As we saw earlier this year in our episode 'The Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries,'
the USA is regarded as having the strongest, most advanced, and undoubtedly best funded
military in the entire world.
This powerhouse of a military is buttressed with arguably superior computer technology
to any other country, while America's nuclear capabilities, along with Russia, are above
and beyond any other nation.
Some of you may have been surprised to find India in fourth place on that list, a country
perhaps not renowned for its military strength, but in recent years, it has experienced vast
India is also the world's second most populated country, and in terms of boots on the ground,
has the third largest military personnel, not to mention more military volunteers to
call upon than any other country in the world.
So, how do these two countries compare in matters of military prowess?
That's what we will find out in this episode of The Infographics Show, U.S.A vs. India.
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Let's start by looking at the behemoth that is the United States military.
The U.S. has a population of just over 325 million people, 1.3 million of whom are active
military personnel.
The country has another 811,000 reserve personnel.
Where the USA far exceeds any other nation is in regard to its gigantic defense budget.
From its 18 trillion-plus GDP, the USA spends around 611 billion dollars on its military,
which is about 3.3 percent of its GDP.
In terms of spending, this is around three times more than China - the next biggest military
spender - spends on its defense.
It was reported this year that the new US administration has proposed to increase the
military budget by a further 54 billion dollars.
India has a population of about 1.3 billion (1.311 billion) people, 1.4 million of whom
are active military personnel.
A massive 1,155,000 people are serving as reserve personnel.
In terms of sheers numbers, India is in front of the U.S., but in terms of budgets, it is
leagues behind.
From India's $9.489 trillion GDP – the third biggest GDP in the world – around
55.9 billion dollars is spent on its military.
It's projected that by 2020, that number will be something like 64 billion as India
pushes towards further modernizing its military.
In terms of ground artillery, the U.S. has around 5,884 tanks, 41,000 armored fighting
vehicles, 1,934 self-propelled guns, 1,299 towed artillery, and 1,331 multiple-launch
rocket systems.
Here, India's numbers are far lower, with the country owning 4,426 tanks, 6,704 armored
fighting vehicles, 290 self-propelled guns, 7,414 towed artillery and 292 multiple-launch
rocket systems.
India's land equipment is said to have been in dire need of an upgrade for some time,
and this is why large investments are on the way.
India is in the process of developing and inducting a fleet of Arjun MK-II third-generation
battle tanks, while under the Field Artillery Rationalisation Plan.
3 billion dollars will be spent on 3,000 to 4,000 pieces of new artillery.
The USA largely relies on its third-generation battle tank, the M1 Abrams, a machine that
has proved itself in battle many times and often appears somewhere at the top of lists
of the world's best tanks.
The newest iteration of this tank, the M1A2 SEP v4, will begin testing in 2021.
Overall, in spite of India's attempts to modernize its military land vehicles, the
USA is firmly ahead in this arena.
In terms of military aircraft, the USA is almost spoiled for choice.
From its 13,444 aircrafts, the U.S. has some of the world's most impressive aerial fighting
This includes 195 F-22A Raptors, 957 F-16 Fighting Falcons, 257 F-15E Strike Eagles,
and 71 F-35A Lightning IIs.
The F-35 is said to be perhaps the most advanced military aircraft ever to be invented, although
it's also come under scrutiny for costing too much and also suffering the occasional
developmental setback.
It was once said the expense is so much, the F-35 is too big to fail.
India's air force is no slouch, however, and is said to be the fourth largest in the
world in terms of personnel and aircraft.
From its 1,720 aircraft, about 900 are combat capable.
Its fleet consists of Russian built Sukhoi Su-30MKIs and Mikoyan MiG-29s, as well as
the highly-rated French-built multi-role fighter, the Dassault Mirage 2000.
Both navies are also ranked in the top ten of the world's strongest navies, although
the U.S. is largely seen as being way out in front in the number one spot.
