Monday, September 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017

This time on Rad Rat Video, we talk about high trucks versus low trucks. Is there

really a difference? Which one is better? I answer all your questions right here. Let's get started.

Welcome to Rad Rat Video! Here on the channel we talk about

all kinds of skateboarding topics from trick histories to game reviews to

learning tricks on the Shred school. All kinds of different stuff. Subscribe so

every Monday, Wednesday and Friday you can learn something new. But today we're

talking about high trucks versus low trucks. Originally this was supposed to be an

Ask Rad Rat question, but I got the same question maybe three or four times

within a week. A lot of people have been wanting to know about this, so I figured

I'd promote it to a real video, I would do some more research and do it up right.

So, first thing you want to figure out is: what the actual difference is between a

high and low truck. Is there a definition? Is there's an industry standard of some

kind that sets them apart? And the answer, unsurprisingly, is no. And not only that,

but most truck brands do not publish specs for their trucks at all. So if it's

a brand that brags about how low they are, about how light they are, you won't

find a height or weight most of the time. So it's very difficult to actually find

out some solid information, but there are a few brands that have different size

models that publish their specs. The first of which is Krux, and I have a

couple of those here. So the standard Krux, which is what I have on my board

right here, these are 55 millimeters and 335 grams, I believe. This is a

Downlow. This is 52 millimeters and 332 grams, or 3 grams lighter. It's about 2 or

3 paper clips less weight. Not much of a difference, but I'm going to put them

side-by-side real quick to give you an impression of what that's like. It's not

a very scientific comparison because these are mounted right now, but that'll

give you an idea, roughly, of the kind of difference we're looking at. Not a huge

difference, but it is a little bit lower. The weight - really not a big deal. The

other brand I found is Venture. So their lows are forty eight point three

millimeters. Standards are fifty three point five. Weirdly they have some

different lines of their trucks that have a high model, but it's actually the

same height as the mid from other lines. So it seems like they kind of use "mid"

and "high" interchangeably, which is kind of weird. Another thing really weird

about Ventures is that they have so many different types of models that are light.

They have their v-lights and all this other kind of stuff. They don't publish

weights for that stuff anywhere at all. There's also Independent which has two

different models right now: they have the stage 11s which are 55 millimeters, and

their Titaniums which are fifty three point five. They aren't considered high

and low - they aren't called that - but they are two different models with different

sizes. So when you talk about high versus low within a brand, it means something,

but in general it really doesn't mean much at all. Like, Bullet. They have

their standard truck, actually lower than the Krux Downlow, so that's a little bit

weird. The lowest truck I was able to find - keeping in mind that most of them

don't publish this stuff - is Tensor. So they have the tensor maglights and

those are forty five point five millimeters tall. Well what does that

mean? Can you really feel that difference? So the difference between those tensors

and the highest truck that I found are nine and a half millimeters, which is

actually kind of a lot. In any other part of your board, that would make a big

difference. That's about a third of an inch, maybe a little bit more. So that's

the difference between a 7.75 deck and 8.1. Pretty major difference. It's also the

same difference as having nine and a half millimeter bigger wheel. Actually

it's worse than that, because the wheel is half way above the axle, and half way

below the axle. So the height of your board is actually only half of the

difference. If you go from a 50 to a 52, that's only going to make you ride one

millimeter taller. So it would be like riding a 19 millimeter bigger wheel than

what you do now. That is a really big difference, but can you really feel it?

That would be up to you. So I switched from those Krux downlows to the standards

that I showed you, and I really didn't notice much of a difference. That was

really recent. In the past I switched from tensors -

tensor lows with 52s to Krux with 56's and I really didn't feel much of a

difference then either. Let me know if it's any different for you. All this

stuff kind of blows me away, because you think about how specific every other

measurement on your board is. People have their wheels locked down to a single

millimeter, you know. You don't want the 50s or the 52s, you got to get that 51. There

are people who will only skate a 51. And, you know, your deck width. How many people

just buy whatever? You know, you get your specific size, you get used to it, and you

stick to it. But with trucks, they're kind of random. If you switch brands, you

might be, you know, three or four millimeters off without even knowing it.

So it's kind of crazy to me that they're so all over the place, but does it really

matter? So what are the pros and cons of having high versus low trucks? This is

something that I was kind of surprised to do some research about, because the

skate industry has been obsessed with low trucks for a very long time. You know,

being lower and being lighter has been all that anyone advertises about for

years. But what is the actual point? The biggest thing that you'll see all the

time is that lower trucks are more stable and they're better for flip

tricks. So if you go to a buyer's guide on a skate shop website or anything like

that, you ask around, you look at reddit threads, and everything people always say:

"lower trucks are more stable and better for flip tricks," over and over and over.

That's all you'll ever see, but I can't really figure out why. What is it about

lower trucks that make you more stable? It's not like a taller board just tips over

randomly while you're rolling around, you know. If your trucks are a little bit

loose and you land heavy on the side, you turn, you don't just flop over. So that is

a little bit weird to me that people say that all the time.

Although it makes a little bit of sense in theory. So if you look at your board,

the center of gravity that it will flip around, let's say it's right here. If the

truck is a little bit lower, then it gets closer to the board, so it'll flip a

little bit quicker, but that's only theoretical. That's a very small

difference. I think the width of your board would be a much bigger difference

than how high the trucks are, but a lot of people say that. Now for me, like I

mentioned, I switched from tensor lows to Krux a long time ago, this is

maybe 10 years ago now. I was doing triple kickflips, I was doing Casper flips, I was

doing all kinds of weird stuff, really technical. That's what I was into, and I

didn't notice. I got a bigger setup, bigger wheels,

taller trucks because I had a mini ramp I had just built, and I was having trouble

keeping the speed with my low setup. Went with some bigger stuff, and had an

easier time with that. But I didn't lose any of my tech stuff and have any problem

with that at all. So I thought it was kind of weird that

everyone parrots this idea of them being more stable, when as someone who

would have really felt that, I didn't notice anything at all. The other

supposed benefit is the weight, and I've talked about weight of different stuff

on the channel before, but I had some of those specs right there. The Krux were

three grams different, and that is almost nothing. A paper clip is about a gram and

a half, like the jumbo size. Tape two paper clips to your board and see if

you'll notice. Although you have to count the weight of the tape too. So maybe tape one paper

clip to your board and see if that really makes any difference to you. It

seems like such a misguided way to save a little bit of weight, although looking

at this chart made by tensor makes this a little bit more of a blurry issue. So

with some brands, it is a 2 or 3 gram difference, but with the tensors the high

vs. lows are 20 grams apart. So over both trucks - 40 grams. That's over an ounce.

that would definitely be noticeable, but unless you go to your skate shop with a

kitchen scale and a ruler and you figure out all this stuff it's not really

certain what you're going to get or how much of a difference you'll even feel. So

if those are the upsides, what are the downsides to having low trucks? The

biggest most obvious one you'll always hear is wheel bite. To avoid wheel bite,

you have to go smaller and smaller with your wheels, which makes you keep less

speed and all that kind of stuff. I mentioned I switched for my mini ramp.

I definitely noticed a big difference when I sized up my wheels a little bit. So

that is one of the big downsides. The second is a kingpin clearance. This is a

kind of a weird issue to me, because what are low trucks good for? Stability and

tech. Well tech is a lot of grinds, right? But the kingpin sticking out - you

might find yourself in some trouble. One of the other things is the turning

radius. Again I didn't really feel this much of a difference myself, but maybe

it's just the way that I skate. So the taller the truck is, the more of more

room that it has to pivot, so when you turn, the truck can turn like this. If the

truck is shorter, there's less of a way for it to turn, so it's kind of a small

thing. Unless you really need to be able to carve on these. If you skate a lot of ditches or

something like that, that could be a pretty big difference. And that's one of

the major differences between having lows on a riser, as opposed to just

having a higher truck, is that the extra distance between the pivot cup will give

you a better turning radius. But the biggest benefit of having higher trucks

is that you actually get more pop, which is a really controversial thing. If you

ever look it up online, people debate it endlessly and argue about it, but if you

cut through all the noise, it seems like most people will find that you have more

pop. Some other people may have trouble getting used to it or something, but for

the most part, you do get more pop. And there are two big physics reasons why.

