Saturday, December 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Dec 29 2018

Hey friends, Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride and I'm back again with another video! This time

I'm setting up my husband's bullet journal for January 2019.

Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video for my monthly giveaway!

So this month in my husband's bullet journal

I am doing an Apollo theme. If you're not familiar with the Apollo program,

it was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to earth and ran from 1963 to

1972. Six of the Apollo missions achieved their goal: Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 16 and 17.

And Apollo 11 is probably the one you have heard the most about because that is the one that landed the first

human on the moon in 1969.

As you probably know from watching my videos, my husband and I are both big nerds.

We both love space and we love sci-fi but something I haven't really gotten into in

M=my life is the Apollo missions,

I've never spent a lot of time watching videos about them or learning about them

for whatever reason, but my husband finds them fascinating and loves the moon. If he had a choice

he would definitely be living on the moon right now. So this month is completely dedicated to Jason's love of

space and the moon and the Apollo missions. For the cover page I decided to write January in the

classic NASA font and then 2019 is based on an image that NASA put out for Apollo 11

Where the Os in Apollo were depicted as the earth and the moon and then they had the flight path leaving Earth's orbit coming around

Swinging around the moon and landing and when we saw that we thought it was super cool

So I decided to repurpose that idea and make it fit in with

2019 so of course the zero is earth and then the circular part of the nine is the moon you'll see this theme is very

Minimalistic, everything is black and white essentially only done with a pen. So it's very easy to do

You don't need a lot of materials, but you can still really get that space feel. After the cover page

I'm moving on to the monthly spread setting it up as I always do with six by six boxes for each day.

Down the side

I'm writing January 2019 again in that NASA font and then the days of the week along the top. I then decided to

recreate an Apollo logo from the 60s.

This is I believe the official logo of the Apollo missions from that time.

So the font I did is not exact,

but I tried to replicate the look of this logo as much as I could in a very tiny

version and of course again only in black and white.

So the basic logo is a large A and then it shows the moon and the earth and again that flight path

coming around

This one took me a while to do because it had such fine detail

So I was using my Sakura microns and then I went back in after with my Sakura white Jellyroll

Gel pen to bring back some lightness to areas that I filled in a little too much with the pen

This is a great tip in general

if you are doing a black and white sort of

drawing and you find that you've coloured in places that you shouldn't, made mistakes,

you can always go in with a gel pen or some other kind of white pen or marker to kind of fix those mistakes.

So now I am moving on it to the weekly spreads which are very similar to what I have done in Jason's bullet journal in

the past. As I've explained a couple times before

Jason is a freelancer. So he needs space to track his hours and clients so that he can create invoices for the work

he does, so that is the main basis of his weeklies.

There is space for each day of the week to write down his hours, places

he has to be and then their space for tracking his hours worked and income. and

then the other side of the spread is just a blank page for notes and then he has another full empty spread after that

for notes as well in the week. So he ends up getting three total pages for notes for each week.

There is one little change on his weeklies this time around, we've added an extra column.

So you can see along the left side

There is one thin column along each day's tracker and that is for him to track whether or not he has invoiced for those hours

So I'll explain this again quickly for anyone who has not seen my previous plan with mes in my husband's bullet journal

(which will be linked if you want to go watch them). So essentially each day you have four rows total

The first three rows are space for three separate clients in a day

And then the fourth row is for totals. Looking at the columns,

The left column is for checking off whether or not these have been invoiced,

the second column is to indicate which client to the work is for, the

third column is for how many hours worked for that client,

and then the fourth column is for the total amount earned in those hours and then the totals are for total hours worked and

total income for that day.

And then at the bottom of the week

we have an extra totals line for total hours worked in the week and total income made in the week.

So that extra column is

just to track whether or not these hours have been invoiced which is something Jason

decided he needed after using his bullet journal for a couple months.

And that's one of the best things about bullet journals in my opinion is that you can completely change your system from top to bottom

If it doesn't work for you

But you can also make little tweaks here and there to really make it work for your life

And there's no one saying you can't and it's as easy as drawing your spread differently next time

All of the weeklies are the same so I won't show the setup of weeks two through five

But I will show you the little drawings I'm doing in the corner. The first drawing for week

one is an astronaut looking up to the stars.

The second drawing I'm doing is a recreation of a classic NASA logo from the 60s

I wasn't super happy with how this turned out when I first filled it in with pen

So I ended up going back in with my posca white paint pen to

Brighten up some of the areas thicken up the letters and just kind of fix the spacing because I honestly didn't do a great job

Of filling this in which is a great chance for me to remind everyone that mistakes happen

There's no with making a mistake and there are lots of creative ways you can use to fix mistakes and no one will ever know

Next I'm drawing a plan of Gemini, this is taken from a NASA

reference book from the 60s

I tried to recreate this drawing as closely as I could because it was a really really cool

Graphic drawing with Gemini and reference book kind of written into the plan

It was a really cool looking so I did my best to recreate that

Gemini technically is not part of Apollo. It was the mission right before Apollo and

Geminis objective was the development of space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land humans on the moon

So while it's not technically part of the Apollo missions

It definitely was foundational to the existence of the Apollo missions and the success of the Apollo missions

So I decided to include this especially just because when Jason saw this diagram he thought it was super cool

He really likes these kinds of patent and interior plan drawings of ships

He actually has a interior plan

Rocket ship tattoo on his side and this is very him and very me as well

I love drawing interior plans and diagrams of things

So this just had to be included even though it technically is not

actually from the Apollo missions next up on week 4

I am drawing or trying to recreate the Grumman logo from the 60s the Grumman aircraft engineering

Corporation was a producer of military and civilian aircraft

So they actually designed and built the Apollo Lunar Module which was a spacecraft that was flown to and landed on the moon

This was definitely a bit of a complicated logo to recreate but it is super cool

So I was happy to try and then on tweak five our last drawing here. This is another original Apollo logo

That was on a lot of their reference materials

From the 60s a lot of the internal NASA reference materials had this Apollo logo in the corner

So I did my best to recreate this as accurately as I could a lot of these logos

Originally had some kind of color going on and I just decided to keep everything black and white and very simple for this setup

But this logo originally had red and yellow in it. It was very cool-looking

I highly recommend you go google some of this stuff if you're interested in it

it's very cool to look at and

The very last spread that we have in this month is actually a new spread and it is a honey-do list

So Jason actually asked me to add this to his bullet journal for last month and we both completely forgot

So I'm adding it now for January and this is essentially a master to-do list

We're calling it the honey-do list, but it's not just things that I'm asking him to do

It's also just whatever comes to mind that he needs to get done

It's kind of one place to collect all of those tasks

And as you all know

I love a good to-do list and I love a good master to-do list just to combine

Everything that's on my mind so I can make sure I'm not forgetting anything

especially if it's something that doesn't need to be done in the next week or a couple weeks and

I want to make sure I don't forget about it

So now that we've gone through all the spreads it is time to talk about the giveaway and this month

I'm really excited to be giving away both a notebook and a pen to act as a little bit of a starter kit for any

Of you who want to start bullet journaling in 2019?

But maybe don't have a notebook to use or don't have the resources to get yourself one

So I've never actually used this type of notebook, but I've been really intrigued by it

They sell it at Crees the artist store downtown Toronto, which is where I buy a lot of my supplies

And I've been really intrigued by it multiple times, but just haven't needed a new notebook recently

So I never bought one to check them out, but I decided this would be a great time to do it

I could give it to one of you

It looks like it's incredible and I'm really excited to hear from whichever. One of you wins it to hear your thoughts

And of course if the rest of you who don't win are interested in learning a bit more about the specific notebook

Let me know I can always pick up another one and do a review video

This one is the pen talaq traveler pocket journal

It has a dot grid five millimeters spacing between the dots which is pretty standard in bullet journals

it has completely it recycled paper, which is

120 GSM which is pretty thick. So hopefully whoever wins this won't have any issues with bleeding or ghosting

It has 160 pages. The pages are acid-free slightly

Toothy recycled bright white sketch paper and the cover is italian-made flexible

Water-resistant cover there's also an elastic closure and a ribbon marker as for the pen

I'm giving away the lip and drawing technical drawing pin in 0.3

This is one that I've been using in my notebook reviews recently for pen tests

And I found that it's done really well at being one of the least

smudged bull pens that I own

and I've actually started using it recently in my bullet journal on a day-to-day basis and really love how it

performs and love the nib size

I just think it's a very


basic pen to have in your kit and a really good one to start bullet journaling with it's fine enough that you can get some

Really detailed work out of it, but it's not so fine that it'll take you forever

If you're trying to do something a little more bold, so I'm really excited about this prize pack this month

And I hope you all are too I'm gonna give you a super quick rundown of the rules

But as always they will be written in the description box

If you need to double check, make sure you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and hit the bells

You're notified when I post new videos like this video go follow me on

Instagram and lastly leave a comment on this video it can be whatever you like

But just make sure you include your Instagram handle so that I can find you if you win if you don't have Instagram

But you still want to enter you can follow me on any of my other social media

You can like my Facebook page or follow me on Pinterest whatever you like, whatever kind of social media you have

I know not. Everyone has Instagram and you still want the chance to win so I completely hear you. No problem at all

Just pick another social media and let me know the handle

from that social media that you followed me on and which social media you picked so that I can still keep track of you if

you do in

Thank you again so much to my patrons

I appreciate you so much

If you're interested in becoming a patron and grabbing a bunch of awesome rewards

Make sure to check out the link in the description or the cards to come join at the plant-based bride patron squad

Don't forget to go check out my plan with me in my bullet journal if you haven't seen it already

I did a letter board themed for January and I'm so in love with how it turned out it took forever

But it was very fun

So definitely go check out that video if you haven't seen it yet and as always leave all of your recommendations

In the comments for themes you want to see in 2019. I'm currently trying to kind of plan out all the themes

I'm gonna do in my journal and and Jason's bullet journal for 2019. So be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments

So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video in


bye friends

For more infomation >> Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.


Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.

