Hi everyone,it's Nicky.
I've got to say that I've had...
a bit of a quiet week
and my Twitter feed has been quiet too...
I don't know why?
If you haven't heard
I;ve been....busy this week
because I had a bit of
a bad experience in a shop
a new shop in town, a coffee shop
called "Tatws" I got a bit of
a bad experience
from their manager
when I was trying to buy a drink in Welsh
and when I was giving CDs out
to them - just in order to help them learn the language
and I got a bit of um..
bit of abuse back
on our language. So if you want to find out more about it
I was on
BBC Radio Cymru
Wednesday afternoon
speaking about it with Garry Owen
who is a nice guy
I've been on the show before
this time last year, so it was nice
to go on the show again
I'll just leave you watch it
"Have you had a bad experience"
"Have you been dissappointed perhaps?"
when going into a shop or a cafe
and you start a conversation in Welsh
maybe, you see Welsh signs in the shop?
and the response you get disappoints you?
Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth has spoken to me about
the experience he got in a cafe in the town
he said all the signs in there were bilingual
and when he went in - he was disappointed
by someone making offensive comments
he says, about the Welsh language.
well, the manager of the cafe says that they are looking into the matter
and on Facebook they are apologising
and saying that the language is important to them
well, we've spoken to the company
and they say the matter is sorted.
but to start, let's have a word with Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth
and here is what he says happened when he went in
to get Coffee in Tatws, Aberystwyth
I went for a walk on Monday
and I saw a new place that had opened in the town.
so I wanted to see what they do.
they had a Welsh name
they had a Welsh menu
I could see that the Welsh language was in front of the English everywhere.
so I thought "Wow, shall we try this out?"
and, I went to the counter
I started to say something like "Can i have a large Americano with Soy Milk please?"
and out of nowhere from behind the counter
the lady says "Sorry I don't speak Welsh"
"No problem, no problem" I said.
I finished the order in English
and I started to speak with the lady
I told her the story of how I learned the language
myself, because...
I've only been speaking the language since Christmas 2016 myself.
the lady was very nice, I have to say.
and before leaving I said "Right, I'll bring you in a couple of learning CDs"
some "Say Something in Welsh" for you, something like that - try it out
so, I went home - Tuesday afternoon, yesterday
I burned a few CDs for them
I went for a walk up to the place
I walked in - I saw the same lady
who said "How are you?" to me
Which was great, and fair play to her for trying
but I heard a man behind the counter shouting "You're not learning Welsh are you?"
the lady answered back "Well, we've..
..got a Welsh name, we've got a Welsh menu, we've got to learn a bit havent we?"
he said "Why would I want to learn that Crap Language?"
I have to say now, I was angry
I was in shock to tell the truth - so much so, that I said the figures incorrectly!
when I said them back
I was saying something like..
"Mate, 62% of people in Ceredigion speak Welsh"
lots of your customers will see that you've got a Welsh menu
they;ll come in and they'll speak it.
He said back "I was born in India"
"But I come from England" "I speak English" "That's all we need"
"No-one here speaks Welsh" "and I wouldn't employ someone who does"
well, I was wrong at first
because I think the number of Welsh speakers in Ceredigion
is more like 57%
but my point still stands
I couldn't believe it to tell the truth
Garry: Was there anyone else in the shop at the time?
there were a couple more customers
I don't think that
they could hear me to be honest.
As I was saying, I couldnt believe it
I've been speaking the language myself for something like 15 months
But I have never experienced anything like this before.
I;ve heard of the same thing happening with other people, but...
it hasn't happened to me until now.
Garry: we are going to speak to Tatws and get their side of the story Nicky.
but Can I just ask?
from listening to what you have said
does it make you think about
the attitudes of people towards Welsh at all?
that is, it seems to me that you were very happy
to see a shop in Aberystwyth with Welsh signage
and a Welsh name - Tatws isn't it?
clearly outside.
so, the signage, the everything
suggests that things are moving forward
but you say that you came across an attitude
thats the only way to describe it
the matter we're discussing
from your experience
is there more we can do about the attitude?
was it just one occasion?
well thats the thing - because Aberystwyth is a town where
you can live your life entirely through Welsh
if you want - there are loads of shops
that speak the language
and there are loads of shops
that try to get their staff to learn the language
so I don't understand why I had the problem I had yesterday.
well, I worry if the
attitude of shops like that
is because... well, if you think...
of a town like Aberystwyth - they have to
display bilingual signage
so, I worry sometimes that the shops
are paying "lip service" as the English say, to the language.
and thats what worries me to tell the truth
because if you set the standards...
well, like me. I saw the sign in Welsh
so I was going into the shop thinking
"I can speak Welsh here"
I worry that people are just using the language as a selling point
not as a way of communication
thats the thing Garry: thats the thing
but how do you deal with that?
how do you change the attitudes of people?
the type of comment you had Nicky.
when you went in the shop
how does that change?
It;s a difficult question because I've been speaking with a couple of people
about this matter
and the thing you've got to think about
are you trying to change their thinking on the thing?
of people like that?
and try to be more open with people like that?
and show them that the language is important? or do you go to other places
where they are more than willing to help you
through the Welsh language? Garry: Nicky, thank for commeting on this!
Garry: and we will look into it here on Taro'r Post
and look into where we go from here.
but thanks for you time, thanks Nicky!
Nicky: no problem at all, nice to speak to you again.
there we are: Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth.
Until the next time... Happy Easter! Enjoy it!
See you later!
For more infomation >> "Why would I want to learn that crap language?" - Fy mhrofiad.. - Duration: 8:48.-------------------------------------------
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Joseph Schooling - The Michael Phelps Fan Who Beat Him at the Olympics | Game Breakers - Duration: 14:45.
Singapore isn't known for being a sporting nation
and a lot of people said we'll never win
the Olympic gold medal.
This 21-year-old Singaporean,
Joseph Schooling, what a superstar.
History might come in the form
of Singapore's Joseph Schooling.
Everyone knows the Olympics is the biggest thing.
This young man, he has a very strong sense
of history and legacy.
It takes a tough, courageous person
to handle that pressure.
Everyone is watching
and that's the pinnacle for athletes.
He's been so impressive, and now he finds himself
in the fastest lane.
Keep your nerves, keep composed.
Now the scene is set.
And having to execute
everything that I trained for...
..that was probably the biggest moment in my life.
My name is Joseph Schooling.
Growing up in Singapore, I used to live
on the east coast, close to the beach.
I had my first competition when I was four
and it was little 25-meter races.
I think I bagged, like, ten medals.
I didn't know what that meant at that point.
You see all these parents going nuts. It's kind of funny.
I loved racing.
And from a young age, had that feeling,
hated to lose.
He was a happy baby, very happy baby,
very easy to look after.
He loved the water.
Every holiday we'd go, it's, like,
he stays in the water.
It happened in her hometown.
He was about eight years old
and 4:30 in the morning, he woke me up.
I say, "What's happening, son?"
He said, "I've gotta go for training."
I say, "You gotta go for what?"
For an eight-year-old to wake you up
at 4:30 in the morning, that is special.
Very special.
And then I took him seriously.
Every meet that he swam was documented.
You could see a pattern, how he was advancing.
