Friday, September 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 22 2017

Do you want to have success in your campaigns in

digital marketing

I understand them and so today I

discuss key to achieve and

the key lies in the depth of

your marketing actions

today took reference to an article

recently that written for the project

Google called think with google

where I tell you that you should think about

deep and not wide

as far as marketing is concerned

Hello my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time in the channel and

you want to learn all the tricks on

digital marketing and entrepreneurs

start now by signing up to my

channel so you don't miss anything because

We are obsessed with having many

instead of few quality followers

size really matters for the

results or it is a matter of pure ego

personal and business

the reality is that the basis of success

is deep in the not in width or

said otherwise in micro-marketing

and markets micro

what I mean is that if you want

sell something you have to select a

narrow niche and enter in it

deeply to get results

instead of try to get a lot

people who increase the number is true

but not converting to results

for that what to do first

it is deeply analyze and search

the quality of your target on the


you have that look how to get to the

core of your public target for that

When you have controlled and impacted

go expanding this range

currently there are plenty of ways to

done using geolocation

segmentation by demographic data or

shares of advertising interest

programmatic and all this no is

It uniquely identifies clear where it is

our target audience

and our interest can who

content makes sense for you this

comment the answer normal of the

companies when is it raised is that

Yes but not I know by What are

not in some way obsessed with the

number thinking in that if they have more

followers on your social media profiles are

to reach more people

Yes the information more share it

channels will have more scope and its people

close help to broadcast yet


sorry to be the spoilers but this does not

It has an effect when we talk about the use of the

marketing digital and social networks to

business longer than their own level

networks are drastically limiting their

scope in relation to the number of

followers coming to cases in some

social networks in which he does not pay

is so small-scope the only

way to have impact is investing

in his

City to have it may not fall in the

trap of looking at only the number is

say that a publication has been

a range of one thousand hundred people not

It tells us absolutely nothing since he knows

If those people really are

interested or are potential customers

your product

If it doesn't that number at level of

Business is equal to zero

is why you should worry in

discuss very well your

market to market who wants to

impact define the channels which

the goes to do and see how you can generate

actually a simultaneous impact in

multiple channels using techniques such as

the fusion marketing so that the

impact is multiple to increase the

odds of converting to customers

today say you that you do the

following questions used the

provice in its strategy of

segmentation has defined the

template of your potential customer you know

How many of your followers in networks


currently are customers his you know

How many of them could become

customers begins giving and looking for the

answers to these four questions that

just ask to use

actually the marketing towards the

required depth ranging your product

need to be sold

not never lose focus of why

you use digital media and all the

time and resources than invest must be

really be an investment and not a


Although that investment in many cases is

materialise the long term

and is that if really you want to obtain

results you have to always think in

terms of micro marketing or or

it is the same in terms depth

that is to say that I'm going to work with you

three stores spokesman little I'm going to

have with any more contact as

you have a little organized escape

the first is this first meeting

It is a little to

contextualise a little your

situation that I had a little where

you are to where you want to go what

objectives you have etc etc and

Obviously I was already looking at your website

and getting a little of those who today

are but first question I have

It is what your goals of

deficit and we project onto 6 12 months

that objectives

you want to measurable objectives and

quantifiable in a way we have

well defined this target is

the mentioned by audience groups the

called to leave tennis this person

created which I called the

attention is what I say the

opening ratios resign low because

is excessively fell a 10 per cent

that suddenly became or there are two has gone

on falling to the 10 by


not just was to find out

because I see that you have many

tools but many times at the end

It is not so much having many tools

but start from the little by any

tool and start building on

something that works because but many

times not us diversify with

tools that are very powerful but

not get you as are commenting to the

match another action to any of

them to end marketing and sales have

that go fully United not because If

Since marketing is becoming a

good work are being sent by

actions that generate a link or a

traffic attraction positive but there is

a period of SBI takes over the

due to attend from sales

many times the lic conversion is

lose by this process we have seen long

less for me is something to me that I

concerned than that touch it well because

If you reduce contact times long

do automatically incremented the

conversions to customers

is not say because sometimes is

Depending on the thumb arrived there is

price products does not have a weight

very high but who prefer as a

company that gives them confidence that you have

a more coverage is 32-13 and the

people at the end values that values the

