Thursday, December 27, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 28 2018

one of the best ways to improve your mental health is to read books about how

to improve your mental health so one of your goals going into 2019 should be to

read more mental health books so in this video I'm gonna tell you about my five

favorite mental health books of 2018

what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the

problem but focus on the solution and a few new to my channel my channel is all

about mental health so I try to make videos to help you improve your mental

and emotional well-being any of that stuff

make sure you subscribe and bring that notification bell so yeah I read a ton

of books and it's one of the main reasons why I am costly able to make

videos and educate you about how the brain works or you know different

studies and everything like that like I hope you understand like nothing I'm

telling you is really that original alright like I just get a bunch of

knowledge and then I give it out to you alright so I will say that reading is

something I didn't do for a very long time but it's something that I recently

and the last couple years started doing on time alright so I'm gonna talk about

five books that came out this year that are really great and I highly recommend

but before I do that did you know I have books some of you I've already picked up

a copy of rewire your anger that's the book that I just wrote maybe about a

month or so ago and it's all about anger management it's a short read then I have

two other books I wrote last year one is called hope how I overcame my depression

anxiety and addiction that is my story and I might redo it in a few years or

something like that but that is my entire story alright and then my other

book that I wrote is another short book and it's called caught in the crossfire

and that's a book for anybody who was affected by a loved one's addiction

throughout that book I give a bunch of intervention strategies and all of that

so that book can really be used if you have a loved one who's struggling with

an eating disorder or some other kind of toxic behavior as I go over different

intervention strategies and the main goal of that book is to help you

maintain your own mental health during that type of situation alright so all

three of my book books are available on the Kindle app

people like but I don't have the Kindle Chris you don't need a Kindle if you

have a smartphone a tablet or a computer you can download the Kindle app for free

alright so let's get started with my favorite books of this year in no

particular order but this first book is probably my favorite one lost

connections by Johann Hari like some of you have heard me mentioned this book

over and over and over again I just talked about a study from this and the

movie review I did of bird box the other day and like you guys this is such a

phenomenal book I I did like a 30 minute video on this book doing like this

depression experiment this book this book way I explained that video idea

like I I could like articulate how I I grew and I overcame my depression and

got to the amazing place I'm at today but like reading that book really helped

me understand it so I made a video called the depression experiment based

on that book so I highly recommend you check it out but this book it talks

about a lot of the reasons why we're depressed that have absolutely nothing

to do with chemical imbalances in our brain all right I love you guys

chemical imbalances are real but they're a very small fraction of our depression

it's important that we understand that so please if you get any book on this

list please get lost connections by Johann Hari and by the way all these

books will be listed down in the description as well as in the pen

comment my next favorite book of 2018 is meditation for fidgety skeptics by Dan

Harris so Dan Harris is a news anchor for Good Morning America and if you type

in like news anchor panic attack or panic attack on air that's Dan Harris

alright this dude had a full-on panic attack in front of millions upon

millions upon millions of people so his first book called 10% happier talks

about how he found meditation and I love Dan Harris because he's just a normal

guy who was skeptical about meditation but he just started doing it and saw his

life get better I can relate to that a ton so this new book meditation for

fidgety skeptics him and his buddy Jeff they got on a bus and did this

country thing and they like did a tour they stock the different places but like

Jeff Warren is amazing they call him like the meditation MacGyver like he can

help you learn how to turn anything into meditation and there's a lot of great

examples through that book there's a lot of different practices as well but

throughout their journey like they stopped at like a police station where

they're practicing meditation they stopped at a military academy they go to

kind of like a center for like troubled teens and they talk about meditation and

then they do like different talks in different places where they talk about

people's objections to meditation but like like listen to the booktitle magic

meditation for fidgety skeptics so if you're somebody who thinks that you

cannot meditate this book is for you meditation is the number one free thing

that you can do to improve your mental health the only reason I started

meditating is because the science is there to back up how beneficial

meditation is for everybody next we have big potential by shawn Achor think this

was one of the first new books I got this year so shawn Achor is actually a

professor of positive psychology at Harvard University and one of my

favorite books of all time is called the happiness advantage that was his first

book so he takes a lot of psychological studies and gives evidence of what can

help you improve your mental health and your happiness overall so in this book

big potential it talks about what I keep trying to teach all of you and when it

comes to our Facebook group or a discord server but basically it's how we can

improve our happiness by being part of a group we're about having a support group

