Saturday, March 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 1 2018

Hello friends, Welcome to your channel

Art in Your Hands, for today we are going to share these confectioners who already have

be it form or inspired by Minnie or princesses and you can adapt it to

what you like, then join me throughout the project

so that you learn to realize them, Welcome!

and these are the materials that we need for today, what

main is the tetra pak box either of milk or juice, depending on the

project that they will choose if it is the princess motive, then so the tull in

the color that you like the most, the same felt for

Minnie's tull and felt, too the felt can be changed by foami,

rubber eva or also fabric kambral fabric that is the surgical fabric they use

a lot also in crafts and it comes out very cheap

we are going to use gloss cloth type ribbons 2.5 centimeters wide, one meter

each one can be, in this one I chose one in tull to make a bow then if

can get it is very nice also of these flower ribbons for

decorating we also need the gun silicone with silicone bars

scissors, ruler, pencil and with these materials we started

well I take then now the box and what What I'm going to do is take a measure of

12 centimeters around the contour, I take 12 centimeters frame,

I do it like that all around

and after he checks all the outline what I'm going to do is that with the

I'm going to cut it like that, I'm going to stay in this measure already when you have it

totally cut and that this list, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the piece

of felt or foami (rubber eva) and I'm going to cut the base, I do it

marking with a pencil, I mark the base and This piece comes out, this is the one I'm going to paste in

the base to cover this part of the box also

I'm going to hit them ...

Now what I'm going to do is that also I take the measure that there is from here to this

extreme and also I take out the contour piece ...

I have finished pasting the piece then now what I did was cut what

corresponds to the contour of the box, I cut a piece that has height 14

centimeters that are 12 that will cover and 2 that would be on the inside for

that we do not have this edge without covering so it looks nice and the outline

of the box is 29 centimeters, we're going to cut precisely so that we stay neat

so what are we going is to start sticking with the silicone

and the same will do all around to cover the outside of the box

we notice that in this part it looks good

covered so that it is better presented

we finish and then we have left

in this style, the box is well covered and on the top

I'm going to stick it so it looks nice, well presented

then here already stick with silicone also the whole edge, now what I did

was that I cut 3 pieces of 9 centimeters by 55 centimeters long

If you want, you can take out one complete piece, that is of meter and

half by 9 centimeters I did it like that to be able to work better and avoid

when it is hitting it, it entangles us, Now what I'm going to do is that

around the contour I'm going to start hit the tull

with the tulle I'm going to do it is a kind of fold so that I stay like fluff

I'm going to start by applying silicone

I locate approximately the center and I start to stick the tulle all over the

outline, I'm going to make some

some folds like this all over the contour from

to simulate as a kind of tute, accommodate and start to paste

very carefully with your fingers to not burn them

If you need to press, you can do it with the help of them

scissors or with a pencil to help us also to sustain and thus avoid

burn us

that way the folds are left and what we do all around, the 3

pieces that I indicate in this box in this size are what make us the tutu and we

I would be staying in this style like that of the mouse Minnie

so we have the tutu ready, now what we do is with the tape,

As it is not very nice, very good presented a waist, then what

let's do is start to paste around the contour to cover the

work that did not look so good, presented so well done

you see if you use this same tape,

I have one of points that can also make it look very nice

it can also be

or the tape that you prefer, now with silicone I'm going to stick it all over


and here as you can see then I already I did all the prenses or the darning to the tulle

in the outline of what would be motive princess, also like

Minnie's I'm going to stick to all the outline a tape of size 2.5

centimeters to cover the imperfections

I leave a while to dry to give us firmness and we started

then to apply the silicone

for the whole part of the tulle union

here then I already hit everything it was the outline tape of the tutu

Now what I did was that I cut 25 centimeters of the tape that also

I stuck here in the waist and I stuck it here inside

here in the interior with hot silicone I stuck it to

each side so that it expose firmer to make it more

resistant the tape grab the pouch then

What I did was to cut it material, from same felt a piece of 2

centimeters by the same outline that is 29 cm and I'm going to stick it in the part

internal to cover imperfections and so that I give more firmness to the project

accommodate and start to apply hot silicone around the contour

here then as you can see I already hit on the inside

the reinforcement for the grip tape and on the dress what

What I did was cut these flowers that come on tape and tells you about

details throughout the dress to make it much more beautiful, much more feminine

so now what I'm going to do stick a bow on the part

in front

to give a more coquettish touch to this candy

and I'm also going to stick one of the flowers in the center of the bun

so it would be then the one of the princess

and that of the mouse Minnie, I have it here to the side, I'm going to finish it, too

I've also pasted on the tape to the internal part here as a kind of

buttons in yellow so that highlight the project more and in it

your bow may also be missing

and already finishing then to decorate and put some details to the confectioners

so they have been ready for today, I hope that you like and put it into practice, is

an idea the truth very simple and very economic we can do all for

our events or to give away for example now on child's day ... today

we want to greet some of our subscribers who are always

pending of each one of our Projects, Naysi González, Luz Marina

Castañeda, Julia Danith, Gladys Arroyo, Yamila Arlin Estaca, them and all of you

Thank you very much for your comments, for your "I like", for sharing, for the support

that they have given to the channel, I want let them know that this project

we made with great affection for you, that I had a lot of fun doing it and

I hope you will continue accompanying us in each of the new projects

then remember that Art is in Your hands

For more infomation >> souvenir motive Minnie and Princesses - Duration: 11:18.


EEUU exige a México aumentar el salario a obreros automotrices para renegociar el TLCAN - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> EEUU exige a México aumentar el salario a obreros automotrices para renegociar el TLCAN - Duration: 2:06.


El fichaje que podría provocar una guerra entre Pep Guardiola y el Real Madrid - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> El fichaje que podría provocar una guerra entre Pep Guardiola y el Real Madrid - Duration: 3:40.


Transición a la Democracia | Clase 19: "El caso de Argentina" - Duration: 9:23.






There is consensus that the concept of transitional justice was forged internationally

in virtue of the Argentinian case, from 1983, the first country to face at the national level

a past marked by violations against human rights.

It is its vast experience, as it has experimented almost the totality of known options

in the judicial and social treatment of its recent history, that indicates us the difficulty

that brings for a nation the prospect of facing a process of transition towards democracy.

We will study the aspects which allow us to affirm that, although its transition process

has had breakthroughs and setbacks, it has served as a guide to other countries who have had to face

similar challenges.

Also, the Argentinean case is important for 3 reasons:

1) It occurred in the context of growing awareness worldwide in favor of human rights;

2) It represented the first defeat of a non-democratic regime that became known for

recurring in a massive way to the enforced disappearance of persons;

3) The new elected Government showed its interest in disclosing the truth about the past and in taking

the guilty to trial.

We will come back to these last two points further on.


The 20th century in Argentina was marked by political and institutional instability,

the constant incursion of the military into government and the reiterated use of force as an alternative

way out, which reached its critical point with the "Proceso de Reorganización

Nacional" of 1976, after the overthrowing of María Estela Martínez by a Permanent

Military Junta, composed of each one of the branches of the Armed Forces, for 7 years.

This regime, among others, had the following characteristics:

1) It dissolved the National Congress and granted legislative powers to the Executive;

2) It intervened the Judicial Branch, naming the judges who formed it "in commissions",

rendering it ineffective before the human rights violations committed;

3) It restricted civil rights, it prohibited freedom of association, it proscribed the activity

of political parties and professional associations, and it limited freedom of press;

4) It violated human rights in an organic and systematic manner, by means

of a clandestine repression against all the political opponents of the regime, with an emphasis

on the members of political parties, professional associations and unions. These violations even had

an international scale, by the "Operación Cóndor";

5) The first actions in defense of human rights were made by the relatives

of the victims, who little by little went organizing themselves, being one organization especially visible:

the Mothers and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo;

6) The regime counted with the official support of the Catholic Church's hierarchy,

or al least with its complacency;

7) Its end is marked by the international harassment for its violation of human rights,

by the mobilization of its opponents, by the critical economic situation at the time, but

especially by the collapse of the Military Junta led by General Galtieri

due to the Argentinean military defeat at the Falkland Islands. In this way, we may set the beginning of this transition

as "the moment in which the forces representing the previous government have lost legitimacy

and cohesion, but still maintain their control over arms". Although disrepute

seized over the Armed Forces, these would finally recover part of their power, which would mark

the Argentinean process of transition.


The final return to democracy occurred with the call to elections by

the fourth Junta in 1983. In those elections, President Raúl Alfonsín was elected, who brandished

a strong discourse in favor of issues regarding human rights during his campaign

and promised to render ineffective the "Ley de Pacificación Nacional" (or Self-Amnesty)

dictated by the previous regime before exiting government.

Among his main measures we may find the following:

-He created the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons, which had the objective of investigating

the crimes of enforced disappearances. Its conclusion were expressed in the "Nunca Más"

Report, that also established a narration of what occurred in said period

(and thus was born the "theory of the 2 demons").

-He ordered the detention, trial and conviction of the members of the first three

Military Juntas for criminal offenses, as well as of some renowned guerrillas.

-He derogated the "Ley de Pacificación Nacional".

-He dictated 2 questionable norms, which aimed at equating State terrorism with the

subversive actions prior to the institutional break: the "Ley de Obediencia Debida" and the "Ley de Punto Final",

which had as their objective to impede the expansion of judicial proceedings beyond the

heads of the military dictatorship, as well as limiting the period for presenting new claims.

These provoked the dissatisfaction and pressure of the Armed Forces, deeming them insufficient

to achieve their objectives, which finally destabilized the government and forced the resignation of Alfonsín

before the end of his term.