"La muerte de Marat", una de las obras robadas Seis obras del pintor noruego Edvard Munch que forman parte de la colección Stenersen y bajo responsabilidad del museo Munch de Oslo han desaparecido sin que se sepa qué ha pasado, informó este viernes el diario Dagbladet

Se trata de las obras gráficas "La muerte de Marat", "Mujer joven llorando en la cama", "Retrato de la señora R", "Tiergaten-Berlín", "Åge Christian Gierløff" y "Omega llora", cuyo paradero el museo admite desconocer

Tiergaten-Berlín Åge Christian Gierløff La pinacoteca había admitido hace un año a ese mismo periódico que faltaban 26 obras de la colección, pero una investigación de Dagbladet eleva ahora la cifra a 47, de las que 34 pertenecen al autor de "El grito" -incluidas las seis dadas ahora por desaparecidas-, el pintor noruego más prestigioso y una figura clave del expresionismo

El empresario y mecenas noruego Rolf E. Stenersen (1899-1978) donó en 1936 su colección de más de 900 obras al municipio de Aker, más tarde fusionado con el de Oslo

Tras varios traslados, la colección pasó en 1994 a la pinacoteca que lleva el nombre del coleccionista, integrada desde 2010 en el museo Munch

El director de ese museo, Stein Olav Henrichsen, aseguró a Dagbladet que no disponen de recursos para hacer una nueva revisión de toda la colección, aunque recordó que se está construyendo una nueva pinacoteca para preservar mejor la obra del pintor noruego

"El grito" es la obra más famosa de Munch. No formó parte de la colección robada El nuevo museo Munch, diseñado por el estudio español Herreros Arquitectos, debía estar terminado hace cinco años, pero una disputa política a nivel local ha retrasado su construcción y no se espera que esté inaugurado hasta 2020

"La forma en que las autoridades de Oslo han gestionado este regalo artístico es para llorar

Es muy triste", declaró al diario Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen, biznieta de un hermano del pintor y que ejerce a menudo como portavoz de la familia

El legado de Munch ha sido objeto de varios robos en los últimos años, el más sonado en 2004, cuando dos enmascarados se llevaron a plena luz del día del museo que lleva su nombre dos de sus obras más conocidas, "El grito" y "La Madonna"

Las obras fueron rescatadas dos años después, aunque sufrieron daños irreparables

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Edvard Munch: libertad, melancolía y los infinitos paisajes del alma Un cuadro de Edvard Munch se vendió en Nueva York por 54,5 millones de dólares

For more infomation >> Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.


So sánh Tốc độ làm của dân | Chi tiết đầy đủ - 4K VIDEO siêu nét - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> So sánh Tốc độ làm của dân | Chi tiết đầy đủ - 4K VIDEO siêu nét - Duration: 10:51.


【FF14】4ヶ国語を聞き比べてみた(パッチ3.x|Vol.7) - Duration: 29:15.

For more infomation >> 【FF14】4ヶ国語を聞き比べてみた(パッチ3.x|Vol.7) - Duration: 29:15.


Opel Astra 1.6 Turbo 200pk, Automaat Innovation ** Full Options, 200PK ** - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 Turbo 200pk, Automaat Innovation ** Full Options, 200PK ** - Duration: 0:55.


Ónega pone colorados a Sánchez e Iglesias y desmonta su hipocresía con Vox - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Ónega pone colorados a Sánchez e Iglesias y desmonta su hipocresía con Vox - Duration: 2:23.


✅ Uomini e Donne news Luigi, scelta anticipata per il tronista? Interviene la De Filippi - Duration: 3:05.

News Uomini e Donne, Luigi Mastroianni sceglie Giorgia? Anticipazioni sorprendenti  Luigi Mastroianni l'aveva detto e alla fine potrebbe succedere davvero a Uomini e Donne: news e anticipazioni sulla scelta del tronista infatti si stanno rincorrendo alla velocità della luce

Ieri in realtà non sono emersi molti dettagli sulla puntata registrata e quindi si era capito davvero poco di molte delle dinamiche che invece si sono create fra il tronista e le sue corteggiatrici

Oggi vogliamo soffermarci proprio sul rapporto tra Luigi e Giorgia di cui pare che il ragazzo si sia quasi innamorato

No, non siamo noi pettegoli a dirlo: è stata proprio Maria De Filippi a chiederglielo dopo averlo sentito parlare e dopo aver visto la loro esterna

Ma procediamo con ordine. Uomini e Donne news, l'esterna di Luigi e Giorgia che ha spiazzato Maria: la conduttrice interviene  Luigi ha scelto di fare una sola esterna con Giorgia e quest'esterna ha cambiato qualsiasi opinione che la conduttrice aveva del suo percorso a Uomini e Donne; il tronista infatti ha organizzato una bellissima esterna alla sua corteggiatrice e lei si è emozionata al punto da tremare

I due si sono abbracciati e Giorgia ha sussurrato a Luigi che nessuno le aveva mai organizzato una cosa del genere per lei

Tante le coccole, tantissime le carezze e ancor di più le emozioni in un'esterna da sogno che si è conclusa con un bacio che ha spiazzato Irene e anche Maria De Filippi

Luigi sceglierà prima? Maria De Filippi sembra convintissima  I dettagli che ha aggiunto Il Vicolo delle News alle anticipazioni di ieri sono molti; ecco come il blog racconta il discorso fatto da Luigi alla conduttrice: "Giorgia è l'eccezione, è rara in questo mondo in cui tutte le ragazze pensano ad apparire e a farsi pubblicità

Dice inoltre che si sente molto protettivo nei suoi confronti e che non riuscirebbe mai a farle del male per quanto è pura"

E pensare che poco prima era successo il finimondo. Le parole usate da Luigi in effetti sono state al punto sorprendenti da spingere Maria a chiedergli se Giorgia fosse la sua scelta

"Ritrova in lei – continua Il Vicolo – tutto ciò che ha sempre desiderato". Uomini e Donne anticipazioni: il trono di Luigi prossimo al colpo di scena  Luigi non si è fermato neanche quando Irene si è mostrata visibilmente in difficoltà: ha infatti invitato Giorgia a ballare, cosa che ha spinto la romana a uscire dallo studio

Giorgia da parte sua si è detta felicissima nonostante il contesto e ha spiegato che farà di tutto per fare breccia nel cuore del tronista

Pare insomma che le sensazioni di Maria non siano sbagliate, e non è neanche la prima volta che la conduttrice è intervenuta in questa registrazione: la De Filippi infatti ha indagato anche su Antonio Moriconi, al centro dell'attenzione per dichiarazioni che non passeranno affatto inosservate

La puntata insomma è stata movimentatissima – mai come le festività di Andrea Dal Corso – e non vediamo l'ora di vederla su Canale 5

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne news Luigi, scelta anticipata per il tronista? Interviene la De Filippi - Duration: 3:05.


✅ Uomini e Donne, Lorenzo e Nicolò hanno litigato? Ecco cos'è successo - Duration: 2:12.

Lorenzo e Nicolò hanno litigato dopo Uomini e Donne? Le domande dei fan  A Uomini e Donne nascono non solo nuovi amori ma anche belle amicizie e qualcuno lo sa bene

Oggi vi parliamo in effetti proprio di Lorenzo e Nicolò: hanno litigato? Sono ancora amici? Si vedono come prima? Le risposte le ha date tutte l'ex corteggiatore di Nilufar Addati su Instagram in una sessione di Fammi una domanda

Come al solito, Nicolò non si è risparmiato e ha risposto chiaramente spiegando nel dettaglio ciò che sta succedendo tra lui e il tronista di Uomini e Donne

La risposta di Nicolò sull'amicizia con Lorenzo  "Certo che sento ancora il Cobra – queste le parole di Nicolò –

Ragazzi, non ho litigato con lui, me lo continuate a chiedere… Ci stiamo vedendo un po' meno perché insomma tra i miei impegni e i suoi, e lui ne ha tanti in questo momento, lo sapete molto bene, riusciamo a vederci un po' meno spesso"

In effetti Lorenzo ha parecchi impegni ultimamente, e ne avrà sempre di più se pensate a cosa sta succedendo fuori da Uomini e Donne dopo l'ultima puntata registrata

Quello di Lorenzo in effetti è un trono molto particolare, meno complesso di quello di Teresa, che sta spiazzando anche Maria De Filippi, ma non per questo facile da portare avanti

Lorenzo e Nicolò, le parole sul trono a Uomini e Donne  "Il suo percorso – queste le parole di Nicolò – mi è piaciuto un sacco, è stato è bravissimo, ha due ragazze fantastiche che nel bene o nel male hanno un qualcosa che con lui può funzionare, quindi insomma gli auguro di fare la scelta giusta

Incrociamo le dita per lui". Un trono particolare insomma ma interessante, e questo non lo si può negare, anche se pare destinato a un finale tutt'altro che lieto

E sicuramente a una scelta ancor più anticipata di quella che molto probabilmente farà anche Luigi all'improvviso, sorprendendo anche Maria De Filippi

For more infomation >> ✅ Uomini e Donne, Lorenzo e Nicolò hanno litigato? Ecco cos'è successo - Duration: 2:12.


Poderoso Remédio Caseiro Para COMBATER o ESPORÃO de Calcanhar !! - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Poderoso Remédio Caseiro Para COMBATER o ESPORÃO de Calcanhar !! - Duration: 2:58.


Sliding +1400cv of Mercedes AMG Cars in the Snow! 😍 [Sub ENG] - Duration: 16:51.

Ciao everyone here it's Marchettino and today I'm in my natural habitat, a snowy track to drift and behind me, lots of german horses!

Today I'm in Livigno and I came up here with this amazing and literally brand new GLC63S AMG,

I picked it up with just 600km and I came to this high altitude, my first time here and I'm here with Mercedes!

Here you see the protagonists of today's video, the new E53 AMG Coupèe, the new GTS 63 sedan (italian preview) and the CLA45 AMG.

As I said at the beginning of the video, today I'm in this snowy track to attend the Mercedes Driving Academy,

which means today we're gonna have fun to slide in the snow!

