Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 31 2018

ladies and gentlemen this is Keith from iRepair Autos today I'm going to show you

how to bleed out change your coolant on your Mercedes this is not considered a

complete flush this is simply a radiator drain it removes the majority of the

coolant but not all of it because there's coolant that remains in the

engine do this only when the engine has been sitting overnight into the next

morning so that thing cool is not hot not pressurized or you risk burning

yourself easy simple step I'm showing it from the bottom of the vehicle you don't

have to do that you can get to it from the top let's get to start it

don't forget to Like share and subscribe new video everybody first thing we want

to do is open this when the engine is not hot and open it slowly because

sometimes it's pressurized that will allow coolant to bleed so we're gonna

leave that uncovered alright ladies and gentlemen you're looking at the drain

screw that red cap right there on a Mercedes ml350 2006 now when you're

facing the vehicle from the front it's on your right side when you're

underneath the vehicle it's on the driver's side if that that makes the

most sense so you're going to put when you're draining the coolant you're gonna

put a drain pan under here and when you open it

when you open it the coolant will drain out of the hole so you want to fill it

you want to capture that in a container for reuse if you're going to be reusing

it all right so when I'm draining my coolant whether or not I'm gonna save it

or not I'm gonna use a hose so that it can drain out and I'm gonna drain that

into a pan and you kind of want to put that coolant into the pan without making

a mess so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fit this hose into this bleed nipple

right here so that we will drain nicely into the pan I may have to widen the

mouth of this hose to to fit okay the holes have been connected to the drain

hole and I have it going into a container that I'm gonna use now I'm

going to turn just let that bleed

remember to make sure that your coolant filler container up top is open so they

can breathe there we go so it's it's draining as you can tell as you can see

I cannot stress enough to do this when the engine has been sitting overnight so

that the coolant is cool in while refilling once you've drained

out the coolant you will then run clean water through the system to clear out

any dirt rust sludge or any other sedative that may have remained once

this is done you'll drain that out and then start by filling the coolant into

the reservoir we're gonna fill the reserve container with coolant it's

gonna go all the way down into the radiator and once that's been full to

the brim we're gonna then start the engine what that will do is will start

the circulation between the radiator the engine and it's gonna allow any air

bubbles that is in the system to come through and bubble up and that's how

we're gonna bleed the system by leaving this cap uncovered coolant air bubbles

will surface back up here you will see the bubbles forming as a means of aiding

the bleeding take your hand and you're gonna press and squeeze this

as it comes through we're gonna keep doing that until there are no more

bubbles take it for a drive come back let the engine cool down repeat while

you're driving of course this is going to be covered as always everyone don't

forget to Like share subscribe to my channel if you find these videos helpful

what that does it pushes my videos up in the search results so that other

Mercedes owners drivers do-it-yourselfers can find them easier


For more infomation >> Mercedes Radiator|Coolant Flush | DIY | iRepair Autos - Duration: 6:10.


New Year's Eve Design 🎆 Colaboración Beauty Bigbang 6 | CristiNails - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> New Year's Eve Design 🎆 Colaboración Beauty Bigbang 6 | CristiNails - Duration: 2:20.


6 formas diferentes de montar cuentas rotadas - Duration: 21:58.


Many of you have written to me in the comments

you wanted to know how to set up the lentil swirl beads.

So here I leave you six different ways to do it.

We will make simple pendants, earrings with mini eyepins, earrings with rings,

a necklace with several beads, earrings with half lentil beads and even buttons.

With this video I end the trilogy I started with the creation of lentil swirl beads,

which continued with the sanding and polishing and ends with the assembly.

I hope you enjoy it!

The first piece we are going to assemble is a simple pendant.

We'll make a through hole at the top. of the bead.

We'll use a finding for a pendant called a handle.

and it's got two claws that we're going to put in the hole.

We mark the place where we will drill

and we use a bit wider than the claws. of finding.

It is very important to drill in a way perpendicular to the piece.

So we must turn the set formed by the bead and the drill

making sure both sides are in the right position.

We open the finding and place it in its position.

With these pieces we don't need to add glue.

How we can see the finding is mobile and the union's pretty strong.

Now we can add the chain or cord that we like the most.

Another possibility we have to assemble lentil beads in a simple way

is to use a finding that we call mini eyepins.

These are like the ones used in do-it-yourself.

but adapted to the scale of our pieces.

With this type of trimmings

a very durable and strong bond is also achieved.

And we avoid having to drill the account part by part,

which is more complicated.

We'll use a 0.8 mm drill bit.

As always, we'll mark the place where we want it. drilling.

So the drill doesn't slip,

we are going to make two cuts that will form a V in the place where we have to drill.

This will facilitate a lot of work.

We make the hole

Although these findings create quite strong unions

I like to put a little glue on the end before screwing it in.

And so get a more secure fixation.

We twist the mini eyepin

And we put in the earring hooks.

We're going to do a somewhat different assembly now.

What we'll do is go through the bead with a ring

which will serve us as finding and embellishment

How we're gonna use a 1 mm thick brass wire,

we have to choose a larger diameter drill bit.

In this case 1,5mm

We drill right in the center of the piece.

This hole is very easy to make already which coincides with the center of the spiral of the lentil bead

As always, we make the drill form a 90-degree angle with the bead.

That way we can make sure he'll get to the right place when we get to the other side.

With the help of a metal cutter we give you forms the wire.

We're making a spring.

We cut two turns of this spring

We run the wire through the hole

We look in the hoop for the point that matches the edge of the bead.

And there we perform the ring that will unite the two parts of the ring

Once the earring hook is in place, we have finished our piece.

The next model we're going to do is a necklace of several beads.

Here the holes are a little more complicated and require more care.

But we will see a trick that will make our task very simple.

As always, the first task will be to mark where the holes go.

And in this case we are going to help ourselves of the necklace that we will use for the assembly.

We place the beads in their position,

but we have to keep in mind that we don't have to drill them in half.

or they'll turn continuously when we wear the necklace.

We will dial ź from the diameter of each bead.

The painter's tape is going to be our ally. so the holes come out perfectly.

We'll glue a piece that passes through the two marks. we've ever done.

As in the case of the earrings with mini eyepins

we're going to make the V-shaped cuts to make it easier for us.

Now we start drilling.

and how we can observe,

the drill bit must be aligned with the painter's tape.

If we do it this way

The drill bit will come out exactly the same. point we want.

Or if our drill bit is too small

we'll be able to drill from both sides ends

knowing that the two holes

will be found in the center

We don't have to forget

to check the position of the drill from all points of view.

We removed the painter's tape,

that as we can observe

leaves no traces of glue or removes the shine from the piece.

And we'll all work beads in the same way

We assemble the beads according to the design that we like it and we have our necklace ready.

With these earrings we're going to go over the way to do the lentil swirl beads.

Although you can see them in more detail in the video I published about them.

We began by making a simple marble using translucent,

green gold and copper from Cernit's new metallics.

When we have him, we make a ball out of him.

With the help of the glass, we rotate the bead until we have the spiral and the shape we want.

Now we split the bill in half.

We place the two halves on top of a crystal.

and with the hands and the help of the blade we finish giving it form.

With a P400 sandpaper, we equal all the surface of the cut.

We put a little liquid clay on top of it. the account.

We placed a green gold colored sheet on top of the a glass

and on top of that we put the two halves of the bead.

Now we're trimming the excess green clay

We mark the center of the green layer to make the holes

We chose a 1mm drill bit and drilled

With the help of a diamond bur with a conical point

we're going to enlarge the hole so we can hosting the glass bead

We mix the two components of the glue epoxy

and stick the wire with the glass bead.

In this case I have used wire from 0.8mm thick silver

As the glue dries

we make a spring and cut two laps for each earring

We make the earring hooks

Now all that's left for us to do is unite all the parts

The last option I'm going to show you to set up lentil beads is the one with the buttons.

I'm going to teach you two different ways to make them

For this assembly we will use brass wire with a diameter of 1 mm.

We bend the wire with the help of a curved pliers

and cut off the ends.

With the finding itself, we indicate the place where the holes will go

and with a pencil we make those more visible marks.

We check the wire thickness to choose the drill bit that best suits our work.

We always drill perpendicularly to the surface

We check that both holes have the same depth

We'll use two-component epoxy glue. for a strong and long-lasting bond

And that's it!

The second assembly is much simpler,

we'll just make four holes in the bead

That's all for now.

I'm sure you guys you can think of a thousand more ways to assemble lentil swirl beads.

If you liked the video, give a like.

You can also subscribe to the channel and share.

Any doubt or suggestion, please leave it to me in the comments.

See you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 6 formas diferentes de montar cuentas rotadas - Duration: 21:58.


El vídeo que destroza al matrimonio Sánchez por negarse a informar de sus viajes - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> El vídeo que destroza al matrimonio Sánchez por negarse a informar de sus viajes - Duration: 3:01.


吉田羊、所属事務所との契約終了を発表 ともに歩んだYマネへの思いを明かす - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> 吉田羊、所属事務所との契約終了を発表 ともに歩んだYマネへの思いを明かす - Duration: 3:48.


Torta de cumpleaños hermosa con las flores coloridas # 17 ❤️Pastel de cumpleaños | Delicioso Pastel - Duration: 11:46.

Thank you for watching

I hope my video will give you a relaxing moment after a hard working day


For more infomation >> Torta de cumpleaños hermosa con las flores coloridas # 17 ❤️Pastel de cumpleaños | Delicioso Pastel - Duration: 11:46.


María Teresa Campos, la perdedora de 2018 tras muchos años de reinado - Duration: 6:00.

De hecho, este miércoles concluye uno de los peores de su vida, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en su faceta más íntima. No ha sido un año fácil para María Teresa Campos (77 años).

Por un lado, su contrato en Mediaset está a punto de vencer, y no consigue tener un hueco propio en la parrilla televisiva.

A pesar de que lo intentó fuera de la pequeña pantalla con el lanzamiento de un disco, fracasó.

