Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 21 2017

It's wonderful when so much good can be done by the use of one heart.

I've met so many people with a lot of mess in their lives.

Those people once met a good Christian man or woman,

who showed them Jesus, the beauty of the Gospel and the beauty of its healing love.

A man with a total mess in their lives has finally thrown their arms around Jesus,

has finally found the one they had been groping for, having been terribly hurt most of the time.

This man's (calling themselves 'a recycled man') terribly hurt,

but regained by Jesus, heart,

can suddenly flare up with such an enormous light

that could not be produced by a most saintly ascetic, wise man or prophet.

We desperately need to trust that the light of the Gospel, in this deeply wounded world,

can find itself the way, if only we understand that holiness is not a prize

for good behaviour, but it's the explosion of grace in the middle of human misery and sickness.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 21 września 2017 - (Mt 9, 9-13) - Duration: 2:14.


Presidente de México explica las etapas del plan de acción tras el terremoto de 7.1 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Presidente de México explica las etapas del plan de acción tras el terremoto de 7.1 - Duration: 3:41.


Comenzamos hace 13 años.Seguimos trabajando como el primer día - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Comenzamos hace 13 años.Seguimos trabajando como el primer día - Duration: 3:41.


➕ Zodiac Brave Modo Chat; Búsqueda del patriarca (教皇クエスト) - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> ➕ Zodiac Brave Modo Chat; Búsqueda del patriarca (教皇クエスト) - Duration: 6:59.


✔ 8 razones por las cuales no logras bajar de peso ✔ - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> ✔ 8 razones por las cuales no logras bajar de peso ✔ - Duration: 7:44.


Tamba Hali - Chief

For more infomation >> Tamba Hali - Chief


( BL ) Yuki Furukawa X Ryoma Takeuchi ( Eng Sub 字幕あり by Kiyoshi Ryota ◕‿◕ ) - Duration: 2:33.

( English subtitle by Kiyoshi Ryota ◕‿◕ )

let's kiss ◕‿◕


kiss with me

I want to kiss

come over here

but I am not like that

I am not either

but I just want to do it *_*

you are not used to this yet

if I come over here, then the audience is not going to be able to see us!

hahaha...don't run away from me =)

why do you suddenly say you want to kiss me like this?

I've once kissed a guy who co-stared with me in a movie ( he is referring to the movie Raichi Hikari kurabu )

but beside that filming experience, I've never done it with another guy

so I want to give it another try

how do I say this

I am slightly surprised


I've been thinking about kissing with boys

not really want to kiss but just interested

alright...alright...I got it...good...good...good...come over here...come here

hold on a sec...can you just wait until I finish?

got it

even though I am interested

but because it is with a guy

to kiss with another boy

still struggle a little bit with the feeling

but it's like this

you have a nice muscular body *_*

because I do work out

nice muscular body

I work out...I work out

since both of us are boys and we can be intimate with each other like this naturally....I am just a bit surprised

ah..there is camera this way

can you let me lay on your shoulder?

can you let me lay on your shoulder?

of course you can

so you are the type who must get close to me and lay on my shoulder before kissing me? ◕‿◕

this is really important

but I am feeling pretty good about this

sorry everyone, can't let you guys watch me kissing him ( English subtitle by Kiyoshi Ryota ◕‿◕ )

For more infomation >> ( BL ) Yuki Furukawa X Ryoma Takeuchi ( Eng Sub 字幕あり by Kiyoshi Ryota ◕‿◕ ) - Duration: 2:33.


PAYBACK: President Trump Just Got His Revenge On The ENTIRE Emmy's With BRUTAL Takedown |Top Stories - Duration: 1:20.

The Emmy's 2017 was less like the Emmy's and was more like another "Never Trump"


So many liberal Hollywood celebrities threw shots at the president with little to no care

about all the good he has been doing over the past few months and especially weeks.

Thankfully, President Trump had the last laugh in the end after the Emmy's just got the

worst news yet when the ratings were released for the public.

Trump saw this as a perfect moment to get his final revenge on the celebrities who have

spent all of their time taunting the president.

Here is what He Said:


That was an epic take down for those far left radicals disguised as "smart and successful"


The reality is, the more and more these people seem to be immersed in the overly liberal

culture that is instilled in Hollywood, the more out of touch they begin to get with actual


I'm glad the president got the last laugh on this one because this was KARMA at it's


If you hated the Emmy's and support our president, give this a SHARE!

God Bless!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> PAYBACK: President Trump Just Got His Revenge On The ENTIRE Emmy's With BRUTAL Takedown |Top Stories - Duration: 1:20.


Right After Trump Named Kim Rocket Man, Nikki Haley Went And Silenced The Media With A HUGE Reveal - Duration: 4:33.

The media was going absolutely NUTS over Trump nicknaming Kim Jong Un "Rocket Man".

They all immediately jumped to Kim's defense and said Trump had gone too far.

That's when they had a brilliant idea: Let's bring UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on and have

her trash the President.

Their plan seemed foolproof, well, except the one major flaw…

Nikki Haley showed up and WRECKED the media while defending President Trump.

She revealed that she had met with the President of Uganda and he is already calling Kim "the Rocket Man."

