Monday, September 11, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 12 2017

Pretty pretty please, just 15 more minutes, all right?

All right... If you want to make me wait that long.

Good morning!

Good morning


Oh, I could keep kissing like this for hours

Well, be my guest

Don't you have to leave?

I'll come up with some excuse to give them at the auction house


That means we have the whole morning for ourselves

== Yes == Ahh

And we should... take advantage of that

We won't have the opportunity very often

Oh, yeah yeah, I know, your family

If it gets out, it would be social suicide

In our circles - unforgivable

Oh, why's that? You've got Bernd von Beyenbach to count on.

I really don't want to think about that right now

Let's go away somewhere



Yes, just the two of us

Wherever you want

To the ocean... or to the mountains?

Doesn't matter. And you can manage that?

It won't be all that easy. I'll come up with some kind of business trip.

We just have to be careful

Of course

Main thing is we're together, hm?

I'll be careful, all right?

== I want to see Carla! == Hey, just a minute, all right?

We have to talk, right now!

Bernd, I find your showing up here exceedingly inconvenient

I find quite a few things here to be inconvenient as well

You two have got it cozy here. And your brother is treating me like I'm a moron.

Do you have to start in with that again? I've already told you, I'll talk to Ansgar.

Oh come on, stop, I've seen through your little charade!

== Where do you get off talking to me like this?!?! == You guys are making a sport of me! == What a bunch of garbage, that's ridiculous!

== You keep out of this, I'm talking to my fiance! == But Hanna is right!

Yeah yeah. First...first use me, then blow me off.

That's not the way it goes, Countess

I've seen through your bullshit game. I'm not playing anymore.

You want to break off our agreement?! Why?!?!

Who's the one exclusively benefiting from our agreement?? You!

This is hardly the suitable moment to discuss this, don't you think?

No, I do! We're going to discuss this now, how you and I are going to continue. Otherwise you can find yourself a new fiance.

== I'm gonna go get dressed. == No, please, stay here. That would really take the cake - for him to drive you out of your own living room.

This is outrageous - pulling this stunt right now!

Well fine

But don't think I'm going to let you brush me off that easily

I'll be waiting down in the pub, all right?

I have the very crazy feeling that this isn't about his job

When Bernd and I first got to know each other,...

... he was in love with me

Oh! Really?

And you think now he's jealous, or...?

He says he's over me, but...

... I find his behavior recently demonstrating more and more the opposite

Yes, that would explain a few things

What will you do now if he doesn't want to pose as your fiance anymore?

Then I have a very large problem

Then the rumors will immediately boil up again that I'm into women

Ohh, I don't know. Maybe the press will lose interest in the topic.

Carla, there are so many well-known gay women who are open about it in public

You're forgetting my father

And if you were to finally tell him?

Just imagine, we wouldn't have to hide anymore. We could see each other whenever we wanted to.

Absolutely no way

My father may NEVER find out

Or else I'll lose him

At some point he's going to find out anyway. Some way.

I have only one option

I have to convince Bernd

I thought you were never coming!

Your nerves don't seem to be in the best shape

Can you please tell me why you're suddenly all up in arms, and jumping down my throat in front of Hanna like that??

Because even I lose my patience at some point

I've told you more than once that I'm finding the result of our deal to be MORE than one-sided

== I'm constantly pulling YOUR chestnuts out of the fire, so that you can amuse yourself with Hanna. == Not so loud!

Or is the entire pub supposed to know? You're acting like a jealous husband.

== I am not in love with you! == Well to be honest, it certainly looks the opposite to me.

Fine, maybe I AM jealous - that you have someone like ME. You don't do anything for me!

Oh, and what about the job with my brother??

Oh, my job as errand boy? I have Leonard to thank for that, too, and not you.

Can it be that we're constantly going round and round on the same topic? At the moment I can't do anything else for you!

I opened the door to the Lahnstein Holding for you. You have to walk through it on your own.

You sure know how to take the easy way out. Plus which, I don't get the impression Ansgar actually wants to give me a real chance.

And that is not just 'MY' problem.

So now, either... either I receive a job that corresponds to my actual skills, or...

...I...I see no more reason to be engaged to you

Very simple

"Describe the difference between causal and abstract contracts."

Pfhh, how am I supposed to know that?

Oh, Mr. von Lahnstein! I'm sure you're really good at contract law.

Could you maybe give me a few little tips?

== Well sure. == Really?

As a general rule, the technique with the most staying power is to work out the answer on your own

Does the term 'university library' mean anything to you?

Oh, but... of course, perhaps your father sees things differently and he will help you

After all, he's an experienced and legally accomplished businessman

According to his own report

Give me the opportunity and I'll prove it to you. In an instant.

Oh, curb your impatience and, for the time being, demonstrate your knowledge to your diligent daughter

Go choke on your arrogance


That arrogant prig! He thinks he can get away with anything.

Someday you're going to show him your stuff and then he'll come crawling like a worm

After all, you do have Carla on your side

Hah, that's what I once thought too

Listen, Mouse?

Would you like to move back into the city with me? We'll get ourselves an apartment, hm?

Why do that? Did you have a fight with Carla?

Yes. It might not have been such a good idea to move in with her so quickly.

Oh, certainly you aren't going to just give up everything all because of a difference of opinion

I'm afraid we aren't as good a match for each other as I thought

Oh, come on

Regardless what happened between you,...

... you invite her out to dinner, a small restaurant, candlelight... and it will all sort itself out on its own

You love each other



== What's up with your husband-to-be? == What about him?

Well, I mean, is he coming to dinner, or...?

He was just very busy today

Oh, is that so?


What's going on with Leonard?

He's turned down the practice and still wants to go back to America

Oh, that's too bad. I was so hoping he would stay here.

Well, I think it's too bad, too. On the other hand, if his career opportunities are so much greater in America...

He can build a career here, too!

And he would be near us at the same time. But Leonard doesn't appear to care about that.

Oh, how can you say something like that?! I would prefer that he stayed here, too, but it's not like you can force him.

Good evening, everybody

Good evening, my dear

== Would you like an aperitif? == Uh, no thank you.

