Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 31 2018

Alla fine l'ha spuntata manina (16%). A debita distanza Brexit (13%), tallonato da reddito di cittadinanza (12%)

Al quarto posto migranti (11%), al quinto sovranismo (9%), al sesto trap (8%). GUARDA I RISULTATI DEL SONDAGGIO Una manina è un po' l'altra faccia di una velina, intesa in senso giornalistico

Entrambe tolgono o aggiungono a seconda dei casi, ma questa dispone, e quella piuttosto indispone; questa precorre o previene, e quella manipola o tenta di porre riparo; questa incede maestosa e incurante del popolo, e quella s'intrufola e agisce di soppiatto

Una manina sottrae o interpone illegittimamente qualcosa, in comunicati, circolari, decreti o note di servizio, per ragioni di convenienza, opportunità, calcolo o altro

Con una velina una fonte governativa, o una qualunque altra nota che sia espressione di un partito o di un gruppo di potere o di pressione, vieta o bandisce determinate notizie o le modalità con cui si danno, oppure punta a far uscire sugli organi di stampa una circolare che influisca sull'opinione pubblica e ne orienti idee, atteggiamenti, comportamenti

Le veline per antonomasia erano i dattiloscritti su carta velina con cui il regime fascista, a partire dagli anni Venti, dava precise disposizioni alla stampa quotidiana e periodica: "Oggi [

] è stato rinvenuto greto Tevere cadavere bambina Berni Elisa con evidente tracce stupro strozzamento [

]. Astenersi dare eccessiva pubblicità truce delitto mediante diffusione fotografia vittima" (31 maggio 1925); "Si fa assoluto divieto di pubblicare fotografie di carattere sentimentale e commovente di soldati in partenza, che salutano i loro cari" (11 luglio 1935); "I giornali eseguano una costante revisione di tutte le fotografie di parate militari, passo romano, presentazione alle armi, sfilate giovanili e premilitari, pubblicando esclusivamente quelle dalle quali risultano allineamenti impeccabili" (26 agosto 1938); "[A] noi la donna piace in sottana

Quindi non fare fotografie di donne in pantaloni. Quindi non fare propaganda per le donne con i pantaloni in bicicletta" (25 giugno 1941)

Nel 2018 di manine maligne, sediziose, furtive ne abbiamo viste parecchie, fra politiche o giornalistiche, favorite dalla memoria corta della coscienza collettiva e dalla volatilità di una certa informazione on line fulminea, alla bisogna, nel cancellare o nel correggere

L'ultima manina è di ieri. Racconta di un post pubblicato sul Blog delle stelle e poi misteriosamente rimosso, per la veemente reazione delle opposizioni; accusava "lobby, poteri forti e comitati d'affari" di aver scatenato, complici il Pd e Forza Italia ("eterni zerbini dei potenti", nonché autori di intimidatori "pizzini"), una delle "più violente offensive nei confronti della volontà popolare perpetrata in 70 anni di storia repubblicana"

La manina più famosa è però dell'autunno scorso. Schiaffeggiata a "Porta a porta" (17 ottobre) dal ministro Luigi Di Maio, in dubbio se fosse un arto traditore politico o tecnico, la manina complottista aveva operato l'inserimento, nel testo del decreto fiscale destinato alla Presidenza della Repubblica, di una norma più lasca sul condono

Il 7 gennaio 2015, incontrando i deputati del suo partito, Matteo Renzi dichiarò fosse sua la manina che in un disegno di legge, a vantaggio di Berlusconi (e della sua candidabilità), aveva  depenalizzato il reato di evasione fiscale al di sotto della soglia del 3%

Renzi non è stato il primo a usare il termine. Sembra sia stato Bettino Craxi a introdurlo in origine nel linguaggio politico

Era il 16 ottobre 1990 e una settimana prima, in un appartamento milanese (ex covo delle Br) in via Monte Nevoso 8 in cui si stavano eseguendo lavori di ristrutturazione, erano state rinvenute lettere di Aldo Moro (alcune non erano mai state recapitate, altre erano brutte copie di quelle inviate), e più di 200 fotocopie di suoi testi manoscritti, in possesso dei brigatisti rossi che, nel 1978, avevano detenuto e ucciso lo statista

In quell'occasione il segretario del PSI chiese di verificare se quelle lettere fossero lì da allora o se, invece, ce le avesse messe una manina in un secondo tempo

Si pensò che Craxi alludesse a quella di Giulio Andreotti, presidente del Consiglio, che ricambiò il favore: e se, anziché una manina, fosse stata una manona? La controreplica di Craxi, che smentì però subito dopo ogni riferimento allo strumento da muratore (e a qualunque altro arnese del mestiere), fu l'evocazione di un massonico "giallo della cazzuola"

Il 19 ottobre 1990 Giampaolo Pansa avrebbe scritto, in un articolo per "Repubblica": "C'è da restar sgomenti di fronte ad un presenzialismo verbale tanto disinvolto

Questo è un lessico da velinatori della politica, che ci fa toccare con mano l'inadeguatezza anche personale del nostro vertice partitico rispetto al dramma di Moro e alle sue parole disperate, scritte dodici anni fa nel mattatoio delle Brigate Rosse"

Nel 1988 ben altri "velinatori", per la gioia dei telespettatori di Italia Uno, avevano sostituito le vecchie vallette televisive con quattro - poi ridotte a due - veline portanotizie

Le consegnavano ai conduttori perché fossero commentate in studio. Era il 7 novembre

Nasceva "Striscia la notizia".

For more infomation >> Il termine più rappresentativo del 2018 tra i 16 selezionati e votati dai lettori. Vince su Brexit, - Duration: 5:50.


Quem Tem Diabetes Pode Comer Tapioca? Veja se a Tapioca Aumenta a Glicose| Faz Mal? índice Glicêmico - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Quem Tem Diabetes Pode Comer Tapioca? Veja se a Tapioca Aumenta a Glicose| Faz Mal? índice Glicêmico - Duration: 1:28.


Matteo Salvini, il diktat di Zaia e Fontana che non può ignorare: "O così o morte" - Duration: 14:22.

 L' anno che verrà è introdotto da un grido pacificamente rivoluzionario. O autonomia o morte! Qualcuno ricorda? C' è stato un referendum il 22 ottobre del 2017

Il popolo sovrano e persino sovranista si espresse al 95% in Lombardia e al 98% in Veneto per conferire molti più poteri alle rispettive regione, sottraendolo in 23 materie al governo centrale

Il tutto sulla base non di un' idea sovversiva, ma obbedendo alla Costituzione, articolo 116

Autonomia secondo la massima gamma disponibile.  Questo è l' obiettivo non negoziabile che sta in cima ai pensieri di Attilio Fontana e Luca Zaia per il 2019

D' accordo. Autonomia non è una parola affascinante. Cambiamo pure la formula in nome dell' epica: Lombardia o morte; Veneto o morte

Viene meglio in spagnolo, e ci scusi Fidel Castro se gli rubiamo lo slogan, purificandolo dal marxismo: «Patria o muerte! Venceremos!»

