Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 20 2017

Since last night tens of thousands of Puerto remain in any of

500 shelters enabled by authorities.

They are protected from the devastating fury Maria. I have spent many

hurricanes, but it will be tough. He says this woman.

The hurricane has made landfall this dawn and continues to make progress towards the

north winds up to 250 km / h are able to

raze homes and damage communications infrastructure and

down trees. Emergency services yet

can act as Mary follows It is a threat. And only begin

the rescue and relief operations when I started to dissipate. .

My administration has done everything possible to deal with this event and

protect lives. He said the Ricardo governor of the island Rosello,

who ordered the evacuation mandatory areas more

vulnerable. Local media reports towns

Whole partially destroyed and numerous flooding. All electrical service

it has been interrupted. Tomorrow will begin the balance of damage

caused by that under the Hurricane authorities may be more

devastating in the history of Puerto Rico

For more infomation >> HURACAN MARIA - Maria abandona Puerto Rico, dejando una isla devastada totalmente. - LANGOSTO - Duration: 2:22.


Can You "Spoil" a Video Part Anymore? #AskRadRat 73 - Duration: 6:40.

This time Ask Rad Rat, we're talking

about the history of waxing curbs and

also spoiling video parts on Instagram.

Let's get into it.


Welcome back to Rad Rat Video, the

channel where you can can learn something new about

skateboarding three times a week. I talk

about all different kinds of

skateboarding culture topics, from

learning tricks on the Shred school to

learning about skateboarding video games.

All different kinds of stuff. Today we're

doing my series Ask Rad Rat, where I answer

your questions about skateboarding

topics. First one is from MattDavies47

who asks about the history of grinding

and the use of wax. I can't tell you too

much about the first-ever grind done.

It's kind of tough to find info on that.

I'm sure it was probably co-invented by

a lot of different people, but I can

tell you where the names came from. So

the 50/50 grind sounds kind of weird. Why

is it called that? Why isn't it called like

an axle grind or something like that?

It's because you were halfway on the

deck and halfway in the transition in

the pool. So you're 50/50. You're right

about here as you grind. 5-0 was half

of a 50-50, and so that's it. 50-50,

5-0. So that's where that came from. It

does make more sense that would be like

'pivot grind.' Some people still call it

that, but anyway, that's where that came

from. I don't know too much else, but I

can tell you about the use of wax. So

there is a Mike Carroll weekend buzz

video where they asked him about how

things were back at Embarcadero back in

the day, and using wax. Wax was

completely forbidden by the other

skaters. You came in with a block of wax

and they would not let you use it. They

would just tell you to go faster. And

it's kind of interesting, because I never

really noticed this. I've seen this spot

in a million videos, and you don't see

any of the ledges blackened like you see

today, and it was kind of weird that I

had never really noticed that before.

And he said that the only thing you were

allowed to do, you couldn't bring wax, but

if he brought a Slurpee cup, there's a

very thin wax film around it, and you

could rub the Slurpee cup on the ledge

and you get a tiny bit of wax out of it

that way. And that was okay, probably

because you're not bringing wax. It's

something you already had. I don't know

why that was a loophole, but it was and

you could very slightly wax a

ledge like that, which was kind of

interesting. And they also

talked about how waxing got to be more

popular throughout the 90s, and it might

have come from inline or something.

Because, you know, the inliners used a

lot of wax.

Maybe it was just the same time.

Skateboarding was doing the same thing,

or we actually borrowed it from inline

which is kind of weird. So -- but that's

kind of interesting. I didn't know that

people weren't waxing stuff back in the

day. You know, it makes things so much

easier. I don't know why you wouldn't, but

that's how it was. The next question is

from Egannotvegan who said, "in the past,

a lot of hype for videos came from

learning what the Enders were. Revealing

the ender was like spoiling the plot of

a movie. You just don't do it. These days,

it's more common to see the ender

posted on social media as a way to

promote the part. What are your thoughts

on this trend?" So I definitely see what

you're talking about,

although I don't think that's all that

common. There was that recent Shane

O'Neill Nike SB video and there are a

couple things different from the way

things are done now from back in the day.

Like, that part in particular. I knew that

it was coming a couple of days before it

came out, but there wasn't this huge

build-up, at least that I knew about.

There weren't ads that were coming out

months in advance telling you that it's

going to come out on this day, and "we're

filming" and pictures and all

that kind of stuff. So if it was spoiled,

and it was completely spoiled, it

wouldn't have been that big of a deal

because you just found out that it

happened. But the way that they did

promote it was actually pretty cool. So

I'm not gonna be able to show clips of

this one because it's very recent, so I think

there's gonna be some copyright issues

if I do, but what they did is, they would

show on Instagram, like, a super slow

motion clip of, like, him catching a flip

and being about to land in a grind, and

then it would cut, and you get an idea of

what the trick was, but you didn't really

see it. You knew that he you might have

been able to figure out by the way he

caught it what it was on paper, but you

didn't actually see the way that it

flowed, and if he did something out of it

at the end or something like that. So it

wasn't spoiled. That was a really good

way to tease it. But even if they did

straight-up spoil it, it would've been as

big of a deal. One of the big differences,

I think, is the fact that there aren't as

many high watermark spots like there used

to be. I'm talking like Carlsbad.

