Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 24 2017


500 g apple, with skin

100 ml water

The juice of 1 lemon

Cook for 30 minutes

After 15 minutes - Stir often while cooking

After 30 minutes

500 g sugar

Cook for 30-45 more minutes

For more infomation >> APPLE PASTE - - Duration: 4:59.


Las cifras del contrato de Dembélé, al detalle - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Las cifras del contrato de Dembélé, al detalle - Duration: 2:21.


Sin despeinarse - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Sin despeinarse - Duration: 2:28.


Canciones Nuevas OCTUBRE 2017 - (Con Nombre) - Duration: 29:41.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Canciones Nuevas OCTUBRE 2017 - (Con Nombre) - Duration: 29:41.


le prince Harry et Meghan Markle en route pour le mariage ! C'est offi­ciel ils - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> le prince Harry et Meghan Markle en route pour le mariage ! C'est offi­ciel ils - Duration: 2:23.


Une mauvaise circulation sanguine, des pieds et des mains froids ? Voici la solution ! - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Une mauvaise circulation sanguine, des pieds et des mains froids ? Voici la solution ! - Duration: 9:16.


Hedgehog from coffee beans! Autumn work for children! - Duration: 4:04.

Hedgehog from coffee beans - an autumn hobby

The basis is made of foam plastic


We apply papier-mache technique

Glue + napkin

We make 5 layers (glue + paper)

Wait until the glue dries

Super glue

We glue coffee beans to the base


We finish the composition on the theme of autumn

For more infomation >> Hedgehog from coffee beans! Autumn work for children! - Duration: 4:04.


Kusudama star out of paper. Christmas decoration origami on the Christmas tree - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Kusudama star out of paper. Christmas decoration origami on the Christmas tree - Duration: 4:46.


PORN FOR KIDS (Leave Porn 28) - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> PORN FOR KIDS (Leave Porn 28) - Duration: 7:22.


Como Usar El Ccleaner para limpiar y Optimizar Tu computadora, (Explicado) Septiembre 2017 - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> Como Usar El Ccleaner para limpiar y Optimizar Tu computadora, (Explicado) Septiembre 2017 - Duration: 12:30.


The Light in Demos

For more infomation >> The Light in Demos


It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 24 - Duration: 3:27.

It seems today, that all you see.. is violence, pennies & clowns on tv. But where are those good ol' fashion balloons... on which we used to fly?! Lucky there's a family clown! Lucky there's a clown who positively can do all the things that make us.. float and die! Cause he's our family clooowwwn!

For more infomation >> It EXCEPT Pennywise dances to anything pt. 24 - Duration: 3:27.


Why John McCain Will Never Vote to Repeal and Replace Obamacare… TRUTH REVEALED! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:13.

It's all about the money…isn't that the way it is with these RINO politicians

who've sold out the American people to big business?

Well, John McCain is no different and should be taken to the woodshed one final time for

his role in repeatedly destroying any hope we have of getting rid of Obamacare.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has paid millions to the GOP to keep Obamacare on behalf of

multinational corporations who exploit and erode the U.S. economy.

The largest beneficiaries of those payments has long been the RINOS within the senate.

McCain's position is not a surprise.


Shares of U.S. insurers gained after news that McCain would not support the bill.

Insurers had fallen over the past week as investors worried about spending cuts.

Centene Corp gained 1.6 percent to $92.22 while Molina Healthcare rose 4.5 percent to


Both specialize in government-funded healthcare.

The insurance industry, hospitals, medical advocacy groups such as the American Medical

Association, American Heart Association and American Cancer Society, the AARP advocacy

group for the elderly and consumer activists oppose the bill.

According to Reuters – U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday he opposes the latest

Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare, dealing the measure what could be a fatal blow given

the party's slim Senate majority.

With several other Republicans still undecided on the measure, Senate Majority Leader Mitch

McConnell said earlier this week he intended to bring it to the Senate floor for a vote

next week, though he did not promise to do so.

A vote would set the stage for another dramatic Capitol Hill decision on the 2010 law that

brought health insurance to millions of Americans and became former Democratic President Barack

Obama's signature domestic achievement.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Why John McCain Will Never Vote to Repeal and Replace Obamacare… TRUTH REVEALED! | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:13.


India is Crying in US General Assembly Speech Against Pakistan - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> India is Crying in US General Assembly Speech Against Pakistan - Duration: 4:09.


Yemen's Disaster: Ali Abdullah Saleh | Yemen 3 | ELAI 21 - Duration: 7:31.

Hey there!

And welcome back to our chronicling of Yemen's disaster.

Before we get into it, I'd like to mention that this is a very broad strokes history.

Yemen is a tremendously diverse country with great natural beauty, a long and illustrious

history, and millions of good people who are trapped in a bad situation.

I'm focusing on the worst that Yemen has to offer because unfortunately the worst has

been driving Yemen's chaotic story for quite some time.

Today we'll be talking about one of the worst of the worst, Ali Abdullah Saleh, a

man who has dominated the Yemeni stage for almost 40 years.

To tell that story we've got to go back to the late 1960s.

Yemen had emerged from two separate and bloody histories as North and South Yemen.

There's one very important note here.

These two countries look to be similarly sized, but they're really not.

South Yemen was mostly Desert.

Much of the population was centered around the Port of Aden and other coastal regions.

The population of the North has consistently been around 5 or 6 times larger than the population

of the south.

The South has always had fewer people, and its history of British colonialism and Communism

gave gives those people a very different perspective.

This difference in population distribution is important to remember when we eventually

look at the front lines in Yemen's current war in an upcoming video.

After two years of fighting, it may look like Saudi Arabia has made some real progress.

But in population terms they really haven't.

Both Yemens were tremendously dangerous places for leaders.

Throughout the 20th century and in the 1970's in particular, multiple leaders in both countries

died by violence.

When Ali Abdullah Saleh became president in July of 1978 after yet another assassination,

nobody expected him to last long.

Yet He's still probably the most powerful figure in Yemen today, despite a resignation,

a rocket attack, and being opposed by Saudi Arabia and the United States.

As I mentioned last time, North Yemen and South Yemen, and the Yemeni state as a whole

after 1990 is more of a negotiation between armed power blocs than a functioning country.

It makes sense to think about it in layers.

As a base layer, there are tribes, and family groups within those tribes.

Religion is another layer of complexity.

Zaydi Shia amount to 45% of the country or so, but have traditionally been dominant over

the Sunni majority on the coasts.

The rich history and interests of the 34% of Yemen's population that lives in cities

constitute another layer.

Yemen has had urban mercantile classes for all of recorded history, and they have deep

connections to the wider world that often clash with more parochial tribal interests.

Government and business institutions like the military and economic development corporations

are another layer.

The different histories of North and South are another layer.

And perhaps most importantly there is the layer of outside powers.

Yemen is a terribly poor country, and any amount of outside funding warps the country,

whether it's religious, humanitarian, or most damagingly, for purposes of Counter-terrorism.

.Oh yeah, one more thing.

All of these different layers are armed.

Heavily armed.

Yemen is estimated to have the third highest number of guns per per person, and unlike

more heavily armed countries like the United States, a very high proportion of those guns

are AK-47s.

Any of Yemen's layers are capable of quite literally going to war.

But Ali Abdullah Saleh proved himself to be a genius in navigating these layers.

Over 40 years he hasn't just survived, he has thrived.

It's important to remember than none of these conflicts plays out in a straight -forward


Tribal and religious loyalties are important, but they interact with the different layers

in surprising ways.

Lets jump forward for an example.

Saleh is a Zaydi Shia, but he spent most of the 2000s using Saudi and US money to fight

a Zaydi Shia insurgency, known as the Houthis.

From 1978 to 2011 one of the greatest supporters of Saleh's rule was Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar,

a member of Saleh's Sanhan tribe.

In 2011 these two men had a falling out, and Saleh's section of the military is now allied

with the Houthis he fought for over a decade.

Ali Mohsen's section of the military is still working with Saudi Arabia.

It's all terribly confusing.

This is top level stuff, but Saleh has been living in the minutiae for 40 years.

He famously described running Yemen as dancing on the heads of snakes.

He's a pretty good dancer.

Saleh's greatest triumph came 12 years into his presidency when he oversaw the Unification

of North and South Yemen under his leadership.

With the end of the Cold War the South's main backer, the Soviet Union, disappeared.

After surviving its own murderous civil war the South was ready to join its larger neighbor.

Oil had been discovered, and the hope was that a unified country could finally bring

about some real development.

That's not how it ended up working out.

Saleh's poorly judged loyalty to Saddam Hussein, his Arab nationalist brother, cost

Yemen dearly.

In 1990 and 1991 as many as a million migrant workers were booted out of Saudi Arabia, and

US aid was cut dramatically.

The South's promised economic development never came, and 1994 saw a brief but bloody

civil war.

The South lost.

What was supposed to be a partnership ended up as occupation.

Southern land and business was parceled out between Saleh's Northern Supporters.

Many Southern leaders ended up in exile.

This crushing of the South created tensions that are still playing out today.

But for a while it looked like Saleh had pulled it off.

In the 1990s and early 2000s Yemen was one of the only Arab countries with a semi-functioning


His control of the oil revenues allowed him to bribe whoever was necessary to keep the


In a fully armed country, where tribal rivalries were constantly spilling over into small scale

warfare, this money was necessary.

But economic development lost out to patronage and corruption.

Oil alone provided 75% of government revenues.

