Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 20 2017

Alrighty, what is happening today?

Oh my gosh.

Today is a special day.

We haven't had Korean food in ages.



We were actually racking our brains and thinking like when was the last time and we believe

it was in Pokhara, Nepal.

Which is months ago.

Months ago.

That is half a year ago.

So when we came to Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) and we're kind of here for a little while.


We actually researched online to see if there was any Korean restaurants.

We've been craving it for ages.

Uh huh.

And we found one.

There is actually one that is quite highly rated.

It is Arirang (아리랑).


I don't know if you can see that up there.

And you know what is so funny?

For a second I thought Sam had finally learned how to read cyrillic.


But no.

I was reading the Korean.

He was reading the Hangul.

I was reading the Korean.

Yeah, and then of course there is the typical Korean sign as well beside it too.

Alright, let's go in.

Anyways, we're hungry.

Let's go in.

Let's eat Korean food.

So excited.

Okay, orders have been placed and I don't think they're going to be very many surprises.

We have our favorites.

We tend to order the same things over and over again.

But we do get six free little dishes.

Side dishes.

Banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).



Yeah, and there was other things that are authentic about this too.

The little bell.

The bell when you're ready to order.

And you want to get more drinks or anything.

Ding dong.

Ding ding.

So excited.

And one thing I did order a little bit different that I normally tend to get Dolsot Bibimbap

if I haven't had it for a while but I ended up getting Kimchi-Bokkeum-Bap (김치볶음밥)

which is the kimchi fried rice.

And yeah, we ordered mandu as well.


We got the pajeon (파전) instead.

Oh right.

We got pajeon (파전).


Okay, so we are mixing it up a little bit.


And I got sundubu jjigae which is what I always get.

I just love my tofu stew.

And you know it is like August here.

It is getting a little bit chilly in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) so yeah.

Yeah, barely it is under 20 most days now.

Korean food!

What what.

So our food has arrived all at once.

But we're going to start out with the banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

So we got lots of free dishes.

We've got our sweet potato here.

It looks like sweet potato right?

Yeah, I think it is.

Let's check.

It is either kokuma or gamja.




It is sweet potato.


It is almost like in pancake form.


We've got our pickled radishes.


Over here.

I've already had a few.

Nice and spicy.


So good.

And this one looks a little unfamiliar.

What is this?

Let's try it anyway.


Maybe some kind of mushroom.

Oh, wow.

Looks good.

That is what I was going to guess.

And then we have the beansprouts of course.

Beansprouts in they go.

Those are so tasty.

And of course we have kimchi (김치).

Oh, seaweed.

Let's not forget.

Our seaweed.

I think it is called in Korean that is gim.

I'm starting to forget words.

It is kind of sad.

Gim is the dry seaweed sheets.

I'm not sure it would apply to this.

We do have the classic kimchi (김치).


And you know what?

This kimchi has some kick.

I've already been having some when Sam is not looking.

Sneaking in food while I've been filming.


And what is the last one?

To the left of it?


And other food too.

Oh man.

That is like a spicy kimchi?

This also looks like Kimchi (김치).

It looks like a cooked form of it.

Let's see.

Yeah, it has some onions in here as well.

Plenty of onions.

Is it warm?

No, it is cold.

It is cold okay.


And that is sweet sauce.

Okay, it is a sweeter kind.

But similar?


What is the name?

Oh man, I'm so bad.

We're getting so bad with our Korean.

I know.

It is kind of sad.

Sweet red sauce and like spicy and sweet that you add to your bibimbap.

Oh, gochujang (고추장).

It is gochujang.


It has got lots of gochujang on it?


Oh, throat is on fire now.

I'm starting to get my runny nose.

It always happens whenever I have Korean food.


I know.

We love it but we haven't had it in so long I guess we're just not quite used to the spices


That was like when we first came back to Korea again last year.

It was like oh my gosh my tongue is on fire.

The first few days we were having some digestive issues but then we got used to it.

We won't get into that.


Okay, what are you going to tuck into?

Oh, this is so exciting.

We've got pajeon (파전).


Which is like Korean pancakes and it is beautiful.

It has already been sliced up but I don't want to choke on this so I'm going to slice

it further once more.


Do you want to tell us some of the ingredients.

Yeah, so the main ingredients of course is the pa which is the green onion the scallion.

And then actually this is kind of like hamul pajeon because it has got I can see that there

is seafood in here.

And we've got red pepper and we've got probably onions and other just kind of assorted seafood.


So let's take that for a swim here.

I believe this is kangjang sauce that is like a soy sauce mixed with vinegar.

It should be really nice.

It looks like some spices.

Oh yeah and a little bit of chili powder.


You have to absolutely dunk your pajeon into this.

It doesn't taste as good otherwise.


That is awesome.



Very authentic.

Nice and thick.

That is how you can tell that it is being served basically as a main dish as opposed

to just like banchan.

Because they make it nice and thick.


You're going to really like it.

I want to try some of that.

You're going to like it.

Do do doo do.

Dun dun dun.

Your turn.

In we go.

I'm just going to dunk it.

Dunk it.

Proper dunk.

Oh yeah.

Oh la lah.

Oh yeah.


This is one of my favorites.

We arrived really hungry today.

We were actually going to come earlier.

We skipped breakfast.

We skipped breakfast and we were going to come around 11 and we ended up having a super

long Skype call and now we're here at closer to 2pm.

So yeah.

We've brought our appetites for sure.

This is really authentic.

I know.

For Korean food in Ukraine.

So authentic.


So authentic so far.

And now time for the main.

What did you order?

Time for the main.

I ordered the Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) which is kimchi fried rice.

Oh yeah.

And man this looks it looks so good.

I can tell that there is chunks of meat in it already.

It has got lots of kimchi.

It has other vegetables.

We already mixed in the egg.

Yeah, and the kicker is that they made it super authentic by giving us a runny egg.

That is how you finish that is how you basically how you plate how you top kimchi fried rice.