now a lot of this book talks about like in the workplace and how we succeed

better together right we have scientific evidence to back it up but the entire

time I read that book I was thinking about mental health as a whole right

people who struggle with depression or anxiety or addiction or eating disorders

or trauma or whatever it is like being in a group

greatly helps us but what I love about that is and something you'll see

throughout like most of these books that I recommend is that there's scientific

evidence that backs it up that's what I'm looking for in a book like I read a

lot of nonfiction books and I want science to back up what people are

talking about in that book then there is a yes brain if you are a parent get this

book stop what you're doing go down below click the link get this book this

book is written by dr. Daniel Siegel as well as a co-author

I forgot their name is dr. Daniel Siegel is my favorite neuroscientist and I just

realized how nerdy that sounded anyways dr. Daniel Siegel he he he's the one who

taught me how much meditation helps the brain right so not only is he like a

neuroscience when it comes to mindfulness meditation and how it

affects the brain he's also somebody who works a lot with childhood brain

development alright so this book it's it's amazing because so many of us as

parents right your kids freaking out and you tell them to calm down or stop it or

whatever like you guys I cannot stress enough to the parents out there children

do not have the ability to calm down all right so in this book they give you

realistic strategies to help your child deal with anger to deal with anxiety

like it was such a phenomenal book and every single parent I wish I could have

every single parent read this book another book that I wish every parent

could read by dr. Daniel Siegel is parenting from the inside out I'll go

ahead and link that down below too and the fifth book is on your brain by dr.

faith Harper she is probably my favorite author and she's super cool make sure

you follow her on Instagram at the intimacy doctor she writes a ton of

books she is so cool like when you read her books you laugh and you get educated

like she she I could relate to a lot cuz she's like a hard-ass but she's also

very compassionate and kind and she knows her stuff one of these days I've

got working on my channel she's awesome and she's very responsive Indians and

stuff don't go flooding your DMS because I said that but she is very responsive

online and she has a bunch of books like the first one I read was about your

brain let's see also have something about

depression anxiety they just sent me an advanced copy of like her new coping

skills book she writes so many books and she's so amazing like

like my favorite author favorite favorite favorite author is dr. faith

Harper like go read all of her books oh what the heck I'm gonna throw in a bonus

book so the most recent book that I'm reading is by Charlamagne tha God and

it's called shook all right anxiety playing tricks on me so I actually

stumbled across this book and I'm currently in the middle of it so it's

amazing so far Charlamagne tha God was on The Daily

Show with Trevor Noah and he was explaining this book and basically what

he's doing is encouraging you know black America to go get mental health help so

I for those of you who don't know I'm actually half black and there's a lot of

mental health issues in the african-american community I know my

family has struggled with it I know a lot of people in the african-american

community struggle with it and charlo made the god who is like in like the

hip-hop community and he grew up like in the hood and like running drugs and

stuff like that I for him to inspire young people or just all people you know

to get mental health help is absolutely amazing I'm loving the book so far by

the way I do audiobooks I listen to them like right here on my computer screen

you can see the audible app on my computer I'll listen to it while I'm

working or while I'm editing or while I'm driving I have like actual books too

that I need to start reading anyway it's like I do a book review of that book

there's so many so many great little nuggets of information in there so I

hope you check it out but again all the books I mentioned will

be listed down below and remember the best way to improve your mental health

is to educate yourself about your mental health all right if you have any mental

health book suggestions that you would like me to check out leave them down in

the comments I love book suggestions even though I'm behind on my reading so

I need to catch up all right that's all I got for this video if you like this

video please give it a thumbs up if you do make sure you subscribe and ring that

notification doesn't cuz I make a ton of videos this is my third video today baby

thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all

amazing and if you'd like to become a patron and get some exclusive content

click attack right there alright thanks again for watching I'll see you next


For more infomation >> My Top 5 Mental Health Books of 2018 - Duration: 10:50.


Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys - Duration: 4:54.

Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys - Duration: 4:54.


City of Columbia may redefine law on smoking in public places to include e-cigarettes - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> City of Columbia may redefine law on smoking in public places to include e-cigarettes - Duration: 1:01.


Proposed plans to park electric scooters - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Proposed plans to park electric scooters - Duration: 2:17.


SC Lawmakers hope to limit access to electronic cigarettes - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> SC Lawmakers hope to limit access to electronic cigarettes - Duration: 2:09.





Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Клубника с витамином Е - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Клубника с витамином Е - Duration: 2:37.


Naat 2018 New Naat Sharif UMAIR ZUBAIR QADRI Part1 Naat Naat LatestNaats Melad e Mustafa Must Watch - Duration: 10:03.

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For more infomation >> Naat 2018 New Naat Sharif UMAIR ZUBAIR QADRI Part1 Naat Naat LatestNaats Melad e Mustafa Must Watch - Duration: 10:03.


Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Ваниль с витамином Е - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Ваниль с витамином Е - Duration: 2:37.


Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Bubble Gum с витамином Е - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Бальзам для губ NOMI детский Bubble Gum с витамином Е - Duration: 2:39.


杨幂祝福刘恺威再婚,10字再次暴露她的胸怀, 网友:你为什么哭? - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 杨幂祝福刘恺威再婚,10字再次暴露她的胸怀, 网友:你为什么哭? - Duration: 6:02.


Rob's 10pm weather forecast 12-27-18 - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Rob's 10pm weather forecast 12-27-18 - Duration: 6:02.


My Top 5 Mental Health Books of 2018 - Duration: 10:50.

one of the best ways to improve your mental health is to read books about how

to improve your mental health so one of your goals going into 2019 should be to

read more mental health books so in this video I'm gonna tell you about my five

favorite mental health books of 2018

what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the

problem but focus on the solution and a few new to my channel my channel is all

about mental health so I try to make videos to help you improve your mental

and emotional well-being any of that stuff

make sure you subscribe and bring that notification bell so yeah I read a ton

of books and it's one of the main reasons why I am costly able to make

videos and educate you about how the brain works or you know different

studies and everything like that like I hope you understand like nothing I'm

telling you is really that original alright like I just get a bunch of

knowledge and then I give it out to you alright so I will say that reading is

something I didn't do for a very long time but it's something that I recently

and the last couple years started doing on time alright so I'm gonna talk about

five books that came out this year that are really great and I highly recommend

but before I do that did you know I have books some of you I've already picked up

a copy of rewire your anger that's the book that I just wrote maybe about a

month or so ago and it's all about anger management it's a short read then I have

two other books I wrote last year one is called hope how I overcame my depression

anxiety and addiction that is my story and I might redo it in a few years or

something like that but that is my entire story alright and then my other

book that I wrote is another short book and it's called caught in the crossfire

and that's a book for anybody who was affected by a loved one's addiction

throughout that book I give a bunch of intervention strategies and all of that

so that book can really be used if you have a loved one who's struggling with

an eating disorder or some other kind of toxic behavior as I go over different

intervention strategies and the main goal of that book is to help you

maintain your own mental health during that type of situation alright so all

three of my book books are available on the Kindle app

people like but I don't have the Kindle Chris you don't need a Kindle if you

have a smartphone a tablet or a computer you can download the Kindle app for free