She also went on Good Morning America and said that EVERY international community is

now calling him "Rocket Man" and that it clearly was a good idea and worked.

the truth is getting out everywhere.

The reality is, North Korea NEEDS to be disarmed of their Nukes and ICBMs immediately in one

way or another.

If he wants to let us come in and destroy them, that's fine.

If we have to do it by force, which we would rather not, we can do that too.

So let everyone you know see that the Rocket Man nickname absolutely worked and Nikki Haley

is your proof.

Even if their plan failed, we can still share this everywhere.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Right After Trump Named Kim Rocket Man, Nikki Haley Went And Silenced The Media With A HUGE Reveal - Duration: 4:33.


5 Ways to Exfoliate Skin with Baking Soda - Duration: 6:52.

5 Ways to Exfoliate Skin with Baking Soda !

In addition to making an ideal scrub to exfoliate skin with baking soda, we can also take advantage

of the benefits of other natural ingredients.

Try it!

Baking soda has become a solution for eliminating terrible odors, disinfecting, whitening teeth,

an important ingredient in cooking, and even helps to drive pests away from your garden.

But did you know that you can also exfoliate your skin with baking soda?

As an antibacterial product, an astringent, and an anti-inflammatory, baking soda is ideal

for eliminating imperfections in your skin.

Acne, blemishes, and zits?

This product doesn't just eliminate dead cells and bacteria, it also prevents them

from showing up in the future.

Also, thanks to its alkaline properties and its pH level, it won't damage your skin.

However, it's important that you use a small amount on a specific area of your skin to

test for allergies before using any of these exfoliants on your entire face.

This is because some skin can be very sensitive and this product can aggravate it.

Baking soda and water!

Thanks to its alkaline properties, exfoliating baking soda and water cream helps to oxygenate

the skin and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

It also eliminates the accumulation of oils and dirt, which softens the skin and makes

them easier to get rid of.

Ingredients ! 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g) !

1 tablespoon of water (10 ml) ! Preparation !

Mix both ingredients until you have a homogenous paste.

Apply the paste to your skin using circular motions and let sit for 25 minutes.

Rinse with warm water until there is no residue.

Oat flour and baking soda ! This exfoliant is excellent for fighting acne

because it leaves your skin softer and brighter.

The oats function as a natural hydrant as well as a cleanser.

Among its components are vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.


2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)!

2 tablespoons of oat flour (20 g)!

1 tablespoon of water (10 ml)!


Mix he baking soda and oat flour together.

Add water.

You will have a creamy paste!

Apply the paste to clean skin (especially in oily zones: forehead, nose, chin)!

Rinse with warm water!

Baking soda and milk ! The astringent properties of backing soda

help to remove blackheads and to control oils by softening the skin and making it easier

to remove them.

While the milk also provides vitamins, when it is applied to the skin, it becomes a natural


It contains lactic acid that increases the production of collagen and elasticity.


1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)!

1 tablespoon of milk (10 ml)!

Preparation ! In a small bowl, mix the baking soda with

milk until you have a paste.

Apply to your face, massing it in small circles until it is completely covered and let sit

for 10 minutes.

After 1o minutes, rinse well with cold and warm water.

Olive oil and baking soda ! In this case, baking soda will work to remove

annoying blemishes since it contains antibacterial substances.

Olive oil is a great element for exfoliation because it's a product that's rich in

antioxidants, fatty acids, and minerals that hydrate and regenerate the skin.


1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)!

A tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)!

1 tablespoon of warm water (10 g)!

Preparation ! Add the baking soda and olive oil to a bowl.

Mix for a few seconds Then, add the water and mix until you have

a paste Apply to your face by massaging it in circles

and cover your entire face ! Finally, rinse well with warm water !

Vinegar, lemon, and baking soda ! The combination of these ingredients makes

a natural exfoliant that leaves your skin soft and smooth.

This is particularly thanks to the lemon, because it works to diminish the appearance

of blemishes, scars, and it gives your skin the brightness it needs.

However, you have to be careful when using lemons because they can produce an adverse

effect, especially when exposed to the sun.

Apple cider vinegar contains alpha-hydroxy acids that work to eliminate dead skin and

oils caused by dehydration, poor diet, and a lack of vitamins, and it balances your pH


Baking soda also has astringent properties that eliminate bacteria and dead cells.

Ingredients ! 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)

! 1/2 cup of water (100 ml) !

1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g) ! juice from 1/2 lemon !

1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) ! Preparation !

Dilute the apple cider vinegar with the water.

In another glass, add the baking soda and then slowly add the apple cider vinegar and

water mixture.

Squeeze half of a lemon and then add the juice to the mixture.

Lastly, add the tablespoon of honey and mix well until you have a paste.

Apply to your face evenly and wait 5-10 minutes.

Rinse well with warm water and then a bit of cold water to close your pores.

Overall, baking soda is a natural remedy.

It's easy to prepare, is always within reach and, above all else, is one of the best beauty


The only thing you have to do is choose which of these exfoliants is the most convenient

for you.

For more infomation >> 5 Ways to Exfoliate Skin with Baking Soda - Duration: 6:52.





Pottery Barn Kids Halloween:...

For more infomation >> Pottery Barn Kids Halloween:...


