Hey guys, how you doing out there?
Let me introduce myself to you, where's Mark gone?
Yeah, he had to take a bit of leave man he was a bit stressed out, he's been really busy
lately, a lot going on, but anyway, let me introduce myself to you, my name's Max, yeah,
they call me mad Max, not like the movie, just Mad Max, I'm a little bit, you know, left of centre as you could
say, anyway, the good news is, I'm, I'm gonna, teach you English today, ok, I'm gonna teach you
English, and I, you know, I like music, I was just playing my guitar, I was just playing
my guitar, but I'll put that down, I'll just put that down, yeah, so, listen, I'm
here to do, you know, what you guys want, special requests, you know, weddings, Bar
Mitzvahs, whatever, you know, birthday parties, but you know, special requests with English,
that's what, I'm out here for, O.K. look, yeah, anything, you wanna know, let me know
and I'll help you out, o.k.
I'll help you out, let me just show you round little bit, this is our down stairs room man,
it, it needs renovating but, you know for now, I got my musical instruments down here
and, I'm happy, it's O.K, you know, we'll get it done one day, anyway, back to the English,
so I did get a special request, the other day, someone was asking me, you know, how
do I, how do I say it, if ehh, you know someone's a little bit, you know, fat, and I'm like
oh man, you try and avoid that word, you try and avoid that word, because, it's not P.C.
you know, it's not really P.C. and P.C you know, you guys, you may know what I mean,
but you may not, it means, politically correct, you know, so in places like New York where
I live, you know, um, you can't, you can't say that sort of thing man, you just gotta
say, like for example he's like, he's a big guy, he's a big guy, yeah, he's a bit chubby,
he's a bit chubby, that's o.k. it's not really, you know, it's not too big, it's just a little
bit big, he's chubby, you know my hubby, husband, yeah, he's a bit chubby man, chubby hubby,
you know what I mean?
Yeah, so, that's it man, you know, but the other thing I got asked is like how do I say
that, you know I've um, I've um, you know I've got a bit big myself you know, how do
I say that, well you know, I've heard you guys, I've heard what you say, you know,and it's not
good English, O.k. you often say "I've lost my weight.
" No no you don't say I've lost my weight I'm sure that's how you say it in your language
and that's why you get it confused, but, here you say, I've lost my keys, you know I lost
my job, I lost my job, um I lost my lost wallet, yeah where is it man?
Where's my wallet, I can never find my wallet or my keys man, I'm always asking my wife
man, it's driving her crazy, but yeah with your weight, with your weight you say, look
I've eh, I've eh, you know, I've, I've lost a bit of weight, sorry I got that all a confused,
I got that all mixed up the wrong way around, we were talking about putting on weight, yeah
that's what you say, yeah I started with lost but let's go back to that anyway, If you're
lost, you know I'm lost, I've lost, I've lost, I have lost, I've, I've lost because it's
now, you know, it was before and it's now and you know probably tomorrow, it's the same,
probably tomorrows the same, so yeah, I've lost, I've lost a bit of weight and the opposite
of that, well sorry and one more thing , a couple of more things that you could say is
like, I've eh, I've lost, you know one kilo, that's great man, that's great, you've
also a kilo, you've lost a kilo, yeah good work man, keep going with it, keep going,
just like with your English man, just keep going with that, that's great, you'll get
there man, I'm sure you're feeling better for it, all the better for it man, you know
bit of exercise, bit of the right diet, not too much junk, a little bits O.K. for me you
know I call it cut out the ch, cut out the ch, you what the ch is? chips, cheese, chocolate,
yeah, all those things man, If I eat those things man, my belly starts to get little
bit, you know, pants start getting a little bit tight, you know what I mean?
You gotta, you gotta cut back a little bit, so anyway, um yeah, I've lost a kilo, I've
lost a couple of kilos, yeah and and the opposite, yeah, I've put on, I've put on, that's all
the ch, cheese chocolate, cheese, chips, cheese, chocolate, chips I've put on a couple of kilo,
so anyway I wrote a song about that, that's the good news man, I wrote a song about it,
and you know we're gonna use a couple of kilo, because that's the more musical, it goes well
with music you know it's musicality man, that's where it's all at, you know musicality, It's
got be, it's gotta be musicality, you know, you know what I mean, like musical, yeah,
yeah, so, we're gonna sing, ah we're gonna do the little Mexican theme here like, Ba
na dana da dana da dana, ba na dana da dana da dana, ba na dana da dana dana, ba na dana
da dana da da.
I'm sure you all know that tune, you know that tune, yeah?
So, ah, we're gonna sing, I've lost a couple of kilo, I've lost a couple of kilo, I've
lost a couple of kilo, I've lost a couple of kilo, I've lost, It should be kilos, but
it's easy in the song kilo, kilos, I've lost a couple of kilos, yeah, O.K.? KG's, KG's
or in a or in in London, you know in in England they say, they say pounds, I've also a few
pounds, I've lost couple of pounds, different yeah, measurement system, different measurement
system, yeah, anyway, we'll get back to here, back to New York, man, back, oh yeah, yeah,
sorry about that, man, sorry, get a bit crazy, up here you know sometimes, too much time
in this room by myself, you know, anyway so, back.
I've lost a couple of kilos, yeah, let's sing it I've lost a couple of kilos, I've lost
a couple of kilos, I've lost a couple of kilos, I've lost a couple of kilos, so when you're
walking down the street man, you're losing weight, I want you to sing the song, you know,
get the rhythm, ba ba ba ba de da da de da da de da da, you know the rest man.
I've lost a couple of kilo, come on, I've lost a couple of kilos and the opposite, put
You know, you put on some weight a bit too much of the good life, you know too much of
the good life.
Let's sing that, I've put on, I've put on a couple of kilo, I've put on a couple of
kilo, I've put on a couple of kilo, I've put on a couple of kilo, I've put on a couple
of kilo, I've put on a couple of kilo, you get into it man, you gotta get into it, I've
put on a couple of kilo, I've put on a couple of kilo, I've put on a couple of kilo, I've
look, man, I hope that helps, I really hope that helps, because
I had a great time you know, I love, I love doing what I do man, yeah, I love, I love
helping you guys out.
So anything you know you not sure about, let me know man, and I know, Mark's the same man,
just let him know, he's there to help you man, you know, he's a good guy, he's a good guy man,
he's a great guy actually, he's a good friend of mine, and I'm just um. just stepping in
you know, just stepping in, he didn't want to leave guys high and dry, you know, he
didn't want to leave you guys high and dry, he felt a bit guilty actually, you know, but
you know you gotta give him a break man everyone needs a holiday, yeah you agree, alright man,
til next time, catch you later, hey please subscribe man, it really helps us out you know, and
click like, if you're not sure how to subscribe, maybe ask somebody and it makes it easier
for you too, makes it way easier for too because your videos, they just come, there just there
for you O.K. maybe you know, you know, young people I find like my kids are good with that
you know just, how do I subscribe?
And I know, Mark's not that, he's not that tech savvy either so he hasn't made it that easy for you but
he's getting there, he's learning, he's learning, O.k. alright, O.K. I'm Max, and you know I
love, I love this it's good stuff man, it's good stuff, O.K?
Keep up your English you're getting there doing the right thing alright, love to you
all man, love to you all, catch you later bye, see you man, bye.
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