I can't wait to get onboard one of these, not just because I want to do some drifts but also because it's effing cold, -11 degrees but

I was expecting worse because 'till yesterday it was -18 degrees, I'm freezing anyway!

This car is simply an UFO, the matte blue colour is amazing, this car has incredible numbers it's a sedan with a whopping 639hp and 900 (yep, 900!) nm of torque

unleashed on the 4WD that becomes a RWD on Drift mode, I can't wait to drive it here!

I hit the ground running to check the GT63S but this product is very interesting, the new E53 AMG Coupè because it has a 3.0L hybrid V6 engine that produces 435hp.

These are the cars we'll use in the snow, here's the new CLA45 AMG with 381hp, here we have a respectable power!

During the day we'll be doing lots of exercises in the snow with the company of racing drivers to tame all this power!

We start the day with a fun exercise and with a very interesting car,

we'll do exercises of understeer and oversteer with the new GT63S sedan.

We'll tame 639hp in the first exercise, not bad!

You have to make a 8 through the 2 obstacles.

By the moment you get off the first corner you point the next one and you get there with the sight,

Too tight so you came off wide

Great job!

Nice I like it!

Test passed! - YU-HUU!

Not a bad start, doing some sliding with 693hp, I already love it! During the day we'll swap with also the E53 and CLA45, the day is starting well isn't it?

When you overdo with the throttle, this happens!

I did a good job! - Very good!

I love snow, I wanted a physical contact!

Also this is the good thing about doing such kind of events on the snow,

Being able to push and overtake your limits by doing drifts in the maximum safety because at the end she crashed in the snow,

the car has no damages but if you try to do the same on the road well, instead of a wall of snow you find a wall of cement!

Backup has arrived!

Here's the second exercise, slalom!

What is it about? We'll drive the E53 Coupè

and around this track we'll be doing slalom through the cones, we'll be dancing through the cones while keeping the control of the car and also here

we'll discover the understeer and oversteer of this new AMG product.

You look at the cone and automatically you want to turn that way,

slide, you look that other way, ok? You realize when you need power because it slows down inertia, so in that moment throttle and it slides

it's pointless to turn with the steering, you turn and understeer, to turn in the snow you need to hit the throttle and make it slide.

It must be a easy job for you! Start left

Considering how you did the previous exercise!

Don't make it understeer

yeah pass here, this was a U-turn cone

So wide, this is ice be careful in some parts there's no snow - There's no snow, we're driving on ice!

It ain't easy!

You don't use much throttle so you understeer, you get very close to the cones - The problem is with ice - Yeah so get wider and hit the throttle!

This is the exercise, you get too close to the cones like a slalom competition!

It wasn't easy, trust me! Especially because of the track conditions, I was the last to do this and the other participants took the snow off, I was driving on ice!

It wasn't easy and this E53 with the electronics off, even if 4MATIC it was very RWD-like

Here's the next exercise, we'll be doing 3 laps with CLA45 AMG, of course with electronics off!

Let it go, countersteer, look at the cone

Throttle, lift off, countersteer

Scandinavian flick!

Brake a bit, lift off, throttle

It's a rally!

You can drive less sideways to get faster but it's not fun anymore!

You have to be faster to countersteer

Just calculate you can't get too fast, even if you do the right thing the car can't hold it

calculate the speed - Just don't overdo - The car need to get some grip

Be more progressive with the throttle, if the car's already sliding there's no need to unleash more power to make it slide more

In, slight brake, countersteer!


By my smile you could tell this exercise was good fun, it was cool to drive around this snowy track to keep the control of the car!

As always I need a moment to see how does the AWD work because among the 3 cars I drove, even if they all have the 4MATIC system they had all different behaviours

also because they have different power and engines.

Here's the last exercise of the day, here we'll show our spirit of competition!

If you remember I'm in the track of the first 2 exercises, the 8 with the GT63 and slalom in the E53

What is this about? It's a real race because we have to start right there, do the slalom, the 8 and we will have a lap time!

We have also some tough competitors, Galeazzi, Naska - he has good skills so he'll be tough - and Pirillo.


Are we competing each other? - Free for all!

Win or die!

The car has no traction, so much ice!

I lost a bit!

I don't have to hit the cones otherwise it's penalty!

Too much sideways!

The time has come to head back to the base, this time with E53 AMG but the best thing is - assistant, please

I'm not coming home with empty hands, in the race I scored 2nd place!

My friend Naska ahead but with a distance of less than half second!

As I've been confirmed, in the first part I was fast, about 2s quicker than Alberto but in the second part with the 8 completely frozen I freaked out

so.. 2nd! After all, races are won by those who make less mistakes.

Anyway, amazing day! I can define it my first, proper experience in the snow

and being supported by professional drivers, it's the best way to learn the dynamic behaviour of the cars in certain situations.

The cars we drove today - CLA45, E53 and GT63S

fabulous cars! The one I liked most was undoubtedtly the GT63S, such an exaggerated car I hope to make a proper review of it in the future

now I'm in the E53 so I think I'll review it as well.

I thank Mercedes for inviting me and letting me play sideways for the whole day,

make sure to Like the video if you enjoy it, subscribe to my YouTube if you haven't yet and as always thanks for watching, ciao!

For more infomation >> Sliding +1400cv of Mercedes AMG Cars in the Snow! 😍 [Sub ENG] - Duration: 16:51.


Radio Faro ep. 55 - UN DOS LOS MASSADORES - Duration: 39:03.

For more infomation >> Radio Faro ep. 55 - UN DOS LOS MASSADORES - Duration: 39:03.


Pepa Pig English Episode - Nature Trail - Duration: 2:00.

oh no daddy pig are we lost I think I forgot my map Oh actually I

found it it is in my pack pack where are we going to all oh no

where was that training see that there you're so silly daddy it looks like we

are lost in the woods hey love their footprints maybe there are our

footprints Oh maybe you are right Peppa Pig let's

follow them oh okay let's see where we're gonna go come on mama pig let's go

see ok daddy pig let's follow are you sure though those

are our footsteps oh no it's raining and I think we forgot our umbrellas oh no

what are we gonna do I found it it was in my purse let's go Daddy pig let's go

let's all follow Papa pig let's follow the Ducks maybe they'll help us go to

our climb let's go let's hope we're gonna have our picnic there yay now we

get to have our picnic oh don't you just love picnics of course I love nature

trails don't you

everybody loves picnics don't you heart

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig English Episode - Nature Trail - Duration: 2:00.


Muñeco de Nieve - Y Más Capitulos de Plim Plim (40 MIN) | Dibujos Animados - Duration: 43:31.

For more infomation >> Muñeco de Nieve - Y Más Capitulos de Plim Plim (40 MIN) | Dibujos Animados - Duration: 43:31.


Новорічні випуски "ЕнеЇди". Закуска з кількою та оливками - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Новорічні випуски "ЕнеЇди". Закуска з кількою та оливками - Duration: 4:57.



good morning

Today I want to review what has been our year 2018

through 10 intros of our urban explorations in abandoned places

so leave us your comment on which has been your favorite

I also wanted to tell you that there will be news in 2019

let's try to upload 2 weekly videos

one on Thursday with abandoned places as always

and on Saturday or Sunday we will have vlogs, either from abandoned or non-abandoned places

So, subscribe and activate the bell to receive notifications

and do not miss any video

without more, we start with the top 10 of urban explorations in abandoned places

10. abandoned writer's house with everything inside

9. Abandoned family house intact

8. Mysterious abandoned house of the cribs

7. abandoned houses where we find disturbing things

6. Abandoned house with everything inside and classic cars

5. time stopped in this abandoned house

4. Sinister abandoned hotel

3. Someone speaks to us in this abandoned house and is not human

2. Abandoned house of the English

1. Mysterious abandoned house in the forest

So far the top 10, however now we will review the intros of other urban explorations that were important this year

link of the videos in the description box

Is there anyone dead in this abandoned house?

- That's the backbone! -There is someone

We almost died of fear in this abandoned house

abandoned brothel

abandoned hotel paranormal

Did macabre deaths occur in this abandoned house?

abandoned luxury hotel

I should not go down alone to the cellar of the abandoned German house

- anyone there?

we return to the house of the cribs

Up to here the review of some of our urban explorations of 2018

tell us if you had highlighted any other of our explorations that do not appear in the video

and leave us in the comments that you think this initiative to upload 2 weekly videos

including videos of abandoned and non-abandoned places

I advise you to subscribe, activate the bell so you receive all the notifications of the new video

Like us if you liked the video and share in your social networks

with this you help us a lot to be able to continue with the channel

Thank you very much for being here

thank you for joining us throughout this 2018

and I hope that throughout 2019 they will join us in all our new adventures

without more, I wish you happy 2019 and I hope you in the next video

a greeting



Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 26:46.

Yes friends hello.

Today in GSM Communication

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

we will do the screen change.

As you can see Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Broken screen will do the exchange.

Yes, as you can see, a navy color.

Friends reminding this by the way

There are benefits. On

Although it has protective glass

impact resistant glass, but still

screen is broken. According to our customer

On Screen Protector

because I have the screen saver glass I'm well fitted.

She said it happened to me because I was comfortable.

Therefore, it is useful to remind.

Don't rely on your screen glasses, friends.

Definitely take your measure.

Gene get protective glass, but

you know, how can i not break my screen

Don't behave.

Currently we will do the screen test on the touch test.

Yes, as you can see, the touch works but in the middle of the screen


screen is broken. Now

We are here for you Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Friends will try to show you how to make the screen change.

First of all, we turn off the device.

We're removing the sim card slot.

We're taking out your pen.

We're warming the back cover, friends.

In the meantime, you can

watching our videos

screen change or a different repair

do not recommend. This is our video

our technician

shared for information purposes. You know.

Non-experts can do this

We do not recommend.

Yeah, we're removing the back cover after warming up.

When removing the rear cover

Do not use as much metal material as you can.

Use as much plastic material as you can.

What we call pena

You can use parts like this.

