De Akkers
Audi Q5 - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Post choc su Facebook: Salvini imbavagliato e ostaggio delle Brigate Rosse - [Notizietv24] - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Meteo Capodanno e Befana 2019: freddo e neve in città - Duration: 3:42."Dal giorno di Santo Stefano e almeno fino a domenica 30 dicembre l'alta pressione dominerà incontrastata tutto il Paese con tempo stabile, soleggiato e temperature nella media del periodo
Tra l'ultimo dell'anno e Capodanno invece è possibile l'irruzione di aria gelida di origine siberiana con conseguente crollo delle temperature"
Antonio Sanò, direttore e fondatore del sito l'aveva preannunciato. Come sempre, aveva anche ricordato che si trattava di proiezioni sul medio-lungo periodo, quindi suscettibili di variazioni ma a quanto pare dopo un mese di dicembre caratterizzato da giorni gelidi e nevicate a bassissima quota, ma in un clima generale tutto sommato tiepido, in cui l'alta pressione ha fatto sentire la sua presenza anche nei giorni di festa, il tempo sta per cambiare
E le temperature per crollare. Se il Natale 2018 è stato soleggiato e non troppo rigido, per Capodanno e poi per la Befana prepariamoci
(Continua dopo la foto) Per l'inizio del nuovo anno, infatti, sono confermati importanti movimenti a scala europea, con ripercussioni anche sul nostro Paese
Pare infatti che l'alta pressione possa spingersi molto a Nord dalla parte atlantica, raggiungendo quasi al Polo Nord e attivando, di conseguenza, la discesa sul lato opposto di aria gelida proveniente dal Circolo Polare Artico, si legge sul sito ilMeteo
it. Un 'cambio di rotta' del tempo a cui potremmo assistere già sul finire dell'anno
(Continua dopo la foto) Proprio per l'ultimo dell'anno dovrebbero infatti arrivare sull' correnti gelide che porterebbero a un generale raffreddamento
Il 2019 inizierà dunque con temperature molto basse, ma senza precipitazioni. Anzi
Stando agli esperti ci sarà un cielo soleggiato su tutta la Penisola a mitigare un po' l'aria
Ma il tempo non resterà così a lungo. Successivamente, subito dopo il 3 e 4 gennaio, l'anticiclone migrerà ulteriormente verso la Scandinavia, favorendo la repentina discesa di aria di estrazione polare che giungerà in grosso modo a ridosso della festività della Befana
(Continua dopo la foto) Una massa d'aria piuttosto gelida (fino a -10°C a circa 1500 metri d'altezza) porterà le temperature ben sotto lo zero, dapprima al Centro-Nord, poi anche sulle regioni meridionali, specie quelle del versante adriatico e ionico, si legge ancora sul sito
L'aria fredda in arrivo, inoltre, potrebbe andare ad interagire con le miti e più instabili correnti atlantiche favorendo così la formazione di minimi depressionari sul nostro Paese con conseguente inevitabile ritorno della neve fin sulle aree pianeggianti, specie nord-occidentali: sotto osservazione soprattutto Piemonte, Lombardia ed Emilia occidentale
De correia dentada a xampú: itens que podem te salvar na hora do aperto - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Partita iva e commercialista - Comunicazione, partita iva, fatturazione e miti da sfatare - Duration: 14:31.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTi 5 Deurs Feel - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
INTER 1-0 NAPOLI | LAUTARO MARTINEZ INTERVIEW: "I work every day to repay the fans' support" - Duration: 5:34.We're live on Inter TV and Facebook with Lautaro Martinez.
You been like Father Christmas,
giving us the best gift a day later.
Yes. I'm happy, because we won in front of our fans, at our home.
Also because these were an important three points.
We're working very well.
Fortunately, we got the victory today.
When you celebrated, taking off your shirt,
we saw that desire to get back to winning ways,
after last week's disappointing draw.
Yes, very much so.
We've had the Champions League exit.
This win gives us a real boost ahead of the next game
With which we can end the year in the best way possible.
Enrico Del Nobile is one of many fans writing to you on Facebook,
saying "Lautaro, I want to hug you".
How do you respond to that affection from all those at the San Siro?
I've been treated well by the supporters since I arrived.
It's nice to get that affection from them.
I work every day to make sure I repay them for that on the pitch.
Looking at the league table,
the gap between yourselves and fifth spot is 7 points.
With one game to go before the half-way stage of the season
is that a fair reflection of where Inter are?
We didn't want to be so far from top spot in the table.
We're third and with this win we've closed the gap with Napoli.
We'll take momentum into the next game, aiming to get three points
and stay in touch with the top two.
We've got lots more messages coming in,
such as this from Andrea:
"Well done, Lautaro
- technical, combative, composed."
Tonight you've had the fans applaud you on yet again.
What was it like seeing that ball arrive from the left?
You closed your eyes and shot.
Yes, that's right.
Matias Vecino let the ball go through his legs.
The ball came to me and I was able to score,
even with lots of defenders in the box.
This was important for me.
I've not been playing a great deal. I've not had many minutes.
It's a relief and gives me a boost to keep training
and giving my best on the pitch,
for all those that are always there at the ground.
Thank you, Lautaro Martinez.
Thank you, bye.
We're now with Samir Handanovic.
Winning this game in stoppage time,
having conceded a late equaliser last time out,
does that take the weight off you?
And how much of a boost is it ahead of the final match of 2018?
We had to win today
so as to answer our critics,
putting in a performance worthy of Inter.
