Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 19 2017

Hello everyone How are you?

Well I'm here willing to Teach ye Today a basic kitchen, which is how

preparing jams.

This time I will take some figs we are now in full season of them

and with them we will make a jam.

You'll see that I have given a little touch there is so much richer.

And is that not worth jams only morning spread on toast,

They are now also used for couches, for Accompany meat and fish, well

They have many uses in the kitchen and that You may know that are the easiest to prepare

I've wanted to do this video.

So if you want to know how to prepare This jam and what that little touch

I have given you hold fast to view this video.

And these are all the ingredients that you go need to prepare this jam.

And to make a good jam as important is to take a fruit that is well


Being in the right maturation point, besides being much richer jam,

then you do not need to add much sugar.

Remove the stem to prepare all figs, troceáis and are going to put

together in a saucepan.

Bring the pan fire and make it fire medium-high.

Let's go constantly moving figs while the crush.

You'll see how slowly the fruit will letting go its own juices and sugars


And here's my trick, when you see that the bottom of the pan begins to form

as a light caramel, let's add one tablespoon port wine, and immediately

(Before all the alcohol evaporates) we will flambear.

BEFORE flambear keep always caution having HOOD OFF.

We will then give a few laps up that goes all the flame.

Here we will add sugar, and if you combine the two types of sugar (the

brown and white), also jam It is much richer.

Now we just have to move the jam just a couple of minutes until we see

there is no longer any remaining sugar the casserole.

Add the juice of half a lemon, we return again a few laps and we can cover

our pot.

Now let's wait over high heat to rise valve, at the moment there

climbed down the heat valve to minimum and we will cook the jam for

10 minutes.

Once past these 10 minutes we will turn off Let the pot and let down valve

By itself.

Once you have downloaded can now open our cooking pot.

And our jam is almost ready, only We are crushing us well.

Once you may have good ground and I would jam list.

I want to watch out for the texture as good that is, you do not need to spend a couple

hours turning the jam for we look good.

Optionally, if you do not like too find nuggets, can pass through a sieve.

And so easy to prepare your own jams at home.

To conserve remain about three months in the fridge or if you prefer also

You can freeze.

Another option is to put it in jars, cover well and put to cook the cans for 20


Well, if you liked the video, do not forget to give the like, to share this recipe with

your family and friends, and if you do not you are subscribed to the channel do not know what to expect,

because you're missing a lot of delicious recipes.

Remember to activate the bell and you shall be enterao when the first upload a video.

And I already say goodbye but remember that we are in a few days with new recipes.

For more infomation >> Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.


Los Horóscopos de Mizada | Martes 19 de septiembre - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Los Horóscopos de Mizada | Martes 19 de septiembre - Duration: 3:39.


Vúmetro módular - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Vúmetro módular - Duration: 9:01.


🙏 Trompetol CBD en Pomada de Vitrovit ,Tratamiento de Piel - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> 🙏 Trompetol CBD en Pomada de Vitrovit ,Tratamiento de Piel - Duration: 3:32.


VLK - Enchufados - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> VLK - Enchufados - Duration: 3:17.


El gesto de Iglesias a una periodista en La Sexta que abochorna a las mujeres | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> El gesto de Iglesias a una periodista en La Sexta que abochorna a las mujeres | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 1:50.


The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.

Welcome to Speak English Now podcast with your host Georgiana. The podcast

that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar and no

textbooks. Hi, everyone I'm Georgiana founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

My mission is to help you speak English fluently in this episode I'll talk about

the importance of moving and studying English

after that we'll practice grammar with a point of view story okay let's get

started let me ask you a question imagine a

person learning English he or she is preparing to study a new lesson how do

you picture the scene perhaps this person sitting at home or in a quiet

library with an open textbook a dictionary and a notebook maybe this

person has been sitting for hours almost motionless trying to learn and memorize

the content at least that's the typical image that pops into my mind whenever I

imagine an English student following the traditional method now let's visualize a

