We are at the present time facing great crisis.
That crisis is degenerating of humanity through the sickness, mental illness,
as well as the threat of nuclear war.
All these confront...confrontations
making all humanity's is in danger and worrying about
is because of present-day our way of thinking.
Orientation of modern civilization itself.
Suppose, in order to find out our origin, "what man is?",
when we close our eyes and when we deeply reflect
we were yesterday here, 10 years ago also we were here on this planet
20 years ago, also we are here. Before that, we were in mother's womb, although we forgot completely.
And then, before mother's womb, "where we were?"
We do not begin from mother's womb
yes conception began, yes beginning of human being human form began that time
but before that we were mother's egg, father's sperm
and before that mother's blood, father's blood
before that what mother ate, father ate
because they became their blood
so someone might be cabbages; someone might be hot dog
and before that therefore even father ate beef
cow eat grass...grass change into cow's meat
so we came from vegetable kingdoms, plant kingdoms
we transformed, transmuted our life formations from vegetable kingdom
so our origin was...
before we become man
before that was plant kingdoms
but plant kingdom was not appearing alone
that was transformation of soils, airs, water
so called, "nature"
or you may say. the "Elements", like hydrogen carbon oxygen and their combinations
World of Elements
Nature or World of Elements that is that covers this entire earth, this entire atmosphere,
as well as the planet of the all solar systems
as well as millions, trillions of stars
These nature or elements...
World of Elements...huge world
however, didn't begin itself
they, as modern science knows,
were composed and came from pre-atomic particles such as electron proton, etc.
neutron, so forth
so, origin of nature; origin of elements were
Pre-Atomic Particles
which has plus/minus
which has yin charge/yang charge
in electricity...tendencies...
They, however, did not come itself
They were nothing but the center of mass... massive energy, spirallic motion
That center...massive condensed energies...
that appear as particles
so vibrations...energy... is...
the origin of pre-atomic world
but this vibration/energies - How arise? which is entire universe - vibration and energies
How that is arising? How that move? How that change?
Because there are two polarities, two different tendencies
high and low, right and left
and high pressure, low pressure high temperature, low temperatures
centrifugality and centripetality, expansion and contractions
Two - those...plus/minus or yin and yang, Alpha and Omega...
these two big different tendencies - opposite tendencies, yet complemental one
there that is making motions
When Romeo and Juliet...
Romeo get up midnight and go to the Juliet's...
the house and under
outside of Juliet's house, under the windows, he sings the song..
I don't know if he was singing Rock 'n' Roll, or so forth..
Juliet came out from the bed and waving...that open the windows...
These motions, because of polarity - Yin and Yang, male and female, polarity...motions
These motions, however, polarities,
like right hand, left hand, right brain, left brain...
right eyes, left eye...right lung, left lung or breathing out, breathing in
or eating - taking in then discharging out
or activity and then resting
standing high, straight or lower, laying down
these antagonistic, complemental activities are nothing but one body
manifest into two different ways
Same way, this throughout the universe
antagonistic complemental phenomena are all manifested as one infinite universe
One infinity manifest into two antagonistic, complemental tendencies
and work between that - energy arise, vibration goes and then create pre-atomic particles
then create the world of physical matter like planet's world, celestial bodies world
then there creates the nature or plants and then that transforms to animal
eventually man, as far as this earth is concerned.
That means, we have come from infinite universe itself
and came to this world
transforming, transmuting thousands of different forms/lives
and finally choosing this solar system, this - this ...planet and choosing our parents
through/from the plants world, change into their blood and change into their reproductive cells and came out as human beings
this long, long, long journey...
billion of years journey...
everyone have passed through
Therefore everyone have the memories...
once upon a time...
Everyone was One.
So everyone knows deep inside subconsciously - deeply, sub-memories
everyone is brother and sisters.
Everyone were/was differentiated
Everyone was manifested different way, but origin is same.
Law, we change same...
Principles...how we should live, etc...same
because we are manifestation of one universe
and that one universe is governed - the law of Yin and Yang, always
Pre-atomic world to...
the world of nature, we call, world of "matter"
plant world and man's world or animal world, we call, the world of "biological life"
or you may say, "organic" world. This is "inorganic" world.
and this is vibration/energy
part of that only we can detect
like the cosmic rays, electromagnetics, or colors, lights, smells etc., hearing, so forth
but huge part of this vibration/energies which
entire universe itself, actually, we can't detect.
