Pretty pretty please, just 15 more minutes, all right?
All right... If you want to make me wait that long.
Good morning!
Good morning
Oh, I could keep kissing like this for hours
Well, be my guest
Don't you have to leave?
I'll come up with some excuse to give them at the auction house
That means we have the whole morning for ourselves
== Yes == Ahh
And we should... take advantage of that
We won't have the opportunity very often
Oh, yeah yeah, I know, your family
If it gets out, it would be social suicide
In our circles - unforgivable
Oh, why's that? You've got Bernd von Beyenbach to count on.
I really don't want to think about that right now
Let's go away somewhere
Yes, just the two of us
Wherever you want
To the ocean... or to the mountains?
Doesn't matter. And you can manage that?
It won't be all that easy. I'll come up with some kind of business trip.
We just have to be careful
Of course
Main thing is we're together, hm?
I'll be careful, all right?
== I want to see Carla! == Hey, just a minute, all right?
We have to talk, right now!
Bernd, I find your showing up here exceedingly inconvenient
I find quite a few things here to be inconvenient as well
You two have got it cozy here. And your brother is treating me like I'm a moron.
Do you have to start in with that again? I've already told you, I'll talk to Ansgar.
Oh come on, stop, I've seen through your little charade!
== Where do you get off talking to me like this?!?! == You guys are making a sport of me! == What a bunch of garbage, that's ridiculous!
== You keep out of this, I'm talking to my fiance! == But Hanna is right!
Yeah yeah. First...first use me, then blow me off.
That's not the way it goes, Countess
I've seen through your bullshit game. I'm not playing anymore.
You want to break off our agreement?! Why?!?!
Who's the one exclusively benefiting from our agreement?? You!
This is hardly the suitable moment to discuss this, don't you think?
No, I do! We're going to discuss this now, how you and I are going to continue. Otherwise you can find yourself a new fiance.
== I'm gonna go get dressed. == No, please, stay here. That would really take the cake - for him to drive you out of your own living room.
This is outrageous - pulling this stunt right now!
Well fine
But don't think I'm going to let you brush me off that easily
I'll be waiting down in the pub, all right?
I have the very crazy feeling that this isn't about his job
When Bernd and I first got to know each other,...
... he was in love with me
Oh! Really?
And you think now he's jealous, or...?
He says he's over me, but...
... I find his behavior recently demonstrating more and more the opposite
Yes, that would explain a few things
What will you do now if he doesn't want to pose as your fiance anymore?
Then I have a very large problem
Then the rumors will immediately boil up again that I'm into women
Ohh, I don't know. Maybe the press will lose interest in the topic.
Carla, there are so many well-known gay women who are open about it in public
You're forgetting my father
And if you were to finally tell him?
Just imagine, we wouldn't have to hide anymore. We could see each other whenever we wanted to.
Absolutely no way
My father may NEVER find out
Or else I'll lose him
At some point he's going to find out anyway. Some way.
I have only one option
I have to convince Bernd
I thought you were never coming!
Your nerves don't seem to be in the best shape
Can you please tell me why you're suddenly all up in arms, and jumping down my throat in front of Hanna like that??
Because even I lose my patience at some point
I've told you more than once that I'm finding the result of our deal to be MORE than one-sided
== I'm constantly pulling YOUR chestnuts out of the fire, so that you can amuse yourself with Hanna. == Not so loud!
Or is the entire pub supposed to know? You're acting like a jealous husband.
== I am not in love with you! == Well to be honest, it certainly looks the opposite to me.
Fine, maybe I AM jealous - that you have someone like ME. You don't do anything for me!
Oh, and what about the job with my brother??
Oh, my job as errand boy? I have Leonard to thank for that, too, and not you.
Can it be that we're constantly going round and round on the same topic? At the moment I can't do anything else for you!
I opened the door to the Lahnstein Holding for you. You have to walk through it on your own.
You sure know how to take the easy way out. Plus which, I don't get the impression Ansgar actually wants to give me a real chance.
And that is not just 'MY' problem.
So now, either... either I receive a job that corresponds to my actual skills, or...
...I...I see no more reason to be engaged to you
Very simple
"Describe the difference between causal and abstract contracts."
Pfhh, how am I supposed to know that?
Oh, Mr. von Lahnstein! I'm sure you're really good at contract law.
Could you maybe give me a few little tips?
== Well sure. == Really?
As a general rule, the technique with the most staying power is to work out the answer on your own
Does the term 'university library' mean anything to you?
Oh, but... of course, perhaps your father sees things differently and he will help you
After all, he's an experienced and legally accomplished businessman
According to his own report
Give me the opportunity and I'll prove it to you. In an instant.
Oh, curb your impatience and, for the time being, demonstrate your knowledge to your diligent daughter
Go choke on your arrogance
That arrogant prig! He thinks he can get away with anything.
