Friday, September 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 22 2017

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands... clap your hands

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

If you're angry, angry, angry, stomp your feet...

If you're angry, angry, angry, stomp your feet...

If you're angry, angry, angry, stomp your feet... stomp your feet

If you're angry, angry, angry, stomp your feet...

If you're scared, scared, scared, say "Oh no! " (OH NO!)

If you're scared, scared, scared, say "Oh no! " (OH NO!)

If you're scared, scared, scared, say "Oh no! " Say, "Oh no!"

If you're scared, scared, scared, say "Oh no! " (OH NO!)

If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap...

If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap...

If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap... take a nap

If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap...

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands... clap your hands

If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands...

For more infomation >> Si Estás Feliz | Canciones Infantiles | Super Simple Español - Duration: 2:00.


Manifiesto por la Ciudad Nocturna - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> Manifiesto por la Ciudad Nocturna - Duration: 6:47.


'Poty' Castillo da recomendaciones a Ana Patricia tras lesionarse bailando - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 'Poty' Castillo da recomendaciones a Ana Patricia tras lesionarse bailando - Duration: 2:40.


Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 22 de septiembre de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 22 de septiembre de 2017 | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:49.


What is spinach used for? Seven Benefits of Spinach for Health You Do not Know - Duration: 3:29.

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable, first appeared in China and

spread throughout the world, what makes this food unique is that it has minerals

and nutrients that are often not found in other foods, provided that know

your most important benefits for the body today in todo en salud we will tell you

more about this super food.

In spinach you can find vitamins like C, E, A, carotenes, folic acid,

niacin, and riboflavin.

In this there are also minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron,

zinc, iodine and selenium.

On the other hand has vegetable proteins and a high fiber content.

These compounds in spinach will benefit the body as follows:

- Spinach as anticancer: the flavonoids present in this vegetable function as antioxidants

fighting against free radicals, in total you can find 13 different compounds

of very powerful flavonoids to fight cancer cells.

- Spinach for the heart: The vitamins A and C found in this food prevent

cholesterol from oxidizing and plug the circulatory system, additionally folic acid

improves cardiovascular health and magnesium will help in reducing blood


- Spinach for intestinal health: The properties of spinach in the stomach act in

two ways, the first is that it protects the colon from damage that can cause free radicals

and second is that the folate present in this plant prevents damage of the DNA

and cell mutations in the colon.

- Spinach as an anti-inflammatory: The nutrients found in spinach may be

suitable for reducing inflammation in conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis,

asthma and migraine.

- Spinach for the brain: Prevents the aging of brain cells and helps improve

mental alertness.

- Spinach for the eye: The carotenoid lutein present

in this vegetable helps us to prevent age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts and

macular degeneration.

- Spinach for anemia: The high iron content of spinach can help in the case

of anemia, in menstruation and helps in the growth of children.

As you see spinach can bring many benefits to the body, plus it will

bring you a lot of nutrients.

Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked, juiced and accompanied with other foods,

although it is very beneficial not to be consumed in large quantities because the

oxalates in this food can cause kidney problems or aggravate them and can prevent the

correct absorption of calcium by the body.

So if you want to take advantage of these benefits do not hesitate to include spinach on a regular

basis in your diet.

We hope this video has been useful to you, remember that your opinion is very important

so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, sign up every day

upload new videos.

For more infomation >> What is spinach used for? Seven Benefits of Spinach for Health You Do not Know - Duration: 3:29.


Que es una Moto Supermoto?: Kit Supermotard - Duration: 8:00.

hey my people happened happened guys This frankie morello and today

let's talk about the superbikes What exactly it is a super bike

Well guys want to take these first 30 seconds of video

send a hug and a huge support all Mexicans are going through

a very difficult situation and the truth it was awful

I want you to know that you are all you in my heart and I already you

I send an videito up to huge so I bless you all because

You are all my brothers Mexico

I want you to know that we pray for Mexico frankie bike is with you and up


I have


many blogs every Sunday at 4 pm good

lot guys you are asking or wonder what a super

bike or exactly what makes a supermotard be considered

in this way and it really is very single super moto or

supermotard It is a motocross bike or a double

purpose has been adapted street tires and urban rhythms

17 inches and there and basically that's what a super party

The good thing about these bikes is that it is the cylinder capacity does not really matter these

bikes are not designed for bikes speeds fully

extravagant style superbike

these bikes are designed to get into all sorts of terrain and

I think that this bike or such Motorcycle are possibly the best type

bike you can have either if starting

or you want a bike that really do not have limitations

I basically go where I go because I or because I just want something

in the style super voting I think it is very important to know there

differences between use supermoto daily and a super bike that has been

turn what was a really bike no race

What this means there are bikes dual purpose made to transit

daily and these bikes require very little maintenance

For this reason I always recommend Dátolo rd 250 x Yamaha those of

400 sm recipe Suzuki or really you have enough ticket can

buy a ktm 690 supermoto or 701 Supermoto will judge

are also motocross bikes or enduro race or reid and have

supermoto now been transformed into these bikes are a bit more powerful

but I really have to understand that these bikes are made for racing

if it means they are made for go 100% all the time and for this

reason they have very short maintenance say every six hours of use or each


For this reason I would not recommend these bikes for everyday use in the city

In addition you may have to register the vehicle which includes

brake lights etc. and basically is that

In addition to transforming a motorcycle supermotard

you also have to change the rotors or disc brakes and in many cases

If you have a board as well cea You have to adjust

and you wonder what good does superbikes are so special

able to do much of what gives want and do all sorts of things

absurd can do things like this in do things like this too

and this is not what it means good means they are virtually votes

indestructible Unlike street bike if

for some reason you get to the ground and still salty ear

Another very important thing you want supermodel are also excellent

not all for any novice person or an experienced trip really these

motos helped hone their skills as a pilot

For this reason I also want recommend the video of my friend luis

ryder which interviewed a professional sport and share their opinions with

you were the guys also today I want to recommend

the channel of a friend who think it is worth seeing

It called insane noticed blogs Argentina should go through their

channel video and still now if you like they do at the garage in a

very charismatic guy and very few in Argentina and I think too that

give support to my Lapentti brothers and good so you know if you have a

super bike or want to buy a and maybe you have any questions

SAP leave it so you know if You have a super bike or maybe

thinking of buying one of these bikes ensures that we leave the question

the comments you know I always answer all

people better so these guys see you

next video

that ruling and said the government Canary in a raid the army

thank you very much like to support or

For more infomation >> Que es una Moto Supermoto?: Kit Supermotard - Duration: 8:00.


LEARNING TO SAIL on the Hudson River ! (Things To Do In NYC)⛵ - Duration: 6:49.

What is going on members of the Barrio. It's Jon coming to you from of the Hudson River

In Downtown Manhattan

And Adriana and I are going to try something I've always wanted to do as a New York City Resident

And that is ride a sailboat

On the Hudson River

We're getting the chance today courtesy of Tribeca Sailing

I think this is going to be one heck of an afternoon

Alright Adriana what do you think

I'm really excited

It's my first time sailing

Anywhere not just in New York

In my entire life

I've never done it before

Let's do it guys

Nice to meet you, Jon

Adriana, nice to meet you.

A pleasure to meet you

What we are going to do is go out and make a right turn

And i'm going to ask one of you two to drive probably you

Okay, probably you.

For about a minute, while I put the sail up

And then after that we're going to turn left, head to the Statue of Liberty

Where we're going to get you right underneath the nose

For a fantastic view

You're going to be driving soon


Some might argue you have one of the best jobs in the world

I would say I do

Look what I do

99.9% of all my customers are happy to be out here

And really enjoy themselves

Alright i'm going to attempt to walk to the front of the boat

We are just sailing right now

So Captain David gave me the thumbs up

Let's see if I can do this

Okay almost tripped, almost tripped, almost tripped.

He said hold on, and I'm holding on

And i'm here

We're going straight for the statue of liberty which is there

Well I will say this. I've never been in the middle of the Hudson River before

We're the only boat in the middle at the moment.

Which is really really cool.

And i'm kind of enjoying view from both

New Jersey and New York

We've got New YOrk

New Jersey

Of course i'm going to film you

I made it. You made it

Alright Adriana did it, now it is my turn to try sailing the boat

Your job right now is you see that grey octagon shaped building

On Governors Island

I want you to head for that


The wind is going to increase and decrease in strength

So that's going to pull the board to starboard or port

Starboard is right, port is left

Your job is to just, don't fight it

Let it happen

But make small adjustments

The best part about sailing is you don't want to fight the wind or the waves

Just want it to happen naturally

And then just nudge the boat into the direction you want it to go

Mother nature she's going to increase and decrease in strength

So as she increases the boat is going to want to move to the left

And as she decreases the boat is going to want to move to the right

Thats when you make the small adjustments

The steering wheel feels so big for me

I'm like a little kid that just snuck to the front


After about 10 minutes of sailing

I'm just making tiny little adjustments on the wheel

It's so much easier

Really not as hard as I originally thought it was

At least I mean the conditions here. Would you say they're challenging?

At all with the waves right now?

Extremely challenging


Extremely challenging

Adriana and I are about to get a front row seat

For the Statue of Liberty

Which is probably the greatest selling point of going on a Sailboat Tour on the Hudson

Yay my hair

This is the absolute closest I have ever been in my entire life to the Statue of Liberty

You guys ready

And the closest you can actually get here is inside these little white buoeys

So we are as close as you can legally be to the statue of liberty on a boat.

This is like an instagrammer of photographers dream right now

To get this close. Adriana is going wild here.

I'm going to fall asleep

Who is the most famous person you've ever had aboard


On a Friday night I got a very strange phone call

From the secret service

Asking me about what I do for a living

After telling them, they told me to show up at the dock at 3 pm

At 3 pm the next day the Prime Minister of Canada

Justin Trudeau walks down the dock

To my surprise


He got on the boat

And we sailed him to the statue of liberty

With his wife Sophie

And afterwards he asked me a few questions

About my life as a sailor

And what's it like to live in New York

And after pictures I was begging him. I loved him so much

To become our President because he's so wonderful.

Great guy it was probably one of the most magical sails I've ever had.