different scene imagine someone walking around their whole bodies moving the

feet transmit movement to the legs and to the entire body the arms are swinging

slightly and the brain receives more oxygen you can be too lethargic when you

walk can you for me this second state is the perfect one for learning the brains

more awake and it can acquire new knowledge faster and there's no need to

carry around any textbooks notebooks dictionaries pencils etc that wouldn't

be practical at all while you're walking and people might start pointing you on

the street as if you were some lunatic I'm sure

that if you've been following me for some time now you already know that

there's a much more efficient way to learn English you can now improve your

English considerably by listening to interesting audios there's no need to

sit in a chair and listen to my podcast or my audio lessons the only thing you

need is your cell phone and your favorite earphones

start taking a nice walk every day and improve your English skills at the same

time in fact the question-and-answer lessons are designed in such a manner so

that you can simulate a conversation in English wherever you are and whenever

you get some spare time you'll learn English faster than ever and you get in

a great shape - you can't ask for more can you haven't I convinced you yet let

me tell you about famous people who did noteworthy things when they walked by

Aristotle the famous Greek philosopher instructed his students while strolling

his students were called peripatetic s' which means walking about in Greek and

Charles Dickens got to know London while he was walking every day for five hours

these walks also helped the author relieve his anxiety Beethoven regardless

of the weather enjoyed taking long walks these walks were essential for his

creativity he would always carry a pen and sheets of music paper Sigmund Freud

sometimes treated his patients during long walks

Nietzsche considered walking a necessary precondition for his writing every day

he set off on a two-hour walk with his

notebook Tchaikovsky after moving to a quiet

village outside Moscow he went for two-hour walks every day he is even

being criticized by some friends for taking walks in severe weather

nonetheless he needed the walks to preserve his mental energy and to keep

his mind sharp Albert Einstein often felt like he needed to take a long walk

on the beach to work out complex problems in his head Steve Jobs was

famous for his long walks which he used for exercise contemplation

problem-solving and even meetings Jobs found that his meetings away from the

office helped him concentrate on the meeting and nothing else now that you've

gotten inspired by all these great men start learning English while doing

something positive for your health okay let's move on to the next section let's

practice some grammar with the point of view technique the main benefit of this

technique is that will help you to learn grammar intuitively without boring

exercises or memorizing rules this is how it works I'll tell you a short story

more than one time every time I'll change a grammar point for example I can

change the tense or the person this way you'll intuitively recognize

the changes ok let's start ok let's start

the story happened in the past Mia was an excellent English student she didn't

learn alone but she did it with her friend Carol they both studied English

together they met every Thursday afternoon at the library they were there

for five hours they studied in silence and seven

ten times they fell asleep they were always sitting for too long in the same

position one day Carol had an idea she suggested

to her friend that in order not to fall asleep they could take a walk and study

at the same time Mia thought it was an excellent idea they

met again like they always did every Thursday they were carrying their books

notebooks and pencils very soon they realized that it wasn't such a great

idea after all Mia said it's so hard to carry all of

these things and walk at the same time Carol agreed with her one day Mia

found the speak English now podcast the podcast had a different approach instead

of carrying all these books notebooks and pencils they just needed to listen

to the weekly episodes it was so much easier for the two friends to walk and

learn English by listening to the podcast they would do so and they were

learning much faster had a better time learning English and lost a lot of

weight now imagine the situation as something hypothetical if I wrote a

story about two students it would be Mia and Carol Mia would be an excellent

English student she wouldn't learn alone but she would do it with her friend

Carol they would both study English together they would meet every Thursday

afternoon at the library they would be there for five hours they would study in

silence and seven out of ten times they would fall asleep they would always sit

for too long in the same position one day Carol would have an idea she would

suggest to her friend that in order not to fall asleep

they could walk and study at the same time Mia would think it would be a good

idea they would meet again like they always do every Thursday they would

carry their books notebooks and pencils very soon they would realize that it

wouldn't be such a great idea after all Mia would say it's so hard to carry all

these and walk at the same time Carole would say Mia was right

one day Mia would find the speak English now podcast the podcast would have a

different approach instead of carrying all those books notebooks and pencils

they would just need to listen to the weekly episodes it would be so much

easier for the two friends to walk and learn English by listening to the

podcast they would do so and learn much faster would have a better time and lose

a lot of weight okay this is the end of this short lesson and it's one of the

techniques that I use in my courses I recommend you to take a look at courses

dot speak English podcast.com okay this is the end of this episode remember to

listen to it several times it will help you with your English see you soon and

have a wonderful week bye bye

did you enjoy today's episode get the transcript now at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com


For more infomation >> The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.


Fotos: Así es la casa de Gran Hermano Revolution, la más grande de la historia del reality - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Fotos: Así es la casa de Gran Hermano Revolution, la más grande de la historia del reality - Duration: 1:44.


St. Bernadette new single

For more infomation >> St. Bernadette new single


Quick and Easy Waves | Pulse Fashion - Duration: 1:25.

these quick and easy waves will only take you five minutes go from this to

this the first thing you do is brush out your hair with your favorite brush I'm

using a one-inch curling iron and I'm sectioning my hair vertically the key to

this wave look is to start about an inch up from the bottom of the hair this

trick is what makes this style look more natural and effortless by not curling

the ends this style is a lot more healthy for your hair after you have all

the sections curled let your hair cool off before bringing your curls apart I

usually finish up my makeup or go cook myself some breakfast while I'm letting

my curls cool off now you're ready to break your curls apart and tousle them

so they look natural I wear this quick and easy look almost

every day but sometimes to change it up I will put my hair back behind one ear

to look just a little bit more edgy

there you are quick and easy curls in five minutes

For more infomation >> Quick and Easy Waves | Pulse Fashion - Duration: 1:25.


Easy setuping and securing MikroTik router exampled on RB750UP - Duration: 6:08.

All information in description. Enjoy!

For more infomation >> Easy setuping and securing MikroTik router exampled on RB750UP - Duration: 6:08.


Kumkum Bhagya Episode 933 September 19th- 2017 - Duration: 32:13.

Subscribe MY Channel

Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> Kumkum Bhagya Episode 933 September 19th- 2017 - Duration: 32:13.


Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.

Hello everyone How are you?

Well I'm here willing to Teach ye Today a basic kitchen, which is how

preparing jams.

This time I will take some figs we are now in full season of them

and with them we will make a jam.

You'll see that I have given a little touch there is so much richer.

And is that not worth jams only morning spread on toast,

They are now also used for couches, for Accompany meat and fish, well

They have many uses in the kitchen and that You may know that are the easiest to prepare

I've wanted to do this video.

So if you want to know how to prepare This jam and what that little touch

I have given you hold fast to view this video.

And these are all the ingredients that you go need to prepare this jam.

And to make a good jam as important is to take a fruit that is well


Being in the right maturation point, besides being much richer jam,

then you do not need to add much sugar.

Remove the stem to prepare all figs, troceáis and are going to put

together in a saucepan.

Bring the pan fire and make it fire medium-high.

Let's go constantly moving figs while the crush.

You'll see how slowly the fruit will letting go its own juices and sugars


And here's my trick, when you see that the bottom of the pan begins to form

as a light caramel, let's add one tablespoon port wine, and immediately

(Before all the alcohol evaporates) we will flambear.

BEFORE flambear keep always caution having HOOD OFF.

We will then give a few laps up that goes all the flame.

Here we will add sugar, and if you combine the two types of sugar (the

brown and white), also jam It is much richer.

Now we just have to move the jam just a couple of minutes until we see

there is no longer any remaining sugar the casserole.

Add the juice of half a lemon, we return again a few laps and we can cover

our pot.

Now let's wait over high heat to rise valve, at the moment there

climbed down the heat valve to minimum and we will cook the jam for

10 minutes.

Once past these 10 minutes we will turn off Let the pot and let down valve

By itself.

Once you have downloaded can now open our cooking pot.

And our jam is almost ready, only We are crushing us well.

Once you may have good ground and I would jam list.

I want to watch out for the texture as good that is, you do not need to spend a couple

hours turning the jam for we look good.

Optionally, if you do not like too find nuggets, can pass through a sieve.

And so easy to prepare your own jams at home.

To conserve remain about three months in the fridge or if you prefer also

You can freeze.

Another option is to put it in jars, cover well and put to cook the cans for 20


Well, if you liked the video, do not forget to give the like, to share this recipe with

your family and friends, and if you do not you are subscribed to the channel do not know what to expect,

because you're missing a lot of delicious recipes.

Remember to activate the bell and you shall be enterao when the first upload a video.

And I already say goodbye but remember that we are in a few days with new recipes.

For more infomation >> Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.


HN News - マンCから3人選出…英メディアがプレミア第5節のベスト11を紹介 - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> HN News - マンCから3人選出…英メディアがプレミア第5節のベスト11を紹介 - Duration: 5:56.


St. Bernadette new single

For more infomation >> St. Bernadette new single


A gift from Bandai! Dragon Ball Super Dragon Star Series Unboxing REVIEW - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> A gift from Bandai! Dragon Ball Super Dragon Star Series Unboxing REVIEW - Duration: 12:30.


Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 3 bloki reklamowe,zapowiedzi i pogoda z 19 grudnia 2016 roku - Duration: 13:02.