Yemen remained a terrible place to do business.

Oil revenue peaked in 2002, and the lack of new investment meant that the oil money was

constantly falling from that point.

Saleh needed a new source of revenue.

On September 11, 2001, Saleh got exactly what he needed.

Next time we'll cover the Al Queda business, pretty much the only growth industry Yemen

has had over the past 15 years.

Saleh's expert playing of the United States kept the Yemeni government going for a while,

but it all ended in disaster.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and if you want a free essay, on a completely

different topic, I suggest you sign up for my e-mail newsletter.


For more infomation >> Yemen's Disaster: Ali Abdullah Saleh | Yemen 3 | ELAI 21 - Duration: 7:31.


Live - Tess Thử Bộ Giàn loa Gia Đình | JBL DD 66000 DELUXE loa Mỹ PeaVey USA | Thanh Sơn Karaoke - Duration: 33:26.

For more infomation >> Live - Tess Thử Bộ Giàn loa Gia Đình | JBL DD 66000 DELUXE loa Mỹ PeaVey USA | Thanh Sơn Karaoke - Duration: 33:26.


Kusudama star out of paper. Christmas decoration origami on the Christmas tree - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Kusudama star out of paper. Christmas decoration origami on the Christmas tree - Duration: 4:46.


Kate Middleton contraria al matrimonio del principe Harry con Meghan Markle | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton contraria al matrimonio del principe Harry con Meghan Markle | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:57.


Hedgehog from coffee beans! Autumn work for children! - Duration: 4:04.

Hedgehog from coffee beans - an autumn hobby

The basis is made of foam plastic


We apply papier-mache technique

Glue + napkin

We make 5 layers (glue + paper)

Wait until the glue dries

Super glue

We glue coffee beans to the base


We finish the composition on the theme of autumn

For more infomation >> Hedgehog from coffee beans! Autumn work for children! - Duration: 4:04.





Pakistan Best Answer To Indian Speech in US General Assembly in Urdu Hindi Latest News - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Pakistan Best Answer To Indian Speech in US General Assembly in Urdu Hindi Latest News - Duration: 3:02.


Jocelyn Flores Type Beat

For more infomation >> Jocelyn Flores Type Beat


How I Make Money with Photography - Duration: 10:33.

Hello in this video I'm going to tell you how I make money with photography

This video is sponsored by Squarespace if you need a website a domain name or

an online store..... make your next move with Squarespace

so when Squarespace got in touch recently and asked me if I would make a

video about their platform about their website builder I thought yes that is

something I can do but I wanted to provide maximum value to you at the same

time and thankfully the good people over at Squarespace wanted the same thing so

I thought what I would do is answer a question that I get asked an awful lot

and that is how I make money with photography. Now when you're first

putting yourself out there you want to get a name for yourself you want people

to see your work and social media is brilliant for that but it's gonna be

really important if you want to make a bit of money from photography to have

your own website it's just the way it is it's an expectation of a photographer

particularly. I think it's important because social media and all those

different platforms like YouTube and Instagram they're controlled by other

people. My website with Squarespace is controlled by me it's my home on the

Internet and it just provides that bit of context

about who I am and it allows me to tell my story in my way when you start

thinking about attracting customers to buy your work having a website just

builds that level of trust where they can go and see you, they can read about

you and find just a little bit more information about you. A lot of people

are going to want to do that I certainly do as a consumer I want to know more

about the people I am buying things from and it's no different when you're

selling things and making money from your photography now you might be

thinking oh well how do I even start going about making a website and I've

grappled with this over the years I've done HTML I've learned HTML and then

built a website and then i've forgotten it and I couldn't maintain it I

learnt it again and it was just a bit of a nightmare I've then used different

website builders over the years, some free ones, some paid ones and I just never

found the right platform until that is I became a Squarespace customer now

Squarespace are sponsoring this video they have asked me to make this video

and they're now sponsoring the channel but.... I was a Squarespace customer for a

good six months before they came to me and asked if they could sponsor the

channel so that was part of the reason that I was happy to form a bit of

relationship with Squarespace because I can genuinely genuinely recommend their

platform as the perfect place to build a website so I thought what I would do is

describe the way I'm making money and then relate it to how I set that up on

my website because the two things are so closely integrated together so when I

was designing my website the first thing I'm always going to think about is brand

how do I want to come across to the audience so I wanted to have a portfolio

on there and I've created this drop-down box so you can see all those different

types of photography I feel that they all sort of interlink

together nicely and sort of give a good idea of who I am. So from there I am

thinking about selling prints that's the first way I make money from photography

and with Squarespace it let me have the gallery of all those images and then it

also integrates a a store or an e-commerce platform into your

Squarespace website it's really easy to set up you drag blocks around within the

setup and then you just put your images in there and that's the great thing

about benefit Agra fur is that a website needs content images are important to it

and we have plenty of those so we've always got good content on websites I

set up a store to sell my prints I then print my own work with the Canon

printer that I've reviewed before and that's working really well for me. Now

the second way I make money from my photography is through shooting weddings

and this was where it kind of caused me a bit of a problem

in the past because I don't feel my wedding clients are going to be that

interested in my landscape photography my wildlife and my water drops so when

someone comes to me as a wedding client I want them to see me as the

wedding photographer because a lot of people don't sort of understand what we

understand is that you can be a landscape photographer and a wedding

photographer at the same time and be skilled at both they want to just see

that you are a wedding photographer and thankfully Squarespace has an option

which I am using to let you do that and that is in the form of cover pages these

are single page websites that will sit nicely within your domain and allow me

to sort of set up almost a little bit like this where it is almost like a

separate website and it doesn't sort of naturally link to my landscape stuff in

the main home page of the website so that's now it takes you to that beautiful cover page and it just feels

like a separate website and that's one of the things I really liked about the

Squarespace platform. Now the third way I make money with photography at the

moment is through my workshops that I've just launched for this again I've set up

another cover page this time it's just somewhere to send people when I'm

talking about the landscape photography workshops so you're presented

with a cover page it gives you that bit of information and then it naturally

links back into the main site and you can still access the workshop

information from the main site because obviously that's very part very much

part of the brand of sort of being a landscape photographer and that's

working really well. So the fourth way I'm making money at the moment is

through YouTube quite obviously

I'm gonna show a little bit of dedication today.

It's well known that you can make

money through the advertising on YouTube and I wanted to maintain a presence on

my website for my videos as well and Squarespace lets me do that and you can

run a really nice blog or vlog or a combination of both like I do on a

Squarespace website so if you look at my website go to the video section and then

I've got you can drive you can customize these pages in pretty much anyway you

wish. There's templates as well to make it easy or you can create your own and I've

created this page here and I've separated it into three categories so

I've got landscape photography vlogs, tutorials and reviews to make it easy to

navigate to find the videos that you want to find when you come to my website

rather than going through YouTube or Facebook or some other platform where I

have the video stored. One really really nice thing I didn't actually know when I

signed up for Squarespace is that you can also host a podcast on there and

that's how I'm hosting my podcast at the moment. I've done four or five or six podcasts now

so I just upload my podcast to Squarespace into the RSS feed and then

it just gets pushed out into all the different podcast providers like

including iTunes and there's easy options within Squarespace to put all

the details in for iTunes and it's just a really nice way a very simply hosting

a podcast. Now for all of these things Squarespace also has built-in analytics

you can still use Google Analytics but I'm actually finding that the

Squarespace analytics are absolutely perfect for me you can see when people

have put things into a shopping cart you can see how many visitors you've got you

can see how many subscribers you've got to your podcast it's a really nice suite

of analytics that you can then use to sort of move your website and your

business forward. So that's that's kind of the four ways I'm currently making

money from my photography and the Squarespace platform is just absolutely

perfect for it. It is perfectly mobile-friendly absolutely vital in

this day and age because such a large number of people are browsing on phones

and iPads and tablets and things like that

it dynamically changes the content to suit the device that it's on and it's

just not something you need to worry about

I built my website in just a few hours you can make a simple website much much

quicker than that the customer support is brilliant although it's

straightforward you might run in to the odd problem

there's a massive sort of help and support system already there for you to

read and then if you can get into the live chat chat you can phone them and

I've tested that recently and they solved my problem really well and they

were very polite, kind all that sort of thing that you expect from a good

company like this. It's all done online as well which just makes it even easier

don't need to install any software and it just makes it really easy to get

going without the need for any kind of technical knowledge which just makes it

so easy and an enjoyable experience to do and when you see the final website

and you put it up there and people start to visit it it just looks really

professional people are going to take you seriously and it's going to increase

your chances of getting those jobs and landing those things that are going to

make you money from your photography so if you want to take the next step in

your photography journey you can do that with Squarespace just go to and you can get started with a free trial today and if you like

what you see and it's working for you then you can get 10% off your first

purchase by using the offer code FIRSTMAN. I hope you enjoyed the video if you have

any questions about how I make my money from photography and how you can make

money from photography please put it down in the comments below and I'll try

to integrate them into another video in the future also if you haven't done so

yet please do subscribe to the channel and I will see you on another video

very soon and I'll be back out and about I'm Adam this is first man photography

in the studio


For more infomation >> How I Make Money with Photography - Duration: 10:33.



Hi! This is Przemek and Julia

and we are on our way to Cracow

from where we fly to the biggest airport in south of Italy - Lamezia Therme.

We will be travelling all week

and we will share all of our adventures with you!


So freaking hot!