The giant U.S. navy consists of 11 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 67 destroyers, 8 frigates,
75 submarines, 0 corvettes, 9 amphibious assault ships, 11 mine warfare ships, and 55 patrol
The Indian navy has just one aircraft carrier, 0 cruisers, 11 destroyers, 14 frigates, 15
submarines, 23 corvettes, 0 amphibious assault ships, 7 mine warfare ships, and 72 patrol
As for nuclear capabilities, the USA and India are two of nine countries in the world that
have nuclear weapons.
The difference is that from almost 15,000 nuclear weapons on the planet, the U.S. owns
almost half of them, Russia the other half, and seven other countries make up the rest
with relatively small nuclear arsenals.
One of those countries is India, with around 120 nuclear warheads.
None of these are deployed, however, while America has an estimated 1,800 deployed nuclear
Something else to take into account is the oil needed to power a military.
The USA produces around 8.6 million barrels of oil per day, while consuming around 19
million barrels daily.
It has around 36 and a half billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
India produces 767,000 barrels of oil a day, consumes 3.5 million barrels daily, and has
around 5 and a half billion barrels in reserve.
While India has almost certainly become a superpower regarding its military, its fast
modernization could be no match for the experience of the United States, a country whose military
is constantly being tested.
India's military in recent times has been involved in mostly small conflicts and peacekeeping
missions, while the same cannot be said about the U.S. military.
Since 1776, the United States has been involved in a total of 103 wars, which makes its armed
forces more experienced than any other modern military.
We must also look towards the future, a technological future which is to some extent driven by American
Here we should take into account cyber-warfare, advanced spying methods, the hacking of not
just military databases but connected machines or missiles, drone capabilities, machine learning
algorithms used to understand vast amounts of data, automation software used for military
purposes, and even the possibility of soldiers being replaced by artificially intelligent
As we speak, the military is undergoing huge transformations, with computer technology
leading that transformation.
Only recently the Pentagon decided to start using machine-learning algorithms to assist
military personnel to go over 1000s of hours of drone footage from the Middle East.
The USA is arguably the world's leader in this respect, although India is also a powerhouse
of computer technology.
The city of Bangalore in India is sometimes referred to as the 'second Silicon Valley,'
so it would be unwise not to respect India's IT acumen.
We might also think about what's been called the Pentagon's 'Terminator Conundrum,' a future
in which the machines we created have become so powerful in terms of cognizance that they
decide to wipe out the human race.
In that case one day we could find ourselves all on the same side!
So, what are your thoughts on this match-up?
Does the mighty USA military have weaknesses?
Does India have tricks up its sleeve that we haven't mentioned?
We'd love to hear what you think in the comments.
And if you like these kinds of military comparisons, be sure to check out our Military Comparisons
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you soon!
For more infomation >> United States (USA) vs India 2017 - Who Would Win - Army / Military Comparison - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
Overgrown ► Vietnam | Real Action Paintball | Milsim | Cães de Guerra - Duration: 13:09.
Welcome back guys!
Today's game was at this awesome jungle field
The contacts are in the description in case you want to go there
Today's game was rainy.
it's becomming a normal thing on the channel
We are going to sneak their base from this side
and flank them. Let's see how this goes.
RADIO: Hudson here. Is there any of our guys on the back of the field?
RADIO: Because I see movement towards you guys
watch your back buddy
came from up there
fall back
let's go low
above us
over there. I see something
It's ours?
the guy with desert cammo
Looks like Sanches
got him
is there anyone with me?
I'm moving
take my position
are you with someone?
I'm moving
I'm going down to the village
It's getting a little hard to see the ball because it's a blue one.
After that one ends I'll get another with a bright color. Promise.
Shit!. Thanks for catching me.
I'm going up
I'm on the middle of the field
I'm tired
Don't know where to go
I'm going down there
Contact in front of you.
did it fail?
No. Lot's of smoke ..
*taking a stucked branch out of my mask
at this moment I took a shot and I'm gone.
That's it for today guys. Like, comment and share it!
See you guys next week!
Nightcore - Paris【Spectrum】The Chainsmokers - Duration: 3:48.
If we go down then we go down together They'll say we could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
And I thought, "Wow if I could take this in a shot right now
I don't think that we could work this out."
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought, "How
could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else?"