And Sam can't deal with runny eggs unless.

If it mixed it is fine.

I actually like it if I can't see it.

I have really weird like the foods that I don't like I have really weird conditions

for them.

Like it if is just runny eggs on their own.

Uh uh.

But like mixed in with rice.

Totally fine.

No problem.

Totally fine.

So let's see how is this.


That is good.


Um, it is very compared to a lot of other Kimchi-Bokkeum-Baps (김치볶음밥) I've

had it has got quite a bit more sweetness to it.

But it does also have a lot of spice.

Oh man.

It really does.

So you've got like very intense sweetness which you kind of it kind of hits you right

away but then as you're swallowing it it is more intense the spice.

And yeah it has it is very spicy.

Oh la lah.

My throat is on fire.

Oh, and it came with a little side as well.

You ordered your bokkeumbap and you know what.

I got a little soup.

I think this is maybe like gyeran-guk.

Like a little egg soup.

I'm not entirely sure.

It looks like a broth with egg whites and some spring onions.

Yeah, that is exactly what it is.



And that is kind of nice for cooling your palate a little bit.


This isn't spicy.



And because sharing is caring.

I feel like we say that a lot.

Sharing is caring.

That is one of our very cheesy lines.

We seem to have a number of those.

Oh, that is hot.

That is hot.


Not spicy hot but just hot?

Hot hot.

Do you know what I mean about the sweetness?

It hits you hard but then the spice.

Yeah, it is sweeter than any other bokkeumbap that I've had.

But I remember I think the one we had was it in Nepal.


That one the sweetness was just wrong because they had put in ketchup in there.


And this is more authentic.

Yeah I've had some kind of sweeter Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) in Korea but

it tends not to be that way.

It tends not to be as sweet as this.

But it is still good.

The presentation and the spiciness and the other ingredients are definitely on par.

On track.

I like it.

It is different but I like it.


But it has definitely got a little bit more sugar than what we're used to.

I'm going to try this as well.


It is just nice for cooling the palette a bit.

It is very very light.


What say you?

Yeah, nice mild flavors.

If you need a little bit of a break from the spice.


This is really good so far.

Alright, so impressed.

Let's move on to your jjigae (찌개).

Are you ready for your jjigae?

I sure am.

So for my main I ordered the sundubu-jjigae ((순두부찌개)) which is a tofu stew and

it also comes with oh this is so hot.


Oh my gosh.

It comes with a bowl of rice.

Plain white rice.

And that is a very authentic Korean rice bowl.


And the soup, I have to say it looks a little bit different from what I'm used to.

Like it is not as red.

It is not as red.

There is very little broth.

It is mostly all tofu.

And I'm used to it being like the soft tofu like the big chunks but this one looks more


Is there an egg?

There was an egg.

I've already mixed it in.

And also it looks like there is some meat.

Which is unusual in the sundubu one.

Sometimes you do get meat in sundubu.

But sometimes not.


Or just hot?


It tastes quite eggy.

Like an egg dropped soup.


With tofu and a little bit of spice.

It is not overly spicy.

I prefer that rich red spicy broth.


It makes your eyes run, it makes your nose run.

Everything is watering.

Also, it seems to me that the tofu is a little bit different.

Normally it would be more like the silken tofu that looks more like curdled.

I would say.


Yeah, it is different.

It is a bit different.

But, it does taste good.

I am not complaining.


At all.

Okay, Sam let's see what you think of the sundubu jjigae (순두부찌개).


Will he like it?

Will he not?

You know what.

It tastes to me more like a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

Like the soybean jjigae.


But um it is good though.

It is good.

Yeah, but I think that they made it as a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

To be honest.

It is tasty though.



Honestly, this restaurant has been such a pleasant surprise.


We were not expecting to find amazing Korean food in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев).

I know.

And we have.

And we have.

We're in our happy place.

Happy place.

Very happy place.

This right here is our happy place.


Now we're just going to chow down on it guys.

No more filming.

Just enjoying.

Oh, that was so much food.

So so much food.

Yeah, we did a pretty good job I think finishing the mains.

We polished off the mains.

We put a really good kind of struggled with the side dishes.

We put a good dent in the side dishes.

Yeah, we didn't finish them though.

But yeah, we are done.


Time it is time to ring the ding dong.

Ding the ding da dong.

(ding sound)

Here they come.

Well, well.

What a beautiful way to end the meal.

They brought complimentary watermelon which I think might supak in Korean.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Isn't that pumpkin?

No, hopak is pumpkin.

Oh, okay.

A lot of paks in there.

Yeah, anyways, it came to 491 which was $19 USD and I thought that was great value because

we got three main dishes, we got tonnes of banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

Tonnes of side dishes.

We forgot to show you, I had Georgian red wine and we also got a big thing of tea to


So yeah, that is pretty good.

I mean we're talking about like nine something a person to have a really nice authentic Korean

meal here in the Ukraine.

Yeah, that was awesome.

I would come back here again for sure.

Highly recommend this place.

The name is Arirang ((아리랑)).

Arirang tata.



For more infomation >> Korean Food in Kiev, Ukraine - Duration: 13:36.


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JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 19, 2017 - Duration: 3:24:48.

For more infomation >> JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 19, 2017 - Duration: 3:24:48.


ELISE – a new Fashion Brand that Fight for Body Rights - Duration: 0:49.

I dream of the day

when every newborn child is welcome

When men and women are equal

Human sexuality is an expression of intimacy


and tenderness

Her name was ELISE

and this is for her

and all the people out there who fight for Body Rights

For more infomation >> ELISE – a new Fashion Brand that Fight for Body Rights - Duration: 0:49.


Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.


MultiFandom | Game of Survival {HBD Analia Sultan :*} - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> MultiFandom | Game of Survival {HBD Analia Sultan :*} - Duration: 2:17.


Biotin Hair Growth Results: Does Biotin work? - Duration: 2:21.

So I first learned about Biotin for hair growth in 2015.

That's when I started using it.