price almost on top of everything

as we have campaigns reports

previous I am not asking you to to

look at them also to see a little

because many times the issue above all

digital advertising to me what I

concerned about is that it is not executed by

someone really expert because it is the

difference between night and night and

the day

a good TIFF strategy and as the

Hood is executed and optimized

by someone with lots of experience as

not achieve results above all in

sectors complex as it is the position that

It is a sector competed and I'm going to

organize will make it a little everything they

I will ask information at the beginning

I need that me I spent six some

things I need that I answer PvE

also with all that information I

Let me now a little work at a tell

a little which considered that it is the best

way the steps that we are going to continue to

give a little is all this because the

first step is to analyze what is the

current situation for to mark that

municipal starting point

estoesloquehay let's see where

where we want to go and how we do for

reaching that point for something so

for me something very important in your

case is to work the notoriety of the

Mark tell because there are great part of

all this as I say out by

notoriety suggested in purely

planing to keep us at the top of

mind of our customers so that

When arise the opportunity it will be and that

is assumed that the theory says that if you

raisins of two or three

that campaign and that change it and I I

tell have had campaigns with

frequencies of 20 and 21 and worked

excellent for capturing liquidity by

It matter if something you work

do it and I always going a bit in the

in the reality of each of every company

what you are doing today is if this no

works as much as the market the

say that we are going to go on that side

that's why at the end is a little the of the pro

of the trial and error because it is that

every every company is a world and each

product is a world of follow

analyzing and reading between the lines that

is that what is going to

run and then Yes to define how

campaigns at the end especially for me

the important thing at the end is to analyze and

understand the why of things

I understand that you're with me today is know

why when we do this it generates this

and that we want with each of the

campaigns because campaigns that thing

There are better more for warnes

but these campaigns that will take

League because now comes Christmas and

We are interested in I put this product to

to certain specific audience is worth

perfect with the same traffic

We multiply by two contacts and

from there when you have optimized

you start to grow up in get more traffic

to the web

now same is not with that but I'm

John will do this I have to doubt the

Agency we said this the Apostles

or see method decided at the end

I'm here for help them and any

thing even with the Agency have

have doubts that may let me already

know to get and see it will not


the video give you liked I like if

It is so and I want to become a part of

he so leave comments with

the digital marketing depth hashtag

why think that the marketing of

it is most effective among all depth

comments of the videos of the month

sort my course online strategy of

digital marketing valued at 995 euros

so much more comment in my

Videos daily more opportunities are going to

have to win so let your



If it rains for me


For more infomation >> El MARKETING DIGITAL EXITOSO depende de la profundidad - Duration: 9:35.


Green Tea Anji Bai Cha - Tea Tasting in teahouse Barcelona - Duration: 3:39.


Today in our Tea Time section we enjoy of a really special tea: Anji Bai Cha.

It is a top quality green tea that comes from China's Zhejiang region.

It is obvious that it is a different tea for the shape of its leaves: long and thin, and with

a fresh aroma with a lot of presence.

It is this aroma that advances us that we are dealing with ​a very high quality tea.

We will use for this occasion a porcelain Gaiwan.

We put about three grams, to add water at about 70 degrees.

Finally we let the infusion for a couple of minutes,

in order to make it with the optimum taste

When pouring the water, the aroma of the infusion showes even more presence still strange

for a green tea.

When opened, the leaves show a more whitish, which gives rise to its name.

Special mention to imperial picking (two leaves and a stem), which means no more than

quality and manual processing.

Once ready, the color of the infusion is a soft yellow, which contrasts with

the strong and fresh aroma.

The infusion is very clean, due to its quality fresh leaves.

Again a special mention, this time to its flavor.

Very good and fresh with fruity details.

It really tastes very different than other green tea varieties.

And it is noteworthy also that leaves a aftertaste in the mouth very nice.

Anji Bai Cha is a tea that was barely discovered 40 years ago, but has found its place

among fans of quality green tea superior by own merits.

Gathering all its qualities you find yourself a tea difficult to compare with others

varieties, with a lot of personality, and above all very good.

Well, that's it for today's session dedicated to this green tea Anji Bai Cha.

We remind you that we are at your disposal in our teahouse in Barcelona, ​​as well

as in our online tea shop and in our blog.

Thank you very much and see you soon!!

For more infomation >> Green Tea Anji Bai Cha - Tea Tasting in teahouse Barcelona - Duration: 3:39.


Who is she!? "Yokai Watch Dororin Drink" - BOOWHOWOO How to: DIY Candy #38 - Duration: 6:23.

Hello everyone. I'm BOOWHOWOO

Do you remember me?

It's my third video.

Today I'm going to try Yokai Watch Dororin Drink

There are 4 kinds of Yokai Watch characters printed cups

I would like to have Jiba-nyan

Wow! I got Jiba-nyan

There is

a cup

a straw

a bag of drink powder

the secret monster powder

and a cap

OK, let's get started

First, pour water up to the ★ point


Put the drink powder and mix well.