Además, la enfermedad de su hija Terelu Campos (53), la supuesta traición de algunas de sus amigas,

y la marcha de su asistenta de confianza, ha provocado que la matriarca de las Campos no acabe el 2018 tal y como a ella le hubiese gustado.

El cáncer de su hija Terelu; Este ha sido el motivo principal que ha hecho perder la sonrisa a María Teresa.

Sus hijas dicen que la veterana periodista "no para de llorar, lamentarse y sufrir por el calvario que le ha tocado vivir a su hija mayor".

Ha estado a su lado de manera incondicional, y ha acompañado a la colaboradora a todas y cada una de sus revisiones médicas.

Desde que el pasado mes de julio Terelu anunciase su recaída en el cáncer de mama, la familia ha estado unida en lo bueno y en lo malo.

Una de las más afectadas ha sido María Teresa, y aunque sus hijas tratan siempre de evitar su preocupación, no puede evitar sufrir cada cosa que le pasa a sus seres más queridos.

Su operación de intestino; Después de sufrir un complicado ictus en 2017, María Teresa Campos volvió a ser intervenida quirúrgicamente el pasado mes de febrero debido a unos fuertes dolores intestinales.

Permaneció unos días ingresada en la Clínica de La Luz (Madrid), y aunque la preocupación en un primer momento fue mucha,

todo se calmó cuando sus hijas contaron de manera pública que no había gravedad en el asunto.

Tras darle e alta, se hizo público el siguiente comunicado por parte del hospital: "La paciente Doña María Teresa Campos Luque ha sido intervenida quirúrgicamente hoy por un cuadro de suboclusión intestinal secundario a un cuadro adherencial por cirugía ginecológica previa.

La intervención por vía lamparoscópica ha transcurrido sin ninguna incidencia.

Se encuentra en observación médica evolucionando favorablemente".

La 'fuga' de su asistenta ; A finales del mes de noviembre salía a la luz lo que para María Teresa Campos ha supuesto un antes y un después en este 2018: María Silva,

su asistente personal durante quince años, se marchaba a su país (Perú) sin dar ninguna explicación.

Por si fuese poco esta le ha ha denunciado, alegando despido improcedente.

La noticia cayó como un jarro de agua fría para la presentadora, la cual, según pudo conocer JALEOS, vivió el revés como "una traición imperdonable" después de tantos años de leal servicio.

La peruana ha tenido recientes intenciones de contarlo todo, ya que en ningún momento ha firmado un contrato de confidencialidad.

Su 'rabia' va, sobre todo, contra sus hijas, Terelu Campos y Carmen Borrego (52), con las que no tenía buena relación.

La exempleada ha intentado negociar con alguna revista, pero no ha conseguido llegar a un acuerdo.

Sigue esperando un programa ; Por si esto fuera poco, sigue sin tener intenciones de jubilarse.

Su contrato con Mediaset está a punto de expirar y por el momento nadie le ofrece el programa con el que sueña despedirse después de toda una vida de trayectoria profesional.

Ha protagonizado más de una indirecta pública a sus jefes, donde ha dejado entrever que no se le está dando el sitio que se merece. Pero ella no se da por vencida.

La gran matriarca del clan, María Teresa Campos ha sido una presentadora indiscutible en televisión.

Ella vivió durante muchos años la mejor época de la pequeña pantalla en España.

En su día renegó de Telecinco para marcharse a Antena 3 y, de nuevo, regresar al templo de Paolo Vasile para cosechar más éxitos.

Y ahí ha seguido hasta hace poco más de un año, cuando sintió que "le arrebataron" el programa.

Lo intentó -pero fracasó- en el mundo de la música; No encontraba salidas y nadie parecía ayudarle en el mundo de la televisión.

Intentó ser práctica y arriesgar con un nuevo proyecto: el lanzamiento de un disco de boleros.

Su compañero de vida -y de trabajo-Bigote Arrocet (68) también participó con ella. Pero no lo hizo sola.

Durante el pasado mes de octubre tuvo lugar la presentación de el proyecto, llamado Una bella historia.

Unos días más tarde tuvo lugar la primera firma de ejemplares en El Corte Inglés de Nuevos Ministerios, en Madrid.

Lo que podría haber sido un éxito, se convirtió en un completo desastre: María Teresa Campos y Edmundo tan solo firmaron dos discos en la hora y media que estuvieron esperando a la llegada de seguidores.

For more infomation >> María Teresa Campos, la perdedora de 2018 tras muchos años de reinado - Duration: 6:00.


La légende de la Cascade de Charlemagne - Vosges - Duration: 5:22.

Hello and welcome on Waterfalls of France. Today I am in the Vosges

In the Vosges area in a small village called

Xonrupt Longemer located next to Gerardemer

Xonrupt is spelled Xon"rupt"

Because Rupt means "small river" in the old language here

I really like this waterfall, i have probably been here at least 10 times

Why, because it is not that impressive

but the atmosphere is unique and different at every seasons

For instance, if you come here during Spring

You will feel like being in New Zealand, like in a Tolkien book

Such as Lords of the Rings with those flashy greens

And what is amazing is that if you come during winter

like now, with snow

You will not recognize the place

because you may not even see the waterfall

I came here last year, and there was so much snow

I could not even see the little river

This river falls in the lake of Retournemer, 300 meters from here

And the legend tells us that Charlemagne (a French King in 800) came here

to fish in the lake.HeI would have caught a pike but he decided to put back in the lake

but before doing so, he added a little bell on its neck

and that even today, you can here it tinkle

if you really pay attention ...

For more infomation >> La légende de la Cascade de Charlemagne - Vosges - Duration: 5:22.


最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 平成最後の紅白がスタート!オープニング特別映像ではSMAPの姿も - Duration: 3:10.

拡大写真 組司会の広瀬すず 左)総合司会の内 光良   大 そか恒例の「第6 回NHK紅白歌合 」が31日、東京 NHKホールでス ート

総合司会の内村光 (54)と白組司 の「嵐」櫻井翔( 6)、紅組司会の 瀬すず(20)が 会宣言を行った

   オープニン では平成の紅白を り返る特別映像が れ、平成15年に 世界に一つだけの 」を歌うSMAP 姿も映った

VTR明けに、内 が「平成30年。 んな年であっても 歌って笑ってその を締めくくってき した

歌って笑いあえた もっといい年にな と信じてきました 今年も歌って締め しょう!平成最後 紅白です!」とあ さつした

   トップバッ ーは白組の「三代 J Soul B others」。 R.Y.U.S. .I.」のサビで 司会の3人もラン ングマンを披露し

 [外部サイト] 津玄師"紅白出場 怒"報道否定のサ ンに感謝「恐縮」 ジオで曲「嬉しか た」広瀬すず 紅 司会の本番控え「 手柔らかにお願い ます」永野芽郁  け抜けた2018  「半分、青い

」後も引く手あま  紅白審査員で飛 の1年締め「笑っ はいけないトレジ ーハンター」場面 真入手!どうなる 出川の紅白掛け持 シーン紅白 "究 の大トリ"そして 成最後飾る超豪華 フィナーレにSM P内村光良櫻井翔

For more infomation >> 最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 平成最後の紅白がスタート!オープニング特別映像ではSMAPの姿も - Duration: 3:10.


DA PUMP:レコ大大賞逃すも絶賛の声 「Y.M.C.A.」、KE… - Duration: 3:00.

「第60回  輝く!日本 レコード大 賞」の最終 審査が30 日、新国立 劇場で行わ れ、優秀作 品賞に選ば れたダンス ・ボーカル グループ「 DA PU MP」が登 場。

今年大ブーム となった" いいねダン ス"ととも に「U.S .A.」を 歌唱し、ラ ストでは今 年亡くなっ た歌手・西 城秀樹さん の大ヒット 曲 「ヤン グマン(Y .M.C. A.)」の 振り付けも 披露。

大賞は逃した ものの、西 城さんへの 敬意も感じ させるパフ ォーマンス にSNS上 には称賛の 声があふれ た。

歌唱前、14 年ぶりのレ コ大のステ ージとなる ボーカルの ISSAさ んは「うれ しいかぎり でございま す」と話し 、同曲が「 ダサかっこ いい」など と大きな話 題になった ことについ て聞かれる と「自分た ちが想像し ていた以上 に、世代を超えていろんな方に聴いてもらえたので、本当に感謝の一年になりました」と話した。

メンバーのK ENZOさ んは「本当 に『U.S .A.』と いう楽曲で 、僕たち夢 みたいな時 間を今年は 過ごさせて もらってま す……」と あふれる思 いに言葉を 詰まらせ、 「7人でこ のステージ で皆さんに 感謝を届け たいし、2 1年間ずっと歌ってきたISSAさんと一緒に感謝を届けたいです!」と男泣き。

この涙には「 KENZO さんの涙に こっちが泣 けた」「K ENZOさ んの男泣き にこっちま でもらい泣 きしてしま う」「涙な がらのコメ ントがほん とうにムネ アツだった 」といった 声が並んだ 。

「U.S.A .」歌唱時 にはメンバ ー7人で圧 巻のパフォ ーマンスで 会場を盛り 上げると、 ラストでは 、ISSA さんが「Y .M.C. A.」のポ ーズを決め 、メンバー 全員で再び 「Y.M. C.A.」 の振り付け を披露。

ネットには「 DA PU MPカッコ 良かった! 」「YMC Aやってた !さすが! 」「感動し た」「西城 秀樹さんへ のリスペク トを忘れな いDA P UMPすて きだな」と いった称賛 の声が並ん だ。

また、大賞を 逃したこと を残念がる 声も多く、 ISSAさ んのインス タグラムに も「間違い なく今年の 大賞はDA PUMP です!」「 私達の中で はDA P UMPが大 賞です」と いったコメ ントが寄せ られている 。

For more infomation >> DA PUMP:レコ大大賞逃すも絶賛の声 「Y.M.C.A.」、KE… - Duration: 3:00.