The reason that I started using Biotin was because my hair is really thin.

I have really thin hair and I was trying to use the Biotin to see if it would help thicken up my hair.

And the results I have with biotin, it was good.

I noticed a slight thickness, and I also noticed that I had more length retention when I was using Biotin.

Because I tend to get a lot of knots in my hair, and split ends.

And things like that.

Which causes me to have to constantly cut my ends.

But I noticed that even with the knots I tended to get, that I still retained my length even

when I was cutting it because most likely the Biotin helped it to grow quicker.

So my review of Biotin is a positive one.

I didn't start taking it to grow long hair because my hair was already long when I started using it.

I started taking it to thicken my hair.

But it helped me to retain length.

It ALSO thickened my hair.

So I will definitely encourage people to get Biotin.

This is the Biotin that I use.

The Biotin 5000 mcg.

You could see there's still some left.

And for the acne problem, I did not break out when I used Biotin.

I did not have an increase in acne or anything because I took it with B Supplement—B complex

that I take with the Biotin.

Super B Complex.

So the reasons that I don't break out when I'm taking the Biotin is because 1) I only use 5000 mcg.

2) I take the Biotin every other day, not every day.

I heard that some people take the 10000 mcg twice a day and of course you're going to

break out if you're doing that.

I only take the 5000 mcg and I take it every other day.

I always skip a day.

And also because I take it with the B complex.

Which also aides in preventing acne when I'm taking the Biotin.

So yes, the Biotin. . .

I did have a good experience with it.

And I did have results.

I had thicker hair and I retained length.

But I'm not big on pills, that's why I struggled when I was taking it.

Because I'm just not much of a pill taker.

For more infomation >> Biotin Hair Growth Results: Does Biotin work? - Duration: 2:21.


Dinosaurs Animals Cartoons for Children Learn Colors Dinosaurs Fighting Short Film For Kids Dinosaur - Duration: 10:45.

Dinosaurs Animals Cartoons for Children Learn Colors Dinosaurs Fighting Short Film For Kids Dinosaur

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs Animals Cartoons for Children Learn Colors Dinosaurs Fighting Short Film For Kids Dinosaur - Duration: 10:45.


NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:01:50.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:01:50.


NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when THE END 2017 2018 - Duration: 17:30.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when THE END 2017 2018 - Duration: 17:30.


Elephant Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Tiger Elephant Attack Dinosaur Video Elephant Song For Children - Duration: 10:48.

Elephant Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Tiger Elephant Attack Dinosaur Video Elephant Song For Children

For more infomation >> Elephant Cartoons For Kids Dinosaur Tiger Elephant Attack Dinosaur Video Elephant Song For Children - Duration: 10:48.


조선대 영문과 고개회전선호 실험 예시 - Duration: 10:50.

Parent(P): Hello RA: Hello

RA: Have a seat, please

RA: How was your drive?

P: Well, the directions were fairly easy

RA: How are your baby feeling today?

P: He's fine He ate baby food at noon and took a nap

RA: It's a good thing that he feels well

RA: Before starting the experiment, read the instruction and sign the consent form, please

P: What is the experiment for, by the way?

RA: Simply, it's about how baby responds to the different kinds of sound

RA: You can get more details after the experiment

P: What does "reasons for discontinued experiment" mean, here?

RA: When baby cries suddenly, or other similar cases, the experiment can be discontinued

RA: We try to soothe the crying baby, firstly

RA: But if things go wrong, the experiment would be discontinued

RA: Or, if it doesn't, you can stop the experiment whenever you want

P: It's done

RA: This is the language environment questionnaire survey

RA: As multi-cultural families are increasing in Korea,

RA: there are many families communicating in foreign language

RA: That's why we conduct this survey Fill this form out, please

RA: Thank you Now, let's go to the experimental room

RA: This way, please.

RA: Would you go in the booth?

RA: Have a seat, please.

RA: During the experiment, you should not talk to him

RA: In that sense, you will be hearing music on headphone

P: Okay

RA: Is it okay?

P: Fine.

RA: Now, I'll dim the light and start the experiment

RA: It's finished, thank you

RA: Then, let's go for "SELSI"

P: Sure

RA: Before starting SELSI, please fill in the blanks with personal information

RA: As you can see, this test has two parts of language, receptive language and expression language

RA: Receptive language part is to know how well your baby can understand language

RA: Also, expression language part is related about how your baby can speak well

RA: Now, you can start and check it

P: Okay, I'm done RA: Thank you for your effort

RA: Today's experiment have done Don't you have any question about it?

For more infomation >> 조선대 영문과 고개회전선호 실험 예시 - Duration: 10:50.


NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:05:12.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 20th September 2017 is when This video is blocked in almost every country 2017 EVENTS - Duration: 1:05:12.


Крокус – описание цветка и особенности выращивания - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Крокус – описание цветка и особенности выращивания - Duration: 2:00.


Korean Food in Kiev, Ukraine - Duration: 13:36.

Alrighty, what is happening today?

Oh my gosh.

Today is a special day.

We haven't had Korean food in ages.



We were actually racking our brains and thinking like when was the last time and we believe

it was in Pokhara, Nepal.

Which is months ago.

Months ago.

That is half a year ago.

So when we came to Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) and we're kind of here for a little while.


We actually researched online to see if there was any Korean restaurants.

We've been craving it for ages.

Uh huh.

And we found one.

There is actually one that is quite highly rated.

It is Arirang (아리랑).


I don't know if you can see that up there.

And you know what is so funny?

For a second I thought Sam had finally learned how to read cyrillic.


But no.

I was reading the Korean.

He was reading the Hangul.

I was reading the Korean.

Yeah, and then of course there is the typical Korean sign as well beside it too.

Alright, let's go in.

Anyways, we're hungry.

Let's go in.

Let's eat Korean food.

So excited.

Okay, orders have been placed and I don't think they're going to be very many surprises.

We have our favorites.

We tend to order the same things over and over again.

But we do get six free little dishes.

