Friday, September 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 1 2017

50 unusual names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 50 nombres en desuso para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:03.


Why Doctor David Wang started Pranin Organic - Duration: 5:43.

I just couldn't do it ethically.

I came into this field being a naturopathic doctor

and my goal is always what can I do to help the suffering?

So Pranin is a very meaningful project for me.

Try as I might using various supplements

I had mixed results, but what was perplexing

were those people who had these side effects,

nausea, headaches, and vomiting, and the more I looked

at it the more I dug deep to discover why.

I realized then that many of these supplements

were actually made with chemicals.

Vitamins are made with petroleum byproducts,

coal tar derivatives, formaldehyde, acetone,

cyanide, many which are extremely toxic and some

of them are even carcinogenic.

And I also had challenges working with patients

with osteoporosis, and anemia, minerals that are

considered elemental minerals that come from rock parts.

Years later I decided that I couldn't do this anymore,

I literally threw away $30,000 worth of products

from my own dispensary, went looking for natural products

but since no one was making it, I had to quit my

full time practice to start Pranin Organic.

We actually use real fruits and vegetables and culinary

herbs in our products, and all you have to do

is read the ingredients, and every single

one of those are plant foods.

Pranin means life, it's an old Sanskrit term

that means life, and to me it's all about the philosophy

that live ingredients can support life.

Dead chemicals, rotted foods cannot support life.

To me this is really the basis of our work

is using live ingredients to support the living.

Natural supplements absorb 200 to 1500%

better than synthetics because natural nutrients

are bound to food components like proteins,

fats, and carbohydrates. So when you take these nutrients

in the body says, ah, this is food!

The Pranin products are all in powder format

because we're avoiding all these things in the tablets

and the capsules that interfere with the absorption,

and so for the first 17 years of my practice

I was working with all these patients

with their osteopetrosis, osteomalacia, even people

with anemia that are lacking iron, they're having

difficulty, and in fact I've never been able to reverse

a single case of osteopetrosis in the first 17 years.

When you see elemental minerals as these minerals are

on these bottles, these are minerals

made from rock parts, so in the lab they take these

rock parts and make it into a chelated form,

bound into a gluconate, a carbonate,

an animo acid chelate, and unless you have a gizzard

like a chicken or a bird, you can't digest these things.

So when I started using these plant based

minerals that come only from seaweed, sea algae,

and raw cacao, and many of these plant minerals that we use,

we're now seeing reversals, and in fact

we're even seeing in 85 year old

women with 10% below their age group for bone mass density,

after just using two of these products that are plant

based minerals for just two years, they're now 10% above

their age group for bone mass density.

So for problems like that you need, again going back

to food is medicine, you've gotta use

the plant based minerals.

We encourage everyone to eat a plant based diet

including their 10 servings of fruits and vegetables

according to most recent research, but even eating

that much on a regular basis you may not be getting

your essential vitamins and minerals.

So cold processing is what we use

to dry the product at temperatures

under 40 degrees Celsius, which preserves

essential nutrients that we're trying

to deliver to our customers, so that means the vitamins

and the enzymes are still bioactive.

And then we mill it down to powder form, put it in a jar.

To the point where our expired products, we even have

farmers come and take our products and compost them,

recycle them into the soil.

To me what's so meaningful about Pranin Organic

is that not only are our products helping people

with their common problems of metabolic deficiencies,

but they're also good for the environment.

Nowadays we're seeing so many toxins in our air,

our waters, our soils,

and we know that there's traces

of synthetic nutraceuticals in drinking water,

as well as pharmaceuticals, cosmoceuticals,

personal care products, and to me it's a sad state

of affairs and I wanted to be a part of that change,

and so Pranin is not only just good for human consumption

and their health, but also good for the environment.

And you know what?

I'm ecstatic everyday that I have this opportunity

to produce these products

and to share these products

with so many people that are needing it.

(soft guitar music)

For more infomation >> Why Doctor David Wang started Pranin Organic - Duration: 5:43.


3 DIY EMOJI Projects You Need To Try! 😱😍😝 Ft. Dany Martines ✎ Craftingeek - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> 3 DIY EMOJI Projects You Need To Try! 😱😍😝 Ft. Dany Martines ✎ Craftingeek - Duration: 9:53.


➕ Zodiac Brave; Ticket mensual de regalo - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> ➕ Zodiac Brave; Ticket mensual de regalo - Duration: 1:50.


Un medio británico estima la fortuna de Letizia en más de 8 millones de euros | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Un medio británico estima la fortuna de Letizia en más de 8 millones de euros | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 10:47.



For more infomation >> RODOLFO NERI VELA PLATICA CON LOS NIÑOS / PROGRAMA CONACYT 1986 - Duration: 46:19.


Best weight loss method? Workout vs Diet? - Ep 7 | Road to 99 Kg vlog - Duration: 9:01.

Hi guys and welcome to a new episode of ahotiK's Road to 99 kg.

I'm Teo, you also know me as ahotiK and today I want to answer a question:

Which is better for losing weight? Is it working out or dieting? Let's find out!

Ok, I just want to get this out of the way. I have recorded a cool intro and

outro for this episode already, last Saturday and it was by this beautiful lake.

Unfortunately the camera was set to continuous auto focus and it was

searching for the focus all the time. I have a Nikon d5300 and that's one

problem with it. If you set it on auto focus, continuous auto focus it will

search for focus all the time. It's not a really good camera for vlogging and

recording yourself but it's a perfect camera for pictures. The scenery was

beautiful but the the footage was not. So I have to do it here in my office.

This week has been a bit rough and the first part of the week I have plateaued with

my weight and then afterwards I actually gained one kilo so it wasn't really that good.

I have started with some new things maybe that's why I gained weight.

Let's see what happened!

Trying something new today: going to the gym!

It feels like the first episode once again: Freaking hard

That feeling, after working out. Feel like I'm so massive now.

I just managed to plank for 35 seconds. Feel really tired in my arms and chest.

After the workout I'll have a big kebab roll.

Wednesday, football as usual, my second workout this week.

I'm done with the football and I feel really tired, like last time, so I'm just gonna be walking

back home instead of running.

Almost home from football pretty good workout

and I also feel the pain in my arms from yesterday's weightlifting.

It's Thursday and it's gym day again but I forgot my shorts so I'm gonna run to the nearest

shop and buy a pair and then just gonna run back and that's gonna be my warmup.

I hate this exercise!

Thursday afternoon, after today's workout I will have to cheat

again because I'm invited to a barbecue afternoon with with my coworkers I'll be

having a burger or something and maybe some small amount of red wine.

Hi, it's Saturday and we're gonna go on a road trip meeting some friends at a national

park down in Skåne or Scania and we're gonna have a barbecue there I should be

running instead and working out because, compared to last week this week I

haven't cheated on the workout but instead I've cheated on the diet heavily

I should also be running some more to make up for a diet cheating

- What do you think about Teo's weight loss vlog?

- It was quite entertaining!

So I was just doing the power walk but I started to lose weight as well and I'm gonna continue to watch him

- So you mean that his videos are inspiring for you?

- Pure inspiration!

- Okay, thank you very much!

- You're welcome!

I was about to go out for a run and then this happened.

It's Sunday and it has been raining the whole day today

but now in the late afternoon it's sunny again so, yesterday I promised

myself to go for a run and here I am! I intend to push myself today to make it

up for the lack of running this week. Yes, of course I went to the gym, but that

doesn't make up for for running, as my weight has gone up.

I'm back at 115 kilos.

I'm not gonna run with a camera because that's a distraction and it it's an

excuse to stop (running) and start walking just to record another shot.

I'm gonna extend the track that I ran last time from 5 km to maybe it's gonna be around 8 (km)

We'll see!

I thought it was gonna be sunny for the whole run but it's started to rain again.

I'm back from the run. Runkeeper recorded 6.5 km,

but it paused for, I think it was around, 1 km, so it should be 7.5.

And of course now the pace is off. It recorded

8.5 minutes per kilometer but I think it was better than better than that.

The battery of my camera ran off (*ourt) so I have to continue this with my phone.

I didn't use Zombies, Run this time I wanted to try Spotify's running

feature as you might know Spotify is a music streaming up but it also has this

feature for helping you keep the same pace while running.

It will find music that will match your running pace. If you want say 160 steps

per minute it will find music with 160 beats per minute.

helping you maintain the same pace.

You're not entirely in control of what music it plays.

You can choose a gender or you know on a wider level but it will still

choose the music for you so if you're like me that you don't really like all

kinds of music sometimes you might not like the track but you can skip them.

Okay so you saw that I've started going to the gym lifting weights.

That's another kind of workout I'm gonna be doing because I really need to

strengthen up my upper body. I'm gonna continue running and of course dieting.

So the question that I started this video with was: is working out or dieting

better for losing weight?

Well actually what I think it's happening it's

you have to get a calorie deficit so if you're plateauing it means that you need

to get out more calories out of your diet or to work out more to get rid of calories.

So if you're gonna be cheating with your diet you really need

to work out way more to make up for for the extra calories you're eating.

Another theory I have about the weight gain could be around gaining muscles.

Muscle mass it's heavier than fat so maybe I lost fat but I got muscles so that's

why my weight got up. I'm not sure this is true or not it's just a theory

I have I've heard this several times but I'm not sure it's correct or not.

Going back the question I believe that the calorie deficit is what makes you lose weight.

So that's it for this week. Thank you guys for watching and

if you like these don't forget to give this video a like, subscribe for more and

if you have questions or you want to tell me something just put a comment!

Thank you guys! Bye!

For more infomation >> Best weight loss method? Workout vs Diet? - Ep 7 | Road to 99 Kg vlog - Duration: 9:01.


WWE 2K17 Custom Story: Jeff Hardy wins the Intercontinental Championship and Matt becomes broken - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> WWE 2K17 Custom Story: Jeff Hardy wins the Intercontinental Championship and Matt becomes broken - Duration: 8:49.


Is This The New Rules of Bodybuilding !!! | Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | - Duration: 1:43.

Bodybuilding Motivational Video

For more infomation >> Is This The New Rules of Bodybuilding !!! | Bodybuilding Motivation 2017 | - Duration: 1:43.


hola - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> hola - Duration: 1:42.



For more infomation >> CLORITO DE SODIO, QUÉ ES Y CÓMO SANA - Duration: 25:21.


Kim Karda­shian : sa mani­pu­la­tion qui déclenche la colère de ses fans - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Kim Karda­shian : sa mani­pu­la­tion qui déclenche la colère de ses fans - Duration: 1:48.


mi opinion (sub para el texto de la animacion) - Duration: 0:08.

Emmanuel: I like the new Death Note movie from Netflix



For more infomation >> mi opinion (sub para el texto de la animacion) - Duration: 0:08.