 Diciamo patria consapevoli che siamo fratelli d' Italia, e non si scappa, ma esistono le piccole patrie, dove stanno le radici familiari e dialettali, quelle che unendosi danno vita alla patria grande

Ed è esattamente quello che oggi c' è in ballo. Il fare un' Italia armonica. Così come non si costruisce un' Europa unita asservendo le nazioni a una burocrazia apolide e cosmopolita, allo stesso modo non si può avere un' Italia sovrana se si pretende di omogeneizzarne le differenze sotto la guida della disastrosa dinosauro-crazia centralista basata sul cappuccino e sul si-è-sempre-fatto-così, che trascina ogni ente virtuoso verso lo standard catastrofico delle amministrazioni del Sud

Per questo autonomia è sinonimo di resistenza senza se e senza ma, nella difesa della propria essenza di popoli del Nord che intendono poter così essere una locomotiva più potente per tutto quanto il Paese

Non sono superiori a quelli del Sud, i popoli del Nord, ci mancherebbe. Ma nel campo amministrativo si vorrebbe evitare il contagio dei buchi della cassa comune, e in quello ospedaliero la trasmigrazione dei bacilli della malasanità e delle formiche nei letti

 FINORA SOLO PAROLE A Lombardia e Veneto (coalizione di centrodestra) si è aggiunta l' Emilia-Romagna (governatore Stefano Bonaccini del Pd) nella richiesta di «regionalismo differenziato»

Anche questa non è una espressione che possa ispirare un Omero. Ma la sostanza è enorme

Non significa soltanto amministrare in proprio, con personale locale, le risorse antiche, ma trasferirle a Milano, Venezia e Bologna, e i risparmi sarebbero reinvestiti in loco

Il governo Gentiloni il 28 febbraio, dopo trattative serrate, ha detto di sì. E ha passato le carte al governo Conte, che doveva semplicemente tradurle tecnicamente in norme

Giuseppino nostro ha detto di si, ma verba volant, scripta invece nisba: non ha firmato niente

Non ha tradotto in disegno di legge da sottoporre al Parlamento, che per l' approvazione dovrà votarlo a maggioranza assoluta, l' accordo raggiunto

In conferenza stampa ha ribadito il concetto. Si farà. È passato un anno, di continui rinvii, e adesso si rinvia un' altra volta al prossimo 15 gennaio

C' è da fare un' altra "istruttoria", non si sa di che cosa però. E di lì un balzo di un altro mese, al 15 febbraio, per l' accordo finale

Chiaro che è un modo per prendere tempo. Ma su cosa? Ma certo: sui soldi, il maledetto denaro, è sempre questione di grana

 Il Sud infatti vuole garanzie: che si spostino sì le competenze va quasi bene, ma la torta deve restare suddivisa allo stesso modo

Le Regioni del Nord hanno risposto che non funziona così. Si paga il merito. La Lombardia chiedeva in origine 24 miliardi dei 54 miliardi di "residuo fiscale", ovvero della differenza negativa tra ciò che versa e ciò che riceve da Roma

Il Veneto ne voleva 8 sui 18-20 del suo svantaggio attuale. L' Emilia-Romagna la cifra della "spesa storica"

Alla fine le tre regioni del Nord si accontenterebbero in tutto di circa 21 miliardi di euro

Circa la metà. È un riccio posato sulla poltrona di Conte. Per questo aspetta a sedercisi sopra e soprassiede

lo stato dell' arte Lo stato dell' arte è a tutt' oggi questo.  1. Dentro la maggioranza di governo

Salvini è parecchio silenzioso, non sembra aver addentato con la stessa energia la michetta dell' autonomia del Nord rispetto al panino con la Nutella

La situazione infatti è delicata. Due ministri 5 Stelle hanno già detto formalmente di no all' accordo raggiunto tra le regioni e Gentiloni

Sono Giulia Grillo, che capeggia il dicastero della Salute, e il solito Danilo Toninelli, il quale oltre che No Tav, No Tap è pure No Nord, pur essendo cremonese con ascendenze bergamasche

Sa che se la competenza delle infrastrutture e ambiente passa sopra il Po, le strade e i ponti e le ferrovie si fanno

Guai. Dunque in consiglio dei ministri non è arrivata nessuna bozza di legge. I grillini in generale temono di perdere punti nel loro Sud, e urlano contro la «secessione dei ricchi»

Di Maio è più possibilista, Fico contrarissimo.Fino al punto che i suoi sono disponibili a far cadere il governo

 2. Nelle opposizioni. Fratelli d' Italia per statuto è contraria a un processo ulteriore di decentramento che giudica essere strada verso la dissoluzione dello Stato unitario

Forza Italia è spaccata in due. Renato Brunetta e Mariastella Gelmini sono gonfalonieri dell' autonomia, e si schierano al fianco rispettivamente di Zaia e Fontana

Al Sud, Paolo Russo, campano e responsabile degli enti locali, tuona contro il «patto scellerato»

Esso consisterebbe in questo: i grillini avrebbero venduto il Sud, con quattro soldi di reddito di cittadinanza, «in cambio della secessione del Nord, dei ricchi rispetto ai poveri»

E chiama non solo i forzisti, ma «tutti parlamentari del Sud a condurre la madre di tutte le battaglie»

Il Pd? Al Nord è stato incerto, in Lombardia si è diviso (Martina era per il no), a Bologna ha prevalso la concretezza

Al Sud, il residuato comunista ha fatto finta di chiederla nelle regioni dove governa, ma non se n' è fatto niente

Insomma: il solito Pd.  3. Le forze sociali. I sindacati sono contrari, perché non si sa

La Confindustria è spaccata. In Campania, il presidente regionale dell' associazione padronale Vito Grassi chiama a raccolta gli imprenditori contro «il secessionismo mascherato»

Gli risponde dal Veneto il capo di Confindustria di Venezia-Rovigo, Vincenzo Marinese, siciliano di origine

Dice: «È vero il contrario: se bloccano l' intesa, l' Italia si spacca».  MODELLO TRUMP? In sintesi

Conte insisterà nell' arte romana basata sul soprassedere, rinviare, spingere verso il muro invalicabile delle elezioni europee di maggio

Salvini, che ha dichiarato l' altro ieri di essere dalla parte del Veneto, cercherà un atterraggio morbido in primavera, non ha voglia di presentare il conto subito