We did that - we won the game.
When you win in stoppage time, like we did today,
it's even more exciting.
Inter struggled a bit more in the second half,
but you were boosted by a couple of incidents,
both mentally and physically,
such as your double save followed by Asamoah's block.
Also with a one-man advantage at that stage,
you felt the match was there for the taking.
How do these unpredictable moments
change your mental approach in a match?
Of course, in football moments change the course of matches.
I think today, after Koulibaly's red card,
we knew we simply had to try and win the game,
and take some risks.
Ultimately we managed it.
The game on Saturday becomes even more important.
Hello Samir.
Today was the sixth straight home match without conceding.
San Siro is a fortress once again.
Well let's hope it stays that way
because after the break we've got the Coppa Italia and Sassuolo.
We hope it stays this way.
Playing at the San Siro is always a joy.
The supporters give you an extra boost.
They did that again today, pushing us over the line.
So credit to them also.
Well done, as always.
Shall we make Asamoah your back up?
He's not bad between the sticks!
Yes. He's great.
He saved us today by getting back to the goal-line.
Well done to him.
He's an outstanding guy. I'm happy for him.
Thank you, Samir.
Thank you,
Croquettes végétaliennes de lentilles | Recette du nouvel an - Duration: 5:30.Hello everyone.
Many Italians eat lentils on New Year's Eve for good luck and prosperity.
Instead of a traditional lentil soup, this year I would like to make lentil croquettes.
Soak the lentils for 24 hours and strain them.
Mince parsley, spring onion and Naples garlic.
Put the vegetables in a salad bowl.
Lemon juice.
A high-fiber cladode.
Remove the skin.
Blend the whole thing.
Do not blend too finely: you should see a few lentils here and there.
Add breadcrumbs.
Homemade of course.
Stir and roll the mixture into balls the size of a small egg.
Heat some olive oil in a cast iron pan...
...flatten the lentil balls and fry them.
The croquettes will be round.
It is very important to start the New Year with an abundant meal.
Lentils are a delicious symbol of prosperity.
If you appreciate my culinary philosophy, support my project on Tipeee. Happy New Year!
Vieni da me, Claudio Lippi ha lasciato di stucco il pubblico a casa e quello in studio per quanto de - Duration: 3:58.Vieni da me, parole choc contro Caterina Balivo pronunciate dall'ospite della trasmissione
Claudio Lippi ha lasciato di stucco il pubblico a casa e quello in studio per quanto detto a Caterina Balivo durante lo show
Siamo abituati a vedere Caterina Balivo sicura di sé e spigliata ma evidentemente, quando ha iniziato a fare questo mestiere, non aveva la scioltezza che ha ora
Ma il passato è passato, direte voi. Beh, non per tutti. E allora Claudio Lippi ha pensato bene di ricordare la "vecchia" Caterina facendo un paragone impietoso con la Caterina di oggi
"Io ti ho conosciuta quando eri agli inizi, agli esordi, eri solo una bambina. Avevi uno sguardo dolce, lo sai? Adesso sei maniaca, assatanata, cinica, però va bene…"
In studio, neanche a dirlo, è calato il gelo assoluto. Perché il pubblico tutto si aspettava tranne che di sentire quelle parole
Caterina come ha reagito? Neanche troppo male, a dire la verità. Ha risposto in modo secco (e un po' piccato)
Continua a leggere dopo la foto "Sarà l'effetto del Natale". Dunque, si è andati velocemente oltre lo strano siparietto
Ovvio, la Balivo non si aspettava che Lippi le rivolgesse quelle parole ma, per dimostrare professionalità, non ha potuto controbattere come avrebbe voluto, forse
O magari non le è importato nulla di quel che le ha detto Claudio Lippi? Anche questo è probabile
A ogni modo, dopo la "scenetta" tra i due, è continuata l'intervista. Continua a leggere dopo la foto Nella chiacchierata a Vieni da me Lippi ha parlato specialmente della sua vita privata e lavorativa, menzionando anche una cara amica, Paola Barale, ricordando con affetto gli anni trascorsi insieme su Canale 5 con Buona Domenica, insieme a Maurizio Costanzo: "Con Paola ho avuto la fortuna di fare per molti anni un programma domenicale e ho scoperto una ragazza meravigliosa"
Insomma, una grande stima per la Barale che è suonata come una novità per il pubblico
Continua a leggere dopo la foto Dopo aver parlato di Paola Barale come di una persona meravigliosa, Claudio Lippi ha aggiunto con ironia: "Paola dopo si è sposata, ma poi si è divisa"
La Barale e Lippi furono al timone di Buona Domenica sino a quando lei lasciò il programma, che Lippi proseguì anche se solo per poche puntate affiancato da Paola Perego
Sembrano passati secoli da allora…
Curso Online. Lettering artístico: trucos para vestir tus letras - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
Tapis d'entrée super absorbant: démonstration et test réel - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
[Frammenti#71] Il "FIORE" dell'AMORE - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
Топ-5 Е-ПОСЛУГ 2018 - підсумки року - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto EVO - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Fiat Punto EVO - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Bronca entre la Mila Ximénez más borde y Anabel por el clan Pantoja: "¡Vagos!" - Duration: 1:18.El GH Dúo todavía no ha empezado y su primera pareja confirmada, la de Kiko Rivera e Irene Rosales, ya ha generado una grave polémica en Sálvame.