Only small, the infinitesimal point, we are detecting now
through our senses - limited capacity of senses
through our various kind of equipments
Of course, behind that, Yin and Yang, we cannot see, unless we use insight.
Of course, one infinity, which has endless and beginningless, we cannot see,
because no manifestation in forms - no phenomena...
this is "Non-phenomenal" world
this is a world of "Spirit"
So, Spirit change into Matter,
Matter change into Life
Life change into Matter, Life into Spirit
and...all Phenomena is...
born from Non Phenomenal world
All Non-Phenomenal world
One Non-Phenomenal world create billions, trillions. infinite difference of phenomena
This we call, "Relative" world. This we call, "Absolute" world.
You may call, "God" because omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotent
This you may call, "Relative" world because this is governed by opposite forces - relative
Time and Space exist in this world but not this world.
End and beginning, beginning and end exist in this world but not this world
Whatever appear here...
eventually all disappear in the ocean of one infinite.
Then all come back again appears - appear and disappear, appear and disappear
something like foam in the ocean, in the lake, in the stream...
appear and disappear, appear and disappear
Modern science, especially atomic science
while they were detecting
What is the "matter"?
elements, further analyze...
atom, further analyze...
electron, proton, neutron, this and that...
electrons, further try to analyze - "what is the most fundamental unit?"
They discovered they can't analyze - no unit
Matter suddenly disappeared.
No more matter. There, only energy is there.
So present-day, most advanced definition of matter is...
Matter is something like ghost which appearing disappearing in space
Matter is...matter is something like space which appearing - something like ghost
which appearing, disappearing in space
No solid - no hanging down - no fixed things at all, okay?
Here, trillions of cells.
Cells - trillions of atoms.
Each atom - many millions of the...
pre-atomic particles and....vibration energy
What is this? This is appearing as body but this is no body
ghost, spirit
So, no - non-matter equal matter.
Matter equal non-matter.
Nothingness equal things, Things equal nothingness.
Three thousand years ago, Greek philosopher called Demo.. Democritus
When he wanted to know the truth about life, truth of the universe
he divided this universe into two: space and matter.
And then began
What is matter? The search of the matter
Three thousand years later: discovered matter is something like ghost
non-matter, something like spirit...mist
Similarly, thought is nothing but vibration... thought...thinking...
So, our body is
vibration energy spirit
so our thinking - same thing.
When we see our body, our world, this house
this is...because of our sensory capacity we are feeling this.
Suppose if we have different senses we may not feel this.
because this is nothing but mist
or vibrations unit massive vibration - that is energy
So, there are many, many people...
through various kinds of illusions,
sensory illusions...
they are seeing world which is not true world
Several days ago I received a telephone call, long-distance urgent call from Europe.
Some man called, "Michio Kushi, you can save the world! One week later World War happens!"
illusions, delusions...delusions
and problem is: why he see that delusion?
Here we must know our quality of our, this machine
Let's think over furthermore...okay?
Here the earth is there - Earth. The Sun is there.
Usually you think: Sun...
then earth is rotating... earth is...no, no earth is revolving - Earth
but this is not true picture because this is not putting the time
every minute, every second time passing
together the time, this is moving. This is not moving - this picture.
So now let's put time - seeing this way:
Sun moves...
Earth rotates...the revolve around sun...okay?
How revolve?
Go like this way...earth
that means earth making...
waves...as sun move...waves
and then: what is man upon the earth?
Man is - this way is figures
When we see this we were spiral, we are spiral growing
we are spiral also - if you don't have head spiral please sit in the museum.
many millions people come to see you.
Then, our spiral...
this spiral is nothing but
unit of spiral constantly moving, constantly getting energies, constantly discharging
in the form of food, in the form of hearing, in the form of radiations, whatever...okay?
Then, we discharge it in the form of body energy, heat, calories, or thinking, etc...
That spiral - complex spiral of body...
is attached to this earth ...to this earth
This earth rotates...
that means this body is...this body is...
together with moving like this - rotating. So body itself is moving like that
That means: What is the man? moving?
Man is wave. Waves.