Enes Batur YOUTUBERLARIN DÜŞÜŞÜ ''Despacito'' PARODİ "TWORK VERSİYON" - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Enes Batur YOUTUBERLARIN DÜŞÜŞÜ ''Despacito'' PARODİ "TWORK VERSİYON" - Duration: 1:00.


The Orville starring Seth Mac...

For more infomation >> The Orville starring Seth Mac...


Nibiru is about to hit earth and end life, Flat Earth Mes,You won't believe this Warning by NASA - Duration: 54:52.

For more infomation >> Nibiru is about to hit earth and end life, Flat Earth Mes,You won't believe this Warning by NASA - Duration: 54:52.


[閃文] 康康曾月入「500萬」卻哭喊沒錢!近日他自爆「節目收光光」全是因為「這件事」害死自己... - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> [閃文] 康康曾月入「500萬」卻哭喊沒錢!近日他自爆「節目收光光」全是因為「這件事」害死自己... - Duration: 2:47.


Alien Warning Message Live on TV Planet X Nibiru will Destroy Everything on 23th September 2017 - Duration: 44:37.

For more infomation >> Alien Warning Message Live on TV Planet X Nibiru will Destroy Everything on 23th September 2017 - Duration: 44:37.


NASA Confirm: 2th September, 2017 is when Flat Earth turning point and Nasa admits no moon landing - Duration: 39:33.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 2th September, 2017 is when Flat Earth turning point and Nasa admits no moon landing - Duration: 39:33.


"Forma de vida alienígena" avistada arrastrándose por el suelo - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> "Forma de vida alienígena" avistada arrastrándose por el suelo - Duration: 1:26.


NASA Confirm: 2th September, 2017 is when EXPECTING SECOND WAVE TO HIT EARTH! MUST SEE - Duration: 24:24.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 2th September, 2017 is when EXPECTING SECOND WAVE TO HIT EARTH! MUST SEE - Duration: 24:24.


Portal Stories Mel | Race mit HadamardLP - Duration: 3:45:55.

For more infomation >> Portal Stories Mel | Race mit HadamardLP - Duration: 3:45:55.


Islamic Motivational video | Motivation video | Islamic Inspiring Video | Motivational Video - Duration: 3:30.

Islamic Motivational Video | Motivation Video

Plz Subscribe The Channel & Like, Share Video

Islamic Motivational Video | Motivation Video

For more infomation >> Islamic Motivational video | Motivation video | Islamic Inspiring Video | Motivational Video - Duration: 3:30.


Aleksandar Palace Hotel & Spa in Skopje, Macedonia (Europe). Visit Aleksandar Palace Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Aleksandar Palace Hotel & Spa in Skopje, Macedonia (Europe). Visit Aleksandar Palace Hotel & Spa - Duration: 5:02.


Welcome To Orange Bay

For more infomation >> Welcome To Orange Bay


TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... - Duration: 6:42.

TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... by Victoria X Rave

it's her thanks for having us yeah I'm not sure why you're here but I

don't know yeah well this is uh she said they wanted to interview me and like 30

doing like couples so this is uh just about people who have interesting

romantic partners yeah come on this is my boyfriend by the way we were

just about to pop the bottle just fall in love baby this is your booking yeah

it's my boyfriend's Bhaskar ex-con babe what's his name

Tabasco but I just come babe to pass yeah back home so fast

hi Tabasco I'm Janice nice to meet you he doesn't shake hands is it a cultural

thing yeah yeah about he is is a cultural thing we do have a cultural

difference well why don't we just get this interview started we just we're

gonna prop up them like yeah that sounds great true light

and just a teddy bear what well that's how we're going to title it

well use a big teddy bear though he really is he's so you know was

intimidating but I want you to know that that is how we are going to title the

episode well my name is Victoria rose and this is Tabasco and we've been

dating for like a little less than a month but honestly it's been the best

less than a month that I've ever had how'd you guys meet my inner my roommate

actually introduced us oh okay tell me a little bit about how that

interaction went well you know what it's blurry

a little bit most of all is it because there were drugs involved I don't

remember um yeah it should my roommate was just out with a couple people she

was drinking and she just brought some people home and he was one of them you

know for the first time ever I asked him to be my boyfriend which I've never done

that before but so I think like maybe I know what

sounds really soon but like a week after we saw each other you just hear all the

time and he never left so I just said well you're basically my boyfriend right

that's a nice Eddie it's actually my boyfriend rude disrespectful I didn't

say anything back so I'm like okay I don't that sounds silly it's also funny

but what do you mean what do you mean you is here like you just like actually

just started staying

well everywhere right now except for this pizza joint I think I think when

you sing a little right no I don't want to go here okay I just so yeah I don't

really keep that thank you thank you everybody just report like come on so

you really brought stranger home and he spent the night and just moved in

doesn't that sound a little freeloading we're just so in love that kinda feels

right does he shower ever because he looks a

little dirty I what I wash his face sometimes with the fruit breeze with

Febreze and pine-sol I argue a lot you do there's a big difference between him

and I you know we're similar in a lot of ways but some ways no food everything

does he ever paint like is this a 50/50 he's Charlie burn no he's trying to get

his rap career started but like I'm just like being considerate of that fact

oh yeah you'll have to check on his mixtape I was actually about to take

some selfies for them to post my room oh yeah smile dude no not that face like do

that you don't put around me Oh

he just picked me a flower Oh didn't see that well he's a little clumsy

ask are you gonna take respected my boyfriend he said I need something real

oh are you guys are you guys filming right now when I brought home the bear

you know I was just out with friends and these guys on the street gave it to me

and you know I was a little tipsy kind of excited so I got him home and I was

like Victoria I brought him with any mirror you know I woke up the next

morning and I saw that they were in bed together but I really think anything of

it I mean he's a teddy bear right liquor yeah you're supposed to snuggle teddy

bears can I just be real with you like off the record I just feel like ever

since this one guy really broke her heart you know she won't date anyone

else she just wants to date this teddy bear and she's so stubborn I can't get

her to like see that he's an inanimate object I mean how about here's a map of

penis she's an appointment with no penis you

know it's it's 2017 and we live in Los Angeles I'm so supportive of whoever she

wants to date but I just she takes him everywhere and it's just

hopefully she'll get tired like should have the rest of them right so she

started talking about like the two of them getting married and I mean I don't

know how to tell her it's not legal to marry like an inanimate tiny bit she's

TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... by Victoria X Rave

yeah I hope so it's her boyfriend yeah well Victoria thank you for your time

yeah are going to follow your story all right thank you can we see you guys uh

TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... by Victoria X Rave

very nice thank you Victoria okay and in cut yeah I think we got what

when you guys they're just a regular couple arguing over we're gonna have

dinner chillaxing in treating her to get her nails done

TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... by Victoria X Rave

For more infomation >> TRUE LIFE - I'm Dating A... - Duration: 6:42.



So this is breakthroughs with benson episode four

Very valid point, I think a

lot of people when they go on the websites

they do it automatic pop-up, especially for first

time visiter. I don't know what site you've

visited, but I think that's obviously not a good

practice and Google really frowns upon

having an immediate pop up with some lines on the

website, so what's, I believe better is for

returning people where they use the welcomer

If you know what that means essentially people go on a

site and walker map for people that opted

for something, a value or they have something on

the side when people scroll down halfway and


with the website, then they're able to learn more

about what's actually being

said on the website. So I've been with you the

welcome mat for first time visitors when I woke a map

for the first time visitor

bad practice to have

But they do it because

either they assume it work so they don't know the

alternatives or what else they should do.

If you're site that's doing a pop-up right away

for first time visitors, I would test that

versus not doing one because in most cases,

doing a pop-up,

especially Mobile device,

a phone whenever you visit the site, people

schooling their hands a huge, the phone is

small. They accidentally click on certain things

click the access, trying top out is just really

annoying for people so I would test the pop up on

the side versus not having a pop up aside and

measuring the people have bounce off your site

and how long people lasting on your site. If you're having a

really high bounce rate when people going on your


and they don't stay

on the version that you have a pop-up versus the

one you don't then I would highly recommend that

you remove it, even if you are collecting leads

specially from first time visitors and you can

toggle whatever software platform you're using to

only show for returning people or people already

subscribers. So I really question strategy of

using a one -time pop-up for people, because it's

as the question states, very annoying for people

arriving on a site so don't do a first pop

So it depends on

I can't give the answer right now,

it depends on what is your target audiences. If

your website is about let's say e-commerce, you're

selling to a young audience then ideally you want

to be able to use multiple different tabs for

them so they can go through

if you're selling to a more older audience, ideally

you want to have a one page you can scroll

through and they don't need to find the

information on your side. That's personally from

my experience when I tested doing an endless side

versus a site that has multiple different tabs

and multiple different menu all items, it becomes

more difficult for older people. 50, 60+ to

fin all these different points you wanna be able to

adjust the text and make it larger all these

different things so really depends on your

audience and who you're trying to target . If it's the

younger audience, you can use that. Now, that's

for the audience answer you gotta take into

account of thing is what you refer to

at least in terms of my knowledge when you have

multiple different menu items and you're able to

basically support and add more the juice to each

of the keyboard terms that's on Top level menu

if it's a personal branded site and you're trying

to rank for certain keywords, then you want to be

able to do pay pagination, or set the pages

That where you have different menus and have the

item supporting each menu item. Now, if you do

a personal branded

site. and you just want to make things much

easier for people to access that you want

consider doing an endless small site. If you

haven't gone to my page, my audience is the

Entrepreneurs, CEO, executives of company

that's why I set the website in the way that I

said Because I'm force to be able to

school and read people read through what about what

I do, who I am why I'm doing what I'm doing and

I'm also driving to a free nine hours webinar

So that's my goal and that's my audience and

that's why I set up my page, the way I setted up

so it really depends on your audience. If you

doing personal brand insight, an e-commerce site,

a just a media website or what's your what's your

goal of your gear towards

optimizing for SEO over so you wanna do it for


drive People to keep it entertaining for them to

have them stay on the page for a long time.

Do not

use a specific resume when you're

applying for a lot is companies I was telling

this. I was having this conversation with

a colleague and a friend who was applying for a

company I'm saying

a resume is not, It just so outdated. You know people if

you people can basically make That resume very

fancy and

it talks about all the employment as we all that

other stuff. What you wanna do is essentially

update a lot of your Web presence have a simple

website out there and it's much easier and searchable

for people. You wanna keep in mind some core

things I'm gonna give you companies, same thing

as I do review your facebook profile, review your

Web presence. Your Linkedin, all your social

accounts. We take that to account more than a

resume because you're more real on those social

platforms than you are on a piece of paper the

second thing is on a videos. You

record a video and send it in to the company

You trying to apply for the reason why I say that

is because a lot of the people the millennials

and those people they sending a resume. You think

about it. A company, let's take me for example,

if I receive hundreds of applications a day with

basic piece of paper and a name on top and text

everywhere, if you send in a social presence,

your website with a video application that's care

specifically for the company that your trying to

apply for are you gonna stand out or you gonna be

the same as the 99 people that send in a piece of

paper? You wanna send in a video application.

