Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 20 2017

Balance is a very important thing.

Tomasz Nowak, my prior and a friend, likes talking about an asceticism-joy of living balance.

Today, Jesus is showing us that love by which he wants to draw people near to him

encompasses balance. Indeed, on the one hand there is John the Baptist, and on the other hand there is Jesus.

John the Baptist shows us more of an asceticism, some sort of hardship and struggle related to repentance,

but Jesus shows us gentleness, affection, and most of all, the joy of living.

That's it. There are two sides of the same coin: struggle and joy.

John the Baptist and Jesus, who are both relatives and friends, show us those two sides of God's act.

In our development we constantly need to take courage to fight,

but at the same time, we need to take care of joy, of celebrating the fact, that all of this has already happened,

that I am in God's arms now, that I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb

I am loved by Him without any conditions, and in the name of love, of this free love,

which is a celebration, a never-ending celebration even now, I can and I need to take up difficult and ascetic challenges.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 20 września 2017 - (Łk 7, 31-35) - Duration: 2:27.


Puerto Rico se prepara para lo peor ante el avance del huracán María - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico se prepara para lo peor ante el avance del huracán María - Duration: 2:28.


México nuevamente golpeado por un brutal terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> México nuevamente golpeado por un brutal terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 5:41.


La Torre Latinoamericana de Cuernavaca se viene abajo | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> La Torre Latinoamericana de Cuernavaca se viene abajo | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:59.


Ciudad de México: dramático rescate de niños atrapados en escuela | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Ciudad de México: dramático rescate de niños atrapados en escuela | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:45.


Científico: tenemos que estar preparados para estos terremotos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Científico: tenemos que estar preparados para estos terremotos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.


Arrestan a congresistas durante protestas contra la anulación de DACA - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Arrestan a congresistas durante protestas contra la anulación de DACA - Duration: 2:23.


Gobierno mexicano confirma al menos 120 muertos tras sismo | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Gobierno mexicano confirma al menos 120 muertos tras sismo | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.


Edificio colapsa con al menos una decena de personas dentro | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Edificio colapsa con al menos una decena de personas dentro | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:45.


Declaraciones del Presidente mexicano tras el terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Declaraciones del Presidente mexicano tras el terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:34.


Can't get there from here R.E.M. español - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Can't get there from here R.E.M. español - Duration: 3:40.


BEST FOOTBALL tackles! - Fantasy football // Song of the Day - Duration: 12:55.

This is the new section, I am ..

This is "metal on metal"

This is the pilot of the new section

What we want to do is to mix...

other passions and hobbies we have with...

metal music!

And this occasion

will be NFL

Raiders yeah! I support them

But not because of that you'll stop watching this!! besides we will talk about...

Fantasy football! If you have your team

then hi five!! cuz I have mine too!

and the league I'm playing is....

is with my friends "Pulque and friends"

I will show you my team

So you give me your comments! and let me know if I'm wrong or ok!

if I should change someone

and I will give you recommendations of which picks

That we should choose...

Maybe they won't be the best but....

they have the most consistency

also we will have the "best tackles"

and some highlights!

With some metal song recommendations

that are newly released

and songs that

you must listen if you are a metalhead

this is "METAL ON METAL!!"

Let me tell you last season I started loosing

BUT... I ended up winning the season!!

So you can win in a format in which you can change a lot

your players from one week to another

this season...

the admin of the league

decided there would be only 2 adds and drops per week...

knowing that ...that was my trick to win

So know is a bit more complicated but

I thinks I choose correctly from the beginning

here as you can see my team is.. "special forces GINYU"

In "pulque and friends" league

and you can see that I lost in week one but..

barely made it...

only lost by 2 points of difference

that was close...

these are my main players like Matt Ryan...

Devonta Freeman, I have...

Crabtree and Jared Cook from Raiders!

Also Green Bay's Davante Adams

I have...

The winner of last superbowl James White

I dont appreciate the Patriots but this dude is giving results

I had Rishard Matthews but now is on the bench and I chose...

Devante Parker

Who gave good results, from Dolphins

Also I have the kicker...

Raven's Tucker who was one of the best kickers last year

and the KC chiefs

they are so...


I think I will keep them this season

then the bench are... Tyrod Taylor

From Bills...and ..what?

D onta Foreman from texans

This seasons they

started so bad!

but I am believing in this rookie RB

I also choose this young lad.... from Chicago

Tarik... but this week he did so bad, I expect

gives better results upcoming weeks

cuz with Jordan Howard they will crush it

I have Cameron Brate

Who just played this week because of the Hurricanes in USA

and the game against Miami was posposed

I am missing...

Ah yeah Rishard Matthews as I said before

and Taylor Gabriel

he was very good!

and gave a good results every week

he generated a minimum of...

8 pts per game

this season he is injured and he is doing not so good

Give me your thoughts and recommendations!

And of course let me show off that this week I WON!!