alright so let's get started with my favorite books of this year in no

particular order but this first book is probably my favorite one lost

connections by Johann Hari like some of you have heard me mentioned this book

over and over and over again I just talked about a study from this and the

movie review I did of bird box the other day and like you guys this is such a

phenomenal book I I did like a 30 minute video on this book doing like this

depression experiment this book this book way I explained that video idea

like I I could like articulate how I I grew and I overcame my depression and

got to the amazing place I'm at today but like reading that book really helped

me understand it so I made a video called the depression experiment based

on that book so I highly recommend you check it out but this book it talks

about a lot of the reasons why we're depressed that have absolutely nothing

to do with chemical imbalances in our brain all right I love you guys

chemical imbalances are real but they're a very small fraction of our depression

it's important that we understand that so please if you get any book on this

list please get lost connections by Johann Hari and by the way all these

books will be listed down in the description as well as in the pen

comment my next favorite book of 2018 is meditation for fidgety skeptics by Dan

Harris so Dan Harris is a news anchor for Good Morning America and if you type

in like news anchor panic attack or panic attack on air that's Dan Harris

alright this dude had a full-on panic attack in front of millions upon

millions upon millions of people so his first book called 10% happier talks

about how he found meditation and I love Dan Harris because he's just a normal

guy who was skeptical about meditation but he just started doing it and saw his

life get better I can relate to that a ton so this new book meditation for

fidgety skeptics him and his buddy Jeff they got on a bus and did this

country thing and they like did a tour they stock the different places but like

Jeff Warren is amazing they call him like the meditation MacGyver like he can

help you learn how to turn anything into meditation and there's a lot of great

examples through that book there's a lot of different practices as well but

throughout their journey like they stopped at like a police station where

they're practicing meditation they stopped at a military academy they go to

kind of like a center for like troubled teens and they talk about meditation and

then they do like different talks in different places where they talk about

people's objections to meditation but like like listen to the booktitle magic

meditation for fidgety skeptics so if you're somebody who thinks that you

cannot meditate this book is for you meditation is the number one free thing

that you can do to improve your mental health the only reason I started

meditating is because the science is there to back up how beneficial

meditation is for everybody next we have big potential by shawn Achor think this

was one of the first new books I got this year so shawn Achor is actually a

professor of positive psychology at Harvard University and one of my

favorite books of all time is called the happiness advantage that was his first

book so he takes a lot of psychological studies and gives evidence of what can

help you improve your mental health and your happiness overall so in this book

big potential it talks about what I keep trying to teach all of you and when it

comes to our Facebook group or a discord server but basically it's how we can

improve our happiness by being part of a group we're about having a support group

now a lot of this book talks about like in the workplace and how we succeed

better together right we have scientific evidence to back it up but the entire

time I read that book I was thinking about mental health as a whole right

people who struggle with depression or anxiety or addiction or eating disorders

or trauma or whatever it is like being in a group

greatly helps us but what I love about that is and something you'll see

throughout like most of these books that I recommend is that there's scientific

evidence that backs it up that's what I'm looking for in a book like I read a

lot of nonfiction books and I want science to back up what people are

talking about in that book then there is a yes brain if you are a parent get this

book stop what you're doing go down below click the link get this book this

book is written by dr. Daniel Siegel as well as a co-author

I forgot their name is dr. Daniel Siegel is my favorite neuroscientist and I just

realized how nerdy that sounded anyways dr. Daniel Siegel he he he's the one who

taught me how much meditation helps the brain right so not only is he like a

neuroscience when it comes to mindfulness meditation and how it

affects the brain he's also somebody who works a lot with childhood brain

development alright so this book it's it's amazing because so many of us as

parents right your kids freaking out and you tell them to calm down or stop it or

whatever like you guys I cannot stress enough to the parents out there children

do not have the ability to calm down all right so in this book they give you

realistic strategies to help your child deal with anger to deal with anxiety

like it was such a phenomenal book and every single parent I wish I could have

every single parent read this book another book that I wish every parent

could read by dr. Daniel Siegel is parenting from the inside out I'll go

ahead and link that down below too and the fifth book is on your brain by dr.