Father On Daughter's Murderer: 'I Don't Look At Him Like A Person, He's The Devil' - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Father On Daughter's Murderer: 'I Don't Look At Him Like A Person, He's The Devil' - Duration: 2:23.


Every Scar I have makes who I am (put subtitles from 1:15 to 2:14, the wind is a B*tch) - Duration: 8:23.


Hey there. I didn't see you

My name is yeah

Nah, there's nothing with you. My name is Matteo, and I'm here to talk to you about the truth of identity

So let's begin

What is identity

Well according to Google our most common source using all the world basically

It says and I quote

the fact of being who or who a person or thing is


What does this mean?

well, it means basically what defines you and what makes you you an

example of this

Is base is well. I'm gonna tell you an accident that happened to me basically what happened to me was

Survived an explosion

How? I don´t know.

Maybe it were biological reasons


The only thing I know is that for a month, after the accident,

I was thinking and thinking, the scenes of the fire and everything, it was playing around in my head.

over and over again


I ask myself

Who am I ?,well

I'm a boy

who survived an explosion

And has a scar this big on my back

I'm a survivor like many people around the world. That defines me, so that would be my identity, you know what I mean?

So you might be wondering

How do you acquire?

An identity or are you ORN with it or can it be built?


There might be many

reasons or answers for these questions

But this in my opinion

you can have a million identity throughout your lifetime and

each different person


What does this mean basically the most well the basic example I can give you is that person is sad, so he has he said

That person is happy, so he has a happy identity

But now we're born with it well

I don't agree with that because well

You're born and you're given a name and even that name can be repeated so that's not really unique

Now your DNA is unique obviously

But I don't believe it really gives you an identity what gives an identity is like the qualities or the characteristics that you

Give towards and around everything

That's around you


You're not born with it. You make it and you can just make it by crafting something or doing

Equations or figuring it out no it takes time

Throughout the lifetime you change

We also known

As also known as puberty but

You know for example I'm five years old, let's say what I like Thomas the Train

but now if we go forward in the timeline, I'm

15 years old I like see a son, and then I'm 22 years old


then there was like 22 years old and then I

like just watching soccer games and sports, so

it varies basically with either the genetics of the grain or

Because of the influence around you

so in conclusion you basically you can change this identity, and it takes time and

There's no stopping that your identity will change


Know follow me

What are my identities

Well I

Believe that I have had many identities over the time

Over my life really as I said before

You about the example of a five year old and a 15 year old and a 20 year old

It really depends on

The growth of the person so for example, I'm saying me


Reina I am hardworking and

Trying to make grades. That's my

Identity that's what I'm trying to do my personality right now is trying to focus on getting things done

Now what my future is bright?

Now over time that might change when I'm in the same. I mean the University I


personality changes and so my identity and

Then I will be more concentrated on

how to get a job as my with my profession

and so you know stuff like that and


Bunch of examples can be made about it

Now is there something I would like to change from it


Maybe not from let's say

the identity right the picture of me studying and

Getting ready for the future

Or being nice or whatever no, but let's say

Part of my personality is also getting very heated up

When I don't like something

So when this happens I might top usually just fight


What I try to do is I try to calm sorry I try to call myself

And that's what I would like to change. I'll let you change

that piece of anger that I have inside my identity my personality and

exchange you for calmness

humbleness right and then that way I wouldn't cause

Conflicts either between my family or my friends are between my professors or any of any Republic

Look at that time

hmm I

Am afraid, this is the end

but hey

If you're still confused about identity and if when you're gonna get I could say a thing that represents you

Don't worry it will come in time

right one

family member of mine

Said never give up about anything in that

includes this

identity never give up on who you are because

It's you are unique

That's what the world needs right now

It needs creativity and needs

Imagination it needs you

So don't worry in time that identity will pop up in your head, and you will feel identified by that trait

But until then


Be patient

and for don't forget

Never give up

Thank you

For more infomation >> Every Scar I have makes who I am (put subtitles from 1:15 to 2:14, the wind is a B*tch) - Duration: 8:23.


Citroën C1 ATTRACTION 1.0i 68PK 3-DRS | RADIO/CD | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 ATTRACTION 1.0i 68PK 3-DRS | RADIO/CD | - Duration: 0:54.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.6i - Duration: 0:58.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk Go! | Airco | Nav | Lm velgen | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk Go! | Airco | Nav | Lm velgen | - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën C2 1.1i Attraction (Airco) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.1i Attraction (Airco) - Duration: 0:59.


Ewangeliarz OP - 21 września 2017 - (Mt 9, 9-13) - Duration: 2:14.

It's wonderful when so much good can be done by the use of one heart.

I've met so many people with a lot of mess in their lives.

Those people once met a good Christian man or woman,

who showed them Jesus, the beauty of the Gospel and the beauty of its healing love.

A man with a total mess in their lives has finally thrown their arms around Jesus,

has finally found the one they had been groping for, having been terribly hurt most of the time.

This man's (calling themselves 'a recycled man') terribly hurt,

but regained by Jesus, heart,

can suddenly flare up with such an enormous light

that could not be produced by a most saintly ascetic, wise man or prophet.