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
You look so proud standing there with a flower and a cigarette
Posting pictures of yourself on the Internet
Out on the terrace I'm [?] in the air of this small town
On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the bus we were livin' in
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
And I thought, "Wow if I could take this in a shot right now
I don't think that we could work this out."
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought, "How
could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else?"
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
You look so proud standing there with a flower and a cigarette
Posting pictures of yourself on the Internet
Out on the terrace I'm [?] in the air of this small town
On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the bus we were livin' in
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
Terra da Padroeira | Cantinho do Cata-Vento - Frank Aguiar/João Lucas e Matheus - 28 de Maio de 2017 - Duration: 26:57.
Terra da Padroeira | Ao Pé da Estrada - Zé do Cedro e João do Pinho/João Lucas e Matheus - - Duration: 34:25.
[ThePruld] Ds1 - Duello cortese (FunzDub) - Duration: 1:23.
WARNING - The video you are about to see has been dubbed by rascals, criminals and some anthropomorphic animals
Some of them have not survived, the rest have dubbed the video
Player: Are you here to challenge me?
Phantom 1: that's correct...
Player: very good...
Phantom 1: WITH HONOR!!
Phantom 2: IM HERE TOO!!!
Player: But before, wait a moment...
Player: First, i'll fight with him...
Phantom 2: What the fuck!?!
Phantom 2: Now i came up there and i'll WASTE YOU!!!
Phantom 1: no, no, no....NO!
Panhomt 1: I invaded him first so i'll kill him!
Player: Hold on a second...what does it mean "you kill me"?
Player: Im the one who kill YOU!
Phantom 1: I dont think so!
Player: You'll see!!
Player: I have a POISE of MADONNA!!!
Phantom 1: You must know that the POISE is not all!!
Phantom 2: You're right, the POISE is the most important thing!!....
Player: Listen...can we just fight please?!
Phantom 2: Yes, sure...
Phantom 2: ...then that guy will attack us and kill the weaker...
Player: So what we do now?...
Play: This is a STALL!!...
Player: ...what do we do now!?
Panthom 1: What the HELL do i know!?...
Phantom 1: ...i never imagined that if i invaded you here would get another guy!!
Phantom 1: ...I just wanted to do a courteus duel!...
Player: "courteus duel" sure, i know you're going to use the ESTUS!
Phantom 1: Do you know that the invader on Dark souls 1 cant use the estus!?!?
Player: ...then you will use the healing spells!!
Phantom 1: Yeh...but casting make me lose time, i dont give a fuck!
Phantom 1: Let's fight please!!....
Player: that's ok, but...
Player: keep an eye on that guy, oterwise he will attack us!
Phantom 1: Ok then...
Phantom 1: WITH LOYALTY!!!
Player: WITH HONOR!!!
Panhomt 2: WRATH OF THE GODS!!!
Roland Garros. João Sousa e Martin Klizan defrontam especialistas de pares na 1.ª ronda - Duration: 1:51.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 350 e Limousine Lease Edition 15% Bijteling Rij-AssistentiePLU - Duration: 1:01.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Estate 350 E LEASE EDITION Automaat - Duration: 0:59.
Peugeot 108 1.0 E-VTI ACTIVE ::: airco/ elektr. pakket - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 E-TRON PHEV AMBITION S LINE - Duration: 0:54.
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 374pk e-tron Quattro Tiptronic Sport Edition - Duration: 1:02.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D STYLE EDITION - Duration: 0:58.
Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK airdream 5D STYLE EDITION - Duration: 1:00.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 350 e Estate Avantgarde Lease Edition Automaat 15% Bijtelling - Duration: 0:54.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Cabrio 200 CGI ELEGANCE - Duration: 0:59.