Kicking some ass!

These are my recommendations to you

if in your leagues are not already taken..

Mike Evans I bet is already taken, he is one of the best WR

Javorius from Ravens is doing really good

And I think is one of the main RB

We have here these..

.Tight Ends

they are...

Making a consistent amount of points, Witten I bet is also taken in your league

Raiders kicker...

He will give good results because their offense makes a lot of points

and the main Kicker is



Sorry a frog...

And we have here se-men

from Broncos

select this guy is giving a lot of points

I thinks he is

more mature

and will

have a better understanding with his WR

Kareem Hunt is the rookie star player right now

like Ezekiel Elliot last season

Select Kareem he will be giving a lot to talk about this season

Select also Keenan Allen he is being consistent with the results

I bet this guy will give points the whole season

And J J Nelson if nobody has it in your league

run and add him now!

He will be giving the points hand in hand with Fitzgerald

these were MY recommendations...

for you to choose in your fantasy, maybe I'm wrong or maybe you agree with me

We'll see next week if it worked or not

These were the best plays of the week

And the best hits (tackles)!!

And the best headbanging!! with...


Rashawn lynch???

yeah... rashawn!

Rashawn lynch???

is Marshawn Lynch you idiot!!!

Now you know if you want to see something else more specific of the NFL mixed with...

the way we are doing it...

please leave your comments

Week after week we will do this!

If you want something more of the fantasy or....

or a different section

music and highlights I dunno!

PLEASE let us know!!

We are here to listen you guys!!

Please subscribe this channel!

follow us on our social networks

Also you can listen to us

Thursdays via iradiatec (spanish listeners)

I wait for your comments! want to watch something let tell us!!!

For more infomation >> BEST FOOTBALL tackles! - Fantasy football // Song of the Day - Duration: 12:55.


Static Episode #016 - Seph [Interview] - Duration: 13:50.

With my music, I do not aim for anything else than just doing music.

I don't expect anything from my sound.

I don't want my sound or my tracks to be "something".

There's no goal.

Nothing other than just making music.

I don't need it to be political, I don't need it to have a goal.

Not at all.

My parents are scientists,

and I think some of that remains in me.

Because music is science.

It has a really technical side

In fact, sound is physics.

We could actually say that music is relationships of forces.

The sounds that compose a piece of music, or a sound idea,

live thanks to the relationships between the different elements which compose that sound.

I mean, note, intensity, depth and all of that.

I think specially electronic music has a lot of that, something really scientific.

Something really techincal in the music, maybe more than in other styles or genres.

I was lucky enough to grow up with lot's of music around me.

My father is a great musician.

My first contact with electronic music

was actually through videogames.

I always gamed a lot.

And since the beginning I was always fascinated by the sound effects

and the different musics and sound environments in the games.

I think, during my time in England,

the four years I lived in England as a kid,

I was lucky that I got in contact with a lot of electronic music,

from Trance to Garage.

In the universitary campus we were living at,

lot's of students lived there.

And each of them, listened to blasting music.

Upstairst, there was a guy who was into Hip Hop.

On the left, another one listening to Techno and Trance.

This other dude to the right listening to more urban beats like Drum & Bass and Garage.

All of that was very nurturing.

Watching that competition between them to see who played the loudest music.

That had a huge effect on me.

In the sense that I got to know lot's of types of electronic music.

Electronic music carries within an intrinsic experimentation.

Experimentation is a part of electronic music.

In fact, the first electronic musicians where those scientists who were developing the first sound generating devices, recorders and such.

I think the artistic merit, when it comes to the production of electronic music,

Is in that producer who creates his own sounds.

Or generates certain musical situations in terms of rythm, harmony and sound,

that somehow are personal.

Or maybe are actually...

-It's risky to say "Innovative"

But I think artistic merit, when it comes to electronic music, is there.

In the producer creating his own sounds.

Because, nowadays, it's really common that producers end up actually being arrangers.

Because they can get a sound bank with loops, load them, barely modify them

mix them a bit, and that's it. And that is no more than being an arranger.

An editor.

I don't mean that that doesn't deserve merit,

but I believe that merit in electronic music has to do with that: the sound personality

that certain producer develops or exposes.

I start with sounds.

I rarely start working on a track.

I'd say I never sit down with the intention of making one track.

In fact, when I have an idea on my mind and want to do it, it doesn't work out.

Most of the things that I consider to be good, happen by mistake or by experimenting.

I end up having lot's of sounds in lot's of different folders in my computer

Or effect chains, or maybe a MIDI clip that remained from one project

And I end up gathering all those ideas in one track, that is born, develops and grows in different

It may start in an Ableton project that then goes through Logic

or maybe I'll then export it and put it in my live set, play it, modify it, combine it with other sounds.

One of the things that helped me a lot was understanding that us, electronic producers, are doing many things at once.

We are doing the melodic, harmonic and rhythmic composition of the sound.

