Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 19 2017

Orange is the citrus fruit that is consumed the most in the world, besides being refreshing

and delicious, it contains many nutritional properties that can be of great benefit to the

body, today in todo en salud we show you some little known benefits that orange

can do for you.

In orange we can find minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc,

magnesium and sodium, vitamins such as A, group B, C, D, E and K additionally contain proteins,

fibers and purines.

These nutritional properties will give the body the following little-known benefits:

- Orange for urinary problems: When there are problems in the bladder or prostate,

orange can be a great option to fight infections, disinflame the

affected part and stimulate the normal functioning of these organs.

- Orange for tonsillitis: The inflammation of the tonsils can be combated with the

consumption of orange juice accompanied by aloe vera gel, for this you should only drink

a glass of orange juice, add two tablespoons of aloe vera, liquefy and take on an empty stomach

- Orange for obesity: The low calories and carbohydrates in oranges make t

hem suitable to purify the body and eliminate accumulated fat.

- Orange for Fever: The high vitamin C content of orange can help

us eliminate toxins in the body and at the same time improve the fever.

- Orange for wrinkles: Oranges moisturize the skin and improve circulation, thus avoiding the development of wrinkles

at a very young age. To obtain the anti-wrinkle benefits you can ingest

the juice of oranges or apply the pulp of this on the skin.

- Orange for shiny hair: Dull and dry hair can be remedied using

orange peels and apple cider vinegar, for this you must add orange peels to apple

cider vinegar and rinse wet hair with it.

Undoubtedly oranges have a lot of medicinal properties for health,

if you want to take advantage of those benefits do not hesitate to include oranges

regularly in your diet.

We hope this video has been useful to you, remember that your opinion is very important

so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, sign up every day

upload new videos.

For more infomation >> Six Benefits of Oranges You Did not Know and Can Be Great for Your Health - Duration: 2:52.


La infanta Elena y la reina Sofía, muy preocupadas por el díscolo Froilán | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> La infanta Elena y la reina Sofía, muy preocupadas por el díscolo Froilán | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 5:04.


Bolsa Mochila Subacqua Saco - www.cascoantiguo.com - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Bolsa Mochila Subacqua Saco - www.cascoantiguo.com - Duration: 0:42.


La transformación de Brasil por la comida chatarra - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> La transformación de Brasil por la comida chatarra - Duration: 3:51.


An Inuit Elder's story on living a healthy life (Inuktitut version) - Duration: 6:13.

* Intro slides Text on screen: This video is a tribute to our two elders, Susanna Singoorie and Martha Trickie. Their involvement and knowledge they passed on made this video possible. Up until recently, the commonly used word for 'cancer' in Inuktitut means a 'disease without a cure' However, new words for cancer have been developed for cancer in each of the Inuit regions: In Nunavut Ippinnaittulijuq (Ikpinnaittulijuq) means 'something you do not feel until after the fact.' This reflects a shift in how people view cancer, from an incurable one than can be prevented and managed with better quality of life. [music playing in the background]

[images fades to elder tending to a traditional kudlik] These things, the kudlik and especially, was a very extremely important tool because it was our own survival tool.

I know we are going to talk about cancer. Back then, Inuit would say, they would not complain. Back then when elders used to talk about illnesses, we were taught that whatever you did - if it was positive or negative - it would come back to you and that's how you will get sick. That's what I think about cancer is because what you did to other people negatively will come back to you and you will get sick from that. That's how we were taught when I was young. Beacuse we were taught by the elders, we get sick by ourselves, (inadudible) ...we do. And that's what I believe: if you do something negative to another person its going to come back to you and you are going to get sick from it. That's how I was taught, and that's how I believe cancer got created.

[camera zooms out from elder] My children I would tell them if you don't want to get sick you better treat other people positively. No one person can be happy all the time, but even though you have to be happy try to be happy even though the circumstances are extremely negative. Sometime we Inuit treat each other really good. Sometime we treat each other really bad. And for that reason our fellow Inuit we have to love them. We have to respect them and care for them.

Well, for me, I know that smoking cigarettes is very unhealthy. And also the doctors nowadays always tell us that smoking cigarettes is very unhealthy. Well, back then, we used to tell each other to live positively, even if you used to smoke cigarettes. I stopped smoking cigarettes in 1988 because I used to cough so much, and that I realized that smoking cigarettes by myself was very unhealthy. I would cough, I would go home, step outside and have a cigarette and I would cough constantly. But nowadays when I cough its not like it used to be when I used to smoke cigarettes. And then, when I went to see a doctor who took xrays of my lung they realized that my lungs were not that healthy so I had to stop smoking cigarettes. And I believe in doctors when they diagnose you for your health. 6 00:03:31,000 --> 00:04:02,000 [camera fased to black, focuses on elder] If you don't eat properly and your diet is not proper you could get cold easily, and you can get depressed and you can get weak, because if you don't want to get sick your diet is very important for you to be properly maintained. Because if you eat properly and your diet is proper your body will react to respect of your own body. That's how I think because when you are depressed you don't want to eat.

Well, especially young people today they don't even eat raw meat anymore because they have been trained by the schools that that is not healthy. I have a child who will not even eat traditional food anymore, don't even eat raw meat anymore because they've been trained by the school, even though they are Inuit, they don't eat raw meat anymore. But back then that's what we used to eat, because we know that if you eat raw meat that is healthy. And that's what I think we should be telling our younger generation: that food is very important to your diet for you to be healthy. It's according to your diet that you can either be healthy or unhealthy.

You should tell you fellow Inuit that you love them, and that you have to live well together, and do no harm to each other. Live an ongoing life. You should be able to treat each other human beings properly, respectfully, don't tell them that they are bad human beings. If you want to be treated right by other people, you have to treat other people right.

Text on screen: Living Inuumariq Inummarik - A geniune person - and refers to having proper attitudes and engaging in proper behaviours towards other people, animals, and land and oneself. It refers to being in balance with one's surroundings. [music begins to play in the background]

[Logos of TI, CCO, Ministry, and acknowledgment of musician]

For more infomation >> An Inuit Elder's story on living a healthy life (Inuktitut version) - Duration: 6:13.


Visita del Papa Francisco a Colombia - Colegio San José - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Visita del Papa Francisco a Colombia - Colegio San José - Duration: 5:33.


FLAN DE CASTAÑAS - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> FLAN DE CASTAÑAS - Duration: 1:21.


Musica Binaurale Theta ✨ Musica Per Meditazione 🌟 Sahaja Yoga Music - Duration: 1:00:14.

For more infomation >> Musica Binaurale Theta ✨ Musica Per Meditazione 🌟 Sahaja Yoga Music - Duration: 1:00:14.


Relaxing Water Sound Meditation - Relaxation - Spa - Duration: 4:10:22.

Relaxing Water Sound Meditation - Relaxation - Spa

For more infomation >> Relaxing Water Sound Meditation - Relaxation - Spa - Duration: 4:10:22.


Music To Sleep Rapidly - Duration: 2:00:28.

Music To Sleep Rapidly

For more infomation >> Music To Sleep Rapidly - Duration: 2:00:28.


PJ Masks Coloring Videos | Vídeos Para Colorir Do PJ Masks - Duration: 25:12.

PJ Masks Coloring Videos | Vídeos Para Colorir Do PJ Masks

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Coloring Videos | Vídeos Para Colorir Do PJ Masks - Duration: 25:12.