faith Harper she is probably my favorite author and she's super cool make sure

you follow her on Instagram at the intimacy doctor she writes a ton of

books she is so cool like when you read her books you laugh and you get educated

like she she I could relate to a lot cuz she's like a hard-ass but she's also

very compassionate and kind and she knows her stuff one of these days I've

got working on my channel she's awesome and she's very responsive Indians and

stuff don't go flooding your DMS because I said that but she is very responsive

online and she has a bunch of books like the first one I read was about your

brain let's see also have something about

depression anxiety they just sent me an advanced copy of like her new coping

skills book she writes so many books and she's so amazing like

like my favorite author favorite favorite favorite author is dr. faith

Harper like go read all of her books oh what the heck I'm gonna throw in a bonus

book so the most recent book that I'm reading is by Charlamagne tha God and

it's called shook all right anxiety playing tricks on me so I actually

stumbled across this book and I'm currently in the middle of it so it's

amazing so far Charlamagne tha God was on The Daily

Show with Trevor Noah and he was explaining this book and basically what

he's doing is encouraging you know black America to go get mental health help so

I for those of you who don't know I'm actually half black and there's a lot of

mental health issues in the african-american community I know my

family has struggled with it I know a lot of people in the african-american

community struggle with it and charlo made the god who is like in like the

hip-hop community and he grew up like in the hood and like running drugs and

stuff like that I for him to inspire young people or just all people you know

to get mental health help is absolutely amazing I'm loving the book so far by

the way I do audiobooks I listen to them like right here on my computer screen

you can see the audible app on my computer I'll listen to it while I'm

working or while I'm editing or while I'm driving I have like actual books too

that I need to start reading anyway it's like I do a book review of that book

there's so many so many great little nuggets of information in there so I

hope you check it out but again all the books I mentioned will

be listed down below and remember the best way to improve your mental health

is to educate yourself about your mental health all right if you have any mental

health book suggestions that you would like me to check out leave them down in

the comments I love book suggestions even though I'm behind on my reading so

I need to catch up all right that's all I got for this video if you like this

video please give it a thumbs up if you do make sure you subscribe and ring that

notification doesn't cuz I make a ton of videos this is my third video today baby

thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all

amazing and if you'd like to become a patron and get some exclusive content

click attack right there alright thanks again for watching I'll see you next


For more infomation >> My Top 5 Mental Health Books of 2018 - Duration: 10:50.


Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys - Duration: 4:54.

Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Toy Guns and Ironman Box of Toys - Duration: 4:54.


Florida newspaper calls for the removal of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for his handling of t - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Florida newspaper calls for the removal of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for his handling of t - Duration: 9:22.


Senate Democrats Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono criticize Trump nominee for membership in the Knight - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Senate Democrats Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono criticize Trump nominee for membership in the Knight - Duration: 5:27.


River Oaks neighbors annoyed by Christmas lights visitors - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> River Oaks neighbors annoyed by Christmas lights visitors - Duration: 2:00.


Gov't shutdown set to continue through New Year's - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Gov't shutdown set to continue through New Year's - Duration: 1:31.


i dOn'T EvEn pLay fOrtNItE 😑 these kids are trash season 7 - Duration: 3:30.


For more infomation >> i dOn'T EvEn pLay fOrtNItE 😑 these kids are trash season 7 - Duration: 3:30.


Coast Guard families concerned about losing paychecks during government shutdown - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Coast Guard families concerned about losing paychecks during government shutdown - Duration: 2:27.


Cold is Coming: Here's How to Keep Heat Cheap - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Cold is Coming: Here's How to Keep Heat Cheap - Duration: 1:58.


Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | BUMBLEBEE YELLOW CAR - Duration: 15:59.

Welcome to our channel.

"Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids" is an animated series full of imagination for children.

You are watching the episode " Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | BUMBLEBEE YELLOW CAR"

Please Like, share our videos and do not forget to subscribe for not missing any.

For more infomation >> Where is Chicky? Funny Cartoon For Kids | BUMBLEBEE YELLOW CAR - Duration: 15:59.


Hospital price rule change won't give you cost of next medical procedure - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Hospital price rule change won't give you cost of next medical procedure - Duration: 2:03.


When Your Gut Instinct Tells You That You Are Being Cheated On - Duration: 2:12.

Years ago, I had a husband and wife come in because the wife swore that her husband was

constantly cheating on her.

He countered that none of it was true and that she was just being paranoid.

Both agreed that she was constantly creating scenarios in which he was cheating and that

her mind was out of control.

As an example, the wife mentioned that on one particular occasion she had been driving

on this one particular street that was in front of a hotel and she swore that she saw

him go in with another woman.

He of course denied it.