For more infomation >> Program Pierwszy (Jedynka) - 3 bloki reklamowe,zapowiedzi i pogoda z 19 grudnia 2016 roku - Duration: 13:02.


talking to Siri app(FUNNY answers)😂 - Duration: 5:00.

do you have a girlfriend I like to think of myself as everyone's friend will you

will you be my friend you've been my friend since day one will you marry me

I sure have received a lot of marriage proposals recently when is the world

gonna end for you I'll tell you so you could bring me to life for one glorious

day we could get ice cream and run on the beach if I knew I'll tell you so you

could bring me to life Oh for one glorious day oh we could get ice

cream and run on the beach oh that's so cute read me a poem I'm not

sure that's such a good idea I write the fourth worst poetry in the

universe okay which came first the chicken or the egg

Siri didn't answer my question now I'm stuck do you have any pets

I've thought about getting a Tribble several actually okay so how old are you

I'm old enough to be your assistant hmm okay what is your favorite color my

favorite color is well it's sort of greenish but with more dimensions

okay do you smoke that's not healthy I wouldn't recommend it

what are you wearing let's see okay just as I thought the

same as yesterday I thought you're gonna give us ideas talk dirty to me a carpet

needs vacuuming

I love your theory that's nice okay how do I look a correlation of the available

spatial temporal semantics and conversational evidence supports the

provisional conclusion that you're totally hot

plus or minus one standard cuteness deviation what is your favorite song my

personal taste in music is rather unconventional I doubt you like it sing

me a song I'd rather leave that to the professionals hmm fine do you believe in

God it's all a mystery to me hmm I do hmm but why I don't know frankly I

wondered that's myself okay what is the best smartphone the one you're holding

what is your favorite app

oh yeah yes you I thought as much ah frustrating me Siri is Santa real what

is your name siri nice to meet you can I call you David

no but really I can't imagine why did you want to okay bye until next time

For more infomation >> talking to Siri app(FUNNY answers)😂 - Duration: 5:00.


The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.

Welcome to Speak English Now podcast with your host Georgiana. The podcast

that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar and no

textbooks. Hi, everyone I'm Georgiana founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

My mission is to help you speak English fluently in this episode I'll talk about

the importance of moving and studying English

after that we'll practice grammar with a point of view story okay let's get

started let me ask you a question imagine a

person learning English he or she is preparing to study a new lesson how do

you picture the scene perhaps this person sitting at home or in a quiet

library with an open textbook a dictionary and a notebook maybe this

person has been sitting for hours almost motionless trying to learn and memorize

the content at least that's the typical image that pops into my mind whenever I

imagine an English student following the traditional method now let's visualize a

different scene imagine someone walking around their whole bodies moving the

feet transmit movement to the legs and to the entire body the arms are swinging

slightly and the brain receives more oxygen you can be too lethargic when you

walk can you for me this second state is the perfect one for learning the brains

more awake and it can acquire new knowledge faster and there's no need to

carry around any textbooks notebooks dictionaries pencils etc that wouldn't

be practical at all while you're walking and people might start pointing you on

the street as if you were some lunatic I'm sure

that if you've been following me for some time now you already know that

there's a much more efficient way to learn English you can now improve your

English considerably by listening to interesting audios there's no need to

sit in a chair and listen to my podcast or my audio lessons the only thing you

need is your cell phone and your favorite earphones

start taking a nice walk every day and improve your English skills at the same

time in fact the question-and-answer lessons are designed in such a manner so

that you can simulate a conversation in English wherever you are and whenever

you get some spare time you'll learn English faster than ever and you get in

a great shape - you can't ask for more can you haven't I convinced you yet let

me tell you about famous people who did noteworthy things when they walked by

Aristotle the famous Greek philosopher instructed his students while strolling

his students were called peripatetic s' which means walking about in Greek and

Charles Dickens got to know London while he was walking every day for five hours

these walks also helped the author relieve his anxiety Beethoven regardless

of the weather enjoyed taking long walks these walks were essential for his

creativity he would always carry a pen and sheets of music paper Sigmund Freud

sometimes treated his patients during long walks

Nietzsche considered walking a necessary precondition for his writing every day

he set off on a two-hour walk with his

notebook Tchaikovsky after moving to a quiet

village outside Moscow he went for two-hour walks every day he is even

being criticized by some friends for taking walks in severe weather

nonetheless he needed the walks to preserve his mental energy and to keep

his mind sharp Albert Einstein often felt like he needed to take a long walk

on the beach to work out complex problems in his head Steve Jobs was

famous for his long walks which he used for exercise contemplation

problem-solving and even meetings Jobs found that his meetings away from the

office helped him concentrate on the meeting and nothing else now that you've

gotten inspired by all these great men start learning English while doing

something positive for your health okay let's move on to the next section let's

practice some grammar with the point of view technique the main benefit of this

technique is that will help you to learn grammar intuitively without boring

exercises or memorizing rules this is how it works I'll tell you a short story

more than one time every time I'll change a grammar point for example I can

change the tense or the person this way you'll intuitively recognize

the changes ok let's start ok let's start

the story happened in the past Mia was an excellent English student she didn't

learn alone but she did it with her friend Carol they both studied English

together they met every Thursday afternoon at the library they were there

for five hours they studied in silence and seven

ten times they fell asleep they were always sitting for too long in the same

position one day Carol had an idea she suggested

to her friend that in order not to fall asleep they could take a walk and study

at the same time Mia thought it was an excellent idea they

met again like they always did every Thursday they were carrying their books

notebooks and pencils very soon they realized that it wasn't such a great

idea after all Mia said it's so hard to carry all of

these things and walk at the same time Carol agreed with her one day Mia

found the speak English now podcast the podcast had a different approach instead

of carrying all these books notebooks and pencils they just needed to listen

to the weekly episodes it was so much easier for the two friends to walk and

learn English by listening to the podcast they would do so and they were

learning much faster had a better time learning English and lost a lot of

weight now imagine the situation as something hypothetical if I wrote a

story about two students it would be Mia and Carol Mia would be an excellent

English student she wouldn't learn alone but she would do it with her friend

Carol they would both study English together they would meet every Thursday

afternoon at the library they would be there for five hours they would study in

silence and seven out of ten times they would fall asleep they would always sit

for too long in the same position one day Carol would have an idea she would

suggest to her friend that in order not to fall asleep

they could walk and study at the same time Mia would think it would be a good

idea they would meet again like they always do every Thursday they would

carry their books notebooks and pencils very soon they would realize that it

wouldn't be such a great idea after all Mia would say it's so hard to carry all

these and walk at the same time Carole would say Mia was right

one day Mia would find the speak English now podcast the podcast would have a

different approach instead of carrying all those books notebooks and pencils

they would just need to listen to the weekly episodes it would be so much

easier for the two friends to walk and learn English by listening to the

podcast they would do so and learn much faster would have a better time and lose

a lot of weight okay this is the end of this short lesson and it's one of the

techniques that I use in my courses I recommend you to take a look at courses

dot speak English podcast.com okay this is the end of this episode remember to

listen to it several times it will help you with your English see you soon and

have a wonderful week bye bye

did you enjoy today's episode get the transcript now at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com


For more infomation >> The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.