And we'll talk about Bernd later


Then let us go ahead and start without Leonard

Oh right, uhm, Leonard isn't coming to dinner anyway. He... asked me to give his apologies.

Did our conversation upset his stomach?

I think he just doesn't want to risk arguing about things anymore

He's deeply affected by your guys' disagreement as well

I... I'm not so sure about that

But I am. I do know him well enough to be able to judge that.

And please don't forget that he loves you

Bernd, so here you are

You were missed at dinner

Ach. I wasn't really wild about encountering your brother.

Did he say anything about me?

Just that he isn't inclined, at the moment, to transfer any far-reaching responsibilities in the company over to you

Hah, why do I even bother asking?

So, if under these circumstances you aren't willing to maintain our agreement, I can understand that

Oh never mind about that. I just went a little overboard earlier today, I'm sorry about that.

That was dumb of me

Ansgar just keeps managing to find my sore spot

== May I? == Sure


But I guess that shouldn't be reason to call off our engagement, right?

That means our agreement is still on?

Well, I can't leave you in the lurch

I know I ask you to put up with a lot

Yeah well, and I suppose I'll eventually get used to the never-ending digs from Ansgar too

Yes. Once he gets to know you better, he'll realize you deserve a better position.

Well fine, then I guess everything stays the same


Well, excuse me, I just want to reassure Hanna real quick

Naturally, she was incredibly worried

== Say hi to her from me? == Sure.

So, Ansgar...

Time to get to know each other better

Well, I'm really glad Bernd calmed down again

Will we see each other tomorrow? Oh, that's great. Ciao, Carla, ciao.


Forget it!

Who asked you for your opinion?

Lars Schneider is way, wayyy out of your league

Compared to you he really does seem incredibly mature. And above all...

... sexy

Birte, I'm glad I ran into you! I think they're towing your car right now.

Oh crap! Thanks for telling me. Bye!


That was very considerate of you

That's the way I am

But due to the fact I'm constantly looking out for my fellow man, I hardly ever find time to study

Well, if you...

If you're expecting me to cut you some slack...

I would never ask for that!

However, if you could perhaps explain a few things to me today?

Well, actually....


All right, fine

Professor, you're a doll

This is done particularly in company takeovers. And that's when things really get interesting.

Mhm, I'm sure

Uh, but maybe that's enough for today. This subject is really pretty complex.

Oh, but not when it's being explained so well!

It's just... sort of hot in here

It makes it so hard to concentrate

Uh... I'll go open up the window

That might be good. I think I'm getting a headache.

But maybe I'm also just kind of tense

A massage would help, but... it's so hard to do one on yourself

You know what I mean?

== Maybe-- == Maybe it would be better if we concentrated on the study material.

I'd be happy to give you a pill if you'd like, though

== Hi == Hi

May I come in?


I've put together your mail for you

== Hello == Hi


I can also come back some other time

Oh, we're done with the tutoring anyway, aren't we?


Are you going to be able to drive with your... headache?

Otherwise I'll call you a taxi

Not necessary, thanks

Do you think we'll eventually be able to be friends again?

It's pointless to constantly be going out of our way to avoid each other

Would you like it better if I moved away from here?

Then at least you wouldn't need to feel guilty anymore, when you're with your--

Lars, please

I'm sorry I hurt you so badly

Oh yeah?

I've had the feeling, lately, that you don't give a shit about me

What... do you hate me now?

Take a guess

Hanna, your feelings don't interest me anymore. You have your life now, and I have mine.

Oh, sorry, I just wanted to grab something real quick

For more infomation >> 040 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:36.


Celebremos el orgullo de ser 100% mexicanos - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Celebremos el orgullo de ser 100% mexicanos - Duration: 0:36.



For more infomation >> VISITANDO A LOS PIRATAS DE CAMPECHE - Duration: 14:28.


Meet Geoffrey Hinton, U of T's Godfather of Deep Learning - Duration: 3:43.

That's right, I've never taken a computer science course.

So, here's a very good trick that everybody needs to know: If you know nothing about a

topic, get yourself made a professor of it, and nobody will ever ask you again if

you actually know anything about it.

So actually I got involved in the field when I was in high school.

I got interested in how the brain might work, and I had a very smart friend who learned

about holograms when they first came out.

With a hologram, you can take a hologram and you can chop a corner off, and you don't lose

a corner of the image.

The whole image just gets slightly blurrier.

The representation of any one part of the image is spread over the whole hologram.

I got interested in this idea that the brain might have representations distributed over

lots of neurons.

Then I went to university and I studied physiology, then I switched to philosophy, then I switched

to psychology, then I went into AI.

Because I decided at that point that you're never going to understand psychology unless

you understand the brain.

In 2009, two graduate students at U of T applied some work I'd been doing on a new learning

algorithm to the problem of recognizing speech.

And it was clear then to people who knew a lot about speech recognition that, if two

graduate students over a summer could produce something better than the existing technology,

then with a significant amount of development work, it would become much better than the

existing technology.

And that's exactly what happened.

The other systems then started using neural nets too.

That was a big success for a new kind of neural net that was developed in Toronto.

In the old days, there was what's now called good old fashioned artificial intelligence,

which most people doing AI still believe in.

And the basic idea was that human reasoning is the core of intelligence, and to understand

human reasoning, we'd better somehow get something like logic into the computer.

And then the computer would reason away and maybe we could make it reason like people.

It's quite tricky to reason like people, mainly because people don't do most of their thinking

by reasoning.

So the alternative view was that we should look at biology and we should try and make

systems that work roughly like the brain, and the brain doesn't do most of its thinking

by reasoning; it uses things like analogies.

It's a great big neural network that has huge amounts of knowledge in the connections.

It's got so much knowledge in it that you couldn't possibly program it all in by hand.

So the key question became, how could you take a great big neural network and get it

to learn stuff from data?

It's very important to fund basic, curiosity-driven science.

That's where the really big progress comes from.

The huge breakthroughs don't come from money designed for applications.

Obviously though, if basic curiosity-driven science has led to something that is really

working, then you should exploit it.

So the Vector Institute is mainly about exploiting this technology for deep learning that is

really working well at present, and can presumably be improved a lot by more basic research.