First is that, when the board is higher the tail pops, at more of an angle. So you

can slide your foot up a little bit easier. It's like having a steeper tail

without having to have your foot be on an angle more when you pop. So that's one

benefit. The second is that, when the tail is higher off the ground, you have more

room to get the tail to get some speed going, and you can really snap it harder

with the same amount of effort. So compare that to like ollieing out of a

tailslide, you know, where you just kind of rock the tail a little bit. You don't

have any room to build up speed and really snap it, so there is a difference

there, and it's really interesting to me because it's not what you would think. A

lot of people buy lower trucks, or lighter in general, any way to get more

pop. They want to have a board that's lighter, so they can pull it up with you

easier. But in doing that, that might actually be hurting themselves. So it

makes me think about the town I live in. There's a lot of bike paths and stuff. A

lot of people commute to work on their bikes, and every now and then, like every

day basically, I'll see somebody who's sitting there on

his bike. He's got the skin-tight suit with the fake sponsors he doesn't have.

He'll have the helmet with the tail on it that's a little more aerodynamic.

He'll have the wheels that are solid discs instead of spokes so they don't

chop up the air. He'll have a carbon fiber frame bike that is thousands of

dollars.. and he is 40 pounds overweight. And you think about, "do you really notice

that difference? Was it worth spending thousands more for a bike that weighs

one pound less, when you don't?" Shouldn't you have bought a garage sale bike like I did? And

then maybe buy a treadmill too? Like, is that the best way to accomplish

the goal that you want? If you're trying to get more height on your skateboard,

going lighter is not really the best way to go. So I thought that was kind of

interesting, and that's what it made me think of, but as someone who skates

mostly technical - I do a lot of flat ground a lot of flip tricks, a lot of stuff like

that - I've skated low trucks for a long time, and I was surprised to find out

some of these things that I did. So as I mentioned, I did switch to a higher truck,

and I never really noticed the difference. I think maybe next time I buy

a new set up, I'm going to go really low and just see if I really notice anything,

because if anyone will benefit from it, it would be me. So the one thing is that

I skate my trucks for a long time. I'll switch out bushings and just keep them

going until the axle nuts are just destroyed, and they won't tighten anymore.

So I don't have a ton of experience with a lot of different brands, but I've skated a few.

If you've skated a lot of different trucks, you've made the switch

back and forth, let me know what your experiences are like below. I would like

to hear if there really is that much of a benefit to low and why is it that I

have not felt it. So let me know about that below. Until next time, here's more

videos you might want to check out, and don't forget to subscribe by tapping my

logo on screen, so you can keep learning new things about skateboarding three

times a week. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Low Vs. High Trucks - What's the Point? - Duration: 12:57.


Madre rescata de los escombros a su hija en México - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Madre rescata de los escombros a su hija en México - Duration: 2:19.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


UMN Advocates: Patrick Dearani - Duration: 0:40.

(MUSIC UNDER) I'd say what excites me most about being here

in college and specifically at the University of Minnesota is being in a big metropolitan

area in the business school where there's lot of opportunities down the road.

And both my siblings go up here.

So I'm excited to be with them.

And I'm just excited to experience college and see what it's all about.

I'd say what drives me the most is just being successful and really loving what I

want to do in the future.

That's definitely one of the most important things is truly just being passionate about

what I do.

I'd say four years down the road I see myself hopefully graduating.

Hopefully taking the MCAT and going to medical school.

For more infomation >> UMN Advocates: Patrick Dearani - Duration: 0:40.


Shout Out Monday Evening - Restart Your Model Railroad - Duration: 6:42.

here we go with another Shout Out Monday Evening and today we're gonna talk about

someone who put all their things in totes and stored them away for years

just like I did and just like a lot of other modelers did so let's go see what

this is all about we're going to talk about a gentleman that I ran into not

quite a year ago and he was still doing photography and he had a channel on

photography and helped me out with some questions and I put him in the direction

of Sparky to help him out in a few things and I always wondered why he

never did a a channel for his model railroad so I asked him about it and he

says well maybe one day he will well I just found out that he did a little

while ago and we're gonna feature him on this one right here so let's get started

with this right now and see who I'm talking about like I said all of us at

one time stowed away our model railroad for one reason or another and then

finally pulled it out of storage and started getting it together and this was

this is what this journey is about and the person that I'm talking about here

is The Lofty N - Scaler and I'll show you right here he has three videos up

right now okay just started on it last week he's he's familiar with YouTube

he's been on YouTube for a while with a couple of other channels he pretty sure

he took some courses with Tim Schmoyer so that's how I found him he was in a

live broadcast one time and I you know and I contacted him about some

photography issues check out his channel he's just starting out he's got 92

subscribers when I went to see him last week he had 88 so he's got quite a few

I'm number 89 so he's got three videos up already and I would encourage you to

go follow him subscribe to him to see how he does what

he does I mean he's he's an experienced Model Railroader he's been doing it for

a while and like all of us we all make mistakes and we learn from those

mistakes and so take a look at how he puts his railroads together now the

reason he did The Lofty N - Scaler is because the only place he has in the

house is in his loft and it's very small and he had his photography equipment up

there so I don't know how he's going to do it but keep watching and see how he

does it he's walking you through the explanation of what's going on right now

and what he's planning on it and it would be a good idea to to follow him

and to see how he does it how he progresses through the steps of building

his model railroad on his loft now he doesn't have any other links in here oh

he's got the Twitter link and Instagram so up you could check them out here on

his about page or or I'll put the links down in the down below in the

description like I always do for all the modelers that I feature on Shout Out

Monday Evening now where's my thing in here okay here

we go now go ahead and subscribe to Curtis he's a good guy and n scalar I'm

not gonna hold that against you Curtis but you know a lot of us are HO or other

scales but I don't know getting up there in age it's kind of hard to handle all

that really small stuff but you have a small space and I can understand that so

I forgive you on that for being an N scalar but anyway subscribe to Curtis at

The Lofty N - Scaler the description will be down below just like all the

time the strip the just like all the time the descriptions

down below and while you're at it subscribe to Tom's trains and things

where you could learn a lot of stuff here on YouTube and on patreon so check

him out check me out ding that Bell while you're

at it and check out the playlist that I put up here and I have a lot more

playlist in the description and on my page on the playlist page on my channel

Toms Trains and Things you'll get to see a lot of different things I put them in

an order where you could find them by category where it makes it a lot easier

to watch the videos they're all categorized in different subjects so if

you're looking for a particular subject you just click on that playlist and

there's all the videos right there that you could watch so I have another video

coming out soon as soon as I get some funds together I'm gonna buy a digital

let me see cobalt IP and a smell which is tortoises

version of their decoder in the motor control so and model railroading for

beginners is going to be on basic terminology of model railroading I had a

lot of questions from a couple of viewers who are just getting started and

they didn't know what different things were that you know they watched the

video on the NMRA gauge and says what is that used for so I'm gonna cover that

I'm gonna cover a lot of different items that you would want to know if you're

just getting into model railroading and if you could think of something that you

would like me to cover go ahead and put it in the description

and we'll see let me get out of here right now okay

For more infomation >> Shout Out Monday Evening - Restart Your Model Railroad - Duration: 6:42.


Watch: Ticked-Off Fans Post Brutal Reaction to Their Team Kneeling for Anthem | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:46.

Packers fans are a dedicated sort.

You'd be hard pressed to find one of them burning a Pack jersey after a loss or a key

player was traded.

However, some things are a bridge too far — and one of those things is meretriciously

kneeling for the national anthem.

It wasn't just Packers fans, either.