That's going to make

you stand out

And the entrepreneurs or the owners the company,

whoever is gonna be watching your interview is

gonna tell a lot more about who you are why you

wanna be part of company from the video rather than a

fancy piece of paper that anybody can just change or

edit or all these references and all the stuff

so social presence more important video send in a

video to them and also do some different

things. What to say about the company and send

some my

not ethical or unethical bribe

to that company based on their product or

service to really stand out a lot of it is

standing out because it's so much noise right now

you want to be able to differentiate yourself from

all the different people are sending in these

pieces of paper so that's what I would do if I

have issues especially someone that's hiring a

lot of people right now.

What I would do in your shoes, based on what you said if

I would look at all the top books on

Design I would look at

actually you know what, scratch that are gonna even better one. There's

two things that you can do that's gonna really

differentiate yourself and also accelerate your

growth. The first thing is look at the top three

people that are in the spaces or career positions

that you want go and reach out to them cultivate

value, add value, and a

relationship with them. Learn from them work for

them for free and get experience get the

relationships get the value and then get

especially the knowledges, the tools and all these

things that you want to do the second thing is,

the best way to do number one is to go to

conferences or go to events that have these

core people that you want to essentially be, and how you

know how you can get to where they are. You said

she wants to be able to connect with them. The best

way are events, conferences have a very powerful

way of making your first impression, especially

when you meet these people, the best way to learn

is always surround yourself with that specific

person that you want to learn and then just be

able to digest, taking their years of

experience, the tools, cultivate a relationship, work for

free as you know I'm a big advocate of

that for most people I wanna get started is

because they able to learn and at the same time

the company and the person when they see someone

wanting to work for free

it shows that they're really driven by the

personal care about the money and they really

want to learn about

person. So find out the top three people that are

doing what you wanna do

in the design or branding strategies,

strategy space and then just go connect with


What I would do in terms of

automation, it's good you're building the

automation. It really depends on again, you know

these people that are asking the questions give a lot

more context. What business you're in, the

industry of your audience, all these things you

wanna take into consideration

if you're trying to convert people then you have

a different sequence and length for a conversion

automation. If you're trying to indoctrinate

people to instill the values and beliefs and the

qualities of your company, you have a different

innovation for that if you're trying to do

essentially a asset delivery or in lead magnet or a webinar,

you have a different automation for that it

depends on what your goal with it is, what

milestone you want them to reach.

What is the progression that they see and then

the audience, right audience.

Are you selling a product or selling a service

and you want to implement those things.

Then can go on and on it's a rabbit

hole. You can go down, but really basically focus

on the audience where your goal is, your

progression and all these factors due to consider

and if you want me to do a follow Benson to this

replied to this specific part with more context

of your business or send a private message. I have a

team get the get the question I'll be able to

answer more detail for you.

so essentially you're doing you know if you're

trying to do it for SEO that's one of the

layer, but you're essentially doing influencer

marketing you're trying to get your product to

have an influence and promoted on blog or you can

do it on youtube, but whatever it is. So, influential

marketing the best way to know is essentially to

measure the engagement that they have and ideally,

if they can share with you some of their past

promotions that they did with other companies and

see what the ROI

is. If you're influencer and ask this question

before I have

and also the team to someone put a box here

of me answering the question for influencer,

but what I said in there into the show was

essentially that influencer should focus on

having a case study focus, on having actual

results of the show for the brands and companies.

I promote with them, because a lot of the stuff

is really fake engagement; fake influence

and so you wanna be able to actually validate

what people are spending money with you and

actually drive in

for the brand or the I want to do another bad

company look for influencer. You can use their

concept meaning that you have that person create

the content, you can have a drink for sure, but

really what you wanna do is you wanna tap into

their audience as you want the distributor across

multiple different of their platforms, either on,

not just on the blog post, on youtube, ideally

video is the most powerful way to communicate

your brand, your product, your store or your

service to that specific target audience and then

you want also I'll give you additional bonus. You

wanna get right

To the content that they produce for you and have

them produce the content for you that you can use

on your own internal platform. You don't wanna

depend on just their stuff and their platform and

their audience. You wanna be able to capture

their audience and indoctrinate them into your

brand and what your company's doing, so that's what I

would share with you

Drop out college

right now


Okay let me ask this and more debt for your

cause this is an important decision

I would say that and most don't know, as soon as

I can share the episode one is that I

personal drop the college

the business school

now the reason why I dropped out business school was

because a lot of the people that were teaching

me, very nice people, very smart people, but they

did not have real business world experience and so

when I remember stored, it basically, the

experience I went up to a lot of my professors

and ask them so

How are you teaching your business is from a

textbook or you teach me from the book like a lot

of the sound very good, but it sounds very

theoretical and so a lot of the professors. What

they did and I still remember to this day that

took all the textbook they put in front of me and said:

"this is how I'm teaching you. And so that was the

final moment for me when I had to really

seriously consider, if I wanted to continue business

school or just go and start businesses and see. If

you know my story. I want to do the latter of

started drop out school. I want to start

businesses working part time during the basically

side business and trying to transition to

full time. First, the businesses fail along

experience from there and so what I would do in

your shoes

Is as I tell a lot of people ask me

basically what they should do. If their young

guy or young gals

is find two things right, find the person that

you look up to the position or job that you want

to do

and go to the conferences and events and find out how

you can leverage and be able to connect with them

and develop a good first impression.

The reason why I say that and even if you want to

and you can make offer work for free, especially

for your young, because you're able to get the

relationships you able to cultivate that

experience. The tools and the knowledge and you

just surpass everyone else because all these

people. Everyone else in the age range. They

don't do it. This way and they try to always

focus on the money they focus on all these

different things to basically get something back and

find 30000 dollars a year, 50000 hundred thousand

dollars a year focusing on learning,

personal growth

and it also developing a relationship is Super key.

If you know what

I actually focus on our principles of the seven

different types of capital in your life. Now are

going to this and another thing, but essentially

one of the most important capitals in your life

that you can invest in is not the financial

capital that everyone focuses on

it's the relation of capital focusing on the

relationships, because people are the ones that

run the world

people are the ones that make the rules. People

are the ones that do every single thing in the

entire world focusing on cultivating a

relationship and developing

is what matters those are the most important

thing value and relationships remember that!



Co jsem dnes jedl #12 | What i ate today #12 | Vegan | Vegabund - Duration: 7:33.

Hi, welcome in today video

as you could see i made tofu scrambled eggs with mushrooms

and gonna it eat now

I just returned from town and its time for some dessert

i gonna have ice cream from Lidl, which i opened yesterday

Yummy :)

There is still lot of it, 300 g, so its not possible to eat it all at once

I believe somebody managed that succesfully

Delicious one

So its all for today, if you like the video, hit like button, subscribe to not miss new videos

Follow me on facebook and instagram and see you next time

For more infomation >> Co jsem dnes jedl #12 | What i ate today #12 | Vegan | Vegabund - Duration: 7:33.


(GoT) Thoros of Myr || Just the Drunkest - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> (GoT) Thoros of Myr || Just the Drunkest - Duration: 2:04.


U&D trono classico 31/08: svelati i quattro tronisti ufficiali | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> U&D trono classico 31/08: svelati i quattro tronisti ufficiali | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:33.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration, Parkeersensoren, Bluetooth, Stootlijsten - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I Aspiration, Parkeersensoren, Bluetooth, Stootlijsten - Duration: 0:43.


DESCENDANTS 2 CUPCAKES _ How to make Mal, Uma and Evie, Descendants 2 cupcakes. - Duration: 5:59.

Descendants 2 is the most trendy Disney movie now

everybody goes crazy about it,

today I'm making cupcakes from Descendants 2

that look like toys!

Hi everybody, I'm Vero

Welcome to VeroSweetHobby!

We are going to need:

cut their printed pictures and glue them to a stick,

cupcakes and mini cupcakes,



a silicone textured mat

and fondant in the character's colors.

If you are new to my channel,

don't forget to subscribe, by pressing the red button

because every Friday

I upload a new video!

And don't forget to press the bell

so you can get notified every time, there is a new video up.

Let's begin making Evie.

For Evie,

We are using with blue, red and black fondant.

This step is the same for all these mini cakes.

You can use buttercream

in the color of your choice.

Stretch it thin

Cut a small piece

and make a triangle,

that's going to be the first layer of Evie's dress.

Don't cover the whole dress at once.

Cut pieces of fondant

and make layers.

Evie is Descendant's fashionista,

so her dress, has to be very well designed,

it has a lot of details!

Her designs consists of many overlapped layers,

golden buttons made with sprinkles

her belt has a really nice texture

and the edges look like torn fabric.

Two red fondant balls

symbolize Evie's heart.

I loved Evie's cupcake!

Now, let's go for Mal!

Mal's dress also has many layers,

we begin in the bottom part making a black stripe

with embroidery texture.

Now add the purple layers,

the lighter one first

the darkest one on top.

To symbolize Mel's enemy, that is

Uma, an octopus,

we are making her a tentacle that will wrap her

by her waist, in blue fondant.

We also make her a black dragon tail

covered with golden sprinkles,

because Mal is a dragon.

Uma is the movie's villain

and her dress is supposed to be stunning and teal color.

Cover the top part

with a circle of fondant,

and then add very thin layers of fondant on top

like stripes.

Her whole dress is covered with tentacles!

To compliment, we add sea sponges,

in yellow.

I really enjoyed making them!

I love how they look! And the characters are so rich,

that inspired me to create this super

different cupcakes.

I hope you guys liked it too!

If you did like it, give me a LIKE

and leave me a comment down below

Suscribe to my channel to get a new video

every single Friday!

I'm Vero, see you next week!

For more infomation >> DESCENDANTS 2 CUPCAKES _ How to make Mal, Uma and Evie, Descendants 2 cupcakes. - Duration: 5:59.


Destiny 2 Beta Easter Eggs & Things You Missed - Duration: 3:22.

The Destiny 2 beta tests might be over but while we await the full release of the game

I thought we should take a look at some of the awesome easter eggs and details you might

have missed during the beta.

The opening mission of Destiny 2 see's blast your way through the Reg Legion forces who

are attacking the tower, but while you were busy gunning them down and testing out your

new supers you might have missed some of the finer details hidden in this mission.

For example if you approach a door in the hangar area you can hear music playing on

the other side.

In Destiny 1 this door led to an area containing a player controlled Jukebox, but it sounds

like it's taken a bit of damage in the Cabals attack.

The Song playing is actually Sir Paul Mccartney's "Hope for the Future" which he wrote as

part of the musical score for Destiny.

Another cool nod to the first game is found in the armory.