Scientists do their best work when they're working on something that really interests


You've got to give scientists the freedom to work on what they believe in.

That's when you're going to get the real good stuff.

For more infomation >> Meet Geoffrey Hinton, U of T's Godfather of Deep Learning - Duration: 3:43.


Startup แรงบันดาลใจ : U Drink I Drive - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Startup แรงบันดาลใจ : U Drink I Drive - Duration: 2:20.


スピッツ「涙がキラリ」ゆっくり弾きギターソロ Spitz ☆ "Tears are gently" slowly playing guitar solos - Duration: 4:50.

We recorded on Sony "Music Video" HDR-MV 1

Thank you for watching until the end. Also please watch next time

For more infomation >> スピッツ「涙がキラリ」ゆっくり弾きギターソロ Spitz ☆ "Tears are gently" slowly playing guitar solos - Duration: 4:50.


スピッツ「涙がキラリ」普通弾きギターソロ ☆ by Spitz "Tears are Kirari" Ordinary play guitar solo - Duration: 3:51.

We recorded on Sony "Music Video" HDR-MV 1

Thank you for watching until the end. Also please watch next time

For more infomation >> スピッツ「涙がキラリ」普通弾きギターソロ ☆ by Spitz "Tears are Kirari" Ordinary play guitar solo - Duration: 3:51.


TET: "Mac's Secret Fillyfriend" By Grenazers [ MLP fanfic readings ] (Romance/Slice of life) - Duration: 11:26.

"Mac's Secret Fillyfriend," written by Grenazers."

It was midafternoon at the Sweet Apple Acres, home to the apple family.

Big Macintosh has just finished all of his chores for the day and now has some free time

for himself.

The big red stallion decides to use his free time to head into town and get some things.

As he trots along the dirt path leading to the front entrance of the farm, the red stallion

couldn't help but feel like somepony was watching him.

He felt this unknown presence while silently trotting by himself.

His ears caught the sound of rustling leaves behind him.

However, he dismisses this as he believes that it was just the wind blowing against

the leaves so he continued his trot.

If Big Mac had turn his head around he would've immediately spot a certain Stetson wearing

orange mare following him.

Applejack is her name and the younger sister of Big Macintosh.

Applejack stealthy follows behind the big red stallion.

She kept her distance from him so that he wouldn't hear her movement, but also not

too far so that she might lose sight of him.

The orange mare followed him to the front entrance of their home.

She watches as Big Mac passed through the entrance and was heading straight in the direction

of Ponyville.

She waited until he was far enough for her to follow him.

Once he passed through the front entrance, the orange mare was soon instantly greeted

by her blue winged friend.

"Hey what's up AJ!"

Rainbow loudly greeted her.

So startled by this sudden surprise, Applejack jumped a bit and fell on her back.

"Wow AJ."

Rainbow chuckled.

"Did I really surprise you that muc-"Before she could finish that sentence, Applejack

immediately hop up from the ground, tackled her blue friend down and covered her mouth

with her own hoof.

Applejack turns her head to side, all the while ignoring the muffle sound coming from


She was checking to see if her big brother heard her friend.

Fortunate for her, Big Mac did not notice as she sees him continuing his trot towards

the town.

After making sure it was safe, Applejack remove her hoof from Rainbow's mouth and stood


"AJ, what was that all about?"

Rainbow question, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry about that Rainbow, but I had to shut ya up so that Big Mac wouldn't hear


"Why don't you want your brother to hear me?"

"Well actually I didn't want Big Mac to see me following him."

Applejack explained.

"OK so why are you following him?"

"Well Rainbow if you must know, I'm following him because I starting to suspect something

about my brother."

"Oh, like what?"

Rainbow inquired.

"I think my brother has a fillyfriend."

Applejack answered.

"Really now?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"What make you think that?"

"Well Rainbow, recently my brother has been going out at night a lot and sometimes I can

smell the cologne he puts on himself.

At first I just had my suspicion, but then just the other night my suspicion was confirmed."

Applejack then gesture her friend to come in closer to her.

"Late one night, Big Mac came home with a kiss mark on his cheek."

"Really huh?"

Rainbow said, sounding somewhat surprised.

"Do you know who this mystery mare is?"

"Well Rainbow, that is what I am going to find out."

Applejack confidently answered and went off after her brother.

As Applejack trotted the same path her brother took, her blue, rainbow mane friend followed

behind her.

"So AJ, why don't you just I don't know, simply ask him?"

Rainbow pointed out.

"Would be much easier then all this sneaking around."

"Yeah well my brother is not really the talkative type a guy if you haven't notice."

Applejack answered.

"Tell me about it."

Rainbow commented.

"I can never read that stallion."

The rest of the trip was in silence as both Applejack and Rainbow followed Big Mac into

the town of Ponyville.

Despite how small the quaint town of Ponyville was the place was bustling with a lot of activities.

Ponies of various colors and sizes roam the opened streets, making sure to visit each

of the stores and stalls before the day end.

Big Macintosh cut through the crowd of ponies, making a beeline to one of the stores across.

As he made his way to the store, the big red stallion was unaware of the two pairs of prying

eyes watching him from afar.

Both mares hid behind an unused stall facing their target.

They saw Big Mac entering a flower shop.

"You see, Rainbow."

Applejack pointed with her hoof.

"My brother does have a fillyfriend."

A minute later Big Mac left the store, carrying a big bouquet of different colors.

There were roses, violets, daffodils, dahlias, sunflowers and many more colourful flowers.

"Whoa look at the size of the bouquet!"

Applejack pointed.

"Whoever this mystery mare is, she must be worth a lot if my brother is spending that

much bits."

After he left the store Big Mac trotted off somewhere again.

Both mares saw this and left the cover of their stall and return following behind the

big red stallion.

Big Mac led the two to a nearby café.

There he headed towards one of the table where Caramel sat by himself.

Upon seeing the red stallion, Caramel smiled and happily took the bouquet of flowers from


From a distance, Applejack was stunned.

"Whoa wait is Caramel, Big Mac's coltfriend?"

She asks out loud, surprise at the aspect that her brother is gay.