Opel Insignia GS Business Innovation 4x4 2.0 Turbo - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia GS Business Innovation 4x4 2.0 Turbo - Duration: 1:14.


रवा केक - Iyengar Style Eggless Rava Cake Recipe In Marathi - Semolina Cake - Sonali - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> रवा केक - Iyengar Style Eggless Rava Cake Recipe In Marathi - Semolina Cake - Sonali - Duration: 3:03.


Что, если ТЫ родился в ФИНЛЯНДИИ ( Новогодняя анимация) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Что, если ТЫ родился в ФИНЛЯНДИИ ( Новогодняя анимация) - Duration: 2:12.


Dream about truck with special load - Duration: 0:18.

oh I just want to say one dream dream about about when I pass the stop

I see truck with special load location is triangle in Boravo Naselje so goodbye

For more infomation >> Dream about truck with special load - Duration: 0:18.


Fishcare "prevenire è meglio che curare" - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Fishcare "prevenire è meglio che curare" - Duration: 3:52.


The Muffin Man - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song Lyric - Duration: 2:12.

Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.

For more infomation >> The Muffin Man - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song Lyric - Duration: 2:12.


Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk - Duration: 0:40.


An Attempt at Creating Guts in Monster Hunter: World - Duration: 3:39.


You can use one of three hair styles for this, in my opinion.

This one has the right length and texture.

This one has the right hairline and flow.

I like this one the most despite the ponytail thing.

The eyes were a challenge, mainly due to Guts's eye shape and iris/pupil size being exceedingly small as a stylistic choice.

There's also the issue of height as far as 100% accuracy goes. Not that the hunter is short, but Guts would realistically be at least at eye level with the Admiral.

There's no right answer for this. All the facial expressions look horrid, so I'd suggest either going all the way with type 5 or trying to mitigate the damage with type 2.

Now all you need is the fallen knight set and the dark sword.

For more infomation >> An Attempt at Creating Guts in Monster Hunter: World - Duration: 3:39.


Carlotta Mantovan torna a sorridere con la figlia e un amico speciale: ecco chi è | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Carlotta Mantovan torna a sorridere con la figlia e un amico speciale: ecco chi è | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:20.


Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Drive | 5drs. | airco | navi | cruise | lmv | - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Drive | 5drs. | airco | navi | cruise | lmv | - Duration: 1:13.


最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 平成最後の紅白がスタート!オープニング特別映像ではSMAPの姿も - Duration: 3:10.

拡大写真 組司会の広瀬すず 左)総合司会の内 光良   大 そか恒例の「第6 回NHK紅白歌合 」が31日、東京 NHKホールでス ート

総合司会の内村光 (54)と白組司 の「嵐」櫻井翔( 6)、紅組司会の 瀬すず(20)が 会宣言を行った

   オープニン では平成の紅白を り返る特別映像が れ、平成15年に 世界に一つだけの 」を歌うSMAP 姿も映った

VTR明けに、内 が「平成30年。 んな年であっても 歌って笑ってその を締めくくってき した

歌って笑いあえた もっといい年にな と信じてきました 今年も歌って締め しょう!平成最後 紅白です!」とあ さつした

   トップバッ ーは白組の「三代 J Soul B others」。 R.Y.U.S. .I.」のサビで 司会の3人もラン ングマンを披露し

 [外部サイト] 津玄師"紅白出場 怒"報道否定のサ ンに感謝「恐縮」 ジオで曲「嬉しか た」広瀬すず 紅 司会の本番控え「 手柔らかにお願い ます」永野芽郁  け抜けた2018  「半分、青い

」後も引く手あま  紅白審査員で飛 の1年締め「笑っ はいけないトレジ ーハンター」場面 真入手!どうなる 出川の紅白掛け持 シーン紅白 "究 の大トリ"そして 成最後飾る超豪華 フィナーレにSM P内村光良櫻井翔

For more infomation >> 最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 平成最後の紅白がスタート!オープニング特別映像ではSMAPの姿も - Duration: 3:10.


Dramatyczne informacje o Marcie Kaczyńskiej! Kolejne małżeństwo pod znakiem zapytania - Duration: 5:34.

 Marta Kaczyńska wreszcie znalazła szczęście w małżeństwie – taki wniosek wysnuwały tabloidy po tegorocznym ślubie bratanicy Jarosława Kaczyńskiego

Spacery za rękę czy narodziny dziecka wskazywałyby, że między małżonkami wszystko gra

Poza jednym… Marta Kaczyńska po raz kolejny została żoną. W tym roku wzięła ślub ze swoim trzecim mężem, wpływowym biznesmenem z Warszawy

Niedługo później urodziło się dziecko bratanicy.Szczęście, ale na odległość? Marta Kaczyńska nie ma łatwo Kaczyńska przykuwała uwagę paparazzi i tabloidów

Co chwila mogliśmy wypatrywać zdjęcia Kaczyńskiej z wózeczkiem, jednak na niewielu z nich dostrzec można było młodych rodziców

PORAŻAJĄCA wypowiedź szefa Biedronki! Nie uwierzycie, w co chce zamienić sklep  Media donoszą z końcem roku, że para widuje się dość rzadko jako na młodych rodziców przystało

Trzeci mąż Kaczyńskiej zajęty jest w większości sprawami biznesowymi. W tworzeniu gruntu pod bezpieczną przyszłość potomstwa zanika wspólny czas, który mógłby spędzać z małżonką i dzieckiem

 Zdaniem portalu może to być jedna z przyczyn poważnej rysy na kolejnym już małżeństwie Kaczyńskiej

Zaznaczmy, że oboje partnerzy mają dzieci z poprzednich małżeństw. W przypadku Marty Kaczyńskiej są to nastoletnie córki ze związku z Marcinem Dubienieckim

Do tego dochodzi trójka dzieci męża bratanicy prezesa PiS, ale jeszcze z poprzedniego związku

 Zadbanie o potomstwo to jedno, ale trudno o to, gdy rodzicom zaczynają rozchodzić się drogi

Gdy wydawało się, że parze uda się pokonać przeszkody, szara rzeczywistość okazuje się trudniejsza niż można było się spodziewać

 Para widuje się rzadko. Marta Kaczyńska prowadzi życie w Sopocie. Prowadzi kancelarię prawniczą, w tym mieście do szkół uczęszczają jej córki z poprzedniego związku

Inaczej wygląda codzienność męża Kaczyńskiej. Na co dzień związany jest ze stolicą gdzie – jak podaje Pomponik

pl – prowadzi interesy i szkołę jeździectwa. W relację wkrada się tęsknota i wyczekiwanie za pierwszą wolną chwilą, którą małżonkowie spędzą razem

Na ten moment jest to typowa relacja na odległość. Na początek do zniesienia, ale z czasem w takim układzie muszą pojawić się komplikacje… DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ: – Marta chciałaby, by ktoś czasem w nocy utulił jej synka, pomógł rozwiązać codzienne domowe spory czy choćby zrobił zakupy

 Piotr z kolei marzy, by w końcu poczuć się gdzieś u siebie. Jest rozdarty między żoną i synkiem – czytamy w portalu Pomponik

pl Sprawę podkreśla również kolorowy „Dobry Tydzień". Anonimowy informator i znajomy biznesmena przyznał, że męża Kaczyńskiej męczy życie w rozjazdach

 – Zastanawiam się, jak długo Piotr wytrzyma to życie w rozjazdach – powiedział w czasopiśmie kolega biznesmena

 Czas pokażę i zweryfikuje, czy kilometry i rozłąka odbiją się rysą na związku Marty Kaczyńskiej

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Dramatyczne informacje o Marcie Kaczyńskiej! Kolejne małżeństwo pod znakiem zapytania - Duration: 5:34.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100pk DynamicLine !! ACTIE UIT VOORRAAD !! - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI 100pk DynamicLine !! ACTIE UIT VOORRAAD !! - Duration: 1:08.


Škoda Karoq DSG-7 Style Business - Panorama - 19" - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Škoda Karoq DSG-7 Style Business - Panorama - 19" - Duration: 1:07.


Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.2 TSI Greentech 90pk DSG-7 Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.2 TSI Greentech 90pk DSG-7 Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:08.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusline *Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusline *Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:58.


Kia Picanto 1.0 MPi 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 MPi 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:58.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine - Duration: 1:07.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Airco/ Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Airco/ Cruise Control* - Duration: 0:52.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Airco / Cruise * - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusLine *Airco / Cruise * - Duration: 1:04.


Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusline - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 4-zits EconomyPlusline - Duration: 1:10.


I-696 completion timeline released - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> I-696 completion timeline released - Duration: 2:02.


Remember vs remind: English In A Minute - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Remember vs remind: English In A Minute - Duration: 1:18.


Kerlz - Tell Them I Good "2019 Soca" (Trinidad) - Duration: 3:01.

Kerlz - Tell Them I Good "2019 Soca" (Trinidad)

For more infomation >> Kerlz - Tell Them I Good "2019 Soca" (Trinidad) - Duration: 3:01.


THAT ONE TIME I HITCHHIKED 1052KM! - Duration: 20:27.


My name is Samson.

I'm 19 years old from Hong Kong.

Last year, I travelled myself for the first time in Europe for 76 days, hoping to experience

European culture at its finest.

In my journey, I met great and awesome people while visiting numerous attractions in 8 countries.

This spring, I was very lucky to be able to spend a semester in Zurich, Switzerland.

I have partied, met even more people, learned parkour for the first time ever, hiked, ate

fondue, the list goes on and on.

I travelled to Iceland, Sweden, Hungary, Ukraine, Austria and France.

As my semester comes to an end, I found myself with very limited travelling budget, and there

was still one country left on my bucket list- Croatia.

So I decided to take on the biggest challenge I have ever taken, the biggest YES I'm going

to say and yet the most difficult journey of my life- Hitchhike my way from Switzerland

to Croatia.

The adventure starts today, I am saying the biggest YES of my life, let's go.