Giant Golden Mole | The golden blind who digs in Africa | (Animals of the World) - Duration: 5:31.

when you talk about animals in Africa, everyone comes to mind typical

animals such as lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, zebras and others, but being a territory

extensive with different types of biospheres, biodiversity is widely extended, by

which it is home to many unusual animals, but perform an important

ecosystem, one of those little animals are the golden moles and one of these

They are the golden giant mole, discussed below.

are endemic animals of South Africa, living in this country in parcels of coastal forests

in the southeastern region of this region in the Eastern Cape Providence, these forests

have a layer of litter and soft ground, avoiding the rocky terrain that

keep you from scratch. the crisoclóridos are a family of mammals known vulgarly

as golden moles, which are separated from the true moles where it is thought that

formerly they were genetically linked to the marsupials.

this mole is about 12 to 17 centimeters and weighing 142 grams, its coat more

common is dark brown, but varies from black to yellow with 2 layers

hair, which serves as a much thinner cover that helps you as insulation for moisture

and other wooly below the above that operates to maintain their body temperature.

no glue to prevent this stay on the outside when they dig and ears

They are covered by skin, like eyes which are mostly covered by

the eyelids. its pink and conical noses, presents a pad that protects the

nostrils of the earth when pushing through the soil, has large claws

in short but very strong forelegs, while the first and fourth fingers are

vestigial, his fifth digit is completely gone, but the third finger is very

developed, especially his nail. hind legs have 5 digits and are webbed

that helps you push the earth back to scroll while digging, as if they were

swimming in the ground. They are only insectivorous, feeding

earthworm as moving van, termites which destroy their anthills with

millipedes claws and can be on the surface, between the leaves and caves

underground, which caught biting them and degustándolas. They live in burrows

up to 10 meters deep in a network of tunnels where they are solitary, but have

social behavior where it communicates with other specimens by noise, smell

and touch, which come to the surface at night to avoid encountering predators

especially birds of prey such as owls, nocturnal snakes come to get into their tunnels

to hunt them down and domestic dogs. in its den lacking a temperature

This mole tends to lower your metabolism due to the high energy demand that causes

the dig, puediendo travel up to 500 meters below every day just

eating and lack of oxygen instead necessary that your metabolism is slow.

poliestrales are animals, so they come into heat at different times of the year where

it can be estimated that when the largest peak breeding is in October to November,

where the male goes in search of a female for reproduction, it is known as

female chooses males or if they have a kind of courtship, but has begun

to study the male makes noises while rocking and stomps his feet and response

the female responds with grunts. it is estimated that gestation lasts 4 to 6 weeks but

this has been stipulated by comparing other species of the same family, giving

birth 1 to 2 offspring it calculated born weighing 45 grams and that feed

it up to 3 months. it is unknown what is the average lifespan of this species.

It is a species that is in the range of danger due to loss of their habitat by

forest degradation by its firewood, intensive grazing and restructuring of their environment

environment in farmers fields, passing machinery can cause the collapse of

tunnels or death of some by the simple passage of these computers, or are hunted by

locals to consider them pests. a way to recover its population is that its use

methods and technological equipment friendlier to the environment and to avoid being

I crushed by machinery, because it is a great help for farmers to

reduce the number of insects that can kill crops. and stipulate a

Intelligent use of forest where form is replenished with tale.

an animal that can only be found in South Africa, unknown but very important

for their territory, that the giant mole gold. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this

video, we're watching you later.

For more infomation >> Giant Golden Mole | The golden blind who digs in Africa | (Animals of the World) - Duration: 5:31.


Messieurs : Voici le secret pour donner plusieurs orgasmes à une femme - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Messieurs : Voici le secret pour donner plusieurs orgasmes à une femme - Duration: 7:00.


Hablamos en exclusiva con el maquillador de Letizia en TVE - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Hablamos en exclusiva con el maquillador de Letizia en TVE - Duration: 5:33.


Ariadna Sánchez se deshace de todos sus complejos pasando por el quirófano - Duration: 5:44.

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St. Bernadette new single

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What Maryam's Son Junaid Safdar Saying About Imran Khan - Duration: 2:21.

Maryam's Son

What Maryam Son Junaid Safdar Saying About Imran Khan

For more infomation >> What Maryam's Son Junaid Safdar Saying About Imran Khan - Duration: 2:21.


VICTORY! Trump Sets Massive Record – No President Has Ever Done This | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:48.

It seems that electing a successful businessman to run the country has led to more than its

fair share of economic benefits, to the surprise of few people.

The markets have been so optimistic over the new President that for the past 10 months,

the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) has recorded its 56th all-time record closing

high, up a total of 21 percent since last year – a record that no other president

in history has accomplished, according to The Gateway Pundit.

Trump has become the first president in US history to see two stock market rallies of

nine or more days where the market has achieved new highs each and every day.

Over the 200 trading days since he has taken office, the DOW has increased by over 4,000

points, an unheard of achievement.

On February 28th, he matched Ronald Reagan's 1987 record for continuous closing high trading

days, where the DOW reached a new high for over 12 days in a row.

Not only that, but the index took only 66 days to climb from 19,000 to 21,000 – the

fastest 2,000-point run in US history.

Upon further inspection of the details, one can't help but find many other noticeable

records being matched or broken over the 10-month span.

A March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000-point increase, taking the DOW only

24 days to do so.

Aside from the DOW, even the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ both set new records during the period,

with the former breaking over $20 trillion in market capitalization for the first time

in history.

Overall, the US stock market gained $4 trillion in wealth since Trump got elected.

When comparing economic results to his predecessor, it couldn't be any more different.

President Obama's first few months were quite poor, with the market tumbling over

31 percent in the first few months since his election – signaling a lack of confidence

in the president's economic capabilities.

By the end of his first year, the market ended up settling to where it was before, marking

his first year as turbulent and uncertain.

In fact, the stock markets under Obama didn't reach any new highs at all during his entire

4-year first term.

Of course, with the 2007-2008 subprime mortgage crisis just before Obama's election, he

inherited an understandable degree of volatility from the markets.

Even with this justification, however, one still can't deny the lackluster financial

results from this administration.

"Business is looking better than ever with business enthusiasm at record levels.

Stock Market at an all-time high.

That doesn't just happen!" tweeted Trump triumphantly last month.

Anti-Trump economists, financial pundits, and news outlets have been relentless in trying

to disassociate these stock market gains from Trump's presidency.

Morgan Stanley's investment management team said Trump's effect on markets has been

a "very modest negative, but largely not relevant," and that this rise was all about

"the earnings recovery."

Others have attributed this stock market gain to an increase in the market's willingness

to take greater risks in an era of greater political uncertainty that has been ushered

in by Trump.

Humorously, it turns out that the stock market has also been setting record lows for volatility

as well, contradicting this theory.

Occam's Razor suggests that the simplest hypothesis to a problem tends to be the most

probable one.

In this case, it's clear that Trump's economic policies have created one of the

greatest stock market upturns in American history – something that deniers need to

come to terms with.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> VICTORY! Trump Sets Massive Record – No President Has Ever Done This | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:48.


How To Stop Arthritis Pain | Six Smoothies To Stop Arthritis - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> How To Stop Arthritis Pain | Six Smoothies To Stop Arthritis - Duration: 6:06.


Doctors Are DUMB: Just Boil These 2 Ingredients And You'll Quickly Lose All Your Body Fat! - Duration: 2:30.

Lose All Your Body Fat Lose All Your Body Fat

Lose All Your Body Fat Lose All Your Body Fat

Lose All Your Body Fat

For more infomation >> Doctors Are DUMB: Just Boil These 2 Ingredients And You'll Quickly Lose All Your Body Fat! - Duration: 2:30.


Giant Golden Mole | The golden blind who digs in Africa | (Animals of the World) - Duration: 5:31.

when you talk about animals in Africa, everyone comes to mind typical

animals such as lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, zebras and others, but being a territory

extensive with different types of biospheres, biodiversity is widely extended, by

which it is home to many unusual animals, but perform an important

ecosystem, one of those little animals are the golden moles and one of these

They are the golden giant mole, discussed below.

are endemic animals of South Africa, living in this country in parcels of coastal forests

in the southeastern region of this region in the Eastern Cape Providence, these forests

have a layer of litter and soft ground, avoiding the rocky terrain that

keep you from scratch. the crisoclóridos are a family of mammals known vulgarly

as golden moles, which are separated from the true moles where it is thought that

formerly they were genetically linked to the marsupials.

this mole is about 12 to 17 centimeters and weighing 142 grams, its coat more

common is dark brown, but varies from black to yellow with 2 layers

hair, which serves as a much thinner cover that helps you as insulation for moisture

and other wooly below the above that operates to maintain their body temperature.

no glue to prevent this stay on the outside when they dig and ears

They are covered by skin, like eyes which are mostly covered by

the eyelids. its pink and conical noses, presents a pad that protects the

nostrils of the earth when pushing through the soil, has large claws

in short but very strong forelegs, while the first and fourth fingers are

vestigial, his fifth digit is completely gone, but the third finger is very

developed, especially his nail. hind legs have 5 digits and are webbed

that helps you push the earth back to scroll while digging, as if they were

swimming in the ground. They are only insectivorous, feeding

earthworm as moving van, termites which destroy their anthills with

millipedes claws and can be on the surface, between the leaves and caves

underground, which caught biting them and degustándolas. They live in burrows

up to 10 meters deep in a network of tunnels where they are solitary, but have

social behavior where it communicates with other specimens by noise, smell

and touch, which come to the surface at night to avoid encountering predators

especially birds of prey such as owls, nocturnal snakes come to get into their tunnels

to hunt them down and domestic dogs. in its den lacking a temperature

This mole tends to lower your metabolism due to the high energy demand that causes

the dig, puediendo travel up to 500 meters below every day just

eating and lack of oxygen instead necessary that your metabolism is slow.

poliestrales are animals, so they come into heat at different times of the year where

it can be estimated that when the largest peak breeding is in October to November,

where the male goes in search of a female for reproduction, it is known as

female chooses males or if they have a kind of courtship, but has begun

to study the male makes noises while rocking and stomps his feet and response

the female responds with grunts. it is estimated that gestation lasts 4 to 6 weeks but

this has been stipulated by comparing other species of the same family, giving

birth 1 to 2 offspring it calculated born weighing 45 grams and that feed

it up to 3 months. it is unknown what is the average lifespan of this species.