Menem, who followed Alfonsín, stood out in a negative way in matters of human rights, as he pardoned

those members of the military and the high leaders of the Montoneros who did not benefit from the previous government,

and intervened the Judicial Branch by increasing the number of judges in the Supreme Court, aiming to

close these matters and concentrate on the nation's economic reactivation.

Only in his second government, pressed by national and international circumstances,

did he acknowledge international covenants against crimes against humanity and gave way

to measures of compensation in favor of the relatives of the victims.

From Alfonsín's laws to Menem, and faced with the impossibility of criminal prosecution,

the "Juicios por la Verdad" were born in cities such as Mar del Plata and Mendoza. Based upon the right

to know the truth, they sought to collect information which could be used in

new criminal cases or in those already initiated, once they were reopened.

It would be the Kirchner Presidents, first Néstor and later Cristina, who would make human

rights matters a core idea of their presidencies.

For the first time in 2001, in the "Simón" case, the unconstitutionality of the impunity laws

was declared, as they were considered incompatible with the international obligations of the State.

In 2003, the National Congress sanctioned a law by which the nullity of the

"Ley de Obediencia Debida" and the "Ley de Punto Final" was declared. With this, the cases which had been

closed in the mid-eighties were resumed and new investigations were opened.

Also, important measures of symbolic reparation were taken (for example, they converted

the Mechanics School of the Navy (ESMA, for its Spanish acronym) was converted into a museum).

Currently, Argentina is focused on those civilians who in any way participated in

State terrorism. Thus, for example, it has sought to clean up

the Judicial Branch and to investigate criminal responsibility for conducts which may

constitute crimes. Also, it has inquired into the complicity of some companies of that time,

so that in 2015 Congress approved the creation of the Commission of the Identifications

of Economic and Financial Complicities, which even received international support,

although regrettably it has not yet begun its work.

In 2016, Argentina celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the military coup of 1976 and, as in

other Latin American countries that suffered military dictatorships during the

20th century, it is at a crucial moment on account of the time passed since the events occurred

and the advanced age of the survivors, the relatives of the victims and those

persons under investigation. It is feared that, under the current Administration of President Macri, judicial proceeding

will be delayed and certain public policies will be dismantled or weakened.

How he takes charge of this challenge is still to be seen. Argentina has had a zigzagging

trajectory in human rights matters, although in the end positive aspects predominate.

Thank you very much for watching this lesson, please visit and you are invited to watch our next lesson.

For more infomation >> Transición a la Democracia | Clase 19: "El caso de Argentina" - Duration: 9:23.


María Lapiedra y Adrián Rodríguez detallan su noche de pasión (con una tercera persona) - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> María Lapiedra y Adrián Rodríguez detallan su noche de pasión (con una tercera persona) - Duration: 4:19.


✧ How to help at home?✧ Animation - Sekai Of Koratto (2) - Duration: 2:06.

I have thought

my goal in this life


help as much as possible to my grandpa

All right!

Welcome to ...

"How to help your grandpa?"~

With the participation of...



Come on with the million dollar question!

How to help him? A) Barrer (Sweep) B)clean the floor c) Sweep


Barrer: sweep

the correct answer is:

Barrer! (Sweep)

Koratto Congratulations


If I win! Laugh koratto + crying koratto

I win!

I lose!

I Win!

I already know how to help you!

I'm going to sweep the house!

an ant?


Where will you go?

For more infomation >> ✧ How to help at home?✧ Animation - Sekai Of Koratto (2) - Duration: 2:06.


Transición a la Democracia | Clase 21: "El caso de Sudáfrica" - Duration: 8:02.





During these lessons we have analyzed different cases of transitional justice

at a comparative level, and, in particular, we revised the case of South Africa, with its Truth

and Reconciliation Commission, created in 1995.

In this lesson, we will ponder on the transitional process of South Africa,

its criticisms and its relevance.


As we have stated, once the regime of apartheid was abolished, the Truth and Reconciliation

Commission (TRC) was created as a way of granting restorative justice

under the figure of a body similar to a tribunal, but without jurisdictional powers,

in which victims and witnesses could render their testimonies on the serious human rights

violations suffered, as well as those responsible of said crimes, eventually

seeking their amnesty.

The TRC was not a Truth Commission as others existent in Latin America or even

in the same African continent.

The focus given by the TRC has differed from that given by an important number of Truth Commissions,

as it adopted one of restorative justice.

Thus, the TRC promoted the bases for bringing back together the victims and the perpetrators, giving a principal

role to the first, the possibility of granting amnesty to the second

based on the principle of mutual satisfaction, and a relevant participation to the community

in the process, serving both as a collective catharsis and as a publicity mechanism

to remove the population from its alleged ignorance.

In said context, the work carried out by the TRC in the South African transitional

justice process constitutes a very important landmark, by allowing for the disclosure of truths

that would otherwise have been pushed aside, and as such still submerged and pending

in local society.

Notwithstanding the dimension and importance of the process, to this day there are still some traces

of open matters and wounds not yet healed.

There were no criminal trials to punish those responsible for the human

rights violations committed during the regime of apartheid.

At least in appearance, carrying out thousands of trials to go after those responsible

for the crimes seemed impracticable.

Hence the TRC was not a judicial body and, in consequence, not able to determine

criminal responsibility or impose sanctions, so it was forced to negotiate with all the actors involved,

to this way try to obtain the establishment of peace, even though it were partial.

In this endeavor, the TRC had to give justice in a certain measure, but also had an

even more complex objective: to meet the extremely high expectations imposed by the new Constitution

of South Africa of 1993, in attaining peace and reparation, an enterprise of hard

consecution in a nation fractured by long decades of racial segregation.

In this endeavor, almost 7000 amnesties were granted and almost 2000

public hearings were celebrated, which had as their primary objective the presentation before society

of the offenses committed during the regime of apartheid, accounting for them at a social level.

In this way, in practice, trials were not carried out, preferring

public hearings as the means of granting a justice of sorts to the victims, applying

with them international standards that, in time, proved to be ineffective in a highly

divided South African society given the gravity of the perpetrated offenses.

As to reparation, the South African transitional process has allowed for very modest

compensations to the victims.

Although a great number of victims were eligible for the reparation and compensation,

according to the criterions of the TRC, what is certain is that to date the majority of these victims

have not received them, in spite of the promises of the South African authorities of the time,

while a minority has only received very discreet reparations.

The attempts to obtain greater reparations have been extremely isolated and

matters have come to the point of having to present them before foreign tribunals, as

has been the case of a collective action presented in the United States against several multinational companies

for have incited and collaborated in the human rights violations occurred in

those times in South Africa, without said claim having been presented before

South African tribunals to this date.


The work of the Commission was positive, as it went even further than strictly

probationary aspects and the determination of responsibility, leaving aside the merely

legal dimension and employing a more psychological one, reaching the truth by means of a process

of cathartic exploration of the victims' pain, which had profound importance

in the mending of South African society.

In accordance to this, the current ponderation of the work of the TRC has been deemed favorable,

both in South Africa and abroad, considering it the cornerstone of the process

of democratic transition lived by the country.

Nevertheless, the function of the TRC has not been exempt of criticisms.

Not only procedural aspects were called into question, such as the exposition

to which the victims were faced, problems with the translation of their testimonies

and various other operational matters.

It has also been said by various actors in the process, including victims,

that it ended up promoting the impunity of the perpetrators, by guaranteeing them amnesty

in certain cases, without carrying out any criminal proceedings in their respect,

by determining the authors of a violation before a sentence is passed and granting amnesty

even before they were subjected to a trial.

The position in contrary has sustained, in turn, that although it is true that amnesties were granted,

their application was low in relation to the number of requests presented.

The model of restorative justice imposed in the South African transition also greatly

differed from the usual retributive model imposed in other Truth Commissions.

Here, to privilege the access of information for seeking truth, justice and reparation

for the victims were sacrificed to a great extent.

Thus, these reparations are not currently considered as sufficient by the victims,

and raises the question as to whether the search for truth compensates the absence of other elements of

the justice of transitions.

In this sense, the inexistence of criminal sanctions also led to a generalized

perception of impunity which holds to this day, as no real convictions

for the crimes committed exist, which, of course, ends up being one of the

greatest shortcomings of the process, by not granting in the end justice

for the victims in each particular case.

Currently, with its highs and lows, the South African transition has been deemed successful,

but more as a process than by its actual results.

At the time, it allowed to establish the truth in a more effective way than many other

Commissions at a comparative level, as the offenders were more willing

to disclose what had occurred under the real or apparent promise of amnesty,

in conjunction with the publicity of the offenses.

In what this transition has unfortunately remained in debt is in the complete

reparation of the victims, as well as in the perception that there still remains a lot to do in regards

to the judicial determination of criminal responsibilities of the offenders in the context

of apartheid, leaving the sensation that truth was attained by yielding justice. Although

this is not totally correct, it does have a certain basis in subsequent South African reality,

as justice is an unavoidable element of processes of transition, as well as

an obligation in virtue of international treaties, being its absence incompatible

with the general framework of International Human Rights Law.

Thank you for watching this class.

Please visit and you are invited to watch our next lesson.

For more infomation >> Transición a la Democracia | Clase 21: "El caso de Sudáfrica" - Duration: 8:02.


Transición a la Democracia | Clase 20: "El caso de Chile" - Duration: 14:42.





In this lesson, about transitional justice in Chile, we will address various aspects

related to this concept: the demand for truth, the necessity of social acknowledgement

of human rights violations and the preservation of memory in their regard, the

demand for justice and, finally, the issues still s

pending in Chile.


In the Chilean transition process, three main commissions have existed: the National

Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, known as the Rettig Commission; the National Commission

on Political Imprisonment and Torture, the Valech I and II Commissions; and the Program for identifying

and repairing victims of political dismissal, that is, the persons who were dismissed from their employments

in the Administration of the State for political reasons.