You know, if someone did a kickflip down

Carlsbad, someone did a frontside flip,

and then Jeremy Wray comes and frontside

360s it. If you heard about that before

seeing it, that would kind of suck

because that would have blown your mind

if you didn't know that it was coming,

but if you heard about it from your

friends, they would kind of spoil the

ending. There's another good example was

Ryan Sheckler with the backside flip down el

Toro. If you remember that, that was

another good example of spoiling because

when they were filming the plan B video,

everyone knew that he had done it. People

said that he saw it happen, that they

were there and they saw him backside

flip it, and it was going to be in his

his video part. And then the part came

out, and he didn't do it. Which was kind

of interesting, because everyone was

expecting this, and they knew he had done

this crazy trick, and it wasn't there. And

it was ruined. It was like, 'oh, so he just..

he just did that? Okay,' and whatever. And

it wasn't as impressive as what they had

been built up to think. And even if he

did do it, everyone already knew that he

did it, and it wouldn't have been as big of

a deal. So there is something to be said

for that for sure, but I think it only

really applies to those kind of spots:

those big famous spots that you can step

up and do the biggest thing ever done

down it compared to the guy before you.

So something like that Carlsbad, El Toro,

whatever, those kinds of spots. If that's

the Ender, and that was spoiled, that really

sucks. But if it's like an eight stair

rail that people skate all the time,

there's just a really cool trick, it

doesn't really ruin the part to hear

about it in advance. So I don't know, let

me know what you think about that below.

The way that skate videos are these days

is really changing. The way that they're

marketing it is gonna be coming and

going a little bit as we figure out the

right way to do it all. So let me know

what you think about that. Let me know

how you think they should promote these

video parts. I want to hear about that.

But until next time, that was it for now.

Ask me all of your questions below,

either on Twitter Instagram. I put links to

those below. Send me your questions there.

If you sent them last month, I probably

didn't get them. Sorry about that. Just

try to send them again and I'll get to

them as soon as I can. That's it for now.

Watch some of these other videos I did

recently. You can tap my logo on screen

to subscribe, and thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Can You "Spoil" a Video Part Anymore? #AskRadRat 73 - Duration: 6:40.


Cómo ayudarte de la tecnología en el Terremoto de México - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Cómo ayudarte de la tecnología en el Terremoto de México - Duration: 4:19.


¿Cuántas semanas deben pasar para saber si estoy embarazada? - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuántas semanas deben pasar para saber si estoy embarazada? - Duration: 0:31.


¿Por qué crecen las mamas durante el embarazo? - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué crecen las mamas durante el embarazo? - Duration: 0:37.


¿Qué debo hacer para estar saludable durante el embarazo? - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué debo hacer para estar saludable durante el embarazo? - Duration: 0:45.


¿Qué puede afectar los resultados de mi prueba de embarazo casera? - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué puede afectar los resultados de mi prueba de embarazo casera? - Duration: 0:26.


Vale Saber\\ Miguel Hidalgo llega al Jardín Principal de Celaya este domingo - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Vale Saber\\ Miguel Hidalgo llega al Jardín Principal de Celaya este domingo - Duration: 1:07.


Get A Music Budget Fast

For more infomation >> Get A Music Budget Fast


🐋Fishing 2017. Catching fish with your hands, How to fish? That's fishing! fish. fishing, - Duration: 10:43.

Hello, you are on the channel Degenereyshn Style

We are already more than 30 million

and I am grateful to everyone who has signed up for

left channel Comment with warm

words of encouragement

Like or just even look

my video.

today I decided to show how we catch


because this is the main fish in our region

and forms the basis of our diet

if you think can

cook eel

exactly this simple food - sushi

I think you all know what a meal?

Traps have to be simple

unpretentious to her It can be had for a couple

2:00 to catch fish dinner

I will proceed to construction and traps

until you see I I would like to

thank you for Donata


Donat came through few questions to

which I am now answer

the first question on Maksima Guseva

what is your name

My name is Masha asaya

who did not know

link to me in the description below the video

and channel caps

and the second question Sergey Sedyakin

Do you play online games

sometimes I play in WoT

when I have the time between education and


I have a 54 per cent wins

We can play together!

third question

how old are you if husband

I'm 25 years old, no husband

I would say Thank you all very much

those who supported my the idea to stream

contact comments previous video

thank you very much

now I will try to bring it

just wanted to thank you for the idea

Dmitry Tankovich

who offered using the camera

Go to Pro how to take the process

fish swims in my trap

that some do not saying that I myself

to fish shoved

CB likes the idea of ​​place Like

in the future, as soon as I gather at camera

will be immediately deliver video from

the water traps

if you have interesting ideas or

Tips to write comments

Thank you all and pleasant viewing

bye Bye!

but no

For more infomation >> 🐋Fishing 2017. Catching fish with your hands, How to fish? That's fishing! fish. fishing, - Duration: 10:43.


সরাসরি আজকের তাজা বাংলা খবর দেখুন ডিবিসি নিউজ লাইভ ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ DBC News Today - Duration: 12:33.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের তাজা বাংলা খবর দেখুন ডিবিসি নিউজ লাইভ ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ DBC News Today - Duration: 12:33.


Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"

For more infomation >> Meg Smith - "Girls Like You"




For more infomation >> I'VE GOT FIFA 18 EARLY PRANK ON WROETOSHAW! - Duration: 8:33.


Seranovi 10 epizoda (Kralj i ja) - Duration: 1:14:09.

For more infomation >> Seranovi 10 epizoda (Kralj i ja) - Duration: 1:14:09.


ISAAC LEE - I DONT MIND (Bass Boosted) (HARD TRAP) - Duration: 3:12.