We desperately need to trust that the light of the Gospel, in this deeply wounded world,

can find itself the way, if only we understand that holiness is not a prize

for good behaviour, but it's the explosion of grace in the middle of human misery and sickness.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 21 września 2017 - (Mt 9, 9-13) - Duration: 2:14.


10 Confessions of an Introvert That The World Should Know - Duration: 8:57.

10 Confessions of an Introvert

In a world that expects constant communication and socialization, it's obvious that our

society favors the extroverted personality.

I've noticed that, for some reason, the word "introvert" has a negative connotation

in our society today, almost as if being introverted is something that needs to be fixed.

Like introvert, as in the recluse kid who's socially awkward and no fun to be around.

I may be socially awkward at times, but that's because I'm a goober and I suck at the social

dance, but that's totally not the point I'm trying to make here.

Introverts are souls who choose quality over quantity and are selective in their friends,

words and actions.

Furthermore, introverts find security and the opportunity to recharge in solitude.

Since when is that a bad thing?

So, in an effort to break the negative stigma of the coined label introvert, I'm going to

show you 10 confessions of an introvert that the world should know.

Like usual, if you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video

and subscribe our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys!


Small Talk = death.

Being in large crowds energizes some people, but it just exhausts me.

When I was a kid, I can't tell you how many times I was told to stop being so shy and

"get out there and mingle."

But I'm not shy.

It's just that mingling is a fate worse than death.

Mingling = Small Talk, therefore Small Talk = death.

And why exactly do I not like Small Talk?

Small Talk for me is uncomfortable.

While simultaneously having a discussion with you, I am attempting to brainstorm new conversation

topics for fear that we might run out of things to talk about.

Keep in mind that Small Talk for outgoing people is not the same as Small Talk for introverts.

I hate shallow conversation, which is what I feel Small Talk is.

I don't care about the weather or what classes you're taking, I genuinely want to learn

more about you, and Small Talk just doesn't have the capability to do that.

So if I ask you a deep, personal question, it's only because I actually want to know

more about you and connect with you on a deeper level.

"So how about that weather we've been having lately?"


Can we not?


Networking events also = death.

Since joining a sorority, I've been through many-a-networking event.

I intentionally joined a sorority to network and force myself to meet new people, which

is something I would've never done on my own.

I've come to the conclusion that although networking events are good for me, I hate


I dread them.

It's like the yucky purple cough syrup you have to force yourself to drink in order to

get better.

I know that without networking events, I won't meet new people or make more friends.

I can't help that I dislike networking events or that I find them exhausting, as I can only

be cordial and entertaining for so long.

Wait, there's one planned for next week?

I'll think about going after this glass of wine.


I need you to make the first move.

If you're waiting for me to make the first move, then you better be prepared to wait

a long time.

I really want to come talk to you (believe me I do), but I can't help but think of

all the things that could go terribly wrong in the process of doing so.

What if you don't want to talk?

What if I get tongue-tied and say something stupid?

What if you don't find me interesting?

What if I have something in my teeth?

What if.

What if.

By the time I've psyched myself up enough to do it, the opportunity has passed.

So make the first move and I promise you won't regret it.

I'd love to engage in conversation with you, it's just the initial first step that's

hard for me to deal with.

Note: this also applies to making the "first move" in kissing, hugging, and pretty much

everything else that involves me stepping out of my comfort zone in regards to the opposite



I'm a pretty good judge of character.

With all the talking you're doing, I had the time to observe you and survey my surroundings.

This gives me freedom to notice things like a faked smile or the fact that you've retold

that same joke at least five times now.

I'm analyzing your mannerisms and the way you interact with others, as well as with


Oh, and don't mind my "b*tchy resting face."

I'm not angry, and I'm not judging you.

I'm just quietly observing everyone and everything in the room, which means I'm

a little preoccupied.

My face is one of concentration, not of vanity or distaste.


Call me a "party pooper" one more time…

Even though I've embraced my introverted personality, you calling me "party pooper"

or pointing out the fact that I'm the "actual definition" of an introvert is not constructive,

as it's still something I am insecure about.

Yes, I know that I'm quiet and different from you, but you pointing it out to me only

makes me hyper-focus on it more (well-intentioned or not).

So there's no need to ask me why I'm quiet or lecture me about how I need to break out

of my shell; I'm introverted and I'm okay with it.

"Oh you're so quiet!"

Nice observation, Captain Obvious.


I don't like situations where conversation is expected … and then forced.

Hey hairdresser lady, do we really have to talk the entire time?

I know it's expected and you're just being cordial, but I'd be just as happy if we

sat here in silence.

Besides, I think we've run out of socially acceptable things to chit-chat about.

I'm okay with the silence.


If I can sit in silence with you and feel totally at ease, then we have something special.

I think this actually applies to introverts and extroverts alike.

I believe that the best kinds of relationships are those where the silence between two people

is comfortable, and there's no want or need to fill the quiet with empty conversation

for the sake of avoiding awkwardness.

If we have reached this level of easiness in quietude, it means that you're pretty

dang special to me, and that I feel very secure with you.


Sometimes I just want to spend my Saturday nights with you and Netflix.

Because social situations can be exhausting for me, I'd prefer to skip the rager-frat-party

and just binge on Netflix with you (and maybe 2-3 other people) every once in a while.