Good morning to those of you who've just woken up, at 11.30am
You gotta be kidding me, waking up this late
11.30am, I say that because you know that
Every Monday, 11.30am, we have this video in which
We discuss things, have a chat
I say this also because every Thursday we have the Adventures of the Kingdom of God on Earth
11.30 am
But, if you have actually just woken up
I wanna tell you you're a lazybones
11.30 is not the time to wake up, men of God don't wake up at 11.30am
I really like Hudson Taylor
He was a missionary in China in the 18th Century
He preached the Gospel in China for 51 years
"In 30 years" back then he'd been in China for 30 or 40 years
"the Sun's never caught me asleep"
I can't say much because the Sun catches me asleep many times
Nearly everyday, actually
Because when I woke up today, at 5.30am, the Sun was already there
Up and shining, the Sun's been up early here these days
But 11.30am is not appropriate to wake up, mate, it isn't
I know my videos are out at 11.30am and I love that you watch it
But you gotta wake up earlier
You gotta inspire yourself to live more of a real life
You can't sleep this much, you can't
Are you gonna spend your whole life sleeping? Sleep when you're dead, mate
If you believe that we're gonna sleep when we're dead, because I don't
If God appreciated sleep, He would be sleeping
But He isn't sleeping
There's no sleep in Heaven
There isn't even night in Heave, oh Praise God
That's why Jesus created coffee
What I wanted to tell you today is
This is a very special video because this Wednesday I'm going to Africa
For the second time, I'm going to preach the gospel
I'm going to Zimbabwe, I'm meeting our brothers from Zimbabwe
We'll be preaching the gospel to them
We will be helping the saints
Equipping the church
To build up the Church in Jesus Christ
For us to save souls
And the Kingdom come
And Jesus be glorified
So I'm going to Africa
And I can't guarantee you that I'll be able to film and upload videos there
So I ask you to follow me on Instagram
Because it's easier on Instagram
I can keep like a journal there
So, follow me on Instagram
Thank you, thank you very much
But what I really wanna talk about today iiiiisss
One of the messages I receive the most from young people is
"Luca, what should I do if I'm on fire but no one else around me is?"
"What should I do if I love Jesus but my friends don't?"
"What should I do?"
Let me tell you, mate, let me give you some advice
If you've found out the Truth
Try and take as many people towards the Truth
If no one wants to come, go on your own
Because, one day, it will be you and Him
Facing one another
Him, seating on the Throne, and you facing the Throne
And, unfortunately, your friends won't be there
It's a shame, they could have come with you, mate
They could have been on fire
They could have loved Jesus and given themselves for this Truth, 100%
They could have been consumed by the Gospel
But they chose not to
They chose not to, they were satisfied with goosebumps
They were satisfied with hearing about God's promises
They were satisfied with raising their hands and saying "Hallelujah" every Sunday
They were satisfied with being blessed, you know
They were satisfied with a better job
They were satisfied with a good house
They were satisfied with the blessings, with His Hands
But they could never seek His Heart
But you sought the Heart
And, one day, standing before the Throne
You will either regret the things you did, or the things you didn't do
You will regret having done something, or having not done it
So, take my friendly advice
If no one else is on fire, burn on your own
And I'm not talking about not having communion
On your own, you're a member
In fellowship, you're a body
And a body does a lot more than a single member
A body can reach further than a member
So, I'm not telling you to walk alone
What I'm saying is that your surrender should not be based on
What people around you are surrendering
If you want to, and you can, and you wish to
Go on your own
Mate, one day, Mary, a 15-years-old girl, went to Jesus
Broke the alabaster jar on Him
And annointed Him
The disciples themselves looked at her
And said "Are you crazy, mate?"