Friends meanwhile the screen cover

behind the phone cover

finger reader have finger reader have flexi

Especially when removing the cover

Be careful. Yes, we've removed the finger reader socket.

Pay close attention to him as you have the finger reader flexi behind the device.

Otherwise, you may break off.

Friends during screen change

we need to pay attention to

Correct number of screws

how many screws are there

if we know the number of

we do not damage the device when removed.

Same size of screws holding back cover

al. Because the sizes are the same

it is safe to install different screws in different places.

but still remove the screw that you removed.

Obtain habit to wear friends.

Yes a total of 18

Screw available as friends can see.

To remove from the total rear cover

Screw number should be 18 friends.

Yes friends this cover eeeeee

as you can see what we call wireless charging

Event. And what we call an NFC

It is attached to the cover.

As you can see behind

There are chips.

There's chips in there behind that cover.

Wireless charger also what we call NFC

what we call event NFC.

Friends are also

connected things

wifi, bluetooth

and at the same time what we call NFC

GPS is also GPS

Wifi, Bluetooth

and the event that we call NFC all connected to this track friends.

90% of this failure is due to this part.

Let's do what we repair on friends device

priority to disconnect the current from the device.

So remove the battery socket and

cut off the electricity and current of the device friends.

To prevent short circuit.

Yes, the ringer, the network antenna

same time

As you can see friends who have a ringtone network antenna.

Yes we are removing the display sockets at this time.

Display and touch sockets.

We're currently disconnecting the charging socket, friends.

Yes, as you can see.

Now these sockets will tell you what works and what are friends.

Let's start from the top.

These are battery socket friends.

This is the sensor socket. When we search

The sensor socket that makes the screen dark when we bring the device to our ear.

This screen and touch socket.

Friends pencil socket in this last piece.

So the touch of the pen

where was the pen

as you can see, it's the touch of friends.

That's his socket.

The socket at the end of the charging input is friends.

That's the front camera. Front cameras.

Yeah. We are removing the screws holding the motherboard right now.

The size of these screws are different than others.

If we put the wrong screw here

we'll give very serious damage to the motherboard.

Let him pay attention to the features.

Yes friends. The size of the screws removed from the motherboard is different.

A total of 6 screws were removed.

The main thing on a device with friends is the motherboard.

The motherboard is the device itself friends.

For him necessarily with tenderness

and carefully remove. Other parts available

But the motherboard is the device itself friends.

Yes, the charger socket in this part.

It also has a microphone on it.

As you see. Microphone and charging socket.

Friends. This piece is also called external headphone socket

external earphone

headphone socket.

Vibration motor


We're ripping him right now.

Yeah, vibration motor. You see.

It's the track that keeps the device shaking.

Yes right now we call the sensor

device to our ear


We will remove it.

Adhesive because the bottom

A little warming.

Yes, as you can see. The voices above

also have flash.

Is this the flash? Yeah, there's a little flash.

At the same time the sensor

Yeah, like friends. Light

This is what we call flash and also face recognition

Face to recognize the light at the same time the sensor

light and sensor on this part.

Yes as you can see now

The little piece we see right now

at the same time when we put

When the message comes on, a different color is on.

And that's part of you guys.

This is the fluid we've got friends in.

does not cause any damage to the battery.

Harden the adhesive on the bottom

it makes the battery easy to exit.

Battery without any damage

it appeared immaculately.

We removed the screen.

Now let's put the pieces together.

All parts with the broken shape of the screen.



front cameras, screws


sensor, charging socket


Charging socket and microphone

external headphone socket

vibration engine

you ask

sim card slot

sim card slot

parts of the phone. Same time


let's put this aside

What we call NFC

let's put the battery on the phone

Thanks. As you can see in the phone

These are all parts of friends.

Now we're gonna put all these pieces on the new screen, fellas.

Yes, friends meanwhile

We forgot to turn on our light.

Yes, as you can see the service screen

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

100% original service screen

Navy blue

Zero service screen. Let's show you the broken screen, by the way.

Let's show the broken screen.

As you see.


Now I'm stripped of all the parts

friends will put on the new screen.

Yes, as you have seen

Zero service original screen.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

In the meantime, it's worth remembering. Service

See as you see. Vibration motor on the screen

at the same time

on the screen. The service was originally installed.

These are the precision parts

with the thought of

They put it on the screen in a ready way, friends.

Headset and vibration motor.

Original parts are 100% original.

She's on it for him.

Yes, the parts we've taken off

We are wearing new screen to friends.

We got the sensor.

We plugged the external headphone socket.

We're wearing the charger socket and the microphone.

To the device

especially with precision.

Yes right now, the motherboard

after making sure it is seated

we are replacing the sockets. We're wearing the sensor socket.

Sensor socket

then we are wearing the display and touch socket.

then we attach the pen touch socket.

And finally, we're plugging in the charging socket.

We're gonna put the front camera right now.

First put the screws on the motherboard.


Let's just sit down

We'il install our cameras.

There are 6 screws connected to the motherboard

Remember friends.

Screw sizes removed from the motherboard

slightly smaller than the screws from the other screws.

Let's get the right screw for him.

The other screw goes up to the screen.

See the motherboard screw and back cover holding screw

The dimensions are so different in size.

If we install the other long screw on the motherboard

other long screws on the motherboard

friends can give very serious damage to the device.

Yes I have found the screw at the same time the screw fell.

Friends like motherboard screws

lets be careful.

It's a very important issue because here we should pay attention especially here.

Because if we attach the long screw

goes up to the screen

And we'il break the screen again, friends.

Yes, we're wearing the front camera right now.

And finally, we're wearing the battery.

We're wearing the buzzer.

We also call the network antenna.

NFC and wireless charger

replace Same time


As I said, friends back cover total

It holds 18 screws.

Yeah. We're wearing the last screw.

Yeah, we're gonna put the back cover right now.

Before attaching the back cover

the finger reader socket on the back

on the motherboard.

Pay particular attention to this section.

It's a very sensitive part because it can break at any moment.

Put your friends on for slow and calm.

Yes as friends have seen

In GSM Communication

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen was replaced.

As you can see broken screen

and rugged display.

Now let's test the screen we just installed.

Yes as you can see friends screen

successfully passed the test.

You can see the test password slowly.

Star square zero star square (* # 0 * #)

You're clicking on red.

Are you looking at the color resolution to see if there are any pixel errors.

You're looking blue.

Then screen test

Touch is already there

You can test your friends.

Friends using Samsung

in this way, it can also test the touch of the screens.

Yes as you have seen friends in GSM Communication

"Samsung Galaxy Note 9 screen replacement"

successful. Put it in the box.

For watching us

Thank you friends.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Ekran Değişimi - Duration: 26:46.


✅ Marco Alimenti Amici da piccolo: la foto del ballerino che sorprende i fan - Duration: 2:12.

Marco Alimenti foto da piccolo: la sorpresa del ballerino di Amici 18 ai fan  Marco Alimenti di Amici 2019 è sicuramente tra i concorrenti più amati di quest'edizione

Non solo perché è bello, ma anche perché balla… e pure bene! Sul suo conto non mancano mai notizie particolari, molte delle quali riguardanti la sua vita privata

Abbiamo infatti scoperto delle succulenti novità che non vi lasceranno di certo indifferente

Lo stiamo conoscendo meglio e il ballerino non è super-riservato, anzi: racconta spesso ai suoi follower di Instagram i momenti più belli e quelli più difficili della sua vita

Adesso ha sorpreso tutti pubblicando una sua foto quando era molto piccolo. E diversissimo da adesso

  Marco Amici 2019 da piccolo, il messaggio  "Ecco un piccolo Marcolino durante uno dei suoi primi book fotografici! Che pupo che ero! Meglio prima o adesso?"

Domanda retorica. Le fan innamorate pazze di lui gli hanno detto che è molto meglio adesso, che è più maturo e che ha degli occhi più espressivi

Marco ha fatto strage di cuori, ma qualcuna si è infastidita – e non poco – quando ha sentito parlare per la prima volta dell'ipotetica fidanzata di Marco di Amici 18

Si conosce il suo volto? O almeno il suo nome? Marco le rivolgerebbe spesso dei pensieri d'amore

Si sta parlando molto anche delle novità riguardanti la vita privata del trapper Jefeo… Gossip Amici 18, le ultime curiosità sugli allievi della scuola  Conosciamo sempre più curiosità sui concorrenti di Amici 2019

Quest'anno più che mai l'attenzione è rivolta alla loro vita privata e le Instagram stories facilitano nello scoprire quello che non emerge durante le varie puntate televisive

Ad esempio, si è capito che tra Tish e Alberto Urso c'è del tenero, ma non molti sanno quello che è successo ultimamente fra i due! Salterà fuori anche qualcosa su Marco Alimenti? Magari, dopo la foto di lui da piccolo, pubblicherà quella con la fidanzata?

For more infomation >> ✅ Marco Alimenti Amici da piccolo: la foto del ballerino che sorprende i fan - Duration: 2:12.


Paolo Savona, il suo volto spaventosa nella foto della cena offerta da Giuseppe Conte - Duration: 1:50.

 Il settimanale Chi ha pubblicato nel numero in edicola da giovedì 3 gennaio, le foto della cena di fine anno che il presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte ha offerto ai 18 ministri del suo Governo in un ristorante del centro di Roma

Una cena senza precedenti: mai un premier aveva festeggiato la fine dell'anno in un ristorante con i componenti del suo governo

Ma tant'è: la cena si è tenuta al ristorante "Le Tamerici" vicino alla Fontana di Trevi

Il premier ha consegnato a ciascuno dei suoi ospiti un piccolo regalo personalizzato

Ma dalla foto emerge un particolare piuttosto interessante. Quale? Presto detto: guardate la faccia di Paolo Savona, da cui traspare tutto tranne che spensieratezza e felicità

Già, da tempo si dice che Savona sia in rotta con il suo stesso governo. Questo scatto pubblicato dall'onnipresente Alfonso Signorini non fa che confermarlo

For more infomation >> Paolo Savona, il suo volto spaventosa nella foto della cena offerta da Giuseppe Conte - Duration: 1:50.


Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.

Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys



I never run from a challenge

Don't worry

Hello there No

Learn some tactics

Allow me to share my





Hello there

Don't feel bad when I beat you

Do your worst

Learn some tactics

Stay down



Maybe not

That's on me

I never run from a challenge



For more infomation >> Magneto and Giant Monster Appeared! Hulk Rescue Iron Man Deadpool - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:04.


おやすみ 西野カナ フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> おやすみ 西野カナ フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:08.


Investir Pouco DINHEIRO: qual o retorno? (tira-dúvidas) - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Investir Pouco DINHEIRO: qual o retorno? (tira-dúvidas) - Duration: 2:52.


Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.

"La muerte de Marat", una de las obras robadas Seis obras del pintor noruego Edvard Munch que forman parte de la colección Stenersen y bajo responsabilidad del museo Munch de Oslo han desaparecido sin que se sepa qué ha pasado, informó este viernes el diario Dagbladet

Se trata de las obras gráficas "La muerte de Marat", "Mujer joven llorando en la cama", "Retrato de la señora R", "Tiergaten-Berlín", "Åge Christian Gierløff" y "Omega llora", cuyo paradero el museo admite desconocer

Tiergaten-Berlín Åge Christian Gierløff La pinacoteca había admitido hace un año a ese mismo periódico que faltaban 26 obras de la colección, pero una investigación de Dagbladet eleva ahora la cifra a 47, de las que 34 pertenecen al autor de "El grito" -incluidas las seis dadas ahora por desaparecidas-, el pintor noruego más prestigioso y una figura clave del expresionismo

El empresario y mecenas noruego Rolf E. Stenersen (1899-1978) donó en 1936 su colección de más de 900 obras al municipio de Aker, más tarde fusionado con el de Oslo

Tras varios traslados, la colección pasó en 1994 a la pinacoteca que lleva el nombre del coleccionista, integrada desde 2010 en el museo Munch

El director de ese museo, Stein Olav Henrichsen, aseguró a Dagbladet que no disponen de recursos para hacer una nueva revisión de toda la colección, aunque recordó que se está construyendo una nueva pinacoteca para preservar mejor la obra del pintor noruego

"El grito" es la obra más famosa de Munch. No formó parte de la colección robada El nuevo museo Munch, diseñado por el estudio español Herreros Arquitectos, debía estar terminado hace cinco años, pero una disputa política a nivel local ha retrasado su construcción y no se espera que esté inaugurado hasta 2020

"La forma en que las autoridades de Oslo han gestionado este regalo artístico es para llorar

Es muy triste", declaró al diario Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen, biznieta de un hermano del pintor y que ejerce a menudo como portavoz de la familia

El legado de Munch ha sido objeto de varios robos en los últimos años, el más sonado en 2004, cuando dos enmascarados se llevaron a plena luz del día del museo que lleva su nombre dos de sus obras más conocidas, "El grito" y "La Madonna"

Las obras fueron rescatadas dos años después, aunque sufrieron daños irreparables

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Edvard Munch: libertad, melancolía y los infinitos paisajes del alma Un cuadro de Edvard Munch se vendió en Nueva York por 54,5 millones de dólares

For more infomation >> Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.


Tor Laigare Sokhi | Masud Opu | তোর লাইগারে সখী | New Video Song | Love Song | Bangla Song |Official - Duration: 5:01.


For more infomation >> Tor Laigare Sokhi | Masud Opu | তোর লাইগারে সখী | New Video Song | Love Song | Bangla Song |Official - Duration: 5:01.


つづく 乃木坂46 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> つづく 乃木坂46 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 4:37.


Beautiful Flower Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year With 13 to 7 Dots - Duration: 5:02.

Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year With 13 to 7 Dots

Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya

For more infomation >> Beautiful Flower Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year With 13 to 7 Dots - Duration: 5:02.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI 90PK R-LINE EDITION - Duration: 1:08.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD R-Design | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD R-Design | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.


Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi 90pk Limited Camera, R-link Navi, parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate 1.5 dCi 90pk Limited Camera, R-link Navi, parkeersensoren - Duration: 1:06.


Volvo V70 2.4 D5 AWD 136kW/185pk 6-bak R-Design CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI RTI + HIGH PERFORMANCE AUDIO + - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4 D5 AWD 136kW/185pk 6-bak R-Design CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI RTI + HIGH PERFORMANCE AUDIO + - Duration: 1:11.



For more infomation >> Volvo S60 T3 AUT(6) R-DESIGN LEDER/19INCH/ELEK.STOEL/NAVI/STOELVERWARMING - Duration: 1:10.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI Highline Business R - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI Highline Business R - Duration: 1:11.


Во что превратилось наше телевидение? - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Во что превратилось наше телевидение? - Duration: 3:08.


Pt.5 Infallible N Funny Bible Book is Nephilam Lucifers terraforming Thefts. - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Pt.5 Infallible N Funny Bible Book is Nephilam Lucifers terraforming Thefts. - Duration: 10:53.


Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.

Hey friends, Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride and I'm back again with another video! This time

I'm setting up my husband's bullet journal for January 2019.

Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video for my monthly giveaway!

So this month in my husband's bullet journal

I am doing an Apollo theme. If you're not familiar with the Apollo program,

it was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to earth and ran from 1963 to

1972. Six of the Apollo missions achieved their goal: Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 16 and 17.

And Apollo 11 is probably the one you have heard the most about because that is the one that landed the first

human on the moon in 1969.

As you probably know from watching my videos, my husband and I are both big nerds.

We both love space and we love sci-fi but something I haven't really gotten into in

M=my life is the Apollo missions,

I've never spent a lot of time watching videos about them or learning about them

for whatever reason, but my husband finds them fascinating and loves the moon. If he had a choice

he would definitely be living on the moon right now. So this month is completely dedicated to Jason's love of

space and the moon and the Apollo missions. For the cover page I decided to write January in the

classic NASA font and then 2019 is based on an image that NASA put out for Apollo 11

Where the Os in Apollo were depicted as the earth and the moon and then they had the flight path leaving Earth's orbit coming around

Swinging around the moon and landing and when we saw that we thought it was super cool

So I decided to repurpose that idea and make it fit in with

2019 so of course the zero is earth and then the circular part of the nine is the moon you'll see this theme is very

Minimalistic, everything is black and white essentially only done with a pen. So it's very easy to do

You don't need a lot of materials, but you can still really get that space feel. After the cover page

I'm moving on to the monthly spread setting it up as I always do with six by six boxes for each day.

Down the side

I'm writing January 2019 again in that NASA font and then the days of the week along the top. I then decided to

recreate an Apollo logo from the 60s.

This is I believe the official logo of the Apollo missions from that time.

So the font I did is not exact,

but I tried to replicate the look of this logo as much as I could in a very tiny

version and of course again only in black and white.

So the basic logo is a large A and then it shows the moon and the earth and again that flight path

coming around

This one took me a while to do because it had such fine detail

So I was using my Sakura microns and then I went back in after with my Sakura white Jellyroll

Gel pen to bring back some lightness to areas that I filled in a little too much with the pen

This is a great tip in general

if you are doing a black and white sort of

drawing and you find that you've coloured in places that you shouldn't, made mistakes,

you can always go in with a gel pen or some other kind of white pen or marker to kind of fix those mistakes.

So now I am moving on it to the weekly spreads which are very similar to what I have done in Jason's bullet journal in

the past. As I've explained a couple times before

Jason is a freelancer. So he needs space to track his hours and clients so that he can create invoices for the work

he does, so that is the main basis of his weeklies.

There is space for each day of the week to write down his hours, places

he has to be and then their space for tracking his hours worked and income. and

then the other side of the spread is just a blank page for notes and then he has another full empty spread after that

for notes as well in the week. So he ends up getting three total pages for notes for each week.

There is one little change on his weeklies this time around, we've added an extra column.

So you can see along the left side

There is one thin column along each day's tracker and that is for him to track whether or not he has invoiced for those hours

So I'll explain this again quickly for anyone who has not seen my previous plan with mes in my husband's bullet journal

(which will be linked if you want to go watch them). So essentially each day you have four rows total

The first three rows are space for three separate clients in a day

And then the fourth row is for totals. Looking at the columns,

The left column is for checking off whether or not these have been invoiced,

the second column is to indicate which client to the work is for, the

third column is for how many hours worked for that client,

and then the fourth column is for the total amount earned in those hours and then the totals are for total hours worked and

total income for that day.

And then at the bottom of the week

we have an extra totals line for total hours worked in the week and total income made in the week.

So that extra column is

just to track whether or not these hours have been invoiced which is something Jason

decided he needed after using his bullet journal for a couple months.

And that's one of the best things about bullet journals in my opinion is that you can completely change your system from top to bottom

If it doesn't work for you

But you can also make little tweaks here and there to really make it work for your life

And there's no one saying you can't and it's as easy as drawing your spread differently next time

All of the weeklies are the same so I won't show the setup of weeks two through five

But I will show you the little drawings I'm doing in the corner. The first drawing for week

one is an astronaut looking up to the stars.