Is it too much to ask for your company, a large stuffed-crust pizza and copious amounts

of Law and Order episodes?

To clarify: I don't want to be alone.

In fact, I would rather bond with you while we sit on the couch in our sweatpants and

indirectly learn more about the criminal justice system.


I am not anti-social.

Referring to no.1 and no.2, it's true that I do not like Small Talk or networking events.

But that doesn't mean that I don't love people.

I actually really like people, honestly.

As I've said before, I love connecting with people on a deeper level.

What you need to understand is that I just need downtime after social encounters to recharge.

Whether that downtime is alone or with a select few, I still need to decompress and organize

my thoughts.


It's not uncommon that I will have more conversations in my head with myself than

I will with other people in a day.

I can spend hours mulling over a conversation that I've had with someone (especially if

I feel unsettled about it), all within the confines of my mind.

I express myself and respond to others in these times.

For example, if I've been in an argument with you, I'll later reflect on that conversation

and think of witty comebacks, and kick myself for not thinking of them earlier and using

them against you.

Call me crazy, but this method of reflection is the way I vent and process my thoughts.

And I love the fact that I'm introverted, it gets me into less trouble.

The whole "think before you speak" thing is kind of my mantra.

Well, that's the 10 Confessions of an Introvert that the world should know.

So, really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Confessions of an Introvert That The World Should Know - Duration: 8:57.


How to use Hootsuite - How to schedule posts on Hootsuite - Duration: 12:04.

Do you have multiple social media accounts and want an easy way to help

you schedule all of your content? In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to

use HootSuite to schedule your content across multiple social media accounts in

one place with ease stay tuned hi I'm Sarah Newlin your

online marketing strategist so can you grow your business using social media

with ease if you're new to this channel consider subscribing for all of the

latest product reviews social media marketing tips and training and at any

time during this video make sure you check out the description for links to

all of the resources mentioned in this video social media can be a time sucks

and overwhelming luckily there are tools such as HootSuite which gives us the

ability to manage multiple social media accounts from one place with ease let's

take a look at how to use HootSuite to manage your social media so we want to

start by signing up for an account with HootSuite in the top right hand corner

click on the signup button and this will take you to the page where you can

select your plan for the purposes of this demonstration I'm going to scroll

past that and sign up for a free plan when you click on that it will take you

to this page where you fill in your name the business email and password to

create your account and with these details you can then log into HootSuite

once you've signed in you'll see the HootSuite dashboard and from here you

can manage your multiple social media accounts and schedule your posts so

we're going to start by adding your social media account to HootSuite we're

going to do that by clicking on the icon in the top right hand corner going to

social networks and then this takes us to the area where we can add our social

network accounts so I'm going to click on private network and as you can see I

can add my Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn a WordPress account Instagram

and yuge - it is possible to add other social

media networks that don't appear here but you will need to do that via the

HootSuite apps and I'll show you that a little later so we're going to start by

adding my Twitter account it's as easy as clicking on the connect with Twitter

button and I'll fill in my credentials to authorize the app once I've done that

HootSuite will add Twitter and I'll see it in the private social network in the

bottom here and I continue this process to add my other social media networks

click on private network click on the account that I want to add and follow

the prompts of that social network which would then connect the account to

HootSuite all of the social networks that are connected to HootSuite will

appear in this private social network section now if you want to add a network

that doesn't appear in the main area here what you can do is click on the app

directory on the left-hand side and this brings up a range of apps that may allow

you to connect your alternative social media network so for example if I wanted

to connect my Pinterest account I would search for it in the top right hand

corner and then I can see that tailwind for Pinterest is an app that allows me

to connect HootSuite and Pinterest together whilst I can't do it natively

from HootSuite I can do it using this app so I would go

ahead and install this app and then connect my account via the app

alternatively you may also be able to connect the social network directly for

example Foursquare I'm able to search for it and then connect it directly

without a third-party app so now let's have a look at how you would schedule

your posts to these multiple social media accounts by HootSuite so to get

back to the HootSuite dashboard you can click on either the publisher or streams

icon in the left-hand corner now the publisher section here allows you to

view all of the posts that you have scheduled

and that have appeared in one place but in order to have posts appear here we

have to firstly schedule the post so to do that all of the magic happens in this

top section here when I hover over the top section it allows me to choose the

profiles that I've added so I simply select them by clicking on them and

deselect them by clicking off them if I don't want to have them all posted to

these networks at once then in the right-hand side this is where I compose

the post I'm going to start by pasting in the description that I prepared

earlier for the blog post in the top section here and then I'm going to paste

the link to the blog post in the add a link section oops here we go I'm going

to paste that here I have the option of shrinking the link if I want to and that

will mean that HootSuite will create a shorter version of the link as opposed

to the full link and this is useful particularly on platforms such as

Twitter where you have a character limit then I'm going to add an image to the

post so I click on this little paperclip icon and then choose to upload the image

so that I've prepared from my desktop and it's just uploading now and now I've

got the description of the post I've got the link to the actual post and an image