The great thing about being on the boat right now is that even though it's about 82 degrees

You can not feel it out on the Hudson River

The views are just spectacular

Everywhere you look

Sit in the front if you want the best views trust me

Sadly all good things must come to an end. We're almost back

Alright Members of the Barrio that was probably one of the coolest things I've ever done living in New York City

Having that small sailboat experience

If you want to go sail on Tara

I'm going to leave a link down below to Tribeca Sailing

I thought Captain David was a really cool guy Somebody that you would no problem spending a couple of hours with.

Definitley check them out.

Tell them that I sent you

Be sure to subscribe if you're new here

I've still got a lot coming out from New York City

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

You're what I call a drunk sailor

You're like whooo whooo

For more infomation >> LEARNING TO SAIL on the Hudson River ! (Things To Do In NYC)⛵ - Duration: 6:49.


Kim Possible Sink or Swim Episode 10 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 16:31.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!

It's criminal

Someone at club banana is a major style denial

Now this is me

Anyway, the bad news is that your arch foe dr. Drakken has escaped from prison

That's major bad almost as bad as last week at school and use the boys room by accident wait nobody saw

1,000 feet Laser steady easy easy

You saved my life, it's the least I can do to thank you

It was just an itty-bitty iceberg so not the drama Oh Kim. I'm snowblind


Nice jacket club banana the very latest get a light stylesheet go group

It's good while the pipeline Jimmy and your skin

Definitely doesn't need oil

That won't do morning dad good morning. How's my teen hero?

Moderately bummed Drakken got away thing fashion. Sense isn't genetic my jackets from last season

It's red didn't you say red was the new black Red's dead dad green is the new black Jared Oh?

Y'know Kim your predicament reminds me of the time

I applied for funding of a new propulsion system the university told me but no new jacket

Mm-hmm morning Kimmy cute jacket. Thank you

Can you explain that to dad who incorrectly believes that I don't need it. Sorry baby. I'm

Come on Ron. We practically live here anyway, Kim never work. Where you food

It's the only way the rents were totally echo meets nacho. I call it the nacho

I call it gross beyond reason Oh do you welcome?

Miss possible I'm Ned assistant manager here at bueno nacho number 582 hola amigo

You're bilingual wiles will hold no sway with me miss possible. I am an explorer and if we both work shoes oh

No, no, no not the puppy dog out

When Oh nacho Esso evoke being the mat if you have a Mayan temple really you think you're ready for burrito filming right on

Two weeks to jacket

What up weed I've scanned all recent satellite photos, but there's no sign of the stolen laser drill must be hidden playing

Hello, Kim - Ron you didn't even want this job. I didn't know what I wanted Kim

I was lost adrift in the wilderness, but that was then now

Is narrowing the race for employee of the month the race is between you and you sometimes I don't even know you anymore

Good little naked mole-rat

Sorry Wade if the employee of the month cut us off

Seismic activity in Wisc I don't get the connection only one thing was stolen a leather jacket

green leather


Ned I've got a switch shifts, they see big things in my future oh good for you now, let's go dragons in, Wisconsin

But but your shift isn't over Ron and evil wacko is in the dairy State with a giant laser

But that's not gonna get this floor mop mop. It yourself boss and find a new nacho drone, I quit

Yeah, well find a new sidekick

Good at something, which would be way pathetic. I need a searcher here mom do you have me on speaker sorry, honey?

I've got both hands and a 62 year old males temporal lobe a cheese covered building

Building in fact this marvel of theory product architecture is a hundred percent pure with Ken okay points for a bizarre hiding place

Wait get this. I'm inside the cheese Neil which surprisingly is not a cheese covered building. He looks like a hair dryer

Rock wait

Welcome Jimmy may I take your coats you already did don't worry. It'll look better on me

Comfy you're using the world's most powerful laser drill that's happened to the molten magma deep beneath the earth's crust

That's phase one. I'll take that as a compliment shego how long

You see any second now, I will strikes with Jade with me dragon drill it's not have a nice ring to it

Step it up Ned these customers been waiting for over 30 second not important

Kim's in trouble she found dragon inside a giant cheese will but I lost contact she needs help your help

Well well well looks like you've got a choice to make

Well that's no choice at all I guess it's time to say bonus noches boy no nacho

Excuse me, I have to go make a scene

Question is this some kind of cheese covered building run everything's okay, Kim. I'm here to save the day

Is that a clip-on?

You're entitled to excel forgive me duh forgive me totally. Oh, that's so sweet

friends again, Justin

Activate the mag machine

If it wasn't gonna hurt us Showtime deploy the Baron activate the magma pump

Be careful Jake's you owe me a soda Oh?

They've escaped no really what that trendy coat weighing you down. I'm thinking not

Rufus this is a precision instrument incredibly complex better than ever

Why isn't walking

Dragons plan is so foiled. Oh, it's over. I call it

I saved the world and I'm no closer to owning that club banana jacket maybe

maybe not


It's no big deal

My NACO bonus was viva me

Exchange it. Oh yeah


Paper jam for Jam Ron nothing a naked mole-rat service call can't fix Rufus emergency

Cheerleading practice that detects it possible detention

Jim Tim no airborne vegetables at the table use the launch pad in the yard

Jimmy you haven't eaten a nibble I was a little late to class it was no big unless sure mr. Three-strikes Barkin

It sounds like year mr.. Barkin is tough, but fair

dad I'm

What up Wade camp got hit on your website from the Amazon the Amazon? I set you up with Gustavo for a ride

Gustavo from the flood oh I remember him

Okay, but finish your peas first you're tough, but fair


Only wish I could do more hello, big. It was just like swim practice except the Middleton high pool doesn't have piranhas

Okay, Kim, I can stream you the tape from the security camera now, please


We're here professor akari's lab Kim Possible, thank goodness stall here

mm-hmm-hmm a proposed screensaver bow-wow-wow

Screensaver no screensaver what?

Wanna weep my scalp was a 24-hour bloodsucker buffet

This tick was not a lot

So you designed a robot tick precisely?

Question why I have a lot of time on my hands who would need a robot tick

I don't know why you'd want it, but I got it my plan will reveal itself and do cause she go

Who wants to build a robotic I do live?

Attention can we just get back to the case, okay look

I took that freeze frame from the security camera her name is she go let the time fit the crime mr.

B you want a piece of this stoppable Pass remember Kim chocolates as good as cash in there don't look anyone in the eyes

Locks busted again

Never been this close to a cheerleader your skin is so smooth and zit free like a baby's bottom

What could it be mr.. Barkin probably busted. Thank you Ron much needed bailout credit. Where credit is due

Right in there, it's a meeting of the lifetime losers collazo villains lair country and local legend says the island is haunted

Haunted island actually, that's not ordinary lipstick who is it food flavor?

elastic constricting ages

My compact I've been looking for this what's that?

Do it's a small mirror that allows me to check my face come on Ron. Let's jet

The world-famous team hero Kim Possible and her Jim did she have to say jump

Dr.. Drakken tracker dr. Dragon I

See my reputation precedes me you have something that doesn't belong to you doctor perhaps you two could stay for lunch

I wasn't going to say that oh, dude you were so for lunch

Waiter that you are wondering how I can use a robot

nano tiny

Nene I want you to say mini them because nano

Sounds about a hundred times better. That's why

Time at last for the kids who used to tease me in gym

Okay, so we're definitely putting this guy in a mad scientist category


Just can't connect with Big Mike the way you do I do not connect with him or any of those detention guys

Sure, you're only a short-timer, but you're one of them now, so not so

Hey wait, what's the sitch I've got professor Akari online for you. Oh put him through oh

Thank you Kim Possible Junior Vinny and Big Mike are looking forward to seeing you again possible. That's detention right now

Detention Kim maybe no one's informed you, but junior Vinny Big Mike. What are you staring at?

Cheerleader you got a zit cheerleaders. Don't get zits. Oh well then maybe it's a tiny

Sorry emergency check it out chili has got some moves nobody escapes my detention so boys you're going down

This helps don't worry, KP. We are outing me

The bottom sweet scene be calm, can you not be weird?


But I remember you talking to during a pursuit

Never distract the driver the god dude flying guys firing some kind of bag

We got her boys

What makes you think we're safe in here, I don't think we're safe anywhere, but chases make me hungry Jimmer eat. Oh, no, thanks

But can you do the Miss it's not a nose ring take her nose if you have to works for me

The hair there

See this is why I never come here, dude, that's we

Gotta get the nanotech to let go oh there must be some way to burn the circuits

Wow nobody messes with us right Kim yeah, we're right

You think you're all that

Attention is supposed to be a punishment a time of quiet

Suffering you didn't count on the Kim factor fail right

For more infomation >> Kim Possible Sink or Swim Episode 10 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 16:31.


Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.


Tag Do It Again - Duration: 5:10.

Hi, dear crocheters!

How are you? My name is Fernando

wellcome back to GanchiGurumi.

This video is very short.

I'm participating in the tag

Do It Again,

tagged by Eli from TutiWorkShop.

Visit her channel

because you probably will like it.

I'm showing in this video

these two little bears you'll see now.

So let's begin!

If you also wish a personalized MyGurumi,

go to my Etsy shop and order yours!

As I said, this is just the tag Do It Again.

I'm showing you a little bear

with a hoodie.

You surely saw my current version in my social media.

This is the first version.

**Sorry for the light changes problem**

I made it when I started crocheting.

It's made with acrylic yarn,

which gives it a fluffy look.

I just started crocheting,

that's why it's not well crocheted.

You can see the flaws,

for exemple in the sewn hoodie to the neck.

What makes it special

is that the hoodie is removable.

The problem is

all amigurumi, and specially in GanchiGurumi,

have big heads.

So the hoodie looks ugly when taken out.

So giant!

And this is Calisto,

the current version.

You have the pattern in my shop!

It's made with cotton yarn,

so it's more smooth.

The finish is more beautiful,

and I think better crocheted and sewn.

In this case,

hoodie is fix and sewn,

to avoid the ugliness issue.

But Calisto is still adorable, right?

The size is also different,

because at the beginning

I used a bigger hook

(3.5 or 4 mm)

and double thread.

But this is not a problem, I guess.


which one do you like the most?

**Be careful, man!**

I hope you liked them!

Well, this was all.

If you want to participate in the tag,

remember to make an amigurumi

you already made in the beginning.

This way, everybody can see the evolution!

You can change the pattern if you want,

but still the same amigurumi.

I'd love to tag Liz,

from Crochet FeLIZ.

You can see her channel too!

She's not into amigurumi too much,

but she does so beautiful stuff.

I think it's not a problem to modify a bit this tag.

