Friday, May 26, 2017

Youtube daily report w May 26 2017

Ok, you got to lay down

I don't want to thank you I am good

Time for a needle

Check up. ok. I am Doctor Mcstuffins

She wants to give you a check up

My foot, my foot

Are you okay?

Yes, I am okay. Am I all better now?

No, not yet

Daddy we need your mask

For more infomation >> DOC MCSTUFFINS BLOODY FOOT CHECK UP TOP 6 YOUTUBE KID VIDEOS funny kids movie doctor in real life - Duration: 3:36.


Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE RIJKLAARPRIJS! AIRCO&BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5D ACTIVE RIJKLAARPRIJS! AIRCO&BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi-68 PK 5D AUTOMAAT 2T Blue L. RIJKLAARPRIJS! NAVI - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4 e-HDi-68 PK 5D AUTOMAAT 2T Blue L. RIJKLAARPRIJS! NAVI - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan NV200 E- Business - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan NV200 E- Business - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection Actie Hoge Korting - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection Actie Hoge Korting - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Automaat Shine - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C4 Cactus 1.2 e-VTi Automaat Shine - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection Hoge Korting - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi Selection Hoge Korting - Duration: 0:58.


Seat Ibiza ST 1.2 TSi STYLE *VERKOCHT* Climate control, cruise control, lichtm velgen, elektr rmn, e - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza ST 1.2 TSi STYLE *VERKOCHT* Climate control, cruise control, lichtm velgen, elektr rmn, e - Duration: 0:59.


Caster Quiz - CBLoL vs LCS Europa - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> Caster Quiz - CBLoL vs LCS Europa - Duration: 10:58.




For more infomation >> 3 EPIC MAGIC TRICKS FOR BORING DAY - Duration: 3:21.


Aguacate con café, una mezcla que está dando de qué hablar - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Aguacate con café, una mezcla que está dando de qué hablar - Duration: 0:36.


Ciclistas recorrerán América en bicicleta llevando un mensaje de unión y paz - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Ciclistas recorrerán América en bicicleta llevando un mensaje de unión y paz - Duration: 3:22.


A nova voz do Limão de Pepsi Twist? | #AVozDoLimão - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> A nova voz do Limão de Pepsi Twist? | #AVozDoLimão - Duration: 0:31.


Become Stupid with a Smartphone - Duration: 5:28.

Every day we take a lot of choice

What clothes to wear, how to go from here to there, university choise, elections and so on.

I think we have skipped one of the most important choices.

Choosing where to of store our mind.

Normally that was in it. But now it's in it.

If you do not believe, it was... SIRI: What can I do for you?

You know better, but proceed with INTRO

Smartphone fashion has been steadily expanding since the early 2000s.

One in three people on our planet is a smartphone user.

But as we have more confidence in smartphones, our mind is no longer here, but here.

"SIRI: Do you have proof?"

Yes I do! First we forgot how to talk

People who talked to each other in the bus, metro, in the class, is replaced by the people who looks at smartphones.

The average 34 billion messages are sent every day via Whatsapp.

Why do we prefer to write instead of talking?

Psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert says that this is because of our anxieties in our social relationships.

In other words, messaging takes on a kind of social screenplay,

drawing the image of a human being that we want to be in place of ourselves.

So when we get together, we feel insecure, we take refuge in our smartphones instead of talking.

However, millions of people who will accept us as we are, will love and talk are waiting outside.

HA. Sorry, messaging outside.

Smartphones affect our sleep patterns

Every night without exception, we put the smartphone to sleep when we are asleep.

Because we expect e-mails, messages, important calls. etc. We have hundreds of reasons like these.

Because of these anticipations in our subconscious mind, our brain can not rest enough during the night.

This causes our brain to run inefficiently throughout the day.

What we need to do is to turn off the phone before sleeping to get better sleep.

Smartphones are preventing you from focusing

Our applications offer thousands of services.

There is no limit to what we can do. You can think of something good

but let's look at it from the point of focus.

Our brain is losing focus when subjected to more than one treatment at the same time.

We do not give full attention to what we do.

That's why we started to hear the words "I'm bored", "I'm not done", "I'm busted" lately.

The smartphone is killing

Especially if you take a second or even a second while driving a car, it can result in death.

Even if you raise traffic fines, unfortunately, you can not get ahead of the phone.

But the traffic fines are just a small dimension of the problem.

The thing is how we value our life, or the life of others

We lose position understanding with smartphones

We have recently moved from the real world to the virtual world,

thanks to the ability to share location on the map, which is the sine qua non of our lives.

Where we are now, we start to ignore the world around us.

We are not even aware of which roads we have passed, on which streets we have returned.

Already this is why we went to ask for the second time, but now we go to the same place every time we need smart phone.

now the same venue every time I go to the needy in our smartphones.

Our memory is no longer in our brains, but in our smart phone

That's why the comfort of reaching the desired time instead of memorizing a piece of information

We prefer to keep countless details such as phone numbers, passwords, account numbers, addresses and such on our smartphone.

This negatively affects our memory and remembering capacity.

We started to identify each other on smartphones.

You know, we like to wear the word "something" as a society.

We begin to lose our Turkish.

Now, who knows well the various applications which we will lose our property.

So let's not allow our smartphones to steal our minds, friends.

If our smartphone addiction has started to define us, to direct our life, do not use it.

Let's use a dumbphone, or rather a phone that does not ring.

Obviously I want to get this decision this month. So what do you think?