Truth Commissions are part of the policies for the transition towards democracy

and the clarification and determination of the truth about serious human rights violations.

They are transitory State bodies, with ethical or historical functions, not a jurisdictional function.


The Rettig Commission was created by the recently elected President in April of 1990,

and functioned until February of 1991.

The political context which surrounded the creation of the Rettig Commission was complex,

of great polarization and denial in regards to what occurred during the dictatorship; of laws and political constraints

which impeded the effective investigation of facts, like, for example, the validity

and application of the Chilean Amnesty Law, which obstructed their investigation and punishment

on the part of the Judicial Branch.

Also, although former dictator Augusto Pinochet had left the government, he maintained his position as

Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army.

The Commission started to function on April 25th, 1990, with 8 members appointed

by President Aylwin, 4 persons who had supported the dictatorship, but not its human rights

violations, and 4 others who did not.

The Commission was presided over by Raúl Rettig, former Senator of the Chilean Radical Party, from whom it takes its name.

Its objective was to clarify the truth about those human rights violations

resulting in death committed between September 11th, 1973, and

March 11th, 1990.

The Commission proposed different reparation and prevention measures.

During 9 months, the Commission revised more than 3.550 individual cases, testimonies,

both from Chile and from abroad, and analyzed thousands of documents and archives from the State

and from organizations for the defense of human rights, standing out from among them

the Vicariate of Solidarity.

This commission established, in a nominative way, 2.279 cases of enforced disappearances and/or

political executions.

It did not investigate the cases of persons who were victims of torture, because they were not comprised

within their mandate, although it did refer to torture as a systematic practice.

The final report was delivered on February 8th, 1991, to President Aylwin,

who made it public on March 4th, 1991. Assuming the continuity of the State,

he asked for forgiveness in name of the Chilean State to all the victims and their relatives.

The Commission recommended the creation of a Corporation for Reparation and Reconciliation,

which was subsequently created and, after 5 years of work, added 899 new cases.

Regarding the report, Professor José Zalaquett has deemed it as a "healthy catharsis

for the country" and as "the cornerstone of a transitional policy which sought

the moral reconstruction of our society".

In this sense, it acted as an icebreaker, which charges into the frozen sea and opens its way


The Commission's findings, also, served as the foundation for the reparations bestowed by law

upon the relatives of acknowledged victims of political executions and enforced disappearances.

Also, the documents and findings of the Rettig Commission gave way to the necessary

investigations which were later conducted by the Judicial Branch.


During the government of President Ricardo Lagos, the necessity to clarify the truth reemerged,

not only in regards to the crimes which resulted in the death or disappearance

of victims, but also the cases of political imprisonment and torture,

which had not been included in the mandate of the Rettig Commission.

In this government, the "No hay mañana sin ayer" proposal was made, in August of 2003.

As a consequence of said proposal, the government created in 2003 the National Commission

on Political Imprisonment and Torture, with the mission of determining which persons were

victims of privation of liberty and torture for political reasons at the hand of State

agents between September 11th, 1973, and March 10th, 1990, to subsequently propose

a reparation policy, with the commitment of elaborating a list of names of

persons qualified under such categories.

This Commission was presided over by Monsignor Sergio Valech, former Vicar of Solidarity,

hence the name "Comisión Valech", and was composed of seven persons

different from the members of the Rettig Commission, of politically plural composition.

The Valech I Commission determined, in a nominative manner in its report of 2004, that nearly 28.000 cases of political

imprisonment took place.

Regarding torture, the report concluded it was a generalized practice,

The report addresses the context in which the detentions and tortures took place, examining

the different periods of repression, identifying the torture methods used,

establishing which places operated as detention centers and analyzing the consequences such torments had

not only on the persons who were effectively detained, but also on their families.

The Valech Commission, in a similar manner to the Rettig Commission, served as an antecedent

so that legislation could establish reparations for the victims qualified as such.


Due to the fact that, after the Valech I Commission, new cases were presented which did not manage

to be qualified out of a lack of information, the necessity to create a second commission became clear.

Thus, the Valech II Commission was created in 2010 by the government of President Michelle Bachelet,

and had as its objective the qualification of persons who suffered privation

of liberty and/or torture for political reasons, cases of enforced disappearance or political execution,

kidnappings or attempts against life which fall under State responsibility, in a

sort of extension of the previous Commission's term for receiving applications of persons

who were victims of human rights violations.

The Commission established 30 new cases of enforced disappearance occurred during the

military dictatorship, and 9.795 new cases of survivors of political imprisonment and/or torture,

increasing official figures to a total of 3.216 cases of persons who disappeared or

were murdered, and 38.254 persons who survived political imprisonment and/or torture.


Unlike the previous commissions, the system for qualifying victims of political

dismissal went seriously off course, with thousands of cases wrongly qualified as political dismissal.


In spite of initial resistances, the Rettig report was acknowledged by Chilean society

as a whole, excepting the high military command.

In the year 2000, the so called "Mesa de Diálogo", established the year before and with the double

objective of achieving the acknowledgement of the Armed Forces and of establishing the detailed

truth about the fate and whereabouts of those disappeared, concluded with an acknowledgement

from military institutions, until then non–existent, that there were violations of human rights

in times of the dictatorship.

However, unfortunately, the "Mesa de Diálogo" did not achieve its other objective, which is still pending.


In this regard, a multitude of monuments, museums and other sites of remembrance have been established,

among which stands out the Museum of Memory and Human Rights, inaugurated in 2010,

and the Peace for Peace Park at Villa Grimaldi, created in the site of the former general headquarters

of the DINA.


Since 1998, the Chilean Supreme Court no longer applies the Amnesty Law of 1978,

preferring the application of International Law.

Human rights cases are processed under the old, inquisitive criminal procedure system

(Chile established an adversarial system, with the corresponding Prosecutor's Office, in 2004).

Currently, there are 1.328 cases on crimes against human rights, submitted to 15 specially appointed judges

from Courts of Appeals.

The immense majority of those cases are for enforced disappearances and executions, remaining

only a small number of ongoing investigations for torture.

The convictions surpass 300 in number.


The concept of reconciliation has various meanings.

For some, reconciliation assumes that we were once "conciliated".

For others, the word has religious connotations.

In any case, in Chile, the possibility of recurrence of a military dictatorship in the country

seems remote: political adversaries nowadays treat themselves as such and not as human

beings who have no rights.


In spite of advances in matters of truth, justice and reparation, there are still important

demands from a human rights perspective in relation to the serious violations

occurred during the dictatorial period.

Even now, establishing the fate and whereabouts of approximately 900 disappeared persons is still


The standard must be to do all that is humanly possible to achieve this.

It is also necessary that the State judicially investigate and punish those responsible

for systematic torture during the dictatorship.

Thank you for watching this lesson.

Please visit, and you are invited to watch our next lesson.

For more infomation >> Transición a la Democracia | Clase 20: "El caso de Chile" - Duration: 14:42.


Valverde no quiere riesgos con Messi: Suplente contra el Sevilla - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Valverde no quiere riesgos con Messi: Suplente contra el Sevilla - Duration: 3:15.


Jurassic World Lego Game Anti-Venom Hybrid Indominus Rex Custom Dino Creator By WD Toys - Duration: 24:34.

hey guys today we're gonna be building another custom dino as you can see I

already have one custom Dino here this kind of looks like you do ballet or

something they have other ones I can switch to - these are custom ones I've

Jurassic World Lego Game Anti-Venom Hybrid Indominus Rex Custom Dino Creator By WD Toys Marvel



they also do ballet


check this guy like that

and we had one

I'm gonna go back to that

so anyways today we are going to create white venom Dominus

Arius let's see can I break this table apart if I charge it

okay looks like I have okay it's all white venom which would be actually I

believe in Taemin so anyways I think I'm gonna start with indominus rex and we

will work from there this was our Black Panthers ominous Rex

which I did last episode Wow let's see let's start its head our choices are the

office or ass

Dominus racks Spinosaurus Triceratops

no I'm gonna switch I think the t-rex blue t-rex may go with the t-rex your

because she's got a smoother head

also it did have t-rex okay so okay I stick with t-rex t-rex head for the body

our choices are ankylosaurus Spinosaurus Stegosaurus or just plain I hate plain

I like the Spinosaurus so we will stick with that and this is like the

Stegosaurus but I don't think that's quite what we're looking for so we will

stick with the die more proton okay now we have to go with colors so we gotta

get this guy the right colors so the majority of this guy anti-venom is white

looks cool but the majority is white and part of him is black so here we're gonna

stick with people throw in white

when I'm almost as like white lie

I think this is the closest we're gonna get

but there

is there anything else

that would be a DNA

okay so I believe that that should work

okay so let's we're gonna do a couple more so we could have three dinosaurs at

a time then you could actually like battle them and stuff so we need like a

medium sized I know that is an earlier one I made yeah let's let's flip through

here sometimes they come up with some really cool stuff I think I'd rather

make my own it's like I said if you guys got suggestions make sure you let me

know but the first thing we gotta do is get this guide to some more the normal

colors because those colors are really yeah goodness he looks like a Christmas

tree well that should give us

okay well anyways head let this see

and Velociraptor head t-rex head buying the stories and

Dominus perhaps his head and died laughs listen I think I go Adele off the source