The second drawing I'm doing is a recreation of a classic NASA logo from the 60s

I wasn't super happy with how this turned out when I first filled it in with pen

So I ended up going back in with my posca white paint pen to

Brighten up some of the areas thicken up the letters and just kind of fix the spacing because I honestly didn't do a great job

Of filling this in which is a great chance for me to remind everyone that mistakes happen

There's no with making a mistake and there are lots of creative ways you can use to fix mistakes and no one will ever know

Next I'm drawing a plan of Gemini, this is taken from a NASA

reference book from the 60s

I tried to recreate this drawing as closely as I could because it was a really really cool

Graphic drawing with Gemini and reference book kind of written into the plan

It was a really cool looking so I did my best to recreate that

Gemini technically is not part of Apollo. It was the mission right before Apollo and

Geminis objective was the development of space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land humans on the moon

So while it's not technically part of the Apollo missions

It definitely was foundational to the existence of the Apollo missions and the success of the Apollo missions

So I decided to include this especially just because when Jason saw this diagram he thought it was super cool

He really likes these kinds of patent and interior plan drawings of ships

He actually has a interior plan

Rocket ship tattoo on his side and this is very him and very me as well

I love drawing interior plans and diagrams of things

So this just had to be included even though it technically is not

actually from the Apollo missions next up on week 4

I am drawing or trying to recreate the Grumman logo from the 60s the Grumman aircraft engineering

Corporation was a producer of military and civilian aircraft

So they actually designed and built the Apollo Lunar Module which was a spacecraft that was flown to and landed on the moon

This was definitely a bit of a complicated logo to recreate but it is super cool

So I was happy to try and then on tweak five our last drawing here. This is another original Apollo logo

That was on a lot of their reference materials

From the 60s a lot of the internal NASA reference materials had this Apollo logo in the corner

So I did my best to recreate this as accurately as I could a lot of these logos

Originally had some kind of color going on and I just decided to keep everything black and white and very simple for this setup

But this logo originally had red and yellow in it. It was very cool-looking

I highly recommend you go google some of this stuff if you're interested in it

it's very cool to look at and

The very last spread that we have in this month is actually a new spread and it is a honey-do list

So Jason actually asked me to add this to his bullet journal for last month and we both completely forgot

So I'm adding it now for January and this is essentially a master to-do list

We're calling it the honey-do list, but it's not just things that I'm asking him to do

It's also just whatever comes to mind that he needs to get done

It's kind of one place to collect all of those tasks

And as you all know

I love a good to-do list and I love a good master to-do list just to combine

Everything that's on my mind so I can make sure I'm not forgetting anything

especially if it's something that doesn't need to be done in the next week or a couple weeks and

I want to make sure I don't forget about it

So now that we've gone through all the spreads it is time to talk about the giveaway and this month

I'm really excited to be giving away both a notebook and a pen to act as a little bit of a starter kit for any

Of you who want to start bullet journaling in 2019?

But maybe don't have a notebook to use or don't have the resources to get yourself one

So I've never actually used this type of notebook, but I've been really intrigued by it

They sell it at Crees the artist store downtown Toronto, which is where I buy a lot of my supplies

And I've been really intrigued by it multiple times, but just haven't needed a new notebook recently

So I never bought one to check them out, but I decided this would be a great time to do it

I could give it to one of you

It looks like it's incredible and I'm really excited to hear from whichever. One of you wins it to hear your thoughts

And of course if the rest of you who don't win are interested in learning a bit more about the specific notebook

Let me know I can always pick up another one and do a review video

This one is the pen talaq traveler pocket journal

It has a dot grid five millimeters spacing between the dots which is pretty standard in bullet journals

it has completely it recycled paper, which is

120 GSM which is pretty thick. So hopefully whoever wins this won't have any issues with bleeding or ghosting

It has 160 pages. The pages are acid-free slightly

Toothy recycled bright white sketch paper and the cover is italian-made flexible

Water-resistant cover there's also an elastic closure and a ribbon marker as for the pen

I'm giving away the lip and drawing technical drawing pin in 0.3

This is one that I've been using in my notebook reviews recently for pen tests

And I found that it's done really well at being one of the least

smudged bull pens that I own

and I've actually started using it recently in my bullet journal on a day-to-day basis and really love how it

performs and love the nib size

I just think it's a very


basic pen to have in your kit and a really good one to start bullet journaling with it's fine enough that you can get some

Really detailed work out of it, but it's not so fine that it'll take you forever

If you're trying to do something a little more bold, so I'm really excited about this prize pack this month

And I hope you all are too I'm gonna give you a super quick rundown of the rules

But as always they will be written in the description box

If you need to double check, make sure you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and hit the bells

You're notified when I post new videos like this video go follow me on

Instagram and lastly leave a comment on this video it can be whatever you like

But just make sure you include your Instagram handle so that I can find you if you win if you don't have Instagram

But you still want to enter you can follow me on any of my other social media

You can like my Facebook page or follow me on Pinterest whatever you like, whatever kind of social media you have

I know not. Everyone has Instagram and you still want the chance to win so I completely hear you. No problem at all

Just pick another social media and let me know the handle

from that social media that you followed me on and which social media you picked so that I can still keep track of you if

you do in

Thank you again so much to my patrons

I appreciate you so much

If you're interested in becoming a patron and grabbing a bunch of awesome rewards

Make sure to check out the link in the description or the cards to come join at the plant-based bride patron squad

Don't forget to go check out my plan with me in my bullet journal if you haven't seen it already

I did a letter board themed for January and I'm so in love with how it turned out it took forever

But it was very fun

So definitely go check out that video if you haven't seen it yet and as always leave all of your recommendations

In the comments for themes you want to see in 2019. I'm currently trying to kind of plan out all the themes

I'm gonna do in my journal and and Jason's bullet journal for 2019. So be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments

So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video in


bye friends

For more infomation >> Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.


Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.

"La muerte de Marat", una de las obras robadas Seis obras del pintor noruego Edvard Munch que forman parte de la colección Stenersen y bajo responsabilidad del museo Munch de Oslo han desaparecido sin que se sepa qué ha pasado, informó este viernes el diario Dagbladet

Se trata de las obras gráficas "La muerte de Marat", "Mujer joven llorando en la cama", "Retrato de la señora R", "Tiergaten-Berlín", "Åge Christian Gierløff" y "Omega llora", cuyo paradero el museo admite desconocer

Tiergaten-Berlín Åge Christian Gierløff La pinacoteca había admitido hace un año a ese mismo periódico que faltaban 26 obras de la colección, pero una investigación de Dagbladet eleva ahora la cifra a 47, de las que 34 pertenecen al autor de "El grito" -incluidas las seis dadas ahora por desaparecidas-, el pintor noruego más prestigioso y una figura clave del expresionismo

El empresario y mecenas noruego Rolf E. Stenersen (1899-1978) donó en 1936 su colección de más de 900 obras al municipio de Aker, más tarde fusionado con el de Oslo

Tras varios traslados, la colección pasó en 1994 a la pinacoteca que lleva el nombre del coleccionista, integrada desde 2010 en el museo Munch

El director de ese museo, Stein Olav Henrichsen, aseguró a Dagbladet que no disponen de recursos para hacer una nueva revisión de toda la colección, aunque recordó que se está construyendo una nueva pinacoteca para preservar mejor la obra del pintor noruego

"El grito" es la obra más famosa de Munch. No formó parte de la colección robada El nuevo museo Munch, diseñado por el estudio español Herreros Arquitectos, debía estar terminado hace cinco años, pero una disputa política a nivel local ha retrasado su construcción y no se espera que esté inaugurado hasta 2020

"La forma en que las autoridades de Oslo han gestionado este regalo artístico es para llorar

Es muy triste", declaró al diario Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen, biznieta de un hermano del pintor y que ejerce a menudo como portavoz de la familia

El legado de Munch ha sido objeto de varios robos en los últimos años, el más sonado en 2004, cuando dos enmascarados se llevaron a plena luz del día del museo que lleva su nombre dos de sus obras más conocidas, "El grito" y "La Madonna"

Las obras fueron rescatadas dos años después, aunque sufrieron daños irreparables

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Edvard Munch: libertad, melancolía y los infinitos paisajes del alma Un cuadro de Edvard Munch se vendió en Nueva York por 54,5 millones de dólares

For more infomation >> Revelaron la desaparición de seis obras del pintor Edvard Munch de un museo noruego - Duration: 3:10.


So sánh Tốc độ làm của dân | Chi tiết đầy đủ - 4K VIDEO siêu nét - Duration: 10:51.

For more infomation >> So sánh Tốc độ làm của dân | Chi tiết đầy đủ - 4K VIDEO siêu nét - Duration: 10:51.


【FF14】4ヶ国語を聞き比べてみた(パッチ3.x|Vol.7) - Duration: 29:15.

For more infomation >> 【FF14】4ヶ国語を聞き比べてみた(パッチ3.x|Vol.7) - Duration: 29:15.


Opel Astra 1.6 Turbo 200pk, Automaat Innovation ** Full Options, 200PK ** - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.6 Turbo 200pk, Automaat Innovation ** Full Options, 200PK ** - Duration: 0:55.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


How to Return Unwanted Holiday Gifts - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> How to Return Unwanted Holiday Gifts - Duration: 1:56.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD R-Design | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T FWD R-Design | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:13.


Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium Two-Tone/Navi/Leder RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Kona 1.0T Premium Two-Tone/Navi/Leder RIJKLAAR - Duration: 1:13.


6 reasons to ditch your old PC and buy a modern laptop - Duration: 2:31.

we all know that modern pcs are faster and more powerful than clunkers like

this but there's more to it than that here are six things that our modern PC

you can do had an out-of-date PC can try carrying around an older laptop for a

few days and you'll appreciate just how insanely thin and light the latest

models can be granted the Acer isn't as powerful as other more expensive modern

laptops but if you want something that easily slides in your backpack

you should really upgrade your machine most modern pcs shipped with a feature

called fast start up which puts your PC into a deep sleep rather than totally

shutting it down with an older PC it may as well make a cup of coffee and the

time it takes for it to boot most modern pcs even combined fast start up with an

SSD which is a lightning-quick replacement for a mechanical hard drive

together these two features will have you up and running in seconds with an

older PC you'll have to remember a long complex password that you may need to

change on a regular basis but many modern pcs are equipped with a feature

called Windows hello where you are your password windows hello uses either a

smartphone like fingerprint reader or a def camera to automatically recognize

you in just a second or two these are security placements or passwords and

make logging in a snap today you'll find enormous flexibility in the ways that

you can interact with your PC voice commands dictation touch inking and even

eye tracking are all built right into Windows 10 acting as assistive

technologies as well as tools for creative expression some features like

eye tracking and inking require optional Hardware you don't have to use them but

they're there for you if you want finally there's battery life you

probably already know your smartphone's battery life gets shorter and shorter as

the months and years wear on well if you own an ancient laptop chances are that

its battery life could be measured in minutes it's no exaggeration to say that

a modern PC can last almost an entire day without a recharge letting you work

relax for pretty much as long as you want all told modern pcs simply offer

many more options than your older devices we haven't talked about the rise

of two-in-ones or how modern laptops can serve as either workstations or gaming

machines the bottom line though is a simple one if you aren't considering an

upgrade to a modern PC you're missing out

For more infomation >> 6 reasons to ditch your old PC and buy a modern laptop - Duration: 2:31.


Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI Style Profiteer ook van € 750,- inruilpremie!!! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc 1.0 TSI Style Profiteer ook van € 750,- inruilpremie!!! - Duration: 1:10.


Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.

Hey friends, Elizabeth here from Plant Based Bride and I'm back again with another video! This time

I'm setting up my husband's bullet journal for January 2019.

Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video for my monthly giveaway!

So this month in my husband's bullet journal

I am doing an Apollo theme. If you're not familiar with the Apollo program,

it was designed to land humans on the moon and bring them safely back to earth and ran from 1963 to

1972. Six of the Apollo missions achieved their goal: Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 16 and 17.

And Apollo 11 is probably the one you have heard the most about because that is the one that landed the first

human on the moon in 1969.

As you probably know from watching my videos, my husband and I are both big nerds.

We both love space and we love sci-fi but something I haven't really gotten into in

M=my life is the Apollo missions,

I've never spent a lot of time watching videos about them or learning about them

for whatever reason, but my husband finds them fascinating and loves the moon. If he had a choice

he would definitely be living on the moon right now. So this month is completely dedicated to Jason's love of

space and the moon and the Apollo missions. For the cover page I decided to write January in the

classic NASA font and then 2019 is based on an image that NASA put out for Apollo 11

Where the Os in Apollo were depicted as the earth and the moon and then they had the flight path leaving Earth's orbit coming around

Swinging around the moon and landing and when we saw that we thought it was super cool

So I decided to repurpose that idea and make it fit in with

2019 so of course the zero is earth and then the circular part of the nine is the moon you'll see this theme is very

Minimalistic, everything is black and white essentially only done with a pen. So it's very easy to do

You don't need a lot of materials, but you can still really get that space feel. After the cover page

I'm moving on to the monthly spread setting it up as I always do with six by six boxes for each day.

Down the side

I'm writing January 2019 again in that NASA font and then the days of the week along the top. I then decided to

recreate an Apollo logo from the 60s.

This is I believe the official logo of the Apollo missions from that time.

So the font I did is not exact,

but I tried to replicate the look of this logo as much as I could in a very tiny

version and of course again only in black and white.

So the basic logo is a large A and then it shows the moon and the earth and again that flight path

coming around

This one took me a while to do because it had such fine detail

So I was using my Sakura microns and then I went back in after with my Sakura white Jellyroll

Gel pen to bring back some lightness to areas that I filled in a little too much with the pen

This is a great tip in general

if you are doing a black and white sort of

drawing and you find that you've coloured in places that you shouldn't, made mistakes,

you can always go in with a gel pen or some other kind of white pen or marker to kind of fix those mistakes.

So now I am moving on it to the weekly spreads which are very similar to what I have done in Jason's bullet journal in

the past. As I've explained a couple times before

Jason is a freelancer. So he needs space to track his hours and clients so that he can create invoices for the work

he does, so that is the main basis of his weeklies.

There is space for each day of the week to write down his hours, places

he has to be and then their space for tracking his hours worked and income. and

then the other side of the spread is just a blank page for notes and then he has another full empty spread after that

for notes as well in the week. So he ends up getting three total pages for notes for each week.

There is one little change on his weeklies this time around, we've added an extra column.

So you can see along the left side

There is one thin column along each day's tracker and that is for him to track whether or not he has invoiced for those hours

So I'll explain this again quickly for anyone who has not seen my previous plan with mes in my husband's bullet journal

(which will be linked if you want to go watch them). So essentially each day you have four rows total

The first three rows are space for three separate clients in a day

And then the fourth row is for totals. Looking at the columns,

The left column is for checking off whether or not these have been invoiced,

the second column is to indicate which client to the work is for, the

third column is for how many hours worked for that client,

and then the fourth column is for the total amount earned in those hours and then the totals are for total hours worked and

total income for that day.

And then at the bottom of the week

we have an extra totals line for total hours worked in the week and total income made in the week.

So that extra column is

just to track whether or not these hours have been invoiced which is something Jason

decided he needed after using his bullet journal for a couple months.

And that's one of the best things about bullet journals in my opinion is that you can completely change your system from top to bottom

If it doesn't work for you

But you can also make little tweaks here and there to really make it work for your life

And there's no one saying you can't and it's as easy as drawing your spread differently next time

All of the weeklies are the same so I won't show the setup of weeks two through five

But I will show you the little drawings I'm doing in the corner. The first drawing for week

one is an astronaut looking up to the stars.

The second drawing I'm doing is a recreation of a classic NASA logo from the 60s

I wasn't super happy with how this turned out when I first filled it in with pen

So I ended up going back in with my posca white paint pen to

Brighten up some of the areas thicken up the letters and just kind of fix the spacing because I honestly didn't do a great job

Of filling this in which is a great chance for me to remind everyone that mistakes happen

There's no with making a mistake and there are lots of creative ways you can use to fix mistakes and no one will ever know

Next I'm drawing a plan of Gemini, this is taken from a NASA

reference book from the 60s

I tried to recreate this drawing as closely as I could because it was a really really cool

Graphic drawing with Gemini and reference book kind of written into the plan

It was a really cool looking so I did my best to recreate that

Gemini technically is not part of Apollo. It was the mission right before Apollo and

Geminis objective was the development of space travel techniques to support the Apollo mission to land humans on the moon

So while it's not technically part of the Apollo missions

It definitely was foundational to the existence of the Apollo missions and the success of the Apollo missions

So I decided to include this especially just because when Jason saw this diagram he thought it was super cool

He really likes these kinds of patent and interior plan drawings of ships

He actually has a interior plan

Rocket ship tattoo on his side and this is very him and very me as well

I love drawing interior plans and diagrams of things

So this just had to be included even though it technically is not

actually from the Apollo missions next up on week 4

I am drawing or trying to recreate the Grumman logo from the 60s the Grumman aircraft engineering

Corporation was a producer of military and civilian aircraft

So they actually designed and built the Apollo Lunar Module which was a spacecraft that was flown to and landed on the moon

This was definitely a bit of a complicated logo to recreate but it is super cool

So I was happy to try and then on tweak five our last drawing here. This is another original Apollo logo

That was on a lot of their reference materials

From the 60s a lot of the internal NASA reference materials had this Apollo logo in the corner

So I did my best to recreate this as accurately as I could a lot of these logos

Originally had some kind of color going on and I just decided to keep everything black and white and very simple for this setup

But this logo originally had red and yellow in it. It was very cool-looking

I highly recommend you go google some of this stuff if you're interested in it

it's very cool to look at and

The very last spread that we have in this month is actually a new spread and it is a honey-do list

So Jason actually asked me to add this to his bullet journal for last month and we both completely forgot

So I'm adding it now for January and this is essentially a master to-do list

We're calling it the honey-do list, but it's not just things that I'm asking him to do

It's also just whatever comes to mind that he needs to get done

It's kind of one place to collect all of those tasks

And as you all know

I love a good to-do list and I love a good master to-do list just to combine

Everything that's on my mind so I can make sure I'm not forgetting anything

especially if it's something that doesn't need to be done in the next week or a couple weeks and

I want to make sure I don't forget about it

So now that we've gone through all the spreads it is time to talk about the giveaway and this month

I'm really excited to be giving away both a notebook and a pen to act as a little bit of a starter kit for any

Of you who want to start bullet journaling in 2019?

But maybe don't have a notebook to use or don't have the resources to get yourself one

So I've never actually used this type of notebook, but I've been really intrigued by it

They sell it at Crees the artist store downtown Toronto, which is where I buy a lot of my supplies

And I've been really intrigued by it multiple times, but just haven't needed a new notebook recently

So I never bought one to check them out, but I decided this would be a great time to do it

I could give it to one of you

It looks like it's incredible and I'm really excited to hear from whichever. One of you wins it to hear your thoughts

And of course if the rest of you who don't win are interested in learning a bit more about the specific notebook

Let me know I can always pick up another one and do a review video

This one is the pen talaq traveler pocket journal

It has a dot grid five millimeters spacing between the dots which is pretty standard in bullet journals

it has completely it recycled paper, which is

120 GSM which is pretty thick. So hopefully whoever wins this won't have any issues with bleeding or ghosting

It has 160 pages. The pages are acid-free slightly

Toothy recycled bright white sketch paper and the cover is italian-made flexible

Water-resistant cover there's also an elastic closure and a ribbon marker as for the pen

I'm giving away the lip and drawing technical drawing pin in 0.3

This is one that I've been using in my notebook reviews recently for pen tests

And I found that it's done really well at being one of the least

smudged bull pens that I own

and I've actually started using it recently in my bullet journal on a day-to-day basis and really love how it

performs and love the nib size

I just think it's a very


basic pen to have in your kit and a really good one to start bullet journaling with it's fine enough that you can get some

Really detailed work out of it, but it's not so fine that it'll take you forever

If you're trying to do something a little more bold, so I'm really excited about this prize pack this month

And I hope you all are too I'm gonna give you a super quick rundown of the rules

But as always they will be written in the description box

If you need to double check, make sure you're subscribed to this YouTube channel and hit the bells

You're notified when I post new videos like this video go follow me on

Instagram and lastly leave a comment on this video it can be whatever you like

But just make sure you include your Instagram handle so that I can find you if you win if you don't have Instagram

But you still want to enter you can follow me on any of my other social media

You can like my Facebook page or follow me on Pinterest whatever you like, whatever kind of social media you have

I know not. Everyone has Instagram and you still want the chance to win so I completely hear you. No problem at all

Just pick another social media and let me know the handle

from that social media that you followed me on and which social media you picked so that I can still keep track of you if

you do in

Thank you again so much to my patrons

I appreciate you so much

If you're interested in becoming a patron and grabbing a bunch of awesome rewards

Make sure to check out the link in the description or the cards to come join at the plant-based bride patron squad

Don't forget to go check out my plan with me in my bullet journal if you haven't seen it already

I did a letter board themed for January and I'm so in love with how it turned out it took forever

But it was very fun

So definitely go check out that video if you haven't seen it yet and as always leave all of your recommendations

In the comments for themes you want to see in 2019. I'm currently trying to kind of plan out all the themes

I'm gonna do in my journal and and Jason's bullet journal for 2019. So be sure to leave your recommendations in the comments

So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon in my next video in


bye friends

For more infomation >> Setting Up My Husband's BuJo for January 2019 + a GIVEAWAY! | Bullet Journal Plan With Me - Duration: 13:33.