Wow - the color changes to vivid purple!

Then add the secret monster powder

What color do you think will be?

It has changed to pretty pink.

It smells like coke

smells so good!

Then put the cup into a fridge

and I have to wait 5 minutes!

Can't wait! I am so thirsty!

Is it a time now?

How long do I have to wait?

Here you are

The drink changed like a watery jelly

OK, let's try it.

It is coke flavor and

some little

fizzy bubbles


in the mouth

The jelly is so delicious

Sooo good.

I had all

It is a pity that it is so few to drink

It was good anyway!

How was the video today?

I hope you like it

I am happy to get Jiba-nyan cup


it is so good to drink

I enjoyed the texture of the jelly

It was so fun

May come to the video again?

Please leave some comments

if there are someone who like me


Check out my previous video, too!

Thank you for watching today

Well, see you someday!

The eyes are getting smaller !!

For more infomation >> Who is she!? "Yokai Watch Dororin Drink" - BOOWHOWOO How to: DIY Candy #38 - Duration: 6:23.


Séparation de Shy'm et Benoît Paire, après deux ans de relation- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Séparation de Shy'm et Benoît Paire, après deux ans de relation- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:37.


Cartoons about Police Cars Race Man Spider Superheroes Fire Truck Cars Lightning McQueen - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Police Cars Race Man Spider Superheroes Fire Truck Cars Lightning McQueen - Duration: 10:21.


Laure Manaudou n'est pas séparée de Jérémy Frérot. Ils profitent de la douceur du sud - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Laure Manaudou n'est pas séparée de Jérémy Frérot. Ils profitent de la douceur du sud - Duration: 2:48.


Séparation de Shy'm et Benoît Paire, après deux ans de relation - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Séparation de Shy'm et Benoît Paire, après deux ans de relation - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 2:10.


Valérie Trierweiler à propos de sa rupture« Sans l'Elysée, on serait ensemble » - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Valérie Trierweiler à propos de sa rupture« Sans l'Elysée, on serait ensemble » - Duration: 2:21.


【Toy #46】Singer imitation?! |Doraemon Microphone Bubble [YYTV] - Duration: 2:27.

Today, I am going to introduce

Doraemon Microphone Bubble

I am going to open it now.

So sticky!

There is a microphone.

There is also a replacement bubble water

I want to sing with a microphone first

I want to imitate Jam Hsiao

He is the feeling of almost no breath

Jay Chou sing quiet

Jay Chou does not sing clearly

Fei Yu-ching

Many features

Holding a microphone in one hand

Feet together, ass up

Than gestures, head forward

And also to learn Teresa Teng

JJ Lin Big mouth is

This microphone is actually bubble water

I'll take it out and play.

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For more infomation >> 【Toy #46】Singer imitation?! |Doraemon Microphone Bubble [YYTV] - Duration: 2:27.


Ghost Recon New 4v4 PvP M...

For more infomation >> Ghost Recon New 4v4 PvP M...


[Karaoke]Cung Đàn Xuân - G. Shine Band (Beat Phối Chuẩn) 2017 - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> [Karaoke]Cung Đàn Xuân - G. Shine Band (Beat Phối Chuẩn) 2017 - Duration: 4:58.


Emre Can expected to be fit for Liverpool's trip to Leicester City - Duration: 3:39.

Emre Can expected to be fit for Liverpool's trip to Leicester City

Emre Can took part in full training at Melwood on Thursday, with the midfielder likely to be included as Liverpool take on Leicester City.

Jurgen Klopp had revealed that Can was struggling with a minor injury picked up in last Saturday's 1-1 draw at home to Burnley.

The German was therefore expected to miss this week's second clash with the Foxes, with both Dejan Lovren and Joel Matip also unlikely to feature at the King Power Stadium.

But while the centre-back duo both missed training on Thursday afternoon, Can reported for duty alongside his Reds team-mates.

Can was involved in the full session alongside the likes of Philippe Coutinho, Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino, and could be thrust straight back into the starting lineup.

After Tuesday night's 2-0 humiliation at the hands of Craig Shakespeare's side in the League Cup third round, Liverpool need a convincing victory in the Premier League.

Klopp had made eight changes for that defeat in the East Midlands, but a full-strength side should take to the field on Saturday.

That could see Can and Coutinho line up alongside either Jordan Henderson or Georginio Wijnaldum in midfield, with Salah and Firmino joined by Daniel Sturridgein attack.