In the meantime, if you have the dumbphone model to suggest please do not forget to share it in comments.

See you next week, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Become Stupid with a Smartphone - Duration: 5:28.


Joven hispano no alcanzó a casarse con su novia para evitar que una deportación los separara - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Joven hispano no alcanzó a casarse con su novia para evitar que una deportación los separara - Duration: 2:53.


VW Caddy - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> VW Caddy - Duration: 0:48.


Romina Power, parla Albano: "Sapevo sarebbe finita. Lei…" - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Romina Power, parla Albano: "Sapevo sarebbe finita. Lei…" - Duration: 3:44.


Galata Kulesinin Sırları Ve Tapınak Fahişeliği - Duration: 10:51.

Merhaba Kült TV'nin araştıran insanları!

Adeta her taşından ayrı bir gizem fışkıran dünyanın incisi eşsiz şehir İstanbul'un

bir gizemini daha aydınlatmanız için yolunuza ışık tutmaya çalışacağım bir yazı

ile sizlerle beraberiz.

İstanbul'un silüeti ile belki de en çok özdeşleşmiş semtlerden biri o meşhur

Galata ve burası ile bütünleşen Galata Kulesi.

Galata'nın tarihine bakacak olursanız, birçok bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz.

İstanbul'un fethedilmesinden sonra, Galata Kolonisi de kendiliğinden Fatih'e teslim


İstanbul kuruldu kurulalı, bilinen en eski tarihte de burada yaşayan "bir sülale",

tarihin her döneminde sahnede yer almış ve varlığını sürdürme başarısını


Buradaki başarı, kendilerine göre tabi.

İşte ben sizlere bugün Galata Kulesi'ni ve bu esrarengiz sülaleyi anlatacağım.

"Galata Kulesi, aslında gemiler için bir deniz feneri görevi görmekteydi.

Bizans devrinde buraya İsa Kulesi ismi verilmişti.

Uzun yıllar bu isimle anıldı.

Ta ki fethe kadar.

Fetihten sonra Türklerin eline geçen bu kule, çok çeşitli amaçlar için kullanılmıştır:

Hapishane, deniz feneri, yangın kulesi.

Ayrıca 16.

yüzyılda Kasımpaşa tersanelerinde çalıştırılan Hıristiyan harp esirlerinin barınağı olarak

da kullanılmıştır.

Fakat Kule'nin kullanım amaçları arasında, en önemlisi rasathane olarak kullanılmasıdır

ki, Sultan III.

Murat'ın müsaadesiyle burada müneccim Takiyüddin tarafından bir rasathane kurulmuştur.

Ancak bu rasathane, 1579'da kapatılmıştır.

Burasının bir gözlem kulesi olması dikkat çekiciydi.

İşte az önce dikkat çektiğim o sülale, devreye girerek rasathaneyi kapattırmıştır.

Kule dibi diye adlandırılan mahallelerde, fetihten hemen sonra çok esrarengiz olaylar


Kule'nin dibinde cesetler bulunuyordu.

Kalpleri sökülmüş olarak bulunan bu kadınlar hemen gayrimüslim mezarlıklarına defnediliyorlardı.

Konunun esrarengizliği aslında fetihten çok öncelere dayanıyordu.

Kule dibinde gizli bir tarikat vardı.

Bu tarikat, paganist ritüeller uygulayan o sülalenin bağlı olduğu bir tarikattı.

Konstantiniye döneminde Galata efsaneleri kulaktan kulağa yayılıyordu.

Bir müddet sonra o bölgedeki herkes, korkudan kaçmış ve o sülale dışında kimse kalmamıştı.

Artık korkudan kimse de o bölgelerde dolaşamıyordu.

Korkudan girilemeyen bu bölge daha sonra imtiyazlı bir alan olmuş ve itibar görmeye


Bunun sebeplerinden biri ise, o kadim sülalenin orada bir fahişe tapınağı kurmasıdır.

Bir çeşit genelev yani.

Zaten mabed fahişeliği antik mısırda hatta günümüz Hindistanındada görülen çok

eski bir ibadet şeklidir.

Ama buranın farklı bir özelliği vardı.

Burada önce ayinler yapılıyordu.

Ancak her isteyen bu ayinlere katılamıyordu.

Daha çok elit tabaka bu ayinlere iştirak ediyordu.

Oraya gidenler itibarlı sayılıyordu.

Korkulan kimseler oluyorlardı aynı zamanda nüfuzlu kimseler olarak bulundukları krallığın

yapısında, söz sahibi oluyorlardı.

Bugün orada yine genelev vardır.

'Tarih tekerrür ediyor' diyenler haksız da sayılmazlar.

Bu Kule'de ilginç şeyler oluyordu, Mesela, senenin belli dönemlerinde, kule dibindeki

ritüelden sonra kuleye çıkılıp, seçilen kimseler atlayarak intihar ediyorlardı.

Bu durum fethe kadar devam etti.

Fetihten sonra, esrarengiz şekilde bazı intiharların yani kuleden atlama modasının

olması tabii ki Osmanlı idaresinin dikkatini çekmişti.

Fatih'in emri ile araştırılması ferman buyrulmuştu.

Bahse konu ferman Topkapı sarayı müzesi arşivlerin de 2016 senesinde tesadüfen bulunmuştur.

İşte biraz önce naklettiğimiz bilgiler böylelikle gün yüzüne çıkmıştı.