Deve trovare una quadra interiore tra professato sovranismo e la ragione sociale della lega che è il federalismo

Dove sarebbe la contraddizione? Potrebbe appellarsi al modello Trump: sovranista, populista e presidente di uno Stato federale

Anche la Russia di Putin lo è. Il fatto è che non si tratta di una una questione teorica, ma di potere e quattrini, cioè di leghismo applicato all' economia reale

E sul punto la faccenda è grama, non bastano proclami e tweet. Ma assistiamo anche a un paradosso che potrebbe aiutare Salvini

La Lega salviniana in Meridione cresce di consensi ed è compattamente per le autonomie, le vuole anche per le regioni del Mezzogiorno

Una bella sfida.  Però diciamolo. Le carte vincenti sono oggi in mano a Fontana e Zaia

Hanno dalla loro parte un plebiscito. Non solo. Fontana è più defilato, ma Zaia è oggi un leader riconosciuto a livello nazionale

È uscito dalla "Apocalisse delle Dolomiti" come un assoluto vincitore per carisma e praticità di comando

Dice: «Sono pronto alla firma, ma non firmerò un testo annacquato: non vorrei che qualcuno, e non mi riferisco a una persona in particolare, pensasse che al Veneto basta una conferenza stampa per firmare un progetto serio com' è quello dell' autonomia»

Chiaro no?O autonomia o morte.  di Renato Farina

For more infomation >> Matteo Salvini, il diktat di Zaia e Fontana che non può ignorare: "O così o morte" - Duration: 14:22.





Feliz ANO NOVO! |Saúde Minuto| - Duration: 3:01.

December 31st, last day of the year! Today is also not a day of being

worrying about health problems, with some exercise tip.

Today is a day of reflection, a day of acknowledgment. It is really be grateful for all that

happened in 2018. Be the bad things, be the good things.

But all that really makes us realize the importance of our

family, our health and our life in general.

And today I can say, at the end of the year, that of so many things that happened in 2018,

start this project, the Saúde Minuto it sure was one of the best.

You can not imagine the happiness that I I get when I get some positive feedback,

some comment from someone saying that he improved, that he had a

evolution with some tips, with some exercises.

It's so amazing. Even when you send only a hint of some subject

that you want me to approach. This proximity is very incredible,

to be able to help someone from so far away. It gives me a very good feeling and makes me very happy.

So today I came here just to thank.

Thank all of you who accompany me, whether by youtube, instagram,

on facebook, on pinterest, whatever social network it is. When in November I passed over 100 subscribers

on youtube you do not imagine The happiness that I've been.

Because I really did not expect this result, I did not expect or imagined,

that so many people were want to follow me, follow these ideas,

have this crazy idea, with me and embrace that cause. And really it may not seem like much,

100 subscribers, what's this? But for me, every person counts a lot.

And it is an inspiration, it is more will that I have to study, to research,

of bringing new subjects, approaching content that really

are important to you. So, thank you so much, from my heart.

I am eternally grateful to each one of you who accompany me.

And in those 154 days of Saúde Minuto life, you certainly were very important in each one of them.

May the next year bring even more good news, that I can

help you even more. You can be sure, my head will not stop.

And for sure, next year, there are many ideas, lots of news, lots of good things for you.

A happy New Year, a lot of peace, a lot of love, a lot of health.

Celebrate with your friends, with your family, with anyone.

A happy New Year and thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Feliz ANO NOVO! |Saúde Minuto| - Duration: 3:01.


আমি যে ভাবে ভিডিও বানাই ।। How to make videos for YouTube ।। New version 2019 ।। RJ Shakawat - Duration: 4:54.

আমি যে ভাবে ভিডিও বানাই ।। How to make videos for YouTube ।। New version 2019 ।। RJ Shakawat

আমি যে ভাবে ভিডিও বানাই

কি ভাবে ইউটিউবের জন্য ভিডিও বানাবেন

How to make videos for YouTube

For more infomation >> আমি যে ভাবে ভিডিও বানাই ।। How to make videos for YouTube ।। New version 2019 ।। RJ Shakawat - Duration: 4:54.


超多配件書局史萊姆 怎麼加最像跨年煙火!居然用這個來改造?!~2018最難忘的事是什麼? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 超多配件書局史萊姆 怎麼加最像跨年煙火!居然用這個來改造?!~2018最難忘的事是什麼? [YYTV/許洋洋愛唱歌] - Duration: 3:46.


ENTÃO COMO FOI O 2018? - Duration: 6:39.

Hi boyz and girl whats up?

I´m Etiandro Sardinha and welcome to new video

For more infomation >> ENTÃO COMO FOI O 2018? - Duration: 6:39.



Hello my loves Welcome to this new video, if ever


are new, new and you are not not yet subscribe, do not hesitate to subscribe

you like and comment of course follow me on the social realities

and share the content of these videos so that it reaches a maximum of people

If you ever have trouble starting at quarter turn, or sometimes it works

, and sometimes no, I'm coming back with a new recipe, just for you, this recipe

I heard about it a long time ago but to be sure, I had to test it

and not just once, and dosages so I will explain to you

What you need as an ingredient ,

Daniels whiskey jack, a water bottle

Lemon is optional, But do not add any sweet drinks, not

coca, soda and others, it will inhibit the power of this alcohol on you

If you never drink alcohol, then you are very sensitive to alcohol then

be careful, of course it is not a specify that you should not under any circumstances

driving after drinking You're going to ask me why add more

the water , Water is good because it will dilute

alcohol molecules in the blood, especially for those who are not pro of alcohol

because when you're drunk, you're drunk, nothing works and especially not Antonio banderas

, all your sinapè are inhibited, so your body will not be very responsive, it's

why you have to dose and dilute that the alcohol acts in good dose, so having

test I concluded this

Take for a regular 3 x 3 cl and a large glass of water half a lemon

if you wish it For someone who is not used to it 2

x 3 cl and a large glass of water too

Between sips drink water, enjoy quietly your drink while discussing

with your cherie, and project yourself at the moment hot Hot ,

Do not drink more than the amount needed to light the fire, and annoy Antonio


Most people need to count 20 to 30 minutes, and after the first round, you

will go crazy, it will be like king Kong and Queen Kong, you're going to be very successful

, The Daniels jack is obvious, you

try it with vodka, wine, others whiskey and it will not be the same at all, because

the jacks are really famous pure ca, I do not insist on alcoholism, but do

attention to dosages, there are men who do not are not sensitive to this dose, the and d

others for who will be too much so analyze your reaction time, and know how to dose


Thank you for watching this video until the end do not hesitate to share

, like and comment, but above all subscribe you on my new chain KAMA SUTRA ROSE





연유식빵 : 설탕대신 연유로 단맛을 낸, 촉촉하고 따뜻하고 부드러운, 달콤한 연유식빵_Sweetened condensed milk bread - Duration: 9:45.