it's kind of cool and for body our options are if it's RS spinosaurus


now go Stegosaurus tail options are in Clio

dimorphic Oh Stegosaurus okay let's go Stegosaurus okay so now we have to pick

out some colors you could use this DNA pink one on this one here just look

through a bunch of different colors Ian Campos I don't know I don't really

like the colors they do there well we make this guy like I think red in black


okay let's get some common

right I'm gonna stick with a present it actually looks kinda cool

okay we will stick there

now we need up

like that okay so we have our second Dino and now we

it was a lot

okay so for the rafter

starting with his head personally I think it's kind of cool when they go wow

that guy's so freaky love it


that's fine


and you're the tail

okay so we got our dinos so now let's get out of here

we'll be there oh I can't walk them through are you

serious it's too big to walk through

joyful tiny source skipping through the lobby

so here we are and you seen me do this on the last episode so I'm gonna

actually actually no I'm not because I had a hard time finding this OP - so I

will go to tyrannosaurus territory during the day follow that follow that I

know he knows what he's doing he can't cross cookie ah

he can't cross best thing

so you guys watching both of these if you want to pay attention here because I

probably will not do it again next episode

now I could probably oh stop no way he was stuck there


ah he head-butted their plan check that out did okay so it's over here the young

this hill here we will have to put it back together and I lay there in guard I

know you like this okay they're not gonna let it die no put it together so

let's bring our dinos to life our first one large dinosaur we are gonna bring in

our custom

check the guy out awesome Wow that is definitely in this guy or defeat



okay so let's see what damage you could do with

these guys anyways if i hatch another one of my dinos I could hit them so

let's just go over here switch back to our human

bring in another one of our dinos the medium Dino what do we got we got the


okay let's see what this guy's options


we'll be charged

see here he's fighting

can this guy

yes anyways he won't charge if I could give back to the big

okay put then

and I just destroyed

and we still had one more dyno so let's go ahead

and it

Wow that guy's so goofy looking oh man okay

so what are his options let's see okay so he charges he's got a triceratops hey

you know I think that's why our Triceratops is not charging does he do

it looks like he's targeting but it's not firing anything anyways let's go

ahead and attack our big where's the big guy what it took them back this dings

okay go ahead bring him back

okay so there is our big game

go ahead

chasing check that out to smoke okay let's see if I can charge

oh yeah oh I took them down no way Wow

okay let's get him back sorry I'm still getting used to the flipping things two

different characters haven't done it oh

really okay I didn't know you could do two of

the same okay so anyways get our big guy back

it's not


okay-y anyways we got a good look at what he looks like let me know which

other dino you guys want to create

what do you guys think you guys like okay okay so anyways I got control the

big guy again

let's go as

so anyways you get a good idea of what this guy looks like I want to hear him

so anyway that is our white venom or anti-venom like I said let me know which

one you guys want to see next you guys are totally awesome and I will see you

go ahead and put that in the comment section jumping on the video I know you

remember click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun videos also

click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new video click the

boxes below for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go

ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> Jurassic World Lego Game Anti-Venom Hybrid Indominus Rex Custom Dino Creator By WD Toys - Duration: 24:34.


Ngậm 1 Thìa Này 5 Phút Buổi Sáng, Nhiệt Miệng Hay Hôi Miệng Kinh Niên Sẽ Trị Dứt Điểm - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Ngậm 1 Thìa Này 5 Phút Buổi Sáng, Nhiệt Miệng Hay Hôi Miệng Kinh Niên Sẽ Trị Dứt Điểm - Duration: 3:13.


El amor de María Teresa Campos VS la seriedad de su nieta en Viernes Santo - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> El amor de María Teresa Campos VS la seriedad de su nieta en Viernes Santo - Duration: 4:02.


El club de las celebrities que han alcanzado la mayoría de edad - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> El club de las celebrities que han alcanzado la mayoría de edad - Duration: 6:04.


Manuel Benítez, 'el Cordobés': la venganza de papá - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Manuel Benítez, 'el Cordobés': la venganza de papá - Duration: 6:46.


Que se aten los machos Atresmedia y Mediaset: los jóvenes ingleses ya ven más Netflix que la BBC - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Que se aten los machos Atresmedia y Mediaset: los jóvenes ingleses ya ven más Netflix que la BBC - Duration: 3:03.





Eva González publica la primera imagen de su hijo en Instagram - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Eva González publica la primera imagen de su hijo en Instagram - Duration: 2:57.


Campeche Campeche - Lugares Turísticos de México - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Campeche Campeche - Lugares Turísticos de México - Duration: 2:46.


Cynthia Nixon presenta su candidatura a gobernadora de Nueva York - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Cynthia Nixon presenta su candidatura a gobernadora de Nueva York - Duration: 2:26.


O Enigma continua: O que não estão nos dizendo sobre a Antártida. - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> O Enigma continua: O que não estão nos dizendo sobre a Antártida. - Duration: 7:00.


Opel Vivaro SPORT L1H1 1.6 CDTI 120PK - NAVIGATIE - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Vivaro SPORT L1H1 1.6 CDTI 120PK - NAVIGATIE - PARK ASSIST - Duration: 0:59.


fun MINECRAFT////////////////// ;) - Duration: 6:16.


The video that you are about to watch is extremely CRINGY

And it is supposed to be Extremely CRINGY.

So don't think I'm being serious...

Cause I'm not.

*Slowly reaches for his pillow*

Make sure to subscribe.

And I hope you enjoy the video. (u probably will)

*Throws his pillow at u*


For more infomation >> fun MINECRAFT////////////////// ;) - Duration: 6:16.


Valverde no quiere riesgos con Messi: Suplente contra el Sevilla - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Valverde no quiere riesgos con Messi: Suplente contra el Sevilla - Duration: 3:15.


[EPL 포커스] 돌아온 자하와 돌아오지 못한 이청용 | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> [EPL 포커스] 돌아온 자하와 돌아오지 못한 이청용 | 뉴스 24/24 - Duration: 4:20.


Вязание крючком. ПЛАТЬЕ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ОПИСАНИЕ - Duration: 33:59.

For more infomation >> Вязание крючком. ПЛАТЬЕ. РАЗБОР УЗОРА+СХЕМА+ОПИСАНИЕ - Duration: 33:59.


अनमोल विचार | Life Changing Thoughts | Hindi Motivational | प्रेरणादायक अनमोल विचार - Duration: 0:31.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> अनमोल विचार | Life Changing Thoughts | Hindi Motivational | प्रेरणादायक अनमोल विचार - Duration: 0:31.


Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0T 90PK ONLINE EDITION | Schuifdak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0T 90PK ONLINE EDITION | Schuifdak - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo 140pk Start/Stop Online Edition - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Mokka X ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 140PK - NAVIGATIE - ONSTAR - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 140PK - NAVIGATIE - ONSTAR - Duration: 1:00.


Opel Grandland X Online Edition 1.2T 130pk | Navi - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Grandland X Online Edition 1.2T 130pk | Navi - Duration: 0:54.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Opel ADAM GLAM FAVOURITE 1.0T 90PK | LEDER | PANORAMADAK - Duration: 0:55.


Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Edition Start/Stop - Bluetooth - Airco - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4 90pk 5d Edition Start/Stop - Bluetooth - Airco - Duration: 1:02.


Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 Start/Stop 75pk Edition - CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 90pk 3d BLACK EDITON - OPC LINE - NAVI - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 90pk 3d BLACK EDITON - OPC LINE - NAVI - Duration: 0:58.


Whatsapp Status Qawwali | मेरा ख्वाजा सुल्तान ( Mera Khwaja Sultan ) | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:30.

Qawwali Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Status Qawwali | मेरा ख्वाजा सुल्तान ( Mera Khwaja Sultan ) | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:30.


Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 75pk ROCKS Online Edition - NAVI - LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Mokka X ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 140PK AUTOMAAT - NAVIGATIE - ONSTAR - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka X ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 140PK AUTOMAAT - NAVIGATIE - ONSTAR - Duration: 0:57.


Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


Purpose (Music Video)

For more infomation >> Purpose (Music Video)


News Conference: Loyola Chicago & Michigan - Postgame - Duration: 54:22.

For more infomation >> News Conference: Loyola Chicago & Michigan - Postgame - Duration: 54:22.


Ib Lindschouw's New Orleans Jazzband i Herringløse 5/ - January 2018 - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> Ib Lindschouw's New Orleans Jazzband i Herringløse 5/ - January 2018 - Duration: 11:56.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Demo - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Demo - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-i AWD Dynamic Business - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-i AWD Dynamic Business - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style/Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style/Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:59.


How Long to Do No Contact to Get Your Ex Back - Duration: 4:15.

Hey there, welcome back.

It's clay with and this is relationship inner game.

Today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be talking about how long should

you be doing no contact for.

Again, this really does depend on which type of no contact you're doing passive no contact,

active no contact, reverse psychology, "let's play" mind games no contact or uh, you know,

he opened the breakup no contact or you know, all kinds of different types, but I'm just

going to be moving forward assuming that we're talking about active no contact because that's

what I teach.

So how long should you be doing it?

And the main thing shouldn't be focusing on some specific number of days, like you know,

a week, two weeks, three weeks, a month, three months, five months, six months or anything

like that.

What you should really be thinking about is the quality of the interactions that you believe

that you'd be able to have with your ex.

So oftentimes it would be highly recommended that somebody would go into no contact of

any type because quite frankly, they are not having positive interactions with their ex,

you know, every time they pick up the phone and call their ex, they have an argument or

their walls them out or every time they text they're actually, they just get met with some

like, angry response or they're just no response whatsoever.

Otherwise, every time they're interacting they are having a worse and worse interaction

with them that is causing them to distance themselves from you emotionally.


What we're doing during active no contact is we are creating a new context where we

can develop the ability to interact with our ex in a way that actually brings us closer


So you don't want to just kind of white knuckle it through no contact and hope that just because

some certain amount of days have passed, uh, that you're suddenly going to be able to have

a great impact on your ex.