Jesus' own disciples
The ones walking with Him
They said "Mate, you could have sold that and given to the poor"
It would be one hell of a surrender, giving it to the poor
But, what? She wanted to go deeper, she wanted more
And there will come a time in which your surrender will embarass people around you
Your surrender will be confusing to what they believe of the Gospel
They're gonna tell you "You needn't fast this much"
"You needn't pray this much"
"You needn't give yourself this much"
"You needn't give your own stuff"
"You needn't do this much"
"You needn't endure this much"
Mate, this is normal, even from my family
They come to me and "mate, you're losing too much weight"
Not my dad, he's more surrendered
But, other people, it's not that they're not Christians, and don't believe in God
But there are moments in which your surrender
It becomes something that people can't comprehend
And if you don't have people to come with you, go alone
If you don't have people to burn like that, burn on your own
Now, don't let, don't let
People around you convince you to lower your surrender
So, if you feel deep in your heart, that you can go further
You can surrender more
You're feeling this calling inside of you
If you're feeling this heat, this fire, this calling from God
To wake up earlier, to stop going out
To quit staying up until 2am on the phone with your girlfriend to pray
If you're feeling that you should read more of the Bible
Dude, go all in
And if you have no one to come with you, go on your own
Mate, 6 years ago, 6 years ago
This that you're seeing in Brazil now wasn't happening
6 years ago, when I started going around, there were very few young people
Very few young people burning for God
I remember I only knew 1 guy, Gil
He's still in Piracicaba, a man of God
He was my refugee, when I got around the region of Piracicaba, I'd call him to go to the Mount
And we'd go out 3am, mate, raining
To seek God, to burn, because we wanted God
If you're from around Piracicaba, I'm gonna leave his Instagram down hre
They're there in a House of Prayer, seeking God
If you have no one to seek God with, get in touch with Gil, mate
Men who love God
But, if you really don't have anyone to come with you, go alone
And don't worry if people get offended on account of your surrender
You're not here to please man, you're here to please God
And, as long as you're pleasing God, OK
Go deeper, burn more
If your friend don't wanna evangelise with you, evangelise alone
If your friends don't wanna pray with you, pray alone
If your friends don't wanna fast with you, fast alone
If your friends don't wanna read the Bible with you, read alone
One day Paul wrote to Timothy, he said "Timothy"
"Fan into flame the Gift of God which is in you" [2 Tim 1:6]
There is a flame inside of you placed there by God
And it's not the responsibility of your friends to fan it
It wasn't Paul's responsibility to fan it
It's not my responsibility
There's is only one person responsible for your flame, and it's you, mate
Having no one to burn with you isn't an excuse not to burn
Having no one to serve God with you isn't an excuse
'Cos maybe now you have friends, but God needs you somewhere else, a dry land
A dead place, and what then, with whom are you gonna dig?
On whom are you gonna depend, to burn?
On whom are you gonna depend, to love God?
If you don't do it on your own
You can only take people as far as you have been
So, if you wanna raise a generation that loves God above all things
Love God above all things
Regardless of what others say or do
Go for it, God bless you
See see see'ya.
TRUMP WINS AGAIN Media Just Caught Lying Red Handed About This That Has Trump Grinning From Ear To E - Duration: 2:09.
TRUMP WINS AGAIN Media Just Caught Lying Red Handed About This That Has Trump Grinning
From Ear To Ear
By Stacy Law
It�s getting pretty embarrassing out there for the ol Main Stream Media!
Their lies are catching up with them and they are �left� looking like the fools they
This time, several news agencies �reported� a story that spread like wild fire.
It was kind of like a game of Telephone, where one person says something, then everyone else
just repeats what the first person said.
Here�s what happened: a BBC reporter started a story that President Trump did not bother
to listen to a translation of the Italian Prime Minister�s speech at the G7 Summit.
He tweeted a short clip and a claim that Trump was the only world leader not listening to
a translation through headphones.
Here�s what the first person in their terrible game said:
(Note how Trump�s right ear is carefully concealed)
Here�s just one childish video of the �scandal:�
And, from that �evidence� alone, the media ran rampant.
They gleefully spread the �story,� because it was a way to, once again, show Trump in
a negative light.
To try to paint him as a rude, incompetent idiot.
That�s what they�re trying to do, right?
Only they are the ones with egg on their collective media faces!
Instead of earphones, President Trump WAS listening with interest, through an ear piece
in his right ear!
I, for one, am quite certain I know who the incompetent idiots are.
And it�s NOT our President!
If you know that the media is incompetent, too, let�s spread THIS story like wildfire,
Please, SHARE this, and get it world-wide!
Reflects CrossFollowers - THE GREATEST TREASURE | #14 - Duration: 1:16.
In the book of Matthew, chapter 13, from verse 44 to 46, Jesus is going to make a comparison about the kingdom of God.
And so He compares a man who, finding a treasure,
goes and sells everything he has to buy the land and thus acquire the treasure.
He also compares a merchant who, finding a pearl of great value,
goes and sells everything he has for just one pearl.