El nuevo y esperado Gran Hermano Dúo todavía no ha empezado y su primera pareja confirmada, Kiko Rivera e Irene Rosales, ya ha generado una polémica en Sálvame.
Mila Ximénez ha sido muy crítica con ellos y Anabel Pantoja ha saltado como un resorte para defenderles: "¡Han entrado en un reality como ha entrado todo el mundo!".
Pero Mila ha dado un paso más: "¿A tu primo no se le cae la cara de vergüenza que no tenga las agallas de mantener a su mujer y tenga que meterla en un reality para pagar sus deudas?".
"Los Pantoja por no trabajar entráis hasta en un establo", ha continuado la colaboradora,
para luego seguir arremetiendo contra el clan Cantora: "¡Sois unos vagos, hay que trabajar un poquito!"
Audi Q5 - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
VW Polo - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
VW Polo - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S60 1.6 T4 R-Design | AUTOMAAT | LEDER | NAVI | LM VELGEN - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Renault Kadjar TCe 130pk Intens EDC Camera, R-link, Climate, Lichtm. velg. - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Renault Master T35 2.3 DCI 170PK L2H2 Airco/navi/schuifdeur L+R (nr.7084) - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Edition R GP 2016 1e eigenaar met verlengde garantie. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Edition R GP 2016 1e eigenaar met verlengde garantie. - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Jaguar F-Pace 20d 180pk AWD R-SPORT Automaat, Leder, LED, Navi, Camera, Digitaal Dashbord - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Jaguar F-Pace 20d 180pk AWD R-SPORT Automaat, Leder, LED, Navi, Camera, NW Pr: 85.634,- - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Metrorit De Akkers - Zuidplein Rotterdam 2018 - Duration: 20:50.De Akkers
Audi Q5 - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Skoda Rapid - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta *VERKOCHT* - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 1.5di-t 163 pk Intense S cvt Automaat - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Why I Got Fired From House Cleaning - WARNING! - Duration: 8:54.Why did I get fired from my house cleaning job? Oh well, that's a great question
And I'm glad that we're gonna talk about that today. Hi there. I'm Angela brown and this is ask a house cleaner
This is a show where you get to ask a housecleaning
Question and I get to help you find an answer now
If you have a question, you can go over to ask a house cleaner calm and in the bottom corner
There's a little blue button when you click on the blue button
It pops up this little microphone and magically you just start talking
It records your question and it sends it to me here at the show and we can answer your question in one of these episodes
So ask a housecleaner com. Alright on to today's show which is from a house cleaner who got fired
I hate when you get fired, but she has no idea why
Okay. All right. Why did you get fired?
There are a few reasons why you're gonna get fired and there are a few things that you can do about it
Number one when you get fired
it could be you got fired for something as simple as
Somebody drove through the neighborhood and they put a flyer in the letterbox or the newspaper box and their prices
Undercut you it could be that you're the best house cleaner in the world
But someone came in with a cheaper price and then you got fired and you have no idea why the next reason
It could be that you have grown your business a little bit and you've started to get really fast
Because you have a whole lot of houses, you have to clean and in the process of getting fast you weren't efficient
you're just fast and then you got a little bit sloppy and
As your service started this slide your customers became unhappy
Maybe they weren't really
unhappy you're just kind of unhappy and they were waiting for the moment when you screwed up so they could let you go and then
They would have a real good reason, right so it could have been something like that
Now I ask people all the time. You just got a new house cleaner
would you share with me the reason you let your last house cleaner go and
It's amazing
the things that people will tell you now as you go through a walkthrough with a
Customer's house and you're picking up a new customer for the first time
This is a great question to ask them say hey, I'm curious
You asked me over because there's something specific that you are looking for
Can you share with me what it was and they will tell you the reason why they chose you
It's your advertising. It's your marketing you were recommended by a friend or whatever
Okay, if you're hiring me now
Then chances are you're letting someone else go?
Can you share with me what that reason is so that if we're a good fit for each other
I don't repeat their mistakes and they'll go
Here's what my last house cleaner did and they will tell you the reasons why they fired the last house cleaner
And so you need to know what those hot buttons are you need to know if there is a trigger?
So that you don't trigger it, right?
And so if you ask the customers ask them right up front
What are the hot buttons for you now another great question when you're at a customer's house is to ask them this
how well you know your house is clean and
They will tell you all the things that they will look for and there are one or two little
things that are important to every customer and so here's a secret if you just start incorporating
those into all the houses that you do you will have your own system and your own pattern of things that are important to your
Specific set of clients then when they turn around and they recommend you to their friends in their neighbors
They will highlight the little things that are important to them
she does this this this this and this and it's unlike anything other house cleaners have done so you become the
Coveted commodity because you're different from everyone else
but if your service is the same as everyone else and your pricing is the same as everyone else there is
Nothing that's keeping you from getting fired except somebody that comes through the that either talks about our game
They have better eye contact and communication skills
They're better at cleaning or they have a lower price, right?
But they're not gonna know that they're better at cleaning unless they let you go and they hire someone else now
I'm gonna share a secret with you and I want you to listen to this is a very painful truth
I don't share this with many people and I don't want you to know it but some
Clients will cancel on you and they say we're going out of town or something
We don't need your service this week and they're actually trying out another service. They haven't fired you yet
But they're bringing in another service to cover this week's cleaning because they want to see if that other cleaning company is better than you
And so what you need to do is be very aware that at any time you could get fired right you could get fired
There's there's no lock on the market. It's a very competitive market and clients are free to go wherever they want
Say going to a store you go to any store
You want you buy whatever you want. If a new store comes to town people will shift and they go to the new store, right?