For more infomation >> ISAAC LEE - I DONT MIND (Bass Boosted) (HARD TRAP) - Duration: 3:12.


Opel Corsa 1.4i-16V Sport - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4i-16V Sport - Duration: 0:59.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano Met Leer en Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano Met Leer en Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


The Clockwork Mansion is a Marvel of Level Design - Duration: 7:01.

Dishonored 2 was one of my most anticipated games of last year, but like most other games

I was excited for, it disappointedly launched with severe performance issues that pushed

away a lot of potential customers.

But after almost an entire year and a multitude of patches, it finally works and I can conclusively

say: it's pretty good.

The original Dishonored was one of the best stealth games to come out in a long time,

and whether you were a fan or not, its sequel is something that I almost feel inclined to

recommend to fans of great level design.

From Lady Boyle's Last Party and The Flooded District in the first game to A Crack in the

Slab and The Edge of the World, the team at Arkane has only gotten better and better,

but there's one level in the second game that goes above and beyond.

One that I think captures the essence of the Dishonored games, a level called: The Clockwork



Dishonored 2's level design, in general, emphasizes three basic components: player

expression, environmental storytelling, and emergent gameplay.

Most areas are designed to allow the player to approach problems as they see fit, they're

setup to balance out interactions between systems (so you don't get ridiculous scenarios

when some bloodflies come out of nowhere), and in the background there's a story that

the level and it's smaller spaces are trying to tell.

Whether it's the home of the Duke or the streets of Karnaca, these three principles

are paramount, and The Clockwork Mansion is a sort of microcosm of them, giving a succinct

and comprehensive example of each, so let's look at how.

The main objective for this mission is to disable Kirin Jindosh, master inventor of

Karnaca, before he can complete his army of clockwork soldiers.

There's also another objective but I don't want to spoil it.

In order to do either of these things, you'll need to traverse through Jindosh's Clockwork


This labyrinth of gears, pulleys, shifting walls and disappearing floors is an absolute

marvel of animation and architectural design.

Apart from just being a cool spectacle watching the walls and floors retract and move to reveal

an entirely different room, this entire concept actually makes sense.

You can see how it would work, you can see how the ceiling comes out and forms, you can

see where the walls collapse into and how they come out.

And if you happen to get stuck inside of a wall, there's always a button smartly placed

that allows you to re-do the transformation, and free yourself.

A big part of why this level is so amazing comes down to just how tricky it is to get

something like this right.

In an interview Christophe Carrier, one of the level designers at Arkane, even stated

that the challenge of properly animating this house required the team to create specific

tools that didn't exist yet just for this level.

Ensuring that the AI didn't break when they became trapped in the walls on top of making

sure components moved at the same speed, time, and in the correct order without clipping

through other surfaces and objects, was incredibly difficult.

But on top of the technical challenge, there were the architectural challenges.

As much as this had to be a cool level, the house also had to function as an actual house.

Wouldn't be much of a house if it was just walls moving around.

So to combat this, every part of the house, whether it was an area that transforms or

not, has a specific function that is some way controlled by the unique characteristics

of the Clockwork Mansion.

Jindosh's bedroom can spin around to reveal a secret room; entire rooms can be raised

or lowered like luxurious elevators; and this one's my favourite, Jindosh's servants

can set the dinner table in the lower floor, and then raise it up to the billiard room

for him and his guests.

That's so cool.

And even further still, the spaces between these fantastical contraptions, the spaces

where servants clean and rest and store things (kinda like the Ratman caves in Portal), had

to be accounted for and make sense.

To avoid these spaces being too confusing and detracting from the player's spatial

understanding of the house, each space supplies you with a new vantage point of a larger area,

so you can connect the space between the walls with the walls themselves.

But The Clockwork Mansion doesn't just make sense from an architectural or technical standpoint,

it's also just a masterfully designed level.

In a GDC talk, Arkane Studios' Steve Lee spoke about some of the principles of design

in their games, specifically Dishonored 2.

During his talk he mentions the idea of creating a consistent visual language throughout the


Doors that can be opened look one way, and ones that can't look another, and those

two meshes are never allowed to overlap.

Same goes for windows, surfaces that can or cannot be vaulted over, and most notably,

electrical hazards.

When you see something like a Wall of Light, you know that it's running on electricity,

either from a whale oil tank or a windmill, and that if you can disable its energy source,

you can disable the wall.

This consistent language means that level designers can hide these energy sources from

the player in interesting ways, knowing that they'll eventually find it (with or without

the bright orange cable), because they've been made aware that there has to be one somewhere.

So right around the start of The Clockwork Mansion when you're presented with a Wall

of Light, you see the cable go into the ground, with no obvious path to follow it.

Until you transform the room and slip into the space between the floors, and voila, the

whale oil tank.

The Clockwork Mansion has loads of these sorts of gameplay ideas, hiding things in spaces

that require a bit of clever problem solving by moving the walls, like this hidden bone

charm in this secret pantry, or this neat corpse in between an elevating room.

Probably the best example of this, though, is this Guest area.

There's an elevator at the end of the room, and an arc pylon in the middle that's revealed

by one of the guards.

If you're fast enough, you can stop that from happening and this area becomes a lot


But if you aren't fast enough, the language of the level and the game so far do give you

some opportunities to get around this.

Because you know that the arc pylon is running on electricity, you know there must be a whale

oil tank somewhere, and if you slip through the space between the walls, you can find


Or you can just make your way around that space, using the elevator shaft without even

entering the room.