Although I didn't notice it on my first play through as I was way to distracted by picking

up my first exotic weapon, on the second time around I stopped to take a closer look and

noticed that most of the guns in the room are actually Khvostovs, the same model of

gun that everyone who played Destiny 1 unlocked in the first mission.

We also get to enter the North Tower for the first time as the area has always been closed

off in Destiny 1, although its a shame to see it like this for the first time there

are some pretty cool stalls.

One of particular interest seems to be a bar, and these bottles of liquor called "Secondary

Buff" also appear on Amanda Holliday's station back in the apparently

she was having a drink before the attack and is now piloting that ship through a warzone

while drunk.

You can also find numerous nods to common sights from around the tower.

For example the Purple ball so many guardians have played with is now a deflated mess on

the stairs.

In fact it's quite lucky that the sweeper bot is still hard at work as the whole Tower

is a mess!

The new Strike also has quite a few things you might have missed if you just charged

straight ahead.

The opening area of the strike is actually part of a patrol zone and the area is huge

if you actually start exploring.

There are a lot of cool things to uncover, for example if you run around enough enemies

start to spawn, kill a few and some of the elite ones that appeared will drop loot crates

when they die, they're empty, but it was a cool surprise until it opened up.

Remember that big waterfall of "Vex Milk" as your ghost describes it?

Well this is actually Radiolarian Fluid, which is essentially what the Vex really are.

This Mind Fluid simply pilots the metal vessels that we fight.

Also running in the Vex Milk is pretty painful!

We also found what looks like a triangular door that resembles the one sealing the Vault

of Glass Raid Boss away in the first game, maybe this will lead to something when the

full game is released.

Lastlly while wondering around Nessus you can also see a crashed human colony ship from

when humanity tried to colonise the planet, it resembles those from the Cosmodrome in

the first game.

Those are all the little details that we picked up but are there any we missed?

Let me know in the comments below, also let me know which class you're going to play first

when the game goes live...I just can't decide!

As always this is James for Curse saying thanks for watching, and enjoy the game!

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Beta Easter Eggs & Things You Missed - Duration: 3:22.


Social Media Expert, Catalina Ferreto, Compares Starbucks Coffee vs. Small Business Solution - Duration: 3:43.

I am catalina ferreto and I am with MyContent365 and today I am here in Salinas Californian

enjoying a delicious cup of coffee on south main.

The reason why I am here is because I want to invite you to join me to see the similarities

of the small business solution and a cup of coffee.

You and I, we are going to walk to the my office and I am going to show you how exciting

it's going to be

A small business solution vs. a cup of coffee.

See you in the office

Thank you for being with me back here at my office.

Yes we are going to be talking about Starbucks Coffee vs. Small Business Solution.

Lets get started and lets see what do we have in comparison with the small business solution.

MyContent365 Small Business Solution vs Starbucks Coffee.

the Small Business Solution is for one month only one dollar and the Starbucks

Coffee is going to be about five dollars per day probably like $60 to $150 per month.

So what we have in comparison is with the Small Business Solution we are going to have

a Social Media Page Foundation, Presence and Posts.

And with the Starbucks coffee, nope, we are not going to be getting that.

Create Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn Page, you can choose either of those with the small

business solution, but with the Starbucks Coffee, no you wont,

A standard content is 10 posts per month with starbucks coffee, nope you won't have 10 posts

per month

Fresh interesting look to your Social Media page

Build brand loyalty

Social Media-Largest Social Media Platforms

Boost Search engine optimization

Social Media Consultation- 1 hour consultation per month

But with the Starbucks Coffee, nope, not

Cover Photo, Thumbnail photo About us


Customs Social Media URL

Initial Social Media Like Starter Campaign

Plus double number of Social media posts

Pinned first post

Plus Custom delivery of the first post

All of that is the small business solution is just

$1 for the entire 30 days

Starbucks Coffee is going to be around $60 to $150 per month

Probably spend $5 per day.

Starbucks if you count that 30 days and how much that is going to be

So this is our offer for you

So let's go back to starbucks and let's see whats next

Thank you for stay tuned with us and watch with me the comparison of the small business

solution and the cup of coffee

Now let;s see the gifts and surprises we are giving away.

Click the button below and you will see how you can win some

Amazing gift cards from starbucks and enjoy your cup of coffee

Plus having the small business solutions for you and your business.

For more infomation >> Social Media Expert, Catalina Ferreto, Compares Starbucks Coffee vs. Small Business Solution - Duration: 3:43.


Campfire Cooking: Frito Pie - Duration: 7:42.


wonder hussy here camping outside

Yellowstone National Park in the Beautiful Gallatin National Forest great

Country for camping rustic. It's boondocking. There's no running water. There's no fire pit

So that could be problematic when it comes to cooking dinner?

But I don't really like to cook much anyways even when I'm at home. I hate washing dishes, and when I'm camping

It's especially problematic for me what I want to do

I'm camping someplace without running water how am I going to watch out pots and pans?

Nobody has time for that so my sister, and I devised the most amazing

Campfire meal ever and I never tire of eating this no matter how many times I've had this dish I've had it in, Idaho

Colorado Wyoming

Aries up there at all over the west. I've had this dish and it is

Frito pie

You've probably heard of frito pie. I think it's a regional dish in like Texas, Oklahoma popular

Texas high school football game where they take one of those little mini bags of Fritos

And they just kind of bust it open dump some chili and some onions on it

Cheese call it a day my sister and I are from California, okay?

So we like to class things up a little bit even when we're camping

So our frito pie is a little higher class is still very simple. All you needed a bag of classic Fritos

This is the essential ingredient

Some chili like I said we're from California, so we prefer a made organic chili, but we've also used wolf brand hormel

You know Mountain man all those different kinds

I just like amy's and I like spicy because you know I'm a firecracker, and then cheese of course shredded cheese

But we like to class it up with some vegetables do to be a little extra healthier

So some rope towel is good tomatoes and green chilies

and then some self without corn which this can here has

black beans and bell peppers in it you know just to give it a little texture color and

Liven it up a little bit so that it's not just a bag of Fritos with onions and chili from 7-eleven, okay?

So obviously the first thing that you need to do is build I can't fire like I said this is boondocking camping out here

So there's no

fire rings or grills you have a grill or one of those like Campfire ring is a little grill that folds over it is a

Lot easier to do this, but I actually like doing it this way better

Where you just build a fire and then put a flat rock in it that you can set your cans on look at that

We don't even need to get a pot dirty

we're just cooking it right in the can now I

Don't think it's really healthy to

Do so I mean these amy's chili cans another reason why I like you mentioned is they're supposedly no BPA and the can lining

Which would be a cancer-causing agent

but I figure I don't eat this meal that often just when I'm camping so if I get a little bit of

BPa here and there it won't add up to be too much, and you're also not supposed to eat canned Tomatoes

I think that's been proven to be a known Carcinogen, but again here and there I feel like it's okay

I'm going to put them in as close as I can and then when they start bubbling that's when you know

They're ready okay, so while the cans are

Warming up on the fire. I'm going to go ahead and Prep the fritos

So you just take your camp bowl, and you just dump in a little bit of fritos. I have this little Squishy bowl and then

What you what?

I like to do is sprinkle a little bit of cheddar cheese on top of the frito base layer, right?

That way when you when the chili is ready

And you ladle it on it'll develop that cheats right down into that delicious frito base layers called frito pie

But it's not technically a pie I

Guess the idea is that the fritos create a sort of pie crust at the bottom okay?

I don't know about all that all I know is that it tastes delicious

And it cares really well with this bota box Cabernet Sauvignon or any box wine of your choosing

Sally I

Can hear that Kansa Bubblin?

So now it's time to get them out of the fire with this awesome of admit that my sister bought at a thrift store in

Green River, Utah

First we're going to take the chili. Oh

Yeah, it looks delicious

I'm going to go ahead and just throw this lid in the fire that's another nice thing about this you can just burn all the

Food particles off of it because we're up here in Grizzly Country

And we definitely don't want to have any food residue hanging around our camp. I'm going to stir it up a little bit

It chilies. I mean we have some chili a couple days ago Reckon koller out of the head

elk beef and bison like three different house in Maintenance it was

Kind of Overkill frankly. This is this chili

Here is just tofu actually so if you're a Texan you would definitely not call this chili a because it has Been--and B

Because it's made with Tofu, but like I said we've used Wolfe Dennison

for mel yeah

That's kind of a fun of traveling when I'm in a different state or a different part of the country I like to try

They're different regional

Chili's and put a regional twist on my frito pie like we were in

Colorado and wanted to make Frito pie with Rocky mountain oysters on it and unfortunately

It was really a lot harder finding Rocky Mountain oysters than anticipated, but you know like California Frito pie. You could put a

avocado you know like a kalmec type deal and I'm going to take out the

Rotel and I'll go ahead and get the corn too. He's pretty hot

Well, you know what I'm saying you can put regional flare on it like if we were in, Utah

We thought about making free to fly with fry sauce on it if you're from, utah you know what fry Sauce is like

Mayonnaise and ketchup makes it actually sounds really gross

But if the utah specialty so and I'm going to scoop some corn on top of this delicious

Hot chili, and you'll note that this hot Chili is

melting that cheese that we had sprinkled on top of the

Fritos, so you're getting a nice



burrito a base layer going on right now right no

And last but not least the Roe

Cal yeah look at all them tomatoes mmM tomatoes

No vitamin C. So good okay now. All that's left to do is some garnishing some delicious cheese

Maybe real careful not to spill any food on the ground so no bears come out here. We do not want any uninvited dinner. Yes

even if it is just

Crazy Weird, Walmart

Brand Cheddar who knows what it's made out of it's like Chinese peasant breast milk or something

But what I like to do as a little extra touch of fanciness is a little bit of crushed Fritos on top


And now your frito pie is ready to enjoy now before I get ready to dig in remember

I said about regional delicacies well since we are in Montana

Grizzly country

it might be kind of fun to season it with a bit of

Bear spray because it's made out of hot red peppers

you know you can add a dash of this onto your chili if you really want to be spicy and as a bonus keep the

Bears way let's see how it is


Let me tell you I've been to some of the most

high-end restaurants in Vegas I like celebrity chef restaurants, and I have never had a dish as delicious as

Samphire cooked Frito pie. I think the great outdoors is part of a seasoning that makes it taste, so


Mmm. Oh navigate

For more infomation >> Campfire Cooking: Frito Pie - Duration: 7:42.


Week 4: Gamification - Duration: 2:23.



Phylise Banner here with you again.

I'm the Curator of the InSync Blended Learning Hub!

This week in the Hub, we share our insight on how to measure the success of the design

and implementation of gamification or a game-based strategy within a modern blended learning


That's a tricky topic, isn't it?

How do you measure the success of a game?

Is it about winning?

Or is it about the experience of playing?

I'm willing to admit that I'm a bit competitive myself, and depending on the game, I'm up

for a win - especially if it's Scrabble.

At the same time, the experience of playing is always enticing and engaging to me.