It's the same with house cleaners. There's there's no lock on the market. And so
Your clients don't own you and you don't own them
And so at any time either one of you can just quit or you can get fired
So you need to be very careful that every single time you go to a customer's house. This is an audition to re-up your
Contract or your agreement with this customer if you want them to keep hiring you have to keep doing a great job
You have to keep providing the best service at the best price and have the best attitude and the best communication skills
This is an ongoing thing and every single time they say you're only as good as your last job
Right. So every single time you go to clean this
today, this is the best job I've ever done cleaning a house and
Every job has to be like that
If you have three houses in the course of a day
You got to do three of the best jobs you've ever done so that when you leave your customer says wow
This is the best job they've ever done at my house and they refer you to their friends. Okay, so why did you get fired?
It could have been a variety of things, but there's no risk in
Asking the customer because you've already lost a job, right? You've already lost the job. You have nothing else to lose
So ask the customer and do it face to face if you can just swing by say hey
I was in the neighborhood and I know that we didn't work out
But I wanted to just find out from you
Do you have a pointer or two of things I could change in the future?
Because I clean lots of your neighbours houses and I don't want to foil whatever I had going on with them
so, is there something that I did that just
Slipped through the cracks and I was lousy. Can you please share with me what it is?
So I don't repeat the same error lots of times and this has happened on numerous occasions. It's something totally different
It has nothing to do with you. And so they say Oh
It's something else but you know
I might hire you back at a later date and then you say great you mind if I keep you posted and stay in touch
And then you do you follow up with them?
Hey, do you want to go on my waiting list? And then in the event that I ever have a cancellation?
You already know my work and if it's not my work, that's the reason for you firing me
Could call you if I have a cancellation and maybe you just want a one-time cleaning
Here or there and if it's not you they'll say yeah, yeah
Yeah, please put me on your waiting list
And now you have taken that customer that fired you and you've moved them over into a working account where you can do spring cleaning
or you can do fall cleaning or you can do other special projects or one-off cleanings or
Cancellation cleanings or other things where you haven't let them drop through the cracks and the great news is this you've already done the walkthrough
You've already built rapport
You've already established
Your work ethic with that client and so in the event that they're going to cancel for some reason if it's not
You if you're not the reason why and they're not just trying to get rid of you
They will become customers for life on just a weird random
Basis until they're ready to re-up and have you come back on a weekly basis and this has happened years
After we've let people go or they've let us go or whatever. They were like
Hey, I just got a new job. I can afford you again, please
Can you come back and clean every other week and they've reached where we are able to go back and then?
You know fill that gap, so why were you fired?
It's a great question and I would love for you to get to the bottom of it because when you have the answers to that
You can prevent it from happening in the future and if it does happen in the future because you will get fired for some reason
occasionally, if you do get fired, you can leverage those opportunities into other gigs or
You can stay in touch with those people because even if it's not you
Even if they can't hire you back and they don't want to be on your waiting list. They can still send referrals your way
Alright, I hope that helps a little bit
I hope it sheds some light if this helped you
Please pass it on to a friend and until we meet again leave the world a cleaner place then when you found it
10 Signs Your Relationship WILL Lead to Marriage - Duration: 9:05.10 signs your relationship will lead to marriage
For most of us, the whole point of going into a relationship with a person is to know how
compatible you both are for marriage.
You've probably been dating for a while now and it seems like there is no better time
than now to walk down the aisle with him/her, but you two can't seem to figure out if you
want the relationship to lead to marriage.
Or you're probably with a partner who loves you so much, and you love him/her right back,
but when it comes to the question of when are you both getting married, you are scared
because you know that marriage is a huge commitment that is a lifetime journey.
And with so many choices around, you are tempted to go back to check if you are with the perfect
one or not.
Well, maybe it's time you stopped overthinking it and finally commit.
In this video, we'll be sharing with you 10 signs that indicate that your relationship
is going to lead to marriage.
If you're new here, consider subscribing so that you won't miss other interesting
videos like this.
Your communication is effective
Effective communication is paramount for any relationship to work.
If your partner allows you to talk freely with him/her about anything and not feel judged.
If you don't have to think about how you want to say something but just go ahead to say
it partly because you know that they will understand and you can trust them to work
through anything together, then it's a sign that you are in a healthy relationship that
can lead to marriage.
When you don't feel the need to compose your lines before airing it neither do you bother
about how you need to say what you want to say (what details you want out or in), then
your relationship might be on the road to marriage.
Your partner listens to you
Your relationship is likely going to lead to marriage when you have a partner that listens
to you with genuine interest and remembers what you say because they love you.
Elinor Greenberg, psychologist and author of "The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety"
says, "One of the signs that your date is likely to make a good mate is that he or she
shows genuine interest in your life and listens attentively when you are speaking.
They also remember things that you have told them about yourself.
"Conversely, if the person that you are dating nearly always monopolizes the conversation,
does not ask you about yourself or your day, and then tunes you out when you start speaking,
these are clear signals that your date is not really very interested in you as a person
except as an audience for them.
If they are not interested now at the beginning of the relationship, they are likely to be
even less interested later on."
He/she is happy when you are happy
The right person, without thinking about it knows that his/her happiness comes from yours.
And this means that they are not only happy when you are happy, but they also make efforts
to ensure that you are happy most of the time.