As players all over the NFL decided to bravely do what pretty much everyone else was doing

and kneel during the national anthem on Sunday, partially in response to President Donald

Trump's criticism of said act, fans decided to let the players know how they felt about

it — with a little help from the element of fire.

Take this ticked-off Packers fan.

According to WTMJ-TV, three Packers players — tight ends Martellus Bennett and Lance

Kendricks and defensive back Kevin King — decided to sit out the anthem during Sunday's game

against the Bengals.

That was enough to draw this reaction

For more infomation >> Watch: Ticked-Off Fans Post Brutal Reaction to Their Team Kneeling for Anthem | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:46.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger: 'I Wish We Approached National Anthem Differently' - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger: 'I Wish We Approached National Anthem Differently' - Duration: 3:10.


FAST FOOD PRANKS - Duration: 2:28.

When I was in high school, my friends and I, our hobby—like one of our main hobbies in life—

and I feel bad about this but I'm going to share it with you

—is that we liked to prank fast food drive-thrus.

We drove through backwards.

We drove through with a guy locked in the trunk, banging on it.

Yelling voice: "Help me please!" Drive thru voice: "Can I take your order?"

[laughter] Yeah...uh...

I'll tell you two that we did

[Voice muffled into microphone] Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?

[Loud, slow breathing]

Why do they always keep breathing? Why don't they just turn it off?

Are you going to murder me tonight?


Do you have asthma?


So I, instead of saying an order, I was like

[inaudible mumbling]

And the person was like

[Voice from speaker] I'm sorry I can't really understand you, would you please repeat that?

And I did the same thing I was like

[inaudible mumbling]

Because you know, if you know fast food drive thrus, that they have the headset and they

just keep turning the volume up if they can't hear you.

And so the person was like

[muffled microphone voice] Sir, you're going to have to talk a lot louder!

And I'm like

[yelling] I'd like a taco with just meat

and a water!

The back door flies open behind the dumpster.

And the fifteen-year-old manager jumps out.

Like a banshee.

He wasn't really doing this.

But this is how I imagine his feelings.


And he gave us the naughty finger.

And I drove away.

Because I'm not going to eat the food, obviously... [laughter]

after doing this.

Another time we went to Wendy's.

This was like a mile from my house.

And my friends and I, there was three of us,

we were all wearing nothing but strategically placed bath towels.

And we drive up to the second window,

and the girl in the window goes to my high school.

She lives two doors down from me.

So I'm like, "Oh, no!"

So I'm trying to hide my face.

And then I realize...I live in a very small town.

I was definitely the only one-legged dude—


Clearly going to be able to look and recognize me.

[teen Josh] If I told you a good joke, could I get some sort of a discount, or maybe get it free?

For more infomation >> FAST FOOD PRANKS - Duration: 2:28.







For more infomation >> 😱I CANT BELEIVE WE MADE A COMEBACK WITH THIS WEAPON! - Duration: 14:20.


Tierney, Why I Choose Webster - Duration: 1:04.

My name is Tierney Smays and I currently live in Houston Texas. I will be

completing the Masters of Business Administration.

I chose Webster University because it's actually my Alma mater. I received a

Bachelor's in Biological Sciences in 2014 and I did a little bit of

research about the Master's online and I knew that I wanted to move to Houston. So,

I applied and I got accepted and that made this decision a lot easier and my

adventure for that was eventually I would like to be a director of some sort of

medical facility and have my own organization. So, I thought what better

way to go about it and go back to my Alma mater.

My name is Tierney Smays and I am a Gorlok.

For more infomation >> Tierney, Why I Choose Webster - Duration: 1:04.


Why I'm Going to AraCremation - Duration: 0:31.

Look, I know I'm not going to be around forever.

But I wouldn't be caught dead paying high prices for cremation at a funeral home!

That's why I'm going to Ara, where the price is just $795.

You could pay more for cremation, but why would you?

For more infomation >> Why I'm Going to AraCremation - Duration: 0:31.


NOW That's What I Call Trumpcare! | AFSCME Video - Duration: 0:48.

NOW That's What I Call Trumpcare is back!

Featuring all the greatest hits from the past seven years, including:

"32 million Americans lose coverage,"

"NO protections for people with pre-existing conditions,"

"Ends Medicaid as we know it,"

"Defunds women's health care services,"

and much much more!

All on one completely terrifying new Graham-Cassidy bill!

NOW That's What I Call Trumpcare Volume 45!

Offer available only until September 30th.

Order today to receive your free home surgery kit,

and lifetime subscription to WebMD!

Act now and order your senator to vote "no" today!

For more infomation >> NOW That's What I Call Trumpcare! | AFSCME Video - Duration: 0:48.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS MMT AUTOMAAT, 12.000 KM !!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 12V VVT-I 5DRS MMT AUTOMAAT, 12.000 KM !!! - Duration: 1:00.


『Sonic』♫ HURTS SO GOOD ♫ - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> 『Sonic』♫ HURTS SO GOOD ♫ - Duration: 1:26.


3 TIPS FOR SOLO CRUCIBLE PLAYERS (Destiny 2 How To Do Good At Solo PvP) - Duration: 6:13.

what's going on all my friends your boy EMEX back with another video and in

today's video I'm gonna be giving you my top 3 tips for players going solo in the

crucible now as many of you know destiny 2 is dished all 66 3v3 and free-for-all

game types and made all modes 44 across the entire board some players like this

a lot but overall it seems like most players especially solo players are

hating it right now me personally I didn't like it at first but I kind I'm

liking the whole 4 before thing now like I said in the beginning I wasn't a big

fan because I saw how much encourage people to team shoe and I saw how much

TN was state with state group together and if you're going up against a

four-man fire game as a solo player you pretty much gonna be screwed but after

playing with it a little bit I was able to figure out a little bit better and

develop certain play styles that helped me to begin to succeed in destiny to use

crucible and in this video I'm gonna be sharing those three tips with you and I

think they're gonna vastly improve your game as a solo player now the first tip

I have for you guys is going to be kind of a universal one that's going to give

you a great foundation for any map and that's going to be to adapt to the

players around you the team you're going up against is going to vary with each

map so you're gonna have to feel it out and see how they're playing and adapt

accordingly for example if you're going against a team they're all part of the

same clan chances are they're going to be well coordinated and sticking

together they're probably gonna be all in a party chat together and they're

gonna be able to communicate and be coordinated in the match so I would pick

a play style the best suits you for those situations but as a solo player

it's not only important to pay attention to the enemy but also to your own team

be observant every teammates and play along with them if they're playing more

passive then play passive with your team you're not gonna want to rush if they're

playing passive because you're gonna be all alone the entire time and your

teammate is gonna be back behind cover and you're gonna be out of the

frontlines getting shot at so I mean play how your team plays it's gonna make

for the best experience same goes for aggressive teammates overall if you

could read the players around you you should find yourself a good amount of

success playing solo this tip of one will vastly improve your solo experience

and the crucible now the first tip could be all you need if your solo player who

wants to feel like they're part of a team but for players who want to be the

lone wolf for people who want to make their own paths in the crucible or maybe

you just really interval playing as your hunter maybe a little too much

these next two tips are before you tip number two is all about

loadout now obviously the first step to picking a loadout is finding what you're

comfortable with this is the most important thing to keep in mind when

choosing what guns to use in a match if you are most comfortable with an auto

rifle in sidearm then you're probably not going to do well with the hand Kade

and the scout rifle setup so choosing what's comfortable for you is absolutely

at the top of the list also take the map into account consider ranges of

gunfights you're going to be in and plan accordingly if you've got long range

engagements and just long range engagements there's going to be no short

range in your foreseeable future SMGs probably not going to be good option

obviously and now as far as subclasses go anyone will do fine but again a

comfort comes into play here choose which you are most comfortable with if

you want to go outside the box and gain some new experience with a subclass that

you have yet to use that's perfectly fine to do so but sting with what you

know is probably going to be best as far as success now as far as build goes for

your subclass do it in such a way that will benefit yourself more than taneous

be selfish here this is your game you're playing solo you don't have a fireteam

along with you you're not playing friends be selfish don't worry about or

production just worried about demolishing the enemy waiting for the

perfect time to strike that is key many many players completely waste to their

supers and in destiny too you basically get one a game unless you're gone

absolutely ham so you're definitely gonna want to take advantage of every

super opportunity you get and you're gonna want to wait and kind of feel out

the perfect time maybe when all the enemies are grouped up together you're

gonna wait for that perfect time to strike now the third and final tip I

have for the solo crucible player is to pick your gunfights use the fight or

flight technique when you go into matches for those of you don't know

fight or flight basically do I stay and fight or do I run away you kind of gotta

fill it out for yourself and with experience this will come you know with

ease this isn't called duty most players

can't run laps around the map with no strategy and expect success and I say

most because there are some of us let's face it out there who do play like that

but I'm assuming you're not a pvp god or else you probably won't be watching this