On the other side, we are making the sound design, the color of it or the ring.

And on the other side we are also doing the mix.

Those three things work together.

When I'm trying to understand one track, finding out what that track is about,

or trying to fix a problem I have in a loop,

a rhythm or a musical texture,

I can tackle that problem from the compositive side, from the sound color or from the mix.

Maybe there is one certain sound that is not working in the mix, maybe it's not out of the mix but you actually need to modify the place where it's falling in the rhythmic cadence.

Or maybe you need to modify it's hierarchy in relation to other sounds.

That's why I believe music is a game of relationships, of forces.

It's a conversation between different elements that need to work well among them.

Maybe "well" is not the right word. They just need to work.

Aula Magna rises when Qik, Pablo Denegri, Mekas and me felt, almost at the same time, the need to have our own plattform.

Where we could release our music, and then organize gigs,

We needed a place to create a healthy circle of self demand between us.

That always leads to the best results, working together not only in the most administrative part of the label,

but also in the artistic matters,

gives really good outcomes.

In the begining, we defined it as "forward looking Techno"

Techno that looks forward [re-explains it in Spanish]

And I believe some of that will always be present in the label, conceptually.

It goes beyond Techno, it has to do with electronic music.

With music that actually looks forward but, in essence, with the label we want it to be timeless.

I think what defines electronic music is the relationship between man and machine.

And the music and the sounds that come out are that, that collaboration between machine and the man.

There's a big danger there, because it's easy for the machine to become the one doing everything.

Or the tool.

And the producer or composer not that much.

You need to be careful with that type of things.

Because you'll end up having music that has no soul.

That has no heart from a certain point of view.

I think electronic music, or Techno is defined in that sense, in a certain love from the man towards the machine, and, with that, towards the future.

For more infomation >> Static Episode #016 - Seph [Interview] - Duration: 13:50.


Remembering Omaha shooting victim James Womack - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Remembering Omaha shooting victim James Womack - Duration: 1:48.


➕ Zodiac Brave Modo chat ; Menú principal - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> ➕ Zodiac Brave Modo chat ; Menú principal - Duration: 1:50.


➕ Zodiac Brave Modo Chat; Holy War (聖戦チャッ ト) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> ➕ Zodiac Brave Modo Chat; Holy War (聖戦チャッ ト) - Duration: 3:01.


Get A Music Budget Fast

For more infomation >> Get A Music Budget Fast


కనికరం / Telugu Subtitle / New Video Song HD / CGTI Vijaykumar - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> కనికరం / Telugu Subtitle / New Video Song HD / CGTI Vijaykumar - Duration: 6:46.


Rex Tillerson Just Gave A Stone Cold Stare Into The Camera And BURIED Obama's Legacy | Top Stories - Duration: 1:51.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson got on Fox News Tuesday night and blasted Obama's 2015

Iran deal, calling it "one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United

States has ever entered into."

Then he started into the camera and said something we've all been waiting for: "[it] really

has to be revisited."

FINALLY we have people in charge who both understand that this deal is terrible and


Tillerson said the most obvious problem with the Iran deal was a stipulation that most

of the key restrictions currently being imposed on Iran would be lifted in 2030- called the

"sunset clause."

Tillerson said the conditions would mirrored those that allowed North Korea to acquire

nuclear weapons:

"Unfortunately, this is what [U.S.] governments in the past did with North Korea.

They just simply entered into agreements that were short-lived or were easily cheated on."

He added that Trump is thinking along similar lines, which the president has said himself

multiple times:

"And I think that's the president's assessment of the Iranian nuclear agreement,

is that it's not a stiff enough agreement, it doesn't slow their program enough and

holding them accountable is difficult under the agreement."

Obama negotiated the deal in 2015 with the U.S., Russia, China, France, Great Britain,

and Germany.

Shortly after, Trump tweeted: It's amazing how things are now full circle

and we have an administration ready to work to make it right!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you Love Trump and his team?

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Rex Tillerson Just Gave A Stone Cold Stare Into The Camera And BURIED Obama's Legacy | Top Stories - Duration: 1:51.


How to Get Mobilink 3GB Free Internet For Month 2017 - Duration: 1:59.

How to Get Mobilink 3GB Free Internet For Month 2017

For more infomation >> How to Get Mobilink 3GB Free Internet For Month 2017 - Duration: 1:59.


trik MELATIH lovebird PEMULA usia 3 bulan, LANGSUNG NGEKEK - Duration: 17:03.

trik MELATIH lovebird PEMULA usia 3 bulan, LANGSUNG NGEKEK

For more infomation >> trik MELATIH lovebird PEMULA usia 3 bulan, LANGSUNG NGEKEK - Duration: 17:03.


Pięć małych żabek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki - Duration: 1:03:50.

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Four green speckled frogs





Four Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Three green speckled frogs




Three little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Two green speckled frogs



Two little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is one green speckled frog


One little speckled frog

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

It jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is no more speckled frogs

For more infomation >> Pięć małych żabek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki - Duration: 1:03:50.