So right now I'm in Lindau, Germany.

I took a bus from Zurich, Switzerland to start my hitchhiking journey.

This will probably be the place I get my first ride.

You're gonna wonder why didn't I start the journey in Switzerland.

Because apparently I read something on the internet saying that Switzerland is a difficult

place to pick up free rides, that's why I'm now in the Lindau, which is the nearest German

town just by the Swiss border.

It's so hot here, it's already that hot in Germany...I couldn't imagine how hot it will

be when I'm in Croatia-IF I can make it.

By the way, I just wrote the sign and now I am going to the nearest gas station next

to the highway, and that would hopefully take me to Munich, or in German, "München".

So just now a guy picked me up and said that the location I was standing at was not good.

He's now out of the car for some reason, my German isn't that he said he's gonna

be back in 10 minutes and bring me perhaps to a better location.

(In my crappy German) Yeah, but this is better...

Yes I met a driver and it officially made me a hitchhiker.

I thought I was going to Munich and it turns out that he would pass through Salzburg as

well, he dropped me off a gas station 10km away from Salzburg city.

Now I'm going to take a bus, the bus station is 15 minutes of walking distance away from


It was amazing like the driver...he hardly speaks English so basically I was using my

crappy German (to talk with him) just couldn't imagine how nice people can be.

After taking the bus yesterday, all of my couchsurfing requests had been rejected so

I ended up spending a night in a hotel room.

Today I'm going to spend the first half of the day exploring the city of Salzburg and

spend the second half of it trying to get a ride to Ljubljana, which is the capital

of Slovenia.

So right now I am next to the highway waiting for a car to pick me up to Ljubljana and look

at this, I walked all the way from there to here.

This is where I'm at right now.

And I don't even know if legally I'm allowed to walk on this but I'm gonna keep walking

towards that direction.

So here we are. I'm gonna wait for my ride here.

Fingers crossed.

So you can actually see here I was stopped by a police, you can really see his pistol.

He stopped me on the highway and he checked my belongings and I was freaked out.

He checked my IDs, searched my bags and made sure I was no one dangerous and it was totally

legal to hitchhike on the road as long as I am not walking in the highway.

had to wait for 4 hours in the end to get a ride.

2 cars stopped by but they weren't going to Villach nor to Ljubljana.

So I waited for 4 hours until a very nice guy picked me up and gave me an hour and half

of ride and now I'm in Villach, Austria.

And since yesterday I started hitchhiking quite late at about 3/4 in the afternoon,

and it was until like 7 something until I got my ride.

So I planned to start earlier today, perhaps ideally before the afternoon.

I looked on the internet and they say Villach is not an easy place to get rides so that

kinda justifies why I need to start even earlier.

So now it's like 9:30 or something, I haven't had a very good sleep last night in the hostel

but nevertheless I'm just gonna grab breakfast and start the day strong.

You know when it comes to hitchhiking, the most challenging part is not the journey itself

but the mental challenge.

For every ride you have to have like...I would say more than few hundreds of rejections until

you get a ride.

Of course if you're lucky you can be only waiting for a few minutes, I mean the fear

of rejection is the most challenging part and I really like the saying of it doesn't

matter how many times you got rejected, it's the only one YES that counts.

And basically that's what happened to me yesterday and hundreds and hundreds of cars just drove

by and ignored me.

I waited 4 hours and a police car stopped by and checked my IDs, searched my bags.

But all it took was that one YES, that's all it matters.

I'm here now.

Hopefully a truck or a car is gonna pick me up.

So basically I just got picked up by the police for the second time.

They are quite nice they didn't fine me.

They told me I could have been fined for 500 Euros because at some point I was walking

on the highway and that's kinda dangerous or even illegal i guess.

But they took me to a gas station next to the highway so now I'm just gonna walk up

to people and ask them if they can take me to Ljubljana.

And it was my first attempt to ask a couple...a German couple I believe... would they take

me to Ljubljana and they agreed to take me to somewhere near Ljubljana and drop me on

the highway's amazing!

Greetings everyone!

Welcome to Ljubljana.

Today's my fourth day of my hitchhiking trip and today I could possibly get myself and

get my feet on the land of Croatia.

How amazing is that?

Still cannot believe it has only been 4 days.

I thought it would take much longer than 4 days.

Currently I am walking to a gas station in the outskirts of Ljubljana.

And from there I will try know I don't even bother lifting a sign today, cause

from the previous experiences...for the first 2 days I had been lifting the sign for like...

I don't know...a total of 10 hours?

The possibilities of getting rides by lifting a sign is really low so...but yesterday, yesterday

you know on my first attempt of walking up to drivers and asking them if they could give

me a ride in the petrol station and it was a success.

I guess I'm trying to do the same today.

Alright guys, if you look closely on your left, you will see a small sign over there

saying there's a gas station.

I'm in a golf course right now, I just spoke to the owner of the place and she's amazing.

She let me to walk across the golf course but at my own risk.

So here's the fence and I just jumped over it.

Hey there, how are you?

(Fine) Um...I have a little weird request to ask.


Is there any possibilities that you guys would be going to Zagreb or passing through Zagreb?

(No) No?

Alright thanks.

Excuse me, how are you guys doing?

Um...may I ask you guys for a favour?

Okay...never mind...




It's okay, have a nice day.

Guys, now I'm in just outside of Zagreb, just walked up to drivers and see if they can drive

me to Zadar.

So far I have asked like 20 or 30 something drivers and either their cars were full or

they were not going to Zadar or they just ignored me and...I don't know.

But I'll keep trying and see what I can do.

But no complains, you know, hitchhiking is totally a spontaneous thing...there is so

many reasons that one will not do it, they are just being nice by letting me to get on

their cars.

Couldn't complain I mean it's totally normal to reject someone.

Yesterday could have been the worst day of my hitchhiking journey.

Rain was pouring starting from the morning and it basically didn't stop until late evening.

To be honest I struggled whether should I continue my journey.

Even the staff in the hostel told me like the weather was awful so the chances of me

getting a ride from Zagreb to Zadar was really low.

Eventually I still decided to go.

I had to take a tram from the city centre to somewhere in Zagreb, where I got on a bus

and the bus took me 2 kilometres away from a gas station.

I was really hesitating, I know the weather was bad and especially when people started

to tell you it's not gonna work, you really stop for a second and ask yourself like if

it's really gonna be possible...but still my mindset was like I'm gonna go to the gas

station, if it works it works, if it doesn't I'll just try another day.

I was lifting my umbrella with one hand, the sign...this sign with the other hand.

I was really thinking I'm gonna spend hours under the rain hoping someone will be kind

enough to give me a ride to Zadar.

And it was only 15 minutes.

It was like the fifth car that was about to drive past me and the car stopped and (the driver)

offered me the ride to Zadar.

And the amazing feeling about this is...even that odds seem to be all against you, the

weather wasn't favourable...the people might be discouraging you...but the important thing

is really to stay true to your heart and just give it a try.

It's really nothing to lose, you just have to take the initiatives and really to prepare

to go against all odds.

And you know it could have been a very bad day I could have been stuck in Zagreb.

I could have been waited under the rain for like a few hours.

15 minutes.

15 minutes and I saved the day because I stayed true to my heart, to the one very goal that

lies inside my heart.

Were you guys also driving in Slovenia?


That was a different car?

(Yeah that was a different car.)

It's scary when you are holding on a GoPro and you know the sea may be washing it away.

Hello there.

Welcome to my possibly last ride of this journey, today I'm gonna try hitchhike from Zadar to


I had a wonderful weekend in Zadar.

Now I'm fully recharged and ready to go.

Now I'm walking to the junction which leads to the motorway.

And from there I will try to get a ride to Split.

I just waited at the spot for like an hour so I'm moving further up.

I'm walking to a gas station nearby and hopefully cars will be going to Split there.

Man, you will not believe this when you see this part of the video.

I have actually waited for like 6 hours.

It's now 7:30pm or even 8pm in the evening.

I started at 1:30pm.

This is actually ridiculous, like 4 cars stopped by...they were really nice but unfortunately

none of them were going to Split.

I don't even know what to do now.

I don't even want to rent another night of the apartment or hostel or something.

I don't wanna walk all the way from the city centre to here again.

With all these heavy bags and I just don't wanna do it.

I have been at the gas station waiting for like 5 hours.

I don't know...I changed spot one time, we talked about it before.

So...I don't know what to do now.

I'm just gonna continue to walk and I believe there is a junction up front where it leads

to the highway...Nevertheless my battery is running low, the worst thing that can happen

is that I just spend a night in the gas station.

I don't even wanna spend money for accommodation tonight.

I'm gonna stay up as late as possible and maybe get one or two hours of sleep.

I'm gonna get up when the sun comes up...not kidding to you...I'm gonna get up at like

4 in the morning and start waiting for the ride.

I don't care but...I just wanna be in Split right now.

(...10 minutes of walking from here) Yeah that's cool.

Alright guys thank you for everything.

I could still be in the gas station if it wasn't you guys.

Thank you very much.

(Enjoy your holiday) Have a nice evening.

See ya!

Thank you guys.


After 7 hours of waiting, I'm in Splitttttt!


It's worth every second of waiting.

No matter how many rejections I have gotten, it only matters that I'm now in Split.

In 7 days, I was able to travel 1052km by only accepting rides offered by strangers,

which took me all the way from Lindau, Germany to Split, Croatia.

This journey is not just about saving money but embracing discomfort while realising the

infinite opportunities that were made possible by overcoming rejections, taking initiatives

and trusting strangers.

It is also an adventure of me opening up my mind and discovering the beauty of mankind.

It completely changed my perspectives on travelling and interacting with people.

I'm Samson.

I'm a 19 year old boy from Hong Kong.

I said YES to the biggest challenge of my life and it took me so far, so far from Switzerland

to Croatia.

What is that YES you gonna say today?

For more infomation >> THAT ONE TIME I HITCHHIKED 1052KM! - Duration: 20:27.