Someday you're going to show him your stuff and then he'll come crawling like a worm
After all, you do have Carla on your side
Hah, that's what I once thought too
Listen, Mouse?
Would you like to move back into the city with me? We'll get ourselves an apartment, hm?
Why do that? Did you have a fight with Carla?
Yes. It might not have been such a good idea to move in with her so quickly.
Oh, certainly you aren't going to just give up everything all because of a difference of opinion
I'm afraid we aren't as good a match for each other as I thought
Oh, come on
Regardless what happened between you,...
... you invite her out to dinner, a small restaurant, candlelight... and it will all sort itself out on its own
You love each other
== What's up with your husband-to-be? == What about him?
Well, I mean, is he coming to dinner, or...?
He was just very busy today
Oh, is that so?
What's going on with Leonard?
He's turned down the practice and still wants to go back to America
Oh, that's too bad. I was so hoping he would stay here.
Well, I think it's too bad, too. On the other hand, if his career opportunities are so much greater in America...
He can build a career here, too!
And he would be near us at the same time. But Leonard doesn't appear to care about that.
Oh, how can you say something like that?! I would prefer that he stayed here, too, but it's not like you can force him.
Good evening, everybody
Good evening, my dear
== Would you like an aperitif? == Uh, no thank you.
And we'll talk about Bernd later
Then let us go ahead and start without Leonard
Oh right, uhm, Leonard isn't coming to dinner anyway. He... asked me to give his apologies.
Did our conversation upset his stomach?
I think he just doesn't want to risk arguing about things anymore
He's deeply affected by your guys' disagreement as well
I... I'm not so sure about that
But I am. I do know him well enough to be able to judge that.
And please don't forget that he loves you
Bernd, so here you are
You were missed at dinner
Ach. I wasn't really wild about encountering your brother.
Did he say anything about me?
Just that he isn't inclined, at the moment, to transfer any far-reaching responsibilities in the company over to you
Hah, why do I even bother asking?
So, if under these circumstances you aren't willing to maintain our agreement, I can understand that
Oh never mind about that. I just went a little overboard earlier today, I'm sorry about that.
That was dumb of me
Ansgar just keeps managing to find my sore spot
== May I? == Sure
But I guess that shouldn't be reason to call off our engagement, right?
That means our agreement is still on?
Well, I can't leave you in the lurch
I know I ask you to put up with a lot
Yeah well, and I suppose I'll eventually get used to the never-ending digs from Ansgar too
Yes. Once he gets to know you better, he'll realize you deserve a better position.
Well fine, then I guess everything stays the same
Well, excuse me, I just want to reassure Hanna real quick
Naturally, she was incredibly worried
== Say hi to her from me? == Sure.
So, Ansgar...
Time to get to know each other better
Well, I'm really glad Bernd calmed down again
Will we see each other tomorrow? Oh, that's great. Ciao, Carla, ciao.
Forget it!
Who asked you for your opinion?
Lars Schneider is way, wayyy out of your league
Compared to you he really does seem incredibly mature. And above all...
... sexy
Birte, I'm glad I ran into you! I think they're towing your car right now.
Oh crap! Thanks for telling me. Bye!
That was very considerate of you
That's the way I am
But due to the fact I'm constantly looking out for my fellow man, I hardly ever find time to study
Well, if you...
If you're expecting me to cut you some slack...
I would never ask for that!
However, if you could perhaps explain a few things to me today?
Well, actually....
All right, fine
Professor, you're a doll
This is done particularly in company takeovers. And that's when things really get interesting.
Mhm, I'm sure
Uh, but maybe that's enough for today. This subject is really pretty complex.
Oh, but not when it's being explained so well!
It's just... sort of hot in here
It makes it so hard to concentrate
Uh... I'll go open up the window
That might be good. I think I'm getting a headache.
But maybe I'm also just kind of tense
A massage would help, but... it's so hard to do one on yourself
You know what I mean?
== Maybe-- == Maybe it would be better if we concentrated on the study material.
I'd be happy to give you a pill if you'd like, though
== Hi == Hi
May I come in?
I've put together your mail for you
== Hello == Hi
I can also come back some other time
Oh, we're done with the tutoring anyway, aren't we?
Are you going to be able to drive with your... headache?
Otherwise I'll call you a taxi
Not necessary, thanks
Do you think we'll eventually be able to be friends again?
It's pointless to constantly be going out of our way to avoid each other
Would you like it better if I moved away from here?
Then at least you wouldn't need to feel guilty anymore, when you're with your--
Lars, please
I'm sorry I hurt you so badly
Oh yeah?
I've had the feeling, lately, that you don't give a shit about me
What... do you hate me now?
Take a guess
Hanna, your feelings don't interest me anymore. You have your life now, and I have mine.
Oh, sorry, I just wanted to grab something real quick
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