I encourage you to think about ways that we can describe and define learner engagement

within game-based learning and gamified learning, as you explore the resource in the Hub this


I remember the first time I had to report out on the effectiveness of a gamification


I was worried about showing results.

But it turned out that we had captured so much data on learner engagement through badging

and leaderboards that it was easy to show those results.

We also were able to easily identify key influencers within the learning community that we could

tap into to serve as resident experts and mentors.

We have a new podcast in the Hub this week featuring Dr. Stephen Slota, where you can

learn more about integrating games into your blended learning solutions to stimulate engagement,

innovation, creativity, retention, and performance improvements.

As we wrap up this month, we're going to be taking a deep dive into the Effective Practice


We'll review the recommendations together, and discuss ways that you can use this tool

to guide your practice.

If you haven't done so yet, I recommend downloading this month's Conversation Card and partaking

in a scenario-based exercise where your team needs to prove the value of gamification and

game-based learning to an executive at a banking term - banking firm!

Can we mix work and play to the advantage of our learners?

You tell me.

I look forward to hearing from you on how game-based learning and gamification can boost

levels of learner engagement within both formal and informal blended learning approaches.

Have a great week!

And I'll see you online.

For more infomation >> Week 4: Gamification - Duration: 2:23.


Best weight loss method? Workout vs Diet? - Ep 7 | Road to 99 Kg vlog - Duration: 9:01.

Hi guys and welcome to a new episode of ahotiK's Road to 99 kg.

I'm Teo, you also know me as ahotiK and today I want to answer a question:

Which is better for losing weight? Is it working out or dieting? Let's find out!

Ok, I just want to get this out of the way. I have recorded a cool intro and

outro for this episode already, last Saturday and it was by this beautiful lake.

Unfortunately the camera was set to continuous auto focus and it was

searching for the focus all the time. I have a Nikon d5300 and that's one

problem with it. If you set it on auto focus, continuous auto focus it will

search for focus all the time. It's not a really good camera for vlogging and

recording yourself but it's a perfect camera for pictures. The scenery was

beautiful but the the footage was not. So I have to do it here in my office.

This week has been a bit rough and the first part of the week I have plateaued with

my weight and then afterwards I actually gained one kilo so it wasn't really that good.

I have started with some new things maybe that's why I gained weight.

Let's see what happened!

Trying something new today: going to the gym!

It feels like the first episode once again: Freaking hard

That feeling, after working out. Feel like I'm so massive now.

I just managed to plank for 35 seconds. Feel really tired in my arms and chest.

After the workout I'll have a big kebab roll.

Wednesday, football as usual, my second workout this week.

I'm done with the football and I feel really tired, like last time, so I'm just gonna be walking

back home instead of running.

Almost home from football pretty good workout

and I also feel the pain in my arms from yesterday's weightlifting.

It's Thursday and it's gym day again but I forgot my shorts so I'm gonna run to the nearest

shop and buy a pair and then just gonna run back and that's gonna be my warmup.

I hate this exercise!

Thursday afternoon, after today's workout I will have to cheat

again because I'm invited to a barbecue afternoon with with my coworkers I'll be

having a burger or something and maybe some small amount of red wine.

Hi, it's Saturday and we're gonna go on a road trip meeting some friends at a national

park down in Skåne or Scania and we're gonna have a barbecue there I should be

running instead and working out because, compared to last week this week I

haven't cheated on the workout but instead I've cheated on the diet heavily

I should also be running some more to make up for a diet cheating

- What do you think about Teo's weight loss vlog?

- It was quite entertaining!

So I was just doing the power walk but I started to lose weight as well and I'm gonna continue to watch him

- So you mean that his videos are inspiring for you?

- Pure inspiration!

- Okay, thank you very much!

- You're welcome!

I was about to go out for a run and then this happened.

It's Sunday and it has been raining the whole day today

but now in the late afternoon it's sunny again so, yesterday I promised

myself to go for a run and here I am! I intend to push myself today to make it

up for the lack of running this week. Yes, of course I went to the gym, but that

doesn't make up for for running, as my weight has gone up.

I'm back at 115 kilos.

I'm not gonna run with a camera because that's a distraction and it it's an

excuse to stop (running) and start walking just to record another shot.

I'm gonna extend the track that I ran last time from 5 km to maybe it's gonna be around 8 (km)

We'll see!

I thought it was gonna be sunny for the whole run but it's started to rain again.

I'm back from the run. Runkeeper recorded 6.5 km,

but it paused for, I think it was around, 1 km, so it should be 7.5.

And of course now the pace is off. It recorded

8.5 minutes per kilometer but I think it was better than better than that.

The battery of my camera ran off (*ourt) so I have to continue this with my phone.

I didn't use Zombies, Run this time I wanted to try Spotify's running

feature as you might know Spotify is a music streaming up but it also has this

feature for helping you keep the same pace while running.

It will find music that will match your running pace. If you want say 160 steps

per minute it will find music with 160 beats per minute.

helping you maintain the same pace.

You're not entirely in control of what music it plays.

You can choose a gender or you know on a wider level but it will still

choose the music for you so if you're like me that you don't really like all

kinds of music sometimes you might not like the track but you can skip them.

Okay so you saw that I've started going to the gym lifting weights.

That's another kind of workout I'm gonna be doing because I really need to

strengthen up my upper body. I'm gonna continue running and of course dieting.

So the question that I started this video with was: is working out or dieting

better for losing weight?

Well actually what I think it's happening it's

you have to get a calorie deficit so if you're plateauing it means that you need

to get out more calories out of your diet or to work out more to get rid of calories.

So if you're gonna be cheating with your diet you really need

to work out way more to make up for for the extra calories you're eating.

Another theory I have about the weight gain could be around gaining muscles.

Muscle mass it's heavier than fat so maybe I lost fat but I got muscles so that's

why my weight got up. I'm not sure this is true or not it's just a theory

I have I've heard this several times but I'm not sure it's correct or not.

Going back the question I believe that the calorie deficit is what makes you lose weight.

So that's it for this week. Thank you guys for watching and

if you like these don't forget to give this video a like, subscribe for more and

if you have questions or you want to tell me something just put a comment!

Thank you guys! Bye!

For more infomation >> Best weight loss method? Workout vs Diet? - Ep 7 | Road to 99 Kg vlog - Duration: 9:01.


believer; Death Note [HBD TO ME] - Duration: 2:04.

[Ryuk] Shall we begin?

[Light] You have the chance to stop the type of people who make things harder for everybody. You gotta see the big picture here.


[Light] What they want... is a God. So, let's give it to them. Kira. [Mia] Kira?

[Priest] Global, stil have you believe that Kira is the new world Messiah.

[Light] Some asshole killed my mom. Got away with it. Till I got this book...

[Light] Do you think that I'm crazy?

[Mia] I think you are not crazy enough.

[Woman from NEWS] What can anyone tell us about Kira and perhaps more importantly can anyone stop it and... should they?

For more infomation >> believer; Death Note [HBD TO ME] - Duration: 2:04.


What Does High Blood Sugar Feel Like? - Duration: 6:51.

Hello, I am Ty Mason of, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.

Today I will talk to you about what high blood sugar feels like.

After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new


This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.

It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800

calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.

There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!

For those of you watching with diabetes, you probably know the answer to this question.

But I have been asked with those with diabetes this question before.

Hyperglycemia, high blood sugar or high blood glucose is the sign for all types of diabetes.

The body can no longer regulate the blood sugar in your blood for one of two reasons:


the pancreas is no longer making enough insulin 2.

the body's cells have become so resistant to insulin that the pancreas cannot keep up

Either way the result is that glucose is accumulating in the bloodstream rather than being moved

into the cells.

But what does this feel like?

How does your body react?

Let me first say that you may feel some or all of the symptoms we discuss today.

Hyperglycemia can affect different people in different ways, but there are some symptoms

that are common among MOST people with diabetes.

There are 3 most common and we will discuss those.

But there are others.

The most common signs of high blood sugar I call PolyCubed.


Polyuria == This is excessive urination.

You are constantly needing to run to the bathroom, like at least once an hour if not more often.

This is caused by a dual chain reaction.

The cells are pumping water into the bloodstream to try and dilute the glucose and bring it

back to normal, and the kidneys, unable to reabsorb this fluid during filtering, are

uncontrollably flushing water from the body.

The result is runaway urination.


Polydipsia is the result of polyuria.

It is excessive thirst.

This is a response to the dehydrating effects of polyuria; it's the body's attempt to

rehydrate itself.

According to Wil Dubois BS, AAS, CPT, the relationship between excessive urination and

excessive thirst is often misinterpreted by people experiencing high blood glucose, especially

before diabetes is diagnosed.

Many people assume that excessive urination is caused by the excessive thirst, and not

the other way around.

So they are quick to discount the excessive urination, thinking "Well, I've been drinking

a lot lately…"


Polyphagia is the final main symptom of high blood glucose level.

It is excessive hunger.

It is not so much caused by the high blood glucose level as it is a low insulin level.

the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient to move glucose molecules from the bloodstream

into the cells, where they can be used as fuel for cellular processes.

If cells aren't able to gain access to glucose, they send out hunger signals and the brain's

hypothalamus triggers the sensation of hunger.

Those are the 3 main signs of high blood sugar.

Most everyone who has a blood sugar level above 150 will experience one or all of these


Usually at least 2 of them.

Another symptom you may feel is fatigue.

Your body is working so hard to regulate your blood sugar and your cells can't get the

fuel they need to work properly.

This will cause you to feel very tired.

You will want to rest constantly.

As the glucose levels rise in your blood stream, other symptoms are possible to appear.

One that is very common of others I have talked to is blurred vision.

Sometimes you see what I call "little snowmen" in your peripheral vision.

This is the beginning of diabetic retinopathy.

The tiny blood vessels in your eyes cannot carry the thicker blood causing oxygen levels

in the optic nerve to drop.

You may also experience one or more of the following after days of high blood glucose

levels: Rapid, deep breathing.

A fast heart rate and a weak pulse.

A strong, fruity breath odor.

Loss of appetite, belly pain, and/or vomiting.


Headache Unexplained, rapid weight loss

Tingling in hands and/or feet Scratches or sores that take a long time to

heal It is difficult to answer what each individual

will feel like when their blood sugar is high.

It really depends on the individual and how high the blood glucose level is.

Believe it or not, there are people who feel worse when their blood glucose levels are


They get used to how it feels to have elevated blood sugars and "normal" is not normal

to them.

If you experience any 2 of the PolyCubed symptoms and you have not been diagnosed with diabetes,

you should get to your health care provider as soon as possible and ask them to check

your blood glucose level.

If you have diabetes and you experience any of the other symptoms, you need to make sure

you keep a check on your blood sugar and if it remains high, see your health care provider

and ask for an A1C test, this can help tell you how long your levels have been high.