If Lovren and Matip aren't passed fit, Ragnar Klavan and Joe Gomez are due to continue their stint at centre-back.

Sadio Mane will sit out the final game of his three-game ban, having been sent off in the 5-0 loss away to Man City earlier in September.

That capitulation at the Etihad Stadium has seen the Reds endure a major downturn in form, with draws with Sevilla and Burnley bookended by the midweek loss to Leicester.

But speaking ahead of his return to the field this week, Can told LiverpoolFC.

comthat Klopp's side simply need to "get self-confidence back.

"Nothing has changed—it's the same team, the same manager and the same style of play," he insisted.

"Nothing has changed.

We just have to get self-confidence back, score more goals and the time will come again.

"If you look back at the four games we didn't win, we didn't play that badly.

"Of course, against Manchester City it was 5-0 and that's hard but we had chances before they scored and if we had scored maybe the game would have been completely different.

It is interesting to see the majority of the focus land on Klopp's forwards for their failure to convert chances in the autopsy of Liverpool's poor form.

But with both of his first-choice centre-backs sidelined, the less pressure on the likes of Klavan and Gomez, the better.

For more infomation >> Emre Can expected to be fit for Liverpool's trip to Leicester City - Duration: 3:39.


Jurgen Klopp reveals 3 injury doubts for Leicester City clash - Duration: 3:28.

Jurgen Klopp reveals 3 injury doubts for Leicester City clash

Jurgen Klopp has revealed that Joel Matip, Dejan Lovren and Emre Cancould all miss Saturday's Premier League clash away to Leicester City.

The trio were all absent from Tuesday night's 2-0 loss to the Foxes in the League Cup, but only Lovren was believed to have missed out due to injury.

But speaking ahead of Saturday's return trip to the King Power Stadium, Klopp suggested all three could be left out once again, as they struggle for fitness.

Lovren is the biggest concern with a back problem, but both Matip and Can are carrying knocks.

This is a recurring issue for Klopp, with Matip and Lovren suffering 13 different injuries between them last season, only starting together for 19 of Liverpool's 47 games.

"It's as difficult as it always is with injuries, nothing major but it was enough to keep him out two games," Klopp said of Lovren.

"He's not in training so far, so that means he's also a doubt for the weekend.

"The same with Joel Matip and Emre Can, they also have little bits from the last game [vs.


"So we have to see, hopefully they can be back in training today, or at least tomorrow, but we have to wait.

Without Lovren and Matip, Klopp would be required to turn to his centre-back pairing from midweek, with Ragnar Klavan alongside Joe Gomez.

While Gomez produced an impressive showing at the King Power, there were clear signs of a lack of chemistry between the two, but Klopp is confident they can perform together.

"Ragnar would play his third game in a row, Joe played in the centre-half position [on Tuesday]," he said.

"If it would be like this, then Trent [Alexander-Arnold] plays at full-back, then three days again because Joe is suspended.

"We have to see what I have to do, I have to wait, train with the boys who can train again today, then prepare again.

"It's a normal challenge, it's not that it's worse, or better.

"Players can get ill overnight, then you have to make another plan, so that's why we prepare pretty much everything util we know who we can use.

The absence of his two first-choice centre-backs hammers home the failure to sign another leading defensive option in the summer transfer window.

It could be that, beyond priority target Virgil van Dijk, Klopp in fact needed to add two new centre-back options to his group.

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp reveals 3 injury doubts for Leicester City clash - Duration: 3:28.


تحديات الحياة ◆ الصبر والثقة بالنفس أساس النجاح ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 17:19.

For more infomation >> تحديات الحياة ◆ الصبر والثقة بالنفس أساس النجاح ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 17:19.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর এটিএন নিউজ ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN News Today - Duration: 19:24.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর এটিএন নিউজ ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN News Today - Duration: 19:24.


[Karaoke]Dòng Sống Quê Anh , Dòng Sông Quê Em | Anh Thơ - Beat Phối Chuẩn - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> [Karaoke]Dòng Sống Quê Anh , Dòng Sông Quê Em | Anh Thơ - Beat Phối Chuẩn - Duration: 4:18.


How to steal my videos - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> How to steal my videos - Duration: 3:04.


Cathy Hummels unterstützt Angela Merkel ("I love Raute") - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Cathy Hummels unterstützt Angela Merkel ("I love Raute") - Duration: 0:31.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Natalia Żylińska - Duration: 17:14.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Natalia Żylińska - Duration: 17:14.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Krzysztof Szubert - Duration: 17:00.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Krzysztof Szubert - Duration: 17:00.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Marcin Węgrzyniak - Duration: 29:47.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Marcin Węgrzyniak - Duration: 29:47.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Lech Poloński - Duration: 13:24.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Lech Poloński - Duration: 13:24.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Vision - Duration: 1:03.