Welcome to My Room tour Korean guy vlog - Duration: 7:46.

What's wrong with this awkward face... LOL

Welcome to my room tour~

Hello Hello~~~

For the first time, I am gonna introduce my room~

I don't think there are many things to introduce

Wish You enjoy this room tour vlog ~

At first, I will show you the whole atmosphere of my room!

It looks like that hahaha

What do you think? haha

This view is the best, I like the most !

It feels cozy and comfortable to me, I like that ~~

These days, I am into Kinfolk interior

I tried to make my room simple but cozy

Now I am on the bed ~

Look at this mirror, I really love it !

This is my bed LOL

I chose white mirror to match with the wall

Henry Matisse poster

To cover this power code, I use it, Great idea, Isn't it? LOL

With this angle, I take many selfies hahaha

With this light, It makes look better LOL

Lights helps a lot to make good mood on room

It's my official selfie zone

I am also interested in greenery

Parlour Palm

It really grows well

Now I will show you my dressing table~~

Actually, It's so simple

I put them on this table, I will clean it to show u

I bought them from Paris

I got it from online hahaha

Ta da~~~

I've used for it for a long time

Befor I go to sleep, I put it on

I recommend this product !

It's cheap and also not sticky

So nice one for daily use !!

I don't like to use it

But I use it these days

Because My lips are dry during winter

It's good for brightening for your skin haha

I use it when i have to meet an important person

such as a girl? hahahaha (Kidding)

I recommend this one too haha

Burt's bee~ I gave all to my family

Sometimes I use it to prevent hair loss(?) hahaha

or making me feel i am taking care of myself haha

It's done showing my dress table haha

Let me show you my workplace LOL

Since I am a youtuber, I put youtube page on the screen hahahaha

There are 2 computers

I edit videos here ~~~

From now on, I will show you my bed which looks nothing though LOL

I tried to match blanket with the curtain

Side table , It looks nice, Isn't it? LOL

Look at the vase, It has a curve on it If You look into it closely hahaha

And It's my favorite !!!

For me, Sound is good enough

If You want to put it on your room, I recommend ACTON

I love to listen to music every night haha

Lastly, I will show you my closet

It's not ready to be shown honestly, But I will show you haha

Ta da~~

OMG hahahaha

Umm...Yes..It looks like that hahaha

I should have cleaned it earlier ... hahaha



This part, There are clothes for winter

Padding Jumper, Coat, Sheering Jacket

There is nothing much to say about my closet hmm... hahaha

Here, It's my favorite spot

From this view, I watch movies and dramas when I have a free time ~

Sometimes...! I read a book too hahaha

If I am seated here, I can see this view :)

So, How was my room tour vlog? haha

I've been focusing on showing travel vlogs so far

From now on, I will make more videos to communicate with subscribers as well ~~

I am sure You can find out what kind of person who i am more ~~

For more infomation >> Welcome to My Room tour Korean guy vlog - Duration: 7:46.


YouTube Course Part#5 | how To Use Video Editor(Free) - Duration: 10:32.

YouTube Course part#5 How To Use Free Video Editor

Leave Your Questions Below If You're Getting Value From This YouTube Course :)

For more infomation >> YouTube Course Part#5 | how To Use Video Editor(Free) - Duration: 10:32.


Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This - Duration: 10:17.

Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This

Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This

For more infomation >> Bizarre Looking "Kittens" Were Found, But Then Vets Tell the Rescuer This - Duration: 10:17.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2018 - He Wants To Impact Into You - Duration: 22:29.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2018 - He Wants To Impact Into You - Duration: 22:29.


Pepa Pig English Episode - Nature Trail - Duration: 2:00.

oh no daddy pig are we lost I think I forgot my map Oh actually I

found it it is in my pack pack where are we going to all oh no

where was that training see that there you're so silly daddy it looks like we

are lost in the woods hey love their footprints maybe there are our

footprints Oh maybe you are right Peppa Pig let's

follow them oh okay let's see where we're gonna go come on mama pig let's go

see ok daddy pig let's follow are you sure though those

are our footsteps oh no it's raining and I think we forgot our umbrellas oh no

what are we gonna do I found it it was in my purse let's go Daddy pig let's go

let's all follow Papa pig let's follow the Ducks maybe they'll help us go to

our climb let's go let's hope we're gonna have our picnic there yay now we

get to have our picnic oh don't you just love picnics of course I love nature

trails don't you

everybody loves picnics don't you heart

For more infomation >> Pepa Pig English Episode - Nature Trail - Duration: 2:00.


Can't Help Falling In Love - Piano Tutorial EASY - Elvis Presley - Sheet Music (Synthesia) - Duration: 9:56.

For more infomation >> Can't Help Falling In Love - Piano Tutorial EASY - Elvis Presley - Sheet Music (Synthesia) - Duration: 9:56.


The staggering number of games Ozil has missed in 2018/19 and all the reasons behind it - Duration: 6:08.

 Despite a bright start to the Unai Emery era at Arsenal, the Gunners' momentum has seemed somewhat stunned in recent weeks

 The side's last fixtures involved a 1-1 draw at Brighton on Boxing Day, as well as a 3-1 win over Burnley

However, prior to that, the side suffered back-to-back losses at the hands of Southampton and Spurs

 Arsenal managed an undefeated record of 22 games up until the Southampton clash

However, the side have since been inconsistent in their on-field performances.  A slew of injury struggles along with the drastic change in system - which features the odd choice of playing Granit Xhaka at centre-back - could be argued as the reasons why

 One player yet to hit the ground running under Emery is German playmaker, Mesut Ozil

 The 30-year-old was announced to be missing out on this weekend's monster clash with Liverpool - and it certainly isn't the first time similar news has been announced this campaign

 Unai Emery has been coy over the reasons behind Ozil's many absences, ranging from injuries to 'tactical decisions'

 Thanks to the folks over at, we now have a list of all 13 matches Ozil has missed under the Emery this season and the supposed reasons behind them: Arsenal 3-1 West Ham August 25  Ozil was substituted in the Gunners' previous game which saw the side suffer a 3-2 loss to Chelsea

 He was taken off in the 68th minute for Aaron Ramsey and then missed training and the subsequent match due to illness

Arsenal 3-1 Brentford September 30  This absence is perhaps the most straight-forward

 Arsenal matched up against Brentford in the Carabao Cup and Ozil was rested for the game as the side prepared for their league clash with Watford three days later

 Luckily, the decision paid off, as Arsenal overcame their opponents 2-0 thanks to a goal from Ozil himself

Fulham 1-5 Arsenal October 7  The first of Ozil's injury struggles came before Arsenal's trip to Craven Cottage in October

 Arsenal travelled to Azerbaijan for their Europa League clash with Qarabag during the week and it appeared the trip caused Ozil some discomfort

 Ozil was subsequently withdrawn from the game with a 'back spasm'. Sporting Club Portugal 0-1 Arsenal October 25  Ozil gave arguably his most impressive performance under Unai Emery the weekend prior during the side's 3-1 win over the foxes

 Simply put, Ozil featured on the bench and wasn't used during the game. Arsenal 2-1 Blackpool October 31  Again, Ozil was rested for this clash due to Emery prioritising upcoming fixtures

Arsenal 0-0 Sporting November 8  News of Danny Welbeck's injury shocked the Arsenal camp

With Arsenal already in control of their Europa League group, Emery decided to, again, rest the German

Bournemouth 1-2 Arsenal November 25  Again, Ozil was named on the bench for this clash and wasn't used as a substitute

Herein comes Emery's claims of Ozil being left out for 'tactical reasons'. Vorskla 0-3 Arsenal November 29  Arsenal, again, faced a long trip to Vorskla

Given their dominance over their Europa League group, there was no reason to risk Ozil

Arsenal 4-2 Tottenham Hotspur December 2  Ozil was ruled out of the North London derby with a backache, an injury that seemed to be a recurrence of his back spasm from earlier in the season

 However, his colleagues certainly thrived in his absence. Manchester United 2-2 Arsenal December 5  With his backache still keeping him from full fitness, Ozil was ruled out for the game against Manchester United

Arsenal 1-0 Huddersfield Town December 8  Again, his back pain was still persisting

Arsenal 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur December 19  The second North London derby of the season saw Emery claim Ozil absence was down to tactical reasons

 The gaffer then failed to comment on Ozil's place in his plans in the post-match press conference

Liverpool v Arsenal December 29  Which leads us to this weekend's clash with Liverpool

Ozil trained with the first team ahead of the side's trip up north only to complain about a pain in his knee

 Therefore, Ozil did not travel with his teammates up to Merseyside.

For more infomation >> The staggering number of games Ozil has missed in 2018/19 and all the reasons behind it - Duration: 6:08.


Ultimate Derby Online - Mad Demolition Multiplayer - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:13.

Ultimate Derby Online - Mad Demolition Multiplayer (by Rock App Studio) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Ultimate Derby Online - Mad Demolition Multiplayer - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 6:13.


FIORELLA...Stylish Summer Fashion Style...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas - Duration: 3:36.

FIORELLA...Stylish Summer Fashion Style...Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas

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