video being able to pick your gunfights is a very valuable skill and this simply

means that if you don't think you can win the gunfight it might be

to run I did a lot when I turn a corner expecting only one player and see the

entire team bunched up ready to execute me like a firing squad used to works out

pretty well and if you're fast enough if you could think click enough and you're

knowledgeable enough and crucible you can actually get a situation unscathed

maybe bring them over back to your team and so yeah Firefly technique works

really good simple as that do I stay do I go now your skill level

as well being able to really learn this third tip will not only improve your

game vastly when you're by yourself but also when you're with a fire team I

can't stress this enough guys this third tip comes into play not only for total

players but for everybody with your fire team or whether you're alone that's

gonna be it for this video guys those are the three tips hopefully you did

enjoy this video this was my first scripted video so I don't know it might

sound a little weird compared to my other videos but hopefully it sounded

cleaner and a little bit better I also got a new mic trying out so yeah thank

you guys so much for watching those three tips tip number one adapt to the

players around you very important tip number two loadout loadout is probably

the most important tip you could possibly learn when you're playing solo

and the third tip is to pick your gunfights very very valuable skill thing

you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy I ask that you drop a like rating

because it helps me out a lot and tells me I'm doing something right so yeah

thank you guys so much if you're new the channel subscribe I'll catch you guys on

Friday peace out

you have death in these beanie eyes and you spat in them you fiend


For more infomation >> 3 TIPS FOR SOLO CRUCIBLE PLAYERS (Destiny 2 How To Do Good At Solo PvP) - Duration: 6:13.


Cyberpunk 2077 stream part 1: Companions, Map, Voice Protagonist & the future of videogames - Duration: 35:54.

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the first live stream of the MadQueen show

I am your host the MadQueen and today we're going to discuss Cyberpunk 2077

because as I said before in other videos I had a lot of questions regarding that

and today to discuss about time up Cyberpunk 2077 we're going to have two

very special guests that at this point I'm sure you already know them and I'm

talking about the Triple S league so, Hello guys! Introduce yourselves!

Hello! I'm Sybsidian

And I'm Ashininity!

And is jesus actually watching?

Jesus is actually watching

There's people already asking about the release date and this is something

that we're going to talk about later not now because we're going to start with

another thing, because this is a huge question that everybody is making

especially in the subreddit of Cyberpunk 2077, and the question is regarding

the map or of cyberpunk that I already explained in a video

I had this leak from them, from the Triple S sorry guys but most probably going to

call you Triple X more than one time. Why? I don't know, maybe I'm obsessed with porn?

I don't really know what's the reason I'm sorry what I did in the video but I didn't want to edit it

I actually said "Triple X"

I think it's fine because can hear it either way

so, I mentioned that in the video, that I got the leak from them

and the thing is that people seem to not understand when we're

talking about the huge map if we're talking about being horizontally big or

vertically big and, what do you think about that about that about that, guys?

Just right off the top I don't think we're

envisioning like a huge map with just wasteland and I think that's what a lot

of people might be envisioning when we say it's a map that's three times or

four times bigger than the Witcher plus all of its DLCs but we're not

talking about primarily an environment that is all wasteland

like Fallout or like Legend of Zelda has had some criticism in the past

for just being these sprawling areas

We're talking about Night City

It's obcious that is Nigth City

we're talking about a city, talking about an urban environment with with skyscrapers

with things way up in the sky so it could have some as Pierluigi

is pointing out in chat here we could have

the could be some some desert some stuff outside the city but I think we're talking

primarily about an urban environment and I'll let Syb jump in here cuz he's got

he's definitely got more knowledge than me so

so there's a couple of things

Mike Pondsmith himself has talked about the the ruinous areas of the city

he's done it on more than one occasion, just referencing the fact that

in the Lore he set a nuke off in the middle of Night City

That's how the 4th Corporate War ended

we were discussing about the map and I have a question here, who said that? I said I was very bad with names

well we could have something like GTA V

a city, a desert, a dessert... a beach

desserts would be good too

yeah I always say "dessert" because I'm obsessed with food okay? it's not that I don't know how to speak

English, which is accurate I don't know how to speak any language that I speak

I always say "dessert" because I think of food!

So, PierluigiCaputo asks: we could have something like GTA V?

Well really expect not, because I didn't like the way it worked but apart from that we shouldn't

forget that the base of cyberpunk 2020 is Night City so we can expect at the base

of 2077 is going to be Night City as well, because if it wasn't like that it

would be really really disappointing

I think what he means in terms of the comparison to GTA V is that

there's maybe different topographies different types of areas in the city and

you know the so there's some slums and some business areas and stuff like that

obviously it's not gonna be all uniform otherwise that would be very boring

but some different types of areas within the city, I could definitely see that

Well with GTA so there are some similarities so the

similarity is both of them are next to ocean and then

they're the main differences I would say is that Night City is a Megatropolis

It's a huge city, it has to be, it's a massive city like in the pictures that

you see from it, from all the lore, the things like just massive in size and scale

You had this wonderful sourcebook called Night City where you could see how big it is

It's absolutely huge

When Mike Pondsmith himself

replayed to your post in Cyberpunk subreddit

we were discussing about the size of the map and the answer of Mike Pondsmith Himself was

"You don't know" muahahaha (evil laugh) hahaha

In fact he said "evil laugh"

Like "Yeah, you have no fucking idea how huge is going to be"

In the comparison, getting back to the Witcher thing

in the comparison between The Witcher and cyberpunk

there's a couple of things that people are, I think, totally forgetting to hold into the account

the big difference between what you experienced while running around in a map in The Witcher and what

you experience in running around a map that's based in any like futuristic city

is the first thing you have is roads

Roads are huge they take up a lot of space

because there's literally nothing on them, they're for vehicles to move

and and travel up and down on

And Nomads

Yeah, nomads and stuff like that

so if Night City doesn't have at least four lanes for traffic on each of their generalized main roads like

the main streets, not talking about the highways,

and then also not talking about side alleys and stuff just the roads alone would take up like

a good 10/20% of the entire map

of just roads being there, going from place to place

and we know that cars are gonna be in the game and that

cars are gonna have a huge impact on the game and that we're also

gonna see probably some flying vehicles as well

Well actually one of the first job posting they had

was about about flying vehicles so I believe we can expect that

but I want to stress again the part where Mike Pondsmith said that we had no idea

I mean, maybe he implied that it's even bigger that what we are expecting

I was a little surprised by that because I didn't know that he was in that Subreddit

but I found that really really funny

how he mocks on us because he has all the information

another thing that I wanted to address, I would like us to talk about, is that recently they

published another job offer well they were requesting for a programmer to make companions

it's interesting how specific those job postings are getting now

you saw the one about the stealth in the game right

I suppose they are so specific because they already have a crew and maybe that crew that they hired for

something, they are realizing that they don't know how to develop all the things

so they are looking for these specific things to be developed

that may be the reason

I don't know how common this kind of thing is but it

makes me think that the mechanics in this game are gonna be really good

well if they have a specific team member who's

specifically working on coding the stealth system that that says

to me "that's a lot of time that a person can devote to that one aspect that one mechanic"

and then back to the building going back to the Companions thing

so: companions Wow what do you think about companions?