And that waves, each moment,
taking in energy, then dispersing energy
every moment, every moment going on
When we disperse energies...
disperse various ways: physical energy as well as thought, thinking
Some friend, please come. Let's see any young friends
Second friend....would you bring chair...chair
sit down...
This handsome gentleman...
(please take out this...}
look this way, straight okay...straight
Spiritual channel straight, okay? Good.
Close your eyes.
Try no thinking.
Don't think...don't think
no thinking
Now start to think about your girlfriend
or your wife
she's very pretty
she's very charming
she's very sexy
she's very naughty
but I like her very much
stop your thinking about her
return no thinking
now start to think about war
world war began
everywhere missiles are flying
big cities were being destroyed
everywhere fire
millions people were disappearing instantaneously
everywhere fire
everywhere dead bodies
whole world is now being end
change your image into very peaceful country scenery
green grass,
blue sky,
white cloud,
crystal-clear water
flowers...birds are singing
butterfly flying
stop thinking
return no thinking
Good! Thank you! ...thank you
so you can understand: thought, thought, image is vibration, vibration
And that vibration we are always dispatching we always creating
some peaceful one, vigorous one
small one, big one and discharging out
So his supposed war image is now somewhere in the air...going on
And his girlfriend image also somewhere now floating
And these image which making like spirallic energetic motion
as a one unit here and there goes...when you think
when you think here and there you are discharging, dispatching that images
As if, in the blue sky you are creating clouds...while cloud
Or long streaming clouds
Or cloudly clouds
Or dark cloud cover entire blue skies
You are creating
when you have no creation of image
enter into deep meditation
You are connected with blue sky
You are connected non-relative one world
You may say, "God"
But when you start to think
many cloud start to come
then you lose connection
but at the same time you are very interesting world you are creating
With that created your image
quite often you think,
those imaged world are true world
forgetting that you are actually creating
while you are sleeping in the night
someone see Frankenstein
or someone see Count Dracula
Someone see that he is being chased out
someone is running through big knife coming to you to kill you
when you waked up, image disappear
but while in your dream, that was for you reality ...reality
you are acting, you're sweating, you're struggling - it was reality
When you eat meat, eggs etc.
often you see those nightmare
When you eat fruits, which especially tree fruits
then while you are sleeping
sometimes this heart goes...chu, chu...chu,chu
then, you see, as if the fruits going down from the tree
from the high gulf you are falling down
That moment, it was reality for you
Image is making reality and you' are reacting to that
Same way, in daytime, you are creating so much images
which is not really existing
For example,
suppose, you know the "ownership", idea of ownership
suppose you have, you think, "I own that house, that property"
You are not owning.
When you die you have to leave behind
If that is yours you can bring to that world too
You are not owning. Just you illusioned that, as if I am own
Just I am using it, not owning
Money, same thing
You may think this is I'm owning - you are owning. No.
if you are owning, stay with you
but this so quickly go out
and you didn't make this. Government made this.
But government didn't actually make it.
What is this material?
This material is in the mountains.
Who made it? Nature made it.
Energy made it. Universe made it.
Govern...even government doesn't own this. Just government use this.
Same thing, we are using this.
We are not owning.
he's millionaire or I am poor
if he has a million dollars, which has, then he is millionaire
but actually he doesn't own that
He's same thing, like us - person.
When he owns or when he has it, soon he'll disperse it
because energy gather, then energy go out
Sickness...Many people think sickness comes from outside
by accident or by someone's curse,
or by some enemies.
They create image of enemy...enemy
Enemy is everywhere: virus is enemy,
hereditary factor, DNA is enemy.
That means parents are enemy.
Bacteria is enemy.
So, to defend from enemy ourselves, which is very good guy...very good guy
To defend invasion from the invasion of virus, bacteria - any kind of threat...
we invented weapons.
Weapons to strengthen us: armors, vaccinations, injections, medications, this and that
in case virus began/invade then we take chemotherapy, drugs, this and that, to destroy that
Radiation - bombardment of atomic bomb...goes
This become battlefield.
And, in order to defend outside
we do various kind of chemical sprays
and sanitations...goes
and we do, further, how to defend this virus, bacteria
we test using millions of animals every year, every year - killing them
Battles! Bloody battles! War, going on...daaahh
Within our body, outside of our body and among our animal kingdoms,
as well as, vegetable kingdoms because of... because we think there are enemies somewhere.