We've got already some fun stories for you.

Story number 1: car hire service.

I tell Barbra, lady working there: you speak great english!

This is not common in Italy.

She says: I speak good english because I'm American...

Story number 2: We didn't manage to drive away 15 km

and police stops us.

They tell us to show our documents

mine, Julia's and tell us to explain ourselves.

So we do.

They made us a bit stressed.

Turned around, started to whisper

and suddenly the come back real positive.

They tell us we are lost cause Pizzo is another way.

The adviced us how to get there and were super kind.

First adventures checked!

We are in Pizzo!

Julia, tell me where is the crocked tower. We are in Piza, right?

Przemek, it's there! Couldn't you see?

No, I couldn't!

It's where we saw those... soldiers!

To be serious we are in Pizzo, not Piza.

This is Pizzo where pizza was created in case you guys didn't know!

We are now looking for pizza.

This is the view from our balcony.

We came and guy that manages this places - Riccardo was waiting for us.

When we arrived he greated us so warmly!

So amazing!

We made plans to have drinks together with him and his girlfriend

and yoga session.

Honestly amazing!

And those vibes, weather, place and view - it can't be better!

It can!

Are we going to find here anything to eat?!

Here is something...


It is so hot in here, I don't know what time it is, but propobly midnight!

Here are white nights, sun does not set.

Here we have prickly pear with fruits!

We ate those!

We ate those...

What a huge cactus!!!

We did not find any restaurant

but we encountered some pilgrimage.

Some kind of procession.

We always know where to go...

We follow them, maybe they have something to eat!

This is our starter - toasts with tomato, mozarella and zuccini.

Gnocchi with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese.

Some bread as well.

Przemek has fries for the time beeing with ketchup and mayo.

How to eat sward fish: squize some lemon juice,

put lettuce on the side because no one eats it.

Combination of tuna with trout?

Consistency of tuna and tastes similar to trout.


For breakfast we have:

homemade cake with homemade jam and some cookies.

Everything we need and we still are waiting for second part - salty.

We have vegetarian panina with parmesan, sun dierd tomatos and lettuce.

And balsamico.


If we need anothing we should shout!

They came from here...

Yesterday we got so excited that we forgot to show you our room.

Here is our room tour!

Here is the entrance

bathroom on the right

room with sofa

and amazing bed

and the best is balcony!

It's not so hot at all.

What can you tell us Julia?

Nothig.. but you do!


We are in Tropea

not to big but charming city.

It seems we are on the main square.

Am I right?

Propobly yes but there is now confirmation.

Wait, there is someting local.

Julia found our first meal.

This is rice with onion and cheese formed into a ball and fried.


I thought it would be spicy but it's not.

Very oniony!

This is cheese?


How are you Przemek?



Are you tired?



We come back to you from dinner.

We came to some local pizzeria.

We had to wait till 7.

We got here 7.18 pm and place was packed!

Przemek is eating already.

We ordered pizza to share.

Some people are waiting for a table.

It's very very local.

But delicious!

What's is the matter?

I can't walk.

Who made you eat so much?

I feel sick.

Can I lie down here?

For more infomation >> BEAUTIFUL CALABRIA AND DASHING SICILY | VLOG 1 | SWAY THE WAY - Duration: 9:42.


Dumbest Contest EVER?!? | Send Me Memes and I'll Send You Makeup - Duration: 2:27.

hi guys it's your girl Micaela and are you ready to hear about the dumbest

contest of possibly all-time okay well before we get into the rules this is the

grand prize this is the rose a highlighting palette from bad habit and

it is an exact dupe for the one from Anastasia Beverly Hills and Nicole

Guerreiro that has since been discontinued so if you're like me and you missed out

on that opportunity this is for you the swatches are beautiful so get hype about

that alright so now let's get into the rules and what I'm asking for you for

this contest and you guys are going to think I am so dumb and feel free to tell

me that in the comments but just send me some memes I feel like I haven't been

seeing any good means lately and I want to become you know like a certified meme

queen you catch my drift you know I just wish that I was seeing

better ones and I know that there are good ones out there so I'm listening the

help of the internet to get me some good means so anyway all you have to do is

follow me on instagram and then hashtag any good means from meme accounts that

you find means for makeup so does the hashtag means for makeup I will leave it

in the description box below I also do a post on Instagram so you won't get

confused you can also tag me in the beams or whatever but it's better for me

to get them all in one place so I can choose the one that made me laugh the

hardest guys don't send me any racist or bigoted means any means that are like

based in hate because those aren't funny and they kind of like make me feel sick

to my stomach so don't do that please and yeah alright one just one last thing

I've been getting a lot of requests for a Q&A video cuz I guess you guys want to

get to know me better I don't know why just kidding but um yeah so feel free to

ask me anything I'm not afraid to embarrass myself in front of the

Internet as you guys would know from watching my past video so feel free to

just go for it you can ask me my most embarrassing moment I believe in Bigfoot

or not you know whatever comes to your mind I don't judge and there's nowhere

for me to hide so I will answer literally all of them even if it takes

me like two videos to do it yeah get on that and uh yeah so don't

forget to subscribe to my channel and give this video a thumbs up if you're

into it if you like free makeup and if you like means I mean who doesn't in

this day and age alright guys thanks for watching bye

For more infomation >> Dumbest Contest EVER?!? | Send Me Memes and I'll Send You Makeup - Duration: 2:27.


The Secret to Expectation and Surrender (At The Same Time) with the Law of Attraction - Duration: 6:59.

in this video I'm gonna show you the delicate balance between expectation to

also not mean attached to the outcome and how right when we get to the middle

of that everything begins to change

welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video I'm going to be sharing I will be sharing

with you the power of expectation and the paradox of how we can expect

something to happen but not be attached to the outcome at the same time what I'm

gonna show you are some practical tools towards really being able to surrender

to way more expansive energy within you that will transform the way you see the

world and the way that you really learn how to trust the process now a lot of

the information on this channel has been about the law of attraction but what I

want to do is I want to begin going deeper than just the law of attraction I

want to explain how there's a consciousness within you that when you

expand yourself beyond just the ego mind just the Eagle perspective there is so

much more available to you and there's really so much more of what you can

attain now let's look at it from this when it comes to understanding the ego

realize that what we can create from our ego at a certain level our ego is

necessary in order for us to have a physical experience in order for us to

determine what our likes are and what our dislikes are so it's still a

necessary component the issue is when we become identified with the ego and

thinking that our ego has to do everything

that's when resistance many times will come up because what we do is we put

everything on our back we say I can't think this one negative thought and then

we build resistance around it we think I can't do this or it's I have to do

everything to do with it it's about understanding the balance of doing

everything you can in the present moment so also being present to the moment but

not being attached to how things happen now what happens is when we let go and

we start to trust the process we expand ourselves out and then the universe

whatever lay we want to give it can start to actually

work for us there is a huge difference when you start to do this now let me

give you an example if I were to tell you that I was gonna take you to Mexico

next week you didn't have anything to worry about I was gonna take you to

Mexico now then I would say hey we're gonna leave on this day and we're gonna

go now the idea is that if I were to say that and you were to start worrying

about it you were just keep overanalyzing and keep thinking about it

you would build up negative resistance there and it wouldn't be necessary now

what if the idea where you were to just trust the process in the same way you

would trust if I were to tell you our to take you to Mexico neck or somebody you

know would to take you because you know maybe idealistically that you know

realistically that's not gonna happen but who knows maybe one day but the idea

is that if someone that you trust and know were to tell you that you would

trust the process and you would just say okay but many times what we do is we put

it out there that we want something that we expect something to happen but then

we start going over the details and we start looking at how everything's going

to happen and we muddled up that energy we muddled up that focus now what we can

learn to do is to simply trust the process and knowing that we must do the

best we can do in the present moment but there's a larger scale of energy now the

way I'm going to do this is I'm going to show another example and I show this

chart all the time it's going to be the benchmark for a lot of the things I

explained because it's about elevating the states of consciousness look at this

chart of emotion and understand that when we are in the egotistical or the

self image part of manifestation so we're focused on our self image that is

mainly what we could call the third chakra right that is the willpower that

we have that is the identification there's a certain level of success that

we can have from manifesting from that point of view and having those

perspectives but we get into a completely new paradigm when we decide

to observe it we decide to willingness and observe it neutrality we decide to

let it go and we start coming from a point of love we start coming from a

point of service to others we start coming from this high

perspective this higher perspective of when were in more of the consciousness

of love that is where there is so much more power because then it's not about

what our ego can do it's about what we can do it's about a more expanded

perception where we realize that it's not just about us it's also about what

we can give this is a higher level paradigm and in order to see from this

higher level paradigm what we must be able to do is to trust the process now

how do we go about trusting the process it comes from the perspectives that we

have it comes from the underlying basis for the way we see the law of attraction

process is it all about us thinking and us putting our energy into what we want

and what we want to create well it's part of it and the thing is is people

will end the beginning of the process of learning the law of attraction they will

get really good results because prior everything was on autopilot and we

weren't aware of it but now that we are aware of it we can take ourselves to the

next level by trusting the process and having the perspective that what we can

do is just expect but not be attached to how that comes any time that we are

focused on the details anytime we are seeing everything in our life as parts

that's where things begin to get segregative and that's where the muddled

up comes up so what we can learn to do is to trust the process all we simply

have to do is we have to focus on the whole rather than the part we have to

focus on defining things in our life as integrative as a part of the process and

the more that we do that the more that we feel like we can trust the process

imagine that somebody that you trust and that always follows through told you

that something's gonna happen that kind of trust that you would have because

they've always said that they're gonna do something they always do it that same

kind of trust you can have when you declare and expect something to happen

but you don't need to get in there and muddle it up by trying to understand

every component of it get out of the intellectual mind and into the heart

that's where we evolve ourselves from the ego of the willpower and the third

chakra up to the heart that's where a lot of the power is and that's where we

really begin to see massive results so with that being said I

hope you guys enjoyed this video feel free to like this video if you liked it

subscribe if you haven't already also hit that little notification gear right

next to the button that you see right there so that you can see my daily vids

and other than that I will see you guys on the next bit peace much love

and namaste

For more infomation >> The Secret to Expectation and Surrender (At The Same Time) with the Law of Attraction - Duration: 6:59.


Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation: First Impressions + Review | Raquel Mendes - Duration: 13:12.

hey guys we're back again and today we're testing out another foundation you

guys know that I love to do this and right off the bat if there's any

foundation that you'd like me to try and have a few on my standby list and I've

been talking about them on Instagram stories so follow me there if you don't

already also follow me on Twitter because I have a one make up giveaway

happening right now and I have always new giveaways happening other than that

today foundation is the too faced peach perfect comfort matte foundation and this

has not launched in Europe yet I ordered it off the Sephora website so

they do ship here to the UK and you can also ship from the website I think to a

lot more countries but you know shipping taxes and import taxes can be a little

harsh don't forget to subscribe to channel and click the little bell button so

you know every single time I'm uploading and yeah let's jump in so this is what

the foundation looks like they've launched not only this foundation but

within the peach range they launched a lot of products a new matte palette

eye palette they launched primer setting spray finishing powder blushes and

highlighters creamy I think so yeah they launched a lot of products but the one that

really caught my eye was this I've never tried any Too Faced foundation including

the Born This Way which a lot of people seem to either love or hate there's no

in between I never tried it maybe someday but I wanted to try this out so

bad because it just looks cute and it's a comfort matte foundation which is what

I'm all about this one is oil-free it's 14 hour wear

oils controlling and photo friendly and it is infused with peach and sweet

fig cream I hope it doesn't smell too much like peach I've heard it does but I

hope it isn't too fruity cuz I'm I don't usually get along with those scents but

the shade I picked I think is the lightest shade it's called snow so let's

go right ahead first of all this is a tube foundation

it's got like a pump thingy which i think is very very travel friendly but I

hope it's one of those where you can get to the end and

and get all the products out anyway my hands are so tan right out like what

can I be this tan they look like weird other people hands so it's not the

lightest of shades and I feel like this would be good for this shade or not this

shade but let's see how it goes I hope it doesn't oxidize much because

otherwise it'll be too dark it is quite neutral I think it's not too pink and

it's not too yellowy so I'm gonna do half of my face with a brush and half of

my face with a beautyblender doesn't smell like peaches

it smells like gummy bears which isn't too bad out of all the fruity scents I

don't love this I'd still prefer it without a scent but better than peaches

for me and this side I'm gonna use the bare minerals luxe performance

foundation brush that as you know is my favorite foundation brush this is dark

for me I'm gonna try not to apply too much because I know you guys say I go

ham right away that usually is my style from the swatches this did seem a lot

lighter well let's see he has weight is it me or the more I spread it out the

lighter it gets can you see here I don't know if like cameras picking this up but

here it looks a lot lighter than here of course there's a lot but hmm weird

see it doesn't look as bad right now as dark I mean it still is not my perfect

shade but it's somehow not as bad as I thought it would be

I actually am loving this formulation because it's almost like a BB cream

which I love I love BB creams I think BB creams have nailed it like especially

Asian BB creams have nailed it so much better than foundations when it comes to

finish but it still is quite matte so it's a comfortable matte what that means

it's like it's not super ultra matte it's kind of a soft matte finish which I

love and the coverage is really good as well this is like a medium coverage and

I've only applied just a little bit to begin with it doesn't look patchy or

cakey it doesn't look cakey so I still have a little bit of a rest here I'm

gonna go into it and just go over the most pigmented areas I'm really bummed

that they don't have a lighter shade right now because I'm loving the formula

finish because it is a little bit darker it doesn't look yellower on me but

it's quite a neutral shade but just a little bit darker let's move on to the

Beautyblender side you guys know I usually prefer the Beautyblender side

with the exception of I think that YSL foundation I'm trying not to apply too

much all at once but it's hard for me

the finish is almost the same to be honest this is again one of those cases

where the finish here is so flawless that I maybe do a brush application and

just finish it off with a beautyblender just to even things out in the end

but I do do love the brush finish I'm gonna go just a little bit on the

pigmented areas and I hope this does last all day like flawlessly yeah again

I feel like it's easier to build with a brush because the beauty blender just

soaks everything up I'm gonna try just a little on the point of the beauty

blender just to go over a few spots and around the nose and under the eye just

gonna drag this down to my neck a little bit because you know even when a

foundation matches my face I usually have to go down to my neck if the

foundation matches my neck it's a little lighter than my face which I don't mind

but it's hard to find it does have a setting point though even though it's

soft matte it's just a little little tacky but it has a setting point there

when you get there it kind of sets down and then you can't blend over it without

it being a little bit cakey so here's the up close around the eyes it's where

it is a little more patchy here it's especially patchy because I let it set

and then tried dabbing it a bit on top and that's why it's a little cakey okay

so this is the type of coverage I achieved with three layers with a Beauty

Blender and this is three layers with a brush which is a little bit better

loving the formula it is setting a little bit drier now so I'm feeling a

little bit of tightness but still like not uncomfortable just feeling it set

kind of thinking should i powder this or not usually foundations are very self

setting I won't powder. no I'm not gonna powder this and we'll see

what we get with this and okay I'm gonna do the rest of my makeup and then I'm

gonna do two check-ins I'm gonna do the four hours check-in and the

eight hour check-in and we'll see what happens

so just quickly in the time I do the rest of my makeup I didn't expect this

from this type of finish to begin with but I'm glad I didn't powder cuz this

definitely does not need powdering it is pretty self setting and honestly it's

it's a little uncomfortable so it's not cakey visually but it is a little

tightening but the finish is still perfect just the way it was before so

I'll see you in four hours I'm very impressed with the finish a few things I

have to say is that it is still tightening on me so it is quite oil

controlling as you can see there's barely any oil just like a light glow

that I find really cute but at the same time it is a little bit tightening and

you know a little bit uncomfortable I think that with a primer underneath this

would work out beautifully without a primer it is a little bit drying but I

have combination skin that is acne prone and very very dehydrated and patchy this

didn't grab on to the patches that I have it didn't accentuate them or

anything like that also I forgot to say as well that this doesn't claim to be

full coverage it claims to be only medium coverage and transfer resistant

it is transfer resistant when first applied it kind of looks satiny matte

but as it dries on its its matte it is kind of a medium coverage so here you

can see that I can build it up to a full coverage but it is actually a medium

high coverage I'd say but the finish is still pretty flawless

hasn't been any caking or creasiness there's two types of an

uncomfortableness for me which is the tightening dryness I just feel like my

skin is a little bit parched but it's not like itchy and uncomfortable to have

it on I feel like honestly I feel like if I mist on top of this that would be

great but I don't feel like there's something grubby on me that's the kind

of second type of uncomfortableness that I feel like is so much more

uncomfortable for me throughout the day and I felt that with the fenty

foundation for example I felt that it began to be too too cakey and oily and

grubby at the same time and I felt really itchy I just wanted to take it

off and I don't feel that way with this as you can see my pores appear to be

normal like they were pretty large themselves so they don't look tiny but

for example compared to the fenty foundation they do look normal and

there's no oil production there as well so I really like the finish in terms of

glow and matteness where I have the blemishes they look pretty great no

patches no dryness around them no halo Even here that is usually a very

very bad place for me cake wise I mean from the feeling I get from the dryness

I would expect this to be cakey but it isn't it's actually a perfect finish

honestly everything looks perfect this is like so flawless and at the same time

still very matte it controlled my oil production like a champ

in the four last hours it wasn't as uncomfortable as in the first four so of

course a little bit of the oils kind of peeked through it made my skin a little

more lubricated so it felt more comfortable but texture wise it looks

perfect is it's not cakey at all the product hasn't sunken into my pores or

anything they look rather small

honestly I'm definitely impressed and I'm gonna want to play around with this

a little bit more the two cons that I had with it still stand

which is the shade isn't light enough for me so I have to work it down my neck

to make it workable it's a little bit drying yes I believe that this would be

could be worked around with an oil-based primer or hydrating primer so I'm gonna

be experimenting with that it's called the comfort matte for me personally it

wasn't that comfortable for people with oily skin it might be like the sweet

spot of comfort while still blocking all the oils out it says 14-hour wear I

don't know about that but it is an 8 hour where it's pretty much untouched it

works with both brushes and beauty blenders it has 12 shades which is not a

lot and the darker skin tones the jump is like enormous and that's pretty much

it for today guys so don't forget to subscribe to the channel and click the

little Bell button the next foundation I'm gonna test its we're gonna be the

ordinary coverage foundation which you have all requested so much but if there

is any foundation that you guys want me to test out leave it in the comment below

For more infomation >> Too Faced Peach Perfect Foundation: First Impressions + Review | Raquel Mendes - Duration: 13:12.