Make two holes in the flour and add yeast and salt.

Mix gently.

Dissolve the condensed milk in warm water.

Mix in the condensed milk and flour dough.

If you mix a little, you'll knead with your hands.

By the time you remove the dough a little bit and stretch it elastically,

Add butter and knead.

I had 15 minutes before I put the butter in.

I put it in and kneaded it for 10 minutes!

When you take some of the dough off and press it with your finger.

Stop the dough when it thickens.

If you knead too long for the dough, the yeast

It may not ferment well because of stress.

Requirements for winter fermentation tips!

Water in a pot that won't let the ball sink.

Bring to a boil and place the ball on top of it.

And cover with cloth, vinyl wrap or lid and primary

Start ermentation (until it is doubled in size).

After fermentation in the first place, drain the gas lightly.

Apply the second fermentation. (until size is 1.5 to 2 times larger)

If the spider web comes out, it's fermented well!

Roll the dough with a rolling pin and shape it into a bread-like shape.

Pinch the end.

Cut into 3 to 5cm intervals with a knife or scraper.

There was a slight shortage.

In the "More", I modified the amount of material to make two perfect fit!

When it is cold, warm in a shallow pan or bowl.

Pour water and let it ferment for the third time (15 minutes).

Melt the butter and condensed milk by turning it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Spread buttered condensed milk evenly on the dough.

To make a moist bread I put some water in the oven pan.

Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated 170 degree oven.

How about a sweet, moist, warm bread for a snack today?

For more infomation >> 연유식빵 : 설탕대신 연유로 단맛을 낸, 촉촉하고 따뜻하고 부드러운, 달콤한 연유식빵_Sweetened condensed milk bread - Duration: 9:45.



For more infomation >> PLAN ÉTAPE par ÉTAPE pour son PROPRE BUSINESS - AVIS MASTERMIND Maxence RIGOTTIER - Duration: 1:57.



For more infomation >> BRASIL LIDERA O RANKING DE MORTES POR ARMA DE FOGO NO MUNDO - Duration: 5:48.


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.


Recette de Pâtisson Farci Végan - n° 3 sur 4 vidéos. - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Recette de Pâtisson Farci Végan - n° 3 sur 4 vidéos. - Duration: 5:56.



For more infomation >> YILBAŞI KUTLAMASI (ONLARDA-BİZDE) - Duration: 1:42.


Opel Insignia OPC Line 4x4 BiTurbo - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia OPC Line 4x4 BiTurbo - Duration: 1:07.


Opel Insignia ST Innovation 2.0 CDTI +SCHIEBEDACH+LED - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia ST Innovation 2.0 CDTI +SCHIEBEDACH+LED - Duration: 1:10.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk R-LINE Edition 17 Inch-Cruise-Airco-5 drs-Pdc - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90pk R-LINE Edition 17 Inch-Cruise-Airco-5 drs-Pdc - Duration: 1:02.


Volvo V60 T4 Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 T4 Geartronic R-Design - Duration: 1:13.


Injustice : สรุปจักรวาล #25 (Injustice 2) - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> Injustice : สรุปจักรวาล #25 (Injustice 2) - Duration: 13:36.


Opel Insignia OPC Line 4x4 BiTurbo - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia OPC Line 4x4 BiTurbo - Duration: 1:07.


Описание картины Альбрехта Дюрера «Барбара Дюрер» обзор - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Описание картины Альбрехта Дюрера «Барбара Дюрер» обзор - Duration: 2:15.


Opel Insignia ST Innovation 2.0 CDTI +SCHIEBEDACH+LED - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Opel Insignia ST Innovation 2.0 CDTI +SCHIEBEDACH+LED - Duration: 1:10.


Комплект постельного белья Магия шелка Евро,р-р:под.200х215см,прост.240х235см,нав.50х70+5,нав.70х...

For more infomation >> Комплект постельного белья Магия шелка Евро,р-р:под.200х215см,прост.240х235см,нав.50х70+5,нав.70х...


Challenge Smart

For more infomation >> Challenge Smart


Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Rio 1.0 T-GDI EcoDynamics 100pk ComfortPlusLine Navigator - Duration: 1:07.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon Wagon 1.0 T-GDi Eco 120PK DynamicLine *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon Wagon 1.0 T-GDi Eco 120PK DynamicLine *NIEUW* - Duration: 1:08.


Chrisitmas chant: Dominus dixit ad me (Lyric video) - Duration: 5:16.

The Lord said to me

You are my son

this day have I begotten you

Why do the nations rage

and the peoples plot in vain?

The Lord said to me

You are my son

this day have I begotten you

The kings of the earth set themselves

and the rulers take counsel together

against the Lord

and against his Anointed

The Lord said to me

You are my son

this day have I begotten you

Ask of Me

and I will give you the nations as your inheritance

and the ends of the earth as your possession

The Lord said to me

You are my son

this day have I begotten you

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son

and to the Holy Ghost

As it was in the beginning

and now and always

and ever shall be


The Lord said to me

You are my son

this day have I begotten you

For more infomation >> Chrisitmas chant: Dominus dixit ad me (Lyric video) - Duration: 5:16.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T N-Connecta - Duration: 1:12.


[Solomon /Episode 1] (series 25th ep)Monster Strike the Animation Official (English Sub) [Full HD] - Duration: 16:17.

Once again, the Strike World grows closer to destruction...

Because of what happened to the Almighty of the Heavens?

I fear so.

Then we have to get the gang together, quick!

Compose yourself, you fool!

Other allies yet remain!

Your priority is to understand them.

A new ally?

Her name is Solomon.

And great is her power.


Aw, yeah! New character!

Wisdom of the Mystic Monarch




Granddaughter of the First Monarch Solomon

Oh, it was a dream. Granddaughter of the First Monarch Solomon

Granddaughter of the First Monarch Solomon

Oh, no! I fell asleep again!

Good morning, Princess!

Good morning!

The Kingdom of Lecillia

Good morning!

Good morning, Solomon! Good morning!

Good morning, Solomon!

Good morning! Good morning, Solomon!

Good morning!

Good morning, Solomon!

Good morning, ma'am, sir! What's wrong?

This thing's on the fritz again.

Do you think you could help?

Yes, of course!

Here you go!

Thank you. Oh, here.

Please take this.


Hey, isn't today the royal succession ceremony?

Don't you need to hurry there?

Oh, that's right!

Okay, I'll be going now!

You think she'll be all right?

Well, it's not like she screws up every day.