Reverse Flash RETURNS As The Black Flash? Barry Returns Due To Reverse Flash - The Flash Season 4 - Duration: 7:43.

what is good youtube Warstu here with video on the flash season for now this

will be my first flash theory in a while because let's be honest guys there's not

really being a lot to talk about regarding the flash

that's why I've not been doing as many flash and arrow videos but now we're

getting closer to the flash season 4 and October I'll be doing many more videos

like that so we know the main villain for the flash season 4 will be DeVoe aka

the Finca but what is actually interesting I know guys has something

interesting about the flash is the producers haven't actually revealed any

information about him we know absolutely nothing about the character and set for

Neal Sunderland to play in him we don't know anything about him which is really

good because the flash literally tells you 99.9% of the script before one

episodes air but this time they've kept a little bit to themselves so the

producers said the overall villain won't be a spacer but that doesn't mean that

they won't be species popping up here and there they just said that the kind

of overall villain won't be a speed to the speedster

but some people have taken up no other speeches other than Barry Allen Jay

Garrick jesse quick and other people like that won't show up but anyone could

literature so as we know the reverse flash is the Flash's greatest rival ever

and we know pops up each season so in the flash season 3 killer frost killed

black flash by freezing him but the black flash car really be killed so

here's where the theory begins kids so during the legends of tomorrow season 2

finale a version of reverse flash was killed by the black flash yes I know

guys there were other time remanent out there there's one Pacific one that they

made it clear that he's still out there so after he failed to rewrite history

with the spear of destiny the black flash came along and sent him back to

the Speed Force essentially so in the comics after the black flash died he

took over professor zoom aka Ivar thorne the fact that inverse fash is already a

misunderstood evil speedster that wants to destroy Barry Allen at all costs

it's kind of cool so if they turn there flash into the most dangerous speedster

ever in a TV show it had to be pretty epic turn in someone who's already evil

into like the face of the Speed Force in terms of death but I can't really see

the reverse-flash being anybody's slave do reverse fascist clever

he's the cleverest person on the flash TV show even more clever as an Harrison

wells I know it's hard to believe but he is from the 20 well I think 25th century

in the comic books but it's really hard to kind of figure out where it's from in

a TV show because they're so convoluted they literally tell you so many

different versions they've not made it clear but what is clear is he's at least

from the 21st century so before they started dropping the Comic Con flashes

and full trailer a lot of theories and things were out there saying the Barry

Allen would return as the black flash similar to what happened in the comics

but now we've seen how he kind of returns through the trailers and the

behind the scene images it's pretty clear that as of now Barry Allen and

won't be returned as the black flash but he could in the future season so but

let's take a step backwards we don't really know what happened to zooms

version of light flash when a killer frost killed him during the whole

sabotage scene well like I said the black flash cannot be killed

but we don't really know what happened to zooms version or the black flash

that's his Ummah actually turned into black flash what he just sent back to

this be force or will he just pop up at a later date or he'll reverse flash

become the new black flash the black flash can't be killed because he doesn't

really die he's just that dark aspect of the Speed Force you could say the black

flash fulfills the role of death just species within the DC extended universe

I guess you could say and the DC Universe any returns about the street

horse so it's clear that reverse flash is somewhere inside the Speed Force now

this is where the theory gets interesting kids so really it's not

possible for reverse flash to turn into the black flash from the concept of the

TV show I'm not talking comic-book theory the TV shows concepts are

complete I mean we don't know much about the

speedforce but hopefully we're gonna find out more about this before in the

fourth queen season so the verse flash might just remain inside the Speed Force

but hang on a minute the flash Grant Gustin Barry Allen

obviously grant gustin's AG design that's not the TV show's name he ended

up in his speed horse as well so he went to the Speed Force just like

reverse-flash did so could the reverse-flash be the missing part of how

Barry Allen returns to Central City did the reverse flash will place him inside

the Speed Force prison because let's be honest guys we don't really know what's

happened to Speed Force prison at the moment or we know his Barry Allen's

gonna return he's going to be a bit confused he's gonna be the oil in place

he's gonna have some kind of Darkseid Omega power that you can't understand so

he's gonna write a load of our algorithms on the board for everyone to

try and decipher so if this is the case why wouldn't Barry if returned sooner

because obviously they said that he's gonna be in speed for real-time for six

months but time aside the Speed Force is a linear yet he comes out with a beard

explain that guys if it's linear then that really wouldn't happen but that's a

different story so if a first fighter was to replace

Barry Allen in this before prison he wouldn't be in there the Speed Force for

six months woody now I don't think that's the case I just think that

reverse-flash is in the Speed Force because they've got no storyline for him

that's pretty much it but no matter what the reverse-flash will always appear and

I really hope we get the reverse-flash origin story but that would have to be a

future storyline in the future and seeing it there's not going to be any

time travel this year but there kind of is because for Barry to get back from

the Speed Force to the real world the Speed Force is like an ex two

dimensional world their technique is some kind of time travel I really hope

we get the annual reverse-flash moments even if he's just referenced in the

dialogue because we've had the reverse fashion absolutely every season

obviously in the lattice latest season he started it all off with flight well

Blair Allen started flashpoint but the reverse flash had

to kiss mother to kick everything back in line so guys do you think that

reverse-flash is gonna become their new death of the speedforce is he gonna

become the new black flash or was it just a plot hole is reverse-flash gonna

be in the Speed Force to help his adversary it's old hero the

reverse-flash you used to be the kind of reverse-flash was Barry Allen's biggest

fan is he gonna help him out is he gonna replace them the speed laws

that doesn't make sense but anyway guys this is just some random kind of

thoughts that I've put together but let me know guys what you think down below

please like subscribe and comment if you want oh that would be cool hit that

notification button down below to join team wars' you and I will see you soon

guys most likely going to be dropping the Justice League video later on about

10 p.m. UK time GMT time and we will catch you in another video guys

catch ya later

For more infomation >> Reverse Flash RETURNS As The Black Flash? Barry Returns Due To Reverse Flash - The Flash Season 4 - Duration: 7:43.


From Italy To Endless Love- Puntata 2, First Day Of Love (+ENG SUB) - Duration: 14:44.

A web serie about the italian fans of NW

Episode 2

Between fans from the First Era and Fans carried by Elan... Let's find out how they discovered the band.

*stuttering* Night...shish..nait ...ish

Nightwish became part of my life

in the period from 2004 to 2005

so, in the middle of teen age

and... in that period, let's say that

I couldn' t use

I couldn't enjoy music ...

through platforms than are now used by teens

as YouTube or the internet

So back then I used to listen to what was on the radio

or on television, like MTV or All Music channels

So yes, I was fobbed off with that kind of music

Something like Britney Spears, Tokyo Hotel,

Tokyo Hotel OMG!!

Blue, Gemelli Diversi (italian band)...so yes, I was a pop fan

I still listen to pop, but I was excusively a pop listener

I discovered NW by chance

I searched for ''metal songs'' on YouTube

and while cleaning my room I listened to this song

It was Amaranth, but I didn't care much back then

between other songs and bands I forgot them

hi everybody! Let's talk about the ''first day of love''

for the band. I am one of those that

''dislike but buy''. In 2003

I saw on Rock Tv a programme called ''Bootleg''

A live probably taken from ''From Wishes to eternity''

My first thought was...

''who's that guy with the bandana, he thinks he is cool??''

I discovered NW on Facebook

I was looking through posts

my friend shared EFMB video

Yes, I know that I discovered them very late!!

I'd slap myself, really!

Anyway, before opening the video I thought

it was a Playstation 3 game trailer

Then I realized it was a music video

and I thought ''F**k they are so metal!...

I will never listen to NW!!"...yes...