Or, you can be petty and sneak underneath the arc pylon, pressing the button because

remember each of these things has a button connected to that lets you redo the animation

without needing to be outside of the place, and flip it over without even needing to hit

any of the levers in the room.

That one section I think shows off so much of what makes The Clockwork Mansion such a


It gives the player the opportunity to approach the problems it presents in interesting ways

using its incredibly unique approach to level design.

It touches on the power of the consistent language used throughout the game, and how

the different designers can use it in interesting ways.

Its sheer existence influenced the creation of the tools that allowed for the rail carriages

and secret doors to operate, and is a testament to why taking a risk on a technically challenging

idea can be worthwhile.

Few levels capture the essence of a game this well, and fewer still could be the perfect

match for this insanely ingenious inhabitant.

For more infomation >> The Clockwork Mansion is a Marvel of Level Design - Duration: 7:01.


Locomotive (Complicity) - Guns N' Roses Guitar (Solo) Bass Piano Drum Cover - Duration: 8:39.

Yeah 20,000 subs! Thanks everyone! You guys are the best!!!

For more infomation >> Locomotive (Complicity) - Guns N' Roses Guitar (Solo) Bass Piano Drum Cover - Duration: 8:39.


[GGXrdR2] King_Rasta (Faust) vs Rele (Millia) - Replay Analysis/Commentary - Duration: 8:39.

Roundstart: f.S wins against the majority of Faust's options. Rasta opts for jumpback j.H so we're neutral.

I try to chase it but react too late and eat the airdash j.K.

This is a safe burst point. The damage was done but I'd rather return to neutral than risk getting it baited later.

This was most likely a missed drill cancel but I take it.

Rasta respects my 6K here despite being in throw range because I targeted wakeup throw earlier in the set.

The 2nd mixup was way too late, most of the time he will fuzzymash out here. Sloppy play on my part.

Very risky play with little reward. After 6H(2) I have no options other than roll or do nothing. Could have pressured better.

I dash up f.S here because I expect him to pick up the food so he can toss more items. Slow reaction to the jump.

Pogo > toss > YRC is very potent and should be dealt with low risk options (like pin). I get extremely lucky in this case because he tossed springboard.

Turbofall to reset to neutral. At this height it's too hard for him to intercept it.

Rather pointless 6H. He won't try to run in without item support. Should move closer to threaten him instead.

Any time he tosses a bomb he has to avoid himself is a good time to summon an orb for neutral. He cannot Rerere to punish it.

The disc was slightly late so I opt to target fuzzy jump and wakeup throw with rising j.K.

2K > dash 2KK is a good way to open someone up who fuzzyblocks a lot.

Most of the time you'll want to catch the jumpout after digitalis > 2366H. If they start to wakeup blitz, go low instead.

Sloppy play here. Pressure after pin was too lose which puts me in a scramble situation; have to spend 50 to stay safe. Better to try and back off after the aerial hit f.S.

Missed airthrow. I hold upback to avoid the retaliation throw but forget to FD.

He tries to airthrow me here but we've played each other too often so I know it's coming and delay my airtech.

Here I could've tossed the pin on reaction to YRC instead. Punishes an AA attempt and bad item luck, neutralizes hammer and I'd still keep advantage.

Again I try to aim for him to pick up the donut but I react slightly too late and get hit instead.

I tried to 6PH here but the setup seems legit.

This is sort of an autopilot approach. I don't like my decisionmaking here.

Burstbait too obvious. Should've done 2H j.P instead for another burstsafe point.

Very sloppy setup here and he correctly recognizes it.

I jump into him here to avoid drill cancel shenanigans. It's probably better to backdash to safety entirely.

At this point time is running out so I opt to pick up chocolate to gain a life lead. Normally I'd leave it on the ground.

Same autopilot approach again, at a time where poison covers the ground. Very bad choice and I get punished for it.

Roundstart: I give up momentum here. Need to research roundstart more.

Correctly predicted his 2H here but mini faust keeps him safe. Trading with it this way is probably the best scenario. Should've chased the airtech with 6P though.

Pogo > itemtoss > YRC again but this time I chose a safer method of dealing with it and it works out in my favor.

However I didn't pay attention to the item he got and ran in at a bad time. I could've still backdashed out but didn't and have to take the mixup because of it.

Bless Millia's air hurtbox.

Very bad panic burst. I can't even capitalize on it hitting because of fireworks.

He got meteors again so I pretty much have to go for the throw here. I cannot lose momentum with 1 pixel HP left.

I delay my disc here because I wasn't sure if the meteors would hit me. I salvage the setup with YRC.

2S into attempted airdash mixup (if blocked) is too greedy and hard to confirm. 5PP pickup would be the better choice here.

Not possible to do a burstsafe route from this range I think.

I'm more patient this time and don't try to force anything while the cloud is out.

I choose to go in here as soon as he comes down from his jump. That's when his arc is predictable. Got lucky I didn't get clipped by j.H.

Gutsy attempt to low profile his pokes here with roll. I try to YRC airthrow on reaction his jump, but the oil messes up my dash distance and I end up out of throw range.

Passive roundstart again but it works out in my favor. I had no idea pogo would whiff at that distance.

Bad burstbait again. No reason to not do 5PP pickup. Followed by dumb raw TKBM which gets punished.

Tossing pin here to try and whiffpunish 6P would be ok.

Messed up the airthrow here (didn't even attempt!?!) but this would be the correct response to paperbag.