DIY TIE FRONT TOP - EASY SEWING TUTORIAL | pacifically - Duration: 4:50.

For this project you will need 1 and a half to 2 yards of a lightweight fabric and ½ inch

bias tape. To make the pattern first find a loose fitting

shirt that you like the fit of. Fold it in half, and line it up the best you

can to the side of a roll of paper. Trace the outline of the shirt, including

the armpit hole. The shirt that I traced was very long so I

cropped my pattern to make it 16 inches long from the center of the neckline.

To finish off this pattern piece I added ½'' seam allowance on the shoulder, armpit and

bottom, and ¼" seam allowance on the neckline. To make a pattern piece for the front I first

traced the back pattern and then flipped the pattern over and traced just the bottom portion

of it. This will give us the total width of the back

pattern piece. After that I connected the tip of the shoulder

line to the end of the line we drew for the bottom.

This pattern piece already includes the seam allowance inside of it because we traced a

pattern piece that included seam allowance but I drew in the seam allowance just to remind

me about what the measurements were. There should be ¼" seam allowance on the

diagonal line, and then ½" seam allowance on all of the other sides.

To make the pattern for the sleeve I first traced the shape of the sleeve on my shirt

and then extended out the lines to make my sleeve longer.

To get the shape of the armhole I traced my other pattern onto this rough sleeve shape.

I finished off the pattern by adding ½" seam allowance on the sides not cut on fold,

and then 1" on the bottom of the sleeve for hem allowance.

An important thing to note about the sleeve is that it needs to be the same size of the

armpit hole on the body pattern minus the shoulder and side seam allowance or else the

sleeve piece will end up too big. This happened to me and I ended up having

to alter my pattern and cut the extra off the fabric pieces.

So after all that you should now have three pattern pieces: one for the front, one for

the back piece, and one for the sleeves. Now just use the patterns to cut out your

pattern pieces. The back and sleeve pieces should be cut out

on fold and you will need two of the front pieces, making sure to flip the pattern when

you cut one of them so that you will get both sides of the front.

Once all the pieces are cut out, face the front and back pieces right sides together

and sew down the side and shoulder seams. Once they are sewn together flip them back

out and pin the bias tape all along the neckline of the piece.

Make sure to open up the bias tape and pin it right sides together with the fabric.

Sew all along the neckline on the crease that we opened up in the bias tape.

Once that is sewn on, fold and press the bias tape inside the garment and sew along the

entire neckline again just at the edge of the bias tape.

After that is done, fold the bottom of the entire piece in by 1/2" and sew all around.

I serged the bottom of my piece before folding it in but if you don't have one you can

just fold it in twice before hemming. To make the ends of the ties nice and neat

I sewed a small line just along the side of the corner on the bottom and then snipped

off the extra. To make sure that this wouldn't fray I also

put a little bit of fabric glue on the cut ends.

Now that the body piece is complete it's time to move onto the sleeves.

First fold them in half and sew the sides together.

Then just flip them out and fold the ends of the sleeves in twice by ½" and sew them

down. Once both of the sleeves are done the last

thing to do is face them right sides in with the body piece and sew all around the armholes.

And once that's done just tie up the front and the top is complete!

I hope that you enjoyed the project and if you decide to make this feel free to send

me a picture of it on any of my socials. If you have any questions just ask them down

below and I will do my best to answer them. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe

if you haven't already, and I will see you in the next one. bye

For more infomation >> DIY TIE FRONT TOP - EASY SEWING TUTORIAL | pacifically - Duration: 4:50.


Jeremias minaccia la Izzo: "Con i tuoi consigli mi ci pulisco il cu**, ti salto addosso".HD - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Jeremias minaccia la Izzo: "Con i tuoi consigli mi ci pulisco il cu**, ti salto addosso".HD - Duration: 3:17.


How to Download and Install Opera - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> How to Download and Install Opera - Duration: 2:22.


AEHM artistry WELCOME VIDEO! Beauty Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:14.

[AEHM artistry Beauty Channel Trailer] [Beauty compilation]

What up guys?!

What up guys...?

What up guys?!

Hey guys!

Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry

Today I'm testing the Tarte...

Quick update video on...

Today I got some packages!

I just had to show you guys!


FREAKIN' pigmented!

Today, we are testing out some...

Girl, I used too much!


Get ready to be a shook-eth!







Blowing my mind!

Ok, moving on!

Alright, thank you guys so much for watching...

Thank you guys...

Thank you so much!

Thank you guys so much for watching.

Before you fall down the rabbit hole, which is YouTube...

Down the rabbit hole, which is YouTube...

Before you guys go on and click another video...

please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel,

if you want to know more about these beauty things.

I'm posting about 2 times a week

and I'm on the verge of starting to post 3 times a week!

Every new subscriber, view, and share helps my channel

out so much!

And I can continue to create for you guys.

Make sure you tap that Bell and you'll get notified as soon as I post new things!

You guys have a great lovely day!


For more infomation >> AEHM artistry WELCOME VIDEO! Beauty Channel Trailer - Duration: 1:14.


Daydreamer - Adele cover ft. Nati | Malvina - Duration: 5:25.

Malvina: we have to talk

Nati: we have to talk?

Malvina: I mean, if you don't want to...but I want to

Malvina: this is when I turn into a youtuber. It's gonna be a little bit jarring at first, I'm sorry.

Malvina: Hey everyone, I'm "Melvina" and

Malvina: wait that's--I said my name wrong / Nati: wait can I do it?

Malvina: Hi everyone / Nati: Hi guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!

Malvina that's not my into anymore, you fake fan!

Malvina: If you have suggestions for a new intro, let me know.

Nati: Hi gals, guys, and nonbinary fries?

Malvina: Hey everyone, that was our cover of Daydreamer by Adele

Nati: I can't do this!

Nati: Hi everyone, that was our cover. My name is Malvina

Nati: and this is my cousin Natalia

Nati: and that was our cover of Adele's Daydreamer, it's from her first album. Really just a beautiful...beautiful song.

Nati: Um, here's a fun fact. Adele...

Nati: picked up the guitar because she was inspired by Amy Winehouse, who went to her high school!

Malvina: I didn't know that!

Nati: Yeah! Adele like looked up to Amy.

Malvina: who doesn't though?

Malvina: don't do drugs, kids

Malvina: Anyway so, in all seriousness, I had to bring this smol bean on my channel

Malvina: because she's my favorite person in the world and her voice is like a lovely angel fairy butterfly

Malvina: and so I've blessed you with it. You can say "you're welcome!"

Malvina: If you are interested in my face, and I will try to get her face back on every now and then,

Malvina: then you can hit subscribe. If not, that's fine.

Malvina: That's pretty much it. I will see you when I see you, I guess.

Malvina: Just kidding, she wanted to say something.

Nati: See you later, tater...tots.

Malvina: Oh, man. / Nati: I just came up with that.

For more infomation >> Daydreamer - Adele cover ft. Nati | Malvina - Duration: 5:25.


SUMMER 2017 IN 10 MINUTES | Summer in Review - Duration: 10:40.


For more infomation >> SUMMER 2017 IN 10 MINUTES | Summer in Review - Duration: 10:40.


About my trip to see my Dad - Duration: 8:35.

Hey Everyone it'S me kyra and i am Finally

Back With Making videos so i'm going to be posting Every Saturday Now sorry for the change

But Yeah this is gonna be first saturday back so and

Today I'm going to be telling you Guys all about My summer vacation to yellowstone with My dad and the family

So first Thing Is i went camping for the first time at Yellowstone we camped there for i think

Three or two nights It Was Really fun

and we

Saw lots and lots and Lots of dogs

Everyone had dogs i Swear and we Bought Bailey Which is my cousin and aunt and

Uncle's dog so

We Couldn't Bring Puppy My Puppy (*Come Here Come Here*)

okay we Couldn't Bring

This Little Thing Because bailey and sparkle Hate Other dogs

Look at the camera

So i wish we could Bring her but we couldn't and it

Was Just Really fun camping For the first time There Was a Campers that i was gonna Sleep in

But i made My choice and i slept the night in the tent i was

Loving It i thought i would Be Scared of it but i Faced my Fears and did It and it's awesome

No, Bugs Got

In i didn't Get bit that much Because i put bug spray on right before I fell asleep but It Just felt Amazing

I loved it so

so much

Except For One night When It rained and

Everything Got Cold Like It Was Really cold in the tent i was like

Did All my Stuff Get wet and then Another day rained

and It Was Really Windy we were hoping our tent did you get Blown Away and

Feel It did It Was Just Everything Was Cold again

Again and Again and Again and Again so yeah that Was my first experience on camping

Ok, Number two

We Saw The mud Volcanoes

we went to this Part of Yellowstone but You could see a Whole bunch of mud volcanoes and hot springs

So what Mud Volcanoes are or the hot springs is

It's like

Volcanoes that You can See

That Have Mud over them or whatever and you can see Boiling hot Water

On the bottom so on the top it's Just bubbling and bubbling and bubbling you get a burst and. Oh

it'S so cool and

The Hot springs were a Pool like could swim in but we Couldn't do that Because it was

Too hot to be swimming and i think it Just have to wait at the time of year

Where it's not that Hot so maybe in the winter

I'm not entirely sure

But then We also went to this River to swim in because we Couldn't swim in the hot springs i

Didn't like It i got cut i don't know if my cut is still there nope it's gone but i was Just Walking