So, everywhere battle going on.
That exactly same thinking goes...
Soviet may attack! America may attack! This may attack! Let's have the weapons.
Let's have a shelter. Let's destroy them, etc....goes....battles!
In this planet, on this planet, in the Solar System, in this Milky Way Galaxy, In this universe...
is there really enemy? Is there really enemy here?
Yes, one enemy is there.
That enemy is...Self. Self delusion.
Self abuse of eating, thinking, lifestyle.
That is only one enemy.
All others is not enemy. They're the friends.
They came out from universe.
They came out through the order of universe.
They came out nature and plant kingdom, etc.
They are also spirit, vibration, spirit, energy, etc...okay?
They are not the enemies!
If we are weak, we become their food so they invade.
If we are strong, we are human beings then they never attack us.
Test! Eat very well...
Next summer time, together with non macrobiotic people, go out picnic in the forest...
Bugs come, fly come...
They circle around you...
then go to the friend who is fat,
who eats ice cream, who takes orange juice, who drink milk.
They don't come to you. They avoid you.
Because they know your blood is very thick, strong.
They know your tissue is tight. So, mosquito when they push
their tube it's difficult to put in
and after put in, while sucking out
on the way of that tube going up blood already coagulation begin. Then tube stucked!
They have to die.
They know it, while flying, "Oh, this is dangerous one!"
So they go very sweet...sweet, soft blood, very liquid, full of vitamin C...goes
And so, at that time, mosquito is enemy? No!
You made yourself wonderful, attractive paradise for mosquito, so mosquito came!
Mosquito is very innocent!
Cause is yourself! You made yourself to invite mosquito
While you are eating ice cream, potato, etc
becoming very attractive for mosquito and when mosquito comes
because they thought you are, you are inviting mosquito. Then you try to kill this.
But for mosquito that is shock!
They think they were betrayed.
The problem is same thing - virus, bacteria, etc.
If we are good, virus may come in but don't develop.
and may cease away. Bacteria same thing.
But we think, "I am always good guy"
"I never make mistake!"
"I'm good boy, good school boy, good conduct and I go every Sunday Church and give the 25 cents and I'm good guy!"
And that good guy - why I get cancer?
So, they wonder whether God was sleeping on the white cloud.
Didn't take care or, if God is wonderful person, wonderful one
then maybe Devil is there...devil
Devil is probably making us trouble,
sickness, suffering, unhappiness. So fictionalize - another illusion make...
Devil somewhere. Evil somewhere is there.
Because I am always good guy, yet become trouble that mean somewhere Devil is there.
That thinking we call, "egocentric" thinking. Egocentric thinking.
This tiny man think, "I am the good one, Universe number one good guy!"
No fault.
Egocentric thinking.
We call this, "arrogance"...arrogance...arrogance
He delusioned, "This tiny one is perfect one like this!"
Illusion. Superstitiously believe it.
So, he creates enemies...daaah
So, he is involved in battlefield everyday, everyday, everyday - battle!
This kind of world we call, "hell"...hell...hell
Practically everyone, almost everyone - modern people living in hell...hell
Not living in the paradise.
Paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven is nothing but this world,
this solar system, this galaxy, this entire universe itself.
There is nowhere else.
But we, by our illusion, make our world - imagine like hell
Enemy is there. Devil is there and we act as if they were actually existing. Try to kill!
This thinking in medicine, in social problems, in international relations,
in various enterprise, in families existing
So, they are creating all sorts of superstitious world.
Let's take example: nation...
United States of America
Where that existing? Yes this is State of Pennsylvania.
We are paying tax.
We are the citizen of America.
When American flag goes then salute.
We sing National Anthem
We are the American. It's great. But, where America exists?
Yes, we carry the passport. We carry the visa
and when we get out we carry that.
And when you get in France,when you get in Germany we show the passport - I'm American citizen
it appears America exists
But where that exist? Yes, when when we see the map America is sometimes pink color,
sometimes green color, sometimes black color. Yes, seems America exists.
North of America, Canada. South of America is Mexico. United States America
Many States there.
Yes, definitely exist on the map. Who made map?
Someone made map.
Who made National Anthem? Someone made National Anthem.
Who made United States Constitution? Someone made United States Constitution.
Who made States? Someone made States.