It is a species that is in the range of danger due to loss of their habitat by

forest degradation by its firewood, intensive grazing and restructuring of their environment

environment in farmers fields, passing machinery can cause the collapse of

tunnels or death of some by the simple passage of these computers, or are hunted by

locals to consider them pests. a way to recover its population is that its use

methods and technological equipment friendlier to the environment and to avoid being

I crushed by machinery, because it is a great help for farmers to

reduce the number of insects that can kill crops. and stipulate a

Intelligent use of forest where form is replenished with tale.

an animal that can only be found in South Africa, unknown but very important

for their territory, that the giant mole gold. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this

video, we're watching you later.

For more infomation >> Giant Golden Mole | The golden blind who digs in Africa | (Animals of the World) - Duration: 5:31.


Musica Binaurale Theta ✨ Musica Per Meditazione 🌟 Sahaja Yoga Music - Duration: 1:00:14.

For more infomation >> Musica Binaurale Theta ✨ Musica Per Meditazione 🌟 Sahaja Yoga Music - Duration: 1:00:14.


Free Coins Link 8 Ball Pool 2017 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Free Coins Link 8 Ball Pool 2017 - Duration: 1:08.


Ánh trăng hòa bình beat Trung thu 2007 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Ánh trăng hòa bình beat Trung thu 2007 - Duration: 3:05.


Пошив шикарной куртки из перламутровой кожи. Изделия из кожи для женщин - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Пошив шикарной куртки из перламутровой кожи. Изделия из кожи для женщин - Duration: 3:56.


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🔴 Today Puneri paltans vs Haryana steelers live streaming match pro kabaddi 2017 pkl 5 - Duration: 2:26.

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St. Bernadette new single

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Governor Chris Christie: You Have To Wait History Out; That's What I Did | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> Governor Chris Christie: You Have To Wait History Out; That's What I Did | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 7:54.


I Got It (Live Acoustic Version) - Duration: 3:11.

I got it, I got it

Just stop right there baby

I know that you've been thinking too much

Just take your time and we'll be just fine

We both don't wanna mess this up oh oh

Stop second-guessing the great things that we have

It's ours for the taking

Believe me when I say

I got it baby, I got you baby so don't you worry

Come closer to me, I'll give you sanctuary

And if you feel like giving up

Just know that I am fighting for us oh oh

I got it, I got it

Take one step back baby

I know it's been a little bit rough

But don't you see, a love this deep

Is more than just some childish crush oh oh

Stop second-guessing

the great things that we have

It's ours for the taking

Believe me when I say

I got it baby, I got you baby so don't you worry

Come closer to me, I'll give you sanctuary

And if you feel like giving up

Just know that I am fighting for us oh oh

If you need me baby oh you can let me know

Cuz it's worth it babe, a blessing babe

Now leave it all to me cuz

I got it, I got it

woah oh oh oh

I got it baby, I got you baby so don't you, don't you worry

Come closer to me, I'll give you sanctuary

And if you feel like giving up

Just know that I am fighting for us oh oh

I got it, I got it

This is for us

I'm fighting for us, I'm fighting for us yea


For more infomation >> I Got It (Live Acoustic Version) - Duration: 3:11.


Lessons I Learned in Fiji - Duration: 5:05.

- Good morning everyone.

I just, getting back from a run and I'll give Facebook's

algorithm a couple minutes to catch up with everything.

So, this past week has been incredible.

Going to Namali, which is Tony Robbins' private resort,

in Fiji, was incredible.

The people there were spectacular.

And, the teachings there are lifelong.

I've been practicing a lot of the teachings that everyone

was sharing for a long time,

but sometimes we get a little jaded and a little.

Sometimes we get a little jaded,

and we get a little,

ah, you know, caught up with what's going on in our world

and what's happening with us.

So, a couple teachings that

they were sharing and that were abundant in Fiji

were, you have to remain positive, and don't focus on

all the reasons why you can't do something.

Sure there's gonna be times in your life where you're

facing a challenge, or coming up to something that

you've never done before, but to think of all the reasons

why you can't do it, is just going to stop you

right in your tracks.

And, what you need to do is think about,

just the one reason why you can do this.

What's one thing that you've done in your life

that you've never done before that turned out successful?

Maybe it was something that you were,

that you did when you were seven years old,

and that's the only time that you've done it but now,

fast forward to today,

you could take that teaching, and take that past self,

or that past experience, and live in that right now.

So, don't think about all the things or all the reasons

why you can't do something.

Focus on just the one reason why you can do it.

The second is you have to,

and which, what Tony describes as proximity is power.

You have to surround yourself with people of like-minded

thoughts with high driven success, goals or

high achievers,

because what will happen is,

lemme put it this way:

if you travel abroad, a lot of people think it's scary.

Oh, I'm going to a different country,

oh they don't speak my language there,

oh you know there's, there's something scary

in the unknown.

But what a lot of people don't realize is that,

most people in this world, are good people.

It's only the bad people that get the news and

the attention.

So, that's why it feels like that there's more bad

people in this world.

Most people are really good people,

and they'd be willing to help you whether

you're new to a country, or new to a situation,

or new to an environment that you've never

been in before.

So, now that most people are good,

there is one flaw in people.

One flaw in people is that they're,

most people are just unhappy.

Most people are negative.

Most people are, they have good intentions but they're

stuck in this hamster wheel.

In this trap of negativity.

And that happens so often here in the US and

in our culture.

So, it's surrounding yourself with people who are

positive, who want to bring out the best in people.

Not the people who want to bring out the best in people

but, you know, have a negative spin on things,

or try to think about all the ways that things can go

wrong and, you know, are hedging their bets that way.

I don't think that's the mindset of a growth mindset.

You have to surround yourself with people who,

who don't bring you down, who don't suck you down,

who aren't stressed out all the time,

who aren't,

who aren't, you know, thinking of all the possibilities,

who are only thinking of ways to hold on to what

they have right now.

So, those are a couple key things.

One, stay positive,

and two, surround yourself with

people who are positive.

So this morning is positive vibes only.

Thank you everyone for watching.

I saw a couple likes, and uh,

and things come through, if you're watching this

in the future, share this video with someone you think

would benefit from it.

Like, comment below, I'll hang out for the day and,

comment on this video with you guys.

Thanks Kevin.

Bye guys.

For more infomation >> Lessons I Learned in Fiji - Duration: 5:05.


GREAT news for FILM PHOTOGRAPHY - Duration: 11:06.