Laura VanderDrift, associate professor of psychology at Syracuse University's College
of Arts and Sciences and director of the Close Relationships Lab at Syracuse University says,
"It certainly helps if you're dating someone that you want to make happy and who wants
to make you happy in return.
Couples who each truly place the needs and wants of their partners with or above their
own seem to handle a lifetime of compromising, juggling priorities, and collaborating better
than couples who individually pursue their own best interests,"
You are one another's biggest fan and cheerleader
Licensed marriage and family therapist Marissa Nelson says when you are in a relationship
headed for marriage, "You encourage each other's individual growth and give support to the
pursuit of each other's dreams and career aspirations.
If one of you succeeds, you both win, and that level of strength over time can be a
telling sign that engagement is on the horizon."
You trust one another enough to allow some personal space
Trust is of utmost importance in every relationship and as a way of showing that you trust your
partner is giving them some personal space to enjoy his/her hobbies or time out with
friends and the likes.
Rhonda Richards-Smith, psychotherapist and relationship expert says,
"There's nothing worse than feeling smothered or obligated to track your partner's every
If you are both able to trust one another enough to have your own time, space, and friends,
chances are you're on the right track,"
You resolve conflicts in a healthy way
Conflicts are a part of relationships but working things out in a constructive manner
while loving each other still is a sign of a healthy relationship which can lead to marriage.
Perpetua Neo, psychologist, an expert in toxic relationships and creator of the Detox Your
Heart program says, "When we are unhappy and we don't say anything, our resentment builds
up and boils over.
Some women prefer the man to take charge.
Some women want the man to be more passive.
So you've got to think about your values.
In healthy relationships, growth is very important, generally in the same direction, so you need
to be able to have arguments, and conflicts and points of disagreements without killing
each other.
Rather it's an opportunity to say, hey, this is how your brain works, this is how I feel,
and can we actually learn from each other in this point in time, and grow in the same
general direction, with our own wisdom and our own failures."
You respect one another
When you love and respect the person you're with, you don't gossip about their personal
failings instead you only refer to them with respect and kindness, and your pride is evident.
Also, you do not use the absence of your partner to stray or cheat.
They accept you for who you are
A good sign that your relationship will lead to marriage is if you are with a partner that
loves you and is not in anyway trying to change you.
When you feel good that your partner is patient and true, treats you the same in public as
he/she does at home, then you're on the right path
You make life-decisions together
Both parties are free to make their own decisions independent of the other but couples who include
one another in big decisions are headed for marriage.
Nelson says, "These partners plan for the future and think about making life decisions
with the unit in mind.
They may devise a plan to pay down student loans and financial debt together, purchase
a car in each other's name, or buy a house together.
They may have children or begin planning for that next phase in life.
You know this relationship is forever because the couple is deeply committed to creating
a future of which they can both be proud."
You want to share everything with one another
If regardless of what type of news you get, the first person you want to share it is your
partner because you know they are always there for you, then it is a sign that your relationship
will lead to marriage.
You are not concerned about sharing only things that display your strength and heroism but
also things that expose your weaknesses and fears with your partner.
In summary, if you feel that any of the above stated points is lacking in your relationship,
that's not a verdict that things are not going well, it may just be a sign to improve
your relationship.
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SUPERHERO BABY SAVES WILD PUPPY DOG 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:41.Hi Luka's fan. Today we continue with another episode on WOA Luka Channel:
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Donald Trump and Melania's 'awkward kiss' explained by body language expert - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
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Fox News @ Night With Shannon Bream 12/27/18 3AM | December 27, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 37:43.-------------------------------------------
More Than a Season (Geovlogmas Day 12+) - Duration: 5:01.More than a season
A Christmas Reflection
So many presents, So many families,
So many couples, Children, and babies
So many laughs, costumes, Glittering colour
So many loved ones, Giving gifts to each other
But the best gift of all Is the good news of this...
God gave us himself, as from heaven a kiss
'Twas but the start of his plan, There was much work to be done
But God, there, he blessed us, Every one
And so too, we give ourselves - The rarest gift to give
But it is a gift That everyone can give.
All other Christmas things Are here and gone, you see
But what lasts more than a season Is you, and me.
I like helping decorate Tall Christmas trees
But even without that I can still give me
God gave us Jesus In love once for all
Long before Christmas Arrived at the mall
The ultimate gift, bringing Joy, peace, and song
A wellspring of happiness For ALL the year long
This joy remains to share, Though we close the front door
Not just today, or tomorrow, Though near
But every day, every week, everywhere, Throughout all the year
The wise men, the shepherds, And Joseph and Mary
Traversed from afar With all the tools they could carry
They beelined to G.Z. and found the best geocache out there
A shared first to find, and for all, smilies to share!
God bless us, every one!
- "Tiny Tim"
For all those who can't celebrate the season with ease
Despite all the Christmas cheer and festivities
For whatever reasons may cause you distress -
Loss of the loved, poverty, loneliness;
Or perhaps even having an abundance in life,
Yet still have a feeling of loss, sadness, or strife...
May God shine a light to your heart, as pained it may be
Wherever you are, wherever you're from, whoever you may be
That the struggles which grieve it be led to cease,
Then fill it with love, and hope, and bring you peace.
Psalm 121:1-2
Thanks for watching! Merry Christmas!
Now back to geocaching...
What's a geocaching video without a geocache?
Dec 24, Day 12: Geocache found!