Fatih devri ve sonrası esrarengizlikler az da olsa yine devam etmişti.

Fakat oradaki sülale format değiştirerek varlığını bir şekilde devam ettiriyordu.

Abdülhamit Han dönemde burada intihar vakaları yine artmıştı.

Yani kuleden atlayarak intihar.

Bu ritüelden bir türlü vazgeçmiyorlardı.

Abdülhamit Han'ında ilgisini çeken bu olay, istihbaratçılarını oraya sevk etmesine

neden oldu.

Gelen raporlar çok ilginçti: Kule dibinde tıpkı eski dönemlerde olduğu gibi yine

fuhuş yapılıyordu.

Ticaret gemileri ile Dünya'nın çeşitli yerlerinden gemilerle gelen kadınlar, buradaki

o eski tarikat tarafından fuhuşa zorlanıyor, gayri meşru doğan çocuklar, belli bir yaştan

sonra çok gizli bir ritüelle intihar ettiriliyordu.

Abdülhamit Han'ın zabitleri aldıkları fermanla oraya baskın düzenlendiler ve bir

tür masonik bir yapı ile karşılaştılar.

Sorguya çekilen itirafçılar serbest bırakıldılar ancak bir süre sonra bunların da intihar

ettikleri gözlendi.

Yapı dağıtılmasına rağmen, o eski sülale orada kalmaya devam etti.

Aile çok zengindi.

Adeta İstanbul'un en zenginiydiler.

Bu ailenin en ilginç akrabalarından biri ise bankerlik yapan Yahudi Kamando ailesiydi.

Bu sülale, Osmanlı döneminde bir ticaret anlaşmasında aracı olunca, Yahudiler tarafından

aforoz edildi.

Bu kişi, öldüğünde ise anıt mezarı harabe halinde bırakıldı.

Geçtiğimiz yıllarda İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi tarafından anıt mezarı yaptırıldı.

Bu konuda internette fazlası ile bilgi mevcut ufak bir araştırma ile kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Fetihten önce kulenin üzerinde bakır bir levha üzerinde masonik bir göz olduğunu

da hatırlatalım.

Bilindiği gibi Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi Galata Kulesi'nden Üsküdar'a uçmuştu.

Hezarfen'in uçtuğu yer Üsküdar'dı.

Kız Kulesi'nin üzerinden geçerek buraya indi.

Bizans tarihinde Galata Kulesi'ne, "İsa Kulesi" denmesi boşuna değildi.

O tarikat, o dönemlerde, Hz.

İsa'nın Galata Kulesi'ne ineceğini kulaktan kulağa yayıyordu.

Hıristiyanlığa girmiş ancak eski paganist inançlarını da tamamen terk etmemiş olan

Bizans halkı, İsa'nın Ayasofya'ya ineceğini bekliyorlardı.


İsa'nın hangi kuleye ineceği bir çekişme konusu haline gelmişti.

Velhasıl Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi, Galata Kulesi'ni özellikle seçmişti.

Oraya Hz.

İsa'nın inmeyeceğini ama oradan bir Türk bilim adamının uçacağını ispat etmiştir.

Şimdi tekrar konumuza dönelim: Abdülhamid Han'ın istihbaratçılarının verdikleri

raporlarda şunlar vardı: Ritüel'de bir mizansen vardı.


Musa ve Firavun kıssasında bir olaya atfedilen mizansen.

Firavun tahtını yok edecekler diye tüm doğan erkek çocuklarını öldürtüyordu.

Bilinen bir hikâye.

Hani Firavun bir rüya görüp, korkmuştu.

Rüyasını tabircilere anlattı ve ne manaya geldiğini sordu.

Kendisine: " Bir erkek çocuk dünyaya gelecek.

O çocuk senin saltanatını yıkacak," dediler.

Firavun'da bunun üzerine doğan bütün erkek çocukların öldürülmelerini emretti.

Ev ev dolaşırlar, yeni doğan çocuk olup olmadığını kontrol ederlerdi.

Bunun üzerine kız çocuklarını, kadınları hayatta bırakıyordu.

Üremenin devamı için. Belli bir seneye kadar erkek çocukların katledilmesi, kız

çocuklarının bırakılması şu terimi doğurmuştu: HAYAT KADINLARI.

Yani hayatta kalan kadınlara verilen isim.

İşte burada "kutsal akrabalık" devreye giriyor.

Paganist yarı Hıristiyan Bizans ile bu sülalenin ortak bir akrabalık nesli olmuştu…

Kutsal Akrabalık bir kod'dur.

Anlaması gerekenler mesajı anlayacaklardır.

Burayı da fazla kurcalamamakta fayda var.

Daha sonraları bu kulenin yanına küçük bir kule daha yapılmıştır ve burası "İkiz

Kuleler" olarak anılmaya başlanmıştır.

Buraya göz hastanesi yapılmış, ancak bu sıralarda onu oradan kaldırmaya uğraşmaktadırlar.

Ayrıca bir başka dikkat çeken nokta da, Galata Kulesi'nin aynısı bugün Estonya'da

da vardır.

Elbette ki bu tesadüf değildir.

İslam dininde intihar haramdır.

Kültür dememizin sebebi başkadır.

Sık sık duyarsın bazı yabancı tarikatların topluca intihar ettiklerini.

Anlatmak istediğimiz, intihardan çok intihar şekli.

Müslümanlar ekseriyetle intihar etmezler.

Etseler bile kendilerini yüksek bir yerden atmazlar.