So putting some time, make sure that you are doing something to actually have a great positive

impact on your ex.

That should really determine the length of no contact.


If you're making progress and you're developing advanced relational skills and you're able

to have stronger interactions with people that bring the two of you deeper, that allow

for more connection then you're making great progress and that could be a sign that, you

know, it might be, have been long enough for you to get out of no contact.


Especially if you also factor in the other reasons that you might do no context such

as personal healing from the break up and, um, allowing enough time for your ex's reactance

to sort of die down a little bit and all of that stuff.


But as a general rule of thumb, I would recommend that you would do active no contact for about

30 days, about one month.


This is by no means a strict rule that everyone must follow.

But generally I think that it's a good rule of thumb, a good starting point.

Some people might need more time, a very, very few people might need less time.

But it's a good starting point.

A good rule of thumb and you shouldn't really focus on the amount of time, so much as on

the quality of the interactions that you're able to have.

So anyway, that's how long you should be doing no contact for.

And that's how you should be thinking about it anyway.

Once again, this is clay with

What you can do if you want to learn more about all of this is to head down below and

click the link in the description of this video.

And what that'll do is it'll take you to our website, where you

can tell us a little bit about yourself and your breakup and all that stuff.

And we'll start to send you some customized advice tailored to your specific situation

that will help you to get back together with the person that you love.

If you're watching this on our website in, if you click a link down

below this video, what will happen is that you'll be taken to a page that will tell you

a little bit more about some of our more advanced, more intricate, more guided trainings that

you can go through to help you get back together with your ex.

So once again, I hope that this video has helped you out.

If you, uh, would like to leave a comment in the comment space down below on Youtube,

I'm just go ahead and let me know what kinds of topics you'd like me to make videos on

in the future.


And of course, if you've enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe anyway, take care.

I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> How Long to Do No Contact to Get Your Ex Back - Duration: 4:15.


fun MINECRAFT////////////////// ;) - Duration: 6:16.


The video that you are about to watch is extremely CRINGY

And it is supposed to be Extremely CRINGY.

So don't think I'm being serious...

Cause I'm not.

*Slowly reaches for his pillow*

Make sure to subscribe.

And I hope you enjoy the video. (u probably will)

*Throws his pillow at u*


For more infomation >> fun MINECRAFT////////////////// ;) - Duration: 6:16.


420 smoke sesh with Mookie 3-30-18 (Saturday Night: ) S2,E76 - Duration: 29:20.

For more infomation >> 420 smoke sesh with Mookie 3-30-18 (Saturday Night: ) S2,E76 - Duration: 29:20.


Is my channel dead...? [FINALLY NOT] - Duration: 9:35.

And I do play a lot of this off camera,

All a bunch of different games

So I'm pretty good at most games

I forgot I wasn't on my other account

I was saying that I thought I still had the roll power thing

The way I lay in the ground it just makes me look like I'm stretching




I hit him,

I totally hit him, and he still didn't die

How do you get snowballs out of streets?

When there's no snow in the streets

That's my question

Put what you think in the comments

How do you get snowballs from streets when there is no snow

That was a terrible throw

Oh, he's trying to get me again!

Why did I throw all the way over there when I was aiming over here?

She's targeting me

She totally just went for me instead of that guy

He's targeting me, HE'S TARGETING ME! D:

Where'd the thing go?

That was a terrible terrible throw

Heyy what do you think you're doing!?





WHAT!? That was, that was quick!

Way to quick.

Yeees! I'm MLG!

Go oof_92!


I wanna get this, It's a crazy ragdoll :c

Someone threw this at me!

[I can't even understand what I'm even saying]

[So, just think I said nothing]

At first I thought this was an octopus.

[More foreign language]

[Talking about the super long countdown]

GET SHREKED! [Rekt but Shrek]



[Now is when you can start hearing it again.]

For more infomation >> Is my channel dead...? [FINALLY NOT] - Duration: 9:35.


Buying Luxury Bus Ticket to Travel Cheap (Poor vs Rich)- Social Experiment | TamashaBera - Duration: 13:14.

hey guys my name is TamashaBera and welcome to a new video

we will be boarding our first luxury bus now we are not going to pay a single penny for

the ticket because we have a 24 hour luxury bus

pass (showing the ticket to the luxury bus conductor)

with this i can travel the whole city right ? Yes

almost time to get down from the luxury bus we are not going to pay a single penny for

the ticket because we have a 24 hour luxury bus

pass the price of the pass is 70 INR = 1 USD

i have mentioned the conversion before that is us getting down from the luxury bus

so we will walk for another 30 seconds to reach our destination

well that was a very quick luxury bus journey i can go back in the same pass

i probably should put my wallet in my pocket crossing the road vlogging isnt not good

i will just run and cross we are approaching our destination

so we have reached the gateway of india the three destinations are the gateway,ship

journeys and exploring the elephanta caves there is no entry fee to this destination

you got a nice view of this whole place and enjoy taking pictures

well that was it and its time for us to leave this place

we are going to take our next luxury bus to get to our destination

without spending money we can travel well it was an one time investment of 1 USD

and a few cents it was just 70 INR and you are enjoying your

travel so cheap we are going to take our next luxury bus to

get to our destination so if you are coming down to Mumbai and if

you are traveling get the 70 INR BEST luxury bus pass

its a walkable distance but might aswell take this luxury bus in this case

its at the next luxury bus stop we will start walking as soon as we get down

to reach the gallery and museum we are going to take our next luxury bus to

get to our destination shouldn't be getting down from the luxury

bus at this place but i think its fine i hope our ticket will be valid for the double

decker luxury bus aswell we are going to take our next luxury bus to

get to our destination we will try to go up in front on the upper

deck i think i forgot to get down at my luxury

bus stop so i need to get down catch another luxury

bus and get back to my destination

right now i am infront of the High Court but not sure if i can put this on the video

or not so i will get down at the next stop

and then head towards the museum or art gallery this is the third luxury bus journey

i was quite excited to get to the 2nd level of this luxury bus and get the front seats

time to get down and out of the luxury bus it was a great journey

look how big the luxury bus is its a humongous big luxury bus as compared

to the other luxury buses around here!! we could have taken the luxury bus and as

of now i have stopped counting the amount of luxury buses we have been into

so i am going to walk till the art gallery and the museum

the structure over there under construction is the flora fountain

and then head towards the museum or art gallery i can't show it to you guys because it is

under construction our luxury bus

i think this will be our spot to get down we got down infront of the museum

because there is an entry fee damn i messed up with the tripod

that is the Jahangir Art Gallery the whole purpose i am making this video

is only meant for travellers who wants to travel cheap

and for people who can't afford much i think paying 1 USD to travel the whole city

is an amazing deal the name of this place is Kala

and that is that black horse right there so Kala Ghoda means Black Horse

and thats the name of this place so we are going to catch a luxury bus to visit

a train terminal so we are going to head towards that direction

might have to ask people about the luxury buses to take

sad thing is that i just missed my luxury bus

and the worst part is that the heat is just too much

i think i should catch that luxury bus going towards that direction

oh damn its not a slight problem

i am following the directions on the map and there should have been a luxury bus stand

somewhere over here and apparantly there is some construction

work going on over here and i don't see any luxury buses at all

i think i should move in that direction hoping to catch the coming luxury bus

i don't see any luxury buses so probably have to wait

i see a luxury bus which is very far away and i hope it

drives through this same road i hope the luxury bus halts in the traffic

because that would be my best chance of getting in the

luxury bus with this luxury bus we will go till CST

and from CST we will take another luxury bus till Marine Lines

i hope our plan works out he slowed down the luxury bus for me

i dont have much time left so will do my bes to travel till CST

and after visiting that place will go to Marine Lines directly from here

and will take another luxury bus to go in another direction to the National Park

with the same BEST luxury bus pass we have its valid till 12 AM midnight so we are cool

so we have reached Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus which is right behind me

and the BMC office is right there there is so much security for some sort of

rally taking place the luxury bus just dropped us in front of

the CST there is something big happening now at this

place because i can see so much security this is the CST train Terminal

its a big junction for trains these luxury buses even have mobile chargers

too this luxury bus wont directly to till that

place so will change luxury buses after getting down

the beach is quite nearby so we can walk it out

can we walk it out or take another luxury bus from here?

you need to catch luxury bus number 203 from here

they are being super nice and helpful to me i cant even reach out to my phone because

it is in my bag and both my hands are tied up

so i need to wait for two luxury buses ie.256 or 203

my legs are giving up! i woke up at 5:30 today is this luxury bus going to Juhu Beach?

nope it wont go i hope its my luxury bus because i see two

luxury buses coming its been 20 minutes of me waiting for the

luxury bus and i am exhausted luxury buses come and they go

waiting for the luxury bus is the most tidious part

if you have the patience then you can make things work

i see another luxury bus i need to show him my luxury bus pass

alright we good i think its not a ladies seat

in this country there are seats reserved for ladies for public transportation

we got down from the luxury bus and we will be

moving towards the beach now its 40 degree celcius and who goes to the

beach in this heat for this video i am showcasing what i can

do for 70 INR in this city traveling in the luxury bus

i am trying to complete all the spots in a single

day which is becoming a very tough job (people shouting)

what is that? this a microphone

this is a camera i am shooting myself

why ? shoot me aswell brother

they are here at the BEST luxury bus depot they are the conductor,drivers and officials

who run the Best luxury buses well i got scared thinking they are angry

with me walking down this pavement or something i did not hear him till the last moment he

came out another 500 m to the beach

i am just kidding we are already here the beach is quite beautiful ladies and gentlemen

its so bright should have bought my shades or something

the food in this bag has started leaking outside its literally on my trousers and giving me

some problems and i dont want to throw the food out

cant eat now because its all work time i hope you guys enjoyed the beach

hope you guys are still following the mumbai map

i will be heading back and will try to catch a luxury bus

from here till Station i have literally stopped counting the amount

of luxury buses i am getting into the luxury bus is not moving probably its

not time yet once passengers are there it will start moving

its so bad because of the heat now the luxury bus will probably start right now

right now we are in another luxury bus heading towards

the highway to catch another luxury bus its just too many luxury buses to count

i will be getting down as i can see the highway i will go in front because thats where you

exit well we got down from the luxury bus

will start walking towards the highway and from there we will catch another luxury

bus so now we are going towards Borivali

thats where Sanjay gandhi national park and Kanheri caves are located

the luxury bus will take 58 mins to reach my spot

58 minutes including the traffic if its an hour late it might take me 3 hours

then finally got down in Borivali

and it took me more than an hour right now i am standing infront of Sanjay

Gandhi National Park we can't go in because it would require a

ticket and videography is not allowed

right now i am outside the gate of the National Park

this is the gate well that is it ladies and gentlemen

from here i am going to take a luxury bus till my place

and from there we are going to walk it out well that concludes our journey

its just too many luxury buses to count super exhausted from

this journey today worst part is that i have conjestion

For more infomation >> Buying Luxury Bus Ticket to Travel Cheap (Poor vs Rich)- Social Experiment | TamashaBera - Duration: 13:14.