As always, I'd thank you if you Like this video

and share it in your social media.

Don't forget to follow me in mine.

Subscribe to my channel and set notifications on.

Thanks for watching and

see you in the next vid!



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Emotional Memory (By "The Method") | The Snack of Tespis - Duration: 6:53.

This technique is one of hte favourites of Lee Strasberg

and was originally created by Stanislavski

But, over time, he stopped likking it.

Anyway, it's a really important recipe and we're learning to make it today.

He came up with the term from a psycologist's one

called Thedúle Ribot.

And after this...

Let's go!

For cooking this plate we need...


A Personal Circumstance to distill with the Sense Memory

We're explaining how to do this.

A pinch of Imagination, just for distilling the reaction.

The Concentration heat, as always

And tools!

In this case, it's enough with the Acting pot.

NOTE: We can also use creativiy and sensitiveness. We'll do it later.

The first we have to do with this ingredients is...

To choose an emotion

to perform on stage.

And with it, we will choose

the Personal Circumstance.

The point is to use the Personal Circumstance

for reaching and emotion.

Indeed, every Personal Circumstance...

is associated to an emotion.

'Cause when you live stuff you feel stuff, right?

The point is to separate this...

...from this

in order to use just this (emotion) whenever you want.

And you will see that the shape of this now

in comparison with it's one in the end, are going to be different.

In this case, what we have to do is...

(with the Personal Circumstance we chose...

which would be associated to an emotion. In this case...)

Personal Circumstance: "I remember that, when the dinosaur chased me, I felt fear."

We will have to retrieve a Physical Sensation from it:

We will have to use Imagination for remind what did we felt physically

when we lived the circumstance.

You will figure out that, at the end, you will obtain something else:

a Sense Memory!

And, with this we will reach

an emotion to act with on stage.

Not this one (emotion), but this other (Sense Memory).

And what's Sense Memory?

It's the memory of our hands sweating:

the sensation we have associated with the fear.

And here's the key question.

"What did I felt physically when it happened?"

In our example:

"I remember that, when the dinosaur chased me, I felt fear BECAUSE..."

And be careful!

The reason why we feel

has to be answered with a Physical Sensation

In this case: "my hands sweated

I could have been...

"I felt tachycardia"

or... "I staired at everything"

or... "I remained petrified"

Advanced technique!

We can also do this without a Personal Circumstance

We can use a Given Circumstance.

As we did in thte video of the "Magic If".

Bur, in this case, instead of asking...

"what would I behaviour", we would ask "what would I feel"

in that Given Circumstance.

Regarless if it's a Given or a Personal Circumstance, we have to ask ourselves what did we feel PHYSICALLY

UP: I'm tiresome saying "PHYSICALLY" all time, I know.

That's the most important thing!

We have to pour the Sense Memory into this Concentration heat...

... with Imagination.

Once we have the Sense Memory

I mean, the sensation that still stays after feeling something.

You have to boil it in an improvisation

that is, to act freely (NOTE: Recreating, acting as if we feel it).

with that Sense Memory

To cook this will result in lots of sparks

The fire will be more out of control and will get stronger

and some others, weaker.

When we use personal emotions

although we don't use them directly in the Acting pot

we trend to lose our concentration.

so the heat, gets smaller.

So we have to regulate th fire very well.

The more time you cook it, the more stable it will become.

IF we realise that, during the boling, nothing happens

it's maybe becasue we have not well chose the sensation that makes us feel fear.

Maybe it doesn't make us feel the fear enough.

In tha cae, we will have to create another Sense Memory

which bring us more easily to the fear.

And the next thing you'll know

the Sense Memory had become

an Emotional Memory

What's that?

It's a resource-emotion!

So, each time you think of the Sense Memory...


You will feel the emotion you want.

And, with practice enogh, you won't need the Sense Memory.

Simply imagining the emotion

(because you will be able to directly imagine the emotion)

you will be able to trigger it!

Now, I think is good to give some warnings about this technique.

There's people to whom this techinque simply doesn't work.

It's even more inefficient for them.

It depends on each one.

If this is your case, you have two options:

to stop using this technique

or find a teacher who emotionally beat you up...

for squeezing the emotion out of you.

There are a lot of schools which are specialist in this.

That's up to you.

An anyway, there's something really improtant!:

If you feel the emotion doesn't feel that you express it.

In general, yes. But it's not mandatory.

Like... every of us have a friend who seems to not feel anything. But when you ask to him/her

you suddenly discover that he/she has a very intense life, and feel a lot of everything...

but doesn't shows it!

So... as we explained in this video

There's a difference between what happens inside and outside

and we have to be able to drag the insides and put them outside.

The technique, in theory, also alows you to do it.

Mind that we started from the Sense Memory,

something that is physical by itself.

But, it can diverge, and to not turn out this way.

Anyway, what I want to say is that it's pointless what you feel, if you don't express it!

And that's the aim! Not to feel but express!

If you cook this recipe you'll be a better actor, because...

you will get emotional ductility and it will able you to better control them.

And this was the today's acting technique, so far!

I hope you liked it.

If you want, you can comment what kind of situations would you use it in...

...or what kind of plays

... or which actors do you think that use this

(there are lots, I warn)

And, of course, I accept suggests for new recipes.

So, see ou in...!

Oh, wait!

Something else!

A have a little bad news...

I'm not uploading a video next week

Because, as you know, I'm going to Czech Republic this friday

I would like to settle

to take a week off of making videos

and as soon as I will be settled, to come back!

Don't worry! I will go on uploading videos.

I have a lot of scripts for new ones

and ample ideas almost to the end of this year, so don't worry about it.

So, as I said...

this was the today's recipe, so far

and see you...

in the next showhearshal!

For more infomation >> Emotional Memory (By "The Method") | The Snack of Tespis - Duration: 6:53.


Charline, infirmière : "Avec mon livre, je veux faire entendre la fatigue des soignants" - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Charline, infirmière : "Avec mon livre, je veux faire entendre la fatigue des soignants" - Duration: 11:13.


Fowlpox (The memory of a great pandemic) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 5:46.

a disease that has him as one of the most fearsome in history is smallpox,

which it has been completely wiped out through vaccination, a disease that claimed

millions of lives, but very few know that when they hear trembles, is that

smallpox occurs not only in humans, but it currently exists

which affects birds, which can be moderate to severe.

fowl pox is caused by a virus called variola avium family of

avipox 200 nanometers, with adn inside, and although the virus of the poxvirus

affects the human being same family to which he belonged human smallpox, this subgroup

It does not infect humans, which is known multiple strains that are classified

according to their condition and symptoms. the means of transmission is caused by a vector,

the mosquito which transfers the virus from a sick bird to another through its bite to eat

blood, saliva and inoculates the virus acquires the bite occurs in regions

where there are few or no feathers, ie near the eyes, the crest, the legs, the

Peak and sometimes close wing keel, which in mammals is the breastbone.

It is estimated that 60 families of birds can contrarla, where the most common are

poultry chickens, whether for egg production or meat, turkeys and pigeons,

both wild and for competition, seabirds such as gulls, ducks

and pelicans are also victims of it, birds of prey and parrots are birds

who are rarely affected, but depending reach collapse strain and birds

which they are highly susceptible as canaries. its symptoms can be divided into 2 performances

a dry causing virus, is the rapid formation of skin growths, in the region

peak where the mosquito, where these growths stretch both peel and form breaks

a scab, so that when it occurs near the eyes, which is the most dangerous place

because they can lose eyeball, besides the birds they tend to be very aggressive

with their sick fellows that peck, especially by biting where there is a wound

expelling blood, where birds are the red and this fluid causes start

to peck uncontrollably while they can cause death of the patient being

most dangerous situation or symptoms of dry wounds become infected by diseases

secondary as bacterial or fungal. but the wet form is the most dangerous

also called Diphtheria, ie the same lesions that appear on the skin,

are presented in the respiratory mucosa, esophagus causing clogging the

airway, preventing that feed and producing a choking, causing mortality

50% of birds arrive at present, but the birds have a mortality

100% are canary, as any strain causes a presentation Diphtheria them.

so its proper evidence lies in growths that arise and

the time of year, because mosquitoes increase its population in the rainy season

and in the winter its population is very low or zero, where avian pox is distributed

worldwide, except for very cold areas, the mountains and the poles, but

if even to confirm the diagnosis can be send to serological tests

or isolation of the virus but these are very expensive, especially if used to diagnose

in poultry production. You can not give a drug against the virus,

so treatment is given against bacterial infections, injuries is important

antiseptics put them having a dye to disguise it and no injuries

agredan others, for presentation Diphtheria they should give food and water

manually, but we depend on the immune system to act. a vaccine to inoculate,

which should be applied when an outbreak begins at the ranch, loft or cage, this

to prevent uncontrolled infection, the lesions appear in dangerous regions

as the eyes, that the strain is much less pathogenic and generate antibodies rapidly,

where the most common is to be applied on top of the legs. apart from

This is necessary to mosquito nets, prevent waterlogging and mites and retírales

kill mosquitoes in order to prevent the uncontrolled spread and having a protocol,

it is easier to cater to all birds. a disease that produces a low production

in poultry facilities, many affected both domestic and wild animals

and an example of what was smallpox in humans today, that's smallpox

avian. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this

video, we're watching you later.

For more infomation >> Fowlpox (The memory of a great pandemic) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 5:46.


Y así es cómo Lauren Jauregui dio la mejor respuesta contra la homofobia - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Y así es cómo Lauren Jauregui dio la mejor respuesta contra la homofobia - Duration: 1:11.


Alba Carrillo no irá a la boda de Ana Boyer y Fernando Verdasco - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Alba Carrillo no irá a la boda de Ana Boyer y Fernando Verdasco - Duration: 5:07.


Weekly Travel Vlogs

For more infomation >> Weekly Travel Vlogs


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem u bolnici - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem u bolnici - Duration: 0:53.


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem voze Oktaja u bolnicu - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem voze Oktaja u bolnicu - Duration: 2:11.


How To Get A FREE IPHONE 8 AND 8 PLUS NOT FAKE!!!!!100% ORIGINAL - Duration: 2:39.




For more infomation >> How To Get A FREE IPHONE 8 AND 8 PLUS NOT FAKE!!!!!100% ORIGINAL - Duration: 2:39.


OSIRIS-REx orbiting Earth on way to final destination - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> OSIRIS-REx orbiting Earth on way to final destination - Duration: 1:35.


Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.