Tarihte, Türk Sultanları arasında yüzüğündeki zehri içerek canına kıyanlar vardır.

Japonlar da ise harakiri vardır.

Tarihi kayıtlara göre şöyle bir olay var: 1876 tarihinde bir Avusturyalı, nöbetçilerin

dalgınlığından faydalanıp kendini kuleden aşağı atmıştır.

Daha sonra acaba bu kuleden kimler atlayıp, intihar etmiştir?

Cumhuriyet tarihinde, yüksek yerden atlayarak intihar etme, özellikle "Boğaz Köprüsü'nün"

yapılışından sonra artmıştır.

Köprüden atlayan ilk vakalardan birinde masonik locanın telkini olmuş mudur?

Boğaz köprüsünden ilk intihar eden kişiyi biraz araştırın bakın neler bulacaksınız.

Ayrıca Galata kulesinin mimari planlarında ki çapına ve yüksekliğine de bir göz


Acaba ortaya çıkan rakamlar neyin simgesi veya nerenin koordinatlarını işaret etmektedir?

Bugün o bölgede, o sülale yine devrede.

Galataport ile özerk bir alan mı yaratılmak istenmektedir?

Arap Camii bu yüzden mi feda edilmek isteniyor?

Galataport'a kim talip olmuştu, sonra onun sonu ne oldu?

Fotoğraf gün gibi meydan da Fetih öncesi duruma dönmek isteyenler, çarpışıyor.

"Hıristiyanlar ekümenlik istiyor, Yahudiler de boş durur mu, onlar da Galata'yı istiyorlar.

Bizim İstanbul'umuzu parsellemişler, birbirleri ile zaman zaman ittifak yapıyorlar, zaman

zaman da çatışıyorlar kendi emelleri uğruna.

Hıristiyanlar, ekümenlik maskesi ile siyasi özerklik, Yahudiler ise, Galataport maskesi

ile ticari özerklik istiyorlar.

Meselenin özü budur.

Ve o kadim sülale hala işbaşındadır.

İstanbul da bulunan diğer gizemli yapıların fotoğraflarını da kısa anlatımlarla instagram

hesabımdan paylaşıyorum.

Haberdar olmak bilmek öğrenmek isteyenler beni instagramdan takip edebilirler.

Bir videomuzun daha sonuna gelirken araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu

facebook twitter gibi ortamlarda paylaşmayı, Yeni videolardan haberdar olabilmek için

Kült TV ye abone olarak araştıran insanlar topluluğuna katılmayı unutmayın!

Gelecek videoda görüşünceye kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar.

For more infomation >> Galata Kulesinin Sırları Ve Tapınak Fahişeliği - Duration: 10:51.


28 de maio - Dia Mundial do Hambúrguer - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 28 de maio - Dia Mundial do Hambúrguer - Duration: 2:56.


Awkward Celebrity Encounters (Storytime) | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 5:25.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in the world who thinks about

what it would be like to meet their favorite celebrities.

In my daydreams I speak eloquently, what I say is exactly what I want to tell them.

They're interested in what I have to say and we maybe even become great friends later.

Unfortunately the reality isn't usually like that.

Usually I have less than a minute to speak to this person and my head goes into panic mode.

So today I thought I would share some of my most awkward celebrity moments. Here we go.

My first story is from when I went to one of the "Dance Moms" Meet and Greets.

This was the one where I went to see Abby Lee Miller and some of the girls from the ALDC.

And as I was lining up to get my picture with the cast of Dance Moms,

I suddenly felt really awkward because I'm obviously not the same age as the girls.

So I went over to them, I said "Hi", they said "Hi" and then I'd ran out of things to talk about. Really.

So we take this picture, I get up, I say "Thanks" and that's pretty much the entire conversation.

And then I move through to see Abby Lee Miller and again my mind just goes blank.

So I say "Hi", she says "Hi", we sit down for the photo, I say "Thanks" and then I leave

and I haven't really said anything to any of them.

It must be so so awkward as a celebrity having to pose with fans that aren't really saying anything.

I am so so sorry ALDC if I made any of you feel uncomfortable during that event.

When I made my favorite group from childhood, they're called "B*Witched",

the girls were kind of going around the room talking to the different fans and finding out their names.

I managed to introduce myself coherently to three of the girls and then I met Lindsay.

And for some reason when I saw Lindsay I was just like,

I don't know like it suddenly kind of hit me everything that was happening.

So I kind of looked at her and then I just went "Lindsay".

And she went "Oh that's so cool that's my name too!"

I was like "No no no, my name's not Linds- your name's Lindsay, my name's...."

I just couldn't think of my name, I was totally blanking on my name.

And God bless Lindsay she must have sat there for about ten seconds or so

as I tried to remember what my name was.

And I love Lindsay but it was really just a throwaway question,

I should have just came up with a name, I should have just made something up.

But no, thank you Lindsay for putting up with that.

Another "Dance Moms" related story, I was at an event hosted by Kelly, Brooke and Paige

and I won one of Brooke's dance shoes in the raffle that they had.

Now Brooke's mom had put this into the raffle and she'd insisted that it was going to be a really cute thing

to give away to one of the fans, they were absolutely going to love it and Brooke just wasn't convinced.

She thought it was really weird to give away an old shoe in a raffle.

She was kind of creeped out by the whole idea like everybody was kind of laughing about it.

So when she passed it over to me, I looked her right in the eyes and I said,

"I'll treasure this for the whole of my life." And I'm not sure she knew I was being sarcastic.