Magic The Gathering: MTG Brawl NEW FORMAT explained: the new addition to magic coming with #MTGDOM - Duration: 7:04.

Hey guys MtgDecksForFun here, and today we're gonna talk about something a little different

than what we normally talk about on this channel.

So, with Dominaria on the horizon, its coming in pretty fast, about the middle/end of this

month it will be out.

I am really excited about the cards.

I might do some kind of spoiler video when theres more cards actually spoiled, I know

there are all sorts of (proxy) cards that tell you what they do, but I really like showcasing

the art with the card.

Makes it a little more fun for me but anyway, that's not what I am going to talk about.

So, you guys know how I love commander and commander is pretty much the only thing that

I play.

Well, actually secrets on the down low, I am building a standard deck right now and

uh, I will probably be doing some sort of deck tech with that at some point.

I also have another commander deck that I built, and I also might do a couple brawl

decks techs, because this is what this video is about, which is brawl.

So, brawl is pretty much like commander except it is standard legal cards, and they follow

the same banned and restricted list as standard.

But before we get into anything I am going to tell you what those cards are.

So the cards, this was revised January 19th, 2018, that are banned in standard right now

are, aetherworks marvel, smugglers copter, feldar guardian, attune with aether, rouge

refiner, rampaging ferocidon, and ramunap ruins.

That ramunap ruins deck took quite the hit with that banning.

Um, but that's not what we are going to talk about, so, brawl is just like commander

except instead of starting with 40 life, you start with 30 and ou can also only use standard

legal cards.

It is a 60 card deck around a legendary creature or planeswalker.

Because the new Planeswalkers are legendary, you can only have one copy of any given card

except for basic lands.

Obviously it's the same rules as commander.

UH the mana symbols that appear on your commander dictate what cards may be in your deck, mana

symbols that don't appear on your commander cant be in the deck.

So to give an example the new guy from dominaria that's coming out, he is a 4 drop a red,

white, and blue, and a colorless.

You can pay red, white, black, blue, and green instead of paying for its mana cost, so he

would be a 5-color brawl deck.

Because he has all 5 mana symbols on his card.

But firesong and sunspeaker are red and white, so you can only have red and white.

So the mana symbols (jump cut because of static) and then like commander, your legendary creature

or planeswalker start in the command zone, it works the same way as in commander.

So basically, it starts off in the command zone, and you play it for its mana cost, when

it dies you can either put it into the graveyard or back into the command zone.

Then it gets what my play group calls a "command counter" so, for each command counter on

your commander in the command zone, it costs 2 more colorless to cast.

So I am going to go back to firesong and sunspeaker, because I really love the art on this card.

It costs 6 right?

So the first time it dies it will cost 8, then the second time it dies it will cost

10, and so on and so forth.

So it just adds to its mana cost every time it dies.

So there's a lot of really good legendary creatures in this set (format) so to give

a few examples, we have Azor, the Lawbringer, it is a 6/6 for 6 with flying, when it enters

the battlefield, each opponent cant cast instant or sorcery spells during that players next


Whenever Azor attacks, you may pay X a white and 2 blue, if you do, gain x life and draw

x cards.

(static) So like I was saying, it's really good, it a really solid card, so the next

one we have is Baral, Chief of Compliance, he is a 1/3 for 2 instants and sorcery spells

you cast cost 1 less to cast.

Whenever a spell or ability you control counters a spell, you may draw a card, if you do discard

a card.

I think that's pretty good, and next we have, Sram, senior edificer.

He is a 2/2 for 2 whenever you cast and aura, equipment, or Vehicle spell, draw a card.

Now, there's a lot of vehicles, and a lot of equipment, and there is one enchantment

one aura in particular called conviction, you can pay a white and return it to your

hand, and you can just keep drawing cards and its really really good, and he is really


And then we have Gishath, sun's avatar.

It is a 7/6 for 8 with trample vigilance and haste, whenever gishath, sun's avatar deals

combat damage to a player reveal that many cards from the top of your library.

Put any number of dinosaur creature cards from among them onto the battlefield and the

rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

So, its really good especially with all the dinosaurs that have come out in Ixalan and

rivals of Ixalan and it makes a very, very solid deck.

The last one I am going to go over is from the newest set, dominaria.

And it is Danitha Capashen, Paragon it is a 2/2 for 3 with first strike, vigilance,

and lifelink, aura and equipment spells you cast cost 1 colorless less to cast.

A 2/2 for 3 with first strike, vigilance, and lifelink is really good on its own.

The fact that it makes your aura and equipment spells cost 1 less is really good.

It could be a really, really good commander, and it could be a really really good brawl


So that is basically what brawl is, uh, it is just a singleton format but instead of

having 100 cards and 40 life, you have 60 cards and 30 life.

Thank you guys so much for watching, if you enjoyed the video give it a like, it really

helps me out, subscribe if you haven't already, and I will see you in the next video.

Be on the look out for some brawl deck techs maybe from he commander in this set, because

this set has come with a lot of legendary creatures.

And I am super excited.

I am also going to be doing a standard deck tech in the next couple weeks probably.

Uh, anyways yea, thank you guys.

For more infomation >> Magic The Gathering: MTG Brawl NEW FORMAT explained: the new addition to magic coming with #MTGDOM - Duration: 7:04.


Mueller's Massive Connection to Hillary NOW Discovered - Duration: 19:46.

Mueller's Massive Connection to Hillary NOW Discovered

What's more is this isn't the main example of Weissmann's conceivable hostile to Trump

inclination, as traditionalist guard dog Judicial Watch uncovered him when it distributed an

email thread amongst Weissmann and afterward acting Attorney General Sally Yates' demonstrating

Weissmann's pleasure with respect to Yates' choice not to implement Trump's movement

boycott in January.

"I am so glad.

Furthermore, in wonder.

Much thanks to you to such an extent.

All my most profound regards," Weissmann composed Yates in an email acquired by Judicial

Watch in a Freedom of Information Act claim.

Moreover, race filings uncover that Weissmann has given a few thousand dollars to the Democratic

Party throughout the years, including a gift of $2,350 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008,

and also $2,000 to the DNC in 2006.

On Saturday, previous White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who served under previous President

George W. Hedge, tweeted a recommendation that may be Weissmann ought to be "precluded"

from the examination concerning President Trump's crusade because of his open help

for Clinton.

I let you know, this doesn't seem to look good for Team Mueller, particularly considering

the examination over Mueller's terminating of FBI counterintelligence examiner Peter

Strzok over hostile to Trump instant messages he traded with an FBI lawyer he allegedly

had an unsanctioned romance with.

Moreover, two agents on Mueller's group are likewise said to have done past lawful

work ofindividuals fixing to Clinton, which just adds much more fuel to the fire.

Indeed, Aaron Zebley, previous head of-staff under Mueller as an executive, spoke to Justin

Cooper, the Clinton assistant in charge of pulverizing Hillary Clinton's email server.

What's more, Jeannie Rhee, other legal counsel or hand picked by Mueller to serve on the

examination, spoke of the Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton herself, and previous Obama

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes.

For more infomation >> Mueller's Massive Connection to Hillary NOW Discovered - Duration: 19:46.



Hey guys welcome back. Thanks for joining us today on the electric guy. Today, in this video we will learn about sodium

This is sodium metal you can see it is not looking very shiny because a layer of thin oxide

Of this metal is formed on the outer surface

This metal is very lightweight if you will compare the weight of sodium and aluminum you will find that

aluminum has almost

Doubled the weight of sodium. sodium metal is also very malleable that means you can hammer it into

Thin sheet. As this metal is very soft

This can be drawn into thin sheets very

easily. If you will drop A small piece of sodium in water you will find that

It will react very vigorously with water and form hydrogen and sodium hydroxide


Hope you enjoyed this video, please like comment and share this video, and if you want to stay tuned for upcoming videos

Please subscribe


For more infomation >> LET'S LEARN ABOUT SODIUM METAL - Duration: 1:38.


Fortune Teller helps women find the man of her dreams - comedy - crossdresser videos - Duration: 5:14.

Welcome to my channel and I hope you enjoy this video

Yes, I like that. Hmmm that's an idea. Yes

Ooh, a fortune telling machine. That's interesting. I'm going to give it a go.

Oh, there we go.

I will meet the man of my dreams in the magic gardens behind the Town Hall.

Hmmm, where is the Town Hall.