There was so much turmoil in the house over what had happened that even their kids had

gotten involved with their poor kids doing their best to talk some sense into their mom.

It was that bad.

I had been busy talking to the wife when at one moment, I looked to the right and saw

the husband's face and on it, I could totally read that he had cheated on her.

He had.

Maybe not all the times that she had been imagining, but bottom line, he had.

I realized that he had told her so many times that she was wrong that it had made her doubt

herself and that's why she no longer felt that she could trust was she was seeing and


That's why she was experiencing so much mental distress.

A part of her knew the truth but since he wouldn't budge and she was constantly being

made feel like she was crazy, it was just too much for her.

What he had done was so wrong.

It was one thing that he had cheated on her but another that he created a situation that

chipped at her confidence.

Now she doubted everything about herself.

If you are in a situation where your gut instinct tells you that something is going on, calmly

look into it.

It's better that you do than to later feel like you let yourself down by not listening

to yourself.

Remember that you owe it to yourself to ensure your well being and if that means finding

out the truth about something then so be it.

Find this story interesting and helpful, if so then give it a like.

I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> When Your Gut Instinct Tells You That You Are Being Cheated On - Duration: 2:12.


21 Savage : Can't Leave Without It (Offical Video) REACTION - TVSR #16 - Duration: 7:27.

no a hot minute but your boy is back a bit mad busy with photography stuff and

I was in this art show and I had to get ready for and all of that but you know

boy is bad hope everyone had a Merry Merry Christmas I know New Year's is

coming up - so I have a happy holidays how about Happy New Year all of that all

right all of that been so long you know how to do this anymore but know what

we're here to do you better do a reaction videos to 21-7 I am I was album

one of those songs and I know it came out a week ago but I really really

really really really wanted to make a video to this album so I'm still do it

anyways but I can see I look mad tired but I'm gonna still do the video and

we're gonna be doing it - um can't leave without it can't leave without it off

the album if you didn't know is featuring gonna and little baby three of

the many ATL super powers in the rap game but before we get into the video

man y'all are going crazy right now appreciate y'all so much videos even

though it's been like almost a month videos are still getting views my

subscribers are still been going up no matter what so it was only right to try

to get this video for y'all man I appreciate job so much and y'all keep

showing the boy some love man so let's get into the video man before we start

take this jacket off fight for the day you know got the vintage NASCAR t-shirt

on read about it hook up some sweatpants I now that your boy Versace is back live

indirect and full effect let's get to the video I mean the song is stupid dee

dee I here we go can't live without it 21 featuring gonna a little baby off the

album I am and I was obviously

that's how you know you make murder music I came like a free massage

grow some up in Lana and grind it Osama bin Laden yeah you can only say that a

few main weirder music well I always sound like 21 be so mad doing it

oh well you can't go wrong with gonna and baby on a song I'm telling you I

know how they both came up at the same time but that's the end of the song by

the way well honey both came up at the same time

they're like Jack and Jill thing one thing - peanut butter jelly spaghetti

and mustard they just go together you know saying

like they just go crazy so their go-to songs a nice slight chill song beat

super simple but the bars go crazy you know 21 don't play around I'm glad he

dropped this album because low key ladies needed some murder music or

something because he was gone for a hot minute that's it for y'all your boy was

shot you came through after almost a month no I'm late I know I'm late to

reacting to the album order to the song but it's gonna lengthen never man so I

hope y'all enjoyed the video don't forget to like it hit them thumbs up

comment if you would like and don't forget to subscribe me if y'all knew

welcome to the Versace show man had to drop this video for y'all cause y'all

continue to show so much love man so I appreciate it

anyways man I don't know if I'll make another video soon or before the New

Year's and if I don't y'all go ahead have a Happy New Year

enjoy the rest of the season and don't forget the reason for the season I so

y'all stay smooth y'all stay positive y'all like subscribe continue to show

love and such you gonna catch out later man

For more infomation >> 21 Savage : Can't Leave Without It (Offical Video) REACTION - TVSR #16 - Duration: 7:27.


SPEED DRAWING: Strolling Through Deserts - (2018) - Duration: 3:34.