it's called the Super Retina display

in about a month here some of you guys will

be watching these videos on the iPhone X went ahead and did a little

optimization here and much of it is packed right up here into this tiny

little area at the top of the display we call this the true depth camera system

that doesn't go away don't want to take advantage of the deeper pixels there's

also the proximity sensor the ambient light sensor the speaker and microphone

all packed into this

watching you watching a video let's go


I don't know about you

but I'm already seeing

deeper pixels

so this is interesting I'm getting like this series of postcards they're all

abstract they never come at once they dribble in like once a week or something

this is monsoon number four from INTJ photo and the mail workers actually have

noticed this they're like you got another one in the series and I'm like

oh okay and so I'll put these together with the

stuff that I've got in the back there and show these to you next time those of

you out there who shoot film have probably heard the big film news this

week there were actually two big news items one was on ektachrome and if you

don't recall earlier this year I believe is it CES Kodak announced that they

would be bringing ektachrome back this postcard comes from sp @saudekphotography

on tumblr and instagram hi Ted I am an architectural / urban

photographer in New York City and I recently went to the Empire State

Building Observatory for the first time in many years that I have been here but

anyway I made some postcards from my favorite shots from the ground and

immediately thought of you what is your opinion on watermarks I asked this

because it seems to me that people either love them or hate them honestly

not a big fan you know I understand completely why people want to watermark

their images but I'm purist when it comes to photography and I just anything

that is not part of the actual image I don't think needs to be on it at all and

what really annoys me is when people are so in love with their logo that they

stamp it so big on the photograph it's just it's it's all a distraction just my

opinion SP I love it so it was announced back in January that Kodak

were going to be bringing back ektachrome in Q4 of 2017 selling this in

35mm and Super 8 formats which is kind of interesting and

there was going to be kind of this lab thing where you could return your film

and get it processed for the 8-millimeter I guess this was peta

pixel where I saw this but I guess the plan right now is that there will be a

limited release whatever that means of ektachrome in q4 2017 and then a

full-scale production ramp up in 2018

I'm telling you guys if they actually

bring back ektachrome and super 8 I'm ready to fire this up this is a Canon

1014 XLS which at the time was like a really incredible super 8 video camera

this one works I just need to get some film and shoot on it I could start

filming the art of photography in super 8

probably not but I would

like to shoot something with it remove tape and unfold to read got to exercise

some care on this one no he literally means remove the tape I'm tearing it

extra careful

whoa okay so this is a card it's a picture of a car and this is

from Shane and when you remove the tape okay this is pretty funny I swear I did

not plan this I just did the little segment on ektachrome and he actually

asked me a question in here he's been mainly shooting on 35

millimeter and 120 film formats he's collecting old cameras and he asked me

in here do you think that with Kodak's renewal of ektachrome manufacturing that

we may even start seeing the possibility of these film formats returning even in

smaller batches you know I think anything's possible I think the trick

that all these people are going to have and we said this on the show before and

my friend Dave Bias who works with Ferrania doing them in small batches it's such a

meticulous process to set up and it works better in volume but I think

personally that anything can be tackled that's just an obstacle and so if there

are enough people that want to shoot film someone will figure a way to get

film out I think it's pretty exciting time for film Shane thanks for the

picture and the note and for timing your ektachrome question might as well talk

about the other film news item which is that Polaroid is back and this is

actually kind of exciting Polaroid obviously the most famous name when

it comes to instant film and the company went bankrupt I think it was in 2001

their CEO went to jail and around 2008 or so they stopped making instant

film made knickknacks and they made picture frames they made that cube thing

so after they stopped making film a company called The Impossible Project

kind of took the reins on this and they bought the last remaining factory that

produced Polaroid film and I think they own the patents on some of the film

recipes and such impossible project I think in all things considering have done a

fine job with this I got really tired of Impossible Project because rather than

abandoning films that wouldn't work they would sell them as conceptual films like

fade to black when the fixer didn't work and stuff like that and it burnt me

out a little bit on shooting instant film in general but that aside I think

impossible have done an interesting job of keeping this

alive in the interim now the big news is that Polaroid have actually acquired The

Impossible Project and they are going to start making film under the name

Polaroid once again they have a new camera called the OneStep 2 it sounds like a

dance move along with the dancing camera Polaroid has decided to start a

subdivision of its company called Polaroid originals which will be making

film for these cameras that will be known as i-type and the it's interesting

that the I and i-type stands for incredible I guess it's no longer


this is possibly the ugliest camera in the world very shining this is

my Polaroid sx-70 and this is a camera that I bought probably around 2005 ish

when you could still get film for these the original film the time zero was

still available times zero had this emulsion that would take a while to set

and so you could actually do these effects whether you go back over it with

a spoon or you could heat it up and you can get things to swirl around and

people like to do that times zero was actually really good film and the sx-70

was a great camera you've got two controls on here you've got manual focus

you've got this contrast dial which is basically setting the exposure to either

underexpose or overexpose and then you can press the shutter button and

everything's done with the little crosshair circle rangefinder thing in

the viewfinder when I bought mine and I bought it used it had a black covering

on it and the black leatherette and it was coming apart it was really

disgusting you pick it up and you'd have black goo on your hands and stuff so I

knew any of the replacement so I found a guy on eBay that made these skins that

you get for your Polaroid that would you know in various finishes you get the tan

or you could get the black leather and then they have this option for this

cowboy gold and I could not resist and I think I may not be able to resist

actually removing this and starting over not one of my finer design choices next

up we have some zine these come to us from Zanda Mylonis who says thanks for

the feature a few months ago it's right he sent zines and before thought you

may be interested in our new stuff from postcode patriot art collective thanks

for the zines Zanda - very cool next up is this wonderful book called click and

this comes to us from Dale Bolin and Dale writes each year for the past 25

years my girlfriend's employer has organized the photo contest open to its

employees cash prizes are awarded for the winners in each category and more

interesting is that the company publishes this multi hundred page book of

submissions then in celebration of Saint Jordi's day the company distributes the

book and a rose to each of its thousands of employees around the world

2 interesting notes in here Dale says that the company is Grifols SA which is a

Spanish headquartered health care company and Saint Jordi is the patron

saint of the region of Spain Barcelona where Grifols is located to celebrate

St Jordi's Day people exchange roses and books Dale thank you for sharing the

book with all of us love it folks the day of reckoning has come for me this is

a book that has come to us from I'm a try and pronounce this correctly

Synnøve now the reason I'm calling this the day of reckoning is Synnøve G Solberg

has been a big fan of the show for a long time we have exchanged comments on

social media probably sounding like an idiot trying to pronounce your name and

I'm really sorry about that but I am excited about this this book is about

myself years and years with chronic fatigue syndrome has put a book with

photos I have taken ups and downs of sorrows and happy moments the good thing

about CFS is that you can stay on the sofa edit photos create projects order

prints and books when I feel up to it I get out with my camera I love to feel

the flow when ideas and inspiration come to mind I feel like a complete fool that

I cannot pronounce your name correctly but thank you for sharing this this is

really amazing there's some wonderful work in here and I love hearing stories

when people have instances where art or photography have introduced a sort of

therapy into their lives and I think that shows the real power behind all the

stuff that we do this is absolutely gorgeous thank you next up is this

package which comes to us from Stansilov who is a Ukrainian photographer so

this is a grey world by Stansilov Guly this is very interesting Stansilov

said I was born in a small town in Ukraine during my childhood and teens I

was surrounded by people who are not interested at fighting for their dreams

because of social judgments and fear and risk anyway he goes on over time to say

that he'd studied become a banker moved to London and in seeing the world and

the diversity exists he writes and suddenly I understood that I wasn't

wrong with the world is diverse I failed my final exams on purpose and

moved to Riga Latvia and sometimes I go to Israel because the people are

amazing there is no right or wrong time for chasing personal desires because

it's what's inside the heart that's true even against all odds fear weakness or

people no dreams should be abandoned because it's worth fighting failing and

succeeding Stansilov this is a beautiful book beautiful words and thank

you for sharing this with everyone okay we are making a dent in this mail

situation in the other room if you guys want to send something in to share my

address is in the show description right now I got to clean this up hit the like

button or subscribe or something go watch another video

For more infomation >> GREAT news for FILM PHOTOGRAPHY - Duration: 11:06.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 19 grudnia 2016 roku - Duration: 12:21.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedzi z 19 grudnia 2016 roku - Duration: 12:21.


Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.


Taste Testing Australian food With Australian Ambassador [Kult America] - Duration: 10:32.

Now that my friends is the Australian flag flying proudly in Warsaw

and it's a pretty good indication that I'm where I'm supposed to be

because on today's episode of Kult America

we are taste testing Australian food with the ambassador of Australia.

Hey Ryan!


How are you?

Good to see you.

Tank you so much for inviting me.

You found the place okay?

Yeah it's not very obvious form of transportation.

Well it's it's low emission and completely sustainable.

It doesn't matter how you fly the flag as long as you fly it, is what we say.

Anyway welcome to the official residence, a round of a bit of Australia here in Warsaw.

Okay, come inside.

Can I ask you one quick question before we go in?

I see that that's a kangaroo, but what animal is this?

Well that's an emu.

I'm ashamed to say that I actually am not familiar with that animal.

Well you get to taste it at lunch today, how about that.

We'll get to you both of them in fact.

Come inside!

They eat their crust.

Okay this way Ryan, welcome.

This is amazing.

This actually looks nothing like a Polish home.

Am I technically on Australian ground right now?

Well not technically, yeah you could say this as an extension of the embassy.

It's a space we use for cultural purposes, for entertaining Polish guests,

other diplomatic guests, but technically Polish law applies,

so I'll hope you, your on your best behaviour.

I will try my best.

I've got something special for you, I know you're thirsty.