Oh yes, it's down that way. I wonder if it is going to work. Lets go.

Aah, I found it!

Aah, it's so pretty.

Aah, it's so nice in this place.

I found an Easter egg.

Oh, and a hat. Oh, I like that.

Oh, I wonder how many others I can find, Yeah.

I wonder how many more I am going to find.

Look at them all. Oh, yes...

How many more?

This one is different...

Look how different it is.

Oh wow.

This is so pretty, Aah, I have to. [ kisses egg ]

Hello milady

Who are you?

I'm your prince milady

But you are dressed like a girl.

Well you kissed a pink egg. What did you expect?

I did not think anything would happen.

I don't want a girly prince.

Well then you should have kissed the blue egg.

Now I am stuck wearing this pink dress. Thanks very much.

You are so tiny. How are you supposed to make me happy now?

You are so fussy. You get a magical prince...

but you complain about my dress, my size...

Do you WISH me to be full size?

Yes, of course I want you full size.

There you go. Your WISH was my command.

Aah, that's nice... but I wish you were not dressed like a girl.

Well unfortunately you only get one wish because I am a prince, not a Genie.

Well then... I suppose a full sized girly prince is better than none...

That's the spirit.

Cool... Are you going to go back into the egg or are you going to stay.

I am staying. You get to keep me.

Cool, even better.

Can I take you home to meet my family then?

Of course, I would love to meet them.

Good, lets go.

For more infomation >> Fortune Teller helps women find the man of her dreams - comedy - crossdresser videos - Duration: 5:14.


✧ How to help at home?✧ Animation - Sekai Of Koratto (2) - Duration: 2:06.

I have thought

my goal in this life


help as much as possible to my grandpa

All right!

Welcome to ...

"How to help your grandpa?"~

With the participation of...



Come on with the million dollar question!

How to help him? A) Barrer (Sweep) B)clean the floor c) Sweep


Barrer: sweep

the correct answer is:

Barrer! (Sweep)

Koratto Congratulations


If I win! Laugh koratto + crying koratto

I win!

I lose!

I Win!

I already know how to help you!

I'm going to sweep the house!

an ant?


Where will you go?

For more infomation >> ✧ How to help at home?✧ Animation - Sekai Of Koratto (2) - Duration: 2:06.


20 Signs He Loves You Secretly But He Won't Say - Duration: 5:40.

20 Signs He Loves You Secretly but He Won't Say

Women are actually have more attuned sensor to feel what others feel.

However, it is worth noting that not all women have such capabilities especially if they

get mixed feeling with the guy they are interested in.

however, it is important to know that there are at least 20 signs indicating that he loves


Therefore, you should not have to worry about expressing the feeling that you have.

He probably won't say anything, but he falls for you.

Here is the signs.

#1 - Always smile

Well, it is difficult to know if he likes you because of his smile.

However, you should notice that when he looks at you even though he is so busy with his


#2 - Always listening

You can tell if someone listening through his eyes.

Additionally, you also can check it by listening to his respond.

If his responds make sense or even helpful, there is a huge chance that he listens.

Someone who likes you always listening to you because you are valuable to them.

#3 - Always remembering

In addition to listening to your stories, man who likes you also remembers stories you


He remembers it all because, he likes it, and it is meaningful for him.

Even though it is difficult to memorize everything, he tries his best.

#4 - Your opinion matters

Even though you are not certified advisor, the man who loves you will always appreciate

your suggestion.

He also tells you that he has followed your suggestion and show the result.

Typically, it results something positive.

#5 - He wants to know your life

Someone who loves you wants to know more about you.

It is basically for understanding and taking care of you better.

Though he won't say anything, he really wants to know you and make you happy.

#6 - Your happiness is his happiness

If you are happy, he is also happy for you.

He will be there to congratulate you first, and he will make sure you smile like that

every day.

#7 - Your sadness is also his sadness

Unfortunately, things just cannot be flawless.

There are difficult times when you are down, and it makes him sad too.

However, he won't say anything rather than giving you a big support that you need.

#8 - Trying to make you laugh

He is trying hard to make you laugh with his jokes even though most of them are not on


However, you can clearly see the effort, and laugh anyway.

#9 - Taking his valuable time to meet you

You are part of his important life, and he wants to make sure he spares his time to put

you into his life.

That is why he always tries to meet you even though he has very tight schedule.

#10 - Staying with you for quite a long time

He likes to spend valuable time with you, and he usually arranges the best time to make

that happens.

He even takes his day off just to match with your schedule so both of you can do something

interesting together.

#11 - He treats you better

Though he never says anything about loving you, he always treats you like he is your

best friend.

However, it just feels so much better than that as far as you can feel.

#12 - No another girl

Typically, man talks about other girls with you and that is because he likes those girls.

However, someone who's interested in you won't talk about anyone else but you.

It is the proven sign that he puts you in priority mode.

#13 - You are the first to be contacted

No matter how the situation is, he only wants to call you first.

The reason is because he considers yourself as someone who can be trusted.

He also believes that you can handle the news as well.

#14 - Using "we"

You are basically the part of him, and he always includes that when he is asked about

himself and you.

#15 - Involving you in a plan

When he plans something, he always want to include you in his plans.

No matter how weird the plan is, he always wants you to be included in his plan because

this world misses its important part without you.

#16 - Alluring you

He always teases you, and you usually don't recognize it probably until you see this video.

He really seems distance but he is always close.

#17 - He talks a lot

Though he is usually quiet, he becomes quite active talker when he is in front of you.

It is possible because you give her energy.

#18 - Noting your special date

Every special date that you have such as birthday, the date you graduated, and others will be

kept in special memory of his own.

He will make sure he gives you surprise at the correct time.

#19 - You will never annoy him

The reason is because he is always ready to help you no matter how the condition is.

Though he hasn't said anything yet, he already considers you as his partner.

#20 - He won't be mad

Someone who truly loves you will not be mad at you.

He understands that there is something wrong that makes you mad, and he tries to fix it

right away.

Well, that's some signs to know that he loves you secretly, even when he won't say anything

to you.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 20 Signs He Loves You Secretly But He Won't Say - Duration: 5:40.



For more infomation >> MEDICINE - QUEEN NAIJA (OFFICIAL VIDEO) REACTION - Duration: 7:30.


(เห่อ+อวด+แกะ) อัลบั้ม WANNA ONE - 2nd Mini Album 0+1=1 I PROMISE YOU ( DAY ver.&NIGHT ver.) - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> (เห่อ+อวด+แกะ) อัลบั้ม WANNA ONE - 2nd Mini Album 0+1=1 I PROMISE YOU ( DAY ver.&NIGHT ver.) - Duration: 7:32.


Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time - Peach eaten by Petey Piranha (short movie) - Duration: 2:20.



Now eat the girl to the Petey

Get some

Eat it

Chomp it

Chomp it. Harumph

Harder. Chomp it. Chomp it. Chomp It. Chomp it. Chomp it


For more infomation >> Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time - Peach eaten by Petey Piranha (short movie) - Duration: 2:20.


403명 탄 여객선 기관실에 바닷물이 아찔 인명피해 없어 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 403명 탄 여객선 기관실에 바닷물이 아찔 인명피해 없어 ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 5:16.


Wheels On The Bus

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus


O Enigma continua: O que não estão nos dizendo sobre a Antártida. - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> O Enigma continua: O que não estão nos dizendo sobre a Antártida. - Duration: 7:00.


TD Jakes - O Sumo Sacerdote - Duration: 32:06.

For more infomation >> TD Jakes - O Sumo Sacerdote - Duration: 32:06.


BBB18: Depois da vitória de Kaysar, Viegas especula sobre o poder da imunidade II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Depois da vitória de Kaysar, Viegas especula sobre o poder da imunidade II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:11.


Bruna Marquezine e Neymar ou Sasha e Bruno Montaleone: qual namoro sofre mais com a distância? - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Bruna Marquezine e Neymar ou Sasha e Bruno Montaleone: qual namoro sofre mais com a distância? - Duration: 2:12.


Viegas é obrigado a usar maquiagem e, em fúria, é acusado de homofobia II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Viegas é obrigado a usar maquiagem e, em fúria, é acusado de homofobia II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 3:48.


souvenir motive Minnie and Princesses - Duration: 11:18.

Hello friends, Welcome to your channel

Art in Your Hands, for today we are going to share these confectioners who already have

be it form or inspired by Minnie or princesses and you can adapt it to

what you like, then join me throughout the project

so that you learn to realize them, Welcome!

and these are the materials that we need for today, what

main is the tetra pak box either of milk or juice, depending on the

project that they will choose if it is the princess motive, then so the tull in

the color that you like the most, the same felt for

Minnie's tull and felt, too the felt can be changed by foami,

rubber eva or also fabric kambral fabric that is the surgical fabric they use

a lot also in crafts and it comes out very cheap

we are going to use gloss cloth type ribbons 2.5 centimeters wide, one meter

each one can be, in this one I chose one in tull to make a bow then if

can get it is very nice also of these flower ribbons for

decorating we also need the gun silicone with silicone bars

scissors, ruler, pencil and with these materials we started

well I take then now the box and what What I'm going to do is take a measure of

12 centimeters around the contour, I take 12 centimeters frame,

I do it like that all around

and after he checks all the outline what I'm going to do is that with the

I'm going to cut it like that, I'm going to stay in this measure already when you have it

totally cut and that this list, what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the piece

of felt or foami (rubber eva) and I'm going to cut the base, I do it

marking with a pencil, I mark the base and This piece comes out, this is the one I'm going to paste in

the base to cover this part of the box also

I'm going to hit them ...

Now what I'm going to do is that also I take the measure that there is from here to this

extreme and also I take out the contour piece ...