Mental Lovebird Usia 3 Bulan, 5 Menit Langsung Berani - Duration: 17:37.

Mental Lovebird Usia 3 Bulan, 5 Menit Langsung Berani

For more infomation >> Mental Lovebird Usia 3 Bulan, 5 Menit Langsung Berani - Duration: 17:37.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I Dynamic Airco Cruise Trekh. 16''LM - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I Dynamic Airco Cruise Trekh. 16''LM - Duration: 0:59.


Advance your English with 7 INTENSIFIERS - Duration: 11:06.


I'm Rebecca from engVid.

After teaching English for more than 30 years, my goal in all my lessons is to help you to

learn English more quickly and easily.

So in the next few minutes you're going to be able to take your English to a higher level

by learning seven advanced expressions with intensifiers.

Now, what does that mean?

What are intensifiers?

Let's find out. Okay?

So let's start with this example in a general situation.


"Joan likes music."

We can say that, or we could say: "Joan really likes music."

In this example, the word "really" is an intensifier, and what an intensifier does is that it strengthens

or emphasizes the verb.

She doesn't just like music, she really likes music, and that's fine to say.


That's called an adverb intensifier.

All right?

Doesn't matter, but maybe for those of you who like to understand grammar, I'm just telling

you what the words are.

All right, let's look at another example from a business context.

"We appreciate your offer."


No intensifier, there.

The next example: "We really appreciate your offer."

Now, again, the word "really" was the intensifier.

But do we use only "really" as intensifiers?


We use many, many other words because it would be very boring to keep saying "really" all the time.

Also, "really" might be fine in this example because it's kind of informal and conversational,

but here it's a little bit more formal, a little bit more businesslike, so you want

to use better English, you want to use more advanced English, and you want to use more

advanced expressions.

So, what do we usually say instead of that with the verb "appreciate"?

We usually say something like this: "We truly appreciate your offer."


Now, in this example, the word "truly" is the intensifier instead of "really".


And the verb stays the same, so that's "appreciate".

So, when you have an intensifier like "truly" or "really" plus a verb, like "appreciate",

that's called a collocation.


Or a word combination, two words which are used together very frequently.

All right?

So people expect to hear them together. All right?

So when you use them, you sound much more natural.

You also sound a little bit more formal, more polite, more educated, a little bit more refined

and cultured, and just more advanced in English.

All right? Because obviously if you say:

"I truly appreciate your offer", instead of saying: "I really appreciate your offer",

then you're going to sound more advanced.

Now, of course, it depends on the situation.

If you're just talking to friends, maybe you want to keep saying "really appreciate", but

I'm going to show you seven other expressions...

Six other expressions-you've already learned one, all right?-which you can use and which

are used very often in academic circles and also in professional circles because you can

use these expressions in speaking and writing, you can use them in social and business situations,

like especially in customer service, in meetings, negotiations, presentations, discussions. Right?

And, of course, we can use them in a lot of academic situations, like in your essays,

or your IELTS, or your TOEFL.

Imagine if you started using this kind of vocabulary instead of regular vocabulary.

Of course you're going to get higher marks.

All right?

So, let's look at some of these expressions.

All right, so let's first start with an overview of these six advanced expressions.

All right?

I'll just read them right now.

Don't worry about understanding them or how to use them.

I'm going to explain that in just a minute. Okay?

All right.

So the first one: "Strongly recommend",

"honestly believe",

"deeply regret",

"fully recognize",

"sincerely hope",

and "positively encourage".


So, what did you notice in those?

Each of them had an intensifier. Right?

"Strongly", "honestly", "deeply", "fully", "sincerely", "positively", and each of them

had a verb; "recommend", "believe", "regret", etc. Okay.

So, why are they expressions?

Why are they called collocations?

Because these expressions, these two-word combinations are used together, and they are

recognized as good expressions to use together.

All right?

So let's go through them now so you understand exactly how to use them.

So, the first one: "We strongly recommend you back up your files."

All right?

You see this instruction very often to do with your computer. Right?

So you don't want to lose your files, so they tell you:

"We strongly recommend you back up your files."

All right, another example: "I strongly recommend you go to the hospital."

All right?

Now, I've used examples with "we" and "I", you can use any pronoun, or name, or anything like that.

Okay? Let's go.

"We honestly believe he is innocent.

He's not guilty. He is innocent."

Or: "I honestly believe you deserve a raise.

You've been doing such a great job. You deserve a raise."

What's a raise?

"A raise" means when you get more money.

All right?

You can get a promotion, a higher position or...

And sometimes with that you get more money, which is called a raise.

All right?

Sometimes you get a promotion, but no raise; sometimes you get a raise, but no promotion;

but sometimes you get both. All right.

Number three: "We deeply regret the inconvenience to our customers",

or "to our passengers". All right?