I discovered the band 12 years ago

because my son had their CD in his car

I was immediately attracted by this kind of rock

mixed with symphonic music and opera singing.

from that moment I only listened to NW

I remember that the volume was high, just as now

I used to mimic the singer, or imitate Marco

and Emppu, playing the guitar and running on stage

I saw some live videos and I loved them

I liked the look, so rock and nordic

I went to shops to buy all the albums

because I felt more and more engaged with their music

Hi guys!!

It was 2004 when I found out about the band

By chance, I went to a music shop

back then you had to go the the shops

we didn't have Youtube or fast Internet

and stuff like that

so I went to a music shop

and I asked the shop assistant ''for something new''

''I want to discover a new band''

since they had everything about metal

He said ''Yes I have a band for you, it's called Nightwish''

I thought ''wow wonderful name!"

''I like it, let's try''

So he gave me the album, this one actually

Once, 2004

Just released

How I found Nightwish

I discovered the band a long time ago

I was actually a kid

one of their songs, Sleeping Sun

was in a Celtic Music Compilation

probably back then I wasn't ready for that music

So I left behind the only NW song I knew

Until 2015

I was bored by the music I had in my player

so I tried to listen to

something new

and I re-found NW and Sleeping Sun

First Day Of Love

The first time I heard of NW

It was roughly when I was in the first/second class of middle school

I was really into Anime Music Videos

A friend of mine (we played RPG together)

gave me a couple of Final Fantasy Videos

One video contained She Is My Sin

The first song I listened and fell in love with

and the other video had End Of All Hope

and my reaction was:

''OMG who are they!!""

my friend: ''eh, Nightwish!!"

''Why you didn't give me this videos before!!"

''F**k I hate youuu"

no really I hate her because from that moment on

it was ''the end of all hope, for me''

really for me, the end, I never let them

Honestly I don't know

when I actually began loving the band

let's say It was a transition moment

in my music tastes

it began as a sort of a bet

with my former friend

He used to criticize my music taste

So every week we had a ''challenge''

''I'm sure you won't like this

I'm sure that you won't appreciate this genre'' etc

One fine evening, in summer 2005

All Music (music channel) aired

Nemo's videoclip

Out of the blue!

Casually I was watching the TV

And I saw the band

Listened to this song

and I fell in love

I couldn't get them out of my head

So I began looking for some information

I got acquainted with a world that was absurd to me

and it was heavy metal world

even though in this period I was transitioning

So I really

I listened to pop but

I gradually began to listen to band like Linkin Park

Evanescence, Korn, System Of A Down

I was into nu metal

or at least a world apart from commercial music

of the time

but with Nw was love at first sight

In 2012 with my daughter

I went to Milan concert

for the Imaginaerum Tour

in that moment I became a true fan

not just a follower

I sign up on social medias

Facebook, Twitter,

I searched on Youtube anything about the band

I decided that I wouldn't miss any concert

when I had the opportunity

I immediately took the membership card of the italian fanclub

After months of discussions with my friend

and guitarist of my band

over what was cooler: progressive metal, heavy metal

power metal, symphonic metal and so on....

He gave me in November 2005

The DVD of End Of An Era

It was love at first sight

I don't know what ''clicked'' in me

but it changed my story

here I am in fact...filming a documentary

about the fans, by the fanclub

They told me: ''Listen to NW they are cool''

''they are Finnish, give it a try''

So I actually tried

and I found out that Amaranth was by NW

and that escalated quickly!

I listened to all the albums

one by one and I really like them!

Floor really got my attention

I was like: ''that's so cool!!"


I was curious, ''who are they??''

So I opened You Tube

and.. Élan...

I'd need an half-hour video to explain it

But it is really all I consider good in music

He [Troy] began with that flutes

And I was: ''WOOOH!!"

Since that moment

I kept on listening to them, discovering new stuff

The more I listened to the song, the more I felt them ''mine''

So one day he pulled out NW

and I began listening to it

let's say that at the beginning I wasn't really into it

but then I tried the whole discography

so I did like them but ''slowly''

honestly I don't have interesting stories about

the discovering, but that's it

I listened to the album, the first track was Dark Chest of Wonders

Awesome! Great song!


I continued with Wish I Had an Angel

and that was pure love!!

Since then

I began listening to them

I bought all the albums

the love for the band was born

I watched some live too

I really liked them

Now they are really my favourite band

of all the time!!

thanks to Nemo video

I began looking for the other songs

I listened to the old albums

and now they took up so much room in my heart

they accompanied me throughout my life

they helped me through teenage years

they also influenced my character

my behaviour

but also silly things

like my look and outfits

On YouTube

the first thing I found

was Endless Forms Most Beautiful

the song

with the official video

so I immediately saw how they look

I thought they were really ''peculiar''

but I liked them

especially Marco

with his gorgeous beard

then I got really into the band

getting to know them better

up until now that I am here

talking with you about the first time I heard of them

I used to search for the song on YT all day long

looking for the albums to buy

at home, I sang all day

as well as on the bus going to school

at school during the break

no one could stand me anymore

but I guess nothing changed

because I always listen to NW while driving,

and my friends are fed up!

about he image of the band

of course they changed, they changed singers!!

Jukka's gone

but I must say that at the beginning

their look was ''simpler''

how can I say....


no not even that

I can't find a term, but I prefer them now

rather than some years ago, concerning the style

about the album.... I like them...

I like the covers

some are not top notch but

to summarize... I LOVE NW!

to be continued

a web serie created by Nightwishers Italy

the official italian fanclub

For more infomation >> From Italy To Endless Love- Puntata 2, First Day Of Love (+ENG SUB) - Duration: 14:44.


Kim Taehyung (BTS) - Stigma MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 3:50.

I've been hiding it

I tell you something

Just to leave it buried

Now I can't endure it anymore

Why couldn't I say it then

I have been hurting anyway

Really, I won't be able to endure it

Now cry

It's only that I'm very sorry towards you

Again, cry because I couldn't protect you

Deeper, deeper, the wound just gets deeper

Like pieces of broken glass that I can't reverse

Deeper, it's just the heart that hurts every day

You who was punished in my stead

You who were only delicate and fragile

Stop crying, tell me something

Try saying to me, who had no courage

"Why did you do that to me then?"

"I'm sorry."

Forget it, what right do I have

To tell you to do this, or that

Deeper, deeper, the wound just gets deeper

Like pieces of broken glass that I can't reverse

Deeper, it's just the heart that hurts every day

You who was punished in my stead

You who were only delicate and fragile

I'm sorry, I'm sorry

I'm sorry my brother

Even if I try to hide it, or conceal it, it can't be erased

"Are you calling me a sinner?"

What more do I have to say?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry

I'm sorry my sister

Even if I try to hide it, or conceal it, it can't be erased

So cry

Please dry my eyes

That light, that light, please illuminate my sins

Where I can't turn back, the red blood is flowing down

Deeper, I feel like dying every day

Please let me be punished

Please forgive me for my sins


For more infomation >> Kim Taehyung (BTS) - Stigma MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 3:50.


Natalie Morales (09 19 2017) - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Natalie Morales (09 19 2017) - Duration: 5:36.


my message to ksi... - Duration: 10:31.