Because I believe that we discussed about this in the official Cyberpunk

forum and no one wanted to have companion so, why did they think it was a good idea?

Well companions are critical in game development for a couple of reasons

when it comes to like RPGs, so in an RPG, especially if you want the game to have long lasting effect and

you don't have a set protagonist like somebody who you look at

you instantly know "Oh, yeah, that's that's this main character" like we know Geralt

from The Witcher and we know in Mass Effect we know

Commander Shepard even though we can change the way he looks when you don't

when you suddenly remove that and you create like the ability to play

any character that you want and there's a big character customization thing in

creation things, then you're a little bit more disconnected from who the story is

about as far as like people in the story so this is when you're creating a union

well companion sounds like like you forget about your team and, interruption

hello Llaun Vantas, another usual suspect, I know you

so companions, I understand your point but we're talking about a

game that is based in a tabletop game where usually teams were composed of at

least five people so having just one companion sounds like arg...

and you can have more in terms of, I don't know, like Fallout, you have lots of companions to

choose and you can romance them, by the way you

can't romance the Supermutant! I was very... this is so racist!

I know, right? Super Mutants

Do you remember Fallout 2?


The ball gag that you could pick up from spending a date with a Supermutant?

In the system of Fallout 4 I just reached maximum affinity with the Supermutant and I as like

I want to get I want to go to bed with it?but why I can't I do it?

It would be bad for your health I think


so Legolevic here made a very valid point: "companions could be useful if you

are, for example, a Media and your companion is a solo"

Yeah, stuff like that, I think that point it's a way of helping to balance the combat within a game

because the combat in this game is it's definitely going to be different and

they've stressed this over and over and over again in multiple interviews

they've said "oh yes this there's gonna be more than one way to do this it's

gonna be more than one way to to lead into the combat and to finish

the combat" and I like that in that in Divinity Original Sin 2 which just came

out recently you get sometimes if you avoid combat you get more XP and a

better reward than if you were to just kill the guy

Yes, but if you have an AI helping you out that's like cheating, I mean, it's not the same that you

are playing co-op and you have someone who actually needs some skills playing

to play with you, so yes, is chating!

But we don't know how the the PvP will factor into cyberpunk or if it will even factor in to cyberpunk

when they say "seamless multiplayer" they could mean that it's in it's entirely cooperative

I see this as mostly cooperative basically because that is the spirits of a tabletop game

and I believe that centering it too much on the PvP it makes no sense in the terms of a tabletop game where

everything is cooperative then the bad guys are NPCs and the

players are "on your side" all right? With all these great areas of morality

but they're supposed to be on your side so...

Pierluigi Capulto makes another question

What really gives me curiosity is how our companions and people will

over react in base of all actions in game

Yeah! another example from Fallout 4 I remember that there was... Danse I believe it was?

one from the Brotherhood of Steel that every time you took drugs he was against it

it's like you're no fun guy so that's the

worst thing about companions while that's trying to you know you need to

adapt your gameplay to them that's horrible

well, at the same time that's a good thing because then it that shows

how much you care about the companion, right?

A good companion system should absolutely be optional

like in Fallout 4

you don't have to travel with any of the companions if you don't want to

yes, another settlement needs our help another settlement needs our help

oh, by the way, be sure to help other people and every time make sure

to offer help to everyone who needs it because help will make people want to help our cause

Preston you say the word "help" one more time I'm gonna blow your freaking head off!

He's a good guy, he just wants to rebuild the Commonwealth

he's a good guy with a heart of pure gold he's just annoying as crap

I really hope that we don't have these kind of character in Cyberpunk

I really hope that the quests are assigned by different people, any quest

every quest by a different person I mean

otherwise, because what was more annoying about Preston is that he

only has a couple of lines of dialogue and he was repeating and repeating

"Another settlement needs your help I'll mark it on you map"

It was like arg....

There's a limit like they need to increase the

amount of dialogue, the amount of lines that they give to NPCs

Well, not what you mentioned that we're going to jump from the companion subject to the

silent character subject because I don't know if you pay attention to the job listings

Yes! I mean, it's kind of sad that at this point our main source of information is the job listings

but the truth is that they put one, I believe was a couple or three days ago, regarding the

localization of the game and the amount of lines of dialogue that they mentioned

was insane, but really insane, and in fact they were looking for some company that

was able to manage an insane amount of lines of dialogue so I believe that this

when we talk about the possible silent protagonist if there are so many lines of dialogue

this rules out the possibility of being silent

which I adore, because I really don't want a silent protagonist

You want the protagonist to talk?

Yes, yes

I'm not sure how I feel about it in this game

I mean, I guess I'm okay with a speaking protagonist

it's a...

They really need to work on the dialogues because

sometimes... the funny thing is that in Fallout 4, regarding the 3, they were supposed to

"improve the system" and then you had the options with just a short

line of text explaining you what each option meant, and then what you said when you click that option

had nothing to see with that

So.. what the....?

That's the summary of the dialogue? Really?

is a funny story about that, in what was that game?

Dragon Age

Dragon Age 2 I think it was, it's like this guy he's telling me about his life and I'm like "yeah, that's cool"

next scene I see is we're in bed together, and I'm like, how did this happen?

I had no intention of doing this, and other guy just wanted me to, like, pat him on the back and say

"it's okay, it's okay"

and then suddenly it's a guy in a dwarf getting at it it's like no no!

Lines of dialogue give very good dialogues like in

oh I can't remember what game was, but I remember the protagonist saying

"Do you like death? The Die!"

I was laughing for a week!

My sexy voice is not a voice so, I like to try an use it. ever. period.

As far as whether or not it's a it's a good idea to have a voice protagonist and is it something that they do

probably most definitely yes, it's at this point in technology and at this point in where

gaming culture is, it's a demanded norm

I just hope that

They would get in more trouble if they didn't have it than if they did

and this I hate to say it but if you you are a fan of the

silent protagonist in a AAA RPG game you are in a very small minority

I read a comment here by Jay Surname that says:

I'm hoping that at the least we have a choice of voice to choose from, or a different voice for each class

A different voice for each class?

And race

I don't get the point of that

we don't have races in here, everybody is human

I mean sex! I mean sex! Obviously!

Might wanna get those two things straight

Yes, yes

Just saying

I believe that it will be great, and I don't have any kind of information to back this hope

because it's just a hope but I believe

it would be great if we had several options of voice to choose from when

you're creating your character, not only male or female, what kind of male and what kind of female

as far as the voice protagonist, I meanI think Syb's right that it's probably going to have a voice protagonist

being a triple-a a title in this day and age I doubt they would do a silent protagonist

I think the only reason a triple-a game would do a silent protagonist would be

for artistic reasons and so I don't

Or for story reasons


I don't want to say a spoiler, but I have a game in mind that at the end of the game you are

explained why the protagonist is silent, I mean, there's a reason in this

story but I won't say what game and why because that would be a spoiler because

you don't know what until the last scene of the game but, yes, if this happens but

I really hope that this doesn't happen with cyberpunk

I know what game you're talking about

anyway, you know what? in it and in that game, because I played it too

I'm sorry to interrupt you Goodbye Llaun Vantas, thank you for stopping by

to say hello, I hope I'll see you back in another video stream.. godabye! Please go on

in that game I didn't even notice that my character hadn't spoken a word until the last scene

but anyway, shoot what was I gonna say? oh I hope

that with the dialogue options if they have a voice protagonist I hope that

with the dialogue options they also give you sort of a Mass Effect style what

emotion or what type of line you're speaking like: sarcastic, sincere, caring,

you know whatever it may be, just because when you're reading when you're reading the preview of the line

this was a big problem in Fallout 4, when you're reading just the line preview you often don't know what

kind of a tone your characters gonna speak it with and so it

surprised the heck out of me sometimes like you said I would click, I would

select one of the lines and it would be complete different than what I was expecting

well this is very well very well solved in Horizon Zero Dawn where you have different choices of dialogue

and you have the brain, and you have the heart, and you have the fist

Right, you have those symbols telling you "this is this is the type of response you're giving"

Mass Effect had something similar other games have had something similar as well

and so yeah I absolutely hope they have something like that because it

drives me crazy when I pick a line, especially if it's a

truncated preview of a line and then it winds up being something that's

completely different than what I'm expecting and that takes the story off in a different direction

well that's that's all I was telling before with the example of a Falolout 4

like this is what you consider to be a summary of what I'm going to say?