I have finished pasting the piece then now what I did was cut what

corresponds to the contour of the box, I cut a piece that has height 14

centimeters that are 12 that will cover and 2 that would be on the inside for

that we do not have this edge without covering so it looks nice and the outline

of the box is 29 centimeters, we're going to cut precisely so that we stay neat

so what are we going is to start sticking with the silicone

and the same will do all around to cover the outside of the box

we notice that in this part it looks good

covered so that it is better presented

we finish and then we have left

in this style, the box is well covered and on the top

I'm going to stick it so it looks nice, well presented

then here already stick with silicone also the whole edge, now what I did

was that I cut 3 pieces of 9 centimeters by 55 centimeters long

If you want, you can take out one complete piece, that is of meter and

half by 9 centimeters I did it like that to be able to work better and avoid

when it is hitting it, it entangles us, Now what I'm going to do is that

around the contour I'm going to start hit the tull

with the tulle I'm going to do it is a kind of fold so that I stay like fluff

I'm going to start by applying silicone

I locate approximately the center and I start to stick the tulle all over the

outline, I'm going to make some

some folds like this all over the contour from

to simulate as a kind of tute, accommodate and start to paste

very carefully with your fingers to not burn them

If you need to press, you can do it with the help of them

scissors or with a pencil to help us also to sustain and thus avoid

burn us

that way the folds are left and what we do all around, the 3

pieces that I indicate in this box in this size are what make us the tutu and we

I would be staying in this style like that of the mouse Minnie

so we have the tutu ready, now what we do is with the tape,

As it is not very nice, very good presented a waist, then what

let's do is start to paste around the contour to cover the

work that did not look so good, presented so well done

you see if you use this same tape,

I have one of points that can also make it look very nice

it can also be

or the tape that you prefer, now with silicone I'm going to stick it all over


and here as you can see then I already I did all the prenses or the darning to the tulle

in the outline of what would be motive princess, also like

Minnie's I'm going to stick to all the outline a tape of size 2.5

centimeters to cover the imperfections

I leave a while to dry to give us firmness and we started

then to apply the silicone

for the whole part of the tulle union

here then I already hit everything it was the outline tape of the tutu

Now what I did was that I cut 25 centimeters of the tape that also

I stuck here in the waist and I stuck it here inside

here in the interior with hot silicone I stuck it to

each side so that it expose firmer to make it more

resistant the tape grab the pouch then

What I did was to cut it material, from same felt a piece of 2

centimeters by the same outline that is 29 cm and I'm going to stick it in the part

internal to cover imperfections and so that I give more firmness to the project

accommodate and start to apply hot silicone around the contour

here then as you can see I already hit on the inside

the reinforcement for the grip tape and on the dress what

What I did was cut these flowers that come on tape and tells you about

details throughout the dress to make it much more beautiful, much more feminine

so now what I'm going to do stick a bow on the part

in front

to give a more coquettish touch to this candy

and I'm also going to stick one of the flowers in the center of the bun

so it would be then the one of the princess

and that of the mouse Minnie, I have it here to the side, I'm going to finish it, too

I've also pasted on the tape to the internal part here as a kind of

buttons in yellow so that highlight the project more and in it

your bow may also be missing

and already finishing then to decorate and put some details to the confectioners

so they have been ready for today, I hope that you like and put it into practice, is

an idea the truth very simple and very economic we can do all for

our events or to give away for example now on child's day ... today

we want to greet some of our subscribers who are always

pending of each one of our Projects, Naysi González, Luz Marina

Castañeda, Julia Danith, Gladys Arroyo, Yamila Arlin Estaca, them and all of you

Thank you very much for your comments, for your "I like", for sharing, for the support

that they have given to the channel, I want let them know that this project

we made with great affection for you, that I had a lot of fun doing it and

I hope you will continue accompanying us in each of the new projects

then remember that Art is in Your hands

For more infomation >> souvenir motive Minnie and Princesses - Duration: 11:18.


El club de las celebrities que han alcanzado la mayoría de edad - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> El club de las celebrities que han alcanzado la mayoría de edad - Duration: 6:04.


चलती हे ख्वाजा कि हुकूमत | Chalti Hai Khwaja Ki Hukumat | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:37.

Qawwali Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> चलती हे ख्वाजा कि हुकूमत | Chalti Hai Khwaja Ki Hukumat | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:37.


Whatsapp Status Qawwali | मेरा ख्वाजा सुल्तान ( Mera Khwaja Sultan ) | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:30.

Qawwali Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Whatsapp Status Qawwali | मेरा ख्वाजा सुल्तान ( Mera Khwaja Sultan ) | Khwaja Garib Nawaz Status - Duration: 0:30.


Jurassic World Lego Game Anti-Venom Hybrid Indominus Rex Custom Dino Creator By WD Toys - Duration: 24:34.

hey guys today we're gonna be building another custom dino as you can see I

already have one custom Dino here this kind of looks like you do ballet or

something they have other ones I can switch to - these are custom ones I've

Jurassic World Lego Game Anti-Venom Hybrid Indominus Rex Custom Dino Creator By WD Toys Marvel



they also do ballet


check this guy like that

and we had one

I'm gonna go back to that

so anyways today we are going to create white venom Dominus

Arius let's see can I break this table apart if I charge it

okay looks like I have okay it's all white venom which would be actually I

believe in Taemin so anyways I think I'm gonna start with indominus rex and we

will work from there this was our Black Panthers ominous Rex

which I did last episode Wow let's see let's start its head our choices are the

office or ass

Dominus racks Spinosaurus Triceratops

no I'm gonna switch I think the t-rex blue t-rex may go with the t-rex your

because she's got a smoother head

also it did have t-rex okay so okay I stick with t-rex t-rex head for the body

our choices are ankylosaurus Spinosaurus Stegosaurus or just plain I hate plain

I like the Spinosaurus so we will stick with that and this is like the

Stegosaurus but I don't think that's quite what we're looking for so we will

stick with the die more proton okay now we have to go with colors so we gotta

get this guy the right colors so the majority of this guy anti-venom is white

looks cool but the majority is white and part of him is black so here we're gonna

stick with people throw in white

when I'm almost as like white lie

I think this is the closest we're gonna get

but there

is there anything else

that would be a DNA

okay so I believe that that should work

okay so let's we're gonna do a couple more so we could have three dinosaurs at

a time then you could actually like battle them and stuff so we need like a

medium sized I know that is an earlier one I made yeah let's let's flip through

here sometimes they come up with some really cool stuff I think I'd rather

make my own it's like I said if you guys got suggestions make sure you let me

know but the first thing we gotta do is get this guide to some more the normal

colors because those colors are really yeah goodness he looks like a Christmas

tree well that should give us

okay well anyways head let this see

and Velociraptor head t-rex head buying the stories and

Dominus perhaps his head and died laughs listen I think I go Adele off the source

it's kind of cool and for body our options are if it's RS spinosaurus


now go Stegosaurus tail options are in Clio

dimorphic Oh Stegosaurus okay let's go Stegosaurus okay so now we have to pick

out some colors you could use this DNA pink one on this one here just look

through a bunch of different colors Ian Campos I don't know I don't really

like the colors they do there well we make this guy like I think red in black


okay let's get some common

right I'm gonna stick with a present it actually looks kinda cool

okay we will stick there

now we need up

like that okay so we have our second Dino and now we

it was a lot

okay so for the rafter

starting with his head personally I think it's kind of cool when they go wow

that guy's so freaky love it


that's fine


and you're the tail

okay so we got our dinos so now let's get out of here

we'll be there oh I can't walk them through are you

serious it's too big to walk through

joyful tiny source skipping through the lobby

so here we are and you seen me do this on the last episode so I'm gonna

actually actually no I'm not because I had a hard time finding this OP - so I

will go to tyrannosaurus territory during the day follow that follow that I

know he knows what he's doing he can't cross cookie ah

he can't cross best thing

so you guys watching both of these if you want to pay attention here because I

probably will not do it again next episode

now I could probably oh stop no way he was stuck there


ah he head-butted their plan check that out did okay so it's over here the young

this hill here we will have to put it back together and I lay there in guard I

know you like this okay they're not gonna let it die no put it together so

let's bring our dinos to life our first one large dinosaur we are gonna bring in

our custom

check the guy out awesome Wow that is definitely in this guy or defeat



okay so let's see what damage you could do with

these guys anyways if i hatch another one of my dinos I could hit them so

let's just go over here switch back to our human

bring in another one of our dinos the medium Dino what do we got we got the


okay let's see what this guy's options


we'll be charged

see here he's fighting

can this guy

yes anyways he won't charge if I could give back to the big

okay put then

and I just destroyed

and we still had one more dyno so let's go ahead

and it

Wow that guy's so goofy looking oh man okay

so what are his options let's see okay so he charges he's got a triceratops hey

you know I think that's why our Triceratops is not charging does he do

it looks like he's targeting but it's not firing anything anyways let's go

ahead and attack our big where's the big guy what it took them back this dings

okay go ahead bring him back

okay so there is our big game

go ahead

chasing check that out to smoke okay let's see if I can charge

oh yeah oh I took them down no way Wow

okay let's get him back sorry I'm still getting used to the flipping things two

different characters haven't done it oh

really okay I didn't know you could do two of

the same okay so anyways get our big guy back

it's not


okay-y anyways we got a good look at what he looks like let me know which

other dino you guys want to create

what do you guys think you guys like okay okay so anyways I got control the

big guy again

let's go as

so anyways you get a good idea of what this guy looks like I want to hear him

so anyway that is our white venom or anti-venom like I said let me know which

one you guys want to see next you guys are totally awesome and I will see you

go ahead and put that in the comment section jumping on the video I know you

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