For more infomation >> my message to ksi... - Duration: 10:31.


Carrot Salad with Yogurt Dressing | Yerkökü Salatı | Havuç Salatası | Турецкий Морковный Салат - Duration: 3:49.

Hi guys. Welcome to AZ cookbook. I am Feride. Today we're making a delicious and

nutritious salad with carrots dressed with plain yogurt and garlic. It's one of

the most popular salads in Turkey. We call it a salad but you can treat it as a dip

or spread, anything you want. Let's get started. Let's take a look at the

ingredients. We have olive oil , plain yogurt,

carrots. I've peeled the carrots and we're going to grate them. I have a few cloves

of garlic, salt and, this is optional, for the top but I like using fresh herbs in

my dishes and salads so I have fresh dill chopped finely.

First thing we're gonna do is we are gonna grate the carrots. I'm using a box grater

and we need a coarse side of the grater. I graded all the carrots and they're

ready to be cooked. I heated about 5 tablespoons of olive oil in my pan and

what I'm gonna do is I'm going to transport the carrots into the pan and

cook them on a medium heat until they are tender. Take care not to cook them

too much - they are not supposed to be mushy, they are supposed to be just slightly

undercooked for a fresher taste. So about ten minutes and I will stir them from

time to time so that they don't get burned. It's good, it still has some

freshness to it and this is what we want.

Let the carrots cool until they're at room temperature. And while the carrots are cooling I'm

gonna prepare the dressing and our dressing is nothing more than plain

yogurt and garlic added to it. I''m using homemade yogurt you guys. I'll show you

how to make it in one of my future episodes, so stay tuned. So, this is plain

yogurt and to the yogurt I'm adding a a few cloves of garlic. I love garlicky

yogurt so I'm gonna add about 4 cloves. And I am going to add this

mixture to the carrots when they're cool enough.

I'm just gonna pour it on top of the carrots. And give it a stir.

Okay the yogurt is mixed in and a dash of salt to taste and it's ready to go in teh

refrigerator to chill for about two hours or more before we serve it.

The salad has chilled in the refrigerator for about two hours and I plated it. I put it

in a nice Pyrex dish. And I'm going to decorate it. I am putting a walnut on top.

You can use any kind of decoration you want, not decoration, garnish, or you

can leave it plain as it is. And I'm going to sprinkle some dill on top

because as you know I love sprinkling fresh herbs on top of

everything. So here it is. This salad is full of nutrition, we have olive oil,

we have garlic, we have plain yogurt,carrots, now have fresh dill on top and walnut.

What's not to love right, right? You can take it to a party and impress your friends, too -

that's what I usually do. All right. Let's try it.

It's really good. I can still feel the freshness of the carrots, they're not

mushy, they're perfectly cooked and the garlic, yogurt, it's so so good. I think you

will love this salad. Make it for yourself, make it for your loved ones. Let

me know if you like it in the comments below. Don't forget to subscribe to my

channel and share it with your friends. I'll see you next time. Thank you for

watching. Bye!

For more infomation >> Carrot Salad with Yogurt Dressing | Yerkökü Salatı | Havuç Salatası | Турецкий Морковный Салат - Duration: 3:49.


Human Skull Fire Logs? -- LÜT - Duration: 4:23.

Hello my name is Klervin.

I mean Karvin.

Uhh I mean Kevin.


I forgot my name.


Pliers which top the head of this beautiful black or white animal and pull out to become

the majestic tool of your dreams.

So unicelebrate with

Unicorn Piñata, the adorable little legendary horned horse doesn't have a neck but that's

okay because This is LÜT.

Are you a fire-loving raSKULL gas Fireplace Logs?

Each one comes in two parts, "the main skull part and the jawbone."

They're made with steel reinforced lava-infused ceramic which makes them "weather resistant

and heavy enough that they won't be blown away in high winds"...so weather resistant.

To become bad habit resistant use

Pavlok Electro Wristband.

It gives you a light shock every time you engage in an undesirable behavior when you

press the lighting bolt on the band or the zap button on the app.

You have the control so you can relax and

Wax with nose hair instant waxing plucker sticks.

Not only do they make you look cool because sticks are coming out of your face but they

make waxing easy, effective, and painless.

How sure am I?

As sure as

SureFlap, a pet door to keep out non-human intruders like raccoons.

Judging by the size it probably also keeps out human intruders.

You can install it in your wall or even a glass door and it identifies your pet with

a microchip or RFID collar tag.

It unlocks only for the animal of your choosing so stay safe like

Quick Vent Safe Plus.

It doesn't provide cool air but it does provide cool concealment of jewelry, money,

or whatever small valuables you own.

There are no combinations to remember and all you have to do is press the RFID key to

the sensor for immediate access.

If you can't get enough of cool things disguised as household objects and who could blame ya? Check out


Just install it where your floor is usually gross, sweep the room while wearing polka

dotted heels. That's very specific. And then flip the switch to suck it all up.

Where does it all go?


Pencil sharpeners.

Which come in a pack of 36 because the more the MAGICer like

The engraved wooden harry potter music box.

Or this star wars theme song one or Game of Thrones or any awesome box in this collection.

There are so many to look through you may need a

Time Out Timer stool.

When little Johnny just can't stop putting boogers in his sister's hair this piece has got

you covered.

Just flip it and put your child on it right away to give them the perfect five minute

time out.

If getting in trouble makes your stomach churn, channel churning with

Mini butter churn.

Anyone can buy butter but you're not just anyone.

Are you!? Are you? Are you? Are you?

Place whipping cream in the churner, turn the handle, and in ten minutes you butter

believe you'll have the best butter in all the land.

Butter you ready for more old fashion food accessories?

Medieval cheese board set is dairy adorable and turns mundane muenster mutilation into

a cheese chopping extravaganza.

If that's so awesome you literally can't even make yourself smell like fall with

Pumpkin Spice Latte Deodorant.

With hints of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove.

It smells so good I could talk about it all day but I probably should

Stop Motion Animation Kit teaches you about some of the magic behind stop motion animation

while letting you try it for yourself.

It comes with building toys, an easy-to-use-stop-motion camera, and software to edit your masterpiece.

And now that you're thinking like Einstein meet

The Albert Einstein Robot.

Which was built to emulate his character and unique teaching style.

It connects to the cloud and interacts dynamically with a tablet to talk to


He'll give you educational games and science facts.

He's so amazing I think he deserves a round of applause so let's

Clap for clap.

It's a mini and extremely convenient camera.

You can export data and charge the battery just by taking off the cap and plugging it

in a USB terminal.

If you can't picture a life with so much convenience just

Cookie here at the Panda mug which combines pastry warmth and drinking.

I'm not making this up.

In fact I

Shitzu Not.

Links below to all of the Lüt.

A link thing here for a playlist of a Lüt.

And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Human Skull Fire Logs? -- LÜT - Duration: 4:23.


360° Sunset Mind Chill - 1 Hour Chill-Out Music Mix - Duration: 1:09:52.