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For more infomation >> SPEED DRAWING: Strolling Through Deserts - (2018) - Duration: 3:34.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2018 - When Positioning Feels Like Punishment - Duration: 30:10.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2018 - When Positioning Feels Like Punishment - Duration: 30:10.


Una explosión en una planta eléctrica iluminó con una extraña luz el cielo nocturno de Nueva York - Duration: 5:02.

(Twitter Oren Segal/@orensegal) Las autoridades de Nueva York informaron que controlaban la explosión ocurrida en una planta eléctrica que causó una misteriosa luz azul en el cielo de la ciudad este jueves a la noche

(Twitter @benpassikoff) "Las luces que vieron sobre la ciudad parecen deberse a la explosión de un transformador en la planta de Con Ed en Queens", dijo la policía

"El incendio está bajo control", agregó. ADVISORY: The lights you have seen throughout the city appear to have been from a transformer explosion at a Con Ed facility in Queens

The fire is under control, will update as more info becomes available. Follow @fdny, @NYPD114pct and @conedison  — NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) December 28, 2018 Poco después, la empresa Con Edison confirmó el incendio en "una sub estación de Astoria" y dijo que brindaría actualizaciones

  We're working with the @FDNY to respond a substation fire in Astoria and will provide updates as soon as we have more information

AQ  — Con Edison (@ConEdison) December 28, 2018 Por su parte, los bomberos informaron que el accidente estaba bajo control y que no había víctimas

#FDNY units have responded to 1740 31 St in Astoria. The incident is under control

There are no injuries reported, and no fire.  — FDNY (@FDNY) December 28, 2018 The transformer explosion in Astoria was… right outside my window

So bright I couldn't look directly at it.  — Nick Riccardo (@nickriccardo) December 28, 2018 Los ciudadanos compartieron en las redes sociales su asombro por el extraño fenómeno

Varios lo compararon a la escena de una película de ciencia ficción. (Twitter Oren Segal/@orensegal) #Nyc #fire in the sky tonight

I feel like I'm watching am #alien invasion  — Doctor Deena (@Doctor_Deena) December 28, 2018 What in the world is happening in Astoria? Crazy blue light coming from Queens  — Tara Buonassissi (@taramay1144) December 28, 2018 Light in Sky 🌌 #nyc pic  — Halimah DeOliveira (@BeYouInHD) December 28, 2018 What the heck happened in the sky over #Manhattan tonight?! This was CRAZY! (Taken from my apartment on the #UWS) #NYC #Sky #BlueSky #NewYorkCity pic  — Rebecca Perry (@followsthestars) December 28, 2018 Here's how it ended, as abruptly as it started! #NYC #transformer @wcbs880 #lights pic  — Steve Scott (@SteveScottNEWS) December 28, 2018 These gender reveal parties are getting out of hand! #Astoria #Queens #NYC #Bluelight pic  — JT Chan (@jtchan77) December 28, 2018 this is how FAST the sky went from light to dark

#nyc #Astoria  — angie🍓 (@jkimnida) December 28, 2018 Power Surge at the ConEd facility in Astoria  — NYCFireWire (@NYCFireWire) December 28, 2018 Noticia en desarrollo…

For more infomation >> Una explosión en una planta eléctrica iluminó con una extraña luz el cielo nocturno de Nueva York - Duration: 5:02.


藤井七段 村田六段と今年最後の対局 勝負メシはカレーうどん - Duration: 2:55.

拡大写真 王戦ブロック別予 2回戦、藤井聡太 段の昼食の出前は 会館近くにある「 まがそば」のカレ うどん定食(83 円)   最 少棋士・藤井聡太 段(16)が28 午前10時から、 阪市内の関西将棋 館で村田顕弘六段 27)と棋王戦ブ ック別予選2回戦 挑んでいる

   現在4連勝 でこの日が年内の し納め。今年は2 の朝日杯将棋オー ン戦で史上最年少 勝(15歳6カ月 を果たし、10月 は新人王戦もラス 参戦で制した

また、四段から七 まで一気に昇段。 年少・最速・最高 率で通算100勝 16歳4カ月と2 日、プロ入りから 年2カ月と11日 100勝18敗で 率0.847)に 到達するなど、史 最多29連勝に沸 た昨年にも負けな 成績を残した