You may need to have your medication adjusted.

High blood sugar is not something to just dismiss.

It can have very serious consequences.

If you even suspect you have high blood sugar, contact your health care provider.

I hope you have found this video helpful.

Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos

like this one in the future.

Thanks for watching.

I am Ty Mason.

For more infomation >> What Does High Blood Sugar Feel Like? - Duration: 6:51.


Shugoki just wants love :( (For Honor 1v1 w/ArMySgT364) - Duration: 8:48.

okay, okay, hopefully

hopefully my shit doesn't mess up again, but um I

don't want to do an introduction because I'm so afraid much, it's Gonna mess up I

Don't know we'll just do one game and see how that goes and uh go from there. Yeah, but uh

Welcome back everybody. I'm sorry I've been so

So late I've been running errands and doing other things but uh oh

It's gonna be a 1V1 me versus Cameron glass is going down boy

All right, now. Are you sure about that?

Okay, okay

No, no, don't say pay the bills son

You know you know what okay, then no no, no, I got you. I got you I got you

hold on hold on oh

my Jesus

You're going up against Granddaddy Mackey

Chop you up to miss meat now

You hear that sound it's sound immediate and lentil cheese

All right

So how do you want me to serve you up man? Oh medium-Rare please?

All right good cuz I got a bunch of hungry people that

Come on. Come on. Oh


On Granddaddy mack. Oh

Tell me yet boy. Come on cameron. Come on. I just want to see like Michael Jackson

Fish that's how you got the holo

Are you sure yeah? I'm sure oh. Oh. I'll be Daddy got me

All right, all right you got that one you got that one

Hey hey hey hey not too close to the head man not too close to the head

All right, so so we're so we're gonna have a cheat match. We're gonna have a cheat match everything's good and cheap match

Make it you don't want to eat cheap. Not me

I'm hobby on the street. I know that all right

I'll eat the tree too man. No way it's it's a pole. You dumbass

Jammer it. Don't run away from me. Oh I see you and he's get the fuck back. Oh shit. Oh

Get them oh, God

Cameron don't do this. Oh shit. All that damage. I just did team

No, oh no, oh

Come here Cameron come here cameron

Wait come here Carrie may I give you more help I?

Don't know it. Just it just does

Come your gary. Oh

Shit, yeah what I could have brought you for some reason I couldn't block it

Yeah, a boy. Yeah, he might he might actually beat the granddaddy Mac novel

Meanwhile my dog sat on the corner all terrified. Oh

Man, you better come over here. I got a serve you say I don't what uh no no. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry

Come here gary. Oh

No, no, no no no no oh

God, oh, God oh, God oh

shit that

Was your chance to kill me I said how's it gonna. Go. How's it gonna? Go? How's it Gonna? Go?

How's it Gonna go?

How's it Gonna go?


Thank you. Thank you. That's what they hate ass to time. I love I love you too, man

What we're supposed to grab you

Know you ain't grabbing this

You kidding me dude. So cheap. Oh



kill me every single round oh

My God no, no that was that was good. That was good. That's good

For more infomation >> Shugoki just wants love :( (For Honor 1v1 w/ArMySgT364) - Duration: 8:48.


Holy Hallucinations 45: Two Dicks and a Johnny, Part 1 - Duration: 22:56.

This is a response to PPSimmons' video, "SUPER GONORRHEA!


I must confess that this is a first for me, since the video I'm addressing features

not only our dear old friend Pastor Carl Gallups but also Mike Shoesmith, that sycophantic

leech whose lips seem perpetually affixed to Carl's anus, and who's better known

to viewers of this channel as Pisspants.

Hello boys!

Now don't be nervous, because despite my insouciance, just like you, I've never had

a threesome before.

But rest assured I'll do my best not to play favorites and to give you both all the

special attention you so sorely deserve.

So let's not dilly-dally, because by now you both know what to do, so while you're

preparing yourselves and I go and fetch the birch, let's play the first clip.

"[Voiceover]: Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups.

The Oval Office of Gulf Coast talk radio.

[Carl]: Back Gulf Coast, welcome back America.

Glad you're in the house with us.

My world-famous producer JC is making everything happen just right."

Hey Carl, I see you've put on your radio voice.

How cute!

I suppose you did it in a sad attempt to be all boss and chill so you can expand your

demographic beyond the Florida blue-rinse set, who listen to you only because they've

nothing better to do while waiting in line for their colonoscopies or their turn to speak

to the funeral planner.

Unfortunately, and I hate to break it to you, it doesn't quite hit the mark and only succeeds

in making you sound like an even bigger twat-flap than we all already know you are.

Now, regarding "JC", I'm assuming you don't mean the original fella, since I strongly

suspect that working for you isn't exactly Plan A for his second coming.

In which case, one can only wonder what he's "world famous" for, since it's obviously

not for his association with your pitiful shit-streak of a radio show.

In any case, you obviously didn't notice that he isn't quite "making everything

happen just right," because the numb-nut truncated your first word, and so based on

this display of his competence I think we can safely deduce that JC's also a fucking


Finally, when it comes to your radio show being "The Oval Office of Gulf Coast talk

radio," well, considering the monumental and unmitigated clusterfucks detonating on

Pennsylvania Avenue on a near-daily basis at the moment, and as much as it pains me

to do so, I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to agree with JC on that point.

"[Carl]: In the meantime, Mike Shoesmith is showing up – the executive editor of

PNN News and Ministry Network.

He is a syndicated blogger and an author, and… er… been the co-host and commentator,

and… er… correspondent out of Canada to this show for many, many years."




I don't know what was funnier here, Carl.

Perhaps it was your pretense that PNN is some kind of international ecumenical media giant,

instead of being run by one bumbling imbecile burbling inanities into a microphone in a

Florida trailer park and a second equally inept cretin doing the same in the cab of

his truck.

On the other hand, perhaps it was your encomiastic introduction to Pisspants as an "executive

editor," a "correspondent," a"blogger" and an "author" when the literary acumen

he clearly displays whenever he opens his mouth strongly suggests that he can't even

write out the alphabet much less use it to construct even one passingly coherent sentence.


Sorry about the cheap shots boys, but I just couldn't resist commenting on that hilarious

display of fatuous self-importance.

So now I've got it out of my system why don't you brace yourselves as we analyze

the rest of your monstrosity.

We'll begin with the source of the article that inspired this impressive magnum opus

of creationist inanity.

"[Carl]: This comes out of the BBC… uh…


UK – m… major media."

Or as you might otherwise call it, Carl, the fake news!

It's funny how the legitimate media sources you generally blanketly decry as corrupt and

untrustworthy suddenly become perfectly legitimate when they happen to be dancing to the same

tune being played by the psychedelic hurdy-gurdy man inside your head, isn't it?

How convenient it must be when your intellectual integrity is as flexible as Hobo Shitlord

when he's polishing his helmet.

Anyway, let's see what exactly elicited this miraculous turn of events.

"[Carl]: So the… so this is at BBC News.

British Broadcasting Corporation.

The… the headline title is 'Oral sex spreading unstoppable bacteria'.



Brother that word is powerful.

Not, maybe we can stop it.

Maybe we can get a grip on it.

Maybe we can control it.

Unstoppable bacteria.

Now, go ahead."

Thanks for the definition Carl, though I think you'll find that most people outside your

viewership don't really need help with those really tricky words, even if they do contain

a whole four syllables.

Now, we'll get onto what it is about multi-drug resistant gonorrhea that introduced so much

torque into your and Pisspants' underwear presently, but what I found most interesting

wasn't what you had to say on this matter, but rather what you conspicuously didn't.

And that's the fact that this drug resistance wasn't the result of a judicious sprinkling

of pixie dust, but of a combination of well understood and documented physical processes

otherwise known as biological evolution.

Of course, I realize that you'll vehemently deny this by claiming that no evolution occurred

since the gonococci in question "are still bacteria" since they didn't grow a pair

tits or sprout wings.

To forestall this, Carl, it took me all of thirty seconds to locate a very nice review

on the evolution of gonorrheal antimicrobial resistance that demonstrates that it occurred

via the production of new "information" (as you creatards would refer to it), the

generation of beneficial mutations, and the emergence of at least one double mutation,

all of which have been vociferously deemed as impossible by a pitifully bedraggled assortment

of sad creationist numb-nuts including that icon of intelligent design and former scientist,

Michael Behe.

Now, all that aside, the question is why you both took such great interest in a pathogen

that you're as likely to encounter as Paul Ryan is to win the Vatican's "Compassionate

Catholic of the Year" award.

I found it difficult to find a clip that summarized it succinctly, so instead I'll just sum

up by saying that it was because you were using it to encourage people to refrain from

promiscuity by practicing abstinence or monogamy.

As a result, I found myself agreeing with something for the second time in one video,

which I'm sure you can imagine induced a sudden bout of presyncope that forced me to

find a seat for a moment and recover from the shock.

Of course, the motivation behind my advice is a concern for the physical and psychological

well-being of others, while yours is presumably due to your concern for the delicate sensibilities

of an ephemeral, pangalactic overlord with a peculiarly reflexive distaste for what an

insignificant group of under-evolved primates do with each other's genitalia.

And of course, your idea of monogamy is that is should only be practiced under the auspices

of a contract overseen by that same trans-dimensional yet strangely anthropic specter, while I'm

not especially concerned about all that unnecessary paperwork.

Other than that, and believe it or not, Carl, I'm 100% on board with you on this one.

Unfortunately, this brief and surprising congruence of opinion ended just about as abruptly as

it began when you said this.

"[Pisspants]: There is a… there is a… a shocking sentence in this article, ah…

which… which…

er… is… is a major tell as far as what you and I have been saying for many years

about certain activities…

[Carl]: And I think I…

I think I know where you're going.

I'm going to let you say it, but I'm looking at a sentence which has already shocked me

in this article.

[Pisspants]: in the United States, resistance to this… to antibiotics came from men having

sex with men because of… because of pharyngeal infection."

So there it is, boys.

The shitty thread running through your video like the puke running down the front of a

geology student's tee-shirt.

A nice gloating, self-congratulatory "I-told-you-so" circle jerk.

But let's not get too excited here, because it seems that the very review I cited earlier

predicting the very same thing six years ago.

Except, of course, the authors were somewhat more specific by raising concerns about the

possible appearance of resistant strains, while you two numb-nuts have been more concerned

about the concomitant appearance of four horsemen and occasional flurries of fire and brimstone.

And let's not forget that the paper attributed all this to evolution induced by the profligate

overuse of antibiotics coupled to sexual promiscuity, while you were putting it all down to the

squeamishness of your intangible BFF for the dangly bits he himself created coupled to

his short fuse and willingness to resort to biological warfare as readily as an imam resorts

to a fatwah.

It's because of these kinds of differences, boys, that if scientists ever tell us that

that we face extinction because an asteroid is heading towards Earth, I'll immediately

start crapping my pants with fear.