If something went wrong, if you're on an airline and there's a delay, you might hear an announcement

at the airport that says:

"We deeply regret the inconvenience to our passengers, however we will be boarding in the next half an hour."


Something like that.

So this is a formal, very polite way of the airline telling you they're really sorry.


Next: "I deeply regret missing your wedding."

Now, just to review a little bit, so "regret", what does "regret" mean?

It basically means I'm sorry.

Okay? It's a more formal word for that.

And same here: "We honestly believe" means I honestly think.

And here: "We strongly recommend", means strongly advise or suggest.

Okay? Just in case you weren't sure what these words meant.

All right.

Number four: "We fully recognize"...

Sorry. "We fully recognize your contribution to the project."


Somebody did a lot of work on a project, and the company or the management says:

"We fully recognize your contribution to the project."

Or: "I fully recognize the importance of learning English."

That's why I'm watching these videos.

Okay. All right.

"Fully recognize" means I really know, I completely know.

I understand that.

I got it, I'm aware of it. Okay?

All of these words basically mean "really", but they're just different words and more advanced words.

Number five: "We sincerely hope you will fly with us again."

After many flights, especially I noticed on American Airlines, they say this before you

get off the plane, they say:

"We sincerely hope you fly with us again. We really hope", okay?

So, "sincerely" just means "really" also.

Or you can say: "I sincerely hope you achieve your goals."

Okay? "I really hope that you achieve your goals."

And "hope" is basically like a wish.

All right.

And the next one: "We positively encourage our students to use the library."

Positively encourage.

"To encourage" means, again, to recommend.

All right?

"Positively", again, means really strongly, very much, really.

Or we could say:

"I positively encourage you to speak English as often as you can in order to improve your fluency."

All right?

So, again, all of these expressions are more advanced and they are considered good ways

for you to get a higher mark and also to advance in your career because you're using better,

more sophisticated English.

All right?

Let's do one last review to help you to remember these expressions and how they go together.

All right?

Okay, now, one more point: Even though it's very good to use these advanced expressions,

don't use them all the time-okay?-in the same piece of writing.

Because sometimes they come across a little bit heavy, so you can use one, you can use

another one, but don't use too many of them at one time because they are strong.


But to have a little fun and to review the seven expressions that you've just learned,

we're going to read something that I wrote especially for you.

So: I sincerely hope you start using these expressions.

I fully recognize they're a little challenging.

I deeply regret there's no magic pill for learning English,

but I honestly believe you can do it.

I strongly recommend you take the quiz at www.engvid.com.

I truly appreciate the opportunity to help you to optimize your English.

And last: I positively encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel.


Now, one other thing you can do if you want to make sure that you really have learned

these expressions is choose one, even just one expression, and leave a comment on our

engVid comments-okay?-on our engVid website.

I do read all the comments there, and very often I answer different people who have written the comments.

So, hope to meet you there. Take care.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Advance your English with 7 INTENSIFIERS - Duration: 11:06.


Drap giường màu xám I Ra nệm Hàn Quốc cao cấp họa tiết tròn KS1-688 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Drap giường màu xám I Ra nệm Hàn Quốc cao cấp họa tiết tròn KS1-688 - Duration: 1:57.


Lạc trôi theo chân nữ cần thủ quyến rũ - Duration: 14:04.

Thank you for watching the video remember to register your channel offline

For more infomation >> Lạc trôi theo chân nữ cần thủ quyến rũ - Duration: 14:04.


GIVEAWAY!! $20 Ulta Gift Card - Duration: 2:18.

What's up it's me grace from Grace's Beauty Spot and today I'm going to be

doing a giveaway for 50+ subscribers I'm so excited to be hitting

65 I think it is right now subscribers. And I hope that we can get even further and

thank you guys so much! Like the supporters that are you know here and

stuff and yeah I know that this is what you've all been waiting for so

let's go get right into what I actually got for the giveaway! So what I got for

the giveaway was an Ulta Beauty gift card for $20 and yeah I'm so

excited to see who's gonna win and the giveaway actually ends October 1st and

it is only for the people who live in the United States so you know just so

you know and let's get right into the rules.

Okay so first is to make sure to be subscribed to this YouTube channel -

To this one right here. (Grace's Beauty Spot) and second is to go

check out my Instagram @graces_beauty_spot and

there's gonna be a post yeah there's gonna be a photo of this

and it will say all a bunch of rules. Such as okay so on the Instagram photo

it says so tag 3 friends on that photo. It has to be that photo, it can't be in

the next photo it has to be the Ulta, the photo of the Ulta Beauty gift card and

and yeah and also you know it also says to be subscribed to this YouTube channel

and um and yeah. So if you say you are only subscribed to the YouTube channel

you actually can't win. You have to be following the Instagram, and tag 3

friends below, and then following or subscribe to this YouTube channel to win

and I have an app to check that so you know yeah. Thank you guys so much for

watching I really hope that one of you guys wins this $20.00 Ulta gift card

and yeah click here to subscribe there's a little

button right there I think and then right there is my most recent video. Love

you guys so much and thank you guys so much make sure to


For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY!! $20 Ulta Gift Card - Duration: 2:18.