CLAY MIXER: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE 💖 Play Doh Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 10:36.Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode on Clay Mixer:
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buttons below to see better episodes on Clay Mixer.
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SO MAX THINK HE CAN DANCE -in- STRIP UP 🐶 Pencilmation Cartoons For Kids Animation - Duration: 6:29.Hello everyone. Back on Max's Puppy Dog with another episode:
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ASMR Ice Cream Macarons 배스킨라빈스 아이스크림 마카롱 리얼사운드 먹방 咀嚼音 アイスクリームマカロン食べる音 音フェチ EATING SOUNDS mukbang - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Kokona is going to die alone - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
And welcome to the Mobile Legends Boot Camp!
In this video, we are going to talk about the marksman, Layla.
Layla has a good set burst, area-of-effect, and crowd control skills.
Our Malefic Gunner, Layla, is a marksman hero.
I consider Layla as a burst marksman since her skills, specially her ultimate,
could really burn the enemies into ashes.
Now, let me share some tips and tricks on how to use Layla based on my experience.
I will also teach you some combos and techniques on the latter part of this boot camp.
But before that, let me explain her skills one by one for further understanding.
Layla's passive, Malefic Gun, boosts Layla's basic attacks and skills damage,
depending on the distance from the target.
The farther the enemy is, the greater the damage they will take.
Here are some examples of the damage comparison with regards to distance.
Here, I'll use my ultimate skill on Damage bots.
As you noticed, the farther the enemy is, the greater the damage they received.
This is a great skill along with her ultimate skill,
since her ultimate skill boosts her basic attack range,
which will be discussed later on.
Layla's first skill, Malefic Bomb,
fires a Malefic Energy Bomb towards a specified direction.
This deals a certain amount of Physical Damage.
Surprisingly, this skill can deal critical hits.
This skill's range is pretty far.
This can be a good finisher for dying enemies who tries escaping death.
Her second skill, Void Projectile, fires an energy ball towards an enemy.
This energy ball explodes upon contact with the target.
The explosion will deal Physical damage to the target,
and also to the nearby enemies.
This skill also reduces the movement speed of the enemies hit.
As the level of this skill increases, the range of this skill also increases.
Layla's ultimate skill, Destruction Rush, fires an energy cannon on the specified direction.
Enemies hit by the energy cannon along the path,
will receive a burst amount of Physical damage.
This can be a good thing during team fights, since you can deal burst damage to every enemy along its path.
This skill also increases your basic attack range per level.
On its max level, you can attack the tower outside its range.
This makes Layla the marksman with the longest range on basic attacks.
With this range boost, you can shoot enemies from afar during team fights.
This lets you fight outside the team fight.
There are so many items that you can buy for Layla.
You can focus on offensive items since Layla is a marksman.
For me, I choose to buy items that grants critical chance,
critical damage, and physical attack.
In my opinion, you can consider buying Swift Boots for Layla.
Swift Boots grants her additional attack speed and movement speed.
Having additional attack speed will make Layla attack more.
This will let you deal lots of attacks, specially during team fights.
Buying attack items such as Berserker's Fury can boost your damage effectively.
This item gives you additional physical attack and critical chance.
Its unique passive grants you additional critical damage on your critical hits.
Also, dealing critical hits will increase your physical attack by a certain amount,
for a short period of time.
You can also consider Scarlet Phantom.
This item grants physical attack, attack speed, and critical chance.
Its unique passive grants you additional attack speed and critical chance,
after dealing a critical hit to an enemy.
This buff lasts for a few seconds.
You might also wanna consider Haas's claws.
This item grants you life steal and additional physical attack.
Its unique passive will grant you extra life steal,
when your health point reaches a certain point.
You might want to consider Blade of Despair.
This item grants additional physical attack and movement speed.
Its unique passive will give you additional physical attack,
when the target's health is below a certain percentage.
The movement speed bonus can also help you chase enemies,
or escape death.
You might also want to consider Malefic Roar.
This item grants Physical Attack.
Its unique passive grants Physical Penetration.
Also, basic attacks will ignore some of the turrets defense.
In situations that there are burst Physical heroes on the enemy team,
like Aldous, you might want to consider Wind of Nature.
This item grants physical attack, attack speed, and lifesteal.
This item has an active skill.
Upon casting this skill, you become immune to all physical damage for a few seconds.
This is pretty helpful when going against one on one or in team fights as well.
Since Layla has no mobility skills at all, this is a great addition to your items.
But, it still depends if the enemies have lots of Physical Damage dealers.
The item build for Layla really depends on the enemy's line up.
So make sure to read each item's description so you can adapt in-game.
One of the best spell to be used on Layla is Flicker.
You can use it to escape danger, even death.
Since Layla has no mobility skills at all, this spell is a must.
In my opinion, the best emblem set to be used is the Custom Marksman Emblem set.
Custom Marksman Emblem could provide extra stats according to your needs as a Marksman.
Set Fatal to its Max level because it can give you extra Critical Chance.
Higher critical chance means higher chance to deal critical damage.
Setting Doom to max level will provide you additional Critical Damage.
Higher critical damage means higher damage on your critical hits.
Get Weakness Finder to have the chance to slow enemies.
The effect will greatly reduce target's movements speed and attack speed.
This effect has a short cooldown.
For me, it's the best thing to get. Why?
Because this can help you chase enemies when your second skill is on cooldown.
Set second skill to max level first.
Prioritizing this makes the cool down lower, the base damage higher,
and the range of this skill farther.
That means, you can deal more damage and cast more of this skill.