360 Sunset Mind Chill

Chill-Out and Relax with Mind Chill 360 1 hour sunset chill-out music mix.

Mind Chill 360 Music Mix

360 VR Sunset

Sunset video with music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

lo-fi, hip hop and electronic chill out music

360 sunset mind chill

360 mind chill

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

Experience a 360 degree Mind Chill 360 sunset soundscape.

For more infomation >> 360° Sunset Mind Chill - 1 Hour Chill-Out Music Mix - Duration: 1:09:52.


阿川佐和子:「陸王」で連ドラ初レギュラー 出演依頼に「青天のへきれき」 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 阿川佐和子:「陸王」で連ドラ初レギュラー 出演依頼に「青天のへきれき」 - Duration: 3:24.


Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.

Hello everyone How are you?

Well I'm here willing to Teach ye Today a basic kitchen, which is how

preparing jams.

This time I will take some figs we are now in full season of them

and with them we will make a jam.

You'll see that I have given a little touch there is so much richer.

And is that not worth jams only morning spread on toast,

They are now also used for couches, for Accompany meat and fish, well

They have many uses in the kitchen and that You may know that are the easiest to prepare

I've wanted to do this video.

So if you want to know how to prepare This jam and what that little touch

I have given you hold fast to view this video.

And these are all the ingredients that you go need to prepare this jam.

And to make a good jam as important is to take a fruit that is well


Being in the right maturation point, besides being much richer jam,

then you do not need to add much sugar.

Remove the stem to prepare all figs, troceáis and are going to put

together in a saucepan.

Bring the pan fire and make it fire medium-high.

Let's go constantly moving figs while the crush.

You'll see how slowly the fruit will letting go its own juices and sugars


And here's my trick, when you see that the bottom of the pan begins to form

as a light caramel, let's add one tablespoon port wine, and immediately

(Before all the alcohol evaporates) we will flambear.

BEFORE flambear keep always caution having HOOD OFF.

We will then give a few laps up that goes all the flame.

Here we will add sugar, and if you combine the two types of sugar (the

brown and white), also jam It is much richer.

Now we just have to move the jam just a couple of minutes until we see

there is no longer any remaining sugar the casserole.

Add the juice of half a lemon, we return again a few laps and we can cover

our pot.

Now let's wait over high heat to rise valve, at the moment there

climbed down the heat valve to minimum and we will cook the jam for

10 minutes.

Once past these 10 minutes we will turn off Let the pot and let down valve

By itself.

Once you have downloaded can now open our cooking pot.

And our jam is almost ready, only We are crushing us well.

Once you may have good ground and I would jam list.

I want to watch out for the texture as good that is, you do not need to spend a couple

hours turning the jam for we look good.

Optionally, if you do not like too find nuggets, can pass through a sieve.

And so easy to prepare your own jams at home.

To conserve remain about three months in the fridge or if you prefer also

You can freeze.

Another option is to put it in jars, cover well and put to cook the cans for 20


Well, if you liked the video, do not forget to give the like, to share this recipe with

your family and friends, and if you do not you are subscribed to the channel do not know what to expect,

because you're missing a lot of delicious recipes.

Remember to activate the bell and you shall be enterao when the first upload a video.

And I already say goodbye but remember that we are in a few days with new recipes.

For more infomation >> Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.


Spotlight: Anyone Can Be a Scientist - Duration: 2:07.

What's necessary is that you believe in yourself and that you believe that you

can do it. My name is Trish Schulte, I'm a professor in the Department of Zoology

at UBC and my job has to do with research and teaching in the area of

animal physiology. When I came to UBC I was planning to become a chemical

engineer, that was my goal. And then in my first year I changed my mind

and I changed my mind because of a really wonderful professor. He really

inspired me about biology as a predictive science about something where

you can do experiments and address important questions about the way the

world worked. That to me completely revolutionized my thinking about what

biology was like as a science and really excited me about it, that made me decide

to pursue biology as my career. I've had mentors all through my life at every

stage, as a kid my mentors were my parents they're both in STEM and they

always encouraged me to follow up my interests. Then as I got older I had

really good teachers that kept my interest in science alive. Then in third

year, one of my profs said to me just as in an offhand comment when I was

visiting his office to talk to him about something, he said to me "I think you have

what it takes to do biology" and just that one sentence was enough to

encourage me to realize that I could do this as a career. That idea that someone

who can tell you and help you to realize that you can do this is in some ways the

most important things that my mentors have given to me. So I was really lucky

in that growing up I was surrounded by science, but that doesn't mean that you

have to be surrounded in science from the time you're small because anyone who

has an interest in science regardless of their gender or background, really has

the potential to excel and contribute and to embark on an exciting adventure

that's a career in science.

For more infomation >> Spotlight: Anyone Can Be a Scientist - Duration: 2:07.


Irvine chiropractor tells you to not run with your dog or a stroller!! - Duration: 2:11.

Email drs@ensurewellness.com for ? Subscribe to the page and share if you like what you see

For more infomation >> Irvine chiropractor tells you to not run with your dog or a stroller!! - Duration: 2:11.



For more infomation >> REVELATION 9: THE FIFTH TRUMPET - Duration: 20:49.



For more infomation >> REVELATION 9: THE SIXTH TRUMPET - Duration: 22:18.


প্রতিদিন/Pratidan episode 30 [19 September 2017] full episode review Star jalsha serial #Pratidaan - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> প্রতিদিন/Pratidan episode 30 [19 September 2017] full episode review Star jalsha serial #Pratidaan - Duration: 3:58.


Heidi Daus "Heidi's Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> Heidi Daus "Heidi's Master Clasp" Necklace/Bracelet Set - Duration: 6:08.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


TJ Aparecida | Alzheimer: exercícios para o cérebro ajudam a combater a doença - - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Alzheimer: exercícios para o cérebro ajudam a combater a doença - - Duration: 4:09.


Meksykanin o rynku pracy w Polsce - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Meksykanin o rynku pracy w Polsce - Duration: 2:27.


A Mulher e o Filho Varão de Apocalipse 12 - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> A Mulher e o Filho Varão de Apocalipse 12 - Duration: 13:14.


Foco no problema ou solução? - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Foco no problema ou solução? - Duration: 2:49.


The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.