Then every year, I would put the times
he had to achieve, target that I put him
against American 4As, Triple As,
then the Malaysian record,
the Singapore junior records,
the school records, his PBs, and his goal.
Singapore, because it's a young nation,
they were concentrating on building the country.
We don't have enough competitions.
I needed to go to a different level
of training to improve myself.
And the only way to do that, you know,
was to go overseas.
My dad hosted the US Olympic team in 2008.
Before they went to Beijing, they stopped over in Singapore.
Every coach he asked pointed to Bolles
in Jacksonville, Florida, under Sergio Lopez.
It was definitely a little intimidating,
coming from a smaller country.
That was the first time I'd been to the US,
first time away from my parents.
Honestly, I hated it, my first year.
Just hated it.
But for a 13-year-old kid, I was in boarding school.
I was a little spoiled in Singapore as a kid.
Never had to pick up after myself,
never had to do dishes, laundry, that kind of things.
It was a huge awakening.
And it taught me to mature real quick.
Taught me to grow up.
Not every parent can afford this kind of thing.
I sacrificed my business.
But that's my choice, it was nobody else's choice.
I don't want to be the richest man in the cemetery.
It was difficult.
We only have one son.
Always I ask him, "So, you want to come back?" "No."
He might cry, he might whine, but, "No, Mom.
"If I come back, I'm not going to get to the Olympics."
That was his standard.
I wanted to make an Olympic final.
I wanted to be top eight and I thought I could,
especially in that 200 fly.
I can still remember walking into that call room.
Michael's in my heat, 200 fly.
I looked up, he was just looking right at me,
and you know, for a 17-year-old kid
to see Michael Phelps staring him down,
that was definitely something.
I had lofty expectations for myself.
I did some really good training up to then.
I think that was the most disappointing part.
I thought it was going to be the end of the world
and I started panicking.
And once you start panicking, you lose track of things.
You lose focus.
And everything goes down from there.
That was probably one of the most horrible experiences
of my life up till now.
I guess I wasn't old enough
and I wasn't experienced enough
to put that behind me
and continue doing what I was going to do.
For the next six months,
I was, you know, in and out of it.
I didn't want to swim any more.
I didn't want to go through it.
I wasn't focused at all.
I remember falling down.
I think I broke my ankle.
So, things like that.
I'm glad I could have great people around me
to dig me out of that hole.
Sergio, after a while, got pretty mad
that I wasn't bouncing back from it.
I remember, it was Thanksgiving in 2012.
We had a huge falling-out, we didn't speak to each other
for a couple weeks.
And I think that was when my wake-up call came.
In hindsight,
I'd say experience would be the biggest thing
that I was lacking.
But I'm glad it happened.
It helped me mature as an athlete and a person.
Those are the kind of setbacks we need sometimes
to find out what we're really made of.
To say, all right, if you really want to do this,
put it behind you, start moving on.
The clock resets every four years.
By the time I arrived in 2016,
I'd been to every major games there is
and I raced against everyone that I competed
in the Olympic final.
So I knew what to expect.
Actually, we were planning not to go.
We said, "We'll watch you from home."
Of course, my son says,
"Mom, I'm going on the podium. You're not coming?"
That's how confident he was. Can you imagine?
I'll tell you something.
20 minutes before he swam,
Straits Times interviewed me.
"What would you wish to say to Joseph?"
I would tell Joseph to stun the world.
Just stun it.
And that I love you, that's all.
I still remember how it felt before the 100 fly final.
Four years of work coming down to this one moment.
There were so many feelings,
the combination of being anxious,
being nervous, excited.
Very emotional.
Singapore stopped.
Even my friends WHO were playing golf,
they all stopped and went to view it
on their hand phone.
And then the schools had it shown.
Factories stopped work so that their workers can watch.
- Singapore stopped. - Literally.
Take your mark.
Schooling's reaction time's the best by far of everyone
and he starts well again.
Schooling's looking good
and right on that world record time.
He's transferred the form that he showed
in the heats into the semifinals
and into the final.
And he's a body-length clear, almost.
Can he hold on?
We were hoping to see history in the pool.
But we are, history, because Singapore
has won an Olympic gold medal
and an Olympic record time.
Joseph Schooling, simply sensational.
I was overjoyed for him.
You couldn't have written a better story, you know?
Greatest Olympian of all time exiting and you beat him.
A three-way tie at the end.
It was a very touching moment.
First time we see our national anthem
being sang at the Olympics.
That was really...
That touched my heart.
And so did my fellow Singaporeans.
A lot of them...
..were very emotional.
It was so surreal.
We arrived, like, 5am in the morning.
The whole Changi Airport was full of people.
There were people everywhere.
He was in the papers everywhere.
The response that I got back home
was a better feeling than winning.
It was definitely an emotional roller-coaster ride,
coming back for all the festivities.
On the deck, we called him the King of Singapore,
the Prince of Singapore, just to mess with him
because we knew...
We knew he was a celebrity, but we didn't know, like,
the gravity or the magnitude of it.
And then when we hit, when we touched down
in Singapore, you know, there was people
that ushered him from this place to that place,
you know, get his bags, bodyguards, everything.
He was like a movie star.
I didn't think the reception would be as huge as it was.
It was that nuts, because something like that
has never happened before.
It's great to see huge support pouring in,
not only from the government, but from the people.
Previously, we haven't been a sporting nation at all.
So, to see this glimmer of hope
for the sporting scene in Singapore, I think,
that's excited a lot of people.
And they're doing everything they can
to help more people get to that point.
I think he's really shown that culture
that you don't have to be a doctor, a lawyer,
or a successful businessman, you know.
There's success outside of those mediums.
And he's achieved it to the fullest extent.
An Olympic gold medal for such a young country,
it's incredible.
After Rio, and after he won, and set the Olympic record,
he had accomplished all his life goals.
He had to reset more goals.
And we didn't catch that until first semester
was almost gone.
He had a rough first semester, getting back into work.
But if you can imagine, at age 20,
your life goals in the sport of swimming
have been answered.
Olympic gold medal, Olympic record,
I mean, that's unheard of, because he had never
even finaled in the Olympics.
And he just stepped up, qualified first
after the heats, first after the semifinals.
I was scared to death, and then he won.
And so that's been the main thrust,
trying to get over that and get back in the...
If you want to get better, you gotta work harder.
His parents have been positive with him,
and I think that may be the most important thing
that parents could do or should do.
You gotta get it somewhere
so that you keep striving to get better.
And May and Colin are excellent at that.
I always tell him,
"Whatever you do, you're doing for yourself.
"It's not for me." You just have to support them.
- That's what we did. - There's no fixed formulation.
It's a sacrifice that you've got to be willing to make.
We were lucky, because Joseph
met some of the best coaches in the world.
Sergio Lopez was a coach that was good for development.
And then Eddie Reese brought him to another level.
All I want to do is get him to go faster.
If I can do that,
that'll take care of everything else.
And he's nowhere near as fast as he can go.
My love for racing
is the biggest reason why I get out of bed in the morning.
I hate practice, I'm not going to lie,
but I know that if I want to get to that point,
I'm going to do whatever it takes to be the best.
I'm looking forward to starting this new part of my life
and trying to inspire as many people as I can
to do things that previously thought they couldn't do.
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Guild Wars 2: Super Adventure Box - Ayuda Estudiantil - Duration: 2:50.