Brothers (1929) - Duration: 1:23:58.


is based on authentic material and depicts an episode from the dock worker strike 1896-97

This film is an attempt to create by simple means a German proletarian film.

The actors are dock workers and wives of workers, children and other men of the people.

All participants stood the first time in front of a film camera.

Appearing persons: the mother, her sons: the policeman and the dock worker,

the dock worker's wife, the child, the entrepreneur, the employee,

the police constable, the labor leader, the jew, the drunkard,

work functionaries, policemen, workers

The history of humanity is a history of its class struggles.

On a winter morning in the year of 1896

The Vice-stevedore


Pay Raise!

7th report it's therefore impossible to find money

for possible pay raises because the profits must be completely invested anew.


[as before] The extension of the port progresses spryly.

After 36 hours of drudgery

Change of shift

The labor leader

Often 36 hours of drudgery.

Daily wage 4.20 mark.


Work from land to land!

We must strike ...

We are too weak, our organisation is too small!

In spite of!

Gathering of the dock workers

We must strike!

Despite many leadership qualms, the strike takes direction.

Associating are:

The store workers

the machinists

the coal stevedores

the lightermen

the seamen

the ship cleaners

the strike committee


And all wheels stood still.



Daily order, Berlin 18th december 1896. At the chancellor diner the emperor

expressed his buoyant satisfaction that the Hamburg ship owners staunchly

confront the strikers. Advisable for the future would be a coalition of employers

to counter the inciting of the workers. It would be a blessing for the workers, too.

The port guards have to secure the safety of those willing to work. Crowds should be dispersed.



Down with the police!!!

The fight begins!

Strike money.


The senate answers the mediation request of the workers with police actions.

A worker who values his honor doesn't touch a piece of work in the port.

Strike breakers


[Low German dialect] Guys, hold on!

If we stand together, no one can ever harm us.

No dock worker must go back to work until all requirements of all the dock workers are met.

The striking dock workers of Seelund

The resuming of work

with all against 5 votes

is rejected


Detention order

In the name of the law!

Peace on Earth!

Brothers sing a liberty song!

Who unearths the gold?

Fight courageously for liberty!

To fight you working men, onward proletarians!

Sentries out!

To liberty we devote heart and hand to her we devote our songs!

The world be our fatherland and all people our brothers!



Weapons away!


We shield you!

We err and fight futilely against individuals. Remain loyal to the idea, get strong in

community then time and collective power will conquer the system and the future will be ours.



The strike of dock workers and seamen

is finished. The workers which fought eleven long, fearful weeks for an improvement of

their existence are in an inferior position. Power, not justice won in this struggle.

In spite of all this!

On 8th february the central strike committee issued a call which closed with a prophetic look into the future:

Sacrificies of all kind has this eleven week long fight costed. It was necessary!

Into thousands and many thousands of souls which were sleeping until then, --

into the souls of thousands and many thousands women and into the maturing

youth dropped in these weeks the lighting spark of enthusiasm.


For more infomation >> Brothers (1929) - Duration: 1:23:58.


[Karaoke]Liên Khúc Hoa Tím Ngày Xưa | Lê Thu Thảo | Beat Phối Chuẩn Hay Nhất - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> [Karaoke]Liên Khúc Hoa Tím Ngày Xưa | Lê Thu Thảo | Beat Phối Chuẩn Hay Nhất - Duration: 5:15.


Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks - Duration: 1:38.

Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks

For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks - Duration: 1:38.


How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster Naturally Overnight | Hair Loss Cure | Remedies One - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster Naturally Overnight | Hair Loss Cure | Remedies One - Duration: 3:14.


Thi đấu giành vé tham dự : " FO3 Premier League " và " FO3 Championship " - Duration: 3:14:01.

For more infomation >> Thi đấu giành vé tham dự : " FO3 Premier League " và " FO3 Championship " - Duration: 3:14:01.


Conclusion - 12 Steps to Resolving Conflicts - Duration: 8:39.

Well I hope you found these 12 steps to conflict resolution helpful

and what I want you to remember is conflict is like a leaking faucet, left unfixed, it only gets worse.

They do. They don't just go away. They don't melt away.

They might go underground for a while

but they can result in bitterness and hurt and pain and certainly broken relationships

and at the very least, significant walls between you and other people mentally

emotionally even physically in relationally, so that there can't be intimacy.

And relationships ought to be intimate.

Remember what George Bernard Shaw once said --

"In the right key, you can say anything, in the wrong key nothing;

The delicate part of life is establishing the key."

And you want to be in right key when it comes to relationships.

You want to be in the key of unity; in oneness.

Where things are flowing. When you're enjoying one another.

Where your iron sharpening iron. You're being synergistic.

You're having impact together. Much more than you ever could alone

because you understand the power of relationships

and you understand the power and skills for resolving conflicts.

Now you've seen these 12 steps and I want you to review them here in the days to come.

Remember: Learn to embrace and resolve conflicts.

You know, we tend to practice flight-or-fight

but embrace them. They're not bad.

Remember: Anger is not bad but address your anger the right way.

Anger is a motivator. This is 'hey there's a problem" A warning light.

So deal with it the right way by responding not reacting.

and then, seek understanding NOT victory. Don't try to always win.

Seek understanding and then finally, fourth - assume the best.

Don't jump to conclusions cut people some slack.

and five is learn to share your feelings appropriately.

Remember, it's hard for me to do, probably for some of you

but learn how to share your feelings appropriately.

That's where the issues are.

And then six is watch your tongue.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is that necessary?

Remember the danger of the tongue.

And eight is attack the problem NOT the person.

Attack the problem NOT the person and and you can do that

If you're careful, particularly by using "I" statements not "YOU" statements.

And then deal with specific and NOT generalization is number nine.

Don't just talk general ideas. Be specific. Give examples.

Ten is to seek and grant forgiveness.

Wow what a powerful thing that is and hard to do but you must.

Eleven is deal with conflict personally.

Go to the person. Don't try to shame people.

Don't talk behind their back or do it publicly at least don't start there.

And then twelve is be gentle. Remember people are fragile.

They're like eggs, you're walking on eggshells in a sense we're all very fragile.

So think of that wild stallion whose spirit is very much alive but will's been broken

and is submitted to these twelve steps when it comes to dealing with conflict.

Let me close with a story to show you the impact of this.

I was sharing this to a group of leaders in Malaysia some years ago

I had hundreds of leaders before I was going to speak to thousands at a convention.

but these were the leaders of this group, a big marketing group.

And I went through these twelve steps in Malaysia they were mostly Islamic people of faith

but it was in a business environment.

And when we got done I had the speaker come up on stage and I said to him

"What do you think?" and he said "Well -- very helpful"

I said "Well, does it work for your folks?"

he goes "Oh yeah. We've never learned to deal with conflict this way"

"In fact we tend to run away from conflict or get very aggressive like you said"

"And resolving conflict is kind of a new concept so this has been very helpful"

I said "Did anything stand out?"

and he goes "Well for me personally, yes and that was seeking and granting forgiveness"

I said "Really?" He said "Yeah in fact I need to ask for forgiveness now"

I said "Now?"

He said "Yeah"

Now get the picture, we're both up on stage I had a mic, he had a mic,

Hundreds of these top leaders and he turned to the number two guy in the group

And he called him out "Kemal"

And he said "Kemal when we started this business.." And he was reading his notes on how to ask for forgiveness

Remember those four steps?

He said "When we started the business I stole some of your people, I was wrong"

"And I am so sorry I stole some of your people"

And and that was a terrible thing to do and and I'm sorry"

"I'm so sorry I did that and cause you embarrassment and hurt and frankly lack of funds"

"And respect and all those kinds of things, I'm so sorry for that"

He says "I'm gonna work hard not to do it again"

"And I want you and everybody here to hold me accountable"

And then he said "Ron" He said "Ron I can't read the fourth thing"

He said "Ron I can't read the fourth thing. So what do I do?"

I said "Well you say, 'will you forgive me' and shut up."

So he looked at Kemal and said ( in front of everybody ) and said "Kemal will you forgive me and shut up?"

I said "No no no! You don't say shut up"

I said you say "Will you forgive me" and then you shut up.

He goes "Oh" and they were laughing at that point.

And then I said "Hey Kemal it's on the table you've been asked to forgive your brother here"

I said "What do you say?" and he jumped up on the table

And he said "Absolutely!"

Now this was from way back at the back of the room

And you could tell in just a moment, like that, the spirit of that group change

Because a leader had the humility to ask for forgiveness, in this case publicly.

Think of it.

He wasn't driven particularly by his faith this was new concept for him.

He was just driven by 'it was the right thing to do'

He was submitting to the principles

He saw the wisdom in them

Well, I hope you'll do the same thing and see the power of those.

If you find yourself grappling with which of these you need to work on

One of the things you could do is take it home to your family or colleagues

And simply give them the 12 steps, the list.

And say "Which one of these is my greatest one and which one is my weakest?"

I was sharing and I'll close with this. I was sharing this with a group of leaders in Florida

some years ago and with a colleague and this was the first time my colleague had heard it

And we had a sheet with these 12 steps on him and I passed him out

And he went through it and I presented and he added some color commentary

And then he went home. We flew back home that night to San Diego, California

And he left his sheet on his desk and the next morning he woke up

and he turned over and saw this sheet on his on his bed

and he saw yellow or orange underlining certain ones with a little note on the side that said

"Hey Dad here's a little note from your son!"

And what was underlined was address your anger and also about being kind and

about speaking the truth but in love being caring and kind and respectful and

and then also being gentle because this guy wasn't all that good at that

at that particular time and his son was letting him know

and called him out on that by underlining and even putting some exclamation marks

by things that he needed to focus on.

Well, look at it. I'd rather initiate that with my own children and my family which I've done over time

And my colleagues and have them surprise me with that on my pillow in the morning

So I heard you do the same thing.

If you can live your life in light of these principles

You will start to see significant transformation in your relationships

From broken relationships to whole relationships

From hopeless relationships to healthy healing relationships

And I look forward to hearing the days to come how your lives are being changed.

Let me know.

For more infomation >> Conclusion - 12 Steps to Resolving Conflicts - Duration: 8:39.


Hoe een voorwiellager vervangen op een FIAT PUNTO HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:47.

Use a socket №17

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №36

Use a socket №17

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №15

Use a socket №13 and a combination spanner №13

Use a socket №10

Using a simple screwdriver remove the wheel bearing retaining ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Hoe een voorwiellager vervangen op een FIAT PUNTO HANDLEIDING | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:47.


