
at the same time people make fun of fat people under the guise of it being about "health".
And regardless, you as an individual don't get to decide who is acceptably healthy to
share an insurance provider with you.
If you're in the US, you probably have private health insurance, in which case it's your
insurer's job to assess the health risks of every patient and charge them accordingly.
Insurance companies obviously have their own extensive problems, and our healthcare system
is a mess, but it's not your job to call up every other person who uses your health
insurance provider and ensure that they meet your specific standards of care so that you
can get the lowest rates possible.
That's just ridiculous.
And it's not like you're perfect either.
You're telling me you've never done anything unhealthy?
You're telling me you workout every day and eat super healthy and never engage in
any kind of risky behaviors that could wind up with you needing medical treatment?
Even speeding while you're driving carries with it an increased risk for a car accident,
which could mean huge medical bills, but nobody is out here shaming everyone who speeds.
And if you live in a country where you have a national health care system, a similar situation comes up.
You can't force everyone to be perfectly healthy.
You certainly aren't perfectly healthy.
And trying to force everyone to follow the exact same exercise and diet is not
only completely unrealistic but also just a pretty fundamental violation of their rights.
You can't claim you want to live in a free country with the ability to do what you want,
and say that you want to dictate how other people live their lives.
Plus, making fun of people for their weight doesn't even help them lose weight.
That's been proven over and over again by different studies.
If your goal is to mock someone into losing weight, it won't happen.
And putting all of that aside, I don't think it's too much to ask that you just have
a base level of respect for people -- regardless of their weight.
Remember that everyone you encounter is a complete human being with thoughts and feelings
-- fat people included.
It wouldn't kill you to be slightly more considerate of people's feelings and to
try to have more compassion for people.
You could live your life trying to offend everyone and being as rude as you possibly
can, or you could graduate from middle school and try to actually be a decent person with
some sort of sense of morality.
And remember that weight gain and weight loss aren't nearly as simple as people like to think.
Calories in minus calories out does not determine your weight.
Everyone has different basal metabolic rates, and they can fluctuate throughout your life.
In fact, people's metabolism slows down when they start exercising, meaning that even
if you restrict your calories in and begin exercising, the changes in your metabolism
could mean that you don't lose any weight, or you lose it at a much slower rate than
someone with a higher metabolism.
Plus, in the longterm, natural variations in metabolism between individuals mean that
some people are simply healthy weighing more or less than other people.
Metabolism is really forgotten when we talk about weight.
So much of weight loss and weight gain is dependant on metabolic rates, but those can
vary wildly between individuals and are affected by a host of factors that we don't fully understand right now.
People with slower metabolic rates are not lazier than people with faster metabolic rates,
they just have different bodies.
Someone's weight is in no way a reflection of their willpower.
All the willpower in the world can't force your metabolic rate to change.
So weight loss or gain can be easier or harder depending on who you are.
And it's important to recognize that so you don't think that just because you're
skinny that everyone else should be able to be skinny too.
People are different. Bodies are different.
Let people live their lives and mind your own business.
And even if you hate someone, find other things to make fun of them for than their weight.
I realize it's an easy insult to go for, but when you do that, you're telling all
fat people what you really think of them.
If you dislike someone, I'm sure you can find ways to insult them without involving
their weight, since their weight shouldn't be the reason you hate them.
When you mock someone's weight, you're perpetuating the idea that being fat is bad
and that people should be mocked for it -- even if you only do it to people you dislike for other reasons.
And don't forget that sometimes weight loss happens for really traumatic or unhealthy reasons.
Rapid weight loss can be extremely bad for your health, if you go on a fad diet or something,
and that kind of weight loss is never sustainable.
Plus, many people who struggle with eating disorders also struggle with being called
"beautiful" when they're not eating and not doing well, while being mocked for
being fat when they're actually eating and taking care of themselves.
You don't know someone's backstory, you don't know what they're dealing with,
you don't know everything about their health, so don't pretend you do.
So yeah, I don't know, just be nice to people?
Show fat people respect, and show people respect whether they're healthy or not.
Respect shouldn't be dependant on weight or health.
I just wanna live in a world where fat people don't hate themselves for their size.
I want people to be able to feel confident and worthy of love even if they're fat.
I'm going to list some amazing fat activists in the description below who I highly recommend
you check out and follow.
I'll also put some links to studies down there and some articles for further reading.
If you're fat, I hope you realize that you're worthy of love and respect.
You're beautiful, you're great, and the fatphobes of the world don't deserve you.
I love you all -- and thanks so much for watching.
I'll see you next time.
Nightcore - Centuries (Female Version)「Lyrics」 - Duration: 2:56.