"Why would I want to learn that crap language?" - Fy mhrofiad.. - Duration: 8:48.
Hi everyone,it's Nicky.
I've got to say that I've had...
a bit of a quiet week
and my Twitter feed has been quiet too...
I don't know why?
If you haven't heard
I;ve been....busy this week
because I had a bit of
a bad experience in a shop
a new shop in town, a coffee shop
called "Tatws" I got a bit of
a bad experience
from their manager
when I was trying to buy a drink in Welsh
and when I was giving CDs out
to them - just in order to help them learn the language
and I got a bit of um..
bit of abuse back
on our language. So if you want to find out more about it
I was on
BBC Radio Cymru
Wednesday afternoon
speaking about it with Garry Owen
who is a nice guy
I've been on the show before
this time last year, so it was nice
to go on the show again
I'll just leave you watch it
"Have you had a bad experience"
"Have you been dissappointed perhaps?"
when going into a shop or a cafe
and you start a conversation in Welsh
maybe, you see Welsh signs in the shop?
and the response you get disappoints you?
Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth has spoken to me about
the experience he got in a cafe in the town
he said all the signs in there were bilingual
and when he went in - he was disappointed
by someone making offensive comments
he says, about the Welsh language.
well, the manager of the cafe says that they are looking into the matter
and on Facebook they are apologising
and saying that the language is important to them
well, we've spoken to the company
and they say the matter is sorted.
but to start, let's have a word with Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth
and here is what he says happened when he went in
to get Coffee in Tatws, Aberystwyth
I went for a walk on Monday
and I saw a new place that had opened in the town.
so I wanted to see what they do.
they had a Welsh name
they had a Welsh menu
I could see that the Welsh language was in front of the English everywhere.
so I thought "Wow, shall we try this out?"
and, I went to the counter
I started to say something like "Can i have a large Americano with Soy Milk please?"
and out of nowhere from behind the counter
the lady says "Sorry I don't speak Welsh"
"No problem, no problem" I said.
I finished the order in English
and I started to speak with the lady
I told her the story of how I learned the language
myself, because...
I've only been speaking the language since Christmas 2016 myself.
the lady was very nice, I have to say.
and before leaving I said "Right, I'll bring you in a couple of learning CDs"
some "Say Something in Welsh" for you, something like that - try it out
so, I went home - Tuesday afternoon, yesterday
I burned a few CDs for them
I went for a walk up to the place
I walked in - I saw the same lady
who said "How are you?" to me
Which was great, and fair play to her for trying
but I heard a man behind the counter shouting "You're not learning Welsh are you?"
the lady answered back "Well, we've..
..got a Welsh name, we've got a Welsh menu, we've got to learn a bit havent we?"
he said "Why would I want to learn that Crap Language?"
I have to say now, I was angry
I was in shock to tell the truth - so much so, that I said the figures incorrectly!
when I said them back
I was saying something like..
"Mate, 62% of people in Ceredigion speak Welsh"
lots of your customers will see that you've got a Welsh menu
they;ll come in and they'll speak it.
He said back "I was born in India"
"But I come from England" "I speak English" "That's all we need"
"No-one here speaks Welsh" "and I wouldn't employ someone who does"
well, I was wrong at first
because I think the number of Welsh speakers in Ceredigion
is more like 57%
but my point still stands
I couldn't believe it to tell the truth
Garry: Was there anyone else in the shop at the time?
there were a couple more customers
I don't think that
they could hear me to be honest.
As I was saying, I couldnt believe it
I've been speaking the language myself for something like 15 months
But I have never experienced anything like this before.
I;ve heard of the same thing happening with other people, but...
it hasn't happened to me until now.
Garry: we are going to speak to Tatws and get their side of the story Nicky.
but Can I just ask?
from listening to what you have said
does it make you think about
the attitudes of people towards Welsh at all?
that is, it seems to me that you were very happy
to see a shop in Aberystwyth with Welsh signage
and a Welsh name - Tatws isn't it?
clearly outside.
so, the signage, the everything
suggests that things are moving forward
but you say that you came across an attitude
thats the only way to describe it
the matter we're discussing
from your experience
is there more we can do about the attitude?
was it just one occasion?
well thats the thing - because Aberystwyth is a town where
you can live your life entirely through Welsh
if you want - there are loads of shops
that speak the language
and there are loads of shops
that try to get their staff to learn the language
so I don't understand why I had the problem I had yesterday.
well, I worry if the
attitude of shops like that
is because... well, if you think...
of a town like Aberystwyth - they have to
display bilingual signage
so, I worry sometimes that the shops
are paying "lip service" as the English say, to the language.
and thats what worries me to tell the truth
because if you set the standards...
well, like me. I saw the sign in Welsh
so I was going into the shop thinking
"I can speak Welsh here"
I worry that people are just using the language as a selling point
not as a way of communication
thats the thing Garry: thats the thing
but how do you deal with that?
how do you change the attitudes of people?
the type of comment you had Nicky.
when you went in the shop
how does that change?
It;s a difficult question because I've been speaking with a couple of people
about this matter
and the thing you've got to think about
are you trying to change their thinking on the thing?
of people like that?
and try to be more open with people like that?
and show them that the language is important? or do you go to other places
where they are more than willing to help you
through the Welsh language? Garry: Nicky, thank for commeting on this!
Garry: and we will look into it here on Taro'r Post
and look into where we go from here.
but thanks for you time, thanks Nicky!
Nicky: no problem at all, nice to speak to you again.
there we are: Nicky Roberts from Aberystwyth.
Until the next time... Happy Easter! Enjoy it!
See you later!
Andy Rey - Намагниченный (2018) - Duration: 3:22.
華晨宇改編《平凡之路》引眾網友吐槽:難聽! - Duration: 9:38.
【ムービー】歴代最速! 日産GT-R NISMO 2018年モデルが筑波サーキットを攻める! - Duration: 1:30.
Bird Set Free singing Talking Angela (Sia) - Duration: 1:44.
Let's play Far Cry 5 Part 5 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (They Just HAD to POISEN this game too!!) - Duration: 57:11.
Let's play Far Cry 5 Part 5 - Gameplay - Walkthrough (They Just HAD to POISEN this game too!!)
Top 10 Best Amrita Rao Movies List - Amrita Rao Best Movies - Duration: 3:31.
Top 10 Best Amrita Rao Movies List
T-44-100 (R) 🔝 WoT how to play on the map RUINBERG on the t 44 100 p to be updated 🎮 wot 1.0 1.0 - Duration: 19:52.
20fps WoT-TV
T-44-100 (P)
WoT how to play on the map RUINBERG
on the tank t 44 100 r
in update 1.0
wot 1.0
world of tanks 1.0
【ピアノ弾き語り】ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー/欧陽菲菲 by ふるのーと (cover) - Duration: 2:54.
How I Make Money Online
5 AWESOME Life Hacks - aliens don't like bad weather - Duration: 5:44.
- Hi there, earthlings!
You have a close encounter with the friendly aliens and their lab.
So here we go!
- I don't like this kind of weather.
Runny nose, wet feet...
If you too like warmer weather,
hit "thumbs up"!
- Faugh! You could at least put new and clean socks on.
- Hey! Hey!
Yeah, I am here!