I get a bit too impatient here. Oil spill hinders ground movement so air approach becomes obvious. I get antiaired for it.

Getting rid of mini-faust this way is very useful. You get all air options back after blocking him in the air. I could't capitalize here however.

Bad reaction to the item he got.

Too passive again, which gets him a mini-faust. I back off here because I figured I couldn't get rid of him without putting myself in a lot of danger.

Predictable approach again. Patience is very important when he has a good item out.

This time I cover myself better.

Messed up 2D > mash shaker.

Stagger pressure to pick up pin again.

I try do lowprofile a drill here but he didn't go for it.

He gets an accidental teleport because I crossed him up during item toss. Best option in this scenario would've been S-Disc YRC as he reappears.

He aims for me doing dash f.S or similar (happened a lot earlier in the set) but I stay patient this time. The disc was too far though and I get scummed out because of it.

Delayed 6K because I expect a wakeup super here.


Again, pin to deal with pogo and potential item toss YRC.

Should've tried to go for the throw here. I chose to back off instead which gives him a ton of space. From there it's a pretty hopeless situation.

I think he's trying to test stuff out at this point. I haven't switched up my roundstart at all. One of my biggest weaknesses. It works out in my favor here though.

Forgot to 5K here to stop the jumpout.

I'm very respectful of airtech buttons here. He gets an accidental 6H which I can capitalize on. Still no burstsafe route.

Since he gets a close bomb here, I'm waiting for him to act. If he avoids it by staying back I am ready to do Secret Garden. He jumps forward instead so I try to antiair with 2H but he avoids it.

I don't burst GMW this time because I still have the lifelead.

I have no idea why I did this 2D. Autopilot decision.

Late 6K again because I expect a wakeup super.

Same scenario as in game 2. I give him a chance to get a good item because of my passive roundstart.

Risky burst. He really likes to bait here with pogo~44. Works out this time.

Absolutely no chance to approach because of two mini-fausts. Have to be patient now.

I didn't plan this but this was pretty much the best case scenario to get rid of the mini-fausts.

Black beats matter.

S-Disc YRC here is an ok decision to assess the situation and to tag any poke he could throw out. Gimps my metergain though.

6H is probably my most underused button. It can be a pretty amazing normal.

This isn't really legit on Faust since he can crouch under the disc, but his reflexes made him stand up anyway.

I'm too greedy here. Better to go for a normal meaty.

And again...

No real reason to go for a throwbait here. Brainfart but it works out.

Again, respect the airtech buttons.

Risky haircar but I had a read on him since I know he likes to block high in this situation. Still, going for less committal options is probably better.

I decide to use my burst super here and go for max damage, even if it doesn't kill. This reduces the value of his burst which he just got back, because he gets less opportunities to use it later.

This is what I mean. He'll never go for this burst if he has more life left.

For more infomation >> [GGXrdR2] King_Rasta (Faust) vs Rele (Millia) - Replay Analysis/Commentary - Duration: 8:39.


What Does LGBT+ Stand For?! - Camsplains Ep9 - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> What Does LGBT+ Stand For?! - Camsplains Ep9 - Duration: 12:32.


The Wonder Above - Fall of Shurima (Part 3) - Duration: 1:02.

No subtitles this time either

For more infomation >> The Wonder Above - Fall of Shurima (Part 3) - Duration: 1:02.


Do you really know what passion is? Skateboarding: More than a hobby - Duration: 3:58.

My name's Cody.

I've been riding for two maybe three years.

And it's fun like just to do it the shit's fun.

I do it for fun.

Hey um, uh, my name is Jaiden, and uh, I like skating because like it gets me, it gets me

like pumped for some reason.

I don't know why.

It's just fun to me.

And um, I've been skating for like a month now.

Oh my name?


Edgar, Edgar Augustine.

Uhhhm, well, my birthday was August, end of August, around that time is when I met this


And then once he told me his age I was like yeah I do remember riding at that time too.

Uh but I was riding before I moved to DeKalb to be honest.

I'm twenty three by the way.

But uh, I like, I mean I like any extreme sport.

Anything that gets you productive or keeps you outside, out of danger and whatever.

My name is Ozzy, I've been skating for five years, and the reason why I like to skate

is because it's a way to work out.

Hey, my name is Josh!

Um, I've been skateboarding for two months now.

I started skating because my friend Keenan got me into it, and it's just pretty cool.

It's a fun way to relax you know?

For more infomation >> Do you really know what passion is? Skateboarding: More than a hobby - Duration: 3:58.


Gan Air SM + More! Unboxing & First Impressions | - Duration: 4:41.

Hey YouTube it's me Spotty!

Today, we've got an unboxing that I'm super excited about!

Inside is the Gans Air UM and the brand-new SM as well!

Okay, quickly, I wanna pause to give a huge thanks to for sending this

out early!

Links will be below if you wanna preorder the SM AND the discount you can use for 10% off!

Alright, now let's begin.

To start, let's quickly check out the Air UM.

Comes with some Gan accessories including bags, one's actually for the SM I'm pretty

sure, and these GES nuts which I will have to play around with.

Getting into turning...

Whoa, this was not what I was expecting at all.

The puzzle feels good and I really like the turning so far, but it does not remind me

of the Gan Air.

It's very light, which I guess is the biggest similarity, but it's also a tad sandy right

out which I don't normally expect from Gan cubes.

The turning is also smooth when turning slow but more crispy and a little clacky as well,

unlike the original Air which is much more buttery and soft.