Some of the best wines that I could find in Poland.

These are all Australian wines.

As you can see we've got quite a nice range here

from champagne-like wines, sparkling wines made in Tasmania,

various rieslings, chardonnays from all over Australia.

Does that one actually say Polish Hill?

It does indeed.

Let me show you.

This is a very special wine.

Grosset Polish Hill riesling.


Few people know that some of our early settlers who brought winemaking to Aus, to Australia

actually came from lands which are now Poland.


They were ethnically German, but we have a connection dating back to 1830s.

Now enough of a talking, let's start drinking.

What would you like to try first?


I don't, uh, drink alcohol, it's like a lifestyle.

Oh okay, you do eat, right?

I definitely eat.

Come to the table.


I thought I'd start with a classic.

If you can you can cope with Vegemite, if you can learn to love Vegemite,

you can learn to love Australia.

Vegemite is a national dish, but most people make the mistake of just putting too much on the toast.

You get to try it with a beautiful bush tomato scone.

Well let's start.

Bon appetit.

Or smacznego, as they saying Poland.

Smacznego, my friend.

Grab a scone, okay.

Grab a bush tomato scone.

Grab a bit of butter and now grab a tiny smidgen of Vegemite.

Just a little bit like..

That's right yeah yeah yeah, that's perfect.

So is this something that Australian People would eat for breakfast?

People would have it on toast for breakfast.

Children would have it as a snack.

It's incredibly nutritious.

Vegemite was really not as... I can't even say it was bad at all, I kind of liked it.

So I guess it's about eating the appropriate quantity.

I know you've heard about the Australian sausage roll.

This is a homemade sausage roll, we often eat it with with tomato sauce,

which is Australian for ketchup.

Uh, but have a have a taste, it's basically a sausage in a pastry.

What is the filling?

It's it's beef and pork.

That was really good.

I was also quite keen to get Ryan to try what is really an Australian staple,

which is chiko roll.

Made with with crocodile meat, I thought it'd be a nice surprise for him.

Is that an egg roll?

Well it is an Australian chiko roll

or rather our own interpretation of it's an exotic meat chiko roll.

Hmm this is more of a gourmet version.

Let me let me know if you know if you can taste what's inside.

It seems like some kind of meat or fish.

You are in fact enjoying some crocodile.


I would never have guessed that.

Huh, really good.

I thought we would try something that is more representative of contemporary Australian

style and we had an interpretation of a sashimi dish.

This is chilled cucumber soup with raw tuna.

The tuna sashimi grade.

It's this is served with raw cucumber and chive, garlic chive flowers,

and this is the cucumber.

Oh wonderful thank you Paweł. This is Paweł Michałowski, the chef.

Ah, smells very fresh.

And it's amazing, there are flowers in here.

It was pretty amazing and that was an indication to me that this was not your everyday dish.

So are you ready for the next course?

I'm a little bit frightened, but yes okay.

Paweł, what do we have here?

This is a kangaroo tartare.

Kangaroo tartare!

With some nasturtium flowers at leaves and this is a kiwi and avocado salad with borage flowers.

Kangaroo is actually delicious and extremely nutritious meat.

It's considered to be one of the healthiest meats.

So do you actually eat this in an Australian home?

Do people actually eat kangaroo?

Well people people do, typically on the barbecue.

And also in mince form.

This is of course an interpretation to the Polish taste, given the tartare is very popular in Poland.

Well it smells very fresh, there's not a potent odor from the meat,

which I suppose is a very good thing.

And I'll just dive right in I guess.

I think I would have to get used to that, it's different, for sure.

Well Ryan I assure you the next kangaroo dish will be cooked.

Alright so it's kangaroo curry with black rice cracker,

is that how you described it?

And peppers, and I suspect it's going to be and fresh chilli, yeah.

I intuitively know that I'm going to to like it.

Watch the spicy chilli.

I want the full experience.

Wow, that is outstanding.

It becomes a whole different beast.

You couldn't do the wine tasting so we prepared something special for you.

Australian steak tasting.

Forgive me for being a typical American about these, but what kind of meats are these?

I was hoping that you taste it and guess and tell me,

but let me reveal their surprise here.

You've got Australian lamb, Australian Wagyu beef, and emu.

All right I'm going in the deep end, I'm going to actually start with the emu,

but the meat looks gorgeous actually.

It looks very tender.

Oh it smells delicious too.

Wow, you know it's not typical supermarket meat.

Seems very organic.

So now this that I'm cut this piece of meat that I'm cutting into right now is actually proper beef.

This is beef, that's right.

This is Australian Wagyu beef.

At a certain point I just kind of run out of vocabulary

to describe how delicious this meat is.

If I were to compare those steaks with American steaks I'd have to say that the ones that

I ate with the Ambassador were actually far better.

I'm full in my stomach, but I'm also full in my mind and in my heart, so..

Well I hope you can activate your second stomach because we have a bit of dessert coming up

come and join me in their living.

I knew you were gonna say that.

We have something lovely and something very Australian.


It is an interpretation on one of our famous desserts the Pavlova, this one with fresh Australian mango.

Okay well I love mango.

Amazing and it's competing with Polish hospitality.

I have to say...

Well, cheers.

Enjoy your dessert.

Thank you.

I've got to tell you, Paul, that as elegant is this food is, that it is surprisingly homemade.

You know, the earlier dishes were not over killed with salt, this is not overkill with sugar.

Well I'm glad you're enjoying it and I hope it's an opportunity to encourage you

and your viewers to taste Australian food and Australian taste for themselves.

Maybe Australia is not such a bad option.

I know that I'm probably going to visit after your gracious hospitality, anyways.

Absolutely, well I hope you do come and visit and you know we we think we are a fantastic country.

Not just to visit, but also to come and live in.

If that is your choice.

So we do well.

We certainly do welcome interest from prospective migrants who want to come and contribute,

who have the right qualifications and the right attitude to become Australians.

Mmm well you managed to finish it.

Thank you so much.

I'm pretty full.

Well thank you very much for coming and visiting and trying the Australian food.

Now, I have to run to the office and finish a few things but you take your time,

enjoy your residence and I'll see you next time.

Thank you so much for having me, Paul. It was really an honour.

All the best.


Well I really enjoyed the lunch with Ryan.

I was in fact rushing a bit because I had a few other things to do.

All right come on guys let's show Australia some love share this video with all of your friends,

give it a thumbs up, and write some nice comments, please.

Iza, thank you so much, it was magnificent, Paweł, I'm full and happy.

Thank you a lot.

Bye bye guys.

Ambassador's work is never done.

For more infomation >> Taste Testing Australian food With Australian Ambassador [Kult America] - Duration: 10:32.


Boro Chele বড় ছেলে | Reaction | Apurba | Mehazabien | Bangla New EID Natok 2017 [NEW] - Duration: 5:10.

You Like her? ha ha ha! Hit the like button!

For more infomation >> Boro Chele বড় ছেলে | Reaction | Apurba | Mehazabien | Bangla New EID Natok 2017 [NEW] - Duration: 5:10.


Burst Mode Mosfet - PCB Design. - Duration: 19:21.

Hello and welcome to AirsoftTech.dk

In the last video I showed you how to make a burst mode mosfet for your airsoft gun.

In this episode Í will take the design a little futher and design a PCB...

that the electronics goes on to. So that you will have a much nicer mosfet unit.

Let's get started.

I went to circuits.io

Created an account

Press new PCB

We get to the pcb editor

In here we can add components

The first is the schematics view

the next is the PCB view

I will find the arduino nano

in the "all components"

That is components that others have prepared

Let's find the arduino nano

Add that one

So now we have an arduino nano

We need the MOSFET

An N channel mosfet

And some resistors

We need pad's/headers to solder wires to.

A solder pad

We can turn the components around and name them up here.

We need pads for motor wires, lipo battery, and trigger signal wire.

When I get the small read dot on the component I can click it to start a wire connection.

Click the other components to finish the wire.


has gate drain and source

Source is connected to the negative lipo pad.

Drain from the motor negative side

From the lipo positive there is a wire going to the motor positive.

We also need to connect the positive to the Vin on the arduino.

When you are not sure what to doo you can go to my webside and find out.

Here are my guide scematics

D5 goes through a resistor to the gate pin.

That is what I'm trying go connect here.

Now the Vin is connected to the lipo positive to give it power

There is a 10K resistor

This one is 22 Ohms

This is 10 K Ohms.

And one at 1 K Ohms

Now I belive I have all the components in the schematics view

So then I go to the PCB view

Let's first give the project a name

You can also give it a description

When you are done connection everything in the schematics view you step on to the PCB view.