Fowlpox (The memory of a great pandemic) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 5:46.

a disease that has him as one of the most fearsome in history is smallpox,

which it has been completely wiped out through vaccination, a disease that claimed

millions of lives, but very few know that when they hear trembles, is that

smallpox occurs not only in humans, but it currently exists

which affects birds, which can be moderate to severe.

fowl pox is caused by a virus called variola avium family of

avipox 200 nanometers, with adn inside, and although the virus of the poxvirus

affects the human being same family to which he belonged human smallpox, this subgroup

It does not infect humans, which is known multiple strains that are classified

according to their condition and symptoms. the means of transmission is caused by a vector,

the mosquito which transfers the virus from a sick bird to another through its bite to eat

blood, saliva and inoculates the virus acquires the bite occurs in regions

where there are few or no feathers, ie near the eyes, the crest, the legs, the

Peak and sometimes close wing keel, which in mammals is the breastbone.

It is estimated that 60 families of birds can contrarla, where the most common are

poultry chickens, whether for egg production or meat, turkeys and pigeons,

both wild and for competition, seabirds such as gulls, ducks

and pelicans are also victims of it, birds of prey and parrots are birds

who are rarely affected, but depending reach collapse strain and birds

which they are highly susceptible as canaries. its symptoms can be divided into 2 performances

a dry causing virus, is the rapid formation of skin growths, in the region

peak where the mosquito, where these growths stretch both peel and form breaks

a scab, so that when it occurs near the eyes, which is the most dangerous place

because they can lose eyeball, besides the birds they tend to be very aggressive

with their sick fellows that peck, especially by biting where there is a wound

expelling blood, where birds are the red and this fluid causes start

to peck uncontrollably while they can cause death of the patient being

most dangerous situation or symptoms of dry wounds become infected by diseases

secondary as bacterial or fungal. but the wet form is the most dangerous

also called Diphtheria, ie the same lesions that appear on the skin,

are presented in the respiratory mucosa, esophagus causing clogging the

airway, preventing that feed and producing a choking, causing mortality

50% of birds arrive at present, but the birds have a mortality

100% are canary, as any strain causes a presentation Diphtheria them.

so its proper evidence lies in growths that arise and

the time of year, because mosquitoes increase its population in the rainy season

and in the winter its population is very low or zero, where avian pox is distributed

worldwide, except for very cold areas, the mountains and the poles, but

if even to confirm the diagnosis can be send to serological tests

or isolation of the virus but these are very expensive, especially if used to diagnose

in poultry production. You can not give a drug against the virus,

so treatment is given against bacterial infections, injuries is important

antiseptics put them having a dye to disguise it and no injuries

agredan others, for presentation Diphtheria they should give food and water

manually, but we depend on the immune system to act. a vaccine to inoculate,

which should be applied when an outbreak begins at the ranch, loft or cage, this

to prevent uncontrolled infection, the lesions appear in dangerous regions

as the eyes, that the strain is much less pathogenic and generate antibodies rapidly,

where the most common is to be applied on top of the legs. apart from

This is necessary to mosquito nets, prevent waterlogging and mites and retírales

kill mosquitoes in order to prevent the uncontrolled spread and having a protocol,

it is easier to cater to all birds. a disease that produces a low production

in poultry facilities, many affected both domestic and wild animals

and an example of what was smallpox in humans today, that's smallpox

avian. I hope this video has been to his liking, if

I was so dale like and share it so that more people know this channel, I leave

my social networks that are in contact, and by that means ads will

As for the relevant channel. If you're new I invite you to subscribe and forget

leave a comment or a question that has arisen you, thank you very much for watching this

video, we're watching you later.

For more infomation >> Fowlpox (The memory of a great pandemic) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 5:46.


Top 10 Most Beautiful Muslim Women!You Can't Believe This.... - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Beautiful Muslim Women!You Can't Believe This.... - Duration: 1:42.


Noah Cyrus - Again ft. XXXTE...

For more infomation >> Noah Cyrus - Again ft. XXXTE...


I-66 Commuter Choice – New Travel Options Coming for Inside the Beltway - Duration: 1:31.

We're here today to celebrate the kickoff of a

number of commuter services that are being sponsored by

the I-66 Inside the Beltway Express Lanes Project. In

December of this year, the Virginia Department of

Transportation is going to open up express lanes on

I-66 inside the Beltway. It will allow individuals who

are not part carpools to pay a toll and use I-66

inside the Beltway during the peak period in the peak

direction. So today that's not possible, you

have to be in a carpool, but starting in December

you'll be able to pay a toll and use I-66 inside to

commute into downtown in the morning. So as part of

this project there is an additional revenue that is

going to be used to upgrade transit facilities that are

in the corridor. One of those new routes is going

to be a connection between the Fairfax County

Government Center and the State Department and George

Washington University in Washington, D.C. In

addition to that, Loudoun County is opening a

park-and-ride lot and adding bus service and

Prince William County, through their OmniRide

service, is also adding bus service. This whole project

has really been a huge collaboration, not only

with the state and Fairfax County but also with the

other local governments here in Northern Virginia,

the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority, with

OmniRide who runs bus service in Prince William.

So Fairfax County has been really pleased to join with

all these other agencies to improve transportation in

the I-66 corridor.

For more infomation >> I-66 Commuter Choice – New Travel Options Coming for Inside the Beltway - Duration: 1:31.


My First Japanese Video (English Subs): What I eat in a day | Japanese Video Diary 01 - Duration: 2:21.

Hello everyone

I'm Kristin Janae

Today is my first video in Japanese.

Please be kind to me.

I have been studying Japanese on and off for the last eight months.

So it's really been four months.

Please correct any mistakes in my Japanese.

Umm... Today's video is a "What I eat in a day".

I read the book "Eat to Live".

And now for the next six weeks

I will not eat meat eggs or dairy products

Let's start the video

At 8 o'clock I drank tea

The tea was made with cashew milk and stevia.

At 10 o'clock I ate some fruit.

The fruits were strawberries, mango, and blueberries.

For Lunch, I made soup.

Let's Cook.

Boil Water and stock together.

The supermarket didn't have vegetable stock

so I bought chicken

Next add the spices, vegetarian meat and salsa.

Cook for 25 minutes.

It was delicious

For snack I ate hummus and almonds,

The almonds were salt and vinegar flavor.

I didn't eat dinner.

I wasn't hungry

I ate a little more hummus.

The only things I drank were water, tea and sparkling water.

Please subscribe to my channel.

I am not that good at Japanese


I will keep trying!

See you next time

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> My First Japanese Video (English Subs): What I eat in a day | Japanese Video Diary 01 - Duration: 2:21.


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Rađa se ljubav između Savaša i Merjem - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Rađa se ljubav između Savaša i Merjem - Duration: 1:58.


Kurier porzucił auto i wydał firmową kasę - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Kurier porzucił auto i wydał firmową kasę - Duration: 1:55.


Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0 i-Drive Cool - Duration: 0:49.


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem u bolnici - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem u bolnici - Duration: 0:53.


How to Draw Flowers & Hand Letter | Basic Tips! - Duration: 5:52.

Hi everyone, today I am going to give you some basic tips for drawing flowers and hand

lettering to use in your journal or anywhere you want.

I will be working on a more in depth tutorial soon, but hopefully this gets your creativity


I decided to make postcards out of these drawings and I'll walk you through how to make these


Even if no one sends these anymore, you can start today!

It'll be the perfect surprise in the mail.

To start, I cut watercolor paper into X4 4X6 inch rectangles and deckled the edges by carefully

tearing the paper with a metal ruler.

I would suggest using any thicker paper such as poster board or even mat board for these.

You might not be able to deckle the edges but that's fine!

My watercolor paper started curling after a few days so I don't want yours to bend in the mail.

Before I jump into using my inking pen, I am going to work out my sketch using pencil.

Which leads me into tip number 1.

Always use a pencil to start sketching.

I've been drawing all my life and I still use a pencil to start.

Unless I really want some hairy lines in my final piece.

This way, when and if you mess up, you can erase it and try again.

Another reason to start with a pencil is that you can work your layout or subject without

committing to it just yet.

This the best time for you to cast your fears aside and explore!

When I started drawing flowers, I used real flowers as reference and most of my past drawings

were very realistic.

I didn't like that very much and wanted a more loose style using my imagination.

I cannot tell you the names of any flowers that I draw today and I actually don't think

they even exist.

So Tip number 2 is that the beauty of drawing flowers is that they are very forgiving unlike

hands, which are my weakest subject!

Anything can be turned into a flower if you add a stem and some leaves.

So don't worry so much about referencing a flower for now and come up with one of your own.

Experiment with different shapes and petals, add a center and then draw some leaves around it.

I'll go into detail about referencing in my drawing tutorial later but for now, play

around with this idea and see what happens.

For the postcard set, I want two of my cards to be flower focused and the other two will

have a word and flowers around it.

So this first set of two is more like a cluster of flowers, similar to a bouquet or a centerpiece.

I am not referencing anything for these right now and I am just simply letting the layout

take form, once I draw my center flower or flowers.

Which leads me to tip number 3:

Try drawing your flowers into a shape, it can be a circle, a diamond, or an oval.

This will help you to practice your layouts and kind of force you to think about your

flower size as it relates to the overall layout.

So use different size flowers, make some large, pick your focal point, and then fill in with

small leaves, stems, and more flowers.

For the other set, I had to reference the font on the computer since I do not have a

natural script handwriting, it's pretty bad without the internet actually.

I didn't have a specific font that I was referencing, I took letters and curves that

I liked and then morphed them into what you see here.

It took a lot of erasing to get to this!

So for Tip #4 as it relates to hand lettering is to look up fonts online and try to recreate them.

You may need to trace them at first to get used to the curves, but once you've practiced

writing them a few times, creating a script you like, gets a little easier.

Also play around with adding some thicker areas to the script and see if you like them.

I decided to make these more decorative and sporadic around the script words "travel"

and "dream," as opposed to the other two that are more center focused.

This way the set is balanced.

This leads me to my fifth, final, and most important tip for this video as I start the inking process:

When it comes to drawing, art, design, journaling, anything creative,

anything that requires you to make real what is in your head or developing an idea into

something tangible, there is always a feeling involved with it.

I know it's really deep when I tell you this, but listen to the feeling.