I promise I don't have any creepy plans for this shoe,

it's literally just chilling in my wardrobe with no real purpose right now.

This last story makes me cringe at how awkward it is.

I feel like I say this every week but I am a massive fan of Taylor Swift

and at one of her shows her mom invited me and my friend Lilly

down into a VIP area to watch the show with her.

So as we went down into the VIP area, her mom greeted us with a hug.

This was a noisy concert and I wanted to say thank you

so in order to say thank you I had to turn my head towards her ear.

But as I turned my head, she also turned her head and my lips met her ear. Yeah.

And then it got a lot more awkward as well but I didn't find out about this until much later,

but after I'd given her a hug, after Lilly had given her a hug,

she'd been talking to us and I just walked away!

I didn't realize she was talking to us, I actually thought there was like a line of people

that she was meeting behind me and Lilly but no there really wasn't.

She was just talking to me and Lilly and I just completely blanked her and walked off.

I am so sorry Andrea Swift, I did not mean to be that rude.

As embarrassing as these stories are, I'm not going to let them put me off

from trying to meet the people that I admire.

I am ridiculously awkward when it comes to meeting celebrities, but at least I can laugh about it!

Thank you so so much for watching everybody,

if you enjoyed this video I'd love it if you could give me a like and let me know that you enjoyed it

and in the comments section if you have any funny celebrity encounters that you'd like to share with me,

I would love to read them. Thank you so so much for watching everybody and cheerio.

There's like so many crows outside. [Quickly counts them] There's at least ten.

There's at least ten crows outside like just kind of flying around

and they're so distracting as I'm trying to film a video.

How do they even all gather in the same place?

Okay. My first story is from when I met Abby Lee Miller...

For more infomation >> Awkward Celebrity Encounters (Storytime) | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 5:25.


TOTÒ - Sua eccellenza si fermò a mangiare - Duration: 1:36:26.

For more infomation >> TOTÒ - Sua eccellenza si fermò a mangiare - Duration: 1:36:26.


Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi L2H1 (Airco/R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Trafic 2.0 dCi L2H1 (Airco/R.schuifdeur/Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:59.


DOC MCSTUFFINS BLOODY FOOT CHECK UP TOP 6 YOUTUBE KID VIDEOS funny kids movie doctor in real life - Duration: 3:36.

Ok, you got to lay down

I don't want to thank you I am good

Time for a needle

Check up. ok. I am Doctor Mcstuffins

She wants to give you a check up

My foot, my foot

Are you okay?

Yes, I am okay. Am I all better now?

No, not yet

Daddy we need your mask

For more infomation >> DOC MCSTUFFINS BLOODY FOOT CHECK UP TOP 6 YOUTUBE KID VIDEOS funny kids movie doctor in real life - Duration: 3:36.


T Table - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> T Table - Duration: 3:02.


Volvo V70 2.5 T EDITION SPORT GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.5 T EDITION SPORT GEARTRONIC - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan Juke DIG-T 115PK S/S CONNECT EDITION | NL AUTO | 1E EIG. | NAVI - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Nissan Juke DIG-T 115PK S/S CONNECT EDITION | NL AUTO | 1E EIG. | NAVI - Duration: 1:00.


Kia Niro 1.6 Hybrid DynamicLine A/T - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro 1.6 Hybrid DynamicLine A/T - Duration: 1:00.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.4 T DISTINCTIVE - Duration: 0:47.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line NIEUW! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line NIEUW! - Duration: 1:01.


Kia Niro 1.6 A/T Hybrid SportsLine - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia Niro 1.6 A/T Hybrid SportsLine - Duration: 1:01.


Ford Fiesta Iedere dag geopend op afspraak T/M 21uur - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta Iedere dag geopend op afspraak T/M 21uur - Duration: 0:42.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs, T/m Zondag 10% EXTRA! Hemelvaart OPEN! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 5drs, T/m Zondag 10% EXTRA! Hemelvaart OPEN! - Duration: 0:51.


Opel Corsa 1.6-16V T Color Edition 150 PK | OPC- LINE | Airco | Cruise Contole | 6 Versnellingen | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.6-16V T Color Edition 150 PK | OPC- LINE | Airco | Cruise Contole | 6 Versnellingen | - Duration: 0:54.


Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK BLACK-LINE | NAVIGATIE | AIRCO | 89.000 KM!! | ALL-IN!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK BLACK-LINE | NAVIGATIE | AIRCO | 89.000 KM!! | ALL-IN!! - Duration: 1:01.


Camila Cabello - I Have Questions (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:41.

Why did you leave me here to burn?

I'm way too young to be this hurt I feel doomed in hotel rooms

Staring straight up at the wall Counting wounds and I am trying to numb them


Do you care, do you care?

Why don't you care?

I gave you all of me My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears

Why don't you care, why don't you care?

I was there, I was there, when no one was Now you're gone and I'm here

I have questions for you Number one, tell me who you think you are

You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart

(I have questions for you) Number two, why would you try and play me

for a fool?

I should have never ever ever trusted you (I have questions)

Number three, why weren't you, who you swore that you would be?

I have questions, I got questions haunting me

I have questions for you I have questions for you (I have questions)

I have questions for you

My, my name was safest in your mouth And why'd you have to go and spit it out?

Oh, your voice, it was the most familiar sound But it sounds so dangerous to me now

I have questions for you Number one, tell me who you think you are

You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart

(I have questions for you) Number two, why would you try and play me

for a fool?