"No wait hold on, look over there."

Rainbow said and pointed at something.

Applejack looked to where her friend pointed and saw a blue Pegasus mare with yellow hair

trotting to the table where Caramel sat.

Her name was Sassaflash and when saw the saw the large bouquet of flowers on the table

she was quite surprised.

Caramel then hoofed the bouquet to her and she happily accepted them.

The amber coated stallion then thank Big Mac to which he nodded and left the two lovers

to themselves.

"Huh, guess Big Mac just bought them for his friend."

"Looks like it."

Rainbow added.

After that, Big Mac trotted off again.

The two resume following the big red stallion.

Big Macintosh has now led them to a novelty shop.

Once he entered the store, Applejack and Rainbow found a good spot behind some large bushes.

"Now what would my brother want in that store?"

Applejack questioned to which Rainbow just shrugged.

A couple of minutes later Big Macintosh exited the front door, carrying a bag.

In that bag it was full of Wonderbolt merchandizes.

There were posters, t-shirts, figurines and many more hidden within the depth of that


"Huh, never knew Big Mac was a fan of the Wonderbolts."

Applejack said, not noticing the smile on Rainbow's face upon seeing the items.

Next, Big Mac went further into town when suddenly he bumped into Cheerilee.

The magenta color mare spotted the red stallion and stopped to talk to him.

As the two exchange words with each other, from a distance both mares observe the two.

"Huh, so Cheerilee is Big Mac's secret fillyfriend?"

Applejack said out loud.

Next to her Rainbow eyed the two, but mostly towards Cheerilee.

"So does Cheerilee have a thing for your brother?"

"Well there was that one time they both fell madly in love with each other and almost

got married."

Applejack answered.

Rainbow then swung her head away from the two and looked at her friend with a surprised


"However, they were both under the effects of that love poison my sister and her friends


Applejack mentioned.

"Once they got that stuff out of their system, they went back to normal."

To this, Rainbow eases up a bit.

"But, then after that they did go out together."

Rainbow's eyes widen upon hearing this.

"However, it turns out they only did to tease girls."

"So does Cheerilee like Big Mac or what?"

Rainbow question, demanding an answer.

"No not really."

Applejack answered.

"Last time I talked with her, she said that while my brother is indeed quite handsome

and nice, she wasn't really interested in hooking up with him."

"Oh OK then."

Rainbow said, sounding both satisfied and relieved.

Both mares then return their attention back to the two conversing ponies.

After talking for a few minutes, Cheerilee was the first to go and trots pass him.

Big Mac then proceeds to go forward, leading the two trailing mares to parts unknown.

They followed the red stallion to the food court area of the market place.

There Big Mac went to one of the vendors and ordered something.

The vendor then took two plastic cups and filled them up with slushy, one red and the

second blue.

Once the guy put the straws in, Big Mac gave him the bits and took the two slushies of

his counter.

Looking around, Big Mac spotted an empty bench behind a tree and made his way towards it.

Sitting on the left side of the bench, Big Mac place the bag full of Wonderbolt items

on his left side, while placing the two slushies on his right.

The red stallion then proceeds to sit there, doing nothing for the next couple of seconds.

"Now what is my brother doing now?"

Applejack said, questioning about her brother's action.

Unknown to her, Rainbow checked her watch and took notice of the time.

"Shoot, AJ, I gotta go."

She said.

"I gotta meet somepony."

"But, you're going to miss who his secret fillyfriend is."

Applejack warns her friend.

"Pffft, AJ, I already know who his secret fillyfriend is."

Rainbow stated.

Shock by this news, AJ wasn't able to ask who she was before her friend flew away.

Muttering to herself, the orange mare went back to spying on her brother.

For the next couple of seconds, nothing happened.

Big Mac continued to sit there, waiting for someone.

His secret fillyfriend, she presumed.

Suddenly, flying right into the scene was none other than her friend, Rainbow Dash.

She landed right in front of her brother and trotted towards him.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?"

Applejack questioned her friend, despite knowing she can't hear her from here.

She was about say something again, but stopped when she notice her brother's smiling happily

towards Rainbow.

Now she knows her brother and she knows that kind of smile isn't something he gives to


It was a smile he only gives to those he loves like his family or a special somepony.

Applejack's eyes widen, just now realizing something.

"Is Rainbow, my brother's secret fillyfriend?"

She asked nopony in particular.

Her confirmation was then corrected when Big Mac got off his bench and trotted to her friend.

The two then kissed each other on the lips and held there for no more than a second.

However, despite how quick and short that kiss was, the impact was enough to drop her


After their kiss both lovers blushed a little while smiling.

While the blush was clear on Rainbow's face, because of his red coat his blush was perfectly

camouflaged on his face.

Even though they shared a kissed before in the past, the two couldn't help but feel

a little giddy inside.

Remembering the items he bought, Big Mac turns around and grabs the bag of the bench.

He then hoofed to Rainbow, who in turn smiles at his gift.

He then retrieves the two slushies and offered her which one she wanted.

Rainbow picked the red one, leaving her coltfriend the blue one.

As the two drank their slushes and trot off together, the blue mare turn her

head in the direction where Applejack was hiding.

She sees her friend with her mouth open and shocked face.

Rainbow then gave her a mischievous smile before turning around and catching up to her



"Hello everypony, Snogwritts here!

Hope you enjoyed the reading, if so, be sure to leave a like.

And if you haven't already, subscribe for more readings like this one every Saturday!

Alright, that's it for me, this is Snogwritts, signing out."

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> TET: "Mac's Secret Fillyfriend" By Grenazers [ MLP fanfic readings ] (Romance/Slice of life) - Duration: 11:26.


【中繁】Taeyeon 泰妍的倫敦旅行 +TaengguTV CC open 170912 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 【中繁】Taeyeon 泰妍的倫敦旅行 +TaengguTV CC open 170912 - Duration: 2:28.


Tử Vi Tháng 9 năm 2017- 3 con giáp XUI XẺO nhất Tình Duyên Sự Nghiệp long đong vất vả| Tử Vi Trọn Đờ - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tháng 9 năm 2017- 3 con giáp XUI XẺO nhất Tình Duyên Sự Nghiệp long đong vất vả| Tử Vi Trọn Đờ - Duration: 5:58.