2019 Top DevOps Trends Part I - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> 2019 Top DevOps Trends Part I - Duration: 8:17.


Anna Tatangelo, la cantante in microabito ghepardato fa impazzire i fan: la scatto bollente - Duration: 1:02.

 Anna Tatangelo riserva i botti di fine anno sul suo profilo Instagram con una foto che ha fatto impazzire i suoi fan

La cantante ha pubblicato uno scatto bollente, indossando un microabito ghepardato

Non fanno eccezione le scarpe, tacco 12, in tinta con il suo look a dir poco aggressivo

E il pubblico apprezza.

For more infomation >> Anna Tatangelo, la cantante in microabito ghepardato fa impazzire i fan: la scatto bollente - Duration: 1:02.


주방가위로 첫 셀프 단발 자르기..! 남자친구 반응은? [ENG SUB] My First Short Cut With Kitchen Scissors! BF's Reaction is? - Duration: 5:55.

hi guys, and my Ryunas

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna (Fashion Youtuber traveling life)

For today!

I'm going to do something serious

I'm going to cut my hair short!

I've been in long hair since I was 15

Since I'm 24 now, it's been 9 years In long hair

Actually, there were many times of an urge for short hair


There was a hair rule in my middle school

And I really hated it

So, I haven't cut my hair short after that

But it's time

The hair inside get's tangled too often

And the edges of my hair got a lot of damage, so the clinic products don't work now

To solve these problems and for a change in image

I'm going to cut my hair short by myself!

will it be like this?

let's try!

First, people seem to tie their hair both sides before cutting


This part got tabled again

Can you see why I'm cutting?

If these hair on the bottom get tangled

I lose hair while trying to untangle it

So, that's another reason I determined this

I'll do only about this much

This much?

Sigh…I'm scared

Since I don't have any professional scissors, I'll do it with kitchen scissors

I hope It comes out well

I'll cut now


No, I'll try now

I really did it!


I cut it!

wow, but I have really little hair

I cut one side!

Doesn't it look okay till now? (Self comfort LOL)

It looks like a curtain

what's this?

It's a bit

No, it's not a bit

who did it! (It's me! LOL)

I might get scolded if I go to the beauty shop

Should I retouch this part?

I'll keep It and try the other side

I'll cut this side, too!

Face looks painful LOL (My heart is in pain TT)

The sound is horrible

The cutting sound

I cut it again!

The hair was like this

Ta da~

I have to do something with this shocking hair, but it'll get worse if I do it

Doesn't this side look ok?

Isn't it?... (yeah it isn't)

I have to go to the hair shop

I'll try the iron

will I regret cutting?

Trying the iron


I can't help it

The hair is out of control

There's no clue

I wanted to cut my hair and go to Yosang's hair shop and retry the heart dying

But going there with this hair will be a bit embarrassing

I'll quickly visit a hair shop in the block!

I went to 32 Begin!

Hair Designer : I saw you

Me? did you?... (The designer has seen my clips)

H.D : the leopard patterns and the heart!

Ah!...LOL (I was really embarrassed)

H.D : what design do you want?

H.D : I heard you want red color dying

yes, after fixing my hair and except this section!

H.D : ah, you want red dying except that section?

H.D : it seems that it hasn't been long since you've cut your hair LOL (Real panic)

H.D : it's been really this… (Me : embarrassed / Designer : panic LOL)

H.D : you've cut it roughly Me : yes…well

H.D : I'll fix this part first (So embarrassing LOL)

After retouching hair, started dying!

got the heart dying done new!

It's better when it's colored

got my hair dry, and cut it shorter!

Ta da~

Now I've changed a lot, let's see my boyfriend's reaction

My bf likes my long hair more

And when I asked on my Instagram about short hair

he said NO! LOL

So, I really want to know his reaction

Shall we see?

we will meet here

Found him!

Taekyung (Boyfriend) : I barely noticed you LOL

how is It?

BF : It's really pretty

Really pretty?

BF : yes..

BF : you look like Amanda Seybried?

Who's Amanda Seybried? LOL (Does it mean I'm like 2% similar to Amanda Seyfried?)

The hair is shorter than I expected, is it nice?

BF : it's pretty

BF : but when the length gets a bit longer, you might regret it

I'll get some attachable hair then

Or cut It again!

BF : Ah~

BF : and there's a wig!


well, I think the change is a success

BF : right~

let's go for some food now (GOGO~~)

went for steak

Feeding me for 3years (bragging)

BF : Is it a Go, Jun-Hee cut?

No! just short hair!

BF : it's a Ryu Kyung-Ah cut?


Feeling awkward while eating dessert

I can't get used to it

how is it?

well guys, this was my short hair try

My boyfriend's reaction is alright, and I'm satisfied myself

I need some time for getting used to it

But isn't It ok?

BF : Isn't it pretty, guys?

Romantic LOL

well, this is the end of this clip

If this clip was fun or useful, likes and subscribes please (Instagram @cornu_ryu)

See ya next time~


For more infomation >> 주방가위로 첫 셀프 단발 자르기..! 남자친구 반응은? [ENG SUB] My First Short Cut With Kitchen Scissors! BF's Reaction is? - Duration: 5:55.


MMJRS - WHY 2018 WAS THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE! - Duration: 6:59.

make sure to subscribe

For more infomation >> MMJRS - WHY 2018 WAS THE BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE! - Duration: 6:59.


84 | O ano Mais Intenso de Nossas Vidas - Retrospectiva 2018 - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 19:51.

Last year you followed our move from São Paulo to the sailboat

our first steps in the world of sailing and the voyage from Santos to Rio

Come Google, Uhul

2018 arrived, the most intense year of our lives

and before this retrospective, I would like to ask your like in the video

but only if you liked this year that we traveled together

We started 2018 enjoying New Year's Eve in Copacabana

watching the most famous fireworks in Brazil and jumping the seven waves

Look Shogun's crew today!

So we did a money balance of last year

and we headed straight towards Arraial do Cabo.

We have a drone, I'm so happy!

On the way we stopped in Niterói where happened a barbecue with a nice crowd from there

and the drone test that we got

Where are we going?

Let's take a ride, we'll get you up here in the city park.

Arriving in Arraial we had a problem with the engine,

but we solved with the help of our mechanic Dinho

Hi ?!

Dinho, I took the air from the hose from the pump ....

It worked!!

It worked! Beto's face of happy but It worked !!

Anchored in Forno beach, where we met one more Helium in our life,

who lives there, and gave us a big support.

We also passed throw the beautiful beaches by boat, Don Juan Tour

and we had a great adventure with our dinghy that could not stand the high winds.

Good morning guys !!

Next stop was Cabo Frio where we anchored in the neighborhood of Passage

and we met Murilo Novaes, great ambassador of sailing.

Also almost the entire family of André Araújo, who gave us a big support there

not to mention David, owner of the "Canal Arch", which was exhibiting the wonderful works of Antônio Leite

We're here with Antônio Leite. Antônio Leite apresentar yourself.

We left Cabo Frio heading for Búzios in one track, sailing from the beginning to end.

We anchored at the "Bones Beach",

we made more friends, we rented a buggy, we knew beaches, we went to restaurants and we really enjoyed the city.

We are here on João Fernandes beach

We came here in Porto da Barra to watch the sunset, they say it's beautiful!

We are with Don Juan, Thais, Rebeca and Googlelino

We have Buggy !!!

After so many beach ...

we are in Forno's Beach

It gave the exact time, which is the time that the we need to go back to land,

to organize, to set up everything for the wedding.

We began to return, besides we had our wedding in Sorocaba and then in Croatia.

we are completing nine hours of voyage, what up?

that's it , a little bit of wind... ...


rain, the wind turned north ...

But before we participate in the Regatta of Caras

and left Shogun at Elisangela's and Sandro's house,

who took good care of her while we were out.

In Croatia we got to know many of those who followed us on youtube

and we spent the whole week in paradise on board a catamaran.

But we were in love with the Jeanneau 42DS

and we took advantage of the trip to visit one Montenegro.

Good morning, where are we going?

let's go to Bar ...

We're going to Bar in Montenegro


it is the name of the city, Bar.

It took more than four hours driving

How many kilometers, Mapi?

400 right ?!

400 kilometers ,from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro or would be Split, Montenegro.

It was not a deceit Bino.

The boat is really good, which we came to take a look

Beto is inside looking at the engine.

We finished our first season and were ready for the next,

but we didn't knew that the change that it was to come, it was bigger as move from Sao Paulo to the sea.

why are you crying?

Our little house !!

She taught us so much !!

I will miss you !!

Why you can't sleep??

We received an email now ...

The seller of our Jeanneau accepted the proposal,

I flew to Montenegro leaving Thais in Brazil,

I did all the inspection of the boat, I spent a few days alone in Montenegro

until the ownership of the new Shogun and the arrival of Thaís.

We fixed, cleaned and took care of the new boat,

We a boat trip in Montenegro and made friends there.

here our room ....

We stopped in Tivat, Kotor and Budva before leaving to cross Croatia to get Google.

We arrived in the middle of the year in Dubrovnik,

we met my godmother, we bought solar panels, batteries for the boat

and we went up north heading for the most beautiful places in the country.

We stopped in Hvar,

this time in the final of the world cup with Croatia playing against France

we continue, passing by Rogac, Trogir

until we get scared in Sibernik.

Let's see how it looked during the day ...

the desperation passed


We're laughing not to cry ..

Your sunglasses warped or ....


I'm here at the top of the mast

I came to change the lamp.

But we followed the plans

we sail by a river, we visit beautiful waterfalls, we pass by the park of Kornat

Island of Cres and several other Croatian paradises, until arriving in Rijeka.

around there ... more friends,

solar panel installed and now we were autonomous and ready to got Google in Venice.

now we are going to try the local food ....

But Thais flew to Spain, to solve some documents and I sailed alone to Italy,

a great experience alone with plenty of time to enjoy the winds

and improve sailing techniques

I went through paradises and chose the best ones to the back,

when the family was complete.