I should have never ever ever trusted you I have questions for you

I have questions for you I have questions for you (I have questions)

I have questions for you

Do you care, do you care?

Why don't you care?

I gave you all of me My blood, my sweat, my heart, and my tears

Why don't you care, why don't you care?

I was there, I was there, when no one was Now you're gone and I'm here

I have questions for you, ooh I have questions for you

I have questions for you (I have questions) I have questions for you (yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah) I have questions for you, ooh

I have questions for you (foul play, no, foul play, no)

I have questions for you (I have questions) I have questions for you

I have questions for you

How do I fix it?

Can we talk?

Can we communicate?

Can we talk?

Do I wanna fix it?

I have questions for you (I'm afraid of you) Is it my fault?

Is it my fault?

Do you miss me?

I have questions

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - I Have Questions (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:41.


Here's What The Media Doesn't Want You To Know About The Manchester - politics - Duration: 3:37.

Here�s What The Media Doesn�t Want You To Know About The Manchester Attack

Here�s what the media and politicians don�t want you to know about the Manchester, UK,

suicide attack: Salman Abedi, the 22 year old who killed nearly two dozen concert-goers

in Manchester, UK, was the product of the US and UK overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and

�regime change� policy in Syria.

He was a radicalized Libyan whose family fled Gaddafi�s secular Libya, and later he trained

to be an armed �rebel� in Syria, fighting for the US and UK �regime change� policy

toward the secular Assad government.

The suicide attacker was the direct product of US and UK interventions in the greater

Middle East.

According to the London Telegraph, Abedi, a son of Libyan immigrants living in a radicalized

Muslim neighborhood in Manchester had returned to Libya several times after the overthrow

of Muamar Gaddafi, most recently just weeks ago.

After the US/UK and allied �liberation� of Libya, all manner of previously outlawed

and fiercely suppressed radical jihadist groups suddenly found they had free rein to operate

in Libya.

This is the Libya that Abedi returned to and where he likely prepared for his suicide attack

on pop concert attendees.

Before the US-led attack on Libya in 2011, there was no al-Qaeda, ISIS, or any other

related terrorist organization operating (at least with impunity) on Libyan soil.

Gaddafi himself warned Europe in January 2011 that if they overthrew his government the

result would be radical Islamist attacks on Europe, but European governments paid no heed

to the warnings.

Post-Gaddafi Libya became an incubator of Islamist terrorists and terrorism, including

prime recruiting ground for extremists to fight jihad in Syria against the also-secular

Bashar Assad.

In Salman Abedi we have the convergence of both these disastrous US/UK and allied interventions,

however: it turns out that not only did Abedi make trips to Libya to radicalize and train

for terror, but he also travelled to Syria to become one of the �Syria rebels� fighting

on the same side as the US and UK to overthrow the Assad government.

Was he perhaps even trained in a CIA program?

We don�t know, but it certainly is possible.

While the mainstream media and opportunistic politicians will argue that the only solution

is more western intervention in the Middle East, the plain truth is that at least partial

responsibility for this attack lies at the feet of those who pushed and pursued western

intervention in Libya and Syria.

There would have been no jihadist training camps in Libya had Gaddafi not been overthrown

by the US/UK and allies.

There would have been no explosion of ISIS or al-Qaeda in Syria had it not been for the

US/UK and allied policy of �regime change� in that country.

When thinking about Abedi�s guilt for this heinous act of murder, do not forget those

interventionists who lit the fuse that started this conflagration.

The guilt rests squarely on their shoulders as well.

For more infomation >> Here's What The Media Doesn't Want You To Know About The Manchester - politics - Duration: 3:37.


UN TRAILER POUR GTA RP ?! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> UN TRAILER POUR GTA RP ?! - Duration: 2:15.


THE WORST WAY TO PACK LEWANDOWSKI............ 😱😭 (FIFA 17 TOTS) - Duration: 9:11.

fifa, fifa 17, xacceptiion, greatest, sniping, of all time, tots, bpl tots, pack opening,jmx, fifa ultimate team, fifa 17 tots, w2s, football, fifa 17 messi, fifa 17 ronaldo,ibrahimovic, trading, how to, fifa 18, the journey, tots in a pack, tots ibrahimovic, trading, how to, fifa 18, the journey, tots in a pack, tots messi in a pack, tots messi in a pack, tots ibrahimovic in a pack, tots hazard in a pack, wroetoshaw, aj3, best pack opening, team of the season

For more infomation >> THE WORST WAY TO PACK LEWANDOWSKI............ 😱😭 (FIFA 17 TOTS) - Duration: 9:11.


Ascension Is An Individual Choice - Duration: 6:22.

Ascension Is An Individual Choice

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,

You know-understand our time and age from the past to the 21st century is a product

of illusion of the majority of humans who have encrypted in their minds physicality.

Other persons unknowing of the spirit within have embraced the solid form as real as you

think it is reality, or in religious parlance created by another Super Being not connected

to the unified creation abilities of each human being.

That is the reason why they think of a �holy spirit� coming from a god personality to

fill your being at an opportune time or in specific terms ascension, a limited knowledge.

Our planet Earth has been dragged and influenced by this 3D illusion and has to be assisted

by outside consciousness to get out of this terrible mess.

Where we are in right requires assistance from our higher selves or from our positive

ascended brothers and sisters from other planets.