They need to tell you somehow what are you going to say... Yes! No! Mayby!

There will be a day in the future that maybe I won't live long enough to see, where you will be

actually able to speak to the AI of the game and to say whatever

the hell you want and make it a real RPG game that they will be fantastic well as

I said as I said when you were close

Like, what's the name of this bot?

The Cleverbot, like talking to the Cleverbot

one day, one day I believe that this is going to be a reality

I don't know how far this day is,s because mostly

not because the technology is not there but because the technology is very

expensive to develop that's, the problem, but the once the technology

is on the mass market I believe that there are going to be lots of games that

are going to work like that especially because RPG games are based on tabletop

games and one of the funny things of tabletop games is that you needed to

make the dialogue by yourself and then the game director with your dialogue

made the NPC's interact with you so if we had an AI that was the game director

and could actually understand what you said and

and had enough that variables to make the npc interacted with your

conversation that would be absolutely

and it's surprising to see how

technology seems to push games and gaming back into what it drew from

like here we're talking about the tabletop experience having

a GM having a Dungeon Master that's taking your lines and

then creating an experience on the go and in some of the AR technology that

they've been working on, they've been working on these headsets, that

augment everything around you and that say, you're sitting down to

play, we'll use Firefly because of, you know, I'm a huge fan, you're sitting down play a

firefly tabletop game and you choose your captain's to play and you're

playing with this AR thing and then Joe, your friend on your right

says well I'm gonna plays as Nathan Fillion the captain and then boom! He

becomes the captain and he speaks with the voice of Nathan Fillion and then

somebody else is like "I'm gonna play this person from the the series" and

then boom! They become it, and it's just augmented over top of their actual

person and then you're hearing this is augmented and then they're working on

AI to create that game master experience that you have before where creates think

it's funny because it's all like you could get this experience just by

going to play with your friends in real life but it's

it's something keeps pushing us back to who's like "yes, we enjoy this, so we're

going to try and get this back" and I find that this is hilarious

well two things: I'm going to make a... shit, I forgot the name in English

first I saw a very interesting question that I can't find now

about the combat, somebody

mentioned the combat system so please remind me to talk about the combat

system when we're done with this subject because I believe that is very

interesting, and then

Captain Jack said "I don't think it will try to recreate tabletop experience

maybe try to recreate the feeling you get playing"

but I believe that this is more or less the same

the way recreate the feeling when you

get playing it's mostly because the possibilities you have are endless

difference being that, well, you depends on how good your game director is and

how good he is creating stories because for those who are not

used to play tabletop games usually when you buy a game you have a couple of

stories there to play and once you're done with this couple of stories then

your game director invents another stories to play and

how good the stories are depends on how good this guy or girl is inventing a

story and the difference with a videogame is that we only have one big

story then we have these small stories with a side quest and then a medium

story with a dlc or expansion but I believe that in general video games are

going, to are trying to go to back to reality to make the experience as real

as possible that's why they invented the VR, I mean, because

maybe the future of video games is making it go back to the

social part because, back to the days, when you play tabletop games what

you did was going to the whatever place you meet with your friends to play and

then you all gather together and eat shit food like panchito's I don't know

if you know what it is but it's delicious, and fries, and and drink coke

and socialize and then talk about and play the game and now video games took

this concept and then took gamers apart and they created like this style of

playing that actually is my favorite, which is playing alone at home only

because you don't have to talk to people?

yes actually yes because I don't have to

talk to people that I don't know because I don't mind talking to my friends because they're lovely

but then we are slowly going back to

playin real games with friends, we have all these online options, then we are trying to

get the point of having limitless options inside the game so it's like

having a game director in a very small and like have a very small measure

because this is all programmed and it needs to be a program beforehand and

the AI doesn't take a decisions as quick as a person can have them, but all the

new intelligence, the artificial intelligence, is going to a way where they're

trying to somehow replace humans and try to function like humans and if we add up

these games, video games, trying to go again to reality this socializing part

and humans being replaced, I believe that in the future they're going to have

a new style of games that is going to be like reality or they got to intend to be

like reality which is kind of funny because it in the end you could just go

to the bar and play Dungeons & Dragons again

I was gonna say the I think the only way

you actually capture that experience of playing the tabletop game with your

friends is to play the tabletop game with your friends

Yes, but the difference being that thanks to technology

you can play tabletop games with

people that are in the other corner of the planet, that is something that you couldn't

You could create a virtual tabletop world where you get together with friends or even with people you don't

know and play the tabletop game but

that's different, I know a bunch of people who do that, they they all live in different areas of the country

and they all get together in playing D&D so it's they just do it over Discord

and I keep getting their chat messages which is completely random

and I don't even understand, but okay

Stop just a moment I want to make a comment about a comment

Jay Surname "Me too! but I wouldn't count on it :( I get this feeling that CDPR doesn't like

us poking around at every small hint

okay here you are wrong they said thousands of times that they absolutely

adore fans talking about the game and saying what they believe that

is going to be and make content about the game, and they really feel very

honored to have fans that support them that much and this something that

they said a lot of times so don't you worry that they love us doing that

so keep doing it! it's really funny

It's also really important to

note that sometimes, and this is this has happened a lot, like you really have

to look into how gaming companies work but for the most part a company will

occasionally leak stuff through unofficial channels to see what the

reaction is and then formulate

the changes

Say they're stuck on an idea and

they don't know "do we go with A? or do we go with B?"

so they leak A or B, or both, and then they see the reaction from the community and they go

"okay" then that gives them the ability to address the the concerns that

the community brings up, good companies do this all the time

yeah they need to know what the public is going to

because there's there's a lot of

marketing research done to know how people is going to

react to the game but there are very small parts of it that they have not

been tested especially when you try new things so, yes, they usually do that

in video games and also in films, they leak very specific information

through non official channels just for the information to spread and learn what

what the people thinks about about the things that they're going to do

to see if they if they really need to introduce that in the game or they need

to change it so that's one of the reasons why there are many leaks that

people believe 100% that they are going to be in the game because it was a

reliable source or because it was somehow an official source, but people tend to

forget that games are in constant motion, there are changes up to the last date

last minute, maybe not structural changes, that would be impossible

but really small changes they don't know exactly how the game is going

to be after until a week before the game is released, well, I mean I printed

actually now with the new technology releases, because you have these "Day 0" patches

some of them are really huge, and constantly they are

constantly evolving the game they are creating, so even even if you have an

official information saying that X game is going to have THAT, that can

change if they feel that people doesn't react well to that it can

change, if they feel that they couldn't pull it off the way they wanted to

it can change, I mean don't you believe that all the information

even given from official sources, it can change, if in the last moment they

believe that it doesn't work it will change, so don't feel

oh yeah absolutely

Don't feel disappointed if you expected something, if you were said

of course I'm obviously not talking about things like No Man's Sky in here, all right?

one thing is lying and one thing is changing things, okay? No Man's Sky gave a

lot of promises of what we were going to find in the game and we had to

wait one year for the patch that had just half of the things they promised

I don't mean that, I mean specific things that may change because

in many things we are trusting what Mike Pondsmith said in the first

interviews and currently, well in most of the things is he seems to keep the

same position about almost everything but some of the things maybe they could

have the intention to develop them this way but then and in real game

they saw that they didn't work and they change it so things can change

things can change that's a warning, that's that's actually a warning, because

you may get like ultra hyped with a small piece of information like, I don't know,

flying cars, and then in the end in they realize that they don't

like flying cars in the game and then

remove them from the game and you will be really disappointed if they are not there

Bues yes! Remember: things can change!