Side dishes.

Banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).



Yeah, and there was other things that are authentic about this too.

The little bell.

The bell when you're ready to order.

And you want to get more drinks or anything.

Ding dong.

Ding ding.

So excited.

And one thing I did order a little bit different that I normally tend to get Dolsot Bibimbap

if I haven't had it for a while but I ended up getting Kimchi-Bokkeum-Bap (김치볶음밥)

which is the kimchi fried rice.

And yeah, we ordered mandu as well.


We got the pajeon (파전) instead.

Oh right.

We got pajeon (파전).


Okay, so we are mixing it up a little bit.


And I got sundubu jjigae which is what I always get.

I just love my tofu stew.

And you know it is like August here.

It is getting a little bit chilly in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) so yeah.

Yeah, barely it is under 20 most days now.

Korean food!

What what.

So our food has arrived all at once.

But we're going to start out with the banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

So we got lots of free dishes.

We've got our sweet potato here.

It looks like sweet potato right?

Yeah, I think it is.

Let's check.

It is either kokuma or gamja.




It is sweet potato.


It is almost like in pancake form.


We've got our pickled radishes.


Over here.

I've already had a few.

Nice and spicy.


So good.

And this one looks a little unfamiliar.

What is this?

Let's try it anyway.


Maybe some kind of mushroom.

Oh, wow.

Looks good.

That is what I was going to guess.

And then we have the beansprouts of course.

Beansprouts in they go.

Those are so tasty.

And of course we have kimchi (김치).

Oh, seaweed.

Let's not forget.

Our seaweed.

I think it is called in Korean that is gim.

I'm starting to forget words.

It is kind of sad.

Gim is the dry seaweed sheets.

I'm not sure it would apply to this.

We do have the classic kimchi (김치).


And you know what?

This kimchi has some kick.

I've already been having some when Sam is not looking.

Sneaking in food while I've been filming.


And what is the last one?

To the left of it?


And other food too.

Oh man.

That is like a spicy kimchi?

This also looks like Kimchi (김치).

It looks like a cooked form of it.

Let's see.

Yeah, it has some onions in here as well.

Plenty of onions.

Is it warm?

No, it is cold.

It is cold okay.


And that is sweet sauce.

Okay, it is a sweeter kind.

But similar?


What is the name?

Oh man, I'm so bad.

We're getting so bad with our Korean.

I know.

It is kind of sad.

Sweet red sauce and like spicy and sweet that you add to your bibimbap.

Oh, gochujang (고추장).

It is gochujang.


It has got lots of gochujang on it?


Oh, throat is on fire now.

I'm starting to get my runny nose.

It always happens whenever I have Korean food.


I know.

We love it but we haven't had it in so long I guess we're just not quite used to the spices


That was like when we first came back to Korea again last year.

It was like oh my gosh my tongue is on fire.

The first few days we were having some digestive issues but then we got used to it.

We won't get into that.


Okay, what are you going to tuck into?

Oh, this is so exciting.

We've got pajeon (파전).


Which is like Korean pancakes and it is beautiful.

It has already been sliced up but I don't want to choke on this so I'm going to slice

it further once more.


Do you want to tell us some of the ingredients.

Yeah, so the main ingredients of course is the pa which is the green onion the scallion.

And then actually this is kind of like hamul pajeon because it has got I can see that there

is seafood in here.

And we've got red pepper and we've got probably onions and other just kind of assorted seafood.


So let's take that for a swim here.

I believe this is kangjang sauce that is like a soy sauce mixed with vinegar.

It should be really nice.

It looks like some spices.

Oh yeah and a little bit of chili powder.


You have to absolutely dunk your pajeon into this.

It doesn't taste as good otherwise.


That is awesome.



Very authentic.

Nice and thick.

That is how you can tell that it is being served basically as a main dish as opposed

to just like banchan.

Because they make it nice and thick.


You're going to really like it.

I want to try some of that.

You're going to like it.

Do do doo do.

Dun dun dun.

Your turn.

In we go.

I'm just going to dunk it.

Dunk it.

Proper dunk.

Oh yeah.

Oh la lah.

Oh yeah.


This is one of my favorites.

We arrived really hungry today.

We were actually going to come earlier.

We skipped breakfast.

We skipped breakfast and we were going to come around 11 and we ended up having a super

long Skype call and now we're here at closer to 2pm.

So yeah.

We've brought our appetites for sure.

This is really authentic.

I know.

For Korean food in Ukraine.

So authentic.


So authentic so far.

And now time for the main.

What did you order?

Time for the main.

I ordered the Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) which is kimchi fried rice.

Oh yeah.

And man this looks it looks so good.

I can tell that there is chunks of meat in it already.

It has got lots of kimchi.

It has other vegetables.

We already mixed in the egg.

Yeah, and the kicker is that they made it super authentic by giving us a runny egg.

That is how you finish that is how you basically how you plate how you top kimchi fried rice.

And Sam can't deal with runny eggs unless.

If it mixed it is fine.

I actually like it if I can't see it.

I have really weird like the foods that I don't like I have really weird conditions

for them.

Like it if is just runny eggs on their own.

Uh uh.

But like mixed in with rice.

Totally fine.

No problem.

Totally fine.

So let's see how is this.


That is good.


Um, it is very compared to a lot of other Kimchi-Bokkeum-Baps (김치볶음밥) I've

had it has got quite a bit more sweetness to it.

But it does also have a lot of spice.

Oh man.

It really does.

So you've got like very intense sweetness which you kind of it kind of hits you right

away but then as you're swallowing it it is more intense the spice.

And yeah it has it is very spicy.

Oh la lah.

My throat is on fire.

Oh, and it came with a little side as well.

You ordered your bokkeumbap and you know what.

I got a little soup.

I think this is maybe like gyeran-guk.

Like a little egg soup.

I'm not entirely sure.

It looks like a broth with egg whites and some spring onions.

Yeah, that is exactly what it is.