But performance wise, it's flowing well and definitely a good puzzle.

Just a little surprised at how this feels.

Oh and the magnetic click.

Almost forgot.

The click is relatively strong.

You can definitely feel the pull when turning slowly but when in a solve or doing algs,

it's subtle.

If you're looking for it in solves, you'll feel it, otherwise though, it shouldn't

hinder speed or fluidity or anything like that.

Okay, let's get into the SM.

So first things first, the puzzle comes with nicely packaged GES Nuts and a small pamphlet

explaining the use of them.

I'm pretty sure these Nuts are a little different to older generation Gan cubes and

the container these come in is different too. I think the container packing these looks good,

but it's not the most practical, seems a little finicky.

(Yes I opened it the wrong way round.)

And then the redesigned box is great, I definitely see more use for this compared to the older


Finally, getting into the puzzle itself.

Oh and btw, I've heard that SM doesn't stand for anything, but then on speedcube,

it's listed as the superspeed magneto.

It's definitely an awesome name, but I'm not sure exactly where it came from.

If you know more, let me know in the comments section.

Thanks in advanced.

So the SM, this is basically exactly what I was expecting out of the UM.

The turning on this is fluid, it's buttery smooth and the feedback is much softer, similar

to the original Air.

The plastic itself also feels quite soft compared to the UM and the click of the magnets isn't

as harsh although the strength feels similar.

Yeah, this is so much more reminiscent of the Air.

The stability on the SM is greater than the UM I think.

It feels less floppy and it keeps it shape more.

However, that may also be because of the tensions which are relatively tight and the blue nuts

that are in here.

Final thing that I'd like to mention cause I think it's super cool.

The mech is really interesting.

Pieces are quite hard to get out, but once you do crack it open you see this really cool

honeycomb design on the edges and corners.

I'm not sure what benefits there actually are from having this honeycomb design, maybe

less friction, but either way, looks so so cool.

I haven't seen this design on a 3x3 before, or any puzzle for that matter.


A day has passed, did about 100 solves on each puzzle and I'm back with some thoughts.

After playing around with both, right now, I do prefer the feeling of the SM, or at the

very least am more used to it.

I find it weird that the UM is so different.

That's not to say that it's bad, both are truly excellent puzzles and based on performance

alone, either could for sure be main potential.

One thing I forgot to mention in the unboxing btw is the corner cutting, it's great.

The reason that I like the SM's feel more is because it has a softer plastic and feedback

which I really like.

At first though, I did have problems with slight catching.

It wasn't a corner centre catch but rather felt like the puzzle wasn't cutting backwards

as easily as is expected.

Loosening the puzzle did help.

I think overall, I'm more fluid using the UM though.

So yeah, the SM is so much more like the Air.

The difference is that it's quicker and more stable.

The UM on the other hand is quicker and more stable too, but the feeling is quite different

with a more crispy, clacky feeling.

I don't know if this crispiness will diminish as it is broken in more, we'll just have

to see.

But according to my experience out of the box, my recommendations are as follows.

If you like the Original Gan Air or like the sound of the original Gan Air then the Air

SM is the one I'd go for.

If you're wanting an upgrade that is.

If you're wanting a Gan Air type cube but with a slightly more crispy feeling, still

with great performance than the Air UM is that one I'd go for.

But yeah, that's all I've got to say for this one.

Thank you to for sending out these puzzles, links to everything will

be in the description, thank you guys for watching and I will catch you all in the next


For more infomation >> Gan Air SM + More! Unboxing & First Impressions | - Duration: 4:41.


THE MISSING ARE FOUND?! - Duration: 7:38.

Well, not what I was looking for... but I guess I'll take it

Look at the teeth on that bad boy!

By the way, a quick intro because Daniel forgot, I forgot, we all forgot.

We're just excited to be on the lake.

Dan what lake are we on today?

Sturgeon Lake. Not that I forgot, I just wanted him to be a part of this video

because you know, sometimes he gets too excited about the fishing and he forgets

about you guys.

Holy Jeez Man!

Well folks, not again what I'm looking for.

Another walleye but small though.


Not Walleye! Thank you!

Finally get to mark a spot!

Jesus Murphy... Good size!

So spot number one

Three Walleye, One Bass

I'd like the opposite

Maybe three bass, one walley

I'd be okay with that

So the fish aren't eating... as much

So we're gonna eat.

Little sandwich here and there... get some energy

To pull in some big bass!

What is this goo?!

On an upside, they got some pretty cool eyes.

This stuff... tell me. What is that?

And is it good for the fish? Do they like it?

Bro, this is good enough for the score board. Feel me?


Another big boy!! Thanks for coming out!

Now let them go, so he can grow!

Look at this! What is it? Halloween?

Oh there you are!! Costume's all gone!!

So you ask me how bass prefishing is going...

We got Dan's dad over here with a muskie on!

Third one this year!! Looking for bass, catching the muskie.

Everett: On a johnson again David: ON A JOHNSON!

He's tired!

Your dad's like "c'mon dude, no more!"

Quick tail slap, and he's gone!! That's it!!

Little slap, and he's gone!

MUSKIE BOY!!! Now find me some bass!

Bad boy muskie!

Give them the tail slap!

🎶 finally... dan is finally on the board 🎶

But not the actual board... just finally caught a fish

Daniel: fish on... with a smallie

Stop biting me dude!

Alright. Nice and dark on the dropshot. They love it!!!

Peace dawg!

Oh man! They're getting smaller!