Phố đi bộ Bùi Viện Sài Gòn - Bui Vien Walking Street khu phố Tây balo rất đông giới trẻ Việt |ZaiTri - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Phố đi bộ Bùi Viện Sài Gòn - Bui Vien Walking Street khu phố Tây balo rất đông giới trẻ Việt |ZaiTri - Duration: 8:04.


NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:30:08.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:30:08.


öppnaochstäng | Busigt Lärande | | Förskola Låtar | Barnmusik | Barnrim - Duration: 1:01:51.

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Put them in your lap, lap, lap

Open, shut them

Open, shut them

Put them in your lap, lap, lap

Sit and Stand

Sit and Stand

Sit and Stand

Sit right down and Stand, stand stand

Sit and Stand

Sit and Stand

Sit right down and Stand, stand stand

Run and Walk

Run and Walk

Run and Walk

Run, Run, Run and Walk Walk Walk

Run and Walk

Run and Walk

Run, Run, Run and Walk Walk Walk

Shout and Whisper

Shout and Whisper

Shout and Whisper

Shout, shout, shout and shhhhh whisper

Shout and Whisper

Shout and Whisper

Shout, shout, shout and shhhhh whisper

Hot and Cold

Hot and Cold

Hot and Cold

Very Hot and Very Cold

Hot and Cold

Hot and Cold

Very Hot and Very Cold

Laugh and Cry

Laugh and Cry

Laugh and Cry

Laugh, Laugh, Laugh and Cry, Cry, Cry

Laugh and Cry

Laugh and Cry

Laugh, Laugh, Laugh and Cry, Cry, Cry

Stop and Go

Stop and Go

Stop and Go

Stop right there and Go, Go, Go

Stop and Go

Stop and Go

Stop right there and Go, Go, Go

For more infomation >> öppnaochstäng | Busigt Lärande | | Förskola Låtar | Barnmusik | Barnrim - Duration: 1:01:51.


Ewangeliarz OP - 20 września 2017 - (Łk 7, 31-35) - Duration: 2:27.

Balance is a very important thing.

Tomasz Nowak, my prior and a friend, likes talking about an asceticism-joy of living balance.

Today, Jesus is showing us that love by which he wants to draw people near to him

encompasses balance. Indeed, on the one hand there is John the Baptist, and on the other hand there is Jesus.

John the Baptist shows us more of an asceticism, some sort of hardship and struggle related to repentance,

but Jesus shows us gentleness, affection, and most of all, the joy of living.

That's it. There are two sides of the same coin: struggle and joy.

John the Baptist and Jesus, who are both relatives and friends, show us those two sides of God's act.

In our development we constantly need to take courage to fight,

but at the same time, we need to take care of joy, of celebrating the fact, that all of this has already happened,

that I am in God's arms now, that I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb

I am loved by Him without any conditions, and in the name of love, of this free love,

which is a celebration, a never-ending celebration even now, I can and I need to take up difficult and ascetic challenges.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 20 września 2017 - (Łk 7, 31-35) - Duration: 2:27.


NASA Confirm: 23rd September 2017 You Need To See This, Please share! - Duration: 48:31.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 23rd September 2017 You Need To See This, Please share! - Duration: 48:31.


Pięć małych żabek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki - Duration: 1:03:50.

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Four green speckled frogs





Four Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Three green speckled frogs




Three little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Two green speckled frogs



Two little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is one green speckled frog


One little speckled frog

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

It jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is no more speckled frogs

For more infomation >> Pięć małych żabek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki - Duration: 1:03:50.


Philippe Coutinho: Liverpool demanded Barcelona pay £178m for star - Josep Maria Bartomeu - Duration: 3:04.

Philippe Coutinho: Liverpool demanded Barcelona pay £178m for star - Josep Maria Bartomeu

The Brazil international leapt to the top of Barca's wanted list following the departure of his compatriot Neymar to PSG in a world-record deal. And Ernesto Valverde lodged three bids for Coutinho, coming in at £72m, £90m and £118m respectively.

Liverpool's owners, Fenway Sports Group (FSG), insisted the 25-year-old was not for sale and rejected his transfer request. Barcelona president Bartomeu claims the Reds did have a price in mind that they were willing to let Coutinho leave Anfield for though.

Speaking on El Rondo on Spanish TV network RTVE, Bartomeu said: I will not say how much we offered, but [Liverpool] asked for €200m (£178m).

We werent going to give €200m or €150m (£133m) - we decided to step away from such an expensive market, our offer was less than €100m (£89m), with add-ons it could have reached €120m (£107m).