And that is kind of nice for cooling your palate a little bit.


This isn't spicy.



And because sharing is caring.

I feel like we say that a lot.

Sharing is caring.

That is one of our very cheesy lines.

We seem to have a number of those.

Oh, that is hot.

That is hot.


Not spicy hot but just hot?

Hot hot.

Do you know what I mean about the sweetness?

It hits you hard but then the spice.

Yeah, it is sweeter than any other bokkeumbap that I've had.

But I remember I think the one we had was it in Nepal.


That one the sweetness was just wrong because they had put in ketchup in there.


And this is more authentic.

Yeah I've had some kind of sweeter Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) in Korea but

it tends not to be that way.

It tends not to be as sweet as this.

But it is still good.

The presentation and the spiciness and the other ingredients are definitely on par.

On track.

I like it.

It is different but I like it.


But it has definitely got a little bit more sugar than what we're used to.

I'm going to try this as well.


It is just nice for cooling the palette a bit.

It is very very light.


What say you?

Yeah, nice mild flavors.

If you need a little bit of a break from the spice.


This is really good so far.

Alright, so impressed.

Let's move on to your jjigae (찌개).

Are you ready for your jjigae?

I sure am.

So for my main I ordered the sundubu-jjigae ((순두부찌개)) which is a tofu stew and

it also comes with oh this is so hot.


Oh my gosh.

It comes with a bowl of rice.

Plain white rice.

And that is a very authentic Korean rice bowl.


And the soup, I have to say it looks a little bit different from what I'm used to.

Like it is not as red.

It is not as red.

There is very little broth.

It is mostly all tofu.

And I'm used to it being like the soft tofu like the big chunks but this one looks more


Is there an egg?

There was an egg.

I've already mixed it in.

And also it looks like there is some meat.

Which is unusual in the sundubu one.

Sometimes you do get meat in sundubu.

But sometimes not.


Or just hot?


It tastes quite eggy.

Like an egg dropped soup.


With tofu and a little bit of spice.

It is not overly spicy.

I prefer that rich red spicy broth.


It makes your eyes run, it makes your nose run.

Everything is watering.

Also, it seems to me that the tofu is a little bit different.

Normally it would be more like the silken tofu that looks more like curdled.

I would say.


Yeah, it is different.

It is a bit different.

But, it does taste good.

I am not complaining.


At all.

Okay, Sam let's see what you think of the sundubu jjigae (순두부찌개).


Will he like it?

Will he not?

You know what.

It tastes to me more like a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

Like the soybean jjigae.


But um it is good though.

It is good.

Yeah, but I think that they made it as a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

To be honest.

It is tasty though.



Honestly, this restaurant has been such a pleasant surprise.


We were not expecting to find amazing Korean food in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев).

I know.

And we have.

And we have.

We're in our happy place.

Happy place.

Very happy place.

This right here is our happy place.


Now we're just going to chow down on it guys.

No more filming.

Just enjoying.

Oh, that was so much food.

So so much food.

Yeah, we did a pretty good job I think finishing the mains.

We polished off the mains.

We put a really good kind of struggled with the side dishes.

We put a good dent in the side dishes.

Yeah, we didn't finish them though.

But yeah, we are done.


Time it is time to ring the ding dong.

Ding the ding da dong.

(ding sound)

Here they come.

Well, well.

What a beautiful way to end the meal.

They brought complimentary watermelon which I think might supak in Korean.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Isn't that pumpkin?

No, hopak is pumpkin.

Oh, okay.

A lot of paks in there.

Yeah, anyways, it came to 491 which was $19 USD and I thought that was great value because

we got three main dishes, we got tonnes of banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

Tonnes of side dishes.

We forgot to show you, I had Georgian red wine and we also got a big thing of tea to


So yeah, that is pretty good.

I mean we're talking about like nine something a person to have a really nice authentic Korean

meal here in the Ukraine.

Yeah, that was awesome.

I would come back here again for sure.

Highly recommend this place.

The name is Arirang ((아리랑)).

Arirang tata.



For more infomation >> Korean Food in Kiev, Ukraine - Duration: 13:36.


How to Transfer Photo on Wood (2017) | kzvDIY - Duration: 9:27.

Hey guys! Today I'm going to show you how to transfer photo on wood. This type of

project is really neat and it's not as hard as you think so keep watching!

Ok guys let's get started! As you can see here I've got my photo copies here. I

have two because the first one I forgot to tell the guy to flip the photo which

is called a mirroring effect like a "mirror" so I had to ask them to print a

second copy which is the one I'm going to cut now, you can see there's a little

bit of the white around the edges and I'm going to cut that off. I want to make

sure that there is no white because when we transfer the photo we don't want the

white to show so I'm just going to cut the edges here. So the side note is make

sure when you get your photo copied and printed that you have it laser printed

on regular copy paper and then you ask them to flip the photo and you just have

to tell them that you want to mirror the photo and they'll know exactly what

you're talking about

The next thing I'm going to do is take my foam brush and my Mod Podge photo

transfer medium I'm going to put some of that onto the foam brush and I'm going

to apply it right on top of the photo. Don't worry this is not going to destroy

this photo because this photo is actually printed on copy papers so it'll

be safe and as you can see it's pure white which is fine don't freak out it's

not it's not going to ruin the photo and this this is what's going to make the

photo transfer. So what I want to do is I want to apply all over the photo. I don't

want to miss a spot and I want to completely cover until I can't even see

the picture anymore

Ok, so after I completely covered the photo with the Mod Podge

I just carefully lift the photo up and set it right on top of my wood palette

here don't worry about it not being centered

if you want it to be centered just carefully lift it up in reposition it

It is a rustic project so it doesn't really matter if it's centered or not

because we're going to be rubbing it out anyway. Make sure there's no air bubbles