Without stepping in land for 15 days,

I left Croatia from Umag, I joined the European Union in Slovenia.

A few days later I was in Trieste where I met Thais again.

Ahhh ... Google Comes

Oh my God, and the heart that does not stop?

Ps: that I start to cry before I got Google,

is that I get so angry, because we get ready,

we planed,

and then

we've been waiting for over an hour to rent the car, more than one hour

with a new spot in the tongue

Say it: Italian, Italian!

He finally arrived,

family complete to accomplish a great feat, go to Venice with our boat.

We were greeted by dolphins, visited the city,

more friends came to visit us and we continue...

It's great guys, just to be able to put here, that does not heat ...

We crossed Croatia again,

this time stopping in paradisiacal places, one more beautiful than the other.

But actually we find out it's a mouse that's here ...

The hunt ended in one of the funniest scenes on the channel.

It's stuck Beto.

Oh, disgusting.

Oh, disgusting.

Aiiiiiii it's disgusting ......

But even this, did not stop us from stop at wonderful anchorage,

we were deciding where to anchor in the middle of the way and we only had good surprises.

However we had a week where the weather was not good,

but we got ready and we managed to take good care of very strong winds.

now you can see better where our chain passed,

here is the chain, chain..

We scrambled 50 knots of wind during the sail

Guru ... oh my God, oh Guru, it was for us ask for help not to go through this

Now that it's been a while, I got in here and feel sleepy

and here it is normal, after everything happened to us, with 30 knots and I like this: "You're okay, right Beto?"

because we hit 50

so when it was 30, it was calm.

But we got out of this situation, stronger and more prepared

Our dinghy just turned upside down, Beto just untapped,

I just did not film because I was helping to light up.

We arrived at the end of Croatia but not finished the year.

We stopped in Montenegro taking advantage of our already paid marina,

we gave a shine on Shogun and we went to a new country: Greece

look guys, so thin

Come live in a sailboat, you lose weight, you lose your clothes.

Brazil, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia again, Montenegro again and Greece.

All this in a year!

Along with us more people boarded

we started 2018 with 8 thousand subscribers and we arrived at end of the year with 22 thousand

almost three times more people have embarked on Shogun

cheering and encouraging us!

In Greece it was a surprise behind the other

we started in Corfu, then several islands until we cross the Corinth Canal

We arrived in Aegina and you saw that we had to change the anchor.

look here ... there is a span! And this is increasing, you see that it is not more straight here?!

Not to give Spoilers of the next videos,

we passed through Hydra, Kithnos, Paros, Naxos, Delos, Mykonos, Icaria and Chios,

in a very strong windy season, up to 60 knots

Shogun suffered, but showed the fighter who is

finally December 15 we arrived in Turkey, another country where we will spend the winter.

This was the most intense year of our lives.

several changes of countries, with languages ​​that you can not even understand

and a lot of new friends, a year that we have overcome many fears and full of challenges,

without routine, without getting sick, without lose time in traffic, without stress.

A year that I lost weight and saw my white hair disappear,

Thaís learned to deal with anxiety, with homesick

and saw a lot of sunsets by the many different places in the world.

To close the year with a golden key

we are finishing writing the book that tells the backstage of when, how, and why we changed our lives.

The story before you know us

and who knows how to inspire you to find your happiness as we find it.

We wish you a 2019 enlightened, full of peace, love and accomplishments.

Do not forget to leave your comment, like the video, and share

if you want to know more about the book send an email to: With the subject BOOK

Until next year, bye and fair winds.

For more infomation >> 84 | O ano Mais Intenso de Nossas Vidas - Retrospectiva 2018 - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 19:51.


Overwatch's current balance crisis Part 0: Laying the foundation This is why it was better before - Duration: 2:41.

Overwatch in its beginning was the game that focused more on the versatility of a hero instead of the strength to their kits

While at times they did go overboard

It still had a desired effect

Resulting in a player's decisions and overall level of skill far exceeding their choice in hero in terms of importance each action they took mattered

However over time a different balancing trend started to show with each update each balance patch the importance of decision-making started to whittle away

Doomfist Moria bridgitte. These heroes only made the problem worse

due to the nature of their kits

these heroes are actually impossible to properly balance and because of how

polarizing these heroes are the rest of the cast receives countless changes in order to try to stabilize the game and in their attempts to

Enact damage control they completely disregarded the value of a player's decision-making

In balancing

let's do a simple comparison the torbjorn changes in the past

Compared to what they did now

in the past Torbjorn was bad

two of his biggest issues were the fact that his turret fed ult charge and the fact that if he wanted to provide armor his main,

Form of support you needed to constantly be in the front lines

in this state any counter was a hard counter

But the balance changes that when his way were simple his turret no longer fed ult charge and he started to passively generate scrap

this by no means shifted him into the top tiers

but it did give him what he needed an

Actual chance his kit became usable and with enough effort a player could do just as much as other dps players


Let's compare that torb the one that wasn't terrible, but also wasn't terrific to the one we have now

The current Torbjorn gained an ultimate that changed the very definition of a defensive ult

But lost his armor and also his level three turret

now if you didn't play him

You might not know how big of an impact this had on his versatility

While it ensured that he could use his ultimate as a win condition in defensive scenarios

It cripples his ability to deal with different comps such as dive

If he didn't know torbjorns level three turret and armor were crucial when he was playing against dive

I won't go into the details as to why now, but know that this rework only really did two things

It made him even stronger in situations. He was already strong in and made him virtually unplayable in situations. He was already weak in

Effectively crippling his overall versatility now from what I have concluded

The solution to all this isn't pretty it basically requires a return to form. But That's a topic for another day

I'm going to cover how this has affected every aspect of the game

From stratum to new hero kits in their own individual detailed videos

Subscribe before on to be alerted when those videos come out and if you liked this one hit the like button and share it it

Really does help out. That's it for now. Bye

For more infomation >> Overwatch's current balance crisis Part 0: Laying the foundation This is why it was better before - Duration: 2:41.


Different types of parents waking up their children for school - Duration: 0:59.

This boy is still sleeping

I swear i will beat you today

Get up donkey


For more infomation >> Different types of parents waking up their children for school - Duration: 0:59.


BMW X3 2.0i sDrive ::: #YesWeKHAN ::: - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0i sDrive ::: #YesWeKHAN ::: - Duration: 1:12.


剛官宣離婚,劉愷威就與緋聞女友王鷗同居!網友: 「就這麼著急」 ! - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 剛官宣離婚,劉愷威就與緋聞女友王鷗同居!網友: 「就這麼著急」 ! - Duration: 5:09.


Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort / RIJKLAARPRIJS / CRUISE / AUTOMATISCHE AIRCO - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i i-Motion Comfort / RIJKLAARPRIJS / CRUISE / AUTOMATISCHE AIRCO - Duration: 0:53.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Dynamic World Cup edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / STOELVERWARM. - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Dynamic World Cup edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / STOELVERWARM. - Duration: 1:10.


Free Robux Codes 2019 || Roblox Gift Card Codes || How to get free roblox codes - Duration: 4:12.

free robux codes

For more infomation >> Free Robux Codes 2019 || Roblox Gift Card Codes || How to get free roblox codes - Duration: 4:12.


Hyundai Matrix 1.8i GLS - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.8i GLS - Duration: 1:04.


Çarpışma / Wypadek odc. 3 zwiastun 1 - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Çarpışma / Wypadek odc. 3 zwiastun 1 - Duration: 1:02.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / PARKEERSENS. / LED - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Business Edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / PARKEERSENS. / LED - Duration: 0:57.


Elimi Bırakma / Nie puszczaj mojej dłoni odc. 24 zwiastun 1 - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Elimi Bırakma / Nie puszczaj mojej dłoni odc. 24 zwiastun 1 - Duration: 0:48.


84 | O ano Mais Intenso de Nossas Vidas - Retrospectiva 2018 - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 19:51.

Last year you followed our move from São Paulo to the sailboat

our first steps in the world of sailing and the voyage from Santos to Rio

Come Google, Uhul

2018 arrived, the most intense year of our lives

and before this retrospective, I would like to ask your like in the video

but only if you liked this year that we traveled together

We started 2018 enjoying New Year's Eve in Copacabana

watching the most famous fireworks in Brazil and jumping the seven waves

Look Shogun's crew today!

So we did a money balance of last year

and we headed straight towards Arraial do Cabo.

We have a drone, I'm so happy!

On the way we stopped in Niterói where happened a barbecue with a nice crowd from there

and the drone test that we got

Where are we going?

Let's take a ride, we'll get you up here in the city park.

Arriving in Arraial we had a problem with the engine,

but we solved with the help of our mechanic Dinho

Hi ?!

Dinho, I took the air from the hose from the pump ....

It worked!!

It worked! Beto's face of happy but It worked !!

Anchored in Forno beach, where we met one more Helium in our life,

who lives there, and gave us a big support.

We also passed throw the beautiful beaches by boat, Don Juan Tour

and we had a great adventure with our dinghy that could not stand the high winds.

Good morning guys !!

Next stop was Cabo Frio where we anchored in the neighborhood of Passage

and we met Murilo Novaes, great ambassador of sailing.

Also almost the entire family of André Araújo, who gave us a big support there

not to mention David, owner of the "Canal Arch", which was exhibiting the wonderful works of Antônio Leite

We're here with Antônio Leite. Antônio Leite apresentar yourself.

We left Cabo Frio heading for Búzios in one track, sailing from the beginning to end.

We anchored at the "Bones Beach",

we made more friends, we rented a buggy, we knew beaches, we went to restaurants and we really enjoyed the city.

We are here on João Fernandes beach

We came here in Porto da Barra to watch the sunset, they say it's beautiful!

We are with Don Juan, Thais, Rebeca and Googlelino

We have Buggy !!!