The new ages have swept human consciousness as high intensity energy have been overflowing

our bodies since May 4, 2017 creating immeasurable light body processes (LBP) on some humans


For me, unbearable these days.

These LBP comes in vertigo, body pains, tinnitus, terrible feelings of weakness, dizziness and

a feeling that we can�t last living with our physical bodies for more than a week if

this high intensity energy continues.

We realized NOW Supreme Creator programmed creations in his thought and His experience

with us.

Humanity has responsibility/primary obligation to what we have done to our environment, what

we call human creations, negative acts and deeds not conducive to the development of

the planet and the Creator has to step in to stop planetary destruction and send assistance

to lift Earth to a higher vibrational frequency by sending fragments of light and his lieutenants.

Everyone has an ascension preparation for themselves before they plunged into 3D.

They agreed to assist the planet and it is up to any of us perform what you have actually

planned before your spirit transfer to 4D thence 5D reality as your way of assisting

planet earth rise to her previous abode, 5D.

We call it paradise.

Your higher self (HS) has all these arranged.

If you have surrendered yourself to your HS while in 3D, that is the major step to assemble

your fragmented whole being and all the bodies embodied in it to wholeness at 5D.

Oneness is another multidimensional merger at 5D.

Call All That Is for violet fire of light assistance.

At 3D we must remember and analyze what all these incarnations have done to us.

We can be original earth souls, volunteers or star-seeds assisting in the raising of

Earth-Gaia to 5D.

Realization of this purpose is a must.

Negative or untoward happenings to us can be programs or illusions created by more advanced

dark alternating beings who live and harvest the resources of Earth for their selfish needs/make

humanity food and energy thru a process of continuing incarnation.

Earth-Gaia has sunk deep into the mire and dark pit of 3D.

The collective consciousness of humanity and that of our galactic neighbors are required

to lift her to 5D after a million years of living in this type of difficult/arduous reality.

It is time for the planet to ascend to higher frequency vibration.

I quote Ms Susie Lie, PH.

D. May 17, 2017: �Therefore, because of the grandness of this task, unified personal

ascensions are beginning, so that all those in the third/fourth dimensions will reconnect

with all those in the fifth dimension who are assisting Gaia from the fifth dimension.�

I pray Ms. Susie can tell us her deeper understanding of this statement as we have to know where

the statement applies.

Brother Captain of PAT Dr. Stankov has details on his published news.

It is the overflowing energy from the Central Sun coursed thru the portals of Sun-Sol that

creates high intensity energy, terrible heat as high as 45-55 degrees Centigrade at PH

and higher in the desert areas of the Middle East and Saharan deserts.

These are the signs of ascension, an individual way of personal happenings for those who are

prepared to rise and transfer to higher frequency vibration.

We have waited for this point of time for more than 26,000 years and it is around for

those ready to embrace ascension, a new leaf on the life of crystalline life forms, humans.

Qualify, be one of these extraordinary humans on our dear planet!

Love and light,

For more infomation >> Ascension Is An Individual Choice - Duration: 6:22.


DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD | It's Too Wet to Play | PBS KIDS - Duration: 3:58.

- Now we can't play outside. Hoo hoo.

- And we can't have our trolley adventure. Grrr.

- We can't play. At. All.

Hoo hoo. - Now wait just a minute.

Did I hear you say you can't play?

- Yes. Hoo hoo. We can't play because it's raining.

- It's a problem. - A BIG problem.

- Rain may have made a problem for you,

but you can still play.

♪ If there's a problem, talk about it and make a plan ♪

- Make a plan?

- Yes! You can make a plan

for what you're going to play inside on this rainy day.

- ♪ If there's a problem, talk about it and make a plan ♪

- How about we pretend

to go on a trolley adventure inside?

- Well, that is a very good plan!

- But where should we go?

- I want to have a picnic on the beach!

- Hoo hoo! And we can pretend that we go to a garden,

and pick fruits and veggies to eat at our beach picnic.

- I'll make the beach! - And I'll make the garden.

- Hmmm... where can the beach be?


This is all the sand

and this is a picnic blanket.

Do you see anything else we can use for our beach?

This bucket and shovel are good

for making sand castles on the beach.

O! Is the garden ready?

- Yes, hoo hoo. - Grr-ific!

Now we can go on our trolley adventure!

- All aboard. Ding ding!

To the garden. - To the beach. Oops.

- To the garden! - To the beach!


- To the GARDEN! - To the BEACH!

- I think we have a problem, hoo hoo.

- ♪ If there's a problem, talk about it and make a plan ♪

- OK, let's make a plan.

How do we know where we should go first on our trip?

- How about a map?

- Hoo hoo! Yes! Let's make a map!

- That's a good plan! OK.

Let's make our map. - I'm drawing my garden

with lots of apples...

and carrots... bananas...

and cheese sandwiches.

- Cheese sandwiches in a garden?

- Just for pretend.

- And I'm drawing my beach with sand,

and the picnic blanket,

and a BIG...

sea creature!

- A big sea creature?

- It's OK, he's friendly.

He likes cheese sandwiches. - Phew!

- And here's the road

for Trolley to go on.

But where should we go next?

- Hmm... Oh! I know!

Maybe we'll go back outside and see a rainbow?

- Oh, good idea, O!

Now we have a plan for our trip.

First we go to the garden...

then the beach...

and then maybe we'll see a rainbow!

- First stop: the garden!

