Do you want to have success in your campaigns in
digital marketing
I understand them and so today I
discuss key to achieve and
the key lies in the depth of
your marketing actions
today took reference to an article
recently that written for the project
Google called think with google
where I tell you that you should think about
deep and not wide
as far as marketing is concerned
Hello my name is juan merodio and
Welcome to a new video
If this is your first time in the channel and
you want to learn all the tricks on
digital marketing and entrepreneurs
start now by signing up to my
channel so you don't miss anything because
We are obsessed with having many
instead of few quality followers
size really matters for the
results or it is a matter of pure ego
personal and business
the reality is that the basis of success
is deep in the not in width or
said otherwise in micro-marketing
and markets micro
what I mean is that if you want
sell something you have to select a
narrow niche and enter in it
deeply to get results
instead of try to get a lot
people who increase the number is true
but not converting to results
for that what to do first
it is deeply analyze and search
the quality of your target on the
you have that look how to get to the
core of your public target for that
When you have controlled and impacted
go expanding this range
currently there are plenty of ways to
done using geolocation
segmentation by demographic data or
shares of advertising interest
programmatic and all this no is
It uniquely identifies clear where it is
our target audience
and our interest can who
content makes sense for you this
comment the answer normal of the
companies when is it raised is that
Yes but not I know by What are
not in some way obsessed with the
number thinking in that if they have more
followers on your social media profiles are
to reach more people
Yes the information more share it
channels will have more scope and its people
close help to broadcast yet
sorry to be the spoilers but this does not
It has an effect when we talk about the use of the
marketing digital and social networks to
business longer than their own level
networks are drastically limiting their
scope in relation to the number of
followers coming to cases in some
social networks in which he does not pay
is so small-scope the only
way to have impact is investing
in his
City to have it may not fall in the
trap of looking at only the number is
say that a publication has been
a range of one thousand hundred people not
It tells us absolutely nothing since he knows
If those people really are
interested or are potential customers
your product
If it doesn't that number at level of
Business is equal to zero
is why you should worry in
discuss very well your
market to market who wants to
impact define the channels which
the goes to do and see how you can generate
actually a simultaneous impact in
multiple channels using techniques such as
the fusion marketing so that the
impact is multiple to increase the
odds of converting to customers
today say you that you do the
following questions used the
provice in its strategy of
segmentation has defined the
template of your potential customer you know
How many of your followers in networks
currently are customers his you know
How many of them could become
customers begins giving and looking for the
answers to these four questions that
just ask to use
actually the marketing towards the
required depth ranging your product
need to be sold
not never lose focus of why
you use digital media and all the
time and resources than invest must be
really be an investment and not a
Although that investment in many cases is
materialise the long term
and is that if really you want to obtain
results you have to always think in
terms of micro marketing or or
it is the same in terms depth
that is to say that I'm going to work with you
three stores spokesman little I'm going to
have with any more contact as
you have a little organized escape
the first is this first meeting
It is a little to
contextualise a little your
situation that I had a little where
you are to where you want to go what
objectives you have etc etc and
Obviously I was already looking at your website
and getting a little of those who today
are but first question I have
It is what your goals of
deficit and we project onto 6 12 months
that objectives
you want to measurable objectives and
quantifiable in a way we have
well defined this target is
the mentioned by audience groups the
called to leave tennis this person
created which I called the
attention is what I say the
opening ratios resign low because
is excessively fell a 10 per cent
that suddenly became or there are two has gone
on falling to the 10 by
not just was to find out
because I see that you have many
tools but many times at the end
It is not so much having many tools
but start from the little by any
tool and start building on
something that works because but many
times not us diversify with
tools that are very powerful but
not get you as are commenting to the
match another action to any of
them to end marketing and sales have
that go fully United not because If
Since marketing is becoming a
good work are being sent by
actions that generate a link or a
traffic attraction positive but there is
a period of SBI takes over the
due to attend from sales
many times the lic conversion is
lose by this process we have seen long
less for me is something to me that I
concerned than that touch it well because
If you reduce contact times long
do automatically incremented the
conversions to customers
is not say because sometimes is
Depending on the thumb arrived there is
price products does not have a weight
very high but who prefer as a
company that gives them confidence that you have
a more coverage is 32-13 and the
people at the end values that values the
price almost on top of everything
as we have campaigns reports
previous I am not asking you to to
look at them also to see a little
because many times the issue above all
digital advertising to me what I
concerned about is that it is not executed by
someone really expert because it is the
difference between night and night and
the day
a good TIFF strategy and as the
Hood is executed and optimized
by someone with lots of experience as
not achieve results above all in
sectors complex as it is the position that
It is a sector competed and I'm going to
organize will make it a little everything they
I will ask information at the beginning
I need that me I spent six some
things I need that I answer PvE
also with all that information I
Let me now a little work at a tell
a little which considered that it is the best
way the steps that we are going to continue to
give a little is all this because the
first step is to analyze what is the
current situation for to mark that
municipal starting point
estoesloquehay let's see where
where we want to go and how we do for
reaching that point for something so
for me something very important in your
case is to work the notoriety of the
Mark tell because there are great part of
all this as I say out by
notoriety suggested in purely
planing to keep us at the top of
mind of our customers so that
When arise the opportunity it will be and that
is assumed that the theory says that if you
raisins of two or three
that campaign and that change it and I I
tell have had campaigns with
frequencies of 20 and 21 and worked
excellent for capturing liquidity by
It matter if something you work
do it and I always going a bit in the
in the reality of each of every company
what you are doing today is if this no
works as much as the market the
say that we are going to go on that side
that's why at the end is a little the of the pro
of the trial and error because it is that
every every company is a world and each
product is a world of follow
analyzing and reading between the lines that
is that what is going to
run and then Yes to define how
campaigns at the end especially for me
the important thing at the end is to analyze and
understand the why of things
I understand that you're with me today is know
why when we do this it generates this
and that we want with each of the
campaigns because campaigns that thing
There are better more for warnes
but these campaigns that will take
League because now comes Christmas and
We are interested in I put this product to
to certain specific audience is worth
perfect with the same traffic
We multiply by two contacts and
from there when you have optimized
you start to grow up in get more traffic
to the web
now same is not with that but I'm
John will do this I have to doubt the
Agency we said this the Apostles
or see method decided at the end
I'm here for help them and any
thing even with the Agency have
have doubts that may let me already
know to get and see it will not
the video give you liked I like if
It is so and I want to become a part of
he so leave comments with
the digital marketing depth hashtag
why think that the marketing of
it is most effective among all depth
comments of the videos of the month
sort my course online strategy of
digital marketing valued at 995 euros
so much more comment in my
Videos daily more opportunities are going to
have to win so let your
If it rains for me
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