Did you remember to subscribe to our channel?
- But yet if you got your feet wet, no problem!
- Yeah, really! There is a bad smell here!
Oh, I have an idea! 16 00:03:48,180 --> 00:03:49,460 - What the f...umm... yuck!
- Well, the best way to not get your feet wet and stay always dry
is not to leave in bad weather your flying saucer.
If you have it, of course, ahem...
Saab 9-3 Cabrio 2.0T AERO AUTOMAAT / NL AUTO / FULL OPTIONS / 60.000KM!! - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo V70 2.5T MOMENTUM / LEER / NAVI / DEALER ONDERH. !! - Duration: 0:58.
வடிவேலு காமெடி நடிகை இப்போ என்ன பண்றாங்க பாருங்க | Tamil News | Kollywood Cinema | Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:36.
I Don't Understand Twitter... - Duration: 4:27.
Bird Set Free singing Talking Angela (Sia) - Duration: 1:44.
*Tha, Kovam Varuma Varatha | Gautham Vasudev Menon - Duration: 12:03.
'Can you consider Chennai a city, sir?'
'Can people live in Chennai?'
'Rain drizzling for no reason at all'
'No sense in the way the sun scorches us'
'Cyclone out of the blue People being bribed to vote'
'Jam-packed crowd Garbage and filth all over'
'Is this a city to be proud of, sir?'
'If an out-of-towner ever asks this...!'
'Ola share in the morning'
'24 hours in cool comfort in an office'
'Night outs Sleep overs'
'ECR and Pondicherry during the weekends'
'Lounge in Sathyam theater gorging on popcorn'
'Leading a capitalist's life of being least interested in others'
'Shame on you, R.K.Nagar'
'If he tells this to a daily wager'
Why the hell is he in this city? Won't our blood boil or not?
Hey! Do you have any idea about Chennai's glory?
'Be it a cyclone, heat stroke, flood, tsunami'
'...this city braves it all in unity'
'Massive crowd, muck, mugging, mishap'
'Come what may the lives of people here brim with hope, belief and a zest for life'
'Even if they come here empty handed and not even liking this city'
'...this city showers blessings to one and all'
'Amongst people who can guess your caste by the first few words uttered'
'...by turning a deaf ear to your caste and religion'
'...you can live here as a 'Madrasi' happily'
'This city has been facing a problem for decades despite its charm and character'
'Actually a huge health hazard'
'No one wants to discuss it or focus on it'
What is Cooum?
Waste water with people's excreta
Stinky area
- Mosquitoes - Stink
The moment you say the word 'cooum' it brings a distaste at once
'Central, Mount road, Adyar'
'If you travel beyond the city limits to its suburbs like Maduravoyal'
'...Cooum will follow you'
'You would have walked gazing at Cooum'
'You might have dumped trash there or complied to an urgent nature's call'
'Have you ever wondered how such a gutter can run through 'Sringara' Chennai?'
'Under the shelter of its bridge were you aware of an entire world?'
Sing that lovely song "Don't you remember me?"
Even if it had touched a chord
'Headphones clamped tight on our ears and the dark window panes of the car'
'...ensure we are the least bit affected by it, right?'
'From the moment you wake up in Chennai'
'Relieve yourself, poop and pee'
'Until you wash your hands after a sumptuous dinner'
'Have you wondered where the waste water flows'
Neither have I
'Until we know more about Cooum'
'Source and destination of this beautiful river Cooum'
I spent my college days in Trichy 25 km from the main city
I was the only boy from Chennai My classmates were from down south
They picked on me only on this count
'Hey! All said and done, you hail from the city where the Cooum flows'
That was when it hit me first
Cooum is the reason for Madras
Cooum river
Flows through Chennai for almost 72 km
Excess water from Palar in those days flowed and formed the Cooum river
I think no other city in India has 3 rivers flowing through it
2 rivers and this canal were the main source of water for entire Chennai
Catholics were divided into 2 in Madras by the Vatican
The division was based on domination
The demarcation being north of Cooum is Madras
South of Cooum is Mylapore
Churches were exchanged
So Cooum river features in the Vatican records
A Madras merchant and philanthropist Pachaiyappa Mudaliar lived in Chintadripet
He built his house specifically on its banks
...so he can get down to the Cooum river and bathe every morning
His house still exists today
After praying to Lord Komaleeswara
...he would go to his office This was his daily routine
Chindadripet was a peninsula surrounded by Cooum river on 3 sides
Weavers settled down from all over around the Cooum
Naturally people would form their habitats on river banks
This river is unpolluted till Paruthipet
Only in Maduravoyal, waste and excreta mix in large quantities into this river
It turns into a filthy gutter only within the city limits
Due to solid and liquid wastage mixing into the river
...we witness its change from a clean water source to a gutter
Cooum is a boon to Chennai We have converted it into a bane
'When you relax with a soothing cup of coffee'
'Or when you read your favorite book'
'...if 100 cars honk at the same time'
'Stink from the gutter wafts in the air you breathe, can you live there?'
The land belonged to the Govt
People used to grow crops and indulge in other agricultural activities
This was the lifestyle then
When land changed into a commodity of sale and was documented, registered
...the residents were not used to this new form of trade
The people here were pushed from the city into the banks of the Cooum gradually
Govt is now accusing them of encroaching
And plans to evict them from their humble habitats
1st it was a clean river
We used the water to cook food
During the water scarcity period at one point of time
Corpses from the Govt hospital were dumped here, unbearable stench
That's what we were discussing now
When will the skies darken so we can relieve ourselves?
Our whole house is just 1 small room
We have no proper facilities if our daughters attain puberty
They use only that cotton as padding
That English word you said
The girls use that pad
They will stuff the used pads into a cover and trash it in a corner
The cleaners from the Corporation will collect it in their dump trucks
We don't want to advertise it We try to shield it from the men's eyes
That's what we do, no other go We dump it in the river
And we throw it into the river
That's the main reason we get infected
We feel shy and awkward not knowing how to dispose it
Due to lack of basic privacy it is a huge problem for us
We can't talk about it openly either
People from the banks of Cooum and Adyar river are being shifted...
...to Kannagi Nagar, Ezhil Nagar and Perumbakkam
Those areas are not fit for human habitation
We have been living here all these years
We work nearby, our children study in schools close by
We can't shift because everything is within a short radius from here
You've transferred their residence to Kannagi Nagar in OMR
Are they working in software firms?
Where will I go from here? I will end up as 'c/o road'!
'Cooum river and the people on its banks'
'...in the beginning was a clean environment'
'Knowingly or unknowingly'
'...Cooum, the people and their lives got polluted'
'And we are the sole reason'
During the shoot of 'Kaakha Kaakha'
...we came to know, only when we went to see if the location would suit our needs
How this has magnified into a mammoth problem
Why this area is not being cleaned
We could use this area in a more beneficial way
When I looked into a script in 1925-1935
...I found out Cooum connected the canals and was a functional waterway then
Boats were plying in the Cooum river at that time
We took this reference for my film 'Vaaranam Aayiram'
When we discussed the possibility of shooting an action sequence in this river
...only then we realized if we had treated it beautifully as a river
...how Chennai will now be a jewel in our crown
After intensive research in Anna University Cooum was declared as a dead river
A river is said to be alive only if it is flowing
The famous Thames was declared a dead river too
But the Govt and the people put in a lot of effort
Today it is streaming with life
It has secured the pride of place among other important rivers
Thames has even bagged prizes
Way back the British started the cleaning process
They bulldozed the mounds
Inundated the area with sea water Removed the waste waters
This was the plan which never saw the light of day
The garbage can be cleaned once
And sewage water can be treated
But the dirt will remain and continue to be a drainage ditch
This is a curse for many rivers in the world
But those rivers escaped this tragic end because they are perennial
Even chief minister Arignar Anna in 1967
...tried to dredge and clean this river
Work commenced but nothing came out of it
In 2015, the AIADMK Govt set aside a fund of...