For more infomation >> Cyberpunk 2077 stream part 1: Companions, Map, Voice Protagonist & the future of videogames - Duration: 35:54.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, nfl-players-mnuchin-trump-free-speech - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, nfl-players-mnuchin-trump-free-speech - Duration: 2:03.


Justice League NEWS MAJOR Green Lantern NEWS Costume DESIGN & VFX Suit Breakdown!!! Green Lanterns? - Duration: 7:25.

what is good youtube Warstu Here with a video on the Justice League movie so

I've come across some awesome information about an article story rumor

that actually does link Green Lantern to quite possibly be in the Justice League

movie 100% maybe and it also says it's very interesting so seeing as my Justice

League videos are doing very well I'm trying to find interesting things that

maybe you guys could like so let's try and get this video to 210 to it so

someone worked as a junior composer in one of the companies that worked on all

VXX for WB movies this company's worked on previous DC movies since Man of Steel

to Justice League on all the computational arts for future projects

too so it went on to say I joined this year in March to get on to work in the

Justice League on lots of shoots we have wrapped all work on Justice League at

the end of August two weeks ago we got a new project making different concept

arts 2d for Green Lantern and we submitted a round of five at different

designs which we thought might work with gar reports back as of right now the

head of Arts and Command a costume department have chose ones I'm and

modified it a little but now we have finally got to convert this from 2d art

to an actual costume and put the VFX over it we finish this today this might

change in the future since these this these stuff keep getting modified till

production starts which is very late but personally I think they started this so

fast because the Green Lantern might appear in a flash point I didn't get to

work on any shot in Justice League which had any Green Lantern in so I have no

clue about the Green Lantern in the Justice League and then it went on to

say so anywhere here are the details firstly we got an actual guy in an

actual full black suit the guy looks like Hal Jordan but I have no clue who

he is definite or someone who was rumored I have not seen him in

movie anywhere else remember guys how'd ordens been linked her like armie hammer

that seems to be the most favorite kind of person that people pick in the suit

is from boots to neck full black has lots of muscle definition and that those

muscle plates were like armored type hard plates not inside soft plates type

like Batman or Superman costumes it's kind of like the flash costume but not

so many separate pieces like this the shoulders have one piece to chest have

one piece each and then the pecs etc the upper part of the center chest has a

model Green Lantern logo now personally guys I don't currently like that Ezra

Miller flash suit but we haven't seen as that much of it to properly compare it

to anything this is a physical suit the guy was in now out of final design was

lots of vxf over this lots of rejections floating above the suit lights glowing

nerve types streaks of the light underneath the suit kind of bleeding in

together the whole raised and lights projection

everything or intakes from the center of his chest where the G our logo is this

is kind of interesting guys could remember a lot of the criticism from the

Ryan Reynolds 2013 Green Lantern movie was that the suit was full on the CGI so

this is this is sounding a lot better and there's also an image or some good

overlay where the guy tries to explain visually what it looks like so went on

to say in the center of the energy table it flows from there to all over the suit

one prominent streak of the light goes till his right arm and till his ring

finger and the Green Lantern logo is like a solid 80% transparent projection

of floating above the chest molded logo and is slightly bigger than the one in

the chest and the rest of the armor plates also floats a bit above his suit

but is a lot more transparent to give the low-low more focus the mask is also

physically physical solid thing but has a layer or layer of projection over it

and then this is the last bit I know it's a bit long but this is the last bit

overall there are lots of layers to the suit and it looks really beautiful

like something out of this world also when the suit flies in space these

armored projection wraps around him completely

transformers transforming a bit different thoughts through kind of like

a combination of those pin Geo fluids from Man of Steel transformers and it

forms a whole transparent armor suit around him these objects he creates also

form in a similar way his armor suit is form so I think that

is very interesting I mean if it wasn't true guys it's so detailed

the guy has kind of he's put artwork of him visually trying to tell you it so I

don't think it's fake I think this company worked for definitely made the

Green Man suit it did go to go on that he's got no idea

about it being a new Justice League movie but it's kind of like the fern

that he's all about the flashpoint but maybe it's just saying that because he

doesn't want to like give away too much that the Green Lantern isn't just sleek

but guys the evidence keeps compiling can getting compound into the future

that Green Lantern maybe maybe turn up in the Justice League movie so guys let

me know comment down below do you think it is real I think this guy's got into

too much depth too much detail but this not to be real and the mayor reports I

report just yesterday that I was told by someone that went to the screening that

there was two green lanten in the movie so it's very possible that this could

happen I mean to be honest guys I didn't really like green handsome when I first

started looking in my researching stuff for Justice League movie because really

I prefer like flash the arrow Batman Superman I wasn't really agreeing on a

fan but in in terms of kind of looking up Green Lantern watch if we watching

the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie I'm actually starting to like the Green

Line a lot more so guys let me know in a comment down

below does this suit sound better than the kind of Ryan Reynolds 2011 suit it's

gotta be better than that I think the suit sounds pretty cool and which

version of remounted do you want to pay in the moving movie sorry I mean

oceans of the greenlighter suit and what situation do you want to be in because I

think Green Lanterns is definitely going to show up 100% for sure anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment as you always do if you wanted that would be

cool let's try and get this video up to 200 likes I will be announcing at the

winner of my Superman Funko pop giveaway later in the week in a Justice League

video so I'll pick the winner after today and then our announcer in a future

video which I will say when and if you want to hit that notification button

guys that would be awesome I will catch you in another video of

guys very soon catcher lair

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS MAJOR Green Lantern NEWS Costume DESIGN & VFX Suit Breakdown!!! Green Lanterns? - Duration: 7:25.


Grey's Anatomy - Deleted Scenes Season 13 - Duration: 13:57.

For more infomation >> Grey's Anatomy - Deleted Scenes Season 13 - Duration: 13:57.


✔✔ "고수위, 움짤로 보면?"…어른키스 3대장인 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ "고수위, 움짤로 보면?"…어른키스 3대장인 - Duration: 3:59.


Homescapes Hack iOS & Android – Unlimited coins, stars and lives Cheats - Duration: 2:21.

Hi, This is the working homescapes hack

Just follow the instructions in the video in order to get your free resources

Fist go to the online hack tool @

Enter the relevant details

Verify by downloading and running an app for few seconds

Then, restart your homescapes

.....filled with resourses- gold, stars and full lives

For more infomation >> Homescapes Hack iOS & Android – Unlimited coins, stars and lives Cheats - Duration: 2:21.


NU3L - I Don´t Know (Official Music Video) - 4K - Duration: 5:01.

I will not write

What do you want to read

You will believe

In whatever I want

Yes, I'm like this

I live for myself

Everything I give you

It's what I'm not

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

Fire that is born in you

and that burns in me

That makes me believe

that we're near the end

And I can not see

I do not want to say

But after love

I do what I want

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

Do not play with fel

I'm not cruel

But this space is mine

Do not cling to it

And I can not see

I do not want to say

But after love

I will not die

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

For more infomation >> NU3L - I Don´t Know (Official Music Video) - 4K - Duration: 5:01.


Domowe sposoby na przeziębienie - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Domowe sposoby na przeziębienie - Duration: 6:59.


Internet para tod@s sem excepção // Wi-Fi 4 All - Marisa Matias 2017.09.12 - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Internet para tod@s sem excepção // Wi-Fi 4 All - Marisa Matias 2017.09.12 - Duration: 1:17.