and then take a damp sponge and clean off any extra modge podge that may have

seeped through on the edges because it does not dry clear it dries white and

then after that you're going to wait 24 hours you must wait the full 24 hours to

let it cure once it has cured then you can take a

damp white cloth and set it right on top of your photo. Now that I've set the

damp cloth on top of the photo I'm just going to wait about two minutes to let

it soak through

Two minutes is up so I'm just going to lift up the damp cloth away from the

photo and I'm going to take this same cloth and I'm going to rub the photo. I'm

going to do it in circular motion

After all the rubbing I notice that my photo is starting to dry up so I'm just

going to set the damp cloth on top of it again for about a minute just to kind of

moisten it so that I can remove any extra paper that's still on there that I

don't want

So because I want to go for a more rustic look I'm just adding a little bit

more pressure when I'm rubbing out the corners here to remove a little bit more

of the photo so that it doesn't have that clean-cut look

I did notice there was a little but of some white fuzzies left over so I'm

just taking my foam brush and just kind of cleaning off the photo here removing

any excess paper that there is

Ok so now that my photo is completely dried on top of the wood the last thing

I'm going to do here is seal it I'm going to take my Mod Podge matte put

some of that onto my foam brush and apply one coat on top of my photo. This

will not only seal and protect the photo but it will also give it a semi matte


Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos!

For more infomation >> How to Transfer Photo on Wood (2017) | kzvDIY - Duration: 9:27.


Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Message - TONY BURKE - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Message - TONY BURKE - Duration: 1:19.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-09-20 11:54:15 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-09-20 11:54:15 - Duration: 1:00.


【東方神霊廟】 Aijou Dezaia「幽閉サテライト」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:06.

愛情デザイア (Desiring Love) English translated by Releska

I follow my past, looking over it again.

This is the path I walked—

I wanted love. I wallowed in love

I lost sight of myself…

I surrendered myself to radiance,

Respect, kindness, and the like.

I couldn't see any feelings

Slipping through.

Hey? Find me…

I don't have any faith in myself

But prove to me

That you love me.

Hey? Is my selfishness

Just an obstacle to you?

Even so, your begging

Is pure happiness to me…

Hey? Find me…

I don't have any faith in myself

But prove to me

That you love me.

Hey? Is my selfishness

Just an obstacle to you?

Even so, your begging

Is pure happiness to me…

When you're just a little pushy,

I feel that I'm wanted by you…

I had an awakening:

I am a princess who wants to be kidnapped.

"Don't let go" I said

Without putting any strength into my grip.

I'm such a sly girl,

Making sure of your love…

Hey? Find me…

I don't have any faith in myself

But prove to me

That you love me.

Hey? Is my selfishness

Just an obstacle to you?

Even so, your begging

Is pure happiness to me…

Hey? Show me a dream.

There were so many smiles…

Hey? Smile for me.

Will it come out little by little?

Hey? When I was sad,

You gently comforted me.

Hey? Call to me

Because just that is enough to make me happy.

I toy with their relaxed lives.

'Foolishness,' which cannot be learned, sinks in

And becomes transparent, common knowledge.

Will I continue to wander around this land…?

For more infomation >> 【東方神霊廟】 Aijou Dezaia「幽閉サテライト」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:06.


[Smart TV Ch BTS] 힐링 || Healing~ (Eye Contact with Jin) - Duration: 0:30.


힐링 (Healing) TV

//just jin being handsome as always//

//he's just sitting..but he's so perfect?!?!//

//oh? he's turning his head?//

//whats cookin, good looking//

//what a cute smile aww~//

For more infomation >> [Smart TV Ch BTS] 힐링 || Healing~ (Eye Contact with Jin) - Duration: 0:30.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


Counter Hackers #1.1 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Counter Hackers #1.1 - Duration: 8:46.


Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth) sobre Trump e Temer - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth) sobre Trump e Temer - Duration: 2:06.





Korean Food in Kiev, Ukraine - Duration: 13:36.

Alrighty, what is happening today?

Oh my gosh.

Today is a special day.

We haven't had Korean food in ages.



We were actually racking our brains and thinking like when was the last time and we believe

it was in Pokhara, Nepal.

Which is months ago.

Months ago.

That is half a year ago.

So when we came to Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) and we're kind of here for a little while.


We actually researched online to see if there was any Korean restaurants.

We've been craving it for ages.

Uh huh.

And we found one.

There is actually one that is quite highly rated.

It is Arirang (아리랑).


I don't know if you can see that up there.

And you know what is so funny?

For a second I thought Sam had finally learned how to read cyrillic.


But no.

I was reading the Korean.

He was reading the Hangul.

I was reading the Korean.

Yeah, and then of course there is the typical Korean sign as well beside it too.

Alright, let's go in.

Anyways, we're hungry.

Let's go in.

Let's eat Korean food.

So excited.

Okay, orders have been placed and I don't think they're going to be very many surprises.

We have our favorites.

We tend to order the same things over and over again.

But we do get six free little dishes.

Side dishes.

Banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).



Yeah, and there was other things that are authentic about this too.

The little bell.

The bell when you're ready to order.

And you want to get more drinks or anything.

Ding dong.

Ding ding.

So excited.

And one thing I did order a little bit different that I normally tend to get Dolsot Bibimbap

if I haven't had it for a while but I ended up getting Kimchi-Bokkeum-Bap (김치볶음밥)

which is the kimchi fried rice.

And yeah, we ordered mandu as well.


We got the pajeon (파전) instead.

Oh right.

We got pajeon (파전).


Okay, so we are mixing it up a little bit.


And I got sundubu jjigae which is what I always get.

I just love my tofu stew.

And you know it is like August here.

It is getting a little bit chilly in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев) so yeah.

Yeah, barely it is under 20 most days now.

Korean food!

What what.

So our food has arrived all at once.

But we're going to start out with the banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

So we got lots of free dishes.

We've got our sweet potato here.

It looks like sweet potato right?

Yeah, I think it is.

Let's check.

It is either kokuma or gamja.




It is sweet potato.


It is almost like in pancake form.


We've got our pickled radishes.


Over here.

I've already had a few.

Nice and spicy.