Not the self doubt or the fear of failure, but the feeling of whether it looks right

or a little off.

That's the creative intuition speaking and you want to train it.

So expose yourself to as many things as possible that inspire you.

Look at illustrations of books, blogs, and magazines and pay attention to the placement

of text, the size of each element, and just study it.

It's the same thing if you were to put on clothes that doesn't quite work with your

body and it just feels off.

So train your creative intuition because it'll be important as you go through your journey

of finding a style.

And as we're talking about feelings here, there is something so special about writing

and receiving postcards that always fascinates me.

No matter if I was writing or receiving one, they both made me think of a place other than

where I was standing, no matter what image was on the other side.

It's crazy really, I can't explain it, except that it is so similar to being immersed

in a book or movie.

So I wanted to create imagery that hopefully does the same thing.

I wanted it to be intricate but delicate with the different lines weights, Simple but made

of many elements, and just something magical.

I am starting to think that fairytales are my thing.

Once I added some more little details with my micron, I decided to erase some of the

lines this time because I want the focus on the inked areas versus my line progress.

Now that the images are done, I added a little image on the back, divided the space in half

and completed the postcards with a place to put a message, stamp, and address.

I hope that this video was helpful and I can't wait to work on more in depth drawing tutorials

for you.

I also hope that this video inspires you to create fearlessly and to send a postcard.

I will be working on getting a version of these into a shop, so follow me on instagram

for behind the scenes sneak peaks and future giveaways!

Subscribe and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and want to see more DIYs,

inspirational chats, and more.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> How to Draw Flowers & Hand Letter | Basic Tips! - Duration: 5:52.


How Meditation Made Me A Better Entrepreneur & CEO - Duration: 2:36.

How Meditation Made Me A Better Entrepreneur & CEO

The thought of meditation makes some people cringe,

as they think that they'll never be able to do it

because they can't concentrate, or they don't have time,

or they have a "monkey mind."

This is all misinformation.

As long as you can breathe, you can meditate.

That's it.

And it's that simple.

About 30 years ago, I got serious about

incorporating meditation into my daily routine.

I've been meditating twice a day for 20 minutes at a time,

once in the morning and once in the afternoon or evening.

I've been pretty good about being consistent.

Sometimes I miss a session, but I

rarely miss a day.

Suffice it to say that I'm totally hooked.

I feel like a mental fog lifts from my brain

after each session.

I feel more relaxed.

I'm calmer.

I'm more in tune with my inner sense of knowing

than ever before.

I experience more coincidences.

I also feel more intensely; if I'm happy, I feel

almost ecstatic; or if I'm eating one of my

favorite dishes, it seems to taste even better

than I remembered.

But the biggest benefit I've experienced from

meditation is that it's made me a more sane

entrepreneur and CEO.

One of the challenges I have is a never-ending

to-do list, and there's always something to worry about.

The ability to compartmentalize and focus and tune out

the distractions, crises, and worries when I need to is

absolutely critical; otherwise, I'd never sleep!

Meditation has absolutely helped me do this, and without

my practice I think I'd probably lose my mind.


Raise Your Kundalini.


Enjoy Lasting Success.

Be Blessed by the Divine, Krish Murali Eswar.

For more infomation >> How Meditation Made Me A Better Entrepreneur & CEO - Duration: 2:36.


Hyundai ix35 2.0I GRATIS 1 JAAR RENTEVRIJ LENEN !! . - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0I GRATIS 1 JAAR RENTEVRIJ LENEN !! . - Duration: 1:01.


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem voze Oktaja u bolnicu - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem voze Oktaja u bolnicu - Duration: 2:11.


Adriana Volpe dopo l'addio a I fatti vostri: 'Ho querelato Giancarlo Magalli' - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Adriana Volpe dopo l'addio a I fatti vostri: 'Ho querelato Giancarlo Magalli' - Duration: 2:57.


Hyundai ix35 2.0I GRATIS 1 JAAR RENTEVRIJ LENEN !! . - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0I GRATIS 1 JAAR RENTEVRIJ LENEN !! . - Duration: 1:03.


Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic | **GRATIS NAVIGATIE! **| Climate Control | LMV | - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Urban Cruiser 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic | **GRATIS NAVIGATIE! **| Climate Control | LMV | - Duration: 0:58.


Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Meryem - 8. epizoda - Savaš i Meryem - Duration: 1:32.


bbc strike | robin & strike - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> bbc strike | robin & strike - Duration: 2:00.


Mineplex Falsely Banned Me - Derp Hacking (YouOffendMe) - Duration: 4:59.

Hello, my name's YouOffendMe.

and this is the voice behind the toxic minecraft tryhard on enjin

I don't usually make videos and that is for pretty good reason

but I feel compelled to today as I have no other choice

I have been false banned from Mineplex

now what makes it unusual, is it wasn't a false ban issued by GWEN

it was a forum report in which I was falsely banned from

this means that a member of staff has looked over the evidence they have received

and decided I was hacking

I know for a fact that the report team do not ban unless they are ABSOLUTELY positive that the player reported is using hacks

however, I wasn't banned for kill aura, reach, esp or any of those PvP hacks

I was banned for 'derp' hacking

I wasn't entirely sure what derp hacking was until today. Though, I had a pretty good idea after seeing the ban message

so, I put it into youtube and I quickly realised exactly what had happened

and it's something I've been afraid of happening for quite a while now

as you can see in the video, derp hacking is where the players head spins about uncontrollably.

All I know is, it would be pretty ridiculous for myself who is level 89 and has 40-50 days in game to use derp hacks

I don't think it assists you with PvP at all and it's just supposed to be something that looks stupid and funny

I'm not sure how it's supposed to achieve this, I mean, maybe my 5 year old cousin would enjoy it

but I doubt anyone with half a brain would

but that is straying away from the point, the point is, I did NOT use derp hacks

This is something I'm not too proud to talk about and that's because it is embarrassing

but, I do need to talk about it because it's the only way I'll be able to prove my legitimacy

I've got tourrette's syndrome. It's not something I've been officially diagnosed with for the simple reason I don't want to be diagnosed with it.

because I want to be able to fight this off myself and the way to do that is with a hell of a lot of self control

In real life, tourrette's causes involuntary twitches and noises and if you fight the urge to allow these twitches to happen - you will feel very uncomfortable and anxious

this also translates into video games

as weird as it sounds, I get the urge to point my character to the sky as high as I can

If I try to avoid the urge to do this, I feel uncomfortable and anxious

This doesn't just take place in Minecraft, I do this in a multitude of other games

such as CS:GO, Arma 3, Battlefield etc

and, of course, this raises suspicion

I have been accused multiple times in CSGO and Minecraft of headsnapping and that's absolutely fair enough because that is what it looks like

I don't usually do it during PvP, but I often do it before and after fights and I seem to do it quite a bit in Monster Maze

most people just overlook it as being a little bit weird, which it definitely is

but also some question if I'm using hacks which is also fair enough

Of course, I'm not using hacks and it's nothing more than a compuslive habit which I've got

I've always been on edge about getting banned for this

However, I've always assumed that seeing as I've gone 50 days without a ban and looking in the sky isn't enough to get you banned for PvP hacks

I'll be fine

of course, I didn't realise there's a hack that looks very similar to what it is I'm doing

So, basically. I have been banned for using 'derp' hacks

which makes the player look as if their head is snapping all over the place but realistically this is just a habit I have that is likely caused by Tourette syndrome

It's not something I can help that easily, it's certainly not hacks and it's certainly not me trying to look like I'm hacking

The purpose of making this video is to explain why this ban is unfair

and I really hope I'm going to be able to get this resolved

as much as I complain about Mineplex, I'd rather not have to take a mandatory 30 day break from it

and I was just getting into that Heroes of Gwen game which is actually really good fun

now, I know that if I write an unban appeal this early on there's a very good chance I will get denied

and if that happens I'm going to have to take the ban despite it being massively unfair

as you can imagine, this is not something I want to do

So, I'd really appreciate if a member of staff could add me on discord @ YouOffendMe#5745

and help me through the process of getting this ban revoked

I'm obviously not asking for a golden ticket but just someone on the staff team to talk to

and, of course, anybody can add me and I'd massively appreciate all the help I can get

Seriously though, thanks to anyone who would be kind enough to take their time to help me. It would mean so much

For more infomation >> Mineplex Falsely Banned Me - Derp Hacking (YouOffendMe) - Duration: 4:59.


HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR STYLE | Men's Style Tips - Duration: 4:32.

Hey everybody, and welcome to the video.

This is Josh here, and today I wanted to go over 3 tips on how to improve your style.

Now this is all something that's new to me as well, since losing the weight that I lost

I have really taken an interest in trying to dress better, look better, present myself

the way that I want others to see me.

So the few things that I'm going to go over now are some easy tweaks and changes I've

made to how I dress, and have had the biggest impact, in my opinion, on improving my style.

So the first and most important tip.

Find clothes that fit you properly.

No matter your size, if you're bigger or if you're smaller, you don't want to have any

clothes that are going to be too tight and pulling and pressing, and you don't want to

have any clothes that are too loose.

If you're someone that's trying to lose weight, having clothes that are too big might seem

like it's going to hide some of that, but it actually makes you appear even larger.

You can have a nice designer piece but if the fit is off, some cheap t-shirt from target

is probably going to look better if it fits your body properly.

So take that time to shop, see what brands fit your physique best, and slowly pick out

those pieces for your wardrobe.

I do a lot of my shopping at places like nordstrom rack or TJ Maxx, where it's a lot of one-off

pieces and random brands, so even if you find a shirt that you think if perfect and you

love it but the fit is off, just ignore it.

Move on, you're not going to look good in it and you're not going to feel good in it.

Alright, and the next tip I wanted to go over.

All of the small details matter.

The fit that we talked about, the textures, the type of fabric that's used all give a

little bit of a different look.

That's how you can have a button up shirt, or a henley, or a t-shirt kind of 'stand out'

and look slightly better than you'd expect.

So take the time, look for those small details when you're shopping, even if it's something

basic like a t-shirt and jeans, having that proper fit or having some unique texture in

the fabric is going to make you stand out all that much more.

Alright, and the last tip I am going to go over, you have to be comfortable in what you're


It's important to try and find your own style.