Xenoverse 2 - Requested match: Gohan Saikyou No Senshi vs Golden Freezer - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Xenoverse 2 - Requested match: Gohan Saikyou No Senshi vs Golden Freezer - Duration: 2:10.


EP08 170317 ADELAIDE FRINGE - another show and some thoughts about life - Duration: 5:47.

Donny is about to attempt a brand new Guinness title

for the most nails inserted into the nose in a time of 30 seconds.

It's not brand new: I've got a Record to beat! I said it's 15.

- Yeah - Gotta get to 16.

Are you gonna tell us a bit about yourself?

And maybe the history of this nail act?

Yeah, my name is Mr. Donny V, gentleman-oddity, And maybe the history of this nail act?

Yeah, my name is Mr. Donny V, gentleman-oddity,

I perform what's known as the human blockhead

The Human blockhead is the stunt made famous by Melvin Burkhart.

He wasn't the originator of the stunt, but he was the first one to really make it popular.

The entire act is: you take a steal nail,

you hammer it back into the nose, and you live to laugh and joke about it. The entire act is: you take a steal nail,

you hammer it back into the nose, and you live to laugh and joke about it.

Let me clear it out...

try to get ready... yeah.

up and down, left and right...

All right, I think we're good to go!

Excellent, all right! So, I probably don't need to say it, but think I will anyway.

Kids, do not attempt this at home, this is actually a very dangerous record attempt!

Donny is a trained professional!

It's Friday and everything's still closed.

I'm meeting Manx at 5, which is in about an hour,

and I'm gonna film another show where Manx is in, it's "Prohibition".

I already filmed "League of Sideshow Superstars",

and, actually, today I've edited a little promo video for them.

I kinda took a bit of an initiative, and I think they loved it!

Which is pretty cool, 'cause they are an awesome show, and...

I'm really grateful to be able to see it

I'm really want to make something cool for them.

One of the reasons why I really enjoy filming and photographing shows

is not only because I get all the memories and get to capture all the memories,

but also I'm very-very grateful to all these people

because they are so nice and lovely to me, and so excepting.

I know that many people find sideshow scary.

I don't.

But it's... I mean, I do understand that it's partly because I've seen it so many times,

but at the same time

it's also because I... you know, I trust these people. In a way.

Trust is an emotion, but at the same time it's a thought,

it's a logical decision.

Yesterday I was holding a flower

for the Space Cowboy to crack it with a whip.


I don't find that scary, to be honest,

because I've seen him doing it many-many times,

and I just know how good he is.

So it is a very calculated

trust, if you could say so. If you could put it that way.

You deserve more, and more you will have!

Anna's gonna hold these flowers one more time,

But this time, Anna, don't hold it in your hand. No, this time you hold it in your teeth!

That's right! Just like like that. Perfect!

And since it's twice as dangerous, you'll go twice as crazy



And I am in general all for calculated risks.

I think it makes life way more exciting and interesting,

but at the same time I'm not...

into "yeah, let's just do something crazy and hope for the better".

I wanna someone to be in control of things.

For more infomation >> EP08 170317 ADELAIDE FRINGE - another show and some thoughts about life - Duration: 5:47.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean





Abraão o pai da fé creu contra a esperança (Nivaldo Nassiff) - Duration: 28:42.

For more infomation >> Abraão o pai da fé creu contra a esperança (Nivaldo Nassiff) - Duration: 28:42.


Santa Receita | Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o comportamento dos gatos - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:18.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o comportamento dos gatos - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:18.


Garter stitch (Circular needles) - Knitting - Duration: 3:56.


Doing the garter stitch with circular needles, working tubular,

is almost as easy as doing it with straight needles

The difference: instead of knitting all the rows we must alternate

knit stitch and purl stitch because, in this case, we don't turn the work, we work

always on the same side. Then, when we finish a row we must change.

If we are making a purl row, we have to change and make

a knit row and vice versa Let's start.

I'm starting with a purl row because this is the

right side.

We purl all through the row.

Turn to finish the row, this is only half a row,

to finish it we must purl all of the stitches

Now, we have finished the first row

If we have purled this row, now we have to knit

First we purled, then knitted, and now we must purl again

Now purl because we have just finished a knitted row

Third row is finished.

We started with purl stitch, the first row,

the second row with knit stitch, and the third with purl stitch. From now on, always work the odd rows

with purl stitch and the even rows with knit stitch, as many rows as needed.

For more infomation >> Garter stitch (Circular needles) - Knitting - Duration: 3:56.


NU3L - I Don´t Know (Official Music Video) - 4K - Duration: 5:01.

I will not write

What do you want to read

You will believe

In whatever I want

Yes, I'm like this

I live for myself

Everything I give you

It's what I'm not

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

Fire that is born in you

and that burns in me

That makes me believe

that we're near the end

And I can not see

I do not want to say

But after love

I do what I want

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

Do not play with fel

I'm not cruel

But this space is mine

Do not cling to it

And I can not see

I do not want to say

But after love

I will not die

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

I don´t know

For more infomation >> NU3L - I Don´t Know (Official Music Video) - 4K - Duration: 5:01.


Santa Receita | Doenças causadas por microrganismos: tétano - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Doenças causadas por microrganismos: tétano - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:45.


Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: saúde bucal na terceira idade - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 21:12.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: saúde bucal na terceira idade - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 21:12.


Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer salgadinhos defumados com Roberto Augusto - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 30:02.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer salgadinhos defumados com Roberto Augusto - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 30:02.


Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer uma feijãozada de forno com Roberto Augusto - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:41.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Aprenda a fazer uma feijãozada de forno com Roberto Augusto - 25 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:41.


Filhos contam como foram os últimos dias de Marcelo Rezende e levam às lágrimas - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Filhos contam como foram os últimos dias de Marcelo Rezende e levam às lágrimas - Duration: 4:22.


Singing Tips Voice Training without Sounding Trained - Duration: 0:49.

Holding hands by the lake, first I love you. Hi there I'm voice trainer Sally

Morgan. I developed the contemporary vocal technique sing like you speak.

And isn't that what producers are always telling you anyway? Just sing it

like you talking. But how? That's what you're going to discover with me is how

how to sing like you speak. It's voice training without sounding trained.

Just healthy, clear, strong, powerful. So visit me, Sally Morgan at Sing Like You


For more infomation >> Singing Tips Voice Training without Sounding Trained - Duration: 0:49.


Conhecendo a Khan Academy - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Conhecendo a Khan Academy - Duration: 5:17.


2 Acupressure Points for Jaw Pain in 2 Minutes - Duration: 2:27.

Hi I'm Katherine McCune, licensed acupuncturist and herbalist here at

healing with Zen. So what I'm going to show you today are two acupressure

points that you can use to help relieve tension in this jaw muscle here, which is

the masseter muscle, it's this big muscle that connects from your cheekbone down

to your mandible or your jaw bone. We are gonna take each finger and find the

angle of the mandible,

come up onto the muscle so you find this sore spot and it should be

right at the corner right in the medius part of your muscle. Push

around and find a nice sore spot there and hold it

for a minute and remember to breathe while you're doing it. Okay, so that's the

first one this is "Stomach 6", the second acupressure point I'm going to show you

is "Stomach 7". "Stomach 7" is located directly above "Stomach 6", right

below your cheek bone called the zygomatic arch, there's a divot and it's kind of

right in front of your ear, so you can find it on each side - I like to do both

sides at once, I feel like I get a better result that way.

Push for a minute and release, and again remember to breathe while you're

doing them. You can do this exercise multiple times throughout the day, first

thing in the morning when you wake up and you're feeling tension, in the middle

of your work day when you're having a stressful day and clenching your teeth,

or right before you go to bed if you find that you clench your teeth at night.

Ultimately though, the best way to treat your neck and jaw pain is to come in and

get regular acupuncture treatments to keep the Chi moving and to keep your

pain at bay. But, while you're at home in between acupuncture appointments make

sure to do your pressure points and your exercises.

Have a great day, thanks for watching!


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