So good.

And this one looks a little unfamiliar.

What is this?

Let's try it anyway.


Maybe some kind of mushroom.

Oh, wow.

Looks good.

That is what I was going to guess.

And then we have the beansprouts of course.

Beansprouts in they go.

Those are so tasty.

And of course we have kimchi (김치).

Oh, seaweed.

Let's not forget.

Our seaweed.

I think it is called in Korean that is gim.

I'm starting to forget words.

It is kind of sad.

Gim is the dry seaweed sheets.

I'm not sure it would apply to this.

We do have the classic kimchi (김치).


And you know what?

This kimchi has some kick.

I've already been having some when Sam is not looking.

Sneaking in food while I've been filming.


And what is the last one?

To the left of it?


And other food too.

Oh man.

That is like a spicy kimchi?

This also looks like Kimchi (김치).

It looks like a cooked form of it.

Let's see.

Yeah, it has some onions in here as well.

Plenty of onions.

Is it warm?

No, it is cold.

It is cold okay.


And that is sweet sauce.

Okay, it is a sweeter kind.

But similar?


What is the name?

Oh man, I'm so bad.

We're getting so bad with our Korean.

I know.

It is kind of sad.

Sweet red sauce and like spicy and sweet that you add to your bibimbap.

Oh, gochujang (고추장).

It is gochujang.


It has got lots of gochujang on it?


Oh, throat is on fire now.

I'm starting to get my runny nose.

It always happens whenever I have Korean food.


I know.

We love it but we haven't had it in so long I guess we're just not quite used to the spices


That was like when we first came back to Korea again last year.

It was like oh my gosh my tongue is on fire.

The first few days we were having some digestive issues but then we got used to it.

We won't get into that.


Okay, what are you going to tuck into?

Oh, this is so exciting.

We've got pajeon (파전).


Which is like Korean pancakes and it is beautiful.

It has already been sliced up but I don't want to choke on this so I'm going to slice

it further once more.


Do you want to tell us some of the ingredients.

Yeah, so the main ingredients of course is the pa which is the green onion the scallion.

And then actually this is kind of like hamul pajeon because it has got I can see that there

is seafood in here.

And we've got red pepper and we've got probably onions and other just kind of assorted seafood.


So let's take that for a swim here.

I believe this is kangjang sauce that is like a soy sauce mixed with vinegar.

It should be really nice.

It looks like some spices.

Oh yeah and a little bit of chili powder.


You have to absolutely dunk your pajeon into this.

It doesn't taste as good otherwise.


That is awesome.



Very authentic.

Nice and thick.

That is how you can tell that it is being served basically as a main dish as opposed

to just like banchan.

Because they make it nice and thick.


You're going to really like it.

I want to try some of that.

You're going to like it.

Do do doo do.

Dun dun dun.

Your turn.

In we go.

I'm just going to dunk it.

Dunk it.

Proper dunk.

Oh yeah.

Oh la lah.

Oh yeah.


This is one of my favorites.

We arrived really hungry today.

We were actually going to come earlier.

We skipped breakfast.

We skipped breakfast and we were going to come around 11 and we ended up having a super

long Skype call and now we're here at closer to 2pm.

So yeah.

We've brought our appetites for sure.

This is really authentic.

I know.

For Korean food in Ukraine.

So authentic.


So authentic so far.

And now time for the main.

What did you order?

Time for the main.

I ordered the Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) which is kimchi fried rice.

Oh yeah.

And man this looks it looks so good.

I can tell that there is chunks of meat in it already.

It has got lots of kimchi.

It has other vegetables.

We already mixed in the egg.

Yeah, and the kicker is that they made it super authentic by giving us a runny egg.

That is how you finish that is how you basically how you plate how you top kimchi fried rice.

And Sam can't deal with runny eggs unless.

If it mixed it is fine.

I actually like it if I can't see it.

I have really weird like the foods that I don't like I have really weird conditions

for them.

Like it if is just runny eggs on their own.

Uh uh.

But like mixed in with rice.

Totally fine.

No problem.

Totally fine.

So let's see how is this.


That is good.


Um, it is very compared to a lot of other Kimchi-Bokkeum-Baps (김치볶음밥) I've

had it has got quite a bit more sweetness to it.

But it does also have a lot of spice.

Oh man.

It really does.

So you've got like very intense sweetness which you kind of it kind of hits you right

away but then as you're swallowing it it is more intense the spice.

And yeah it has it is very spicy.

Oh la lah.

My throat is on fire.

Oh, and it came with a little side as well.

You ordered your bokkeumbap and you know what.

I got a little soup.

I think this is maybe like gyeran-guk.

Like a little egg soup.

I'm not entirely sure.

It looks like a broth with egg whites and some spring onions.

Yeah, that is exactly what it is.



And that is kind of nice for cooling your palate a little bit.


This isn't spicy.



And because sharing is caring.

I feel like we say that a lot.

Sharing is caring.

That is one of our very cheesy lines.

We seem to have a number of those.

Oh, that is hot.

That is hot.


Not spicy hot but just hot?

Hot hot.

Do you know what I mean about the sweetness?

It hits you hard but then the spice.

Yeah, it is sweeter than any other bokkeumbap that I've had.

But I remember I think the one we had was it in Nepal.


That one the sweetness was just wrong because they had put in ketchup in there.


And this is more authentic.

Yeah I've had some kind of sweeter Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥) in Korea but

it tends not to be that way.

It tends not to be as sweet as this.

But it is still good.

The presentation and the spiciness and the other ingredients are definitely on par.

On track.

I like it.

It is different but I like it.


But it has definitely got a little bit more sugar than what we're used to.

I'm going to try this as well.


It is just nice for cooling the palette a bit.

It is very very light.


What say you?

Yeah, nice mild flavors.

If you need a little bit of a break from the spice.


This is really good so far.

Alright, so impressed.

Let's move on to your jjigae (찌개).

Are you ready for your jjigae?

I sure am.