I'm sure she'll be fine.


Okay, now I'm worried...

I'll make you proud, Grandpa!

Episode 1 The Princess Awakens

Made it!

Daughter of the Second Monarch Levy

Loafer. Daughter of the Second Monarch Levy

You're royalty, so act like it. Daughter of the Second Monarch Levy

You're royalty, so act like it.

Lady Solomon.

Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lecillia Balt

What is the meaning of this? You have disturbed the serenity of this ceremony. Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lecillia Balt

What is the meaning of this? You have disturbed the serenity of this ceremony.

I'm sorry!

Listen well.

The Scyzari Empire

Presently, neighboring countries, The Scyzari Empire

Presently, neighboring countries,

including the Scyzari Empire, have designs on our great nation.

There is also no guarantee that our alliance with the Great Sands will last.

The Great Sands There is also no guarantee that our alliance with the Great Sands will last.

There is also no guarantee that our alliance with the Great Sands will last.

It is the duty of the throne

to maintain order throughout the land and peace among the people.

Heed my words.

Yes, sir!

Let's do our best together, Levy!


Now, let us decide Lecillia's Third Monarch.

Let the ceremony begin!

You first, Lady Solomon.

Please demonstrate your skill at magical attacks.

Yes, sir.



Next, Lady Levy.

Yes, sir.


Splendid work.

You have improved.

Did you hear?

Looks like the Scyzari Empire is gearing up for a fight.


That's not good at all!

The Scyzari or the Sands, no matter who tries to invade,

neither can break our magical barrier. They'll just go home.

About that barrier, though...

Will it really hold?

What do you mean?

We all take its protection for granted,

but what if it breaks like any other magical tool?


Don't worry.

I'll keep everyone safe!


I swear it.

If something happens, I'll be there.

I'll protect you all!

So you can put your mind at ease.

Thank you.

Maybe I'll hold you to that.

Go ahead! Leave it to me!

I've got to do something fast so my people can live in peace...



Who's there?


State your desire.

My... desire?

Speak your desire... Say what it is you seek.

I... I seek...

I seek wisdom.

If only I were smarter, everyone could be happy.

Wisdom! That's what I want!

Oh, no! I did it again!

Good morning, ma'am, sir!

Good morning, Solomon!

How are you doing?

Good luck today, too.


Oh, you bought a new broom.

Y-Yes, well...

You don't have time to enchant this one.

Hurry, the ceremony's...

There, all done!

All right, I'm off!

Um, right. Thank you.

And we just bought it, too...

Na... Naerk.

How did that happen?

Now, let us begin day two of the royal succession ceremony.

First, let us test your skill at alchemy.

Lady Levy.

Yes, sir.

A potion of invisibility.

Please test it.

Successfully brewing an invisibility potion at your age is quite a feat.

You've studied diligently, I see.

Thank you, sir.

Next, Lady Solomon.

Yes, sir!


I understand it all.

This... and this, too!

Lady Solomon, please hurry.

Y-Yes, sir!

I'm finished.

And what are its effects?

It's a potion to cure any injury.

Small wounds will heal in less than a day... I think.

Well, then...

If this wound heals by the ceremony's conclusion tomorrow,

I'll consider this a splendid potion.


That halfwit made <i>that</i>? How?!

That potion would be difficult to brew, even for an expert.



Now, on to the next subject.



Next subject!


When did this happen?!

Solomon, you're amazing!


Are you okay?

If she thinks I'll let her take the throne...

I knew it. I can even understand spellbooks of this level.

But how?

If I can summon a powerful familiar,

we won't even need the barrier.




"By my magic, I command thee." Etiskowa-Rakish!

"By my magic, I command thee."


"Follow the guidance of Light." Alakreda-Okahi!

"Follow the guidance of Light."


"Answer my summons!" Napateb-Jish!

"Answer my summons!"


I did it right, didn't I?

For more infomation >> [Solomon /Episode 1] (series 25th ep)Monster Strike the Animation Official (English Sub) [Full HD] - Duration: 16:17.


КОМАНДА ГОДА 2018. БЕЗ МЕССИ... - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> КОМАНДА ГОДА 2018. БЕЗ МЕССИ... - Duration: 7:09.


Что, если ТЫ родился в ФИНЛЯНДИИ ( Новогодняя анимация) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Что, если ТЫ родился в ФИНЛЯНДИИ ( Новогодняя анимация) - Duration: 2:12.


[SISTER FIGHT] Yomemi declares war on Moe!? - Duration: 5:11.

Hey, guys

I don't know why, but...

My little sister Yomemi, is pretty upset these days

probably because I haven't talked to her in a while

But, today, she challenged me for a fight

so, I'm accepting her challenge

OK, Onee-chan! I'm here!

Oh, what's up, flatty?

I'm good, but

you haven't been paying any attention to me, so I'm kind of mad

I'm sorry. I was into video games these days

Well, I get that


This time you said you'd accept my challenge

so I came here all excited

Oh, fine

So let's get this started

We'll battle three times

and the loser has to change their Twitter name to something

the winner likes

If you lose, your Twitter will be

"Moe's Servant, Yomemi". What do you think?

Please, not something like that

Something cuter would be better!

Huh!? Let's go with that!

Well, it's been like that since the beginning anyway

OK, and if you lose, Onee-chan

you have to make it "Moe - Forever in Love with Yomemi"!

All right, perfect!

OK, then, the first battle is a psychological test!

What... "Expose Yourself: The Future Wife Quiz"?

Something like, when you get married in the future

what kind of wife you will be, that kind of thing

Fine. Challenge accepted!

I'll be the referee!

Whoever has the worse result loses!

Question 1!

What will you call your partner?

There's only one option here, you know


It's like husbando in anime, right?

Oh, and see, I would prefer to call him 'fucker', but


Question 2!

If you compare your partner to a fish, what would he be?

A whale!

'Cause it's like, his existence amounts to such a huge part of my life

Wait! Uh, I'm not good with fish

Can I call him 'Sushi'?

OK, we'll just call him Tuna, like in sushi

Question 3!

Do you think you'll talk a lot with your partner?


I'll probably end up talking his ear off, I think

Mmm... maybe, frequently?

Too frequently, knowing me


Which virtue is most important

to you in your partner?


I'd say, intelligence. I only like smart guys

OK, next!

Which would make you the angriest

if your partner were to break it?

For me, it's super simple! My smartphone!

'Cause I'm a smartphone app AI

I would say, "my heart"

but that's not an answer here

so we're going with "computer"

'cause you know how much this cost?

If you break my computer, I'll break your balls


OK, now for the results!