Dijejer dengan Betina langsung Ngekek, Begini cara pikatnya dengan masteran - Duration: 41:06.

Dijejer dengan Betina langsung Ngekek, Begini cara pikatnya dengan masteran

For more infomation >> Dijejer dengan Betina langsung Ngekek, Begini cara pikatnya dengan masteran - Duration: 41:06.


Langsung hilang stresnya, dimasteri dengan Ngekeknya LABET jantan - Duration: 25:03.

Langsung hilang stresnya, dimasteri dengan Ngekeknya LABET jantan

For more infomation >> Langsung hilang stresnya, dimasteri dengan Ngekeknya LABET jantan - Duration: 25:03.


bangla comedy drama 2017 | Asthira Mojid | অস্থির মজিদ | Mosharraf Karim | Momo | Bangla Natok - Duration: 42:16.

Moumachi entertainment

For more infomation >> bangla comedy drama 2017 | Asthira Mojid | অস্থির মজিদ | Mosharraf Karim | Momo | Bangla Natok - Duration: 42:16.


Begini jadinya jika lovebird biru dijejer dengan lawan, langsung Ngekek - Duration: 31:16.

Begini jadinya jika lovebird biru dijejer dengan lawan, langsung Ngeke

For more infomation >> Begini jadinya jika lovebird biru dijejer dengan lawan, langsung Ngekek - Duration: 31:16.


Cara paling jitu jika Lovebird lelet dan bisu, dimasteri dengan kicau ini - Duration: 31:46.

Cara paling jitu jika Lovebird lelet dan bisu, dimasteri dengan kicau ini

For more infomation >> Cara paling jitu jika Lovebird lelet dan bisu, dimasteri dengan kicau ini - Duration: 31:46.


NASA Confirm: 12th September 2017 is when NIBIRU PLANET X will convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 31:44.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 12th September 2017 is when NIBIRU PLANET X will convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 31:44.


Yoga Routine

For more infomation >> Yoga Routine


Dorchester Man Suspected Of I-93 Shooting Arrested For Probation Violation - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Dorchester Man Suspected Of I-93 Shooting Arrested For Probation Violation - Duration: 2:08.


THE PITIFUL CHILDREN || Be More Chill Animatic - Duration: 5:06.

Look at yourself.

You dress better!

You are ninety --

-- three percent more attractive!

You've had more experience with the opposite sex...

...which, is to say, you've *had* experience with the opposite sex. (sick burn you shitty supercomputer)


Human activity is a matter of input as well as output!

What does that mean?

The fault... in your peers.

(sick ass title intro sequence)

(it's dat boi oh shit whattup)

You were always quite the loser, Jeremy.

Then I invaded,

and you upgraded.

Ba da bop bop!



It's true that I found you,

But look around you,


All your peers are just so incomple-e-e-ete.

You can't see it, but they're all in pa-a-a-ain.

Their operating system's obsole-e-e-ete.

So let's complete the chains,

and get inside those brains!

Let's save the Pitiful Children! (roll credits)


Let's save the Pitiful Children!


Lets teach the Pitiful Children,

who just haven't a clue...

...just what to do,

He-e-elp them to he-e-elp you.

(Jeremy nopes the fuck outta there)

This is Rich's locker...

Open it!

I don't know the combina-

*buzz buzz*


Lady's running shoes...

(jeremy, internally: shit)

There's... gotta be enough Squips in here for --

The entire school?

*zip zap*

Ow --


What's wrong? (this fake hoe actually sounds sincere)

I make it my business to know everyone's business.

But does anyone ever want to know mine? (does Jenna know I'd die for her?)

Oh, so sad... (has there ever been a faker bitch)

But you can *help* her!


Is that like drugs?

No --

-- Ehhhhhhhhhhh --

-- yyyyyyes.

Whatever. (famous last words)

*one single extremely ominous piano key*

I don't feel anything...


You have to take it with Mountain Dew!

Oh -- okay! (cheers for magically appearing mountain dew bottles)

(take a fuckin sip babe)




Yeah yeah yeeeaaahhh!!!

Can you see the vision clearly, Jeremy?

Users embracing,

and interfacing.


(pictured: Jeremy heavily reconsidering his $400 wintergreen tic tac)

Shiny, happy people singing sweetly.


Gone is human error and fear!

Beep bop boop beep bop boop beep bop boop

Every issue tucked away so neatly,

If you feel a sob or tear,

Just turn that knob, and switch that gear!

Let's save the Pitiful Children!


Let's save the Pitiful Children!

Yeah yeah yeah ye-yeah yeah!!

Let's teach the Pitiful Children,

who just haven't a clue...

...just what to do... (the glasses come off)

He-elp them and soon this will be you!!

(featuring Jeremy, being a difficult lil bitch)

(okay so now there's no vocals for like ten years so I can go crazy with the subs)

(tbh long-ass instrumental sections like this one are my One True Fear cuz I have no fuckin idea what to do during them)

(oh snap sick electric guitar solo)

(owo what's this?)

(what the fuck he just ruined a perfectly good pair of glasses. you shit people need those to see)

(sick pan-over shot)

(Jeremy: can't believe I wasted my bar mitzvah money on a supercomputer in my brain that wants me to brainwash all my friends)

(oh shit what does he see)

Let's save the Pitiful Children!

Rrrop beep beep boop

Let's (boop boop) save the Pitiful Children!

Re bop boop beep bop boop beep bop boop (I wish there was a file just with these beeps on it cuz I swear Eric goes hard on those boops but it's impossible to hear over the kids)

Let's teach the Pitiful Children,

who haven't a clue...

If that's what we do...

If that's what we do...



Everything about us is going to be wonderful!

We love everything about Squips! (same man)

Everything about us is going to be so alive!

We could never live without Squips! (big mood)

You won't feel left out or unsure,

Not Pitiful Children anymore!


Everything about us is going to be cool! 👍




For more infomation >> THE PITIFUL CHILDREN || Be More Chill Animatic - Duration: 5:06.