So for my main I ordered the sundubu-jjigae ((순두부찌개)) which is a tofu stew and

it also comes with oh this is so hot.


Oh my gosh.

It comes with a bowl of rice.

Plain white rice.

And that is a very authentic Korean rice bowl.


And the soup, I have to say it looks a little bit different from what I'm used to.

Like it is not as red.

It is not as red.

There is very little broth.

It is mostly all tofu.

And I'm used to it being like the soft tofu like the big chunks but this one looks more


Is there an egg?

There was an egg.

I've already mixed it in.

And also it looks like there is some meat.

Which is unusual in the sundubu one.

Sometimes you do get meat in sundubu.

But sometimes not.


Or just hot?


It tastes quite eggy.

Like an egg dropped soup.


With tofu and a little bit of spice.

It is not overly spicy.

I prefer that rich red spicy broth.


It makes your eyes run, it makes your nose run.

Everything is watering.

Also, it seems to me that the tofu is a little bit different.

Normally it would be more like the silken tofu that looks more like curdled.

I would say.


Yeah, it is different.

It is a bit different.

But, it does taste good.

I am not complaining.


At all.

Okay, Sam let's see what you think of the sundubu jjigae (순두부찌개).


Will he like it?

Will he not?

You know what.

It tastes to me more like a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

Like the soybean jjigae.


But um it is good though.

It is good.

Yeah, but I think that they made it as a Doenjang-jjigae (된장찌개).

To be honest.

It is tasty though.



Honestly, this restaurant has been such a pleasant surprise.


We were not expecting to find amazing Korean food in Kiev (Kyiv - Київ - Киев).

I know.

And we have.

And we have.

We're in our happy place.

Happy place.

Very happy place.

This right here is our happy place.


Now we're just going to chow down on it guys.

No more filming.

Just enjoying.

Oh, that was so much food.

So so much food.

Yeah, we did a pretty good job I think finishing the mains.

We polished off the mains.

We put a really good kind of struggled with the side dishes.

We put a good dent in the side dishes.

Yeah, we didn't finish them though.

But yeah, we are done.


Time it is time to ring the ding dong.

Ding the ding da dong.

(ding sound)

Here they come.

Well, well.

What a beautiful way to end the meal.

They brought complimentary watermelon which I think might supak in Korean.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Isn't that pumpkin?

No, hopak is pumpkin.

Oh, okay.

A lot of paks in there.

Yeah, anyways, it came to 491 which was $19 USD and I thought that was great value because

we got three main dishes, we got tonnes of banchan (반찬 - 飯饌).

Tonnes of side dishes.

We forgot to show you, I had Georgian red wine and we also got a big thing of tea to


So yeah, that is pretty good.

I mean we're talking about like nine something a person to have a really nice authentic Korean

meal here in the Ukraine.

Yeah, that was awesome.

I would come back here again for sure.

Highly recommend this place.

The name is Arirang ((아리랑)).

Arirang tata.



For more infomation >> Korean Food in Kiev, Ukraine - Duration: 13:36.


Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mosty Wolontariatu - Duration: 3:53.


GALATASARAY | 20 EYLÜL 2017 | "GALATASARAY RUHU GERİ DÖNDÜ" | Youtube - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 20 EYLÜL 2017 | "GALATASARAY RUHU GERİ DÖNDÜ" | Youtube - Duration: 1:32.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 20 EYLÜL 2017 | GOMİS DEVLERLE YARIŞIYOR (AVRUPADA 2. SIRADA) | Youtube - Duration: 1:22.


GALATASARAY | 20 EYLÜL 2017 | Cenk ERGÜN: "Taraftarı Mutlu Etmek Görevimiz" | Youtube - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 20 EYLÜL 2017 | Cenk ERGÜN: "Taraftarı Mutlu Etmek Görevimiz" | Youtube - Duration: 1:24.


Resultados Sorteo Miercoles 20 de Septiembre 2017 Loteria Nacional Panama : Loteria 20 Septiembre - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Resultados Sorteo Miercoles 20 de Septiembre 2017 Loteria Nacional Panama : Loteria 20 Septiembre - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> WILLIAN GOUDINHO VIANA (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 3:22.


Federal Police - The Law is For Everybody - Duration: 2:46.

English - Português - Español info.beaga@gmail.com

10, Do you copy me?

Hold the guy, I´m coming to get him!

Thiago is here, I´m approaching the car...


Federal Police!

Did you know

operation Car Wash

started this way?

Money loundering...

The drug dealer



The Gas station´s owner

criminal conspiracy...

tax evasion.

Black market currency dealer

For those who thought there would be no consequences...

What do I call the investigation?

He lounders the money, he evades gas tax...

They established

the biggest anti corruption


in the world.

Youssef´s cell phone was found in São Luís

Legendas - Subtitles - Subtítulos ingo.beaga@gmail.com

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Paulo Roberto Costa

he was the President of Petrobras and today he owns a Consultancy firm

You have no idea who you are dealing with

Do you think it will be diferent this time?

We won´t change Brazil but for sure we always do our part

We got everything, Julio! The family´s bank account in Switzerland...

US$23 million dollars!

Where do you want me to start?

From the very beginning!

We are talking about 7 companies,

and Petrobras alone has about R$59 billion reais in contracts.

R$59 million reais?

No! I said, "Bi"... "Billions"

Release them all from jail?

Yes, all of them.

If it went to the Supreme Court... it´d already be over!

Why are you trying to destroy the PT party?

We aren´t investigating a political party,

we investigate the facts and not the people

Follow the money trial to get to the crime

who finds the kingpin is good at reading bank statement

You are being selective!

Are we being selective?

For God´s sake, dad!

Any name that comes across my desk, will be investigated

I even voted for them as well.

I supported them during the campaing, did you forget that?


Car Wash

as never

seen before!


The Planalto Palace...

The Planalto Palace knew about everything.


Who are we helping?

I´d like to think that we still have a role to play in Brazil

Only in theaters. September 7

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