Can't keep catching anymore of these guys. They're not becoming fun

They're too small!

Day one, prefish, Sturgeon... done!

David: How'd it go today? Daniel: Thank God it's over!! That's all I can say

I know we're back here again

Sorry!! Doopy and Goopy!!

He's (Everett) backing up the truck and we're still standing in the truck (boat) so

Yeah anyways, how did today go??


The upside, Dave located a few small smallmouth.

Unfortunately we're back here tomorrow, AND friday

Tournament Saturday and Thank God Sturgeon is over and done with.

I can't wait.

On that note, I don't actually mind the lake

Locating the big ones are kind of tough for us right now

or at the moment. We're able to locate the bass

they're all small

On a total other note, his dad caught a pretty nice muskie

that you know... he seems to be the muskie hunter.

this guy, he keeps finding them everywhere he goes

Anyways, until tomorrow

which is day two!

see you soon!

Morning viewers! Fishing finatics here... at Sturgeon... Stay tuned for more!!

That was probably my fourth/fifth pitch in

I don't know what to say... I haven't caught a largemouth in a long time! That felt good!

That was Daniel stuck in a tree ladies and gentlemen...

thanks bud!

Here's my fish........ seriously?!



** On a topwater while it rains pretty hard.**

** Daniel's hella persistent... still casting when the weather isn't getting any better **

Bass #2 though!! 👍🏻

For more infomation >> THE MISSING ARE FOUND?! - Duration: 7:38.


Mexicans Dig Through Collapsed Buildings After Deadly Quake - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Mexicans Dig Through Collapsed Buildings After Deadly Quake - Duration: 1:22.


#Call O f Duty with Trixz2007 Followers/subs welcomed to join - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> #Call O f Duty with Trixz2007 Followers/subs welcomed to join - Duration: 14:17.


Winter in Yosemite Dec2015 - Duration: 2:12.

Leaving our cabin....

West area is near ski pass and few miles to Glacier

don't forget your car snowchains

On our way to Glacier Point

AAAYYY! *Mission Failed.Roadblock AGAIN!!!*

For more infomation >> Winter in Yosemite Dec2015 - Duration: 2:12.


President Trump Latest News Today, trump-warns-against-authoritarian-regimes-in-un-speech - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> President Trump Latest News Today, trump-warns-against-authoritarian-regimes-in-un-speech - Duration: 4:03.


Mother reunites with officer who saved baby during Harvey - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Mother reunites with officer who saved baby during Harvey - Duration: 1:27.


SOUTH PARK GAMES - Evolution - Duration: 4:08.

Thanks for watching

If you like this video, please, subscribe for more!

And share this video with your friends too.

I see you in the next video, byeeeeeeeeeeee

For more infomation >> SOUTH PARK GAMES - Evolution - Duration: 4:08.


[FREE] 21 Savage x Future - "Ghost" | Type Beat 2017 | Rap/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:26.


For more infomation >> [FREE] 21 Savage x Future - "Ghost" | Type Beat 2017 | Rap/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:26.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


Conhece o Lucas Ramon | Ativa/desativa legenda - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Conhece o Lucas Ramon | Ativa/desativa legenda - Duration: 1:30.


Verdad o montaje: ¿qué hay de cierto en la ruptura de Mario Casas y Berta? | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Verdad o montaje: ¿qué hay de cierto en la ruptura de Mario Casas y Berta? | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:09.



For more infomation >> MOTIVANDO UMA GERAÇÃO - VÍDEO MOTIVACIONAL | MOTIVAÇÃO - Duration: 4:35.


#Call O f Duty with Trixz2007 Followers/subs welcomed to join - Duration: 14:17.

For more infomation >> #Call O f Duty with Trixz2007 Followers/subs welcomed to join - Duration: 14:17.



For more infomation >> NOVAS ESPÉCIES DE ARANHAS-PAVÃO - BN#34 - Duration: 1:59.



For more infomation >> QUESO CASERO FÁCIL, PERFECTO PARA PRINCIPIANTES (Queso de yogurt) - Duration: 4:46.


Santa Receita | Cheesecake salgado de bauru por Julio Cruz - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:46.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Cheesecake salgado de bauru por Julio Cruz - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:46.


Pie para Sesgo - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Pie para Sesgo - Duration: 2:22.


Renan Felinto dos Santos (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Renan Felinto dos Santos (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 5:37.


Criminal - İflas ( Uyarlama Klip HD ) #Limitless11 - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Criminal - İflas ( Uyarlama Klip HD ) #Limitless11 - Duration: 2:38.


Animais se ajudam - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Animais se ajudam - Duration: 1:19.


Santa Receita | Direito do Consumidor: tire suas dúvidas! - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:22.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Direito do Consumidor: tire suas dúvidas! - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:22.


Santa Receita | Direito do Consumidor: tire suas dúvidas! - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 30:57.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Direito do Consumidor: tire suas dúvidas! - 20 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 30:57.


último pedido de Marcelo Rezende e não liberou imagens de arquivo antes de sua morte - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> último pedido de Marcelo Rezende e não liberou imagens de arquivo antes de sua morte - Duration: 2:24.


ISAAC LEE - I DONT MIND (Bass Boosted) (HARD TRAP) - Duration: 3:12.


For more infomation >> ISAAC LEE - I DONT MIND (Bass Boosted) (HARD TRAP) - Duration: 3:12.


Ciência Espiritual 5 - Chaves do Nosso Passado - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Ciência Espiritual 5 - Chaves do Nosso Passado - Duration: 11:05.