that I want to appear I'm then going to click on the scheduling button here and

I have two options I can auto schedule this post so I can turn this on and if I

click on the COG here I can set the parameters of when I want HootSuite to

automatically schedule this for me so I can say schedule one message a day

between 8 and 7 and if I schedule 10 messages in HootSuite we'll follow these

rules and automatically find the best time within the parameters that are set

to schedule the post alternatively if I turn this off I'm able to manually

select the day and the time that I want the post to

appear so it's really up to you on what you prefer

I think the auto schedule is a good one it saves you quite a bit of time but

have a play around and see which one works better for you and once I'm happy

with that I simply click schedule and HootSuite will add it to my publisher in

the scheduled list section here I can go back to the post and I can edit it if I

wanted to change the text I can go in and make those changes I can change the

date that I want it to appear if it hasn't already appeared and I can do

that all from this publisher section I can also go in to this section here and

delete them so if I don't want this post to appear for whatever reason I go into

the schedule section and I click on the little X here which will delete these

posts from appearing so that's essentially how you schedule a post

within HootSuite on the left-hand side at the top you choose the social media

profiles that you want this post to go to at the same time on the right hand

side you compose a message putting in the description here you can add a link

to the actual blog post or article and then you click on the attach media if

you want to also add an image and then you click on the scheduling button to

choose the date or to allow to order schedule so the other thing that you can

do with HootSuite is that you can use it to actually manage all of your social

media accounts so if I click on the Stream section here what I can do is I

can set this up so I can see all of my social media accounts from one dashboard

so I'm going to go ahead and click on browse or stream and HootSuite will then

allow me to set up a stream so the first one that I'm going to set up is my

Twitter account I can set up any of the accounts that I've connected to

HootSuite I'm going to start with Twitter and I'm going to choose the

streams that I want to see so let's say I want to track my home I want to track

my retweets and I want to track my followers

and just like that I'm able to see all of the activity happening on Twitter in

this one place so then I'm going to add my facebook stream I select Facebook

from the social profile like that and I select the streams that I want to see so

I want to see any mentions that I've had I want to see any posts that I've had

and any activity that's happened on my page and I can continue to add streams

of the other social media accounts that are connected to HootSuite and it will

add them so that I can see all of the streams happening across Facebook in one

place all of the streams happening across Twitter in one place and anything

else that I add and this makes it a lot easier for me to monitor what's

happening respond to comments when I'm not going from platform to platform if

all of these streams overwhelm you a little bit you can click on the three

dots here and you can delete the stream so you only have the ones that you want

to view and that are relevant for you you can also slightly change the view of

the streams in this section here so it's on this standard view here if I click on

the contact one it allows me to see more streams in one place or if I click on

the comfortable one it makes it bigger so I see less but they're larger so I

can see more that way the other thing that I can do to modify the view of the

stream is if I click on the more options here I can switch between text and image

and text only so at the moment it's showing text and image and if that's a

little overwhelming because the image hogs up all of the space I can then

switch to text only and I can see just the text making a little bit easier to

see a bunch of content at one time from the streams I'm able to do all of the

activity that I'm normally able to do within the social media network so on

Facebook I'm able to like comment share the post as well as edit the post if

that's one that I've actually created or I can delete it as well over on my

Twitter streams able to direct message or send emails

via the stream I'm also able to like it I'm able to retweet it and I'm also able

to reply if it's my own tweet I'm able to delete it from HootSuite in the

stream as well so there you have it a step-by-step tutorial of how to use

HootSuite to manage multiple social media accounts to schedule your content

and organize your engagements if you found this video useful give me a thumbs

up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for more

ways to grow your business using social media make sure you grab a copy of my

social media checklist it's a super simple guide to help you get up and

running on the major social media networks so you can start leveraging the

power of social to get more customers and generate more sales with ease to get

your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below and thanks

for watching

For more infomation >> How to use Hootsuite - How to schedule posts on Hootsuite - Duration: 12:04.


Self Intro自我介紹 | 一分鐘西班牙文 - Duration: 2:01.

Alright, hi everyone, I am Lucas

Welcome to this episode of 1 minute Spanish

Although I think this episode will be longer than 1 minute

But nevermind! Let's call it 1 minute Spanish anyway


What are we going to learn today?

Easy, we will learn how to introduce ourselves, because we want to meet more friends, right?

So x2

Today we will learn how to say:

Let's start

Here we go!

Is there anyone who knows what I just said?

If not that's okay. This time I will say it slower and with subtitles

你好,我係Lucas Hello, I am Lucas

我二十四歲 I am 24 years old

智利嚟 I am from Chile

再見 Good bye

Remember, in Spanish we can say

"Yo soy" or "soy"

Because "soy" must be used with "Yo"

So weather or not you say "Yo" is okay.

so "Yo soy Lucas" and "Soy Lucas" are the same

That is it!

Thank you very much for watching this video

Remember to give me a like, share it to your friends

And you must, must, must subscribe because if you do

you will make me very happy

Remember to repeat and practice more

And I will see you next time

Good bye

For more infomation >> Self Intro自我介紹 | 一分鐘西班牙文 - Duration: 2:01.


NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when Hidden Underwater Power! You Will Not Believe It Come True - Duration: 1:29:29.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when Hidden Underwater Power! You Will Not Believe It Come True - Duration: 1:29:29.


Turn On Subtitles!!| One Night at Fumpty's 2 (Hard Boiled Mode) - Duration: 9:18.