Yomemi-san got "The Perfect Wife"

You get a perfect 100 point score as a wife

The person you marry will surely be blessed

But be careful, as you have a tendency to spoil your spouse too much

Oh! Look at that, yay!

Moe-san, you got "The Temperamental Type"

You're the type that, even when you're mad

and you eat something sweet, your smile will return

Oh... but, I don't think that's true

Yeah, you're right, definitely

My onee-chan is a cool type of girl

It might be because you picked tuna from sushi

It might not be accurate

In Japanese, calling someone tuna

isn't really a good thing

Wh-what does "tuna" mean, again?

I'll tell you later

Tell me, too

I'm never going to tell you what it means!

And with that, the winner of the first round is Yomemi!


Wait, isn't this quiz kind of unfair?

Watch this part on Yomemi's Channel!

The last showdown is going to be in a game!

We'll decide who the true victor is! Let's end this!

All right. Perfect

Let's go play something I've been playing for a while

OK, then let's go!


Welcome aboard the Moe Train!

So, yo! Let's play Lords Mobile

Anyone can join me in this game

and join me and fight Yomemi

OK, so, I'll fight Yomemi soon, with you guys involved

Meaning: Yomemi fans, you join Yomemi's guild

and Moe's fans

join my guild and we'll fight and see who wins

The loser has to change the Twitter name for a day

So, in this game, I get to live my dream of becoming

a monarch. You can become a king

or a queen

and you can make a domestic policy

that's completely up to you

You can focus on feeding the poor

and make farms and whatnot

Or, you can just build your military might, which I really like

and focus on a lot of infirmaries

Or, you can just make an academy

and, with that, you can develop new armies and traps

to help with war, which really is nice

Monarch Moe, over here starting wars everywhere


So, anyway, download the game from the description

and join Moe for the war against Yomemi

Pl-please join me... I'm-I'm so lonely

So, yeah, uh... download the game from the description

and I'll give you a great gift

if you download from this URL

Oh, yeah, and

here's my guild name and the location of my kingdom

but make sure to join me before level 5

Uh, you can use the Relocator to move your base

and if you don't do it by then, well, um... I'm so sowwy

Anyway, uh... let me show you what I have

Here's my army

and here's the enemy

which is gonna be Yomemi, in our final fight

See? It's easy!

Yo, flatty


if you're watching this

I promise I won't level my account that much

so we'll be on a similar level when we fight

So, let's fight fair and square

I'll see you in the final match

Please join me, I'm lonely

For more infomation >> [SISTER FIGHT] Yomemi declares war on Moe!? - Duration: 5:11.


Cold wind sweeps the nation on New Year's Day _ 123118 - Duration: 1:41.

Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

As we finish off the year, we got to see the frozen Han river this morning.

This is the first official observation this winter, which is about two weeks earlier than

the seasonal average.

The weather remains cold tomorrow,... in fact, there'll be stronger winds so it will feel

much colder.

For those of you checking out the first sunrise of the year,... in Seoul, you'll be able to

see it at 7:47 AM Korea Time and a little earlier in the south.

The sky won't be too cloudy, so you won't have a problem catching the sunrise.

But make sure you are dressed warmly as the morning low in Seoul kicks off at minus 8

degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Gyeongju begin with minus 6 and minus 5 degrees, respectively.

Seoul will stay below zero all day, while most other regions will be a bit warmer.

The first week of the new year will stay clear,... and starting Thursday, the temperature will

start to recover back to the seasonal norms.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Cold wind sweeps the nation on New Year's Day _ 123118 - Duration: 1:41.


Fox and Friends First 12/31/18 5AM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:09.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 12/31/18 5AM | December 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:09.



Hello my loves Welcome to this new video, if ever


are new, new and you are not not yet subscribe, do not hesitate to subscribe

you like and comment of course follow me on the social realities

and share the content of these videos so that it reaches a maximum of people

If you ever have trouble starting at quarter turn, or sometimes it works

, and sometimes no, I'm coming back with a new recipe, just for you, this recipe

I heard about it a long time ago but to be sure, I had to test it

and not just once, and dosages so I will explain to you

What you need as an ingredient ,

Daniels whiskey jack, a water bottle

Lemon is optional, But do not add any sweet drinks, not

coca, soda and others, it will inhibit the power of this alcohol on you

If you never drink alcohol, then you are very sensitive to alcohol then

be careful, of course it is not a specify that you should not under any circumstances

driving after drinking You're going to ask me why add more

the water , Water is good because it will dilute

alcohol molecules in the blood, especially for those who are not pro of alcohol

because when you're drunk, you're drunk, nothing works and especially not Antonio banderas

, all your sinapè are inhibited, so your body will not be very responsive, it's

why you have to dose and dilute that the alcohol acts in good dose, so having

test I concluded this

Take for a regular 3 x 3 cl and a large glass of water half a lemon

if you wish it For someone who is not used to it 2

x 3 cl and a large glass of water too

Between sips drink water, enjoy quietly your drink while discussing

with your cherie, and project yourself at the moment hot Hot ,

Do not drink more than the amount needed to light the fire, and annoy Antonio


Most people need to count 20 to 30 minutes, and after the first round, you

will go crazy, it will be like king Kong and Queen Kong, you're going to be very successful

, The Daniels jack is obvious, you

try it with vodka, wine, others whiskey and it will not be the same at all, because

the jacks are really famous pure ca, I do not insist on alcoholism, but do

attention to dosages, there are men who do not are not sensitive to this dose, the and d

others for who will be too much so analyze your reaction time, and know how to dose


Thank you for watching this video until the end do not hesitate to share

, like and comment, but above all subscribe you on my new chain KAMA SUTRA ROSE





NFL Coaches Fired: Head Coaches Likely Out On 'Black Monday' | - Duration: 4:43.

NFL Coaches Fired: Head Coaches Likely Out On 'Black Monday' |

Twelve of the NFL's 32 teams are going to the postseason.

The head coaches for the other 20 probably have at least some concern about their job security.

The Green Bay Packers dismissed Mike McCarthy mid-season and the New York Jets didn't even wait until the morning to dismiss Todd Bowles.

His dismissal figures to be the first of a string of firings that run through New Year's Eve.

Bowles and the Jets have been on a downward spiral since his promising first season at the helm.

With the team finally drafting a franchise quarterback in Sam Darnold, the front office didn't want to waste another minute with Bowles in charge.

"I would like to thank Coach Bowles for his dedication to the New York Jets for the last four years," CEO Christopher Johnson said in a statement.

"After carefully evaluating the situation, I have concluded that this is the right direction for the organization to take.

I would like to wish Todd, Taneka and their family only the best.".

Expect the search for his replacement to start immediately.

With the infamous and annual "Black Monday" upon us, the following head coaches might have also coached their final games with their current teams.