Opel Corsa 1.4I STRADA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4I STRADA - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:52.


Citroën Xsara 1.6I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 5 Deurs en Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.6I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 5 Deurs en Airco - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I NOW 5-deurs | Airco | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I NOW 5-deurs | Airco | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Agnieszka Kister - Duration: 16:29.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Agnieszka Kister - Duration: 16:29.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Roman Radomski - Duration: 26:48.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Roman Radomski - Duration: 26:48.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Dariusz Białek - Duration: 21:41.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Dariusz Białek - Duration: 21:41.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Zygmunt Głogowski - Duration: 25:57.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Zygmunt Głogowski - Duration: 25:57.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Janusz Jasłowski - Duration: 22:11.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Janusz Jasłowski - Duration: 22:11.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Mariusz Feszler - Duration: 26:12.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Mariusz Feszler - Duration: 26:12.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Dorota Sobczyk - Duration: 18:32.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Dorota Sobczyk - Duration: 18:32.


I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Robert Lasota - Duration: 21:08.

For more infomation >> I Konferencja z cyklu AKADEMIA CSIOZ - Robert Lasota - Duration: 21:08.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


Conselhos Essenciais para Multiplicar Seus Clientes - parte 3 - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> Conselhos Essenciais para Multiplicar Seus Clientes - parte 3 - Duration: 9:04.


2017-09-22: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 2017-09-22: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:09.


Man Tried To Lure Girls Into Car In Pembroke Pines - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Man Tried To Lure Girls Into Car In Pembroke Pines - Duration: 0:27.


【MUKBANG】 Korean Spicy Fluffy Stir Fried Neoguri IS So Tasty!! 10 Packs [4Kg] 7210kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 5:58.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

so today! tadaa a Korean viewer sent me these instant fried noodles

this is what they are its got this pic of a raccoon

in the letter that was attached they said that these noodles inflate so big that they look like racoons

and that is why they named this raccoon in korean its pronounced ~~

I've got 2 packs of these but in actuality 2 different viewers sent me these to eat

so that must mean that these are popular ~in korea~

will you look at this... they really took their time and wrote such a nice letter

they even wrote it in Japanese I'm shook

so I'll be using these directions to make this dish

?Nagri? ramen

the raccoon mascot looks so KAWAII

I find that the Koreans often do this thing where they say they're selling 4 plus 1 alot

and inside the packet there are noodles plus ~they really are t h i c c noodles and are very puffy looking~

theres so much in here

and I'll toss in random veggies that I had sitting around here at home

gr. onion eggplant and shimeji mushrooms

cut the onion diagonally

remove the tip of the eggplant and after cutting in half cut these diagonally as well

fry up the cut up veggies

while these are cookin' cook up the noodles and sauces

once the veggies are cooked through add the boiled noodles and spices

since 10 packs worth won't possibly fit in here I'll cook these up in 2 batches

I'll add this oil and this soup powder packet

its rather red..... is this going to be spicy?

and once you've added the soup and powder mix it together

tadaa its all done

I took a taste of this and I thought that some egg would probably go great with this and that's why I added it to the dish

I'll now weigh it

with the plate its 4.45kg meaning its 3.3kg

and I also have 1kg of miso soup here at long last lets dig in ITADAKIMASU

do you guys know what this is? its tiny but its a fish cake in the shape of the character

first bite will be without any of the egg

I'm thinking as though this might be a bit spicy

the noodles are truly chewy and fluffy they're rather thick noodles

and it is just a bit spicy as well

would probably be ideal with a bit of egg mixed in with it

so yummy

since it has a spicy kick to it the egg really mellows it out nicely

give it that extra depth and its so yummy

but since its got such bold flavors maybe a bit of mayo would work with this as well