Jesus compares the treasure with the pearl.
When we are called to the kingdom of God, this is how we should do it.
We must leave everything we have to serve only one Lord.
We must leave all our past in order to begin a new history with Him.
So, are we willing to live for the kingdom of God?
Leave all that we have and conquer to do His will?
Мультик Раскраска. Робокар Поли. Учим цвета. Cartoon Robocar Poli. Learn Colors #77. Baby Learn - Duration: 1:40.
É preciso mudar a cultura narcísica - Duration: 2:46.
Terra da Padroeira | Confira uma linda história de amor entre pai, filho e a música! - Duration: 36:24.
The The Voynich Manuscript, the Most Mysterious Book in the World - Duration: 3:27.
Welcome to the Mundo Misterioso channel, I am Tom and today you will learn about one
of the most mysterious books of all time, the Voynich Manuscript, which was written more than
600 years ago in a language that is unknown to this day and containing very
intriguing illustrations, watch now, in Casos Misteriosos.
The book, known as Manuscript Voynich, was handwritten between the years of 1404
and 1438, which has already been proven by carbon dating, which is a procedure
that can determine the age of a material by analyzing its composition.
Much of the story about this book is unknown.
It is known that he was bought in a monastery in Italy in the year 1912 by the collector
Wilfred Voynich, and from there, comes the name of the book, noting that he originally does not
have a name, there is nothing written on its cover, so it only became known as
Manuscript Voynich because of the man who acquired it ...
The book is all written in an incomprehensible language and many of the best living cryptographers
have tried to decode it but so far, they all failed to do so.
Many professionals and even amateurs continue to try to this day, some claim to have deciphered
some words, such as names of constellations and illustrated plants in the book, but in fact,
they only associated the illustrations with other similar ones made during the medieval period,
that being said, it can't be clearly stated that they have deciphered something in the Voynich
Something as intriguing as the writings are the illustrations in the book.
In the first section are shown images of plants, which mostly seem to be from
another world, as they do not look like the plants we know here on Earth ...
Now the second section of the book, shows pages containing some very interesting
diagrams and seem to have as astrology as a theme ...
In another section of the book are shown images of naked women bathing in pools
and tubes with green liquid ... There is even an image that shows a creature that seems
to be a mermaid ... And in addition, other illustrations of animals somewhat bizarre ...
Now in the penultimate section of the book, there are pages that show what appears to be medicinal
recipes using many of the plants that were shown on the early pages ...
And in the last section, there are many texts, which are accompanied by drawings of stars
on the sides, which could even indicate some other specific enigma ... And something worth
noting, is that the book is not complete, because some pages have been torn and will probably
never be recovered.
Anyway, this is a very intriguing book and there are many theories, many believe that
it is a great work of art, where the author created a whole language, perhaps even meaningless,
just to intrigue who saw it and also some believe that It was
written by Leonardo Da Vinci ...
And of course, that there are also the most supernatural theories, there are many people who strongly
believe that the book has been written and illustrated by someone from another world ...
And so, this is the Voynich Manuscript.
Leave your opinion in the comments, subscribe to the channel and follow us on the social networks
through the links in the description and if you liked the video, rate and share with your friends,
then you will be showing your support for the channel.
Stay well and until the next mystery.
United States (USA) vs India 2017 - Who Would Win - Army / Military Comparison - Duration: 7:30.
As we saw earlier this year in our episode 'The Top 10 Most Powerful Militaries,'
the USA is regarded as having the strongest, most advanced, and undoubtedly best funded
military in the entire world.
This powerhouse of a military is buttressed with arguably superior computer technology
to any other country, while America's nuclear capabilities, along with Russia, are above
and beyond any other nation.
Some of you may have been surprised to find India in fourth place on that list, a country
perhaps not renowned for its military strength, but in recent years, it has experienced vast
India is also the world's second most populated country, and in terms of boots on the ground,
has the third largest military personnel, not to mention more military volunteers to
call upon than any other country in the world.
So, how do these two countries compare in matters of military prowess?
That's what we will find out in this episode of The Infographics Show, U.S.A vs. India.
Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our
Notification Squad.
Let's start by looking at the behemoth that is the United States military.
The U.S. has a population of just over 325 million people, 1.3 million of whom are active
military personnel.
The country has another 811,000 reserve personnel.
Where the USA far exceeds any other nation is in regard to its gigantic defense budget.
From its 18 trillion-plus GDP, the USA spends around 611 billion dollars on its military,
which is about 3.3 percent of its GDP.
In terms of spending, this is around three times more than China - the next biggest military
spender - spends on its defense.
It was reported this year that the new US administration has proposed to increase the
military budget by a further 54 billion dollars.
India has a population of about 1.3 billion (1.311 billion) people, 1.4 million of whom
are active military personnel.
A massive 1,155,000 people are serving as reserve personnel.
In terms of sheers numbers, India is in front of the U.S., but in terms of budgets, it is
leagues behind.
From India's $9.489 trillion GDP – the third biggest GDP in the world – around
55.9 billion dollars is spent on its military.
It's projected that by 2020, that number will be something like 64 billion as India
pushes towards further modernizing its military.
In terms of ground artillery, the U.S. has around 5,884 tanks, 41,000 armored fighting
vehicles, 1,934 self-propelled guns, 1,299 towed artillery, and 1,331 multiple-launch
rocket systems.
Here, India's numbers are far lower, with the country owning 4,426 tanks, 6,704 armored
fighting vehicles, 290 self-propelled guns, 7,414 towed artillery and 292 multiple-launch
rocket systems.
India's land equipment is said to have been in dire need of an upgrade for some time,
and this is why large investments are on the way.
India is in the process of developing and inducting a fleet of Arjun MK-II third-generation
battle tanks, while under the Field Artillery Rationalisation Plan.
3 billion dollars will be spent on 3,000 to 4,000 pieces of new artillery.
The USA largely relies on its third-generation battle tank, the M1 Abrams, a machine that
has proved itself in battle many times and often appears somewhere at the top of lists
of the world's best tanks.
The newest iteration of this tank, the M1A2 SEP v4, will begin testing in 2021.
Overall, in spite of India's attempts to modernize its military land vehicles, the
USA is firmly ahead in this arena.
In terms of military aircraft, the USA is almost spoiled for choice.
From its 13,444 aircrafts, the U.S. has some of the world's most impressive aerial fighting
This includes 195 F-22A Raptors, 957 F-16 Fighting Falcons, 257 F-15E Strike Eagles,
and 71 F-35A Lightning IIs.
The F-35 is said to be perhaps the most advanced military aircraft ever to be invented, although
it's also come under scrutiny for costing too much and also suffering the occasional
developmental setback.
It was once said the expense is so much, the F-35 is too big to fail.
India's air force is no slouch, however, and is said to be the fourth largest in the
world in terms of personnel and aircraft.
From its 1,720 aircraft, about 900 are combat capable.
Its fleet consists of Russian built Sukhoi Su-30MKIs and Mikoyan MiG-29s, as well as
the highly-rated French-built multi-role fighter, the Dassault Mirage 2000.
Both navies are also ranked in the top ten of the world's strongest navies, although
the U.S. is largely seen as being way out in front in the number one spot.
The giant U.S. navy consists of 11 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 67 destroyers, 8 frigates,
75 submarines, 0 corvettes, 9 amphibious assault ships, 11 mine warfare ships, and 55 patrol
The Indian navy has just one aircraft carrier, 0 cruisers, 11 destroyers, 14 frigates, 15
submarines, 23 corvettes, 0 amphibious assault ships, 7 mine warfare ships, and 72 patrol
As for nuclear capabilities, the USA and India are two of nine countries in the world that
have nuclear weapons.
The difference is that from almost 15,000 nuclear weapons on the planet, the U.S. owns
almost half of them, Russia the other half, and seven other countries make up the rest
with relatively small nuclear arsenals.
One of those countries is India, with around 120 nuclear warheads.
None of these are deployed, however, while America has an estimated 1,800 deployed nuclear
Something else to take into account is the oil needed to power a military.
The USA produces around 8.6 million barrels of oil per day, while consuming around 19
million barrels daily.