Conversely, if a religious loon does exactly the same thing but tells us that it's because

the voice inside his head told him so, I'll immediately start crapping my pants with uncontrollable


Now, your self-congratulatory mutual masturbation didn't end there as you continued gloating

thusly: "[Pisspants]: You know, they say, 'What

does it hurt, Carl?

What does it hurt?

People should just be able love whoever they want to love.

It's not hurting anyone else.'

[Carl]: And people should be able to have sex anyway they want, and in the privacy of

their own bedroom.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't hurt me.

It doesn't do anything.

Leave us alone.

You're... you're just closed minded.

You're… you're a bigot."

You're right again, Carl!

You are a bigot!

Because the fact is that decent people agree that others' choice of who they love and

how they love them is no one else's business, much less that of cabal of emotionally immature,

mentally castrated, intolerant religious fucktards.

What you buffoons are implying here is that gays have been surreptitiously spreading a

plague to we poor unsuspecting, straight people, but what you fail to appreciate, and perhaps

it's not that surprising, is that we're talking about grown-ups here.

Both religious and secular institutions have warned them of the dangers of promiscuity,

so any consensual jiggery-pokery they get up to is with their eyes fully open to the


In other words, this only affects those who agree to indulge in risky behavior, and taking

that risk is their choice.

That's why we allow drinking once people are old enough to make responsible decisions,

but don't allow drunk driving.

It's why we allow smoking, but not in enclosed public places.

And it's also why we allow vigorously enthusiastic rumpy-pumpy but, despite what some left-wing

loons might think, we don't allow rape.

Get the point, dipshits?

In free societies, we generally disallow behaviors that do or can adversely affect others involuntarily,

and allow those that don't or can't.

It's really quite simple, but I can understand why it might be difficult to grasp for right-wing

loons like you who love to talk the talk when it comes to liberty, but are conspicuously

less eager to walk the walk when it comes to liberties you personally disapprove of.

All this means is that you zealots don't disapprove of this activity because of the

harm you think it's be doing to others, but because of your abhorrent beliefs.

And nothing makes that clearer than your opposition to all gay marriage when lesbians are less

susceptible to STIs that heterosexuals, and that, Sirs, unequivocally makes you bigots.

And what fucks me off about it, Carl, is when shit-heels like you get so upset when someone

dares call you out on the bigotry you proudly wear on your sleeve like an Alt-Righter with

his swastika armband, and yet it never occurs to you that the simplest solution is to re-examine

your personal morals and ethics and simply stop being one.

And nothing better illustrates this reluctance to do the right thing as much as the faux

compassion you puked out here: "But you're going to hear this kind of stuff on Freedom

Friday – we're trying to save your life," which rang particularly hollow when old Pisspants

picked it up, crumpled it into a ball, dropped his strides and gleefully wiped his arse with

it while saying this: "Symptoms [laughs].

The symptoms.

If that doesn't steer you straight, I don't know what will.

I mean, think about it.

This is… er… they're on the verge on no longer having any treatments for this."

Did you hear yourself there, Pisspants?

Did you hear the unabashed glee suffusing your voice at the thought of the suffering

of those filthy homos you and Carl hold in such low regard?

It was exuding from every pore!

I asked Carl this question in my last video, and now I'm going to ask it of you: What

the fuck is wrong with you?!

You get up on your high horse when criticizing me for my "foul language", and then we

find you here being infinitely viler than anything that's ever come out of my mouth.

Is the prospect of human suffering really so funny to you?

Have you any idea how repugnant that was?

So much for "love the sinner, hate the sin", eh, Pisspants?

I suppose you're also one of those so-called Christians who takes such unabashed delight

at the thought of all those heathens burning for eternity, aren't you?

Well, guess what?

I'd posit there are more than just one or two decent Christians out there who'd be

just as disgusted with you as I am, and I wouldn't be surprised if your god's son

would be too should he ever put in that belated appearance you've been waiting for.

Needless to say, when I heard this sickening display of that famous Christian compassion

we hear so much of, I was rather surprised that the "punishment from god" you fundie

fucktards are so especially fond of never arrived.

Don't get me wrong, though, because while you did both waltz right up to that line with

your hands on each other's arses and teetered on it precariously for an agonizing moment,

you didn't quite step over it and instead pivoted deftly to the side and whirled out

of the ballroom to find somewhere a little more private.

So while you didn't explicitly say that these people deserve what they get, Pisspants,

I think we can safely say that that message came through loud and clear.

And just in case it didn't, let's take a look at some of the things Carl had to say.

"And now with this whole bursting forth of the… the radical gay movement, the radical…

you know, the homosexual movement… the…

I mean, er… er… marriage movement, the transgender movement, the… you know… all

of the stuff.

It's getting worse and worse and worse.

But here's deal.

We've been screaming about this, Mike.

Not because we're homophobic.

Not because we're bigoted.

It's because we can read.

And we have brains.

And we come from s biblical world view.

We know what the word of God says about all of this."

[Prolonged laughter].

Oh fuck me Carl.

I think I broke a rib and punctured my spleen.

"We have brains."


Aaaah, you're a card.

You really are.


Now, despite your uproariously optimistic assessment of the sickly gelatinous material

that occasionally rents some space in your cranium, you obviously didn't have the "brains"

to pick up the irony in your denial of your bigotry in one part of your video and your

affirmation of your unwavering dedication to a literal interpretation of a book that

recommends execution as the most sensible treatment for homosexuality.

Apparently, those "brains" were also too sluggish to figure out that transgenderism

doesn't equate to male homosexuality and so played no more of a role in the emergence

of gonococcal drug resistance than did heterosexuality, nor that gay marriage might actually be a

good way of promoting that monogamy you two dipshits were waxing lyrical about elsewhere

in your video.

So why did you criticize them here, Carl?

It can't be because of your alleged compassionate concern for the reproductive health of society

because they have nothing to do with gonococcal drug resistance.

So, could it be because of your… oh, I don't know... foul intolerance and bigotry?

You know?

The very bigotry you were just denying with about as much success as the DNC trying to

identify an electable candidate.

Thankfully, though, any further remonstrations on your part will be quite futile because

of the quite spectacular job you did of torpedoing your rusty tub of a worldview with your own


Aw, shit!

There goes the birch.

Looks like it couldn't take the strain and gave up the ghost, which is ironic, really,

because that's also what's slowly happing to your childishly puerile version of your


Sorry if it stung a bit more than usual, Carl, but the strokes do need to be in proportion

to the stupidity they're addressing, don't you agree?

Still, since you're blubbing like a five-year-old whose ice cream just fell off his cone and

into the sand pit I suppose I should take a look.


That looks nasty.

I'd put something on that if I were you.

Oh, and you might want to consider bleaching occasionally too.

I tell you what, this may be a good time for us to take a little break anyway, because

we've just finished with the more intelligent parts of your video and you may well need

to recover a little before we get onto the really stupid stuff – including the parts

where you think that the hideously malodorous thoughts on the nature of physical reality

that you belch up with such ease can't be immediacy dissipated by the mildest of breezes

generated by waving a small handful of facts in your general direction.

That also means that I'm going to need a substantially sturdier birch anyway, and judging

by the herculean efforts the two of you will be making to wrest the World's Craziest

Fuckwits title from the flat Earthers, I may well need to have it custom made.

So here's a box of Kleenex for you both to wipe up the blood and the piss, and while

I'm gone might I suggest that you take the opportunity to ponder a little on what we've

been discussing.

After all, I can only assume that the cognitive dissonance is reverberating deafeningly inside

your empty crania because you seem to be so upset at the thought of being called bigots,

even by people who give as much of a shit about you as you do about reality.

So presumably you've managed to understand that being a bigot isn't exactly de rigueur,

and yet you insist on being one simply because your all-loving bestie tells you need to in

order to avoid the odor od singed pubic hair in the afterlife.

So before I get back you might want to ponder on why your god asks you to do something you

obviously feel is wrong, and why you keep insisting on doing it.

After all, it does appear that there are a number of Christians around who've managed

to work this out and get through life by worshipping their god without behaving like insufferable

douches and morally bankrupt shit-bags to their fellow man.

No, don't look at me for an answer – and for fuck's sake wipe up the snot and the

tears – because I haven't a fucking clue how they do it either.

I'd suggest you ask them.

Because if you don't work it out sooner or later, boys, you're not going to be remembered

by future genrations as good, upstanding citizens who strove to do the right thing by treating

all people with respect, dignity and tolerance, but rather as vile and hateful fanatics…

as petty and insignificant little men with cold, shriveled hearts… who went to their

graves despised and unloved and who took their god there with them.

For more infomation >> Holy Hallucinations 45: Two Dicks and a Johnny, Part 1 - Duration: 22:56.


DRAW MY LIFE - Jojo Hawkins - Duration: 6:10.

Jojo Hawkins

Hey everyone and welcome back to a new video,

so if you don't know me already I am Jojo

and this is my life so far.

I was debating whether to do this video

or not for a few reasons but I really wanted to share

some of my experiences and my story,

as maybe some of you might be able to relate

or some of my experiences may help you in some way,

I don't know but,

here's me drawing my life anyway.

Okay so I was born on the 2nd of April and

my mum was determined not to have an april fools baby

so I popped out a day later

and what made the day even more special

was I was born on my nans birthday!

Two years later my little sister was born

and growing up my sister was like

a spitting image of my dad with brown curly hair

and I was a spitting image of my mum.

We grew up in a little town in England and

I had such an amazing childhood sharing it with my little sister.

Growing up we didn't have the technology and the internet

like we do now so we would spend

hours riding up and down the roads on our bikes

and I would always be using my imagination

and playing games with my sister.

I'd always be creating or drawing or building and

making things but I especially loved

building and collecting lego!

But I have so much of it, I think I was

a little bit obsessed with collecting it!


I loved infant and primary school, especially making new friends.

But primary school was also the start of my big interest for art,

I would spend far too much time drawing and I would

really look forward to my art and design classes.

A big achievement of mine in primary school was

when I won an art competition for bike safety.

About six schools were competing to design a poster

for bike safety and the winner would win a brand

new bike and accessories and I never ever ever

thought it would ever be me but I won

and I was so happy

like so so so happy!

As well as art I was a very active child

and I loved sports too.

When I was seven I fell in love with swimming

and I decided to do it competitively.

It was a big part of my growing up

and competed until I was eighteen.

So a very very very long time.

Secondary school was a really big shock,

going from a tiny and I mean tiny

primary school to a massive secondary school.

I was really really nervous but

I was also really excited, I couldn't wait to start.

A short time after starting secondary school I was

diagnosed with a back condition called Scoliosis,

which really knocked my confidence and I became very very shy.

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine twists and curves to the side,

and I was really really lucky that I didn't have to have an operation,

But I did have to wear something called a brace

to stop my back from getting worse.