I did add my own eggplant and onions to this but it already comes with quite a lot of toppings in it

its got different types of seaweed in it

these noodles truly are T H I C C and so chewy and yummy

they're somewhere in between ramen and udon sizes

tadaa I feel like my #BFFMayo would go nicely with this so I'll add it

but I think that eggs are a better match

mayo is yummy as well

since its spicy when you mix it with mayo it makes it so very yummy

and I just looked this up online and instead of 'nagri' I get more hits off of 'nogri' ramen

apparently its 'kokkun' 'nogri' the kokkun is fried

and the nogri means raccoon

these really are super delish these noodles are super chewy noodles

it might be because of all the seaweed but its got a bit of sea urchin flavor to it

and with a bit of a spicy kick to it

since I had 10 eggs at home I'll add the remaining ones now

(OK PEEPS: raw eggs are totes safe in Japan rest assured "she not gonna die" of salmonella they're clean, safe and not 'smelly')

and this is ~ its in a shape of a raccoon

the toppings in this fried noodle are very tasty

its got meat in it and there is quite a lot in here

last mouthful itadakimasu


this fried noodle was very tasty

the noodles were super delicious and it was so chewy that I don't think there are

any instant ramens out there that are as chewy as this is

as for taste it tasted like it had a base flavor of bonito with a bit of spice that really tasted great

and I felt as though adding the egg or mayo made it taste even that much better

special thanks to the persons who sent me these

they were very tasty and since they were so tasty won't you all give it a try?

and thanks for watching if there is anything you'd like me to eat or try please tell me in the comment section or via twitter

if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Korean Spicy Fluffy Stir Fried Neoguri IS So Tasty!! 10 Packs [4Kg] 7210kcal [Click CC] - Duration: 5:58.


How to trace any unknown mobile number2017|18 hindi/urdu - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> How to trace any unknown mobile number2017|18 hindi/urdu - Duration: 3:56.


Best Touch-Up Tricks/Naprawa uszkodzen na meblach/ 绘画家具 /покраска мебели - Duration: 19:34.


today I will show you how I repair some small damages on pieces of furniture.

That damages are easily made during moving,delivery some stuff(appliances )

That damage was made by some guys who delivered stove.

Well, things happens

So I show you ho I make the repair....

deep dents we need fill in...

if that will be paint by solid color(paint) , I usually use stuff for car repair

That Bondo-Glass Fiberglass

It is so easy and quick for use

That very hard material

but you cannot stain it !

the wood fillers are not perfect for using stain eider.

usually wood fillers absorb much more stain than solid wood...

that my touch-up box

that epoxy stick(epoxy wood filler)

the epoxy sticks are in many colors....

some stain works with that stuff...

the epoxy stick have two components ,you cut some piece mix it and is ready to use

that stuff is chemically hardened ( bondo and epoxy stick)

for high end pieces of furniture do not use fillers.

Better , from the some wood make insert.

the insert will look better than any wood filler,that my opinion.

Just for hide some scratches you can use permanent stain markers.

that kind of aluminium can with a special stain in it

they are in many colors..........

before you use make some test,always..

somewhere on invisible spots

for dipper scratches I use crayon

that paint with thinner for touch-up work

that thinner

and artistic little brush.

you can mix many color in order to get right color and shade

You can buy it in woodworking supply stuff sellers

some stain selling company have this stuff as well.

I have so many colors

It's good to have many spare artistic brushes

they getting used so quick...

When you scuff sealer and you burn through on the edge then you can use "edge stick"

That is "edge stick"

that stuff make the edges look nice and colored.

you can use stain but this is easier and better....

stain can cause blushing on the edges

edge stick works really well.

it is really good stuff.

I have it 7 years...

it is just a few books about it

but that knowledge cause you skilled professional.

for quite deep scratches I use "crayon". I have them in many colors...

that kind of wax filler..

On each one you have written color .

Heat cause this crayon going soft.

You can mixed many colors and heat it on steel spatula....

Now I will try fill in the damage dents..

I need razor blade...

I think this will be right color....

The friction cause melting of the crayon...

that cause fill in the dents...

sometimes I use a lighter...

now I use the razor blade to make it evenly.

it must cool down..

now I remove the excess of the crayon

it is filled up and now I must change the color a little

I try this one...

now is much better

the color is better...

Now I improve the color by using the "stain marker"

that artistic job....

the marker I can remove by naphtha

I remove the excess of color...

I clean it up a little...

more color....

You cannot rush.That artistic job.

At the end I put he photo of that

That really acceptable

you really cannot see it

on camera zoom usually all details are more visible than in real life.

the "stain markers" are really hard to remove.Only when you use thinner or naphtha.

so be careful.. because you can ruin the finish...

Better use too bright then too dark color.

repair the environment friendly stuff is tricky...

That's it.Thank you for watching.

See you soon

For more infomation >> Best Touch-Up Tricks/Naprawa uszkodzen na meblach/ 绘画家具 /покраска мебели - Duration: 19:34.


Bird Cherry In Finno-Baltic Folklore (Finnish With Subs) - Duration: 3:03.

Hello hello. It is Niina and you are watching Fairychamber Channel.