Because The River It was Kind of Like Really Fast so i didn't

Think that People Would be allowed to swim in It Because people will get pulled

Pull that Way and Toward There Was the deep end

It was Bad i didn't like It so i literally Got out When i was getting out cut Myself When i was baby rock huh

Not safe so

Number three

we were at This little restaurant Thing and

We ordered our Food waited for It Sat Down at This table and then we were like okay

Eating and Then i'll Center Everyone started getting Up and were like

Other we Were like Wait What is happening and Then Everyone's Like This oh Gosh cider Then

we're like

okay and so There's a Whole Pack of Elks Just Walking By car

and Everything and There's One Just Like Walking and Then It Ended Up by the Dumpster

eating The Flowers

Like There's Like a Little Pot of Flowers i don't think there is supposed to be eating But They ate all the Flowers

Oops And

so a

Whole bunch more came Up with the babies Everyone started Going outside

Everyone and Then This One person went Up to the out boom started petting it in the brand

Like They were

Not following the Rules and then The Park Rangers Kept Kicking Like They Kicked Him out Pretty Much They like told Him get out and

so me and

Everyone Else

Started to go up to them Just take pictures from the building i went outside i got scared so i went back inside

It was Just Really amazing and Cool i Swear there Dear Little Bit

The Babies Look Like Deer but Their elk It was really Cool and i loved it

Number four We Saw a

petrified tree Which if you don't know What a petrified tree is it is a

Tree that i think Got Turned into a rock

I've Got a leash or if it's a rock or not so if you want

to look at more Information i will put a Link down Below

About a petrified tree if you want to go check it out


Number five Is we were at This place and We Saw Glaciers and

We Got some Souvenirs from the souvenir Shop and it Was Really Amazing

So we saw the Glaciers Which if you don't know What a Glacier is it's in this mud Volcano or kano

Area and The Water pressure a Double of It is really Really Really

Boiling Hot so Water pressures Really High and so at some point

time to point it Just Bursts Out with the Whole waste of Water and

We all Saw that It Was Just like it's not going Really little and then Really Little and Then It went up

and It Usually Goes 60 feet in the air Which iF you're really far from it It looks Really small

Which we were

How is that 60 Feet

Alone i Was like That's not that Big and then i was like oh, oh?

Stop cool that Was so cool and a Little fun fact about yellowstone is it is one big Volcano

It hasn't Erupted for about 600,000 Years so

you're Safe That's Why they made It a National Park Which is really Amazing i would

Definitely Go Check It out it's an Y-You don't Mean There's no Exactly where but i would definitely Go check it out if you could

Tell Your Parents to go go there because it's amazing and camp There and i didn't Now i'm going

to show You stuff i got for the souvenir shop

This is not everything cuz i don't have everything so we made these pennies That

Are really cool well i call them pennies or not pennies but like i

Got moose

Because those are one of My favorite animals Up there like moose or elk and it Just Says yellowstone National Park

That's My Little Pine coin Thing and then i put this Thing on top of my Keys and

It's Just a Keychain and Then It has This little Thing Called

yellowstone National Park

Don't know if you can Read it It Says yellowstone National Park and Then

It has a Butterfly and a Ladybug on it i Actually gave it to me which is really Nice of her it's really Cool

so this will conclude This video

for this week i hope you guys all

Enjoyed It and if You want me to make more videos give This video a Big Thumbs Up and don't forget to subscribe

Also comment Down Below Any Suggestions of What i could do next Up see you guys all Next time Bye

For more infomation >> About my trip to see my Dad - Duration: 8:35.



For more infomation >> COME LONDON FASHION WEEK FEST WITH ME! PAPARAZZI, CATWALKS, OOTD! 2017 - Duration: 10:54.


Midge Ure - The Man Who Sold The World (1982) Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Midge Ure - The Man Who Sold The World (1982) Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 5:44.


Xing: The Land Beyond | Chilled-Out Game Reviews - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Xing: The Land Beyond | Chilled-Out Game Reviews - Duration: 2:48.


Temptation To Read! - Duration: 5:27.

Hello! Hello!

Today, I'm talking about what? The temptation to read!

What did I just said?

Temptation to read

Why would I say that?

Well you know, if you want to read, then go ahead and read!

Of course but in this matter, NOO



This... Book.... Destroyed my life

Seriously, it is soo good.

I finished the first chapter and I need to stop!

I couldn't read anymore.

because it is so good.

Why would I want to stop if it is so good?

No, it is that good that can't stop me

If I continue to read, then I would want to read the second book

Third! Fourth! Fifth!!

This has 5 books in the series, I believe.

So 5... No, 4 books and I don't have them!

So if I finish the book, I will lose my mind!

I don't have 2, 3, and 4!

I can't-do this anymore!

I need to stop!

I'm reading by slow pace- chapter 1... chapter 2.

but no! I'm so tempted to read.

Why is my life have to be like this?!?

Why?? Tell me! Comment below why??


I am ordering the series!


It's a box set!!!

What do you mean? Can't deliver to here...?

Only my home address?


I need to get second, third, and fourth books!

I want to read but I don't want to...


I can't...

Did I just throw a book?

That temptation seriously sucks so much.

Comment below if you had ever felt like this.

I'm pretty sure you probably did.

I want to read so bad but at the same time, I want to continue to the sequels.

But you don't have them...



If you liked this little mini book video

click like!

Share! Subscribe!

See you next time, BYE!

For more infomation >> Temptation To Read! - Duration: 5:27.


Ouran is over aniplay animation draft - Duration: 1:16.

* dying screaming fan in background continues to die*

* fan is now dead*

no no no

I just can't hate this smug beautiful b***h

awww he's carry a body :D

no no no

*All the fangirsl get so horny that it's weird*

For more infomation >> Ouran is over aniplay animation draft - Duration: 1:16.


The Game Destroyer [Collector's Edition] - Duration: 6:52.

Subtitles on!

Insane Rage :l

This, this Is-is not okay, this needs to stop now.


Cheat Activated

Data on the subject:

Deer Man

A local political MAN

Insane Breathing...

His brother Hassan died in a Dese.???

Before we were able to fuck him.

Suleiman blamed Hassan for the GRE's death

He stole a... I don't know what she's saying

File. Which became his BAR, against the GRE.

With instructions to attempt to use it if anything happens to..



I believe / eveileb I

I told you that wasn't a normal Tor site

Ultra combo!

Fallback! Fallback! Fallback!




Everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks


Unnecessary Hitmarkers appear..


The thing is..

The thing is.. I-Am fucking crazy

It's like bridge, under the water

Go ahead, fuck it up.

They got shit.

Looks like you fuck it up.

Here, I believe these belong to BRAVO.

Wow.. Check out the sunset.

Hey! Fuck off!

We fuck it up.

This is our first mission with TWWWWWWO

I am the Senate

Check out those moves..

For more infomation >> The Game Destroyer [Collector's Edition] - Duration: 6:52.


How My Wife Replaced All Her Lost Income With Bitconnect! Day 12 - Duration: 6:53.

hey what's going on y'all it's Pete Olsen the Montana silver stacker

I am the frontline ambassador for the greatest silver and gold home based

business in the world is an international silver network and today is an updated video on my wife's journey with

Vic connect as I had detailed in the last video my wife had to leave her

position to care for sick mother and she had to replace some part-time income at

least twelve hundred dollars a month and I am happy to say she is on track it's

an eye only replaces 1200 a month with big connect without doing the thing

she's gonna she's gonna earn in her first month about $1,700 which is very

very exciting so let's go and show you the transaction page and and before we

before we go there guys big connect is essentially a lending

platform it's actually a coin it's a cryptocurrency coin the number 13

rated coin in the world by coin market cap with nearly a billion dollar market

cap it's not going anywhere and one of the many many things that you can do

with the Kinect is lend from your big Kinect wallet to the platform and you

can land anywhere from $100 to $100,000 and they pay you daily interest into

your lending wallet okay and the the bigger loan you do ten

thousand and ten dollars and above gets you a higher interest rate hundred

dollars is the lows and there's some different levels that we'll take a look

at in between but she is in her twelfth day guys so let's scroll down here's the

initial loan that she did five thousand and twenty dollars okay you can see day

one this is her interest that she earned each day that

went into her lending wallet here see that okay so let's take a look yesterday

we did days 1 through 11 I just kind of combined 1 for 11 so there's days 1

through 11 and then yesterday the interest was a little lower just 0.5 0

and I'm doing this video for Friday today Saturday but she made 25 dollars

and 10 cents now here's what's really cool guys by the end of the month she's

gonna be at about $1,700 she's only gonna take out 1200 of it cuz that's all

she needs now what is she gonna do with that she's gonna reinvest the 500

dollars and that 500 dollars is gonna go on top of the 5020 so now she'll have 55