Marvin Lewis.    .

It is amazing to me that Lewis has survived 16 years on the Cincinnati Bengals sideline.

Lewis does have a winning record at 131-122-3, but he's only reached the postseason seven times and the Bengals have never won a playoff game on his watch.

That's staggering.

With a 6-10 finish to the 2018 campaign and a third-straight season out of the playoffs, the time has likely come for the ax to fall.

Vance Joseph.    .

It's only been two years so Joseph may have a chance to wiggle his way to a third season.

The Denver Broncos were one game better in 2018 than they were the previous season too.

However, this proud franchise isn't accustomed to prolonged periods of futility and John Elway isn't the most patient general manager.

Because the team has shown very little promise over the past two seasons under Joseph, he could be on the outs.

Steve Wilks.    .

OF all the coaches on the list, it seems Wilks has been the most ineffective of the bunch.

He's only been on the sidelines for one season, but after the team's 3-13 finish, things look bleak for Wilks.

He set high expectations for himself ahead of the season by saying the organization was going into a retool rather than a rebuild.

Clearly, this is the latter and unfortunately for Wilks, he may not be around for the next stage of the process.

For more infomation >> NFL Coaches Fired: Head Coaches Likely Out On 'Black Monday' | - Duration: 4:43.


ФУТБОЛЬНЫЙ 2018-й ГОД за 5 МИНУТ! РОССИЯ на ЧМ-2018, РОНАЛДУ в ЮВЕНТУС и др. | С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ-2019! - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> ФУТБОЛЬНЫЙ 2018-й ГОД за 5 МИНУТ! РОССИЯ на ЧМ-2018, РОНАЛДУ в ЮВЕНТУС и др. | С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ-2019! - Duration: 5:06.


Van Dijk has named the exact cause of Sokratis/Salah incident at HT vs Arsenal - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Van Dijk has named the exact cause of Sokratis/Salah incident at HT vs Arsenal - Duration: 2:56.


ELLINGTON'S SONG BOOK, by Kristian Jørgensen With The Tivoli Ensemble 5/5 - September 2018 - Duration: 28:45.

For more infomation >> ELLINGTON'S SONG BOOK, by Kristian Jørgensen With The Tivoli Ensemble 5/5 - September 2018 - Duration: 28:45.


Commentary: A pop star is reborn: Lady Gaga introduces Las Vegas to her new show Enigma - Duration: 9:36.

Lady Gaga Enigma is, on many levels, perfectly attenuated to its host city: dazzling to the eye, impressive to the ears and assaultive to most of the rest of the senses

It's flashy and arguably a bit shallow.  The show, which opened Friday as part of Lady Gaga's new residency at the Park Theater in the rebooted Park MGM hotel and resort, is also only half the story of Gaga's arrival in Sin City: She's scheduled to give rein to her more sensitive side with Lady Gaga Jazz & Piano, which premieres Jan

20 and which she'll alternate with Enigma over the course of what's been announced as a two-year engagement

Advertisement >  It's all part of a $550-million face-lift and rebranding for the former Monte Carlo hotel and resort, one that targets millennials as its primary audience

 The booking of Gaga couldn't have been better timed, coming as it did in wake of her widely lauded big-screen performance in "A Star Is Born," a success that's only heightened the sense of anticipation for her fans

 "I told my mom I just have to go to Lady Gaga in Vegas," Amy Hamilton, 29, a labor delivery nurse who had traveled from San Francisco, said shortly before the show got underway

 "I own all the records, and all the books. I've been the biggest fan. I used to dress up as her," she said, pulling out her phone and scrolling to a photo of herself in 2009 in a Gaga-inspired outfit at a party to underscore her longstanding admiration of the quixotic singer and songwriter born Stefani Germanotta

 Hamilton's mother, Barbie Hamilton, 59, of Sacramento, said she appreciates the messages of self-love, community and empowerment in many of Gaga's songs

"I gave the tickets to her for Christmas."  "She is so open about who she is," Amy said of Lady Gaga

"She is comfortable in her own skin, and she shows you that you don't have to conform

"  It's not simply her acceptance of nonconformity that explains the deep bond Gaga has formed with her following

She also encourages and celebrates the idea of wide-open individualism, making her a spokeswoman for anyone who feels alienated or marginalized

 Her be-true-to-yourself sermon has long been central to her work, and it's also at the heart of the connection she's forged with fans who in one way or another feel misunderstood, alienated or mistreated

That's a significant population today of young people, women and members of the LGBTQ community whose lives play out to a large extent in an online world where bullying and shaming can be amplified

 Several moments in the show honor that connection, and Gaga stresses the importance of friends — in her case, they're in the form of the energetic dancers and musicians who accompany her onstage

But they're also represented in the fans themselves, without whom she has said more than once, "I would be nothing

"  "As a local, I'm so proud that she's here," said Jaennelle Vergonio, 27, of Las Vegas, accompanied by her friend Brandon Tran, 26, who trekked nearly 600 miles from San Francisco to join Vergonio for Gaga's opening night

"For this city, this is huge," Vergonio said.  The show itself is gigantic on many fronts as well

 From the moment Gaga appeared, suspended from the rafters in a harness high above the 6,200-capacity theater while playing her strapped-on hand-held electronic keyboard for the opening number "Just Dance," until the finale with her inaugural live performance of "Shallow," the breakout hit from "A Star Is Born," Gaga was in full pop star mode

 The show's central conceit emerges with the arrival of an animated avatar projected on the massive video screen behind the stage

The avatar is Enigma, who acts as something of a spirit guide, aiding Gaga in a fantasized yet earnest quest to discover her "true" self, all while dodging menacing aliens, laser lights and fireworks at nearly every turn

 The hits are there — "Poker Face," "The Fame," "Telephone," "Paparazzi," "The Edge of Glory," "Born This Way" and others — but as a piece of theater, Lady Gaga Enigma is fairly disjointed, this despite the framing device of Gaga's adventure through a series of life simulations courtesy of Enigma

Advertisement >  Although her songs recognize and address social and cultural challenges, the show largely feels afflicted with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

 There's little sense of narrative flow, as each elaborate production number and colorful set of imaginative costumes come into play

Likewise, the choreography she and her thoroughly committed dancers engage in offers little in the way of physical expression or amplification of her songs' lyrics or music, but they do provide plenty of wild, kinetic energy

 One key example of the show's questionable packing came during her rendition of "Million Reasons," for which she took a seat at her piano

The instrument was positioned on a platform that extended out from the main stage to place it among the fans in the standing room section of the floor

 Her power ballad of romantic disillusionment built to a bona fide emotional climax—many a fan mouthing every word, with visible tears streaming down some cheeks — to showcase the extraordinary vocal power with which she's blessed