...Rs 19.35 billion for this sole purpose
Through Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust work has recommenced
That stage is continuing at the moment
A delegation went to Singapore 2-3 times and once to Seoul to inspect and analyse
Once in every 5 years they clean the huts and tenements
No sign of drainage from these huts
Drainage is coming from the entire city
The main issue is depositing daily excreta on the banks
We have constructed dams in 2 places in this 70 km stretch
And extract the good water right to the last drop
4 or 5 glasses of water we drink in our daily requirement of 8 is from Cooum
Not many are aware of this
Before cleaning the river the Govt should question the companies that pollute the river
Only then move to the next step
We casually blame the poor people for no fault of theirs
The point is all others have the same notion
We don't want to clear the river
Just create an illusion of this notion
The Press swallows it
Politicians and people swallow it
One of the biggest eyewashes I have ever seen
'Cooum was a clean river flowing when my dad was studying in a college here'
'I am discussing this with you today'
'Nothing has been achieved without enquiring here'
'Nor has anything not been achieved without setting an inquiry'
'With no pangs of guilt even after being aware of this'
'…will we eat and drink coffee in the cafes in Madras carefree?'
'Tweet with a hash tag #ProudChennaite'
'And every time we cross the Cooum'
'...will we hold our breath and indifferently walk on?'
'Or open our minds and mouth to ask pertinent questions?"
I make fish gravy I cook day and night
My husband will get piss-drunk and pick up a brawl
I would rather die than live alone without you
He eloped with me
I earn only Rs 4000 per month
My husband is a painter
He will be jobless during the monsoons
He earns weekly wages
May be Rs 1000 a week, that's all
We manage to run our family with this money
Many people look at us strangely if we say we live in this area
Many like you have come here and interviewed us
They promise to write about our plight Even politicans visit us here
Nothing has come out of all this
subtitled by rekhs
WV Live - Kansas City, Here we Come!, Episode 25 - Duration: 10:11.
--Coming up, why you can't afford to miss United 2018,
then a heaping serving of promotion updates, and
finally, some flye stats you've got to see.
All that's ahead, you're watching WV Live.
--Hello and welcome back to episode 25 of WV Live, where we
read the news so you don't have to, I'm your host
Scott Caldwell.
Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere and
WorldVentures is cranking, and with United just a couple
weeks away, we've got a ton happening, so let's get into
We begin with United, an event so exciting, it's sometimes
needs a halftime show.
As of this episode we are officially less than 2 weeks
away, and if you haven't made plans to be there, can I
strongly encourage you to fix that?
This is the one WV event you absolutely do not want to
We've got leaders flying in from all over the planet to
come together under one roof and to chart a course together
for the rest of 2018 and beyond.
You saw the lineup, right?
Besides the exec team, you also get a chance to hear from
some of my good friends Jay, Jeff, and Janie, Millie and
Martin, Stavros, Soujay, Georgiou, Zo, and the one and
only Eric G.
That's practically more heroes in one place than Avengers
Infinity War.
Did I mention it's in Kansas City, Missouri?
But Scott, some of you may be saying, isn't that just a
fly-over stat in the middle of America?
And to you I say, have some respect for the show-me state.
They may happen to be close to the geographic center of the
country, but that just means they're the shortest flight or
drive for the most number of people coming to visit, and
with a city said to have more fountains than Rome, there's a
reason they call it the Paris of the plains.
Look, the point is, it's a beautiful town and the people
are wonderful, and you're gonna love it.
Guys, I can't overstate how good it's going to be, the
executive team just got back from momentums in Asia, New
Zealand, and Europe, and the unity between the execs and
the field leadership is incredible.
Often imitated never duplicated.
There's just flat-out no one like WorldVentures, no one has
our culture, our product experience, or compensation
We've been at this for over 12 years now, and as Josh Paine
shared on stage recently, we're just getting started.
The company theme for 2018 is execution.
We're strengthening the core DreamTrips product, driving
down the price on trips, expanding DreamTrips Local
more aggressively internationally, implementing
more ways for you to earn and burn points, opening up new
countries, and so much more.
When you join us at United you'll hear what the next
phase of that vision looks like, and personally, I'm
hoping we open Wakanda.
Anyway, good news for you, tickets are still available.
Not only that, but there's also some limited availability
at some of the host hotels.
So, no excuses, join us, we got room, come on, come be
You know where to go.
WVEventReg.com, don't wait.
While we're on the subject, couple of quick United
housekeeping items, first off, if you're and MD or above,
there are not one but two different train the trainers
schools happening.
The first for U. S. leaders is Wednesday and Thursday before
United, and for our international friends, there's a
second one Monday and Tuesday after United.
You should've received an email, but you need to RSVP if
you want a spot.
Also, friendly reminder as we announced when United tickets
went on sale, at all the various Momentum events, and
as the website reflects, there will be no event credits
issued for unused United tickets.
As we've grown the last decade, offering event credits
for unused tickets has turned from a minor challenge into a
bigger challenge, with about 20 major events a year, and
more on the way with all the country openings on the
horizon, it's only going to get harder, and let's be real,
that's the same way it works for any major sporting event,
theatre production, concert, or airline flight.
Bottom line is we'd much rather put that time effort
and company resources toward producing the absolute best
events on the planet.
So, you can still sell or give away an unused ticket to a
friend or team member, do the whole name change etcetera,
but starting with United, there won't be any event
credits provided, cool?
Lastly while finalizing your united trips, some
exciting news, there are actually no events on Friday
We're spicing things up, based on some of your feedback.
We wanna give everyone a chance to connect with their
teams and enjoy our host city before we kick things off
Saturday morning, so plan accordingly.
Next up, DreamTrips rewards, as you may remember when we
announced a new DreamTrips Rewards platform for our North
American Markets a few months ago, we said the ability to
enjoy DreamTrips Rewards credits every month was coming
Well, soon is now.
Now Gold and Platinum members custom monthly member fee will
earn them double the savings, and who doesn't love a good
Every time Gold and Platinum members pay their monthly
membership fee payments, they'll get both DT points and
Rewards credits, based on their membership level, and
customers can then redeem their new rewards credits for
savings on hotels, resorts, cruises, merchandise, and, for
platinum members, even wine, on the DreamTrips Rewards
Now, a couple points to clarify, your gold and
platinum members are already enrolled in the rewards program,
but to get the rewards credits, members must activate their
account on the DreamTrips rewards website.
If they haven't already registered, they can log in to
DreamTrips.com and click the DreamTrips rewards banner at
the top of the page.