But there is not existing United States...in reality.
So, birds fly without carrying passport, visa.
Animals across the borderline without visa.
When you see the from jet airplane, see: there is no border line
just mountain, green forests, rivers, etc.
Where is this United States of America? ...Here.
We think that exists, that's why we act as if that exists.
So, same thing, we divided more than 100 sections - entire this earth - some is big, some small
We think that exists. It's not existing in reality, only here!
And after divided, we think that actually existed.
And we carry passport, we carry visa, we call, "I'm American citizen, I'm French citizen", this that, etc....acting.
it's illusion! Illusion... image
Image we created. it's not actually existing!
So, whoever does not think that way has no nation.
Squirrel has no nation.
Birds have no nation therefore they need not to pay the tax.
And problem is: How much delusion we have...
different from the reality...actual reality.
Your husband, you thought, "he's very handsome, he's wonderful!"
and when happy moon/ honeymoon time it's so great!
Two months later you start to wonder.
Two years later you start scratch your head.
Five years later, divorce files.
Because you illusioned! Illusion, superstition on you
Husband is husband from the beginning.
He is he from the beginning. He go to toilet. He eats. When he sleeps snoring goes.
and...but he as was, as if something like Prince of the world!
Illusion. These illusion...
Suppose, almost every mother think
their, her child, is the best in the world
It's wonderful I like that very much but that is illusion.
Same things...
Jewish people think, "We are the Chosen race."
Chinese people think, "We are the central race of the world."
French people think, "We are the most refined, chic people!" Right?
United States people, American people think, "We are the most liberal protector of the freedom, liberty of mankind."
Japanese people think, "We are the descendants of the Sun."
Everywhere think, "I am great!" Illusion, delusion.
These kinds of delusion and illusions - so many thousands of years governed people
Many people think, after they graduate college - no, graduate grammar school, high school goes, college goes, University goes
They think, "What kind of job? How much salary I should get?" etc.
And they plan, they think, "I'm working that company." and 65 years old, retires, so forth.
Who made that orientation of life?
That is delusional system.
Is he choosing really what he wants to do on this earth?
He came from Infinite
changing thousand, thousand lives choosing this planet of human beings.
This wonderful, beautiful earth.
Did he come from universe, from one invisible world, spiritual world
to this world, to become
the company employee and getting $200 per week?
Or to sell his life? How much this one hour?
How much this one week? How much one year? How much 50 years, 55 years?
When 65 years comes then no one can buy, no one buys your life. Then you call, "retirement" - go to Florida.
For that purpose, did you come from this world? From this world?
Taking billions, billions of years life journey?
We have to think, "Something greatly wrong!"
As if, yesterday said:
billions of dollars spent 30 - 35 years or 50 years
billions, billions, billions, billions dollars spent and there is no solution for degenerative disease - cancer, mental illness, this and that
There is something greatly wrong.
Same thing...
in this world you are living, you're working you think you are doing wonderful things
and you a good boy/good girl, yet getting, sick getting unhappiness
getting depressed, getting that. Something wrong...here!
Something wrong - image of life,
image of the world, image of occupation, image of day to day life...
Something wrong.
90%- 99% of modern people are governed something strange delusion about life
Because of that, they are working as slave,
selling times, selling their life into money
and when something comes we think that is Devil
or that is enemies- try to kill, try to destroy
All wrong!
This earth, this universe is, itself, is Paradise, itself, is Kingdom of Heaven.
There is no hell! There is no enemies! There is no suffering in this world.
If you suffer, if you get sick, if you..the troubles
that is because I did not see this world is paradise.
And I did behave badly.
I did it!
I, myself, did it and I saw that way - illusionally -
So I acted that way. I thought, "Sugar is wonderful! High calories!"
I thought. "Cheese is high protein source." I thought this was great!
And ate, ate, ate. Then breast cancer comes.
Devils did! No! I did!
So, only enemy in the world...myself
Myself is real enemy.
My abusement. My over pleasure-seeking...
My egocentric thinking.
My illusion, "I am good guy!"
So, first we have to wake up!
We have to wake up from the nightmare of this battlefield, modern world nightmare.
And we must wash our face by cold water
and see how this world is wonderful
and how I am grateful for this life.
I came here. My parents made me possible to come here.
How parents is great. How ancestor were great.