You don't have to fit a specific niche, you don't have to wear street wear, you don't

have to wear button-up shirts and chinos, everyone has different strengths, everyone

has different tastes, take time to experiment, try on new clothes, see what you feel comfortable

with because no matter how good you think it looks on the rack, if you don't feel right,

if you feel awkward and uncomfortable wearing something, that's going to show through to

anyone else around you.

It's going to take away any of that style that you might have had.

I want to address this because looking nicer and dressing better doesn't necessarily mean

you need to be more formal.

You can wear something casual, like a henley and jeans, or have those little extra touches

in there that make it a little more stylish or make it a little nicer, but it's still

a casual outfit.

You don't need to fit into any sort of type of style to look good and feel your best and

look your best.

If you really like casual clothes, that's fine.

You can wear casual clothes, and look good.

If you have an office job where you have to wear button-up shirts and chino's every day,

you can have that too.

Find those clothes that you feel comfortable in and that you look good in.

I don't do a ton of shopping these days, but when I do it's probably only about 1 in 5

times I actually find something that I think is going to fit into my wardrobe and actually

look good.

So be selective, be minimal, slowly pick out those things as you learn more about the style

you want to achieve, and as you figure out what you're comfortable with.

But that's going to be it everybody, I hope you guys enjoyed the video.

This is definitely very different, I never in my wildest dreams would I have thought

I would be making a video like this but I know a few people had asked and it's something

that I do really enjoy so let me know what you thought about all of this and let me know

if you have any certain tips or advice, or one thing that you feel sets you apart and

makes you stand out from the crowd.

And be sure to subscribe if you're not already, I put out new videos every Monday and Friday.

But until next time, I will talk to you all later.

Have a good one.

For more infomation >> HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR STYLE | Men's Style Tips - Duration: 4:32.


Beyond the Scene Trailer (BTS Horror Trailer) - Duration: 1:30.

Why don't you answer?

Please give me just one phone call.

I'm sorry.

For more infomation >> Beyond the Scene Trailer (BTS Horror Trailer) - Duration: 1:30.


How To Get A FREE IPHONE 8 AND 8 PLUS NOT FAKE!!!!!100% ORIGINAL - Duration: 2:39.




For more infomation >> How To Get A FREE IPHONE 8 AND 8 PLUS NOT FAKE!!!!!100% ORIGINAL - Duration: 2:39.


Altered Book Anniversary Journal - Duration: 3:56.

Altered Book Anniversary Journal

Here's another customer book I made for a friend. It was her parents

43rd anniversary, I put some leather there this chipboard cover actually my sister made

But I went ahead and filled the inside right here says choosing you again and again. I did this really nice

Leather tie so that way it can expand as they add more mementos to it on this first page

I put some ribbon there and just some other kind of ribbon and this right here

I put some material underneath some felt just to give it a little puffiness and then right here

It says our love is like a circle

It's never-ending when there's another circle places for them to put pictures lights add those places where they can add little

You know mementos or memories?

Here's his family where life begins and love never ends Rene and Peggy. Those are her parents names the inside

I put a place for them to add their wedding photo, and that's just a new emboss our house. I colored it in

It's a little place right here. It says how do I love you? How do I love thee let me count the ways

some other places to add some photos

I always like adding flowers and stuff you have two children Rachel a girl and Jesse a guy

It says daughter your love for little girl. You were the special woman. You are now and a wonderful daughter

You will be so I made it for added some bling there at the bottom. There's another new embosser. I have more flowers and

Places to put pictures for Rachel, and then here's a little key up there at the top

another place to put some photos, and then I like this and I just reinforced it with some more paper and

Rachel has a dog Riley, so I found this new embosser, which I really like

Places to put right pictures of Riley, Jesse made this a little more masculine so we admire his smile

We cherish his hugs. We adore his heart, but most of all we love that you are son

places right here put pictures

both sides


added I love pockets, but that's leather and then in here is another little place to add photos and such and

Then he has children even though this isn't going to be I have another section for the grandchildren so ties right here

That's ties right here

and then I wanted to put a place for him to add his wedding photo so I got there and then this is for the

grandchildren, there's two grandsons

They're about four and five

So there's some here's a place to put one of their pictures on here's some places to put pictures

And it says one who sleeps under a quilt is comforted by love

And this is for the other grandson a place to put his picture

I love this embosser, so I added some other material to put the photo on

and then I made this up it says grandchildren cause a joy ignites the smiles and sparks the

Extraordinary happiness in your heart. That's what my grandchildren do to me

They also like pets so I put these put little places for photos

I added another little pull out with that wonderful embosser that has paw prints

So they can have pictures there, and then right here. It says pets fill your heart without trying

Forever Friends I

Always like to add this right here

I just like those type of rhythm and they also like to travel a lot so I put this section here

And I tied this up here

And I put little books to add more photos those pack your bags and each little page has places to put

you know their photos of all their trips, and then I doubled up, so I have a little tie here and

Then here's another book

For them to add more pictures so definitely a lot I do like that so as you are my greatest adventure

And then the end I left this blank for her to add her own personal

You know sayings or mementos she wants, and then just one last pull out with a folder

And that's it so thank you for stopping by and you have a great day

For more infomation >> Altered Book Anniversary Journal - Duration: 3:56.


Team Spanny Vs Team FiFI i...

For more infomation >> Team Spanny Vs Team FiFI i...


What You See First Reveals The Very Best Aspects Of Your Personality - Duration: 3:25.

What do you see first?

What do you see first? The answer will tell you the very best aspects of your personality. Ready to see what your best traits are?

Let's find out how your interpretation of the world influences your inner-self.

The first thing you see in this picture will reveal the truth about who you really are!

Remember, it's not to be taken too seriously, but it can shine some light onto your personality.

What do you see first?


You have a mysterious charm and a keen artistic eye. Also, you are known for your great observation skills. You like to take in and appreciate everything around you, and you take note of the little things. You are considered kind and have a witty sense of humour. However, you are might have too much pride, and can be wishy-washy when it comes to making decisions.

A butterfly

You have a unique personality and you always make quick and clear decisions. You are also great at solving problems- for yourself and your friends. Everyone comes to you with their troubles, and your unique perspective always gives wonderful advice. However, you can sometimes be overly-strict with people you consider to be "difficult." Learning patience and empathy will help with this.

Blade of grass

You have excellent learning and analytical skills. Others see you as a smart and organized person. You are good at keeping your thoughts on track, and separating your mind from your heart. You like to manage your own way- systematically and analytically. However, you tend to be a perfectionist whose biggest fear is making a mistake. Relax, and try not to be so hard on yourself.

A skull

You have great observations skills are an excellent communicator, whether you realize it or not. You are the mediator between friends when one is needed. Everyone loves you because you are a warm-hearted person who gives all of yourself, all of the time. However, you need to remember to take time for yourself and focus some of that attention inward as well.

For more infomation >> What You See First Reveals The Very Best Aspects Of Your Personality - Duration: 3:25.


Como Customizar o Seu Barbear | As Lâminas Gillette Fusion Encaixam em Qualquer Barbeador Fusion - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Como Customizar o Seu Barbear | As Lâminas Gillette Fusion Encaixam em Qualquer Barbeador Fusion - Duration: 1:18.


Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Conheça a importância e o trabalho dos profissionais do turismo religioso - - Duration: 15:43.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Conheça a importância e o trabalho dos profissionais do turismo religioso - - Duration: 15:43.


HATER: A Profissão mais MAL paga do MUNDO!!! - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> HATER: A Profissão mais MAL paga do MUNDO!!! - Duration: 2:43.


how to increase netflix legend size - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> how to increase netflix legend size - Duration: 3:28.


Gontcha - Primavera - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Gontcha - Primavera - Duration: 4:11.


Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Reflexão: tu que é um homem de Deus, procura justiça! - 22 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Reflexão: tu que é um homem de Deus, procura justiça! - 22 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 6:37.


Furacão Maria faz 15 mortos em Dominica; Porto Rico ficará no escuro por meses - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Furacão Maria faz 15 mortos em Dominica; Porto Rico ficará no escuro por meses - Duration: 5:15.



For more infomation >> COXINHA DE FRANGO SEM GLÚTEN e SEM LACTOSE - Duration: 3:32.


Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Thug Life - Destruction Special #3 - Duration: 7:06.


Farming Simulator 17 Fortuna Autoload Logs Semi-Trailer - Duration: 15:06.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will Test the Fortuna Autoload Logs Semi-Trailer From Updated Previous Fortuna Pack Video.

To test this trailer I will use the Tatra Phoenix AR Truck

O come on

You will find the Autoad Function Keys at the Control Panel Up And Left OF your Screen

Those Logs Have 8m Length below I will cut some other to Find The best Length For this Trailer

LP 19b3 TREE CUTTER with this machine You can cut logs 20m long

I think 12m is ok

I will unload the logs toy Woodcutter TD3 to make some woodchips

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Fortuna Autoload Logs Semi-Trailer - Duration: 15:06.


Que es una Moto Supermoto?: Kit Supermotard - Duration: 8:00.

hey my people happened happened guys This frankie morello and today

let's talk about the superbikes What exactly it is a super bike

Well guys want to take these first 30 seconds of video

send a hug and a huge support all Mexicans are going through

a very difficult situation and the truth it was awful

I want you to know that you are all you in my heart and I already you

I send an videito up to huge so I bless you all because

You are all my brothers Mexico

I want you to know that we pray for Mexico frankie bike is with you and up


I have


many blogs every Sunday at 4 pm good

lot guys you are asking or wonder what a super

bike or exactly what makes a supermotard be considered

in this way and it really is very single super moto or

supermotard It is a motocross bike or a double

purpose has been adapted street tires and urban rhythms

17 inches and there and basically that's what a super party

The good thing about these bikes is that it is the cylinder capacity does not really matter these

bikes are not designed for bikes speeds fully

extravagant style superbike

these bikes are designed to get into all sorts of terrain and

I think that this bike or such Motorcycle are possibly the best type

bike you can have either if starting

or you want a bike that really do not have limitations

I basically go where I go because I or because I just want something

in the style super voting I think it is very important to know there

differences between use supermoto daily and a super bike that has been

turn what was a really bike no race

What this means there are bikes dual purpose made to transit

daily and these bikes require very little maintenance

For this reason I always recommend Dátolo rd 250 x Yamaha those of

400 sm recipe Suzuki or really you have enough ticket can

buy a ktm 690 supermoto or 701 Supermoto will judge

are also motocross bikes or enduro race or reid and have

supermoto now been transformed into these bikes are a bit more powerful

but I really have to understand that these bikes are made for racing

if it means they are made for go 100% all the time and for this

reason they have very short maintenance say every six hours of use or each


For this reason I would not recommend these bikes for everyday use in the city

In addition you may have to register the vehicle which includes

brake lights etc. and basically is that

In addition to transforming a motorcycle supermotard

you also have to change the rotors or disc brakes and in many cases

If you have a board as well cea You have to adjust

and you wonder what good does superbikes are so special

able to do much of what gives want and do all sorts of things

absurd can do things like this in do things like this too

and this is not what it means good means they are virtually votes

indestructible Unlike street bike if

for some reason you get to the ground and still salty ear

Another very important thing you want supermodel are also excellent

not all for any novice person or an experienced trip really these

motos helped hone their skills as a pilot

For this reason I also want recommend the video of my friend luis

ryder which interviewed a professional sport and share their opinions with

you were the guys also today I want to recommend

the channel of a friend who think it is worth seeing

It called insane noticed blogs Argentina should go through their

channel video and still now if you like they do at the garage in a

very charismatic guy and very few in Argentina and I think too that

give support to my Lapentti brothers and good so you know if you have a

super bike or want to buy a and maybe you have any questions

SAP leave it so you know if You have a super bike or maybe

thinking of buying one of these bikes ensures that we leave the question

the comments you know I always answer all

people better so these guys see you

next video

that ruling and said the government Canary in a raid the army

thank you very much like to support or

For more infomation >> Que es una Moto Supermoto?: Kit Supermotard - Duration: 8:00.