If they don't activate their account they can't earn or
redeem rewards credits, but anyone who earned credits from
rewards rush, will find those credits already in their
Also, rewards credits are deposited on the 15th of each
month following the membership fee payment.
In other words, the rewards credits from March's monthly
fee payment will be available on April 15th.
Again, this is just the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Canada, but
we're working hard to roll it out to other markets, and I
think we can all agree that this is great news and it
shows just how strong our commitment is to providing
even more value to our DreamTrips customers.
Moving on, let's chat about promotions, first, the easy
ones, Rewards Rush roll on until April 13th, as does Mega
Level Up, and Fast Pass 150 is still on and popping until
July 29th.
You can hit up episodes 23 or 24 for more on those, which
brings us to the Mega Rock Star Trip.
[Guitar Riff]
I'm never gonna get tired of doing that.
Anyway, both Cancun trips are sold out, wah wah, told ya,
but since we last spoke, we rolled out three more trips to
Macau, Australia and Greece, because let's face it, we got
rock stars all over the globe yo.
Qualification periods for those trips run March 2nd
through May 18th for Macau, March 9th to May 25th for
Australia, and March 16th through June 1st for Greece.
So, the clock, she is once again ticking.
Now, you cannot go on multiple trips, so even if your sales
qualify you for multiple destinations, you only get to
pick one.
I know, one insanely low priced, unforgettable weekend
trip with the some of the WV trainers and execs will just
have to suffice.
It's tough, I get it.
Oh, and one more thing about Cancun.
In order to be qualified for the trip, your customers must
make their second monthly payment, so since there's a
small percentage of those that may not go through, it's
possible a few rooms may become available on the Cancun
trips, but again, currently sold out, no promises, just
wanted you to be aware.
That brings us to flye.
You'll be pleased to know that the flye flash sale continues
in the U.S., which means that any existing customers or reps
can join the beta program for only $139.99 plus tax, and
internationally, flye first global, which was scheduled to
run through March 31st, everywhere except Malaysia and
Taiwan, has been extended all the way through June 30th, and
it gets better.
If you're eligible for a card based on either of those
promotions, and you're coming to United, you can actually
preorder your card for pickup at United.
You'll need a valid photo ID and such of course, but when
you order your card in the next week and a half or so,
select pickup at United as your delivery, and you'll be
good to go.
Oh, and as of the second round of Android support, which
launched like 10 days earlier, 80% of WV android users are
now supported.
So, welcome to the party.
If you're wondering why you should participate in the
beta, let me give you a couple of compelling stats you and
your team need to know.
We've been studying the numbers and we've found that
reps who buy a flye card, are 2.6 times more likely to sign
up customers going forward, in fact reps with no customer
sales in the previous 3 months are 4.25 times more likely to
sign up a customer in the following 3 months.
Not only that, but they stay longer too, 84% of all
customers who bought a flye card are still active
So, as we get ever closer to the public release of flye,
you and your team can benefit today, just from the beta
Something to think about.
Real fast, some WorldVentures Foundation happenings.
The foundation volunteer days in New Zealand and Athens were
a big success, so special thanks to all of our
volunteers for making such a big difference in those
In March we also cut the ribbon on some brand new
DreamCourt in Houston, Texas.
Kevin Hattery, president and CEO of the Boys and Girls
clubs of greater Houston unveiled the new outdoor court
at the Boys and Girls club at Allen Parkway.
Our friend and partner Nancy Lieberman was on-hand of
course, as well as former Houston Rocket, Rodney McCray,
and the court was dedicated to former Rockets owner Charlie
Special thanks to WorldVentures Rep Kim Martin
and her team for leading the fundraising.
With regard to United, we will once again have mystery bags
and merchandise for donations, so make sure you look out for
those, and since we always wanna leave a city better than
the way we found it, we kicked things off, we are having
another Mega Volunteer Day on Friday.
The event will take place at the Boys and Girls Club of
greater Kansas City, we will be painting, not one, but two
Boys and Girls Clubs.
That's going down Friday morning April 13th from 9 to
If you wanna lock in your spot, point your browser here.
It's gonna be a great morning.
Finally, in advantage news, Voyager Magazine.
The times they are a changing.
With all the new direction initiatives in WorldVentures
2.0 we've got quite a few changes to Voyager Magazine as
Voyage will now be distributed quarterly an it's completely
This will allow us to streamline content and ensure
we're delivering high quality stories that honor and
represent our reps where ever they are in the world.
Voyage will finally live up to its promise, by delivering a
fully global magazine to recognize our leaders in each
And while our article will continue to highlight
accomplishments, backstories, challenges, etcetera, reps
from a variety of locales will be positioned side by side to
celebrate their different cultures and perspectives.
I mean, we're one big team after all.
In addition, voyager will sport some all new video
content to help bring this stories to life, complete with
behind the scenes footage and extras.
By the time you're watching this, Advantage and Advantage
Lite subscribers should've received their first digital
issue of voyager, featuring United trainer Jay Pacer from
the U.S., Arial Arani from Israel, and Bill West from
I got to preview some of the content and, trust me, it's
So get ready.
Alright that does it for this episode, apologies to Eddie
Head, we just ran out of time.
Please like this and post a comment before you run, and if
you're on YouTube, be sure to subscribe.
Rock and roll.
Well, until next time, I'm your host Scott Caldwell and
this has been WV Live where we read the news so you don't
have to.
Grand Theft in a Fortnite - Duration: 3:08.
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*FREE IOS Fortnite Codes: "Most Fortnite Kills Ever" - Funny NEW Blitz - Duration: 11:58.
yes that's what I'm talking about! what is up guys it's brixx here. you're gonna
want to stick around in this video because I random point through the video
I will be giving away free fornite invite codes. so yeah don't even think
about skipping to the end because it won't be there I'll be doing a random
point through the video. thank you all for all the support on this channel we're
growing extremely fast and it's all the likes shares comments and subscribers
that are all helping so thank you guys so much. if you haven't subscribed yet
make sure to do so because it will benefit you guys as well as me. it will
help the channel grow and create more for oppertunities is for the channel so it's a
win-win situation make sure to drop a like if you enjoy. this will show me
which type of content you guys enjoy and help me improve it on future videos what
type of fortnight challenges would you like to see on this channel drop a
comment below and let's jump right into this video. Gonna get a W, not going to lie
I've tried this out before, but like, it's unbelievably hard
like it's crazy hard. my earphones are still like the mess I don't know what's
going on man they just corrupted like I can only
hear one ear again so it's not my fault if I don't get kills
oh okay I'll vamos and I'm dead because this guy has got a gun and I've
not got gun. yes I'm dead
Bom Bom Bom yo what i notice about blitz is it's like it goes
really really fast like people dying in seconds, the first time I played this I
died because of the storm
I am practicing it with L1 and R1
It's going alright. Not gonna lie
It's not that big of a difference
checking this house and then let's head off megusta oh oh it's been doing it
Oh it was me ha Banta such an idiot
one thing that is frustrating when using these settings is that when I'm building
usually I'm so used to just building triangle and i can't click triangle now
there has to be some people here
don't lie to me Oh some guy's in here though.
Oh he is trying to blow me up
Jesus i don't even know where he was
Where is he?