Ciência Espiritual 6 - A Flor da Vida - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Ciência Espiritual 6 - A Flor da Vida - Duration: 11:06.


Interactive Slides - Duration: 6:07.

Hello. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make an interactive activity

in Blackboard Collaborate using PowerPoint and Collaborate. So in this

activity, the circles are able to be moved so it could be used for an

icebreaker activity with one or more students where the student is able to

drag away the circle to reveal a question underneath and so all of these

circles are able to be moved yet the text is just part of the background. It

cannot be moved and that's because it was part of the original PowerPoint

slide. So the basic understanding here is that anything you want to become a

background image that you don't want to be able to change or move or anything

once you get into Collaborate should be part of the original PowerPoint slide

that you load via Load Content. Once you bring that slide into Collaborate then

you can use these tools to add things on top of the slide and those will remain

editable, moveable. However if you do this right before your session they will

remain removable but if... but in order to save these to reuse them at a later time

there's a trick to it and it's important that you save them in a very specific

format. So when you go in and create an activity like this that you're going to

be using sometime in the future all you have to do is go to File, Save,

Whiteboard and if it's just this one page that's the game or activity then

you can save one or you can save them all. It's... it's actually quicker to load

when they're all saved in this format so you might want to just save all the

pages in this format. So when you click okay here's the important format so

notice that there are four different choices and the one you want to [use] if you

want it to remain interactive so that the pieces can be moved then you save it

as a whiteboard file. (And I often use dates but in this case I'm just going to

put icebreaker circles and when I save it this way. I'm

just going to save it on my Desktop. The tricky part is when I go look at my

Desktop and try to double click and open that WBD file (which shows up right here)

when I double click it, it doesn't open, okay. It'll just give me some weird thing.

It's because this is a Collaborate file so the only way I can reuse this is to

get into Collaborate and load the WBD file, whiteboard file. So when I'm ready

to use this activity in the future and I go into my Collaborate session, I go to

Load, I go to my desktop, and I find that icebreaker file and it will not open by

itself but it will load back, whoops there was, load back into Collaborate so

when I load this back in, whoops, then here it, whoops, here it is actually and so you

can see that they are still able to be moved but if I had saved this as a PDF

or a PNG then those would just become one flat image and I could no longer

move these items. Here's another activity and so what I

have done is in PowerPoint I simply created a big rectangle, filled

it with blue, added the letter B and put this sentence down here. So all of that

was done in PowerPoint and I loaded my entire PowerPoint presentation here. Now

I want to add some interactive content on top and in this activity, students are

asked to drag things that appear down here that start with B onto the blue

area. So you might go to Google Images and grab some different things that

start with B and just drag them on over and I'm just going to put them here for now.

You'll probably take some time to make them bigger or smaller or whatever so right

now I'm just kind of throwing them on there.

Okay. I will get one more. Okay. So you would take the time and you would

all be, obviously have to have some that don't start with B or else it would be

too easy so I'll put a wolf in there. Okay so then I'm in Collaborate I would

I would take the time to make them a little bit smaller so they might all

fit nicely here. So I'm using this top tool in the tool bar (remember on a PC

you can just drag-and-drop from Google images but it's a little more difficult on a

Mac (drag-and-drop to your desktop first then bring them on to the

whiteboard). Okay so once you get them all placed the way you want them, then your

your game is basically created and you want it to appear just like this

when you're ready to do the activity when you're in class or you're tutoring

just this one game page I'm going to save and I just have to make sure I've

got it on WBD, whiteboard. And this time I'm going to name it blue activity and

hit Save and so it'll remain interactive but when I go to do this activity once

again I'm going to have to load that whiteboard file separately from my PowerPoint file.

Then the students will be able to drag the ones that start with a B and

complete the activity making it interactive. So this is how to create... one

way to create interactive slides using PowerPoint in Blackboard Collaborate

For more infomation >> Interactive Slides - Duration: 6:07.


🐋Fishing 2017. Catching fish with your hands, How to fish? That's fishing! fish. fishing, - Duration: 10:43.

Hello, you are on the channel Degenereyshn Style

We are already more than 30 million

and I am grateful to everyone who has signed up for

left channel Comment with warm

words of encouragement

Like or just even look

my video.

today I decided to show how we catch


because this is the main fish in our region

and forms the basis of our diet

if you think can

cook eel

exactly this simple food - sushi

I think you all know what a meal?

Traps have to be simple

unpretentious to her It can be had for a couple

2:00 to catch fish dinner

I will proceed to construction and traps

until you see I I would like to

thank you for Donata


Donat came through few questions to

which I am now answer

the first question on Maksima Guseva

what is your name

My name is Masha asaya

who did not know

link to me in the description below the video

and channel caps

and the second question Sergey Sedyakin

Do you play online games

sometimes I play in WoT

when I have the time between education and


I have a 54 per cent wins

We can play together!

third question

how old are you if husband

I'm 25 years old, no husband

I would say Thank you all very much

those who supported my the idea to stream

contact comments previous video

thank you very much

now I will try to bring it

just wanted to thank you for the idea

Dmitry Tankovich

who offered using the camera

Go to Pro how to take the process

fish swims in my trap

that some do not saying that I myself

to fish shoved

CB likes the idea of ​​place Like

in the future, as soon as I gather at camera

will be immediately deliver video from

the water traps

if you have interesting ideas or

Tips to write comments

Thank you all and pleasant viewing

bye Bye!

but no

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