Hello Everybody My name Is HatTastic welcome back to one night at Flumpty's 2. Uhh, I'm Playing Hard-boiled mode

Uhh hopefully for You Guys I will get Jumpscared a lot more in this

Oh-Good! You're out already.

Close this.

*Bad singing part 1*

Fuck my shit.

Fuck My Asshole


Fuck my dick bro.

Fuck oh my god That's scared the shit outta me. Flumpty!

Oh good the Clown's here.

Oh fUck. Ssshhhit.


I got exposure, bruh.

Oh god I forgot. I already forgot the time of the Clown I tried to time the Clown but I Just didn't kinda I didn't uhh work?

You are Awfully active and i do not appreciate that Flumpty and i'm probably Just gonna die from the owl

Ahh fuck.

'Caause I need to wait for the Cown.



Yeah That's right fuck you- Thank God I closed the right vent bro.

The fuck is that face bro?




I don't see him coming bro.

WwwAAAAAUUUUUUUHhh That was faaaaasssttt.

He's gonna Come and I'm Not gonna know. oh fuck i forgot to check. Shit.

There he is.


The Black Spot Is Here fuck My Asshole

I Really hate This fucking Clown- Well at least Humpty's not As active as he was

That Clowns gonna come up When i least Expect it

Fuck fuck fUCKFUCK aww I was gonna check the bird.

Sloowly backin' up.

Oh good.

Hahaaaa stupid bitch

Fuck me in the asshole.

Don't you fuckin' move- Oh God he mOVED. He moveD.

Fuck oh That's a Lot of Exposure bruh


God- OOh god i forgot the time on yooouu- you have two sets of teeth i Just noticed that

I Have a Lot of Exposure.

WAAAAOOHHhh Was gonna check on you hmm-

you Almost Got me

Hello big guy... Gonna check on the Bird check on the clown check on the bird. Okay that's good.

Oh good.

Clowns almost up again


Sorry For Like The Loading Thing Next to my computer mouse i have a Lot of Things open Right Now- Oh shit Fuck ass.

So it's Just Tryna


Fuck i click That Thing so fucking fast you have no idea birthday boy blam.

Please don't Get me mr Bird please

Ohh fuck. Shit. Ohh shi-Oh okay *Twank*

I'm sweating like a Bitch

Oh Fuck.You. You're a piece of Shit.

I know that Clowns gonna come up and fucking rape me

If that fucking Owl- Shit. Go go go go gOO i need to check on the Owl I also need to flip this Thing

*Bad singing 2*

My dick has Shriveled so far inside of me

I Don't even think i'm a Man anymore i think i have to re-*asshole interrupts* i have to go through Puberty Again Because of you. Fuck you.

Fuck. Ahh shit.

I'm glad you can control The vents Without having to Turn on the lights

What the fuck Was that we're fine you know we're gonna Get Through This we're gonna Get Through This you know it's

gonna Be easy-Peasy oh That Was way too close but i probably Fucked up

He likes the purple one an Awful lot

Now that i know that i said that he's gonna Go through The Red one

fU C K.

*Audible pain*

Fuck Shit Titties Ass

I would Really appreciate it if You Would leave me alOOOONE.

Fuck The Bird

Fuck the Bird. The Bird is my fucking enemy i hate The Bird

Bird needs to die. Bird can take a Shit. Bird can Shit all Over my tits.

Sonovabitch I was honking his nose

Fuck i thought It Clicked it


Only 2 a.m. I'm gonna fucking shit Myself

Hi- Oooaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhkay then.

What the fuck i Just Checked the fucking vents bro

Fuck my dick oh fuck i closed that. That was way too close.



You came out of fuckin nowhere.

I Just fucking Checked the camera bro i Just Checked the camera

*Mic dies*

Okay so for this I was really concentrating.

Like hardcore because I was two hours in.

And then...

*Mouth open*


*Uncontrollable sobbing*

FUck you. Fuck this game. I never have to open this piece of shit ever again suck my balls.

*reads the shit*

This game is stupid. My name is HatTastic and I'm going to bed.

For more infomation >> Turn On Subtitles!!| One Night at Fumpty's 2 (Hard Boiled Mode) - Duration: 9:18.


Crosman 1077 Customization - Duration: 13:17.

For more infomation >> Crosman 1077 Customization - Duration: 13:17.


NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when What is Happening Here! No One Can Stop It's Destruction! - Duration: 54:35.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when What is Happening Here! No One Can Stop It's Destruction! - Duration: 54:35.


"3분 동안 칵테일 6잔 마시고 죽은 19세 남성" - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> "3분 동안 칵테일 6잔 마시고 죽은 19세 남성" - Duration: 4:10.


원더스트럭 WONDERSTRUCK 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 원더스트럭 WONDERSTRUCK 2차 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 2:40.


Glitch Hunting: Super Mario Galaxy (Part 2) - DPadGamer - Duration: 3:53:25.

For more infomation >> Glitch Hunting: Super Mario Galaxy (Part 2) - DPadGamer - Duration: 3:53:25.


【東方紅魔郷】 Cranberry Head「音召缶」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:14.

Pathos speeds up the beginning of the end

So my childish longing will fall from a high place.