Oh my god!
oh my god Oh see I don't like I don't like using L1 and R1
Err... I kinda need a few years to get used to this
Get ready for w's past April the 5th because April the 5th is when my
birthday is and I'm get a capture card I can record on ps4 then and obviously I'm
gonna beat every other ps4 gamer. Oh Hello ! I am going to molest this guy now
because I think I'm used to it now. I think i'm used to L1 and R1
I just wanna go molest him now
God, i don't even know where he is
where is this guy?
I know that's not him, but I still...
No don't get a kill no...
Ah he got the kill
I am triggered
what oh my god
Ah okay i'm gonna get a kill this time. My goal it to get one
kill I cannot be bothered with these PC gamers anymore man. I need a toilet
Why now?
I'm gonna end up peeing myself because I am NOT getting off this, I am actually
not not until I get at least one kill
let's see if anyone else is coming here yes we have one guy with a rainbow
glider which means he's gonna be rainbow no homo
My singing's so good I got copyrighted for it
I need an AR not a semi R
I need to find that guy and kill him!
But the fin fact is
that I don't know where he is happy st. Patty's Day
oh my god keeps him going in my first bar, don't want it to go in my first bar
Oh there's the guy
no oh my god see this is the problem
I keep on switching to the wrong thing
I said no what are you doing I said no
If you want to add me, drop a comment below and i'll reply
to you with my PSN and we can collab anytime you want
Yeah run somewhere else now!
Ah you going down there I'll end you bruv... I'm gonna end you
Happy St. Patty's Day
Happy St. Patty's Day Ah remember this house from the other game
Where's this guy
I just heard C4s. I'm out bro!
Where is he though?
oh crap okay
yes get him killed
yes that's what I'm talking about
what oh I thought it oh my god thought he was behind me
Let me tell you
guys how you can win a free IOS invite code first of all I have three codes so
over the next three videos I will be giving one out at a time to simply enter
you need to be subscribed and drop a comment yep it's that it's that simple
I'm not gonna force you guys to stay active on this channel like and comment
on every video I'm not gonna force you guys to do that
nope I will be choosing people who I think deserve to win because of all the
positive support they're showing including likes shares and definitely
comments you must drop a comment like you must you you have to drop a comment
saying anything at all because I will be choosing possible winners from the
comment section so it's a must I will pick and contact the winner
through youtube messages sometime before my next video but I can't tell you
exactly when because just when there's an obvious winner I will contact them
alright guys so that's it for the video today don't forget to drop a like if you
enjoyed it it really helps the channel also subscribe and turn on the
notification Bell to be alerted every single time I upload subscribing and
sharing the channel also helps it grow which therefore motivates me to work
harder and make better videos for you guys in the future also head over unlike
the bricks Facebook page to receive a lot more information and get an insight
on things that I won't be sharing on this channel so head over there link
will be in the description check out more of my amazing fortnight content by
watching the playlist you can click the I in the top right corner or there will
be a link to my playlist in the description
that's it for today and peace guys
Hello - Adele | Karaoke Higher Key - Duration: 5:05.
WHOA! 'Roseanne' Ratings Blowout Stuns Hollywood- They Never Expected This!! - Duration: 5:24.
The numbers are in, and just like November of 2016, we discover that it's Trump supporters
for the win.
Tuesday night's highly anticipated Roseanne reboot was a smashing success, according to
Yahoo, who reports that the ratings are breaking records.
The first episode in the double episode opener is reported to have drawn 17.7 million pairs
of eyes and have a 4.9 rating in adults 18-49.
The second episode at 8:30 PM rose even higher to 18.6 million viewers and a 5.3 in 18-49.
For the 8 PM hour, Roseanne averaged a 5.1 in 18-49 and 18.2 million viewers.
To make the success even more impressive is the fact that this broadcast shows an audience
that was up 10% from the May 1997 finale telecast 21 years ago and topped the viewership of
the final 12 telecasts of the original run's 1996-97 season.
Despite the obviously pro-Trump main character, Roseanne scored as the highest rated show
on entertainment television in 6 years among adults 18-49 and TV's highest-rated comedy
telecast on any night in 3-1/2 years– since 9/22/14.
It is the top scripted telecast this season only behind the post-Super Bowl episode of
This Is Us.
The question on many TV executives minds right now is no doubt "why?"
Why did this simple, revamp of classic break records and bring in more viewers than the
other, more politically correct re-boots (i.e.
Will and Grace)?
According to Breitbart News, it's their approach to the modern day problems that families
face being politically divided and the fact that they don't shy away from showing both
sides of the issue:
'Tuesday night's two-episode revival of Roseanne launched with the same emotional
flare that made the original Conner family working-class comedy a 90s cult classic, updated
for the millennial age and set in the Trump era.
After a 20-year hiatus, the magnanimous matriarch Roseanne Barr is reunited with her on-screen
husband Dan (John Goodman) and the pair face new family challenges — Roseanne's unemployed
daughter Darlene (Sara Gilbert) has moved in with her two children, Becky, (Alicia Goranson)
widowed, struggles to become a surrogate, and Jackie (Laurie Metcalf) clashes with Roseanne
over the election of Donald Trump.
One emotional moment manufactures a rare TV siting: a flyover state denizen offering an
honest and raw, reason-based rationale for supporting Trump.
'He talked about jobs, Jackie!'
Roseanne says to her 'Nasty Woman' T-shirt-clad sister, who vocally supported Hillary Clinton
but walked into the booth and voted for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
'He said he'd shake things up!
I mean, this might come as a complete shock to you, but we almost lost our house, the
way things are going.'
Moments later, just before the family eats dinner, Roseanne says a prayer — she asks
Jackie, 'Would you like to take a knee?' — in which she thanks God for her son D.J.'s
(Michael Fishman) safe return home from his military service in Syria and 'most of all
Lord, thank you, for making America great again.'
Though the reboot is not steeped in political party politics, Roseanne admits, to the New
York Times, that she wanted 'to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the
election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it.
I thought that this was an important thing to say at this time.'
Roseanne Barr told the Times, it's about 'How families are still struggling and what
they do about it.'
'There's an arc in this season, and it's the closest I've been to doing what I want
to do,' the 65-year-old said.
'It's about everything in our country.
It's about opioids and health care.
How we deal with whole new issues that we didn't even have before, like gender-fluid
How working class people — how and why they elected Trump.'
'It's an accurate portrayal of these people and people like them,' Roseanne said of
Trump voters.
'In terms of what they think, and how they feel when they are the ones who send their
kids over to fight.
We've been in wars for a long, long time, which everybody seems to forget — but working
class people don't forget it because their kids are in it.'
The second episode, 'Dress to Impress,' follows Darlene's gender fluid son Mark,
who enjoys wearing girls clothing.
The episode is dominated by familiar fare: school bullies, the pain of unfulfilled like
goals, and a parent's penchant for fixing their children's (or grandchildren's)
The cast (and the couch) is the same as the original award-winning show but the sharp
punchlines still land, and family values remain real."
Hollywood has consistently produced liberal television for our consumption and actors
and actresses for our children to look up to, and America is over it.
That was proven by the ratings that this anti-liberal narrative show brought with it.
While it's fully within the rights of each studio or executive to decide to produce whatever
programming they feel like making, if it's really about the money, and not about brainwashing,
we should start to see a lot more conservative-inclusive content.