Prioritize first skill less since her second skill is what you need for crowd control.
Always upgrade her ultimate skill when available for upgrading.
Your second skill slows an enemy down.
You can use it to slow down enemies and escape death.
Or you can use it to slow down enemies and chase them to death.
With Weakness Finder on your Emblem, you can further slow the enemy to death.
You can also use your second skill to assist team mates.
Your ultimate is mostly the finisher skill you can use.
You just need to aim properly when casting this skill.
This skill deals burst damage.
So definitely, this is a must during team fights.
During laning, make sure you keep your distance away from the enemies.
Remember that marksmen are not as durable as other roles.
Basically, marksmen are the damage dealers during team fights.
So make sure to keep yourself from danger.
With your ultimate skill range boost, you can snipe and kill enemies with ease.
If you do not keep your distance from the enemies,
you will end up going back to your mother's womb.
Save your flicker in times of danger.
In situations like this, Flicker is what you can rely on.
As we know that Layla doesn't have any mobility skills,
Flicker is the only thing she could depend on.
In terms of team fights with all the enemies around,
I usually follow this combo.
First, I use my second skill to slow down the target.
I usually target the nearest enemy because,
I intend to deal an area-of-effect damage with this skill.
Then, I use my ultimate skill as soon as the enemies are along the cannon's path.
This is to make sure that, most of the enemies will receive the burst damage.
Dealing burst damage during team fights could be a game changer,
since this could boggle with the enemy's decision making about their survival.
Then, I use my basic attacks.
I chose not to use my first skill here because it is unnecessary.
Additional tip.
As we know that Layla has the longest attack range among all marksmen.
Layla can definitely shoot turrets from afar.
This can be helpful in times your team needs all the pushing power you need.
The tips I mentioned are just some of the ways you can use Layla.
This video just guides you on how to use Layla, the Kurumi way.
So, once again.
This is Kurumi and that's how you use Layla.
Thanks for watching!
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See you on the next Mobile Legends Boot Camp!
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HOW TO DRAW A CHRISTMAS TREE | Best Christmas Drawing and Coloring for Kids | BLABLA ART - Duration: 4:47.How to draw a Christmas tree
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My Issues With Republic City - Duration: 7:35.[rustic guitar music plays]
As you can probably tell from the title of
this video, I have some issues with Republic City from the Legend of Korra series.
I will now proceed to go into them in detail.
Number One: The Aesthetic
Wait, wait, wait!
Hear me out, hear me out!
I know this may seem really petty and nitpicky at first, but I do actually have a point here.
That being that Republic City is, unquestionably, inspired by New York in the 1920.
I mean it's all there, down to the giant statue of Aang in the bay mirroring the Statue
of Liberty and freaking Central Park, though it bears a different name.
Now ask yourself, how does this make sense?
Really, sit down and ask yourself, how does a place like this come to be naturally within
the world of Avatar?
It feels disjointed, out of place, because the culture it's based on isn't one of
the ones already present in the inspiration for the world of Avatar, which are as we all
know East and South-East Asian and Inuit.
If they absolutely had to have Republic City be a thing, which they did not but I'll
get to that later, they should have built it out of a place of "what would a melting
pot of the cultures of /this/ world produce?"
Starting elsewhere made the final product feel inorganic.
At least to me.
Number Two: The Founders
The two founders of Republic City are listed
as Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko.
Notice anything off with that statement?
Yeah, neither of them are Earth Kingdom citizens.
One was fourteen [twelve] when the war ended, the other was sixteen and also /the leader
of the Fire Nation/.
The /aggressors/ in this situation.
The Earth Kingdom basically had their land stolen and repurposed by the Fire Nation.
I know this actually is an issue in the show proper, but it's not nearly enough of one.
If they wanted Republic City to be a thing so badly, they could have had their first
season conflict there instead of the sudden, out of nowhere 'Non-Benders are persecuted'
plot line and sprung up from literally nothing.
Number Three: Its Existence Does a Disservice to Zuko's Character
Y'all really expect me to believe this guy would cave just because his people were calling
him a traitor?
This guy?
Who spent years of his life in stubborn, unrelenting pursuit of a seemingly hopeless task for the
sake of regaining his honour in the eyes of his father?
Who actually yes very specifically /betrayed his country/ and made the world a better place
for it?
That guy would quit on something because his people were calling him a traitor?
Number Four: The Fire Nation lost.
Deal with it.
The Fire Nation lost the war.
This is not a question of land taken in previous conflicts that have since seen their resolution,
this is a question of an ongoing war that lasted a century.
One that has now reached its resolution.
One that the Fire Nation lost.
They, as both the losers and the unquestionable aggressors, do not get to take the easy way
out surrounding reparations.
There are many very important very serious questions surrounding what to do with the
colonized Earth Kingdom territory, yeah, but they centre around the people there.
Those who are, actually, innocent civilians.
The children who were born there.
The questions surround what will happen to them, not whether or not one of the victors
of the war gets to take their land back.
Number Five: Trust in the Fire Nation
You seriously expect me to believe for even a second that, Avatar's friend or no, previous
ally or no, that the other nations wouldn't turn on Zuko in an instant for this?
"Textbook Fire Nation treachery."
"Can't trust any of them."
"Lets strike them first this time before they can mount a fresh assault."
That's how that would go.
Again returning to the point about Zuko's character, he has more than enough of a brain
to see that this would not pan out.
People do not trust the Fire Nation or its people, and with very, very good reason.
