hi guys it's Keila I am back with another mukbang video today we are doing
homemade wings I asked in my last swing video the Wing Stop video if you guys
would mind if I do a wing video a week in all of you guys are very supportive
and said you didn't mind I think I mentioned in the video if I were to do a
wing video every week I would do a story time or a shout-out on my last wing
video my wing stuff video with my sister I'll link it in the description box
below we did a story time of moving to Los Angeles so if you guys are
interested in that video check it out today we are going to be doing shout out
because I'm so appreciative for everyone that has left beautiful comments and the
ones that haven't so I just wanted to shout out a couple of the people and
I'll be doing that throughout this video but let's go ahead and start digging in
so I just have some regular buffalo style wings I put them in the oven for
about 35 minutes I like them extra crispy so I'm sorry guys I like them
extra crispy and I had some salad that was gonna go bad and I love wings and
salad so how figured I mean it's not fries but it definitely tastes good I
just have some asiago cheese strips this is a great replacement for two times so
if you are on the hunt for something to replace and still have that crunchiness
in your salad I'd highly suggest getting these bad boys also for my dressing I
have olive garden Italian my mom actually bought this when she was here
because she's obsessed with all garden I'm surprised we didn't do an Olive
Garden video I feel like that would been right up her alley I'm just going to
pour a little bit on
I always like to go a little bit less than what I think I need and then I can
always add more if I need to so let's go ahead and take the first bite mm-hmm so
hot I actually have a dipping sauce this is the sugar free barbecue sauce from G
Hughes I mentioned this in one of my grocery haul videos I really don't eat
barbecue sauce with my wings but I thought I would see how it go I didn't
have any ranch with me so mmm not bad tastes like a barbecue Hopman wings and
salad almost as good as wings and fries so I have the people that I want to show
out I took screenshots of their comments so we're just gonna go ahead and start
with the first one the first one is waddles full he says I'm obsessed with
the fact that you know what you're putting in your body I find that so many
mothers fall down in terms of binge eating and not understand what is it's
doing calorie and mackerel is amazing stuff I want to thank you because I do
I feel like muck bombers do get a rap for only eating a large amount of food
but all the food that I eat in front you guys I know how many calories I'm eating
if it fits my macros definitely not enough dressing and obviously that means
that you know not as many people might like my mother bomb videos because I
a lot of people do you like watching people gorge themselves which I'm not a
fan of I don't think it's really necessary to get the month longer title
hmm so thank you in the beginning I think I said this
before I did order some things like extra and I was like oh well you know I
saw other people do it I just have a monster energy ultra this stuff is so
good this is my favorite monster I'm going to
be going to Starbucks later on today I'm getting a lot of editing done so I need
some energy so then okay
like the flats are just so much more work but everyone seems to love the
hmm look at how crispy it got in the oven I think I left it in for an extra
10 or 15 minutes then what it said on the package hmm honestly those wings
don't even need the barbecue sauce very good as is let's go ahead and do another
shout out Cory Dempsey I want to thank him not on a specific comment but I I
always see that he comments on my videos he actually has his own mukbang channel
too so if you guys want to check him out I'll put a link to his channel in the
description box below he's very encouraging I'm not only my
mukbang videos but on my weight loss videos so I truly appreciate him and I
just wanted to thank you on camera
mm-hmm she has this one series I think it's called like get off Jeff very funny
what's your favorite salad dressing I really love Caesar and Italian I'm not a
fan of ranch on my salad I mean I'll eat it don't get me wrong but I'm I wasn't
really a big fan of ranch itself until I started eating it with wings excuse me
surprisingly for the these are these were originally frozen for the frozen
rings I like the flat more than I like the drums only for like when I do
homemade ones it's so weird cuz I feel like they have too much fat on these big
ones no like all this is fat all right there hmm what wins I live
sorry so loud I live in a very busy area
right next to an airport and a lot of traffic so mmm these little crisps
though there's a perfect bite that you need let's do another shout out TT
Challenger he always writes on my videos he always calls on my videos he's
usually the first person and it really means a lot to me so thank you so much
for rock with me for a while now I've seen you on my comp in my comments for
like months oh and you guys if you're interested in being in a shout-out video
I do it by who comments the most not just by saying I want to shout out like
anyone can say that I thought if I'm gonna take the time to thank you in a
video do you have you a writer you got to be rapping with me you know what I
and if I didn't shut you out in this video don't worry I plan on making them
at least once a month so you don't have a chance to me shout it out in my video
let's go ahead and do another one though fit Angie
love love love her she originally brought me from mutt bombs but she's
been so encouraging on my weight loss journey and makes sure she comments on
all my videos and I just I truly appreciate that she actually found me on
Instagram as well and I love when I see people that I recognize for me to liking
and commenting on my Instagram it means a lot to me honestly I'm getting so full
though weird salad usually gets me so full let's go ahead and do another
comment this one is Brianna Griffin I just appreciated the fact that she let
me know everything she did she said liked subscribe hit the bell and now
commenting she honestly and then she goes on to tell me where she lives
because I think I asked where all you guys lived in one of my videos so I just
found that so funny to me I think I commented back like you the real MVP
because I always let you guys know please like and comment I never
mentioned the bell though I see a lot of people talk about the Bell
I think the bow is just so I guess my videos are like on your the suggested
side bar for you I'm not really sure correct me in the comments down below
but I just basically shows the videos more to you even though you're
subscribed because she cheap has a weird thing where they don't show videos even
if you're subscribed to me which is really weird but hey also I completely
forgot to say thank you guys so much for when I hit 5,000 I had to take a little
break because my friend was visiting me and I wanted to give her all the
attention to haven't seen her in about four years and I don't want her to have
to like go to Starbucks with me while I'm editing a video or wait inside
so that's why I was in my a but as I was in my aim you guys were still rockin
with me and I hit five thousand so I wanted to do a giveaway I'm not sure
what I would even give away I didn't think I'd hit five thousand this soon I
mean it's been a it's been like eight or nine months but that's really soon to me
so let me know what you guys would want as a gift I think I saw Stephen sushi he
did a the fire noodles theme which I thought that was cool
I'm not sure if it would be just for the United States if it will be worldwide
so definitely comment below where you're from and if you guys would appreciate a
giveaway from me man I'm telling you this monster the white one I haven't
I've tried another one that was super nasty bobble and tart two that were two
sugar-free the white ones by far the favorite
oh my goodness I couldn't ever get tired of wings winds are honestly the best
thing ever
I don't do another shout out ooh April that is my girl April I can't
pronounce your last name smelling smelling love April she has been rocking
with me from like the beginning she found me on instagram to like I like and
comment on her pitches she likes comment on mime it's always great to find people
that really truly support the whole journey not as a whole not just my muck
bombs and I can truly say April is that girl so Thank You April
to all the garden dressing taste it on anything all right so let's do one more
shout out I'm Daniela g.i she found me I believe on YouTube and then she deemed
me on Instagram she's like oh I've found your Instagram I'm like oh my gosh that
made me feel so good so Thank You Daniela for finding me and commenting
and you know biking and just supporting me like it really means a lot you don't
even understand honestly seeing everyone's support on my weight-loss
journey that's something very personal to me so the fact that there's people
that are rallying around me and support
hmm that means a lot I'm I'm not shoving
hmmm that was so bad we're done we're done as always if you like this video if
you want me to make more shoutout videos please comment down below as well as
what videos you want me to make next would you want me to eat I'm thinking of
doing a cheat meal soon so let me know pasta pizza that's my ish let me know
the type of cheat meals you want me to eat because I'm thinking about filming
those as well and I will see you guys in the next one as always
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