After so many beach ...

we are in Forno's Beach

It gave the exact time, which is the time that the we need to go back to land,

to organize, to set up everything for the wedding.

We began to return, besides we had our wedding in Sorocaba and then in Croatia.

we are completing nine hours of voyage, what up?

that's it , a little bit of wind... ...


rain, the wind turned north ...

But before we participate in the Regatta of Caras

and left Shogun at Elisangela's and Sandro's house,

who took good care of her while we were out.

In Croatia we got to know many of those who followed us on youtube

and we spent the whole week in paradise on board a catamaran.

But we were in love with the Jeanneau 42DS

and we took advantage of the trip to visit one Montenegro.

Good morning, where are we going?

let's go to Bar ...

We're going to Bar in Montenegro


it is the name of the city, Bar.

It took more than four hours driving

How many kilometers, Mapi?

400 right ?!

400 kilometers ,from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro or would be Split, Montenegro.

It was not a deceit Bino.

The boat is really good, which we came to take a look

Beto is inside looking at the engine.

We finished our first season and were ready for the next,

but we didn't knew that the change that it was to come, it was bigger as move from Sao Paulo to the sea.

why are you crying?

Our little house !!

She taught us so much !!

I will miss you !!

Why you can't sleep??

We received an email now ...

The seller of our Jeanneau accepted the proposal,

I flew to Montenegro leaving Thais in Brazil,

I did all the inspection of the boat, I spent a few days alone in Montenegro

until the ownership of the new Shogun and the arrival of Thaís.

We fixed, cleaned and took care of the new boat,

We a boat trip in Montenegro and made friends there.

here our room ....

We stopped in Tivat, Kotor and Budva before leaving to cross Croatia to get Google.

We arrived in the middle of the year in Dubrovnik,

we met my godmother, we bought solar panels, batteries for the boat

and we went up north heading for the most beautiful places in the country.

We stopped in Hvar,

this time in the final of the world cup with Croatia playing against France

we continue, passing by Rogac, Trogir

until we get scared in Sibernik.

Let's see how it looked during the day ...

the desperation passed


We're laughing not to cry ..

Your sunglasses warped or ....


I'm here at the top of the mast

I came to change the lamp.

But we followed the plans

we sail by a river, we visit beautiful waterfalls, we pass by the park of Kornat

Island of Cres and several other Croatian paradises, until arriving in Rijeka.

around there ... more friends,

solar panel installed and now we were autonomous and ready to got Google in Venice.

now we are going to try the local food ....

But Thais flew to Spain, to solve some documents and I sailed alone to Italy,

a great experience alone with plenty of time to enjoy the winds

and improve sailing techniques

I went through paradises and chose the best ones to the back,

when the family was complete.

Without stepping in land for 15 days,

I left Croatia from Umag, I joined the European Union in Slovenia.

A few days later I was in Trieste where I met Thais again.

Ahhh ... Google Comes

Oh my God, and the heart that does not stop?

Ps: that I start to cry before I got Google,

is that I get so angry, because we get ready,

we planed,

and then

we've been waiting for over an hour to rent the car, more than one hour

with a new spot in the tongue

Say it: Italian, Italian!

He finally arrived,

family complete to accomplish a great feat, go to Venice with our boat.

We were greeted by dolphins, visited the city,

more friends came to visit us and we continue...

It's great guys, just to be able to put here, that does not heat ...

We crossed Croatia again,

this time stopping in paradisiacal places, one more beautiful than the other.

But actually we find out it's a mouse that's here ...

The hunt ended in one of the funniest scenes on the channel.

It's stuck Beto.

Oh, disgusting.

Oh, disgusting.

Aiiiiiii it's disgusting ......

But even this, did not stop us from stop at wonderful anchorage,

we were deciding where to anchor in the middle of the way and we only had good surprises.

However we had a week where the weather was not good,

but we got ready and we managed to take good care of very strong winds.

now you can see better where our chain passed,

here is the chain, chain..

We scrambled 50 knots of wind during the sail

Guru ... oh my God, oh Guru, it was for us ask for help not to go through this

Now that it's been a while, I got in here and feel sleepy

and here it is normal, after everything happened to us, with 30 knots and I like this: "You're okay, right Beto?"

because we hit 50

so when it was 30, it was calm.

But we got out of this situation, stronger and more prepared

Our dinghy just turned upside down, Beto just untapped,

I just did not film because I was helping to light up.

We arrived at the end of Croatia but not finished the year.

We stopped in Montenegro taking advantage of our already paid marina,

we gave a shine on Shogun and we went to a new country: Greece

look guys, so thin

Come live in a sailboat, you lose weight, you lose your clothes.

Brazil, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia again, Montenegro again and Greece.

All this in a year!

Along with us more people boarded

we started 2018 with 8 thousand subscribers and we arrived at end of the year with 22 thousand

almost three times more people have embarked on Shogun

cheering and encouraging us!

In Greece it was a surprise behind the other

we started in Corfu, then several islands until we cross the Corinth Canal

We arrived in Aegina and you saw that we had to change the anchor.

look here ... there is a span! And this is increasing, you see that it is not more straight here?!

Not to give Spoilers of the next videos,

we passed through Hydra, Kithnos, Paros, Naxos, Delos, Mykonos, Icaria and Chios,

in a very strong windy season, up to 60 knots

Shogun suffered, but showed the fighter who is

finally December 15 we arrived in Turkey, another country where we will spend the winter.

This was the most intense year of our lives.

several changes of countries, with languages ​​that you can not even understand

and a lot of new friends, a year that we have overcome many fears and full of challenges,

without routine, without getting sick, without lose time in traffic, without stress.

A year that I lost weight and saw my white hair disappear,

Thaís learned to deal with anxiety, with homesick

and saw a lot of sunsets by the many different places in the world.

To close the year with a golden key

we are finishing writing the book that tells the backstage of when, how, and why we changed our lives.

The story before you know us

and who knows how to inspire you to find your happiness as we find it.

We wish you a 2019 enlightened, full of peace, love and accomplishments.

Do not forget to leave your comment, like the video, and share

if you want to know more about the book send an email to: With the subject BOOK

Until next year, bye and fair winds.

For more infomation >> 84 | O ano Mais Intenso de Nossas Vidas - Retrospectiva 2018 - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 19:51.


Dramatyczne informacje o Marcie Kaczyńskiej! Kolejne małżeństwo pod znakiem zapytania - Duration: 5:34.

 Marta Kaczyńska wreszcie znalazła szczęście w małżeństwie – taki wniosek wysnuwały tabloidy po tegorocznym ślubie bratanicy Jarosława Kaczyńskiego

Spacery za rękę czy narodziny dziecka wskazywałyby, że między małżonkami wszystko gra

Poza jednym… Marta Kaczyńska po raz kolejny została żoną. W tym roku wzięła ślub ze swoim trzecim mężem, wpływowym biznesmenem z Warszawy

Niedługo później urodziło się dziecko bratanicy.Szczęście, ale na odległość? Marta Kaczyńska nie ma łatwo Kaczyńska przykuwała uwagę paparazzi i tabloidów

Co chwila mogliśmy wypatrywać zdjęcia Kaczyńskiej z wózeczkiem, jednak na niewielu z nich dostrzec można było młodych rodziców

PORAŻAJĄCA wypowiedź szefa Biedronki! Nie uwierzycie, w co chce zamienić sklep  Media donoszą z końcem roku, że para widuje się dość rzadko jako na młodych rodziców przystało

Trzeci mąż Kaczyńskiej zajęty jest w większości sprawami biznesowymi. W tworzeniu gruntu pod bezpieczną przyszłość potomstwa zanika wspólny czas, który mógłby spędzać z małżonką i dzieckiem

 Zdaniem portalu może to być jedna z przyczyn poważnej rysy na kolejnym już małżeństwie Kaczyńskiej

Zaznaczmy, że oboje partnerzy mają dzieci z poprzednich małżeństw. W przypadku Marty Kaczyńskiej są to nastoletnie córki ze związku z Marcinem Dubienieckim

Do tego dochodzi trójka dzieci męża bratanicy prezesa PiS, ale jeszcze z poprzedniego związku

 Zadbanie o potomstwo to jedno, ale trudno o to, gdy rodzicom zaczynają rozchodzić się drogi

Gdy wydawało się, że parze uda się pokonać przeszkody, szara rzeczywistość okazuje się trudniejsza niż można było się spodziewać

 Para widuje się rzadko. Marta Kaczyńska prowadzi życie w Sopocie. Prowadzi kancelarię prawniczą, w tym mieście do szkół uczęszczają jej córki z poprzedniego związku

Inaczej wygląda codzienność męża Kaczyńskiej. Na co dzień związany jest ze stolicą gdzie – jak podaje Pomponik

pl – prowadzi interesy i szkołę jeździectwa. W relację wkrada się tęsknota i wyczekiwanie za pierwszą wolną chwilą, którą małżonkowie spędzą razem

Na ten moment jest to typowa relacja na odległość. Na początek do zniesienia, ale z czasem w takim układzie muszą pojawić się komplikacje… DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄ: – Marta chciałaby, by ktoś czasem w nocy utulił jej synka, pomógł rozwiązać codzienne domowe spory czy choćby zrobił zakupy

 Piotr z kolei marzy, by w końcu poczuć się gdzieś u siebie. Jest rozdarty między żoną i synkiem – czytamy w portalu Pomponik

pl Sprawę podkreśla również kolorowy „Dobry Tydzień". Anonimowy informator i znajomy biznesmena przyznał, że męża Kaczyńskiej męczy życie w rozjazdach

 – Zastanawiam się, jak długo Piotr wytrzyma to życie w rozjazdach – powiedział w czasopiśmie kolega biznesmena

 Czas pokażę i zweryfikuje, czy kilometry i rozłąka odbiją się rysą na związku Marty Kaczyńskiej

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE: Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Dramatyczne informacje o Marcie Kaczyńskiej! Kolejne małżeństwo pod znakiem zapytania - Duration: 5:34.