WATERFALLS in Faroes - Duration: 5:10.
A Video About LGBT Characters - Duration: 5:34.
Before I start this video I want to thank you all for 1,000 subscribers!
My Super Smash Bros. videos have blown up and it's really awesome to finally get some
attention after all this hard work.
It's definitely strange seeing all this feedback and the rapid growth of my channel,
but it's awesome and I welcome all the new subscribers to my channel.
Strange… strange…
weird… weird.
Quee-.. queer…
Only around 50% of today's teenagers identify as straight.
So that means, you're about 30% more likely to identify as gay or trans or something than
you are to fight cancer some time in your life.
Gay people are spreading.
And until we die and go to heaven, we'll have to deal with them.
There aren't a lot of gay characters in video games,
and when they are in video games they're often portrayed as strange, evil, and generally
Do you remember that Game Theory video that came out like…
4 years ago?
Watching it today is strange because of how relevant it still is but how irrelevant some
parts have become.
But looking back at it today with today's very strange and debated definition of gender
and sexuality is weird.
But the general debate is…
where the fuck are the gay people???
It's been getting better in recent years but the representation of LGBT people has
definitely been something the gaming community has had to work on.
It's not as bad as it used to be, though.
Undertale's Alphys and Undyne were so naturally written in that it took us a second to realize
But even today there's still a lot of discussion about how they're written in.
Remember the Catherine controversy?
I wish I didn't.
It was poor advertising for the most part but it's one of the biggest gaming journalism
non-problems in recent memory.
You know, you write a relatively likeable transgender character
and then like a fucking idiot you deadname her in the game's credits.
Either way, it's not like game journalists are well known for their understanding of
the shit they write.
Now this part is something people debate on.
The subtlety of LGBT characters.
For example, Tony from Earthbound.
If I hadn't read that he was canonically gay I'd have probably assumed he was just
a sperg who really looked up to Jeff, but no, he's gay.
But he's a small character, and people complain about that too.
Where are all the gay MAIN characters?
Why is Vivian trans in the Japanese version but not in the American version?
That's another problem.
Earlier on video game companies just pretended gay people didn't exist.
A character is gay?
No they're not.
Gracie, Birdo, Poison, all swept under the rug.
I mean, at least you're not gay for finding them attractive in the Americas.
But the pretending that gay people don't exist so the American media won't sperg
out was kind of understandable 30 years ago, but now?
Like, whether you like it or not, the American media is pretty friendly to gay people.
So much so that we sometimes get the reverse problem.
Soleil from Fire Emblem Fates for example, is so fucking gay.
She basically is constantly asking girls out and kissing girls and making shitty vlog channels
like lesbians do.
But she can't marry any girls.
This is because the American translation politicized her from someone who found girls cute or something
to a lesbian.
Inigo's daughter also seducing women is a funny idea,
but it still is rewriting a character to push an agenda.
This isn't the only thing Treehouse did to rape Fates.
For example, there are same-sex marriages in the game.
Between Corrin of either gender with two different bisexual characters.
What I do care about is that the confession scenes between Corrin and the character of
the same gender were taken out, and the conversations were the same regardless
if the relationship was gay or straight in an attempt to,
I guess, normalize homosexuality.
But it's just awkward and it really pisses me off.
The game's localization is a disaster regardless, we all know this, but it's still frustrating
how often this is done wrong.
I think writing in LGBT characters into video games is generally a lose-lose situation.
First of all, if I had to guess, main characters are often not gay because more people are
straight than gay, so having a relatable main character often
means making them straight.
More people can relate with a male and female relationship than a gay or lesbian one,
I guess.
It's also just less controversial to make everyone straight, at least it used to be.
Now it can be a way to push your game to stupid queer culture on the internet and get free
But that's a double-edged sword because leftist journalism always finds a way to call
your game homophobic or transphobic, so writing in LGBT characters is just dangerous.
How do we fix this?
Writing them well.
It's hard to fit in a character's sexuality without it seeming forced, and pissing off
game journalists.
So here's how you don't make a big stink out of having a gay character.
Find a way for it to be relevant to their character.
This doesn't mean you need to write characters like Tenko who is thirsty for a 4'11 magician
but making it clear and natural is the best way to do it.
Give them a love interest or something.
Make them casually mention they have a significant other of the same sex.
Be sure there's more to the character than their sexuality.
And don't hypersex them.
When a character just happens to be gay people will accuse you of pandering.
And if their sexuality is a big part of their character arc someone is going to accuse you
of being bigoted.
Some tips are: well, don't deadname people.
Come on, that should speak for itself.
Don't try and make a character's sexuality intimidating.
Make their sexuality have a reason for being mentioned.
Don't do it like Mass Effect Andromeda.
Give us more Undynes, fewer Final Fantasy VII rapey crossdressing scenes.
More Tracers, fewer Rasputins.
In fact, just look to Undertale.
Toby Fox knows how to do it.
All in all, the concept of LGBT characters in video games is very, very complicated.
But who's to blame in all of this?
Game journalists, for making a mountain out of a molehill.
Game developers, for writing shitty LGBT characters.
Me, for that problematic joke earlier.
You, for not complaining about this.
The Catholic church, for taking this long to allow gay marriage.
The Islamic church, for throwing gay people off buildings.
Gay people, for being gay.
LGBT characters are honestly not that hard to write.
If you have a decent experience and you're a decent writer,
it should be pretty easy writing gay, trans, or whatever characters.
That's a fucking lie, by the way.
No it's not, it's fucking not.
Fox and Friends Saturday 03/31/18 6AM | March 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:01.
Disco Love - The Saturdays | Karaoke Version - Duration: 3:37.
Surface Area and Volume Class 9th Maharashtra Board Part 3 - Duration: 21:07.
Premium Photoshop Tutorials By Kevin Roodhorst - Duration: 2:05.
Hi everybody, this video is about the announcement of my Premium Tutorial Collection.
The reason I started a Premium Collection is because I received a lot of comments from
you guys about wanting to know more in-depth techniques, tips and tricks.
And are also interested in a more precise explanation about certain steps during the process.
I'm going to offer my premium collection on Gumroad.
Gumroad is one the most popular sites to sell directly to your audience.
You can find the link in the description.
So instead of a quick 3 minute walkthrough of my photo-manipulations,
you will have access to a more in-depth version of 45 minutes.
In my premium versions I'm going to explain how certain effects are made and also which techniques I used.
You have to keep in mind though that I won't be creating my photo-manipulations from scratch in the premium versions.
I'm just going to demonstrate the techniques I used to create it.
I'm also going to make premium tutorials about grading, shading, masking and other techniques we use in the design industry.
I also would love to hear from you guys what kind of tutorials you would like to see.
Creating these tutorials is very time consuming as you know.
Although all my loves goes into making them, I don't earn anything with it.
That's why your support would mean a lot to me!
If you want to get notified when I publish a new premium tutorial you can either follow
me on gumroad, keep an eye on my premium tutorials behance project or follow my digital art facebook page.
You can find all the links in the description.
Thanks for watching and for your support, which I appreciate a lot! see you around! Take care!
সহবাসে স্ত্রীকে দিন প্রচুর পরিমানের তৃপ্তি শুধু ২৫ টাকার বিনিময়ে #HealthCare-360 - Duration: 3:52.
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