Wymiana łożysko koła przedniego FIAT PUNTO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:47.

Use a socket №17

Use a socket №12

Use a socket №36

Use a socket №17

Use a special puller to take the tie rod end out

Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №15

Use a socket №13 and a combination spanner №13

Use a socket №10

Using a simple screwdriver remove the wheel bearing retaining ring

Press out the wheel bearing using a hydraulic press

For more infomation >> Wymiana łożysko koła przedniego FIAT PUNTO TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:47.


Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 7710 And JOHN DEERE 8350 Seeder - Duration: 11:12.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The JOHN DEERE 7710 And The JOHN DEERE 8350 Seeder.

JOHN DEERE 7710 Front Loader 2 Engine Setup 3 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup 40Km/h Top Speed


JOHN DEERE 8350 Seeder 1.660l Capacity 6m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 60Hp

I will fill the seeder with my own production seed and fertilizer using the Lamborghini Mach VRT Trima + 4.1p Front Loader Fliegl Autoload Pallet Fork v Fortuna Autoload FlatBed Trailer

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 JOHN DEERE 7710 And JOHN DEERE 8350 Seeder - Duration: 11:12.


Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Confira a agenda do final de semana no Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo, Romeiro | Confira a agenda do final de semana no Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 3:18.


LEARNING TO SAIL on the Hudson River ! (Things To Do In NYC)⛵ - Duration: 6:49.

What is going on members of the Barrio. It's Jon coming to you from of the Hudson River

In Downtown Manhattan

And Adriana and I are going to try something I've always wanted to do as a New York City Resident

And that is ride a sailboat

On the Hudson River

We're getting the chance today courtesy of Tribeca Sailing

I think this is going to be one heck of an afternoon

Alright Adriana what do you think

I'm really excited

It's my first time sailing

Anywhere not just in New York

In my entire life

I've never done it before

Let's do it guys

Nice to meet you, Jon

Adriana, nice to meet you.

A pleasure to meet you

What we are going to do is go out and make a right turn

And i'm going to ask one of you two to drive probably you

Okay, probably you.

For about a minute, while I put the sail up

And then after that we're going to turn left, head to the Statue of Liberty

Where we're going to get you right underneath the nose

For a fantastic view

You're going to be driving soon


Some might argue you have one of the best jobs in the world

I would say I do

Look what I do

99.9% of all my customers are happy to be out here

And really enjoy themselves

Alright i'm going to attempt to walk to the front of the boat

We are just sailing right now

So Captain David gave me the thumbs up

Let's see if I can do this

Okay almost tripped, almost tripped, almost tripped.

He said hold on, and I'm holding on

And i'm here

We're going straight for the statue of liberty which is there

Well I will say this. I've never been in the middle of the Hudson River before

We're the only boat in the middle at the moment.

Which is really really cool.

And i'm kind of enjoying view from both

New Jersey and New York

We've got New YOrk

New Jersey

Of course i'm going to film you

I made it. You made it

Alright Adriana did it, now it is my turn to try sailing the boat

Your job right now is you see that grey octagon shaped building

On Governors Island

I want you to head for that


The wind is going to increase and decrease in strength

So that's going to pull the board to starboard or port

Starboard is right, port is left

Your job is to just, don't fight it

Let it happen

But make small adjustments

The best part about sailing is you don't want to fight the wind or the waves

Just want it to happen naturally

And then just nudge the boat into the direction you want it to go

Mother nature she's going to increase and decrease in strength

So as she increases the boat is going to want to move to the left

And as she decreases the boat is going to want to move to the right

Thats when you make the small adjustments

The steering wheel feels so big for me

I'm like a little kid that just snuck to the front


After about 10 minutes of sailing

I'm just making tiny little adjustments on the wheel

It's so much easier

Really not as hard as I originally thought it was

At least I mean the conditions here. Would you say they're challenging?

At all with the waves right now?

Extremely challenging


Extremely challenging

Adriana and I are about to get a front row seat

For the Statue of Liberty

Which is probably the greatest selling point of going on a Sailboat Tour on the Hudson

Yay my hair

This is the absolute closest I have ever been in my entire life to the Statue of Liberty

You guys ready

And the closest you can actually get here is inside these little white buoeys

So we are as close as you can legally be to the statue of liberty on a boat.

This is like an instagrammer of photographers dream right now

To get this close. Adriana is going wild here.

I'm going to fall asleep

Who is the most famous person you've ever had aboard


On a Friday night I got a very strange phone call

From the secret service

Asking me about what I do for a living

After telling them, they told me to show up at the dock at 3 pm

At 3 pm the next day the Prime Minister of Canada

Justin Trudeau walks down the dock

To my surprise


He got on the boat

And we sailed him to the statue of liberty

With his wife Sophie

And afterwards he asked me a few questions

About my life as a sailor

And what's it like to live in New York

And after pictures I was begging him. I loved him so much

To become our President because he's so wonderful.

Great guy it was probably one of the most magical sails I've ever had.

The great thing about being on the boat right now is that even though it's about 82 degrees

You can not feel it out on the Hudson River

The views are just spectacular

Everywhere you look

Sit in the front if you want the best views trust me

Sadly all good things must come to an end. We're almost back

Alright Members of the Barrio that was probably one of the coolest things I've ever done living in New York City

Having that small sailboat experience

If you want to go sail on Tara

I'm going to leave a link down below to Tribeca Sailing

I thought Captain David was a really cool guy Somebody that you would no problem spending a couple of hours with.

Definitley check them out.

Tell them that I sent you

Be sure to subscribe if you're new here

I've still got a lot coming out from New York City

Thank you so much for watching

Until next time

You're what I call a drunk sailor

You're like whooo whooo

For more infomation >> LEARNING TO SAIL on the Hudson River ! (Things To Do In NYC)⛵ - Duration: 6:49.


Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks - Duration: 1:38.

Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks

For more infomation >> Wrong Vehicles Wooden Slots Learn Colors for kids | Super Wings, Paw Patrol, Robocar Poli, Pj Masks - Duration: 1:38.


What is spinach used for? Seven Benefits of Spinach for Health You Do not Know - Duration: 3:29.

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable, first appeared in China and

spread throughout the world, what makes this food unique is that it has minerals

and nutrients that are often not found in other foods, provided that know

your most important benefits for the body today in todo en salud we will tell you

more about this super food.

In spinach you can find vitamins like C, E, A, carotenes, folic acid,

niacin, and riboflavin.

In this there are also minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron,

zinc, iodine and selenium.

On the other hand has vegetable proteins and a high fiber content.

These compounds in spinach will benefit the body as follows:

- Spinach as anticancer: the flavonoids present in this vegetable function as antioxidants

fighting against free radicals, in total you can find 13 different compounds

of very powerful flavonoids to fight cancer cells.

- Spinach for the heart: The vitamins A and C found in this food prevent

cholesterol from oxidizing and plug the circulatory system, additionally folic acid

improves cardiovascular health and magnesium will help in reducing blood


- Spinach for intestinal health: The properties of spinach in the stomach act in

two ways, the first is that it protects the colon from damage that can cause free radicals

and second is that the folate present in this plant prevents damage of the DNA

and cell mutations in the colon.

- Spinach as an anti-inflammatory: The nutrients found in spinach may be

suitable for reducing inflammation in conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis,

asthma and migraine.

- Spinach for the brain: Prevents the aging of brain cells and helps improve

mental alertness.

- Spinach for the eye: The carotenoid lutein present

in this vegetable helps us to prevent age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts and

macular degeneration.

- Spinach for anemia: The high iron content of spinach can help in the case

of anemia, in menstruation and helps in the growth of children.

As you see spinach can bring many benefits to the body, plus it will

bring you a lot of nutrients.

Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked, juiced and accompanied with other foods,

although it is very beneficial not to be consumed in large quantities because the

oxalates in this food can cause kidney problems or aggravate them and can prevent the

correct absorption of calcium by the body.

So if you want to take advantage of these benefits do not hesitate to include spinach on a regular

basis in your diet.

We hope this video has been useful to you, remember that your opinion is very important

so score, comment and share and if you have not subscribed, sign up every day

upload new videos.

For more infomation >> What is spinach used for? Seven Benefits of Spinach for Health You Do not Know - Duration: 3:29.


ForeScout - The Unusual Suspects (Legendas em português) - Duration: 1:35.

when it comes to hacking your network

the usual suspects might not be who you think they are

hackers look for any way into your organization

and with people putting just about everything on their network these days

companies attack surfaces are growing

constantly providing new backdoors for bad guys to get in

once the hackers get in

they can go anywhere

they can install malware and propagate

they can take your money

they can even steal your company's vital information

but it doesn't have to be this way

ForeScout allows you to see devices the instant they connect to the network

and get rich information

such as user


network traffic and security posture

so you can control what comes on to the network

ForeScout works well with other security solutions

which allows you to streamline your business and respond faster

and identify and neutralize threats


Transforming security through visability

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