Money has come into football from outside the game and made [the transfer market] more expensive, which explains what happened with Coutinho. Josep Maria Bartomeu claims Liverpool named a price for Barcelona target Philippe Coutinho.

Liverpool rejected three Barcelona bids for star man Philippe Coutinho over the summer.

We have to make these investments in La Masia and the clubs academy, we must respect the rules. This is why I am happy with the investigation into PSG, which is a request made by European clubs.

Neymar? Officially, we learned he was leaving when he told us.at the end of July we saw things werent going well, but his father told us it was nothing.

We believed his fathers word but there should have been more honesty, but we need to be self-criticial..

For more infomation >> Philippe Coutinho: Liverpool demanded Barcelona pay £178m for star - Josep Maria Bartomeu - Duration: 3:04.


Spread the jam: Transit lanes - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Spread the jam: Transit lanes - Duration: 1:28.


NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when Something Big is Happening Worldwide - Duration: 1:53:16.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when Something Big is Happening Worldwide - Duration: 1:53:16.


spider fight in Korea - Duration: 9:53.

For more infomation >> spider fight in Korea - Duration: 9:53.


TOP PLAYS: Friday Night Flights top 10 for Sept. 15 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> TOP PLAYS: Friday Night Flights top 10 for Sept. 15 - Duration: 2:44.


爵士音樂, ジャズ&ボサノバBGM. カフェ BGM, 作業用や勉強用にも, JAZZ+BOSSAでオシャレでゆったりとした時間を - Duration: 3:00:55.

Title: Jazz & Bossa Nova BGM! Cafe BGM! Work and also for the study! The time and spacious with stylish JAZZ + BOSSA!

For more infomation >> 爵士音樂, ジャズ&ボサノバBGM. カフェ BGM, 作業用や勉強用にも, JAZZ+BOSSAでオシャレでゆったりとした時間を - Duration: 3:00:55.


'장난감 천국' 토이저러스의 몰락…이르면 오늘 파산신청 - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> '장난감 천국' 토이저러스의 몰락…이르면 오늘 파산신청 - Duration: 4:45.


Antonio Conte has changed his title priorities at Chelsea - Brian McBride - Duration: 2:35.

Antonio Conte has changed his title priorities at Chelsea - Brian McBride

Brian McBride says Chelsea are focusing on the Premier League instead of the Champions League.

That's according to former Fulham striker Brian McBride. Antonio Conte won the title in his first season at Chelsea last time out, with the Blues out of European football.

Chelsea returned to the Champions League earlier this month, winning 6-0 against Qarabag in their first group stage game.

McBride expected the Blues to focus on European football over the Premier League but the American now reckons Conte is eyeing another domestic title.

"I look at Chelsea and I'm thinking 'alright they've won the Premier League, they're probably going to be focusing more towards the Champions League'," he told ESPN FC. "In the off-season I think they would have thought that.

"Now, whether or not that's the case, certainly the Premier League is going to be a priority for Chelsea.".

Brian McBride McBride also reckons Manchester United and Tottenham are fully focused on the Premier League, while Manchester City are chasing the Champions League. "Manchester United, Premier League first.

They want to get back on top, I can guarantee you that," he added. "They've put themselves back in the Champions League by winning the Europa League.

"Tottenham is probably more focused on the Premier League than that are the Champions League, looking at the Champions League as a bonus.

"Tottenham haven't won the league in forever so a club that hasn't won the league and has the opportunity to I think will definitely look towards that.

"Manchester City is probably the one, that team has been built to win the Champions League.".

For more infomation >> Antonio Conte has changed his title priorities at Chelsea - Brian McBride - Duration: 2:35.


紗栄子:久しぶりのランウエーも「緊張しなかった!」 - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 紗栄子:久しぶりのランウエーも「緊張しなかった!」 - Duration: 3:23.


Get A Music Budget Fast

For more infomation >> Get A Music Budget Fast



For more infomation >> ANA CLÁUDIA WINK DOS SANTOS (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 5:15.


Mi Casting para Gran Hermano 18 | Complejo De Diva - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mi Casting para Gran Hermano 18 | Complejo De Diva - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> 2 SEGREDOS PARA EVITAR A ARTROSE NO JOELHO - Duration: 2:01.


Can't get there from here R.E.M. español - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Can't get there from here R.E.M. español - Duration: 3:40.


บทที่ 9 part2 - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> บทที่ 9 part2 - Duration: 9:42.


Científico: tenemos que estar preparados para estos terremotos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Científico: tenemos que estar preparados para estos terremotos | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:07.


5 ways to get your credit report or score for FREE (@DebtFreeSweetie) - Duration: 5:58.

What's up, guys. It's Laila from DebtFreeSweetie.com and today I want to share with you

5 places where you can receive your credit report or score for

absolutely free. Let's get started.

Now first we'll talk about what is on your credit report.

Why is it important and how can it help you when you're trying to get out of debt.