It doesn't matter that the Avatar vouches for him, he's the Fire Lord, he's on thin
fucking ice right now.
Zuko would have been fighting an uphill battle to regain the rest of the world's trust,
he would not have been such a gigantic walnut about this, and it would not have worked out
nearly as well as the show wants to claim it does.
Now, make no mistake, I want to like the Legend of Korra.
I really, really do.
I want to like the stories, I want to like the characters, I want to like what they did
with expanding the world and pushing it towards its future.
I want to like the show that gave us Korrasami and opened the door to more explicitly queer
rep in the world of Avatar.
But I reeaally don't.
And I'm actually kind of genuinely sad about it.
From the quick, lazy, 'hey presto it's a miracle' way they brought back the Air
Nomads to the "more modern means more Western" feeling radiating off of the tech to the seasons
worth of love triangles to the avatar cycle origin story I'm just...
[deep sigh]
I'm so tired.
If you love the Legend of Korra, or even if you just like it, more power to ya.
You have one more thing in the world which gives you joy, that, in this context, is nothing
but good.
I just needed to air this very specific grievance I have with the show.
And uh...
Some of my...
Other... grievances...
Might have snuck in there.
Sorry about that.
I have very strong feelings about this show, all of which stem from my absolute adoration
of the original series.
So, uh, guess that does it for me this time 'round.
See ya later.
[rustic guitar music plays until the end of the video]
3 breakfasts perfect for a balanced diet | Natural Health - Duration: 6:34.3 breakfasts perfect for a balanced diet.
By including these breakfasts in a balanced diet, not only will we not gain weight, but
we will get all the nutrients needed to face the day with energy.
If we talk about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can not leave out a meal as important as
breakfast, especially in a balanced diet.
Considered to be one of the most important parts of our day thanks to the amount of nutrients
and vitamins that can contribute to our body, breakfast is known for its versatility and
Whether we have a special diet or prefer certain foods for their taste, everyone has a favorite
type of breakfast.
Importance of breakfast in a balanced diet.
According to specialist Elisabetta Politi, a graduate of Duke University, when we start
our day with a good breakfast, we can put our metabolism on the move.
"By skipping breakfast, the body stays fast for 15 or 20 hours, so the enzymes needed
to metabolize fat and lose weight are not produced," says the US nutritionist.
The important thing when choosing a breakfast in a balanced diet is that we can identify
foods that are a source of nutrients and vitamins. In this way, it will be much easier to satisfy
our palate and meet our nutritional needs.
Elements that a balanced breakfast should contain.
For the first meal of the day to be considered healthy, it is necessary to include a series
of balanced elements. Among the fundamentals we can highlight:
1. Cereals.
For our body to start the day with the amount of carbohydrates, nutrients and fiber needed,
it is advisable to include at least a portion of cereals.
In this we do not want to talk about processed ones that have high levels of sugar, but natural
ones like oats, wheat or rye.
2. Dairy products for breakfast.
For several decades, nutritionists have emphasized the importance of animal milk.
Among the most recognized include cow's milk, cheese and yoghurt.
3. The fruits.
Including a portion of fresh fruit in our breakfast will make sure that your body will
be loaded with a lot of energy and vitality earlier in the day.
Remember that by consuming the fruit in portions, not in smoothies or juices, we can savor its
delicious flavor without reloading it with sugars or processed elements.
4. The nuts.
In addition to our breakfast, it is advisable to include a small portion of nuts. These
will provide the necessary amount of good fats and help maintain cholesterol levels
in our body.
Perfect breakfasts to stay healthy.
While it's true that your breakfasts will depend on your nutritional needs and your
economic reach, you should know that you can maintain a balanced diet with few ingredients,
very simply.
Reconstituted oatmeal.
Starting the day this way will be one of the best ideas you've had in a long time.
By combining a cereal like oats with a serving of fruit, you will give your body energy and
Oats help regenerate cells and contain many nutrients.
1 cup of almond milk (250 ml); 2 cups oatmeal (210 gram);
½ tablespoon flax seed powder (7.5 gram); Cinnamon (according to taste);
¼ cup red berries (37.5 gram);
In a saucepan over low heat, cook the flaked oats with the almond milk.
When ready, add flax and cinnamon. Before serving, include the fruit portion.
Greek yogurt.
Because of the high levels of protein and probiotics contained in this food, it is highly
recommended to adopt a healthy diet.
The versatility of its flavor makes children and adults appreciate its consumption.
If you want to decorate it, you can also accompany it with some nuts or natural fruits.
Thanks to the nutrients that these types of foods bring, they will be a health injection
for our body.
Avocado, tomato and cheese toast.
2 slices of wholegrain bread; 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar (30 ml);
1 big tomato (or 2 small ones); 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 gram);
Sea salt and black pepper (to taste); 1 cup of low-fat cheese (200 gram);
1 lawyer;
In the oven at 200 ° C (400 ° F), heat toast until stained on both sides and set aside.
Cut the tomatoes into quarters and place them in a glass bowl with olive oil, balsamic vinegar,
black pepper, oregano and also sea salt. When the mixture is homogeneous, then place
it in a suitable container for cooking and browning for about 15 minutes.
For the presentation of our toasts, start by spreading the cheese.
When the tomatoes are ready, then reserve them until they are at room temperature and
start building your plate. First, place the toast with cheese, then the
tomato and over the pieces of avocado. Before eating, also consider seasoning with
pepper and salt.
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