Bird Cherry is very interesting tree.

It actually belongs into rose plants. So it is relative to


apricot and plume trees.

Bird Cherry

is considered to be female tree according to some sources.

It is connected to several hunter and moon goddesses.

Especially flowers of the Bird Cherry

are connected to the moon and

moon magick.

Bird Cherry is connected to goddesses such

as Mielikki

Ariandhodd, Diana,

Artemis, Selene and so on.

Bird Cherry is known from it's sweet scent.

Some people absolutely love it

and some people hate it.

Finnish word for Bird Cherry is Tuomi. Tuomi is proto Finno-Ugrian word.

In Finland Bird Cherry's

bark was weaved into baskets

and bark was used to

color threads and

carve all kinds of little things.

During stone-age peole living all around Baltic Sea ate berries from Bird Cherry trees.

Bird Cherry has reputation of a gentle tree.

It is tree of happy and optimistics.

If you are depressed go out and

hug a Bird Cherry. You'll get positive energy.

In Finland Bird Cherry has

been connected to summer and spring.

Back in the days during Mother's Day (in Finland Mother's Day is in May)

people decorated homes and houses with Bird Cherry leaves and branches.

Bird Cherry was considered to be a tree of good luck.

Thieves and other mischiefs were believed to avoid Bird Cherry

and also items made from Bird Cherry.

Magical purposes of Bird Cherry are related

to happiness and friendship.

In the old times when people let cows outside in the summer

they made wreaths from Bird Cherry branches


put them

to cows

heads to bring them luck

and protect from the predators.

Around the world people have used

Bird Cherry leaves and bard

as medicine to ease headache and lower

down fever. With Bird Cherry people

have tried to cure ague, plague and rheumatism.

One can eat

Bird Cherry berries still today

and make juice from them. Bird Cherry juice

is told to be good medicine to heal cough.

In Finland there is old folk custom

for anyone who has problems with insomnia.

They should add some Bird Cherry branches

to their sauna vasta. Use that in the sauna and

that heals insomnia.

Apparently the good magic in Bird Cherry

brings lovely drems for people as well.

Look there was a cat!

These kind of stories are told about Bird Cherry

in Finnish folklore.

Thank you for watching and I will see you on my next video.

Bye bye )O(

For more infomation >> Bird Cherry In Finno-Baltic Folklore (Finnish With Subs) - Duration: 3:03.


Great features of Microsoft Excel - Duration: 6:10.

Hi, today I`m going to show you few useful features of Microsoft Excel 2016, which is the part of Office 365.

Excel is a spreadsheet used for calculation, making tables, reports and charts – that`s why it is a great idea to get to know its functionality.

There are a lot of templates in Office 365.

These are predefined files we can use to make our work faster.

You can also find them in Word or PowerPoint.

As we can see, they are grouped in categories and we can also use search box to find what we want.

For example, type "budżet",

and choose the one which will open a window with template description.

If you want to use it, click Create.

Now, we have a great looking, ready to use template, so we can start our work.

Flash fill is a function which can be used when we want to fill column in a table based on schema.

For example, let`s take a look at the table with e-mail addresses.

We want to fill columns with data according to headings.

So, in the first cell in column Imie type "Jan" and click Enter.

In next cell start typing second name

as we can see, Excel suggests values in the rest cells

to confirm them click Enter.

Next, in the first cell in column Nazwisko type "Kowalski",

click Enter and run Flash fill by clicking CTRL + E.

In the third column type "Jan Kowalski",

click Enter,

choose Data and click Flash fill.

It will fill the rest cells in column according to schema.

The element that accelerates work and saves time is called Quick Analysis.

To use it, select your data

and click its symbol or use CTRL + Q.

Now, you only need to choose the way you want to present your data,

for example using color scale or data bars.

From Quick Analysis Menu we can make different charts

and see them in preview version.

The feature that provides an opportunity to search in Web from Excel is Smart Lookup.

We can also find this function in Microsoft Word.

If we have a table with companies and we want to know something more about each one,

select a cell with company name, click Review

and choose Smart Lookup

After that, a new pane with results will appear.

Based on historical data, we can use forecasting functionality.

If you have proper data, for example sales in months over the years,

just select them,

and then, in Data

choose Forecast Sheet.

A new window with chart appear and if you click Create button

a new sheet will be created.

Thanks to that we can check which scenario will be the best for us.

The feature that allows us to present data in brilliant way is 3D Map.

We can use this option if we want to present data on the map.

Remember – our data must include locations.

For example, we have a table with countries, cities and sales in 2016 and 2017.