I was always worried that people were going to judge me

and the people in my school wouldn't understand

and I was really scared I was going to be bullied for it.

But to this day I am no longer ashamed of it,

I know that it is part of me and

I just see it as making me unique,

and yeah I love my back.

Starting college and when I was sixteen/seventeen

I began to question myself and

figure out who I was a person.

I feel like something was bugging me

and I had not figured it out yet,

it wasn't to do with my career path or college or family

but it was in fact my sexuality.

Now I look back on growing up and secondary school,

I now know why I wasn't into guys but

I tried to be like my friends and the other girls in my year

and have an interest in boys

but that just really didn't happen!

I am in fact attracted to girls

and now it all makes sense.

I never learnt about sexuality in secondary school

or anything to do with that

which makes me feel a tad stupid but

I had to figure it all out my self so, yeah!

I think about 6 months later after realising

I was attracted to girls, I began talking

to a girl on tumblr called Sam.

Within a couple of weeks I asked her to be my girlfriend

and to this very day we have been together now, for three years!

In 2015 I finished college with 3 A* in graphic design

where I then started university

and now in 2017, so currently

I am now going into my last and final year

which is really scary but really exciting.

So in 2016 which was only last year

I was eighteen, was the most difficult time of my life

and for my families.

I never ever ever thought I would have to go through this

or that this would ever happen to my family.

But I lost my dad after a four month battle with cancer.

It still feels like I'm dreaming and in a big bubble

and I miss him incredibly.

After losing my dad it made me realise how precious

life is and how you should really go out there

and achieve your ambitions as you only live once.

So, he's really made me want to live mine

even more for him.

A few months later after losing my dad

I started my Youtube channel which I really

wanted to start for such a long time,

and I uploaded my first video Welcome to my channel

on the 31st of July.

I didn't know exactly what I wanted to post

but I knew I wanted to have fun,

and make others smile and

hopefully have a positive impact on others.

I have now been doing Youtube for just over a year and

I really really enjoy making videos and being creative

and I just want to thank everyone for supporting me

and for subscribing.

Okay so that has been my life so far

or what I have shown

and I hope you will join me on this journey on Youtube.

I also hope you enjoyed this video,

I would love to know if you guys want me to

go into more detail about something maybe I have

mentioned in this video

let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to give it a massive thumbs up

if you did enjoy this video and subscribe

if you want to see more from me!

And yeah,

I hope you're having a great day

and I will see you next week in another video!

For more infomation >> DRAW MY LIFE - Jojo Hawkins - Duration: 6:10.


Life is Strange: Before the Storm (PL) #1 - Prequel (Epizod 1 / Episode 1 Napisy PL) - Duration: 42:47.

For more infomation >> Life is Strange: Before the Storm (PL) #1 - Prequel (Epizod 1 / Episode 1 Napisy PL) - Duration: 42:47.



yes my birthday is March 7th but July 19 I found out I was black like this

horse my horse had like my mom can totally go white you're white I never

believed her because I knew I was like who I was like nope what is up everybody

zombie sure I got here back with another hot fire video what we're gonna be

talking about in today's video is my new favorite person that I recently

discovered her name is whoa Vicki and I mean it with complete sincerity when I

say that she is my new favorite mentally handicapped white black person you heard

me correctly you can see this girl's face now when you look at her face you

tell me does she look black to you unless you were blind the answer is no

she looks white now this girl is either living it in a world of beautiful

magical self delusion where she's created this really distorted reality

for herself or it could just be a complete parody she's doing this as a

total joke but I don't think that that's the case

this girl wove Ikki has amassed a following or had amassed a following of

over 500,000 people on Instagram she's since been banned from Instagram but

she's got plenty of other social media accounts where you can find her

well I found her YouTube and boy oh boy am I happy that I did because this is

just a treasure trove of happiness delight I feel like I just discovered a

new tasty cereal that's available in the grocery store that's Lucky Charms 2.0

that's just packed filled with sugary marshmallow deliciousness life is

beautiful people July 19th I did some history I went yeah and I

found out 25% black in this hotel I knew it I knew I was a black girl nah dude

nah you're not so many things about this is just wrong all right first of all

clearly she's not black clearly she's white but then the idea if she genuinely

believes that she's black even if she's doing it from a position

of thinking that she's authentic really what

is doing is creating a parody character of what she thinks that black people are

supposed to be so even if this girl genuinely believes that she is 25% black

and that makes her a black person the way she's approaching this is still

racist because it's it's a cartoon character it's a parody of what she

thinks that black people are supposed to be like and she apparently sees them in

a racist way that had baby that young babies you can you wish you

could say me me bitch you can't I'm sure our friends are sick do you Amy

the stylist on occasions periodically throughout my life by happenstance I

will sometimes stumble across a person where after observing them or

interacting with them I will think to myself I cannot believe there are humans

that are this stupid I mean sincerely like there's some people where I think

sometimes how do you remember to breathe how can someone be so dumb that they are

this disconnected from reality so just in case I haven't yet built enough of a

case against this curl and showing all of you how disconnected from reality

this girl is I found a gem of a video where she's going to teach all of us how

to twerk whoa I'm so excited

oh and by the way I did not change that this is her actual video that I'm

showing you this girl is so dumb that she couldn't figure out how to change

the intro stock video for her video how our people is dumb today I will be

teaching you how to work from professional like me of course like

usually I would cost you for this night classes normally I would cost people for

these kind of classes the word you're looking for is charged normally I would

charge people in order for me to teach them how to twerk Sonam alright so if

she would normally charge for this that makes her a professional and she's

giving it to you for free so if you are interested in twerking if you wanted to

learn how to twerk get up from the master and this girl's she's giving it

away for free man free she's so generous cuz like you know that you can really go

far what I'm about to teach you

you can really go far with what I'm about to teach you oh dear sweet naive

whoa Vicky darling darling darling nobody's gonna go far with what you're

teaching them nobody but like I was just doing it for free cuz since like I'm

being very generous right now so yeah but like I appreciate this well I

appreciate the heck out of this I'm being sincere - I really appreciate you

doing this for us well Vicky I know I for one can say that this is one of my

favorite YouTube channels I've run across in a long time not because your

content is good but because when it comes to insane characters on the

internet you win that's it you win you're the delusional crazy white girl

that thinks she's black and is trying to teach everybody how to twerk on the

Internet you win whoa Vicky you wish okay so first you push your back out

like get and you put your hands like this on your knees and you go like it

that is that is a disgrace I've never been a fan of twerking I always thought

it was dumb that is I mean I didn't really think that like people could be

like that good it's working because they just thought to begin with it was stupid

but it's see sometimes I mean come on man

I could do a better me and I'm the last person they should be twerking so bad

it's so bad all right everybody that's gonna be it for the video

I've had enough exposure to wove icky for one video if you enjoyed this let me

know if you have already done so hit the like button if you are new hit subscribe

cuz hey we have a good time here on the zombie shark God Channel I love you guys

I'll see in the next video zombie sure good oh that's just to clear

up everything for y'all thank you for understanding I am a black girl



Trump Is Sabotaging Obamacare So He Can Blame Obama For Its Failure - Duration: 3:35.

After the Republicans in the Senate failed to pass any form of health care reform, basically

to repeal Obamacare, Donald Trump said, "You know what?


I'm just going to let Obamacare fail on its own."

Because as Republicans kept telling us, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, was absolutely


It was in a death spiral is what Paul Ryan and a lot of Republicans like to tell us,

so they were just going to sit back and let that happen and do nothing to fix it.

Well, as it turns out, every available report that's looked into it said Obamacare was actually


It was nowhere near being in a death spiral because it was actually getting better.

More people were signing up for it.

Obamacare was growing.

And, because Trump can't have anything that President Obama did actually succeed, he's

now decided he is actively going to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and, by extension,

sabotage the lives and health of American citizens.

Here is what Donald Trump has proposed to do.

He is going to slash the advertising budget for the Affordable Care Act down to about

10% of what it was during the time of open enrollment.

What this means is that people will not be able to get the information they need through

TV commercials, through billboards, through radio ads, or whatever.

It's not going to be there because there's no budget left for it.

They're not going to know that it's time for open enrollment.

A lot of people don't necessarily pay attention to that every year and check the website every

day to get those dates.

Trump is trying to take away their ability to sign up so he can go back later and say,

"Look how many people decided not to sign up for Obamacare because it's a failure."

He's not going to take any of the blame for it.

He's going to put it all on Obama, even though Trump is the single person who is making this


Furthermore, they're going to cut back on the funding for staff that help people navigate

the waters of Obamacare, that help them get signed up and pick their plans.

Basically, cut the staff down to absolutely nothing, so there aren't enough people to

help consumers pick out the plan that they need or that best fits their budget and their


So, instead, people may end up buying a policy that over covers or under covers them, that

costs too much, or that costs so little but, again, doesn't cover anything.

Therefore, they would consider the system to be a failure.

The bottom line is this.

Obamacare has not failed.

Obamacare is not perfect.

There is a hell of a lot of room to improve, but the only reason it could fail at this

point is if Donald Trump and the Republican sabotage it, which is exactly what they've

said they're going to do.

This is disgusting behavior from the President of the United States and something that we

as an American public should not tolerate.

Unfortunately, we have little recourse until the 2018 midterm elections.

But when those elections roll around I want everyone to remember which party was fighting

to give you universal health care coverage, and which party was fighting to give health

care coverage to only the wealthy who could afford it and, at the same time, give the

wealthy a tax break.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Sabotaging Obamacare So He Can Blame Obama For Its Failure - Duration: 3:35.


Neon Trees - Feel Good

For more infomation >> Neon Trees - Feel Good


kalama musi pi toki pona: "mun lili o" - Duration: 2:09.

suno li lon sewi ona.

luka ona li lon luka mi.

pilin pona

sike tu li sike tawa

pilin suli a! tan ona li

olin wawa.

meli suwi o kute mi

mi wile lukin e sinpin meli

li wile pilin e selo seli.

mun lili o lawa e mi.

mi wile sona e ale sina

li wile lape lon poka sina.

linja loje en oko laso

en selo walo: ni li meli mi.

kule waso.

ona li jan pona pona.

ona taso li ken lon e mi.

jan wan li ona a!

For more infomation >> kalama musi pi toki pona: "mun lili o" - Duration: 2:09.


mi opinion (sub para el texto de la animacion) - Duration: 0:08.

Emmanuel: I like the new Death Note movie from Netflix



For more infomation >> mi opinion (sub para el texto de la animacion) - Duration: 0:08.


RATCHET & CLANK: SIZE MATTERS #07 [PSP - EN-PT*] - Gameplay - Duration: 24:08.

For more infomation >> RATCHET & CLANK: SIZE MATTERS #07 [PSP - EN-PT*] - Gameplay - Duration: 24:08.


50 nombres en desuso para niñas - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 2:03.

50 unusual names for baby girls



















































namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

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