Ding ding! - ♪♪ We're going to the garden ♪

♪ To pick some fruits and vegetables ♪

- ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along ♪

- ♪ Won't you ride along with me? ♪♪

For more infomation >> DANIEL TIGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD | It's Too Wet to Play | PBS KIDS - Duration: 3:58.



For more infomation >> Volvo S60 2.4 D5 SPORTS EDITION *AUTOMAAT* / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK T - Duration: 1:01.


S.E. Cupp - The Media's Obsession with Non-Scandals - The President Show - Comedy Central - Duration: 5:52.

I'm here at beautiful...

I don't know where. Beats the hell out of me.

But my guest tonight is a New York Daily News columnist

and CNN contributor.

Her new show, S.E. Cupp Unfiltered,

premieres July 17 on HLN.

Please welcome S.E. Cupp.

-(cheers and applause) -Nice to see you. Nice to see you.

(mumbles) Yeah.


(clearing her throat)

Now you're a Republican, and Jeb Bush

and Marco Rubio both criticized me this week.

Should more Republicans be standing up to me,

or should they shut up?

You know, I'd-I'd love it if more Republicans

and conservatives took a stand against the things

they believed in, not less than, you know, 200 days ago.

It's been pretty disappointing

to see how the party has unified,

not around their principles,

but around having an "R" in the White House.

Isn't that wonderful?

No. My name's "T." It's "T," not "R."

My mistake.

Well, do you think it's because

they care about maintaining control

in a party system that's so partisan

that it actually counteracts the ability for people to govern?

-Uh... -(laughter)

I think they're-they're certainly interested

in-in keeping control and keeping a majority.

The problem is, what have they really been able

to do with this majority?

Uh, not a whole lot.

You'd think that having nearly every lever of power

in Washington, you'd be able to get--

-I don't know-- health care passed. -We did.

You've only got seven years to work on it.

-Oh, we totally did it. We did it. -Yeah.

-Didn't you see? I went in the Rose Garden. -Uh-huh.

And I said my catchphrase, which I normally only say

on the television show--

"I'm the president. You can believe it?"


You wrote an article called "Our Endless Stream of Scandal."

Is that...?

Did you watch all of Scandal on Netflix and just lost your mind?


So, how do we parse all the messes that I'm involved in?

Yeah. Well, there's a lot,

and there's a lot of legitimate controversies and scandals

that we as a press and we as a public

and we as a legislature

should be looking at very seriously, and we are.

But there's also some distracting non-scandals,

like you swatting your wife's hand away on a foreign trip.

I was waving at her.

-Not a story. -I was waving at her, but really low.


I think when media outlets,

serious and credible media outlets,

uh, create an equivalency between that non-story

and real issues that are troubling,

it's no wonder why people hate the media

and feel like they can't trust us.

-Fake news. -Right.

Fake news. Isn't it true that that problem,

that generally people have at a level

that's almost underneath their consciousness,

of the fact that mainstream media, at this point,

is a scandal-to-scandal breaking-news collage,

has created a problem in which real stories get covered up

-by exactly what you're saying, this type of scandal... -Mm-hmm.

and then I can come in, label it fake news,

and rob us of a real dialogue

about the responsibilities of the fourth estate?

(applause, whooping)

Yeah, the fake news thing is a... is a problem,

and as a, you know, a member of the media,

I find that to be really, really unfair.

However, if you're a news consumer,

it's hard to tell the difference between "not news"

and "fake news."

And I'm concerned that when media outlets focus

on the "not news," then the news viewer

will have a very difficult time telling the difference.

You're a very likable conservative,

and I'm a very unlikable conservative.

Also not a conservative.

-Excuse me, I'm so conservative. -(laughs): I don't think so.

Well, you know, that's really great.

Why am I not a conservative?

Uh, I don't think you have

any undergirding conservative principles.

Oh, I've got undergirding, trust me.

Trust me.

Cinched tight.

Bad word choice.

You know, as you've said, you know,

you're not married to a political party,

this is how you got elected.

I think you wore the Republican party like a rented tuxedo

to get elected, and it... and it worked.

-Um, if... -Thank you.

It did, and I wish... I wish you'd be a little less insecure.

You won. Stop, you know, obsessing

about how, or who didn't vote for you.

Enough people liked you to make you president,

-so just do the job. -Whatever, man.

Three million people voted illegally,

and if Hillary hadn't won any of the votes,

I would've gotten all of them. You know that.

-Right. -That's the way it works.

-Right. -I have one last question.

What are three places where liberals and conservatives

can see eye to eye with each other,

if not agree, but at least work towards understanding?

Uh, today? Like, these liberals and conservatives?

-Yeah. -(laughs): Or... Geez.

It seems like, um...

it seems difficult, honestly, because we are so tribal

and we are so encamped in our...

in our, uh, political ideologies,

and... the idea that we can come together on causes

seems almost nostalgic.

And that's... that's very disappointing.

But I have faith that there are very good people

on both sides of the aisle-- I know some of them,

um, in the House and in the Senate--

who, uh... if they can emerge out of this morass,

uh, at some point, will be able to...

to work together on... on some of those...

those causes that used to unite both of our parties

-not that long ago. -I have an idea

of what's gonna unite both parties.

-Hmm? -My impeachment.

S.E. Cupp, everybody. S.E. Cupp.

-(cheering, applause) -S.E., stand up for a second.

For more infomation >> S.E. Cupp - The Media's Obsession with Non-Scandals - The President Show - Comedy Central - Duration: 5:52.




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