It has around 36 and a half billion barrels of proven oil reserves.
India produces 767,000 barrels of oil a day, consumes 3.5 million barrels daily, and has
around 5 and a half billion barrels in reserve.
While India has almost certainly become a superpower regarding its military, its fast
modernization could be no match for the experience of the United States, a country whose military
is constantly being tested.
India's military in recent times has been involved in mostly small conflicts and peacekeeping
missions, while the same cannot be said about the U.S. military.
Since 1776, the United States has been involved in a total of 103 wars, which makes its armed
forces more experienced than any other modern military.
We must also look towards the future, a technological future which is to some extent driven by American
Here we should take into account cyber-warfare, advanced spying methods, the hacking of not
just military databases but connected machines or missiles, drone capabilities, machine learning
algorithms used to understand vast amounts of data, automation software used for military
purposes, and even the possibility of soldiers being replaced by artificially intelligent
As we speak, the military is undergoing huge transformations, with computer technology
leading that transformation.
Only recently the Pentagon decided to start using machine-learning algorithms to assist
military personnel to go over 1000s of hours of drone footage from the Middle East.
The USA is arguably the world's leader in this respect, although India is also a powerhouse
of computer technology.
The city of Bangalore in India is sometimes referred to as the 'second Silicon Valley,'
so it would be unwise not to respect India's IT acumen.
We might also think about what's been called the Pentagon's 'Terminator Conundrum,' a future
in which the machines we created have become so powerful in terms of cognizance that they
decide to wipe out the human race.
In that case one day we could find ourselves all on the same side!
So, what are your thoughts on this match-up?
Does the mighty USA military have weaknesses?
Does India have tricks up its sleeve that we haven't mentioned?
We'd love to hear what you think in the comments.
And if you like these kinds of military comparisons, be sure to check out our Military Comparisons
Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you soon!
Overgrown ► Vietnam | Real Action Paintball | Milsim | Cães de Guerra - Duration: 13:09.
Welcome back guys!
Today's game was at this awesome jungle field
The contacts are in the description in case you want to go there
Today's game was rainy.
it's becomming a normal thing on the channel
We are going to sneak their base from this side
and flank them. Let's see how this goes.
RADIO: Hudson here. Is there any of our guys on the back of the field?
RADIO: Because I see movement towards you guys
watch your back buddy
came from up there
fall back
let's go low
above us
over there. I see something
It's ours?
the guy with desert cammo
Looks like Sanches
got him
is there anyone with me?
I'm moving
take my position
are you with someone?
I'm moving
I'm going down to the village
It's getting a little hard to see the ball because it's a blue one.
After that one ends I'll get another with a bright color. Promise.
Shit!. Thanks for catching me.
I'm going up
I'm on the middle of the field
I'm tired
Don't know where to go
I'm going down there
Contact in front of you.
did it fail?
No. Lot's of smoke ..
*taking a stucked branch out of my mask
at this moment I took a shot and I'm gone.
That's it for today guys. Like, comment and share it!
See you guys next week!
Nightcore - Paris【Spectrum】The Chainsmokers - Duration: 3:48.
If we go down then we go down together They'll say we could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
And I thought, "Wow if I could take this in a shot right now
I don't think that we could work this out."
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought, "How
could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else?"
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
You look so proud standing there with a flower and a cigarette
Posting pictures of yourself on the Internet
Out on the terrace I'm [?] in the air of this small town
On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the bus we were livin' in
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
And I thought, "Wow if I could take this in a shot right now
I don't think that we could work this out."
Out on the terrace I don't know if it's fair but I thought, "How
could I let you fall by yourself While I'm wasted with someone else?"
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
We were staying in Paris To get away from your parents
You look so proud standing there with a flower and a cigarette
Posting pictures of yourself on the Internet
Out on the terrace I'm [?] in the air of this small town
On our own cuttin' class for the thrill of it
Getting drunk on the bus we were livin' in
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything We'll show them we are better
If we go down then we go down together They'll say you could do anything
They'll say that I was clever If we go down then we go down together
We'll get away with everything Let's show them we are better
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