   前日27日 での成績は今年度 1勝6敗、通算成 102勝18敗。 年は最年少記録( イトル挑戦が17 10カ月、獲得が 8歳6カ月=いず も保持者は屋敷伸 九段)更新が大目 となる

   正午から昼 休憩に入った。出 先は、ともに会館 くにある「やまが ば」で、藤井がカ ーうどん定食(8 0円)、村田がに うめん(680円

会館のある大阪市 でも初雪を観測す など、この冬一番 寒気が列島を襲う 、2人揃って身体 温まるメニューで 電をはかった

   持ち時間は 4時間。本日中の 局が見込まれてい 。 [外部サイト 藤井七段勝利 棋 戦決勝T進出王手 全力でぶつかって ければ」藤井聡太 段 無冠となった 生善治九段につい 言及「トップ棋士 おられることには わりない」藤井聡 七段 棋聖戦初の 戦入りに王手 ク スマス意識のチキ 昼食?と聞かれる 「たまたまです」 井聡太七段 "勝 メシ"は会館内の 食店のサービスラ チ藤井聡太七段" ッピークリスマス なるか 棋聖戦2 予選藤井聡村田顕 屋敷伸之

For more infomation >> 藤井七段 村田六段と今年最後の対局 勝負メシはカレーうどん - Duration: 2:55.


花蓮廣創城市行銷 - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> 花蓮廣創城市行銷 - Duration: 1:38.


Rainbow Six Siege: Random Fun (#9) - Duration: 22:17.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Siege: Random Fun (#9) - Duration: 22:17.


Rainbow Six Siege: Random Fun (#9) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Siege: Random Fun (#9) - Duration: 4:49.


最新芸能ニュース一覧 - 楽天WOMAN - 藤井七段 村田六段と今年最後の対局 勝負メシはカレーうどん - Duration: 2:48.

拡大写真 王戦ブロック別予 2回戦、藤井聡太 段の昼食の出前は 会館近くにある「 まがそば」のカレ うどん定食(83 円)   最 少棋士・藤井聡太 段(16)が28 午前10時から、 阪市内の関西将棋 館で村田顕弘六段 27)と棋王戦ブ ック別予選2回戦 挑んでいる

   現在4連勝 でこの日が年内の し納め。今年は2 の朝日杯将棋オー ン戦で史上最年少 勝(15歳6カ月 を果たし、10月 は新人王戦もラス 参戦で制した

また、四段から七 まで一気に昇段。 年少・最速・最高 率で通算100勝 16歳4カ月と2 日、プロ入りから 年2カ月と11日 100勝18敗で 率0.847)に 到達するなど、史 最多29連勝に沸 た昨年にも負けな 成績を残した

   前日27日 での成績は今年度 1勝6敗、通算成 102勝18敗。 年は最年少記録( イトル挑戦が17 10カ月、獲得が 8歳6カ月=いず も保持者は屋敷伸 九段)更新が大目 となる

   正午から昼 休憩に入った。出 先は、ともに会館 くにある「やまが ば」で、藤井がカ ーうどん定食(8 0円)、村田がに うめん(680円

会館のある大阪市 でも初雪を観測す など、この冬一番 寒気が列島を襲う 、2人揃って身体 温まるメニューで 電をはかった

   持ち時間は 4時間。本日中の 局が見込まれてい 。 [外部サイト 藤井七段勝利 棋 戦決勝T進出王手 全力でぶつかって ければ」藤井聡太 段 無冠となった 生善治九段につい 言及「トップ棋士 おられることには わりない」藤井聡 七段 棋聖戦初の 戦入りに王手 ク スマス意識のチキ 昼食?と聞かれる 「たまたまです」 井聡太七段 "勝 メシ"は会館内の 食店のサービスラ チ藤井聡太七段" ッピークリスマス なるか 棋聖戦2 予選藤井聡村田顕 屋敷伸之

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