 But at the song's end, the momentum dissipated the instant she left the stage, leaving in her wake the equivalent of dead air while she and the entourage geared up for another set piece

 Perhaps she's reserving a better sense of through-line and structural coherence for Lady Gaga Jazz & Piano

 Little of this, however, seemed to bother the fans. They cheered at every turn, unfazed as she dropped the F-bomb more than once in commanding them to "Get your

hands in the air!"  She compensated for the periodic gruffness with heart-on-sleeve professions of love for those same fans, and sincere expressions of gratitude for their support of her and her music in the decade since she emerged

 And she developed a potent one-two punch at the end with a celebratory rendition of "Born This Way," after which she returned for an encore reading of "Shallow," which works every bit as well in person as it does in "A Star Is Born

"  On the upside, by Vegas showroom standards, Lady Gaga Enigma is generous, running just under two hours, which may help alleviate a bit of the sting of ticket prices that average $400 to $500 at face value and some of which are being offered on ticket resale sites for several thousand dollars apiece

"Wasn't that great?" Barbie Hamilton asked at the show's conclusion. "She uses the F-word too much, but she's so talented


For more infomation >> Commentary: A pop star is reborn: Lady Gaga introduces Las Vegas to her new show Enigma - Duration: 9:36.


Scientists Explain 9 Ways to Heal Liver Damage. - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Scientists Explain 9 Ways to Heal Liver Damage. - Duration: 2:17.


Año nuevo, bici nueva (Sin cambiar de bici) - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Año nuevo, bici nueva (Sin cambiar de bici) - Duration: 3:04.


Nonstop English Love Songs Ever - Nonstop Romantic Love Songs - Best Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:46:05.

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For more infomation >> Nonstop English Love Songs Ever - Nonstop Romantic Love Songs - Best Songs For Kids - Duration: 1:46:05.


【喧嘩勃発】ヨメミブチギレ!萌恵とガチ殴り合い!?【姉妹ケンカ】 - Duration: 5:05.


Today, it's total war against my onee-chan

and since I need everyone's help

watch until the end! Make sure of it!

Hello, Darling!

Today, I'm really mad!

That's right! You see...

I was drawn all muscley

like this

Oh, I'm just kidding

Lately, my onee-chan has only been playing with her smartphone

Play with me, too!

So I'm gonna go all out in a battle with her

and as a penalty for losing, I'm gonna make her

change her Twitter name to something like

"Moe - Forever in Love with Yomemi"

And with that, it's time for our battle!

OK, Onee-chan! I'm here!

Oh, what's up, flatty?

I'm good, but

you haven't been paying any attention to me, so I'm kind of mad

I'm sorry. I was into video games these days

Well, I get that


This time you said you'd accept my challenge

so I came here all excited

Oh, fine

So let's get this started

We'll battle three times

and the loser has to change their Twitter name to something

the winner likes

If you lose, your Twitter will be

"Moe's Servant, Yomemi". What do you think?

Please, not something like that

Something cuter would be better!


What about, "Yomemi - Forever in Love with Moe"?

Huh!? Let's go with that!

Well, it's been like that since the beginning anyway

OK, and if you lose, Onee-chan

you have to make it "Moe - Forever in Love with Yomemi"!

Round 1: Psychological Test! Watch it on Moe channel!

OK, next is a tricky IQ test!

Tricky, huh?

Well, psh, I'm not losing if it's a competition about intelligence

That's definitely right

There's no way I can win with intelligence

Question 1!

Please answer how to drop an egg onto concrete

without cracking it

Huh? That's impossible!

I'm writing my answer

OK, Yomemi-san, you first

You'd better not laugh, OK!

I'm not going senile!

If your answer is too dumb

I'm gonna cut you off

Take the egg...

and attach some feathers to it...

OK, Moe-san, your turn

It didn't tell me not to crack the egg

so, the concrete won't get cracked

You noticed that part, huh?

Huh? This is just a trick question then!

Question 2!

You dropped a coffee into a pool

How do you go about getting it back?

No way, that's impossible

You're an AI, right?

Come on! Do a better job

But it's not possible, right!?

It would just be a coffee pool

Go ahead, Yomemi-san


Well, yeah, we might as well just enjoy

the coffee pool that we made

OK, Moe-san, your turn

It didn't say "spill", but it said "dropped"

So, the coffee wasn't a liquid

Just take it out


Last question

If you could bring one thing with you to a deserted island

what would you bring?

Eh, well, I...

I would bring my Darling with me

Maybe you shouldn't get him involved?


A cruiser. I would leave the island on that day

And, if that's not realistic

then I would choose a transceiver

That should send an instant SOS


The winner, Moe-san!

Yeah, I lost just like I thought I would, huh

This sucks

That was an easy win

The last showdown is going to be in a game!

We'll decide who the true victor is! Let's end this!

All right. Perfect

Let's go play something I've been playing for a while

Hello, Darling!

So, in the next video

me and my onee-chan will have our final battle

The game is something really popular right now

Lords Mobile!

It's a strategy game where everyone can participate!

I'm already like a goddess of knowledge, so

OK, Google

"I'm a smarty"

Yes, that's right! You're a smarty

Look, look! This is my castle

Isn't it awesome?

And also, it's like

everyone can participate, so make sure you do!

Those of you who like my onee-chan

fight on her side

You can fight against me, too

Also, if you download the game from the link in the description

you'll get a special bonus

It's an awesome advantage,

so you should download it from that URL!

And, the two of us made guilds

so that everyone who participates can fight alongside us

This is my guild's name and location

If you push this button

and enter the name of the guild and...

You should probably join before level 5

OK, everyone join me and let's take on my onee-chan!

OK, so next I'll teach you how to play super simple

So, in this game, you get to be the king of your own country!

That's right, king! King!

Like, domestic policy, expanding your territory, raising an army

Make your country strong

Farmland, infirmaries, embassies

Build your own dominion

You can make your country how you want it

It's super interesting

For example, you can bring in lots of farms

and make an agricultural superpower

Or, build tons of barracks

and make a military powerhouse

There's also academies

where you can develop new traps and armies

and improve your combat abilities

At last! Battles are like this

Your soldiers and the enemy country's soldiers battle

This is just fighting against the computer, though

But this is gonna be my onee-chan!

Whee! The castle walls are down!

Don't mess with my super awesome country! Give it your all!

So, like, if the enemy starts losing

their morale will drop really quickly

Whee-! We did it-!

Next will be time to defeat my onee-chan


OK, join my guild

and fight with me against my onee-chan!

Here's the battle schedule

On this day and at this time

Yomemi's Guild vs. Onee-chan's Guild

The final battle is coming!

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