20 approximately in the system so every month her income is going to grow and

grow and grow and grow hey this is going to grow into behemoth for her and it is

so so exciting let's take a look at so 25 dollars and ten cents she made

yesterday today's payment hasn't come in yet it'll be in here in about an hour

and a half it should be a good one because the interest rate is high today

let's go to the dashboard and let's check out that let's check out that

volatility software that we are talking about okay let's do that

here it is right here okay so when you invest $100 to $1,000 what you earn is

just whatever the volatility software kicks out and you get your initial

capital back in two hundred and ninety nine days okay if you invest a thousand

and ten dollars to five thousand you get your volatility software plus an extra

point one percent daily if you do what my wife did five thousand and ten

dollars all the way to ten thousand you get the volatility software interest

plus point two percent extra a day that's a lot and then if you do a ten

thousand and ten dollar loan to a hundred thousand dollars which is what

I'm gonna do here shortly and I'll chronicle that you get an extra point

two five percent daily guys I'm gonna I'm gonna jump in on this because I'm so

excited about what's happening what's going on and

and the income that's made so that's and you get your money back after 120 days

meaning your your your original capital very very exciting guys to be involved

with a behemoth like they connect a number 13 rated coin in the world

cryptocurrency coin in the world nearly a billion dollar market cap this is not

a fly-by-night here today gone tomorrow platform

these guys are enormous and they're very very successful because you can do a

whole lot of things with this platform the way that this way be connect makes

money when you lend the money that they trade against the volatility of Bitcoin

so whether bitcoin is going up or Bitcoin is going down they can make

money both ways which is fantastic you have four different wallets in here you

got your Bitcoin cash wallet you have your lending wallet which is essentially

US dollars here's the big connect coin wallet right and here's the here's the

Bitcoin wallet so if you feel that bitcoin wallet is going to be really

going up over the next short period of time you can move this from the lending

wallet and US dollars from the Bitcoin wallet to ride that wave up right now

we're just going to keep it in there to keep it safe but guys this is so

exciting and if you want to get involved with bit connect and make a phenomenal

monthly income they're typically paying out anywhere from about thirty three to

forty percent a month on your money I mean guys that is absolutely incredible

clink on my click on my wife's link below and sign up there register for

free with bit connect decide how much you want to lend in depending on how

much you want to make and we are here to answer any questions for you actually my

wife is here to answer any questions for you I'll put her email address down

below as well okay alright guys god bless you I hope you're

gonna get as excited about big connect as we are and we're so happy that we've

been able to replace our income and then some and I'm gonna jump into this game

as well just as a a way to make my money that I earn from

isn work even more and more and more okay god bless you guys again if you're

looking for a silver gold home-based business free silver and gold dot is

talk to you guys real soon thanks so much

For more infomation >> How My Wife Replaced All Her Lost Income With Bitconnect! Day 12 - Duration: 6:53.


Di ako Fuckboy - JRoa & Emcee Rhenn ft. Agsunta (Bro Justin & Jezz Remix) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Di ako Fuckboy - JRoa & Emcee Rhenn ft. Agsunta (Bro Justin & Jezz Remix) - Duration: 4:46.


Ep. V | Snow - O Monge e o Executivo (Prod. Jonas Neves/Chavz) #A4era - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Ep. V | Snow - O Monge e o Executivo (Prod. Jonas Neves/Chavz) #A4era - Duration: 2:36.


Katarzyna Bujakiewicz opowiedziała o obietnicy, którą dała Ani Przybylskiej - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Katarzyna Bujakiewicz opowiedziała o obietnicy, którą dała Ani Przybylskiej - Duration: 3:55.


Dead by Daylight- รอบดึก สายฝึกหัด - Duration: 20:22.

For more infomation >> Dead by Daylight- รอบดึก สายฝึกหัด - Duration: 20:22.


Install Android 8.0 Oreo On Most Phones MANUALLY !! - Duration: 5:02.

Android Oreo, and if you're looking to install it on your phone or tablet,

then you are on the right place.

Hey Guys my name is Kashif and Lets Begin.

Ye you can install Android O which is android 8 on your Android Phone

So Lets see how to Install

For this guide, you will need:

Unlocked bootloader Custom Recovery

An Android Device GApps

Android 8 ROM

Now I will Show you how you can Download Android file and file for

your android phone.

Find a ROM for your device, using the appropriate XDA forum.

Make sure you download the right one for your device.

Many phones have several variants.

For Example I will install Android 8 on my xiaomi redmi 1s

so I will type redmi 1s

then go to android development

and click on ROM tab

and choose latest rom from here

as you can see We have lineage OS 15 which is based on android 8

So I will start downloading this rom.

and in this fourm you will also get the download link fro gapps (if you downt know what is

gapps file) so it is Google Apps which contains Playstore

and Google Services things.

after downloading place both file into your phone.

I am upgrading my phone from kitkat to Oreo.

If you have Installed custom recovery then You are good to go.

but if you haven't installed then its a very easy step

go to your desktop again and type your device name and write twrp download

open twrp website and download the twrp.img file from there.

download the file from description and Install it also on your Computer now paste

that twrp recovery into your C drive then adb

rename that twrp.img file to recovery.img

now in your phone power off you rphone and boot into bootoader mode and connect it via


and you computer will detect (mak sure you have installed your phone driver)

now in your adb folder hold shift and right click and click on Open powershell windows


type fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

and it will flash thr recovery.

now remove the usb and boot into recovery by pressing vloume up and power button

first of all Backup your present installed sytem by clicking on backup, fro the time

being I am not doing this.

clcik on wipe data and tap on advanced wipe

and select data system dlavik except internal storage

swipe it and flash it.

go back and tap on isntall and add both zip file in que to isntall and swipe this also.

After installing reboot and first boot will take 5 min utes approx

Now we have successfully installed the Android 8 Oreo on Android Device.

this is the most common way to flash a ROM, there are many different ways specific to

each device.

Now lets talk about What are the new features in Android O

For fluid experiences in Android O, Google has introduced features like picture-in-picture,

autofill with Google, smart text selection and notification dots.

With smart text selection, the phone is context aware, so if you select a phone number, it'll

give you the option to call it; if you tap on an address, you'll be able to get directions


Notification dots meanwhile are used to inform users about activity in the app.

With this you will know about pending notifications by looking at the app icon.

So Thats pretty much it for ths one.

Shre this with your freinds to let them know that they can installed androdi 8 oreo on

their Device.

So Like and Subscribe to this channel.

Thanks fro watching and I will catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Install Android 8.0 Oreo On Most Phones MANUALLY !! - Duration: 5:02.



Hi! This is Przemek and Julia

and we are on our way to Cracow

from where we fly to the biggest airport in south of Italy - Lamezia Therme.

We will be travelling all week

and we will share all of our adventures with you!


So freaking hot!

We've got already some fun stories for you.

Story number 1: car hire service.

I tell Barbra, lady working there: you speak great english!

This is not common in Italy.

She says: I speak good english because I'm American...

Story number 2: We didn't manage to drive away 15 km

and police stops us.

They tell us to show our documents

mine, Julia's and tell us to explain ourselves.

So we do.

They made us a bit stressed.

Turned around, started to whisper

and suddenly the come back real positive.

They tell us we are lost cause Pizzo is another way.

The adviced us how to get there and were super kind.

First adventures checked!

We are in Pizzo!

Julia, tell me where is the crocked tower. We are in Piza, right?

Przemek, it's there! Couldn't you see?

No, I couldn't!

It's where we saw those... soldiers!

To be serious we are in Pizzo, not Piza.

This is Pizzo where pizza was created in case you guys didn't know!

We are now looking for pizza.

This is the view from our balcony.

We came and guy that manages this places - Riccardo was waiting for us.

When we arrived he greated us so warmly!

So amazing!

We made plans to have drinks together with him and his girlfriend

and yoga session.

Honestly amazing!

And those vibes, weather, place and view - it can't be better!

It can!

Are we going to find here anything to eat?!

Here is something...


It is so hot in here, I don't know what time it is, but propobly midnight!

Here are white nights, sun does not set.

Here we have prickly pear with fruits!

We ate those!

We ate those...

What a huge cactus!!!

We did not find any restaurant

but we encountered some pilgrimage.

Some kind of procession.

We always know where to go...

We follow them, maybe they have something to eat!

This is our starter - toasts with tomato, mozarella and zuccini.

Gnocchi with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese.

Some bread as well.

Przemek has fries for the time beeing with ketchup and mayo.

How to eat sward fish: squize some lemon juice,

put lettuce on the side because no one eats it.

Combination of tuna with trout?

Consistency of tuna and tastes similar to trout.


For breakfast we have:

homemade cake with homemade jam and some cookies.

Everything we need and we still are waiting for second part - salty.

We have vegetarian panina with parmesan, sun dierd tomatos and lettuce.

And balsamico.


If we need anothing we should shout!

They came from here...

Yesterday we got so excited that we forgot to show you our room.

Here is our room tour!

Here is the entrance

bathroom on the right

room with sofa

and amazing bed

and the best is balcony!

It's not so hot at all.

What can you tell us Julia?

Nothig.. but you do!


We are in Tropea

not to big but charming city.

It seems we are on the main square.

Am I right?

Propobly yes but there is now confirmation.

Wait, there is someting local.

Julia found our first meal.

This is rice with onion and cheese formed into a ball and fried.


I thought it would be spicy but it's not.

Very oniony!

This is cheese?


How are you Przemek?



Are you tired?



We come back to you from dinner.

We came to some local pizzeria.

We had to wait till 7.

We got here 7.18 pm and place was packed!

Przemek is eating already.

We ordered pizza to share.

Some people are waiting for a table.

It's very very local.

But delicious!

What's is the matter?

I can't walk.

Who made you eat so much?

I feel sick.

Can I lie down here?

For more infomation >> BEAUTIFUL CALABRIA AND DASHING SICILY | VLOG 1 | SWAY THE WAY - Duration: 9:42.