101 level in multiplayer fIshing hook ANZOL DE PESCA - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 101 level in multiplayer fIshing hook ANZOL DE PESCA - Duration: 3:01.


El vídeo que destroza al matrimonio Sánchez por negarse a informar de sus viajes - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> El vídeo que destroza al matrimonio Sánchez por negarse a informar de sus viajes - Duration: 3:01.


Live with Radical Notion #3 - Snuff - Duration: 10:47.

"What? No money?"


*Laugh out loud*

-That's good

Hello, we are Radical Notion

and welcome to "Live with Radical Notion" !

- I don't have any idea for now

-Stary, these first two chords were cool!

- From this section, those were cool chords

*You don't hear anything, because we're playing with earphones

*You don't hear anything, because we're playing with earphones

- Is that G and D ?

- It could be that loop.

- We can play... Stary, Stary, Stary, Stary.

- We can play

- We can play G ...

- ... D ... E ...

- ... C

*Rudy sings polish Christmas Carol "Lulajże Jezuniu" *

- Bueno.

- Fantastico.

- Enough is enough.


- And just when we're beginning to be just fine drunk and there's good temperature here, we need to end...

- Thanks for *Laugh out loud* ...

- Thank you for watching, please subscribe, leave comment in the comment section

- You can also like this video, you can also like us on Facebook

- Thanks! Bye!

For more infomation >> Live with Radical Notion #3 - Snuff - Duration: 10:47.


Z@OPIEKOWANI - Duration: 3:21.

I used to be able to meet my friend for example at the Promenada Shopping Centre,

but she no longer drives a car, so that is no longer an option.

Age causes certain limitations,

and I have always been the one who was the last to leave a party.

I am not yet an old bag, but I do feel

that old age is horrible, ugly, and it's something that God didn't think through.

I received a tablet and band,

which works similarly to a telephone from the "Z@opiekowani" project.

It has an SOS button if I were to fell ill, GPS and other cool knick knacks.

At the beginning the tablet just sat there and waited.

I treated it with great suspicion.

A psychologist would come and visit me,

and since he knew that I loved music so much, one day he said to me:

"Mrs Maria, have a seat. I'm going to show you something".

And I started listening to music on YouTube.

That and crossword puzzles - that's how it began.

And now I have started using Messenger too.

So now I am in contact with my friends, from Australia and Canada, several people from the US,

all I keep hearing all day is beep, beep - new incoming messages.

I mainly listen to music at home,

now I also have the tablet, which is a huge convenience and source of joy for me.

I have moved from the 19th century into the 21st.

At one point my husband and I brought home a quadrophonic sound system.

It was 1974,

and we had 4 speakers set up at home.

I have the lowest possible pension and I don't go to the theatre, opera,

to the movies - it's also a problem to go out.

I have always loved music. At one time it was of course rock and roll,

my husband and I used to go to Jazz Jamboree...

My love for classical music and opera began rather spontaneously,

I was listening to the radio and I heard the aria from Nabucco, "Va, pensiero".

It is something beautiful, I could listen to it non-stop.

I have a notebook in which I write down all of my favourite pieces of music.

My name is Maria Janicka and I participate in the Z@OPIEKOWANI project.

For more infomation >> Z@OPIEKOWANI - Duration: 3:21.


Torta de cumpleaños hermosa con las flores coloridas # 17 ❤️Pastel de cumpleaños | Delicioso Pastel - Duration: 11:46.

Thank you for watching

I hope my video will give you a relaxing moment after a hard working day


For more infomation >> Torta de cumpleaños hermosa con las flores coloridas # 17 ❤️Pastel de cumpleaños | Delicioso Pastel - Duration: 11:46.


Marquezine usa look com transparência e curte show de DJ de 11 anos em Noronha - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Marquezine usa look com transparência e curte show de DJ de 11 anos em Noronha - Duration: 8:07.


✅ Benedetta Mazza criticata sui social: Stefano Sala interviene per difenderla - Duration: 2:49.

Benedetta Mazza e Stefano Sala sempre più uniti fuori dal Gf Vip: nessun allontanamento dopo il reality  Il rapporto di amicizia nato all'interno del Grande Fratello Vip tra Stefano Sala e Benedetta Mazza non ha certo subito una battuta d'arresto fuori dalla Casa

I due continuano a vedersi e a frequentarsi dopo il reality, mantenendo in questo modo viva la speranza dei fan che vorrebbero vederli insieme

Fidanzati, però, non lo sono ancora (almeno per quel che sappiamo). Quali siano le loro reali intenzioni, ovviamente, noi non possiamo saperlo

Certo è che, al di là del tipo di sentimento che li unisce, che si tratti di amore o di amicizia, entrambi continuano ad essere molto presenti l'uno per l'altra e a spalleggiarsi e supportarsi tutte le volte che lo ritengono necessario

Benedetta Mazza criticata da un utente sui social: Stefano Sala interviene per prenderne le difese  Qualche ora fa, per esempio, quando Benedetta sui social è stata criticata per alcuni contenuti condivisi su Instagram a prendere le sue difese è stato proprio Stefano

"Da quando sei uscita dalla Casa fai l'intenditrice di musica rock per piacere solo perché Stefano ascolta questa musica" ha scritto un utente sotto uno degli ultimi post della Mazza

 La risposta di quest'ultima? Prima che potesse replicare lei c'ha pensato Sala. "In realtà di rock Benny ne sa anche più di me" ha commentato allora l'ex gieffino "Sembra una brava ragazza"

   Stefano Sala di nuovo insieme a Dasha? Avvistati insieme dopo il Grande Fratello Vip  Stefano Sala, uscito dal Grande Fratello Vip, ha avuto modo di chiarire con la fidanzata Dasha? Il modello, nonostante le continue domande, sulla questione fino ad ora ha preferito mantenere un basso profilo

Del suo rapporto con Dasha non è ha tanto parlato dopo il Gf Vip. Qualche giorno fa, quando sul web sono trapelate delle foto di loro due insieme in un locale

Stefano, rispondendo all'ennesimo commento su Dasha, ha ribadito: "Quello che devo fare nella mia vita privata lo faccio e anche bene a parer mio"


For more infomation >> ✅ Benedetta Mazza criticata sui social: Stefano Sala interviene per difenderla - Duration: 2:49.


Biedronkom w całej Polsce grozi zamknięcie! Najgorsza wiadomość roku - Duration: 3:26.

 Biedronka to jedna z najpopularniejszych sieci marketów w naszym kraju, a taki status wywalczyła wyjątkowymi promocjami, niskimi cenami oraz ogromną liczbą sklepów, do których każdy ma blisko

Teraz okazuje się, że już w nadchodzącym roku może dojść do prawdziwego dramatu – marketom na terenie całej Polski grozi zamknięcie

  Biedronka zaraz obok Lidla jest sklepem najchętniej odwiedzanym przez Polaków. Bliskość marketów, konkurencyjne ceny oraz spektakularne akcje promocyjne i marketingowe sprawiają, że codziennie klienci zostawiają w sklepowych kasach ogromne sumy pieniędzy

 Teraz jednak pojawiła się najgorsza wiadomość mijającego roku – już wkrótce Biedronka może zamknąć swoje oddziały rozsiane po całym naszym kraju

Powód jest wstrząsający i naprawdę zwala z nóg. Kryzys w Zakopanem przed Sylwestrem w TVP! Tysiące wściekłych turystów Liczne zgłoszenia klientów przeciwko Biedronce Okazuje się, że Biedronka może być zagrożona przez swoich klientów, którzy masowo w ostatnim czasie zaczęli zgłaszać, że w sklepach łamane są przepisy przeciwpożarowe

Jak podają Polacy, drogi przeciwpożarowe zastawiane są zwykle kartonami z produktami, a czasami nawet całymi paletami, których szybkie usunięcie w sytuacji nagłego zagrożenia jest fizycznie niemożliwe

 Jak podaje portal, zgłoszenia pochodzą z różnych regionów rozsianych po całym terenie naszego kraju, a Staż Pożarna już oświadczyła, że wyciągane są konsekwencje takich zaniedbań, które w krytycznych sytuacjach mogą nie skończyć się jedynie na odczuwalnej dla sieci, wysokiej grzywnie

 DALSZA CZĘŚĆ TEKSTU POD GALERIĄBiedronka może zmuszona zostać do zamknięcia sklepów  Biedronka po otrzymaniu informacji o licznych zgłoszeniach oficjalnie przepraszała i obiecała zajęcie się problemem, jednak w praktyce dużo się nie zmieniło

W sklepach pojawił się na dodatek zakaz fotografowania, który w oczywisty sposób utrudnia klientom informowanie odpowiednich organów o zaniedbaniach, do jakich dochodzi w marketach

 – Komendant Główny PSP gen. brygadier Leszek Suski wezwał właściciela sieci do zapewnienia zarówno klientom, jak i pracownikom możliwości ewakuacji w razie pożaru, poprzez podjęcie skutecznych działań zapewniających w sposób ciągły wymaganego prawem stanu bezpieczeństwa pożarowego w sklepach sieci Biedronka

Wskazał przy tym na skutki prawne dalszych zaniechań, nie wykluczając potrzeby wydawania decyzji zakazujących dalszej eksploatacji obiektów – oświadczył starszy brygadier Paweł Frątczak, rzecznik prasowy komendanta głównego PSP

 Pierwsze sklepy miały już otrzymać potężne mandaty, jednak jeśli nie przyniesie to oczekiwanego rezultatu, dojdzie do zamknięcia sklepów na terenie całego naszego kraju, w których dopuszczono się złamania przepisów

 ZOBACZ TAKŻE:  Zobacz również

For more infomation >> Biedronkom w całej Polsce grozi zamknięcie! Najgorsza wiadomość roku - Duration: 3:26.


FAVORITE ANIME OF ALL TIME |♥| My best of 1994-2018 - Duration: 20:07.

*no video because of copyrighted material, sorry.

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