Here is an overview of all the components shown

And you can see there phusical size

the arduino nano

I place that first where I want it.

Then I place the N-Channel mosfet

Up in the corner there is a "change foot print" button

When pressing that you can change the physical size

So that you can change the mosfet from the small one to the one you have purchaged.

Down here you can see all the sizes and the name of the package type.

I preffer the TO-220 because it can take a lot of heat without breaking.

The mosfet I inserted in the scematics view does not have that size. :-(

So i go back and change it to another one, until I find one with the correct package.

This is the type that I want.


Lying down.

This is how I doo it but there are lot's of choices.

These small footprints are for "Surface mount components"

I have just ordered som surface mount components

So because I will be using Surface mount components the board I will be ordering will look a little different.

My idea of the design is that:

I have the connectors for the lipo battery on one side of the board.

On the other end i will have the motor and trigger connectors.

To the right there is a layers view

There you can switch between seeing the components on the top an the buttom. The blue is what will be on the buttom.

Everything shown in blue will be cobber on the buttom side of the board.

Everything that will be cubber on the top side is shown in red.

By selecting a component then bottom the component will be moved to the other side of the PCB.

So now i have changed it so that the mosfet goes on the bottom of the PCB

The idea is that placing some components on the bottom (the other side of the board) i can make the mosfet board quite a bit smaller.

Then we go to the cubber trace tool

In the cubber trace drop down you can select the thikness of the cubber trace.

For large current E.g. to and from the motor and lipo you need bigger traces.

I will use a verry big size so that i get as much power as i can to the motor.

Click the components then draw a line.

Each time you click you lock in a possition

by switching in the layers dialog you can run the traces from one side to the other side.

The black dot meens that they will drill through the borat and let the cubber trace come out the other side.

So now i have a connection from one pad to the other, and the green line is removed to show that the connection is made.

So now I just have to doo the rest of the green lines as traces .

When it is more practical you can stop traces on the middle of other tracks.

I confused my self !!!I think that I connected the wires wrong in the Scematics view .... BUT I DID NOT !!!

When the components are on the other side they look inverted because you look from the top...

Gate Drain Source... That order is when the component is on the top... When it's on the bottom it's inverted !!!

Gate from the D5 to a resistor and on to the gate pin ...

Drain to the motor negative

Source to the negative side of the battery ...

I will continue showing me running the wrong traces but I hope you get the idea ...

The board design I will be ordering will be a litte bit smaller because i use SMD components so i move things close together ...

Let me show you the board that i will be ordering. First the scematic...

This is the PCB view and you can see i made it smaler.

I also added the text: AirsoftTech.dk

This board is the one i will be ordering...

I will show you the board in another video later this year, where i solder the components ...

One person have asked me if they can have a switch on the mosfet so they can switch on and off burst mode ...

In my design i DON't have that switch... I just switch the entire mosfet to one that does not have burst mode ....

Bonus info: Later on in another video I will be making some arduino code that can doo the switch without the need for a physical switch...

I personaly add Dean-T connectors on both sides so that i can switch mosfet's ... And also replace them if they die ....

So right now With this design you will have to switch the entire mosfet to disable burst mode ....

But I will show you now how you could modify the design to add the on off switch ...

First we add a switch. E.g. A slide switch ...

Ground and +5 volt from the arduino pins.

The output of the switch goes to one of the digital pins ...

Now the switch will switch between +5v and 0v

So depending on the switch possition the arduino will read 1 or 0 .. so that we in the code know if burst should be on ...

In my web page eksample i was using D4 so I will do that again ...

I just use the 5v pin from the arduino so that i down have to lower the voltage to the 5v (5 is maximum for an arduino nano)

I don't have room for the big traces but the wires here is only for signals so low current ...

So i can just use signal traces...

In the code that i have on the web page it shows how the arduino can read the switch ...

If the D4 pin is HIGH = 1 = 5v then i use burst mode otherwise It don't ...

in that way you can turn on and off burst mode ...

Here in the projects page you can select the design ...

Down here you can download the gerber files ...

The gerber files is what you use to order the PCB you made...

when you have downloaded them

You could use another page to order the PCB

I'm not promoting this company or anything, and I don't know if they are the best out there ... But I find there page simple to use ...

Start now and select your gerber file ...

Wait for the upload...

Enter a project name and description, and give your email ...

Press continue

Make your profile and sign in ...

This page will show you how the final board will look

As you can see there are room for the resistors mosfet and arduino on top ...

Approve and order ...

Enter your adress and pay ... then wait for your order :-)

You have to order at least 3 borads but they as you can see are cheep ...

I think it's fair ...

I suggest that you order with thick cobber 2oz so that the traces can run more current ...

All the thick traces needs to carry allot of current .... Bonus info: I'm planing to make a video showing how much a motor use ...

It will increase the cost a little and also the prossing time ....

Check out

pay .. Done ....

Check out my other mosfet videos and remember to subscribe (PRESS the small bell icon to get notifications by mail when new videos are uploaded)

For more infomation >> Burst Mode Mosfet - PCB Design. - Duration: 19:21.


Slow Up 26k - Live Writing Session - Duration: 40:31.

For more infomation >> Slow Up 26k - Live Writing Session - Duration: 40:31.


Colombia. Lost city in colombian jungle. - Duration: 11:39.

The lost city of the ancient Tayrona Indian civilization. Larger, older and more important than the Peruvian Machu Picchu. It has been discovered relatively recently, in the 70s.

Hidden in the Colombian jungle, you can get there only by helicopter, or 5-day-tours through the rugged mountains of the Sierra Nevada. The most important remains of pre-Columbian times throughout Latin America.

Due to unavailability, it is visited daily by several people, while Machu Picchu by thousands of us .... We were pick by special jeeps as deeply as possible in the wild jungle, and it began ....

In previous episode....

Our group bathes in a mountain stream.

I'm rubing my ass on stones

They are taking food to the camp ...

We entered so high

Real dense jungle

End of the second day, apparently soon

We're going 10 hours already.

The third day, around 6:30 a.m.

We go from 6 a.m.

Zagionionego already come to town

We begin to walk at stairs to Lost City.

Today we get there.

Neither easy, neither fun.

already we have come

The first terrace of Ciudad Perdida

This is higher, more important and better than Machu Picchu

And hardly anyone was here, and we are

This is the first terrace, we still have far to the main terrace.

Even the disabled can do it, look at him

So you can too ;-)

Wonderful to breathe air when

Dozens of kilometers away is last engine vehicle

And three days the whole day walking through the jungle

The first city is far away

Not one, but several mountains is any civilization.

And any car is 100 km away.

What fresh, and clean air is here...

It was worth it to go three days ...

We were never away from any civilization.

Three days march ...

Beautiful waterfall there ...

We are on top and above only soldiers

One Colombian soldier, and above all the army base.

Soldiers guard, and here flga Colombian.

Everywhere military, because there still guerrillas operate.

They say that there are no celebrations are held in Ciudad Perdida

Yet, someone has a birthday.

He got a cake with bananas and mandarins.

However, some celebrations in Ciudad Perdida to take place.

The first celebration from 2000 years.

Refreshments at the top, we got it as a gift.

O Kinga, like them!

I teach friend from Israel, the Russian language.

Very pretty


Good morning

Wiwa tribe village in the Ciudad Perdida

They still cultivate traditions and guarding the sacred site.

They gave us bracelets of power.

take a photo

Wiwa Indians, continue to believe that the pictures steal their souls and veil their faces.

We, too, can we?

The boys too, not just girls?

I have such a thing, I do not know what, but it is certainly a lot of power.

You're dying?

It hurts?

It looks like a hematoma.

It looks like meat.

What does it make?

This dye, the color materials Indians

All colors on fabric Indians acquire naturally.

Dyes are from different trees.

I'm dying, aaaaa

Crossing the river, another one.

On the way back.

I'm walking through the jungle alone for a long time.

Kinga went somewhere on the front.

On the back of one, in front of anyone.

I saw just Indian, walking with mules.

With this stupid tribe, which they can do anything.

Half of me on the road.

I was just going

I'm very tired.

Nobody behind me, nobody in front of me

I hope that is already close, but I do not know.

I have no strength for anything.

We have performance.

last night

I'm introducing.

One of the guides will sing

There is no electricity, as you can see, the children are crying.

Again, you left show.

Indian children.

Crouching at me ... and smell no good.


I am filming for the BBC.

To be continued....