So your credit report is a consolidated list of all of the accounts that you

have open in your name, all the credit that you have that's been reported to

the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax and

that's important because you want to make sure that you are on the same page

with your creditors in terms of how much money you owe when the account started

if you've ever been late on your payments these are all things that are

going to be important. For example, if in your mind you only owe $100 on an account but

from your creditors perspective you owe $500 that's a problem.

So you want to make sure and verify that information that's on your report is accurate that

it is your name on the report that other people's information is not up there and

you also want to check it to make sure that you've not become a victim of fraud.

Make sure that people have not taken your information and tried to open new

accounts that you don't know about. Now having your credit report can help you

when you're on the road to getting out of debt because you also know exactly

what it is that you owe so that you can start working on paying that off exactly.

Now what about your credit score? Your credit score is a number that's supposed

to represent your a level of creditworthiness in order to borrow more

money. In other words if a potential lender pulls your score and they see

that as a high score that means in their minds that you are more likely to pay

back the money that they lend you, and if it's a lower score that means that for

them you're less likely to pay back the money that they lend you. Is your credit score

even important? Does it even matter? Well I think that really depends on what

exactly your goal is. For example if you want to continue borrowing money then

sure you want to have a higher score. Ultimately, for me I want to get to the place where I

don't have to borrow any money. But in the meantime, I'm not there yet so I do still want

to maintain a good or excellent credit score.

Where can you get your credit

report or score for no money? Where can you get it for free? The first place

I want to share with you is called AnnualCreditReport.com. Maybe you've

heard of it. But at this website you can go there and get one free credit report

from each of the three credit bureaus every 12 months. Now you might get all

three credit reports now, you might get two now, one later, you might get one now

get another in four months and then again in four months from there. It's however you

want to do it but you can get three credit reports for free every year

every 12 months. Now with this website if you want to get your credit score you

would have to pay for it, but why would you do that when you can still get your

credit score for free at other places? So one place where you can't get your

credit score for free is your credit card company. Now if you don't have a

credit card don't go opening one just to get your credit score for free because

there's still other places where you can get it for free, but if you do have a

credit card, check with your company check your statement maybe it's on your

statement. I think Discover places the score on statements.

I know Chase has a service where you can get your credit score for

free. Capital One has a service where you can get your credit score for free.

Sometimes you'll have to sign up for an additional service it doesn't come

together automatically, but check with your credit card company to see if they

offer that service to there their clients.

The third resource that I want to

share with you is called Credit Karma. This is my favorite in terms of getting your credit

report and score for free and seeing what's on your report. They have a

desktop website, they have a mobile app and you can check your score however

many times you want you can look at every day multiple times a day and it

has all that you owe up there. It's refreshed pretty frequently so you can look at it

any time without your credit taking a hit without any detriment to your credit

score at all.

Another place where you might be able to obtain your score from

is your bank your financial institution. I bank with a credit union in my state

and when you go to check your financial statement online it has it right there

where you can click on a link and see your credit score. So check with your

bank as well to see if they offer that service to their members or to their customers.

And the last resource that I want to share with you is Mint. Mint.com

is the website, you can go on your mobile device and find their app. They're

another service that offers you your credit score and

the good thing about Mint is not only do they offer credit score but they

also are a budgeting app, so you can connect your bank account your credit

card, debit card, your auto loans, student loans, all your financial accounts that

you have, and it really provides a holistic view of your financial health

in terms of where you are and you can go in there and every time you swipe your

debit card or your credit card, it's automatically deducted. So the idea is

for it to be an overall budgeting app. Now some people might not feel

comfortable with the idea of connecting those accounts on with Mint, so

you want to weigh out what's best for you. I've been using that for years I've

never had any issue, so I have no problem sharing this as a resource with you as

well, but you just want to weigh out what's important to you.

So there you have it: five resources five places where you can find your credit report or score

for absolutely no money at all. If you're paying for your credit report or paying

for your credit score you're paying too much for it. You can't get it for absolutely free.

If you know of other resources where you can get your credit

report or your credit score for free make sure you put that in the comment box.

If you found this video helpful go ahead and give it a thumbs up. Make sure

that you like the video, share this video subscribe to this channel.

At DebtFreeSweetie.com, I'm sharing my personal journey of becoming completely debt free,

but I don't want you to just watch me I want to inspire and encourage you to start or

advance your own debt free journey.

So thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

[Upbeat, smooth hiphop music plays. More at DebtFreeSweetie.com]

For more infomation >> 5 ways to get your credit report or score for FREE (@DebtFreeSweetie) - Duration: 5:58.


Pięć małych żabek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki - Duration: 1:03:50.

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Four green speckled frogs





Four Little Speckled Frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Three green speckled frogs




Three little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there are Two green speckled frogs



Two little speckled frogs

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is one green speckled frog


One little speckled frog

Sat on a speckled log

Eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

It jumped into the pool

Where it was nice and cool

Now there is no more speckled frogs

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