Cranberry Head English translated by Releska

The sullen lover sharpens their claws and screams.

"Knowing is a sin" is written upon the page.

The credits roll is cracked. It can't be wound back now

But when I look down and stop working, it comes back to life.

I wonder if I'll fly away from here someday…

I tied together the vanished pieces and all truth and love could be seen.

Beneath the surface, they were intense.

If there is no future, and if I will provide proof of eternity,

Then I will count my vows on my fingers:

"I won't let you go."

Pathos speeds up the beginning of the end

So my childish longing will fall from a high place.

A twisted face gnaws at the fruit of sullen truth.

They hear alarm bells piercing through the air.

"If I'm just gonna break it, then it's fine like this." You think.

That look—you've given up

But that's okay, too.

I rested my cheek against my cool bed during a sleepless night. I counted.

I want proof that I'm alive.

I'll give you pain…

I want to catch you with these hands and lop off your head.

If I can't turn back from this mistake…

"At once."

This credits roll is a scar from waking up. I can't even cry.

Judgement and sin won't reach me.

My first love, my tender memories—

Someday, like this,

I will break them.

God, if you're here…

Then I'll push you,

Casting you

Into the darkness

With a gunshot.

Pathos speeds up the beginning of the end

So my childish longing will fall from a high place.

This credits roll is a scar from waking up. I can't even cry.

Judgement and sin won't reach me.

I'll draw a scene of carnage.

If there's no future,

Then I'll pull the curtains with a gunshot.

For more infomation >> 【東方紅魔郷】 Cranberry Head「音召缶」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 6:14.


WARNING! Planet X Nibiru Will End The World September 23, 2017 The Jupiter Incident Explode - Duration: 38:54.

For more infomation >> WARNING! Planet X Nibiru Will End The World September 23, 2017 The Jupiter Incident Explode - Duration: 38:54.


Power Rangers S.W.A.T nerf gun fight zombie vs Alien rescue Spider-man - Superheroes in Real Life - Duration: 1:19:37.

Please "SUBSCRIBE" our channel! thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Power Rangers S.W.A.T nerf gun fight zombie vs Alien rescue Spider-man - Superheroes in Real Life - Duration: 1:19:37.


Here's My Canada: My Canada is Diversity - Duration: 0:08.

Canada means to me basically cultural diversity people living together and happiness and welcoming into the world.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: My Canada is Diversity - Duration: 0:08.


Who do you trust on new Obamacare repeal: Trump or Christie? - Duration: 14:52.

For more infomation >> Who do you trust on new Obamacare repeal: Trump or Christie? - Duration: 14:52.


J Hope expression you've never seen before - Duration: 0:32.




For more infomation >> J Hope expression you've never seen before - Duration: 0:32.


Dragon Ball FighterZ - Modo História Androide 21 Nova Vilã Teaser Trailer 1080pHD [LEGENDADO PTBR] - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball FighterZ - Modo História Androide 21 Nova Vilã Teaser Trailer 1080pHD [LEGENDADO PTBR] - Duration: 0:54.


Namorada de Marcelo Rezende é despejada da casa do jornalista: 'Geraldo acolheu' - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Namorada de Marcelo Rezende é despejada da casa do jornalista: 'Geraldo acolheu' - Duration: 3:51.


Marcelo Rezende deixa fortuna para Luciana Lacerda e gera guerra com filhos - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Marcelo Rezende deixa fortuna para Luciana Lacerda e gera guerra com filhos - Duration: 4:04.


Las redes sociales se vuelvan en la ayuda a México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Las redes sociales se vuelvan en la ayuda a México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:57.


Pedro Leite Costa Franco (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Pedro Leite Costa Franco (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 4:55.


Povo Vivo - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Povo Vivo - Duration: 2:26.


Miley Cyrus canta 'FU' e algo hilário acontece (Legendado PT) - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus canta 'FU' e algo hilário acontece (Legendado PT) - Duration: 0:50.


Revenge of the Nerds actor and former NFL player Bernie Casey dies at 78 - Duration: 1:36.

Revenge of the Nerds actor and former NFL player Bernie Casey dies at 78

Bernie Casey, the actor and former athlete known for his roles in movies including Revenge

of the Nerds and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, as well as his seasons with the NFL's 49ers

and Rams, died Tuesday in Los Angeles after a brief illness.

He was 78.

His agent confirmed the news to EW and said Casey passed away peacefully, surrounded by

loved ones.

A West Virginia native, Casey shined as a track star at Bowling Green State University

and was subsequently drafted by the San Francisco 49ers as a top 10 pick.

He spent six seasons there as a wide receiver and two more with the Los Angeles Rams, earning

a trip to the Pro Bowl in 1967.

After making the leap to Hollywood, Casey was perhaps best known for playing U.N. Jefferson,

head of the black fraternity Lambda Lambda Lambda, in the 1984 comedy Revenge of the

Nerds and two TV sequels.

His other screen credits included the western sequel Guns of the Magnificent Seven, the

James Bond movie Never Say Never Again, and the Martin Scorsese film Boxcar Bertha, as

well as Cleopatra Jones, Another 48 Hrs., and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

An avid painter and poet, Casey also published a book of such work, Look at the People, in


Thank you for watching.

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