To use 3D Map, select any cell in the table,

click Insert, choose 3D Map and "Open 3D Map".

As we can see, the map with selected cities from our table appear.

To illustrate sales,

drag and drop "Sprzedaż nowych samochodów w 2016" and "Sprzedaż nowych samochodów w 2017" to field "Wysokość".

What`s more, we can change the way of displaying data,

remove legend,

add map labels

or change a theme.

When you save the file, reopen it and enter new data

just run 3D Map

and click Refresh data

which will update your map.

For more infomation >> Great features of Microsoft Excel - Duration: 6:10.


Nine News: Illawarra - Finance, Weather and Closer (22.9.2017) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Nine News: Illawarra - Finance, Weather and Closer (22.9.2017) - Duration: 3:21.


Migliori Giochi Alternativi x SNES: Top 10 Rari e Sottovalutati (Hidden Gems) - Duration: 25:47.

For more infomation >> Migliori Giochi Alternativi x SNES: Top 10 Rari e Sottovalutati (Hidden Gems) - Duration: 25:47.


Who is she!? "Yokai Watch Dororin Drink" - BOOWHOWOO How to: DIY Candy #38 - Duration: 6:23.

Hello everyone. I'm BOOWHOWOO

Do you remember me?

It's my third video.

Today I'm going to try Yokai Watch Dororin Drink

There are 4 kinds of Yokai Watch characters printed cups

I would like to have Jiba-nyan

Wow! I got Jiba-nyan

There is

a cup

a straw

a bag of drink powder

the secret monster powder

and a cap

OK, let's get started

First, pour water up to the ★ point


Put the drink powder and mix well.

Wow - the color changes to vivid purple!

Then add the secret monster powder

What color do you think will be?

It has changed to pretty pink.

It smells like coke

smells so good!

Then put the cup into a fridge

and I have to wait 5 minutes!

Can't wait! I am so thirsty!

Is it a time now?

How long do I have to wait?

Here you are

The drink changed like a watery jelly

OK, let's try it.

It is coke flavor and

some little

fizzy bubbles


in the mouth

The jelly is so delicious

Sooo good.

I had all

It is a pity that it is so few to drink

It was good anyway!

How was the video today?

I hope you like it

I am happy to get Jiba-nyan cup


it is so good to drink

I enjoyed the texture of the jelly

It was so fun

May come to the video again?

Please leave some comments

if there are someone who like me


Check out my previous video, too!

Thank you for watching today

Well, see you someday!

The eyes are getting smaller !!

For more infomation >> Who is she!? "Yokai Watch Dororin Drink" - BOOWHOWOO How to: DIY Candy #38 - Duration: 6:23.


Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transporting New Mods - Duration: 16:15.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some new mods you can use to transport bales.

MY First thought was to load the bales will Atlas loader But the bales was too many so I decide to Use the Atlas Loader only to unload the bales

Biobeltz ITR Semi Trailer

Transport Container 4000/H Colorable 2 Design Setup

ATLAS ZL602 Mini Loader

I will use the Fliegl Bale Fork To grab the bales and Old Storage Shed to save them

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transporting New Mods - Duration: 16:15.


Naked Girls and Aeroplanes - "All About" acústico em 360º | #LTDM360 Making Of - Duration: 1:01.

We're recording High Paradise's videoclip

with Naked Girls and Aeroplanes

and a wonderful team.

Today, the morning suddenly turned into a beautiful sunny one.

We're also taking advantage of it and record in 360º...

...our song "All About" for this footage.

What is the lyric about?

Not to feel old perhaps, right?

- Exactly! - Yeah!

Letting your body getting old without getting old inside.



For more infomation >> Naked Girls and Aeroplanes - "All About" acústico em 360º | #LTDM360 Making Of - Duration: 1:01.


Cartoons about Police Cars Race Man Spider Superheroes Fire Truck Cars Lightning McQueen - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Police Cars Race Man Spider Superheroes Fire Truck Cars Lightning McQueen - Duration: 10:21.


GALATASARAY | Dursun ÖZBEK: "Yeni Transferler Parasını Şimdiden Çıkardı." | Youtube - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Dursun ÖZBEK: "Yeni Transferler Parasını Şimdiden Çıkardı." | Youtube - Duration: 1:44.





La Marina se disculpa; no se sabe si hay un menor o un adulto en escombros de colegio, dice - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> La Marina se disculpa; no se sabe si hay un menor o un adulto en escombros de colegio, dice - Duration: 4:53.


Sofia The First Minding the Manor Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Ellie Fuller - Duration: 15:12.


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