Nightcore - Centuries (Female Version)
[PARTIE 3] Comment poser des limites à son enfant dans la parentalité bienveillante? - Duration: 2:43.
Tweakd Self Cleansing Hair Treatment Duo - Duration: 17:49.
ENG CC) 텅장ㅜㅜ 면세점에서 70만원어치 쇼핑 700000won worth of shopping at duty-free shops - Duration: 11:43.
Too many purchases are not recommended.
Hi guys. I'm Glee.
Today's topic is.
This is an introduction to the products I bought at DUTYFREE shop.
As you can see, this is the product.
I bought it at the internet duty free shop and the airport duty free shop.
There are also products purchased from Sephora.
I spent a total of 700,000 won.
I'll show you one by one.
It is a makeupforever product.
It's Mist and Fixer.
It's a makeup fixer. It's similar to Mac Fix Plus.
It is a famous product. It has excellent fixing power.
The second product is the makeup Forever uhd foundation
For this product ...
I bought it for use in Thailand.
Well ... lightweight.
The fixing force was excellent. Coverage is....
To be honest, the coverage is weaker than Estee Lauder Double Wear.
This product is a fixing powder.
Powder to cover pores.
It is prime primer finishing powder of vanilaco.
I am using this product well.
Looking at these products,
There is a lid to protect the product.
Powder volume can be adjusted with lid.
The protective cap can be opened and closed.
This product ...
It looks like a pretty well made detail.
Even the price is reasonable.
The texture of the powder is also fine.
Um ... Innisfree ..
It is much lighter than Innisfree pore powder.
I also bought Innisfree No sebum Powder.
This product is also famous.
So I made a purchase.
But this is a product I've never used before.
Still, it is a famous product in Korea.
I use only makeupforever pore powder before.
But ... um ...
This product is so famous that I bought it.
When you buy in dutyfree, you can purchase at a reasonable price.
Urban Decay all night long-lasting setting spray.
It's a 16-hour fixture.
The staff says 16 hours ...
Frankly, the 16-hour fixer is a lie.
It is the dandelion Wishes of benefit.
The configuration of the product is good.
It is the product used in the photo of the insta makeup uploaded in Thailand.
I used this product.
Lip Gloss Cheek Mascara Lip Balm High Beam.
This is a mini size kit.
This brand seems to launch a mini size kit.
This product is also uploaded to the Instagram. Good product.
It is a product called the moonlit of Espior.
Velvet lip tint.
The color is really pretty.
Dry lips are not recommended for purchase.
But the color is so pretty.
And Shiseido Sports Cover Foundation.
The coverage of this product is famous.
This product is not sold in Korea.
But you can buy in our shop. You can also buy in Japan.
Thailand is a very hot country, so you will sweat a lot.
This product was used as a concealer when I went on a trip to Thailand.
It is a product that is used much as a foundation.
Etude House Fix & Fix Primer Pore.
This product is cheaper than the benefit porefeshional.
The texture of the product is also similar.
The role of the pore ...
It is a primer that is really good.
Etude House Doctor Mascara Perfect Fixer For Lash.
There was a makeup that I originally tried to upload. But I could not upload it.
The feeling of using this product,
Excellent retention of eyelashes.
It is fine as a mascara primer.
Laura Mercier foundation primer.
This product enhances the adhesion of foundation.
But now there are many good primers. .
Due to competition for good products, few customers use the product.
However, this product is the ancestor of the primer.
This product is moist. Help makeup.
The eye shadow color ginger of Laura Mercier.
There are many affordable products similar to this product.
Aritaum, The Face Shop, Missha, etc...
Particles of the product are fairly smooth.
The product is better than the road shop brand.
Laura Mercier loose setting powder.
It was to be a famous product in Internet cafe.
It is a fairly light texture.
I bought a Givenchy Tintite Cushion Fluid.
This product has no coverage.
This product is .. well .. This product was pretty and pretty I bought.
I have already purchased in June.
It is often used because it has no covering power.
I do not know how to refill.
So I bought this product.
And Givenchy ...
I bought a base tint a pink base.
I bought it because the this base was famous.
Um ... but ...
In fact, toneup base seems to be better.
I bought another base.
Looking at the product, there are beads like this.
Pearl-colored beads are contained and tried once.
It seems to be a good product for use in autumn and winter.
And Guerlain beads compressed powder and blusher.
Guerlain Metriot My Palette Set with Highlighter.
Highlighter blusher is a product that contains beads powder.
Cleansing water used in Thailand.
I have already traveled to Thailand and used it.
I buy one cleansing product each time I travel.
This product has been used before.
And sammool base.
This product is also pink base.
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