How plants - I came from that plant world
That plant were brother and sisters - my origins - so beautiful, so great!
This u.. this air, this water, this land is so great, so beautiful
That is our source of life. We came from there
We were - our previous life were there
and - this, everyone is spirit
manifesting God; manifesting Universe.
So everyone is so pretty, so wonderful.
Everyone seeking health, freedom, happiness.
because everyone came from here so everyone has one same dream.
So, thank you very much for parents
Thank you very much for ancestors.
Thank you very much for the flower, for the plants
Thank you very much for the cloud, for the sky, for the stars
Thank you very much for the God, invisible.
Thank you very much for food. Thank you very much for all brothers and sisters of all societies
Gratefulness, appreciation from the heart, from the soul.
That is the beginning of your happiness.
That is the beginning of your happiness.
Beginning of awakening as real, happy, free human beings.
Manifestation of God in this Kingdom of Heaven on this planet.
Appreciation, gratefulness, thank you, thank you very much ...
that is the beginning as the child, children of this wonderful paradise.
Free from sickness - from, free from all sufferings.
Then that wonderful grateful,appreciating things...
How can I share with that joy; that happiness?
With friends? With people? With animals? With plants?
How can I share this wonderful happiness?
So, when you see suffering person, automatically you want to help it.
When you are seeing the person who is sick, automatically wants to help them
When you see the AIDS and many people are calling AIDS untouchable
automatically wants to help them, grab them, want to help them, eat together with them.
And that love, brotherhood, sisterhood automatically comes
when you have a deep appreciation, automatically.
And wants to shake their body,
"Look! See! This universe so wonderful! This world so wonderful!"
"Why you are so worrying about? Why you are so fear - full of fear?"
"Why you are so much...the..."
"seeing confusion, depression, anxiety? Look!"
And, "Eat this! Eat!"
"Then you will become - your eyes open. Your brain start to become clear."
"Eat this and see this world is so wonderful.
And that is macrobiotic food
To make everyone a wonderful, happy person
who can see this earth, this universe as paradise, as it is.
Open eyes. Clean the brain. Open ears Open the smells. Open the sensitivities.
And, there, spiritual person is newborn, born there.
Modern people are suffering unnecessarily
because of their delusions.
Because of their delusions they were caging themselves into delusion's Hell...hell
And, let's take out that!
Who can do - a person who can - that cage out - is he himself
but in order to make him
get out this cage of delusions
he must eat well.
If he eats meat he see the delusion cage of the horrible, the horror
Battles, wars, murderers!
He think that is the world.
When he eats milk and dairy food, sugars
he think...very sentimental love, very lazy, or very - the,
the tearing stories of sadness that - that is depression, that is the world, he thinks...confined.
So, in order to open his eyes we must eat these plants grow toward heaven
and grain goes on the top of the plant
to heaven...earth
that make open toward heaven
not fruits, which dropping down the earth - go open
That we call, "cereal grains" - brown rice, wheat, corn, barley, etc.
Eating every day, every day that together with others
then, start to open towards the universe. Towards this wonderful Universe.
Full of appreciation begin automatically from you.
Delusions, all delusions caused by sugar, delusions caused by cheese, delusions caused by chickens, this all disappears.
Unless we eat human grains, human beans, human vegetables can not think human way.
While you are taking ice cream, you're taking cheese, you are taking this and that
You cannot think human way.
You think delusion, as if enemy there this may be the truth, this, that, etc.
The reason there are not so many people among so-called expert, specialist who understand macrobiotics
because they were eating beefsteak, hamburger, this and that
So they see the delusion, so can not understand this very simple facts
So, in order to understand really macrobiotics, really this wonderful paradise of the universe,
they have to eat for awhile: six months, one year, two years
this human food. Food for Humanity.
Food for the spirit called, "humanity".
There, he become reborn as humanity.
And when he has spirit of appreciation, gratitude natural come out
and when he tear automatically for the suffering people who are suffering by delusions,
then at time he become Angel.
Angel to help them. Angel to save the world. Angel to save other families...Angel
Man, every man, every man can be Devi or can be Angel, by himself.
I hope every one of our friends become wonderful angel
From them, from you wonderful words, gospel of happiness, health go out throughout the world
I really hope so and let's really go together for that. Thank you very much.
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