Startup แรงบันดาลใจ : U Drink I Drive - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Startup แรงบันดาลใจ : U Drink I Drive - Duration: 2:20.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i -ICATCHER Automaat.Panoramadak.Navigatie - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i -ICATCHER Automaat.Panoramadak.Navigatie - Duration: 0:59.


Ewangeliarz OP - 12 września 2017 - (Łk 6, 12-19) - Duration: 2:28.


It is very interesting that when we read the Bible

we will often find such a scheme, namely:

Little - A lot.

Little, that is, there is some kind of limitation, some fragility, lack of strength

a great deal of challenges, at the same time.

And it turns out that this feeling that I am small, that I have little strength,

I have too little internal resources, too little love, too little hope,

too little confidence,

all of this causes some type of withdrawal,

desire to retreat, fear.

God, on the other hand, invariably says, "Have courage, courage, my friend."

What is small in you is not an obstacle

to face the magnitude of some challenge,

if only you let God lead you in this smallness, fragility.

Today's passage from the Gospel also goes back to this kind of scheme,

showing Jesus coming down from the mountain with twelve disciples. Twelve.

And down there uncounted crowds wait for them.

And it will always be like that.

And I beg you: stop whining,

that you are too weak, too small, there is too little of us in the Church,

too few vocations and so on and so forth.

It was always like that and it will always be like that. This is how it should be.

If only we had our "little" surrendered to His power.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 12 września 2017 - (Łk 6, 12-19) - Duration: 2:28.


Hyundai i10 1.1 I-DRIVE COOL, AIRCO, NL, BOEKJES, NAP, MAMS TAXI ... DEALER onderhouden - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 I-DRIVE COOL, AIRCO, NL, BOEKJES, NAP, MAMS TAXI ... DEALER onderhouden - Duration: 0:54.


TET: "Mac's Secret Fillyfriend" By Grenazers [ MLP fanfic readings ] (Romance/Slice of life) - Duration: 11:26.

"Mac's Secret Fillyfriend," written by Grenazers."

It was midafternoon at the Sweet Apple Acres, home to the apple family.

Big Macintosh has just finished all of his chores for the day and now has some free time

for himself.

The big red stallion decides to use his free time to head into town and get some things.

As he trots along the dirt path leading to the front entrance of the farm, the red stallion

couldn't help but feel like somepony was watching him.

He felt this unknown presence while silently trotting by himself.

His ears caught the sound of rustling leaves behind him.

However, he dismisses this as he believes that it was just the wind blowing against

the leaves so he continued his trot.

If Big Mac had turn his head around he would've immediately spot a certain Stetson wearing

orange mare following him.

Applejack is her name and the younger sister of Big Macintosh.

Applejack stealthy follows behind the big red stallion.

She kept her distance from him so that he wouldn't hear her movement, but also not

too far so that she might lose sight of him.

The orange mare followed him to the front entrance of their home.

She watches as Big Mac passed through the entrance and was heading straight in the direction

of Ponyville.

She waited until he was far enough for her to follow him.

Once he passed through the front entrance, the orange mare was soon instantly greeted

by her blue winged friend.

"Hey what's up AJ!"

Rainbow loudly greeted her.

So startled by this sudden surprise, Applejack jumped a bit and fell on her back.

"Wow AJ."

Rainbow chuckled.

"Did I really surprise you that muc-"Before she could finish that sentence, Applejack

immediately hop up from the ground, tackled her blue friend down and covered her mouth

with her own hoof.

Applejack turns her head to side, all the while ignoring the muffle sound coming from


She was checking to see if her big brother heard her friend.

Fortunate for her, Big Mac did not notice as she sees him continuing his trot towards

the town.

After making sure it was safe, Applejack remove her hoof from Rainbow's mouth and stood


"AJ, what was that all about?"

Rainbow question, sounding annoyed.

"Sorry about that Rainbow, but I had to shut ya up so that Big Mac wouldn't hear


"Why don't you want your brother to hear me?"

"Well actually I didn't want Big Mac to see me following him."

Applejack explained.

"OK so why are you following him?"

"Well Rainbow if you must know, I'm following him because I starting to suspect something

about my brother."

"Oh, like what?"

Rainbow inquired.

"I think my brother has a fillyfriend."

Applejack answered.

"Really now?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"What make you think that?"

"Well Rainbow, recently my brother has been going out at night a lot and sometimes I can

smell the cologne he puts on himself.

At first I just had my suspicion, but then just the other night my suspicion was confirmed."

Applejack then gesture her friend to come in closer to her.

"Late one night, Big Mac came home with a kiss mark on his cheek."

"Really huh?"

Rainbow said, sounding somewhat surprised.

"Do you know who this mystery mare is?"

"Well Rainbow, that is what I am going to find out."

Applejack confidently answered and went off after her brother.

As Applejack trotted the same path her brother took, her blue, rainbow mane friend followed

behind her.

"So AJ, why don't you just I don't know, simply ask him?"

Rainbow pointed out.

"Would be much easier then all this sneaking around."

"Yeah well my brother is not really the talkative type a guy if you haven't notice."

Applejack answered.

"Tell me about it."

Rainbow commented.

"I can never read that stallion."

The rest of the trip was in silence as both Applejack and Rainbow followed Big Mac into

the town of Ponyville.

Despite how small the quaint town of Ponyville was the place was bustling with a lot of activities.

Ponies of various colors and sizes roam the opened streets, making sure to visit each

of the stores and stalls before the day end.

Big Macintosh cut through the crowd of ponies, making a beeline to one of the stores across.

As he made his way to the store, the big red stallion was unaware of the two pairs of prying

eyes watching him from afar.

Both mares hid behind an unused stall facing their target.

They saw Big Mac entering a flower shop.

"You see, Rainbow."

Applejack pointed with her hoof.

"My brother does have a fillyfriend."

A minute later Big Mac left the store, carrying a big bouquet of different colors.

There were roses, violets, daffodils, dahlias, sunflowers and many more colourful flowers.

"Whoa look at the size of the bouquet!"

Applejack pointed.

"Whoever this mystery mare is, she must be worth a lot if my brother is spending that

much bits."