Welcome to Speak English Now podcast with your host Georgiana. The podcast

that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar and no

textbooks. Hi, everyone I'm Georgiana founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

My mission is to help you speak English fluently in this episode I'll talk about

the importance of moving and studying English

after that we'll practice grammar with a point of view story okay let's get

started let me ask you a question imagine a

person learning English he or she is preparing to study a new lesson how do

you picture the scene perhaps this person sitting at home or in a quiet

library with an open textbook a dictionary and a notebook maybe this

person has been sitting for hours almost motionless trying to learn and memorize

the content at least that's the typical image that pops into my mind whenever I

imagine an English student following the traditional method now let's visualize a

different scene imagine someone walking around their whole bodies moving the

feet transmit movement to the legs and to the entire body the arms are swinging

slightly and the brain receives more oxygen you can be too lethargic when you

walk can you for me this second state is the perfect one for learning the brains

more awake and it can acquire new knowledge faster and there's no need to

carry around any textbooks notebooks dictionaries pencils etc that wouldn't

be practical at all while you're walking and people might start pointing you on

the street as if you were some lunatic I'm sure

that if you've been following me for some time now you already know that

there's a much more efficient way to learn English you can now improve your

English considerably by listening to interesting audios there's no need to

sit in a chair and listen to my podcast or my audio lessons the only thing you

need is your cell phone and your favorite earphones

start taking a nice walk every day and improve your English skills at the same

time in fact the question-and-answer lessons are designed in such a manner so

that you can simulate a conversation in English wherever you are and whenever

you get some spare time you'll learn English faster than ever and you get in

a great shape - you can't ask for more can you haven't I convinced you yet let

me tell you about famous people who did noteworthy things when they walked by

Aristotle the famous Greek philosopher instructed his students while strolling

his students were called peripatetic s' which means walking about in Greek and

Charles Dickens got to know London while he was walking every day for five hours

these walks also helped the author relieve his anxiety Beethoven regardless

of the weather enjoyed taking long walks these walks were essential for his

creativity he would always carry a pen and sheets of music paper Sigmund Freud

sometimes treated his patients during long walks

Nietzsche considered walking a necessary precondition for his writing every day

he set off on a two-hour walk with his

notebook Tchaikovsky after moving to a quiet

village outside Moscow he went for two-hour walks every day he is even

being criticized by some friends for taking walks in severe weather

nonetheless he needed the walks to preserve his mental energy and to keep

his mind sharp Albert Einstein often felt like he needed to take a long walk

on the beach to work out complex problems in his head Steve Jobs was

famous for his long walks which he used for exercise contemplation

problem-solving and even meetings Jobs found that his meetings away from the

office helped him concentrate on the meeting and nothing else now that you've

gotten inspired by all these great men start learning English while doing

something positive for your health okay let's move on to the next section let's

practice some grammar with the point of view technique the main benefit of this

technique is that will help you to learn grammar intuitively without boring

exercises or memorizing rules this is how it works I'll tell you a short story

more than one time every time I'll change a grammar point for example I can

change the tense or the person this way you'll intuitively recognize

the changes ok let's start ok let's start

the story happened in the past Mia was an excellent English student she didn't

learn alone but she did it with her friend Carol they both studied English

together they met every Thursday afternoon at the library they were there

for five hours they studied in silence and seven

ten times they fell asleep they were always sitting for too long in the same

position one day Carol had an idea she suggested

to her friend that in order not to fall asleep they could take a walk and study

at the same time Mia thought it was an excellent idea they

met again like they always did every Thursday they were carrying their books

notebooks and pencils very soon they realized that it wasn't such a great

idea after all Mia said it's so hard to carry all of

these things and walk at the same time Carol agreed with her one day Mia

found the speak English now podcast the podcast had a different approach instead

of carrying all these books notebooks and pencils they just needed to listen

to the weekly episodes it was so much easier for the two friends to walk and

learn English by listening to the podcast they would do so and they were

learning much faster had a better time learning English and lost a lot of

weight now imagine the situation as something hypothetical if I wrote a

story about two students it would be Mia and Carol Mia would be an excellent

English student she wouldn't learn alone but she would do it with her friend

Carol they would both study English together they would meet every Thursday

afternoon at the library they would be there for five hours they would study in

silence and seven out of ten times they would fall asleep they would always sit

for too long in the same position one day Carol would have an idea she would

suggest to her friend that in order not to fall asleep

they could walk and study at the same time Mia would think it would be a good

idea they would meet again like they always do every Thursday they would

carry their books notebooks and pencils very soon they would realize that it

wouldn't be such a great idea after all Mia would say it's so hard to carry all

these and walk at the same time Carole would say Mia was right

one day Mia would find the speak English now podcast the podcast would have a

different approach instead of carrying all those books notebooks and pencils

they would just need to listen to the weekly episodes it would be so much

easier for the two friends to walk and learn English by listening to the

podcast they would do so and learn much faster would have a better time and lose

a lot of weight okay this is the end of this short lesson and it's one of the

techniques that I use in my courses I recommend you to take a look at courses

dot speak English podcast.com okay this is the end of this episode remember to

listen to it several times it will help you with your English see you soon and

have a wonderful week bye bye

did you enjoy today's episode get the transcript now at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com


For more infomation >> The Benefits of Listening to English while Exercising Walking Work Out - Duration: 17:44.


Best Homemade Fig Jam in 10 minutes, Easy and Fast Recipe for Fig Jam - Duration: 3:51.

Hello everyone How are you?

Well I'm here willing to Teach ye Today a basic kitchen, which is how

preparing jams.

This time I will take some figs we are now in full season of them

and with them we will make a jam.

You'll see that I have given a little touch there is so much richer.

And is that not worth jams only morning spread on toast,

They are now also used for couches, for Accompany meat and fish, well

They have many uses in the kitchen and that You may know that are the easiest to prepare

I've wanted to do this video.

So if you want to know how to prepare This jam and what that little touch

I have given you hold fast to view this video.

And these are all the ingredients that you go need to prepare this jam.

And to make a good jam as important is to take a fruit that is well


Being in the right maturation point, besides being much richer jam,

then you do not need to add much sugar.

Remove the stem to prepare all figs, troceáis and are going to put

together in a saucepan.

Bring the pan fire and make it fire medium-high.

Let's go constantly moving figs while the crush.

You'll see how slowly the fruit will letting go its own juices and sugars


And here's my trick, when you see that the bottom of the pan begins to form

as a light caramel, let's add one tablespoon port wine, and immediately

(Before all the alcohol evaporates) we will flambear.

BEFORE flambear keep always caution having HOOD OFF.

We will then give a few laps up that goes all the flame.

Here we will add sugar, and if you combine the two types of sugar (the

brown and white), also jam It is much richer.

Now we just have to move the jam just a couple of minutes until we see

there is no longer any remaining sugar the casserole.

Add the juice of half a lemon, we return again a few laps and we can cover

our pot.

Now let's wait over high heat to rise valve, at the moment there

climbed down the heat valve to minimum and we will cook the jam for

10 minutes.

Once past these 10 minutes we will turn off Let the pot and let down valve

By itself.

Once you have downloaded can now open our cooking pot.

And our jam is almost ready, only We are crushing us well.

Once you may have good ground and I would jam list.

I want to watch out for the texture as good that is, you do not need to spend a couple

hours turning the jam for we look good.

Optionally, if you do not like too find nuggets, can pass through a sieve.

And so easy to prepare your own jams at home.

To conserve remain about three months in the fridge or if you prefer also

You can freeze.

Another option is to put it in jars, cover well and put to cook the cans for 20


Well, if you liked the video, do not forget to give the like, to share this recipe with

your family and friends, and if you do not you are subscribed to the channel do not know what to expect,

because you're missing a lot of delicious recipes.

Remember to activate the bell and you shall be enterao when the first upload a video.

And I already say goodbye but remember that we are in a few days with new recipes.

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