For more infomation >> Colombia. Lost city in colombian jungle. - Duration: 11:39.


'명단공개' 김연아, 기부퀸 1위…"무려, 30억+α" - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> '명단공개' 김연아, 기부퀸 1위…"무려, 30억+α" - Duration: 5:32.


25+ Photos Look Fake, But They're Absolutely Real - Duration: 3:51.

Thank for watching my video , Please help for 100.000 Subscribe :)

For more infomation >> 25+ Photos Look Fake, But They're Absolutely Real - Duration: 3:51.


Gomorra 3, nuovi personaggi: Enzo 'Sangueblù' e Valerio 'O vucabulà' - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Gomorra 3, nuovi personaggi: Enzo 'Sangueblù' e Valerio 'O vucabulà' - Duration: 3:47.


World's First Sandcastle Hotel (2017) - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> World's First Sandcastle Hotel (2017) - Duration: 1:57.


Snake Found in Toilet Under Rim *Yikes* (2017) - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Snake Found in Toilet Under Rim *Yikes* (2017) - Duration: 4:48.


OZ.TV Story - IamTreyLewis - Duration: 2:46.

I've had multiple rapper names. But as I got older I dropped them all and I just go

by Trey. But I used to go by Trigger, Young-T - all type of stuff, anything I

could thought of. And they only lasted about a week and then they just

fazes. But I just go by Trey, just Trey.

It's fun, high paced, just passioned.

I would definitely say I play the game with a lot of passion. I like to have fun and

I bring it every game. I would say my biggest strength is my shooting

ability. I pretty much shoot from anywhere on the court. It was exciting I

really enjoyed it. A big reason I chose to come back to Germany, because I

enjoyed it so much. It's the people, the culture, it was a lot of fun.

At Louisville we were top 10 in the country and we would have been a really good

tournament team, but unfortunately we had to do a self ban that year and I wasn't

able to play. Well somehow I always wanted to do, so I dreamed about since I

was young playing in the tournament. And so it really hurt me, but helped me grow up as a man.

It's just like

it was always something that, it was like a chip on my shoulder that's how I took it.

Like it just helped me, okay I couldn't get that dream, but I'll get my next one.

I mean I've just always been a big fan of hip hop ever since I was

young. Whether that's rapping or listening to different music, different

artists. But I would say my real hidden talent is playing the piano.

I've been playing for over 15 years. I like to play the piano whenever we go to a new hotel

or something like that and there's a piano I like to sometimes just annoy everybody.

My dad he would always play. I mean I'm a big

hip-hop fan. So I listened to old-school hip-hop with LL Cool J,

Public Enemy. I listened to everybody from Tupac, Biggy and so I grew up on

that and it just stuck with me.

I'm more of a, I mean I like to do stuff off

the spot, but usually I gotta have a beat and I go in. But at some point a year I'm

pretty sure I'll get a freestyle out of me.

For more infomation >> OZ.TV Story - IamTreyLewis - Duration: 2:46.


IN MY OPINION - Duration: 6:10.

It seems to me that I have run 9

kilometers today. In my opinion running in the morning

is the greatest thing one can do

when it comes to sports, because it's for free.

And fixes our mood,

optimism and strength for the whole day.

And, if I'm not wrong, we will talk again

about communication.


Let's talk a little bit about communication, OK?

Because I've noticed that

people very often tell their opinion

trying to soften in some way

their standpoint and opinion with such wording

as: "in my opinion", "my opinion is".

In the internet there are even such

abbreviations: IMO (in my opinion)

or IMHO (in my humble opinion).

I would argue

that if

one wants to communicate well, they just must

avoid to attenuate their

opinion. Because if we decide to tell

our opinion, it is clear that it's our opinion,

not someone else's, so telling: "in my opinion"

doesn't make any sense.

Always, regardless what figure of speech you use,

always about 10% of your message's listeners

will feel hurt. That's the way people are, I suppose.

And you shouldn't care. Even when

you soften your message

using "in my opinion", "my opinion is",

still those 10% of people will feel hurt.



Let them go to listen to other messages which don't make them hurt.

And in particular if your

communication is broad,

you are present in social media by publishing

some articles, you have a blog,

a vlog or something else,

really don't use wording like: "in my opinion", "my opinion is",

"it's my subjective opinion".

It's clear that it's your subjective opinion,


it's clear, that it's your subjective view.

There is nothing like an objective opinion.

"In my opinion", "my opinion is".

If you use such verbal softeners, you show, that

you are not so sure

about your opinion.

And if you decide to tell your opinion,

be sure of it.

This is your opinion,

and today

it's like this. It can be changed in a year,

in five years. Under the influence of various external circumstances,

your knowledge, etc.

- Unfortunatelly she hasn't reached the office,

she should be just after 10.00. - OK, so please tell her

to call me back when she gets office, OK? - OK,

does she have your phone number? - She does for sure. - OK, so

I will tell, thank you. - Thank you. Goodbye. - Goodbye! If we have

an opinion about something, we should just

tell it, not making it softer in any way

verbally, not using

wording: "in my opinion",

"in my humble opinion", "It seems to me

that" etc. Only just

telling what we really think about something, what our

opinion about it is.

In such case we serve

a content lacking in insignificant

elements, unimportant things.

Just pure matter.

All what I said at the beginning of the episode,

is this.

It is:

"in my opinion", "in my humble opinion",

"looking at it subjectively". Something

that pinned me down

was when I had read


a site "about me" or "about this blog"

on Samcik's web, this guy from Gazeta Wyborcza.

He was explaining why his blog was subjective.

OMG, what is it supposed to be? Objective?

- What is a laundry? - A laundry is a company which

does washing of things.

- And a thing?

- A thing? - Yes.

- A thing is stuff.

- A house is a thing.

- A house is a thing, that's right!

- Windows are things...

- Windows are things, that's true.

- A car is a thing... - A car is a thing, right.

- A windowpane is a thing. - It is.

- A steering weel is a thing.

- (Yes.) - All those are true.

I hope you enjoyed.

If this episode is OK, give me a like

and subscribe my channel and click the bell.

And share with your friends.

If you have any questions, write the comment below.

I will answer all.

Take care!

For more infomation >> IN MY OPINION - Duration: 6:10.


NASA Confirm September 20rd 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 17:24.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm September 20rd 2017 When PLANET X NIBIRU Arrives will Convert Earth to an ICEBALL - Duration: 17:24.


St. Bernadette new single

For more infomation >> St. Bernadette new single


Gomorra 3, nuovi personaggi: Enzo 'Sangueblù' e Valerio 'O vucabulà' - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Gomorra 3, nuovi personaggi: Enzo 'Sangueblù' e Valerio 'O vucabulà' - Duration: 3:47.


Walka o rentę dla 14-letniej Anny. "To 97. ofiara katastrofy smoleńskiej" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Walka o rentę dla 14-letniej Anny. "To 97. ofiara katastrofy smoleńskiej" - Duration: 2:54.


How to install Dofus on Linux - Duration: 4:47.

Hi guys!

I'm Jerb with another video for you

And i'm gonna teach you how to install Dofus on Linux

Working on Linux itself

Not using PlayOnLinux or Wine

So, i'm gonna show my system

I'm using a 64 bit Linux

And you're gonna install like it was the Windows

You're gonna to site

Click "Play"

And "Download the game"

And download 64 bit Linux version

Or if your computer is 32 bit

Maybe will show "32 bit"

If don't show

You're gonna click "Download another version"

And click "Linux 32bit"

As mine is 64 bit, i'm gonna click 64 bit

Okay! It's downloading


The Linux doesn't use the Adobe Flash anymore

And this is why many people have problem for install this game

But i have the solucion :D

And i'm gonna provide the Adobe Air

So you can use to the Dofus in .deb format

Usually many linux distributions have .deb compatibility

Like Ubuntu, Mint, etc...

The first file is 64 bit

And the second is 32

After select the recommended for your system, download it

While Adobe Air was downloading, the Dofus download finished

Open the directory

And extract the file

Open the directory

Usually does not appear as executable

So you're gonna to the properties

And allows everything

Completed, but you don't run the program yet

Because you yet need the Adobe Air

When Dofus try install the Adobe Air, always gives error

So, you're gonna open the Adobe Air directory

Extract it

And execute


The sudo password

Installing the .deb


Now, can execute the Dofus

"I accept the terms"

And it will start installing

How i have the Adobe Air installed

It will not go wrong

Ok... is updating

Maybe It ask for sudo password

Or maybe not. I'm not remember



It be close to finish

I'm gonna Back to the video

Is finishing the download... Lack little

Less than a minute

Update in progress



"I accept the terms"


Begins to normal music

Insert your login and password

Usually, shows recommended settings

But I installed the game 5 times for test


doesn't appear

Restrict mode...