After he left the store Big Mac trotted off somewhere again.

Both mares saw this and left the cover of their stall and return following behind the

big red stallion.

Big Mac led the two to a nearby café.

There he headed towards one of the table where Caramel sat by himself.

Upon seeing the red stallion, Caramel smiled and happily took the bouquet of flowers from


From a distance, Applejack was stunned.

"Whoa wait is Caramel, Big Mac's coltfriend?"

She asks out loud, surprise at the aspect that her brother is gay.

"No wait hold on, look over there."

Rainbow said and pointed at something.

Applejack looked to where her friend pointed and saw a blue Pegasus mare with yellow hair

trotting to the table where Caramel sat.

Her name was Sassaflash and when saw the saw the large bouquet of flowers on the table

she was quite surprised.

Caramel then hoofed the bouquet to her and she happily accepted them.

The amber coated stallion then thank Big Mac to which he nodded and left the two lovers

to themselves.

"Huh, guess Big Mac just bought them for his friend."

"Looks like it."

Rainbow added.

After that, Big Mac trotted off again.

The two resume following the big red stallion.

Big Macintosh has now led them to a novelty shop.

Once he entered the store, Applejack and Rainbow found a good spot behind some large bushes.

"Now what would my brother want in that store?"

Applejack questioned to which Rainbow just shrugged.

A couple of minutes later Big Macintosh exited the front door, carrying a bag.

In that bag it was full of Wonderbolt merchandizes.

There were posters, t-shirts, figurines and many more hidden within the depth of that


"Huh, never knew Big Mac was a fan of the Wonderbolts."

Applejack said, not noticing the smile on Rainbow's face upon seeing the items.

Next, Big Mac went further into town when suddenly he bumped into Cheerilee.

The magenta color mare spotted the red stallion and stopped to talk to him.

As the two exchange words with each other, from a distance both mares observe the two.

"Huh, so Cheerilee is Big Mac's secret fillyfriend?"

Applejack said out loud.

Next to her Rainbow eyed the two, but mostly towards Cheerilee.

"So does Cheerilee have a thing for your brother?"

"Well there was that one time they both fell madly in love with each other and almost

got married."

Applejack answered.

Rainbow then swung her head away from the two and looked at her friend with a surprised


"However, they were both under the effects of that love poison my sister and her friends


Applejack mentioned.

"Once they got that stuff out of their system, they went back to normal."

To this, Rainbow eases up a bit.

"But, then after that they did go out together."

Rainbow's eyes widen upon hearing this.

"However, it turns out they only did to tease girls."

"So does Cheerilee like Big Mac or what?"

Rainbow question, demanding an answer.

"No not really."

Applejack answered.

"Last time I talked with her, she said that while my brother is indeed quite handsome

and nice, she wasn't really interested in hooking up with him."

"Oh OK then."

Rainbow said, sounding both satisfied and relieved.

Both mares then return their attention back to the two conversing ponies.

After talking for a few minutes, Cheerilee was the first to go and trots pass him.

Big Mac then proceeds to go forward, leading the two trailing mares to parts unknown.

They followed the red stallion to the food court area of the market place.

There Big Mac went to one of the vendors and ordered something.

The vendor then took two plastic cups and filled them up with slushy, one red and the

second blue.

Once the guy put the straws in, Big Mac gave him the bits and took the two slushies of

his counter.

Looking around, Big Mac spotted an empty bench behind a tree and made his way towards it.

Sitting on the left side of the bench, Big Mac place the bag full of Wonderbolt items

on his left side, while placing the two slushies on his right.

The red stallion then proceeds to sit there, doing nothing for the next couple of seconds.

"Now what is my brother doing now?"

Applejack said, questioning about her brother's action.

Unknown to her, Rainbow checked her watch and took notice of the time.

"Shoot, AJ, I gotta go."

She said.

"I gotta meet somepony."

"But, you're going to miss who his secret fillyfriend is."

Applejack warns her friend.

"Pffft, AJ, I already know who his secret fillyfriend is."

Rainbow stated.

Shock by this news, AJ wasn't able to ask who she was before her friend flew away.

Muttering to herself, the orange mare went back to spying on her brother.

For the next couple of seconds, nothing happened.

Big Mac continued to sit there, waiting for someone.

His secret fillyfriend, she presumed.

Suddenly, flying right into the scene was none other than her friend, Rainbow Dash.

She landed right in front of her brother and trotted towards him.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?"

Applejack questioned her friend, despite knowing she can't hear her from here.

She was about say something again, but stopped when she notice her brother's smiling happily

towards Rainbow.

Now she knows her brother and she knows that kind of smile isn't something he gives to


It was a smile he only gives to those he loves like his family or a special somepony.

Applejack's eyes widen, just now realizing something.

"Is Rainbow, my brother's secret fillyfriend?"

She asked nopony in particular.

Her confirmation was then corrected when Big Mac got off his bench and trotted to her friend.

The two then kissed each other on the lips and held there for no more than a second.

However, despite how quick and short that kiss was, the impact was enough to drop her


After their kiss both lovers blushed a little while smiling.

While the blush was clear on Rainbow's face, because of his red coat his blush was perfectly

camouflaged on his face.

Even though they shared a kissed before in the past, the two couldn't help but feel

a little giddy inside.

Remembering the items he bought, Big Mac turns around and grabs the bag of the bench.

He then hoofed to Rainbow, who in turn smiles at his gift.

He then retrieves the two slushies and offered her which one she wanted.

Rainbow picked the red one, leaving her coltfriend the blue one.

As the two drank their slushes and trot off together, the blue mare turn her

head in the direction where Applejack was hiding.

She sees her friend with her mouth open and shocked face.

Rainbow then gave her a mischievous smile before turning around and catching up to her



"Hello everypony, Snogwritts here!

Hope you enjoyed the reading, if so, be sure to leave a like.

And if you haven't already, subscribe for more readings like this one every Saturday!

Alright, that's it for me, this is Snogwritts, signing out."

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> TET: "Mac's Secret Fillyfriend" By Grenazers [ MLP fanfic readings ] (Romance/Slice of life) - Duration: 11:26.