How to make a feature length film with no money on the Isle of Wight - Duration: 10:46.

my name is Nick Stotesbury and for the last year and a half I've spent every spare

minute I have making a feature-length film with my good friend Joe

the film werre making is called "Rudi"

we didn't set out to make a feature-length film it's

just something that kinda happened, with no money or experience in certainly been

an interesting endeavor in this short documentary i wanted to share the journey

we've taken so far and some of the experiences we've had along the way

We started seriously making films only about a couple of years ago prior to

that point we'd only dabbled in making short films which mostly consisted of

running about messing around with mates.

whilst we've always been obsessed by films and had an interest in filmmaking it wasn't until in 2011 we found ourselves

with a bit of spare time, we had an idea for a short film and started off as we

had before just running around with a camera with little idea what we were doing

Over the next year or so we continued to

make films learning and improving with each project. We built up new equipment

cameras, lights and anything we need to get an idea done

We'd learn new software and start branching into digital effects

We'd teach ourselves new techniques by just watching films and the try to figure out

the way it had been shot and then try and emulate it with no budget

In a short space of time we found ourselves completely obsessed

to the point where we had pushed everything else out of our lives

and we're investing all of our disposable income into our new obsession

We had been well and truly bit by the filmmaking bug

so what is Rudi?

Rudi is a comedy sci-fi film ambitiously set across space and time

it follows a group of unlikely misfits thrown together tasked with saving the

world from a hidden threat

in it we've mashed up everything we love in cinema

espionage, conspiracy, action, gunplay,horror, aliens, spaceships,

time travel and romance

so before we started Rudi

The only experience we had was our own run and gun no budget

DIY filmmaking

and we really had no idea what we were getting

ourselves into

we started the film back in December 2012, the original script was

written in a very rough format and in the beginning a lot of it wasn't even

written. We would just carry it around in our heads

we wrote the script regardless of our ability

if we wanted a space landscape or an epic space battle we'd

write it and worry about how we're gonna figure out shooting it later

we knew and we didn't

want our own limitations to prevent us from

achieving it.

We start shooting in January 2013 and

early on we naively made things harder by deciding we wanted to keep outside help

to a minimum this meant that we ended up doing pretty much everything between

just the two of us in front and behind the camera

location-wise the Isle of Wight isn't exactly a location that typically lends

itself to the genre of sci-fi, but with a bit of searching around we found plenty

of locations ideal for our story

beaches caves waterfalls forts bunkers

old railway tunnels and a quarry

one of the major benefits of having no crew was

that we could get in and out of these locations without drawing too much

attention to ourselves filming either late at night or early in

the morning

there were a couple of times when we'd have to explain ourselves though

like when we were caught stood in the middle of a quarry with Joe dressed as

a spaceman at 6:00 in the morning

or when we had to explain to residents why

we'd lit the bunker at the end of their garden pink and blue late one night

whilst the island has a diverse range of amazing scenery to take advantage of

sometimes just getting to a location could prove difficult

many the areas that we shot are

renowned for their instability and quite often when returning to shoot

we'd find that the route we had previously taken no longer existed

this meant that often we'd have to

find a new way to the location which frequently resorted in either

scaling rock faces or massive detours with all our gear

although we were very lucky

to find external locations that often surpassed our expectations the

Island really didn't have anything suitable for our interior shots

we wanted lots of futuristic looking labs and spaceship corridors we didn't want

to over rely on green-screen which we were already using in some scenes

and also for our miniatures fortunately we had access to several barns

on the face of it none of these locations look like that we were after however

after we stripped the areas down we had a blank canvas which we could work with

using whatever scrap materials we could find we were able to

convert these areas into our desired sets

there was a lot of recycling of materials

from scene to scene and making use of things that people chucked out

with no money we made do with whatever resources we had and with

whatever we can find we even resorted to transforming my

bathroom and hallway for a shoot

We took the doors off and covered the whole area in tin foil

we'd written a lot of night time shoots into the film

one scene in particular was set in the woods

away from civilization we had scouted a great location

unfortunately it presented us with two obvious problems

the first was how to light a pitch-black area

and the second was how to get power to somewhere that was literally in the middle of nowhere

to remedy this problem we were lucky to acquire some old broken floodlights

With a couple of rolls of gaffer tape

we were able to get both of them back up and running

to get to the wooded area we wanted to use we had to

connect all the extension leads we had or could buy

we still didn't have enough so this meant we ended up making our own from

some old electrical wire we found lying around and whilst far from ideal the

lighting did work...

most of the time

the majority of night shots we had planned to

shoot in March the idea being that we would still have

enough darkness to not be out filming too late and that it wouldn't be too cold

unfortunately March 2013 ended up being the second coldest since records began

and the six weeks we spent in the woods at night during this period was without

a doubt the most grueling obstacle we faced so far

every night we would be out in sub-zero conditions

a lack of proper planning meant that we'd regularly

overrun often we'd be out filming until 2-3 or 4 o'clock in the morning and then

have to get up and go to work a few hours later

Caked in fake blood

cold, tired and angry this was probably our lowest point of the film

when we finally finished

our night shoots we took a couple of weeks out to work on a short

film called prologue

Prologue was our submission to the Isle of Wight Film Festival

last year (2013) and instead of Prologue being an entirely separate film

it was actually the opening sequence to Rudi

the idea was to go to the festival with something

to show what we've been working on over the last few months

after a couple of weeks break making Prologue

we reflected on our first few months of shooting

we hadn't achieved anywhere near as much as we'd like

and it was evident that we needed to become more structured in the way we worked

our method of going out filming just running and gunning was leading to too much waste

we'd always been resistant to doing things properly planning, writing

shot lists and storyboarding

we had this misconception that it would bog down our enjoyment

and make things too regimented however, from our experience so far

it had taught us that these processes were very necessary

we we're very proud that we'd

made it as far as we had and without any help

but the time had come to start bringing a few people on board to

help us out

this meant we'd no longer have to balance lighting shooting and acting

freeing us up to concentrate on each scene as a whole

it allowed us to pick back up the pace

and hit the ground running we grew more confident with each shoot

and with each scene we would reflect, refine and hone our shooting style

as our workflow became more structured we were able to expand our overall plan

we continue to add to our kit saving up for new cameras lights and

audio equipment whenever we could

this opened up more shoot possibilities for the remaining scenes

and allowed us to push and continue to progress our knowledge

we had aimed to finish the film in time for this years

Isle of Wight Film Festival (2014)

we reached a point where we could have rushed to finish the last few

scenes but we decided not to as we thought it would be of detriment to the rest of the film

the end is in sight and we are still on course to finish the

film this year (LOL!)

we're hoping to have it done towards the end of summer (Again LOL!)

currently we're working on the digital effects, overdubs and the last couple of

remaining scenes before we finished the soundtrack

I think the key lesson we've learned whilst making this film is the value of doing things properly

but we had to learn this the hard way to properly appreciate it

for something we never intended on taking so seriously

we certainly have pushed ourselves to breaking point several times over

but from the brink of meltdown instead of calling it a day

and walking away we've pushed through the hardship and

learned organically from our mistakes

we've had so much fun making this film, it has been

tough at times but you forget all the bad stuff and you learn to laugh about it

it's the challenge in the difficulty that have made this film so rewarding

hopefully Rudi will go some way to showcase what we're capable of and

hopefully show that anyone can make a film

even if this film falls flat

the valuable lessons that it's taught us and the experience we've had will help

push us and our work onwards and further

we live in a day and age where film making

is an accessible hobby to almost anyone you don't need qualifications

you don't need money or even experience

all you need is an idea and enough

self-motivation to see it through

so that was three years ago and unfortunately the film still hasn't been

released myself and Joe have drifted apart creatively which means that at the

moment we're both working on separate video projects and sadly this film has

been shelved

at this stage I'm not sure when or even if the film will get released

if it doesn't get released that's a real shame because we all

worked really hard on it and in a lot of ways that's why I wanted to put

this video out so we could at least partially represent just how hard

everyone worked and in some ways I wanted to test the water to see if the

film is even still relevant or if people care

so who knows what the future holds

I really really hope it does get finished one day

Joe has moved on to working with a lot of the people

that we previously worked with filming

and his channel has become the spiritual successor to our film work

so I definitely recommend checking that out, I know that they've got a lot of

content coming up which I'm really really excited to see what they do so

take a look and thanks for watching Cheers

For more infomation >> How to make a feature length film with no money on the Isle of Wight - Duration: 10:46.


Di ako Fuckboy - JRoa & Emcee Rhenn ft. Agsunta (Bro Justin & Jezz Remix) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Di ako Fuckboy - JRoa & Emcee Rhenn ft. Agsunta (Bro Justin & Jezz Remix) - Duration: 4:46.


rov - รอบดึก สายฝึกหัด - Duration: 10:57.

For more infomation >> rov - รอบดึก สายฝึกหัด - Duration: 10:57.


Piotr Sokołowski: Festiwal wstydu? - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Piotr Sokołowski: Festiwal wstydu? - Duration: 5:23.


8 Alimentos para un vientre plano - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> 8 Alimentos para un vientre plano - Duration: 4:00.


Hedgehog from coffee beans! Autumn work for children! - Duration: 4:04.

Hedgehog from coffee beans - an autumn hobby

The basis is made of foam plastic


We apply papier-mache technique

Glue + napkin

We make 5 layers (glue + paper)

Wait until the glue dries

Super glue

We glue coffee beans to the base


We finish the composition on the theme of autumn

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