Now just play!

Now just play! (x2)

That's all folks

If you like it, "like" this video!

Share it and subscribe

Make this video was difficult because i searched for 8 hours, i tested...


That's all folks and bye!

For more infomation >> How to install Dofus on Linux - Duration: 4:47.


Financiamento imobiliário, crescimento das vendas e emprego na construção - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Financiamento imobiliário, crescimento das vendas e emprego na construção - Duration: 3:08.


Atentado Napalm - Atlas (Beat Scooby X Mortão VMG) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Atentado Napalm - Atlas (Beat Scooby X Mortão VMG) - Duration: 4:22.


Edição Especial Andres7999(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:51.

The best throws of the FIFA in Xbox 360. Presents !

Andres7999 special edition

Thank you for watching,sign up for the channel.

For more infomation >> Edição Especial Andres7999(Os Melhores Lances do FIFA no xbox 360) - Duration: 2:51.


Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.


This Is The Tree Test. Choose One And We'll Reveal Your Dominant Personality Traits - Duration: 7:49.

This Is The Tree Test. Choose One And We'll Reveal Your Dominant Personality Traits

Our choices say a lot about ourselves, even though they can be the result of our subconscious.

Below, we'll show you an image of 6 trees. You should choose one and then you'll be able to find out something which you probably didn't know about your personality:

1. Responsibility and Tranquility

Of course you always complete your tasks. You're a modest, yet enterprising person, and you generally do things with a great sense of humor. But, above all, you fight to maintain peace and tranquility in your life and your environment.

You know how to mediate during arguments, but you fear confrontation and retreat to those places you consider tranquil and safe. Here, you know you can be safe.You have a hard challenge in front of you: learning to accept and go with the flow, dealing with life as it comes.

You should remember that everything happens for a reason. Your job is to figure out what that is, make the most out of every situation and keep growing with every step you take in life.

2. Cooperation and consideration

You're one of those kinds of people who work hard to get what they want in life and also to help others. Consideration, honesty, loyalty and openness are some of your qualities.

Although, sometimes you end up involving yourself in so many activities and projects at the same time, that it has a negative effect on your discipline and can make you lose your cool.

It's good and exciting to work on your projects and help others, but you need to bring order to your life if you want to be successful at everything you do. Choose a few tasks and do them well. Don't look to get involved in many activities which will consume a lot of your time and effort to be completed.

3. Generosity and intellect

You're definitely a sincere, discreet and eloquent person who places a high value on knowledge and good ideas. You know that ideas have the power to change the world and that's why you cling to yours, promote them and try to bring them to others.

But, when you're met with indifference from others, you can get frustrated and not know how to deal with it. Remember that there are three basic rules which will give you all the inner peace you need: live, let live and don't judge others.

You can assume you're always on the right path, but don't make the mistake of thinking it's the only path.

4. Sensitivity and creativity

ou've always been a friendly, artistic person, who is curious about the world and how it turns. Your sensitivity is more acute than average, giving you a great sense of beauty (which you apply to your person and spaces) and great empathy with others.

You always express your independence, and in some cases, you can exaggerate and seem too imposing and temperamental. Your challenge involves learning to be tolerant and accepting others' differences.

This is because, until now, you've caused hard conflicts with loved ones just over opinions. Once you achieve this goal your life will be much more peaceful and happy.

5. Hard work and efficiency

You've always been an active, determined, hard-working, goal-oriented person. When you want something, you go after it in a very direct way and with all the determination needed to get it.

But, paradoxically, that great virtue can betray you and become your greatest weakness when you work too hard without respecting limits. You fill your spirit with stress and your person with mental and physical exhaustion.

Personal development and achieving goals is something wonderful. However, being healthy and having loved ones to celebrate your accomplishments with is just as, if not more, important. Accept that you need rest, and a good way of getting it is spending more time with the people you love in life. This will allow your life and your work to become more satisfying and fulfilling.

6. Imagination and precision

You're full of goals and dreams. You've imagined how you'll make them a reality and you stick to that plan as if it was set in stone.

Of course, you've already achieved great things, but if you dare to add a little more freedom and spontaneity to the way you go after your goals, your life will improve and the results won't cost you.

Remember that even the most serious parts of life can be tackled with a gentle, sincere smile.

For more infomation >> This Is The Tree Test. Choose One And We'll Reveal Your Dominant Personality Traits - Duration: 7:49.


Non Stop Jabardasth Comedy Scenes l Telugu Fun Bit No 43 l Alternate Entertainments - Duration: 1:00.

Please Click Subscribe button for regular updates

For more infomation >> Non Stop Jabardasth Comedy Scenes l Telugu Fun Bit No 43 l Alternate Entertainments - Duration: 1:00.


Here Bolivia - Do not Cry for Me - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Here Bolivia - Do not Cry for Me - Duration: 5:04.


Not Hot - Not a Plan episode 7 - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Not Hot - Not a Plan episode 7 - Duration: 3:11.


Giant Golden Mole | The golden blind who digs in Africa | (Animals of the World) - Duration: 5:31.

when you talk about animals in Africa, everyone comes to mind typical

animals such as lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, zebras and others, but being a territory

extensive with different types of biospheres, biodiversity is widely extended, by

which it is home to many unusual animals, but perform an important

ecosystem, one of those little animals are the golden moles and one of these

They are the golden giant mole, discussed below.

are endemic animals of South Africa, living in this country in parcels of coastal forests

in the southeastern region of this region in the Eastern Cape Providence, these forests

have a layer of litter and soft ground, avoiding the rocky terrain that

keep you from scratch. the crisoclóridos are a family of mammals known vulgarly

as golden moles, which are separated from the true moles where it is thought that

formerly they were genetically linked to the marsupials.

this mole is about 12 to 17 centimeters and weighing 142 grams, its coat more

common is dark brown, but varies from black to yellow with 2 layers

hair, which serves as a much thinner cover that helps you as insulation for moisture

and other wooly below the above that operates to maintain their body temperature.

no glue to prevent this stay on the outside when they dig and ears

They are covered by skin, like eyes which are mostly covered by

the eyelids. its pink and conical noses, presents a pad that protects the

nostrils of the earth when pushing through the soil, has large claws

in short but very strong forelegs, while the first and fourth fingers are

vestigial, his fifth digit is completely gone, but the third finger is very

developed, especially his nail. hind legs have 5 digits and are webbed

that helps you push the earth back to scroll while digging, as if they were

swimming in the ground. They are only insectivorous, feeding

earthworm as moving van, termites which destroy their anthills with

millipedes claws and can be on the surface, between the leaves and caves

underground, which caught biting them and degustándolas. They live in burrows

up to 10 meters deep in a network of tunnels where they are solitary, but have

social behavior where it communicates with other specimens by noise, smell

and touch, which come to the surface at night to avoid encountering predators

especially birds of prey such as owls, nocturnal snakes come to get into their tunnels

to hunt them down and domestic dogs. in its den lacking a temperature

This mole tends to lower your metabolism due to the high energy demand that causes

the dig, puediendo travel up to 500 meters below every day just

eating and lack of oxygen instead necessary that your metabolism is slow.

poliestrales are animals, so they come into heat at different times of the year where

it can be estimated that when the largest peak breeding is in October to November,

where the male goes in search of a female for reproduction, it is known as

female chooses males or if they have a kind of courtship, but has begun

to study the male makes noises while rocking and stomps his feet and response

the female responds with grunts. it is estimated that gestation lasts 4 to 6 weeks but

this has been stipulated by comparing other species of the same family, giving

birth 1 to 2 offspring it calculated born weighing 45 grams and that feed

it up to 3 months. it is unknown what is the average lifespan of this species.

It is a species that is in the range of danger due to loss of their habitat by

forest degradation by its firewood, intensive grazing and restructuring of their environment

environment in farmers fields, passing machinery can cause the collapse of

tunnels or death of some by the simple passage of these computers, or are hunted by

locals to consider them pests. a way to recover its population is that its use

methods and technological equipment friendlier to the environment and to avoid being

I crushed by machinery, because it is a great help for farmers to

reduce the number of insects that can kill crops. and stipulate a

Intelligent use of forest where form is replenished with tale.

an animal that can only be found in South Africa, unknown but very important

for their territory, that the giant mole gold. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

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video, we're watching you later.

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