Sonic Forces Leaked Ending?! - Duration: 0:36.







*Breathes in*










Ahhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhh...~

For more infomation >> Sonic Forces Leaked Ending?! - Duration: 0:36.


Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors 😍 - Duration: 49:47.

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors by victoria x rave

For more infomation >> Dyeing My Hair Bright AF Colors 😍 - Duration: 49:47.


Work hairstyle for short relaxed hair - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Work hairstyle for short relaxed hair - Duration: 2:52.


[ENG SUB] Smart TV Ch BTS 생일축하 || Happy Birthday - Duration: 0:24.


Happy Birthday! TV

Jin: Rapmon-ah!

BTS: Happy birthday!!!

JH: Yo! Rap Rap Rap Monster Monster! Happy Birthday

Jin: Birthday yo!

V: Happy Birthday!


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Smart TV Ch BTS 생일축하 || Happy Birthday - Duration: 0:24.


🙊kya all 🙊men are dogs 😭 - Duration: 4:47.

what up 🤗 every one

hope you good because you📲 watching a video 💻

today i watch a youtube video 🐕and the title was 🐶 all men are DOOOOGS 🐺

AFTER just reading the title i got Mad👿truly i got crazyyyy

dogii i will drink your blood😡

and even if you guys only read the title you get angry🐺 2

really all men are Dogs

so lets see the video⛷️

the mother of this girl advice her 🌲don't chat next 2 a tree

😱maybe the tree is possess👻

there was no ghost but the blue shirt Bhoothnath was there😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

few seconds after this blue boy start scratching his own headdd :(

😀😀😀😀😀😀😀giving a good smile 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

my smile didn't do the trick but my action will 😏

the sense of the girl say run 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

why you guys always chase the most beautiful pretty and slim girl 🍩🍩🍩🍩

beautiful and slim girl she ??🙄🙄🙄🙄

maybe she is telling about ayesha omer👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻 beautiful

myy god MY GOD OHHHH


OHH giving me a phone in just 1st meeting. he should give her some flowers he is really giving a phone

now you want my number ha

i want the number 2 but not hers 😨😨

see you face in mirror and get lost 😨😨😨😨

people throw there life in garbage 🗑️🗑️but this girl is different she just throw a phone in garbage

🐶🐶you are chasing me like a dog u all men are Dogs🐶🐶

chasing u like a DOG /all men are dogs

now this is getting serious its about respect of all men now

somebody do something

girl your phone is ringing 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔you should pick it up

😥where is my phone tell me 😭😭😭

she is asking for phone like a 8 year old boy just got lost in the NYC TIME Square 😥😥

😥Being honest people these days don't really care about there kid they care about there smart phones😥

i don't really understand the background music maybe from a old tv channel

don't judge a book by its cover not every boy is chasing after girl :) 🔪🔪🔪

if the girl just think maybe this guy is telling me something this won't happen 🐺🐺🐺

so this for today i know this not very serious video but truly this was fun 2 watch

check the link in the descriptions

and if you enjoy my video leave a like and if you love it just subscribe :) and thnx for watching

For more infomation >> 🙊kya all 🙊men are dogs 😭 - Duration: 4:47.


BEST BEAT EVER MADE IN FL STUDIO 11 TRAP BEATS!!! | 101 Da Exclusive - Duration: 2:41.

fastest beat ever made in fl studio 11 tune in 101 da exclusive makes a beat live on camera

For more infomation >> BEST BEAT EVER MADE IN FL STUDIO 11 TRAP BEATS!!! | 101 Da Exclusive - Duration: 2:41.


[Eng Sub] Jun LG 10 sec. Charm Point Bonus Video - Duration: 0:11.

What have you been up to?

I miss you

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] Jun LG 10 sec. Charm Point Bonus Video - Duration: 0:11.


Sweetest version of The Boy from Ipanema (Diana Krall Cover Song by Ingeborg Schaewen & LewisLuong) - Duration: 5:16.

Title: Sweetest version of The Boy from Ipanema (Diana Krall Cover Song by Ingeborg Schaewen & LewisLuong)

For more infomation >> Sweetest version of The Boy from Ipanema (Diana Krall Cover Song by Ingeborg Schaewen & LewisLuong) - Duration: 5:16.


【中繁】Taeyeon 泰妍的倫敦旅行 +TaengguTV CC open 170912 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 【中繁】Taeyeon 泰妍的倫敦旅行 +TaengguTV CC open 170912 - Duration: 2:28.


사이비교주가 더러운 욕망을 표현하는 방법 - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 사이비교주가 더러운 욕망을 표현하는 방법 - Duration: 2:49.


火影忍者博人传 这些人的真实年龄会让你吓一跳 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> 火影忍者博人传 这些人的真实年龄会让你吓一跳 - Duration: 3:29.


Best English Songs 2017-2018 Hits | Best Songs Of All Time Acoustic Mix Song Covers 2017 - Duration: 1:38:27.

For more infomation >> Best English Songs 2017-2018 Hits | Best Songs Of All Time Acoustic Mix Song Covers 2017 - Duration: 1:38:27.





Are You an Empath?

For more infomation >> Are You an Empath?


The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell - 9/11/17 - Duration: 17:56.

For more infomation >> The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell - 9/11/17 - Duration: 17:56.


Hino oficial da UEFA Champions League - Liga dos Campeões da UEFA - Duration: 3:15.

Ces sont les meilleures équipes. <These are the best teams.>

Sie sind die allerbesten Mannschaften. <They are the best teams.>

The main event...

Die Meister! <The Masters!>

Die Besten! <The bests!>

Les Grandes Équipes! <The biggest teams>

The Champions!

Une grande réunion, <A big gathering,>

eine große sportliche Veranstaltung. <a big sports event.>

The main event...

Ils sont les meilleurs! <They are the best!>

Sie sind die Besten! <They are the best!>

These are the champions!

Die Meister! <The Masters!>

Die Besten! <The bests!>

Les grandes équipes! <The biggest teams!>

The champions!

Die Meister! <The Masters!>

Die Besten! <The bests!>

Les grandes équipes! <The biggest teams!>

The champions!

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